Washington, D.C. 20549



Form 6-K







For the month of April 2004



KT Corporation



206 Jungja-dong

Bundang-gu, Sungnam




(Address of principal executive offices)



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Financial Statements


December 31, 2002 and 2003


(With Independent Auditors’ Report Thereon)



Independent Auditors’ Report


Based on a report originally issued in Korean


The Board of Directors and Stockholders

KT Corporation:


We have audited the accompanying balance sheets of KT Corporation (the Company) as of December 31, 2002 and 2003, and the related statements of earnings, appropriation of retained earnings and cash flows for the years then ended, all expressed in Korean Won. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We did not audit the financial statements of (1) KT Freetel Co., Ltd. (“KTF”), a 40.3% and 46.9% owned subsidiary at December 31, 2002 and 2003, respectively, as of and for the years ended December 31, 2002 and 2003, and (2) KTICOM Co., Ltd. (“KTICOM”), a 87.3% owned (all indirectly owned by KTF) subsidiary at December 31, 2002, as of and for the year ended December 31, 2002, which was merged into KTF on March 6, 2003. Those financial statements were audited by other auditors whose reports have been furnished to us, and our report, insofar as it relates to the amounts included for KTF and KTICOM, is based solely on the reports of the other auditors.


We conducted our audits in accordance with the Auditing Standards, as established by the Financial Supervisory Commission of the Republic of Korea. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits and the reports of the other auditors provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.


In our opinion, based on our audits and the reports of other auditors, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as of December 31, 2002 and 2003, and the results of its operations, the changes in its retained earnings, and its cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with the Financial Accounting Standards, as established by the Financial Supervisory Commission of the Republic of Korea.


The accompanying financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2003 have been translated into United States dollars solely for the convenience of the reader and have been translated on the basis set forth in note 3 to the financial statements.


Without qualifying our opinion, we draw attention to the following:


As discussed in note 2(a) to the financial statements, accounting principles and auditing standards and their application in practice vary among countries. The accompanying financial statements are not intended to present the financial position, results of operations and cash flows in accordance with accounting principles and practices generally accepted in countries other than the Republic of Korea. In addition, the procedures and practices utilized in the Republic of Korea to audit such financial statements may differ from those generally accepted and applied in other countries. Accordingly, this report and the accompanying financial statements are for use by those knowledgeable about Korean accounting procedures and auditing standards and their application in practice.


As discussed in note 2(a) to the financial statements, effective on January 1, 2003, the Company adopted Statements of Korea Accounting Standards No. 2 through No. 9. In accordance with these standards, the cumulative effects on prior years were adjusted to the beginning balance of retained earnings. In addition, certain accounts of prior year financial statements were reclassified to conform to the current year’s presentation.



As discussed in note 10 to the financial statements, the Company’s revenues earned from and expenses incurred as a result of transactions with its affiliates for the year ended December 31, 2003 amounted to W521,219 million and W817,486 million, respectively, and accounts receivable and accounts payable with affiliates and convertible notes of KTF as of December 31, 2003, aggregated W63,056 million, W223,399 million and W327,240 million, respectively. In addition, as of December 31, 2003, the Company provided payment guarantees aggregating W61,902 million for certain affiliates’ indebtedness and contract performance.


As discussed in notes 20 and 23 to the financial statements, during 2003 the Company retired 24,228,259 shares of treasury stock obtained through an equity swap with SK Telecom Co., Ltd. and purchases on the open market by a charge to retained earnings. Upon retirement of the treasury stock, the number of shares of the Company’s common stock issued decreased from 309,077,659 to 284,849,400.


As discussed in notes 17 and 26 to the financial statements, in September 2003, the Company offered a voluntary early retirement plan (the “Plan”) to its employees. Under the terms of the Plan, employees participating in the Plan would receive additional amounts of retirement and severance benefits. For the year ended December 31, 2003, the Company recorded costs of W831,535 million related to this Plan.


KPMG Samjong Accounting Corp.

Seoul, Korea

February 4, 2004


This report is effective as of February 4, 2004, the audit report date. Certain subsequent events or circumstances, which may occur between the audit report date and the time of reading this report, could have a material impact on the accompanying financial statements and notes thereto. Accordingly, the readers of the audit report should understand that there is a possibility that the above audit report may have to be revised to reflect the impact of such subsequent events or circumstances, if any.





Balance Sheets


December 31, 2002 and 2003


(In millions of won and U.S. dollars)






(note 3)




Current assets:


Cash and cash equivalents (notes 4 and 19)

   W 853,338     653,744     $ 548.4  

Short-term financial instruments (note 5)

   155,699     2,877       2.4  

Current portion of investment securities (note 8):


Available-for-sale securities

   853,281     276,444       231.9  

Held-to-maturity securities

   218     332       0.3  

Notes and accounts receivable – trade, less allowance for doubtful accounts of W255,783 in 2002 and W463,910 in 2003 (notes 10 and 19)

   2,033,933     1,842,559       1,545.9  

Accounts receivable – other, less allowance for doubtful accounts of W45,681 in 2002 and W51,848 in 2003 (notes 10 and 19)

   762,208     267,866       224.7  

Inventories (note 6)

   80,423     156,918       131.6  

Other current assets (notes 7 and 19)

   186,819     159,751       134.0  



Total current assets

   4,925,919     3,360,491       2,819.2  



Investment securities:


Available-for-sale securities (notes 8 and 10)

   572,702     480,880       403.4  

Held-to-maturity securities (note 8)

   3,239     3,313       2.8  

Equity securities of affiliates (note 9)

   2,795,681     3,168,077       2,657.8  



Total investment securities

   3,371,622     3,652,270       3,064.0  



Property, plant and equipment, at cost (note 11)

   33,864,223     34,571,075       29,002.6  

Less accumulated depreciation

   (22,054,326 )   (23,325,504 )     (19,568.4 )



Net property, plant and equipment

   11,809,897     11,245,571       9,434.2  



Other assets (notes 10, 12, 19 and 27)

   1,653,679     1,314,849       1,103.1  



Total Assets

   W21,761,117     19,573,181     $ 16,420.5  




See accompanying notes to financial statements.





Balance Sheets, Continued


December 31, 2002 and 2003


(In millions of won and U.S. dollars, except share data)






(note 3)


Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity


Current liabilities:


Notes and accounts payable – trade (notes 10 and 19)

   W 940,120     893,309     $ 749.4  

Short-term borrowings (note 13)

     500,000     250,000       209.7  

Current portion of long-term debt (notes 15 and 19)

     1,045,791     1,054,287       884.5  

Accounts payable – other

     799,305     648,133       543.7  

Advance receipts from customers

     109,968     86,215       72.3  

Accrued expenses (note 10)

     172,741     141,824       119.0  


     61,264     68,365       57.4  

Income taxes payable

     415,996     181,456       152.2  

Other current liabilities (notes 10 and 14)

     143,489     168,418       141.3  



Total current liabilities

     4,188,674     3,492,007       2,929.5  

Long-term debt, excluding current portion (notes 15 and 19)

     7,562,490     7,711,004       6,469.0  

Refundable deposits for telephone installation (notes 10 and 16)

     1,536,738     1,229,712       1,031.6  

Retirement and severance benefits, net (note 17)

     334,792     197,918       166.0  

Other long-term liabilities (notes 10 and 18)

     147,848     129,932       109.0  



Total liabilities

     13,770,542     12,760,573       10,705.1  



Stockholders’ equity:


Common stock of W5,000 par value (note 20)


Authorized – 1,000,000,000 shares


Issued – 309,077,659 shares in 2002 and 284,849,400 shares in 2003

     1,560,998     1,560,998       1,309.6  

Capital surplus (note 21)

     1,440,258     1,440,258       1,208.3  

Retained earnings:


Appropriated (note 22)

     6,442,265     8,025,854       6,733.1  

Unappropriated (deficit)

     1,916,476     (249,963 )     (209.7 )

Capital adjustments:


Unrealized gains (losses) on available-for-sale securities (note 8)

     742,806     (44,134 )     (37.0 )

Unrealized gains on equity securities of affiliates (note 9)

     6,532     53,105       44.6  

Stock options (note 30)

     103     5,479       4.6  

Treasury stock (note 23)

     (4,112,225 )   (3,962,598 )     (3,324.3 )

Loss on retirement of treasury stock

     (6,638 )   (16,391 )     (13.8 )



Total stockholders’ equity

     7,990,575     6,812,608       5,715.4  

Commitments and contingencies (note 24)




Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity

   W 21,761,117     19,573,181     $ 16,420.5  




See accompanying notes to financial statements.





Statements of Earnings


Years ended December 31, 2002 and 2003


(In millions of won and U.S. dollars, except earnings per share)






(note 3)


Operating revenues (notes 10 and 25)

   W 11,746,243     11,574,549     $ 9,710.2  

Operating expenses (notes 10 and 26)

     9,914,779     10,331,405       8,667.3  



Operating income

     1,831,464     1,243,144       1,042.9  

Other income (expense) (note 10):


Interest income

     53,890     78,670       66.0  

Interest expense

     (425,482 )   (432,200 )     (362.6 )

Equity in losses of affiliates (note 9)

     (107,212 )   (155,320 )     (130.3 )

Dividend income

     6,862     15,198       12.8  

Foreign currency transactions and translation gain (loss), net

     96,430     (20 )     0.0  

Loss on disposition of inventories, net

     (8,096 )   (43 )     0.0  

Loss on disposition of property, plant and equipment, net

     (65,382 )   (53,594 )     (45.0 )

Gain on disposition of available-for-sale securities, net (note 8)

     1,190,231     775,266       650.4  

Impairment loss on available-for-sale securities (note 8)

     —       (39,607 )     (33.2 )

Contributions received for losses on universal telecommunications services (note 33)

     143,199     66,065       55.4  

Contribution payments for research and development and donations (notes 24 and 32)

     (125,907 )   (168,685 )     (141.5 )

Prior year’s income tax refund (additional payment) (note 27)

     5,273     (61,835 )     (51.9 )

Other, net

     20,348     22,630       18.9  



       784,154     46,525       39.0  



Earnings before income taxes

     2,615,618     1,289,669       1,081.9  

Income taxes (note 27)

     651,801     459,603       385.5  



Net earnings

   W 1,963,817     830,066     $ 696.4  



Basic earnings per share of common stock in won and U.S. dollars (note 28)

   W 7,569     3,841     $ 3.2  



Diluted earnings per share of common stock in won and U.S. dollars (note 28)

   W 6,657     3,344     $ 2.8  




See accompanying notes to financial statements.





Statements of Appropriation of Retained Earnings


Years ended December 31, 2002 and 2003


Date of Appropriation for 2002 :    March 14, 2003
Date of Proposed Appropriation for 2003 :    March 12, 2004


(In millions of Won and U.S. dollars)






(note 3)


Unappropriated retained earnings (accumulated deficit):


Balance at beginning of year

   W 120,000     120,000     $ 100.7  

Cumulate effect of an accounting change (note 2(a))

     —       (1,530 )     (1.3 )

Net earnings for the year

     1,963,817     830,066       696.4  

Retirement of treasury stock (notes 20 and 23)

     (167,341 )   (1,198,499 )     (1,005.5 )



       1,916,476     (249,963 )     (209.7 )

Transfers from reserves to be recorded in the subsequent year (note 22):


Reserve for technology and human resources development

     3,333     3,334       2.8  

Reserve for social overhead capital

     20,000     3,333       2.8  

Reserve for business expansion

     —       2,587,325       2,170.6  



Unappropriated retained earnings available for appropriation

     1,939,809     2,344,029       1,966.5  



Appropriations to be recorded in the subsequent year (note 22):


Reserve for business rationalization

     250,315     —         —    

Reserve for business expansion

     1,356,607     —         —    

Cash dividends (note 29)

     212,887     421,517       353.7  



       1,819,809     421,517       353.7  



Unappropriated retained earnings to be carried over to subsequent year

   W 120,000     1,922,512     $ 1,612.8  




See accompanying notes to financial statements.





Statement of Cash Flows


Years ended December 31, 2002 and 2003


(In millions of won and U.S. dollars)




(note 3)


Cash flows from operating activities:


Net earnings

   W 1,963,817     830,066     $ 696.4  

Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to net cash provided by operating activities:



     2,662,653     2,457,584       2,061.7  


     51,784     56,715       47.6  

Provision for doubtful notes and accounts receivable – trade

     156,464     301,107       252.6  

Provision for doubtful notes and accounts receivable – other

     19,441     18,885       15.8  

Provision for retirement and severance benefits

     243,687     1,038,868       871.5  

Loss on disposition of property, plant and equipment

     65,382     53,594       45.0  

Gain on foreign currency translation, net

     (97,614 )   (223 )     (0.2 )

Gain on disposition of available-for-sale securities

     (1,190,231 )   (775,266 )     (650.4 )

Impairment loss on available-for-sale securities

     —       39,607       33.2  

Equity in losses of affiliates

     107,212     155,320       130.3  

Deferred income tax expense

     155,687     74,681       62.6  

Changes in assets and liabilities:


Increase in notes and accounts receivable – trade

     (570,698 )   (61,732 )     (51.8 )

Increase in accounts receivable – other

     (77,636 )   (48,279 )     (40.5 )

Increase in inventories

     (173,689 )   (163,815 )     (137.4 )

Decrease in prepaid expenses

     1,122     6,353       5.3  

Decrease (increase) in other current assets

     10,900     (8,101 )     (6.8 )

Increase (decrease) in notes and accounts payable – trade

     4,927     (46,812 )     (39.3 )

Increase (decrease) in accounts payable – other

     352,262     (151,762 )     (127.3 )

Increase (decrease) in withholdings

     (107,784 )   7,100       6.0  

Increase (decrease) in advance receipts from customers

     7,109     (23,753 )     (19.9 )

Decrease in accrued expenses

     (19,011 )   (30,918 )     (25.9 )

Increase (decrease) in income taxes payable

     235,169     (242,729 )     (203.6 )

Increase in other current liabilities

     99,135     14,839       12.4  

Payment of retirement and severance benefits

     (29,831 )   (1,001,154 )     (839.9 )

Increase in severance benefits insurance deposit

     (320,000 )   (174,588 )     (146.5 )

Other, net

     71,679     65,780       55.3  



Net cash provided by operating activities

     3,621,936     2,391,367       2,006.2  




See accompanying notes to financial statements.





Statement of Cash Flows, Continued


Years ended December 31, 2002 and 2003


(In millions of won and U.S. dollars)






(note 3)


Cash flows from investing activities:


Purchases of property, plant and equipment

   W (2,145,210 )   (2,083,370 )   $ (1,747.8 )

Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment

     46,425     95,154       79.8  

Decrease in accounts receivable – other (notes 8 and 10)

     —       527,954       442.9  

Decrease (increase) in other assets

     (790,458 )   325,166       272.8  

Decrease (increase) of short-term financial instruments

     (68,040 )   152,822       128.2  

Purchases of available-for-sale securities

     (547,606 )   (293,293 )     (246.1 )

Purchase of held-to-maturity securities

     (575 )   (587 )     (0.4 )

Purchases of equity securities of affiliates

     —       (482,673 )     (404.9 )

Proceeds from sale of available-for-sale securities

     360,992     186,710       156.6  

Proceeds from maturity on held-to-maturity securities

     392     400       0.3  

Proceeds from sale of equity securities of affiliates

     589,901     —         —    



Net cash used in investing activities

     (2,554,179 )   (1,571,717 )     (1,318.6 )



Cash flows from financing activities:


Increase (decrease) in short-term borrowings

     101,085     (250,000 )     (209.7 )

Repayment of long-term debt

     (1,345,990 )   (1,147,622 )     (962.8 )

Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt

     4,673,137     1,277,171       1071.5  

Decrease in refundable deposits for telephone installation

     (752,929 )   (307,026 )     (257.6 )

Reacquisition of treasury stock

     (3,401,186 )   (412,248 )     (345.8 )

Proceeds from sale of treasury stock

     —       39,312       32.9  

Payment of dividends

     (224,955 )   (213,308 )     (178.9 )

Other, net

     522     (5,523 )     (4.6 )



Net cash used in financing activities

     (950,316 )   (1,019,244 )     (855.0 )



Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

     117,441     (199,594 )     (167.4 )

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year

     735,897     853,338       715.8  



Cash and cash equivalents at end of year

   W 853,338     653,744     $ 548.4  




See accompanying notes to financial statements.





Notes to Financial statements


December 31, 2002 and 2003


(1) Organization and Description of the Business


KT Corporation (“KT” or the “Company”) commenced operation on January 1, 1982 through the segregation of specified operations from the Korean Ministry of Information and Communication (the “MIC”) for the purpose of contributing to the convenience in national life and improvement of public welfare through rational management of the public telecommunications business and improvement of telecommunications technology under the Korea Telecom Act.


Upon the repeal of the Korea Telecom Act as of October 1, 1997, KT became a government invested institution regulated by the Korean Commercial Code and changed its name from Korea Telecom to Korea Telecom Corp. pursuant to an amendment to its Articles of Incorporation. Shares of KT were listed on the Korea Stock Exchange on December 23, 1998. KT issued 24,282,195 additional shares on May 29, 1999 and issued American Depository Shares (“ADS”) representing these new shares and government owned shares. On July 2, 2001, additional ADS representing 55,502,161 government-owned shares were issued.


The Korean government has gradually reduced its ownership interest in the Company since 1993 and completed the disposition of all of its equity interest in the Company on May 24, 2002. On March 22, 2002, the Company changed its name from Korea Telecom Corp. to KT Corporation.


Under Korean law, the MIC and other government entities have extensive authority to regulate KT. The MIC has responsibility for approving rates for local service and interconnection provided by KT. Beginning in January 1998, KT is allowed to set its own rates for domestic long-distance service, international long-distance service and other services without approval from the MIC.


In recent years, KT has been subjected to increasing competition as a result of the government’s issuance of additional licenses to create competition in the telecommunications market and to foster new telecommunications business areas. Additionally, in June 1997, the MIC awarded a license to a second carrier to provide local telephone service. This new carrier commenced operations in 1999. A third carrier commenced international long-distance service in 1997 and domestic long-distance service in 1999. The entry of these new carriers into the local and long-distance telephone service markets has had, and is expected to continue to have, a negative impact on KT’s telephone service revenues and profitability.


(2) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies and Basis of Presenting Financial Statements


  (a) Basis of Presenting Financial Statements


The accompanying financial statements have been extracted from KT’s Korean language financial statements that were prepared using accounting principles, procedures and reporting practices generally accepted in the Republic of Korea (“Korean GAAP”). The financial statements have been translated from those issued in the Korean language into the English language, and have been modified to allow for the formatting of the financial statements in a manner which is different from the presentation under Korean financial statements practices. In addition, certain modifications have been made in the accompanying financial statements to bring the formal presentation into conformity with practices outside of Korea, and certain information included in the Korean language statutory financial statements, which management believes is not required for a fair presentation of KT’s financial position or results of operations, is not presented in the accompanying financial statements. Accordingly, the accompanying financial statements and their utilization are not designed for those who are not informed about Korean accounting principles, procedures and practices and furthermore are not intended to present the financial position and results of operations and cash flows in accordance with accounting principles and practices generally accepted in countries and jurisdictions other than the Republic of Korea.





Notes to Financial statements, Continued


(2) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies and Basis of Presenting Financial Statements, Continued


  (a) Basis of Presenting Financial Statements, Continued


The accompanying financial statements include only the accounts of KT, and do not consolidate the accounts of any of KT’s subsidiaries (see note 9). Instead, these entities are accounted for under the equity method of accounting.


In addition, effective January 1, 2003, the Company adopted Statements of Korea Accounting Standards No. 2 through No. 9. In accordance with these standards, a cumulative effect on prior years is adjusted to retained earnings. Therefore, the Company adjusted organization costs of W1,530 million to the retained earnings. In addition, certain amounts in prior year’s financial statements were reclassified to conform to the current year’s presentation. These reclassifications did not result in any change to reported net earnings except for the adoption of Statement of Korea Accounting Standards (SKAS) No.6, “Events Occurring After the Balance Sheet Date.” As a result of adopting SKAS No. 6, stockholders’ equity as of December 31, 2002 increased by W212,887 million. The amount represents the dividends recorded in 2002 but not yet approved. Under the new standard, for comparative purposes, this amount was retroactively adjusted as of December 31, 2002.


  (b) Cash Equivalents


The Company considers short-term financial instruments with maturities of three months or less at the acquisition date to be cash equivalents.


  (c) Financial Instruments


Short-term financial instruments are instruments handled by financial institutions which are held for short-term cash management purposes or will mature within one year, including time deposits, installment savings deposits and restricted bank deposits.


  (d) Allowance for Doubtful Accounts


Notes and trade accounts receivable are recorded at the invoiced amount and do not bear interest. The allowance for doubtful accounts is the Company’s best estimate of the amount of probable credit losses in the Company’s existing notes and accounts receivable. The Company determines the allowance for doubtful notes and accounts receivable based on an analysis of portfolio quality and historical write-off experience. Account balances are charged off against the allowance after all means of collection have been exhausted and the potential for recovery is considered remote.


  (e) Inventories


Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or net realizable value. Cost is determined by the moving-average cost method, except for materials in transit for which cost is determined by the specific identification method. Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, less the estimated selling cost. When the net realizable value of inventory is less than the acquisition cost, the carrying amount is reduced to net realizable value.


  (f) Investments in Securities


Effective January 1, 2003, the Company adopted Statement of Korea Accounting Standards (SKAS) No. 8, “Investments in Securities”. In accordance with this standard, certain debt and equity securities should be classified into one of the three categories of held-to-maturity, available-for-sale, or trading securities at the time of acquisition and such determination should be reassessed at each balance sheet date. Investments in debt securities that the Company has the positive intent and ability to hold to maturity are classified as held-to-maturity. Securities that are bought and held principally for the purpose of selling them in the near term (thus held for only a short period of time) are classified as trading securities. Trading generally reflects active and frequent buying and selling, and trading securities are generally used to generate profit on short-term differences in price. Investments not classified as either held-to-maturity or trading securities are classified as available-for-sale securities.





Notes to Financial statements, Continued


(2) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies and Basis of Presenting Financial Statements, Continued


  (f) Investments in Securities, Continued


Trading securities are carried at fair value, with unrealized holding gains and losses included in earnings. Available-for-sale securities are carried at fair value, with unrealized holding gains and losses reported as a capital adjustment. Investments in equity securities that do not have readily determinable fair values are stated at cost. Declines in value judged to be other-than-temporary on available-for-sale securities are charged to current results of operations. Realized gains and losses are determined using the specific identification method based on the trade date of a transaction. Investments in debt securities that are classified into held-to-maturity are reported at amortized cost at the balance sheet date and such amortization is included in interest income.


Marketable securities are at the quoted market prices as of the year end. Non-marketable debt securities are recorded at the fair values derived from the discounted cash flows by using an interest rate deemed to approximate the market interest rate. The market interest rate is determined by the issuers’ credit rate announced by the accredited credit rating agencies in Korea. Beneficiary certificates which are securities indicating beneficiary rights on certain investment securities held by the investment management companies are recorded at fair value as determined by the investment management companies.


Trading securities are classified as current assets, whereas available-for-sale securities and held-to-maturity securities are classified as long-term investments. However, available-for-sale securities, whose maturity dates are due within one year from the balance sheet date or whose likelihood of being disposed of within one year from the balance sheet date is probable, are classified as current assets. Likewise, held-to-maturity securities whose maturity dates are due within one year from the balance sheet date are classified as current assets.


As allowed by this standard, certain amounts in the prior year financial statements were reclassified to conform to the current year presentation.


  (g) Investment Securities under the Equity Method of Accounting


For investments in companies, whether or not publicly held, under the Company’s significant influence, the Company utilizes the equity method of accounting. Significant influence is generally deemed to exist if the Company can exercise influence over the operating and financial policies of an investee. The ability to exercise that influence may be indicated in several ways, such as the Company’s representation on its board of directors, the Company’s participation in its policy making processes, material transactions with the investee, interchange of managerial personnel, or technological dependency. Also, if the Company owns directly or indirectly 20% or more of the voting stock of an investee, the Company generally presumes that the investee is under significant influence.


Under the equity method of accounting, the Company’s initial investment is recorded at cost and is subsequently increased to reflect the Company’s share of the investee income and reduced to reflect the Company’s share of the investee losses or dividends received. Any excess in the Company’s acquisition cost over the Company’s share of the investee’s identifiable net assets is generally recorded as goodwill or other intangibles and amortized by the straight-line method over the estimated useful life. The amortization of goodwill is recorded against the equity income (losses) of affiliates. When events or circumstances indicate that carrying amount may not be recoverable, the Company reviews goodwill for impairment.


Under the equity method of accounting, the Company does not record its share of losses of an affiliate or subsidiary not consolidated when such losses would make the Company’s investment in such entity less than zero unless the Company has guaranteed obligations of the investee or is otherwise committed to provide additional financial support.





Notes to Financial statements, Continued


(2) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies and Basis of Presenting Financial Statements, Continued


  (h) Property, Plant and Equipment


Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost. Improvements that significantly extend the life of an asset or add to its productive capacity are capitalized. Expenditures for maintenance and repairs are charged to expense as incurred. Property, plant and equipment contributed by the government on January 1, 1982 are stated at net revalued amounts.


Prior to January 1, 2003, the Company capitalized interest costs, discounts and other financial charges, including certain foreign exchange transaction gains and losses, on all borrowings, incurred prior to completion of the acquisitions, as part of the cost of qualifying assets. However, effective January 1, 2003, the Company adopted Statement of Korea Accounting Standards No. 7, “Capitalization of Financing Costs.” In accordance with this standard, the Company elected to no longer capitalize interest costs, discounts and other financial charges, including certain foreign exchange transaction gains and losses on all borrowings. For the year ended December 31, 2002, financing costs of W49,736 million were capitalized.


Depreciation is computed by the declining-balance method (except for buildings, structures, underground access to cable tunnels, and concrete and steel telephone poles that are depreciated using the straight-line method) based on the following estimated useful lives of the related units of property:


     Estimated useful lives (years)

Buildings and structures


Machinery and equipment:


Underground access to cable tunnels, and concrete and steel telephone poles






Tools, furniture and fixtures:


Steel safe boxes


Tools, computer equipments, furniture and fixtures



  (i) Contributions Received for Capital Expenditures


Contributions received for capital expenditures are reflected as a reduction from the acquisition cost of the acquired assets and, accordingly, reduce depreciation expense related to the acquired assets over their useful lives. Contributions received, which have yet to be disbursed for capital expenditures, are presented as a deduction of received assets.


  (j) Long-Lived Assets


Long-lived assets generally consist of property, plant and equipment and other intangible assets. The Company reviews long-lived assets for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an asset may not be recoverable. In addition, the Company evaluates its long-lived assets for impairment each year as part of its annual forecasting process. An impairment loss would be considered when estimated undiscounted future net cash flows expected to result from the use of the asset and its eventual disposition are less than its carrying amount. If such assets are considered to be impaired, the impairment to be recognized is measured as the amount by which the carrying amount of the assets exceeds the fair value of the assets.


  (k) Intangible Assets


Intangible assets, consisting of rights to exclusive usage and deferred development costs, are stated at cost less accumulated amortization. Amortization is computed by the straight-line method over periods which range from 3 to 50 years. The Company has monopolistic and exclusive rights to control buildings and facilities utilization and copyrights by contract or related laws. Accordingly, the Company amortizes those intangible assets over the period of 30 or 50 years based on contract or related laws.





Notes to Financial statements, Continued


(2) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies and Basis of Presenting Financial Statements, Continued


  (k) Intangible Assets, Continued


The Company charges research and development costs to expense as incurred. However, the costs which are recoverable from future earnings are deferred and amortized over their estimated useful lives. In addition, the internal software development costs, after technological feasibility test, such as those associated with Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network (B-ISDN), Integrated Customer Information System (ICIS) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), are accounted for as intangible assets and amortized by the straight-line method over their estimated economic useful lives from 3 to 6 years.


The Company incurred research and development costs of W252,177 million and W286,004 million, including deferred amounts of W19,150 million and W53,824 million for the years ended December 31, 2002 and 2003, respectively.


  (l) Valuation of Receivables and Payables at Present Value


Receivables and payables arising from long-term installment transactions and other similar transactions are stated at present value and the difference between the nominal value and present value is deducted directly from the nominal value of related receivables or payables and is amortized using the effective interest method over the installment or redemption period. The amount amortized is included in interest expense or interest income.


  (m) Convertible Notes and Bonds with Warrants


Effective January 1, 2003, the Company adopted Statement of Korea Accounting Standards No. 9, “Convertible Securities” related to convertible bonds, bonds with warrants and convertible preferred stock, which requires the separate recognition of the convertible features and warrant rights. However, as allowed by the transition clause of the Statement, the Company recognizes interest expense on convertible notes and bonds with warrants as determined using the effective interest method, and amortization of a redemption premium is recorded as long-term accrued interest expense.


  (n) Retirement and Severance Benefits


Employees who have been with the Company for more than one year are entitled to lump sum payments based on current rates of pay and length of service when they leave the Company. The Company’s estimated liability under the plan which would be payable if all employees left on the balance sheet date is accrued in the accompanying balance sheets. A portion of the liability is covered by an employees’ severance pay insurance where the employees have a vested interest in the deposit with the insurance company. The deposit for severance benefit insurance is, therefore, reflected in the accompanying balance sheets as a deduction from the liability for retirement and severance benefits.


  (o) Customer Call Bonus Program


The Company records an estimated liability for the marketing cost associated with providing gifts under the customer call bonus program when call bonus points are earned. The liability is recorded in other long-term liabilities on the accompanying balance sheets. The liability is adjusted periodically based on points earned, points redeemed, and changes in estimated costs.





Notes to Financial statements, Continued


(2) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies and Basis of Presenting Financial Statements, Continued


  (p) Contingent Liabilities


Contingent losses are generally recognized as a liability when probable and reasonably estimable.


  (q) Revenue Recognition


Operating revenues are recognized on a service-rendered basis. Revenues from public telephone cards are recognized when the cardholder places a call. Sales and cost of sales of Personal Communication Service (“PCS”) handsets are recognized when delivered to the customer.


Prior to April 15, 2001, customers could choose between alternative plans for initiating basic telephone services. Under these alternatives, customers could elect to place a fully refundable deposit (which is reflected as a liability) or pay a reduced non-refundable service initiation fee (which is included in operating revenues). Prior to this change, all customers were required to place fully refundable deposits.


Effective April 15, 2001, the Company revised the telephone installation deposit system. Under the revised system, new customers are required to pay a non-refundable service initiation fee. The non-refundable service initiation fee is included in operating revenues.


Effective January 1, 2003, the Company adopted Statement of Korea Accounting Standards No. 4, “Revenue Recognition,” clarifying existing standards regarding revenue recognition. The Company’s current policy for revenue recognition is not significantly different from the requirements of this statement.


  (r) Foreign Currency Translation


Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into Korean won at the balance sheet date. Unrealized foreign currency translation gains and losses on monetary assets and liabilities are included in current results of operations. As of December 31, 2002 and 2003, monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into Korean won at W1,200.4 to US$1 and W1,197.8 to US$1, respectively, that are permitted by the Financial Accounting Standards. Non-monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies, which are stated at historical cost, are translated into Korean won at the foreign exchange rate at the date of the transaction.


Prior to January 1, 2003, the Company accounted for foreign exchange translation gains and losses on all borrowings, capitalizing financing costs, as part of the cost of assets. However, the Company adopted Statement of Korea Accounting Standards No. 7, “Capitalization of Financing Costs,” effective January 1, 2003. In accordance with this standard, all foreign exchange translation gains and losses are included in the results of operations.


Foreign currency assets and liabilities of foreign-based operations and companies accounted for using the equity method are translated at current rate of exchange at the balance sheet date while profit and loss items in the statement of earnings are translated at average rate and capital account at historical rate. The translation gains and losses arising from collective translation of the foreign currency financial statements of foreign-based operations are offset and the balance is accumulated as a capital adjustment.


  (s) Derivatives


Derivative instruments, regardless of whether they are entered into for trading or hedging purposes, are valued at fair value. Derivative contracts not meeting the requirements for hedge accounting treatment are classified as trading contracts with the changes in fair value included in current operations.





Notes to Financial statements, Continued


(2) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies and Basis of Presenting Financial Statements, Continued


  (s) Derivatives, Continued


Derivative financial instruments used for hedging purposes are accounted for in a manner consistent with the accounting treatment appropriate for the transactions being hedged or associated with such contracts. The instruments are valued at fair value when underlying transactions are valued at fair value, and resulting unrealized valuation gains or losses are recorded in current results of operations. For instruments that are not valued at fair value, unrealized valuation gains or losses are recognized at the time of settlement.


  (t) Leases


The Company accounts for and classifies its lease transactions as either an operating or capital lease, depending on the terms of the lease under Korean Lease Accounting Standards If a lease is substantially noncancellable and meets one or more of the criteria listed below, the present value of future minimum lease payments is reflected as an obligation under capital lease.


  Ownership of the leased property shall be transferred to the lessee at the end of the lease term without additional payment or for a contract price.


  The lease has a bargain purchase option.


  The lease term is equal to 75% or more of the estimated economic useful life of the leased property.


  The present value at the beginning of the lease term of the minimum lease payments equals or exceeds 90% of the fair value of the leased property.


  If the above criteria are not met, the lease is classified as an operating lease with lease payments expensed as incurred.


  (u) Income Taxes


Income tax expense or benefit on earnings includes both current and deferred taxes. Current tax is the expected tax payable on the taxable income for the year, using tax rates enacted at the balance sheet date. Deferred tax is provided using the asset and liability method, providing for temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and the amounts used for taxation purposes. However, deferred taxes are not recognized for temporary differences related to unrealized gains and losses on available-for-sale securities that are reported in a separate component of stockholders’ equity. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using tax rates expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences are expected to be recovered or settled. The effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized in income in the period of the expected enactment date.


A deferred tax asset is recognized only to the extent that it is probable that such deferred tax asset is recoverable in a future period. Deferred tax assets are reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that the related tax benefit will be realized.


  (v) Stock Options


The stock option program allows the Company’s officers to acquire shares of the Company. The option exercise price is generally fixed above the market price of underlying shares at the date of the grant. The Company values stock options based upon an option-pricing model (Black-Scholes model) under the fair value method and recognizes this value as an expense over the period in which the options vest.





Notes to Financial statements, Continued


(2) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies and Basis of Presenting Financial Statements, Continued


  (v) Stock Options, Continued


When the options are exercised, equity is increased by the amount of the proceeds received and the values of the options exercised, and by crediting capital surplus. When stock options are forfeited because the specified vesting requirements are not satisfied, previously recognized compensation costs and corresponding capital adjustment accounts are reversed to earnings. When stock options expire unexercised, previously recognized compensation costs and corresponding capital adjustment accounts are reversed to other capital surplus.


  (w) Dividends Payable and Appropriation of Retained Earnings


Effective January 1, 2003, the Company adopted Statement of Korea Accounting Standards No. 6, “Events Occurring After the Balance Sheet Date”. Under this standard, dividends are not recorded until approved by the shareholders. As a result, the Company adjusted stockholder’s equity as of December 31, 2002 by W212,887 million. The amount represents the dividends payable recorded in 2002. In addition, appropriated retained earnings as of December 31, 2002 decreased by W1,583,589 million while unappropriated retained earnings increased by the same amount because the amount of appropriations was declared by the Company but not yet approved at the shareholders’ meeting. Under the new standard, for the comparative purposes, these amounts were retroactively adjusted as of December 31, 2002.


  (x) Earnings Per Share


Basic earnings per common share are calculated by dividing net earnings available to common stock by the weighted-average number of shares of common stock holders outstanding during each period. Diluted earnings per share are calculated by dividing net earnings plus interest expenses, net of tax, of the convertible notes available to common stock holders by the weighted-average number of shares of common stock outstanding adjusted to include the potentially dilutive effect of the convertible notes.


  (y) Use of Estimates


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with Korean GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


  (z) Application of the Statements of Korea Financial Accounting Standards


The Korean Accounting Standards Board (“KASB”) has published a series of Statements of Korea Accounting Standards (“SKAS”), which will gradually replace the existing financial accounting standards, established by the Korea Financial Supervisory Board. SKAS No. 2 through No. 9 were adopted by the Company as of January 1, 2003. SKAS No. 10 “Inventories,” No. 12 “Construction-Type Contracts,” and No. 13 “Troubled Debt Restructuring” become effective for the Company on January 1, 2004 according to the effective date set forth by each SKAS. The Company does not expect the adoption of these standards to have a material impact on the financial statements.


(3) Basis of Translating Financial Statements


The financial statements are expressed in Korean won and, solely for the convenience of the reader, the financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2003, have been translated into United States dollars at the rate of W1,192.0 to US$1, the noon buying rate in the City of New York for cable transfers in won as certified for customs purposes by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York as of December 31, 2003 . The translation should not be construed as a representation that any or all of the amounts shown could be converted into U.S. dollars at this or any other rate.





Notes to Financial statements, Continued


(4) Cash and Cash Equivalents


Cash and cash equivalents as of December 31, 2002 and 2003 are summarized as follows:





Passbook accounts

   W 11,173    48

Cash in transit

     610,207    541,918

Time deposits

     231,958    111,778

     W 853,338    653,744



(5) Restricted Deposits


There are certain amounts included in short-term financial instruments which are restricted in use for expenditures for certain business purposes as of December 31, 2002 and 2003 as follows:





Short-term financial instruments

   W 5,699    2,877



(6) Inventories


Inventories as of December 31, 2002 and 2003 are summarized as follows:





Construction and repair materials

   W 50,485    42,558


     29,938    114,360

     W 80,423    156,918



(7) Other Current Assets


Other current assets as of December 31, 2002 and 2003 are summarized as follows:





Current portion of long-term loans to employees

   W 153,255    115,367

Prepaid expenses

     12,510    6,157


     15,711    20,751

Accrued interest income

     2,304    4,237

Refundable deposits

     2,321    3,833

Interest rate swap (note 24)

     —      2,998

Interest rate swaption (note 24)

     —      989

Interest currency swap (note 24)

     —      5,083

Short-term loans (note 19)

     240    240


     478    96

     W 186,819    159,751






Notes to Financial statements, Continued


(8) Investments in Securities


Investments in securities as of December 31, 2002 and 2003 are summarized as follows:


  (a) Available-for-sale securities


(i) Equity securities




of ownership (%)






Current assets:


SK Telecom Co., Ltd. (“SK Telecom”)

   4.3    —      W 853,281    —  


Investment assets:


New Skies Satellites N.V.

   1.4    1.4    W 9,246    15,917

Intelsat, Ltd.

   0.7    0.7      6,222    6,222

Inmarsat Ventures plc

   2.3    2.3      15,015    15,015

Danish Russian Japan Korean Telecommunication Group

   10.0    10.0      307    307

Real Telecom Corporation

   7.8    7.8      5,191    721

Polytech Adventure Town, Inc.

   6.7    6.7      200    200

Korea Software Financial Cooperative

   1.4    1.4      1,000    1,000

Korea Information Certificate Authority, Inc.

   9.4    9.4      2,000    2,000

K-3-I Co., Ltd.

   13.0    13.0      300    300

KT Internal Venture Fund No. 1

   89.3    89.3      3,303    3,303

KT Internal Venture Fund No. 2

   —      90.0      —      3,000

Mirae Asset Securities Co., Ltd.

   4.4    4.4      5,000    5,000

Korea Telecom Venture Fund No. 1

   70.0    70.0      14,000    14,000

Sky Life Contents Fund

   22.5    22.5      4,500    4,500

ICO Global Communication (Holdings) Limited

   0.1    0.1      617    617

Information and Communication Financial Cooperative

   0.1    0.1      16    16

Korea Information Technology Fund

   23.3    23.3      70,000    70,000

DAEGU Football Club

   1.0    1.0      300    300

Kookmin Credit Information Inc. (formerly, National Information & Credit Evaluation, Inc.)

   13.0    13.0      1,202    1,202

Korea Electric Engineers Association

   —      0.2      —      20

               W 138,419    143,640



Investments in equity securities above, except for New Skies Satellites N.V., that do not have readily determinable fair values are stated at cost.





Notes to Financial statements, Continued


(8) Investments in Securities, Continued


  (a) Available-for-sale securities, Continued


  (i) Equity securities, Continued


The Company recognized a W4,470 million impairment loss on the investment in Real Telecom Corporation for the year ended December 31, 2003. This charge was related to other-than-temporary declines in the value of the investee company.


The Company and SK Telecom agreed to an equity swap on December 20, 2002 under which each company sold all of the other’s equity shares it held in the other. According to the agreement, the Company exchanged 4,457,635 shares of SK Telecom for 15,454,659 shares of treasury stock plus cash of W211,868 million on December 30, 2002. In addition, the Company exchanged 3,809,288 shares of SK Telecom for 14,353,674 shares of treasury stock plus cash of W122,679 million on January 10, 2003 and the Company recognized a gain on disposition of available-for-sale securities in the amount of W775,241 million for the year ended December 31, 2003.


  (ii) Debt securities






Current assets:


Equity-linked securities

   2004    W —      63,380

Beneficiary certificates

   2004      —      213,064

          W —      276,444


Investment assets:


Convertible notes of KTF

   November 2005    W 336,789    327,240

Equity-linked securities

   2004      97,494    —  

Beneficiary certificates

   May 2005      —      10,000

          W 434,283    337,240



The Company invested in convertible notes issued by KT Freetel Co., Ltd. (“KTF”) in 2002. The details are as follows:


Issuance date:


November 29, 2002

Issuance amount (millions):



Nominal interest rate:


1% per annum

Redemption premium:


3% per annum

Maturity date:


November 28, 2005

Conversion price:


W37,200 per share

Market price of KTF as of December 31, 2003:


W19,100 per share

Conversion period:


On or after November 30, 2003 through November 28, 2005

Total number of shares convertible into:


9,037,634 shares of KTF





Notes to Financial statements, Continued


(8) Investments in Securities, Continued


  (a) Available-for-sale securities, Continued


  (ii) Debt securities, Continued


On April 11, 2002, the Company purchased equity-linked securities of W132,594 million from Citigroup Global Markets Inc. (“CGMI” and previously called “Saloman Smith Barney Holdings, Inc.”). The equity-linked securities have maturities of 2 and 2.5 years. The value of the equity-linked securities is linked to the weighted-average quoted price of 500,000 shares of SK Telecom stock, whereby the amount payable to the Company from CGMI will be adjusted based on the weighted-average quoted share price of SK Telecom. Generally, if the weighted-average quoted share price of the SK Telecom shares were to fall below W150,930 and W154,155 for the 2 year and 2.5 year notes, respectively, the amount payable to KT from CGMI would be zero and if the weighted-average quoted share price of SK Telecom shares were to exceed W301,860 and W308,310 for the 2 year and 2.5 year notes, respectively, then the amount payable to KT from CGMI would be the full value of 500,000 SK Telecom shares based on the weighted-average quoted share price of SK Telecom. In addition, if the weighted-average quoted share price were to fall between the prescribed ceiling and floor amounts, then the amount payable to KT by CGMI would be two times the weighted average quoted share price of SK Telecom shares less W301,860 and W308,310 for the 2 year and 2.5 year notes, respectively, calculated based on 500,000 SKT shares.


The Company’s investments in the equity-linked securities are recorded at fair value and unrealized holding gains and losses are recorded as a separate component of stockholders’ equity. The equity-linked securities were tested for impairment during 2003 because of the significant decrease of the quoted market value of the SK Telecom shares. As a result of this impairment test, the Company recognized an impairment loss amounting to W35,137 million on the equity-linked securities for the year ended December 31, 2003. If the quoted market value of SK Telecom shares continues to decline, the Company may be required to record additional impairment losses. As of December 31, 2003, SK Telecom shares were quoted at W199,000 per share, resulting in unrealized loss of W34,078 million.


  (iii) Changes in unrealized holding gains (losses)


Changes in unrealized gains (losses) on available-for-sale securities for the year ended December 31, 2003 are summarized as follows:




Beginning balance

   W 742,806  

Realized gains on disposition of securities

     (746,270 )

Changes in unrealized gains and losses, net

     (40,670 )

Net balance at end of year

   W (44,134 )


  (b) Held-to-maturity securities





Current assets:


Government and municipal bonds

   W 218    332


Long-term assets:


Government and municipal bonds

   W 3,239    3,313






Notes to Financial statements, Continued


(9) Investment in Equity Securities of Affiliated Companies


Investments in affiliated companies accounted for using the equity method as of December 31, 2002 and 2003, are summarized as follows:



Percentage of
ownership (%)






   Net asset

    Book value

   Net asset

    Book value



KT Freetel Co., Ltd. (“KTF”)

   40.3    46.9    W 1,033,905     2,362,548    1,474,420     2,643,593

KT Hitel Co., Ltd. (“KTH”)

   65.9    65.9      138,502     120,377    130,181     131,787

KT Submarine Co., Ltd. (“KTSC”)

   36.9    36.9      22,154     21,686    23,311     23,023



KT Infotech Corporation

   15.6    15.6      4,551     4,105    4,350     3,955

Korea Telephone Directory Co., Ltd.

   34.0    34.0      8,383     8,383    8,601     8,601

KT Powertel Co. (“KTP”)

   45.4    44.9      35,755     35,767    39,148     39,148

KT Solutions Corporation

   100.0    100.0      80,126     79,968    76,442     76,401

KT Linkus Co.

   93.8    93.8      79,937     76,924    81,047     79,026

KT China Co., Ltd. (“KTCC”)

   —      100.0      —       —      1,341     1,341

KT Realty Development and Management Co., Ltd.

   19.0    19.0      1,600     1,501    1,964     1,921

Korea Telecom America, Inc. (“KTAI”)

   100.0    100.0      2,997     2,997    3,088     3,088

Korea Telecom Philippines, Inc. (“KTPI”)

   100.0    100.0      (26,899 )   —      (59,544 )   —  

KT Commerce, Inc.

   19.0    19.0      1,119     770    468     257

Mongolian Telecommunications Co.

   40.0    40.0      5,693     5,693    4,982     4,982

New Telephone Company (“NTC”)

   72.5    72.5      26,310     23,171    41,623     39,311

Korea Telecom Japan Co., Ltd. (“KTJ”)

   100.0    100.0      (735 )   —      (1,416 )   —  

Korea Digital Satellite Broadcasting Co. (“KDB”)

   15.0    27.4      29,402     29,920    37,156     86,630

Korea Information Data Corp.

   19.0    19.0      5,233     5,233    6,864     6,864

Korea Information Service Corp.

   19.0    19.0      3,632     3,632    4,552     4,552

KT Instrument & Communication Corp.

   19.0    19.0      211     210    309     309

Korea IT Venture Partners Inc.

   28.0    28.0      8,529     8,529    9,227     9,227

KBSi Co., Ltd. (formerly, Crezio.com)

   32.4    32.4      2,153     2,153    1,386     1,386

Bank Town Co., Ltd.

   19.0    19.0      426     408    443     432

eNtoB Corp.

   15.6    15.6      1,706     1,706    2,243     2,243


               W 1,464,690     2,795,681    1,892,186     3,168,077




On March 6, 2003, KTICOM was merged into KTF. This transaction was done by KTF issuing an additional 7,082,476 shares of its common stock to the minority shareholders of KTICOM, which resulted in a decrease in the Company’s equity ownership interest. In addition, during 2003, the Company acquired an additional 15,532,846 shares of KTF for W399,996 million, increasing its equity ownership interest to 46.9%.


KTP acquired Anam Telecom Ltd. on February 5, 2003. As a result, the Company’s equity ownership interest decreased to 44.9%.


In March 2003, the Company invested W1,245 million in KTCC, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary located in China.


In December 2003, the Company purchased an additional 11,770,000 shares of KDB for W82,390 million including W49,119 million of goodwill. After making this cash purchase, the Company’s equity ownership interest increased to 27.4%.





Notes to Financial statements, Continued


(9) Investment in Equity Securities of Affiliated Companies, Continued


Investments in affiliated companies accounted for using the equity method as of December 31, 2002 are as follows:




   Equity in
earnings (deficit)

income (loss)
in 2002

gain (loss)

in 2002

    Disposal or






KT Freetel Co., Ltd.

   W 3,063,807    (611,212 )   (107,670 )   17,623     —       —       2,362,548

KT Hitel Co., Ltd.

     67,780    50,049     7,764     (5,216 )   —       —       120,377

KT Submarine Co., Ltd.

     8,085    11,426     2,189     794     (808 )   —       21,686



KT Infotech Corporation

     3,011    5,947     632     (61 )   —       (5,424 )   4,105

Korea Telephone Directory Co., Ltd.

     6,800    1,467     116     —       —       —       8,383

KT ICOM Co., Ltd

     838,528    8,850     (380 )   —       —       (846,998 )   —  

KT Powertel Co.

     55,135    (20,402 )   (1,371 )   2,405     —       —       35,767

KT Solutions Corporation

     49,800    29,834     334     —       —       —       79,968

KT Linkus Co., Ltd.

     50,861    12,306     8,582     5,554     (379 )   —       76,924

KT Commerce, Inc.

     1,330    —       (560 )   —       —       —       770

KT Realty Development and Management Co., Ltd.

     760    2,419     188     (2 )   —       (1,864 )   1,501

Korea Telecom America, Inc.

     4,783    (5,068 )   293     2,989     —       —       2,997

Korea Telecom Philippines, Inc.

     2,481    (2,481 )   —       —       —       —       —  

Mongolian Telecommunications Co.

     3,450    4,677     1,457     (3,692 )   (199 )   —       5,693

Korea Digital Satellite Broadcasting Co.

     49,500    (1,992 )   (17,588 )   —       —       —       29,920

Korea Information Data Corp.

     3,800    306     1,127     —       —       —       5,233

Korea Information Service Corp.

     2,850    300     482     —       —       —       3,632

KBSi Co., Ltd.

     4,760    (2,014 )   (593 )   —       —       —       2,153

Bank Town Co., Ltd.

     190    17     201     —       —       —       408

eNtoB Corp.

     2,500    (639 )   (155 )   —       —       —       1,706

New Telephone Company

     33,064    (552 )   4,130     (13,471 )   —       —       23,171

Korea Telecom Japan Co., Ltd.

     6,586    (3,140 )   (3,446 )   —       —       —       —  

Kookmin Credit Information Inc.

     851    (9 )   359     —       —       (1,201 )   —  

KT Instrument & Communication Corp.

     95    53     62     —       —       —       210

Korea IT Venture, Inc.

     9,000    3,557     (3,365 )   (391 )   (272 )   —       8,529






     W 4,269,807    (516,301 )   (107,212 )   6,532     (1,658 )   (855,487 )   2,795,681







* The quoted market values (based on closing KOSDAQ prices) of KTF, KTH and KTSC as of December 31, 2002 are W2,089,824 million, W63,928 million and W17,059 million, respectively.





Notes to Financial statements, Continued


(9) Investment in Equity Securities of Affiliated Companies, Continued


Investments in affiliated companies accounted for using the equity method, as of December 31, 2003 are as follows:




   Equity in
earnings (deficit)

income (loss)
in 2003

gain (loss)

in 2003






KT Freetel Co., Ltd.

   W 3,463,803    (720,298 )   (163,286 )   63,374     —       2,643,593

KT Hitel Co., Ltd.

     67,780    57,768     10,336     (4,097 )   —       131,787

KT Submarine Co., Ltd.

     8,085    12,807     1,741     794     (404 )   23,023



KT Infotech Corporation

     3,011    1,155     (170 )   19     (60 )   3,955

Korea Telephone Directory Co., Ltd.

     6,800    1,583     218     —       —       8,601

KT Powertel Co.

     55,135    (21,773 )   3,356     2,430     —       39,148

KT Solutions Corporation

     49,800    30,168     (3,597 )   30     —       76,401

KT Linkus Co., Ltd.

     50,861    20,509     2,102     5,554     —       79,026

KT Commerce, Inc.

     1,330    (576 )   (496 )   (1 )   —       257

KT China Co., Ltd.

     1,245    —       144     (48 )   —       1,341

KT Realty Development and Management Co., Ltd.

     760    743     424     (6 )   —       1,921

Korea Telecom America, Inc.

     4,783    (4,775 )   97     2,983     —       3,088

Korea Telecom Philippines, Inc.

     2,481    (2,481 )   —       —       —       —  

Mongolian Telecommunications - Co.

     3,450    5,935     440     (4,348 )   (495 )   4,982

Korea Digital Satellite Broadcasting Co.

     131,890    (19,580 )   (25,420 )   (260 )         86,630

Korea Information Data Corp.

     3,800    1,420     1,644     —       —       6,864

Korea Information Service Corp.

     2,850    764     904     34     —       4,552

KBSi Co., Ltd.

     4,760    (2,607 )   (767 )   —       —       1,386

Bank Town Co., Ltd.

     190    218     24     —       —       432

eNtoB Corp.

     2,500    (815 )   558     —       —       2,243

New Telephone Company

     33,064    3,578     15,470     (12,801 )   —       39,311

Korea Telecom Japan Co., Ltd.

     6,586    (6,586 )   —       —       —       —  

KT Instrument & Communication Corp.

     95    115     99     —       —       309

Korea IT Venture Partners, Inc.

     9,000    (80 )   859     (552 )   —       9,227





     W 3,914,059    (642,808 )   (155,320 )   53,105     (959 )   3,168,077






* The quoted market values (based on closing KOSDAQ prices) of KTF, KTH and KTSC as of December 31, 2003 are W1,712,126 million, W180,863 million and W10,511 million, respectively.


Effective January 1, 2003, KT’s subsidiaries adopted Statement of Korea Accounting Standards No. 3, “Intangible Assets.” In accordance with this standard, the cumulative effect on prior years of this change in the accounting has been credited to the retained earnings. Therefore, under the equity method of accounting, the Company has charged W1,530 million of change in the retained earnings of investee companies to retained earnings.


Due to continuous operating losses, the investments in KTPI and KTJ were reduced to nil. As a result, the Company discontinued the use of the equity method of accounting for these investments as the Company does not provide any guarantees or have any commitments to provide additional financial support for these entities.





Notes to Financial statements, Continued


(10) Transactions and Balances with Affiliated Companies


  (a) Significant transactions which occurred in the normal course of business with affiliated companies for the years ended December 31, 2002 and 2003 are summarized as follows:





Operating revenues

   W 455,112    459,404

Operating expenses

     749,590    817,486

Interest income from KTF

     884    10,104

Contributions received for losses on universal telecommunication

     40,052    44,250

Other income

     1,432    7,461


  (b) Significant account balances which occurred in the normal course of business with affiliated companies as of December 31, 2002 and 2003 are summarized as follows:





Trade notes and accounts receivable

   26,425    43,876

Accounts receivable - other

   337,054    19,180

Convertible notes of KTF

   336,789    327,240

Refundable deposits for telephone installation

   3,208    1,964

Trade accounts payable

   129,364    170,450

Key money deposits

   57,529    48,895


   20,074    2,090


In December 2002, KT disposed of its equity interest comprising 46,584,905 shares of common stock in KTICOM to KTF at W18,227 per share. In March 2003, KT received the remainder of the transaction amounting to W312,933 million from KTF.


  (c) As of December 31, 2003, the Company has provided guarantees of the following affiliates’ indebtedness and contract performance as follows:


Affiliated company



   W 53,517



     W 61,902


(11) Property, Plant and Equipment


  (a) Property, plant and equipment as of December 31, 2002 and 2003 are summarized as follows:







   W 1,002,835     1,002,186  

Buildings and structures

     3,772,538     3,908,118  

Machinery and equipment

     27,530,454     28,056,035  


     58,883     63,809  

Tools, furniture and fixtures

     1,112,852     1,153,082  

Construction in progress

     386,661     387,845  


       33,864,223     34,571,075  

Less accumulated depreciation

     (22,054,326 )   (23,325,504 )


Net property, plant and equipment

   W 11,809,897     11,245,571  






Notes to Financial statements, Continued


(11) Property, Plant and Equipment, Continued


Property, plant and equipment were insured against fire damage up to an amount of W504,212 million and W651,275 million as of December 31, 2002 and 2003, respectively. Additionally, the Company maintains insurance policies covering loss and liability arising form automobile accidents.


  (b) Officially Declared Value of Land


The officially declared value of land at December 31, 2003, as announced by the Minister of Construction and Transportation, is as follows:



     Book value

   Declared value

Head office

   W 133,940    304,295

Metropolitan District

     388,920    1,695,902

Busan District

     95,648    334,566

Jeonnam District

     90,121    200,153

Daegu District

     115,583    244,699

Chungnam District

     47,573    117,997

Jeonbuk District

     44,144    100,295

Kangwon District

     43,113    72,323

Chungbuk District

     28,910    74,298

Cheju District

     14,234    29,135

     W 1,002,186    3,173,663



The officially declared value, which is used for government purposes, is not intended to represent fair value.


(12) Other Assets


Other assets as of December 31, 2002 and 2003 are summarized as follows:





Deferred income tax asset, net (note 27)

   W 376,285    313,913

Long-term loans to employees

     861,480    556,740

Long-term loans (note 19)

     39,691    36,137

Leasehold rights and deposits

     60,000    99,549

Long-term accounts receivable - trade

     48,601    14,538

Long-term accounts receivable - other

     7,797    3,869

Intangible assets, net

     223,978    247,826


     35,847    42,277

     W 1,653,679    1,314,849






Notes to Financial statements, Continued


(13) Short-term Borrowings


Short-term borrowings as of December 31, 2002 and 2003 are summarized as follows:


Debt instrument/Lender



Interest rate per





Commercial paper

   2004    4.12~4.17%   W 170,000    250,000

Nong-hyup Bank

   2004    4.87%     330,000    —  

              W 500,000    250,000



(14) Other Current Liabilities


Other current liabilities as of December 31, 2002 and 2003 are summarized as follows:





Key money deposits

   W 127,436    147,395

Dividends payable

     1,316    896

Unearned income

     5,616    496

Payables from interest swaption (note 24)

     1,459    —  

Payables from interest swap (note 24)

     7,662    16,077

Payables from currency swap (note 24)

     —      3,554

     W 143,489    168,418



(15) Long-term Debt


Long-term debt as of December 31, 2002 and 2003 is summarized as follows:


     Interest rate
per annum





Local currency (Won) debt :


Bonds issued

   5.00%~9.20%   2004 -2013    W 4,495,000    4,420,000

Convertible notes

   3.00%   2005      1,322,704    1,322,563

Information and Telecommunication Improvement Fund

   3.43%~7.25%   2004-2008      93,066    107,275

                5,910,770    5,849,838


Foreign currency (U.S. dollars) debt:


Convertible notes

   0.25%   2007      1,593,878    1,483,628

Bonds with warrants

   4.30%   2005      600,200    598,900

Yankee bonds

   7.50%~7.63%   2006-2007      420,140    419,230


   Libor+0.45%   2005      120,040    239,560


   Libor+0.80%   2006      —      179,670

                2,734,258    2,920,988



              8,645,028    8,770,826

Add : Premium on bonds

              11,076    30,239

Less: Current portion, net of discount

              1,045,791    1,054,287

Discount on long-term debt

              47,823    35,774

              W 7,562,490    7,711,004






Notes to Financial statements, Continued


(15) Long-term Debt, Continued


Convertible notes and bonds with warrants issued by the Company are summarized are as follows:


     Issuance date



amount (millions)

   Interest rate
per annum

    Maturity date

Convertible notes

   January 4, 2002    US$ 1,318    0.25 %   January 4, 2007

Bonds with warrants

   January 4, 2002    US$ 500    4.30 %   January 4, 2005

Convertible notes

   May 25, 2002    W 1,397,349    3.00 %   May 25, 2005


Holders of convertible notes issued on January 4, 2002 are entitled to convert notes into shares of the Company’s common stock from January 4, 2003 to January 1, 2007. The exchange price is W61,922 per share of common stock, which allowed the bondholders to obtain up to 27,500,099 shares. During 2002 and 2003, due to the early retirement of the convertible notes, the number of shares allowed to the bondholders was reduced to 23,504,885. However, in February 2004, the exchange price was changed to W60,588 per share according to the notes covenants requiring the conversion price adjustment upon dividend amounts would increase more than 20%. As a result of the change of exchange price, the number of shares that convertible notes can be converted increased to 24,022,404 shares. These changes are subject to approval at the March 12, 2004 shareholders’ meeting.


Bonds with warrants were issued in connection with a strategic alliance with Microsoft Corp. Holders of bonds with warrants were entitled to exercise the warrants from January 4, 2003 to December 31, 2003. The warrants expired on December 31, 2003 and no warrants had been exercised.


Holders of convertible notes issued on May 25, 2002 are entitled to convert notes into shares of the Company’s common stock from June 25, 2002 to April 25, 2005. The exchange price is W59,400 per share of common stock, which allowed the bondholders to obtain up to 23,524,392 shares. During 2002 and 2003, due to early retirement of the convertible notes and 13,149 shares of common stock converted, the number of shares allowed to the bondholders was reduced to 22,265,372 shares. The convertible notes, if not converted, will be redeemed at 104.438% of their principal amount at maturity date. The Company recognizes interest expense on convertible notes using the effective interest method, and amortization of the redemption premium is recorded as long-term accrued interest expense.


On October 14, 2002, the Company purchased and retired convertible notes issued on January 4, 2002 with a face value of US$107,750 thousand and convertible notes issued on May 25, 2002 with a face value of W74,000 million for US$116,743 thousand and W77,839 million, with a loss on retirement of convertible notes of W10,762 million.


On December 18, 2003, the Company purchased and retired convertible notes issued on January 4, 2002 with a face value of US$83,700 thousand for US$85,839 thousand with a gain on retirement of convertible notes of W7,441 million.


Aggregate principal maturities for the Company’s long-term debt as of December 31, 2003 are as follows:


Fiscal period ending December 31,



   W 1,054,287











     W 8,770,826





Notes to Financial statements, Continued


(16) Refundable Deposits for Telephone Installation


Through September 15, 1998, KT collected deposits for telephone installation in accordance with the Korea Public Telecommunication Business Law. Such deposits (which are reflected as a liability) are to be refunded without interest to the telephone subscribers upon termination of service. For changes in site classifications of telephones that were installed prior to January 1, 1990, KT is obligated to refund the original deposit received plus the increased deposit due to changes in site classifications.


Beginning on September 15, 1998, KT allowed customers to choose between alternative plans for basic telephone service. Under such plan, customers were permitted the option to either place fully refundable deposits or pay a reduced non-refundable service initiation fee. The non-refundable service installation fees were recorded as operating revenues. Refundable deposits continue to be subject to the same provisions as described above. Effective April 15, 2001, all new customers are required to pay a non-refundable service initiation fee.


(17) Retirement and Severance Benefits


Changes in retirement and severance benefits for the years ended December 31, 2002 and 2003 are summarized as follows:






Estimated severance benefit liability at beginning of year

   W 440,936     654,792  

Provision for the year

     243,687     1,038,868  


     (29,831 )   (1,001,154 )


Estimated severance benefit liability at end of year

     654,792     692,506  

Deposit for severance benefit insurance

     (320,000 )   (494,588 )


Net balance at end of year

   W 334,792     197,918  



In September 2003, the Company offered a voluntary early retirement plan (the “Plan”) to its employees. Under the terms of the Plan, employees participating in the Plan would receive additional amounts of retirement and severance benefits. For the year ended December 31, 2003, the Company recorded costs of W831,535 million related to this Plan covering approximately 5,500 employees (approximately 12% of total employees). The aggregate amounts of normal retirement and severance benefits, previously accrued as retirement and severance benefits liabilities, of the employees electing to retire pursuant to this Plan amounted to W110,932 million. Substantially all of these costs were paid during the fourth quarter of 2003.


(18) Other Long-term Liabilities


Other long-term liabilities as of December 31, 2002 and 2003 are summarized as follows:





Accrual for customer call bonus points

   W 87,967    93,790

Key money deposits from customers

     21,989    16,466

Advance receipts

     20,383    17,099


     17,509    2,577

     W 147,848    129,932






Notes to Financial statements, Continued


(19) Assets and Liabilities Denominated in Foreign Currencies


Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency as of December 31, 2002 and 2003 are summarized as follows:




(USD in





(USD in







Cash and cash equivalents

   $ 57,895    W 69,497    $ 26,395    W 31,616

Trade accounts receivable

     176,935      212,392      184,580      221,090

Accounts and notes receivable - other

     16,014      19,223      16,012      19,179

Short-term loans

     200      240      200      240

Long-term loans

     33,064      39,691      30,169      36,137




     $ 284,108    W 341,043    $ 257,356    W 308,262






Accounts and notes payable - trade

   $ 100,000    W 224,839    $ 200,000    W 222,085

Long-term debt, including current portion

     950,000      1,140,380      1,200,000      1,437,360

Convertible notes

     1,210,050      1,593,878      1,126,350      1,483,628




     $ 2,260,050    W 2,959,097    $ 2,526,350    W 3,143,073





(20) Common Stock


The composition of holders of common stock as of December 31, 2002 and 2003 are summarized as follows:


     No. of shares owned







Employee Stock Ownership Associations

   17,678,198    16,394,226    5.72 %   5.76 %

National Pension Corporation

   7,859,178    9,461,792    2.54 %   3.32 %

Treasury stock

   76,988,771    74,090,974    24.91 %   26.01 %

Others, including private companies

   206,551,512    184,902,408    66.83 %   64.91 %


     309,077,659    284,849,400    100.00 %   100.00 %






Notes to Financial statements, Continued


(20) Common Stock, Continued


Changes in common stock for the years ended December 31, 2002 and 2003 are as follows:


     Number of
shares issued


Balance at January 1, 2002

   312,199,659    W 1,560,998

Retirement of treasury stock on October 9, 2002

   3,122,000      —  

Balance at December 31, 2002

   309,077,659    W 1,560,998

Retirement of treasure stock on January 6, 2003

   15,454,659      —  

Retirement of treasure stock on June 20, 2003

   2,937,000      —  

Retirement of treasure stock on December 9, 2003

   5,836,600      —  

Balance at December 31, 2003

   284,849,400    W 1,560,998


As allowed by the Securities Exchange Law of the Republic of Korea, the Company retired its treasury shares by a charge to retained earnings rather than its common stock.


(21) Capital Surplus


Capital surplus as of December 31, 2002 and 2003 is summarized as follows:





Paid-in capital in excess of par value

   W 1,440,258    1,440,258

     W 1,440,258    1,440,258



(22) Appropriated Retained Earnings


Retained earnings appropriated to various restricted reserves as of December 31, 2002 and 2003 are summarized as follows:





Involuntary reserve:


Legal reserve

   W 780,499    780,499

Voluntary reserve:


Reserve for business rationalization

     193,101    443,416

Reserve for technology and human resource development

     6,667    3,334

Reserve for social overhead capital

     23,333    3,333

Reserve for business expansion

     5,230,718    6,587,325

Reserve for redemption of telephone bonds

     207,947    207,947

     W 6,442,265    8,025,854



Retained earnings appropriated to legal reserve are restricted in use as cash dividends under the applicable laws and regulations of the Republic of Korea. The Korean Commercial Code requires the Company to appropriate to a legal reserve an amount equal to at least 10% of the cash dividend amount at the end of the year for each accounting period until the reserve equals 50% of stated capital. The legal reserve may be used to reduce a deficit or may be transferred to stated capital.





Notes to Financial statements, Continued


(22) Appropriated Retained Earnings, Continued


The Company is allowed to appropriate from retained earnings amounts necessary to establish reserves for business expansion and research and development at its own discretion. These reserves may be used for research, development and facilities expansion of the Company.


Under the Special Tax Treatment Control Law, the Company is allowed to make certain deductions from taxable income. However, the Company is required to appropriate retained earnings in the amount of tax benefits obtained and transfer such amount into reserves for social overhead capital and technology and human resources development.


Through 2001, under the Special Tax Treatment Control Law, investment tax credits were allowed for certain investments. However, the Company was required to transfer from retained earnings the amount of tax benefits obtained into a reserve for business rationalization. Effective December 11, 2002, the Company is no longer required to establish a reserve for business rationalization despite tax benefits received for certain investments, and consequently the existing balance is now regarded as a voluntary reserve.


Due to the adoption of Statement of Korea Accounting Standards No. 6, “Events Occurring After the Balance Sheet Date,” appropriated retained earnings as of December 31, 2002 decreased by W1,583,589 million, the amount of appropriations declared by the Company but not yet approved by the shareholders’ meeting. In March 2003, the shareholders’ meeting approved this appropriation. As a result, under this standard, this amount was recorded during 2003.


(23) Treasury Stock


  (a) Trust fund


During the first half of 2000, in order to stabilize the price of the Company’s common stock in the market, the Company established a treasury stock fund of W100 billion. This trust fund is managed by a bank, which is used primarily as a vehicle for trading the common stock shares of the Company. The trust fund (which is recorded at cost) held treasury stock of 1,250,330 shares and 1,259,170 shares as of December 31, 2002 and 2003, respectively.


  (b) Issuance to the notes holders


During 2003, certain holders of convertible notes (as described in note 15), which were issued on May 25, 2002, converted their notes into shares of the Company’s common stock. As part of this transaction, 2,356 shares of treasury stock were issued to the note holders.


  (c) Purchase and retirement of treasury stock


The Company and SK Telecom agreed to an equity swap on December 20, 2002, under which each company sold all of the other’s equity shares it held in the other. According to the agreement, the Company exchanged 4,457,635 shares of SK Telecom for 15,454,659 shares of the Company’s common stock and cash of W211,868 million on December 30, 2002 and retired these treasury stock for W786,666 million by a charge to retained earnings on January 6, 2003. In addition, on January 10, 2003, the Company exchanged 3,809,288 shares of SK Telecom for 14,353,674 shares of the Company’s common stock amounting W730,704 million and cash of W122,679 million.


During 2003, the Company initiated a stock buyback and retirement program approved by the Board of Directors. The Company reacquired 8,773,600 shares of treasury stock during 2003 and retired these treasury shares amounting to W411,833 million by a charge to retained earnings. As of December 31, 2003, no amounts under the stock buyback and retirement programs are outstanding.





Notes to Financial statements, Continued


(23) Treasury Stock, Continued


  (d) Sale and contribution to Employee Stock Ownership Association


On August 28, 2003, the Company sold 1,803,296 shares of treasury stock to the KT employee stock ownership association (“ESOA”) and the difference between the fair value and the sales proceeds of W40,754 million was expensed.


Changes in treasury stock for the year ended December 31, 2003 were as follows:


     Number of



Balance at December 31, 2002

   76,988,771     W 4,112,225  

Purchase of the Company’s common stock

   23,127,274       1,142,537  

Issuance to convertible note holders

   (2,356 )     (127 )

Purchase by trust fund, net

   8,840       414  

Retirement of treasury stock

   (24,228,259 )     (1,198,499 )

Sale and contribution to ESOA

   (1,803,296 )     (93,952 )


Balance at December 31, 2003

   74,090,974     W 3,962,598  



(24) Commitments and Contingencies


  (a) Legal matters


On February 20, 2001, the Fair Trade Commission issued a cease and desist order prohibiting the Company from engaging in any activity amounting to an unfair intra-group transaction, claiming that certain of the transactions with the affiliates were in violation of the Fair Trade Laws. The Fair Trade Commission alleged that the Company had unfairly assisted the affiliates by paying them unreasonably high service fees. The Fair Trade Commission imposed a fine of approximately W30 billion, and the Company made a provision of W30 billion for this claim during 2001. On July 9, 2001, the Korean Fair Trade Commission rejected the Company’s appeal. The Company filed a second appeal in the Seoul High Court and intends to continue to seek redress in the courts. The case is still pending as of December 31, 2003.


In October 2000, approximately 4,500 of the former and current employees who had previously been employed by the MIC and transferred to the Company in 1981 filed a lawsuit against the Company claiming that the Company owes them an additional W27 billion for retirement and severance benefits. The claim was that the Company should have given them full credit for their military service, whereas the Company believed that the Company was in compliance with the laws in effect at that time. In July 2002, the Seoul District Court held in favor of the claimants. However, on July 7, 2003, the Seoul High Court reversed the Seoul District Court’s decision and ruled in favor of the Company. The case was appealed to the Supreme Court of Korea on October 8, 2003 by the plaintiffs and is still pending as of December 31, 2003. Consistent with prior year, the Company has not recorded an accrual for this matter.


The Company is also in litigation as a defendant in other cases for damages allegedly resulting from various claims, disputes and legal actions in the normal course of operations. These claims amounted to W82,287 million and W64,141 million as of December 31, 2002 and 2003, respectively. The Company accrued W11,240 million as contingent liabilities related to the claims as of December 31, 2003. Management believes that the ultimate settlement of these matters, and the matters described in the previous paragraphs, will not have a material adverse effect on the Company’s financial position, results of operations or cash flows.





Notes to Financial statements, Continued


(24) Commitments and Contingencies, Continued


  (b) As of December 31, 2003, the Company guarantees lease payables of Hanwha S&C to KT Rental amounting W6,965 million.


  (c) The Company established a labor welfare fund as a separate entity and contributed W50,000 million and W100,000 million in 2002 and 2003, respectively. In addition, the Company committed to contribute W100,000 million for 2004.


  (d) Interest rate swaption


The Company entered into interest rate swaption contracts with Citibank for variable rates of interest in place of fixed rates of interest in 2002. Details of interest rate swaption contracts outstanding as of December 31, 2003 are as follows:



   Swaption premium

   Fixed interest
rate (3 months)

    Variable interest
rate (3 months)

   Exercise date


Citi Bank

   W 1,913    1.975 %   91-day CD rate    April, 25 2005    Selling


Under the interest swaption contracts, the Company recognized a valuation loss of W(454) million and a valuation gain of W2,448 million for the years ended December 31, 2002 and 2003, respectively.


  (e) Interest rate swap


During 2003, the Company entered into various interest rate swap contracts with financial institutions for variable rates of interest in place of fixed rates of interest.


Details of interest rate swap contracts outstanding as of December 31, 2003 are as follows:







rate (1 year)


Variable interest





J.P. Morgan

   $ 1.6    US$ 150    7.500 %   6-month Libor+4.320%    June 1, 2006

J.P. Morgan

   $ 0.5    US$ 200    7.625 %   6-month Libor+4.610%    April 15, 2007

J.P. Morgan

     —      W 110,000    5.290 %   3-month Libor+1.470%    April 30, 2008

J.P. Morgan

     —      W 90,000    5.810 %   3-month Libor +2.470%
+Contingent spread
   December 30, 2004

J.P. Morgan

     —      W 90,000    5.980 %   3-month Libor +2.470%
+Contingent spread
   December 30, 2004

Citi Bank

     —      W 110,000    5.290 %   3-month Libor+1.470%    April 30, 2008

Shinhan Bank

     —      W 180,000    6.350 %   3 month Libor+2.470%
+Contingent spread
   September 30, 2007


Under the interest rate swap contracts, the Company recognized a valuation loss and gain of W(2,253) million and W16,442 million, respectively, for the year ended December 31, 2002, and a valuation loss and gain of W(13,645) million and W222 million, respectively, for the year ended December 31, 2003. In addition, the Company settled two contracts before the terminal date and recognized a transaction gain of W8,170 million in 2003.





Notes to Financial statements, Continued


(24) Commitments and Contingencies, Continued


  (f) Currency swap


The Company entered into two currency swap contracts for principal and interest denominated in Korean won in place of principal and interest of long-term debt denominated in U.S. dollars in June 2003.


Details of currency swap contracts outstanding as of December 31, 2003 are as follows:





   Interest rate

   Interest rate




J.P. Morgan

   $ 50    W 59,750    4.3% (US$) per
   6.71% (Won) per year    January 3, 2005

J.P. Morgan

   $ 150    W 179,760    3-month Libor+
   3-month Libor+2.64%(Won)    January 23, 2006


Under the currency swap contracts, the Company recognized a valuation loss of W2,429 million for the year ended December 31, 2003.


  (g) Interest currency swap


The Company entered into five interest currency swap contracts with financial institiutions for principal and the fixed rate of interest denominated in Korean won in place of principal and the variable rate of interest of long-term debt denominated in U.S. dollars in October 2003. The principal amounts in Korean won will be adjusted according to the foreign exchange rate of the terminal date within certain ranges.


Details of interest currency swap contracts outstanding as of December 31, 2003 are as follows:










rate (1 year)




rate (6 months)




J.P. Morgan

   $ 50    W 55,000 ~ 60,000    4.3% (US$)    Libor+4.55%(Won)    January 3, 2005

Citi Bank

   $ 25    W 27,500 ~ 30,000    4.3% (US$)    Libor+4.45%(Won)    January 3, 2005

UBS Bank

   $ 25    W 27,500 ~ 30,000    4.3% (US$)    Libor+4.45%(Won)    January 3, 2005

Deutsche Bank

   $ 50    W 55,000 ~ 60,000    4.3% (US$)    Libor+4.57%(Won)    January 3, 2005

Shinhan Bank

   $ 50    W 55,000 ~ 60,000    4.3% (US$)    Libor+4.45%(Won)    January 3, 2005


Under the interest currency swap contracts, the Company recognized a valuation gain of W5,083 million for the year ended December 31, 2003.


  (h) Loans and Borrowings


As of December 31, 2003, the Company has entered into bank overdraft agreements with two banks for borrowings up to W400,000 million and a collection agreement for foreign currency denominated checks up to US$1 million with Korea Exchange Bank. In addition, the Company has received letter of credits up to US$35 million with three banks.


  (i) Guarantee Provided by a Third Party


The Company is provided the guarantees covering contract biddings up to US$57,910 thousand and W25,822 million by three banks.





Notes to Financial statements, Continued


(24) Commitments and Contingencies, Continued


  (j) Lease


The Company leases machinery and equipment from GE Capital Korea Ltd. As of December 31, 2003, future minimum lease payments under the capital leases are W3,465 million and will be paid W693 million for each year from 2004 to 2008. The carrying value of machinery and equipment and related accumulated depreciation recorded under capital leases are W3,167 million and W312 million, respectively.


(25) Operating Revenues


Operating revenues for the years ended December 31, 2002 and 2003 are as follows:






Internet services

   W 2,000,418     2,383,058  

Data communication services

     209,740     184,539  

Rental income from wire and other facilities

     1,388,558     1,252,484  

Telephone services

     7,118,084     6,786,753  

Wireless services

     638,475     716,016  

Satellite services

     124,247     120,269  

System integration services

     258,203     115,480  

Real estate rental services

     37,404     48,356  


     86,480     93,605  


       11,861,609     11,700,560  

Less: sales allowances and discounts

     (115,366 )   (126,011 )


     W 11,746,243     11,574,549  



Starting from January 1, 2003, revenues from real estate rental services are accounted for as operating revenues. For comparative purposes, revenues from real estate rental services which were accounted for as other income in 2002 are reclassified into operating revenues.


(26) Operating Expenses


Operating expenses for the years ended December 31, 2002 and 2003 are as follows:





Salaries and wages

   W 1,944,696    1,793,867

Compensation expense (note 30)

     103    5,376

Provision for retirement and severance benefits, including early retirement payments (note 17)

     243,687    1,038,868

Employee benefits

     568,776    546,394


     42,715    41,895


     123,063    138,682

Taxes and dues

     84,983    88,668


     76,992    47,428


     2,662,653    2,457,584


     51,784    56,715

Repairs and maintenance

     327,337    373,541

Automobile maintenance

     20,735    18,365


     572,056    613,200


     157,096    152,782

Education and training

     52,046    50,867





Notes to Financial statements, Continued


(26) Operating Expenses, Continued


Operating expenses for the years ended December 31, 2002 and 2003 are as follows:





Research and development

     233,027    232,180


     31,562    30,655


     33,490    32,305

Interconnection charges

     1,186,065    1,025,216

Cost of PCS handsets sold

     278,671    275,902

Charges for PCS network

     163,620    208,038

Cost of miscellaneous services

     269,177    229,668

International line usage

     177,926    185,448

Commissions for system integration service

     253,992    113,607


     223,813    235,621

Sales commission

     71,841    108,792

Provision for doubtful accounts

     156,464    301,107


     50,204    48,620


Less: amounts included in construction in progress

     143,795    119,986

     W 9,914,779    10,331,405



In September 2003, the Company offered a voluntary early retirement plan (the “Plan”) to its employees. Under the terms of the Plan, employees participating in the Plan would receive additional amounts of retirement and severance benefits. For the year ended December 31, 2003, the Company recorded costs of W831,535 million related to this Plan covering approximately 5,500 employees (approximately 12% of total employees). The aggregate amounts of normal retirement and severance benefits, previously accrued as retirement and severance benefits liabilities, of the employees electing to retire pursuant to this Plan amounted to W110,932 million. Substantially all of these costs were paid during the fourth quarter of 2003.


(27) Income Taxes


  (a) The Company is subject to a number of income taxes based upon taxable income which results in the following normal tax rates (including resident tax):


Taxable earnings

   Prior to 2005



Up to W100 million

   16.5 %   14.3 %

Over W100 million

   29.7 %   27.5 %


In December 2003, the Korean government reduced the corporate income tax rate beginning in 2005. Specifically, effective from January 1, 2005, the income tax rate will be reduced from 29.7% to 27.5%. As a result, a change in deferred income taxes of W32,985 million is charged to current income tax expense for the year ended December 31, 2003.


The components of income tax expense for the years ended December 31, 2002 and 2003 are as follows:





Current income tax expense

   W 496,114    384,922

Deferred income tax expense

     155,687    74,681

     W 651,801    459,603






Notes to Financial statements, Continued


(27) Income Taxes, Continued


  (b) The provision for income taxes calculated using the normal tax rates differs from the actual provision for the years ended December 31, 2002 and 2003 for the following reasons:






Provision for income taxes at normal tax rates

   W 776,839     383,032  

Tax effect of prior years income tax additional payment (refund)

     (1,566 )   18,365  

Tax effect of permanent differences, net

     17,858     43,680  

Effect of tax rate change

     —       32,985  

Investment tax credit

     (141,330 )   (152,041 )

Impairment of deferred tax asset

     —       133,582  


Actual provision for income taxes

   W 651,801     459,603  



The effective tax rates, after adjustments for certain differences between amounts reported for financial accounting and income tax purposes, were approximately 24.9% and 35.6% for the years ended December 31, 2002 and 2003, respectively.


  (c) The tax effects of temporary differences that result in significant portions of deferred income tax assets and liabilities as of December 31, 2002 and 2003 are presented below:





Deferred income tax assets:


Retirement and severance benefits

   W 22,597    3,182

Allowance for doubtful accounts

     80,338    124,705

Refundable deposits for telephone installation

     26,505    20,022

Investment securities

     226,673    266,226

Tax credit carryforwards

     43,214    —  

Other, net

     20,094    66,312


Total deferred income tax assets

     419,421    480,447


Deferred income tax liabilities:


Accumulated depreciation

     42,373    30,784

Accrued interest income

     763    2,168


Total deferred income tax liabilities

     43,136    32,952


Valuation allowance

     —      133,582


Net deferred income tax asset

   W 376,285    313,913



During 2003, the Company concluded that it was not probable that it would be able to realize the tax benefit of its equity in losses of affiliates and, therefore, wrote off the related deferred income tax assets in the amount of W133,582 million by a charge to deferred income tax expense.


During 2003, the Korea National Tax Service initiated a tax audit of the Company for the periods from 1998 to 2002. In September 2003, the Company received a final notice from the Korean tax authorities asserting income tax deficiencies. As a result of the tax audit, the Company paid W67,410 million which consisted of W1,639 million of deferred income tax asset and W65,771 million of prior year’s income tax expense for the year ended December 31, 2003.





Notes to Financial statements, Continued


(28) Earnings Per Share


Earnings per share of common stock for the years ended December 31, 2002 and 2003 are calculated as follows:


  (a) Basic earnings per share




(except number of shares

and earnings per share)



Net earnings

   W 1,963,817    830,066

Weighted-average number of shares common stock (in thousands)

     259,450    216,106


Basic earnings per share (in won)

   W 7,569    3,841



  (b) Diluted earnings per share




(except number of shares

and earnings per share)



Net earnings

   W 1,963,817    830,066



Interest expense on convertible notes

     34,070    51,373


Net earnings available for common and common equivalent shares

     1,997,887    881,439

Weighted-average number of common and common equivalent shares (in thousands)

     300,097    263,556


Diluted earnings per share (in Won)

   W 6,657    3,344



Diluted earnings per share are calculated based on the effect of potentially dilutive securities that were outstanding during the year. The denominator for the diluted earnings per share computation is adjusted to include the number of additional common shares that would have been outstanding if the potentially dilutive securities had been converted into common stock. In addition, the numerator is adjusted to include the after-tax amount of interest recognized associated with convertible notes.


Potentially dilutive securities as of December 31, 2002 and 2003 are as follows:



Potentially dilutive shares




Convertible notes (note 15)

   47,520    45,770

Stock options (note 30)

   680    616

Bonds with warrants (note 15)

   9,270    —  


Stock options and bonds with warrants did not enter into the determination of diluted earnings per share in 2002 and 2003 because of the lack of an anti-dilutive effect on the exercise of warrants.





Notes to Financial statements, Continued


(29) Dividends


Dividends are generally proposed based on each year’s earnings and are declared, recorded and paid in the subsequent year. Dividends relating to each of the following year’s earnings based upon the par value of common stock are as follows:



    Won (millions)





Dividends proposed

   17.2 %   40.0 %   W 212,887    421,517



Proposed dividends of W421,517 million were not recorded in the 2003 financial statements. They will be recorded upon the approval by the shareholders in 2004.


(30) Stock Options


The Company granted stock options to its executive officers and directors in accordance with the stock option plan approved by the Board of Directors. The details of the stock options granted are as follows:



1st Grant


2nd Grant


3rd Grant

Grant date   December 26, 2002   September 16, 2003   December 12, 2003
Exercise price   W70,000 per share   W57,000 per share   W65,000 per share
Number of shares   474,067 shares   36,400 shares   106,141 shares
Exercise period  

December 27, 2004 ~

December 26, 2009


September 17, 2005 ~

September 16, 2010


December 13, 2005 ~

December 12, 2010

Valuation method   Fair value based method (Black-Scholes model)   Fair value based method (Black-Scholes model)   Fair value based method (Black-Scholes model)


The first grant of stock options consisted of 680,000 shares of common stock, including 220,000 shares under performance condition at the option price of W70,000 per share. However, the number of stock options decreased to 474,067 shares and the total cost of compensation from W12,590 million to W10,602 million because of the resignation of a number of officers.


The options are fully vested upon completion of two years mandatory service periods starting from the grant dates. The first and third granted option holders can exercise one third of total options annually from 2004 and 2005, respectively. The second granted options holders can exercise total options when the options are vested.


The Company adopted the fair value based method (Black-Scholes model) for the calculation of compensation costs which are amortized to expense over the option vesting periods.


The valuation assumptions of stock options based on the fair value method under the Black-Scholes model are as follows:


     1st Grant

   2nd Grant

   3rd Grant

Risk free interest rate:

   5.46%    4.45%    5.09%

Expected option life:

   4.5 years to 5.5 years    4.5 years    4.5 years to 5.5 years

Expected volatility:

   49.07% ~ 49.90%    34.49%    31.26% ~ 33.90%

Expected dividend yield ratio:

   1.10%    1.57%    1.57%

Fair value per option
(in Won):

   W22,364    W12,443    W10,926

Total compensation cost
(in millions):

   W10,602    W453    W1,160





Notes to Financial statements, Continued


(30) Stock Options, Continued


Changes in the total cost of compensation for the year ended December 31, 2003 are summarized as follows:




Total cost of compensation

   W 12,215  

Accumulated cost recognized in prior years

     (103 )

Cost recognized for the year

     (5,376 )

Cost recognized in future year

   W 6,736  


(31) Non-cash Financing and Investing Activities


Significant non-cash investing activities for the year ended December 31, 2003 are summarized as follows:



Available-for-sale securities transferred to treasury stock

   W 730,704

Inventory transferred to property, plant and equipment


Change in unrealized gains on available-for-sale securities


Unrealized gains on equity securities of affiliates


Construction in progress transferred to property, plant and equipment



(32) Contribution Payments for Research and Development


The Company made donations of W69,314 million and W63,407 million to the Korean government (Information and Telecommunication Improvement Fund), the Korea Electronic Telecommunication Research Institute (ETRI), and other institutes for the years ended December 31, 2002 and 2003, respectively.


(33) Contributions Received for Losses on Universal Telecommunications Services


Starting on January 1, 2000, all telecommunications service providers must contribute towards the supply of universal telecommunications services in Korea. Telecommunications service providers designated as universal service providers by the MIC are required to provide universal telecommunications services, including local services, local public telephone services, telecommunications services for remote islands and wireless communication services for ships. The Company has been designated a universal service provider. The losses incurred by universal service providers in connection with providing these universal telecommunications services are to be apportioned among the service providers based on their respective annual revenues. For the years ended December 31, 2002 and 2003, amounts reimbursed to the Company were W143,199 million and W66,065 million, respectively.


(34) Fourth Quarter Information (Unaudited)


Operating revenues, operating income, net earnings and basic earnings per share for the three-month periods ended December 31, 2002 and 2003 are as follows:




(except per share data)



Operating revenues

   W 3,031,432    2,862,822

Operating income

     158,703    389,171

Net earnings

     668,261    81,581

Basic earnings per share

     2,703    382





Notes to Financial statements, Continued


(35) Economic Environment


In common with other Asian countries, the economic environment in the Republic of Korea continues to be volatile. In addition, the Korean government and the private sector continue to implement structural reforms to historical business practices including corporate governance. The Company may be either directly or indirectly affected by these economic conditions and the reform program described above. The accompanying financial statements reflect management’s assessment of the impact to date of the economic environment on the financial position and results of operations of the Company. Actual results may differ materially from management’s current assessment.





Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


Dated: April 21, 2004


KT Corporation



/s/ Wha Joon Cho



Wha Joon Cho



Managing Director