Employee Benefit Plans (Narratives) (Details) (USD $) In Millions, unless otherwise specified
12 Months Ended |
Dec. 31, 2014
Dec. 31, 2013
Dec. 31, 2012
Information about Plan Assets |
Accumulated benefit obligation |
$ 3,988us-gaap_DefinedBenefitPlanAccumulatedBenefitObligation |
$ 3,309us-gaap_DefinedBenefitPlanAccumulatedBenefitObligation |
Estimated contributions by employer in next year |
50us-gaap_DefinedBenefitPlansEstimatedFutureEmployerContributionsInNextFiscalYear |
U.S. Qualified Plan |
Information about Plan Assets |
Percentage as to total pension plan assets |
88.00%ms_DefinedBenefitPlanPercentageOfAssetsIncludedInTotalPlanAssets / ms_EmployeeBenefitPlansAxis = us-gaap_UnitedStatesPensionPlansOfUSEntityDefinedBenefitMember |
Morgan Stanley 401(k) Plan |
Defined Contribution Pension and Other Postretirement Plans |
Description of employer matching contribution |
Eligible U.S. employees receive discretionary 401(k) matching cash contributions as determined annually by the Company. For 2014 and 2013, the Company made a $1 for $1 Company match up to 4% of eligible pay, up to the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) limit. |
Maximum percent of employer matching contributions |
4.00%us-gaap_DefinedContributionPlanMaximumAnnualContributionsPerEmployeePercent / ms_EmployeeBenefitPlansAxis = ms_MorganStanley401kPlanMember |
Expense related to defined contribution plans |
256us-gaap_DefinedContributionPlanCostRecognized / ms_EmployeeBenefitPlansAxis = ms_MorganStanley401kPlanMember |
242us-gaap_DefinedContributionPlanCostRecognized / ms_EmployeeBenefitPlansAxis = ms_MorganStanley401kPlanMember |
246us-gaap_DefinedContributionPlanCostRecognized / ms_EmployeeBenefitPlansAxis = ms_MorganStanley401kPlanMember |
Morgan Stanley 401(k) Plan | Eligible U.S. Employees with Eligible Pay Less than or Equal to $100,000 |
Defined Contribution Pension and Other Postretirement Plans |
Percent of employer matching contribution |
2.00%us-gaap_DefinedContributionPlanEmployerMatchingContributionPercent / ms_EmployeeBenefitPlansAxis = ms_MorganStanley401kPlanMember / ms_EmployeeBenefitPlansParticipantsAxis = ms_EligibleUsEmployeesWithEligiblePayLessThanOrEqualToOneHundredThousandsDollarsMember |
Pension |
Information about Plan Assets |
Estimated prior-service credit that will be amortized from accumulated other comprehensive loss into net periodic benefit expense over 2014 |
1us-gaap_DefinedBenefitPlanFutureAmortizationOfPriorServiceCostCredit / ms_EmployeeBenefitPlansAxis = us-gaap_PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMember |
Estimated net loss that will be amortized from accumulated other comprehensive loss into net periodic benefit expense over 2014 |
26us-gaap_DefinedBenefitPlanFutureAmortizationOfGainLoss / ms_EmployeeBenefitPlansAxis = us-gaap_PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMember |
Defined Contribution Pension and Other Postretirement Plans |
Expense related to defined contribution plans |
117us-gaap_DefinedContributionPlanCostRecognized / ms_EmployeeBenefitPlansAxis = us-gaap_PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMember |
111us-gaap_DefinedContributionPlanCostRecognized / ms_EmployeeBenefitPlansAxis = us-gaap_PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMember |
126us-gaap_DefinedContributionPlanCostRecognized / ms_EmployeeBenefitPlansAxis = us-gaap_PensionPlansDefinedBenefitMember |
Postretirement |
Information about Plan Assets |
Estimated prior-service credit that will be amortized from accumulated other comprehensive loss into net periodic benefit expense over 2014 |
$ 19us-gaap_DefinedBenefitPlanFutureAmortizationOfPriorServiceCostCredit / ms_EmployeeBenefitPlansAxis = us-gaap_OtherPostretirementBenefitPlansDefinedBenefitMember |