Date Shares Price Per Share
9/21/2010 16870 $13.12
9/28/2010 100 $13.22
9/29/2010 100 $13.22
9/30/2010 2400 $13.24
10/7/2010 1328 $13.28
10/11/2010 1 $13.28
10/12/2010 2600 $13.29
10/13/2010 3000 $13.24
10/14/2010 5000 $13.24
10/18/2010 2384 $13.22
10/19/2010 140 $13.20
10/20/2010 900 $13.20
10/21/2010 3108 $13.20
10/22/2010 400 $13.22
10/25/2010 4700 $13.30
10/29/2010 7406 $13.23
11/1/2010 17024 $13.20
11/2/2010 1548 $13.16
11/3/2010 1213 $13.16
11/8/2010 1777 $13.16
11/9/2010 1299 $13.12
11/10/2010 31170 $13.04
11/11/2010 8610 $12.95
11/12/2010 4845 $12.80
11/15/2010 4671 $12.66
11/16/2010 15745 $12.54
11/17/2010 200 $12.42
The Accounts have the right to receive all dividends from, and any proceeds from the sale of the Shares. None of the Accounts has an interest in Shares constituting more than 5% of the Shares outstanding.
Item 6. Contracts, Arrangements, Understandings, or Relationships with Respect to Securities of the Issuer.
Except as described above, there are no contracts, arrangements, understandings or relationships of any kind among the Principals and KIM and between any of them and any other person with respect to any of the VAZ securities.
Item 7. Materials to be Filed as Exhibits.
As is indicated in Item 4, above, KIM has purchased VAZ for the Accounts for investment purposes. However, KIM has reserved the right to contact management with regard to concerns that they have with respect to the Fund, including letters to the Board and/or other communications with fund management. Accordingly, KIM sent a proposal letter to the Fund on November 22, 2010. A copy of the letter is attached as Exhibit 1.
After reasonable inquiry and to the best of my knowledge and belief, I certify that the information set forth in this statement is true, complete, and correct.
Karpus Management, Inc.
By: /s/
Name: Cody B. Bartlett Jr., CFA
Title: Managing Director of Investments
Date: November 23, 2010
Proposal Letter to the Fund
Transmitted November 22, 2010
David F. Connor, Secretary November 22, 2010
Delaware Investments
One Commerce Square
2005 Market Street, 26th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103-7094
Re: Delaware Investments Arizona Municipal Income Fund, Inc. ("VAZ" or the "Fund")
Mr. Connor:
Karpus Management, Inc., d/b/a Karpus Investment Management ("Karpus") is the beneficial owner of 600 shares of common stock, cusip no. 246100101, of Delaware Investments Arizona Municipal Income Fund, Inc. ("VAZ" or the "Fund"). Karpus submits the enclosed shareholder proposal (the "Proposal") requesting the Board of Trustees to promptly consider merging or recommending the Fund to be acquired by an open-end fund with similar investment objectives. Karpus hereby submits the Proposal for inclusion in the Fund's proxy statement that VAZ plans to circulate to its shareholders in advance of the announced special meeting announced to be held on February 25, 2011, or any postponement or adjournment thereof (the "Special Meeting"). Karpus submits this Proposal pursuant to Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 14a-8.
Karpus has continuously held at least $2,000 in market value of VAZ common stock for at least a one year period prior to the date of the submission of this Proposal. Karpus will attach under separate cover a letter from U.S. Bank N.A., as well as a written statement from the "record" holder of the referenced 600 shares, confirming such continuous ownership of VAZ securities. Karpus intends to hold the shares referenced in the letters to be forwarded through the date of the Special meeting.
Please advise us immediately if this notice is deficient in any way or additional information is required so that we may promptly provide it in order to cure any deficiency.
Brett D. Gardner
Senior Corporate Governance Analyst/Portfolio Manager
Submitted by Karpus Management, Inc., d/b/a Karpus Investment Management ("Karpus")
BE IT RESOLVED: The shareholders request the Board of Trustees to promptly consider merging or recommending that the Fund be acquired by an open-end fund with similar investment objectives.
Karpus submits this proposal in response to the Board's recently announced decision to approve a proposal providing for the reorganization of Delaware Investments Arizona Municipal Income Fund, Inc. ("VAZ" or the "Fund") into the Delaware Investments National Municipal Income Fund ("VFL"). As of November 19, 2010, the date of VAZ's press release announcing the proposed merger, VAZ traded at a 8.30% discount to net asset value and VFL traded at a 7.66% discount to NAV (Source: Bloomberg). Given VAZ's investment objective, coupled with VFL's recent investment objective changes (from a Florida focused fund to a national focused fund), we adamantly feel that the proposed merger is not in the best interests of the Fund's shareholders.
We feel that had both VAZ and VFL surveyed shareholders prior to the proposed merger, they would have found that shareholders would overwhelmingly had supported the merger of VAZ into an open-end fund rather than forcing an Arizona municipal bond focused portfolio into a nationally focused portfolio still in transition from a Florida focused objective. Overall, we feel that merging VAZ into VFL would therefore cause VFL to be severely over-allocated to Arizona and would unduly subject all shareholders of both funds to the unncessary transaction costs associated with bringing the account in line with a diversified national portfolio.
Consequently, we believe that the shareholders of VAZ would be better served by merging our fund into a similar open-end fund, such as the Delaware Tax-Free Arizona Fund ("VAZIX"). If VAZ were to merge into such an open-end fund, shareholders of VAZ would benefit in the following ways:
1. The fund would maintain its current investment objective of providing current income exempt from federal income tax and from the personal income tax of Arizona, consistent with the preservation of capital.
2. The investment profile of the combined funds would remain similar, as VAZ and VAZIX contain approximately 50% of the exact same securities; and
3. Shareholders would be afforded daily liquidity at net asset value.
Additionally, existing shareholders of an open-end fund such as VAZIX would also benefit from such a merger through efficiencies of scale.
Given the rationale outlined above, we believe the Board of Trustees should promptly consider taking the steps necessary to allow our fund to merge with or be acquired by an open-end fund with similar investment objectives.
As your fellow shareholder, Karpus strongly urges your support for our proposal.