20-F/A 1 d361539d20fa.htm FORM 20-F/A Form 20-F/A
Table of Contents

As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on April 24, 2017






Washington, D.C. 20549



Form 20-F/A

Amendment No. 1

(Mark One)






For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2015







Date of event requiring this shell company report

For the transition period from             to            

Commission File Number: 001-13372




(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)


N/A   The Republic of Korea
(Translation of registrant’s name into English)   (Jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)



55 Jeollyeok-ro, Naju-si, Jeollanam-do, 58217, Korea

(Address of principal executive offices)



Yoon Hye Cho, +82 61 345 4213, yoonhye.cho@kepco.co.kr, +82 61 345 4299

(Name, telephone, e-mail and/or facsimile number and address of company contact person)



Securities registered or to be registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:


Title of each class:


Name of each exchange on which registered:

Common stock, par value Won 5,000 per share   New York Stock Exchange*

American depositary shares, each representing

one-half of share of common stock

  New York Stock Exchange  


* Not for trading, but only in connection with the listing of American depositary shares on the New York Stock Exchange, pursuant to the requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission.



Securities registered or to be registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:


Securities for which there is a reporting obligation pursuant to Section 15(d) of the Act:

One Hundred Year 7.95% Zero-to-Full Debentures, due April 1, 2096

6% Debentures due December 1, 2026

7% Debentures due February 1, 2027

6 3/4% Debentures due August 1, 2027



Indicate the number of outstanding shares of each of the issuer’s classes of capital or common stock as of the close of the last full fiscal year

covered by the annual report:

641,964,077 shares of common stock, par value of Won 5,000 per share

Indicate by check mark if the registrant is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act.    Yes  ☑    No  ☐

If this report is an annual or transition report, indicate by check mark if the registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.    Yes  ☐    No  ☑

Note—Checking the box above will not relieve any registrant required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 from their obligations under those Sections.

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports) and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days:    Yes  ☑    No  ☐

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has submitted electronically and posted on its corporate Web site, if any, every Interactive Data File required to be submitted and posted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit and post such files):    Yes  ☐    No  ☐

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer, or an emerging growth company. See the definitions of “large accelerated filer,” “accelerated filer,” and “emerging growth company” in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.

Large accelerated filer  ☑                    Accelerated filer  ☐                    Non-accelerated filer  ☐                    Emerging growth company  ☐

Indicate by check mark which basis of accounting the registrant has used to prepare the financial statements included in this filing:

U.S. GAAP ☐                International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board  ☑            Other  ☐

If an emerging growth company that prepares its financial statements in accordance with U.S. GAAP, indicate by check mark if the registrant has elected not to use the extended transition period for complying with any new or revised financial accounting standards† provided pursuant to Section 13(a) of the Exchange Act.  ☐

† The term “new or revised financial accounting standard” refers to any update issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board to its Accounting Standards Codification after April 5, 2012.

If “Other” has been checked in response to the previous question, indicate by check mark which financial statement item the registrant has elected to follow.    Item 17  ☐    Item 18  ☐

If this is an annual report, indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act).    Yes  ☐    No  ☑


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has filed all documents and reports required to be filed by Sections 12, 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 subsequent to the distribution of securities under a plan confirmed by a court.    Yes  ☐    No  ☐




Table of Contents


This Amendment No. 1 on Form 20-F/A (the “Amendment”) amends the Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2015 of Korea Electric Power Corporation (“KEPCO”, “we”, “our” or “us”), as originally filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on April 29, 2016 (the “Original Annual Report”). We are filing this Amendment solely for the purpose of correcting a typographical error in the following reports of KPMG Samjong Accounting Corp. attached to our financial statements included in the Original Annual Report:



Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm on Consolidated Financial Statements on page F-2 of the Original Annual Report; and



Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm on Internal Control over Financial Reporting on page F-3 of the Original Annual Report,

to the effect that all references to “, for the years then ended” and “for the years then ended” in such reports shall be replaced with “for each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31, 2015”.

This Amendment does not reflect events occurring after the filing of the Original Annual Report and does not modify, update or restate the disclosure therein in any way other than to reflect the amendments described above. No other changes have been made in the Original Annual Report. The filing of this Amendment should not be understood to mean that any statements contained herein are true or complete as of any date subsequent to the date of filing of the Original Annual Report.


Reference is made to paragraph (a) of Item 19. “Exhibits” for a list of all financial statements filed as part of this annual report.


(a) Financial Statements filed as part of this Annual Report

See Index to Financial Statements on page F-1 of this annual report.

(b) Exhibits filed as part of this Annual Report

See Index of Exhibits beginning on page E-1 of this annual report.



Table of Contents


The registrant hereby certifies that it meets all of the requirements for filing on Form 20-F and that it has duly caused and authorized the undersigned to sign this Amendment No. 1 to its Annual Report on its behalf.





/s/    Cho, Hwan-Eik        

Name:   Cho, Hwan-Eik
Title:   President and Chief Executive Officer
Date:   April 24, 2017



Table of Contents




Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm KPMG Samjong Accounting Corp. on Consolidated Financial Statements (Korea Electric Power Corporation)


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm KPMG Samjong Accounting Corp. on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting (Korea Electric Power Corporation)


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm Ernst  & Young Han Young (Korea East-West Power Co., Ltd.)


Consolidated Statements of Financial Position as of December 31, 2014 and 2015


Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income for the Years Ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015


Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity for the Years Ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015


Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the Years Ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements




Table of Contents



To the Shareholders and Board of Directors of

Korea Electric Power Corporation:

We have audited the accompanying consolidated statements of financial position of Korea Electric Power Corporation and subsidiaries (the “Company”) as of December 31, 2014 and 2015, and the related consolidated statements of comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows for each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31, 2015. These consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audits. We did not audit the financial statements of Korea East-West Power Co., Ltd., a consolidated subsidiary, whose financial statements comprise 5.90 percent of consolidated revenue (prior to inter-company eliminations) for the year ended December 31, 2013. Those financial statements were audited by other auditors whose report has been furnished to us, and our opinion, insofar as it relates to the amounts included for Korea East-West Power Co., Ltd., is based solely on the report of the other auditors.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits and the report of the other auditors provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated financial position of Korea Electric Power Corporation and subsidiaries as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 and of their consolidated results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31, 2015, in conformity with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board.

We also have audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States), the Company’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2015, based on the criteria established in Internal Control—Integrated Framework (2013) issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission and our report dated April 27, 2016 expressed an unqualified opinion on the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting.

/s/ KPMG Samjong Accounting Corp.

KPMG Samjong Accounting Corp.

Seoul, Korea

April 27, 2016



Table of Contents



To the Shareholders and Board of Directors of

Korea Electric Power Corporation:

We have audited Korea Electric Power Corporation and subsidiaries’ (the “Company”) internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2015, based on criteria established in Internal Control—Integrated Framework (2013) issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission. The Company’s management is responsible for maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting, and for its assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting included in the accompanying Management’s Annual Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company’s internal control over financial reporting based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether effective internal control over financial reporting was maintained in all material respects. Our audit included obtaining an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, testing and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk, and performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

A company’s internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A company’s internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that (1) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the company; (2) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the company; and (3) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the group’s assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.

Because of the inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.

In our opinion, the Company maintained, in all material respects, effective internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2015, based on the criteria established in Internal Control—Integrated Framework (2013) issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission.

We also have audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States), the consolidated statements of financial position of Korea Electric Power Corporation and subsidiaries as of December 31, 2014 and 2015, and the related consolidated statements of comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows for each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31, 2015 and our report dated April 27, 2016 expressed an unqualified opinion on those consolidated financial statements.

/s/ KPMG Samjong Accounting Corp.

KPMG Samjong Accounting Corp.

Seoul, Korea

April 27, 2016



Table of Contents

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

The Board of Directors and Stockholder of

Korea East-West Power Co., Ltd.

We have audited the consolidated statement of financial position of Korea East-West Power Co., Ltd. and subsidiaries (the “Company”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Korea Electric Power Corporation, as of December 31, 2013, and the related consolidated statements of comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows for the year ended December 31, 2013. These consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated financial position of Korea East-West Power Co., Ltd. and subsidiaries as of December 31, 2013 and their consolidated results of operations, and cash flows for the year ended December 31, 2013, in conformity with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board.

/s/ Ernst & Young Han Young

April 30, 2014

Seoul, Republic of Korea



Table of Contents


Consolidated Statements of Financial Position

As of December 31, 2014 and 2015


     Note             2014      2015  
                   In millions of won  



Current assets


Cash and cash equivalents

     5,6,7,45             1,796,300        3,783,065  

Current financial assets, net

     5,10,11,12,45           176,428        5,335,621  

Trade and other receivables, net

     5,8,14,20,45,46,47           7,697,862        7,473,548  

Inventories, net

     13           4,537,469        4,946,413  

Income tax refund receivables

           18,475        9,081  

Current non-financial assets

     15           502,511        397,950  

Assets held-for-sale

     42           2,090,810        79,647  







Total current assets

           16,819,855        22,025,325  







Non-current assets


Non-current financial assets, net

     5,6,9,10,11,12,45           2,040,921        2,495,554  

Non-current trade and other receivables, net

     5,8,14,45,46,47           1,724,357        1,798,419  

Property, plant and equipment, net

     18,27,49           135,812,499        141,361,351  

Investment properties, net

     19,27           317,264        269,910  


     16           2,582        2,582  

Intangible assets other than goodwill, net

     21,27,46           821,060        855,832  

Investments in associates

     4,17           4,341,830        4,405,668  

Investments in joint ventures

     4,17           1,166,894        1,287,862  

Deferred tax assets

     41           526,934        623,623  

Non-current non-financial assets

     15           134,093        131,233  







Total non-current assets

           146,888,434        153,232,034  







Total Assets

     4             163,708,289        175,257,359  









Current liabilities


Trade and other payables, net

     5,22,24,45,47             6,128,604        4,735,697  

Current financial liabilities, net

     5,11,23,45,47           7,162,372        7,857,198  

Income tax payables

     41           570,550        2,218,060  

Current non-financial liabilities

     20,28,29           6,464,356        6,320,711  

Current provisions

     26,45           1,274,186        1,579,176  







Total current liabilities

           21,600,068        22,710,842  







Non-current liabilities


Non-current trade and other payables, net

     5,22,24,45,47           3,806,735        3,718,435  

Non-current financial liabilities, net

     5,11,23,45,47           55,999,761        51,062,811  

Non-current non-financial liabilities

     28,29           6,946,410        7,092,252  

Employee benefits liabilities, net

     25,45           1,277,415        1,503,107  

Deferred tax liabilities

     41           5,723,880        8,362,683  

Non-current provisions

     26,45           13,529,010        12,864,754  







Total non-current liabilities

           87,283,211        84,604,042  







Total Liabilities

     4             108,883,279        107,314,884  










Table of Contents


Consolidated Statements of Financial Position—Continued

As of December 31, 2014 and 2015


     Note             2014     2015  
                   In millions of won  



Contributed capital


Share capital

             3,209,820       3,209,820  

Share premium

           843,758       843,758  






           4,053,578       4,053,578  

Retained earnings


Legal reserves

           1,604,910       1,604,910  

Voluntary reserves

           22,999,359       23,720,167  

Unappropriated retained earnings

           10,699,378       22,862,164  






           35,303,647       48,187,241  







Other components of equity


Other capital surpluses

           1,151,402       1,197,388  

Accumulated other comprehensive loss

           (202,269     (98,713

Other equity

           13,294,973       13,294,973  






           14,244,106       14,393,648  







Equity attributable to owners of the Company

           53,601,331       66,634,467  







Non-controlling interests

     16, 33           1,223,679       1,308,008  







Total Equity

             54,825,010       67,942,475  







Total Liabilities and Equity

             163,708,289       175,257,359  







See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements.



Table of Contents


Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income

For the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015


     Note             2013     2014     2015  
                   In millions of won, except per share



Sales of goods

             51,132,803       53,706,828       54,367,036  

Sales of construction services

     20           2,253,083       2,965,185       3,761,204  

Sales of other services

           326,619       451,013       453,487  









           53,712,505       57,123,026       58,581,727  










Cost of sales


Cost of sales of goods

           (47,983,987     (46,509,555     (41,348,917

Cost of sales of construction services

           (2,159,023     (2,752,610     (3,563,120

Cost of sales of other services

           (452,628     (500,787     (545,692









           (50,595,638     (49,762,952     (45,457,729










Gross profit

           3,116,867       7,360,074       13,123,998  










Selling and administrative expenses

     25,36,43,47           (1,923,192     (1,924,366     (2,153,261

Other income

     37           725,457       754,186       808,214  

Other expenses

     37           (99,811     (88,220     (108,848

Other gains, net

     38           128,514       107,396       8,610,773  










Operating profit

     4           1,947,835       6,209,070       20,280,876  

Finance income

     5,11,39           629,542       885,290       1,182,988  

Finance expenses

     5,11,40           (2,931,622     (3,140,038     (3,015,457

Equity method income (loss) of associates and joint ventures


Share in income of associates and joint ventures

           170,399       319,506       280,794  

Gain on disposal of investments in associates and joint ventures

           266       47,072       4,731  

Gain on disposal of subsidiaries

           1,459       40,449       8,376  

Share in loss of associates and joint ventures

           (140,984     (78,493     (86,522

Loss on disposal of investments in associates and joint ventures

           (45,178     (1,254     —    

Impairment loss on investments in associates and joint ventures

           (28,092     (52,279     —    

Loss on disposal of subsidiaries

           (113     (17     —    









           (42,243     274,984       207,379  










Profit (loss) before income tax

           (396,488     4,229,306       18,655,786  










Income tax (expense) benefit

     41           570,794       (1,430,339     (5,239,413










Profit for the period

             174,306       2,798,967       13,416,373  













Table of Contents


Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income—Continued

For the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015


     Note             2013     2014     2015  
                   In millions of won, except per share

Other comprehensive income (loss)


Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:


Remeasurements of defined benefit liability, net of tax

     25,31             132,457       (108,430     (87,861

Share in other comprehensive income (loss) of associates and joint ventures, net of tax

     31           7,671       (1,899     (283

Items that are or may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:


Net change in the unrealized fair value of available-for-sale financial assets, net of tax

     34           86,570       (97,251     9,648  

Net change in the unrealized fair value of derivatives using cash flow hedge accounting, net of tax

     5,11,34           29,332       (84,793     4,409  

Foreign currency translation of foreign operations, net of tax

     34           (108,625     (70,576     18,535  

Share in other comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures, net of tax

     34           38,366       5,228       89,558  










Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax

           185,771       (357,721     34,006  










Total comprehensive income for the period

             360,077       2,441,246       13,450,379  










Profit or loss attributable to:


Owners of the Company

     44             60,011       2,686,873       13,289,127  

Non-controlling interests

           114,295       112,094       127,246  









             174,306       2,798,967       13,416,373  










Total comprehensive income attributable to:


Owners of the Company

             245,384       2,335,827       13,308,132  

Non-controlling interests

           114,693       105,419       142,247  









             360,077       2,441,246       13,450,379  










Earnings per share


Basic and diluted earnings per share

             96       4,290       20,701  










See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements.



Table of Contents


Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity

For the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015


           Equity attributable to owners of the Company     Non-
of equity
    Subtotal       Total
          In millions of won  

Balance at January 1, 2013

          4,053,578       32,564,283       13,270,906       49,888,767       1,175,435       51,064,202  



















Total comprehensive income for the period


Profit for the period

      —         60,011       —         60,011       114,295       174,306  

Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:


Remeasurements of defined benefit liability, net of tax

      —         134,121       —         134,121       (1,664     132,457  

Share in other comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures, net of tax

      —         7,671       —         7,671       —         7,671  

Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:


Net changes in the unrealized fair value of available-for-sale financial assets, net of tax

      —         —         86,543       86,543       27       86,570  

Net change in the unrealized fair value of derivatives using cash flow hedge accounting, net of tax

      —         —         18,907       18,907       10,425       29,332  

Foreign currency translation of foreign operations, net of tax

      —         —         (100,572     (100,572     (8,053     (108,625

Share in other comprehensive income (loss) of associates and joint ventures, net of tax

      —         —         38,703       38,703       (337     38,366  

Transactions with owners of the Company, recognized directly in equity


Dividends paid

      —         —         —         —         (41,812     (41,812

Issuance of share capital by subsidiaries

      —         —         (173     (173     31,229       31,056  

Equity transaction in consolidated scope—other than issuance of share capital

      —         —         135,914       135,914       43,128       179,042  

Changes in consolidation scope

      —         —         (10,224     (10,224     (115,991     (126,215

Dividends paid (hybrid securities)

      —         —         —         —         (16,455     (16,455


      —         —         —         —         841       841  



















Balance at December 31, 2013

          4,053,578       32,766,086       13,440,004       50,259,668       1,191,068       51,450,736  






















Table of Contents


Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity—Continued

For the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015



           Equity attributable to owners of the Company     Non-
of equity
          In millions of won  

Balance at January 1, 2014

          4,053,578       32,766,086       13,440,004       50,259,668       1,191,068       51,450,736  



















Total comprehensive income for the period


Profit for the period

      —         2,686,873       —         2,686,873       112,094       2,798,967  

Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:


Remeasurements of defined benefit liability, net of tax

      —         (91,340     —         (91,340     (17,090     (108,430

Share in other comprehensive loss of associates and joint ventures, net of tax

      —         (1,899     —         (1,899     —         (1,899

Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:


Net changes in the unrealized fair value of available-for-sale financial assets, net of tax

      —         —         (97,263     (97,263     12       (97,251

Net change in the unrealized fair value of derivatives using cash flow hedge accounting, net of tax

      —         —         (80,218     (80,218     (4,575     (84,793

Foreign currency translation of foreign operations, net of tax

      —         —         (84,962     (84,962     14,386       (70,576

Share in other comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures, net of tax

      —         —         4,636       4,636       592       5,228  

Transactions with owners of the Company, recognized directly in equity


Dividends paid

      —         (56,073     —         (56,073     (130,969     (187,042

Issuance of share capital by subsidiaries

      —         —         (1,235     (1,235     7,453       6,218  

Equity transaction in consolidated scope—other than issuance of share capital

      —         —         237,159       237,159       72,452       309,611  

Disposal of treasury stocks

      —         —         825,985       825,985       —         825,985  

Changes in consolidation scope

      —         —         —         —         (5,281     (5,281

Dividends paid (hybrid securities)

      —         —         —         —         (16,463     (16,463



















Balance at December 31, 2014

          4,053,578       35,303,647       14,244,106       53,601,331       1,223,679       54,825,010  






















Table of Contents


Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity—Continued

For the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015


           Equity attributable to owners of the Company     Non-
of equity
          In millions of won  

Balance at January 1, 2015

          4,053,578       35,303,647       14,244,106       53,601,331       1,223,679       54,825,010  



















Total comprehensive income for the period


Profit for the period

      —         13,289,127       —         13,289,127       127,246       13,416,373  

Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:


Remeasurements of defined benefit liability, net of tax

      —         (84,271     —         (84,271     (3,590     (87,861

Share in other comprehensive loss of associates and joint ventures, net of tax

      —         (280     —         (280     (3     (283

Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:


Net changes in the unrealized fair value of available-for-sale financial assets, net of tax

      —         —         9,744       9,744       (96     9,648  

Net change in the unrealized fair value of derivatives using cash flow hedge accounting, net of tax

      —         —         3,157       3,157       1,252       4,409  

Foreign currency translation of foreign operations, net of tax

      —         —         1,179       1,179       17,356       18,535  

Share in other comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures, net of tax

      —         —         89,476       89,476       82       89,558  
Transactions with owners of the Company, recognized directly in equity              

Dividends paid

      —         (320,982     —         (320,982     (86,071     (407,053

Issuance of share capital by subsidiaries

      —         —         2,536       2,536       12,329       14,865  

Equity transaction in consolidated scope—other than issuance of share capital

      —         —         44,166       44,166       9,046       53,212  

Changes in consolidation scope

      —         —         (716     (716     23,229       22,513  

Dividends paid (hybrid securities)

      —         —         —         —         (16,455     (16,455

Others, net

      —         —         —         —         4       4  



















Balance at December 31, 2015

          4,053,578       48,187,241       14,393,648       66,634,467       1,308,008       67,942,475  



















See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements.



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Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

For the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015


          2013     2014     2015  
          In millions of won  

Cash flows from operating activities


Profit for the period

        174,306       2,798,967       13,416,373  










Adjustments for:


Income tax expense (benefit)

      (570,794     1,430,339       5,239,413  


      7,303,996       7,797,046       8,269,118  


      88,379       76,413       72,266  

Employee benefit expense

      384,323       121,406       314,692  

Bad debt expense

      49,110       54,999       18,350  

Interest expense

      2,381,900       2,351,624       2,015,684  

Loss on sale of financial assets

      4,202       2,700       3,008  

Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment

      58,852       50,152       1,933  

Loss on abandonment of property, plant, and equipment

      295,627       309,451       365,056  

Impairment loss on property, plant and equipment

      24,612       38,107       30,344  

Impairment loss on intangible assets

      267       42       22  

Loss on disposal of intangible assets

      1       18       16  

Accretion expense to provisions, net

      663,621       1,295,150       1,602,724  

Loss (gain) on foreign currency translation, net

      (195,571     351,660       617,224  

Valuation and transaction loss (gain) on derivative instruments, net

      233,484       (143,239     (708,120

Share in income of associates and joint ventures, net

      (29,414     (241,013     (194,272

Gain on sale of financial assets

      (107     (98,065     (4

Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment

      (59,345     (85,775     (8,637,508

Gain on disposal of intangible assets

      (4     (4     (32

Gain on disposal of investments in associates and joint ventures

      (266     (47,072     (4,731

Loss on disposal of investments in associates and joint ventures

      45,178       1,254       —    

Gain on disposal of investments in subsidiaries

      (1,459     (40,449     (8,376

Loss on disposal of investments in subsidiaries

      113       17       —    

Impairment loss on investments in associates and joint ventures

      28,091       52,279       —    

Interest income

      (182,161     (191,456     (241,585

Dividends income

      (9,870     (14,193     (14,069

Impairment loss on available-for-sale securities

      12,592       79,618       84,370  

Others, net

      (64,089     (20,303     (35,107









      10,461,268       13,130,706       8,790,416  













Table of Contents


Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows—Continued

For the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015


          2013     2014     2015  
          In millions of won  

Changes in:


Trade receivables

        (330,494     96,294       715,498  

Non-trade receivables

      20,853       9,063       (17,102

Accrued income

      563       (207,155     17,051  

Other receivables

      (123     (906     (9,441

Other current assets

      98,724       75,410       67,520  


      (1,206,676     (1,146,221     (1,190,188

Other non-current assets

      65,087       47,119       (31,465

Trade payables

      (40,416     (257,614     (1,577,551

Non-trade payables

      (195,191     (102,526     38,223  

Accrued expenses

      (240,901     (107,277     (410,744

Other payables

      —         —         964  

Other current liabilities

      1,500,716       2,249,714       870,945  

Other non-current liabilities

      48,719       (317,437     377,617  

Investments in associates and joint ventures

      65,888       47,120       114,708  


      (386,377     (675,569     (1,033,502

Payments of employee benefit obligations

      (132,179     (860,179     (43,100

Plan assets

      (101,720     (231,342     (214,449









      (833,527     (1,381,506     (2,325,016










Cash generated from operating activities


Dividends received

      14,114       13,518       38,565  

Interest paid

      (2,460,247     (2,460,457     (2,176,040

Interest received

      160,830       167,269       133,875  

Income taxes paid

      (632,837     (222,805     (935,068










Net cash from operating activities

      6,883,907       12,045,692       16,943,105  













Table of Contents


Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows—Continued

For the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015


          2013     2014     2015  
          In millions of won  

Cash flows from investing activities


Proceeds from disposals of associates and joint ventures

        44       232,228       22,058  

Acquisition of associates and joint ventures

      (321,476     (248,223     (116,114

Proceeds from disposals of property, plant and equipment

      119,464       111,260       9,843,796  

Acquisition of property, plant and equipment

      (14,259,050     (14,547,499     (14,049,887

Proceeds from disposals of intangible assets

      39       1,819       467  

Acquisition of intangible assets

      (69,007     (68,624     (87,946

Proceeds from disposals of financial assets

      610,847       1,060,117       242,856  

Acquisition of financial assets

      (545,992     (975,104     (5,326,151

Increase in loans

      (196,607     (135,001     (153,570

Collection of loans

      143,935       101,037       111,714  

Increase in deposits

      (55,594     (335,518     (352,669

Decrease in deposits

      51,882       227,354       185,154  

Receipt of government grants

      92,000       108,681       52,696  

Usage of government grants

      (31,027     (36,464     (13,372

Net cash inflow (outflow) from business acquisitions

      (41,809     44,319       (968

Other cash outflow from investing activities, net

      (921     (715     (132,034










Net cash used in investing activities

      (14,503,272     (14,460,333     (9,773,970










Cash flows from financing activities


Proceeds (Repayment) from short-term borrowings, net

      (107,748     59,421       (65,355

Proceeds from long-term borrowings and debt securities

      15,233,428       9,566,625       4,178,454  

Repayment of long-term borrowings and debt securities

      (7,315,752     (8,119,325     (8,960,706

Payment of finance lease liabilities

      (125,921     (115,532     (110,040

Settlement of derivative instruments, net

      38,844       (444,243     73,348  

Disposal of treasury stocks

      —         852,962       —    

Proceeds on disposal of partial interest in a subsidiary that does not involve loss of control

      236,244       376,477       67,914  

Change in non-controlling interest

      47,019       12,595       36,105  

Dividends paid (hybrid bond)

      (16,455     (16,463     (16,455

Dividends paid

      (41,812     (186,985     (409,884

Other cash outflow from financing activities, net

      (14,715     (356     —    










Net cash from (used in) financing activities

      7,933,132       1,985,176       (5,206,619










Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents before effect of exchange rate fluctuations

      313,767       (429,465     1,962,516  

Effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash held

      (36,403     (6,548     24,249  










Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

      277,364       (436,013     1,986,765  

Cash and cash equivalents at January 1

      1,954,949       2,232,313       1,796,300  










Cash and cash equivalents at December 31

        2,232,313       1,796,300       3,783,065  










See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements.



Table of Contents


Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2015


1. Reporting Entity (Description of the controlling company)

Korea Electric Power Corporation (“KEPCO”) was incorporated on January 1, 1982 in accordance with the Korea Electric Power Corporation Act (the “KEPCO Act”) to engage in the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity and development of electric power resources in the Republic of Korea. KEPCO also provides power plant construction services. KEPCO’s stock was listed on the Korea Stock Exchange on August 10, 1989 and the Company listed its Depository Receipts (DR) on the New York Stock Exchange on October 27, 1994.

As of December 31, 2015, KEPCO’s share capital amounts to ₩3,209,820 million and KEPCO’s shareholders are as follows:


     Number of shares      Percentage  of

Government of the Republic of Korea

     135,917,118        21.17

Korea Development Bank

     192,170,340        29.94

Foreign investors

     184,891,161        28.80


     128,985,458        20.09






     641,964,077        100.00







In accordance with the Restructuring Plan enacted on January 21, 1999 by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (the “MTIE”, formerly the Ministry of Knowledge Economy), KEPCO spun off its power generation divisions on April 2, 2001, resulting in the establishment of six power generation subsidiaries. KEPCO moved the headquarters to Naju, Jeollanam-do, in November 2014 as part of the government’s plan to relocate state-run companies for balanced national development.


2. Basis of Preparation

The consolidated financial statements of Korea Electric Power Corporation and subsidiaries (the “Company”) were authorized for issuance by the Board of Directors on February 19, 2016, which were submitted for approval at the shareholders’ meeting held on March 22, 2016.


(1) Statement of compliance

The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) as issued by the International Accounting Standard Board (“IASB”).


(2) Basis of measurement

The consolidated financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis, except for the following material items in the consolidated statements of financial position:



derivative financial instruments are measured at fair value



available-for-sale financial assets are measured at fair value



liabilities for defined benefit plans are recognized at the net of the total present value of defined benefit obligations less the fair value of plan assets


(3) Functional and presentation currency

These consolidated financial statements are presented in Korean won (“Won”), which is KEPCO’s functional and presentation currency.



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(4) Use of estimates and judgments

The preparation of the consolidated financial statements in conformity with IFRS requires management to make judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. Actual results may differ from these estimates.

Estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognized in the period in which the estimates are revised and in any future periods affected.

The following are the key assumptions concerning the future, and other key sources of estimation uncertainty at the end of the reporting period, that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year.


  (i) Unbilled revenue

Energy delivered but not metered nor billed are calculated at the reporting date based on consumption statistics and selling price estimates. Determination of the unbilled revenues at the end of the reporting period is sensitive to the estimated assumptions and prices based on statistics. Unbilled revenue recognized as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 is ₩1,793,589 million and ₩1,599,592 million, respectively.

Information about critical judgments in applying accounting policies that have the most significant effect on the amounts recognized in the consolidated financial statements is included in the following notes:



Note 17— Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures



Note 18—Property, plant and equipment



Note 45—Risk Management

Information about assumptions and estimation uncertainties that have a significant risk of resulting in a material adjustment within the next financial year is included in the following notes:



Note 41—Income taxes



Note 25—Employment benefits


(5) Changes in accounting policies


  (i) IAS 19, ‘Employee Benefits’—Employee contributions

The Company has adopted amendments to IAS 19, ‘Employee Benefits’—Employee contributions, since July 1, 2014. Amendments to IAS 19 introduced a practical expedient to accounting for defined benefit plan, when employees or third parties pay contributions if certain criteria are met. According to the amendments, the entity is permitted to recognize those contributions as a reduction of the service cost in the period in which the related service is rendered, instead of forecast future contributions from employees or third parties and attribute them to periods or service as negative benefits.

Upon adoption of the amendments, there is no significant impact on the Company’s consolidated financial statements.



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(6) New standards and amendments not yet adopted

The following new standards, interpretations and amendments to existing standards are effective for annual periods beginning after January 1, 2015, and the Company has not early adopted them yet. The management is in the process of evaluating the potential impact on the consolidated financial statements upon the adoption of the new standards, interpretations and the amendments.


  (i) IFRS 9, ‘Financial Instruments’

IFRS 9, published in July 2014, replaces the existing guidance in IAS 39, ‘Financial Instruments: recognition and Measurement’. IFRS 9 includes revised guidance on the classification and measurement of financial instruments, including a new expected credit loss model for calculating impairment on financial assets, and the new general hedge accounting requirements. It also carries forward the guidance on recognition and derecognition of financial instruments from IAS 39. IFRS 9 is effective for annual reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2018, with early adoption permitted.


  (ii) IFRS 15, ‘Revenue from Contracts with Customers’

IFRS 15 establishes a comprehensive framework for determining whether, how much and when revenue is recognized. It replaces existing revenue recognition guidance, including IAS 18 ‘Revenue’, IAS 11 ‘Construction Contracts’ and IFRIC 13 ‘Customer Loyalty Programmes’. IFRS 15 is effective for annual reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2017, with early adoption permitted.


  (iii) IAS 16, ‘Property, Plant and Equipment’

Amendments to IAS 16, ‘Property, Plant and Equipment’ specify that the use of revenue-based methods to calculate the depreciation of an asset is not appropriate. These amendments are effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2016.


  (iv) IAS 38, ‘Intangible Assets’

Amendments to IAS 38, ‘Intangible Assets’ introduce a rebuttable presumption that the use of revenue-based amortization methods for intangible assets is inappropriate. This presumption can be rebutted only when revenue and the consumption of the economic benefits of the intangible asset are highly correlated, or when the intangible asset is expressed as a measure of revenue. These amendments are effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2016.


  (v) IFRS 11, ‘Joint Arrangement’

Amendments to IFRS 11, ‘Joint Arrangement’ require an investor to apply the principles of business combination accounting when it acquires an interest in a joint operation that constitutes a business as defined in IFRS 3, ‘Business Combinations’. These amendments are effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2016.


  (vi) IFRS 16, ‘Leases’

IFRS 16, published in January 2016, replaces existing guidance in IAS 17, ‘Leases’. It eliminates the current dual accounting model for lessees, which distinguishes between on-balance sheet finance leases and off-balance sheet operating leases. Instead, there is a single, on-balance sheet accounting model that is similar to current finance lease accounting. Lessor accounting remains similar to current practice (i.e. lessors continue to classify leases as finance and operating leases). IFRS 16 is effective for annual reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2019, with early adoption permitted if IFRS 15 ‘Revenue from Contracts with Customers’ has also been applied.


  (vii) IAS 12, ‘Income Taxes’—Recognition of Deferred Tax Assets for Unrealized Losses

Amendments to IAS 12, published in January 2016, clarify how to account for deferred tax assets related to debt instruments measured at fair value. These amendments clarify that the existence of a deductible temporary difference depends solely on a comparison of the carrying amount of an asset and its tax base at the end of the reporting period, and is not affected by possible future changes in the carrying amount or expected manner of recovery of the asset. Therefore, assuming that the tax base remains at the original cost of the debt instrument, there is a temporary difference. These amendments are effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2017, with early adoption permitted.



Table of Contents
3. Significant Accounting Policies

Except as described in note 2.(5), the Company applied the following significant accounting policies consistently for all periods presented.


(1) Basis of consolidation

The consolidated financial statements are the financial statements of a group in which the assets, liabilities, equity, income, expenses and cash flows of the parent and its subsidiaries are presented as those of a single economic entity. Subsidiaries are controlled by the Company. The Company controls an entity when it is exposed to, or has rights to, variable returns from its involvement with the entity and has the ability to affect those returns through its power over the entity.

Income and expense of a subsidiary acquired or disposed of during the year are included in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income from the effective date of acquisition and up to the effective date of disposal, as appropriate. Total comprehensive income of subsidiaries is attributed to the owners of the Company and to the non-controlling interests even if this results in the non-controlling interests having a deficit balance.

When necessary, adjustments are made to the financial statements of subsidiaries to bring their accounting policies into line with those of the Company.

Transactions within the Company are eliminated during the consolidation.

Changes in the Company’s ownership interests in a subsidiary that do not result in the Company losing control over the subsidiary are accounted for as equity transactions. The carrying amounts of the Company’s interests and the non-controlling interests are adjusted to reflect the changes in their relative interests in the subsidiary. Any difference between the amount by which the non-controlling interests are adjusted and the fair value of the consideration paid or received is recognized directly in equity and attributed to owners of the Company.

When the Company loses control of a subsidiary, the income or loss on disposal is calculated as the difference between (i) the aggregate of the fair value of the consideration received and the fair value of any retained interest and (ii) the previous carrying amount of the assets (including goodwill), and liabilities of the subsidiary and any non-controlling interests. When assets of the subsidiary are carried at revalued amounts or fair values and the related cumulative gain or loss has been recognized in other comprehensive income and accumulated in equity, the amounts previously recognized in other comprehensive income and accumulated in equity are accounted for as if the Company had directly disposed of the relevant assets (i.e. reclassified to income or loss or transferred directly to retained earnings). The fair value of any investment retained in the former subsidiary at the date when control is lost is recognized as the fair value on initial recognition for subsequent accounting under IAS 39, ‘Financial Instruments’: Recognition and Measurement or, when applicable, the cost on initial recognition of an investment in an associate or a jointly controlled entity.



Table of Contents
(2) Business combinations

A business combination is accounted for by applying the acquisition method, unless it is a combination involving entities or businesses under common control.

The consideration transferred in a business combination is measured at fair value, which is calculated as the sum of the acquisition-date fair values of the assets transferred by the Company, liabilities incurred by the Company to the former owners of the acquiree and the equity interests issued by the Company in exchange for control of the acquiree. Acquisition-related costs are generally recognized in income or loss as incurred.

At the acquisition date, the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed are recognized at their fair value at the acquisition date, except that:



deferred tax assets or liabilities and liabilities or assets related to employee benefit arrangements are recognized and measured in accordance with IAS 12, ‘ Income Taxes’ and IAS 19, ‘ Employee Benefits’ respectively;



Assets (or disposal groups) that are classified as held for sale in accordance with IFRS 5, ‘Non-current Assets Held for Sale’ are measured in accordance with that standard.

Goodwill is measured as the excess of the sum of the consideration transferred, the amount of any non-controlling interests in the acquiree, and the fair value of the acquirer’s previously held equity interest in the acquiree (if any) over the net of the acquisition-date amounts of the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed. If, after reassessment, net of the acquisition-date amounts of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed exceeds the sum of the consideration transferred, the amount of any non-controlling interests in the acquiree and the fair value of the acquirer’s previously held interest in the acquiree (if any), the excess is recognized immediately in income or loss as a bargain purchase gain.

Non-controlling interest that is present on acquisition day and entitles the holder to a proportionate share of the entity’s net assets in an event of liquidation, may be initially measured either at fair value or at the non-controlling interest’s proportionate share of the recognized amounts of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets. The choice of measurement can be elected on a transaction-by-transaction basis. Other types of non-controlling interests are measured at fair value or, when applicable, on the basis specified in other IFRSs. When the consideration transferred by the Company in a business combination includes assets or liabilities resulting from a contingent consideration arrangement, the contingent consideration is measured at its acquisition-date fair value and included as part of the consideration transferred in a business combination. Changes in the fair value of the contingent consideration that qualify as measurement period adjustments are adjusted retrospectively, with corresponding adjustments against goodwill. Measurement period adjustments are adjustments that arise from additional information obtained during the ‘measurement period’ (which cannot exceed one year from the acquisition date) about facts and circumstances that existed at the acquisition date.

The subsequent accounting for changes in the fair value of the contingent consideration that do not qualify as measurement period adjustments depends on how the contingent consideration is classified. Contingent consideration that is classified as equity is not re-measured at subsequent reporting dates and its subsequent settlement is accounted for within equity. Contingent consideration that is classified as an asset or a liability is re-measured at subsequent reporting dates in accordance with IAS 39, ‘Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement’, or with IAS 37, ‘Provisions’, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets, as appropriate, with the corresponding gain or loss being recognized in income or loss.

When a business combination is achieved in stages, the Company’s previously held equity interest in the acquiree is re-measured to fair value at the acquisition date (i.e. the date when the Company obtains control) and the resulting gain or loss, if any, is recognized in income or loss. Amounts arising from interests in the acquiree prior to the acquisition date that have previously been recognized in other comprehensive income are reclassified to income or loss where such treatment would be appropriate if that interest were disposed of.



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If the initial accounting for a business combination is incomplete by the end of the reporting period in which the combination occurs, the Company reports provisional amounts for the items for which the accounting is incomplete. Those provisional amounts are adjusted during the measurement period (see above), or additional assets or liabilities are recognized, to reflect new information obtained about facts and circumstances that existed at the acquisition date that, if known, would have affected the amounts recognized at that date.

The assets and liabilities acquired under business combinations under common control are recognized at the carrying amounts recognized previously in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate parent. The difference between consideration transferred and carrying amounts of net assets acquired is recognized as part of share premium.


(3) Investments in associates

An associate is an entity over which the Company has significant influence and that is neither a subsidiary nor an interest in a joint venture. Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee but does not control or joint control over those policies.

The results and assets and liabilities of associates are incorporated in these consolidated financial statements using the equity method of accounting. If the investment is classified as held for sale, in which case it is accounted for in accordance with IFRS 5 ‘Non-current Assets Held for Sale’, any retained portion of an investment in associates that has not been classified as held for sale shall be accounted for using the equity method until disposal of the portion that is classified as held for sale takes place. If the Company holds 20% ~ 50% of the voting power of the investee, it is presumed that the Company has significant influence.

After the disposal takes place, the Company shall account for any retained interest in associates in accordance with IAS 39 ‘Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement’ unless the retained interest continues to be an associates, in which case the entity uses the equity method.

Under the equity method, an investment in an associate is initially recognized in the consolidated statement of financial position at cost and adjusted thereafter to recognize the Company’s share of the income or loss and other comprehensive income of the associate. When the Company’s share of losses of an associate exceeds the Company’s interest in that associate (which includes any long-term interests that, in substance, form part of the Company’s net investment in the associate), the Company discontinues recognizing its share of further losses. Additional losses are recognized only to the extent that the Company has incurred legal or constructive obligations or made payments on behalf of the associate.

Any excess of the cost of acquisition over the Company’s share of the net fair value of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of an associate recognized at the date of acquisition is recognized as goodwill, which is included within the carrying amount of the investment. Any excess of the Company’s share of the net fair value of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities over the cost of acquisition, after reassessment, is recognized immediately in income or loss. The requirements of IAS 39, ‘Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement’, are applied to determine whether it is necessary to recognize any impairment loss with respect to the Company’s investment in an associate. When necessary, the entire carrying amount of the investment (including goodwill) is tested for impairment in accordance with IAS 36 ‘Impairment of Assets’ as a single asset by comparing its recoverable amount (higher of value in use and fair value less costs to sell) with its carrying amount, any impairment loss recognized forms part of the carrying amount of the investment. Any reversal of that impairment loss is recognized in accordance with IAS 36 to the extent that the recoverable amount of the investment subsequently increases.



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Upon disposal of an associate that results in the Company losing significant influence over that associate, any retained investment is measured at fair value at that date and the fair value is regarded as its fair value on initial recognition as a financial asset in accordance with IAS 39. The difference between the previous carrying amount of the associate attributable to the retained interest and its fair value is included in the determination of the gain or loss on disposal of the associate. In addition, the Company accounts for all amounts previously recognized in other comprehensive income in relation to that associate on the same basis as would be required if that associate had directly disposed of the related assets or liabilities. Therefore, if a gain or loss previously recognized in other comprehensive income by that associate would be reclassified to income or loss on the disposal of the related assets or liabilities, the Company reclassifies the gain or loss from equity to income or loss (as a reclassification adjustment) when it loses significant influence over that associate.

When the Company transacts with its associate, incomes and losses resulting from the transactions with the associate are recognized in the Company’s consolidated financial statements only to the extent of interests in the associate that are not related to the Company.


(4) Joint arrangements

A joint arrangement is an arrangement of which two or more parties have joint control. Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, which exists only when decisions about the relevant activities require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control. Joint arrangements are classified into two types—joint operations and joint ventures. A joint operation is a joint arrangement whereby the parties that have joint control of the arrangement (i.e. joint operators) have rights to the assets, and obligations for the liabilities, relating to the arrangement. A joint venture is a joint arrangement whereby the parties that have joint control of the arrangement (i.e. joint ventures) have rights to the net assets of the arrangement.

If the Company is a joint operator, the Company is to recognize and measure the assets and liabilities (and recognize the related revenues and expenses) in relation to its interest in the arrangement in accordance with relevant IFRSs applicable to the particular assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses. If the joint arrangement is a joint venture, the Company is to account for that investment using the equity method accounting in accordance with IAS 28, ‘Investment in Associates and Joint Ventures’ (see note 3 (3)), except when the Company is applicable to the IFRS 5, ‘Non-current Assets Held for Sale’.


(5) Non-current assets held for sale

Non-current assets and disposal groups are classified as held for sale if their carrying amount will be recovered principally through a sale transaction rather than through continuing use. This condition is regarded as met only when the sale is highly probable and the non-current asset (or disposal group) is available for immediate sale in its present condition. Management must be committed to the sale, which should be expected to qualify for recognition as a completed sale within one year from the date of classification.

When the Company is committed to a sale plan involving loss of control of a subsidiary, all of the assets and liabilities of that subsidiary are classified as held for sale when the criteria described above are met, regardless of whether the Company will retain a non-controlling interest in its former subsidiary after the sale.

Non-current assets (and disposal groups) classified as held for sale are measured at the lower of their previous carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell.



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(6) Goodwill

The Company measures goodwill which acquired in a business combination at the amount recognized at the date on which it obtains control of the acquiree (acquisition date) less any accumulated impairment losses. Goodwill acquired in a business combination is allocated to each CGU that is expected to benefit from the synergies arising from the goodwill acquired.

The Company assesses at the end of each reporting period whether there is any indication that an asset may be impaired. An impairment loss is recognized if the carrying amount of an asset or a CGU exceeds its recoverable amount. Impairment losses are recognized in profit or loss.

Any impairment identified at the CGU level will first reduce the carrying value of goodwill and then be used to reduce the carrying amount of the other assets in the CGU on a pro rata basis. Except for impairment losses in respect of goodwill which are never reversed, an impairment loss is reversed if there has been a change in the estimates used to determine the recoverable amount. An impairment loss is reversed only to the extent that the asset’s carrying amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined, net of depreciation or amortization, if no impairment loss had been recognized.


(7) Revenue recognition

Revenue from the sale of goods, rendering of services or use of the Company assets is measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable, net of returns, trade discounts and volume rebates, which are recognized as a reduction of revenue. Revenue is recognized when the amount of revenue can be measured reliably and it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow to the Company.


  (i) Sales of goods

The Korean government approves the rates charged to customers by the Company’s power transmission and distribution division. The Company’s utility rates are designed to recover the Company’s reasonable costs plus a fair investment return. The Company’s power generation rates are determined in the market.

The Company recognizes electricity sales revenue based on power sold (transferred to the customer) up to the reporting date. To determine the amount of power sold, the Company estimates daily power volumes of electricity for residential, commercial, general and etc. The differences between the current month’s estimated amount and actual (meter-read) amount, is adjusted for (trued-up) during the next month period.


  (ii) Sales of other services

Revenue from services rendered is recognized in profit or loss in proportion to the stage of completion of the transaction at the reporting date. The stage of completion is assessed by reference to surveys of work performed or services performed to date as a percentage of total services to be performed or the proportion that costs incurred to date bear to the estimated total costs of the transaction or other methods that reliably measures the services performed.


  (iii) Dividend income and interest income

Dividend income is recognized in profit or loss on the date that the Company’s right to receive payment is established, which in the case of quoted securities is the ex-dividend date.

Interest income is recognized as it accrues in profit or loss, using the effective interest method. Interest income is accrued on a time basis, by reference to the principal outstanding and at the effective interest rate applicable, which is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash receipts through the expected life of the financial asset to that asset’s net carrying amount on initial recognition.


  (iv) Rental income

The Company’s policy for recognition of revenue from operating leases is described in note 3 (9) below.



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  (v) Deferral of revenue—Transfer of Assets from Customers

The Company recovers a substantial amount of the cost related to its electric power distribution facilities from customers through the transfer of assets, while the remaining portion is recovered through electricity sales from such customers in the future. As such, the Company believes there exists a continued service obligation to the customers in accordance with IFRIC 18, ‘Transfer of Assets from Customers’ when the Company receives an item of property, equipment, or cash for constructing or acquiring an item of property or equipment, in exchange for supplying electricity to customers. The Company defers the amounts received, which are then recognized as revenue over the estimated service period which does not exceed the transferred asset’s useful life.


(8) Construction services revenue

The Company provides services related to the construction of power plants related to facilities of its customers, mostly in foreign countries.

When the outcome of a construction contract can be estimated reliably, revenue and costs are recognized based on the stage of completion of the contract activity at the end of the reporting period, measured based on the proportion of contract costs incurred for work performed to date relative to the estimated total contract costs, except where this would not be representative of the stage of completion. Variations in contract work, claims and incentive payments are included to the extent that the amount can be measured reliably and its receipt is considered probable.

When the outcome of a construction contract cannot be estimated reliably, contract revenue is recognized to the extent of contract costs incurred when it is probable the revenue will be realized. Contract costs are recognized as expenses in the period in which they are incurred. When it is probable that total contract costs will exceed total contract revenue, the expected loss is recognized as an expense immediately.

When contract costs incurred to date plus recognized income less recognized losses exceed progress billings, the surplus is shown as amounts due from customers for contract work. For contracts where progress billings exceed contract costs incurred to date plus recognized income less recognized losses, the surplus is shown as the amounts due to customers for contract work. Amounts received before the related work is performed are included in the consolidated statements of financial position, as a liability, as advances received. Amounts billed for work performed but not yet paid by the customer are included in the consolidated statements of financial position as accounts and other receivables.


(9) Leases

The Company classifies and accounts for leases as either a finance or operating lease, depending on the terms. Leases where the Company assumes substantially all of the risks and rewards of ownership are classified as finance leases. All other leases are classified as operating leases.


  (i) The Company as lessor

Amounts due from lessees under finance leases are recognized as receivables at the amount of the Company’s net investment in the leases. Finance lease income is allocated to accounting periods so as to reflect a constant periodic rate of return on the Company’s net investment outstanding in respect of the leases.

Rental income from operating leases is recognized on a straight-line basis over the term of the relevant lease. Initial direct costs incurred in negotiating and arranging an operating lease are added to the carrying amount of the leased asset and recognized on a straight-line basis over the lease term.


  (ii) The Company as lessee

Leases are classified as finance leases whenever the terms of the lease transfer substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership to the lessee. All other leases are classified as operating leases.

Assets held under finance leases are initially recognized as assets of the Company at their fair value at the inception of the lease or, if lower, at the present value of the minimum lease payments. The corresponding liability to the lessor is included in the statement of financial position as a finance lease obligation.



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Lease payments are apportioned between finance expenses and reduction of the lease obligation so as to achieve a constant rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability. Finance expenses are recognized immediately in income or loss, unless they are directly attributable to qualifying assets, in which case they are capitalized in accordance with the Company’s general policy on borrowing costs. Contingent rentals are recognized as expenses in the periods in which they are incurred.

Operating lease payments are recognized as an expense on a straight-line basis over the lease term, except where another systematic basis is more representative of the time pattern in which economic benefits from the leased asset are consumed. Contingent rentals arising under operating leases are recognized as an expense in the period in which they are incurred.

In the event that lease incentives are received to enter into operating leases, such incentives are recognized as a liability. The aggregate benefit of incentives is recognized as a reduction of rental expense on a straight-line basis, except where another systematic basis is more representative of the time pattern in which economic benefits from the leased asset are consumed.


(10) Foreign currencies

Transactions in foreign currencies are translated to the respective functional currencies of the Company entities at exchange rates at the dates of the transactions. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are retranslated to the functional currency using the reporting date’s exchange rate. Non-monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies that are measured at fair value are retranslated to the functional currency at the exchange rate at the date that the fair value was determined.

Exchange differences are recognized in profit or loss in the period in which they arise except for:



Exchange differences on foreign currency borrowings relating to assets under construction for future productive use, which are included in the cost of those assets when they are regarded as an adjustment to interest costs on those foreign currency borrowings;



Exchange differences on transactions entered into in order to hedge certain foreign currency risks; and (see note 3 (23))



Exchange differences on monetary items receivable from or payable to a foreign operation for which settlement is neither planned nor likely to occur (therefore forming part of the net investment in the foreign operation), which are recognized initially in other comprehensive income and reclassified from equity to income or loss on disposal or partial disposal of the net investment.

For the purpose of presenting financial statements, the assets and liabilities of the Company’s foreign operations are expressed in Korean won using exchange rates prevailing at the end of the reporting period. Income and expense items are translated at the average exchange rates for the period, unless exchange rates fluctuated significantly during that period, in which case the exchange rates at the dates of the transactions are used. Exchange differences arising, if any, are recognized in other comprehensive income and accumulated in equity.

When a foreign operation is disposed of, the relevant amount in the translation is transferred to profit or loss as part of the profit or loss on disposal.


(11) Borrowing costs

The Company capitalizes borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset as part of the cost of that asset. Other borrowing costs are recognized in expense as incurred. A qualifying asset is an asset that requires a substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use or sale.

Investment income earned on the temporary investment of specific borrowings pending their expenditure on qualifying assets is deducted from the borrowing costs eligible for capitalization.

All other borrowing costs are recognized in income or loss in the period in which they are incurred.



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(12) Government grants

Government grants are not recognized unless there is reasonable assurance that the Company will comply with the grant’s conditions and that the grant will be received.

Benefit from a government loan at a below-market interest rate is treated as a government grant, measured as the difference between proceeds received and the fair value of the loan based on prevailing market interest rates.


  (i) If the Company received grants related to assets

Government grants whose primary condition is that the Company purchase, construct or otherwise acquire long-term assets are deducted in calculating the carrying amount of the asset. The grant is recognized in profit or loss over the life of a depreciable asset as a reduced depreciation expense.


  (ii) If the Company received grants related to income

Government grants which are intended to compensate the Company for expenses incurred are recognized as other income (government grants) in profit or loss over the periods in which the Company recognizes the related costs as expenses.


(13) Employee benefits

When an employee has rendered service to the Company during a period, the Company recognizes the contribution payable to a defined contribution plan in exchange for that service as a liability (accrued expense).

For defined benefit pension plans and other post-employment benefits, the net periodic pension expense is actuarially determined by “Pension Actuarial System” developed by independent actuaries using the projected unit credit method. The present value of the defined benefit obligation is determined by discounting the estimated future cash outflows using interest rates of high-quality corporate bonds that are denominated in the currency in which the benefits will be paid and that have terms to maturity approximating the terms of the related pension liability. However, if there is not a deep market, market yields on government bonds are used.

Net defined benefit liability’s measurement is composed of actuarial gains and losses, return on plan assets excluding net interest on net defined benefit liability, and any change in the effect of the asset ceiling, excluding net interest, which are immediately recognized in other comprehensive income. The actuarial gains or losses recognized in other comprehensive income which will not be reclassified into net profit or loss for later periods are immediately recognized in retained earnings. Past service cost will be recognized as expenses upon the earlier of the date of change or reduction to the plan, or the date of recognizing termination benefits.

The retirement benefit obligation recognized in the statement of financial position represents the present value of the defined benefit obligation as adjusted for unrecognized actuarial gains and losses and unrecognized past service cost, and as reduced by the fair value of plan assets. Any asset resulting from this calculation is limited to unrecognized actuarial losses and past service cost, plus the present value of available refunds and reductions in future contributions to the plan.



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(14) Income taxes

Income tax expense comprises current and deferred tax. Current tax and deferred tax are recognized in profit or loss except to the extent that it relates to a business combination, or items recognized directly in equity or in other comprehensive income.


  (i) Current tax

Current tax is the expected tax payable or receivable on the taxable profit or loss for the year, using tax rates enacted or substantively enacted at the end of the reporting period and any adjustment to tax payable in respect of previous years. The taxable profit is different from the accounting profit for the period since the taxable profit is calculated excluding the temporary differences, which will be taxable or deductible in determining taxable profit (tax loss) of future periods, and non-taxable or non-deductible items from the accounting profit.


  (ii) Deferred tax

Deferred tax is recognized, using the asset-liability method, in respect of temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and the amounts used for taxation purposes. A deferred tax liability is recognized for all taxable temporary differences. A deferred tax asset is recognized for all deductible temporary differences to the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available against which they can be utilized. However, deferred tax is not recognized for the following temporary differences: taxable temporary differences arising on the initial recognition of goodwill, or the initial recognition of assets or liabilities in a transaction that is not a business combination and that affects neither accounting profit or loss nor taxable income.

The measurement of deferred tax liabilities and deferred tax assets reflects the tax consequences that would follow from the manner in which the Company expects, at the end of the reporting period, to recover or settle the carrying amount of its assets and liabilities. Deferred tax assets or deferred tax liabilities on investment properties measured at fair value, unless any contrary evidence exists, are measured using the assumption that the carrying amount of the property will be recovered entirely through sale.

The Company recognizes a deferred tax liability for all taxable temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, associates, and interests in joint ventures, except to the extent that the Company is able to control the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future. The Company recognizes a deferred tax asset for all deductible temporary differences arising from investments in subsidiaries and associates, to the extent that it is probable that the temporary difference will reverse in the foreseeable future and taxable profit will be available against which the temporary difference can be utilized.

The carrying amount of a deferred tax asset is reviewed at the end of each reporting period and reduces the carrying amount to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available to allow the benefit of part or all of that deferred tax asset to be utilized.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period when the asset is realized or the liability is settled, based on tax rates (and tax laws) that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the end of the reporting period. The measurement of deferred tax liabilities and deferred tax assets reflects the tax consequences that would follow from the manner in which the Company expects, at the end of the reporting period to recover or settle the carrying amount of its assets and liabilities.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset only if there is a legally enforceable right to offset the related current tax liabilities and assets, and they relate to income taxes levied by the same tax authority and they intend to settle current tax liabilities and assets on a net basis.


  (iii) Current and deferred tax for the year

Current and deferred tax are recognized in income or loss, except when they relate to items that are recognized in other comprehensive income or directly in equity, in which case, the current and deferred tax are also recognized in other comprehensive income or directly in equity respectively. Where current tax or deferred tax arises from the initial accounting for a business combination, the tax effect is included in the accounting for the business combination.



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(15) Property, plant and equipment

Property, plant and equipment are initially measured at cost and after initial recognition, are carried at cost less accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses. The cost of property, plant and equipment includes expenditures arising directly from the construction or acquisition of the asset, any costs directly attributable to bringing the asset to the location and condition necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner intended by management and the initial estimate of the costs of dismantling and removing the item and restoring the site on which it is located.

Subsequent costs are recognized in the carrying amount of property, plant and equipment at cost or, if appropriate, as separate items if it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will flow to the Company and the cost of the item can be measured reliably. The carrying amount of the replaced part is derecognized. The costs of the day-to-day servicing are recognized in profit or loss as incurred.

Property, plant and equipment, except for land, are depreciated on a straight-line basis over estimated useful lives that appropriately reflect the pattern in which the asset’s future economic benefits are expected to be consumed. For loaded nuclear fuel related to long-term raw materials and spent nuclear fuels related to asset retirement costs, the Company uses the production method to measure and recognizes as expense the economic benefits of the assets.

The estimated useful lives of the Company’s property, plant and equipment are as follows:


     Useful lives (years)


   8 ~ 40


   8 ~ 50


   6 ~ 32



Loaded heavy water


Asset retirement costs

   18, 30, 40

Finance lease assets






A component that is significant compared to the total cost of property, plant and equipment is depreciated over its separate useful life. Depreciation methods, useful lives and residual values are reviewed at the end of each reporting date and adjusted, if appropriate.

Property, plant and equipment are derecognized on disposal, or when no future economic benefits are expected from its use or disposal. Gains or losses arising from derecognition of a property, plant and equipment, measured as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset, are recognized in income or loss when the asset is derecognized.


(16) Investment property

Property held for the purpose of earning rentals or benefiting from capital appreciation is classified as investment property. Investment property is initially measured at its cost. Transaction costs are included in the initial measurement. Subsequently, investment property is carried at depreciated cost less any accumulated impairment losses.

Subsequent costs are recognized in the carrying amount of investment property at cost or, if appropriate, as separate items if it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will flow to the Company and the cost of the item can be measured reliably. The carrying amount of the replaced part is derecognized. The costs of the day-to-day servicing are recognized in profit or loss as incurred.

Investment property except for land, are depreciated on a straight-line basis over 8 ~ 40 years as estimated useful lives.

The estimated useful lives, residual values and depreciation method are reviewed at the end of each reporting period, with the effect of any changes in estimate accounted for on a prospective basis.



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An investment property is derecognized upon disposal or when the investment property is permanently withdrawn from use and no future economic benefits are expected from the disposal. Any gain or loss arising on derecognition of the property (calculated as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset) is included in income or loss in the period in which the property is derecognized.


(17) Intangible assets


  (i) Intangible assets acquired separately

Intangible assets with finite useful lives that are acquired separately are carried at cost less accumulated amortization and accumulated impairment losses. Amortization is recognized on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful lives. The estimated useful life and amortization method are reviewed at the end of each reporting period, with the effect of any changes in estimate being accounted for on a prospective basis. Intangible assets with indefinite useful lives that are acquired separately are carried at cost less accumulated impairment losses.


  (ii) Research and development

Expenditure on research activities is recognized as an expense in the period in which it is incurred.

An internally-generated intangible asset arising from development (or from the development phase of an internal project) is recognized if, and only if, all of the following have been demonstrated:



The technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset so that it will be available for use or sale;



The intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it;



The ability to use or sell the intangible asset;



How the intangible asset will generate probable future economic benefits;



The availability of adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the development and to use or sell the intangible asset; and



The ability to measure reliably the expenditure attributable to the intangible asset during its development.

The amount initially recognized for internally-generated intangible assets is the sum of the expenditure incurred from the date when the intangible asset first meets the recognition criteria listed above. When the development expenditure does not meet the criteria listed above, an internally-generated intangible asset cannot be recognized and the expenditure is recognized in income or loss in the period in which it is incurred.

Internally-generated intangible assets are reported at cost less accumulated amortization and accumulated impairment losses.

The estimated useful lives and amortization methods of the Company’s intangible assets with finite useful lives are as follows:


     Useful lives (years)    Amortization methods

Usage rights for donated assets

   4 ~ 30    Straight


   4, 5    Straight

Industrial rights

   5, 10    Straight

Development expenses

   5    Straight

Dam usage right

   50    Straight

Mining right

   —      Unit of production


   4~20, 50    Straight


  (iii) Intangible assets acquired in a business combination

Intangible assets that are acquired in a business combination are recognized separately from goodwill are initially recognized at their fair value at the acquisition date (which is regarded as their cost).

Subsequent to initial recognition, intangible assets acquired in a business combination are reported at cost less accumulated amortization and accumulated impairment losses, on the same basis as intangible assets that are acquired separately.


  (iv) Derecognition of intangible assets

An intangible asset is derecognized on disposal, or when no future economic benefits are expected from its use or disposal. Gains or losses arising from derecognition of an intangible asset, measured as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset, and are recognized in income or loss when the asset is derecognized.



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(18) Greenhouse gas emissions rights (allowance) and obligations

With Enforcement of Allocation and Trading of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Allowances, the Company applies the following accounting policies for emissions rights and obligations.


  (i) Emissions rights

Greenhouse gas emissions rights consist of the allowances received free of charge from the government and the ones purchased. The cost of the emissions rights includes expenditures arising directly from the acquisition and any other costs incurred during normal course of the acquisition.

Emissions rights are held by the Company to fulfill the legal obligation and recorded as intangible assets. To the extent that the portion to be submitted to the government within one year from the end of reporting period, the emissions rights are classified as current assets. Emissions rights recorded as intangible assets are initially measured at cost and substantially remeasured at cost less accumulated impairment losses.

Greenhouse gas emission rights are derecognized on submission to the government or when no future economic benefits are expected from its use or disposal.


  (ii) Emissions obligations

Emissions obligations are the Company’s present legal obligation to submit the emissions allowances to the government and recognized when an outflow of resources is probable and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. Emissions obligations are measured as the sum of the carrying amount of the allocated rights that will be submitted to the government and the best estimate of expenditure required to settle the obligation at the end of the reporting period for any excess emission.


(19) Impairment of non-financial assets other than goodwill

At the end of each reporting period, the Company reviews the carrying amounts of its tangible and intangible assets with definite useful lives to determine whether there is any indication that those assets have suffered an impairment loss. If any such indication exists, the recoverable amount of the asset is estimated in order to determine the extent of the impairment loss (if any). Where it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of an individual asset, the Company estimates the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit to which the asset belongs. Where a reasonable and consistent basis of allocation can be identified, corporate assets are also allocated to individual cash-generating units, or otherwise they are allocated to the smallest group of cash-generating units for which a reasonable and consistent allocation basis can be identified.

Intangible assets with indefinite useful lives and intangible assets not yet available for use are tested for impairment at least annually, and whenever there is an indication that the asset may be impaired.

Recoverable amount is the higher of fair value less costs to sell and value in use. In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset for which the estimates of future cash flows have not been adjusted.

If the recoverable amount of an asset (or a cash-generating unit) is estimated to be less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount of the asset (or the cash-generating unit) is reduced to its recoverable amount. An impairment loss is recognized immediately in income or loss, unless the relevant asset is carried at a revalued amount, in which case the impairment loss is treated as a revaluation decrease.

When an impairment loss subsequently reverses, the carrying amount of the asset (or a cash-generating unit) is increased to the revised estimate of its recoverable amount, but so that the increased carrying amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined had no impairment loss been recognized for the asset (or cash-generating unit) in prior years. A reversal of an impairment loss is recognized immediately in income or loss, unless the relevant asset is carried at a revalued amount, in which case the reversal of the impairment loss is treated as a revaluation increase.


(20) Inventories

Inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realizable value. Cost of inventories, except for those in transit, are measured under the weighted average method and consists of the purchase price, cost of conversion and other costs incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition.

Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, less the estimated costs of completion and selling expenses. The amount of any write-down of inventories to net realizable value and all losses of inventories are recognized as an expense in the period the write-down or loss occurs. The amount of any reversal of any write-down of inventories, arising from an increase in net realizable value, are recognized as a reduction in the amount of inventories recognized as an expense in the period in which the reversal occurs.



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(21) Provisions

Provisions are recognized when the Company has a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of a past event, it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation.

The risks and uncertainties that inevitably surround many events and circumstances are taken into account in reaching the best estimate of a provision. Where the effect of the time value of money is material, provisions are determined at the present value of the expected future cash flows.

Where some or all of the expenditures required to settle a provision are expected to be reimbursed by another party, the reimbursement shall be recognized when, and only when, it is virtually certain that reimbursement will be received if the entity settles the obligation. The reimbursement shall be treated as a separate asset.

Provisions are reviewed at the end of each reporting period and adjusted to reflect the current best estimates. If it is no longer probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation, the provision is reversed.


  (i) Provision for employment benefits

The Company determines the provision for employment benefits as the incentive payments based on the results of the individual performance evaluation or management assessment.


  (ii) Provision for decommissioning costs of nuclear power plants

The Company records the fair value of estimated decommissioning costs as a liability in the period in which the Company incurs a legal obligation associated with retirement of long-lived assets that result from acquisition, construction, development and/or normal use of the assets. Accretion expense consists of period-to-period changes in the liability for decommissioning costs resulting from the passage of time and revisions to either the timing or the amount of the original estimate of undiscounted cash flows.


  (iii) Provision for disposal of spent nuclear fuel

Under the Radioactive Waste Management Act, the Company is levied to pay the spent nuclear fuel fund for the management of spent nuclear fuel. The Company recognizes the provision of present value of the payments.



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  (iv) Provision for low and intermediate radioactive wastes

Under the Radioactive Waste Management Act, the Company recognizes the provision for the disposal of low and intermediate radioactive wastes in best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the present obligation.


  (v) Provision for Polychlorinated Biphenyls (“PCBs”)

Under the regulation of Persistent Organic Pollutants Management Act, enacted in 2007, the Company is required to remove polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), a toxin, from the insulating oil of its transformers by 2025. As a result of the enactments, the Company is required to inspect the PCBs contents of transformers and dispose of PCBs in excess of safety standards under the legally settled procedures. The Company’s estimates and assumptions used to determine fair value can be affected by many factors, such as the estimated costs of inspection and disposal, inflation rate, discount rate, regulations and the general economy.


  (vi) Provisions for power plant regional support program

Power plant regional support programs consist of scholarship programs to local students, local economy support programs, local culture support programs, environment development programs, and local welfare programs. The Company recognizes the provision in relation to power plant regional support program.


  (vii) Renewable portfolio standard (“RPS”) provisions

Renewable portfolio standard (“RPS”) program is required to generate a specified percentage of total electricity to be generated in the form of renewable energy and provisions are recognized for the governmental regulations to require the production of energies from renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and biomass.


(22) Non-derivative financial assets

The Company recognizes and measures non-derivative financial assets by the following four categories: financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, held-to-maturity investments, loans and receivables and available-for-sale financial assets. The Company recognizes financial assets in the statement of financial position when the Company becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument. Upon initial recognition, non-derivative financial assets are measured at their fair value plus, in the case of a financial asset not at fair value through profit or loss, transaction costs that are directly attributable to the asset’s acquisition or issuance.

A regular way purchase or sale of financial assets shall be recognized and derecognized, as applicable, using trade date accounting or settlement date accounting. A regular way purchase or sale is a purchase or sale of a financial asset under a contract whose terms require delivery of the asset within the time frame established generally by regulation or convention in the marketplace concerned.


  (i) Effective interest method

The effective interest method is a method of calculating the amortized cost of a debt instrument and of allocating interest income over the relevant period. The effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash receipts (including all fees and points paid or received that form an integral part of the effective interest rate, transaction costs and other premiums or discounts) through the expected life of the debt instrument, or, where appropriate, a shorter period, to the net carrying amount on initial recognition. Income is recognized on an effective interest basis for debt instruments other than those financial assets classified as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss.


  (ii) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL)

A financial asset is classified as financial assets are classified at fair value through profit or loss if it is held for trading or is designated as such upon initial recognition. Upon initial recognition, transaction costs are recognized in profit or loss when incurred. A financial assets its acquired principally for the purpose of selling it in the near term are classified as a short-term financial assets held for trading and also all the derivatives including an embedded derivate that is not designated and effective as a hedging instrument are classified at the short-term trading financial asset as well. Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are measured at fair value, and changes therein are recognized in profit or loss.



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A financial asset is classified as held for trading if:



It has been acquired principally for the purpose of selling it in the near term; or



On initial recognition it is part of a portfolio of identified financial instruments that the Company manages together and has a recent actual pattern of short term profit taking; or



It is derivative, including an embedded derivative that is not designated and effective as a hedging instrument.

A financial asset other than a financial asset held for trading may be designated as at financial assets at fair value through profit or loss upon initial recognition if:



Such designation eliminates or significantly reduces a measurement or recognition inconsistency that would otherwise arise; or



The financial asset forms part of a group of financial assets or financial liabilities or both, which is managed and its’ performance is evaluated on a fair value basis in accordance with the Company’s documented risk management or investment strategy, and information about the grouping is provided internally on that basis; or



It forms a part of a contract containing one or more embedded derivatives, and with IAS No. 39, Financial Instruments; Recognition and Measurement permits the entire combined contract (asset or liability) to be designated as at financial assets at fair value through profit or loss.

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are stated at fair value, with any gains or losses arising on re-measurement recognized in income or loss. The net gain or loss recognized in income or loss incorporates any dividend or interest earned on the financial asset and is included in the ‘finance income and finance expenses’ line item in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income.


  (iii) Held-to-maturity investments

A non-derivative financial asset with a fixed or determinable payment and fixed maturity, for which the Company has the positive intention and ability to hold to maturity, are classified as held-to-maturity investments. Subsequent to initial recognition, held-to-maturity investments are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method.


  (iv) Available-for-sale financial assets

Available-for-sale financial assets are those non-derivative financial assets that are designated as available-for-sale or are not classified as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, held-to-maturity investments or loans and receivables.

Gains and losses arising from changes in fair value are recognized in other comprehensive income and accumulated in the valuation reserve. However, impairment losses, interest calculated using the effective interest method, and foreign exchange gains and losses on monetary assets are recognized in income or loss. Unquoted equity investments which are not traded in an active market, whose fair value cannot be measured reliably are carried at cost.

When a financial asset is derecognized or impairment losses are recognized, the cumulative gain or loss previously recognized in other comprehensive income is reclassified from equity to profit or loss.

Dividends on an available-for-sale equity instrument are recognized in profit or loss when the Company’s right to receive payment is established.

The fair value of available-for-sale monetary assets denominated in a foreign currency is determined in that foreign currency and translated at the spot rate at the end of the reporting period. The foreign exchange gains and losses that are recognized in income or loss are determined based on the amortized cost of the monetary asset. Other foreign exchange gains and losses are recognized in other comprehensive income.


  (v) Loans and receivables

Loans and receivables are financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market. Subsequent to initial recognition, loans and receivables are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method except for loans and receivables of which the effect of discounting is immaterial.



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  (vi) Impairment of financial assets

Financial assets, other than those at financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, are assessed for indicators of impairment at the end of each reporting period. Financial assets are considered to be impaired when there is objective evidence that, as a result of one or more events that occurred after the initial recognition of the financial asset, the estimated future cash flows of the investment have been affected.

For listed and unlisted equity investments classified as available-for-sale financial asset, a significant or prolonged decline in the fair value of the security below its cost is considered to be objective evidence of impairment in addition to the criteria mentioned below.

For all other financial assets, objective evidence of impairment could include:



Significant financial difficulty of the issuer or counterparty; or



Breach of contract, such as a default or delinquency in interest or principal payments, or



It becoming probable that the borrower will enter bankruptcy or financial re-organization; or



The disappearance of an active market for that financial asset because of financial difficulties.

For certain categories of financial asset, such as trade receivables, assets that are assessed not to be impaired individually are, in addition, assessed for impairment on a collective basis. Objective evidence of impairment for a portfolio of receivables could include the Company’s past experience of collecting payments, an increase in the number of delayed payments in the portfolio past the average credit period and, as well as observable changes in national or local economic conditions that correlate with default on receivables.

For financial assets recorded at amortized cost, the amount of the impairment loss recognized is the difference between the asset’s carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows, discounted at the financial asset’s original effective interest rate.

For financial assets carried at cost, the amount of the impairment loss is measured as the difference between the asset’s carrying amount and the present value of the estimated future cash flows discounted at the current market rate of return for a similar financial asset. Such impairment loss will not be reversed in subsequent periods.

The carrying amount of the financial asset is reduced by the impairment loss directly for all financial assets with the exception of trade receivables, where the carrying amount is reduced through the use of an allowance account. When a trade receivable is considered uncollectible, it is written off against the allowance account. Subsequent recoveries of amounts previously written off are credited against the allowance account. Changes in the carrying amount of the allowance account are recognized in income or loss.

When an available-for-sale financial asset is considered to be impaired, cumulative gains or losses previously recognized in other comprehensive income are reclassified to income or loss in the period.

For financial assets measured at amortized cost, if, in a subsequent period, the amount of the impairment loss decreases and the decrease can be related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was recognized, the previously recognized impairment loss is reversed through income or loss to the extent that the carrying amount of the investment at the date the impairment is reversed does not exceed what the amortized cost would have been had the impairment not been recognized.

In respect of available-for-sale equity securities, impairment losses previously recognized in income or loss are not reversed through income or loss. Any increase in fair value subsequent to an impairment loss is recognized in other comprehensive income. In respect of available-for-sale debt securities, impairment losses are subsequently reversed through income or loss if an increase in the fair value of the investment can be objectively related to an event occurring after the recognition of the impairment loss.



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  (vii) De-recognition of financial assets

The Company derecognizes a financial asset when the contractual rights to the cash flows from the asset expire, or it transfers the rights to receive the contractual cash flows on the financial asset in a transaction in which substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset are transferred. Any interest in transferred financial assets that is created or retained by the Company is recognized as a separate asset or liability. If the Company retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the transferred financial assets, the Company continues to recognize the transferred financial assets and recognizes financial liabilities for the consideration received.

On de-recognition of a financial asset in its entirety, the difference between the asset’s carrying amount and the sum of the consideration received and receivable and the cumulative gain or loss that had been recognized in other comprehensive income and accumulated in equity is recognized in income or loss.

On de-recognition of a financial asset other than in its entirety (e.g. when the Company retains an option to repurchase part of a transferred asset), the Company allocates the previous carrying amount of the financial asset between the part it continues to recognize under continuing involvement, and the part it no longer recognizes on the basis of the relative fair values of those parts on the date of the transfer. The difference between the carrying amount allocated to the part that is no longer recognized and the sum of the consideration received for the part no longer recognized and any cumulative gain or loss allocated to it that had been recognized in other comprehensive income is recognized in income or loss. A cumulative gain or loss that had been recognized in other comprehensive income is allocated between the part that continues to be recognized and the part that is no longer recognized on the basis of the relative fair values of those parts.


(23) Non-derivative financial liabilities and equity instruments issued by the Company


  (i) Classification as debt or equity

Debt and equity instruments are classified as either financial liabilities or as equity in accordance with the substance of the contractual arrangement.


  (ii) Equity instruments

An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of an entity after deducting all of its liabilities. Equity instruments issued by the Company are recognized at the proceeds received, net of direct issue costs.

Repurchase of the Company’s own equity instruments is recognized and deducted directly in equity. No gain or loss is recognized in income or loss on the purchase, sale, issue or cancellation of the Company’s own equity instruments.


  (iii) Financial liabilities

Financial liabilities are recognized when the Company becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the instruments. Financial liabilities are initially measured at fair value. Transaction cost that are directly attributable to the issue of financial liabilities are added to or deducted from the fair value of the financial liabilities, as appropriate, on initial recognition. Transaction cost directly attributable to acquisition of financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss are recognized immediately in profit or loss.

Financial liabilities are classified as either financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss or other financial liabilities.



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  (iv) Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL)

Financial liabilities are classified as at financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss when the financial liability is either held for trading or it is designated as financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss.

A financial liability is classified as held for trading if:



It has been acquired principally for the purpose of repurchasing it in the near term; or



On initial recognition it is part of a portfolio of identified financial instruments that the Company manages together and has a recent actual pattern of short-term profit-taking; or



It is a derivative that is not designated and effective as a hedging instrument.

A financial liability other than a financial liability held for trading may be designated as at FVTPL upon initial recognition if:



Such designation eliminates or significantly reduces a measurement or recognition inconsistency that would otherwise arise; or



The financial liability forms part of a Company of financial assets or financial liabilities or both, which is managed and its performance is evaluated on a fair value basis, in accordance with the Company’s documented risk management or investment strategy, and information about the grouping is provided internally on that basis; or



It forms part of a contract containing one or more embedded derivatives, and IAS 39, ‘Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement’, permits the entire combined contract (asset or liability) to be designated as at FVTPL.

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss are stated at fair value, with any gains or losses arising on re-measurement recognized in income or loss. The net gain or loss recognized in income or loss incorporates any interest paid on the financial liability and is included in ‘finance income and finance expenses’.


  (v) Other financial liabilities

Other financial liabilities, including borrowings, are initially measured at fair value, net of transaction costs.

Other financial liabilities are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method, with interest expense recognized on an effective yield basis. The effective interest method is a method of calculating the amortized cost of a financial liability and of allocating interest expense over the relevant period. The effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash payments through the expected life of the financial liability, or (where appropriate) a shorter period, to the net carrying amount on initial recognition.


  (vi) Financial guarantee contract liabilities

Financial guarantee contract liabilities are initially measured at their fair values and, if not designated as at FVTPL, are subsequently measured at the higher of: (a) the amount of the obligation under the contract, as determined in accordance with IAS 37, ‘Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets; or (b) the amount initially recognized less, cumulative amortization recognized in accordance with IAS 18, ‘Revenue’.


  (vii) De-recognition of financial liabilities

The Company derecognizes financial liabilities when, and only when, the Company’s obligations are discharged, cancelled or they expire. The difference between the carrying amount of the financial liability derecognized and the consideration paid and payable is recognized in income or loss.



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(24) Derivative financial instruments, including hedge accounting

The Company enters into a variety of derivative financial instruments to manage its exposure to interest rate and foreign exchange rate risk, including foreign exchange forward contracts, interest rate swaps and cross currency swaps and others.

Derivatives are initially recognized at fair value. Subsequent to initial recognition, derivatives are measured at fair value.

The resulting gain or loss is recognized in income or loss immediately unless the derivative is designated and effective as a hedging instrument, in such case the timing of the recognition in income or loss depends on the nature of the hedge relationship.

A derivative with a positive fair value is recognized as a financial asset; a derivative with a negative fair value is recognized as a financial liability. A derivative is presented as a non-current asset or a non-current liability if the remaining maturity of the instrument is more than 12 months and it is not expected to be realized or settled within 12 months. Other derivatives are presented as current assets or current liabilities.


  (i) Separable embedded derivatives

Derivatives embedded in other financial instruments or other host contracts are treated as separate derivatives when their risks and characteristics are not closely related to those of the host contracts and when the host contracts are not measured at FVTPL.

An embedded derivative is presented as a non-current asset or a non-current liability if the remaining maturity of the hybrid instrument to which the embedded derivative is part of, is more than 12 months and it is not expected to be realized or settled within 12 months. All other embedded derivatives are presented as current assets or current liabilities.


  (ii) Hedge accounting

The Company designates certain hedging instruments, which include derivatives, embedded derivatives and non-derivatives in respect of foreign currency risk, as either fair value hedges or cash flow hedges. Hedges of foreign exchange risk on firm commitments are accounted for as cash flow hedges.

At the inception of the hedge relationship, the entity documents the relationship between the hedging instrument and the hedged item, along with its risk management objectives and its strategy for undertaking various hedge transactions. Furthermore, at the inception of the hedge and on an ongoing basis, the Company documents whether the hedging instrument is highly effective in offsetting changes in fair values or cash flows of the hedged item.


  (iii) Fair value hedges

Changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as fair value hedges are recognized in income or loss immediately, together with any changes in the fair value of the hedged asset or liability that are attributable to the hedged risk. The changes in the fair value of the hedging instrument and the change in the hedged item attributable to the hedged risk relating to the hedged items are recognized in the consolidated statements of comprehensive income.

Hedge accounting is discontinued when the Company revokes the hedging relationship, when the hedging instrument expires or is sold, terminated, or exercised, or when it no longer qualifies for hedge accounting. The fair value adjustment to the carrying amount of the hedged item arising from the hedged risk is amortized as income or loss as of that date.



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  (iv) Cash flow hedges

The effective portion of changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as cash flow hedges is recognized in other comprehensive income and accumulated under the heading of reverse for gains (loss) on valuation of derivatives. The gain or loss relating to the ineffective portion is recognized immediately in income or loss, and is included in the ‘finance income and expense’.

Amounts previously recognized in other comprehensive income and accumulated in equity are reclassified to income or loss in the periods when the hedged item is recognized in income or loss, in the same line of the consolidated statement of comprehensive income as the recognized hedged item. However, when the forecast transaction that is hedged results in the recognition of a non-financial asset or a non-financial liability, the gains and losses previously accumulated in equity are transferred from equity and included in the initial measurement of the cost of the non-financial asset or non-financial liability.

Hedge accounting is discontinued when the Company revokes the hedging relationship, when the hedging instrument expires or is sold, terminated, or exercised, or it no longer qualifies for hedge accounting. Any gain or loss accumulated in equity at that time remains in equity and is recognized when the forecast transaction is ultimately recognized in income or loss. When a forecast transaction is no longer expected to occur, the gain or loss accumulated in equity is recognized immediately in income or loss.



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4. Segment, Geographic and Other Information


(1) Segment determination and explanation of the measurements

The Company’s operating segments are its business components that generate discrete financial information that is reported to and regularly reviewed by the Company’s the chief operating decision maker, the Chief Executive Officer, for the purpose of resource allocation and assessment of segment performance. The Company’s reportable segments are ‘Transmission and distribution’, ‘Electric power generation (Nuclear)’, ‘Electric power generation (Non-nuclear)’, ‘Plant maintenance & engineering service’ and ‘Others’; others mainly represent the business unit that manages the Company’s foreign operations.

Segment operating profit (loss) is determined the same way that consolidated operating profit is determined under IFRS without any adjustment for corporate allocations. The accounting policies used by each segment are consistent with the accounting policies used in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements. Segment assets and liabilities are determined based on separate financial statements of the entities instead of on a consolidated basis. There are various transactions between the reportable segments, including sales of property, plant and equipment and so on, that are conducted on an arms-length basis at market prices that would be applicable to an independent third-party. For subsidiaries which are in a different segment from that of its immediate parent company, their carrying amount in separate financial statements is eliminated in the consolidating adjustments in the tables below. In addition, consolidation adjustments in the table below include adjustments of the amount of investment in associates and joint ventures from the cost basis amount reflected in segment assets to that determined using equity method in the consolidated financial statements.



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(2) Financial information of the segments for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015, respectively, are as follows:




of associates
and joint
    Loss on
of property,
plant, and
expense to
          In millions of won  

Transmission and distribution

          53,367,116       1,069,699       52,297,417       2,660,444       27,187       1,525,166       (2,521     206,279       273,785       253,153       549,929  

Electric power generation (Nuclear)

      6,378,280       6,369,715       8,565       2,724,629       20,994       557,621       (926     51,394       —         250,814       325,274  

Electric power generation (Non-nuclear)

      28,067,093       27,687,112       379,981       1,952,680       50,193       262,076       (40,976     73,710       21,842       154,285       735,546  

Plant maintenance & engineering service

      2,483,670       1,774,577       709,093       72,489       23,473       183       2,180       76,395       —         5,016       248,661  


      365,968       48,519       317,449       14,086       75,653       50,266       —         1,498       —         32       110,841  

Consolidation adjustments

      (36,949,622     (36,949,622     —         (31,953     (15,339     (13,412     —         (24,953     —         321       (22,416

































          53,712,505       —         53,712,505       7,392,375       182,161       2,381,900       (42,243     384,323       295,627       663,621       1,947,835  


































Finance income





Finance expense





Equity method income of associates joint ventures





Loss before income tax







Table of Contents


of associates
and joint
    Loss on
of property,
plant, and
expense to
          In millions of won  

Transmission and distribution

          56,982,583       1,445,914       55,536,669       2,717,040       28,798       1,394,131       231,502       8,408       309,442       290,444       2,050,726  

Electric power generation (Nuclear)

      9,379,564       9,364,451       15,113       2,905,115       21,995       582,353       1,227       42,667       —         719,794       2,544,378  

Electric power generation (Non-nuclear)

      25,067,653       24,680,221       387,432       2,189,202       30,528       308,731       40,260       38,417       —         147,892       1,385,687  

Plant maintenance & engineering service

      2,620,713       1,887,954       732,759       70,374       16,033       223       1,995       39,983       —         139,965       335,076  


      537,578       86,525       451,053       26,983       109,427       79,175       —         1,026       9       33       95,803  

Consolidation adjustments

      (37,465,065     (37,465,065     —         (35,255     (15,325     (12,989     —         (9,095     —         (2,978     (202,600

































          57,123,026       —         57,123,026       7,873,459       191,456       2,351,624       274,984       121,406       309,451       1,295,150       6,209,070  


































Finance income





Finance expense





Equity method income of associates joint ventures





Loss before income tax







Table of Contents


of associates
and joint
    Loss on
of property,
plant, and
expense to
          In millions of won  

Transmission and distribution

          58,164,394       1,230,975       56,933,419       2,859,037       132,809       1,092,594       220,406       135,261       359,521       872,096       13,319,310  

Electric power generation (Nuclear)

      10,642,352       10,596,189       46,163       3,070,828       24,612       532,490       (595     54,572       —         401,839       3,806,617  

Electric power generation (Non-nuclear)

      21,469,345       20,906,081       563,264       2,337,353       22,171       319,647       (10,686     74,007       5,305       148,053       2,704,260  

Plant maintenance & engineering service

      2,533,887       2,016,699       517,188       85,662       12,293       542       (1,746     74,542       —         174,912       332,531  


      672,250       150,557       521,693       27,491       108,104       127,684       —         343       230       34       80,165  

Consolidation adjustments

      (34,900,501     (34,900,501     —         (38,987     (58,404     (57,273     —         (24,033     —         5,790       37,993  

































          58,581,727       —         58,581,727       8,341,384       241,585       2,015,684       207,379       314,692       365,056       1,602,724       20,280,876  


































Finance income





Finance expense





Equity method income of associates joint ventures





Loss before income tax







Table of Contents
(3) Information related to segment assets and segment liabilities as of and for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:




    Investments in
associates and
joint ventures
     Acquisition of
          In millions of won  

Transmission and distribution

        99,719,106       4,173,139        4,979,968       56,338,038  

Electric power generation (Nuclear)

      49,237,136       1,929        2,211,783       27,588,281  

Electric power generation (Non-nuclear)

      41,413,556       1,274,761        7,071,376       24,185,126  

Plant maintenance & engineering service

      2,659,506       58,895        377,055       990,496  


      5,681,070       —          120,667       2,098,115  













Segment totals

      198,710,374       5,508,724        14,760,849       111,200,056  













Consolidation adjustments:


Elimination of inter-segment amounts

      (35,819,662     —          (144,726     (5,229,275

Equity method adjustment

      842,865       —          —         —    

Deferred taxes

      —         —          —         2,907,841  


      (25,288     —          —         4,657  












      (35,002,085     —          (144,726     (2,316,777













Consolidated totals

        163,708,289       5,508,724        14,616,123       108,883,279  
















and joint
of non-
          In millions of won  

Transmission and distribution

        106,306,250       4,338,888        5,885,919        53,125,589  

Electric power generation (Nuclear)

      51,043,890       16,385        2,647,304        27,386,113  

Electric power generation (Non-nuclear)

      44,453,545       1,283,432        5,063,195        25,587,071  

Plant maintenance & engineering service

      2,990,862       54,825        249,627        1,172,351  


      5,962,546       —          144,846        2,312,658  













Segment totals

      210,757,093       5,693,530        13,990,891        109,583,782  













Consolidation adjustments:


Elimination of inter-segment amounts

      (36,505,833     —          146,942        1,339,753  

Equity method adjustment

      1,050,574       —          —          —    

Deferred taxes

      —         —          —          (3,603,808


      (44,475     —          —          (4,843












      (35,499,734     —          146,942        (2,268,898













Consolidated totals

        175,257,359       5,693,530        14,137,833        107,314,884  















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(4) Geographic information

The following information on revenue from external customers and non-current assets is determined by the location of the customers and of the assets:


Geographical unit

         Revenue from external customers     Non-current assets (*2)  
         2013     2014     2015     2013     2014     2015  
           In millions of won  


         51,314,639       53,893,877       54,351,076       131,876,535       136,053,940       143,788,043  


       2,397,866       3,229,149       4,230,651       4,474,900       6,542,282       4,526,395  


















         53,712,505       57,123,026       58,581,727       136,351,435       142,596,222       148,314,438  




















  (*1) Middle East and other Asian countries make up the majority of overseas revenue and non-current assets.


  (*2) Amount excludes financial assets and deferred tax assets.


(5) Information on significant customers

There is no individual customer comprising more than 10% of the Company’s revenue for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015.



Table of Contents
5. Classification of Financial Instruments


(1) Classification of financial assets as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


assets at  fair
value through
profit or loss
    Loans  and
financial assets
    Derivative assets
(using hedge
          In millions of won  

Current assets


Cash and cash equivalents

        —         1,796,300       —         —         —         1,796,300  

Current financial assets


Held-to-maturity investments

      —         —         —         265       —         265  

Derivative assets

      6,812       —         —         —         1,409       8,221  

Other financial assets

      —         167,942       —         —         —         167,942  

Trade and other receivables

      —         7,697,862       —         —         —         7,697,862  


















      6,812       9,662,104       —         265       1,409       9,670,590  



















Non-current assets


Non-current financial assets


Available-for-sale financial assets

      —         —         715,151       —         —         715,151  

Held-to-maturity investments

      —         —         —         3,349       —         3,349  

Derivative assets

      59,037       —         —         —         102,867       161,904  

Other financial assets

      —         1,160,517       —         —         —         1,160,517  

Trade and other receivables

      —         1,724,357       —         —         —         1,724,357  


















      59,037       2,884,874       715,151       3,349       102,867       3,765,278  


















        65,849       12,546,978       715,151       3,614       104,276       13,435,868  




















assets at  fair
value through
profit or loss
    Loans  and
financial assets
    Derivative assets
(using hedge
          In millions of won  

Current assets


Cash and cash equivalents

        —         3,783,065       —         —         —         3,783,065  

Current financial assets


Held-to-maturity investments

      —         —         —         381       —         381  

Derivative assets

      1,498       —         —         —         95,759       97,257  

Other financial assets

      —         5,237,983       —         —         —         5,237,983  

Trade and other receivables

      —         7,473,548       —         —         —         7,473,548  


















      1,498       16,494,596       —         381       95,759       16,592,234  



















Non-current assets


Non-current financial assets


Available-for-sale financial assets

      —         —         584,479       —         —         584,479  

Held-to-maturity investments

      —         —         —         3,242       —         3,242  

Derivative assets

      253,510       —         —         —         266,383       519,893  

Other financial assets

      —         1,387,940       —         —         —         1,387,940  

Trade and other receivables

      —         1,798,419       —         —         —         1,798,419  


















      253,510       3,186,359       584,479       3,242       266,383       4,293,973  


















        255,008       19,680,955       584,479       3,623       362,142       20,886,207  





















Table of Contents
(2) Classification of financial liabilities as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


           Financial liabilities
at  fair value through
profit or loss
     Financial liabilities
recognized at
amortized cost
     Derivative liabilities
(using hedge
           In millions of won  

Current liabilities



         —          1,113,354        —          1,113,354  

Debt securities

       —          5,991,398        —          5,991,398  

Derivative liabilities

       56,296        —          1,324        57,620  

Trade and other payables

       —          6,128,604        —          6,128,604  












       56,296        13,233,356        1,324        13,290,976  













Non-current liabilities



       —          3,475,206        —          3,475,206  

Debt securities

       —          52,244,369        —          52,244,369  

Derivative liabilities

       108,635        —          171,551        280,186  

Trade and other payables

       —          3,806,735        —          3,806,735  












       108,635        59,526,310        171,551        59,806,496  












         164,931        72,759,666        172,875        73,097,472  














           Financial liabilities
at  fair value through
profit or loss
     Financial liabilities
recognized at
amortized cost
     Derivative liabilities
(using hedge
           In millions of won  

Current liabilities



         —          1,144,027        —          1,144,027  

Debt securities

       —          6,702,926        —          6,702,926  

Derivative liabilities

       9,487        —          758        10,245  

Trade and other payables

       —          4,735,697        —          4,735,697  












       9,487        12,582,650        758        12,592,895  













Non-current liabilities



       —          1,932,259        —          1,932,259  

Debt securities

       —          48,974,287        —          48,974,287  

Derivative liabilities

       39,524        —          116,741        156,265  

Trade and other payables

       —          3,718,435        —          3,718,435  












       39,524        54,624,981        116,741        54,781,246  












         49,011        67,207,631        117,499        67,374,141  















Table of Contents
(3) Classification of comprehensive income (loss) from financial instruments for the years ended December 31, 2013,

2014 and 2015 are as follows:


               2013     2014     2015  
               In millions of won  

Cash and cash equivalents

   Interest income         60,301       56,384       54,687  

Available-for-sale financial assets

   Dividends income       9,870       14,193       14,069  
   Impairment loss on available-for-sale financial assets       (12,592     (79,618     (84,370
   Gain (loss) on disposal of financial assets       (4,202     95,365       (3,004
   Interest income       1,150       382       29  

Held-to-maturity investments

   Interest income       64       89       99  

Loans and receivables

   Interest income       42,418       29,507       28,586  

Trade and other receivables

   Interest income       60,237       99,680       100,771  

Other financial assets

   Interest income       1,082       —         —    

Short-term financial instruments

   Interest income       16,896       5,199       46,921  

Long-term financial instruments

   Interest income       13       215       10,492  

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

   Gain (loss) on valuation of derivatives       335       59,164       220,285  
   Gain (loss) on transaction of derivatives       26,889       (24,746     8,605  
   Gain on disposal of financial assets       196       —         —    

Derivative assets (using hedge accounting)

   Gain (loss) on valuation of derivatives       (13,945     88,809       244,020  
   Loss on valuation of derivatives (equity, before tax)(*)       (27,281     (60,284     (12,572
   Gain on transaction of derivatives       29,662       818       2,818  

Financial liabilities carried at amortized cost

   Interest expense of borrowings and debt securities       (1,715,373     (1,664,682     (1,392,477
   Loss on retirement of financial liabilities       —         (199     (33
   Interest expense of trade and other payables       (102,388     (98,407     (84,527
   Interest expense of others       (564,139     (588,535     (538,680
   Gain (loss) on foreign currency transactions and translations       133,638       (271,953     (708,178

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

   Gain (loss) on valuation of derivatives       (167,485     10,494       35,312  
   Loss on transaction of derivatives       (46,639     (38,909     107,454  

Derivative liabilities (using hedge accounting)

   Gain (loss) on valuation of derivatives       (65,755     51,788       93,914  

Gain (loss) on valuation of

derivatives (equity, before tax)(*)

      50,197       (76,013     9,728  
   Gain (loss) on transaction of derivatives       3,454       (4,180     (4,288


(*) Items are included in other comprehensive income or loss. All other income and gain amounts listed above are included in finance income, and all expense and loss amounts listed above are included in finance expenses in the consolidated statements of comprehensive income or loss.



Table of Contents
6. Restricted Deposits

Restricted deposits as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


                2014      2015  
                In millions of won  

Cash and cash equivalents

   Escrow accounts          100        4,828  
   Deposits for government project        10,156        5,839  
   Collateral provided for borrowings        12,926        6,839  
   Collateral provided for lawsuit        367        641  
   Deposits for transmission regional support program        —          204  
   Pledge        —          740  

Short-term financial instruments

   Restriction on withdrawal related to ‘win-win growth program’ for small and medium enterprises        5,000        18,000  

Long-term financial instruments

   Guarantee deposits for checking account        3        2  
   Guarantee deposits for banking accounts at oversea branches        312        333  
   Pledge        740        —    
   Decommissioning costs of nuclear power plants        603,306        652,700  
   Collateral provided for borrowings        —          20  
   Funds for developing small and medium enterprises(*1)        —          100,000  






            632,910        790,146  








  (*1) Deposits for small and medium enterprise at IBK for construction of Bitgaram Energy Valley and support for the businesses as of December 31, 2015.


7. Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


           2014      2015  
           In millions of won  


         77        109  

Cash equivalents

       1,154,250        1,309,396  

Short-term deposits classified as cash equivalents

       340,119        374,575  

Short-term investments classified as cash equivalents

       301,854        2,098,985  






         1,796,300        3,783,065  








8. Trade and Other Receivables


(1) Trade and other receivables as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


     Allowance for
doubtful  accounts
     Present  value
            In millions of won  

Current assets


Trade receivables

          7,243,064        (80,644      (94      7,162,326  

Other receivables

        583,991        (46,245      (2,210      535,536  












        7,827,055        (126,889      (2,304      7,697,862  













Non-current assets


Trade receivables

        412,222        —          (14      412,208  

Other receivables

        1,341,398        (21,687      (7,562      1,312,149  












        1,753,620        (21,687      (7,576      1,724,357  












          9,580,675        (148,576      (9,880      9,422,219  















Table of Contents
     Allowance for
doubtful  accounts
     Present  value
            In millions of won  

Current assets


Trade receivables

          6,862,762        (51,956      (14      6,810,792  

Other receivables

        718,717        (52,778      (3,183      662,756  












        7,581,479        (104,734      (3,197      7,473,548  













Non-current assets


Trade receivables

        447,010        —          —          447,010  

Other receivables

        1,396,107        (38,968      (5,730      1,351,409  












        1,843,117        (38,968      (5,730      1,798,419  












          9,424,596        (143,702      (8,927      9,271,967  














(2) Other receivables as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


     Allowance for
doubtful  accounts
     Present  value
           In millions of won  

Current assets


Non-trade receivables

         257,260        (46,245      —          211,015  

Accrued income

       54,242        —          —          54,242  


       196,537        —          (2,210      194,327  

Finance lease receivables

       8,275        —          —          8,275  


       67,677        —          —          67,677  












       583,991        (46,245      (2,210      535,536  













Non-current assets


Non-trade receivables

       117,604        (18,630      —          98,974  

Accrued income

       303        —          —          303  


       267,397        —          (7,562      259,835  

Finance lease receivables

       877,479        —          —          877,479  


       78,615        (3,057      —          75,558  












       1,341,398        (21,687      (7,562      1,312,149  












         1,925,389        (67,932      (9,772      1,847,685  














     Allowance for
doubtful  accounts
     Present  value
           In millions of won  

Current assets


Non-trade receivables

         330,669        (52,778      —          277,891  

Accrued income

       88,256        —          —          88,256  


       235,745        —          (3,183      232,562  

Finance lease receivables

       12,098        —          —          12,098  


       51,949        —          —          51,949  












       718,717        (52,778      (3,183      662,756  













Non-current assets


Non-trade receivables

       93,782        (31,829      —          61,953  

Accrued income

       582        —          —          582  


       256,745        —          (5,730      251,015  

Finance lease receivables

       941,710        —          —          941,710  


       103,288        (7,139      —          96,149  












       1,396,107        (38,968      (5,730      1,351,409  












         2,114,824        (91,746      (8,913      2,014,165  















Table of Contents

Trade and other receivables are classified as loans and receivables, and are measured using the effective interest method. No interest is accrued for trade receivables related to electricity for the duration between the billing date and the payment due dates. But once trade receivables are overdue, the Company imposes a monthly interest rate of 2.0% on the overdue trade receivables. The Company holds deposits of three months’ expected electricity usage for customers requesting temporary usage and customers with past defaulted payments.


(3) Aging analysis of trade receivables as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


            2014      2015  
           In millions of won  

Trade receivables: (not overdue, not impaired)

         7,516,233        7,198,403  







Trade receivables: (overdue, not impaired)

       1,061        891  







Less than 60 days

       1,061        891  







Trade receivables: (impairment reviewed)

       137,992        110,478  







60 ~ 90 days

       31,438        31,973  

90 ~ 120 days

       12,045        11,010  

120 days ~ 1 year

       42,736        35,097  

Over 1 year

       51,773        32,398  






       7,655,286        7,309,772  







Less allowance for doubtful accounts

       (80,644      (51,956

Less present value discount

       (108      (14






         7,574,534        7,257,802  







The Company assesses at the end of each reporting period whether there is any objective evidence that trade receivables are impaired, and provides allowances for doubtful accounts which includes impairment for trade receivables that are individually significant.

The Company considers receivables as overdue if the receivables are outstanding 60 days after the maturity and sets an allowance based on past experience of collection.


(4) Aging analysis of other receivables as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


            2014      2015  
           In millions of won  

Other receivables: (not overdue, not impaired)

         1,729,808        1,918,132  







Other receivables: (overdue, not impaired)

       58,778        20,249  







Less than 60 days

       58,778        20,249  







Other receivables: (impairment reviewed)

       136,803        176,443  







60 ~ 90 days

       1,132        2,409  

90 ~ 120 days

       2,242        10,097  

120 days ~ 1 year

       18,857        21,433  

Over 1 year

       114,572        142,504  






       1,925,389        2,114,824  







Less allowance for doubtful accounts

       (67,932      (91,746

Less present value discount

       (9,772      (8,913






         1,847,685        2,014,165  









Table of Contents
(5) Changes in the allowance for doubtful accounts for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


           2013     2014     2015  
           In millions of won  

Beginning balance

         47,312       225,078       65,024       69,887       80,644       67,932  

Bad debt expense

       40,446       8,665       39,018       15,981       1,308       18,473  


       (22,734     (4,227     (23,398     (7,534     (28,978     (888


       —         —         —         (241     (1,018     (413


       —         (159,629     —         (10,161     —         6,642  



















Ending balance

         65,024       69,887       80,644       67,932       51,956       91,746  





















Table of Contents
9. Available-for-sale Financial Assets


(1) Changes in available-for-sale financial assets for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


    Acquisition     Disposal     Valuation     Impairment     Others     Ending
        In millions of won  



Korea District Heating Corp.

      194,710       —         —         (67,469     (40,300     40,300       127,241  

LG Uplus Corporation(*1)

      412,901       —         (299,593     1,344       —         (114,652     —    

Kwanglim Co., Ltd.

      150       —         —         (22     (22     22       128  

Ssangyong Motor Co., Ltd.

      291       —         —         66       —         —         357  

Sungjee Construction. Co., Ltd.

      7       —         —         (2     (2     2       5  

Korea Line Corp.

      —         —         —         —         —         —         —    

Namkwang Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd.

      5       —         —         (3     (11     11       2  

Pumyang Construction Co., Ltd.

      3       —         —         (2     —         (1     —    


      —         —         —         (168     (168     384       48  

PAN ocean Co., Ltd.

      —         —           (9     (9     23       5  

Borneo International Furniture Co., Ltd.

      —         —           (1     —         5       4  


      —         —         —         32       —         34       66  

TONGYANG networks Inc.

      —         —         —         —         —         3       3  

PT Adaro Energy Tbk

      45,204       —         —         (1,095     (27,449     27,449       44,109  

Energy Fuels Inc.

      10,307       —         —         1,617       —         (356     11,568  

Cockatoo Coal Limited

      1,875       —         —         (1,241     (977     971       628  

Denison Mines Corp.

      74,498       —         —         (8,892     —         (3,267     62,339  

Fission 3.0

      —         94       —         (45     —         12       61  

Fission Uranium Corp.

      848       —         —         (160     —         (37     651  





















      740,799       94       (299,593     (76,050     (68,938     (49,097     247,215  
























Byucksan Engineering & Construction Co.,Ltd.

      1       —         —         —         (1     —         —    

Dongyang Engineering & Construction Corp.

      5       —         —         —         (5     —         —    

K&C—Gyeongnam youth job creation Investment Fund

      1,340       —         —         —         —         —         1,340  

Women’s Venture Fund(*1)

      780       —         (780     —         —         —         —    

Hanwha Electric Power Venture Fund

      1,804       —         —         —         —         —         1,804  

Korea Investment—Korea EXIM Bank CERs Private Special Asset Investment Trust I(*1)

      6,803       —         (2,051     —         —         —         4,752  

Troika Overseas Resource Development Private Equity Firm

      10,664       2,676       —         —         —         —         13,340  

IBK-AUCTUS Green Growth Private Equity Firm(*1)

      6,054       —         (126     —         (3,603     —         2,325  

Global Dynasty Overseas Resource Development Private Equity Firm

      1,517       716       —         —         —         —         2,233  

Intellectual Discovery, Ltd.

      5,000       —         —         —         —         —         5,000  

Hanwha-KOSEP New Renewable Energy Private Special Assets Investment Trust 1

      —         498       —         —         —         —         498  

Construction Guarantee

      790       —         —         5       —         —         795  

Plant & Mechanical Contractors Financial Cooperative of Korea

      36       —         —         —         —         —         36  

Fire Guarantee

      20       —         —         —         —         —         20  

Korea Software Financial Cooperative

      301       —         —         —         —         —         301  

Engineering Financial Cooperative

      60       —         —         —         —         —         60  

Electric Contractors Financial Cooperative

      152       —         —         —         —         —         152  

Korea Specialty Contractor Financial Cooperative

      417       —         —         —         —         —         417  

Information & Communication Financial Cooperative

      10       —         —         —         —         —         10  



Table of Contents
    Acquisition     Disposal     Valuation     Impairment     Others     Ending
        In millions of won  

Korea Electric Engineers Association(*1)

      61       —         (21     —         —         —         40  

Hwan Young Steel Co., Ltd.

      97       —         —         —         —         —         97  

Woobang ENC Co., Ltd

      22       —         —         —         —         —         22  

Dongnam Co., Ltd.

      72       —         —         —         —         —         72  


      38       —         —         —         —         —         38  

Mobo Co., Ltd.

      14       —         —         —         —         —         14  

Poonglim Industrial Co., Ltd.

      78       —         —         —         —         —         78  

HANKOOK Silicon Co., Ltd.

      7,513       —         —         —         —         —         7,513  

Kun Young Engineering & Construction Co.,Ltd.

      5       —         —         —         —         —         5  

Pumyang Asset Management Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         3       3  

Dae Kwang Semiconductor Co., Ltd.

      6       —         —         —         —         —         6  

Sanbon Department Store

      124       —         —         —         —         —         124  

Woori Ascon Co., Ltd.

      10       —         —         —         —         —         10  

Miju Steel Mfg. Co., Ltd.

      51       —         —         —         —         —         51  

Ginseng K Co., Ltd.

      8       —         —         —         (8     —         —    

BnB Sungwon Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         15       15  

Hana Civil Engineering Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         1       1  

KC Development Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         6       6  


      —         —         —         —         —         5       5  

IXELON Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         23       23  

DAIM Special Vehicle Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         10       10  


      —         —         —         —         —         465       465  


      —         —         —         —         —         697       697  


      —         —         —         —         —         14       14  

Moonkyung Silica Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         —         —    

Yousung Remicon Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         4       4  

Sungkwang Timber Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         4       4  

Yongbo Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         3       3  

Korea Bio Fuel Co., Ltd.(*1)

      1,500       —         (1,500     —         —         —         —    

3I Power

      1,486       —         —         —         (1,482     (4     —    

Areva nc Expansion

      248,292       —         —         —         —         (20,416     227,876  

Green & Sustainable Energy

      13       —         —         —         (13     —         —    

Kanan Hydroelectric

      17       —         —         —         (17     —         —    

Navanakorn Electric Co., Ltd.

      16,163       —         —         —         —         673       16,836  

PT. Kedap Saayq

      18,540       —         —         —         (5,551     —         12,989  

Set Holding

      170,514       —         —         (2,682     —         —         167,832  

Siam Solar Power(*1)

      933       —         (933     —         —         —         —    





















      501,311       3,890       (5,411     (2,677     (10,680     (18,497     467,936  






















Debt security:


Ambre Energy Limited(*1)

      14,655       —         (14,655     —         —         —         —    





















      14,655       —         (14,655     —         —         —         —    





















      1,256,765       3,984       (319,659     (78,727     (79,618     (67,594     715,151  























(*1) The Company recognized gain and loss on disposal of available-for-sale financial assets amounting to ₩98,065 million and ₩2,700 million, respectively, from the sales of shares of LG Uplus Corp., Korea Investment—Korea EXIM Bank CERs Private Special Asset Investment Trust, Korea Bio Fuel Co., Ltd., Ambre Energy Limited and others and from the liquidation of Women’s Venture Fund for the year ended December 31, 2014.



Table of Contents
    Acquisition     Disposal     Valuation     Impairment     Others     Ending
          In millions of won  



Korea District Heating Corp.

        127,241       —         —         3,169       —         —         130,410  

Kwanglim Co., Ltd.

      128       —         —         134       —         —         262  

Ssangyong Motor Co., Ltd.

      357       —         —         (58     —         —         299  

Sungjee Construction. Co., Ltd.

      5       —         —         —         —         —         5  

Korea Line Corp.

      —         —         —         —         —         —         —    

Namkwang Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd.

      2       —         —         (3     —         2       1  

Pumyang Construction Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         —         —    


      48       —         —         5       —         —         53  

PAN ocean Co., Ltd.

      5       —         —         1       —         —         6  

Borneo International Furniture Co., Ltd.

      4       —         —         7       —         92       103  


      66       —         —         140       —         11       217  

TONGYANG networks Inc.

      3       —         —         3       —         —         6  

Nexolon Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         59       —         3,137       3,196  

PT Adaro Energy Tbk

      44,109       —         —         (23,097     (23,206     23,206       21,012  

Energy Fuels Inc.

      11,568       —         —         (4,866     (9,391     8,615       5,926  

Cockatoo Coal Limited

      628       —         —         (572     (572     558       42  

Denison Mines Corp.

      62,339       —         —         (22,187     (20,154     14,459       34,457  

Fission 3.0(*1)

      61       —         (57     11       —         15       30  

Fission Uranium Corp.

      651       —         —         (28     —         (69     554  





















      247,215       —         (57     (47,282     (53,323     50,026       196,579  
























K&C—Gyeongnam youth job creation Investment Fund(*1)

      1,340       —         (133     —         —         —         1,207  

Hanwha Electric Power Venture Fund(*1)

      1,804       —         (1,804     —         —         —         —    

Korea Investment—Korea EXIM Bank CERs Private Special Asset Investment Trust I(*1)

      4,752       —         (3,000     —         (1,181     —         571  

Troika Overseas Resource Development Private Equity Firm

      13,340       —         —         —         (11,787     —         1,553  

IBK-AUCTUS Green Growth Private Equity

      2,325       —         (1,470     —         —         —         855  

Global Dynasty Overseas Resource Development Private Equity Firm

      2,233       —         —         —         —         —         2,233  

Intellectual Discovery, Ltd.

      5,000       —         —         —         (3,625     —         1,375  

Hanwha-KOSEP New Renewable Energy Private Special Assets Investment Trust 1(*1)

      498       802       (231     —         —         —         1,069  

Construction Guarantee

      795       —         —         10       —         —         805  

Plant & Mechanical Contractors Financial Cooperative of Korea

      36       —         —         —         —         —         36  

Fire Guarantee

      20       —         —         —         —         —         20  

Korea Software Financial Cooperative

      301       —         —         —         —         —         301  

Engineering Financial Cooperative

      60       —         —         —         —         —         60  

Electric Contractors Financial Cooperative

      152       —         —         —         —         —         152  

Korea Specialty Contractor Financial Cooperative

      417       —         —         —         —         —         417  

Information & Communication Financial Cooperative

      10       —         —         —         —         —         10  

Korea Electric Engineers Association

      40       —         —         —         —         —         40  

Hwan Young Steel Co., Ltd.

      97       —         —         —         —         —         97  

Woobang ENC Co., Ltd

      22       —         —         —         —         —         22  

Dongnam Co., Ltd.

      72       —         —         —         —         —         72  


      38       —         —         —         —         —         38  

Mobo Co., Ltd.

      14       —         —         —         —         —         14  

Poonglim Industrial Co., Ltd.

      78       —         —         —         —         15       93  



Table of Contents
    Acquisition     Disposal     Valuation     Impairment     Others     Ending
          In millions of won  

HANKOOK Silicon Co., Ltd.

        7,513       —         —         —         —         —         7,513  

Kun Young Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd.

      5       —         —         —         —         —         5  

Pumyang Asset Management Co., Ltd.

      3       —         —         —         —         —         3  

Dae Kwang Semiconductor Co., Ltd.

      6       —         —         —         —         —         6  

Sanbon Department Store

      124       —         —         —         (121     —         3  

Woori Ascon Co., Ltd.

      10       —         —         —         —         —         10  

Miju Steel Mfg. Co., Ltd.

      51       —         —         —         —         —         51  

BnB Sungwon Co., Ltd.

      15       —         —         —         —         —         15  

Hana Civil Engineering Co., Ltd.

      1       —         —         —         —         —         1  

KC Development Co., Ltd.

      6       —         —         —         —         —         6  


      5       —         —         —         —         —         5  

IXELON Co., Ltd.

      23       —         —         —         (23     —         —    

DAIM Special Vehicle Co., Ltd.

      10       —         —         —         —         —         10  


      465       —         —         —         (465     —         —    


      697       —         —         —         (628     —         69  


      14       —         —         —         —         —         14  

Moonkyung Silica Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         —         —    

Yousung Remicon Co., Ltd.

      4       —         —         —         —         —         4  

Sungkwang Timber Co., Ltd.

      4       —         —         —         —         —         4  

Yongbo Co., Ltd.

      3       —         —         —         —         —         3  

HJ Steel Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         2       2  

Ildong Air Conditioning Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         (2     2       —    

KS Remicon Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         3       3  

Sewoong Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         40       40  

SIN-E Steel Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         33       33  

Joongang Platec Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         72       72  

Hangjin Steel Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         (116     116       —    

Pyungsan SI Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         9       9  

Samgong Development Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         7       7  

Joongang Development Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         8       8  

AJS Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         32       32  

SET&C Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         10       10  

MSE Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         9       9  

Ilrim Nano Tec Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         15       15  

Kwang Myeong Electronics Technology Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         11       11  

Youngjin Hi-Tech Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         (105     126       21  

Dong Woo International Co., Ltd.

              —         18       18  

Bench Mark Construction Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         —         —    

Buyoung Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         3       3  

Ilsuk Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         10       10  

Dongyang Telecom Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         11       11  

Han Young Construction Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         3       3  

Jongwon Remicon Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         13       13  

Ace Heat Treating Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         72       72  

Zyle Daewoo Motor Sales Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         —         —    

Daewoo Development Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         —         —    

Daewoo Songdo Development Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         (2     2       —    

Seyang Inc.

      —         —         —         —         —         27       27  

Seungri Enterprise Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         3       3  

Onggane Food Co., Ltd

      —         —         —         —         —         1       1  



Table of Contents
    Acquisition     Disposal     Valuation     Impairment     Others     Ending
          In millions of won  

Shin-E P&C Co., Ltd.

        —         —         —         —         —         1       1  

Montista Telecom Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         (3     3       —    

Ejung Ad Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —           3       3  

Solvus Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         3       3  

Myung Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         2       2  

Emotion Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         8       8  

Youngdong Concrete Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         7       7  

Shinil Engineering Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         3       3  

Korea Castiron Industrial Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         22       22  

FFG DMC Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         17       17  

Daeseong Metal Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         47       47  

Biwang Industry Co., Ltd

      —         —         —         —         —         2       2  

Huimun Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         4       4  

Sunun IT F Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         8       8  

Young Sung Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         27       27  

Yuil Industrial Electronics Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         16       16  


      —         —         —         —         —         62       62  

Daeyang FMS Corporation

      —         —         —         —         —         3       3  

Kwang Jin Structure Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         31       31  

Woojin Industry Corporation

      —         —         —         —         —         16       16  

Kwang Sung Industry Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         7       7  

Matsaeng Food Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         6       6  

Futech Mold Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         14       14  

Samcheonri Industrial Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         13       13  

Woojoo Environment Ind. Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         13       13  

Cheongatti Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         4       4  

Hyungji Esquire Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         21       21  

Kolmar Pharma Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         52       52  

Morado Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         2       2  

Myung Sung Tex Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         2       2  

Areva nc Expansion

      227,876       —         —         —         —         (57,758     170,118  

Navanakorn Electric Co., Ltd.

      16,836       —         —         —         —         1,115       17,951  

PT. Kedap Saayq

      12,989       —         —         —         (12,989     —         —    

Set Holding

      167,832       —         —         11,753       —         —         179,585  

PT. Cirebon Energi Prasarana

      —         635       —         —         —         —         635  





















      467,936       1,437       (6,638     11,763       (31,047     (55,551     387,900  





















        715,151       1,437       (6,695     (35,519     (84,370     (5,525     584,479  























(*1) The Company recognized gain and loss on disposal of available-for-sale financial assets amounting to ₩4 million and ₩3,008 million, respectively, from the sales of shares of Fission 3.0, K&C—Gyeongnam Youth Job Creation Investment Fund, Korea Investment—Korea EXIM Bank CERs Private Special Asset Investment Trust 1, IBK-AUCTUS Green Growth Private Equity Firm and others and from the liquidation of Hanwha Electric Power Venture fund for the year ended December 31, 2015.



Table of Contents
(2) Available-for-sale financial assets of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


     Shares      Ownership            Historical
     In millions of won  



Korea District Heating Corp.

     2,264,068        19.55          173,201        127,241        127,241  

Kwanglim Co., Ltd.

     84,515        0.44        386        128        128  

Ssangyong Motor Co., Ltd.

     38,568        0.03        428        357        357  

Sungjee Construction. Co., Ltd.

     1,053        0.01        49        5        5  

Korea Line Corp.

     18        0.00        1        —          —    

Namkwang Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd.

     559        0.01        12        2        2  

Pumyang Construction Co., Ltd.

     7        0.00        2        —          —    


     32,875        0.04        217        48        48  

PAN ocean Co., Ltd.

     1,866        0.00        14        5        5  

Borneo International Furniture Co., Ltd.

     2,607        0.01        5        4        4  


     73,364        0.03        33        66        66  

TONGYANG networks Inc.

     4,422        0.01        3        3        3  

PT Adaro Energy Tbk

     480,000,000        1.50        71,554        44,109        44,109  

Energy Fuels Inc.

     1,711,814        8.70        16,819        11,568        11,568  

Cockatoo Coal Limited

     49,881,423        1.10        18,445        628        628  

Denison Mines Corp.

     58,284,000        11.52        84,134        62,339        62,339  

Fission 3.0

     800,000        0.51        —          61        61  

Fission Uranium Corp.

     800,000        0.22        785        651        651  









             366,088        247,215        247,215  












Byucksan Engineering & Construction Co.,Ltd.

     272        0.00        5        —          —    

Dongyang Engineering & Construction Corp.

     1,276        0.01        5        —          —    

K&C—Gyeongnam youth job creation Investment Fund

     27        10.00        1,340        1,340        —    

Hanwha Electric Power Venture Fund

     2,196        16.40        1,804        1,804        —    

Korea Investment—Korea EXIM Bank CERs Private Special Asset Investment Trust I

     4,770,837,919        14.18        4,752        4,752        —    

Troika Overseas Resource Development Private Equity Firm

     13,340,012,100        3.66        13,340        13,340        —    

IBK-AUCTUS Green Growth Private Equity firm

     703        6.30        5,928        2,325        —    

Global Dynasty Overseas Resource Development Private Equity Firm

     2,233,407,439        7.46        2,233        2,233        —    

Intellectual Discovery, Ltd.

     1,000,000        8.81        5,000        5,000        —    

Hanwha-KOSEP New Renewable Energy Private Special Assets Investment Trust 1

     497,650,000        5.00        498        498        —    

Construction Guarantee(*2)

     571        0.02        601        795        795  

Plant & Mechanical Contractors Financial Cooperative of Korea

     50        0.01        36        36        —    

Fire Guarantee

     40        0.02        20        20        —    

Korea Software Financial Cooperative

     301        0.15        301        301        —    

Engineering Financial Cooperative

     528        0.10        60        60        —    

Electric Contractors Financial Cooperative

     800        0.03        152        152        —    

Korea Specialty Contractor Financial Cooperative

     476        0.01        417        417        —    

Information & Communication Financial Cooperative

     70        0.01        10        10        —    

Korea Electric Engineers Association

     400        0.26        40        40        —    

Hwan Young Steel Co., Ltd.

     10,916        0.14        1,092        97        —    

Woobang ENC Co., Ltd

     14        0.00        22        22        —    

Dongnam Co., Ltd.

     2,070        0.46        72        72        —    


     15,066        0.02        38        38        —    



Table of Contents
     Shares      Ownership            Historical
     In millions of won  

Mobo Co., Ltd.

     504        0.00          14        14        —    

Poonglim Industrial Co., Ltd.

     1,555        0.01        78        78        —    

HANKOOK Silicon Co., Ltd.

     7,513,022        10.44        7,513        7,513        —    

Kun Young Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd.

     100        0.00        5        5        —    

Pumyang Asset Management Co., Ltd.

     13        0.00        3        3        —    

Dae Kwang Semiconductor Co., Ltd.

     589        0.07        6        6        —    

Sanbon Department Store

     828        0.01        124        124        —    

Woori Ascon Co., Ltd.

     25        0.34        10        10        —    

Miju Steel Mfg. Co., Ltd.

     99,804        0.23        51        51        —    

Ginseng K Co., Ltd.

     7,415        0.00        7        —          —    

BnB Sungwon Co., Ltd.

     589        0.01        15        15        —    

Hana Civil Engineering Co., Ltd.

     23        0.00        1        1        —    

KC Development Co., Ltd.

     839        0.02        6        6        —    


     329        0.11        5        5        —    

IXELON Co., Ltd.

     2,292        0.02        23        23        —    

DAIM Special Vehicle Co., Ltd.

     58        0.08        10        10        —    


     23,245        1.11        465        465        —    


     34,846        1.34        697        697        —    


     2,812        0.17        14        14        —    

Moonkyung Silica Co., Ltd.

     42        0.56        —          —          —    

Yousung Remicon Co., Ltd.

     8        0.26        4        4        —    

Sungkwang Timber Co., Ltd.

     9        0.34        4        4        —    

Yongbo Co., Ltd.

     61        0.20        3        3        —    

3I Power

     448,501        15.00        1,121        —          —    

Areva nc Expansion

     1,077,124        13.49        288,443        227,876        —    

Green & Sustainable Energy

     550        0.00        3        —          —    

Kanan Hydroelectric

     734        19.58        5        —          —    

Navanakorn Electric Co., Ltd.(*3)

     4,442,800        29.00        16,646        16,836        —    

PT. Kedap Saayq

     671        10.00        18,540        12,989        —    

Set Holding(*4)

     1,100,220        2.50        229,255        167,832        167,832  









             600,837        467,936        168,627  









               966,925        715,151        415,842  











(*1) Book values of unlisted equity securities held by the Company were measured at cost as a quoted market price does not exist in an active market and its fair value cannot be measured reliably.


(*2) The Company has estimated the fair value of the investment in Construction Guarantee based upon the price which would be applied when the investment is returned. The Company has recognized the difference between its fair value and book value as a gain or loss on valuation of available-for-sale financial assets in other comprehensive income or loss during the year ended December 31, 2014.


(*3) Although the Company holds more than 20% of the equity shares of these investments, the Company cannot exercise significant influence.


(*4) The Company has estimated the fair value of Set Holding by using the discounted cash flow method and has recognized the difference between its fair value and book value as gain or loss on valuation of available-for-sale financial assets in other comprehensive income or loss during the year ended December 31, 2014.



Table of Contents
    Shares     Ownership           Historical cost     Book value     Fair value  
    In millions of won  



Korea District Heating Corp.

    2,264,068       19.55         173,201       130,410       130,410  

Kwanglim Co., Ltd.

    84,515       0.44       386       262       262  

Ssangyong Motor Co., Ltd.

    38,568       0.03       428       299       299  

Sungjee Construction. Co., Ltd.

    1,053       0.01       49       5       5  

Korea Line Corp.

    18       0.00       1       —         —    

Namkwang Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd.

    232       0.00       15       1       1  

Pumyang Construction Co., Ltd.

    7       0.00       2       —         —    


    32,875       0.04       217       53       53  

PAN ocean Co., Ltd.

    1,492       0.00       14       6       6  

Borneo International Furniture Co., Ltd.

    64,037       0.28       97       103       103  


    78,511       0.03       45       217       217  

TONGYANG networks Inc.

    4,422       0.01       3       6       6  

Nexolon Co., Ltd.

    3,665,367       2.59       3,138       3,196       3,196  

PT Adaro Energy Tbk

    480,000,000       1.50       71,554       21,012       21,012  

Energy Fuels Inc.

    1,711,814       3.79       16,819       5,926       5,926  

Cockatoo Coal Limited

    49,881,423       0.07       18,445       42       42  

Denison Mines Corp.

    58,284,000       11.24       84,134       34,457       34,457  

Fission 3.0

    300,000       0.17       —         30       30  

Fission Uranium Corp.

    800,000       0.21       785       554       554  









          369,333       196,579       196,579  












K&C—Gyeongnam youth job creation Investment Fund

    24       10.00       1,207       1,207       —    

Korea Investment—Korea EXIM Bank CERs Private Special Asset Investment Trust I

    1,758,731,002       14.18       1,752       571       —    

Troika Overseas Resource Development Private Equity Firm

    13,340,012,100       3.66       13,340       1,553       —    

IBK-AUCTUS Green Growth Private Equity firm

    233       6.30       855       855       —    

Global Dynasty Overseas Resource Development Private Equity Firm

    2,233,407,439       7.46       2,233       2,233       —    

Intellectual Discovery, Ltd.

    1,000,000       8.81       5,000       1,375       —    

Hanwha-KOSEP New Renewable Energy Private Special Assets Investment Trust 1

    1,069,432,095       5.00       1,069       1,069       —    

Construction Guarantee(*2)

    571       0.02       601       805       805  

Plant & Mechanical Contractors Financial Cooperative of Korea

    50       0.01       36       36       —    

Fire Guarantee

    40       0.02       20       20       —    

Korea Software Financial Cooperative

    301       0.15       301       301       —    

Engineering Financial Cooperative

    528       0.10       60       60       —    

Electric Contractors Financial Cooperative

    800       0.03       152       152       —    

Korea Specialty Contractor Financial Cooperative

    476       0.01       417       417       —    

Information & Communication Financial Cooperative

    70       0.01       10       10       —    

Korea Electric Engineers Association

    400       0.26       40       40       —    

Hwan Young Steel Co., Ltd.

    10,916       0.14       1,092       97       —    

Woobang ENC Co., Ltd

    14       0.00       22       22       —    

Dongnam Co., Ltd.

    2,070       0.46       72       72       —    


    15,066       0.02       38       38       —    

Mobo Co., Ltd.

    504       0.00       14       14       —    

Poonglim Industrial Co., Ltd.

    1,915       0.01       93       93       —    

HANKOOK Silicon Co., Ltd.

    7,513,022       10.44       7,513       7,513       —    

Kun Young Engineering & Construction Co.,Ltd.

    100       0.00       5       5       —    

Pumyang Asset Management Co., Ltd.

    13       0.00       3       3       —    

Dae Kwang Semiconductor Co., Ltd.

    589       0.07       6       6       —    

Sanbon Department Store

    828       0.01       124       3       —    



Table of Contents
    Shares     Ownership           Historical cost     Book value     Fair value  
    In millions of won  

Woori Ascon Co., Ltd.

    25       0.34         10       10       —    

Miju Steel Mfg. Co., Ltd.

    99,804       0.23       51       51       —    

BnB Sungwon Co., Ltd.

    589       0.07       15       15       —    

Hana Civil Engineering Co., Ltd.

    23       0.00       1       1       —    

KC Development Co., Ltd.

    839       0.02       6       6       —    


    329       0.11       5       5       —    

IXELON Co., Ltd.

    2,292       0.02       23       —         —    

DAIM Special Vehicle Co., Ltd.

    58       0.08       10       10       —    


    23,245       1.11       465       —         —    


    34,846       1.34       697       69       —    


    2,812       0.17       14       14       —    

Moonkyung Silica Co., Ltd.

    42       0.56       —         —         —    

Yousung Remicon Co., Ltd.

    8       0.26       4       4       —    

Sungkwang Timber Co., Ltd.

    9       0.34       4       4       —    

Yongbo Co., Ltd.

    61       0.20       3       3       —    

HJ Steel Co., Ltd.

    218       0.07       2       2       —    

Ildong Air Conditioning Co., Ltd.

    218       0.16       3       —         —    

KS Remicon Co., Ltd.

    12       0.04       3       3       —    

Sewoong Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

    7,931       0.10       40       40       —    

SIN-E Steel Co., Ltd.

    109       0.08       33       33       —    

Joongang Platec Co., Ltd.

    3,591       0.75       72       72       —    

Hangjin Steel Co., Ltd.

    116       1.08       116       —         —    

Pyungsan SI Ltd.

    434       0.01       9       9       —    

Samgong Development Co., Ltd.

    12       0.01       7       7       —    

Joongang Development Co., Ltd.

    540       0.12       8       8       —    

AJS Co., Ltd.

    12,906       0.23       32       32       —    

SET&C Co., Ltd.

    119       0.13       10       10       —    

MSE Co., Ltd.

    429       0.13       9       9       —    

Ilrim Nano Tec Co., Ltd.

    1,520       0.07       15       15       —    

Kwang Myeong Electronics Technology Co., Ltd.

    113       0.37       11       11       —    

Youngjin Hi-Tech Co., Ltd.

    2,512       0.25       126       21       —    

Dong Woo International Co., Ltd.

    90       0.37       18       18       —    

Bench Mark Construction Co., Ltd.

    2       0.00       —         —         —    

Buyoung Co., Ltd.

    270       0.00       3       3       —    

Ilsuk Co., Ltd.

    152       0.17       10       10       —    

Dongyang Telecom Co., Ltd.

    1,760       0.01       11       11       —    

Han Young Construction Co., Ltd.

    35       0.03       3       3       —    

Jongwon Remicon Co., Ltd.

    31       0.18       13       13       —    

Ace Heat Treating Co., Ltd.

    477       1.43       72       72       —    

Zyle Daewoo Motor Sales Co., Ltd.

    22       0.00       —         —         —    

Daewoo Development Co., Ltd.

    8       0.00       —         —         —    

Daewoo Songdo Development Co., Ltd.

    301       0.00       2       —         —    

Seyang Inc.

    537       0.05       27       27       —    

Seungri Enterprise Co., Ltd.

    93       0.05       3       3       —    

Onggane Food Co., Ltd

    5       0.07       1       1       —    

Shin-E P&C Co., Ltd.

    12       0.00       1       1       —    

Montista Telecom Co., Ltd.

    5,409       0.00       3       —         —    

Ejung Ad Co., Ltd.

    132       0.09       3       3       —    

Solvus Co., Ltd.

    1,056       0.04       3       3       —    

Myung Co., Ltd.

    89       0.05       2       2       —    

Emotion Co., Ltd.

    167       0.61       8       8       —    

Youngdong Concrete Co., Ltd.

    32       0.32       7       7       —    

Shinil Engineering Co., Ltd.

    887       0.06       3       3       —    

Korea Castiron Industrial Co., Ltd.

    617       1.86       22       22       —    



Table of Contents
    Shares     Ownership           Historical cost     Book value     Fair value  
    In millions of won  

FFG DMC Co., Ltd.

    12       0.00         17       17       —    

Daeseong Metal Co., Ltd.

    518       2.37       47       47       —    

Biwang Industry Co., Ltd

    406       0.04       2       2       —    

Huimun Co., Ltd.

    263       0.26       4       4       —    

Sunun IT F Co., Ltd.

    133       0.52       8       8       —    

Young Sung Co., Ltd.

    89       0.40       27       27       —    

Yuil Industrial Electronics Co., Ltd.

    804       0.32       16       16       —    


    12,401       0.29       62       62       —    

Daeyang FMS Corporation

    84       0.05       3       3       —    

Kwang Jin Structure Co., Ltd.

    3,072       0.60       31       31       —    

Woojin Industry Corporation

    3       0.00       16       16       —    

Kwang Sung Industry Co., Ltd.

    325       0.35       7       7       —    

Matsaeng Food Co., Ltd.

    277       0.56       6       6       —    

Futech Mold Co., Ltd.

    274       0.27       14       14       —    

Samcheonri Industrial Co., Ltd.

    533       0.98       13       13       —    

Woojoo Environment Ind. Co., Ltd.

    101       0.11       13       13       —    

Cheongatti Co., Ltd.

    57       0.10       4       4       —    

Hyungji Esquire Co., Ltd.

    52       0.02       21       21       —    

Kolmar Pharma Co., Ltd.

    1,426       0.01       52       52       —    

Morado Co., Ltd.

    209       0.04       2       2       —    

Myung Sung Tex Co., Ltd.

    20       0.00       2       2       —    

Areva nc Expansion

    1,077,124       13.49       288,443       170,118       —    

Navanakorn Electric Co., Ltd. (*3)

    4,442,800       29.00       16,646       17,951       —    

PT. Kedap Saayq

    671       10.00       18,540       —         —    

Set Holding (*4)

    1,100,220       2.50       229,255       179,585       179,585  

PT. Cirebon Energi Prasarana

    420       10.00       635       635       —    









          591,980       387,900       180,390  









            961,313       584,479       376,969  











(*1) Book values of unlisted equity securities held by the Company were measured at cost as a quoted market price does not exist in an active market and its fair value cannot be measured reliably.


(*2) The Company has estimated the fair value of the investment in Construction Guarantee based upon the price which would be applied when the investment is returned. The Company has recognized the difference between its fair value and book value as a gain or loss on valuation of available-for-sale financial assets in other comprehensive income or loss during the year ended December 31, 2015.


(*3) Although the Company holds more than 20% of the equity shares of these investments, the Company cannot exercise significant influence.


(*4) The Company has estimated the fair value of Set Holding by using the discounted cash flow method and has recognized the difference between its fair value and book value as gain or loss on valuation of available-for-sale financial assets in other comprehensive income or loss during the year ended December 31, 2015.



Table of Contents
10. Held-to-maturity Investments

Held-to-maturity investments as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


            Beginning balance      Acquisition      Disposal     Impairment      Others     Ending balance  
            In millions of won  

Government bonds

          2,268        2,351        (1,018     —          —         3,601  

Municipal bonds

        13        —          —         —          —         13  


















          2,281        2,351        (1,018     —          —         3,614  




















          168        —          (777     —          874       265  


        2,113        2,351        (241     —          (874     3,349  


            Beginning balance      Acquisition      Disposal     Impairment      Others     Ending balance  
            In millions of won  

Government bonds

          3,601        432        (410     —          —         3,623  

Municipal bonds

        13        —          —         —          (13     —    


















          3,614        432        (410     —          (13     3,623  




















          265        —          (186     —          301       380  


        3,349        432        (224     —          (314     3,243  



Table of Contents
11. Derivatives


(1) Derivatives as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


           2014      2015  
           Current      Non-current      Current      Non-current  
           In millions of won  

Derivative assets


Currency forward

         182        7,233        1,498        24,896  

Currency swap

       8,039        151,934        95,759        491,219  

Interest rate swap

       —          2,737        —          3,778  












         8,221        161,904        97,257        519,893  













Derivative liabilities


Currency forward

         466        —          1,142        —    

Currency swap

       53,697        196,273        758        66,976  

Interest rate swap

       3,457        83,913        8,345        89,289  












         57,620        280,186        10,245        156,265  














(2) Currency forward contracts which are not designated as hedge instruments, as of December 31, 2015 are as follows:



   Contract amount      Contract
exchange rate
         Pay      Receive     
     In millions of won and thousands of foreign currencies  

KEB Hana Bank

     2014.04.10      2021.07.12             55,120      USD  52,000        1,060.00  

KEB Hana Bank

     2014.04.28      2021.07.12         50,784      USD 48,000        1,058.00  

KEB Hana Bank

     2014.05.09      2021.07.12         104,600      USD  100,000        1,046.00  

Bank of America

     2014.04.29      2021.07.12         105,400      USD 100,000        1,054.00  

Barclays Bank PLC

     2015.12.17      2016.01.13         5,904      USD 5,000        1,180.78  

Barclays Bank PLC

     2015.12.28      2016.01.22         5,822      USD 5,000        1,164.30  

Barclays Bank PLC

     2015.12.29      2016.01.25         5,845      USD 5,000        1,168.90  


     2015.12.28      2016.01.21         5,826      USD 5,000        1,165.15  


     2015.12.11      2016.01.12         5,903      USD 5,000        1,180.59  

Nova Scotia

     2015.12.07      2016.01.11         2,332      USD 2,000        1,166.20  

Nova Scotia

     2015.12.07      2016.01.11         2,337      USD 2,000        1,168.70  

Nova Scotia

     2015.12.24      2016.01.20         5,856      USD 5,000        1,171.25  

Nova Scotia

     2015.12.30      2016.01.27         5,870      USD 5,000        1,173.98  

Standard Chartered

     2015.12.10      2016.01.08         5,913      USD 5,000        1,182.65  

Standard Chartered

     2015.12.24      2016.01.19         5,846      USD 5,000        1,169.12  

Standard Chartered

     2015.12.29      2016.01.26         5,841      USD 5,000        1,168.24  

Nova Scotia

     2015.11.20      2016.02.24         5,789      USD 5,000        1,157.86  

Nova Scotia

     2015.12.23      2016.01.28         1,171      USD 1,000        1,171.10  

Nova Scotia

     2015.12.18      2016.01.29         5,830      USD 5,000        1,166.00  

Nova Scotia

     2015.12.24      2016.01.04         7,653      USD 6,538        1,170.53  

Standard Chartered

     2015.11.10      2016.02.12         3,483      USD 3,000        1,160.90  

Standard Chartered

     2015.12.29      2016.01.05         13,042      USD 11,173        1,167.28  

Barclays Bank PLC

     2015.12.16      2016.03.18         3,527      USD 3,000        1,175.52  

Barclays Bank PLC

     2015.12.18      2016.03.22         3,562      USD 3,000        1,187.35  

Societe Generale

     2015.12.28      2016.01.29         5,823      USD 5,000        1,164.50  

Societe Generale

     2015.11.25      2016.02.29         5,746      USD 5,000        1,149.25  

Societe Generale

     2015.12.21      2016.02.29       USD  3,736        4,293        1,149.25  

Societe Generale

     2015.12.28      2016.02.29       USD 745      857        1,149.25  

Societe Generale

     2015.12.22      2016.03.24         5,885      USD 5,000        1,177.00  


     2015.10.07      2016.01.13         5,795      USD 5,000        1,158.95  



Table of Contents


   Contract amount      Contract
exchange rate
         Pay      Receive     
     In millions of won and thousands of foreign currencies  


     2015.10.22      2016.01.13           USD  2,313        2,681        1,158.95  


     2015.11.04      2016.02.11         11,358      USD  10,000        1,135.80  


     2015.11.16      2016.02.19         2,346      USD 2,000        1,173.20  


     2015.11.19      2016.01.13       USD 2,687        3,114        1,158.95  


     2015.11.24      2016.02.11       USD 797        906        1,135.80  


     2015.11.24      2016.02.11       USD 9,203        10,452        1,135.80  


     2015.12.29      2016.01.04         8,396      USD 7,193        1,167.25  

Mizuho Bank

     2015.11.04      2016.02.11         5,665      USD 5,000        1,132.91  

Mizuho Bank

     2015.11.17      2016.02.11       USD 4,776        5,411        1,132.91  

Mizuho Bank

     2015.12.08      2016.02.11       USD 224        254        1,132.91  

Mizuho Bank

     2015.12.22      2016.01.25         3,524      USD 3,000        1,174.75  

Mizuho Bank

     2015.12.24      2016.01.29         5,853      USD 5,000        1,170.54  

Mizuho Bank

     2015.12.29      2016.01.29         5,849      USD 5,000        1,169.80  

Credit Agricole

     2015.10.07      2016.01.13         4,700      USD 4,000        1,174.90  

Credit Agricole

     2015.10.14      2016.01.19         3,460      USD 3,000        1,153.30  

Credit Agricole

     2015.10.29      2016.01.13       USD 752        878        1,167.43  

Credit Agricole

     2015.11.02      2016.01.13       USD 1,520        1,774        1,167.40  

Credit Agricole

     2015.12.10      2016.01.13       USD 1,728        2,017        1,167.40  

Credit Agricole

     2015.12.28      2016.03.30         5,833      USD 5,000        1,166.60  


     2015.12.16      2016.01.04         3,654      USD 3,100        1,178.77  

Nonghyup Bank

     2015.12.16      2016.01.06         5,885      USD 5,000        1,176.92  

KEB Hana Bank

     2015.12.18      2016.01.06         7,462      USD 6,300        1,184.37  

Nova Scotia

     2015.12.21      2016.01.06         1,179      USD 1,000        1,178.50  

Nova Scotia

     2015.12.22      2016.01.06         6,470      USD 5,500        1,176.36  

Standard Chartered

     2015.12.23      2016.01.06         10,316      USD 8,800        1,172.31  

Nova Scotia

     2015.12.30      2016.01.08         7,627      USD 6,500        1,173.45  

Nova Scotia

     2015.12.28      2016.01.04         466      USD 400        1,165.76  

Nova Scotia

     2015.12.29      2016.01.08         7,706      USD 6,600        1,167.55  

Societe Generale

     2015.10.12      2016.01.13         754      USD 655        1,151.15  

KEB Hana Bank

     2015.08.26      2017.07.31       JPY  630,000        6,377        10.12  



Table of Contents
(3) Currency swap contracts which are not designated as hedge instruments as of December 31, 2015 are as follows:



   Contract year            Contract amount      Contract interest rate   Contract
exchange  rate
            Pay      Receive      Pay (%)   Receive (%)  
     In millions of won and thousands of foreign currencies  

Deutsche Bank

     2013~2018            110,412        JPY 10,000,000      6.21%   4.19%     11.04  


     2013~2018          111,800        USD 100,000      3.16%   2.79%     1,118.00  

Bank of America

     2013~2018          103,580        JPY 10,000,000      7.05%   4.19%     10.36  

Credit Suisse

     2014~2019          118,632        CHF 100,000      2.98%   1.50%     1,186.32  

Standard Chartered

     2014~2019          114,903        CHF 100,000      4.00%   1.50%     1,149.03  

Standard Chartered

     2014~2029          102,470        USD 100,000      3.14%   3.57%     1,024.70  

Standard Chartered

     2014~2017          51,215        USD 50,000      2.24%   3M Libor + 0.55%     1,024.30  

Societe Generale

     2014~2024          105,017        USD 100,000      4.92%   5.13%     1,050.17  

KEB Hana Bank

     2015~2024          107,970        USD 100,000      4.75%   5.13%     1,079.70  

Credit Agricole

     2015~2024          94,219        USD 86,920      4.85%   5.13%     1,083.97  

Mizuho Bank

     2014~2017          153,645        USD 150,000      2.35%   3M Libor + 0.65%     1,024.30  


     2012~2022          112,930        USD 100,000      2.79%   3.00%     1,129.30  

JP Morgan

     2012~2022          112,930        USD 100,000      2.79%   3.00%     1,129.30  

Bank of America

     2012~2022          112,930        USD 100,000      2.79%   3.00%     1,129.30  

Goldman Sachs

     2012~2022          112,930        USD 100,000      2.79%   3.00%     1,129.30  


     2012~2022          111,770        USD 100,000      2.89%   3.00%     1,117.70  

KEB Hana Bank

     2012~2022          111,770        USD 100,000      2.87%   3.00%     1,117.70  

Standard Chartered

     2012~2022          111,770        USD 100,000      2.89%   3.00%     1,117.70  

Deutsche Bank

     2012~2022          55,885        USD 50,000      2.79%   3.00%     1,117.70  


     2013~2018          108,140        USD 100,000      2.63%   3M Libor+0.84%     1,081.40  


     2013~2018          108,140        USD 100,000      2.57%   3M Libor+0.84%     1,081.40  


     2013~2018          108,140        USD 100,000      2.57%   3M Libor+0.84%     1,081.40  


     2013~2018          107,450        USD 100,000      3.41%   2.88%     1,074.50  

Standard Chartered

     2013~2018          107,450        USD 100,000      3.44%   2.88%     1,074.50  

JP Morgan

     2013~2018          107,450        USD 100,000      3.48%   2.88%     1,074.50  

Bank of America

     2014~2018          107,450        USD 100,000      3.09%   2.88%     1,074.50  


     2014~2018          107,450        USD 100,000      3.09%   2.88%     1,074.50  

JP Morgan

     2014~2017          102,670        USD 100,000      2.89%   3M Libor+0.78%     1,026.70  

Deutsche Bank

     2014~2017          102,670        USD 100,000      2.89%   3M Libor+0.78%     1,026.70  


     2014~2019          105,260        USD 100,000      2.48%   2.38%     1,052.60  

Standard Chartered

     2014~2019          105,260        USD 100,000      2.48%   2.38%     1,052.60  


     2014~2019          105,260        USD 100,000      2.48%   2.38%     1,052.60  


     2015~2025          111,190        USD 100,000      2.60%   3.25%     1,111.90  

Korea Development Bank

     2015~2025          111,190        USD 100,000      2.62%   3.25%     1,111.90  

KEB Hana Bank

     2015~2025          55,595        USD 50,000      2.62%   3.25%     1,111.90  

Woori Bank

     2015~2025          55,595        USD 50,000      2.62%   3.25%     1,111.90  


(4) Currency swap contracts which are designated as hedge instruments as of December 31, 2015 are as follows:



   Contract year            Contract amount      Contract interest rate   Contract
exchange rate
            Pay      Receive      Pay (%)   Receive (%)  
     In millions of won and thousands of foreign currencies  


     2006~2016            113,200        USD 100,000      1.05%   6.00%     1,132.00  

Barclays Bank PLC

     2006~2016          113,200        USD 100,000      1.05%   6.00%     1,132.00  

Credit Suisse

     2006~2016          113,200        USD 100,000      1.05%   6.00%     1,132.00  

Goldman Sachs

     2011~2017          105,260        USD 100,000      3.99%   3.63%     1,052.60  

Barclays Bank PLC

     2011~2017          105,260        USD 100,000      3.99%   3.63%     1,052.60  


     2011~2017          105,260        USD 100,000      3.99%   3.63%     1,052.60  


     2013~2018          54,570        USD 50,000      2.90%   3M Libor+1.01%     1,091.40  

Standard Chartered

     2013~2018          54,570        USD 50,000      2.90%   3M Libor+1.01%     1,091.40  

Credit Suisse

     2013~2018          111,410        USD 100,000      3.22%   3M Libor+1.50%     1,114.10  


     2014~2020          99,901        AUD 100,000      3.52%   5.75%     999.01  


     2014~2020          100,482        AUD 100,000      3.48%   5.75%     1,004.82  

Standard Chartered

     2013~2020          USD 117,250        AUD 125,000      3M Libor+1.25%   5.75%     0.94  

Standard Chartered

     2014~2020          126,032        USD 117,250      3.55%   3M Libor+1.25%     1,074.90  


     2006~2016          98,100        USD 100,000      5.48%   5.50%     981.00  

Credit Suisse

     2006~2016          98,100        USD 100,000      5.48%   5.50%     981.00  

JP Morgan

     2014~2019          107,190        USD 100,000      3.25%+3%*n/N   2.75%     1,071.90  



Table of Contents


   Contract year             Contract amount      Contract interest rate   Contract
exchange rate
             Pay      Receive      Pay (%)   Receive (%)  
     In millions of won and thousands of foreign currencies  

Morgan Stanley

     2014~2019             107,190        USD 100,000      3.25%+3%*n/N   2.75%     1,071.90  

Deutsche Bank

     2014~2019           107,190        USD 100,000      3.25%+3%*n/N   2.75%     1,071.90  

Barclays Bank PLC

     2006~2016           71,888        USD 75,000      4.81%   5.50%     958.50  

Deutsche Bank AG

     2006~2016           71,888        USD 75,000      4.81%   5.50%     958.50  

Barclays Bank PLC

     2012~2017           142,500        USD 125,000      3.83%   3.13%     1,140.00  

Morgan Stanley

     2012~2017           142,500        USD 125,000      3.83%   3.13%     1,140.00  

Credit Agricole

     2012~2017           142,500        USD 125,000      3.83%   3.13%     1,140.00  

JP Morgan

     2012~2017           142,500        USD 125,000      3.83%   3.13%     1,140.00  

Credit Agricole

     2013~2019           118,343        CHF 100,000      3.47%   1.63%     1,183.43  

Barclays Bank PLC

     2013~2019           59,172        CHF 50,000      3.47%   1.63%     1,183.43  


     2013~2019           59,172        CHF 50,000      3.47%   1.63%     1,183.43  

Barclays Bank PLC

     2013~2018           107,360        USD 100,000      3.34%   2.88%     1,073.60  

Credit Agricole

     2013~2018           107,360        USD 100,000      3.34%   2.88%     1,073.60  

JP Morgan

     2013~2018           161,040        USD 150,000      3.34%   2.88%     1,073.60  

Standard Chartered

     2013~2018           161,040        USD 150,000      3.34%   2.88%     1,073.60  

Standard Chartered

     2014~2019           104,490        USD 100,000      2.77%   2.63%     1,044.90  

Credit Agricole

     2014~2019           104,490        USD 100,000      2.77%   2.63%     1,044.90  

Barclays Bank PLC

     2014~2019           104,490        USD 100,000      2.77%   2.63%     1,044.90  

Barclays Bank PLC

     2013~2018           81,188        USD 75,000      2.65%   1.88%     1,082.50  

Credit Agricole

     2013~2018           81,188        USD 75,000      2.65%   1.88%     1,082.50  

Deutsche Bank

     2013~2018           81,188        USD 75,000      2.65%   1.88%     1,082.50  


     2013~2018           81,188        USD 75,000      2.65%   1.88%     1,082.50  

Standard Chartered

     2014~2017           54,205        USD 50,000      2.93%   3M Libor+1.05%     1,084.10  

Credit Agricole

     2014~2017           54,205        USD 50,000      2.93%   3M Libor+1.05%     1,084.10  


     2012~2017           115,140        USD 100,000      3.38%   2.50%     1,151.40  

BNP Paribas

     2012~2017           115,140        USD 100,000      3.38%   2.50%     1,151.40  

KEB Hana Bank

     2012~2017           115,140        USD 100,000      3.38%   2.50%     1,151.40  

Barclays Bank PLC

     2012~2017           57,570        USD 50,000      3.38%   2.50%     1,151.40  

Standard Chartered

     2012~2017           57,570        USD 50,000      3.38%   2.50%     1,151.40  


     2012~2017           57,570        USD 50,000      3.38%   2.50%     1,151.40  

Credit Agricole

     2012~2017           57,570        USD 50,000      3.38%   2.50%     1,151.40  

Societe Generale

     2013~2018           106,190        USD 100,000      3.48%   2.63%     1,061.90  

BNP Paribas

     2013~2018           53,095        USD 50,000      3.48%   2.63%     1,061.90  

KEB Hana Bank

     2013~2018           53,095        USD 50,000      3.48%   2.63%     1,061.90  

Standard Chartered

     2013~2018           106,030        USD 100,000      3.48%   2.63%     1,060.30  

Barclays Bank PLC

     2013~2018           53,015        USD 50,000      3.48%   2.63%     1,060.30  

KEB Hana Bank

     2013~2018           31,809        USD 30,000      3.48%   2.63%     1,060.30  

Societe Generale

     2013~2018           21,206        USD 20,000      3.48%   2.63%     1,060.30  


     2013~2018           53,015        USD 50,000      3.47%   2.63%     1,060.30  


     2013~2018           53,015        USD 50,000      3.47%   2.63%     1,060.30  

Credit Agricole

     2014~2020           110,680        USD 100,000      2.29%   2.50%     1,106.80  

Societe Generale

     2014~2020           55,340        USD 50,000      2.16%   2.50%     1,106.80  

KEB Hana Bank

     2014~2020           55,340        USD 50,000      2.16%   2.50%     1,106.80  

KEB Hana Bank

     2014~2020           55,340        USD 50,000      2.21%   2.50%     1,106.80  

Standard Chartered

     2014~2020           55,340        USD 50,000      2.21%   2.50%     1,106.80  


     2014~2020           55,340        USD 50,000      2.21%   2.50%     1,106.80  


     2014~2020           55,340        USD 50,000      2.21%   2.50%     1,106.80  

Barclays Bank PLC

     2014~2020           55,340        USD 50,000      2.21%   2.50%     1,106.80  


     2014~2020           55,340        USD 50,000      2.21%   2.50%     1,106.80  



Table of Contents
(5) Interest rate swap contracts which are not designated as hedge instruments as of December 31, 2015 are as follows:



     Contract interest rate per annum
         Pay (%)   Receive (%)
     In millions of won

Korea Development Bank

     2012~2016      200,000      3.57%   3M CD + 0.26%

Nonghyup Bank

     2012~2016        100,000      3.49%   3M CD + 0.25%

Korea Development Bank

     2012~2016        50,000      3.49%   3M CD + 0.25%


     2012~2016        50,000      3.49%   3M CD + 0.25%

Standard Chartered

     2012~2016        200,000      3.55%   3M CD + 0.26%

Standard Chartered

     2012~2017        160,000      3.57%   3M CD + 0.32%

JP Morgan

     2013~2018        150,000      3.58%   3M CD + 0.31%

KEB Hana Bank

     2013~2016        100,000      2.82%   3M CD + 0.04%

KEB Hana Bank

     2013~2016        200,000      2.57%   3M CD + 0.04%

KEB Hana Bank

     2013~2016        100,000      2.75%   3M CD + 0.03%

Credit Suisse

     2014~2018        200,000      2.98%   1Y CMT + 0.31%

Korea Development Bank (*)

     2014~2029        40,000      3M CD – 0.03%   4.65%


(*) The contract is an interest rate swap hedging on Electricity Bonds 885, and the bank would notify the Company of the early termination every year on the early termination notification date (every year on April 28, from 2017 until 2028). The contract will be terminated if the early termination is notified.


(6) Interest rate swap contracts which are designated as hedge instruments, as of December 31, 2015 are as follows:




Contract interest rate per annum


Pay (%)

   Receive (%)  
     In thousands of U.S. dollars  

BNP Paribas

     2009~2027        USD 99,920      4.16%      6M USD Libor  


     2009~2027        USD 99,920      4.16%      6M USD Libor  

CA-CIB (Credit Agricole)

     2015~2033        USD 103,012      3.98% ~ 4.10%      6M USD Libor  


     2015~2033        USD 134,708      4.05% ~ 4.18%      6M USD Libor  


(7) Gain and loss on valuation and transaction of derivatives for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows and included in finance income and costs in the consolidated statements of comprehensive income (loss):


           Net income effects of
valuation gain (loss)
     Net income effects of
transaction gain (loss)
     Accumulated other
income (loss) (*)
           2014     2015      2014     2015      2014     2015  
           In millions of won  

Currency option

         —         —          16,535       —          —         —    

Currency forward

       58,068       357        321       8,523        (30,072     —    

Currency swap

       168,987       431,565        (79,484     75,752        (90,990     (6,926

Interest rate swap

       (16,800     161,609        (3,680     30,314        (15,235     4,082  

Other derivatives

       —         —          (709     —          —         —    


















         210,255       593,531        (67,017     114,589        (136,297     (2,844




















(*) As of December 31, 2015, the net gain on valuation of derivatives using cash flow hedge accounting of ₩4,409 million, net of tax, is included in other comprehensive income.



Table of Contents
12. Other Financial Assets


(1) Other financial assets as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


          2014      2015  
           Current      Non-current      Current      Non-current  
          In millions of won  

Loans and receivables

        68,910        611,610        106,013        678,126  

Present value discount

      (1,067      (55,456      (859      (48,223

Long-term/short-term financial instruments

      100,099        604,363        5,132,829        758,037  












        167,942        1,160,517        5,237,983        1,387,940  














(2) Loans and receivables as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


     Present value
          In millions of won  

Short-term loans and receivables


Loans for tuition

        25,828        (1,067      24,761  

Loans for housing

      12,050        —          12,050  

Fisheries loan

      6,032        —          6,032  

Other loans

      25,000        —          25,000  









      68,910        (1,067      67,843  










Long-term loans and receivables


Loans for tuition

      379,797        (54,569      325,228  

Loans for housing

      110,152        —          110,152  

Loans for related parties

      111,033        —          111,033  

Fisheries loan

      7,696        (887      6,809  

Other loans

      2,932        —          2,932  









      611,610        (55,456      556,154  









        680,520        (56,523      623,997  











     Present value
          In millions of won  

Short-term loans and receivables


Loans for tuition

        29,209        (859      28,350  

Loans for housing

      11,170        —          11,170  

Fisheries loan

      6,032        —          6,032  

Other loans

      59,602        —          59,602  









      106,013        (859      105,154  










Long-term loans and receivables


Loans for tuition

      390,738        (47,822      342,916  

Loans for housing

      132,239        —          132,239  

Loans for related parties

      99,768        —          99,768  

Fisheries loan

      1,664        (401      1,263  

Other loans

      53,717        —          53,717  









      678,126        (48,223      629,903  









        784,139        (49,082      735,057  












Table of Contents
(3) Long-term and short-term financial instruments as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


           2014      2015  
           Current      Non-current      Current      Non-current  
           In millions of won  

Time deposits

         90,088        742        2,131,089        3  

Asset-Backed Commercial Paper

       10,011        —          2,598,791        5,000  


       —          —          48,350        —    


       —          —          163,649        —    


       —          300,000        —          —    


       —          303,306        —          652,700  


       —          315        190,950        100,334  












         100,099        604,363        5,132,829        758,037  














13. Inventories

Inventories as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


           Acquisition cost      Valuation allowance      Book value  
           In millions of won  

Raw materials

         3,039,422        (1,130      3,038,292  


       212        —          212  


       93,498        —          93,498  

Finished goods

       59,222        —          59,222  


       840,463        (2,685      837,778  

Inventories in transit

       500,466        —          500,466  

Other inventories

       8,001        —          8,001  









         4,541,284        (3,815      4,537,469  











           Acquisition cost      Valuation allowance      Book value  
           In millions of won  

Raw materials

         3,304,220        (1,238      3,302,982  


       133,226        —          133,226  

Finished goods

       51,073        —          51,073  


       1,062,307        (4,428      1,057,879  

Inventories in transit

       392,340        —          392,340  

Other inventories

       8,913        —          8,913  









         4,952,079        (5,666      4,946,413  










The reversal of the allowance for loss on inventory valuation due to increases in the net realizable value of inventory deducted from cost of sales were ₩687 million and ₩3,029 million for the years ended December 31, 2013 and 2014, respectively. The allowance for loss on inventory valuation due to decreases in the net realizable value of inventory included in cost of sales was ₩533 million for the year ended December 31, 2015. The amounts of loss from inventory valuation included in other gains or losses for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015 were ₩261 million, ₩2,709 million and ₩1,318 million, respectively.



Table of Contents
14. Finance Lease Receivables


(1) Finance lease contracts

The Company entered into a power purchase agreement (“PPA”) with Jordan Electric Power Company to provide a 373MW level Qatrana gas combined power plant over a 25 year lease term, and accounts for the PPA as a finance lease. Also, the Company has fly-ash pipe conduit finance leases with an average lease term of 7 years. In addition, the Company entered into a PPA with the Comision Federal de Electricidad in Mexico to provide for 25 years of all electricity generated from the power plant after completion of its construction and collect rates consisting of fixed costs (to recover the capital) and variable costs during the contracted period.


(2) Finance lease receivables as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows and included in current and non-current trade and other receivables, net, in the consolidated statements of financial position:


           2014      2015  
           Minimum lease
     Present value
of minimum
lease payments
     Minimum lease
     Present value
of minimum
lease payments
           In millions of won  

Less than 1 year

         88,698        8,275        98,488        12,098  

1 ~ 5 years

       378,703        237,062        407,426        203,699  

More than 5 years

       1,675,685        640,417        1,689,281        738,011  












         2,143,086        885,754        2,195,195        953,808  














(3) There are no impaired finance lease receivables as of December 31, 2014 and 2015.


15. Non-Financial Assets

Non-financial assets as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


           2014      2015  
           Current      Non-current      Current      Non-
           In millions of won  

Advance payment

         109,112        12,516        102,842        25,172  

Prepaid expenses

       154,047        97,972        159,378        85,105  

Others (*)

       239,352        23,605        135,730        20,956  












         502,511        134,093        397,950        131,233  














  (*) Details of others as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


           2014      2015  
           Current      Non-current      Current      Non-
           In millions of won  

Tax refund receivables

         182,564        1,037        39,158        2,658  

Other quick assets and others

       56,788        22,568        96,572        18,298  












         239,352        23,605        135,730        20,956  















Table of Contents
16. Consolidated Subsidiaries


(1) Consolidated subsidiaries as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


               Percentage of ownership (%)  



Key operation activities



           2014                      2015          

Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.

   Power generation    KOREA      100.00%        100.00%  

Korea South-East Power Co., Ltd.

   Power generation    KOREA      100.00%        100.00%  

Korea Midland Power Co., Ltd.

   Power generation    KOREA      100.00%        100.00%  

Korea Western Power Co., Ltd.

   Power generation    KOREA      100.00%        100.00%  

Korea Southern Power Co., Ltd.

   Power generation    KOREA      100.00%        100.00%  

Korea East-West Power Co., Ltd.

   Power generation    KOREA      100.00%        100.00%  

KEPCO Engineering & Construction Company, Inc.(*1)


Architectural engineering for utility plant and others

   KOREA      66.32%        66.32%  

KEPCO Plant Service & Engineering Co., Ltd.


Utility plant maintenance and others

   KOREA      54.00%        52.48%  

KEPCO Nuclear Fuel Co., Ltd.

   Nuclear fuel    KOREA      96.36%        96.36%  



Electric power information

technology and others

   KOREA      100.00%        100.00%  

Garolim Tidal Power Plant Co., Ltd.(*2)

   Power generation    KOREA      49.00%        49.00%  

KEPCO International HongKong Ltd.

   Holding company    HONG KONG      100.00%        100.00%  

KEPCO International Philippines Inc.

   Holding company    PHILIPPINES      100.00%        100.00%  

KEPCO Gansu International Ltd.

   Holding company    HONG KONG      100.00%        100.00%  

KEPCO Philippines Holdings Inc.

   Holding company    PHILIPPINES      100.00%        100.00%  

KEPCO Philippines Corporation

   Operation of utility plant    PHILIPPINES      100.00%        100.00%  

KEPCO Ilijan Corporation

   Utility plant rehabilitation and operation    PHILIPPINES      51.00%        51.00%  


   Operation of utility plant    LEBANON      100.00%        100.00%  

KEPCO Neimenggu International Ltd.

   Holding company    HONG KONG      100.00%        100.00%  

KEPCO Shanxi International Ltd.

   Holding company    HONG KONG      100.00%        100.00%  

KOMIPO Global Pte Ltd.

   Holding company    SINGAPORE      100.00%        100.00%  

KEPCO Canada Energy Ltd.

   Resources development    CANADA      100.00%        100.00%  

KEPCO Netherlands B.V.

   Holding company    NETHERLANDS      100.00%        100.00%  

KOREA Imouraren Uranium Investment Corp.

   Uranium mine development    FRANCE      100.00%        100.00%  

KEPCO Australia Pty., Ltd.

   Resources development    AUSTRALIA      100.00%        100.00%  

KOSEP Australia Pty., Ltd.

   Resources development    AUSTRALIA      100.00%        100.00%  

KOMIPO Australia Pty., Ltd.

   Resources development    AUSTRALIA      100.00%        100.00%  

KOWEPO Australia Pty., Ltd.

   Resources development    AUSTRALIA      100.00%        100.00%  

KOSPO Australia Pty., Ltd.

   Resources development    AUSTRALIA      100.00%        100.00%  

KEPCO Middle East Holding Company

   Holding company    BAHRAIN      100.00%        100.00%  

Qatrana Electric Power Company

   Construction and operation of utility plant    JORDAN      80.00%        80.00%  

KHNP Canada Energy Ltd.

   Resources development    CANADA      100.00%        100.00%  

KEPCO Bylong Australia Pty., Ltd.

   Resources development    AUSTRALIA      100.00%        100.00%  

Korea Waterbury Uranium Limited Partnership

   Resources development    CANADA      79.64%        79.64%  

KEPCO Canada Uranium Investment Limited Partnership

   Resources development    CANADA      100.00%        100.00%  

Korea Electric Power Nigeria Ltd.

   Operation of utility plant    NIGERIA      100.00%        100.00%  

KEPCO Holdings de Mexico

   Holding company    MEXICO      100.00%        100.00%  

KST Electric Power Company

   Construction and operation of utility plant    MEXICO      56.00%        56.00%  

KEPCO Energy Service Company

   Operation of utility plant    MEXICO      100.00%        100.00%  

KEPCO Netherlands S3 B.V.

   Holding company    NETHERLANDS      100.00%        100.00%  

PT. KOMIPO Pembangkitan Jawa Bali

   Operation of utility plant    INDONESIA      51.00%        51.00%  

PT. Cirebon Power Service(*2)

   Operation of utility plant    INDONESIA      27.50%        27.50%  

KOWEPO International Corporation

   Operation of utility plant    PHILIPPINES      99.99%        99.99%  


   Operation of utility plant    JORDAN      100.00%        100.00%  

EWP Philippines Corporation

   Operation of utility plant    PHILIPPINES      100.00%        100.00%  

EWP America Inc.

   Holding company    USA      100.00%        100.00%  

EWP Renewable Co.

   Holding company    USA      100.00%        100.00%  



Table of Contents
               Percentage of ownership (%)  



Key operation activities



           2014                      2015          

DG Fairhaven Power, LLC

   Power generation    USA      100.00%        100.00%  

DG Kings Plaza, LLC

   Power generation    USA      100.00%        100.00%  

DG Whitefield, LLC

   Power generation    USA      100.00%        100.00%  

Springfield Power, LLC

   Power generation    USA      100.00%        100.00%  

KNF Canada Energy Limited

   Resources development    CANADA      96.36%        96.36%  

PT KEPCO Resource Indonesia

   Resources development    INDONESIA      100.00%        100.00%  

EWP Barbados 1 SRL

   Holding company    BARBADOS      100.00%        100.00%  

California Power Holdings, LLC

   Power generation    USA      100.00%        100.00%  

Gyeonggi Green Energy Co., Ltd.

   Power generation    KOREA      62.01%        62.01%  

PT. Tanggamus Electric Power

   Power generation    INDONESIA      60.00%        52.50%  

Gyeongju Wind Power Co., Ltd.

   Power generation    KOREA      70.00%        70.00%  

KOMIPO America Inc.

   Holding company    USA      100.00%        100.00%  

Boulder Solar Power, LLC

   Solar photovoltaic power generation    USA      82.14%        —    

EWPRC Biomass Holdings, LLC

   Holding company    USA      100.00%        100.00%  


   Power generation    USA      100.00%        100.00%  

PT. EWP Indonesia

   Holding company    INDONESIA      100.00%        100.00%  


   Solar photovoltaic power generation    USA      100.00%        —    

KEPCO Netherlands J3 B.V.

   Holding company    NETHERLANDS      100.00%        100.00%  

Korea Offshore Wind Power Co., Ltd.

   Power generation    KOREA      100.00%        100.00%  

Global One Pioneer B.V.

   Holding company    NETHERLANDS      100.00%        100.00%  

Global Energy Pioneer B.V.

   Holding company    NETHERLANDS      100.00%        100.00%  

Mira Power Limited(*3)

   Power generation    PAKISTAN      76.00%        76.00%  

KOSEP Material Co., Ltd.(*4)

   Power generation    KOREA      46.22%        46.22%  

Commerce and Industry Energy Co., Ltd.

   Power generation    KOREA      59.03%        59.03%  

KEPCO Singapore Holdings Pte., Ltd.

   Holding company    SINGAPORE      100.00%        100.00%  

KOWEPO India Private Limited

   Holding company    INDIA      100.00%        100.00%  

KEPCO KPS Philippines Corp.

   Utility plant maintenance and others    PHILIPPINES      54.00%        52.48%  


   Holding company    CHILE      100.00%        100.00%  

PT. KOWEPO Sumsel Operation and

Maintenance Services


Utility plant maintenance and others

   INDONESIA      95.00%        95.00%  

HeeMang Sunlight Power Co., Ltd.

   Power generation    KOREA      —          100.00%  

Fujeij Wind Power Company

   Operation of utility plant    JORDAN      —          100.00%  

KOSPO Youngnam Power Co., Ltd.

   Operation of utility plant    KOREA      —          50.00%  


(*1) Considering treasury stocks, the effective percentage of ownership is 66.62%.


(*2) These subsidiaries are included in the consolidated financial statements as the Company obtained the majority of the voting power through the shareholders’ agreement.


(*3) As of reporting date, the reporting period of all subsidiaries is December 31, except for Mira Power Limited which is November 30.


(*4) According to the shareholders’ agreement reached in April 2014, Korea South-East Power Co., Ltd. (“KOSEP”) signed a contract with Long Lasting Value(“LLV”) to guarantee the principal and certain rate of return on LLV’s shares in KOSEP Material Co., Ltd. Moreover, LLV has put options to sell their investment to KOSEP. Therefore, the Company accounted for this agreement as KOSEP acquiring the shares of KOSEP Material from LLV. As such, the effective percentage of ownership is 86.20% as of December 31, 2015.



Table of Contents
(2) Subsidiaries newly included in or excluded from consolidation for the year ended December 31, 2015 are as follows:


  (i) Subsidiaries newly included in consolidation





HeeMang Sunlight Power Co., Ltd.

   Newly Established

Fujeij Wind Power Company

   Newly Established

KOSPO Youngnam Power Co., Ltd.

   Newly Established


  (ii) Subsidiaries excluded from consolidation





Boulder Solar Power, LLC





(3) Summary of financial information of consolidated subsidiaries as of and for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:





    Sales     Profit (loss)
for the period
          In millions of won  

Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.

        49,237,136       27,588,281       9,379,564       1,446,060  

Korea South-East Power Co., Ltd.

      9,026,146       5,068,092       4,469,415       383,233  

Korea Midland Power Co., Ltd.

      7,074,578       4,073,784       5,041,682       110,533  

Korea Western Power Co., Ltd.

      8,245,105       5,008,954       4,840,007       151,662  

Korea Southern Power Co., Ltd.

      8,703,362       5,229,934       6,209,536       68,481  

Korea East-West Power Co., Ltd.

      8,370,732       4,805,302       4,507,011       168,534  

KEPCO Engineering & Construction Company, Inc.

      777,612       370,482       841,917       54,759  

KEPCO Plant Service & Engineering Co., Ltd.

      922,843       226,774       1,078,526       166,847  

KEPCO Nuclear Fuel Co., Ltd.

      568,370       257,899       241,310       32,588  


      390,681       135,341       458,960       20,228  

Garolim Tidal Power Plant Co., Ltd.

      772       387       —         (39,856

KEPCO International HongKong Ltd.

      182,703       —         —         6,221  

KEPCO International Philippines Inc.

      101,864       405       —         98,878  

KEPCO Gansu International Ltd.

      16,330       506       —         (11

KEPCO Philippines Holdings Inc.

      124,418       40       —         5,987  

KEPCO Philippines Corporation

      13,670       139       —         (959

KEPCO Ilijan Corporation

      585,190       53,212       127,871       76,627  


      6,990       9,832       —         (164

KEPCO Neimenggu International Ltd.

      182,140       —         —         (172

KEPCO Shanxi International Ltd.

      523,357       245,170       —         1,935  

KOMIPO Global Pte Ltd.

      157,441       3,636       —         9,470  

KEPCO Canada Energy Ltd.

      69,507       113       —         (18

KEPCO Netherlands B.V.

      189,121       14       —         367  

KOREA Imouraren Uranium Investment Corp.

      227,897       207       —         (48

KEPCO Australia Pty., Ltd.

      539,961       2,572       4,532       799  

KOSEP Australia Pty., Ltd.

      19,771       935       4,786       2,413  

KOMIPO Australia Pty., Ltd.

      18,779       542       4,786       1,786  

KOWEPO Australia Pty., Ltd.

      19,990       1,004       4,786       2,434  

KOSPO Australia Pty., Ltd.

      18,983       932       4,439       2,007  

KEPCO Middle East Holding Company

      116,615       133,338       —         (1,470

Qatrana Electric Power Company

      553,134       462,329       17,079       15,724  

KHNP Canada Energy Ltd.

      47,982       58       —         (17

KEPCO Bylong Australia Pty., Ltd.

      169,209       200,443       —         (20,958

Korea Waterbury Uranium Limited Partnership

      22,058       35       —         (59

KEPCO Canada Uranium Investment Limited Partnership

      70,778       25       —         (30

Korea Electric Power Nigeria Ltd.

      1,112       786       23,863       204  

KEPCO Holdings de Mexico

      11       21       —         (12



Table of Contents




    Sales     Profit (loss)
for the period
          In millions of won  

KST Electric Power Company

        512,793       496,780       16,668       13,496  

KEPCO Energy Service Company

      374       535       5,032       40  

KEPCO Netherlands S3 B.V.

      62,583       30       —         812  

PT. KOMIPO Pembangkitan Jawa Bali

      17,282       6,034       21,276       8,929  

PT. Cirebon Power Service

      1,630       402       6,694       354  

KOWEPO International Corporation

      —         —         —         (1,861

KOSPO Jordan, LLC.

      10,270       1,742       29,682       2,512  

EWP Philippines Corporation

      6,570       283       —         (848

EWP America Inc. (*)

      104,855       76,669       57,251       (21

KNF Canada Energy Limited

      2,118       48       —         (65

PT KEPCO Resource Indonesia

      1,366       13       —         (267

EWP Barbados 1 SRL

      296,278       162       2,633       322  

Gyeonggi Green Energy Co., Ltd.

      334,074       264,278       124,181       (4,989

PT. Tanggamus Electric Power

      24,120       8,339       20,089       (3,125

Gyeongju Wind Power Co., Ltd.

      48,570       30,225       7,871       2,590  

KOMIPO America Inc.

      10,118       7       —         —    

Boulder Solar Power, LLC.

      8,457       7       —         (712


      35,062       1,581       2,315       (119

PT. EWP Indonesia

      902       15       —         (278

KOWEPO America, LLC.

      5,813       137       —         (1,006

KEPCO Netherlands J3 B.V.

      113,818       44       —         (61

Korea Offshore Wind Power Co., Ltd.

      11,762       2,287       —         (3,424

Global One Pioneer B.V.

      40       24       —         (60

Global Energy Pioneer B.V.

      42       29       —         (64

Mira Power Limited

      32,977       221       —         (1,109

KOSEP Material Co., Ltd.

      42,766       23,226       —         (2,463

Commerce and Industry Energy Co., Ltd.

      103,346       87,047       23,645       (881

KEPCO Singapore Holdings Pte., Ltd.

      1,012       —         —         (20

KOWEPO India Private Limited

      997       11       —         (397

KEPCO KPS Philippines Corp.

      5,147       2,150       9,263       1,912  


      3,143       4,354       —         (1,640

PT. KOWEPO Sumsel Operation and Maintenance Services

      1,628       1,386       —         (408


  (*) Financial information of EWP America Inc. includes that of seven other subsidiaries, EWP Renewable Co., DG Fairhaven Power, LLC, DG Kings Plaza, LLC, DG Whitefield, LLC, Springfield Power, LLC, California Power Holdings, LLC, and EWPRC Biomass Holdings, LLC.





    Sales     Profit (loss)
for the period
        In millions of won  

Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.

      51,043,890       27,386,113       10,642,352       2,465,244  

Korea South-East Power Co., Ltd.

      9,326,835       4,859,827       4,961,711       601,204  

Korea Midland Power Co., Ltd.

      7,857,199       4,648,144       3,927,443       226,244  

Korea Western Power Co., Ltd.

      9,225,791       5,719,032       4,214,540       294,617  

Korea Southern Power Co., Ltd.

      9,216,084       5,525,865       4,317,995       224,757  

Korea East-West Power Co., Ltd.

      8,828,603       4,836,904       4,047,655       454,942  

KEPCO Engineering & Construction Company, Inc.

      855,156       438,371       657,603       31,047  



Table of Contents




    Sales     Profit (loss)
for the period
        In millions of won  

KEPCO Plant Service & Engineering Co., Ltd.

      1,029,304       246,342       1,171,082       168,632  

KEPCO Nuclear Fuel Co., Ltd.

      666,677       328,364       253,524       35,115  


      439,725       159,275       451,678       33,578  

Garolim Tidal Power Plant Co., Ltd.

      655       346       —         (76

KEPCO International HongKong Ltd.

      172,686       18       —         4,993  

KEPCO International Philippines Inc.

      115,594       1,542       —         38,541  

KEPCO Gansu International Ltd.

      17,405       540       —         (6

KEPCO Philippines Holdings Inc.

      132,094       26       —         24,690  

KEPCO Philippines Corporation

      13,998       218       —         265  

KEPCO Ilijan Corporation

      603,865       58,572       126,234       54,596  


      741       10,182       —         (1,541

KEPCO Neimenggu International Ltd.

      184,860       348       —         8,027  

KEPCO Shanxi International Ltd.

      562,652       242,270       —         22,949  

KOMIPO Global Pte Ltd.

      187,885       29       —         16,572  

KEPCO Canada Energy Ltd.

      55,945       23       —         (64

KEPCO Netherlands B.V.

      169,496       61       —         1,409  

KOREA Imouraren Uranium Investment Corp.

      224,499       263       —         5,964  

KEPCO Australia Pty., Ltd.

      510,892       2,541       4,510       168  

KOSEP Australia Pty., Ltd.

      18,180       1,581       4,729       346  

KOMIPO Australia Pty., Ltd.

      17,397       559       4,729       349  

KOWEPO Australia Pty., Ltd.

      18,320       1,578       4,729       353  

KOSPO Australia Pty., Ltd.

      18,358       1,567       4,729       356  

KEPCO Middle East Holding Company

      147,618       150,798       —         14,142  

Qatrana Electric Power Company

      521,206       412,587       17,844       31,767  

KHNP Canada Energy Ltd.

      42,731       22       —         (123

KEPCO Bylong Australia Pty., Ltd.

      183,468       236,545       —         (23,352

Korea Waterbury Uranium Limited Partnership

      20,370       699       —         (48

KEPCO Canada Uranium Investment Limited Partnership

      38,804       14       —         (26,171

Korea Electric Power Nigeria Ltd.

      1,721       1,179       55,768       309  

KEPCO Holdings de Mexico

      39       34       —         (13

KST Electric Power Company

      564,358       529,439       97,879       14,631  

KEPCO Energy Service Company

      1,435       604       6,034       875  

KEPCO Netherlands S3 B.V.

      66,251       189       —         716  

PT. KOMIPO Pembangkitan Jawa Bali

      16,536       6,170       20,143       8,047  

PT. Cirebon Power Service

      2,795       1,010       6,663       459  

KOWEPO International Corporation

      —         —         —         —    


      12,998       1,117       9,840       2,693  

EWP Philippines Corporation

      2,664       1,592       —         258  

EWP America Inc. (*)

      115,562       82,167       59,124       3,227  

KNF Canada Energy Limited

      1,874       18       —         (66

PT KEPCO Resource Indonesia

      1,210       —         —         (217

EWP Barbados 1 SRL

      260,638       370       2,829       273  

Gyeonggi Green Energy Co., Ltd.

      315,299       249,608       104,674       (4,111

PT. Tanggamus Electric Power

      106,892       91,416       60,044       (7,138

Gyeongju Wind Power Co., Ltd.

      62,600       27,822       5,993       968  

KOMIPO America Inc.

      13,487       2,480       —         218  


      40,035       4,178       4,975       153  

PT. EWP Indonesia

      1,039       15       —         (374

KEPCO Netherlands J3 B.V.

      121,492       81       —         18,858  

Korea Offshore Wind Power Co., Ltd.

      7,579       2,317       —         (4,213

Global One Pioneer B.V.

      40       20       —         (48



Table of Contents




    Sales     Profit (loss)
for the period
        In millions of won  

Global Energy Pioneer B.V.

      42       20       —         (48

Mira Power Limited

      110,918       66,963       —         (1,581

KOSEP Material Co., Ltd.

      29,768       28,013       26,310       (17,665

Commerce and Industry Energy Co., Ltd.

      99,638       86,727       24,774       (3,387

KEPCO Singapore Holdings Pte., Ltd.

      1,817       —         —         (9

KOWEPO India Private Limited

      911       10       —         (105

KEPCO KPS Philippines Corp.

      5,688       953       14,278       1,677  


      133       4,642       —         (942

PT. KOWEPO Sumsel Operation and Maintenance


      2,053       51       5,405       1,762  

HeeMang Sunlight Power Co., Ltd.

      4,711       —         —         (9

Fujeij Wind Power Company

      83       —         —         —    

KOSPO Youngnam Power Co., Ltd.

      82,173       32,166       —         7  


  (*) Financial information of EWP America Inc. includes that of seven other subsidiaries, EWP Renewable Co., DG Fairhaven Power, LLC, DG Kings Plaza, LLC, DG Whitefield, LLC, Springfield Power, LLC, and California Power Holdings, LLC, and EWPRC Biomass Holdings, LLC.


(4) Significant restrictions on abilities to subsidiaries are as follows:




Nature and extent of any significant restrictions

Gyeonggi Green Energy Co., Ltd.

  Acquisition or disposal of assets of more than ₩35 billion, change in the capacity of cogeneration units (except for the change due to performance improvement of equipment, maintenance) will require unanimous consent of all directors..

KOSPO Youngnam Power Co., Ltd.

  Dividends can only be paid when all conditions of the loan agreement are satisfied or prior written consent of financial institutions is obtained. Shares cannot be wholly or partially transferred without written consent of financial institutions.



Table of Contents
(5) Details of non-controlling interest prior to intra-group eliminations as of and for the years ended December 31,

2014 and 2015 are as follows:




        KEPCO Ilijan
    KEPCO Plant
Service &
Co., Ltd.
Engineering  &

Company, Inc.
    Garolim Tidal
Power Plant
Co., Ltd.
    Others     Total  
          In millions of won  

Percentage of ownership

      49.00     46.00     33.37     51.00    

Current assets

        143,229       461,750       355,292       729       605,778       1,566,778  

Non-current assets

      441,961       461,093       422,320       43       2,301,291       3,626,708  

Current liabilities

      (19,022     (181,871     (315,766     (387     (391,393     (908,439

Non-current liabilities

      (34,190     (44,903     (54,716     —         (1,765,520     (1,899,329

Net assets

      531,978       696,069       407,130       385       750,156       2,385,718  

Book value of non-controlling interest

      260,669       320,192       135,859       197       616,443       1,333,360  


      127,871       1,078,526       841,917       —         531,983       2,580,297  

Profit (loss) for the period

      76,627       166,847       54,759       (39,856     54,875       313,252  

Profit (loss) for the period attributable to non-controlling interest

      37,547       61,734       15,853       (20,326     24,014       118,822  

Cash flows from operating activities

      111,248       183,865       16,226       (4,818     53,990       360,511  

Cash flows from investing activities

      (3,221     (70,186     (14,066     (1,454     (64,720     (153,647

Cash flows from financing activities before dividends to non-controlling interest

      (116,956     (43,092     (19,258     —         35,825       (143,481

Dividends to non-controlling interest

      (96,533     (25,308     (4,905     —         (4,224     (130,970

Effect of exchange rate fluctuation

      2,456       70       (147     69       5,858       8,306  

Net increase (decrease) of cash and cash equivalents

      (103,006     45,349       (22,150     (6,203     26,729       (59,281




        KEPCO Ilijan
    KEPCO Plant
Service &
Co., Ltd.
Engineering  &

Company, Inc.
    Others     Total  
          In millions of won  

Percentage of ownership

      49.00     47.52     33.37    

Current assets

        161,855       547,152       341,559       631,442       1,682,008  

Non-current assets

      442,010       482,152       513,597       1,976,302       3,414,061  

Current liabilities

      (22,522     (195,030     (342,315     (296,152     (856,019

Non-current liabilities

      (36,050     (51,312     (96,056     (1,566,200     (1,749,618

Net assets

      545,293       782,962       416,785       745,392       2,490,432  

Book value of non-controlling interest

      267,194       372,064       139,081       644,787       1,423,126  


      126,234       1,171,082       657,603       637,544       2,592,463  

Profit for the period

      54,596       168,632       31,047       61,554       315,829  

Profit for the period attributable to non-controlling interest

      26,752       78,852       10,360       11,802       127,766  

Cash flows from operating activities

      83,697       140,625       11,280       (29,888     205,714  

Cash flows from investing activities

      (16,021     (104,477     (134,874     (178,241     (433,613

Cash flows from financing activities before dividends to non-controlling interest

      (39,730     (40,581     69,955       226,976       216,620  

Dividends to non-controlling interest

      (36,080     (34,569     (7,300     (24,577     (102,526

Effect of exchange rate fluctuation

      4,123       3       (51     6,399       10,474  

Net increase (decrease) of cash and cash equivalents

      (4,011     (38,999     (60,990     669       (103,331



Table of Contents
(6) Changes in goodwill


  (i) Details of goodwill as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


            2014      2015  
           In millions of won  

Acquisition cost

         2,582        2,582  

Accumulated impairment

       —          —    







Carrying book value

         2,582        2,582  








  (ii) There are no changes in goodwill for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015


(7) Disposals of subsidiaries

The Company disposed the shares of Boulder Solar Power, LLC and liquidated KOWEPO America LLC during the year ended December 31, 2015. The Company also disposed the shares of Korea Engineering & Power Services Co., Ltd. and liquidated EWP Philippine Holdings Corporation during the year ended December 31, 2014.


  (i) The fair value of sales price as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


            2014      2015  
           In millions of won  

Consideration received in cash

         46,476        10,664  

Deferred consideration on disposals included in other receivables

       —          13,860  








         46,476        24,524  








  (ii) The carrying value of assets and liabilities of subsidiaries as at the date the Company lost its control during the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


           2014      2015  
           In millions of won  

Current assets


Cash and cash equivalents

         2,187        10,071  

Current financial assets, net

       4,781        1,077  

Trade and other receivables, net

       5,460        —    

Current non-financial assets

       232        —    







Non-current assets


Non-current financial assets, net

       144        —    

Non-current trade and other receivables, net

       351        —    

Property, plant and equipment, net

       934        2,460  


       50        2,893  







Current liabilities


Trade and other payables, net

       (1,655      —    

Current non-financial liabilities

       (161      (7






         12,323        16,494  









Table of Contents
  (iii) Gain from disposals of subsidiaries for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


           2014      2015  
           In millions of won  

The fair value of sale price

         46,476        24,524  

Net assets disposed

       (12,323      (16,494

Non-controlling interests

       5,765        —    

Realization of unrealized gain

       534        —    

Other comprehensive income (loss) (*1)

       (20      346  







Gain from disposals of subsidiaries (*2)

         40,432        8,376  








(*1) This represents the amount reclassified from other comprehensive income or loss to profit or loss when the Company lost its control of the subsidiaries.


(*2) Gain from disposals of subsidiaries is included in the consolidated statements of comprehensive income.


  (iv) Net cash flow from sales of subsidiaries for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


           2014      2015  
           In millions of won  

Consideration received in cash

         46,476        10,664  

Less: Cash in disposed subsidiaries

       (2,187      (10,071







Net cash flow

         44,289        593  








(8) Cash dividends received from subsidiaries for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015 respectively are as follows:



         2013      2014      2015  
           In millions of won  

Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.

         63,035        —          446,399  

Korea South-East Power Co., Ltd.

       89,569        34,800        57,485  

Korea Midland Power Co., Ltd.

       66,153        12,244        16,580  

Korea Western Power Co., Ltd.

       59,160        32,048        22,749  

Korea Southern Power Co., Ltd.

       51,680        30,800        10,272  

Korea East-West Power Co., Ltd.

       82,200        8,100        25,280  

KEPCO Engineering & Construction Company, Inc.

       55,280        10,996        14,574  

KEPCO Plant Service & Engineering Co., Ltd.

       45,363        43,095        40,584  

KEPCO Nuclear Fuel Co., Ltd.

       16,346        5,936        6,280  


       2,043        3,424        4,046  

Korea Engineering & Power Services Co., Ltd.

       1,458        1,573        —    

KEPCO International HongKong Ltd.

       12,132        74,927        25,826  

KEPCO International Philippines Inc.

       —          100,122        32,891  

KEPCO Philippines Corporation

       1,986        —          —    

KEPCO Ilijan Corporation

       —          101,647        38,128  

KEPCO Philippines Holdings Inc.

       6,678        2,811        19,221  

KEPCO Neimenggu International Ltd.

       3,629        6,308        25,338  

KEPCO Netherlands B.V.

       8,923        —          —    

Qatrana Electric Power Company

       —          —          16,857  


       129        446        —    

EWP Philippines Corporation

       —          —          5,586  

KEPCO Netherlands S3 B.V.

       —          —          1,382  

PT. KOMIPO Pembangkitan Jawa Bali

       1,663        2,827        3,169  

KEPCO Netherlands J3 B.V.

       —          —          19,254  

Gyeongju Wind Power Co., Ltd.

       —          651        1,294  









         567,427        472,755        833,195  












Table of Contents
17. Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures


(1) Investments in associates and joint ventures as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:





  Key operation activities      Location      Percentage of
                               In millions of won  



Daegu Green Power Co., Ltd.

    Power generation        KOREA        47.80          76,193        71,387  

Korea Gas Corporation(*1)

Importing and wholesaling
     KOREA        20.47        94,500        2,097,539  

Korea Electric Power Industrial Development Co., Ltd.

    Electricity metering        KOREA        29.00        4,727        21,622  

YTN Co., Ltd.

    Broadcasting        KOREA        21.43        59,000        39,889  

Cheongna Energy Co., Ltd.


Generating and distributing

vapor and hot/cold water



     KOREA        43.90        49,607        28,771  

Gangwon Wind Power Co., Ltd.(*2)

    Wind power generation        KOREA        15.00        5,725        12,385  

Hyundai Green Power Co., Ltd.

    Power generation        KOREA        29.00        88,885        113,033  

Korea Power Exchange(*6)

Management of power
     KOREA        100.00        127,839        198,021  

AMEC Partners Korea Ltd.(*3)

    Resources management        KOREA        19.00        707        200  

Hyundai Energy Co., Ltd.(*9)

    Power generation        KOREA        29.00        71,070        35,925  

Ecollite Co., Ltd.

Artificial light-weight
     KOREA        36.10        1,516        —    

Taebaek Wind Power Co., Ltd.

    Power generation        KOREA        25.00        3,810        5,525  

Muju Wind Power Co., Ltd.

    Power generation        KOREA        25.00        2,850        2,706  

Pyeongchang Wind Power Co., Ltd.

    Power generation        KOREA        25.00        3,876        3,693  

Daeryun Power Co., Ltd.(*3, 10)

    Power generation        KOREA        13.13        25,477        41,951  

JinanJangsu Wind Power Co., Ltd.

    Power generation        KOREA        25.00        100        77  

Changjuk Wind Power Co., Ltd.

    Power generation        KOREA        30.00        3,801        6,486  

KNH Solar Co., Ltd.

    Power generation        KOREA        27.00        1,296        1,744  

SPC Power Corporation

    Power generation        PHILIPPINES        38.00        20,635        47,799  

Gemeng International Energy Co., Ltd.

    Power generation        CHINA        34.00        413,153        667,578  

PT. Cirebon Electric Power

    Power generation        INDONESIA        27.50        40,365        43,335  

KNOC Nigerian East Oil Co., Ltd.(*4)

    Resources development        NIGERIA        14.63        12        —    

KNOC Nigerian West Oil Co., Ltd.(*4)

    Resources development        NIGERIA        14.63        12        —    

Dolphin Property Limited(*4)

    Rental company        NIGERIA        15.00        12        61  

PT Wampu Electric Power

    Power generation        INDONESIA        46.00        18,935        16,071  

PT. Bayan Resources TBK

    Resources development        INDONESIA        20.00        615,860        540,011  

S-Power Co., Ltd.

    Power generation        KOREA        40.00        108,000        104,244  

Pioneer Gas Power Limited(*8)

    Power generation        INDIA        40.00        49,831        50,668  

Eurasia Energy Holdings


Power generation and

resources development



     RUSSIA        40.00        461        —    

Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Power Co., Ltd.

    Power generation        LAOS        25.00        23,474        22,152  

Busan Solar Co., Ltd.(*3)

    Power generation        KOREA        19.80        793        853  

Hadong Mineral Fiber Co., Ltd.

    Recycling fly ashes        KOREA        25.00        50        3  

Green Biomass Co., Ltd.

    Power generation        KOREA        34.00        714        —    

PT. Mutiara Jawa


Manufacturing and

operating floating coal





     INDONESIA        29.00        2,978        818  

Samcheok Eco Material Co., Ltd.(*3, 11)

    Recycling fly ashes        KOREA        2.67        686        212  

Noeul Green Energy Co., Ltd.

    Power generation        KOREA        20.00        200        189  

Naepo Green Energy Co., Ltd.

    Power generation        KOREA        25.00        29,200        28,064  

Goseong Green Energy Co., Ltd.(*2)

    Power generation        KOREA        9.67        2,900        2,586  

Gangneung Eco Power Co., Ltd.(*2)

    Power generation        KOREA        6.04        2,900        2,783  

Shin Pyeongtaek Power Co., Ltd.

    Power generation        KOREA        40.00        40        —    

Heang Bok Do Si Photovoltaic Power Co., Ltd.

    Power generation        KOREA        28.00        193        221  

DS POWER Co., Ltd.(*2)

    Power generation        KOREA        10.91        17,900        15,642  

Dongducheon Dream Power Co., Ltd.

    Power generation        KOREA        33.61        107,958        100,545  

KS Solar Corp. Ltd.(*3)

    Power generation        KOREA        19.00        637        325  

Yeongwol Energy Station Co., Ltd.(*2)

    Power generation        KOREA        10.00        1,400        1,741  

Jinbhuvish Power Generation Pvt. Ltd.(*2)

    Power generation        INDIA        5.16        9,000        8,344  

SE Green Energy Co., Ltd.

    Power generation support        KOREA        47.76        3,821        3,623  

Daegu Photovoltaic Co., Ltd.

    Power generation        KOREA        29.00        1,230        1,581  

Jeongam Wind Power Co., Ltd.

    Power generation        KOREA        40.00        800        93  

Korea Power Engineering Service Co., Ltd.

    Construction and service        KOREA        29.00        290        1,334  






               2,095,419        4,341,830  









Table of Contents




  Key operation activities      Location      Percentage of
                               In millions of won  

<Joint ventures>


KEPCO-Uhde Inc.(*7)

    Power generation        KOREA        66.00          11,355        9,042  

Eco Biomass Energy Sdn. Bhd.(*7)

    Power generation        MALAYSIA        61.53        9,661        —    

Datang Chaoyang Renewable Power Co., Ltd.

    Power generation        CHINA        40.00        27,660        27,514  

Shuweihat Asia Power Investment B.V.

    Holding company        NETHERLANDS        49.00        60,083        16,241  

Shuweihat Asia Operation & Maintenance Company(*7)

    Maintenance of utility plant        CAYMAN        55.00        30        345  

Waterbury Lake Uranium L.P.

    Resources development        CANADA        40.00        26,601        22,010  

ASM-BG Investicii AD

    Power generation        BULGARIA        50.00        16,101        19,608  

RES Technology AD

    Power generation        BULGARIA        50.00        15,595        14,725  

KV Holdings, Inc.

    Power generation        PHILIPPINES        40.00        2,103        1,902  

KEPCO SPC Power Corporation(*7)

Construction and operation
of utility plant
     PHILIPPINES        75.20        94,579        190,519  

Canada Korea Uranium Limited Partnership(*5)

    Resources development        CANADA        12.50        5,404        —    

KEPCO Energy Resource Nigeria Limited

    Holding company        NIGERIA        30.00        8,463        —    

Gansu Datang Yumen Wind Power Co., Ltd.

    Power generation        CHINA        40.00        16,621        17,467  

Datang Chifeng Renewable Power Co., Ltd.

    Power generation        CHINA        40.00        121,928        169,496  

Datang KEPCO Chaoyang Renewable Power Co., Ltd.

    Power generation        CHINA        40.00        10,858        10,539  

Rabigh Electricity Company

    Power generation        SAUDI ARABIA        40.00        109,743        8,121  

Rabigh Operation & Maintenance Company

    Maintenance of utility plant        SAUDI ARABIA        40.00        70        4,628  

Jamaica Public Service Company Limited

    Power generation        JAMAICA        40.00        301,910        226,892  

KW Nuclear Components Co., Ltd.

    R&D        KOREA        43.36        833        2,899  

Busan Shinho Solar Power Co., Ltd.

    Power generation        KOREA        25.00        2,100        3,284  

GS Donghae Electric Power Co., Ltd.

    Power generation        KOREA        34.00        204,000        201,409  

Global Trade Of Power System Co., Ltd.


Exporting products and
technology of small or
medium business by proxy
     KOREA        29.00        290        343  

Expressway Solar-light Power Generation Co., Ltd.

    Power generation        KOREA        29.00        1,856        2,087  


    Power generation        USA        50.00        19,213        12,207  


    Power generation        USA        49.00        12,498        8,248  

Daejung Offshore Wind Power Co., Ltd.

    Power generation        KOREA        49.90        4,990        3,711  

Amman Asia Electric Power Company(*7)

    Power generation        JORDAN        60.00        111,476        122,391  

KEPCO-ALSTOM Power Electronics Systems, Inc.(*7)

    R&D        KOREA        51.00        5,629        4,617  

Dangjin Echo Power Co., Ltd.

    Power generation        KOREA        33.10        40,000        37,837  

Honam Wind Power Co., Ltd.

    Power generation        KOREA        29.00        3,600        3,555  

Nepal Water & Energy Development Company Pty Ltd.(*7)

Construction and operation
of utility plant
     NEPAL        59.61        18,568        17,872  

Chun-cheon Energy Co., Ltd.

    Power generation        KOREA        29.90        15        —    

Yeonggwangbaeksu Wind Power Co., Ltd.(*3)

    Power generation        KOREA        15.00        3,000        2,962  

Nghi Son 2 Power Ltd.

    Power generation        VIETNAM        50.00        350        102  

Kelar S.A(*7)

    Power generation        CHILE        65.00        4,180        3,156  

PT. Tanjung Power Indonesia

    Power generation        INDONESIA        35.00        747        700  

Incheon New Power Co., Ltd.

    Power generation        KOREA        29.00        461        465  

Seokmun Energy Co., Ltd.

    Integrated energy business        KOREA        34.00        680        —    






               1,273,251        1,166,894  






                 3,368,670        5,508,724  








(*1) The effective percentage of ownership is 21.57% considering treasury stocks.


(*2) The Company can exercise significant influence by virtue of its contractual right to appoint directors to the board of directors of the entity, and by strict decision criteria of the Company’s financial and operating policy of the board of directors.


(*3) The Company can exercise significant influence by virtue of its contractual right to appoint a director to the board of directors of the entity.



Table of Contents
(*4) The Company can exercise significant influence by virtue of its contractual right to appoint one out of four members of the steering committee of the entity. Moreover, the Company has significant financial transactions, which can affect its influence on the entity.


(*5) The Company has joint control over the associates by virtue of its contractual right to appoint directors to the board of directors of the entity, and by strict decision criteria of the Company’s financial and operating policy of the board of directors.


(*6) The Government regulates the Company’s ability to make operating and financial decisions over the entity, as the Government requires maintaining arms-length transactions between KPX and the Company’s other subsidiaries. The Company can exercise significant influence by its right to nominate directors to the board of directors of the entity.


(*7) According to the shareholders’ agreement, all critical financial and operating decisions must be agreed to by all ownership parties. For these reasons, the entities are classified as joint ventures.


(*8) As of reporting date, the reporting period of all associates and joint ventures ends in December 31, except for Pioneer Gas Power Limited whose reporting period ends on March 31.


(*9) As of December 31, 2014, 17.3% of ownership of Hyundai Energy Co., Ltd. is held by NH Power ll Co., Ltd. and NH Bank. According to the shareholders’ agreement reached on March 2011, not only does the Company have a call option to acquire the investment in Hyundai Energy Co., Ltd. from NH Power ll Co., Ltd. and NH Bank with a certain rate of return, NH Power ll Co., Ltd. and NH Bank also have put options to dispose of their investment to the Company. In connection with this agreement, the Company applied the equity method on the investment in Hyundai Energy Co., Ltd. with 46.3% of ownership.


(*10) The Company’s percentage of ownership has decreased due to the acquisitions of Daeryun Power Co., Ltd. and the effective percentage of ownership is 19.45% considering stock purchase options.


(*11) The Company’s effective percentage of ownership excluding the redeemable convertible preferred stock is 25.54%.






Key operation activities



  Percentage of
                        In millions of won  



Daegu Green Power Co., Ltd.

  Power generation   KOREA     47.80         76,193       80,267  

Korea Gas Corporation(*1)

  Importing and wholesaling LNG   KOREA     20.47       94,500       2,102,813  

Korea Electric Power Industrial Development Co., Ltd.

  Electricity metering   KOREA     29.00       4,727       18,994  

YTN Co., Ltd.

  Broadcasting   KOREA     21.43       59,000       38,365  

Cheongna Energy Co., Ltd.

  Generating and distributing vapor and hot/cold water   KOREA     43.90       49,607       19,490  

Gangwon Wind Power Co., Ltd.(*2)

  Power generation   KOREA     15.00       5,725       12,890  

Hyundai Green Power Co., Ltd.

  Power generation   KOREA     29.00       88,885       113,664  

Korea Power Exchange(*6)

  Management of power market   KOREA     100.00       127,839       208,735  

AMEC Partners Korea Ltd.(*3)

  Resources management   KOREA     19.00       707       230  

Hyundai Energy Co., Ltd.(*9)

  Power generation   KOREA     29.00       71,070       6,990  

Ecollite Co., Ltd.

  Artificial light-weight aggregate   KOREA     36.10       1,516       —    

Taebaek Wind Power Co., Ltd.

  Power generation   KOREA     25.00       3,810       4,956  

Muju Wind Power Co., Ltd.

  Power generation   KOREA     25.00       2,850       2,587  

Pyeongchang Wind Power Co., Ltd.

  Power generation   KOREA     25.00       3,875       3,402  

Daeryun Power Co., Ltd.(*3, 10)

  Power generation   KOREA     13.13       25,477       36,156  

JinanJangsu Wind Power Co., Ltd.

  Power generation   KOREA     25.00       100       77  

Changjuk Wind Power Co., Ltd.

  Power generation   KOREA     30.00       3,801       6,143  

KNH Solar Co., Ltd.

  Power generation   KOREA     27.00       1,296       1,924  

SPC Power Corporation

  Power generation   PHILIPPINES     38.00       20,635       58,033  

Gemeng International Energy Co., Ltd.

  Power generation   CHINA     34.00       413,153       728,396  

PT. Cirebon Electric Power

  Power generation   INDONESIA     27.50       40,365       60,574  

KNOC Nigerian East Oil Co., Ltd.(*4)

  Resources development   NIGERIA     14.63       12       —    

KNOC Nigerian West Oil Co., Ltd.(*4)

  Resources development   NIGERIA     14.63       12       —    

Dolphin Property Limited(*4)

  Rental company   NIGERIA     15.00       12       61  

PT Wampu Electric Power

  Power generation   INDONESIA     46.00       21,292       18,963  

PT. Bayan Resources TBK

  Resources development   INDONESIA     20.00       615,860       525,066  



Table of Contents





Key operation activities



  Percentage of
                        In millions of won  

S-Power Co., Ltd.

  Power generation   KOREA     49.00           132,300       130,908  

Pioneer Gas Power Limited(*8)

  Power generation   INDIA     40.00       49,831       51,187  

Eurasia Energy Holdings

  Power generation and resources development   RUSSIA     40.00       461       —    

Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Power Co., Ltd.

  Power generation   LAOS     25.00       32,717       31,863  

Busan Solar Co., Ltd.(*3)

  Power generation   KOREA     19.80       793       925  

Hadong Mineral Fiber Co., Ltd.

  Recycling fly ashes   KOREA     25.00       50       —    

Green Biomass Co., Ltd.(*12)

  Power generation   KOREA     14.00       714       —    

PT. Mutiara Jawa

  Manufacturing and operating floating coal terminal   INDONESIA     29.00       2,978       —    

Samcheok Eco Material Co., Ltd.(*3, 11)

  Recycling fly ashes   KOREA     2.67       686       —    

Noeul Green Energy Co., Ltd.

  Power generation   KOREA     20.00       400       295  

Naepo Green Energy Co., Ltd.

  Power generation   KOREA     25.00       29,200       26,746  

Goseong Green Energy Co., Ltd.(*2)

  Power generation   KOREA     2.90       2,900       2,670  

Gangneung Eco Power Co., Ltd.(*2)

  Power generation   KOREA     3.72       2,900       2,688  

Shin Pyeongtaek Power Co., Ltd.

  Power generation   KOREA     40.00       40       —    

Heang Bok Do Si Photovoltaic Power Co., Ltd.

  Power generation   KOREA     28.00       194       189  

DS POWER Co., Ltd.(*2)

  Power generation   KOREA     10.91       17,900       10,960  

Dongducheon Dream Power Co., Ltd.

  Power generation   KOREA     33.61       107,958       55,667  

KS Solar Corp. Ltd.(*3)

  Power generation   KOREA     19.00       637       618  

Yeongwol Energy Station Co., Ltd.(*2)

  Power generation   KOREA     10.00       1,400       1,290  

Jinbhuvish Power Generation Pvt. Ltd.(*2)

  Power generation   INDIA     5.16       9,000       8,350  

SE Green Energy Co., Ltd.

  Power generation support   KOREA     47.76       3,821       3,575  

Daegu Photovoltaic Co., Ltd.

  Power generation   KOREA     29.00       1,230       1,886  

Jeongam Wind Power Co., Ltd.

  Power generation   KOREA     40.00       1,680       702  

Korea Power Engineering Service Co., Ltd.

  Construction and service   KOREA     29.00       290       1,805  

Busan Green Energy Co., Ltd.

  Power generation   KOREA     29.00       14,564       14,512  

Jungbu Bio Energy Co., Ltd.(*2)

  Power generation   KOREA     18.87       1,000       904  

Korea Electric Vehicle Charging Service

  Electric vehicle charge service   KOREA     28.00       1,596       1,446  

Ulleungdo Natural Energy Co., Ltd.

  Renewable power generation   KOREA     29.85       8,000       7,417  

Korea Nuclear Partners Co., Ltd.

  Electric material agency   KOREA     29.00       290       289  






            2,157,849       4,405,668  







<Joint ventures>


KEPCO-Uhde Inc.(*7)

  Power generation   KOREA     52.80       11,355       8,549  

Eco Biomass Energy Sdn. Bhd.(*7)

  Power generation   MALAYSIA     61.53       9,661       —    

Datang Chaoyang Renewable Power Co., Ltd.

  Power generation   CHINA     40.00       27,660       27,640  

Shuweihat Asia Power Investment B.V.

  Holding company   NETHERLANDS     49.00       60,191       20,474  

Shuweihat Asia Operation & Maintenance Company(*7)

  Maintenance of utility plant   CAYMAN     55.00       30       486  

Waterbury Lake Uranium L.P.

  Resources development   CANADA     40.00       26,602       20,299  

ASM-BG Investicii AD

  Power generation   BULGARIA     50.00       16,101       20,203  

RES Technology AD

  Power generation   BULGARIA     50.00       15,595       13,789  

KV Holdings, Inc.

  Power generation   PHILIPPINES     40.00       2,103       2,010  

KEPCO SPC Power Corporation(*7)

  Construction and operation of utility plant   PHILIPPINES     75.20       94,579       208,524  

Canada Korea Uranium Limited Partnership(*5)

  Resources development   CANADA     12.50       5,404       —    

KEPCO Energy Resource Nigeria Limited

  Holding company   NIGERIA     30.00       8,463       —    

Gansu Datang Yumen Wind Power Co., Ltd.

  Power generation   CHINA     40.00       16,621       16,107  

Datang Chifeng Renewable Power Co., Ltd.

  Power generation   CHINA     40.00       121,928       171,224  

Datang KEPCO Chaoyang Renewable Power Co., Ltd.

  Power generation   CHINA     40.00       10,858       10,580  

Rabigh Electricity Company

  Power generation   SAUDI ARABIA     40.00       109,743       59,368  

Rabigh Operation & Maintenance Company

  Maintenance of utility plant   SAUDI ARABIA     40.00       70       3,586  

Jamaica Public Service Company Limited

  Power generation   JAMAICA     40.00       301,910       241,918  

KW Nuclear Components Co., Ltd.

  R&D   KOREA     43.36       833       4,985  

Busan Shinho Solar Power Co., Ltd.

  Power generation   KOREA     25.00       2,100       3,678  

GS Donghae Electric Power Co., Ltd.

  Power generation   KOREA     34.00       204,000       200,379  

Global Trade Of Power System Co., Ltd.

  Exporting products and technology of small or medium business by proxy   KOREA     29.00       290       426  

Expressway Solar-light Power Generation Co., Ltd.

  Power generation   KOREA     29.00       1,856       2,100  


  Power generation   USA     50.00       19,213       —    



Table of Contents





Key operation activities



  Percentage of
                        In millions of won  


  Power generation   USA     49.00         12,498       —    

Daejung Offshore Wind Power Co., Ltd.

  Power generation   KOREA     49.90       4,990       3,352  

Amman Asia Electric Power Company(*7)

  Power generation   JORDAN     60.00       111,476       137,668  

KEPCO-ALSTOM Power Electronics Systems, Inc.(*7)

  R&D   KOREA     51.00       5,629       4,501  

Dangjin Echo Power Co., Ltd.

  Power generation   KOREA     34.00       51,149       48,281  

Honam Wind Power Co., Ltd.

  Power generation   KOREA     29.00       3,600       3,926  

Nepal Water & Energy Development Company Pty Ltd.(*7)

  Construction and operation of utility plant   NEPAL     52.77       18,568       17,765  

Chun-cheon Energy Co., Ltd.

  Power generation   KOREA     29.90       32,868       31,976  

Yeonggwangbaeksu Wind Power Co., Ltd.(*3)

  Power generation   KOREA     15.00       3,000       2,668  

Nghi Son 2 Power Ltd.

  Power generation   VIETNAM     50.00       1,072       269  

Kelar S.A(*7)

  Power generation   CHILE     65.00       4,180       —    

PT. Tanjung Power Indonesia

  Power generation   INDONESIA     35.00       746       617  

Incheon New Power Co., Ltd.

  Power generation   KOREA     29.00       461       514  

Seokmun Energy Co., Ltd.

  Integrated energy business   KOREA     29.00       580       —    






            1,317,983       1,287,862  






              3,475,832       5,693,530  








(*1) The effective percentage of ownership is 21.57% considering treasury stocks.


(*2) The Company can exercise significant influence by virtue of its contractual right to appoint directors to the board of directors of the entity, and by strict decision criteria of the Company’s financial and operating policy of the board of directors.


(*3) The Company can exercise significant influence by virtue of its contractual right to appoint a director to the board of directors of the entity.


(*4) The Company can exercise significant influence by virtue of its contractual right to appoint one out of four members of the steering committee of the entity. Moreover, the Company has significant financial transactions, which can affect its influence on the entity.


(*5) The Company has joint control over the entity by virtue of its contractual right to appoint directors to the board of directors of the entity, and by strict decision criteria of the Company’s financial and operating policy of the board of directors.


(*6) The Government regulates the Company’s ability to make operating and financial decisions over the entity, as the Government requires maintaining arms-length transactions between KPX and the Company’s other subsidiaries. The Company can exercise significant influence by its right to nominate directors to the board of directors of the entity.


(*7) According to the shareholders’ agreement, all critical financial and operating decisions must be agreed to by all ownership parties. For these reasons, the entities are classified as joint ventures.


(*8) As of reporting date, the reporting period of all associates and joint ventures ends in December 31, except for Pioneer Gas Power Limited whose reporting period ends on March 31.


(*9) As of December 31, 2015, 17.3% of ownership of Hyundai Energy Co., Ltd. is held by NH Power ll Co., Ltd. and NH Bank. According to the shareholders’ agreement reached on March 2011, not only does the Company have a call option to acquire the investment in Hyundai Energy Co., Ltd. from NH Power ll Co., Ltd. and NH Bank with a certain rate of return, NH Power ll Co., Ltd. and NH Bank also have put options to dispose of their investment to the Company. In connection with this agreement, the Company applied the equity method on the investment in Hyundai Energy Co., Ltd. with 46.30% of ownership.


(*10) The effective percentage of ownership is 19.45% considering stock purchase options.


(*11) The Company’s effective percentage of ownership excluding the redeemable convertible preferred stock is 25.54%.


(*12) The effective percentage of ownership is less than 20% but the Company can exercise significant influence by virtue of its contractual right to appoint a director to the board of directors of the entity and the fact that the dominant portion of the investee’s sales transactions is generated from the Company.



Table of Contents
(2) The fair value of associates which are actively traded on the open market and have a readily available market value as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:




         2014      2015  
           In millions of won  



Korea Electric Power Industrial Development Co., Ltd.

         60,506        46,514  

Korea Gas Corporation(*)

       936,495        696,465  

YTN Co., Ltd.

       23,940        26,235  

SPC Power Corporation

       65,888        65,552  

PT. Bayan Resources TBK

       391,463        446,250  


  (*) The carrying amount of Korea Gas Corporation (“KOGAS”) is ₩2,102,813 million as of December 31, 2015 and management has determined that there is objective evidence of impairment. As a result of the impairment test, the Company has not recognized any impairment loss as the value in use is greater than the carrying amount. The recoverable amount of KOGAS based on its value in use is calculated by considering the long-term natural gas supply and demand programs of future cash flows approved by Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy and the discount rate of 4.55%.


(3) Changes in investments in associates and joint ventures for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:




    Acquisition     Disposal     Dividends
    Share of

    Others     Ending
           In millions of won  



Daegu Green Power Co., Ltd.

         74,878       —         —         —         (3,494     3       —         71,387  

Korea Gas Corporation

       1,926,800       —         —         —         96,457       69,489       4,793       2,097,539  

Korea Electric Power Industrial Development Co., Ltd.

       22,450       —         —         (1,872     2,275       —         (1,231     21,622  

YTN Co., Ltd.

       38,426       —         —         (90     2,423       (26     (844     39,889  

Cheongna Energy Co., Ltd.

       28,114       5,707       —         —         (5,023     (27     —         28,771  

Gangwon Wind Power Co., Ltd.

       13,185       —         —         (1,988     1,155       33       —         12,385  

Hyundai Green Power Co., Ltd.

       110,157       —         —         (8,889     11,764       —         1       113,033  

Korea Power Exchange

       189,544       —         —         —         13,274       —         (4,797     198,021  

AMEC Partners Korea Ltd.

       189       —         —         —         11       —         —         200  

Hyundai Energy Co., Ltd.

       43,386       —         —         —         (7,461     —         —         35,925  

Ecollite Co., Ltd.

       —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —    

Taebaek Wind Power Co., Ltd.

       5,553       —         —         (991     963       —         —         5,525  

Alternergy Philippine Investments Corporation

       1,500       —         (1,497     —         (7     228       (224     —    

Muju Wind Power Co., Ltd.

       2,707       —         —         —         —         —         (1     2,706  

Pyeongchang Wind Power Co., Ltd.

       600       3,238       —         —         (128     (17     —         3,693  

Daeryun Power Co., Ltd.

       24,599       —         —         —         (1,748     —         19,100       41,951  

JinanJangsu Wind Power Co., Ltd.

       77       —         —         —         —         —         —         77  

Changjuk Wind Power Co., Ltd.

       6,344       —         —         (1,292     1,434       —         —         6,486  

KNH Solar Co., Ltd.

       1,372       —         —         —         372       —         —         1,744  

SPC Power Corporation

       47,661       —         —         —         (1,800     335       1,603       47,799  

Gemeng International Energy Co., Ltd.

       608,674       —         —         (6,905     54,368       11,441       —         667,578  



Table of Contents


    Acquisition     Disposal     Dividends
    Share of

    Others     Ending
           In millions of won  

PT. Cirebon Electric Power

         32,826       1,148       —         —         6,303       3,058       —         43,335  

KNOC Nigerian East Oil Co., Ltd.

       —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —    

KNOC Nigerian West Oil Co., Ltd.

       —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —    

Dolphin Property Limited

       —         —         —         —         184       (8     (115     61  

E-Power S.A.

       5,284       —         (5,041     (1,431     1,173       15       —         —    

PT Wampu Electric Power

       15,121       —         —         —         308       642       —         16,071  

PT. Bayan Resources TBK

       579,534       —         —         —         (30,565     (8,958     —         540,011  

S-Power Co., Ltd.

       107,264       —         —         —         (3,020     —         —         104,244  

Pioneer Gas Power Limited

       43,666       1,122       —         —         298       5,582       —         50,668  

Eurasia Energy Holdings

       —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —    

Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Power Co., Ltd.

       18,058       4,546       —         —         (915     753       (290     22,152  

Busan Solar Co., Ltd.

       741       —         —         —         112       —         —         853  

Hadong Mineral Fiber Co., Ltd.

       3       —         —         —         —         —         —         3  

Green Biomass Co., Ltd.

       171       —         —         —         (171     —         —         —    

Gumi-ochang Photovoltaic Power Co., Ltd.

       389       —         (399     (14     24       —         —         —    

Chungbuk Photovoltaic Power Co., Ltd.

       184       —         (192     —         8       —         —         —    

Cheonan Photovoltaic Power Co., Ltd.

       148       —         (138     —         (10     —         —         —    

PT. Mutiara Jawa

       1,666       —         —         —         (885     37       —         818  

Samcheok Eco Material Co., Ltd.

       —         686       —         —         (474     —         —         212  

Noeul Green Energy Co., Ltd.

       —         200       —         —         (11     —         —         189  

Naepo Green Energy Co., Ltd.

       —         29,200       —         —         (995     (141     —         28,064  

Goseong Green Energy Co., Ltd.

       —         2,900       —         —         (311     —         (3     2,586  

Gangneung Eco Power Co., Ltd.

       —         2,900       —         —         (117     —         —         2,783  

Shin Pyeongtaek Power Co., Ltd.

       —         40       —         —         (40     —         —         —    

Hyundai Asan Solar Power Co., Ltd.

       462       —         (430     —         (32     —         —         —    

Heang Bok Do Si Photovoltaic Power Co., Ltd.

       91       101       —         —         31       (2     —         221  

Jeonnam Solar Co., Ltd.

       696       —         (941     —         241       4       —         —    

DS POWER Co., Ltd.

       17,900       —         —         —         (2,258     —         —         15,642  

D Solar Energy Co., Ltd.

       364       —         (418     —         54       —         —         —    

Dongducheon Dream Power Co., Ltd.

       134,398       —         (29,782     —         (4,071     —         —         100,545  

KS Solar Corp. Ltd.

       537       —         —         —         (202     (10     —         325  

KOSCON Photovoltaic Co., Ltd.

       315       —         (351     —         36       —         —         —    

Yeongwol Energy Station Co., Ltd.

       908       —         (410     —         1,239       3       1       1,741  

Yeonan Photovoltaic Co., Ltd.

       123       —         (128     —         5       —         —         —    

Q1 Solar Co., Ltd.

       983       —         (1,123     —         140       —         —         —    

Jinbhuvish Power Generation Pvt. Ltd.

       8,495       —         —         —         (197     46       —         8,344  

Best Solar Energy Co., Ltd.

       898       —         (1,242     —         344       —         —         —    

Seokcheon Solar Power Co., Ltd.

       1,046       —         (1,041     (49     48       1       (5     —    

SE Green Energy Co., Ltd.

       3,745       —         —         —         (122     —         —         3,623  

Daegu Photovoltaic Co., Ltd.

       1,334       —         —         —         247       —         —         1,581  

Jeongam Wind Power Co., Ltd.

       324       —         —         —         (231     —         —         93  

Korea Power Engineering Service Co., Ltd.

       585       —         —         —         787       —         (38     1,334  

Golden Route J Solar Power Co., Ltd.

       99       —         (75     —         (24     —         —         —    
























       4,124,574       51,788       (43,208     (23,521     131,766       82,481       17,950       4,341,830  

























<Joint ventures>


KEPCO-Uhde Inc.

       9,537       —         —         —         (493     —         (2     9,042  

Eco Biomass Energy Sdn. Bhd.

       —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —    

Datang Chaoyang Renewable Power Co., Ltd.

       28,161       —         —         (740     (346     439       —         27,514  

Shuweihat Asia Power Investment B.V.

       64       59,576       —         —         6,077       (49,428     (48     16,241  

Shuweihat Asia Operation & Maintenance Company

       29       —         —         (869     1,172       14       (1     345  

Waterbury Lake Uranium L.P.

       23,042       762       —         —         —         1,285       (3,079     22,010  



Table of Contents


    Acquisition     Disposal     Dividends
    Share of

    Others     Ending
           In millions of won  

ASM-BG Investicii AD

         20,088       —         —         —         1,131       (1,611     —         19,608  

RES Technology AD

       16,045       —         —         —         (78     (1,242     —         14,725  

KV Holdings, Inc.

       1,842       —         —         —         —         60       —         1,902  

KEPCO SPC Power Corporation

       143,294       —         —         (8,069     48,623       6,640       31       190,519  

Canada Korea Uranium Limited Partnership

       —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —    

KEPCO Energy Resource Nigeria Limited

       2,202       —         —         —         (2,190     (12     —         —    

Gansu Datang Yumen Wind Power Co., Ltd.

       19,237       —         —         —         (2,012     242       —         17,467  

Datang Chifeng Renewable Power Co., Ltd.

       166,330       —         —         (8,951     9,144       2,973       —         169,496  

Datang KEPCO Chaoyang Renewable Power Co., Ltd.

       10,604       —         —         (788     531       192       —         10,539  

Rabigh Electricity Company

       —         —         —         —         25,040       (18,709     1,790       8,121  

Rabigh Operation & Maintenance Company

       4,082       —         —         (2,546     2,945       147       —         4,628  

Jamaica Public Service Company Limited(*)

       268,022       —         —         —         —         —         (41,130     226,892  

KW Nuclear Components Co., Ltd.

       2,476       —         —         (1,399     1,821       —         1       2,899  

Busan Shinho Solar Power Co., Ltd.

       2,871       —         —         —         423       (10     —         3,284  

GS Donghae Electric Power Co., Ltd.

       173,915       117,600       (88,962     —         (580     (161     (403     201,409  

YEONGAM Wind Power Co., Ltd.

       11,424       —         (12,533     —         1,109       —         —         —    

Global Trade Of Power System Co., Ltd.

       249       —         —         —         94       —         —         343  

Expressway Solar-light Power Generation Co., Ltd.

       1,863       —         (1,276     (237     1,737       —         —         2,087  


       14,237       —         —         —         (2,324     294       —         12,207  


       9,510       —         —         —         (1,592     330       —         8,248  

Daejung Offshore Wind Power Co., Ltd.

       4,135       —         —         —         (424     —         —         3,711  

Amman Asia Electric Power Company

       111,315       6,755       —         —         23,324       (19,003     —         122,391  

KEPCO-ALSTOM Power Electronics Systems, Inc.

       4,758       —         —         —         (141     —         —         4,617  

Dangjin Echo Power Co., Ltd.

       39,102       —         —         —         (1,235     (35     5       37,837  

Honam Wind Power Co., Ltd.

       1,933       —         —         —         248       1,254       120       3,555  

Nepal Water & Energy Development Company Pty Ltd.

       10,409       8,018       —         —         (928     373       —         17,872  

Chun-cheon Energy Co., Ltd.

       —         15       —         —         (15     —         —         —    

Yeonggwangbaeksu Wind Power Co., Ltd.

       —         3,000       —         —         (33     —         (5     2,962  

Nghi Son 2 Power Ltd.

       —         350       —         —         (268     (14     34       102  

Kelar S.A

       4,180       —         —         —         (1,047     407       (384     3,156  

PT. Tanjung Power Indonesia

       361       359       —         —         (60     39       1       700  

Incheon New Power Co., Ltd.

       449       —         —         —         9       —         7       465  

Seokmun Energy Co., Ltd.

       415       —         —         —         (415     —         —         —    
























       1,106,181       196,435       (102,771     (23,599     109,247       (75,536     (43,063     1,166,894  
























         5,230,755       248,223       (145,979     (47,120     241,013       6,945       (25,113     5,508,724  


























(*) It has been determined that there is objective evidence of impairment as a result of one or more events including that a financial institution granted Jamaica Public Service Company Limited (“JPS”) a concession that the financial institution would not otherwise consider. As of December 31, 2014, as a result of the impairment test, the recoverable amount of JPS is less than its carrying amount and an impairment loss of ₩52,279 million is recognized in profit or loss. The recoverable amount of JPS is its value in use which is calculated based on the most recent financial budget of future cash flows for a period of 10 years approved by management and the discount rate used to calculate the value in use is 10.15%.



Table of Contents


    Acquisition     Disposal     Dividends
    Share of
income (loss)
    Others     Ending
          In millions of won  



Daegu Green Power Co., Ltd.

        71,387       —         —         —         8,902       —         (22     80,267  

Korea Gas Corporation

      2,097,539       —         —         (4,725     67,949       (55,453     (2,497     2,102,813  

Korea Electric Power Industrial Development Co., Ltd.

      21,622       —         —         (1,267     (1,792     —         431       18,994  

YTN Co., Ltd.

      39,889       —         —         (90     (188     (935     (311     38,365  

Cheongna Energy Co., Ltd.

      28,771       —         —         —         (9,281     —         —         19,490  

Gangwon Wind Power Co., Ltd.

      12,385       —         —         (852     1,279       78       —         12,890  

Hyundai Green Power Co., Ltd.

      113,033       —         —         (8,889     9,520       —         —         113,664  

Korea Power Exchange

      198,021       —         —         —         9,944       —         770       208,735  

AMEC Partners Korea Ltd.

      200       —         —         —         30       —         —         230  

Hyundai Energy Co., Ltd.(*1)

      35,925       —         —         —         (13,731     —         (15,204     6,990  

Ecollite Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —    

Taebaek Wind Power Co., Ltd.

      5,525       —         —         —         (569     —         —         4,956  

Muju Wind Power Co., Ltd.

      2,706       —         —         —         (119     —         —         2,587  

Pyeongchang Wind Power Co., Ltd.

      3,693       —         —         —         (291     —         —         3,402  

Daeryun Power Co., Ltd.

      41,951       —         —         —         (5,798     —         3       36,156  

JinanJangsu Wind Power Co., Ltd.

      77       —         —         —         —         —         —         77  

Changjuk Wind Power Co., Ltd.

      6,486       —         —         —         (343     —         —         6,143  

KNH Solar Co., Ltd.

      1,744       —         —         —         178       2       —         1,924  

SPC Power Corporation

      47,799       —         —         (1,349     5,375       381       5,827       58,033  

Gemeng International Energy Co., Ltd.

      667,578       —         —         (37,163     51,766       89,481       (43,266     728,396  

PT. Cirebon Electric Power

      43,335       —         —         —         12,210       5,029       —         60,574  

KNOC Nigerian East Oil Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         (880     (641     1,521       —    

KNOC Nigerian West Oil Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         (1,092     (599     1,691       —    

Dolphin Property Limited

      61       —         —         —         —         —         —         61  

PT Wampu Electric Power

      16,071       2,357       —         —         (600     1,135       —         18,963  

PT. Bayan Resources TBK

      540,011       —         —         —         (11,341     (3,604     —         525,066  

S-Power Co., Ltd.

      104,244       24,300       —         —         2,364       —         —         130,908  

Pioneer Gas Power Limited

      50,668       —         —         —         59       460       —         51,187  

Eurasia Energy Holdings

      —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —    

Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Power Co., Ltd.

      22,152       9,244       —         —         (749     1,216       —         31,863  

Busan Solar Co., Ltd.

      853       —         —         —         72       —         —         925  

Hadong Mineral Fiber Co., Ltd.

      3       —         —         —         (3     —         —         —    

Green Biomass Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —    

PT. Mutiara Jawa

      818       —         —         —         (818     —         —         —    

Samcheok Eco Material Co., Ltd.

      212       —         —         —         (178     (34     —         —    

Noeul Green Energy Co., Ltd.

      189       200       —         —         (91     (3     —         295  

Naepo Green Energy Co., Ltd.

      28,064       —         —         —         (1,318     —         —         26,746  

Goseong Green Energy Co., Ltd.

      2,586       —         —         —         84       —         —         2,670  

Gangneung Eco Power Co., Ltd.

      2,783       —         —         —         (95     —         —         2,688  

Shin Pyeongtaek Power Co., Ltd.

      —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —    

Heang Bok Do Si Photovoltaic Power Co., Ltd.

      221       —         —         —         (32     —         —         189  

DS POWER Co., Ltd.

      15,642       —         —         —         (4,671     —         (11     10,960  

Dongducheon Dream Power Co., Ltd.(*2)

      100,545       —         —         —         (3,412     —         (41,466     55,667  

KS Solar Corp. Ltd.

      325       —         —         —         293       —         —         618  

Yeongwol Energy Station Co., Ltd.

      1,741       —         —         —         (451     —         —         1,290  

Jinbhuvish Power Generation Pvt. Ltd.

      8,344       —         —         —         (42     48       —         8,350  

SE Green Energy Co., Ltd.

      3,623       —         —         —         (48     —         —         3,575  

Daegu Photovoltaic Co., Ltd.

      1,581       —         —         —         305       —         —         1,886  

Jeongam Wind Power Co., Ltd.

      93       880       —         —         (271     —         —         702  

Korea Power Engineering Service Co., Ltd.

      1,334       —         —         (44     542       —         (27     1,805  

Busan Green Energy Co., Ltd.

      —         14,564       —         —         (52     —         —         14,512  

Jungbu Bio Energy Co., Ltd.

      —         1,000       —         —         (96     —         —         904  



Table of Contents


    Acquisition     Disposal     Dividends
    Share of
income (loss)
    Others     Ending
          In millions of won  

Korea Electric Vehicle Charging Service

        —         1,596       —         —         (135     —         (15     1,446  

Ulleungdo Natural Energy Co., Ltd.

      —         8,000       —         —         (583     —         —         7,417  

Korea Nuclear Partners Co., Ltd.

      —         290       —         —         (1     —         —         289  
























      4,341,830       62,431       —         (54,379     111,801       36,561       (92,576     4,405,668  

























<Joint ventures>


KEPCO-Uhde Inc.

      9,042       —         —         —         (493     —         —         8,549  

Eco Biomass Energy Sdn. Bhd.

      —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —    

Datang Chaoyang Renewable Power Co., Ltd.

      27,514       —         —         —         (135     261       —         27,640  

Shuweihat Asia Power Investment B.V.

      16,241       108       —         —         4,008       117       —         20,474  

Shuweihat Asia Operation & Maintenance Company

      345       —         —         (798     922       24       (7     486  

Waterbury Lake Uranium L.P.

      22,010       —         —         —         —         (2,507     796       20,299  

ASM-BG Investicii AD

      19,608       —         —         —         1,384       (789     —         20,203  

RES Technology AD

      14,725       —         —         —         (318     (618     —         13,789  

KV Holdings, Inc.

      1,902       —         —         —         74       34       —         2,010  

KEPCO SPC Power Corporation

      190,519       —         —         (28,986     43,801       3,190       —         208,524  

Canada Korea Uranium Limited Partnership

      —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —    

KEPCO Energy Resource Nigeria Limited

      —         —         —         —         —         —         —         —    

Gansu Datang Yumen Wind Power Co., Ltd.

      17,467       —         —         —         (1,546     186       —         16,107  

Datang Chifeng Renewable Power Co., Ltd.

      169,496       —         —         (8,239     8,512       1,464       (9     171,224  

Datang KEPCO Chaoyang Renewable Power Co., Ltd.

      10,539       —         —         —         (33     74       —         10,580  

Rabigh Electricity Company

      8,121       —         —         —         21,582       29,703       (38     59,368  

Rabigh Operation & Maintenance Company

      4,628       —         —         (1,780     533       205       —         3,586  

Jamaica Public Service Company Limited

      226,892       —         —         —         —         15,027       (1     241,918  

KW Nuclear Components Co., Ltd.

      2,899       —         —         (1,016     3,065       —         37       4,985  

Busan Shinho Solar Power Co., Ltd.

      3,284       —         —         —         394       —         —         3,678  

GS Donghae Electric Power Co., Ltd.

      201,409       —         —         —         (1,064     —         34       200,379  

Global Trade Of Power System Co., Ltd.

      343       —         —         —         83       —         —         426  

Expressway Solar-light Power Generation Co., Ltd.

      2,087       —         —         —         13       —         —         2,100  


      12,207       —         —         —         (11,639     588       (1,156     —    


      8,248       —         —         —         (8,104     413       (557     —    

Daejung Offshore Wind Power Co., Ltd.

      3,711       —         —         —         (359     —         —         3,352  

Amman Asia Electric Power Company

      122,391       —         —         (19,510     25,131       10,244       (588     137,668  

KEPCO-ALSTOM Power Electronics Systems, Inc.

      4,617       —         —         —         (98     —         (18     4,501  

Dangjin Echo Power Co., Ltd.

      37,837       20,000       (8,851     —         (712     70       (63     48,281  

Honam Wind Power Co., Ltd.

      3,555       —         —         —         371       —         —         3,926  

Nepal Water & Energy Development Company Pty Ltd.

      17,872       —         —         —         (1,277     1,170       —         17,765  

Chun-cheon Energy Co., Ltd.

      —         32,853       —         —         (719     (158     —         31,976  

Yeonggwangbaeksu Wind Power Co., Ltd.

      2,962       —         —         —         (294     —         —         2,668  

Nghi Son 2 Power Ltd.

      102       722       —         —         (562     2       5       269  

Kelar S.A

      3,156       —         —         —         —         (407     (2,749     —    

PT. Tanjung Power Indonesia

      700       —         —         —         (98     —         15       617  

Incheon New Power Co., Ltd.

      465       —         —         —         49       —         —         514  

Seokmun Energy Co., Ltd.

      —         —         (100     —         —         —         100       —    
























      1,166,894       53,683       (8,951     (60,329     82,471       58,293       (4,199     1,287,862  
























        5,508,724       116,114       (8,951     (114,708     194,272       94,854       (96,775     5,693,530  


























(*1) ‘Others’ include ₩15,204 million of assets held-for-sale (note 42).


(*2) ‘Others’ include ₩41,170 million of assets held-for-sale (note 42).



Table of Contents
(4) Summary of financial information of associates and joint ventures as of and for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:




          Total assets      Total liabilities      Sales      Profit (loss) for
the period
            In millions of won  



Daegu Green Power Co., Ltd.

          666,935        517,892        43,908        (7,310

Korea Gas Corporation

        46,772,022        37,047,686        37,273,360        447,183  

Korea Electric Power Industrial Development Co., Ltd.

        151,511        76,953        329,215        13,118  

YTN Co., Ltd.

        335,740        149,337        114,743        11,289  

Cheongna Energy Co., Ltd.

        443,672        384,020        47,075        (11,585

Gangwon Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        123,242        41,002        28,829        11,708  

Hyundai Green Power Co., Ltd.

        1,215,849        826,080        503,197        40,797  

Korea Power Exchange

        223,080        25,059        86,735        13,289  

AMEC Partners Korea Ltd.

        1,234        180        671        60  

Hyundai Energy Co., Ltd.

        549,560        467,245        88,001        (16,214

Ecollite Co., Ltd.

        2,467        443        —          39  

Taebaek Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        50,776        28,677        10,362        3,856  

Muju Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        10,826        —          —          (4

Pyeongchang Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        14,772        2        —          (513

Daeryun Power Co., Ltd.

        832,682        622,244        338,191        (9,213

JinanJangsu Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        308        —          —          (1

Changjuk Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        42,349        20,730        10,487        4,741  

KNH Solar Co., Ltd.

        28,451        21,992        4,913        1,315  

SPC Power Corporation

        174,917        49,131        63,969        30,959  

Gemeng International Energy Co., Ltd.

        5,690,748        3,727,276        1,497,330        183,604  

PT. Cirebon Electric Power

        985,975        828,393        266,963        23,363  

KNOC Nigerian East Oil Co., Ltd.

        247,785        310,719        —          (7,157

KNOC Nigerian West Oil Co., Ltd.

        150,644        208,323        —          (6,395

Dolphin Property Limited

        301        4        28        330  

PT Wampu Electric Power

        172,950        138,012        43,205        (5,121

PT. Bayan Resources TBK

        1,221,538        1,032,312        872,876        (119,250

S-Power Co., Ltd.

        944,442        678,431        56,822        (2,215

Pioneer Gas Power Limited

        237,922        169,289        —          96  

Eurasia Energy Holdings

        562        1,003        —          —    

Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Power Co., Ltd.

        248,773        181,560        —          (2,326

Busan Solar Co., Ltd.

        27,512        23,202        4,489        579  

Hadong Mineral Fiber Co., Ltd.

        12        2        —          (1

Green Biomass Co., Ltd.

        9,378        9,745        2,062        (871

PT. Mutiara Jawa

        28,407        25,827        15        (3,114

Samcheok Eco Material Co., Ltd.

        23,831        —          —          (1,855

Noeul Green Energy Co., Ltd.

        1,045        101        —          (56

Naepo Green Energy Co., Ltd.

        118,202        5,944        1,283        (3,978

Goseong Green Energy Co., Ltd.

        27,540        789        —          (3,115

Gangneung Eco Power Co., Ltd.

        47,009        953        —          (1,756

Shin Pyeongtaek Power Co., Ltd.

        5,075        5,794        —          (819

Heang Bok Do Si Photovoltaic Power Co., Ltd.

        3,422        2,632        289        111  

DS POWER Co., Ltd.

        417,861        296,862        44,819        (2,662

Dongducheon Dream Power Co., Ltd.

        1,516,412        1,201,566        —          615  

KS Solar Corp. Ltd.

        30,937        29,225        3,465        (1,149

Yeongwol Energy Station Co., Ltd.

        146,917        129,511        14,393        4,981  

Jinbhuvish Power Generation Pvt. Ltd.

        77,510        21,414        —          (3,817

SE Green Energy Co., Ltd.

        7,587        —          —          (255

Daegu Photovoltaic Co., Ltd.

        22,340        16,887        3,633        739  

Jeongam Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        241        9        —          (472

Korea Power Engineering Service Co., Ltd.

        7,410        2,809        18,859        3,171  



Table of Contents


          Total assets      Total liabilities      Sales      Profit (loss) for
the period
            In millions of won  

<Joint ventures>


KEPCO-Uhde Inc.

          16,424        2,747        —          (819

Eco Biomass Energy Sdn. Bhd.

        —          —          —          —    

Datang Chaoyang Renewable Power Co., Ltd.

        158,646        89,862        16,946        (540

Shuweihat Asia Power Investment B.V.

        33,315        2        —          12,379  

Shuweihat Asia Operation & Maintenance Company

        639        11        2,713        2,129  

Waterbury Lake Uranium L.P.

        56,797        2        —          —    

ASM-BG Investicii AD

        91,205        51,990        13,137        2,012  

RES Technology AD

        82,721        53,272        8,757        (307

KV Holdings, Inc.

        4,755        —          —          —    

KEPCO SPC Power Corporation

        464,305        210,956        169,615        63,005  

Canada Korea Uranium Limited Partnership

        35,990        132        —          (18

KEPCO Energy Resource Nigeria Limited

        378,677        399,871        —          (29,048

Gansu Datang Yumen Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        106,283        62,616        7,814        (4,399

Datang Chifeng Renewable Power Co., Ltd.

        902,645        478,805        100,712        22,849  

Datang KEPCO Chaoyang Renewable Power Co., Ltd.

        70,354        44,005        8,464        1,444  

Rabigh Electricity Company

        2,544,622        2,325,205        284,837        57,444  

Rabigh Operation & Maintenance Company

        16,667        5,097        22,911        7,417  

Jamaica Public Service Company Limited

        1,100,431        725,307        841,390        13,183  

KW Nuclear Components Co., Ltd.

        25,591        19,115        9,722        4,200  

Busan Shinho Solar Power Co., Ltd.

        53,399        40,261        8,115        1,320  

GS Donghae Electric Power Co., Ltd.

        975,489        383,111        —          (1,389

Global Trade Of Power System Co., Ltd.

        1,690        509        5,037        322  

Expressway Solar-light Power Generation Co., Ltd.

        22,046        14,849        3,181        22  


        115,584        100,636        6,490        (4,648


        57,355        40,521        3,454        (3,034

Daejung Offshore Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        7,443        6        —          (849

Amman Asia Electric Power Company

        840,505        636,383        74,489        38,844  

KEPCO-ALSTOM Power Electronics Systems, Inc.

        24,203        15,150        18,536        (277

Dangjin Echo Power Co., Ltd.

        125,481        16,112        —          (3,710

Honam Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        41,041        28,892        4,873        1,311  

Nepal Water & Energy Development Company Pty Ltd.

        37,541        9,193        —          (1,228

Chun-cheon Energy Co., Ltd.

        63,481        63,509        —          (78

Yeonggwangbaeksu Wind Power CO., Ltd.

        97,043        77,298        —          (218

Nghi Son 2 Power Ltd.

        318        111        —          (536

Kelar S.A

        222,068        221,210        —          (1,610

PT. Tanjung Power Indonesia

        19,190        17,193        5,313        (175

Incheon New Power Co., Ltd.

        9,950        8,346        1,299        57  

Seokmun Energy Co., Ltd.

        16,920        17,078        —          (1,379



Table of Contents


          Total assets      Total liabilities      Sales      Profit (loss) for
the period
            In millions of won  



Daegu Green Power Co., Ltd.

          639,118        471,497        321,273        18,625  

Korea Gas Corporation

        42,385,340        32,328,396        26,052,724        319,190  

Korea Electric Power Industrial Development Co., Ltd.

        142,835        77,340        324,162        9,855  

YTN Co., Ltd.

        305,799        126,561        117,418        (520

Cheongna Energy Co., Ltd.

        458,205        419,353        48,519        (21,108

Gangwon Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        114,600        28,994        21,941        8,529  

Hyundai Green Power Co., Ltd.

        1,182,352        790,407        486,435        31,011  

Korea Power Exchange

        236,199        27,464        87,400        9,303  

AMEC Partners Korea Ltd.

        1,332        123        511        155  

Hyundai Energy Co., Ltd.

        526,305        473,736        80,067        (29,749

Ecollite Co., Ltd.

        2,271        345        —          (97

Taebaek Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        48,009        26,212        6,626        (302

Muju Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        10,349        —          —          (477

Pyeongchang Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        62,565        48,959        —          (1,164

Daeryun Power Co., Ltd.

        838,199        657,551        279,787        (29,806

JinanJangsu Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        306        —          —          (1

Changjuk Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        41,444        19,053        6,472        772  

KNH Solar Co., Ltd.

        27,254        20,105        4,399        861  

SPC Power Corporation

        182,908        30,191        68,149        37,395  

Gemeng International Energy Co., Ltd.

        5,956,288        3,940,455        902,008        95,064  

PT. Cirebon Electric Power

        1,026,729        806,458        295,788        43,968  

KNOC Nigerian East Oil Co., Ltd.

        264,434        337,762        —          (6,069

KNOC Nigerian West Oil Co., Ltd.

        160,765        230,001        —          (7,386

Dolphin Property Limited

        300        1        —          8  

PT Wampu Electric Power

        201,383        160,159        17,476        (2,696

PT. Bayan Resources TBK

        1,043,143        901,952        461,349        (30,014

S-Power Co., Ltd.

        935,870        664,523        632,073        5,336  

Pioneer Gas Power Limited

        310,761        240,833        —          148  

Eurasia Energy Holdings

        599        1,069        —          —    

Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Power Co., Ltd.

        506,970        341,261        —          2,760  

Busan Solar Co., Ltd.

        26,059        21,367        4,267        383  

Hadong Mineral Fiber Co., Ltd.

        2        21        —          (30

Green Biomass Co., Ltd.

        10,664        9,343        4,136        (1,323

PT. Mutiara Jawa

        25,013        29,913        1,943        (7,247

Samcheok Eco Material Co., Ltd.

        23,119        735        —          (2,171

Noeul Green Energy Co., Ltd.

        1,517        44        —          (446

Naepo Green Energy Co., Ltd.

        108,167        1,184        3,126        (5,274

Goseong Green Energy Co., Ltd.

        95,323        3,248        —          (4,312

Gangneung Eco Power Co., Ltd.

        81,459        9,163        —          (3,610

Shin Pyeongtaek Power Co., Ltd.

        25,875        29,190        —          (2,595

Heang Bok Do Si Photovoltaic Power Co., Ltd.

        3,128        2,452        490        81  

DS POWER Co., Ltd.

        641,257        525,524        33,542        (5,759

Dongducheon Dream Power Co., Ltd.

        1,668,235        1,397,026        1,003,346        (10,307

KS Solar Corp. Ltd.

        29,745        26,469        4,667        278  

Yeongwol Energy Station Co., Ltd.

        179,852        166,953        12,068        1,831  

Jinbhuvish Power Generation Pvt. Ltd.

        75,429        19,199        —          (805

SE Green Energy Co., Ltd.

        7,484        —          —          (103

Daegu Photovoltaic Co., Ltd.

        21,039        14,535        3,977        1,051  

Jeongam Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        2,053        299        —          (621

Korea Power Engineering Service Co., Ltd.

        9,194        2,968        25,925        2,296  

Busan Green Energy Co., Ltd.

        50,093        53        —          (180

Jungbu Bio Energy Co., Ltd.

        5,192        400        —          (508



Table of Contents


          Total assets      Total liabilities      Sales      Profit (loss) for
the period
            In millions of won  

Korea Electric Vehicle Charging Service

          9,577        4,412        —          (482

Ulleungdo Natural Energy Co., Ltd.

        27,113        2,262        —          (1,948

Korea Nuclear Partners Co., Ltd.

        1,002        6        —          (4

<Joint ventures>


KEPCO-Uhde Inc.

        17,535        111        —          (765

Eco Biomass Energy Sdn. Bhd.

        —          —          —          —    

Datang Chaoyang Renewable Power Co., Ltd.

        150,157        81,056        16,335        (373

Shuweihat Asia Power Investment B.V.

        41,969        17        —          8,232  

Shuweihat Asia Operation & Maintenance Company

        885        —          2,318        1,666  

Waterbury Lake Uranium L.P.

        51,302        4        —          —    

ASM-BG Investicii AD

        83,766        43,359        12,328        2,833  

RES Technology AD

        73,261        45,684        7,539        (566

KV Holdings, Inc.

        5,025        —          —          186  

KEPCO SPC Power Corporation

        449,553        172,261        175,008        59,610  

Canada Korea Uranium Limited Partnership

        305        124        —          (19

KEPCO Energy Resource Nigeria Limited

        380,282        416,959        —          (16,309

Gansu Datang Yumen Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        98,298        58,030        7,280        (4,507

Datang Chifeng Renewable Power Co., Ltd.

        882,914        454,731        103,860        21,900  

Datang KEPCO Chaoyang Renewable Power Co., Ltd.

        65,110        38,661        7,880        1,216  

Rabigh Electricity Company

        2,644,825        2,297,194        293,184        53,384  

Rabigh Operation & Maintenance Company

        18,186        9,222        22,203        2,144  

Jamaica Public Service Company Limited

        1,086,244        657,962        859,728        3,305  

KW Nuclear Components Co., Ltd.

        36,065        24,777        16,217        7,687  

Busan Shinho Solar Power Co., Ltd.

        51,617        36,903        7,565        1,471  

GS Donghae Electric Power Co., Ltd.

        1,675,986        1,086,534        —          (2,823

Global Trade Of Power System Co., Ltd.

        1,547        78        4,849        287  

Expressway Solar-light Power Generation Co., Ltd.

        21,154        13,913        2,981        443  


        64,453        110,030        3,421        (59,389


        22,500        45,306        1,868        (39,345

Daejung Offshore Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        6,795        78        —          (606

Amman Asia Electric Power Company

        875,590        645,998        46,940        41,880  

KEPCO-ALSTOM Power Electronics Systems, Inc.

        50,152        41,326        18,849        (611

Dangjin Echo Power Co., Ltd.

        136,982        945        —          (1,035

Honam Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        41,527        28,100        5,944        1,266  

Nepal Water & Energy Development Company Pty Ltd.

        42,644        11,136        —          (647

Chun-cheon Energy Co., Ltd.

        149,025        42,094        —          (2,389

Yeonggwangbaeksu Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        104,045        86,257        4,974        (1,956

Nghi Son 2 Power Ltd.

        771        234        —          (1,111

Kelar S.A

        375,136        405,618        —          (3,140

PT. Tanjung Power Indonesia

        37,948        36,185        16,476        (276

Incheon New Power Co., Ltd.

        10,078        8,306        3,318        301  

Seokmun Energy Co., Ltd.

        184,051        184,759        —          (552



Table of Contents
(5) Financial information of associates and joint ventures converted to the Company’s shares in net assets as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:




    Percentage of
ownership (*)
    Share in
net  assets
    Others     Book
            In millions of won  



Daegu Green Power Co., Ltd.

          149,043       47.80     71,242       145        —         —         71,387  

Korea Gas Corporation

        9,724,336       21.57     2,097,539       —          —         —         2,097,539  

Korea Electric Power Industrial Development Co., Ltd.

        74,557       29.00     21,622       —          —         —         21,622  

YTN Co., Ltd.

        186,403       21.43     39,946       —          (57     —         39,889  

Cheongna Energy Co., Ltd.

        59,652       43.90     26,187       2,584        —         —         28,771  

Gangwon Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        82,239       15.00     12,336       —          —         49       12,385  

Hyundai Green Power Co., Ltd.

        389,768       29.00     113,033       —          —         —         113,033  

Korea Power Exchange

        198,021       100.00     198,021       —          —         —         198,021  

AMEC Partners Korea Ltd.

        1,054       19.00     200       —          —         —         200  

Hyundai Energy Co., Ltd.

        82,315       46.30     38,112       —          (1,162     (1,025     35,925  

Ecollite Co., Ltd.

        2,024       36.10     731       —          —         (731     —    

Taebaek Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        22,099       25.00     5,525       —          —         —         5,525  

Muju Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        10,825       25.00     2,706       —          —         —         2,706  

Pyeongchang Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        14,770       25.00     3,693       —          —         —         3,693  

Daeryun Power Co., Ltd.

        210,438       19.45     40,930       1,014        —         7       41,951  

JinanJangsu Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        308       25.00     77       —          —         —         77  

Changjuk Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        21,619       30.00     6,486       —          —         —         6,486  

KNH Solar Co., Ltd.

        6,459       27.00     1,744       —          —         —         1,744  

SPC Power Corporation

        125,787       38.00     47,799       —          —         —         47,799  

Gemeng International Energy Co., Ltd.

        1,963,472       34.00     667,579       —          —         (1     667,578  

PT. Cirebon Electric Power

        157,582       27.50     43,335       —          —         —         43,335  

KNOC Nigerian East Oil Co., Ltd.

        (62,934     14.63     (9,207     —          —         9,207       —    

KNOC Nigerian West Oil Co., Ltd.

        (57,679     14.63     (8,438     —          —         8,438       —    

Dolphin Property Limited

        297       15.00     45       —          —         16       61  

PT Wampu Electric Power

        34,938       46.00     16,071       —          —         —         16,071  

PT. Bayan Resources TBK

        189,227       20.00     37,845       502,166        —         —         540,011  

S-Power Co., Ltd.

        266,011       40.00     106,405       —          (2,161     —         104,244  

Pioneer Gas Power Limited

        68,632       40.00     27,453       23,147        —         68       50,668  

Eurasia Energy Holdings

        (441     40.00     (176     —          —         176       —    

Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Power Co., Ltd.

        67,214       25.00     16,803       5,971        (333     (289     22,152  

Busan Solar Co., Ltd.

        4,311       19.80     853       —          —         —         853  

Hadong Mineral Fiber Co., Ltd.

        10       25.00     3       —          —         —         3  

Green Biomass Co., Ltd.

        (367     34.00     (125     —          —         125       —    

PT. Mutiara Jawa

        2,581       29.00     748       70        —         —         818  

Samcheok Eco Material Co., Ltd.

        23,831       2.67     636       —          —         (424     212  

Noeul Green Energy Co., Ltd.

        944       20.00     189       —          —         —         189  

Naepo Green Energy Co., Ltd.

        112,258       25.00     28,064       —          —         —         28,064  

Goseong Green Energy Co., Ltd.

        26,751       9.67     2,587       —          —         (1     2,586  

Gangneung Eco Power Co., Ltd.

        46,055       6.04     2,782       —          —         1       2,783  

Shin Pyeongtaek Power Co., Ltd.

        (719     40.00     (288     —          —         288       —    

Heang Bok Do Si Photovoltaic Power Co., Ltd.

        790       28.00     221       —          —         —         221  

DS POWER Co., Ltd.

        121,000       10.91     13,201       —          2,441       —         15,642  

Dongducheon Dream Power Co., Ltd.

        314,845       33.61     105,820       —          (5,275     —         100,545  

KS Solar Corp. Ltd.

        1,712       19.00     325       —          —         —         325  

Yeongwol Energy Station Co., Ltd.

        17,406       10.00     1,741       —          —         —         1,741  

Jinbhuvish Power Generation Pvt. Ltd.

        56,096       5.16     2,895       5,449        —         —         8,344  

SE Green Energy Co., Ltd.

        7,587       47.76     3,623       —          —         —         3,623  

Daegu Photovoltaic Co., Ltd.

        5,453       29.00     1,581       —          —         —         1,581  

Jeongam Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        233       40.00     93       —          —         —         93  

Korea Power Engineering Service Co., Ltd.

        4,601       29.00     1,334       —          —         —         1,334  



Table of Contents


    Percentage of
ownership (*)
    Share in
net  assets
    Others     Book
            In millions of won  

<Joint ventures>


KEPCO-Uhde Inc.

          13,677       64.02     8,756       —          —         286       9,042  

Eco Biomass Energy Sdn. Bhd.

        —         61.53     —         —          —         —         —    

Datang Chaoyang Renewable Power Co., Ltd.

        68,785       40.00     27,514       —          —         —         27,514  

Shuweihat Asia Power Investment B.V.

        33,312       49.00     16,323       —          —         (82     16,241  

Shuweihat Asia Operation & Maintenance Company

        628       55.00     346       —          —         (1     345  

Waterbury Lake Uranium L.P.

        56,796       40.00     22,718       —          —         (708     22,010  

ASM-BG Investicii AD

        39,215       50.00     19,608       —          —         —         19,608  

RES Technology AD

        29,449       50.00     14,725       —          —         —         14,725  

KV Holdings, Inc.

        4,755       40.00     1,902       —          —         —         1,902  

KEPCO SPC Power Corporation

        253,349       75.20     190,519       —          —         —         190,519  

Canada Korea Uranium Limited Partnership

        35,858       12.50     4,482       —          —         (4,482     —    

KEPCO Energy Resource Nigeria Limited

        (21,195     30.00     (6,358     —          —         6,358       —    

Gansu Datang Yumen Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        43,667       40.00     17,467       —          —         —         17,467  

Datang Chifeng Renewable Power Co., Ltd.

        423,839       40.00     169,536       —          —         (40     169,496  

Datang KEPCO Chaoyang Renewable Power Co., Ltd.

        26,349       40.00     10,539       —          —         —         10,539  

Rabigh Electricity Company

        219,417       40.00     87,767       —          (79,646     —         8,121  

Rabigh Operation & Maintenance Company

        11,570       40.00     4,628       —          —         —         4,628  

Jamaica Public Service Company Limited

        375,124       40.00     150,050       130,726        —         (53,884     226,892  

KW Nuclear Components Co., Ltd.

        6,477       43.36     2,808       91        —         —         2,899  

Busan Shinho Solar Power Co., Ltd.

        13,138       25.00     3,284       —          —         —         3,284  

GS Donghae Electric Power Co., Ltd.

        592,379       34.00     201,409       —          —         —         201,409  

Global Trade Of Power System Co., Ltd.

        1,181       29.00     343       —          —         —         343  

Expressway Solar-light Power Generation Co., Ltd.

        7,197       29.00     2,087       —          —         —         2,087  


        14,949       50.00     7,474       4,733        —         —         12,207  


        16,833       49.00     8,248       —          —         —         8,248  

Daejung Offshore Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        7,437       49.90     3,711       —          —         —         3,711  

Amman Asia Electric Power Company

        204,122       60.00     122,473       —          —         (82     122,391  

KEPCO-ALSTOM Power Electronics Systems, Inc.

        9,052       51.00     4,617       —          —         —         4,617  

Dangjin Echo Power Co., Ltd.

        109,369       33.10     36,201       1,636        —         —         37,837  

Honam Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        12,149       29.00     3,523       32        —         —         3,555  

Nepal Water & Energy Development Company Pty Ltd.

        28,348       59.62     16,900       972        —         —         17,872  

Chun-cheon Energy Co., Ltd.

        (28     29.90     (8     —          —         8       —    

Yeonggwangbaeksu Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        19,745       15.00     2,962       —          —         —         2,962  

Nghi Son 2 Power Ltd.

        206       50.00     103       —          —         (1     102  

Kelar S.A

        858       65.00     558       2,424        —         174       3,156  

PT. Tanjung Power Indonesia

        1,996       35.00     699       —          —         1       700  

Incheon New Power Co., Ltd.

        1,604       29.00     465       —          —         —         465  

Seokmun Energy Co., Ltd.

        (158     34.00     (54     —          —         54       —    


(*) The percentage of ownership shown above is after considering the treasury stocks and others.



Table of Contents


    Percentage of
ownership (*)
    Share in
net  assets
    Others     Book
            In millions of won  



Daegu Green Power Co., Ltd.

          167,621       47.80     80,123       144       —         —         80,267  

Korea Gas Corporation

        10,056,944       21.57     2,169,283       —         —         (66,470     2,102,813  

Korea Electric Power Industrial Development Co., Ltd.

        65,495       29.00     18,994       —         —         —         18,994  

YTN Co., Ltd.

        179,238       21.43     38,411       —         (43     (3     38,365  

Cheongna Energy Co., Ltd.

        38,852       43.90     17,056       2,584       (150     —         19,490  

Gangwon Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        85,606       15.00     12,841       —         —         49       12,890  

Hyundai Green Power Co., Ltd.

        391,945       29.00     113,664       —         —         —         113,664  

Korea Power Exchange

        208,735       100.00     208,735       —         —         —         208,735  

AMEC Partners Korea Ltd.

        1,209       19.00     230       —         —         —         230  

Hyundai Energy Co., Ltd.

        52,569       46.30     24,340       —         (1,120     (16,230     6,990  

Ecollite Co., Ltd.

        1,926       36.10     695       —         —         (695     —    

Taebaek Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        21,797       25.00     5,449       —         (493     —         4,956  

Muju Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        10,349       25.00     2,587       —         —         —         2,587  

Pyeongchang Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        13,606       25.00     3,402       —         —         —         3,402  

Daeryun Power Co., Ltd.

        180,648       19.45     35,136       1,014       —         6       36,156  

JinanJangsu Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        306       25.00     77       —         —         —         77  

Changjuk Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        22,391       30.00     6,717       —         (574     —         6,143  

KNH Solar Co., Ltd.

        7,149       27.00     1,930       —         (6     —         1,924  

SPC Power Corporation

        152,717       38.00     58,033       —         —         —         58,033  

Gemeng International Energy Co., Ltd.

        2,015,833       34.00     685,383       —         —         43,013       728,396  

PT. Cirebon Electric Power

        220,271       27.50     60,574       —         —         —         60,574  

KNOC Nigerian East Oil Co., Ltd.

        (73,328     14.63     (10,728     —         —         10,728       —    

KNOC Nigerian West Oil Co., Ltd.

        (69,236     14.63     (10,129     —         —         10,129       —    

Dolphin Property Limited

        299       15.00     45       —         —         16       61  

PT Wampu Electric Power

        41,224       46.00     18,963       —         —         —         18,963  

PT. Bayan Resources TBK

        141,191       20.00     28,238       498,089       —         (1,261     525,066  

S-Power Co., Ltd.

        271,347       49.00     132,960       —         (2,052     —         130,908  

Pioneer Gas Power Limited

        69,928       40.00     27,971       23,147       —         69       51,187  

Eurasia Energy Holdings

        (470     40.00     (188     —         —         188       —    

Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Power Co., Ltd.

        165,709       25.00     41,427       (8,796     (479     (289     31,863  

Busan Solar Co., Ltd.

        4,692       19.80     929       —         (4     —         925  

Hadong Mineral Fiber Co., Ltd.

        (19     25.00     (5     —         —         5       —    

Green Biomass Co., Ltd.

        1,321       14.00     185       —         —         (185     —    

PT. Mutiara Jawa

        (4,900     29.00     (1,421     70       —         1,351       —    

Samcheok Eco Material Co., Ltd.

        22,384       2.67     598       —         —         (598     —    

Noeul Green Energy Co., Ltd.

        1,473       20.00     295       —         —         —         295  

Naepo Green Energy Co., Ltd.

        106,983       25.00     26,746       —         —         —         26,746  

Goseong Green Energy Co., Ltd.

        92,075       2.90     2,670       —         —         —         2,670  

Gangneung Eco Power Co., Ltd.

        72,296       3.72     2,689       —         —         (1     2,688  

Shin Pyeongtaek Power Co., Ltd.

        (3,315     40.00     (1,326     —         (1,995     3,321       —    

Heang Bok Do Si Photovoltaic Power Co., Ltd.

        676       28.00     189       —         —         —         189  

DS POWER Co., Ltd.

        115,733       10.91     12,626       —         (5,940     4,274       10,960  

Dongducheon Dream Power Co., Ltd.

        271,209       33.61     91,153       —         5,398       (40,884     55,667  

KS Solar Corp. Ltd.

        3,276       19.00     622       —         (4     —         618  

Yeongwol Energy Station Co., Ltd.

        12,899       10.00     1,290       —         —         —         1,290  

Jinbhuvish Power Generation Pvt. Ltd.

        56,230       5.16     2,901       5,450       —         (1     8,350  

SE Green Energy Co., Ltd.

        7,484       47.76     3,575       —         —         —         3,575  

Daegu Photovoltaic Co., Ltd.

        6,504       29.00     1,886       —         —         —         1,886  

Jeongam Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        1,754       40.00     702       —         —         —         702  

Korea Power Engineering Service Co., Ltd.

        6,226       29.00     1,805       —         —         —         1,805  

Busan Green Energy Co., Ltd.

        50,040       29.00     14,512       —         —         —         14,512  



Table of Contents


    Percentage of
ownership (*)
    Share in
net  assets
    Others     Book
            In millions of won  

Jungbu Bio Energy Co., Ltd.

          4,792       18.87     904       —         —         —         904  

Korea Electric Vehicle Charging Service

        5,165       28.00     1,446       —         —         —         1,446  

Ulleungdo Natural Energy Co., Ltd.

        24,851       29.85     7,418       —         —         (1     7,417  

Korea Nuclear Partners Co., Ltd.

        996       29.00     289       —         —         —         289  

<Joint ventures>


KEPCO-Uhde Inc.

        17,424       50.85     8,860       —         —         (311     8,549  

Eco Biomass Energy Sdn. Bhd.

        —         61.53     —         —         —         —         —    

Datang Chaoyang Renewable Power Co., Ltd.

        69,101       40.00     27,640       —         —         —         27,640  

Shuweihat Asia Power Investment B.V.

        41,952       49.00     20,556       —         —         (82     20,474  

Shuweihat Asia Operation & Maintenance Company

        885       55.00     487       —         —         (1     486  

Waterbury Lake Uranium L.P.

        51,298       40.00     20,519       —         —         (220     20,299  

ASM-BG Investicii AD

        40,407       50.00     20,203       —         —         —         20,203  

RES Technology AD

        27,577       50.00     13,789       —         —         —         13,789  

KV Holdings, Inc.

        5,025       40.00     2,010       —         —         —         2,010  

KEPCO SPC Power Corporation

        277,292       75.20     208,524       —         —         —         208,524  

Canada Korea Uranium Limited Partnership

        181       12.50     23       —         —         (23     —    

KEPCO Energy Resource Nigeria Limited

        (36,677     30.00     (11,003     —         —         11,003       —    

Gansu Datang Yumen Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        40,268       40.00     16,107       —         —         —         16,107  

Datang Chifeng Renewable Power Co., Ltd.

        428,183       40.00     171,273       —         —         (49     171,224  

Datang KEPCO Chaoyang Renewable Power Co., Ltd.

        26,449       40.00     10,580       —         —         —         10,580  

Rabigh Electricity Company

        347,631       40.00     139,052       —         (79,646     (38     59,368  

Rabigh Operation & Maintenance Company

        8,964       40.00     3,586       —         —         —         3,586  

Jamaica Public Service Company Limited

        428,282       40.00     171,313       (72,370     —         142,975       241,918  

KW Nuclear Components Co., Ltd.

        11,288       43.36     4,895       90       —         —         4,985  

Busan Shinho Solar Power Co., Ltd.

        14,714       25.00     3,678       —         —         —         3,678  

GS Donghae Electric Power Co., Ltd.

        589,452       34.00     200,414       —         —         (35     200,379  

Global Trade Of Power System Co., Ltd.

        1,469       29.00     426       —         —         —         426  

Expressway Solar-light Power Generation Co., Ltd.

        7,241       29.00     2,100       —         —         —         2,100  


        (45,577     50.00     (22,789     4,732       —         18,057       —    


        (22,806     49.00     (11,175     —         —         11,175       —    

Daejung Offshore Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        6,717       49.90     3,352       —         —         —         3,352  

Amman Asia Electric Power Company

        229,592       60.00     137,755       —         —         (87     137,668  

KEPCO-ALSTOM Power Electronics Systems, Inc.

        8,826       51.00     4,501       —         —         —         4,501  

Dangjin Echo Power Co., Ltd.

        136,037       34.00     46,253       2,696       —         (668     48,281  

Honam Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        13,427       29.00     3,894       32       —         —         3,926  

Nepal Water & Energy Development Company Pty Ltd.

        31,508       52.77     16,627       972       —         166       17,765  

Chun-cheon Energy Co., Ltd.

        106,931       29.90     31,972       3       —         1       31,976  

Yeonggwangbaeksu Wind Power Co., Ltd.

        17,788       15.00     2,668       —         —         —         2,668  

Nghi Son 2 Power Ltd.

        537       50.00     268       —         —         1       269  

Kelar S.A

        (30,482     65.00     (19,814     2,424       —         17,390       —    

PT. Tanjung Power Indonesia

        1,763       35.00     617       —         —         —         617  

Incheon New Power Co., Ltd.

        1,772       29.00     514       —         —         —         514  

Seokmun Energy Co., Ltd.

        (708     29.00     (205     —         —         205       —    


(*) The percentage of ownership shown above is after considering the treasury stocks and others.



Table of Contents
(6) As of December 31, 2014 and 2015, unrecognized equity interest in investments in associates and joint ventures whose book value has been reduced to zero due to accumulated losses are as follows:


            2014      2015  
equity interest
equity  interest
equity  interest
equity interest

In millions of won


Green Biomass Co., Ltd.

            125        125        (125     —    

Shin Pyeongtaek Power Co., Ltd.

        288        288        1,038       1,326  

KEPCO Energy Resource

Nigeria Limited

        6,358        6,358        4,645       11,003  

Chun-cheon Energy Co., Ltd.

        8        8        (8     —    

Seokmun Energy Co., Ltd.

        54        54        152       205  

Kelar S.A

        —          —          17,389       17,389  

Hadong Mineral Fiber Co., Ltd.

        —          —          5       5  

PT. Mutiara Jawa

        —          —          1,351       1,351  

Eurasia Energy Holdings

        —          —          188       188  


(7) As of December 31, 2015, shareholders’ agreements on investments in associates and joint ventures that may cause future economic costs or cash outflows are as follows:


  (i) Gemeng International Energy Co., Ltd.

Gemeng International Energy Co., Ltd., issued put options on 8% of its shares to its financial investors, KEPCO Woori Sprott PEF (NPS Co-Pa PEF). If the investment fund is not collected until the maturity date (December 25, 2023, two years extension is possible), PEF can exercise the option at strike price which is the same as a principal investment price (including operating fees ratio of below 1% per annum), and also, the Company provided a performance guarantee on this agreement.


  (ii) Hyundai Energy Co., Ltd.

As of December 31, 2015, Hyundai Energy Co., Ltd., an associate of the Company, which engages in the integrated energy business, entered into a project financing loan agreement with a limit of ₩450 billion with Korea Development Bank and others, and the Company guaranteed to create a certain amount of sales profit.

Related to the above project financing, NH Power II Co., Ltd. and National Agricultural Cooperative Federation (“NACF”) has entered into an agreement with Boim Energy Co., Ltd. to acquire shares in Hyundai Energy Co., Ltd. held by Boim Energy Co., Ltd. The Company had placed guarantees for a fixed return on the investment to the financial institutions and had obtained the rights to acquire the investment securities in return preferentially.

In addition, NH Power II Co., Ltd. and NACF have a right, which can be exercised for 30 days starting from 2 months to 1 month prior to 17 years after the termination date of the contract to sell their shares to the Company. Also, if dividends to shareholders’ exceed annual revenue, the excessive amount shall be evenly distributed to Boim Energy Co., Ltd. and the Company.


  (iii) Taebaek Wind Power Co., Ltd.

In case non-controlling shareholders decide to dispose of their shares in Taebaek Wind Power Co., Ltd. after the warrant period of defect repair for wind power generator has expired, the Company is obligated to acquire those shares at fair value. The acquisition is to be made after the conditions of the acquisition are discussed among the parties involved, with consideration of various factors such as financial status and business situation.



Table of Contents
  (iv) Pyeongchang Wind Power Co., Ltd.

In case non-controlling shareholders decide to dispose of their shares in Pyeongchang Wind Power Co., Ltd. after commercial operation of the power plant has started, the Company is obligated to acquire those shares at fair value. The acquisition is to be made after the conditions of the acquisition are discussed among the parties involved, with the careful consideration of various factors such as financial status and business situation.


  (v) Jeongam Wind Power Co., Ltd.

In case non-controlling shareholders except for financial investors decide to dispose of their shares in Jeongam Wind Power Co., Ltd. after the construction of the power plant has been completed, the Company is obligated to acquire those shares at fair value.


  (vi) Daejung Offshore Wind Power Co., Ltd.

In case Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., a co-participant of the joint venture agreement, decides to dispose of its shares in Daejung Offshore Wind Power Co., Ltd., the Company is obligated to acquire those shares after evaluating the economic feasibility of the facilities installed by Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.


  (vii) Dongducheon Dream Power Co., Ltd.

In case the financial investors decide to dispose of their shares in Dongducheon Dream Power Co., Ltd. within 1 year from the maturity date of subordinated loans, Dongducheon Dream Power Co., Ltd. is obligated to acquire those shares at the negotiated price.


  (viii) DS Power Co., Ltd.

The Company has a right to sell all shares and bonds of DS POWER Co., Ltd. to Daesung Industrial Co., Ltd. and Daesung Industrial Co., Ltd. or an authoritative person appointed by Daesung Industrial Co., Ltd.


  (ix) Samcheok Eco Material Co., Ltd.

The Company has the rights to purchase the stocks should preferred stockholders elect to sell their stocks on the expected sell date (3 years from preferred stock payment date) and is required to guarantee the promised yield when preferred stockholders sell their stocks.


  (x) Seokmun Energy Co., Ltd.

The Company has an obligation to invest an additional ₩15 billion in Seokmun Energy Co., Ltd. The obligation may be conducted through acquisition of new shares, converted shares or convertible bonds.


  (xi) Chun-cheon Energy Co., Ltd.

The Company has an obligation to acquire the converted shares up to un-invested balance when Chun-cheon Energy Co., Ltd. fails to repay the convertible bonds on the maturity date.



Table of Contents
(8) Significant restrictions on its abilities to associates or joint ventures are as follows:




Nature and extent of any significant restrictions

KNOC Nigerian East Oil Co., Ltd.,

KNOC Nigerian West Oil Co., Ltd.

Dolphin Property Limited

   The Company has stopped its operation in Nigeria due to an ongoing litigation and payment or retrieval of investments, loans and advances are restricted until the legal dispute is resolved.

Daeryun Power Co., Ltd.

   Principals on subordinated loans or dividends can only be paid when all conditions of the loan agreement are satisfied or prior written consent of financial institutions is obtained.

Changjuk Wind Power Co., Ltd.

   Principals on subordinated loans or dividends can only be paid when all conditions of the loan agreement are satisfied or prior written consent of financial institutions is obtained.

Busan Solar Co., Ltd.

   Dividends cannot be declared or paid without the prior written consent of the agency, Consus Asset Management Co., Ltd., based on the loan agreement until the principal of a loan is paid off in full.

Taebaek Wind Power Co., Ltd.

   Financial institutions can reject or defer an approval with regard to the request for fund executions on subordinated loans of shareholders in order to pay senior loans based on the loan agreement.

Pyeongchang Wind Power Co., Ltd.

   Principals on subordinated loans or dividends can only be paid when all conditions of the loan agreement are satisfied or prior written consent of financial institutions is obtained.

Daegu Green Power Co., Ltd.

   Only if the condition satisfies the terms of the loan agreements signed by financial institutions, the investors of subordinated credit facility loans can receive payments of principal and interest and dividend. KEB Hana Bank, the deputy, permits the amount of the payments and dividend.

KS Solar Corp. Ltd.

   Dividends can only be paid when all conditions of a loan agreement are satisfied.

KNH Solar Co., Ltd.

   Principal and interest, dividends to shareholders cannot be paid without written consent of financial institutions.

DS Power Co., Ltd.

   Shares cannot be wholly or partially transferred, except as permitted by the agreement.

Hyundai Green Power Co., Ltd.


After 15 years from the completion date of facility which is financed by financial investor’s equity investment, the financial investor and the consolidated entity have appraisal right against Hyundai Steel Company (the “Operating investor”) and the Operating investor can also claim against the financial investor to sell their shares.


After 5 years from the completion date of additional facility, the Operating investor has appraisal right against the consolidated entity and the financial investor when self-generating electricity is more profitable to Hyundai Steel Company’s cash flow rather than this business


After 5 years from the completion date of the additional facility, if there exists an agreement among those relevant parties, the Operating investor may claim to dispose the entire shares of the consolidated entity and the shares owned by financial investor to the Operating investor or to the third parties which designated by the Operating investor.


After 25 years from the completion date or when operation of electricity generation business by Hyundai Green Power Co., Ltd. is no longer feasible, the Operating investor may claim to dispose the entire the shares of the consolidated entity and shares owned by financial investor to the Operating investor or to third parties which are designated by the Operating investor.


After 5 years from the completion date of additional facility, if there is no agreement reached within 60 days, even if price of fuel supply fluctuates due to statutory or other force majeure reasons so that Hyundai Green Power Co., Ltd. would face excessive gain or loss, the Operating investor (consolidated entity and financial investor) may claim against the consolidated entity and the financial investor (Operating investor) to dispose (acquire) the entire shares.



Table of Contents
18. Property, Plant and Equipment


(1) Property, plant and equipment as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:



     Book value  
           In millions of won  


         12,238,488        (3,103      —          —          12,235,385  


       13,631,985        (67,700      (4,652,109      (853      8,911,323  


       54,734,376        (196,871      (16,078,416      (1,183      38,457,906  


       52,242,176        (108,750      (16,735,238      (46,230      35,351,958  


       5,015        —          (3,930      —          1,085  


       208,337        (76      (157,761      —          50,500  


       965,806        (1,002      (754,159      —          210,645  


       776,321        (862      (623,544      —          151,915  


       32,417,619        (123,938      —          (38,107      32,255,574  

Finance lease assets

       2,385,251        —          (1,772,856      —          612,395  

Asset retirement costs

       7,849,712        —          (2,495,285      —          5,354,427  


       8,599,484        —          (6,380,098      —          2,219,386  















         186,054,570        (502,302      (49,653,396      (86,373      135,812,499  
















     Book value  
           In millions of won  


         12,396,460        (3,147      —          —          12,393,313  


       14,936,722        (63,932      (5,259,436      (854      9,612,500  


       58,251,296        (193,119      (17,991,950      (1,184      40,065,043  


       57,143,211        (108,935      (20,242,232      (36,230      36,755,814  


       4,930        —          (4,144      —          786  


       227,733        (29      (167,261      —          60,443  


       1,134,376        (1,026      (823,805      —          309,545  


       836,131        (691      (675,501      —          159,939  

Construction-in- progress

       35,305,133        (139,898      —          (38,107      35,127,128  

Finance lease assets

       2,389,985        —          (1,878,476      —          511,509  

Asset retirement costs

       6,888,547        —          (2,782,460      —          4,106,087  


       9,438,381        —          (7,179,137      —          2,259,244  















         198,952,905        (510,777      (57,004,402      (76,375      141,361,351  

















  (*) The Company separately recognizes impairment loss on each asset, reflecting various factors such as physical impairment and others during the replacement.



Table of Contents
(2) Changes in property, plant and equipment for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


    Acquisition     Disposal     Depreciation     Impairment(*1)     Others(*2)     Ending
          In millions of won  


        13,784,026       69,926       (32,912     —         —         (1,582,552     12,238,488  

(Government grants)

      (3,137     —         63       —         —         (29     (3,103


      8,549,697       32,000       (10,706     (590,298     —         998,330       8,979,023  

(Government grants)

      (45,396     —         200       5,040       —         (27,544     (67,700


      37,819,108       3,184       (414,659     (2,030,010     —         3,277,154       38,654,777  

(Government grants)

      (193,190     —         2,018       8,921       —         (14,620     (196,871


      33,729,539       271,073       (207,070     (3,633,815     —         5,300,981       35,460,708  

(Government grants)

      (101,808     —         423       10,102       —         (17,467     (108,750


      1,422       —         —         (342     —         5       1,085  


      45,719       2,295       (25     (21,096     —         23,683       50,576  

(Government grants)

      (83     —         —         47       —         (40     (76


      187,158       56,214       (171     (85,612     —         54,058       211,647  

(Government grants)

      (708     —         —         376       —         (670     (1,002


      139,665       30,806       (1,642     (61,113     —         45,061       152,777  

(Government grants)

      (313     —         55       144       —         (748     (862


      27,452,029       14,112,746       (1,078     —         (38,107     (9,146,078     32,379,512  

(Government grants)

      (117,725     (42,150     —         —         —         35,937       (123,938

Finance lease assets

      735,185       —         (348     (122,088     —         (354     612,395  

Asset retirement cost

      5,654,596       —         —         (573,497     —         273,328       5,354,427  


      2,001,812       11,405       (53     (702,985     —         909,207       2,219,386  





















        129,637,596       14,547,499       (665,905     (7,796,226     (38,107     127,642       135,812,499  























  (*1) Garolim Tidal Power Plant Co., Ltd. (“GTPP”), a 49% owned subsidiary, has not yet started its operation and it is not expected to operate based on the results of the business feasibility study. The Company has considered this to be an impairment indicator and performed an impairment test over the individual assets of GTPP. As a result, the Company recognized the amount of the carrying amount in excess of its recoverable amount as impairment loss in the consolidated statements of comprehensive income or loss.


  (*2) ‘Others’ include ₩2,090,810 million of assets held for sale (note 42) comprising land, buildings, and structures and the amount is ₩2,021,445 million, ₩69,363 million, and ₩2 million, respectively.



Table of Contents
    Acquisition     Disposal     Depreciation     Impairment(*1)     Others(*2)     Ending
          In millions of won  


        12,238,488       9,370       (192,496     —         —         341,098       12,396,460  

(Government grants)

      (3,103     —         —         —         —         (44     (3,147


      8,979,023       12,466       (42,889     (633,770     —         1,361,602       9,676,432  

(Government grants)

      (67,700     —         —         5,064       —         (1,296     (63,932


      38,654,777       1,787       (181,914     (2,120,749     —         3,904,261       40,258,162  

(Government grants)

      (196,871     —         1,816       9,178       —         (7,242     (193,119


      35,460,708       430,524       (250,915     (3,880,076     (1,205     5,105,713       36,864,749  

(Government grants)

      (108,750     —         1,101       11,133       —         (12,419     (108,935


      1,085       —         —         (299     —         —         786  


      50,576       5,449       (27     (22,175     —         26,649       60,472  

(Government grants)

      (76     —         1       47       —         (1     (29


      211,647       56,004       (230     (103,889     —         147,039       310,571  

(Government grants)

      (1,002     —         —         469       —         (493     (1,026


      152,777       25,940       (90     (67,482     —         49,485       160,630  

(Government grants)

      (862     —         —         268       —         (97     (691


      32,379,512       13,508,590       (13,658     —         (29,139     (10,578,279     35,267,026  

(Government grants)

      (123,938     (27,239     —         —         —         11,279       (139,898

Finance lease assets

      612,395       1,560       (3,959     (110,162     —         11,675       511,509  

Asset retirement cost

      5,354,427       —         —         (551,461     —         (696,879     4,106,087  


      2,219,386       25,436       (98     (804,545     —         819,065       2,259,244  





















        135,812,499       14,049,887       (683,358     (8,268,449     (30,344     481,116       141,361,351  























  (*1) Korea South-East Power Co., Ltd. and Korea East-West Power Co., Ltd, 100% owned subsidiaries, have determined that there is an impairment indicator and performed an impairment test over the individual assets. As a result, the Company recognized the amount of the carrying amount in excess of its recoverable amount as impairment loss in the consolidated statements of comprehensive income or loss.


  (*2) ‘Others’ include ₩23,273 million of assets held for sale (note 42) comprising land and buildings and the amount is ₩2,907 million and ₩20,366 million, respectively.



Table of Contents
19. Investment Properties


(1) Investment properties as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


    Book value  
           In millions of won  


         301,483       —         —         301,483  


       26,168       (10     (10,377     15,781  












         327,651       (10     (10,377     317,264  












    Book value  
           In millions of won  


         253,960       —         —         253,960  


       27,655       (13     (11,692     15,950  












         281,615       (13     (11,692     269,910  














(2) Changes in investment properties for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


    Depreciation     Others     Ending
           In millions of won  


         516,440       —         (214,957     301,483  


       21,899       (824     (5,284     15,791  

(Government grants)

       (12     4       (2     (10












         538,327       (820     (220,243     317,264  












    Depreciation     Others     Ending
           In millions of won  


         301,483       —         (47,523     253,960  


       15,791       (669     841       15,963  

(Government grants)

       (10     —         (3     (13












         317,264       (669     (46,685     269,910  















Table of Contents
(3) Income and expenses related to investment properties for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


            2014      2015  
            In millions of won  

Rental income

          10,986        10,931  

Operating and maintenance expenses related to rental income

        (820      (669






          10,166        10,262  








(4) Fair value of investment properties as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


             2014      2015  
     Fair value      Book value      Fair value  
            In millions of won  


          301,483        342,809        253,960        284,423  


        15,781        16,523        15,950        18,263  












          317,264        359,332        269,910        302,686  













The fair values of the investment properties as of the reporting date were determined in consideration of the fluctuation on the publicly announced individual land price after the IFRS adoption date.


(5) All of the Company’s investment property is held under freehold interests.


20. Construction Services Contracts


(1) Changes in balance of construction service contracts for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


     Increase and
          In millions of won  

Nuclear power plant construction in UAE and others

        19,333,416        712,843        (2,965,185      17,081,074  


  (*) For the year ended December 31, 2014, the increased balance of contracts from new orders and other is ₩831,159 million and the decreased balance of contracts from changes in size of construction is ₩118,316 million.


     Increase and
          In millions of won  

Nuclear power plant construction in UAE and others

        17,081,074        (1,011,031      (3,761,204      12,308,839  


  (*) For the year ended December 31, 2015, the increased balance of contracts from new orders and other is ₩412,617 million and the decreased balance of contracts from changes in size of construction is ₩1,423,648 million.



Table of Contents
(2) Accumulated earned revenue, expense and others related to the Company’s construction as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


earned  revenue
advance  receipts
         In millions of won  

Nuclear power plant construction in UAE and others

       8,750,886       8,261,084       489,802       —    
earned  revenue
advance  receipts
         In millions of won  

Nuclear power plant construction in UAE and others

       12,224,934       11,573,516       651,418       —    


(3) Gross amount due from customers recognized as assets and due to customers recognized as liabilities for contract work as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


            2014      2015  
            Assets(*1)      Liabilities
            In millions of won  

Nuclear power plant construction in UAE and others

          149,876        935,832        55,317        893,992  


  (*1) Included in trade and other receivables, net, in the consolidated statements of financial position.


  (*2) Included in non-financial liabilities in the consolidated statements of financial position.



Table of Contents
21. Intangible Assets other than Goodwill


(1) Intangible assets as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


            In millions of won  


          354,443        (488      (301,887      —          52,068  

Licenses and franchises

        3,398        —          (3,344      —          54  

Copyrights, patents rights and other industrial rights

        31,929        —          (9,252      —          22,677  

Mining rights

        510,869        —          (6,655      —          504,214  

Development expenditures

        730,401        (8,183      (674,544      —          47,674  

Intangible assets under development

        74,909        (10,692      —          —          64,217  

Usage rights of donated assets and other

        375,275        (43      (317,588      —          57,644  

Leasehold rights

        19,112        —          (18,333      —          779  


        156,503        (1      (72,180      (12,589      71,733  















          2,256,839        (19,407      (1,403,783      (12,589      821,060  















            In millions of won  


          389,220        (699      (331,334      —          57,187  

Licenses and franchises

        3,398        —          (3,398      —          —    

Copyrights, patents rights and other industrial rights

        34,178        —          (12,303      —          21,875  

Mining rights

        508,392        —          (8,855      —          499,537  

Development expenditures

        751,784        (6,835      (699,977      —          44,972  

Intangible assets under development

        94,886        (10,483      —          —          84,403  

Usage rights of donated assets and other

        375,275        (32      (326,684      —          48,559  

Leasehold rights

        19,112        —          (18,367      —          745  

Greenhouse gas emissions rights

        805        —          —          —          805  


        189,941        (1      (80,067      (12,124      97,749  















          2,366,991        (18,050      (1,480,985      (12,124      855,832  


















Table of Contents
(2) Changes in intangible assets for as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


    Acquisition     Disposal     Amortization     Impairment     Others     Ending
          In millions of won  


        65,751       7,135       —         (32,423     —         12,093       52,556  

(Government grants)

      (430     —         —         154       —         (212     (488

Licenses and franchises

      208       —         —         (154     —         —         54  

Copyrights, patents rights and other industrial rights

      24,953       451       —         (2,965     —         238       22,677  

Mining rights

      470,558       28,472       —         (1,945     —         7,129       504,214  

Development expenditures

      76,154       47       (1,810     (28,555     —         10,021       55,857  

(Government grants)

      (11,705     —         —         4,125       —         (603     (8,183

Intangible assets under development

      52,050       33,202       (170     —         (11     (10,162     74,909  

(Government grants)

      (7,792     (3,597     170       —         —         527       (10,692

Usage rights of donated assets and other

      64,710       —         —         (8,875     —         1,852       57,687  

(Government grants)

      (53     —         —         10       —         —         (43

Leasehold rights

      812       —         —         (33     —         —         779  


      75,449       2,914       (5     (5,752     (31     (841     71,734  

(Government grants)

      (1     —         —         —         —         —         (1





















        810,664       68,624       (1,815     (76,413     (42     20,042       821,060  





















    Acquisition     Disposal     Amortization     Impairment     Others     Ending
          In millions of won  


        52,556       10,477       (2     (29,795     187       24,463       57,886  

(Government grants)

      (488     —         —         177       —         (388     (699

Licenses and franchises

      54       —         —         (54     —         —         —    

Copyrights, patents rights and other industrial rights

      22,677       129       (2     (2,866     —         1,937       21,875  

Mining rights

      504,214       23,151       —         (228     —         (27,600     499,537  

Development expenditures

      55,857       8,096       (5     (24,862     —         12,721       51,807  

(Government grants)

      (8,183     —         —         2,937       —         (1,589     (6,835

Intangible assets under development

      74,909       40,300       —         —         (22     (20,301     94,886  

(Government grants)

      (10,692     (1,884     —         —         —         2,093       (10,483

Usage rights of donated assets and other

      57,687       —         —         (9,096     —         —         48,591  

(Government grants)

      (43     —         —         11       —         —         (32

Leasehold rights

      779       —         —         (34     —         —         745  

Greenhouse gas emissions rights

      —         805       —         —         —         —         805  


      71,734       6,872       (443     (8,456     88       27,955       97,750  

(Government grants)

      (1     —         —         —         —         —         (1





















        821,060       87,946       (452     (72,266     253       19,291       855,832  
























Table of Contents
(3) Significant specific intangible assets as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:









Remaining useful years

    In millions of won and thousands of Australian dollars


  ERP system and others   KRW     6,583    

6 months ~

1 years and 2 months

Copyrights, patents rights and other industrial rights



Smart technology verification and standard design project conducting right

  KRW     7,750     7 years and 9months

Mining rights

  Mining right of Bylong mine   AUD     401,225     —  (*)

Development expenditures


KOSPO Evolutionary Efficient & Powerful System(KEEPS)

  KRW     5,381     2 years and 6months

Development expenditures


Development of maintenance system for utility plant

  KRW     1,649     2 years and 11 months

Intangible assets under development

  Contributions to APR NRC DC   KRW     18,252     —  

Intangible assets under development


CHF testing for best representative of HIPER/X2-Gen Fuel and development of best explanatory CHF correlation

  KRW     8,396     —  

Usage rights of donated assets


Songdo international business district(sector 1, 3) sharing charge

  KRW     4,316     2 years and 10 months

Usage rights of donated assets


Dangjin power plant load facility usage right

  KRW     39,352     6 years and 3 months


  Shingwangju electricity supply facility usage right   KRW     2,969     4 years and 5 months


  Sillim electricity supply facility usage right   KRW     3,089     6 years and 11 months


(*) Mining rights are amortized using the units-of-production method and the amortization has not commenced yet.









Remaining useful years

    In millions of won and thousands of Australian dollars


  ERP system and others   KRW     1,293    

2 months ~

2 years and 11 months

Copyrights, patents rights and other industrial rights



Smart technology verification and standard design project conducting right

  KRW     6,750     6 years and 9 months

Mining rights

  Mining right of Bylong mine   AUD     401,225     —  (*)

Development expenditures


KOSPO Evolutionary Efficient & Powerful System(KEEPS)

  KRW     2,104     1 years and 6 months

Development expenditures


Development of maintenance system for utility plant

  KRW     1,084     1 years and 11 months

Intangible assets under development

  Contributions to APR NRC DC   KRW     29,148     —  

Intangible assets under development


CHF testing for best representative of HIPER/X2-Gen Fuel and development of best explanatory CHF correlation

  KRW     9,871     —  

Usage rights of donated assets


Songdo international business district(sector 1, 3) sharing charge

  KRW     2,793     1 years and 10 months

Usage rights of donated assets


Dangjin power plant load facility usage right

  KRW     33,055     5 years and 3 months


  Shingwangju electricity supply facility usage right   KRW     2,297     3 years and 5 months


  Sillim electricity supply facility usage right   KRW     2,642     5 years and 11 months


(*) Mining rights are amortized using the units-of-production method and the amortization has not commenced yet.


(4) For the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015, the Company recognized research and development expenses of 545,735 million and 611,220 million, respectively.



Table of Contents
22. Trade and Other Payables

Trade and other payables as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


           2014      2015  
           Current      Non-current      Current      Non-current  
           In millions of won  

Trade payables

         3,123,341        —          1,957,647        —    

Other trade payables

       1,600,102        3,017,428        1,379,035        3,048,299  

Accrued expenses

       1,126,357        2,411        1,082,880        2,373  

Leasehold deposits received

       2,020        —          2,451        —    

Other deposits received

       166,143        96,531        195,237        105,105  

Finance lease liabilities

       109,374        660,061        116,885        542,509  

Dividends payable

       1,267        —          1,562        —    

Others (*)

       —          30,304        —          20,149  












         6,128,604        3,806,735        4,735,697        3,718,435  














  (*) Details of others as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


           2014      2015  
           Current      Non-
     Current      Non-
           In millions of won  

Advance received from

local governments

         —          30,304        —          20,149  












         —          30,304        —          20,149  















Table of Contents
23. Borrowings and Debt Securities


(1) Borrowings and debt securities as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


           2014      2015  
           In millions of won  

Current liabilities


Short-term borrowings

         658,778        603,673  

Current portion of long-term borrowings

       455,484        541,307  

Current portion of debt securities

       5,994,205        6,704,602  

Less : Current portion of discount on long-term borrowings

       (908      (953

Less : Current portion of discount on debt securities

       (2,807      (1,676






       7,104,752        7,846,953  







Non-current liabilities


Long-term borrowings

       3,490,700        1,951,119  

Debt securities

       52,359,905        49,077,131  

Less : Discount on long-term borrowings

       (15,494      (18,860

Less : Discount on debt securities

       (115,807      (103,067

Add: Premium on debt securities

       271        223  






       55,719,575        50,906,546  






         62,824,327        58,753,499  








(2) Repayment schedule of borrowings and debt securities as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:





         Borrowings     Debt Securities  
           In millions of won  

Less than 1 year

         1,114,262       5,994,205  

1~ 5 years

       2,259,172       27,748,466  

Over 5 years

       1,231,528       24,611,439  






         4,604,962       58,354,110  











         Borrowings     Debt Securities  
           In millions of won  

Less than 1 year

         1,144,980       6,704,602  

1~ 5 years

       860,351       27,725,651  

Over 5 years

       1,090,768       21,351,480  






         3,096,099       55,781,733  









Table of Contents
(3) Short-term borrowings as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:







  Interest rate (%)     Maturity     Foreign
    In millions of won and thousands of U.S. dollars  

Local short-term borrowings

  KTB Investment Bank     2.12       2015.01.02       —       310,000  

Local commercial paper

  Shinhan Bank and others     2.12~2.20       2015.01.26       —         310,000  

Foreign short-term borrowings

  Mizuho Bank and others     0.47~6.50      





    USD 16,366       17,990  

Local bank overdraft

  Woori Bank    
Standard overdraft
    2015.02.25       —         20,788  













  Interest rate (%)     Maturity     Foreign
    In millions of won and thousands of U.S. dollars  

Local short-term borrowings

  Woori Investment Bank and others     1.8~2.46      





    —       559,530  

Foreign short-term borrowings

  ING and others     6.50       2016.12.03       USD 2,163       2,535  

Foreign short-term borrowings

  Citi Bank and others     3M Libor+0.35       2016.03.22       USD 12,265       14,375  

Local bank overdraft

  Woori Bank    
Standard overdraft
    2016.02.25       —         27,233  









Table of Contents
(4) Long-term borrowings as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:






Interest rate (%)




Foreign currency

  Local currency  
      In millions of won and thousands of foreign currencies  

Local long-term borrowings



Korea Development Bank

    Others     0.50   2015~2044   —     7,178  
    Facility     4.60   2028   —       43,600  
    Facility     3yr KTB rate-1.25   2027   —       9,000  
    Facility     1yr KoFC bond rate+ 0.20~0.31   2018~2019   —       1,500,000  

KEB Hana Bank

    Commercial Paper     3M CD+0.03~0.54   2015~2017   —       900,000  
    Facility     3yr KTB rate-1.25   2021~2028   —       11,071  
    Facility     4.60   2028   —       20,000  
    Energy rationalization     3yr KTB rate-1.25   2019   —       850  
    Energy rationalization     3.20~3.70   2016   —       3,835  

Korea Industrial Bank

    Others     3yr KTB rate-1.25   2016   —       8,000  

KEB Hana Bank

    PF Refinancing     CD+1.70   2026   —       21,613  
    PF Refinancing     4.80   2026   —       11,992  

Export-Import Bank of Korea

    Project loans     2.00   2026   —       33,881  

Korea Resources Corporation

Development of
power resources
  3yr KTB rate-2.25   2022~2027   —       48,167  
    Facility     3yr KTB rate-2.25   2023~2024   —       4,958  
    Project loans     —     2022~2027   —       8,677  
    Others     3yr KTB rate-2.25   2024~2025   —       13,661  

Shinhan Bank and others

    Facility     3yr AA- CB rate+ 1.10   2028   —       30,000  
    Operating     3.35   2017   —       10,000  

Woori Bank

    PF Refinancing     CD+1.70   2023~2026   —       21,613  
    PF Refinancing     4.80   2026   —       11,991  

Kookmin Bank

    Facility     MOR+0.62   2017   —       6,600  


    Facility     4.60~5.80   2025~2028   —       157,320  
    Facility     3yr AA- CB rate+ 1.10   2028   —       20,000  
    PF Refinancing     4.80   2026   —       17,267  
    PF Refinancing     CD+1.70   2026   —       523  
    Others     —     —     —       38,981  
    Others     —     2028   —       7,250  







Foreign long-term borrowings



Korea National Oil Corporation

    Project loans     —     2021~2023   USD 8,784     9,656  

Export-Import Bank of Korea and

    Direct loan and others     3M Libor+2.60~3.70   2027   JOD 197,907     307,324  

SCNT and others

Commercial loan and
  3M Libor+1.50~2.50   2015~2033   USD 308,697     339,320  
    Shareholder’s loan     6.50~8.00   2033~2034   USD 35,165     38,654  
    Shareholder’s loan     8.00   2031   JOD 8,498     13,197  

PT PJB and others

    Shareholder’s loan     12.75   2017   IDR 22,307,699     1,970  

HSBC and others

    Syndicated loan     3M Libor+0.27~1.50   2017~2019   USD 52,949     58,201  


    Others     3M Libor+0.95   2016   USD 180,893     198,838  
    Others     —     2019   USD 10,004     10,996  










Less : Discount of long-term borrowings



Less : Current portion of long-term borrowings



Add : Current portion of discount of long-term borrowings











Table of Contents





Interest rate (%)




Foreign currency

  Local currency  
          In millions of won and thousands of foreign currencies  

Local long-term borrowings


Korea Development Bank

    Others     0.50   2018~2044   —       ₩6,418  
    Facility     2.67~4.60   2023~2028   —       52,437  
    Facility     3yr KTB rate-1.25   2027   —       9,000  
    Facility     1yr KoFC bond rate +0.31   2018   —       200,000  
    Operating funds     2.75   2018   —       12,000  

KEB Hana Bank

    Commercial Paper     3M CD+0.03~0.54   2016~2017   —       500,000  
    Facility     3yr KTB rate-1.25   2021~2028   —       10,363  
    Facility     4.60   2028   —       18,411  
    Energy rationalization     3yr KTB rate-1.25   2019   —       650  
    Energy rationalization     3.20~3.70   2021~2022   —       3,835  

Korea Industrial Bank

    PF Refinancing     CD+1.25   2030   —       22,500  
    Others     3yr KTB rate-1.25   2016   —       4,000  

Export-Import Bank of Korea

    Project loans     2.00   2026   —       30,935  

Korea Resources Corporation

Development of power
  3yr KTB rate-2.25   2022~2027   —       44,674  
    Facility     3yr KTB rate-2.25   2023~2024   —       4,400  
    Project loans     —     2022~2027   —       8,677  
    Others     3yr KTB rate-2.25   2024~2025   —       13,057  

Shinhan Bank and others

    Collateral borrowing     2.22   2017   —       30,000  
    Facility     3yr AA- CB rate+1.10   2028   —       27,617  
    Operating funds     2.70~3.35   2017~2018   —       25,000  

Kookmin Bank

    Facility     MOR+0.62~0.79   2017~2023   —       25,300  


    Facility     4.60~5.80   2025~2028   —       144,359  
    Facility     3yr AA- CB rate+1.10   2028   —       18,411  
    PF Refinancing     4.10   2030   —       62,500  
    Others     —     2020~2036   —       45,847  
    Others     —     2028   —       7,250  







Foreign long-term borrowings



Korea National Oil Corporation

    Project loans     —     2021~2023   USD 8,744     10,248  

Export-Import Bank of Korea and others

    Direct loan and others     3M Libor+ 2.75~3.70   2027   JOD 188,580     312,104  
Commercial loan and
  3M Libor+1.50~2.50   2030~2033   USD 312,601     366,368  
    PF Loan     6M Libor+2.50~2.70   2032   USD 64,389     75,464  

SCNT and others

    Shareholder’s loan     6.50~8.00   2023   USD 34,924     40,931  
    Shareholder’s loan     8.00   2031   JOD 7,128     11,797  

PT PJB and others

    Shareholder’s loan     12.75   2017   IDR 22,346,550     1,899  

HSBC and others

    Syndicated loan     3M Libor+0.30~0.50   2017~2019   USD 31,774     37,239  

IFC and others

    Others     6M Libor+5.00   2031   PKR 5,891,200     65,805  


    Others     3M Libor+0.65   2017   USD 199,269     233,543  
    Others     —     2019   USD 8,010     9,387  










Less : Discount of long-term borrowings



Less : Current portion of long-term borrowings



Add : Current portion of discount of long-term borrowings





            ₩  1,932,259  






Table of Contents
(5) Local debt securities as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


     Issue date      Maturity      Interest rate (%)           2014     2015  
     In millions of won  













   2.73~5.80           25,820,000       22,960,000  

Electricity Bonds

2012.05.29 ~
2016.05.29 ~
   3M CD +0.25~0.32         1,160,000       910,000  

Corporate Bonds











   1.90~5.84         19,570,010       20,710,010  






        46,550,010       44,580,010  







Less : Discount on local debt securities

        (43,517     (40,228

Less : Current portion of local debt securities

        (4,400,000     (5,730,000

Add : Current portion of discount on local debt securities

        611       1,187  






          42,107,104       38,810,969  








(*) Electricity Bonds 885 (₩40,000 million) can be redeemed every April 28 after three years from its issue date, April 28, 2014.


(6) Foreign debt securities as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:




  Issue date     Maturity     Interest rate (%)   Foreign currency           Local currency  
    In millions of won and thousands of foreign currencies  












  6.00~8.37     USD 249,470           274,217  












  6.75~7.00     USD 314,717         345,937  


    2004.04.21       2034.04.21     5.13     USD 286,920         315,382  












  5.50~6.00     USD 650,000         714,480  


    2008.11.27       2018.11.27     4.19     JPY 20,000,000         184,028  












  3.00~3.13     USD 1,200,000         1,319,040  












  3M Libor+1.00~1.64     USD 250,000         274,800  












  3.63~4.75     USD 800,000         879,360  












  2.50~3.13     USD 1,750,000         1,923,600  












  1.88~2.88     USD 1,900,000         2,088,480  












  1.50~1.63     CHF 400,000         444,572  


    2013.09.25       2020.09.25     5.75     AUD 325,000         292,204  












  3M Libor+0.84~1.50     USD 500,000         549,600  












  2.38~2.75     USD 1,500,000         1,648,800  












  3M Libor+0.55~1.50     USD 500,000         549,600  







Less : Discount on foreign debt securities


Add : Premium on debt securities


Less : Current portion of foreign debt securities


Add : Current portion of discount on foreign debt securities










Table of Contents


  Issue date     Maturity     Interest rate (%)   Foreign currency           Local currency  
    In millions of won and thousands of foreign currencies  












  6.00~8.37   USD 249,136           291,990  












  6.75~7.00   USD 314,717         368,848  


    2004.04.23       2034.04.23     5.13   USD 286,920         336,270  












  5.50~6.00   USD 650,000         761,800  


    2008.11.27       2018.11.27     4.19   JPY 20,000,000         194,401  












  3.63~4.75   USD 800,000         937,600  












  2.50~3.13   USD 1,750,000         2,051,000  












  1.88~2.88   USD 1,900,000         2,226,800  












  1.50~1.63   CHF 400,000         474,156  


    2013.09.25       2020.09.25     5.75   AUD 325,000         277,258  












  USD 500,000         586,000  












  2.38~3.57   USD 1,500,000         1,758,000  












  USD 500,000         586,000  


    2015.06.15       2025.06.15     3.25   USD 300,000         351,600  







Less : Discount on foreign debt securities


Add : Premium on debt securities


Less : Current portion of foreign debt securities


Add : Current portion of discount on foreign debt securities









  (*1) For Yankee 3 in FY-96, early redemption would be executed when the debt security holder requests early redemption between February 1, 2016 (60 days before April 1, 2016) and March 1, 2016 (30 days before April 1, 2016).


  (*2) For Global 4 in FY-04, early redemption of USD 13,080,000 was requested during the year ended December 31, 2014 and the remaining amount is USD 286,920,000 as of December 31, 2015.



Table of Contents
24. Finance Lease Liabilities


(1) Lease contracts

The Company entered into a power purchase agreements (“PPA”) with GS EPS and three other providers. The Company recognizes these PPAs as finance leases; under the PPAs, there is no transfer of ownership or bargain purchase option of the plants at the end of the agreement, however, the present value of the future minimum power purchase payments equals substantially all of the plants’ respective fair values over a twenty-year period which makes up the major part of the respective plants’ economic life.


(2) Finance lease liabilities as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows and are included in current and non-current trade and other payables, net, in the consolidated statements of financial position:


           2014      2015  
          Minimum lease
     Present value of
minimum lease
     Minimum lease
     Present value of
minimum lease
          In millions of won  

Less than 1 year

        184,809        109,374        182,072        116,885  

1 ~ 5 years

        619,828        459,302        525,465        393,957  

More than 5 years

        294,032        200,759        206,323        148,552  












        1,098,669        769,435        913,860        659,394  














(3) Current and non-current portion of financial lease liabilities as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


          2014      2015  
          In millions of won  

Current finance lease liabilities

        109,374        116,885  

Non-current finance lease liabilities

        660,061        542,509  






        769,435        659,394  








(4) Lease payments recognized as an expense from a lessee position for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


            2014      2015  
            In millions of won  

Minimum lease payment

          240,230        194,960  

Contingent rent payment

        (17,402      (17,682


(5) The Company does not have any irrevocable operating lease contracts as of December 31, 2014 and 2015.



Table of Contents
25. Employment Benefits


(1) Employment benefit obligations as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


            2014      2015  
           In millions of won  

Defined benefit obligations

         1,268,197        1,495,782  

Other long-term employee benefit obligations

       9,218        7,325  






         1,277,415        1,503,107  








(2) Principal assumptions on actuarial valuation as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:






Discount rate

   2.86%~4.07%    2.39%~2.58%

Future salary and benefit levels

   5.42%    5.43%

Weighted average duration

   13.24 years    13.21 years


(3) Details of expense relating to defined benefit plans for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


            2014      2015  
           In millions of won  

Current service cost

         291,115        315,811  

Interest cost

       97,603        63,808  

Expected return on plan assets

       (22,291      (22,557

Past service cost

       (167,998      —    

Loss from settlement

       (62,292      (641






         136,137        356,421  







Expenses as described above are recognized in those items below in the financial statements.


            2014      2015  
           In millions of won  

Cost of sales

         114,143        262,760  

Selling and administrative expenses

       7,263        51,932  

Others (Construction-in-progress and others)

       14,731        41,729  






         136,137        356,421  







In addition, for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015, employee benefit obligations expenses of ₩33,700 million and ₩57,940 million, respectively, are recognized as cost of sales, and ₩5,154 million and ₩9,971 million, respectively, are recognized as selling and administrative expenses, and ₩8,631 million and ₩14,195 million, respectively, are recognized as construction-in-progress and others, related to the Company’s defined contribution plans.



Table of Contents
(4) Details of defined benefit obligations as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


           2014      2015  
           In millions of won  

Present value of defined benefit obligation from funded plans

         1,992,447        2,426,414  

Fair value of plan assets

       (724,250      (930,632






       1,268,197        1,495,782  







Present value of defined benefit obligation from unfunded plans

       —          —    







Net liabilities incurred from defined benefit plans

         1,268,197        1,495,782  








(5) Changes in the present value of defined benefit obligations for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


            2014      2015  
           In millions of won  

Beginning balance

         2,629,057        1,992,447  

Current service cost

       291,115        315,811  

Interest cost(*)

       97,603        63,808  

Remeasurement component

       145,648        122,825  

Past service cost

       (167,998      —    

Loss from settlement

       (62,292      (641

Actual payments

       (941,208      (67,291


       522        (545







Ending balance

         1,992,447        2,426,414  








  (*) Corporate bond (AAA rated) yield at year-end is applied to the interest cost on employee benefit obligations.


(6) Changes in the fair value of plan assets for the years ended 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


            2014      2015  
           In millions of won  

Beginning balance

         564,552        724,250  

Expected return

       22,291        22,557  

Remeasurement component

       (6,602      (5,924

Contributions by the employers

       231,342        214,449  

Actual payments

       (81,029      (24,191

Assets decreased through settlement

       (6,572      —    


       268        (509







Ending balance

         724,250        930,632  







In addition, loss on accumulated remeasurement component amounting to ₩116,707 million and ₩202,878 million has been recognized as other comprehensive income or loss for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015, respectively.



Table of Contents
(7) Details of the fair value of plan assets as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


            2014      2015  
           In millions of won  

Equity instruments

         41,298        12,791  

Debt instruments

       163,528        243,372  

Bank deposit

       108,234        129,350  


       411,190        545,119  






         724,250        930,632  







For the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015, actual returns on plan assets amounted to ₩15,669 million and ₩16,633 million, respectively.


(8) Remeasurement component recognized in other comprehensive income (loss) for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


           2014      2015  
           In millions of won  

Actuarial gain (loss) from changes in financial assumptions

         218,859        140,411  

Experience adjustments

       (73,211      (17,586

Expected return

       6,602        5,924  






         152,250        128,749  







Remeasurement component recognized as other comprehensive income or loss is recorded in retained earnings.



Table of Contents
26. Provisions


(1) Provisions as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


           2014     2015  
           Current     Non-current     Current     Non-current  
           In millions of won  

Employment benefits

         707,310       —         718,365       —    

Provision for employment benefits

       707,310       —         718,365       —    


       116,395       83,894       57,737       110,228  

Litigation provisions

       116,395       83,894       57,737       110,228  

Decommissioning cost

       —         13,434,606       —         12,744,873  

Nuclear plants

       —         10,331,270       —         9,684,286  

Spent fuel

       —         1,298,749       —         1,375,185  


       —         1,604,241       —         1,502,140  


       —         199,518       —         182,400  

Other recovery provisions

       —         828       —         862  


       450,481       10,510       803,074       9,653  

Power plant regional support program

       120,093       —         129,655       —    

Transmission regional support program

       —         —         228,785       —    

Provisions for tax

       —         649       —         136  

Provisions for financial guarantee

       74       3,621       1,839       2,449  

Provisions for RPS

       329,562       —         363,178       —    

Provisions for greenhouse gas emissions obligations

       —         —         78,829       —    


       752       6,240       788       7,068  












         1,274,186       13,529,010       1,579,176       12,864,754  














(2) Changes in provisions for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


    Payment     Reversal     Other     Ending
          In millions of won  

Employment benefits

        777,419       650,788       (615,230     (105,667     —         707,310  

Provision for employment benefits

      777,419       650,788       (615,230     (105,667     —         707,310  


      23,720       200,593       (18,371     (5,653     —         200,289  

Litigation provisions

      23,720       200,593       (18,371     (5,653     —         200,289  

Decommissioning cost

      12,568,622       1,270,397       (398,600     (9,067     3,254       13,434,606  

Nuclear plants

      9,887,621       443,987       (338     —         —         10,331,270  

Spent fuel

      1,211,440       465,006       (377,697     —         —         1,298,749  


      1,249,062       351,935       (10     —         3,254       1,604,241  


      219,704       9,436       (20,555     (9,067     —         199,518  

Other recovery provisions

      795       33       —         —         —         828  


      346,371       350,049       (186,388     (65,264     16,223       460,991  

Power plant regional support program

      112,498       39,943       (44,242     —         11,894       120,093  

Provisions for tax

      649       —         —         —         —         649  

Provisions for financial guarantee

      8,789       476       (32     (5,538     —         3,695  

Provisions for RPS

      223,260       308,088       (142,096     (59,690     —         329,562  


      1,175       1,542       (18     (36     4,329       6,992  


















        13,716,132       2,471,827       (1,218,589     (185,651     19,477       14,803,196  





















Table of Contents
    Payment     Reversal     Other     Ending
          In millions of won  

Employment benefits

        707,310       727,079       (715,850     (174     —         718,365  

Provision for employment benefits

      707,310       727,079       (715,850     (174     —         718,365  


      200,289       111,301       (85,819     (58,306     500       167,965  

Litigation provisions

      200,289       111,301       (85,819     (58,306     500       167,965  

Decommissioning cost

      13,434,606       1,287,095       (680,552     (1,296,580     304       12,744,873  

Nuclear plants

      10,331,270       650,218       (622     (1,296,580     —         9,684,286  

Spent fuel

      1,298,749       568,190       (491,754     —         —         1,375,185  


      1,604,241       58,294       (160,699     —         304       1,502,140  


      199,518       10,359       (27,477     —         —         182,400  

Other recovery provisions

      828       34       —         —         —         862  


      460,991       774,760       (368,172     (64,494     9,642       812,727  

Power plant regional support program

      120,093       37,569       (37,648     —         9,641       129,655  

Transmission regional support program

      —         393,460       (164,675     —         —         228,785  

Provisions for tax

      649       —         —         (513     —         136  

Provisions for financial guarantee

      3,695       3,528       —         (2,936     1       4,288  

Provisions for RPS

      329,562       259,964       (165,259     (61,089     —         363,178  

Provisions for greenhouse gas emissions obligations

      —         78,829       —         —         —         78,829  


      6,992       1,410       (590     44       —         7,856  


















        14,803,196       2,900,235       (1,850,393     (1,419,554     10,446       14,443,930  




















27. Government Grants


(1) Government grants as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


             2014     2015  
            In millions of won  


          (3,103     (3,147


        (67,700     (63,932


        (196,871     (193,119


        (108,750     (108,935


        (76     (29


        (1,002     (1,026


        (862     (691


        (123,938     (139,898

Investment properties

        (10     (13


        (488     (699

Development expenditures

        (8,183     (6,835

Intangible assets under development

        (10,692     (10,483

Usage rights of donated assets and other

        (43     (32


        (1     (1






          (521,719     (528,840









Table of Contents
(2) Changes in government grants for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


    Receipt     Acquisition      Offset the
items of
expense and
     Disposal      Others     Ending
           In millions of won  


           —         (108,681     —          —          —          108,681       —    


       (3,137     —         —          —          63        (29     (3,103


       (45,396     —         —          5,040        200        (27,544     (67,700


       (193,189     —         —          8,921        2,018        (14,621     (196,871


       (101,808     —         —          10,102        423        (17,467     (108,750


       (83     —         —          47        —          (40     (76


       (707     —         —          376        —          (671     (1,002


       (312     —         —          144        55        (749     (862


       (117,728     —         35,937        —          —          (42,147     (123,938

Investment properties

       (13     —         —          4        —          (1     (10


       (428     —         —          154        —          (214     (488

Development expenditures

       (11,705     —         —          4,125        —          (603     (8,183

Intangible assets under development

       (7,792     —         527        —          170        (3,597     (10,692

Usage rights of donated assets and other

       (53     —         —          10        —          —         (43


       (1     —         —          —          —          —         (1





















           (482,352)       (108,681     36,464        28,923        2,929        998       (521,719





















    Receipt     Acquisition      Offset the
items of
expense and
     Disposal      Others     Ending
           In millions of won  


           —         (52,696     —          —          —          52,696       —    


       (3,103     —         —          —          —          (44     (3,147


       (67,700     —         —          5,064        —          (1,296     (63,932


       (196,871     —         —          9,178        1,816        (7,242     (193,119


       (108,750     —         —          11,133        1,101        (12,419     (108,935


       (76     —         —          47        1        (1     (29


       (1,002     —         —          469        —          (493     (1,026


       (862     —         —          268        —          (97     (691


       (123,938     —         11,279        —          —          (27,239     (139,898

Investment properties

       (10     —         —          —          —          (3     (13


       (488     —         —          177        —          (388     (699

Development expenditures

       (8,183     —         —          2,937        —          (1,589     (6,835

Intangible assets under development

       (10,692     —         2,093        —          —          (1,884     (10,483

Usage rights of donated assets and other

       (43     —         —          11        —          —         (32


       (1     —         —          —          —          —         (1





















           (521,719)       (52,696     13,372        29,284        2,918        1       (528,840
























Table of Contents
28. Deferred Revenues

Deferred revenue related to the Company’s construction contracts as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows and included in current and non-current non-financial liabilities in the consolidated statements of financial position:


            2014      2015  
           In millions of won  

Beginning balance

         6,506,639        6,850,016  

Increase during the current year / period

       695,235        691,276  

Recognized as revenue during the current year / period

       (351,858      (375,995







Ending balance

         6,850,016        7,165,297  








29. Non-financial Liabilities

Non-financial liabilities as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


            2014      2015  
           Current      Non-current      Current      Non-current  
           In millions of won  

Advance received

         5,320,722        294,151        5,017,735        215,096  

Unearned revenue

       41,822        86,061        21,810        63,850  

Deferred revenue

       347,362        6,502,654        372,157        6,793,140  


       258,258        45,221        146,258        6,731  


       496,192        18,323        762,751        13,435  












         6,464,356        6,946,410        6,320,711        7,092,252  















Table of Contents
30. Contributed Capital


(1) Details of shares issued as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


    Shares issued      Par value
per share
    Owned by
    Owned by
    In millions of won except share information  

Common shares

    1,200,000,000       641,964,077        5,000       1,640,437       1,569,383       3,209,820  


  (*) Korea Development Bank’s ownership of ₩960,802 million are included.


    Shares issued      Par value
per share
    Owned by
    Owned by
    In millions of won except share information  

Common shares

    1,200,000,000       641,964,077        5,000       1,640,385       1,569,435       3,209,820  


  (*) Korea Development Bank’s ownership of ₩1,056,176 million are included.


(2) Details in number of outstanding capital stock for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows.


     2014      2015  
     Number of shares  

Beginning balance

     623,034,082        641,964,077  

Disposal of treasury stocks

     18,929,995        —    







Ending balance

     641,964,077        641,964,077  








(3) Details of share premium as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


           2014      2015  
          In millions of won  

Share premium

        843,758        843,758  



Table of Contents
31. Retained Earnings and Dividends Paid


(1) Details of retained earnings as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


            2014      2015  
           In millions of won  

Legal reserve(*)

         1,604,910        1,604,910  

Voluntary reserves

       22,999,359        23,720,167  

Retained earnings before appropriations

       10,699,378        22,862,164  







Retained earnings

         35,303,647        48,187,241  








  (*) The KEPCO Act requires KEPCO to appropriate a legal reserve equal to at least 20 percent of net income for each accounting period until the reserve equals 50 percent of KEPCO’s common stock. The legal reserve is not available for cash dividends; however, this reserve may be credited to paid-in capital or offset against accumulated deficit by the resolution of the shareholders.


(2) Details of voluntary reserves as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


            2014      2015  
           In millions of won  

Reserve for investment on social overhead capital

         5,277,449        5,277,449  

Reserve for research and human development(*)

       330,000        330,000  

Reserve for business expansion

       17,181,910        17,902,718  

Reserve for equalizing dividends

       210,000        210,000  






         22,999,359        23,720,167  








  (*) The reserve for research and human development is appropriated by the Company to use as qualified tax credits to reduce corporate tax liabilities. The reserve is available for cash dividends for a certain period as defined by the Tax Incentive Control Law of Korea.


(3) Changes in retained earnings for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


            2014      2015  
           In millions of won  

Beginning balance

         32,766,086        35,303,647  

Net profit for the period attributed to owner of the Company

       2,686,873        13,289,127  

Changes in equity method retained earnings

       (1,899      (280

Remeasurements of defined benefit liability, net of tax

       (91,340      (84,271

Dividend paid

       (56,073      (320,982







Ending balance

         35,303,647        48,187,241  








(4) Dividends paid for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


     Number of
shares issued
     Number of
treasury stocks
     Number of
shares eligible for
     Dividends paid
per share
     In millions of won      (In won)  

Common shares

     641,964,077        18,929,995        623,034,082      56,073        90  
     Number of
shares issued
     Number of
treasury stocks
     Number of
shares eligible for
     Dividends paid
per share
     In millions of won      (In won)  

Common shares

     641,964,077        —          641,964,077        320,982        500  



Table of Contents
(5) Changes in retained earnings of investments in associates and joint ventures for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


           2014      2015  
          In millions of won  

Beginning balance

        (232      (2,131


      (1,899      (280







Ending balance

        (2,131      (2,411








(6) Changes in remeasurement components for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


           2014      2015  
          In millions of won  

Beginning balance

        39,591        (116,705


      (151,610      (127,184

Income tax effect

      60,270        42,913  

Transfer to reserve for business expansion

      (64,956      (1,902







Ending balance

        (116,705      (202,878








32. Statement of Appropriation of Retained Earnings

For the year ended December 31, 2014, the Company’s retained earnings were appropriated on March 31, 2015. For the year ended December 31, 2015, the Company’s retained earnings were appropriated on March 22, 2016. Statements of appropriation of retained earnings of KEPCO, the controlling company, for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


                2014      2015  
              In millions of won except for
dividends per share

I. Retained earnings before appropriations


Unappropriated retained earnings carried over from prior years

          —          —    

Net income

      1,039,887        10,165,653  

Remeasurements of the defined benefit plan

      1,902        (48,457






      1,041,789        10,117,196  







II. Transfer from voluntary reserves

      —          —    







III. Subtotal (I+II)

      1,041,789        10,117,196  







IV. Appropriations of retained earnings

      (1,041,789      (10,117,196

Legal reserve

      —          —    

Dividends (government, individual)


(Amount of dividends per share (%):


        Current year—₩3,100 (62.0%)


        Prior year—₩500 (10.0%)

      (320,982      (1,990,089

Reserve for business expansion

      (720,807      (8,127,107

V. Unappropriated retained earnings to be carried over forward to subsequent year

      —          —    



Table of Contents
33. Hybrid Bonds

Bond-type hybrid securities classified as equity (non-controlling interest) as of December 31, 2015 are as follows:




Hybrid Bond

  Issued date     Maturity      Yield (%)     Amount  
    In millions of won  

Korea Western Power
Co., Ltd.


1st bond-type hybrid bond

    2012.10.18       2042.10.18       
5yr government
bond rate+1.20

Korea South-East Power Co., Ltd.


1st bond-type hybrid bond

    2012.12.07       2042.12.06        4.38       170,000  

Korea South-East Power Co., Ltd.


2nd bond-type hybrid bond

    2012.12.07       2042.12.06        4.44       230,000  

Expense of Issuance









Although these instruments have contractual maturity dates, the contractual agreements allow these subsidiaries to indefinitely extend the maturity dates and defer the payment of interest without modification to the other terms of the instruments. When the Company decides to not pay dividends on ordinary shares, they are not required to pay interest on the hybrid bonds.

Substantially, as these instruments have no contractual obligation to pay principal and interest, these instruments have been classified as equity (non-controlling interest) in the Company’s consolidated financial statements.


34. Other Components of Equity


(1) Other components of equity of the parent as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


           2014      2015  
          In millions of won  

Other capital surpluses

          1,151,402        1,197,388  

Accumulated other comprehensive loss

      (202,269      (98,713

Other equity

      13,294,973        13,294,973  






          14,244,106        14,393,648  








(2) Changes in other capital surpluses for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


          2014     2015  
          Gains on
disposal of

    Others     Subtotal     Gains on
disposal of

    Others     Subtotal  
          In millions of won  

Beginning balance

          303,028       527,954       830,982       387,524       763,878       1,151,402  

Disposal of subsidiary

      —         313,117       313,117       —         58,310       58,310  

Disposal of treasury stocks

      111,473       —         111,473       —         —         —    

Issuance of share capital of subsidiary

      —         (1,235     (1,235     —         2,536       2,536  

Change in consolidation scope

      —         —         —         —         (716     (716

Income tax effect

      (26,977     (75,958     (102,935     —         (14,144     (14,144



















Ending balance

          387,524       763,878       1,151,402       387,524       809,864       1,197,388  





















Table of Contents
(3) Changes in accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


financial asset
valuation reserve
    Shares in  other

income of
investments in
associates and
joint ventures
    Reserve  for

translation credit
    Reserve for
gain (loss) on
valuation of

          In millions of won  

Beginning balance

          62,614       182,261       (170,679     (18,658     55,538  

Changes in the unrealized fair value of available-for-sale financial assets, net of tax

      (97,263     —         —         —         (97,263

Shares in other comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures, net of tax

      —         4,636       —         —         4,636  

Foreign currency translation of foreign operations, net of tax

      —         —         (84,962     —         (84,962

Net change in the unrealized fair value of derivatives using cash flow hedge accounting, net of tax

      —         —         —         (80,218     (80,218
















Ending balance

          (34,649     186,897       (255,641     (98,876     (202,269

















financial asset
valuation reserve
    Shares in  other

income of
investments in
associates and
joint ventures
    Reserve  for

translation credit
    Reserve for
gain (loss) on
valuation of

          In millions of won  

Beginning balance

          (34,649     186,897       (255,641     (98,876     (202,269

Changes in the unrealized fair value of available-for-sale financial assets, net of tax

      9,744       —         —         —         9,744  

Shares in other comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures, net of tax

      —         89,476       —         —         89,476  

Foreign currency translation of foreign operations, net of tax

      —         —         1,179       —         1,179  

Net change in the unrealized fair value of derivatives using cash flow hedge accounting, net of tax

      —         —         —         3,157       3,157  
















Ending balance

          (24,905     276,373       (254,462     (95,719     (98,713

















(4) Changes in treasury stocks for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows.


            2014      2015  
            Shares      Amount      Shares      Amount  
            In millions of won except for share information  

Beginning balance

          18,929,995        (741,489      —          —    

Disposal of treasury stocks

        (18,929,995      741,489        —          —    













Ending balance

          —          —          —          —    














(5) Details of other equity for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


            2014      2015  
            In millions of won  

Statutory revaluation reserve

            13,295,098        13,295,098  

Changes in other equity

        (125      (125






            13,294,973        13,294,973  









Table of Contents
35. Sales


   Details of sales for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


          2013     2014     2015  
          Domestic     Overseas     Domestic     Overseas     Domestic     Overseas  
          In millions of won  

Sales of goods

          50,876,783       256,020       53,408,869       297,959       53,961,463       405,573  


      50,170,178       —         52,625,226       —         53,229,470       —    

Heat supply

      244,455       —         258,492       —         204,987       —    


      462,150       256,020       525,151       297,959       527,006       405,573  

Sales of service

      198,932       127,687       222,973       228,040       209,189       244,298  

Sales of construction services

      238,924       2,014,159       262,035       2,703,150       180,424       3,580,780  


















          51,314,639       2,397,866       53,893,877       3,229,149       54,351,076       4,230,651  




















36. Selling and Administrative Expenses


(1) Selling and administrative expenses for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


          2013      2014      2015  
          In millions of won  


          566,748        556,808        655,432  

Retirement benefit expense

      81,051        12,418        61,903  

Welfare and benefit expense

      107,342        89,804        119,866  

Insurance expense

      7,408        10,619        10,636  


      68,222        69,182        102,867  

Amortization of intangible assets

      50,266        40,260        40,465  

Bad debt expense

      40,446        39,018        290  


      510,309        550,335        562,171  

Advertising expense

      28,127        27,236        30,085  

Training expense

      5,332        5,664        4,988  

Vehicle maintenance expense

      12,358        12,015        10,529  

Publishing expense

      3,190        3,109        3,124  

Business promotion expense

      3,707        3,053        3,338  

Rent expense

      39,652        34,914        44,905  

Telecommunication expense

      24,468        21,586        22,678  

Transportation expense

      347        1,907        753  

Taxes and dues

      43,648        42,894        55,970  

Expendable supplies expense

      4,453        6,009        7,272  

Water, light and heating expense

      9,669        9,758        9,558  

Repairs and maintenance expense

      25,512        40,397        74,330  

Ordinary development expense

      166,106        154,244        178,472  

Travel expense

      13,146        13,025        14,388  

Clothing expense

      4,374        7,577        5,751  

Survey and analysis expense

      623        526        590  

Membership fee

      774        798        1,040  


      105,914        171,210        131,860  









          1,923,192        1,924,366        2,153,261  












Table of Contents


(2) Other selling and administrative expenses for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


          2013      2014      2015  
          In millions of won  

Accommodation development expenses

          22,601        22,530        28,134  

Miscellaneous wages

      34,284        30,397        43,109  

Litigation and filing expenses

      9,501        9,222        10,670  

Compensation for damages

      2,289        46,946        9,032  

Outsourcing expenses

      4,002        1,377        2,865  

Reward expenses

      2,507        2,094        2,472  

Overseas market development expenses

      —          —          1,541  


      30,730        58,644        34,037  









          105,914        171,210        131,860  











37. Other Income and Expense


(1) Other income for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


          2013      2014      2015  
          In millions of won  

Reversal of other provisions

          11,743        5,271        6,355  

Reversal of allowance for doubtful accounts

      —          241        413  

Gains on assets contributed

      14,392        2,418        9,004  

Gains on liabilities exempted

      2,425        858        2,588  

Compensation and reparations revenue

      94,064        156,019        166,355  

Gains on electricity infrastructure development fund

      50,808        18,888        —    

Revenue from research contracts

      10,815        9,615        5,342  

Revenue related to transfer of assets from customers

      325,290        351,857        375,995  

Rental income

      187,351        182,511        196,406  


      28,569        26,508        45,756  









          725,457        754,186        808,214  











(2) Details of others of other income for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


          2013      2014      2015  
          In millions of won  

Refund of claim for rectification

          9,796        9,996        7,623  

Adjustment of research project

      3,891        4,003        4,090  

Maintenance expenses on lease building

      2,320        1,282        324  

Training expenses

      3,657        2,916        4,774  

Deposit redemption

      142        2,235        430  

Reversal of expenses on litigation

      2,340        521        219  

Revenue on royalty fee

      2,471        897        2,739  

Reimbursement of insurance fee

      —          310        11,797  

Gains on guarantee contracts

      —          —          4,523  


      3,952        4,348        9,237  









          28,569        26,508        45,756  












Table of Contents
(3) Other expense for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


          2013      2014      2015  
          In millions of won  

Compensation and indemnification expense

          —          —          16,959  

Accretion expenses of other provisions

      443        1,052        4,575  

Depreciation expenses on investment properties

      908        821        669  

Depreciation expenses on idle assets

      6,661        6,658        6,698  

Other bad debt expense

      8,665        15,981        18,473  


      57,970        37,889        34,134  


      25,164        25,819        27,340  









          99,811        88,220        108,848  











(4) Details of others of other expense for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


          2013      2014      2015  
          In millions of won  

Operating expenses related to the idle assets

          1,034        985        779  

Research grants

      551        617        1,392  

Supporting expenses on farming and fishing village

      16,162        14,211        14,626  

Operating expenses on fitness center

      2,382        1,928        2,912  

Expenses on adjustment of research and development grants

      1,272        —          709  

Forfeit of taxes and dues

      2,442        —          1,105  

Movement expense

      —          2,262        3,191  


      1,321        5,816        2,626  









          25,164        25,819        27,340  












Table of Contents
38. Other Gains (Losses)


(1) Composition of other gains (losses) for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


          2013      2014      2015  
          In millions of won  

Other gains


Gains on disposal of property plant, and equipment

        59,345        85,775        8,637,508  

Gains on disposal of intangible assets

      4        4        32  

Reversal of impairment loss on intangible assets

      121        18        275  

Gains on foreign currency translation

      2,835        5,152        13,784  

Gains on foreign currency transaction

      62,817        56,368        61,007  

Insurance proceeds

      1,700        3,046        30  


      208,554        194,888        162,128  

Other losses


Losses on disposal of property plant and equipment

      (58,852      (50,152      (73,073

Losses on disposal of intangible assets

      (1      (18      (16

Impairment loss on property, plant and equipment

      (1,161      (38,107      (30,344

Impairment loss on intangible assets

      (267      (42      (22

Losses on foreign currency translation

      (9,978      (12,663      (15,097

Losses on foreign currency transaction

      (59,907      (53,252      (75,615


      (76,696      (83,621      (69,824









        128,514        107,396        8,610,773  











(2) Details of others of other gains for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


           2013      2014      2015  
           In millions of won  

Gains on disposal of inventories

         11,387        12,127        10,758  

Gains on valuation of inventories

       903        2,756        7  

Gains on proxy collection of TV license fee

       36,706        37,433        38,529  

Gains on compensation of impaired electric poles

       5,407        2,319        —    

Gains on compensation for infringement on contract

       4,311        7,824        7,414  

Gains on harbor facilities dues

       4,745        5,935        5,943  

Technical fees

       3,940        1,121        1,258  

Reversal of occupation development training fees

       2,369        1,850        1,878  

Gains on disposal of waste

       9,979        2,467        2,880  

Gains on insurance

       12,828        2,748        11,865  

Gains on litigation

       5,813        1,954        600  

Interests on tax rebate

       9,258        2,388        1,661  

Gains on other commission

       14,288        8,672        2,177  

Gains on research tasks

       —          28,599        1,446  

Gains on settlement and others

       11,205        —          2,803  

Gains on sales of greenhouse gas emissions rights

       —          —          52  


       75,415        76,695        72,857  









         208,554        194,888        162,128  












Table of Contents
(3) Details of others of other losses for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


           2013      2014      2015  
           In millions of won  

Losses on valuation of inventories

         1,604        3,231        1,318  

Losses on disposal of inventories

       1,778        1,996        13,469  

Losses due to disaster

       4,456        2,404        263  

Losses on rounding adjustment of electric charge surtax

       1,174        1,236        1,251  

Losses on adjustments of levies

       41,176        5,091        13,928  

Losses on write-off

       3,627        4,297        —    

Penalty on taxes and dues

       2,116        6,825        190  

Commission and others

       821        139        —    

Losses on litigation

       —          22,999        488  


       19,944        35,403        38,917  









         76,696        83,621        69,824  











39. Finance Income


(1) Finance income for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


           2013      2014      2015  
           In millions of won  

Interest income

         182,161        191,456        241,585  

Dividends income

       9,870        14,193        14,069  

Gains on disposal of financial assets

       196        98,065        4  

Gains on valuation of derivatives

       16,927        312,347        610,582  

Gains on transaction of derivatives

       120,948        52,618        151,851  

Gains on foreign currency translation

       263,311        121,177        127,372  

Gains on foreign currency transaction

       36,129        95,418        37,377  

Other finance income

       —          16        148  









         629,542        885,290        1,182,988  











(2) Interest income included in finance income for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


           2013      2014      2015  
           In millions of won  

Cash and cash equivalents

         60,301        56,384        54,687  

Available-for-sale financial assets

       1,150        382        29  

Held-to-maturity investments

       64        89        99  

Loans and receivables

       42,418        29,507        28,586  

Short-term financial instrument

       16,896        5,199        46,921  

Long-term financial instrument

       13        215        10,492  

Other financial assets

       1,082        —          —    

Trade and other receivables

       60,237        99,680        100,771  









         182,161        191,456        241,585  












Table of Contents
40. Finance Expenses


(1) Finance expenses for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


           2013      2014      2015  
           In millions of won  

Interest expense

         2,381,900        2,351,624        2,015,684  

Losses on sale of financial assets

       4,202        2,700        3,008  

Impairment of available-for-sale financial assets

       12,592        79,618        84,370  

Losses on valuation of derivatives

       263,777        102,091        17,051  

Losses on transaction of derivatives

       107,582        119,635        37,262  

Losses on foreign currency translation

       60,597        465,326        743,283  

Losses on foreign currency transaction

       100,972        18,827        113,723  

Losses on repayment of financial liabilities

       —          199        33  


       —          18        1,043  









         2,931,622        3,140,038        3,015,457  











(2) Interest expense included in finance expenses for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


           2013      2014      2015  
           In millions of won  

Trade and other payables

         102,388        98,407        84,527  

Short-term borrowings

       32,928        27,038        14,627  

Long-term borrowings

       191,638        167,781        103,503  

Debt securities

       2,234,148        2,306,330        2,177,855  

Other financial liabilities

       564,139        588,535        538,680  









       3,125,241        3,188,091        2,919,192  










Less: Capitalized borrowing costs

       (743,341      (836,467      (903,508









         2,381,900        2,351,624        2,015,684  










Capitalization rates for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015 are 3.71% ~ 4.33%, 3.28% ~ 4.35% and 2.36% ~ 4.25%, respectively.



Table of Contents
41. Income Taxes


(1) Income tax expense for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


          2013      2014      2015  
          In millions of won  

Current income tax expense


Payment of income tax

          172,574        897,129        2,682,779  

Adjustment due to changes in estimates related to prior years

      (11,833      (29,823      (23,248

Current income tax directly recognized in equity

      (151,076      9,137        37,768  









      9,665        876,443        2,697,299  










Deferred income tax expense


Generation and realization of temporary differences

      (532,604      248,796        48,878  

Changes of unrecognized tax losses, tax credit and temporary differences for prior periods

      (201,420      (26,067      71,999  

Changes in deferred tax on tax losses carryforwards

      93,668        345,887        2,374,237  

Unrecognized deferred tax assets

      103,555        —          —    

Tax credit carry forwards

      (43,658      (14,720      47,000  









      (580,459      553,896        2,542,114  










Income tax expense (benefit)

          (570,794      1,430,339        5,239,413  











(2) Reconciliation between actual income tax expense (benefit) and amount computed by applying the statutory tax rate of 24.2% to loss (income) before income taxes for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


          2013     2014     2015  
          In millions of won  

Income (Loss) before income tax

          (396,488     4,229,306       18,655,786  










Income tax (expense) benefit computed at applicable tax rate of 24.2%

      95,950       (1,023,492     (4,514,700












Additional payment of income taxes or receipt of income tax refunds

      36,003       13,574       14,130  

Effect of applying gradual tax rate

      2,357       1,503       4,147  

Effect of non-taxable revenue

      82,810       50,728       8,047  

Effect of non-deductible expenses

      (13,698     (43,152     (17,734

Effects of tax credits and deduction

      335,710       75,804       103,435  

Recognition of unrecognized deferred tax asset, net

      179,147       26,067       (71,999

Unrecognized deferred tax assets

      (123,227     —         —    

Deferred income tax related to investments in subsidiaries and associates

      (93,984     (516,557     (784,793

Others, net

      69,726       (14,814     20,054  









      474,844       (406,847     (724,713










Income tax (expense) benefit

          570,794       (1,430,339     (5,239,413










Effective tax rate

      144     34     28



Table of Contents
(3) Income tax directly adjusted to shareholders’ equity (except for accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)) for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


          2013      2014      2015  
          In millions of won  

Dividends of hybrid securities

        5,455        5,256        5,253  

Gain on disposal of subsidiaries

      (47,609      (75,958      (14,144

Gain on disposal of treasury stocks

      —          (26,976      —    









        (42,154      (97,678      (8,891











(4) Income tax recognized as other comprehensive income (loss) for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


          2013      2014      2015  
          In millions of won  

Income tax recognized as other comprehensive income (loss)


Gain (loss) on valuation of available-for-sale financial assets

        (31,367      26,149        (6,315

Net change in the unrealized fair value of derivatives using cash flow hedge accounting, net of tax

      6,416        51,504        7,253  

Remeasurements of defined benefit obligations

      (73,647      60,270        42,913  

Investments in associates

      (10,324      (16,813      13,648  


      —          (14,295      (10,840









        (108,922      106,815        46,659  












Table of Contents
(5) Changes in deferred income tax assets (liabilities) recognized in the statements of financial position for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


in profit
or loss
recognized in
income (loss)
in equity
          In millions of won  

Deferred income tax on temporary differences


Employee benefits

        518,681       (218,342     52,595       —         352,934  

Cash flow hedge

      51,991       (51,674     51,038       —         51,355  

Investments in associates or subsidiaries

      (5,227,034     (435,528     (31,107     (75,958     (5,769,627

Property, plant and equipment

      (6,061,613     81,751       —         —         (5,979,862

Finance lease

      (142,081     (55,016     —         —         (197,097

Intangible assets

      10,242       2,067       —         —         12,309  

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

      83,645       (80,805     —         —         2,840  

Available-for-sale financial assets

      (101,088     33,104       26,148       —         (41,836

Deferred revenue

      244,806       (14,162     —         —         230,644  


      3,150,908       308,867       —         —         3,459,775  

Doubtful receivables

      59       1,297       —         —         1,356  

Other finance liabilities

      25,856       (7,876     —         5,256       23,236  

Losses (gains) on foreign exchange translation

      (19,164     72,958       —         —         53,794  

Allowance for doubtful accounts

      7,314       8,138       —         —         15,452  

Accrued income

      (1,248     (1,998     —         —         (3,246

Special deduction for property, plant and equipment

      (194,785     111       —         —         (194,674

Impairment of non-current assets

      86,720       —         —         —         86,720  

Treasury stocks

      —         26,976       —         (26,976     —    

Reserve for research and human development

      (43,143     7,644       —         —         (35,499


      409,436       42,442       8,141       —         460,019  















      (7,200,498     (280,046     106,815       (97,678     (7,471,407
















Deferred income tax on unused tax losses and tax credit


Tax losses

      2,501,349       (325,174     —         —         2,176,175  

Tax credit

      56,099       42,187       —         —         98,286  















      2,557,448       (282,987     —         —         2,274,461  















        (4,643,050     (563,033     106,815       (97,678     (5,196,946


















Table of Contents
in profit
or loss
recognized in
income (loss)
in equity
          In millions of won  

Deferred income tax on temporary differences


Employee benefits

        352,934       11,495       42,913       —         407,342  

Cash flow hedge

      51,354       (87,620     7,253       —         (29,013

Investments in associates or subsidiaries

      (5,769,627     (669,035     2,808       (14,144     (6,449,998

Property, plant and equipment

      (5,979,863     484,077       —         —         (5,495,786

Finance lease

      (197,097     (75,333     —         —         (272,430

Intangible assets

      12,309       (2,889     —         —         9,420  

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

      2,840       (2,844     —         —         (4

Available-for-sale financial assets

      (41,836     (1,048     (6,315     —         (49,199

Deferred revenue

      230,644       (15,283     —         —         215,361  


      3,459,775       (87,352     —         —         3,372,423  

Doubtful receivables

      1,356       49       —         —         1,405  

Other finance liabilities

      23,237       (2,192     —         5,253       26,298  

Losses on foreign exchange translation

      53,794       74,920       —         —         128,714  

Allowance for doubtful accounts

      15,452       3,524       —         —         18,976  

Accrued income

      (3,245     (7,986     —         —         (11,231

Special deduction for property, plant and equipment

      (194,674     327       —         —         (194,347

Impairment of non-current assets

      86,720       (86,720     —         —         —    

Reserve for research and human development

      (35,499     14,811       —         —         (20,688


      460,019       116,566       —         —         576,585  















      (7,471,407     (332,533     46,659       (8,891     (7,766,172
















Deferred income tax on unused tax losses and tax credit


Tax losses

      2,176,175       (2,176,178     —         —         (3

Tax credit

      98,286       (71,171     —         —         27,115  















      2,274,461       (2,247,349     —         —         27,112  















        (5,196,946     (2,579,882     46,659       (8,891     (7,739,060


















Table of Contents
(6) Deferred income tax assets (liabilities) recognized in the statements of financial position as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


           2014     2015  
           In millions of won  

Deferred income tax assets

         526,934       623,623  

Deferred income tax liabilities

       (5,723,880     (8,362,683






         (5,196,946     (7,739,060








(7) Details of deductible temporary differences, tax losses and unused tax credits not recognized in the deferred income tax assets as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


           2014      2015  
           In millions of won  

Deductible temporary differences

         448,402        441,704  






         448,402        441,704  









Table of Contents
42. Assets Held-for-Sale

Assets held-for-sale as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


            2014      2015  
           In millions of won  


         2,021,445        2,907  


       69,363        20,366  


       2        —    

Investments in associates(*4,5)

       —          56,374  






         2,090,810        79,647  








  (*1) The Company moved its headquarters to Naju, Jeollanam-do, in November 2014 as part of the government’s plan to relocate state-run companies for balanced national development and entered into a contract with Hyundai Motor and two of its affiliates to sell the buildings and land of the Company’s headquarters in Seoul on September 26, 2014. The Company reclassified the buildings and land as held-for-sales assets when the construction of the Naju headquarters was completed in 2014. The total sales value amounted to ₩10.55 trillion and the ownership has transferred on September 25, 2015.


  (*2) KEPCO Plant Service & Engineering Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company, moved its headquarters to Naju, Jeollanam-do, in November 2014 as part of the government’s plan to relocate state-run companies for balanced national development and entered in to a contract with TmaxSoft Co., Ltd. to sell its head office in Seongnam on March 11, 2015. The total sales value amounted to ₩71 billion and the ownership has transferred on August 27, 2015. The Company recognized a gain of ₩36,407 million on disposal of assets held-for-sale for the year ended December 31, 2015.


  (*3) The board of directors of KEPCO Engineering & Construction Company, Inc., a subsidiary of the Company, determined to dispose the office building in Yongin as part of the government’s plan to relocate state-run companies for balanced national development and moved the head office to Kimchun, Kyungsangbukdo, in 2015. As the Company believes the book value of Yongin office will be recovered by a disposal transaction rather than continuous operation, it reclassified buildings, land and structures as assets held-for-sale.


  (*4) Korea Western Power Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company, plans to dispose certain portion of its investment in Dongducheon Dream Power Co., Ltd. and reclassified the relevant book value to non-current assets held-for-sale.


  (*5) Korea South-East Power Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company, plans to dispose certain portion of its investment in Hyundai Energy Co., Ltd. and reclassified the relevant book value to non-current assets held-for-sale.



Table of Contents
43. Expenses Classified by Nature

Expenses classified by nature for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


           Selling and
     Cost of sales      Total  
           In millions of won  

Raw materials used

         —          23,778,430        23,778,430  


       566,748        2,583,032        3,149,780  

Retirement benefit expense

       81,051        349,931        430,982  

Welfare and benefit expense

       107,342        366,234        473,576  

Insurance expense

       7,408        63,125        70,533  


       68,222        7,228,205        7,296,427  

Amortization of intangible assets

       50,266        38,113        88,379  

Bad debt expense

       40,446        —          40,446  


       510,309        359,879        870,188  

Advertising expense

       28,127        7,133        35,260  

Training expense

       5,332        10,146        15,478  

Vehicle maintenance expense

       12,358        9,683        22,041  

Publishing expense

       3,190        4,088        7,278  

Business promotion expense

       3,707        4,340        8,047  

Rent expense

       39,652        93,001        132,653  

Telecommunication expense

       24,468        69,885        94,353  

Transportation expense

       347        4,139        4,486  

Taxes and dues

       43,648        195,076        238,724  

Expendable supplies expense

       4,453        25,554        30,007  

Water, light and heating expense

       9,669        27,879        37,548  

Repairs and maintenance expense

       25,512        1,431,441        1,456,953  

Ordinary development expense

       166,106        411,027        577,133  

Travel expense

       13,145        45,928        59,073  

Clothing expense

       4,374        4,207        8,581  

Survey and analysis expense

       623        3,471        4,094  

Membership fee

       774        5,478        6,252  

Power purchase

       —          11,328,898        11,328,898  


       105,915        2,147,315        2,253,230  









         1,923,192        50,595,638        52,518,830  












Table of Contents
           Selling and
     Cost of sales      Total  
           In millions of won  

Raw materials used

         —          20,150,934        20,150,934  


       556,808        2,633,641        3,190,449  

Retirement benefit expense

       12,418        147,843        160,261  

Welfare and benefit expense

       89,804        313,483        403,287  

Insurance expense

       10,619        65,322        75,941  


       69,182        7,720,386        7,789,568  

Amortization of intangible assets

       40,260        36,153        76,413  

Bad debt expense

       39,018        —          39,018  


       550,335        355,263        905,598  

Advertising expense

       27,236        7,414        34,650  

Training expense

       5,664        9,387        15,051  

Vehicle maintenance expense

       12,015        9,297        21,312  

Publishing expense

       3,109        3,917        7,026  

Business promotion expense

       3,053        3,960        7,013  

Rent expense

       34,914        98,321        133,235  

Telecommunication expense

       21,586        70,140        91,726  

Transportation expense

       1,907        3,638        5,545  

Taxes and dues

       42,894        250,722        293,616  

Expendable supplies expense

       6,009        26,279        32,288  

Water, light and heating expense

       9,758        26,910        36,668  

Repairs and maintenance expense

       40,397        1,388,975        1,429,372  

Ordinary development expense

       154,244        391,491        545,735  

Travel expense

       13,025        46,792        59,817  

Clothing expense

       7,577        5,039        12,616  

Survey and analysis expense

       526        2,391        2,917  

Membership fee

       798        6,047        6,845  

Power purchase

       —          12,601,686        12,601,686  


       171,210        3,387,521        3,558,731  









         1,924,366        49,762,952        51,687,318  












Table of Contents
           Selling and
     Cost of sales      Total  
           In millions of won  

Raw materials used

         —          14,626,933        14,626,933  


       655,432        2,962,476        3,617,908  

Retirement benefit expense

       61,903        320,700        382,603  

Welfare and benefit expense

       119,866        426,186        546,052  

Insurance expense

       10,636        83,910        94,546  


       102,867        8,158,884        8,261,751  

Amortization of intangible assets

       40,465        31,801        72,266  

Bad debt expense

       290        —          290  


       562,171        353,703        915,874  

Advertising expense

       30,085        8,498        38,583  

Training expense

       4,988        11,186        16,174  

Vehicle maintenance expense

       10,529        8,323        18,852  

Publishing expense

       3,124        3,981        7,105  

Business promotion expense

       3,338        4,312        7,650  

Rent expense

       44,905        142,054        186,959  

Telecommunication expense

       22,678        73,180        95,858  

Transportation expense

       753        5,336        6,089  

Taxes and dues

       55,970        397,161        453,131  

Expendable supplies expense

       7,272        29,874        37,146  

Water, light and heating expense

       9,558        26,870        36,428  

Repairs and maintenance expense

       74,330        1,771,760        1,846,090  

Ordinary development expense

       178,472        432,748        611,220  

Travel expense

       14,388        52,910        67,298  

Clothing expense

       5,751        4,135        9,886  

Survey and analysis expense

       590        3,071        3,661  

Membership fee

       1,040        6,401        7,441  

Power purchase

       —          11,428,027        11,428,027  


       131,860        4,083,309        4,215,169  









         2,153,261        45,457,729        47,610,990  












Table of Contents
44. Earnings Per Share


(1) Basic earnings per share for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:



         2013      2014      2015  
           In won  

Basic earnings per share

         96        4,290        20,701  


(2) Diluted earnings per share for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:



         2013      2014      2015  
           In won  

Diluted earnings per share

         96        4,290        20,701  


(3) Basic earnings per share

Net profit for the period and weighted average number of common shares used in the calculation of basic earnings per share for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:



         2013      2014      2015  
           In millions of won except number of shares  

Controlling interest in net profit

         60,011        2,686,873        13,289,127  

Profit used in the calculation of total basic earnings per share

       60,011        2,686,873        13,289,127  

Weighted average number of common shares

       623,034,082        626,353,314        641,964,077  


(4) Diluted earnings per share

Diluted earnings per share is calculated by applying adjusted weighted average number of common shares under the assumption that all dilutive potential common shares are converted to common shares.

Earnings used in the calculation of total diluted earnings per share for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:



         2013      2014      2015  
           In millions of won  

Profit used in the calculation of total diluted earnings per share



     60,011        2,686,873        13,289,127  

Weighted average common shares used in calculating diluted earnings per share are adjusted from weighted average common shares used in calculating basic earnings per share. Detailed information of the adjustment for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:



   2013      2014      2015  
     In number of shares  

Weighted average number of common shares

     623,034,082        626,353,314        641,964,077  

Diluted weighted average number of shares

     623,034,082        626,353,314        641,964,077  


(5) There are no potential dilutive instruments and diluted earnings per shares are same as basic earnings per share for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015.



Table of Contents
45. Risk Management


(1) Capital risk management

The Company manages its capital to ensure that entities in the Company will be able to continue while maximizing the return to shareholder through the optimization of the debt and equity balance. The capital structure of the Company consists of net debt (offset by cash and cash equivalents) and equity. The Company’s overall capital risk management strategy remains unchanged from that of the prior year.

Details of the Company’s capital management accounts as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


           2014     2015  
           In millions of won  

Total borrowings and debt securities

         62,824,327       58,753,499  

Cash and cash equivalents

       1,796,300       3,783,065  







Net borrowings and debt securities

       61,028,027       54,970,434  







Total shareholder’s equity

       54,825,010       67,942,475  







Debt to equity ratio

       111.31     80.91


(2) Financial risk management

The Company is exposed to various risks related to its financial instruments, such as, market risk (currency risk, interest rate risk, price risk), credit risk. The Company monitors and manages the financial risks relating to the operations of the Company through internal risk reports which analyze exposures by degree and magnitude of risks. The Company uses derivative financial instruments to hedge certain risk exposures. The Company’s overall financial risk management strategy remains unchanged from that of the prior year.


  (i) Credit risk

Credit risk is the risk of finance loss to the Company if a customer or counterparty to a financial instrument fails to meet its contractual obligations, and arises primarily from the sales activities, securities and derivatives. In addition, credit risk exposure may exist within financial guarantees and unused line of credits. As these financial institutions the Company makes transactions with are reputable financial institutions, the credit risk from them are considered limited. The Company decides credit transaction limits based on evaluation of client’s credit, through information obtained from the credit bureau and disclosed financial position at committing contracts.


  Credit risk management

Electricity sales, the main operations of the Company are the necessity for daily life and industrial activities of Korean nationals, and have importance as one of the national key industries. The Company dominates the domestic market supplying electricity to customers. The Company is not exposed to credit risk as customers of the Company are from various industries and areas. The Company uses publicly available information and its own internal data related to trade receivables, to rate its major customers and to measure the credit risk that a counter party will default on a contractual obligation. For the incurred but not recognized loss, it is measured considering overdue period.


  Impairment and allowance account

In accordance with the Company policies, individual material financial assets are assessed on a regular basis, trade receivables that are assessed not to be impaired individually are, in addition, assessed for impairment on a collective basis. Value of the acquired collateral (including the confirmation of feasibility) and estimated collectable amounts are included in this assessment.

Allowance for bad debts assessed on a collective basis are recognized for (i) the Company of assets which individually are not material and (ii) incurred but not recognized losses that are assessed using statistical methods, judgment and past experience.



Table of Contents

Book values of the financial assets represent the maximum exposed amounts of the credit risk. Details of the Company’s level of maximum exposure to credit risk as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


           2014      2015  
           In millions of won  

Cash and cash equivalents

         1,796,300        3,783,065  

Derivative assets (trading)

       65,849        255,008  

Available-for-sale financial assets

       715,151        584,479  

Held-to-maturity investments

       3,614        3,623  

Loans and receivables

       623,997        735,057  

Long-term/short-term financial instruments

       704,462        5,890,866  

Derivative assets (using hedge accounting)

       104,276        362,142  

Trade and other receivables

       9,422,219        9,271,967  

Financial guarantee contracts(*)

       148,522        271,010  


  (*) Maximum exposure associated with the financial guarantee contracts is the maximum amounts of the obligation.

Financial guarantee contracts as of December 31, 2015 are as follows:



   Company      Currency      Amounts  
     In thousands of U.S. dollars  

Joint ventures

     KEPCO SPC Power Corporation        USD        88,138  

Joint ventures

     PT. Tanjung Power Indonesia        USD        10,500  

Joint ventures

     Kelar S.A        USD        132,600  







As of the reporting date, there are no financial assets and non-financial assets that were acquired through the exercise of the right of collateralized assets and reinforcement of credit arrangement.


(ii) Market risk

Market risk is the risk that the Company’s fair values of the financial instruments or future cash flows are affected by the changes in the market. Market risk consists of interest rate risk, currency risk and other price risk.



Table of Contents
(iii) Sensitivity analysis

Significant assets and liabilities with uncertainties in underlying assumptions


  Defined benefit obligation

A sensitivity analysis of defined benefit obligation assuming a 1% increase and decrease movements in the actuarial valuation assumptions as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


                 2014     2015  


   Accounts          1% Increase     1% Decrease     1% Increase     1% Decrease  
     In millions of won  

Future salary increases

   Increase (decrease) in

defined benefit



    244,516       (222,706     293,205       (271,758

Discount rate

   Increase (decrease) in
defined benefit
       (221,728     260,991       (267,648     315,870  

Changes of employee benefits assuming a 1% increase and decrease movements in discount rate on plan asset for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are ₩5,699 million and ₩7,265 million, respectively.



Changes in provisions due to movements in underlying assumptions as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:



   Accounts    2014     2015  


   Inflation rate      2.79     2.65
   Discount rate      3.78     3.21

Nuclear plants

   Inflation rate      2.93     1.40
   Discount rate      4.49     3.55

Spent fuel

   Inflation rate      2.93     2.93
   Discount rate      4.49     4.49

A sensitivity analysis of provisions assuming a 0.1% increase and decrease movements in the underlying assumptions as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


                 2014     2015  


   Accounts          0.1% Increase     0.1% Decrease     0.1% Increase     0.1% Decrease  
     In millions of won  

Discount rate

   PCBs          (1,058     1,066       (875     881  
   Nuclear plants        (221,795     227,773       (201,318     206,720  
   Spent fuel        (49,483     51,404       (52,390     54,425  

Inflation rate

   PCBs        1,076       (1,069     885       (881
   Nuclear plants        251,588       (244,964     220,720       (215,086
   Spent fuel        52,147       (50,267     55,212       (53,219



Table of Contents

Management judgment effected by uncertainties in underlying assumptions


  Foreign currency risk

The Company undertakes transactions denominated in foreign currencies; consequently, exposures to exchange rate fluctuations arise. The carrying amounts of the Company’s foreign currency denominated monetary assets and monetary liabilities as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


     Assets      Liabilities  


   2014      2015      2014      2015  
     In thousands of foreign currencies  


     196        158        542,292        595,284  


     —          301        —          —    


     1        —          244        858  


     —          —          —          26,140  


     2,097        6,141        4,087        33,552  


     273,738        —          17,288        —    


     7,637        7,704        122        —    


     196,696        489,309        17,962        77,337  


     1,044        1,083        —          —    


     1,211,513        1,260,094        7,415,050        9,331,854  


     683,074        972,175        173,753        206,159  


     167,747        211,212        2,037        12,928  


     2,183,910        2,768,360        69,199        151,729  


     1,048,413        1,425,163        20,023,572        20,325,211  


     551,684        47,177        —          —    


     —          —          90        99  


     —          —          399,634        400,029  


     3,965        1,481        1,136        1,705  


     146        238        —          —    


     1,080        2,972        1        —    


     47,167        43,332        314        889  


     —          —          —          30  


     —          —          196        —    

A sensitivity analysis on the Company’s income for the period assuming a 10% increase and decrease in currency exchange rates as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


          2014     2015  


        10% Increase     10% Decrease     10% Increase     10% Decrease  
          In millions of won  

Increase (decrease) of income before income tax

        (790,483     790,483       (1,063,285     1,063,285  

Increase (decrease) of shareholder’s equity(*)

      (790,483     790,483       (1,063,285     1,063,285  


  (*) The effect on the shareholders’ equity excluding the impact of income taxes.

The sensitivity analysis above is conducted for monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies other than functional currency, without consideration of hedge effect of related derivatives, as of December 31, 2014 and 2015.

To manage its foreign currency risk related to foreign currency denominated receivables and payables, the Company has a policy to enter into currency forward agreements. In addition, to manage its foreign currency risk related to foreign currency denominated expected sales transactions and purchase transactions, the Company enters into cross-currency swap agreements.



Table of Contents
  Interest rate risk

The Company is exposed to interest rate risk due to its borrowing with floating interest rates. A 1% increase or decrease is used when reporting interest rate risk internally to key management personnel and represents management’s assessment of the reasonably possible change in interest rates.

The Company’s borrowings and debt securities with floating interest rates as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:



         2014      2015  
           In millions of won  

Short-term borrowings

         20,788        41,608  

Long-term borrowings

       3,506,989        1,977,745  

Debt securities

       2,534,000        2,082,000  






         6,061,777        4,101,353  







A sensitivity analysis on the Company’s long-term borrowings and debt securities assuming a 1% increase and decrease in interest rates, without consideration of hedge effect of related derivatives for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


           2014     2015  


         1% Increase     1% Decrease     1% Increase     1% Decrease  
           In millions of won  

Increase (decrease) of profit before income tax

         (60,618     60,618       (41,014     41,014  

Increase (decrease) of shareholder’s equity(*)

       (60,618     60,618       (41,014     41,014  

(*) The effect on the shareholders’ equity excluding the impact of income taxes.

To manage its interest rate risks, the Company enters into certain interest swap agreements or maintains an appropriate mix of fixed and floating rate borrowings.


  Electricity rates risk

The Company is exposed to electricity rates risk due to the rate regulation of the government which considers the effect of electricity rate on the national economy.

A sensitivity analysis on the Company’s income for the period assuming a 1% increase and decrease in price of electricity for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


          2014     2015  


        1% Increase     1% Decrease     1% Increase     1% Decrease  
          In millions of won  

Increase (decrease) of profit before income tax

        526,252       (526,252     532,295       (532,295

Increase (decrease) of shareholder’s equity(*)

      526,252       (526,252     532,295       (532,295

(*) The effect on the shareholders’ equity excluding the impact of income taxes.



Table of Contents
(iv) Liquidity risk

The Company has established an appropriate liquidity risk management framework for the management of the Company’s short, medium and long-term funding and liquidity management requirements. The Company manages liquidity risk by continuously monitoring forecasted and actual cash flows, and by matching the maturity profiles of financial assets and liabilities.

In addition, the Company has established credit lines on its trade financing and bank overdrafts, and through payment guarantees it has received, it maintains an adequate credit (borrowing) line. In addition, the Company has the ability to utilize excess cash or long-term borrowings for major construction investments.

The following table shows the details of maturities of non-derivative financial liabilities as of December 31, 2014 and 2015. This table, based on the undiscounted cash flows of the non-derivative financial liabilities, has been completed based on the respective liabilities’ earliest maturity date.




        Less than
1 year
    1~2 Years     2~5 Years     More than
5 years
          In millions of won  

Borrowings and debt securities

        9,219,013       8,888,723       27,584,208       30,253,070       75,945,014  

Finance lease liabilities

      184,809       182,072       437,756       294,032       1,098,669  

Trade and other payables

      6,019,230       318,466       570,988       2,257,220       9,165,904  

Financial guarantee contracts(*)

      35,449       29,678       83,395       —         148,522  















        15,458,501       9,418,939       28,676,347       32,804,322       86,358,109  



















        Less than
1 year
    1~2 Years     2~5 Years     More than
5 years
          In millions of won  

Borrowings and debt securities

        9,862,441       11,252,946       23,642,523       28,566,566       73,324,476  

Finance lease liabilities

      182,072       175,512       349,953       206,323       913,860  

Trade and other payables

      4,618,812       314,361       617,120       2,244,445       7,794,738  

Financial guarantee contracts(*)

      168,885       62,116       40,009       —         271,010  















        14,832,210       11,804,935       24,649,605       31,017,334       82,304,084  

















  (*) Total guarantee amounts associated with the financial guarantee contracts. Financial guarantee liabilities which are recognized as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are ₩3,695 million and ₩4,288 million, respectively.



Table of Contents

The expected maturities for non-derivative financial assets as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 in detail are as follows:




        Less than
1 year
    1~5 Years     More than
5 years
    Other(*)     Total  
          In millions of won  

Cash and cash equivalents

        1,796,300       —         —         —         1,796,300  

Available-for-sale financial assets

      —         —         —         715,151       715,151  

Held-to-maturity investments

      265       3,336       13       —         3,614  

Loans and receivables

      68,911       176,600       425,082       9,927       680,520  

Long-term/short-term financial instruments

      100,099       740       603,308       315       704,462  

Trade and other receivables

      7,700,166       830,863       824,966       76,104       9,432,099  















        9,665,741       1,011,539       1,853,369       801,497       13,332,146  

















        Less than
1 year
    1~5 Years     More than
5 years
    Other(*)     Total  
          In millions of won  

Cash and cash equivalents

        3,783,065       —         —         —         3,783,065  

Available-for-sale financial assets

      —         —         —         584,479       584,479  

Held-to-maturity investments

      381       3,242       —         —         3,623  

Loans and receivables

      106,013       268,820       397,976       11,330       784,139  

Long-term/short-term financial instruments

      5,132,829       5,000       752,703       334       5,890,866  

Trade and other receivables

      7,476,745       765,979       958,968       79,202       9,280,894  















        16,499,033       1,043,041       2,109,647       675,345       20,327,066  

















  (*) The maturities cannot be presently determined.

Derivative liabilities classified by maturity periods which from reporting date to maturity date of contract as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:




         Less than
1 year
     1~2 Years      2~5 Years      More than
5 years
           In millions of won  

Gross settlement



         (66,580      (15,289      (108,717      (11,301      (201,887


       (3,070      (31,441      (70,384      (84,815      (189,710















         (69,650      (46,730      (179,101      (96,116      (391,597

















         Less than
1 year
     1~2 Years      2~5 Years      More than
5 years
           In millions of won  

Gross settlement



         (9,552      (4,627      (47,971      —          (62,150


       1,260        2,032        (44,233      (62,534      (103,475















         (8,292      (2,595      (92,204      (62,534      (165,625


















Table of Contents
(3) Fair value risk

The fair value of the Company’s actively-traded financial instruments (i.e. short-term financial assets held for trading, available-for-sale financial assets, etc.) is based on the traded market-price as of the reporting period end. The fair value of the Company’s financial assets is the amount which the asset could be exchanged for or the amount a liability could be settled for.

The fair values of financial instruments where no active market exists or where quoted prices are not otherwise available are determined by using valuation techniques. Valuation techniques include using recent arm’s length market transactions between knowledgeable, willing parties, if available, reference to the current fair value of another instrument that is substantially the same, discounted cash flow analysis and option pricing models. If there is a valuation technique commonly used by market participants to price the instrument and that technique has been demonstrated to provide reliable estimates of prices obtained in actual market transactions, the Company uses that technique.

For trade receivables and payables, the Company considers the carrying value net of impairment as fair value. While for disclosure purposes, the fair value of financial liabilities is estimated by discounting a financial instruments with similar contractual cash flows based on the effective interest method.


  (i) Fair value and book value of financial assets and liabilities as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


            2014      2015  


         Book value      Fair value      Book value      Fair value  
           In millions of won  

Assets recognized at fair value


Available-for-sale financial assets(*1)

         715,151        715,151        584,479        584,479  

Derivative assets (trading)

       65,849        65,849        255,008        255,008  

Derivative assets (using hedge accounting)

       104,276        104,276        362,142        362,142  

Long-term financial instruments

       604,363        604,363        758,037        758,037  

Short-term financial instruments

       100,099        100,099        5,132,829        5,132,829  












       1,589,738        1,589,738        7,092,495        7,092,495  













Assets carried at amortized cost


Held-to-maturity investments

       3,614        3,614        3,623        3,623  

Loans and receivables

       623,997        623,997        735,057        735,057  

Trade and other receivables

       9,422,219        9,422,219        9,271,967        9,271,967  

Cash and cash equivalents

       1,796,300        1,796,300        3,783,065        3,783,065  












       11,846,130        11,846,130        13,793,712        13,793,712  













Liabilities recognized at fair value


Derivative liabilities (trading)

       164,931        164,931        49,011        49,011  

Derivative assets (using hedge accounting)

       172,877        172,877        117,499        117,499  












       337,808        337,808        166,510        166,510  













Liabilities carried at amortized cost


Secured borrowings

       941,823        941,823        641,363        641,363  

Unsecured bond

       58,235,767        61,816,897        55,677,213        59,619,941  

Finance lease liabilities

       769,435        769,435        659,394        659,394  

Unsecured borrowings

       3,625,949        3,731,331        2,407,690        2,427,847  

Trade and other payables(*2)

       9,165,904        9,165,904        7,794,738        7,794,738  

Bank overdraft

       20,788        20,788        27,233        27,233  












         72,759,666        76,446,178        67,207,631        71,170,516  














  (*1) Book values of equity securities held by the Company that were measured at cost as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are ₩299,308 million and ₩207,508 million, respectively, as a quoted market price does not exist in an active market and its fair value cannot be measured reliably.


  (*2) Excludes finance lease liabilities.



Table of Contents
  (ii) Interest rates used for determining fair value

The interest rates used to discount estimated cash flows, when applicable, are based on the government yield curve at the reporting date plus an adequate credit spread.

The discount rate used for calculating fair value as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:



   2014      2015  


     0.04%~2.78%        0.28%~4.16%  

Borrowings and debt securities

     0.16%~5.80%        0.15%~5.80%  

Finance lease

     9.00%~10.83%        9.00%~10.83%  


  (iii) Fair value hierarchy

The following table provides an analysis of financial instruments that are measured subsequent to initial recognition at fair value, classified as Level 1, 2 or 3, based on the degree to which the fair value is observable.

Level 1: Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities;

Level 2: Inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the asset or liability either directly or indirectly; and

Level 3: Inputs that are not based on observable market data.

Fair values of financial instruments by hierarchy level as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:




          Level 1      Level 2      Level 3      Total  
            In millions of won  

Financial assets at fair value


Available-for-sale financial assets

          247,215        —          168,627        415,842  

Derivative assets

        —          170,125        —          170,125  












        247,215        170,125        168,627        585,967  













Financial liabilities at fair value


Derivative liabilities

        —          337,806        —          337,806  
















          Level 1      Level 2      Level 3      Total  
            In millions of won  

Financial assets at fair value


Available-for-sale financial assets

          196,579        —          180,390        376,969  

Derivative assets

        —          617,150        —          617,150  












        196,579        617,150        180,390        994,119  













Financial liabilities at fair value


Derivative liabilities

        —          166,510        —          166,510  













The fair value of available-for-sale financial assets publicly traded is measured at the closing bid price quoted at the end of the reporting period. Meanwhile, the fair value of unquoted available-for-sale financial assets is calculated using the valuation results from an external pricing service in which weighted average borrowing rates of interest of evaluated companies are used as a discount rate. The fair value of derivatives is measured using valuation model which is determined at the present value of estimated future cash flows discounted at current market interest rate.



Table of Contents

Changes of financial assets and liabilities which are classified as level 3 for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


     Acquisition      Reclassified
     Valuation     Disposal     Foreign
            In millions of won  

Financial assets at fair value


Available-for-sale financial assets


Unlisted securities

          171,304        —          —          (2,677     —         —          168,627  

Debt securities

        14,655        —          —          —         (14,655     —          —    
     Acquisition      Reclassified
     Valuation     Disposal     Foreign
            In millions of won  

Financial assets at fair value


Available-for-sale financial assets


Unlisted securities

          168,627        —          —          11,763       —         —          180,390  



Table of Contents
46. Service Concession Arrangements


(1) Gas complex thermal power plant at Ilijan, Philippines (BOT)


  (i) Significant terms and concession period of the arrangement

The Company has entered into a contract with National Power Corporation (the “NPC”), based in the Republic of the Philippines whereby the Company can collect the electricity rates which are composed of fixed costs and variable costs during the concession period after building, rehabilitating, and operating the power plant.


  (ii) Rights and classification of the arrangement

The Company has the rights to use and own the power plant during the concession period from 2002 to 2022. At the end of the concession period, the Company has an obligation to transfer its ownership of the power plant to NPC.


  (iii) The Company’s expected future collections of service concession arrangements as of December 31, 2015 are as follows:



     In millions of won  

Less than 1 year


1~ 2 years


2~ 3 years


Over 3 years









(2) Hydroelectric power generation at Semangka, Indonesia (BOT)


  (i) Significant terms and concession period of the arrangement

The Company has entered into a contract with PT. Perusahaan Listrik Negara (the “PLN”) whereby the Company provides electricity generated and charge tariff rates designed to recover capital cost, fixed O&M cost, tax on water usage, variable O&M cost and special facilities cost during the concession period after building, rehabilitating, and operating the power plant for approximately 30 years (2017~2047) subsequent to the completion of plant construction.


  (ii) Rights and classification of the arrangement

The Company has the rights to use and own the power plant during the concession period from 2017 to 2047. At the end of the concession period, PNL has an option to take over the ownership of the power plant from the Company.


  (iii) The Company’s expected future collections of service concession arrangements as of December 31, 2015 are as follows:



     In millions of won  

Less than 1 year


1~ 2 years


2~ 3 years


Over 3 years










Table of Contents
47. Related Parties


(1) Related parties of the Company as of December 31, 2015 are as follows:




Related party


   Republic of Korea government


(77 subsidiaries)

   Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd., Korea South-East Power Co., Ltd., Korea Midland Power Co., Ltd., Korea Western Power Co., Ltd., Korea Southern Power Co., Ltd., Korea East-West Power Co., Ltd., KEPCO Engineering & Construction Company, Inc., KEPCO Plant Service & Engineering Co., Ltd., KEPCO Nuclear Fuel Co., Ltd., KEPCO KDN Co., Ltd., Garolim Tidal Power Plant Co., Ltd., Gyeonggi Green Energy Co., Ltd., Korea Offshore Wind Power Co., Ltd., KOSEP Material Co., Ltd., KEPCO International HongKong Ltd., KEPCO International Philippines Inc., KEPCO Philippines Corporation, KEPCO Ilijan Corporation, KEPCO Gansu International Ltd., KEPCO Philippines Holdings Inc., KEPCO Lebanon SARL, KEPCO Neimenggu International Ltd., KEPCO Australia Pty., Ltd., KEPCO Shanxi International Ltd., KOMIPO Global Pte Ltd., KOSEP Australia Pty., Ltd., KOMIPO Australia Pty., Ltd., KOWEPO Australia Pty., Ltd., KOSPO Australia Pty., Ltd., KEPCO Canada Energy Ltd., KEPCO Canada Uranium Investment Limited Partnership, KEPCO Netherlands B.V., KOREA Imouraren Uranium Investment Corp., KEPCO Middle East Holding Company, Qatrana Electric Power Company, Korea Electric Power Nigeria Ltd., KOWEPO International Corporation, KOSPO Jordan LLC, Korea Waterbury Uranium Limited Partnership, PT. Cirebon Power Service, EWP America Inc., KHNP Canada Energy., Ltd., KEPCO Bylong Australia Pty., Ltd., KNF Canada Energy Limited, KEPCO Holdings de Mexico, KST Electric Power Company, KEPCO Energy Service Company, KEPCO Netherlands S3 B.V., PT. KOMIPO Pembangkitan Jawa Bali, PT KEPCO Resource Indonesia, EWP Barbados 1 SRL, PT. Tanggamus Electric Power, KOMIPO America Inc, KOSEP USA, INC., PT. EWP Indonesia, KEPCO Netherlands J3 B.V., Global One Pioneer B.V., Global Energy Pioneer B.V., Mira Power Limited, EWP Philippines Corporation, LLC, KEPCO Singapore Holdings Pte., Ltd., KOWEPO India Private Limited, KEPCO KPS Philippines Corp., KOSPO Chile SpA, PT. KOWEPO Sumsel Operation and Maintenance Services, Commerce and Industry Energy Co., Ltd., Gyeongju Wind Power Co., Ltd., California Power Holdings, LLC, DG Fairhaven Power, LLC, DG Kings Plaza, LLC, DG Whitefield, LLC, EWP Renewable Co., EWPRC Biomass Holdings, LLC, Springfield Power, LLC, HeeMang Sunlight Power Co., Ltd., Fujeij Wind Power Company, KOSPO Youngnam Power Co., Ltd.


(55 associates)

   Daegu Green Power Co., Ltd., Dongducheon Dream Power Co., Ltd., Korea Gas Corporation, SE Green Energy Co., Ltd., Daegu Photovoltaic Co., Ltd., Jeongam Wind Power Co., Ltd., Korea Power Engineering Service Co., Ltd., Yeongwol Energy Station Co., Ltd., KS Solar Corp. Ltd., Heang Bok Do Si Photovoltaic Power Co., Ltd., Korea Electric Power Industrial Development Co., Ltd., DS POWER Co., Ltd., Goseong Green Energy Co. Ltd., Gangneung Eco Power Co., Ltd., Shin Pyeongtaek Power Co., Ltd., Naepo Green Energy Co., Ltd., Noeul Green Energy Co., Ltd., YTN Co., Ltd., Cheongna Energy Co., Ltd., Samcheok Eco Material Co., Ltd., Gangwon Wind Power Co., Ltd., Hyundai Green Power Co., Ltd., Korea Power Exchange, AMEC Partners Korea Ltd., Hyundai Energy Co., Ltd., Ecollite Co., Ltd., Taebaek Wind Power Co., Ltd., Muju Wind Power Co., Ltd., Pyeongchang Wind Power Co., Ltd., Daeryun Power Co., Ltd., JinanJangsu Wind Power Co., Ltd., Changjuk Wind Power Co., Ltd., KNH Solar Co., Ltd., S-Power Co., Ltd., Busan Solar Co., Ltd., Hadong Mineral Fiber Co., Ltd., Green Biomass Co., Ltd., SPC Power Corporation, Gemeng International Energy Co., Ltd., PT. Cirebon Electric Power, KNOC Nigerian East Oil Co., Ltd., KNOC Nigerian West Oil Co., Ltd., Dolphin Property Limited, PT Wampu Electric Power, PT. Bayan Resources TBK, Pioneer Gas Power Limited, Eurasia Energy Holdings, Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Power Co., Ltd., PT Mutiara Jawa, Jinbhuvish Power Generation Pvt. Ltd., Busan Green Energy Co., Ltd., Jungbu Bio Energy Co., Ltd., Korea Electric Vehicle Charge Service, Ulleungdo Natural Energy Co., Ltd., Korea Nuclear Partners Co., Ltd.



Table of Contents

Joint ventures

(38 joint ventures)

   KEPCO SPC Power Corporation, Daejung Offshore Wind Power Co., Ltd., KEPCO-ALSTOM Power Electronics Systems, Inc., Dangjin Echo Power Co., Ltd.(Formerly, Dongbu Power Dangjin Corporation), Honam Wind Power Co., Ltd., Seokmun Energy Co., Ltd., Incheon New Power Co., Ltd., Chun-cheon Energy Co., Ltd., Yeonggwangbaeksu Wind Power Co., Ltd., KW Nuclear Components Co., Ltd., KEPCO-Uhde Inc., GS Donghae Electric Power Co., Ltd., Busan Shinho Solar Power Co., Ltd., Global Trade Of Power System Co., Ltd., Expressway Solar-light Power Generation Co., Ltd., Gansu Datang Yumen Wind Power Company Ltd., Datang Chifeng Renewable Power Co., Ltd., KEPCO Energy Resource Nigeria Limited, Rabigh Electricity Company, Eco Biomass Energy Sdn. Bhd., Rabigh Operation & Maintenance Company, Datang KEPCO Chaoyang Renewable Power Co., LTD., Shuweihat Asia Power Investment B.V., Shuweihat Asia Operation & Maintenance Company, Waterbury Lake Uranium L.P., ASM-BG Investicii AD, RES Technology AD, Jamaica Public Service Company Limited, KV Holdings, Inc., Datang Chaoyang Renewable Power Co., Ltd., Nepal Water & Energy Development Company Pty Ltd., KODE NOVUS 1 LLC, KODE NOVUS 2 LLC, Amman Asia Electric Power Company, Kelar S.A, PT. Tanjung Power Indonesia, Nghi Son 2 Power Ltd., Canada Korea Uranium Limited Partnership


   Korea Development Bank


(2) Transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries are eliminated during the consolidation and will not be shown as notes.


(3) Related party transactions for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:

<Sales and Others>


                 Sales and others  

Company name

  Transaction type           2013      2014     2015  
                In millions of won  



Daegu Green Power Co., Ltd.

    Electricity sales           121        1,320       1,055  

Dongducheon Dream Power Co., Ltd.

    Service         11,603        12,446       14,811  

Korea Gas Corporation

    Electricity sales         124,244        82,117       90,480  

Gumi-ochang Photovoltaic Power Co., Ltd.

    Electricity sales         —          14       —    

Chungbuk Photovoltaic Power Co., Ltd

    Electricity sales         —          6       —    

Cheonan Photovoltaic Power Co., Ltd.

    Electricity sales         —          2       —    

SE Green Energy Co., Ltd.

    Electricity sales         1        —         —    

Daegu Photovoltaic Co., Ltd.

    Electricity sales         5        —         —    

Jeongam Wind Power Co., Ltd.

    Electricity sales         3        8       8  

Korea Power Engineering Service Co., Ltd.

    Service         —          1,239       1,743  

Golden Route J Solar Power Co., Ltd.

    Electricity sales         —          1       —    

Yeongwol Energy Station Co., Ltd.

    Service         27,900        3,676       814  

KOSCON Photovoltaic Co., Ltd.

    Electricity sales         1        5       —    

Yeonan Photovoltaic Co., Ltd.

    Electricity sales         52        4       —    

Q1 Solar Co., Ltd.

    Electricity sales         262        13       —    

Best Solar Energy Co., Ltd.

    Electricity sales         39        16       —    

Seokcheon Solar Power Co., Ltd.

    Electricity sales         —          54       —    

D Solar Energy Co., Ltd.

    Electricity sales         —          8       —    

KS Solar Corp., Ltd.

    Electricity sales         —          15       21  

Hyundai Asan Solar Power Co., Ltd.

    Electricity sales         —          8       —    

Heang Bok Do Si Photovoltaic Power Co., Ltd.

    Rental income and others         —          1       1  

Jeonnam Solar Co., Ltd.

    Electricity sales         —          16       —    

Korea Electric Power Industrial Development Co., Ltd.

    Service         13,014        15,852       12,361  

DS POWER Co., Ltd.

    Service         —          152,025       106,183  

Goseong Green Energy Co., Ltd.

    Property sales         —          4,004       9,306  

Gangneung Eco Power Co., Ltd.

    Service         —          6,446       9,761  

Shin Pyeongtaek Power Co., Ltd.

    Service         —          174       11,344  

Naepo Green Energy Co., Ltd.

    Electricity sales         —          8       66  

Noeul Green Energy Co., Ltd

    Electricity sales         —          —         45  



Table of Contents
               Sales and others  

Company name

  Transaction type         2013      2014     2015  
              In millions of won  

YTN Co., Ltd.

  Electricity sales         4,070        7,446       1,753  

Busan Green Energy Co., Ltd.

  Electricity sales       —          —         1  

Korea Electric Vehicle Charge Service

  Electricity sales       —          —         2  

Ulleungdo Natural Energy Co., Ltd.

  Electricity sales       —          —         229  

Cheongna Energy Co., Ltd.

  Service       13,117        14,153       21,081  

Gangwon Wind Power Co., Ltd.

  Electricity sales       2,133        2,152       1,046  

Hyundai Green Power Co., Ltd.

  Electricity sales and design
      15,896        14,943       15,401  

Korea Power Exchange

  Service       26,710        16,300       4,272  

Hyundai Energy Co., Ltd.

  Service       21,535        58,566       25,402  

Ecollite Co., Ltd.

  Interest income       866        —         —    

Taebaek Wind Power Co., Ltd.

  Service       626        1,653       872  

Pyeongchang Wind Power Co., Ltd.

  Design service       65        120       72  

Daeryun Power Co., Ltd.

  Electricity sales       780        1,611       1,731  

Changjuk Wind Power Co., Ltd.

  Electricity sales       751        1,848       754  

KNH Solar Co., Ltd.

  Electricity sales       19        17       17  

S-Power Co., Ltd.

  Service and electricity
      —          7,564       7,278  

Busan Solar Co., Ltd.

  Electricity sales       2        17       16  

Green Biomass Co., Ltd.

  Service       —          —         51  

SPC Power Corporation

  Interest income       —          —         1,433  

PT. Bayan Resources TBK

  Electricity sales       —          —         164  

Gemeng International Energy Co., Ltd.

  Dividend income       —          6,905       37,163  

Dolphin Property Limited

  Service       32        —         —    


  Dividend income       1,902        1,456       —    

Pioneer Gas Power Limited

  Service       —          214       274  

Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Power Co., Ltd.

  Service       —          1,333       584  



Table of Contents
                 Sales and others  

Company name

  Transaction type           2013      2014     2015  
                In millions of won  

<Joint ventures>


KEPCO SPC Power Corporation

Service and dividend
        15,921        17,243       29,572  

Daejung Offshore Wind Power Co., Ltd.

    Electricity sales         —          —         1  

KEPCO-ALSTOM Power Electronics Systems, Inc.

    Service         796        1,129       1,315  

Dangjin Echo Power Co., Ltd.

    Technical fee         1,431        352       334  

Honam Wind Power Co., Ltd.

    Electricity sales         —          73       65  

Seokmun Energy Co., Ltd.

    Technical fee         1,138        1,910       2,395  

Incheon New Power Co., Ltd.

    Construction revenue         1,435        6,637       388  

KW Nuclear Components Co., Ltd.

    Service         829        2,307       1,948  

Chun-cheon Energy Co., Ltd.

    Technical fee         —          —         2,201  

Yeonggwangbaeksu Wind Power Co., Ltd.

    Electricity sales         —          —         927  

GS Donghae Electric Power Co., Ltd.

    Service         3,484        4,053       5,614  

Busan Shinho Solar Power Co., Ltd.

    Electricity sales         —          24       24  

Yeongam Wind Power Co., Ltd.

    Electricity sales         255        47       —    

Global Trade Of Power System Co., Ltd.

    Electricity sales         —          39       —    

Expressway Solar-light Power Generation Co., Ltd

    Electricity sales         215        —         —    

Datang Chifeng Renewable Power Co., Ltd.

    Interest income         2,460        10,849       9,702  

Rabigh Electricity Company

    Service         676        38,954       565  

Rabigh Operation & Maintenance Company

    Service         2,091        2,822       1,780  

Datang Chaoyang Renewable Power Co., Ltd.

    Dividend income         —          740       —    

Shuweihat Asia Operation & Maintenance Company

    Dividend income         —          869       1,006  

Jamaica Public Service Company Limited

    Repair service         2,798        2,865       3,077  

KV Holdings, Inc.

    Dividend income         319        —         —    

Datang KEPCO Chaoyang Renewable Power Co., Ltd.

    Dividend income         —          788       —    

Amman Asia Electric Power Company

    Service         18,092        26,838       48,968  

Kelar S.A

    Service         —          2,041       6,229  



Korea Development Bank

    Electricity sales         1,057        1,141       4,039  
    Interest income         —          —         2,402  



Table of Contents

<Purchase and Others>


                 Purchase and others  

Company name

  Transaction type           2013      2014     2015  
                In millions of won  



Daegu Green Power Co., Ltd.

    Electricity purchase           —          —         318,221  

Korea Gas Corporation

Purchase of power
generation fuel
      12,450,325        10,134,526       4,598,763  

Dongducheon Dream Power Co., Ltd.

    Service         —          —         1,003,346  

Gumi-ochang Photovoltaic Power Co., Ltd.

    REC purchase         6,498        1,789       —    

Chungbuk Photovoltaic Power Co., Ltd.

    REC purchase         1,214        575       —    

Cheonan Photovoltaic Power Co., Ltd.

    REC purchase         1,039        435       —    

Daegu Photovoltaic Co., Ltd.

    REC purchase         1,943        3,552       3,978  

Korea Power Engineering Service Co., Ltd.

    Service         —          2,320       3,241  

Golden Route J Solar Power Co., Ltd.

    REC purchase         983        518       —    

Yeongwol Energy Station Co., Ltd.

    REC purchase         —          8,640       16,408  

KOSCON Photovoltaic Co., Ltd.

    REC purchase         549        243       —    

Yeonan Photovoltaic Co., Ltd.

    REC purchase         162        635       —    

Q1 Solar Co., Ltd.

    REC purchase         904        2,501       —    

Best Solar Energy Co., Ltd.

    REC purchase         86        4,882       —    

Seokcheon Solar Power Co., Ltd.

    REC purchase         2,003        1,193       —    

D Solar Energy Co., Ltd.

    REC purchase         29        1,163       —    

Daeryun Power Co., Ltd.

    Electricity purchase         —          —         274,379  

KS Solar Corp., Ltd.

    REC purchase         —          3,496       6,211  

Hyundai Asan Solar Power Co., Ltd.

    REC purchase         —          606       —    

Heang Bok Do Si Photovoltaic Power Co., Ltd.

    Rental fee and others         —          119       479  

Korea Electric Power Industrial Development Co., Ltd.

Electricity metering service
      188,551        240,416       273,057  

YTN Co., Ltd.

    Advertisement fee         785        410       440  

Gangwon Wind Power Co., Ltd.

    Electricity purchase         38,980        28,836       21,946  

Hyundai Green Power Co., Ltd.

    Electricity purchase         313,164        477,642       486,443  

Korea Power Exchange

    Trading Fees         80,279        74,861       79,283  

Hyundai Energy Co., Ltd.

    Electricity purchase         1,643        2,961       1,684  

Taebaek Wind Power Co., Ltd.

    REC purchase         11,680        10,362       6,626  

Changjuk Wind Power Co., Ltd.

    Electricity purchase         11,893        15,549       6,472  

KNH Solar Co., Ltd.

    Electricity purchase         5,406        4,914       4,598  

S-Power Co., Ltd.

    Service         —          105,107       614,658  

Busan Solar Co., Ltd.

    Electricity purchase         4,433        4,910       4,055  

Green Biomass Co., Ltd.

    Woodchip purchase         869        1,690       3,782  

<Joint ventures>


KEPCO-ALSTOM Power Electronics Systems, Inc.

    Service         143        383       47,130  

Honam Wind Power Co., Ltd.

    Electricity purchase         —          5,304       5,944  

Yeonggwangbaeksu Wind Power Co., Ltd.

    Electricity purchase         —          —         4,974  

Busan Shinho Solar Power Co., Ltd.

    REC purchase         8,944        8,115       7,565  

Yeongam Wind Power Co., Ltd.

    REC purchase         —          7,080       —    

Global Trade Of Power System Co., Ltd.

    Plant facility purchase         574        79       192  

Expressway Solar-light Power Co., Ltd.

    Electricity purchase         1,319        3,205       3,451  

Jamaica Public Service Company Limited

    Service         104        96       106  

Amman Asia Electric Power Company

    Service         —          —         125  



Korea Development Bank

    Interest expense         71,913        60,631       21,719  
    Dividend paid         —          17,294       96,087  



Table of Contents
(4) Receivables and payables arising from related party transactions as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


                 Receivables      Payables  

Company name

  Type            2014      2015      2014      2015  
                 In millions of won  



Daegu Green Power Co., Ltd.

    Trade receivables              90        95        —          —    
    Trade payables          —          —          —          22,200  

Dongducheon Dream Power Co., Ltd.

    Trade receivables          1,124        1,206        —          —    
    Trade payables          —          —          —          100,396  

Korea Gas Corporation

    Trade receivables          8,746        7,931        —          —    
    Non-trade receivables and others          152        255        —          —    
    Trade payables          —          —          1,104,075        302,752  

Jeongam Wind Power Co., Ltd.

    Trade receivables          —          —          —          —    
    Non-trade payables and others          —          —          1        1  

Korea Power Engineering Services Co., Ltd.

    Non-trade payables and others          —          —          447        —    

Yeongwol Energy Station Co., Ltd.

    Trade receivables          7,060        7,063        —          —    
    Trade payables          —          —          —          229  

KS Solar Corp., Ltd.

    Trade receivables          2        2        —          —    
    Trade payables          —          —          —          68  
    Non-trade payables and others          —          —          113        281  

Heang Bok Do Si Photovoltaic Power Co., Ltd.

    Trade receivables          —          —          —          —    

Korea Electric Power Industrial Development Co., Ltd.

    Trade receivables          692        469        —          —    
    Non-trade receivables and others          23        27        —          —    
    Non-trade payables and others          —          —          28,195        27,569  

DS Power Co., Ltd.

    Trade receivables          46        260        —          —    
    Non-trade receivables and others          35,909        —          —          —    
    Non-trade payables and others          —          —          1        135  

Goseong Green Energy Co., Ltd.

    Non-trade payables and others          —          —          3,900        3,900  

Gangneung Eco Power Co., Ltd.

    Trade receivables          —          1        —          —    
    Non-trade receivables and others          —          1,701        —          —    

Shin Pyeongtaek Power Co., Ltd.

    Trade receivables          —          —          —          —    
    Non-trade receivables and others          191        272        —          —    

Naepo Green Energy Co., Ltd.

    Trade receivables          8        9        —          —    

YTN Co., Ltd.

    Trade receivables          91        93        —          —    
    Non-trade payables and others          —          —          44        154  

Cheongna Energy Co., Ltd.

    Trade receivables          148        157        —          —    
    Non-trade receivables and others          5,073        375        —          —    

Gangwon Wind Power Co., Ltd.

    Trade receivables          6        12        —          —    
    Trade payables          —          —          —          1,753  
    Non-trade payables and others          —          —          4,982        —    

Hyundai Green Power Co., Ltd.

    Trade receivables          837        962        —          —    
    Trade payables          —          —          —          36,079  
    Non-trade payables and others          —          —          43,417        —    

Korea Power Exchange

    Trade receivables          611        1,452        —          —    
    Non-trade receivables and others          —          112        —          —    
    Trade payables          —          —          3,676        3,529  
    Non-trade payables and others          —          —          1,360        1,529  

Hyundai Energy Co., Ltd.

    Trade receivables          30,186        44,510        —          —    
    Trade payables          —          —          —          178  
    Non-trade payables and others          —          —          8,649        8,030  

Ecollite Co., Ltd.

    Non-trade receivables and others          —          210        —          —    

Taebaek Wind Power Co., Ltd.

    Non-trade receivables and others          104        147        —          —    
    Trade payables          —          —          862        349  

Pyeongchang Wind Power Co., Ltd.

    Non-trade receivables and others          306        170        —          —    

Daeryun Power Co., Ltd.

    Trade receivables          150        117        —          —    
    Trade payables          —          —          —          27,374  

Changjuk Wind Power Co., Ltd.

    Non-trade receivables and others          93        153        —          —    
    Non-trade payables and others          —          —          867        330  



Table of Contents
               Receivables      Payables  

Company name

  Type          2014      2015      2014      2015  
               In millions of won  

Busan Solar Co., Ltd.

  Trade receivables            1        1        —          —    
  Trade payables        —          —          —          1  
  Non-trade payables and others        —          —          127        208  

KNH Solar Co., Ltd.

  Trade receivables        1        2        —          —    

S-Power Co., Ltd.

  Trade receivables        213        121        —          —    
  Non-trade receivables and others        1,203        —          —          —    
  Trade payables        —          —          —          54,141  
  Non-trade payables and others        —          —          55,238        —    

Green Biomass Co., Ltd.

  Non-trade receivables and others        —          109        —          —    
  Non-trade payables and others        —          —          —          152  

SPC Power Corporation

  Non-trade receivables and others        64        —          —          —    

Pioneer Gas Power Limited

  Non-trade receivables and others        214        26        —          —    

Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Power Co., Ltd.

  Non-trade receivables and others        547        —          —          —    

<Joint ventures>


KEPCO SPC Power Corporation

  Trade receivables        2,519        —          —          —    
  Non-trade receivables and others        1,736        252        —          —    


  Non-trade receivables and others        668        251        —          —    

Electronics Systems, Inc.

  Non-trade payables and others        —          —          —          61  

Dangjin Echo Power Co., Ltd.

  Trade receivables        —          —          —          —    
  Non-trade receivables and others        1,955        300        —          —    

Honam Wind Power Co., Ltd.

  Trade payables        —          —          —          342  
  Non-trade payables and others        —          —          2,481        2,124  

Seokmun Energy Co., Ltd.

  Non-trade receivables and others        1,101        2,086        —          —    

Incheon New Power Co., Ltd.

  Trade receivables        1,383        128        —          —    

Chun-cheon Energy Co., Ltd.

  Non-trade receivables and others        —          112        —          —    
  Trade receivables        —          7        —          —    

Yeonggwangbaeksu Wind Power Co., Ltd.

  Non-trade receivables and others        —          136        —          —    
  Trade payables        —          —          —          627  
  Non-trade payables and others        —          —          —          2,000  

KW Nuclear Components Co., Ltd.

  Non-trade receivables and others        57        —          —          —    

GS Donghae Electric Power Co., Ltd.

  Trade receivables        —          970        —          —    
  Non-trade receivables and others        14,626        1,216        —          —    

Busan Shinho Solar Power Co., Ltd.

  Trade receivables        2        2        —          —    
  Trade payables        —          —          —          272  
  Non-trade payables and others        —          —          1,516        970  

Datang Chifeng Renewable Power Co., Ltd.

  Non-trade receivables and others        511        368        —          —    

Rabigh Operation & Maintenance Company

  Non-trade receivables and others        —          1,780        —          —    

Jamaica Public Service Company Limited

  Trade receivables        1,121        1,193        —          —    
  Non-trade receivables and others        303        581        —          —    

Amman Asia Electric Power Company

  Trade receivables        11,171        739        —          —    



Korea Development Bank

  Accrued interest income        —          212        —          —    
  Non-trade receivables and others        —          45,623        —          —    
  Non-trade payables and others        —          —          4,069        493  
  Derivatives        2,737        3,777        4,620        2,313  



Table of Contents
(5) Loans and others arising from related party transactions as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:




Company name

    Loans     Collection     Others     Ending
              In millions of won  

Joint ventures

  KEPCO SPC Power Corporation           32,866       —         (5,205)       1,990       29,651  

Joint ventures

  Datang Chifeng Renewable Power Co., Ltd.       29,731       —         (7,651)       1,695       23,775  

Joint ventures

  Jamaica Public Service Company Limited       2,199       —         —         146       2,345  



KNOC Nigerian East Oil Co., Ltd.

KNOC Nigerian West Oil Co., Ltd.

      26,544       117       —         1,635       28,296  
  Allowance for doubtful accounts       (16,884)       —         —         (871)       (17,755)  


  Rabigh Electricity Company       62,713       —         (20,578)       3,417       45,552  


  PT. Cirebon Electric Power       45,136       4,260       (9,412)       995       40,979  


  PT Mutiara Jawa       —         450       —         —         450  


  Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Power Co., Ltd.       1,413       —         —         —         1,413  















            183,718       4,827       (42,846)       9,007       154,706  

















(6) Borrowings arising from related party transactions as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


Related parties



    Borrowings     Repayment     Ending
              In millions of won  

Korea Development Bank

  Facility         1,552,600       12,300       (1,303,463     261,437  
  Others       7,178       —         (760     6,418  
  Operating funds       8,618       12,000       (8,618     12,000  


(7) Guarantees provided to associates or joint ventures as of December 31, 2015 are as follows:


Primary guarantor


Secondary guarantor


Type of guarantees

  Credit limit    


In millions of won and thousands of foreign currencies

Korea Electric Power Corporation

  KEPCO SPC Power Corporation   Debt guarantees     USD 88,138     SMBC, The Export-import Bank of Korea and ADB

Korea Electric Power Corporation

  Shuweihat Asia O&M Co., Ltd.   Performance guarantees     USD 11,000     SAPCO

Korea Electric Power Corporation

  KNOC Nigerian East Oil Co., Ltd. and KNOC Nigerian West Oil Co., Ltd.   Performance guarantees     USD 34,650     Korea National Oil Corporation (Nigerian government)

Korea Electric Power Corporation

  Rabigh Operation & Maintenance Company.   Performance guarantees and others     USD 1,387     Rabigh Electricity Company

Korea Electric Power Corporation

  Nghi Son 2 Power Ltd.   Bidding guarantees     USD 10,000     SMBC Ho Chi Minh

Korea Western Power Co., Ltd.

  Cheongna Energy Co., Ltd.   Collateralized money invested     KRW 48,353     KEB Hana Bank and others
    Guarantees for supplemental funding(*1)     -    

Korea Western Power Co., Ltd.

  Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Power Co., Ltd.   Payment guarantees for business reserve     USD 2,500     Krung Thai Bank
    Collateralized money invested     USD 29,357    
    Guarantees for supplemental funding(*1)     -    
    Impounding bonus guarantees     USD 5,000     SK E&C



Table of Contents

Primary guarantor


Secondary guarantor


Type of guarantees

  Credit limit    


In millions of won and thousands of foreign currencies

Korea Western Power Co., Ltd.

  Rabigh Operation & Maintenance Company.   Performance guarantees     SAR 4,800     Saudi Arabia British Bank

Korea Western Power Co., Ltd.

  Daegu Photovoltaic Co., Ltd.   Collateralized money invested     KRW 1,230     IBK

Korea Western Power Co., Ltd.

  Dongducheon Dream Power Co., Ltd.(*2)   Collateralized money invested     KRW 111,134     Kookmin Bank

Korea Western Power Co., Ltd.

  PT. Mutiara Jawa   Collateralized money invested     USD 2,610     Shinhan Bank Singapore

Korea Western Power Co., Ltd.

  Heangbok Do Si Photovoltaic Power Co., Ltd.   Collateralized money invested     KRW 194     Nonghyup Bank

Korea Western Power Co., Ltd.

  Shin Pyeongtaek Power Co., Ltd.   Collateralized money invested     KRW 40     Kookmin Bank

Korea East-West Power Co., Ltd.

  Busan Shinho Solar Power Co., Ltd.   Collateralized money invested     KRW 2,100     KT Capital Co., Ltd.

Korea East-West Power Co., Ltd.

  Seokmun Energy Co., Ltd.   Collateralized money invested Guarantees for supplemental funding(*1)    

KRW 580




  KEB Hana Bank and others

Korea East-West Power Co., Ltd.

  Chun-cheon Energy Co., Ltd.   Collateralized money invested Guarantees for supplemental funding(*1)    

KRW 32,868




  Kookmin Bank and others

Korea East-West Power Co., Ltd.

  Honam Wind Power Co., Ltd.   Collateralized money invested Guarantees for supplemental funding(*1)    

KRW 3,480




  Shinhan Bank and others

Korea East-West Power Co., Ltd.

  GS-Donghae Electric Power Co., Ltd.   Collateralized money invested Guarantees for supplemental funding(*1)    

KRW 204,000




  Korea Development Bank and others

Korea East-West Power Co., Ltd.

  Yeonggwangbaeksu Wind Power Co., Ltd.   Collateralized money invested Guarantees for supplemental funding(*1)    

KRW 3,000




  Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. and others

Korea East-West Power Co., Ltd.

  PT. Tanjung Power Indonesia   Debt guarantees     USD 10,500     The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi

Korea Southern Power Co., Ltd.

  KNH Solar Co., Ltd.   Collateralized money invested Performance guarantees and guarantees for supplemental

KRW 1,296




  Shinhan Bank and Kyobo Life Insurance Co., Ltd.



Table of Contents

Primary guarantor


Secondary guarantor


Type of guarantees

  Credit limit    


In millions of won and thousands of foreign currencies

Korea Southern Power Co., Ltd.

  Daeryun Power Co., Ltd.   Collateralized money invested     KRW 25,477     Korea Development Bank, Daewoo Securities Co., Ltd. and others
    Guarantees for supplemental funding(*1)     —      

Korea Southern Power Co., Ltd.

  Changjuk Wind Power Co., Ltd.   Collateralized money invested     KRW 3,801     Shinhan Bank and Woori Bank
    Guarantees for supplemental funding(*1)     —      

Korea Southern Power Co., Ltd.

  Busan Solar Co., Ltd.   Collateralized money invested     KRW 793     Consus Asset Management Co., Ltd

Korea Southern Power Co., Ltd.

  Daegu Green Power Co., Ltd.  

Collateralized money invested

Performance guarantees and guarantees for supplemental funding(*1)

    KRW 76,193     KEB Hana Bank and Kookmin Bank

Korea Southern Power Co., Ltd.

  KS Solar Corp. Ltd.   Collateralized money invested     KRW 637     Shinhan Capital Co., Ltd.

Korea Southern Power Co., Ltd.

  Kelar S.A   Performance guarantees(*1)     —       KEB Hana Bank, SMBC and others
    Debt guarantees     USD 132,600     SMBC, MIZUHO Bank and others

Korea Southern Power Co., Ltd.

  DS Power Co., Ltd.   Collateralized money invested     KRW 2,900     Korea Development Bank and Daewoo Securities Co., Ltd.
    Guarantees for supplemental funding(*1)     —      

Korea Southern Power Co., Ltd.

  Pyoungchang Wind Power Co., Ltd.   Collateralized money invested     KRW 3,875     Woori Bank and Shinhan Bank
    Performance guarantees and guarantees for supplemental funding(*1)     —      

Korea Southern Power Co., Ltd.

  Taebaek Wind Power Co., Ltd.   Guarantees for supplemental funding(*1)     —       Shinhan Bank and Cheju Bank

KEPCO Engineering & Construction Company, Inc.

  DS Power Co., Ltd.   Collateralized money invested     KRW 15,000     Korea Development Bank and Daewoo Securities Co., Ltd.
    Performance guarantees and guarantees for supplemental funding(*1)     —      

Korea Midland Power Co., Ltd.

  Hyundai Green Power Co., Ltd.   Collateralized money invested     KRW 87,003     Korea Development Bank and others
    Guarantees for supplemental funding(*1)     —      



Table of Contents

Primary guarantor


Secondary guarantor


Type of guarantees

  Credit limit    


In millions of won and thousands of foreign currencies

Korea Midland Power Co., Ltd.

  PT. Cirebon Electric Power   Debt guarantees     USD 9,653     Nonghyup Bank

Korea Midland Power Co., Ltd.

  PT Wampu Electric Power   Performance guarantees(*1)     —       KEB Hana Bank

Korea Midland Power Co., Ltd.

  Gangwon Wind Power Co., Ltd.   Collateralized money invested     KRW 7,410     IBK and others

Korea South-East Power Co., Ltd.

  Hyundai Energy Co., Ltd.  

Collateralized money invested

Performance guarantees and guarantees for supplemental funding(*1)


KRW 71,070




  Korea Development Bank and others

Korea South-East Power Co., Ltd.

  RES Technology AD  

Collateralized money invested

Debt guarantees


KRW 15,595

EUR 4,271



  Korea Development Bank and others

Korea South-East Power Co., Ltd.

  ASM-BG Investicii AD  

Collateralized money invested

Debt guarantees


KRW 16,101

EUR 4,175



  Korea Development Bank and others

Korea South-East Power Co., Ltd.

  Express Solar-light Power Generation Co., Ltd.   Guarantees for supplemental funding(*1)     —       Woori Bank

Korea South-East Power Co., Ltd.

  S-Power Co., Ltd.  

Collateralized money invested

Performance guarantees and guarantees for supplemental funding(*1)


KRW 132,300




  Korea Development Bank and others


  KODE NOVUS II LLC   Guarantees for supplemental funding(*1)     —       Korea Development Bank and others


  KODE NOVUS I LLC   Guarantees for supplemental funding(*1)     —       The Export-Import Bank of Korea and others

Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.

  Yeongwol Energy Station Co., Ltd.   Collateralized money invested     KRW 1,400     Meritz Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Ltd.

KEPCO Plant Service & Engineering Co., Ltd.

  Incheon New Power Co., Ltd.  

Collateralized money invested

Guarantees for supplemental funding(*1)


KRW 6,800




  Shinhan Bank


(*1) The Company guarantees to provide supplemental funding for business with respect to excessive business expenses or insufficient repayment of borrowings.


(*2) According to the Project Financing Agreement (“Agreement”), if there is any capital increase in Dongducheon Dream Power Co., Ltd. by issuance of new stock after the date of the Agreement, the newly issued shares owned by the Company shall also be provided as a collateral for the Project Financing.


(8) Guarantees provided from related parties as of December 31, 2015 are as follows:


Primary guarantor


Secondary guarantor


Type of guarantees

  Credit limit  
    In thousands of U.S. dollars          

Korea Development Bank

  Korea Electric Power Corporation   Debt guarantees     USD 195,175  



Table of Contents
(9) Derivatives transactions with related parties as of December 31, 2015 are as follows:


  (i) Currency Swap



     Contract interest rate
per annum
             Pay      Receive      Pay
     In millions of won and thousands of U.S. dollars  

Korea Development Bank

     2015~2025           111,190        USD 100,000        2.62     3.25          1,111.90  


  (ii) Interest Rate Swap



     Contract interest rate per annum  
            Pay (%)   Receive (%)  
     In millions of won  

Korea Development Bank

     2012~2016             200,000      3.57%     3M CD + 0.26

Korea Development Bank

     2012~2016           50,000      3.49%     3M CD + 0.25

Korea Development Bank(*)

     2014~2029           40,000      3M CD – 0.03%     4.65%  


(*) The contract is an interest rate swap hedging on Electricity Bonds 885, and the banks would notify the Company of the early termination every year on the early termination notification date (every year on April 28, from 2017 until 2028). The contract will be terminated if the early termination is notified.


(10) Salaries and other compensations to the key members of management of the Company for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:



         2013      2014      2015  
           In millions of won  


           1,114        993        1,271  

Employee benefits

       63        44        59  









           1,177        1,037        1,330  












Table of Contents
48. Non-Cash Transactions

Significant non-cash investing and financing transactions for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:



         2013      2014      2015  
           In millions of won  

Transfer from construction-in-progress to other assets

           6,507,426        9,465,204        10,491,054  

Recognition of asset retirement cost and related provision for decommissioning costs

       251,054        282,396        699,673  

Transfer from provision for disposal of spent nuclear fuel to accrued expenses

       403,638        377,697        491,755  

Transfer from property, plant and equipment to finance lease receivables

       470,867        —          —    



Table of Contents
49. Commitments for Expenditure


(1) The agreements for acquisition of property, plant and equipment as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


            2014      2015  


          Amounts      Balance      Amounts      Balance  
            In millions of won  

Purchase of cable(TR CNCE-W/AL,1C,400SQ) (unit price contract)

          105,588        63,375        105,588        —    

Purchase of cable(TR CNCE-W,1C,600SQ) (unit price contract)

        43,495        35,772        43,495        —    

Purchase of GIS(362kV 4000A 60KA)

        40,630        37,048        40,630        —    

Purchase of Concrete Poles(10M, 350KGF)

        123,888        97,944        123,888        —    

Purchase of G-type low pressure electronic Watt-hour meter (3P4W, 100(10)A) (unit price contract)

        48,962        21,744        48,962        —    

Purchase of 345kV cable(PVC, 1C, 2500SQ, 200KV) and 17 other types

        40,450        7,045        40,450        —    

Purchase of Kerosene (higher than 40DEG)

        —          —          26,163        8,482  

Construction of New Kori units (#3,4)

        6,481,107        312,081        6,856,150        214,678  

Construction of New Kori units (#5,6)

        8,625,387        8,281,741        8,625,387        7,899,368  

Construction of New Hanwool units (#1,2)

        7,982,343        4,039,178        7,982,343        2,578,707  

Construction of New Hanwool units (#3,4)

        8,261,817        8,247,541        8,261,817        8,238,651  

Construction of New Wolseong units (#1,2)

        5,310,003        171,367        5,310,003        —    

Construction of Yeosu Thermal Power units (#1)

        495,368        255,973        489,440        30,853  

Construction of Yeongheung Thermal Power units (#5,6)

        836,708        46,962        576,187        —    

Other contracts

        75,326        27,341        199,846        140,563  

Service of designing New Boryeong units (#1,2)

        124,082        43,606        126,038        32,910  

Construction of New Boryeong units (#1,2)

        246,964        66,982        246,964        10,859  

Purchase of Haengbokdosi cogeneration units

        305,360        46,007        337,283        —    

Purchase of Wonju RDF cogeneration units

        50,220        17,526        52,877        —    

Purchase of coal handling machine for construction of New Boryeong units (#1,2)

        144,122        72,967        146,353        25,266  

Construction of Seoul Combined units (#1,2)

        225,993        215,265        227,000        182,630  

Purchase of smoke eliminating machine for construction of New Boryeong units (#1,2)

        118,058        46,873        118,058        8,775  

Electricity construction of New Boryeong units (#1,2)

        245,357        170,029        245,357        36,893  

Purchase of main machine for construction of Seoul Combined units (#1,2)

        360,500        328,210        360,500        328,210  

Purchase of main machine for construction of New Boryeong units (#1,2)

        851,132        412,758        851,132        137,744  

Construction of harbor facility for New Boryeong units (#1,2)

        73,702        35,672        78,166        —    

Purchase of furnace for construction of Taean units (#9,10)

        561,071        318,017        546,637        66,271  

Service of designing Taean units (#9,10)

        107,516        39,247        107,516        26,437  

Purchase of desulfurization machine for construction of Taean units (#9,10) (conditional contract for installation)

        90,490        46,808        91,592        6,175  

Purchase of turbine generator for construction of Taean units (#9,10)

        207,603        132,604        426,139        103,146  

Purchase of coal handling machine for construction of Taean (#9,10) and IGCC units (conditional contract for installation)

        139,200        35,688        146,634        9,943  

Purchase of gas plant machine for construction of Taean IGCC units

        458,388        37,773        457,423        4,541  

Purchase of combined generating machine for construction of Taean IGCC units

        190,207        17,900        204,514        25,808  

Purchase of oxygen plant for construction of Taean IGCC units

        95,459        12,611        97,804        4,252  



Table of Contents
            2014      2015  


          Amounts      Balance      Amounts      Balance  
            In millions of won  

Service of designing Taean IGCC plant units

          44,374        9,653        44,374        5,520  

Purchase of coal handling machine for construction of Samcheok units (#1,2)

        290,417        111,090        290,417        23,795  

Construction of Samcheok units (#1,2)

        384,716        82,705        384,716        27,018  

Construction of breakwater for Samcheok units (#1,2)

        84,893        30,328        84,893        18,096  

Purchase of furnace for construction of Samcheok units (#1,2)

        1,087,301        230,298        1,091,303        115,896  

Purchase of electric precipitator for construction of Samcheok units (#1,2)

        53,705        12,036        53,705        —    

Purchase of turbine generator for construction of Samcheok units (#1,2)

        223,407        14,633        213,761        4,040  

Service of designing Samcheok units (#1,2)

        113,161        47,523        112,949        42,631  

Purchase of ash disposing facility for construction of Samcheok units (#1,2)

        —          —          46,970        2,857  

Purchase of Andong main machine

        234,601        11,730        234,601        —    

Construction of yard for Andong natural gas power plant

        —          —          40,960        2,528  

Service of designing Dangjin units (#9,10)

        108,677        22,915        109,340        16,261  

Purchase of main machine for construction of Dangjin units (#9,10)

        297,989        12,724        561,586        4,694  

Construction of Dangjin units (#9,10)

        355,285        22,179        388,559        6,054  

Purchase of Ulsan combined cycle power units (#4) (conditional contract for installation)

        286,755        8,355        595,223        —    

Electicity construction of Dangjin units (#9,10)

        223,085        80,891        294,099        16,812  

Construction of office building (KOPEC)

        213,216        45,694        215,395        —    

Purchase of cable(TR CNCE-W,600MM2, 13, 2KV)

        —          —          50,581        50,581  

Purchase of Concrete Poles(10M, 350KGF)

        —          —          106,037        74,549  

Purchase of Ground Switch(44-D-A125, 600AX4)

        —          —          43,624        42,912  












          47,068,078        24,484,409        48,561,429        20,575,406  















Table of Contents
(2) As of December 31, 2015, details of contracts for inventory purchase are as follows:

The Company imports all of its uranium ore concentrates from sources outside Korea (including the United States, United Kingdom, Kazakhstan, France, Russia, South Africa, Canada and Australia) which are paid for with currencies other than Won, primarily in U.S. dollars. In order to ensure stable supply, the Company entered into long-term and medium-term contracts with various suppliers, and supplements such supplies with purchases of fuels on spot markets. The long-term and medium-term contract periods vary among contractors and the stages of fuel manufacturing process. Contract prices for processing of uranium are generally based on market prices. Contract periods for ore concentrates, conversion, enrichment and design and fabrication are as follows:



   Periods    Contracted amounts


   2015 ~ 2030    34,719 Ton U3O8


   2015 ~ 2022    17,238 Ton U


   2015 ~ 2029    34,879 Ton SWU


   2015 ~ 2022    1,852 Ton U



Table of Contents
50. Contingencies and Commitments


(1) Ongoing litigations related with contingent liabilities and assets as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


     2014      2015  
     Number of cases             Claim amount      Number of cases             Claim amount  
     In millions of won  

As the defendant

     669             637,749        750             1,052,301  

As the plaintiff

     164           460,965        170           436,490  

The Company is the defendant against a number of claims. The following are potentially significant claims pertaining to the Company:


  Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd.(“Hyundai E&C”), SK Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. and GS Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. filed a law suit for increase in contract bill (formerly, amounted to ₩1,000 million) against Korea Hydro & Nuclear Co., Ltd.(“KHNP”) in September 2013, in relation to the design changes on the plant construction of New Hanwool 1 & 2. Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. and two other companies increased the contract bill to ₩133,426 million in October 2014 and ₩204,040 million in November 2015, respectively, and submitted an application to demand extra contract payments due to the design changes.

Due to the inherent uncertainties, the Company is not able to reliably estimate the amount of compensation and timing if any, that might be awarded to Hyundai E&C and two other companies. Consequently, it is not possible for the Company to make an estimate of the expected financial effect that will result from the ultimate resolution of a lawsuit. Therefore, the Company has not recognized any provision for the lawsuit.


  In December 2013, the Supreme Court of Korea ruled that regular bonuses also fall under the category of ordinary wages on the condition that those bonuses are paid regularly and uniformly. Also, the Supreme Court ruled that employees shall retroactively demand certain wages based on the new ordinary wages that include regular bonuses as additional wages. However, the request may be limited to the extent of the principle of good faith.

The Company believes that the possibility of economic outflow is probable on the ongoing and the expected lawsuit. For this reason, the Company recognized ₩145,522 million of other provision in relation to the lawsuit.


  KHNP, a subsidiary of the Company, adopted amendments to remuneration regulations and bylaws regarding basic bonuses in the year 2012. With respect to this, a lawsuit was filed in January 2015 (claim amount: ₩11,838 million) by employees against KHNP for what they claim to be unpaid bonuses, which is derived from different interpretations of the remuneration regulations and bylaws applied to the three-month working period from September to December 2011.



Table of Contents
(2) Guarantees of borrowings provided to other companies as of December 31, 2014 and 2015 are as follows:


  The Company has a borrowing of ₩22,500 million from Long Lasting Value (“LLV”) as of December 31, 2015. LLV obtains loans from major stockholders, such as Samsung Life Insurance, and lends the money to other third parties. The Company guarantees secured payments to the major stockholders of LLV, such as payment of principal, tax, commissions, etc., with a limit of ₩23,900 million.


  In order to secure its status as a shareholder of Navanakom Electric Co., Ltd., the Company has signed a fund supplement contract. According to the contract, in case Navanakom Electric Co., Ltd. does not have sufficient funds for its operation or repayment of borrowings, the Company bears a payment obligation in proportion to its ownership.


  The Company has outstanding borrowings with a limit of USD 275,600,000 from its creditors such as International Finance Corporation. Regarding the borrowing contract, the Company has guaranteed capital contribution of USD 69,808,000 and additional contribution up to USD 19,000,000 for contingencies, if any. Moreover, for one of the electricity purchasers, Central Power Purchasing Agency Guarantee Ltd., the Company has provided payment guarantee up to USD 2,777,000, in case of construction delay or insufficient contract volume after commencement of the construction.


(3) Credit lines provided by financial institutions as of December 31, 2015 are as follows:




Financial institutions

   Currency    Amount  
          In millions of won and
thousands of foreign

Commitments on bank-overdraft

   Nonghyup Bank and others    KRW      1,915,000  

Commitments on bank-daylight overdraft

   Nonghyup Bank and others    KRW      280,000  

Limit amount available for CP

   Shinhan Bank and others    KRW      800,000  

Limit amount available for card

   KEB Hana Bank and others    KRW      55,578  
   Banco de Oro    PHP      5,000  

Certification of payment on payables from foreign country

   Korea Development Bank and others    USD      198,175  

Loan limit

   Kookmin Bank and others    KRW      705,584  
   BNP Paribas and others    USD      2,228,059  

Certification of payment on L/C

   KEB Hana Bank    EUR      260  
   KEB Hana Bank    GBP      61,169  
   Woori Bank and others    USD      1,229,049  

Certification of performance guarantee on contract

   Kookmin Bank    EUR      14,833  
   KEB Hana Bank    INR      236,443  
   Seoul Guarantee Insurance and others    KRW      264,538  
   Bank of Kathmandu    NPR      32,633  
   First Gulf Bank and others    USD      767,485  

Certification of bidding

   The Export-Import Bank of Korea and others    USD      10,450  

Advance payment bond, Warranty bond, Retention bond and others

   KEB Hana Bank    INR      157,830  
   KEB Hana Bank and others    NPR      36,309  
   HSBC and others    USD      571,349  


   Shinhan Bank and others    JPY      2,245,843  
   KEB Hana Bank and others    KRW      57,300  
   KEB Hana Bank    SAR      2,240  
   HSBC and others    USD      1,085,305  

Inclusive credit

   Shinhan Bank    INR      47,489  
   KEB Hana Bank    KRW      501,500  
   HSBC and others    USD      774,510  

Trade finance

   BNP Paribas and others    USD      800,000  


(4) The Company voluntarily suspended operations of the Gangneung hydroelectric generating plant, with a carrying amount of 101,371 million, to improve the quality of water used in generating electricity. The expenses related to the suspension of operations of 779 million and depreciation on the utility plant of 6,699 million are charged to other expenses for the year ended December 31, 2015.



Table of Contents
(5) As of December 31, 2015, the blank check and assets provided as collaterals or pledges to financial institutions by the Company are follows:






Type of guarantee

  Currency     Amount    


    In millions of won and thousands of foreign currencies

KEPCO Nuclear Fuel Co., Ltd.


Korea Resources


  Blank check     KRW       —       Collateral for project loan

Korea East-West Power Co., Ltd.




Bank and others


All shareholdings of

Gyeongju Wind Power

Co., Ltd.

    KRW       9,240     Collateral for borrowings

Korea Midland Power Co.,Ltd.

  IBK and others  

All shareholdings of

Commerce and

Industry Energy Co., Ltd.

    KRW       13,605     Collateral for borrowings

Korea Southern Power Co., Ltd.

  Shinhan Bank  

All shareholdings of

KOSPO Youngnam

Power Co., Ltd.

    KRW       25,000     Collateral for borrowings

Korea South-East Power Co., Ltd.


International Finance Corporation

and others


Shareholdings of

Mira Power Limited

    KRW       38,206     Collateral for borrowings

Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.




Bank and others


All shareholdings of

Gyeonggi Green

Energy Co., Ltd.

    KRW       47,000     Collateral for borrowings


  KEB Hana Bank  

Cash and cash


    KRW       740     Establishment the right of pledge for lending

Gyeonggi Green Energy Co., Ltd.




Bank and others

  Factory estate and others     KRW       327,080     Providing guarantees (*)

Commerce and Industry Energy Co., Ltd.

  IBK and others  

Land, buildings,

structures and


    KRW       88,300     Collateral for borrowings
    Cash and cash equivalents     KRW       6,839    

Gyeongju Wind Power Co., Ltd.




Bank and others


Property, plant and

equipment and others

    KRW       35,386     Collateral for borrowings
    Existing or expected trade receivables and others     KRW       2,469    
    Cash and cash equivalents     KRW       4,757    

Qatrana Electric Power Company


The Islamic


Bank and others


Finance Lease receivable

and property, plant and equipment and others

    JOD       44,599     Collateral for borrowings

KST Electric Power Company

  Scotiabank Inverlat, S.A  

Finance Lease receivable

and others

    USD       330,000     Collateral for borrowings


(*) The Company provided the financial institutions with shares of Gyeonggi Green Energy Co., Ltd., one of its subsidiaries, as collateral related to long-term borrowings. Additionally, pledge for shares, pledge for transfer of rights of long-term borrowings, pledge for insurance claims and other pledges were established.



Table of Contents
51. Subsequent Events

Subsequent to the December 31, 2015, the subsidiaries of the Company, Korea Western Power Co. Ltd., and Korea Midland Power Co., Ltd., have issued new debt securities for funding facilities and operation as follows:


Company Name



   Interest rate     Issued date      Maturity      Amounts  
     In millions of won  

Korea Western Power Co., Ltd.

   Short-term borrowings      1.71     2016.01.05        2016.03.23      20,000  
        1.71     2016.01.05        2016.03.23        20,000  
        1.71     2016.01.05        2016.03.23        20,000  
        1.71     2016.01.05        2016.03.23        20,000  
        1.46     2016.01.21        2016.01.22        70,000  
        1.46     2016.01.21        2016.01.22        30,000  
        1.52     2016.01.21        2016.01.28        100,000  
   Corporate Bonds #30-1      1.88     2016.01.28        2021.01.28        90,000  
   Corporate Bonds #30-2      2.10     2016.01.28        2026.01.28        110,000  

Korea Midland Power Co., Ltd.

   The 5th Global Bond (Reg S only)      2.50     2016.01.21        2021.07.21        363,000  
   Corporate Bonds #34-1      1.94     2016.03.11        2026.03.11        60,000  
   Corporate Bonds #34-2      2.01     2016.03.11        2031.03.11        130,000  



Table of Contents



  1.1    Articles of Incorporation, as last amended on November 20, 2014 (in English)*
  2.1    Form of Deposit Agreement**
  8.1    List of Subsidiaries****
12.1    Certifications of our Chief Executive Officer required by Rule 13a-14(a) of the Exchange Act (Certifications under Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002)
12.2    Certifications of our Chief Financial Officer required by Rule 13a-14(a) of the Exchange Act (Certifications under Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002)
13.1    Certifications of our Chief Executive Officer required by Rule 13a-14(b) and Section 1350 of Chapter 63 of the United States Code (18 U.S.C. 1350) (Certifications under Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002)
13.2    Certifications of our Chief Financial Officer required by Rule 13a-14(b) and Section 1350 of Chapter 63 of the United States Code (18 U.S.C. 1350) (Certifications under Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002)
15.1    The Korea Electric Power Corporation Act, as amended on December 31, 2014 (in English)*
15.2    Enforcement Decree of the Korea Electric Power Corporation Act, as amended on March 23, 2013 (in English)***
15.3    The Public Agencies Management Act, as amended on May 28, 2014 (in English)*
15.4    Enforcement Decree of the Public Agencies Management Act, as amended on March 31, 2016 (in English)****


* Incorporated by reference to the Registrant’s annual report on Form 20-F (No. 001-13372) previously filed on April 30, 2015.
** Incorporated by reference to the Registrant’s Registration Statement on Form F-6 with respect to the ADSs, registered under Registration No. 333-196703.
*** Incorporated by reference to the Registrant’s annual report on Form 20-F (No. 001-13372) previously filed on April 30, 2013.
**** Incorporated by reference to the Registrant’s annual report on Form 20-F (No. 001-13372) previously filed on April 29, 2016.

