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Washington, D.C. 20549


Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Dated:  June 5, 2014

Commission File Number: 001-13184

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

Suite 3300 – 550 Burrard Street, Vancouver, British Columbia  V6C 0B3
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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
Teck Resources Limited
Date:    June 5, 2014
/s/ Karen L. Dunfee  
    Karen L. Dunfee  
    Corporate Secretary  


For Immediate Release
June 5, 2014
Teck Files Report on Red Dog Pipeline
Vancouver, B.C.  – Teck Resources Limited (TSX: TCK.A and TCK.B, NYSE: TCK) (“Teck”) announced today that its subsidiary Teck Alaska Incorporated (“Teck Alaska”), operator of the Red Dog Mine near Kotzebue Alaska, has made a filing with the U.S. District Court for Alaska outlining the findings of extensive study into a proposed 52-mile pipeline which would direct effluent from Red Dog Creek to the Chukchi Sea. Based on that study, Teck Alaska has informed the court it is exercising its option not to build the pipeline.
The effluent pipeline study was conducted under a 2008 Settlement Agreement and Consent Decree, which resolved litigation under the Clean Water Act. Under the agreement, Teck Alaska agreed to review the feasibility of constructing a pipeline to carry effluent from the Red Dog Mine along the DeLong Mountain Transportation System (“DMTS”) to a marine discharge at or near the DMTS port site.
Teck Alaska conducted engineering, geotechnical, environmental and other studies to look at various pipeline options at a cost of $1.7 million. That work determined that an underground pipeline is not a technically feasible option because it would be vulnerable to breakage due to ground movement caused by seasonal ground freezing and thawing. Engineering and environmental studies determined that an above-ground pipeline is also not a viable option. While potentially technically feasible, there were no demonstrable environmental benefits, rather it was determined that there would be increased environmental risks and impacts associated with pipeline construction and operation, energy use and emissions, and potential effects on caribou migration. Further, the estimated US$261 million capital cost of an above-ground pipeline would be prohibitive. As stipulated in the Consent Decree, Teck will pay a civil penalty of $8 million in connection with the decision not to construct the pipeline.
Red Dog currently releases water to Red Dog Creek that is treated at an on-site facility to meet the strict requirements of an Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation discharge permit and is fully protective of both human health and the environment.
“Following extensive environmental and technical study, it is clear that a pipeline is not a viable option,” said Henri Letient, General Manager, Red Dog Operations. “More importantly, there is no clear environmental benefit to building a pipeline, as the treated water currently being released to Red Dog Creek meets stringent permit requirements and is fully protective of aquatic and human health. In fact, the creek is demonstrably healthier than it was before mining commenced, supporting a thriving fish population because of our water treatment program.”

About Teck
Teck is a diversified resource company committed to responsible mining and mineral development with major business units focused on copper, steelmaking coal, zinc and energy. Headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, its shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbols TCK.A and TCK.B and the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol TCK. Further information about Teck can be found at: www.teck.com.
Investor Contact:
Greg Waller
Vice-President, Investor Relations and Strategic Analysis

Media Contact:
Chris Stannell
Senior Communications Specialist