EX-99.1 3 d34014exv99w1.htm KIRK AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS exv99w1

Exhibit 99.1
KIRK telecom A/S

CVR-No. 15 62 27 41
Consolidated Financial Statements as of 30 April
2005 and 2004



Table of contents
Report of Independent Auditors
Management’s Review
Company information
Group Financial Highlights
Financial statements
Accounting Policies
Consolidated Income Statement
Consolidated Balance Sheet
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements



Report of Independent Auditors
To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of
KIRK telecom A/S
We have audited the accompanying consolidated Balance Sheets of KIRK telecom A/S and its subsidiaries as of 30 April 2005 and 2004, the related consolidated income statements and the consolidated cash flow statements for each of the three years in the period ended 30 April 2005, and the consolidated statements of changes in equity for each of the two years ended 30 April 2005 and 2004 expressed in Danish kroner. These consolidated Financial Statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audits.
We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated Financial Statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated Financial Statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.
In our opinion, the consolidated Financial Statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of KIRK telecom A/S and its subsidiaries at 30 April 2005 and 2004, and the results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended 30 April 2005, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles in Denmark.
Generally accepted accounting principles in Denmark vary in certain significant respects from accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Information relating to the nature and effect of such differences is presented in Note 22 to the consolidated Financial Statements.
Aarhus, Denmark
March 16, 2006
Statsautoriseret Revisionsinteressentskab
Michael Nielsson
  Henrik Trangeled Kristensen
State Authorized Public Accountant
  State Authorized Public Accountant



Management’s Review
Company information
The Company
  KIRK telecom A/S    
  Langmarksvej 34    
  DK-8700 Horsens    
  Telephone   +45 75 60 28 50
  Facsimile   +45 75 60 28 51
  Website:   www.kirktelecom.com
  CVR-No:   15 62 27 41
  Financial year:   1 May — 30 April
  Municipality of    
  reg.office   Horsens
Supervisory Board
  John Hudson Elms    
  John A. Kelley    
  Gary Stuart Mead    
  Werner August Peter Schmücking    
  Rasmus Stenz    
  Ove Bolther    
Executive Board
  Ole Lysgård Madsen    
  Advokatfirmaet Gorrisen Federspiel Kierkegaard    
  Silkeborgvej 2    
  DK-8000 Aarhus C    
  Jens Chr. Skous Vej 1    
  DK-8000 Aarhus C    



Group Financial Highlights
    2004/05   2003/04   2002/03
    DKK   DKK   DKK
    1.000   1.000   1.000
Key figures
    210545       192918       173 088  
Gross profit/(loss)
    83 053       71 564       56 484  
Profit/(loss) before financial income and expenses
    30 836       25 603       16 733  
Net financials
    619       289       373  
Net profit/(loss) for the year
    22 343       18 176       11 904  
Balance sheet
Balance sheet total
    14 5179       118 777       107 294  
    91 865       77 306       64 828  
Cash flows
Cash flows from:
Operating activities
    48 241       35 729       26 434  
Investing activities
    -24 064       -38 003       -16 934  
Investment in property, plant and equipment
    -20 064       -15035       -17 477  
Financing activities
    -9481       -9 223       -5 253  
Change in cash and cash equivalents for the year
    14 696       -11 497       4 247  
Number of employees
    165       147       147  
Gross margin
    39.4 %     37.1 %     32.6 %
Profit margin
    14.6 %     13.3 %     9.7 %
Return on net assets
    21.2 %     21.6 %     15.6 %
Solvency ratio
    63.3 %     65.1 %     60.4 %
Return on equity
    26.4 %     25.6 %     21.4 %



Financial statements
Accounting Policies
Basis of preparation
The Consolidated Balance Sheets of the KIRK Group as of 30 April 2005 and 2004, and the related consolidated income statements and the consolidated cash flow statements for each of the three years in the period ended 30 April 2005 and the consolidated statements of changes in equity for each of the two years ended 30 April 2005 and 2004 have been prepared because 100% of the shares in KIRK telecom A/S with effect from 3 January 2006 were sold to the American company SpectraLink Corporation, which is listed at NASDAQ in the USA. In connection with the acquisition SpectraLink must report certain information to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including audited consolidated financial statements for KIRK telecom A/S.
The Financial Statements are in accordance with the original Danish statutory annual report as of 30 April 2005 and 2004, and the related consolidated income statements and the consolidated cash flow statements for each of the three years in the period ended 30 April 2005 and the consolidated statements of changes in equity for each of the two years ended 30 April 2005 and 2004 which have been submitted and registered with the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency, the differences to this version of the Financial Statements are as follows:
    The Financial Statements have been translated into English
    Management’s Statement on the consolidated financial statements has not been included.
    Only three years of Group Financial Highlights have been included.
    Management’s Review has been removed. Description of main activity and subsequent events have been moved to the footnotes.
    It does not contain any figures applicable to the parent company. Therefore a few changes have been made to the report to make it consistent.
    It contains comparative figures for three years regarding the Income Statement and Notes to the Income Statement.
    A changed definition of cash and cash equivalents in the Cash Flow Statement has been adopted. The description of Accounting Policies, Cash Flow Statement and Key Figures has been changed accordingly.
    It contains an additional note 22, in which Profit/(loss) and Shareholders’ Equity have been reconciled to U.S. GAAP.
The Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Danish Financial Statements Act applying to enterprises of reporting class C, except that financial information for the parent company KIRK telecom A/S has been omitted.
Recognition and measurement
Based on the above, revenues are recognised in the income statement as earned, which includes recognition of value adjustments of financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value or amortised cost. Furthermore, all expenses incurred to achieve the earnings for the year are recognised in the income statement, including depreciation, amortisation, impairment losses and provisions as well as reversals due to changed accounting estimates of amounts that have previously been recognised in the income statement.
Assets and liabilities are initially measured at cost. Subsequently, assets and liabilities are measured as described for each item below.



Basis of consolidation
Certain financial assets and liabilities are measured at amortised cost, which involves the recognition of a constant effective interest rate over the maturity period. Amortised cost is calculated as original cost less any deductions and with addition/deduction of the cumulative amortisation of any difference between cost and the nominal amount. In this way, capital losses and gains are allocated over the maturity period.
Recognition and measurement take into account predictable losses and risks occurring before the presentation of the Financial Statements which confirm or invalidate affairs and conditions existing at the balance sheet date.
The consolidated financial statements comprise the accounts of KIRK telecom A/S and the subsidiaries KIRK scantel A/S and KIRK telecom Inc., USA.
On consolidation, elimination is made of intercompany income and expenses, shareholdings, dividends and accounts as well as of realised and unrealised profits and losses on transactions between the consolidated enterprises.
The Financial Statements used for the purpose of the Financial Statements of the Group have been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies of the Group. The Financial Statements of the Group have been prepared on the basis of the financial statements of KIRK telecom A/S and the subsidiaries KIRK scantel A/S and KIRK telecom Inc., USA by combining accounting items of a uniform nature.
KIRK telecom A/S’s investments in the consolidated subsidiaries are set off against KIRK telecom A/S’s share of the net asset value of subsidiaries stated at the time of consolidation.
Leases of which the Group assumes substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership (finance leases) are recognised in the balance sheet at the lowest of fair value of the leased asset and the net present value of the lease payments, computed through the application of implicit interest rate as the discount rate or an approximated value. Assets acquired under finance leases are depreciated and written down for impairment according to the same policies applied to the other property, plant and equipment of the Group.
The remaining lease obligation is capitalised and recognised in the balance sheet under debt, and the interest element on the lease payments is charged over the lease term to the income statement.
All other leases are considered operating leases. Payments made under operating leases are recognised on a straight-line basis in the income statement over the lease term.



Translation policies
Transactions in foreign currencies are translated during the year at the exchange rates at the dates of transaction. Gains and losses arising due to differences between the transaction date rates and the rates at the dates of payment are recognised in financial income and expenses in the income statement.
Receivables, payables and other monetary items in foreign currencies that have not been settled at the balance sheet date are translated at the exchange rates at the balance sheet date. Any differences between the exchange rates at the balance sheet date and the transaction date rates are recognised in financial income and expenses in the income statement.
For foreign subsidiaries the income statements are translated at average exchange rates, whereas balance sheet items are translated at the exchange rates at the balance sheet date.
Exchange adjustments arising on the translation of the opening equity of foreign enterprises and exchange adjustments arising from the translation at average exchange rates of the income statements of foreign enterprises are recognised directly in equity.
Derivative financial instruments
Derivative financial instruments are initially recognised in the balance sheet at cost and are subsequently remeasured at their fair values. Positive and negative fair values of derivative financial instruments are included as prepayments and deferred income, respectively.
Changes in the fair values of derivative financial instruments that are designated and qualify as fair value hedges of a recognised asset or a recognised liability are recognised in the income statement as are any changes in the fair value of the hedged asset or the hedged liability.
Changes in the fair values of derivative financial instruments that are designated and qualify as hedges of expected future transactions relating to purchases and sales in foreign currencies are recognised in prepayments or deferred income and retained earnings under equity respectively. If the expected future transaction results in the recognition of assets or liabilities, the amount is transferred from equity and recognised in the cost of the asset or the liability respectively. Amounts deferred in equity are transferred to the income statement in the period in which the hedged item affects the income statement.
Corporation tax and deferred tax
KIRK telecom A/S is jointly taxed with its wholly owned foreign subsidiary. The tax effect of the joint taxation is recognised in the taxable income of KIRK telecom A/S.



Tax for the year consists of current tax for the year, deferred tax for the year, and tax on profit for the year in subsidiaries.
Current tax liabilities and current tax receivable are recognised in receivables in the balance sheet in the event of overpayment of tax on account, and in debt in the event of underpayment of tax on account.
Deferred tax is measured under the balance sheet liability method in respect of all temporary differences between the carrying amount and the tax base of assets and liabilities.
Deferred tax assets, including the tax base of tax loss carry-forwards, are measured at the value at which the asset is expected to be realised, either by elimination in tax on future earnings or by set-off against deferred tax liabilities within the same legal tax entity and jurisdiction.
Adjustment is made for deferred tax concerning unrealised intercompany gains and losses.
Deferred tax is measured on the basis of the tax rules and tax rates of the respective countries that will be effective under the legislation at the balance sheet date when the deferred tax is expected to crystallise as current tax.
Income Statement
Revenue from the sale of goods for resale and finished goods is recognised in the income statement provided that delivery and transfer of risk have been made to the purchaser by year end. Revenue is recognised exclusive of VAT and net of discounts relating to sales.
Cost of Sales
Cost of sales comprises direct and indirect expenses incurred to manufacture the finished goods representing revenue for the year, including expenses for raw materials and consumables purchases, salaries and wages, renting and leasing as well as depreciation of and impairment losses on production plant.
Cost of sales also includes development costs that do not meet the criteria for capitalisation as well as amortisation of capitalised development costs.
Sales and Distribution Expenses
Sales and distribution expenses comprise expenses for distribution and sales campaigns relating to goods sold during the year, including expenses for sales personnel, marketing, depreciation and amortisation as well as losses on trade receivables.



Administrative Expenses
Administrative expenses comprise expenses for management and administration of the Group, including expenses for administrative personnel, management, office expenses, insurance, depreciation and amortisation.
Financial income and expenses
Financial income and expenses comprise interest, realised and unrealised exchange adjustments, amortisation of loans as well as extra payments and repayment under the on-account taxation scheme.
Balance Sheet
Intangible assets
Development projects
Development projects comprise salaries, amortisation and other expenses directly or indirectly attributable to the Group’s development activities.
Development projects that meet the accounting criteria for recognition in the balance sheet, are recognised as intangible assets.
Development projects that do not meet the criteria for recognition in the balance sheet are recognised as expenses in the income statement as incurred.
Capitalised development costs are measured at cost less accumulated amortisation and impairment losses or at a lower recoverable amount.
On completion of development work, capitalised development costs are amortised on a straight-line basis over the period of its expected economic benefit. The amortisation period is 3 years.
Software rights
Software rights are measured at cost less accumulated amortisation and less any accumulated impairment losses or at a lower value in use. The amortisation period is 2 years.



Property, plant and equipment
Property, plant and equipment are measured at cost less accumulated depreciation and less any accumulated impairment losses.
Cost comprises the cost of acquisition and expenses directly related to the acquisition up until the time when the asset is ready for use.
Depreciation based on cost reduced by any residual value is calculated on a straight-line basis over the expected useful lives of the assets, which are
Plant and Machinery
  3-8 years
Other fixtures and fittings, tools and equipment
  3-8 years
Leasehold improvements
  5 years
Gains and losses on current replacement of property, plant and equipment are recognised in “Production costs”, “Sales and distribution costs” and “Administrative costs”, respectively.
Impairment of fixed assets
The carrying amounts of both intangible assets and property, plant and equipment are reviewed on an annual basis to determine whether there is any indication of impairment other than that expressed by amortisation and depreciation. If so, the asset is written down to the higher of net selling price and value in use.
Assets for which a value in use cannot be determined as the asset does not on an individual basis generate future cash flows are reviewed for impairment together with the group of assets to which they are attributable.
Inventories are measured at the lower of cost under the FIFO method and net realisable value. The net realisable value of inventories is calculated as the total of future sales revenues expected, at the balance sheet date, to be generated by inventories in the process of normal operations and determined allowing for marketability, obsolescence and development in expected sales sum less the estimated expenses necessary to make the sale.
The cost of goods for resale, raw materials and consumables equals landed cost.
The cost of finished goods and work in progress comprises the cost of raw materials, consumables and direct labour with addition of indirect production costs. Indirect production costs comprise the cost of indirect materials and labour as well as maintenance and depreciation of the machinery and equipment used in the manufacturing process as well as costs of factory administration and management. Interest expenses are not recognised.



Receivables are recognised in the balance sheet at the lower of amortised cost and net realisable value, which corresponds to nominal value less provisions for bad debts. Provisions for bad debts are determined on the basis of an individual assessment of each receivable, and in respect of trade receivables, a general provision is also made based on the Group’s experience.
Dividend is recognised as a liability at the time of adoption at the Annual General Meeting. Dividend expected to be distributed for the year is disclosed as a separate equity item.
Provisions are recognised when — in consequence of an event occurred before or on the balance sheet date — the Group has a legal or constructive obligation and it is probable that economic benefits must be given up to settle the obligation.
Other provisions include warranty obligations in respect of repair work within the warranty period. Provisions are measured and recognised based on experience with guarantee work.
Financial debts
Loans from credit institutions are recognised initially at the proceeds received net of transaction expenses incurred. Subsequently, the loans are measured at amortised cost equal to the capitalised value using the effective interest method; the difference between the proceeds and the nominal value (the capital loss) is recognised in the income statement over the loan period.
Other debts are measured at amortised cost, substantially corresponding to nominal value
Cash Flow Statement
The Group cash flow statement shows the Group’s cash flows for the year broken down by operating, investing and financing activities, changes for the year in cash and cash equivalents as well as the Group’s cash and cash equivalents at the beginning and end of the year.



Cash flows from operating activities
Cash flows from operating activities are calculated as the net profit/loss for the year adjusted for non-cash operating items such as depreciation, amortisation and impairment losses, provisions as well as changes in working capital, interest received and paid and corporation tax paid. Working capital comprises current assets less short-term debt excluding items included in cash and cash equivalents.
Cash flows from investing activities
Cash flows from investing activities comprise cash flows from acquisitions and disposals of intangible assets, property plant and equipment as well as fixed asset investments.
Cash flows from financing activities
Cash flows from financing activities comprise cash flows from the raising and repayment of long-term debt as well as payment of dividend to shareholders.
Cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents comprise “Cash at bank and in hand” under current assets.
Financial ratios
The financial ratios have been calculated as follows:
Gross margin
  =   Gross profit x 100
Profit margin
  =   Profit before financials x 100
Return on net assets
  =   Profit before financials x 100
      Total assets
Solvency ratio
  =   Equity at year end x 100
      Total assets
Return on equity
  =   Net profit for the year x100
      Average equity



Consolidated Income Statement 1 May — 30 April
    Note     2004/05     2003/04     2002/03  
            DKK     DKK     DKK  
            1.000     1.000     1.000  
    2       210 545       192 918       173 088  
Productions costs
            -127 492       -121 354       -116 604  
Gross profit/(loss)
            83 053       71 564       56 484  
Sales and distribution costs
            -29 712       -26 835       -22 260  
Administrative costs
            -22 505       -19 126       -17 491  
Profit/(loss) before financial income And expenses
            30 836       25 603       16 733  
Financial income
            2 259       1 824       1 598  
Financial expenses
            -1 640       -1 535       -1 225  
Profit/(loss) before tax
            31 455       25 892       17 106  
Tax on profit/(loss) for the year
    3       -9 112       -7 716       -5 202  
Net profit/(loss) for the year
            22 343       18 176       11 904  
Main activities of the KIRK Group


Consolidated Balance Sheet at 30 April
Assets   Note     2005     2004  
            DKK     DKK  
            1.000     1.000  
Development projects
    4       27 094       20 769  
Software rights
            72       464  
Prepayments on software rights
            0       11  
Intangible assets
    5       27 166       21 244  
Plant and machinery
            376       1 991  
Other fixtures and fittings, tools and equipment
            7 075       5 996  
Leasehold improvements
            1 928       921  
Prepayments on tangible fixed assets
            621       1 507  
Property, plant and equipment
    6       10 000       10 415  
            498       489  
Fixed asset investments
    7       498       489  
Fixed assets
            37 664       32 148  
    8       28 747       27 516  
Trade receivables
            23 928       23 338  
Other receivables
            740       210  
    9       428       361  
            25 096       23 909  
            26 543       22 771  
Cash at bank and in hand
            27 129       12 433  
Current assets
            107 515       86 629  
            145 179       118 777  



Consolidated Balance Sheet at 30 April
Liabilities and equity
    Note   2005   2004
            DKK   DKK
            1.000   1.000
Share capital
            10 000       10 000  
Retained earnings
            71 865       59 306  
Proposed dividend for the year
            10 000       8 000  
    10       91 865       77 306  
Provision for deferred tax
    11       6 833       5 561  
Other provisions
    12       2 818       2 687  
            9 651       8 248  
Lease obligations
    13       59       138  
Long-term debt
            59       138  
Credit institutions
    13       0       1 343  
Lease obligations
            62       46  
Prepayments received from customers
            6 699       376  
Trade payables
            15 690       12 751  
Corporation tax
            7 935       6 859  
Other payables
            13 218       11 670  
Deferred income
    14       0       40  
Short-term debt
            43 604       33 085  
            43 663       33 223  
Liabilities and equity
          145 179       118 777  
Liabilities and equity
Contingencies and other liabilities
Related parties and ownership
Subsequent events
Reconciliation to United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“U.S. GAAP”)



Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
    Share   Retained   dividend for    
    capital   earnings   the year   Total
    DKK   DKK   DKK   DKK
    1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000
Equity at 1 May 2003
    10 000       48 828       6 000       64 828  
Dividend paid
                    -6 000       -6 000  
Exchange adjustments relating to subsidiary
            68               68  
Fair value adjustment of hedging instruments
            334               334  
Tax on equity items
            -100               -100  
Net profit/(loss) for the year
            10 176       8 000       18 176  
Equity at 30 April 2004
    10 000       59 306       8 000       77 306  
    Share   Retained   for the    
    capital   earnings   year   Total
    DKK   DKK   DKK   DKK
    1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000
Equity at 1 May 2004
    10 000       59 306       8 000       77 306  
Dividend paid
                    -8 000       -8 000  
Exchange adjustments relating to subsidiary
            200               200  
Fair value adjustment of hedging instruments
            23               23  
Tax on equity items
            -7               -7  
Net profit/(loss) for the year
            12 343       10 000       22 343  
Equity at 30 April 2005
    10 000       71 865       10 000       91 865  



Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
1 May to 30 April
    Note   2004/05   2003/04   2002/03
            DKK   DKK   DKK
            1.000   1.000   1.000
Net profit/(loss) for the year
            22 343       18 176       11 904  
    18       23 395       21 697       14 362  
Change in working capital
    19       8 427       -2 635       3 822  
Cash flows from operating activities before financial income and expenses
            54 165       37 238       30 088  
Financial income
            2 259       1 824       1 772  
Financial expenses
            -1 412       -1 320       -1 161  
Cash flows from ordinary activities
            55 012       37 742       30 699  
Corporation tax paid
            -6 771       -2 013       -4 265  
Cash flows from operating activities
            48 241       35 729       26 434  
Purchase of intangible assets
            -14 706       -9 894       -11 002  
Purchase of property, plant and equipment
            -5 358       -5 141       -6 475  
Sale of property, plant and equipment
            0       19       543  
Purchase of investments
            -4 000       -22 987       0  
Cash flows from investing activities
            -24 064       -38 003       -16 934  
Change in loans from credit institutions
            -1 481       -3 223       -3 253  
Dividend paid
            -8 000       -6 000       -2 000  
Cash flows from financing activities
            -9 481       -9 223       -5 253  
Change in cash and cash equivalents
            14 696       -11 497       4 247  
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 May
            12 433       23 930       19 683  
Cash and cash equivalents at 30 April
    20       27 129       12 433       23 930  



Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
1   Main activities of the KIRK Group.
    KIRK telecom A/S develops, produces and markets wireless data- & telecommunications systems world wide.
    KIRK solutions are built on open standards and will work with most existing and future communication systems. Customers become wireless and mobile and thus more flexible at their workplace.
    KIRK scantel A/S is a 100% owned subsidiary situated in Horsens. The company develops, sources and markets wireless and wired data- & telecommunication terminals to the consumer markets and small businesses.
    KIRK telecom, Inc. is a 100% owned subsidiary situated in Atlanta, USA. The corporation markets and services KIRK telecom’s products in the North American market.
2   Revenue
    1 May to 30 April  
    2004/05     2003/04     2002/03  
    DKK     DKK     DKK  
    1.000     1.000     1.000  
Geographical segments
Domestic market
    50 201       49 174       46 710  
Other European countries
    119 080       121 044       109 048  
Other countries
    41 264       22 700       17 330  
    210 545       192 918       173 088  
3   Tax on profit/(loss) for the year
Current tax for the year
    7 627       7 729       3 578  
Concerning equity items
    -7       -100       103  
Deferred tax for the year
    1 272       87       1 521  
Adjustment to previous years
    220       0       0  
Total tax for the year
    9 112       7 716       5 202  



4   Development projects
    30 April
  30 April
    DKK   DKK
    1.000   1.000
Development projects in progress
    9 930       4 331  
Completed development projects
    17 164       16 438  
    27 094       20 769  
5   Intangible assets
    Development   Software   on Software
    projects   rights   rights
    DKK 1.000   DKK 1.000   DKK 1.000
Cost at 1 May
    31 577       6 007       11  
Transfers for the year
    0       11       -11  
Additions for the year
    14 703       3       0  
Cost at 30 April
    46 280       6 021       0  
Impairment losses and amortisation at 1 May
    10 808       5 543       0  
Amortisation for the year
    8 378       406       0  
Impairment losses and amortisation at 30 April
    19 186       5 949       0  
Carrying amount at 30 April
    27 094       72       0  
Amortised over
    3 years       2 years        



6   Property, plant and equipment
            fixtures           Prepay- 
            and           ments
    Plant   fittings,   Leaseho   on
    and   tools and   ld   tangible
    machine   equipme   improve   fixed
    ry   nt   -ments   assets
    DKK   DKK   DKK   DKK
    1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000
Cost at 1 May
    9 638       32 764       1 937       1 507  
Exchange rate adjustment to rate at the end of the year
    0       -39       0       0  
Transfers for the year
    0       821       531       -1 352  
Additions for the year
    0       3 881       1 002       466  
Cost at 30 April
    9 638       37 427       3 470       621  
Impairment losses and depreciation at 1 May
    7 647       26 768       1 016       0  
Exchange rate adjustment to rate at the end of the year
    0       -11       0       0  
Depreciation for the year
    1 615       3 595       526       0  
Impairment losses and depreciation at 30 April
    9 262       30 352       1 542       0  
Carrying amount at 30 april
    376       7 075       1 928       621  
Amortised over
  3-8 years   3-8 years   5 years      



7   Fixed asset investments
Cost at 1 May
Additions for the year
Cost at 30 April
Revaluations at 1 May
Revaluations at 30 April
Carrying amount at 30 April
8   Inventories
    30 April   30 April
    2005   2004
    DKK   DKK
    1.000   1.000
Raw materials and consumables
    15 715       16 574  
Work in progress
Finished goods and goods for resale
    1 568       858  
    11 464       10 084  
    28 747       27 516  
9   Prepayments
Prepayments consist of prepaid expenses concerning insurance premiums, subscriptions and interest as well as fair value adjustments of derivative financial instruments with a positive fair value.



10   Equity
The share capital consists of:
2 shares of a nominal value of DKK 3,500,000
3 shares of a nominal value of DKK 1,000,000
No shares carry any special rights.
11   Provision for deferred tax
    30   30
    April   April
    2005   2004
    DKK   DKK
    1.000   1.000
Intangible assets
    8 139       6 354  
Property, plant and equipment
    -939       -573  
Fixed asset investments
    -364       -210  
    210       132  
Trade receivables
    -117       0  
Intercompany profit on inventories
    -92       -139  
Lease obligations
    -4       -3  
    6 833       5 561  



12   Other provisions
The Company provides warranties on some of its products and is therefore obliged to repair or replace goods which are not satisfactory. Based on previous experience in respect of the level of repairs and returns, other provisions have been recognised for expected warranty claims.
    30 April
  30 April
    DKK   DKK
    1.000   1.000
Guarantee commitments
    2 818       2 687  
    2 818       2 687  
The provisions are expected to mature as follows:
Within 1 year
    2, 107       1, 992  
Between 1 and 5 years
    711       695  
    2, 818       2, 687  
13   Long-term debt
Payments due within 1 year are recognised in short-term debt. Other debt is recognised in long-term debt.
The debt falls due for payment as specified below:



    30 April   30 April
    2005   2004
    DKK   DKK
    1.000   1.000
Lease obligations
After 5 years
    0       0  
Between 1 and 5 years
    59       138  
Long-term part
    59       138  
Within 1 year
    62       46  
Short-term part
    62       46  
    121       184  
14   Deferred income
Deferred income consists of payments received in respect of income in subsequent years as well as fair value adjustments of derivative financial instruments with a negative fair value.



15   Contingencies and other liabilities
    30   30
    April   April
    2005   2004
    DKK   DKK
    1.000   1.000
Rent and leasing contracts
Leasing commitment from operational leasing. Total future leasing payments.
Within 1 year
    968       889  
Between 1 and 5 years
    1, 636       1,107  
After 5 years
    108       4  
    2 712       2, 000  
Rent contracts in the period of interminability
Within 1 year
Between 1 and 5 years
    3 605       3 172  
    12 318       0  
After 5 years
    0       0  
    15 923       3 172  



16   Staff
    2004/05     2003/04     2002/03  
    DKK 1.000     DKK 1.000     DKK 1.000  
    60 672       51 718       47 668  
Wages and salaries
    197       127       122  
    2 040       1 832       1 505  
Other social security expenses
    62 909       53 677       49 295  
including remuneration to the Executive and Supervisory Boards of:
Executive Board and Supervisory Board
    1 757       1 713       1 627  
    1 757       1 713       1 627  
Average number of employees
    165       147       147  
17   Related parties and ownership
    Related parties include shareholder, subsidiaries, Executive Board and Supervisory Board. No related party has decisive influence.
    There have been no transactions with the Supervisory Board, the Executive Board, senior employees, significant shareholders, group enterprises or other related parties, except for intercompany transactions which are eliminated in the consolidated statements and normal management and employee remuneration.



17   Related parties and ownership
    The following shareholders are recorded in the Company’s register of shareholders as of April 30, 2005 as holding at least 5% of the votes or at least 5% of the share capital:
    Dansk Kapitalanlæg Aktieselskab, Gothersgade 103, 1008 København K
Triet Service ApS,
Klostervej 46, 8680 Ry
    Erik Stridbæk, Carsten Hauchs Vej 6, 8000 Århus C
Søren Egebjerg Mikkelsen,
Sønderbækparken 31, Fruering, 8660
18   Cash flow statement — adjustments
    1 May to 30 April  
    2004/05     2003/04     2002/03  
    DKK 1.000     DKK 1.000     DKK1.000  
    14 520       13 474       9 739  
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment losses
    131       574       14  
Change in other provisions
    0       -200       -251  
Losses and gains on sales
    -619       -289       -373  
Net financial items
    9 112       7 716       5 202  
Tax on profit/(loss) for the year
    251       422       31  
Other adjustments
    23 395       21 697       14 362  
19   Cash flow statement — change in working capital
Change in inventories
    -1 231       -1 073       5 231  
Change in receivables
    -1 187       2 606       -3 614  
Change in suppliers, etc
    10 845       -4 168       2 205  
    8 427       -2 635       3 822  



    1 May to 30 April  
    2004/05     2003/04     2002/03  
    DKK 1.000     DKK 1.000     DKK1.000  
20   Cash flow statement — cash and cash equivalents at 30 April
Cash at bank and in hand
    27 129       12 433       23 930  
    27 129       12 433       23 930  
21   Subsequent Events
    After the balance sheet date no other significant events which are considered to have a material effect on the assessment of the annual accounts have occurred.
22   Reconciliation to United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (U.S. GAAP)
    The consolidated Financial Statements of the KIRK Group have been prepared in accordance with Danish Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (Danish GAAP).
    Danish GAAP differ in certain respects from U.S. GAAP. A description of the significant differences between Danish GAAP and U.S. GAAP as they relate to the KIRK Group are discussed in further detail below.
  a)   Revenue recognition
    In accordance with Danish GAAP, revenue is in general recognized when the delivery has occurred, a binding sale agreement has been made, the sales price is fixed and determinable and collection is probable. Under U.S. GAAP, revenue is recognized in accordance with Statement of Position (SOP), 97-2, “Software Revenue Recognition” and all related interpretations as the Company’s products are integrated with software that the Company has concluded is more than incidental to the functionality of the equipment, primarily based on the fact that the Company provides unspecified software upgrades and enhancements related to the equipment as a separate offering on certain of its products. Revenue is recognized when persuasive evidence of an arrangement exists, delivery has occurred, the fee is fixed or determinable, and collectibility is reasonably assured. In instances where final acceptance of the product, system, or solution is specified by the customer, revenue is deferred until all acceptance criteria have been met.
  b)   Development cost
    In accordance with Danish GAAP, development projects that meet specified criteria are capitalized as intangible assets. Capitalized development costs are amortized on a straight-line basis over the period of the expected economic benefit from the development work, but not exceeding 3 years. Under U.S. GAAP, research and development costs other than software development costs are recorded as an expensed as incurred. Software development costs incurred prior to the establishment of technological feasibility are included in research and development and are expensed as incurred. Software development costs incurred subsequent to the establishment of technological feasibility through the period of general market availability of the product are capitalized, if material. Historically, costs incurred during such period have been insignificant and as a result all software development costs are expensed as incurred.



  c)   Inventories
    In accordance with Danish GAAP, the net realizable value of inventories is calculated at the amount expected to be generated by sale in the process of normal operations and the allowance for obsolete inventory is updated upward or downward based on current information. Under U.S. GAAP, allowances for inventory obsolescence are only adjusted downward when the identified products are sold to a customer or the product is written off.
  d)   Available for sale securities
    In accordance with Danish GAAP, securities are measured at their fair values. Realized and unrealized gains or losses are recognised in the income statement. Under U.S. GAAP these securities are classified as available-for-sale equity securities, where unrealized gains or losses are to be reported as other comprehensive income, a separate component of shareholders’ equity, until realized.
  e)   Hedge accounting, derivative financial instruments
    In accordance with Danish GAAP, derivative instruments qualify as hedges if they are designated as hedge contracts and meet certain accounting criteria. Under U.S. GAAP these Danish accounting criteria do not meet the requirements of hedging as defined in SFAS 133, “Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities”. Accordingly, changes in fair value of derivative instruments are recognized currently in the income statement.
  f)   Effect on tax of US GAAP adjustments
    This reconciliation item includes all tax effects of US GAAP adjustments.
    The effect in net profit/(loss) and shareholders’ equity is stated below as if the Consolidated Financial Statements had been prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP.



    Net profit/(loss)     Shareholders equity  
    1 May                    
    to 30     1 May to              
    April     30 April     30 April     30 April  
    2004/05     2003/04     2005     2004  
As reported in accordance with Danish GAAP
    22,343       18,176       91,865       77,306  
a) Revenue recognition
    (6,178 )     (28 )     (7,606 )     (1,428 )
b) Development cost
    (5,779 )     (2,546 )     (25,807 )     (20,028 )
c) Inventories
    265       (490 )     (233 )     (498 )
d) Available for sale securities
    228       216       0       0  
e) Hedge accounting, derivative financial instruments
    24       335       0       0  
f) Effect on tax of U.S. GAAP adjustments
    3,145       266       9,010       5,789  
Net profit/shareholders’ equity in accordance with US GAAP
    14 048       15 929       67 229       61 141  
Comprehensive income is as follows:
Net profit in accordance with U.S. GAAP
                    14,048       15,929  
Other comprehensive income/(loss):
Securities available for sale — fair value change
                    -228       -216  
Tax on equity items
                    68       65  
Exchange Rate Adjustments — subsidiaries
                    200       69  
Comprehensive income
                    14 088       15 847