Washington, D.C. 20549





Pursuant to Section 13a-16 15d-16 of the

Securities Exchange Act of 1934


Dated: June 22, 2009

Commission File Number: 001-13184



(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)


Suite 3300 – 500 Burrard Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 0B3

(Address of principal executive offices)


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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.





Teck Resources Limited





Date: June 22, 2009







Karen L. Dunfee

Corporate Secretary




For Immediate Release

Date: June 22, 2009



Teck Recognized for Excellence in Mine Safety

and Mine Rescue & First Aid Skills


Vancouver – Teck Resources Limited (TSX: TCK.A and TCK.B, NYSE: TCK) announced today that the Province of British Columbia recognized two of its coal operations for excellence in mine safety at the 54th Annual Provincial Mine Rescue, First Aid and Safety Awards ceremony held on June 6 at Britannia Beach. Teck Coal’s Greenhills Operation was awarded the John Ash Award for achieving the lowest injury frequency rate for mines operating over one million worker hours in 2008 and the Line Creek Operation was presented the Edward Prior Award for the mine operating between 200,000 and one million worker hours, with the lowest injury-frequency rate in 2008.


“These awards demonstrate our commitment to living our values,” said Don Lindsay, President and CEO.

“Safety is a core value and we believe achieving zero incidents is possible in the workplace,” he added.


In addition, on June 6 the company’s Highland Valley Copper Operation’s Three-person Miners’ First Aid Team took first place at the B.C. Provincial Mine Rescue Competition and the Greenhills Operation placed first in the Surface Mine Rescue Competition. In total, the two teams captured five categories.

In other competitions, the Cardinal River Operation’s team took third place at the Alberta Surface Mine Rescue Competition, and individuals and teams from the Pogo and Pend Oreille Operations placed in the top three categories in five different events at the Central Mine Rescue Underground Competition held in Idaho.


The mine rescue competitions bring together mine rescue teams to compete in several tasks designed to simulate real life emergency situations and to test teams’ skills in first aid, extrication, fire fighting, rope rescue and their overall mine rescue knowledge.


British Columbia Provincial Mine Rescue and First Aid Three-Person Miners’ First Aid Competition:

1st place, Highland Valley Copper Operation, – Three-Person Miners’ First Aid

1st place, Gerry Wong, Highland Valley Copper Operation – Kathy Lofstrom Memorial (Best Coach)


British Columbia Provincial Mine Rescue and First Aid Surface Mine Rescue:

1st place, Greenhills Operation – Overall Surface Mine Rescue Trophy

1st place, Greenhills Operation – HVC Award for Highest Non-Aggregate Points

1st place, Highland Valley Copper Operation – Maurice Boisse Memorial (Best Bench)


Alberta Surface Mine Rescue Competition:

3rd place, Cardinal River Operation – Smoke and Search


Central Mine Rescue Underground Competition (Idaho, U.S.):

2nd place, Pogo Operation – Field Competition

2nd place, Josh Murrell, Pogo Operation – ITX Instrument

3rd place, Ken Shuster, Pogo Operation – BG4 Benchman

3rd place, Pogo Operation – Rope Rescue

2nd place, Roger Curran, Pend Oreille Operation – BG4 Benchman




About Teck

Teck is a diversified resource company committed to responsible mining and mineral development with major business units focused on copper, metallurgical coal, zinc, gold and energy. Headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, its shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbols TCK.A and TCK.B and the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol TCK. Further information about Teck can be found at


For further information, please contact:


Catherine Hart

Manager, Communications

Teck Resources Limited

(604) 699-4503



Dario Alvarez

Communications Advisor

Teck Resources Limited

(604) 699-4137