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Dated: October 29, 2007
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     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
  Teck Cominco Limited
Date: October 29, 2007  By:   /s/ Karen L. Dunfee    
    Karen L. Dunfee   
    Corporate Secretary   



  KAREN L. DUNFEE   Switchboard: (1) (604) 687-1117
  CORPORATE SECRETARY   Direct: (1) (604) 640-5333
      Facsimile: (1) (604) 640-5395
October 29, 2007
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20549
Dear Sirs/Mesdames:
RE: Teck Cominco Limited (the “Company”)
We enclose herewith a Current Report on Form 6K comprising the Business Acquisition Report Form 51-102F4 of Teck Cominco Limited, dated October 29, 2007.
Yours truly,

Per:   “Karen L. Dunfee”

(Mrs.) Karen L. Dunfee
Corporate Secretary


Business Acquisition Report
Form 51-102F4
1.1 Name and Address of Company
Teck Cominco Limited (“Teck”)
600 — 200 Burrard Street
Vancouver, BC Canada V6C 3L9
1.2 Executive Officer
The following executive officers of Teck are knowledgeable about the significant acquisition and this report.
Ronald A. Millos
Senior Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer
Peter C. Rozee
Senior Vice President, Commercial Affairs
2.1 Nature of Business Acquired
Aur Resources Inc. (“Aur”) is a Canadian company active in the acquisition, exploration, development and mining of mineral properties. Its main mining assets consist of its 76.5% shareholding interest in the Quebrada Blanca copper mine in Chile, its 90% shareholding interest in the Andacollo copper mine and the Andacollo hypogene copper-gold deposit under development in Chile and its 100% interest in the Duck Pond copper-zinc mine in Newfoundland, Canada.
Quebrada Blanca Mine
The Quebrada Blanca property is owned by a Chilean private company, Compania Minera Quebrada Blanca S.A. (“CMQB”). Aur owns 90% of the Series A shares of CMQB. Inversiones Mineras S.A. (“IMSA”), a Chilean private company, owns 10% of the Series A shares and 100% of the Series C shares of CMQB. Empresa Nacional de Minera (“ENAMI”), a Chilean government entity, owns 100% of the Series B shares of CMQB. Aur’s 76.5% overall shareholding interest in CMQB is derived from its 90% ownership of the Series A shares of
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Business Acquisition Report   October 29, 2007
CMQB. When combined with the Series B and Series C shares of CMQB, Aur’s 90% holding of the Series A shares equates to a 76.5% interest in CMQB’s total share equity.
CMQB owns the exploitation and/or exploration rights over an area of approximately 80 square km in the immediate area of the Quebrada Blanca deposit pursuant to various mining concessions and other rights. In addition, CMQB owns surface rights covering the mine site and other areas aggregating approximately 3,150 hectares as well as certain other exploration rights in the surrounding area and certain water rights.
The Quebrada Blanca mine is located in northern Chile approximately 170 km southeast of the port city of Iquique and 1,500 km north of the city of Santiago, the capital of Chile. Access to the mine site is via road from Iquique.
The Quebrada Blanca mine is an open pit mine that produces an average of 22,000 tonnes per day of heap leach ore and 39,000 tonnes per day of lower grade dump leach ore. Copper bearing solutions are collected from the heap and dump leach pads for processing in an SX-EW plant which produces copper cathode. The SX-EW plant has a design capacity of approximately 75,000 tonnes of copper cathode per year. Copper cathode is trucked to Iquique for shipment to purchasers. Approximately 97.2% of the cathode produced by CMQB in 2006 was London Metal Exchange (“LME”) grade A quality.
The labour force at Quebrada Blanca totalled 1,325 people as at December 31, 2006, including approximately 626 people employed by onsite contractors. The Quebrada Blanca mine operates under collective agreements with local unions established at the mine. The current four year collective agreements expire in June 2008.
Approximately 500 tonnes per month of copper cathode is sold pursuant to a frame agreement with a metals trading entity. The remaining copper cathode is sold on the spot market.
Mineral Reserves and Resources
The following table presents the leachable mineral reserves and resources at the Quebrada Blanca mine as estimated by CMQB for the heap leach and dump leach categories as at December 31, 2006:
Mineral Reserves
            Heap Leach                   Dump Leach                   Total    
Category   t(000’s)   %TCu   %SCu   t(000’s)   %TCu   %SCu   t(000’s)   %TCu   %SCu
    70,695       1.00       0.87       121,546       0.45       0.29       192,241       0.65       0.50  
    1,171       0.82       0.67       12,452       0.42       0.26       13,623       0.45       0.30  
Total Reserves
    71,866       1.00       0.87       133,998       0.45       0.29       205,864       0.64       0.49  
Mineral Resources (including Mineral Reserves)
            Heap Leach                   Dump Leach                   Total    
Category   t(000’s)   %TCu   %SCu   t(000’s)   %TCu   %SCu   t(000’s)   %TCu   %SCu
    79,118       0.99       0.86       182,809       0.45       0.27       261,927       0.61       0.45  
    2,905       0.83       0.67       48,430       0.38       0.24       51,335       0.41       0.26  
Total Resources
    82,023       0.99       0.86       231,240       0.43       0.27       313,262       0.58       0.42  
    195       0.79       0.62       4,342       0.42       0.25       4,537       0.43       0.26  
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Business Acquisition Report   October 29, 2007
    “t(000’s)” means thousands of tonnes; “%TCu” is the percent assayed total copper grade; “%SCu” is the percent assayed soluble copper grade, which is the sum of the acid soluble copper assay and cyanide soluble copper assay; “m” means metres.
    The Quebrada Blanca mineral reserve and resource estimates have been prepared and classified in accordance with the standards established under NI 43-101. The qualified persons responsible for the mineral resource and mineral reserve estimates, respectively, are Neil C. Barr, P.Geo., Chief Geologist at the Quebrada Blanca mine and David J. Libby, P.Eng., Executive Vice-President, Mining Operations, Aur.
    The proven and probable mineral reserves comprise those portions of the measured and indicated resources, respectively, after allowing for mining dilution, that are contained within the currently planned final pit design derived from the QB2007 resource block model and mine plan, adjusted for the December 31, 2006 pit topography.
    The mineral reserves and resources were estimated using a copper price of U.S.$1.20/lb. and cut-off grades of 0.50% SCu for heap leach reserves and resources. Dump leach reserves and resources were estimated using a cut-off grade of 0.10% SCu. Proven reserves include broken stockpiles. Measured resources are defined by a minimum of 20 drill hole assay composites and a drill hole spacing of approximately 50 x 50 x 70 m, indicated resources are defined by between 9 and 19 drill hole assay composites and a drill hole spacing of approximately 70 x 70 x 100 m, and inferred resources are defined by between 4 and 8 drill hole assay composites and a drill hole spacing of approximately 100 x 100 x 141 m.
    Resources that do not qualify as reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.
    A technical report prepared in accordance with NI 43-101 for the Quebrada Blanca mine dated March 31, 2004 has been filed by Aur and may be examined by accessing the SEDAR website at www.sedar.com.
Andacollo Mine
The Andacollo property is owned by a Chilean private company, Compañía Minera Carmen de Andacollo (“CDA”). Aur owns 100% of the Series A shares of CDA while ENAMI owns 100% of the Series B shares of CDA. Aur’s Series A shares of CDA and the Series B shares, respectively, equate to 90% and 10% of CDA’s total share equity of CDA.
CDA owns the exploitation and/or exploration rights over an area of approximately 206 square km in the area of the Andacollo supergene and hypogene deposits pursuant to various mining concessions and other rights. In addition, CDA owns the surface rights covering the mine site and other areas aggregating approximately 21 square km as well as certain water rights.
The Andacollo property is located in Coquimbo Province in central Chile. The site is adjacent to the town of Andacollo, approximately 55 km southeast of the city of La Serena and 350 km north of Santiago. Access to the Andacollo mine is by paved roads from La Serena. The mine is located near the southern limit of the Atacama Desert at an elevation of approximately 1,000 metres. The climate around Andacollo is transitional between the desert climate of northern Chile and the Mediterranean climate of the Santiago area.
The Andacollo mine is an open pit mine producing approximately 10,500 tonnes of ore per day. Ore is transported to heap leach pads with a certain amount of lower grade ore being processed through dump leaching. Copper bearing solutions are processed in an SX-EW plant to produce LME grade A copper cathode. Cathode production for 2007 is forecast to be approximately 43 million pounds.
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Business Acquisition Report   October 29, 2007
The labour force employed in the operation of the mine totalled 584 people as at December 31, 2006, including approximately 242 people employed by onsite contractors. The Andacollo mine operates under two collective agreements with local unions established at the mine. The current four year collective agreements expire in June 2008.
Approximately 1,200 tonnes per month of copper cathode produced by Andacollo in 2007 has been sold to a metal trading entity pursuant to a frame contract. The remaining Andacollo copper cathode production is sold in the spot market.
Mineral Reserves and Resources
The following table presents the leachable supergene mineral reserves and resources at the Andacollo mine as estimated by CDA as at December 31, 2006:
Supergene Mineral Reserves
            Heap Leach                   Dump Leach                   Total    
Category   t(000’s)   %TCu   %SCu   t(000’s)   %TCu   %SCu   t(000’s)   %TCu   %SCu
    11,518       0.59       0.49       4,098       0.32       0.27       15,616       0.52       0.43  
    5       0.40       0.39       7       0.28       0.26       12       0.33       0.31  
Total Reserves
    11,523       0.59       0.49       4,105       0.32       0.27       15,628       0.52       0.43  
Supergene Mineral Resources (including Mineral Reserves)
            Heap Leach                   Dump Leach                   Total    
Category   t(000’s)   %TCu   %SCu   t(000’s)   %TCu   %SCu   t(000’s)   %TCu   %SCu
    20,537       0.65       0.58       13,627       0.36       0.27       34,164       0.54       0.46  
    3,013       0.56       0.52       2,050       0.31       0.25       5,063       0.46       0.41  
Total Resources
    23,550       0.64       0.57       15,677       0.35       0.27       39,227       0.53       0.45  
    3,738       0.58       0.52       3,058       0.34       0.25       6,796       0.47       0.40  
    “t (000’s)” means thousands of tonnes; “%TCu” is the percent assayed total copper grade; “%SCu” is the percent soluble copper grade, which is the sum of the acid soluble copper assay and cyanide soluble copper assay; “m” means metres.
    The Andacollo mineral reserve and resource estimates have been prepared and classified in accordance with the standards established under NI 43-101. The qualified persons responsible for the mineral resource and mineral reserve estimates, respectively, are Twila Griffith, P.Geol., Chief Geologist at the Andacollo mine and David J. Libby, P.Eng., Executive Vice President, Mining Operations, Aur.
    The proven and probable supergene mineral reserves comprise those portions of the measured and indicated resources, respectively, after allowing for mining dilution, that are contained within the currently planned final pit design derived from the April 2006 resource block model and mine plan, adjusted to the December 31, 2006 pit topography.
    The supergene mineral resources and reserves were estimated using a copper price of U.S.$1.75/lb and cut-off grades of 0.20% SCu for the mineral resources and variable cut-off grades ranging from 0.25 — 0.38% SCu for heap leach mineral reserves and 0.20% SCu for dump leach mineral reserves. Proven reserves include broken stockpiles totaling 4.5 million tonnes grading 0.29% SCu (0.46%TCu), of which 4.0 million tonnes will be processed as heap leach material and 0.5 million tonnes as dump leach material. The reserves do not include 4.9 million tonnes at a grade of 0.57% SCu (0.64% TCu) which will be processed as part of the Hypogene Deposit mining operation.
    Measured supergene resources are defined by a minimum of 22 drill hole assay composites and a drill hole spacing of 50m, indicated resources are defined by between 3 and 21 drill hole assay composites and a drill hole spacing of approximately 50 x 75 to 100 m, and inferred resources by up to 2 drill hole assay composites and a drill hole spacing of over 100 m.
    Resources that do not qualify as reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.
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Business Acquisition Report   October 29, 2007
Notes, continued:    
    A technical report prepared in accordance with NI 43-101 for the Andacollo supergene deposit and the Andacollo Hypogene Deposit, titled “Report for Aur Resources Inc. on Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve Estimates at Dec. 31, 2005, Carmen de Andacollo Copper Mine, Region IV, Chile” and dated March 24, 2006, has been filed by Aur and may be examined by accessing the SEDAR website at www.sedar.com.
Andacollo Hypogene Project
CDA has, since 1996, been conducting mining operations on the supergene deposit on the Andacollo property which overlies the Hypogene Deposit. See “Andacollo Mine” above.
In 2005, the preparation of a bankable feasibility study (the “Andacollo Feasibility Study”) to further evaluate the economic viability of the Hypogene Deposit for mining was initiated and completed in March 2006. In August 2006, a decision to proceed with the development of the Hypogene Deposit for production was made.
The Andacollo Feasibility Study provides the basis upon which the Hypogene Deposit is being developed for production. The following information regarding the Hypogene Deposit and its development for production is primarily summarized from the Andacollo Feasibility Study, subject to such information being updated as development work and/or further optimization studies progress. The Andacollo Feasibility Study includes assumptions, estimates and uncertainties regarding, among other things, anticipated or projected levels of copper and/or gold production, operating costs, expenditures on plant and equipment, reserves and resources, grades and recovery rates and time schedules. In addition, unanticipated or unusual developments or events and other uncertainties and factors could cause future events, intentions and/or development activities to differ materially from those envisaged, anticipated or expected in or by the Andacollo Feasibility Study.
A technical report prepared in accordance with NI 43-101 in respect of the Hypogene Deposit and the Andacollo Feasibility Study dated July 12, 2006 has been filed by Aur and may be examined by accessing the SEDAR website at www.sedar.com.
Mineral Reserves and Resources
The following table presents the mineral reserves and resources in the Hypogene Deposit as estimated by CDA as at December 31, 2006:
Mineral Reserves
Category   t(000’s)   %TCu   Au (g/t)
    201,858       0.44       0.14  
    232,382       0.35       0.12  
Total Reserves
    434,240       0.39       0.13  
Mineral Resources (including Mineral Reserves)
Category   t(000’s)   %TCu   Au (g/t)
    206,614       0.43       0.15  
    609,602       0.31       0.11  
Total Resources
    816,216       0.34       0.12  
    578,707       0.26       0.09  
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Business Acquisition Report   October 29, 2007
    “t(000’s)” means thousands of tonnes; %TCu is the percent assayed total copper grade; “Au” means gold; “g/t” means grams per tonne; “m” means metres.
    The mineral reserve and resource estimates have been prepared and classified in accordance with the standards established under NI 43-101. The qualified persons responsible for the mineral resource and mineral reserve estimates, respectively, are Twila Griffith, P.Geol., Chief Geologist at the Andacollo mine and David J. Libby, P.Eng., Executive Vice-President, Mining Operations, Aur.
    The proven and probable hypogene mineral reserves comprise those portions of the measured and indicated resources, respectively, after allowing for mining dilution in the current mine plan, and are derived from the March 2006 mineral resource block model and mine plan contained within the Andacollo Feasibility Study, adjusted to the existing Andacollo supergene mine final pit topography.
    The hypogene mineral resources and reserves were estimated using a copper price of U.S.$1.20/lb., a gold price of U.S.$400/oz. and cut-off grades of 0.20% TCu for the mineral resources and variable cut-off grades ranging from 0.22% TCu to 0.32% TCu for the mineral reserves. Proven reserves and measured resources include broken stockpiles totaling 5.2 million tonnes grading 0.51% TCu and 4.9 million tonnes grading 0.64% TCu which had previously been included in the supergene reserves.
    Measured hypogene resources are defined by a minimum of 2 drill holes and a drill hole spacing of 75 m, indicated resources are defined by a minimum of 2 drill holes and a drill hole spacing of approximately 100 m and inferred resources are defined by a maximum of 1 drill hole and a drill hole spacing of over 100 m.
    Resources that do not qualify as reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.
Duck Pond Mine
Aur holds a 100% interest in the Duck Pond copper-zinc property located in central Newfoundland. Aur acquired the property from Xstrata plc, formerly Falconbridge Limited (“Xstrata”) pursuant to an option agreement dated March 1, 1999 (the “Falconbridge Option Agreement”), as amended by an agreement dated March 20, 2002. Under the said agreement, Aur paid Xstrata $3,000,000 upon commencing commercial production at the property and thereafter is required to pay Xstrata a 2% net smelter returns royalty on production from the property. The Duck Pond mine achieved commercial production on April 1, 2007.
The Duck Pond property is located in central Newfoundland approximately 100 km southwest of the city of Grand Falls-Windsor. The property covers 12,847 hectares and is held under various mining and surface leases, mineral licenses and contractual mining rights.
The Duck Pond deposit is to be mined through combination of open pit and underground mining methods. Production is expected to average 41,000,000 pounds of copper, 76,000,000 pounds of zinc, 574,000 ounces of silver and 5,000 ounces of gold annually during the period from 2007 to 2011, based on existing reserves. Conventional flotation produces copper and zinc concentrates that are trucked to the port of St. Georges on the west coast of Newfoundland.
The Duck Pond mine labour force is expected to be approximately 192 people on commencement of full production.
Copper and zinc concentrates produced at the Duck Pond mine are sold to Xstrata plc under life of mine concentrate sales agreements.
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Business Acquisition Report   October 29, 2007
Mineral Reserves and Resources
The following table presents the mineral reserves and resources on the Duck Pond property as estimated by Aur at December 31, 2006:
Mineral Reserves
Category   t(000’s)   %Cu   %Zn   Ag (g/t)   Au (g/t)
    1,190       3.37       5.27       53.0       0.75  
    2,888       3.26       5.85       61.9       0.90  
Total Reserves
    4,078       3.29       5.68       59.3       0.86  
Mineral Resources (including Reserves)
Category   t(000’s)   %Cu   %Zn   Ag (g/t)   Au (g/t)
    1,029       4.05       6.40       62.3       0.86  
    2,511       4.03       7.40       75.5       1.08  
Total Resources
    3,540       4.03       7.11       71.7       1.01  
    1,073       3.04       7.05       71.2       0.81  
    “t(000’s)” means thousands of tonnes; “g/t” means grams per tonne; “Cu” means copper; “Zn” means zinc; “Ag” means silver; “Au” means gold, “m” means metres.
    The Duck Pond reserve and resource estimates have been prepared and classified in accordance with the standards established under NI 43-101. The qualified persons responsible for direct supervision of the estimates are Petr Pelz, P.Geo., Senior Mine Geologist, Duck Pond mine, as to the resource block model, resource classification and estimate and Guy Belleau, P.Eng., Mine Manager, Duck Pond mine, as to the reserve estimate. The proven and probable reserves represent those parts of the measured and indicated resources, respectively, that are economically viable after allowing for internal and external dilution and for extraction losses.
    The reserve calculations incorporate a copper price of U.S.$0.95/lb., a zinc price of U.S.$0.50/lb., a silver price of U.S.$5.00/oz., a gold price of U.S.$275/oz., an exchange rate of U.S.$1.00=CDN$1.47 and net smelter return cut-offs of approximately CDN$42 per tonne for the underground reserves and CDN$30 per tonne for the open pit reserves.
    The resources are stated at a 2.5% copper equivalent (“CuEq”) cut-off grade for the underground reserves and a 1.83% CuEq for the open pit reserves. The CuEq grades applied to by-product metals are, approximately, 0.35% CuEq for 1% Zn, 0.003% CuEq for 1 g/t Ag and 0.09% CuEq for 1 g/t Au. The resource classification is based on the proximity of drill hole composite samples to block centres as follows: measured resources, up to 10 m spacing, indicated resources between 10 m and 30 m spacing and inferred resources, more than 30 m spacing.
    Resources that do not qualify as reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.
2.2 Date of Acquisition
The effective date of the acquisition for accounting purposes is August 22, 2007.
2.3 Consideration
Pursuant to its Offer to Purchase (the “Offer”) dated July 17, 2007, Teck offered to purchase all of Aur’s outstanding common shares, at the election of each holder, for $41.00 in cash or 0.8749 of a Class B subordinate voting share of Teck and $0.0001 in cash for each common share of Aur, subject, in each case, to pro ration as set out in the Offer.
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Business Acquisition Report   October 29, 2007
Teck acquired 93.2% of the issued and outstanding common shares of Aur on August 22, 2007 and acquired the balance of the Aur shares by way of a compulsory acquisition (“Compulsory Acquisition”) pursuant to the Canada Business Corporations Act on September 28, 2007.
Pursuant to the Offer and Compulsory Acquisition, Teck paid approximately $3.1 billion in cash out of cash on hand and issued approximately 21.97 million Class B subordinate voting shares.
As a result of the acquisition of Aur, Teck is held approximately 95% by former Teck shareholders and 5% by the former shareholders of Aur.
2.4 Effect on Financial Position
Teck has no current plans or proposals for material changes in its business affairs or the business affairs of Aur that are expected to have a significant effect on the results of operations and financial position of Teck.
2.5 Prior Valuations
Not applicable.
2.6 Parties to Transaction
The acquisition of Aur was not with informed persons, associates or affiliates of Teck.
2.7 Date of Report
The date of this Business Acquisition Report is October 29, 2007.
The following financial statements are attached to this report:
  The unaudited pro forma consolidated balance sheet of Teck Cominco Limited as at June 30, 2007 and its pro forma consolidated statements of earnings for the six months then ended and the year ended December 31, 2006.
  The restated audited comparative consolidated financial statements of Aur Resources Inc. and the related notes thereto as at December 31, 2006 and 2005 and for each of the years in the two-year period ended December 31, 2006 together with the auditors’ report thereon.
  The restated unaudited interim comparative consolidated financial statements of Aur Resources Inc. as at and for the six months ended June 30, 2007.
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Business Acquisition Report   October 29, 2007
This business acquisition report contains certain forward-looking information as defined in applicable securities laws. This forward-looking information includes estimates, forecasts, and statements as to management’s expectations with respect to, among other things, the size and quality of the company’s mineral reserves and mineral resources, future trends for the company, progress in development of mineral properties, future production and sales volumes, capital and mine production costs, demand and market outlook for commodities, future commodity prices and treatment and refining charges, the outcome of legal proceedings involving the company, and the financial results of the company. This forward-looking information involves numerous assumptions, risks and uncertainties and actual results may vary materially.
Factors that may cause actual results to vary materially include, but are not limited to, changes in commodity and power prices, changes in interest and currency exchange rates, acts of foreign governments and the outcome of legal proceedings, inaccurate geological and metallurgical assumptions (including with respect to the size, grade and recoverability of mineral reserves and resources), unanticipated operational difficulties (including failure of plant, equipment or processes to operate in accordance with specifications or expectations, cost escalation, unavailability of materials and equipment, government action or delays in the receipt of government approvals, industrial disturbances or other job action, adverse weather conditions and unanticipated events related to health, safety and environmental matters), political risk, social unrest, and changes in general economic conditions or conditions in the financial markets.
Statements concerning future production costs or volumes, and the sensitivity of the company’s earnings to changes in commodity prices and exchange rates are based on numerous assumptions of management regarding operating matters, including that new collective bargaining agreements are entered into at certain operations without labour disruption, that demand for products develops as anticipated, that operating and capital plans will not be disrupted by issues such as mechanical failure, unavailability of parts and supplies, labour disturbances, interruption in transportation or utilities, adverse weather conditions and that there are no material unanticipated variations in the cost of energy or supplies.
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As at June 30, 2007
($ millions, unaudited)
            (as restated)     Pro Forma Adjustments        
                                            Pro Forma  
    Teck     US$     CDN$     Note 3     Amounts     Teck  
    A             B             C     A + B + C  
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents
  $ 4,008     $ 466     $ 496       a     $ 28     $ 1,584  
                            b       (3,089 ),         
                                    (25 )        
                            d       166          
Temporary investments
    166                   d       (166 )      
Accounts receivable
    651       22       23                       674  
Inventories and other
    864       83       88       c       91       1,043  
    5,689       571       607                       3,301  
    682                                   682  
Investment in Aur
                      b       4,066        
                            e       (4,066 )        
Restricted cash
          128       136                       136  
Property, plant and equipment and other non-current assets
    4,224       523        556       c       3,911       8,691  
  $ 10,595     $ 1,222     $ 1,299                     $ 12,810  
Current liabilities
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
  $ 909     $ 135     $ 144       c     $ 10     $ 1,063  
Current portion of long-term debt
          41       43                       43  
    909       176       187                       1,106  
Long-term debt
    1,366       218       232                       1,598  
Other liabilities
    797       119       126                       923  
Future income and resource taxes
    986       20       21       c       660       1,667  
Minority interests
    59       25       27                       86  
    4,117       558       593                       5,380  
Shareholders’ equity
    6,478       664       706       a       28       7,430  
                            b       952          
                            c       3,332          
                            e       (4,066 )        
  $ 10,595     $ 1,222     $ 1,299                     $ 12,810  



For the year ended December 31, 2006
($ millions, unaudited)
            (as restated)     Pro Forma Adjustments        
                                            Pro Forma  
    Teck     US$     CDN$     Note 3     Amounts     Teck  
    A             B             C     A + B + C  
  $ 6,539     $ 738     $ 837                     $ 7,376  
Operating expenses
    (2,714 )     (208 )     (236 )                     (2,950 )
    (264 )     (31 )     (35 )     f       (83 )     (382 )
Operating profit
    3,561       499       566                       4,044  
Other expenses
General and administration
    (96 )     (12 )     (14 )                     (110 )
Interest on long-term debt
    (97 )     (8 )     (9 )                     (106 )
Mineral exploration
    (72 )     (8 )     (9 )                     (81 )
Research and development
    (17 )                                 (17 )
Other income (expense)
    364       (134 )     (151 )     g       (124 )     89  
    82       (162 )     (183 )                     (225 )
    3,643       337        383                       3,819  
Provision for income and resource taxes
    (1,215 )     (93 )     (105 )     h       56       (1,264 )
Minority interests
    (33 )     (109 )     (124 )                     (157 )
Net earnings from continuing operations
    2,395       135        154                       2,398  
Discontinued operations
    36                                   36  
Net earnings
  $ 2,431     $ 135     $  154                     $ 2,434  
Earnings per share   Pro forma earnings per share (Note 5)
  $ 5.77                                     $ 5.49  
  $ 5.60                                     $ 5.34  
Earnings per share from continuing operations
  Pro forma earnings per share from continuing operations (Note 5)
  $ 5.68                                     $ 5.40  
  $ 5.52                                     $ 5.26  



For the six months ended June 30, 2007
($ millions, unaudited)
            (as restated)     Pro Forma Adjustments        
                                            Pro Forma  
    Teck     US$     CDN$     Note 3     Amounts     Teck  
    A             B             C     A + B + C  
  $ 2,901     $ 371     $ 421                     $ 3,322  
Operating expenses
    (1,385 )     (119 )     (135 )                     (1,520 )
    (132 )     (25 )     (28 )     f       (55 )     (215 )
Operating profit
    1,384       227       258                       1,587  
Other expenses
General and administration
    (56 )     (6 )     (7 )                     (63 )
Interest on long-term debt
    (43 )     (6 )     (7 )                     (50 )
Mineral exploration
    (45 )     (4 )     (5 )                     (50 )
Research and development
    (14 )                                 (14 )
Other income
    120       48       54       g       (62 )     112  
    (38 )     32       35                       (65 )
    1,346       259       293                       1,522  
Provision for income and resource taxes
    (460 )     (45 )     (51 )     h       31       (480 )
Minority interests
    (16 )     (39 )     (44 )                     (60 )
Net earnings from continuing operations
    870       175       198                       982  
Discontinued operations
    (25 )                                 (25 )
Net earnings
  $ 845     $ 175     $ 198                     $ 957  
Earnings per share   Pro forma earnings per share (Note 5)
  $ 1.97                                     $ 2.13  
  $ 1.96                                     $ 2.11  
Earnings per share from continuing operations
  Pro forma earnings per share from continuing operations (Note 5)
  $ 2.03                                     $ 2.18  
  $ 2.02                                     $ 2.17  



Expressed in Canadian dollars unless otherwise indicated
These unaudited pro forma consolidated financial statements (pro forma financial statements) of Teck Cominco Limited (Teck) have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in Canada. These pro forma financial statements do not contain all of the information required for annual financial statements. Accordingly they should be read in conjunction with the most recent annual and interim financial statements of Teck, and the most recent annual and interim financial statements of Aur Resources Inc. (Aur).
These pro forma financial statements have been prepared assuming that the acquisition of Aur had been completed on January 1, 2006 for the unaudited pro forma consolidated statements of earnings and on June 30, 2007 for the unaudited pro forma consolidated balance sheet.
These pro forma financial statements are not intended to reflect the financial position that would have resulted had the transaction actually been effected on June 30, 2007 or the results of operations had the transaction been effected on January 1, 2006. Further, the pro forma results of operations may not be indicative of future results.
On April 25, 2007, Teck’s shareholders approved a two-for-one share split for its Class A Common Shares and Class B Subordinate Voting Shares effective as of the close of business on May 7, 2007. All share and per share information included in the circular and the pro forma financial statements and accompanying notes has been adjusted on a retroactive basis to reflect this stock split for all periods presented.
Accounting policies used in the preparation of these pro forma financial statements are those disclosed in Teck’s audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2006 and Teck’s unaudited consolidated financial statements for the six months ended June 30, 2007. For the purposes of these pro forma financial statements, no attempt has been made to harmonize the accounting policies of Teck and Aur.
For the purposes of these pro forma financial statements, the Aur balance sheet as at June 30, 2007 has been translated into Canadian dollars at the period end rate of 1.0634, the Aur statement of earnings for the year ended December 31, 2006 has been translated at an average rate of 1.1341 and the Aur statement of earnings for the six months ended June 30, 2007 has been translated at an average rate of 1.1349.
The acquisition of Aur by Teck is accounted for using the purchase method. Accordingly, Aur’s assets and liabilities are measured at their estimated individual fair values on the date of the acquisition. Teck’s investment in Aur and Aur’s shareholders’ equity are eliminated upon consolidation. Teck’s assets and liabilities are not revalued as part of this process.
The pro forma financial statements assume the completion of a business combination at June 30, 2007 whereby 100.5 million shares of Aur, calculated on a fully-diluted basis, are acquired for total consideration of $4,066 million, comprising 22 million Class B Subordinate Voting Shares of Teck, and $3,089 million in cash.
The measurement of the share component of the purchase consideration in the pro forma financial statements is based on a Teck Class B Subordinate Voting Share price of $45.61, the average closing price on the Toronto Stock Exchange for two trading days before and after the announcement of the Aur Offer.
The calculation of the purchase consideration and the allocation of the purchase price to the assets and liabilities of Aur as presented in these pro forma financial statements is preliminary and subject to change. In arriving at the fair values of assets and liabilities Teck has made assumptions, estimates and assessments which are based on limited information. The actual fair values of the assets and liabilities will be determined as of the date of the acquisition, not the dates used in the preparation of these pro forma financial statements. The amounts determined may differ materially from the amounts disclosed in the purchase price allocation set out in (c) below due to changes in the estimates of fair values of the assets and liabilities as more information is available for assessment. Any such changes in the determination and allocation of the purchase price could also result in changes to the adjustments to earnings in subsequent periods.



Expressed in Canadian dollars unless otherwise indicated
Balance Sheet Adjustments:
Adjustments related to the pro forma consolidated balance sheet as at June 30, 2007 have been made as follows:
  (a)   To give effect to proceeds of $28 million received by Aur on the exercise of in-the-money employee and director share options.
  (b)   To record the purchase of Aur shares for cash and the issuance of Teck shares as follows:
(C$ millions)        
Cash portion of the Aur Offer
  $ 3,089  
Issue of 22 million Teck subordinate voting shares (1)
Estimated transaction fees and expenses of Teck and Aur
Total purchase price
  $ 4,066  
(1)   The purchase price was calculated using a price of $45.61 for each Teck subordinate voting share issued, net of deemed issue costs.
(c)   The following allocates the purchase price based on management’s preliminary estimate of fair values after giving effect to (a) and (b) above:
    Aur     Fair Value     Aur  
(C$ millions)   Book Value     Adjustments     Fair Value  
Cash and cash equivalents
  $ 524     $     $ 524  
    88       91       179  
Restricted Cash
    136             136  
Other current assets
    23             23  
Property, plant and equipment and other non-current assets
    556       3,911       4,467  
Total assets
  $ 1,327     $ 4,002     $ 5,329  
Current portion of long-term debt
  $ 43     $     $ 43  
Other Current liabilities
    144       10       154  
Long-term debt
    232             232  
Other liabilities
    126             126  
Future income and resource taxes
    21       660       681  
Minority interests
    27             27  
Total liabilities
  $ 593     $ 670     $ 1,263  
Net assets purchased
  $ 734     $ 3,332     $ 4,066  
(d)   To record the conversion of $166 million of temporary investments into cash to finance the acquisition.
(e)   To eliminate the investment in Aur on consolidation.
Income Statement Adjustments:
(f)   To depreciate and amortize the preliminary fair value adjustments allocated to property, plant and equipment. An amount of $2.4 billion has been allocated to assets, including certain mineral resources at Quebrada Blanca and Andocollo, which were not in production in 2006 or during the first half of 2007, and which are, accordingly, not subject to amortization for the purposes of these pro forma financial statements.



Expressed in Canadian dollars unless otherwise indicated
  (g)   To adjust interest income to reflect the reduction in Teck’s cash balances resulting from the transaction.
  (h)   To provide for taxes on the above items.
The adjustments made to the pro forma consolidated statements of earnings reflect only those items which are expected to recur and do not include one time charges to income which are expected to occur immediately following the transaction. In addition, the pro forma consolidated statements of earnings do not give effect to operating efficiencies, cost savings and synergies that may result from the acquisition, including potential cost savings at the corporate level and potential synergies in exploration activities and at operations.
    Six Months Ended     Year Ended December  
    June 30, 2007     31, 2006  
Basic pro forma earnings per share computation
Numerator ($ millions):
Pro forma net earnings from continuing operations
  $ 982     $ 2,398  
Less interest on convertible debentures, net of taxes
          (3 )
    982       2,395  
Pro forma net earnings from discontinued operation
    (25 )     36  
Pro forma net earnings available to shareholders
  $ 957     $ 2,431  
Denominator (thousands of shares):
Teck weighted average shares outstanding
    428,016       421,156  
Shares issued to Aur shareholders
    21,972       21,972  
Pro forma weighted average shares outstanding
    449,988       443,128  
Basic pro forma earnings per share
  $ 2.13     $ 5.49  
Basic pro forma earnings per share from continuing operations
  $ 2.18     $ 5.40  
Diluted pro forma earnings per share computation
Numerator ($ millions):
Pro forma net earnings available to shareholders, assuming dilution
  $ 957     $ 2,434  
Pro forma net earnings available to shareholders from continuing operations, assuming dilution
    982       2,398  
Denominator (thousands of shares):
Pro forma weighted average shares outstanding
    449,988       443,128  
Dilutive effect of securities for Teck
Share options
    2,526       3,318  
Convertible debentures
Pro forma weighted average shares outstanding
    452,514       456,020  
Diluted pro forma earnings per share
  $ 2.11     $ 5.34  
Diluted pro forma earnings per share from continuing operations
  $ 2.17     $ 5.26  



    PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
    Chartered Accountants
    Royal Trust Tower, TD Centre
    Suite 3000, 77 King Street West
    Toronto, Ontario
    Canada M5K 1G8
    Telephone +1 416 863 1133
    Facsimile +1 416 365 8215
To the Shareholder of Aur Resources Inc.
We have audited the consolidated balance sheets of Aur Resources Inc. as at December 31, 2006 and 2005 and the consolidated statements of operations, retained earnings and cash flow for the years then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audits.
We conducted our audits in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform an audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
In our opinion, these consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as at December 31, 2006 and 2005 and the results of its operations and its cash flow for the years then ended, in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles.
As described in note 1(p) and 18(c), the Company has restated previously issued financial statements and our previous report dated February 7, 2007 has been withdrawn.
(signed) PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Chartered Accountants, Licensed Public Accountants
Toronto, Ontario
February 7, 2007
except for notes 1(p) and 18 (c) which are as of October 29, 2007
PricewaterhouseCoopers refers to the Canadian firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP and the other member firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each of which is a separate and independent legal entity.



December 31, 2006
(Expressed in thousands of United States dollars)



For the years ended December 31
(in thousands of United States dollars)
    2006     2005  
    As restated        
    Note 1(p)        
    $     $  
Mining revenues
    738,282       446,945  
    173,786       167,230  
Business development
    8,107       7,402  
    9,296       7,191  
Depreciation and amortization
    31,190       32,820  
Mine closure and site restoration
    2,273       3,499  
Interest on long-term debt
    8,438       8,438  
Stock-based compensation
    2,191       1,689  
ENAMI copper price participation
    32,112       5,959  
Unrealized loss on zinc forward contracts (note 15)
Interest and other (note 7)
    (25,630 )     (10,376 )
    400,770       223,852  
Earnings before taxes and non-controlling interests
    337,512       223,093  
Income and resource taxes (note 8)
    (93,378 )     (40,112 )
Earnings before non-controlling interests
    224,134       182,981  
Non-controlling interests
    (109,423 )     (40,704 )
Net earnings for the year
    134,711       142,277  
Basic earnings per share (note 6(d))
    1.39       1.49  
Diluted earnings per share (note 6(d))
    1.38       1.48  
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.
For the years ended December 31
(in thousands of United States dollars)
    2006     2005  
    As restated        
    Note 1(p)        
    $     $  
Retained earnings — beginning of year
    254,782       128,646  
Net earnings for the year
    134,711       142,277  
Dividends on common shares
    (100,828 )     (16,141 )
Retained earnings — end of year
    288,665       254,782  
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.



For the years ended December 31
(in thousands of United States dollars)
2006     As restated, Note 1(p)   Andacollo     Blanca     Corporate     Total  
    $     $     $     $  
Mining revenues
    134,821       603,461             738,282  
    31,764       142,022             173,786  
Business development
                8,107       8,107  
                9,296       9,296  
Depreciation and amortization
    4,850       25,936       404       31,190  
Mine closure and site restoration
    626       1,647             2,273  
Interest on long-term debt
                8,438       8,438  
Stock-based compensation
                2,191       2,191  
ENAMI copper price participation
          32,112             32,112  
Unrealized loss on zinc forward contracts
                159,007       159,007  
Interest and other
    (4,239 )     (6,398 )     (14,993 )     (25,630 )
    33,001       195,319       172,450       400,700  
Earnings (loss) before taxes and non-controlling interests
    101,820       408,142       (172,450 )     337,512  
Income and resource taxes
    (16,396 )     (76,978 )     (4 )     (93,378 )
Earnings (loss) before non-controlling interests
    85,424       331,164       (172,454 )     244,134  
Non-controlling interests
    (31,607 )     (77,816 )           (109,423 )
Net earnings (loss)
    53,817       253,348       (172,454 )     134,711  
2005   Louvicourt     Andacollo     Blanca     Corporate     Total  
    $     $     $     $     $  
Mining revenues
    27,211       95,316       324,418             446,945  
    13,066       33,237       120,927             167,230  
Business development
                      7,402       7,402  
                      7,191       7,191  
Depreciation and amortization
    766       8,494       23,310       250       32,820  
Mine closure and site restoration
    502       554       2,443             3,499  
Interest on long-term debt
                      8,438       8,438  
Stock-based compensation
                      1,689       1,689  
ENAMI copper price participation
                5,959             5,959  
Interest and other
    (1,076 )     243       (1,036 )     (8,507 )     (10,376 )
    13,258       42,528       151,603       16,463       223,852  
Earnings (loss) before taxes and non-controlling interests
    13,953       52,788       172,815       (16,463 )     223,093  
Income and resource taxes
    (2,116 )     (8,151 )     (29,870 )     25       (40,112 )
Earnings (loss) before non-controlling interests
    11,837       44,637       142,945       (16,438 )     182,981  
Non-controlling interests
          (15,261 )     (25,443 )           (40,704 )
Net earnings (loss)
    11,837       29,376       117,502       (16,438 )     142,277  
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.



As at December 31
(in thousands of United States dollars)
    2006     2005  
    As restated        
    Note 1(p)        
    $     $  
    630,297       361,263  
    21,681       11,751  
Inventories and prepaid expenses (note 2)
    72,861       62,934  
    724,839       435,948  
Property, plant and equipment (note 3)
    394,582       288,472  
Future income and resource taxes (note 8(c))
    3,387       3,387  
Long-term copper inventory and other (note 4)
    25,407       23,127  
    1,148,215       750,934  
Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
    63,967       30,789  
Taxes payable
    54,008       24,435  
Dividends payable
    88,660       12,384  
Copper price participations (note 12(d))
    42,112       15,959  
Payable to non-controlling interests
    7,497       6,534  
Current portion of obligation under capital leases (note 12(a))
    4,127       3,387  
Current portion of mine closure and site restoration (note 13)
    931       718  
Current portion of senior notes (note 5(a))
Unrealized loss on zinc forward contracts (note 15)
    314,561       94,206  
Senior notes (note 5(a))
    93,750       125,000  
Obligation under capital leases (note 12(a))
    9,313       6,060  
Future income and resource taxes (note 8(c))
    20,856       24,897  
Mine closure and site restoration (note 13)
    27,797       26,831  
Non-controlling interests
    57,059       33,108  
Unrealized loss on zinc forward contracts (note 15)
    345,773       215,896  
    660,334       310,102  
Contingency and commitments (notes 12 and 16)
Subsequent events (note 18)
Shareholders’ equity
Share capital (note 6)
    194,629       183,654  
Contributed surplus — stock-based compensation
    4,587       2,396  
Retained earnings
    288,665       254,782  
    487,881       440,832  
    1,148,215       750,934  
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.
Signed on behalf of the Board:
(signed) Hugh J. Bolton
  (signed) Donald R. Lindsay



As at December 31
(in thousands of United States dollars)
2006     As restated, Note 1(p)   Andacollo     Blanca     Corporate     Total  
    $     $     $     $  
    130,621       67,683       431,993       630,297  
    1,609       12,240       7,832       21,681  
Inventories and prepaid expenses
    13,552       58,056       1,253       72,861  
    145,782       137,979       441,078       724,839  
Property, plant and equipment
    50,543       217,486       126,553       394,582  
Future income and resource taxes
                3,387       3,387  
Long-term copper inventory and other
          21,018       4,389       25,407  
    196,325       376,483       575,407       1,148,215  
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
    15,924       34,888       13,155       63,967  
Taxes payable
    15,963       38,045             54,008  
Dividends payable
                88,660       88,660  
Copper price participations
          32,112       10,000       42,112  
Payable to non-controlling interests
          7,497             7,497  
Current portion of obligation under capital leases
            4,032       95       4,127  
Current portion of mine closure and site restoration
                931       931  
Current portion of senior notes
                31,250       31,250  
Unrealized loss on zinc forward contracts
                22,009       22,009  
    31,887       116,574       166,100       314,561  
Senior notes
                93,750       93,750  
Obligation under capital leases
          9,150       163       9,313  
Future income and resource taxes
    2,771       18,085             20,856  
Mine closure and site restoration
    5,310       19,602       2,885       27,797  
Non-controlling interests
    57,059                   57,059  
Unrealized loss on zinc forward contracts
                136,998       136,998  
    97,027       163,411       399,896       660,334  
2005   Louvicourt     Andacollo     Blanca     Corporate     Total  
    $     $     $     $     $  
    1,489       45,224       37,805       276,745       361,263  
    233       2,410       6,442       2,666       11,751  
Inventories and prepaid expenses
    70       9,798       50,630       2,436       62,934  
    1,792       57,432       94,877       281,847       435,948  
Property, plant and equipment
          29,945       219,577       38,950       288,472  
Future income and resource taxes
                      3,387       3,387  
Long-term copper inventory and other
                22,057       1,070       23,127  
    1,792       87,377       336,511       325,254       750,934  
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
    566       5,217       16,667       8,339       30,789  
Taxes payable
          2,362       22,073             24,435  
Dividends payable
                      12,384       12,384  
Copper price participations
                5,959       10,000       15,959  
Payable to non-controlling interests
                6,534             6,534  
Current portion of obligation under capital leases
                3,387             3,387  
Current portion of mine closure and site restoration
    718                         718  
    1,284       7,579       54,620       30,723       94,206  
Senior notes
                      125,000       125,000  
Obligation under capital leases
                6,060             6,060  
Future income and resource taxes
          3,670       21,227             24,897  
Mine closure and site restoration
    1,364       5,037       19,689       741       26,831  
Non-controlling interests
          25,453       7,655             33,108  
    2,648       41,739       109,251       156,464       310,102  
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.



For the years ended December 31
(in thousands of United States dollars)
    As restated        
    Note 1(p)     2005  
    $     $  
Operating activities
Net earnings for the year
    134,711       142,277  
Non-cash items —
Depreciation and amortization
    31,190       32,820  
Future income and resource taxes
    (4,041 )     7,620  
Mine closure and site restoration
    679       1,983  
Gain on sale of marketable securities
          (1,864 )
Loss (gain) on disposal of property, plant and equipment
    9       (684 )
Interest on obligation on properties purchased
    18       35  
Stock-based compensation
    2,191       1,689  
Copper price participation
    32,112       5,959  
Unrealized loss on zinc forward contracts
Non-controlling interests
    109,423       40,704  
    465,299       230,539  
Net change in non-cash working capital items (note 9)
    39,325       19,240  
    504,624       249,779  
Financing activities
Dividends on common shares
    (25,457 )     (11,773 )
Repayments of capital leases
    (3,334 )     (3,711 )
Payments to non-controlling interests
    (84,508 )     (36,276 )
Payment of copper price participation to ENAMI
    (5,916 )      
Common shares issued
    10,975       5,385  
Foreign exchange and other
    (341 )     (747 )
    (108,581 )     (47,122 )
Investing activities
Payment of copper price participation
    (10,000 )     (10,000 )
Property, plant and equipment
    (54,006 )     (22,586 )
Mineral property development
    (64,339 )     (16,549 )
Payments on properties purchased
    (245 )     (245 )
Proceeds on sale of marketable securities
Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment
    542       1,531  
Repayments of advances by Quebrada Blanca minesite employees
    1,039       (1,929 )
    (127,009 )     (47,914 )
Increase in cash for the year
    269,034       154,743  
Cash — beginning of year
    361,263       206,520  
Cash — end of year
    630,297       361,263  
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.



For the years ended December 31
(in thousands of United States dollars)
2006    As restated, Note 1(p)         Andacollo     Blanca     Corporate     Total  
            $     $     $     $  
Operating activities
Net earnings (loss)
            53,817       253,348       (172,454 )     134,711  
Non-cash items
            36,181       134,147       160,260       330,588  
            89,998       387,495       (12,194 )     465,299  
Net change in non-cash working capital items
            22,074       20,969       (3,718 )     39,325  
            112,072       408,464       (15,912 )     504,624  
Financing activities
Dividends on common shares
                        (25,457 )     (25,457 )
Repayments of capital leases
                  (3,291 )     (43 )     (3,334 )
Payments to non-controlling interests
                  (84,508 )           (84,508 )
Payment of copper price participation to ENAMI
                  (5,916 )           (5,916 )
Common shares issued
                        10,975       10,975  
Foreign exchange and other
            (111 )     (449 )     219       (341 )
            (111 )     (94,164 )     (14,306 )     (108,581 )
Investing activities
Payment of copper price participation
                        (10,000 )     (10,000 )
Property, plant and equipment
            (1,955 )     (6,824 )     (45,227 )     (54,006 )
Mineral property development
            (24,073 )           (40,266 )     (64,339 )
Payment on property purchased
                        (245 )     (245 )
Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment
            3             539       542  
Repayments of advances by Quebrada Blanca minesite employees
                  1,039             1,039  
            (26,025 )     (5,785 )     (95,199 )     (127,009 )
Inter-segment distributions to corporate
            (539 )     (278,637 )     279,176        
Increase in cash for the year
            85,397       29,878       153,759       269,034  
Cash — beginning of year
            45,224       37,805       278,234       361,263  
Cash — end of year
            130,621       67,683       431,993       630,297  
  Louvicourt     Andacollo     Blanca     Corporate     Total  
    $       $       $       $       $    
Operating activities
Net earnings (loss)
    11,837       29,376       117,502       (16,438 )     142,277  
Non-cash items
    (934 )     30,097       58,987       112       88,262  
    10,903       59,473       176,489       (16,326 )     230,539  
Net change in non-cash working capital items
    9,838       5,636       7,652       (3,886 )     19,240  
    20,741       65,109       184,141       (20,212 )     249,779  
Financing activities
Dividends on common shares
                      (11,773 )     (11,773 )
Repayments of capital leases
          (365 )     (3,346 )           (3,711 )
Payments to non-controlling interests
          (3,589 )     (32,687 )           (36,276 )
Common shares issued
                      5,385       5,385  
Foreign exchange and other
    343       (246 )     (955 )     111       (747 )
    343       (4,200 )     (36,988 )     (6,277 )     (47,122 )
Investing activities
Payment of copper price participation
                      (10,000 )     (10,000 )
Property, plant and equipment
          (7,181 )     (1,587 )     (13,818 )     (22,586 )
Mineral property development
                      (16,549 )     (16,549 )
Payment on properties purchased
                      (245 )     (245 )
Advances to Quebrada Blanca minesite employees
                (1,929 )           (1,929 )
    1,531                   1,864       3,395  
    1,531       (7,181 )     (3,516 )     (38,748 )     (47,914 )
Inter-segment distributions to corporate
    (21,587 )     (9,485 )     (116,820 )     147,892        
Increase in cash for the year
    1,028       44,243       26,817       82,655       154,743  
Cash — beginning of year
    461       981       10,988       194,090       206,520  
Cash — end of year
    1,489       45,224       37,805       276,745       361,263  
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.



For the years ended December 31, 2006 and 2005
(in thousands of United States dollars except number of shares and per share amounts)
1.   Accounting policies and restatement
    Aur Resources Inc. is a Canadian company active in the acquisition, exploration, development and mining of mineral properties. The consolidated financial statements of Aur Resources Inc. have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in Canada. Summarized below are the significant accounting policies used in these consolidated financial statements.
  (a)   Basis of consolidation
    The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of Aur Resources Inc. and subsidiary companies (collectively, “Aur”). Subsidiaries include two Chilean private companies, Compañía Minera Carmen de Andacollo (“CDA”) and Compañía Minera Quebrada Blanca S.A. (“CMQB”). All intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated.
  (b)   Segmented information
    Aur is in the mineral resource business, including the acquisition, exploration, development and mining of base and precious metals deposits. Aur has four reportable segments: Louvicourt, Andacollo, Quebrada Blanca and Corporate. The Louvicourt segment represents Aur’s 30% proportionate interest in the Louvicourt Mine which prior to August 2005 produced copper and zinc concentrates. The Andacollo and Quebrada Blanca segments represent Aur’s consolidated interest in the Andacollo and Quebrada Blanca copper mines, each of which produce cathode copper. The corporate segment is responsible for the management of Aur’s cash and investment portfolio, exploration and other business development activities, certain other non-producing assets and provides management, administrative and support services to Aur’s other segments. The corporate segment also includes the Duck Pond Deposit, currently under development, prior to commercial production. The accounting policies of the segments are the same as those described below.
  (c)   Use of estimates
    The preparation of financial statements in conformity with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the consolidated financial statements and related notes. Significant estimates include fair value measurements, metal sales receivables, in-process inventories, future income and resource tax assets and liabilities, the physical and economic lives of mining assets, salvage values and mine closure and site restoration costs. Actual results may differ from those estimates.
  (d)   Revenue recognition and receivables
    Sales of copper and zinc concentrates and cathode copper are subject to specific sales agreements which are based upon final settlement prices for specified quotational periods. Revenues are recognized when title passes in the month of shipment at the net realizable value based upon metal prices for the month of the sale. Any changes in revenue due to changes in prices used to calculate the actual net realizable value of sales are recognized in the period when the change occurs. Smelter settlements receivable are net of estimated treatment and refining costs.



  (e)   Cash
    Cash includes cash on deposit and term deposits with maturities of 3 months or less at time of acquisition.
  (f)   Inventories
    Materials and supplies are valued at the lower of average cost and estimated net realizable value. Cathode copper and in-process inventories are valued at the lower of cost, including depreciation and amortization of mine assets and net realizable value. Cost is determined primarily on the basis of average cost. Long-term copper inventory is valued at the lower of historic cost and estimated net realizable value.
    Mine supplies are valued at the lower of average cost and estimated net realizable value.
  (g)   Property, plant and equipment
  i)   Mineral property and exploration costs
    Mineral property and exploration expenditures are charged to earnings when incurred except for certain expenditures on specified properties identified through pre-feasibility or other assessments as having mineral reserves and/or resources with the potential of being developed into a mine, and/or have the characteristics of property, plant and equipment, in which case the expenditures are capitalized and are not amortized until commercial production is achieved. These costs are transferred to development costs once the development of the mine commences.
  ii)   Plant and equipment
    Plant and equipment are recorded at cost and are amortized once commercial production is achieved, using the units-of-production method based on the estimated life of the mine. Other equipment with useful lives less than the estimated life of the mine are depreciated using the straight-line method over 3 to 8 years, but not to exceed the estimated life of the mine.
  iii)   Development costs
    Development costs incurred to bring a mining property into production, expand the capacity of an operating mine, develop new orebodies or develop mine areas substantially in advance of current production are capitalized and charged to operations using the units-of-production method based on the estimated life of the mine. Amounts shown as development costs include the net revenue from metal produced and sold prior to commercial production.
  iv)   Mining equipment under capital lease
    Leases that transfer substantially all of the benefits and risks of ownership of property to Aur are accounted for as capital leases. At the time a capital lease is entered into, an asset is recorded together with the related long-term obligation. Mining equipment acquired under capital lease is amortized using the straight-line method over the estimated life of the leased asset, but not to exceed the life of the mine. Lease payments under operating leases are charged to earnings as incurred.
  v)   Corporate
    Corporate fixed assets are recorded at cost and are depreciated using the straight-line method based on the estimated useful life of the asset. The estimated useful life for buildings is 20 years and for corporate equipment is 3 to 5 years.



  vi)   Capitalization of financing costs
    Financing costs, including interest, are capitalized when they arise from indebtedness incurred to finance development and construction activities on properties that are not yet subject to depreciation and amortization. Financing costs are amortized from the time that mining operations commence commercial production. Capitalized interest is amortized on a units-of-production basis over the estimated life of the mine while other financing costs are amortized over the life of the related indebtedness. Unamortized financing fees related to indebtedness that is repaid before maturity are written-off in the period in which the indebtedness is repaid.
  vii)   Carrying value
    Aur reviews the carrying value of its producing and development mineral capital assets on a periodic basis. Estimated future undiscounted net cash flows are calculated for each property using estimated reserves and/or resources, as appropriate. Should the estimated future undiscounted net cash flows be less than the carrying value, an appropriate reduction to fair value is made with a corresponding charge to earnings.
  (h)   Mine closure and site restoration costs
    Mine closure and site restoration costs are comprised of asset retirement obligations, employee severance and ongoing expenditures related to the protection of the environment.
    The fair value of a liability for an asset retirement obligation is recognized when it is incurred. Also, when a liability is initially recorded, a corresponding increase to the carrying amount of the related asset is recorded. On an annual basis, the fair value of the future liability for an asset retirement obligation is recognized in the period in which it is incurred with an offsetting amount being recognized as an increase in the carrying amount of the corresponding asset. This asset is amortized over the estimated life of the mine while the corresponding liability accretes to its future value by the end of the mine’s life.
    Mine closure costs for employee severance are accrued as earned using a pre-determined formula based upon the employees’ number of years of employment service with the mine.
    Ongoing expenditures related to the protection of the environment are charged to earnings in the period they are incurred.
  (i)   Translation of foreign currencies
    Monetary assets and liabilities of integrated operations that are not denominated in United States dollars are translated at the rate of exchange prevailing at the year-end, and revenues and expenses (other than depreciation) at average rates of exchange during the year. Exchange gains and losses arising on the translation of the accounts are included in consolidated earnings. Non-monetary assets and liabilities are translated at historical rates of exchange.
  (j)   Income and resource taxes
    Income and resource taxes are calculated using the asset and liability method of tax accounting. Under this method of tax allocation, current income taxes are recognized for the estimated income taxes payable for the current period. Future income tax assets and liabilities are determined based on differences between the financial reporting and tax bases of assets and liabilities, and are measured using the substantially enacted tax rates and laws that will be in effect when the differences are expected to reverse. The amount of future income tax assets recognized is limited to the amount that is more likely than not to be realized.



  (k)   Financial instruments and commodity contracts
    Aur periodically employs financial instruments, including forward contracts and options, to manage exposure to fluctuations in metal prices. Gains and losses on metal contracts are reported as a component of the related transaction. Hedge accounted financial instruments are documented and periodic effectiveness tests are performed in accordance with accounting requirements. This documentation includes all relationships between hedging instruments and hedged items, as well as Aur’s risk management objective and strategy for undertaking these transactions. Absent such documentation and testing, changes in the fair value of financial instruments are recorded in earnings.
  (l)   Pension costs
    The costs of defined contribution plans, representing Aur’s required contribution based on specified percentage of salaries, as mandated by government regulations, or as actuarially determined, are charged to earnings as contributions are made. The costs of defined benefit plans earned by the six employees covered by defined benefit plans are actuarially determined using the projected benefit method prorated on service and management’s best estimate of expected plan investment performance, salary escalation, retirement ages of plan members and mortality, plus a discount rate based on market rates at the measurement date. Adjustments for plan amendments, changes in assumptions and actuarial gains and losses are charged to operations over the expected average remaining service life of the six employees which range from 1 year to 12 years.
  (m)   Share purchase options
    Aur has a common share purchase option plan. Aur accounts for share purchase options using the fair value method. For option awards, fair value is measured at the grant date using the Black-Scholes valuation model and is recognized as stock based compensation expense and shareholders’ equity over the vesting period of the options granted. Consideration paid on exercise of share options is recorded as share capital.
  (n)   Deferred financing costs
    The costs of obtaining bank and other debt financing are deferred and amortized on a straight-line basis over the effective life of the debt to which they relate. Unamortized financing fees related to indebtedness which are repaid before maturity are written-off in the period in which the indebtedness is repaid.
  (o)   Comparative figures
    Certain comparative figures for 2005 have been reclassified to conform to this year’s presentation.
  (p)   Restatement
    Aur has restated its financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2006 to record unrealized losses on zinc forward sales contracts in relation to the Duck Pond Mine. Aur did not meet the hedge accounting criteria prescribed by Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and as a result was unable to apply hedge accounting to these sales commitments and has accordingly recognized a mark-to-market loss on these contracts. The impact of the restatement was as follows:
    As     Increase     As  
    Reported     (decrease)     Restated  
    $     $     $  
December 31, 2006 Balance Sheet:
Unrealized loss on zinc forward contracts
— Current
          22,009       22,009  
— Long-term
          136,998       136,998  
Retained earnings
    447,672       (159,007 )     288,665  



For the year ended   As     Increase     As  
December 31, 2006   Reported     (decrease)     Restated  
Statement of Operations:
    241,763       159,007       400,770  
Net earnings
    293,718       (159,007 )     134,711  
Statement of Cash Flow:
Net earnings
    293,718       (159,007 )     134,711  
Non-cash items
    171,581       159,007       330,588  
    Letters of Credit of $3,570 have been reclassified from current assets to long-term assets, to reflect their long-term maturity.
2.   Inventories and prepaid expenses
    2006     2005  
    $     $  
Cathode copper
    2,347       2,867  
In-process inventories
    52,090       43,808  
Mine supplies
    14,338       12,172  
Prepaid expenses and deposits
    4,086       4,087  
    72,861       62,934  
    The amount of depreciation and amortization capitalized to cathode copper and in-process inventories was $313 (2005 — $401) and $6,353 (2005 — $5,594), respectively.
3.   Property, plant and equipment
    2006     2005  
            Accumulated     Net Book             Accumulated     Net Book  
    Cost     Amortization     Value     Cost     Amortization     Value  
    $     $     $     $     $     $  
Plant and equipment
    414,644       196,204       218,440       357,814       171,996       185,818  
Development costs
    178,201       49,412       128,789       113,871       45,366       68,505  
Mining equipment under capital lease
    21,110       5,897       15,213       17,172       5,133       12,039  
Asset retirement cost
    7,616       3,141       4,475       5,293       2,764       2,529  
Corporate and other
    32,238       4,573       27,665       21,940       2,359       19,581  
    653,809       259,227       394,582       516,090       227,618       288,472  
  (a)   Andacollo (see note 18)
    The Andacollo open-pit copper mine, located near the town of Andacollo, Chile, is owned by CDA. The current mine plan for the supergene ore deposit envisions mining operations for the deposit continuing until 2009. (see also note 3(d))



    CDA’s share capital is comprised of Series A and Series B shares. The Series A shares represent 90% of the voting and dividend rights of the CDA shares. Aur owns 70% of the Series A shares while Compañía Minera del Pacífico (“CMP”), a Chilean public company, owns the remaining 30% of the Series A shares. The Series B shares are owned by Empresa Nacional de Minería (“ENAMI”), a Chilean government entity, and represent 10% of the voting and dividend rights of the CDA shares. The Series B shares are required to be equal in number to 10% of the aggregate number of Series A and Series B shares of CDA outstanding from time to time. When combined with the Series B shares of CDA, Aur’s 70% and CMP’s 30% holdings of the Series A shares equate to 63% and 27% interests, respectively, in CDA’s total voting and dividend rights.
    Aur’s consolidated financial statements reflect 100% of the assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses and cash flow of CDA with CMP’s 27% interest and ENAMI’s 10% interest being reflected as non-controlling interests. As CDA’s debt obligations were fully repaid in June 2006, Aur, CMP and ENAMI then became entitled to receive 63%, 27% and 10% of all future dividend distributions of CDA, respectively. On January 18, 2007, Aur purchased CMP’s interest in CDA. (see note 18)
  (b)   Quebrada Blanca
    The Quebrada Blanca open-pit copper mine is located 170 kilometres southeast of the port city of Iquique, Chile. The current mine plan envisions mining operations continuing until 2016.
    CMQB’s share capital is comprised of Series A, Series B and Series C shares. The Series A shares represent 85% of voting and dividend rights of the CMQB shares. Aur owns 90% of the Series A shares, while Inversiones Mineras S.A. (“IMSA”), a Chilean private company, owns the remaining 10% of the Series A shares. The Series B shares are owned by ENAMI and represent 10% of the voting and dividend rights of CMQB’s shares. The Series B shares are required to be equal in number to 10% of the aggregate number of Series A, Series B and Series C shares of CMQB outstanding from time to time. The Series C shares are owned by IMSA and represent 5% of the voting and dividend rights of the CMQB shares. The Series C shares are required to be equal in number to 5% of the aggregate number of Series A, Series B and Series C shares of CMQB outstanding from time to time. When combined with the Series B and Series C shares, Aur’s 90% holding of the Series A shares equates to a 76.5% interest in CMQB’s total voting and dividend rights. When combined with its 10% Series A shareholding, IMSA’s 100% holding of Series C shares equates to a 13.5% interest in CMQB’s total voting and dividend rights.
    Aur’s consolidated financial statements reflect 100% of the assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses and cash flow of CMQB with IMSA’s 13.5% interest and ENAMI’s 10% interest reflected as non-controlling interests. As CMQB’s debt obligations were fully repaid in June 2006, Aur, IMSA and ENAMI then became entitled to receive 76.5%, 13.5% and 10% of all future dividend distributions of CMQB, respectively.
  (c)   Duck Pond
    A decision to proceed with the construction of the Duck Pond copper-zinc deposit located in central Newfoundland was made in December 2004. Production is anticipated to begin in the first quarter of 2007. Included in property, plant and equipment is $125,871 (2005-$38,414) for development work.
  (d)   Andacollo Hypogene Copper-Gold Deposit — Chile
    Development of the Andacollo Hypogene Deposit for production by late 2009 commenced in the third quarter of 2006 following the formal production decision being announced on August 3, 2006. Basic engineering and design work, geotechnical studies related to mine design and tailings facilities, and environmental permitting progressed as planned. Purchase orders for the SAG mill, and ball mills with motors were completed to ensure delivery as required to meet the construction schedule. Mobile mining fleet leases were tendered late 2006 and completed in January 2007 with first deliveries to be received by mid-2007. A total of $19.1 million was invested in development capital in 2006.



    The Andacollo Hypogene Mine is expected to produce, on average, approximately 160 million pounds of copper and 60,000 ounces of gold annually over a minelife of 21 years beginning late 2009 of which 90% will be Aur’s share.
  (e)   Louvicourt
    The past-producing Louvicourt underground copper-zinc-silver-gold mine, located near the city of Val d’Or, Quebec, Canada is held through a joint venture with Aur being the operator. The Louvicourt Mine ceased operation on July 12, 2005. Decommissioning and reclamation of the mine is being carried out under the terms of its mine closure plan as submitted to the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune du Québec.
    Aur holds a 30% joint venture interest while its joint venture partners, Novicourt Inc. and Teck Cominco Limited (“Teck Cominco”), hold 45% and 25% interests, respectively. Aur’s consolidated financial statements reflect 30% of the assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses and cash flow of the joint venture.
4.   Long-term copper inventory and other
    2006     2005  
    $     $  
Long-term copper inventory
    18,747       18,747  
Deferred financing costs
    819       1,070  
Advances to Quebrada Blanca minesite employees
    2,271       3,310  
Letters of credit
    25,407       23,127  
  (a)   Long-term copper inventory
    Long-term copper inventory is in-process inventory that is segregated and not currently scheduled to be recovered until near the end of the Quebrada Blanca mine’s life, currently envisioned to be 2016.
  (b)   Deferred financing costs
    Deferred financing costs are the unamortized balance of the fees and expenses incurred to issue Aur’s $125,000 of senior notes and is net of $942 of amortization (2005 — $691). This amount is being amortized on a straight-line basis over the term of the senior notes.
  (c)   Advances to Quebrada Blanca minesite employees
    During 2005, CMQB advanced to its minesite employees an aggregate $1,929, as an advance against their supplemental wages for future holidays to be worked on or before June 2008 by such employees.
    During 2004, CMQB provided interest free housing loans of up to 48 months in the amount of $1,679 to certain employees, of which $1,039 were repaid in 2006 (2005 — $298).
5.   Credit Facilities (see note 18)
  (a)   Senior notes



    On March 10, 2003, Aur issued $125,000 of senior unsecured notes (the “Notes”) to a number of U.S. insurance companies. The Notes bear interest at 6.75% per annum, require semi-annual interest payments and are repayable in four equal annual principal repayments commencing March 11, 2007. The Notes are prepayable at any time in whole or in part, subject to certain specified prepayment premiums based on prevailing interest rates at the time of prepayment.
    The Notes have customary financial covenants for unsecured notes and impose no restrictions on the payment of dividends, on changes of control or on carrying out mergers or similar transactions provided that Aur continues to meet the covenants under the Notes.
    The terms of the Notes provide that security cannot be granted over assets comprising in excess of 20% of Aur’s consolidated shareholders’ equity, subject to certain exceptions including security which also secures the Notes on a pari passu basis, security granted over subsequently acquired properties and/or assets to secure the purchase price thereof and/or the granting of security over mineral properties under development to secure the financing of such development.
  (b)   Working capital facilities
    CDA has working capital facilities with two Chilean banks for up to $12,000 (2005 — $2,000), maturing August 31, 2007.
    CMQB has working capital facilities with two Chilean banks for up to $5,000 (2005 — $3,400), $3,400 maturing August 31, 2008 and $1,600 maturing May 31, 2007.
    The working capital facilities have no commitment fees and applicable interest rates are dependent upon the prevailing rates when the facility is utilized. At December 31, 2006 and 2005, no amounts were outstanding under these facilities.
6.   Share capital
  (a)   Authorized
    The authorized capital of Aur consists of an unlimited number of common shares and an unlimited number of Class A shares, issuable in series.
  (b)   Issued and outstanding
    2006     2005  
    Shares     Amount     Shares     Amount  
    #000’s     $     #000’s     $  
Common shares
Balance — beginning of year
    96,306       183,654       94,401       178,269  
Issued during the year — Share purchase options exercised
    1,853       10,975       1,905       5,385  
Balance — end of year
    98,159       194,629       96,306       183,654  
  (c)   Stock-based compensation plans
    At December 31, 2006, Aur had one stock-based compensation plan, a common share purchase option plan (the “Plan”), which is described below.
    The Plan is for directors, officers and certain senior management personnel of Aur. Options under the Plan are typically granted in such numbers as reflect the level of responsibility of the particular optionee and his or her contribution to the business and activities of Aur. Options granted under the Plan typically have a five year term and are typically made cumulatively exercisable by the



    holders thereof as to a proportionate part of the aggregate number of shares subject to the option over specified terms. Except in specified circumstances, options are not assignable and terminate upon the optionee ceasing to be employed by or associated with Aur. The terms of the Plan further provide that the price at which shares may be issued under the Plan cannot be less than the market price of the shares when the relevant options are granted.
    Aur’s common shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and trade in Canadian dollars and on the Santiago Stock Exchange where they trade in United States dollars.
    The following table summarizes information regarding Aur’s outstanding and exercisable common share purchase options as at December 31, 2006:
Outstanding     Exercisable  
                    Weighted             Weighted  
Range of           Weighted     average             average  
exercise           average     exercise             exercise  
prices           months     price             price  
per share   Balance     remaining     per share     Balance     per share  
CDN$   #000’s     #     CDN$     #000’s     CDN$  
$3.30 to $6.45
    417       31       5.58       172       5.79  
$6.50 to $10.40
    336       40       7.64       46       7.61  
$11.21 to $14.10
    515       48       12.28       215       11.85  
$16.45 to $25.51
    425       56       18.00       142       18.21  
    1,693                       575          
    The number of stock options outstanding at December 31, 2006 represents 1.7% of Aur’s issued and outstanding common shares.
    The following table summarizes information regarding Aur’s common share purchase options as at and for the years’ ended December 31, 2006 and 2005:
    2006     2005  
            Weighted             Weighted  
            average             average  
            exercise price             exercise price  
    Shares     per share     Shares     per share  
    #000’s     CDN$     #000’s     CDN$  
Balance — beginning of year
    2,876       6.94       2,465       3.56  
    670       16.41       2,316       7.61  
    (1,853 )     6.53       (1,905 )     3.37  
Balance — end of year
    1,693       11.15       2,876       6.94  
Exercisable — end of year
    575       11.28       845       6.71  
    For purposes of stock-based compensation, the fair value of each option was estimated on the date of grant using the Black-Scholes option pricing model with the following weighted average assumptions used for grants as follows: dividend yield of 0.4% (2005 — 1.2%), expected volatility of 39% (2005 — 42%), risk-free interest rate of 4.8% (2005 — 3.5%) and expected life of 27 months (2005 — 27 months). The unamortized stock based compensation amounts will be expensed as follows:



  (d)   Earnings per share
    2006     2005  
    $     $  
(i) Basic
Net earnings available to shareholders
    134,711       142,277  
Weighted average shares outstanding
    97,201       95,307  
Basic earnings per share
    1.39       1.49  
(ii) Diluted
Net earnings available to shareholders
    134,711       142,277  
Weighted average shares outstanding
    97,201       95,307  
Potential net incremental issuance of shares from share options
    674       401  
Potential net incremental issuance from stock-based compensation
    30       126  
Shares outstanding plus assumed issuances
    97,905       95,834  
Diluted earnings per share
    1.38       1.48  
7. Interest and other
    2006     2005  
    $     $  
Interest on obligation under capital leases
    466       547  
Interest and other income
    (27,167 )     (9,525 )
Interest and other financing costs
    131       675  
Foreign exchange
    399       147  
Gain on sale of marketable securities
          (1,864 )
Loss (gain) on disposal of property, plant and equipment
    9       (684 )
    532       328  
    (25,630 )     (10,376 )
8. Income and resource taxes
  (a)   Geographic components
The geographic components of earnings (loss) before taxes and non-controlling interests were as follows:
    2006     2005  
    $     $  
Earnings (loss) before taxes and non-controlling interests:
    (177,691 )     1,047  
    509,962       221,816  
    5,241       230  
    337,512       223,093  



The geographic components of the tax expense (recovery) were as follows:
    2006     2005  
    $     $  
    5       2,106  
    97,416       30,402  
    (2 )     (16 )
    97,419       32,492  
    (4,041 )     7,620  
    (4,041 )     7,620  
    93,378       40,112  
  (b)   Income and resource taxes reconciliation
The reconciliation between taxes calculated by applying the statutory tax rate to pre-tax income and income tax expense is as follows:
    2006     2005  
    $     $  
Earnings before taxes and non-controlling interests
    337,512       223,093  
Canadian combined, federal and provincial income tax rate
    36 %     32 %
Expected income taxes
    121,504       71,390  
Tax effect of:
Foreign taxes at different rates
    (90,211 )     (32,679 )
Foreign exchange losses
    3,585       3,015  
Stock based compensation
    789       540  
Non-taxable income
          (1,315 )
Resource allowance
          (827 )
Quebec mining duties
Valuation allowance
    468       (2,118 )
    93,378       40,122  
Large corporations tax
          (10 )
Income tax expense
    93,378       40,112  



  (c)   Future income and resource taxes and loss carryforwards
As at December 31, the significant components within Aur’s future tax assets (liabilities) were as follows:
    2006     2005  
    $     $  
Capital losses
    1,706       1,665  
Property, plant and equipment
    (19,226 )     (13,872 )
Canadian resource deductions
    20,483       12,863  
Reclamation liabilities
    5,052       5,044  
Non-capital losses
    3,604       5,084  
Zinc forward contracts
    1,746       605  
Net future income tax asset (liability) before valuation allowance
    70,608       11,389  
Valuation allowance
    (88,077 )     (32,899 )
Net future income tax asset (liability)
    (17,469 )     (21,510 )
Less future tax liability
    20,856       24,897  
Future tax asset
    3,387       3,387  
In computing the income tax liability, no amount has been recorded in respect of the potential net 18% withholding taxes which would arise should Aur’s Chilean subsidiaries distribute income to Aur’s non-Chilean subsidiaries on the basis that it is Aur’s intention that the Chilean subsidiaries will reinvest such income in Chile or elsewhere.
Aur has Canadian resource deductions of $58,501 (2005 — $58,662) which were categorized as successored for purposes of the Income Tax Act (Canada). No amount has been taken into account with respect to these losses in determining Aur’s net future income tax asset.
9. Supplementary cash flow information
    2006     2005  
    $     $  
Net change in non-cash working capital items:
    (9,930 )     2,491  
Inventories and prepaid expenses
    (13,496 )     (10,184 )
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities (including taxes payable)
    62,751       26,933  
    39,325       19,240  
Other information:
Interest paid
    8,438       8,438  
Income, resource and capital taxes paid
    64,554       11,776  



10. Joint venture
Aur holds a 30% interest in the Louvicourt joint venture which is accounted for using the proportionate consolidation method. Aur’s share of the revenues, assets, liabilities, cash and cash flow of the joint venture is as follows:
    2006     2005  
    $     $  
Mining revenues
Earnings before taxes
Current assets
    604       1,792  
Current liabilities
    1,041       1,284  
Working capital
    (437 )     508  
    604       1,792  
    1,041       2,648  
Net investment
    (437 )     (856 )
Cash flow from (used by):
Operating activities
    (905 )     20,741  
Financing activities
Investing activities
Net cash flow
    (905 )     22,615  
    584       1,489  
11. Geographic distribution of segmented information
    2006     2005  
    Mining     Property, plant     Mining     Property, plant  
    revenues     and equipment     revenues     and equipment  
    $     $     $     $  
          126,553       27,211       38,950  
    738,282       268,029       419,734       249,522  
    738,282       394,582       446,945       288,472  
There were no significant inter-segment sales or transfers.
Aur sold 100% of its copper and zinc concentrates produced by the Canadian Louvicourt segment in 2005 to Falconbridge Ltd. Cathode copper produced by the Chilean Andacollo and Quebrada Blanca segments was sold to a number of purchasers (see note 12 (c)).



12.   Commitments
  (a)   Obligation under capital leases
The following is a schedule of future minimum lease payments for mobile mining equipment under capital leases expiring in various periods up to 2011:
Total lease payments
Less interest
    (1,400 )
Total present value of lease payments
Current portion
    (4,127 )
  (b)   Operating leases
Aur has other commitments under various mining equipment and office operating lease agreements as follows:
  (c)   Cathode copper sales agreements
  (i)   Pursuant to sales agreements with a metals trading entity, Aur has committed to deliver approximately 500 tonnes, or approximately 7.5% of Quebrada Blanca’s estimated monthly cathode copper production to the purchaser during 2007. Aur generally receives payments on presentation of documents for shipment in Chile. The settlement price is equal to the London Metals Exchange (“LME”) average cash settlement price for copper for the second month subsequent to the month of sale (“M+2”) plus an agreed upon premium.
  (ii)   Pursuant to a sales agreement with a metals trading entity, Aur has committed to deliver 1,200 tonnes, or approximately 75% of Andacollo’s estimated monthly cathode copper production to the purchaser during 2007. Aur generally receives payments on presentation of documents for shipment in Chile. The settlement price is equal to the LME average cash settlement price for copper for the second month subsequent to the month of sale (“M+2”) plus an agreed upon premium.
  (d)   Copper price participation agreements
  (i)   Andacollo
      ENAMI is entitled to receive from dividends declared by CDA, in the event the average sales price per pound of copper sold by CDA in any calendar year exceeds certain



      United States inflation-adjusted threshold prices for such year, a payment based on a sliding scale percentage of the total dividends paid by CDA in respect of such year. CDA has determined that no dividends will be declared in 2007, 2008 and 2009 as cash balances will be retained for the purposes of funding a portion of the capital expenditures to develop the Andacollo Hypogene Deposit which is scheduled to begin production by late 2009. As at December 31, 2006, the inflation adjusted copper prices to be utilized for purposes of the foregoing and the percentage of dividends paid that ENAMI is entitled to receive as an additional payment were, respectively, as follows: $1.47 to $1.58 per pound, 1%; $1.59 to $1.72 per pound, 2%; $1.73 to $1.85 per pound, 3%; $1.86 to $1.99 per pound, 4%; $2.00 or greater per pound, 5%.
  (ii)   Quebrada Blanca
      Teck Cominco is entitled to a copper price participation of $2.5 million quarterly beginning in 2007 to a maximum of $10 million on or before December 31, 2012 if the United States inflation adjusted copper prices exceeds a threshold amount, which was $1.30 per pound at December 31, 2006. Aur paid Teck Cominco $10 million on January 7, 2005 for 2004, $10 million on January 6, 2006 for 2005 and accrued a further $10 million liability for 2006 at December 31, 2006 as the copper price exceeded the threshold amount in those years. Aur’s property, plant and equipment assets at Quebrada Blanca are increased by these accruals with amortization commencing once payment to Teck Cominco is made. On January 10, 2007 the $10 million payment for 2006 was made.
      ENAMI is entitled to receive a per pound price participation in copper sales from the Quebrada Blanca Mine equal to 10% of the amount by which the average realized sales price per pound of copper, less transportation and certain related costs, sold by the Mine in any calendar year exceeds a specified inflation adjusted indexed price for such year. The average realized copper price for 2006 exceeded the inflation adjusted copper price for the year. Accordingly, a $32.1 million liability to ENAMI has been accrued at December 31, 2006, representing the 2006 obligation with a corresponding increase in the line item entitled “Interest and other” on the Consolidated Statements of Operations. The total liability to ENAMI for 2006 will be determined in March 2007 by which time the realized copper price for 2006 will be known due to the M+2 quotation period applicable to majority of the Quebrada Blanca production.
13.   Mine closure and site restoration
    Louvicourt     Andacollo     Blanca     Corporate     Total  
    $     $     $     $     $  
Asset retirement obligations
Balance, beginning of year
    1,492       2,059       7,506       741       11,798  
Liabilities incurred
                      2,244       2,244  
Liabilities settled
    (648 )                 (99 )     (747 )
Accretion expense
    29       139       507             675  
Adjustments to carrying value of assets
Balance, end of year
    873       2,198       8,013       2,886       13,970  
Less: current portion
    (873 )                       (873 )
          2,198       8,013       2,886       13,097  
    58       3,111       11,589             14,758  
Less: current portion
    (58 )                       (58 )
          3,111       11,589             14,700  
          5,309       19,602       2,886       27,797  



    Louvicourt     Andacollo     Blanca     Corporate     Total  
    $     $     $     $     $  
Asset retirement obligations
Balance, beginning of year
    2,067       2,059       7,506       717       12,349  
Liabilities settled
    (832 )                       (832 )
Accretion expense
    367       85                   452  
Adjustments to carrying value of assets
    (110 )     (85 )           24       (171 )
Balance, end of year
    1,492       2,059       7,506       741       11,798  
Less: current portion
    (179 )                       (179 )
    1,313       2,059       7,506       741       11,619  
    590       2,978       12,183             15,751  
Less: current portion
    (539 )                       (539 )
    51       2,978       12,183             15,212  
    1,364       5,037       19,689       741       26,831  
    The total undiscounted amount of estimated cash flows required to settle the asset retirement obligations is $1,364 after 2006, $5,037 after 2010 and $19,689 payable after 2016 for the Louvicourt, Andacollo and Quebrada Blanca Mines, respectively. The credit adjusted risk free rate at which the cash flows have been discounted was 6.75%. The asset retirement obligations associated with the Duck Pond Mine is included in the Corporate segment.
14.   Pension plans and benefits
    Defined contribution plans
    Aur’s non-executive Canadian employees participate in one of two defined contribution pension plans.
    Aur also maintains defined contribution arrangements for certain executives as part of Aur’s executive pension plan (the “Executive Plan”). Aur’s contributions to these plans were $341 in 2006 and $601 in 2005.
    Executive Plan and DB Plan
    Aur maintains defined benefit plans (comprised of registered and non-registered elements) for six senior executives under the Executive Plan. Pension benefits under the Executive Plan are calculated based on length of service and final average earnings.
    Aur also maintains a defined benefit plan (the “DB Plan”) for former employees of a predecessor company. There are no active employees in the DB Plan.
    Actuarial valuations for funding purposes for the Executive Plan and the DB Plan are performed at least triennially with the latest valuations completed as at January 1, 2004 and the next valuations being required as at January 1, 2007. The measurement date for the plans is December 31.



    Information on the Executive Plan and DB Plan is as follows:
    2006     2005  
    $     $  
Accrued benefit obligation
Balance — beginning of year
    11,699       12,037  
Current service cost (employer portion)
    361       212  
Interest cost
    613       578  
Plan amendments
Benefits paid
    (368 )     (3,419 )
Decrease in obligation due to plan curtailment
          (7 )
Obligation being settled
          (347 )
Special termination benefits
Actuarial loss
Foreign exchange rate changes
    (780 )     375  
Balance — end of year
    11,525       11,699  
Plan Assets
Fair value — beginning of year
    12,858       13,697  
Actual return on plan assets net of actual expenses
    1,010       519  
Employer contributions
    991       2,001  
Benefits paid
    (368 )     (3,419 )
Settlement payments
          (347 )
Foreign exchange rate changes
    (509 )     407  
Fair value — end of year
    13,982       12,858  
Reconciliation of funded status
Accrued benefit obligation — end of year
    11,525       11,699  
Fair value of plan assets — end of year
    13,982       12,858  
Funded surplus
    2,457       1,159  
Unamortized transitional obligation
    226       280  
Unamortized past service costs
    368       418  
Unamortized net actuarial gain
    (1,646 )     (772 )
Accrued benefit asset
    1,405       1,085  
Components of net periodic pension cost
Current service cost (employer portion)
    362       212  
Interest cost
    613       578  
Actual return on plan assets
    (1,010 )     (518 )
Actuarial loss on accrued benefit obligation
    (389 )     1,097  
Curtailment gain
          (7 )
Settlement gain
          (7 )
Special termination benefits
Plan amendments
Costs arising during the year
    (424 )     2,528  
Differences between costs arising in the period and costs recognized in the period in respect of:
Return on plan assets
    509       71  
Actuarial (gain) loss
    390       (1,188 )
Plan amendments
          (402 )
Transitional obligation
    55       52  
Net periodic pension cost recognized during the year
    530       1,061  
Weighted average assumptions used to calculate net periodic pension cost
Discount rate
    5.00 %     5.00 %
Rate of compensation increase
    5.00 %     5.00 %
Expected rate of return on plan assets — registered plans
    6.00 %     6.50 %
Expected rate of return on plan assets — non-registered plans
    3.00 %     3.25 %



    2006     2005  
    $     $  
Weighted average assumptions used to calculate benefit obligation at end of year
Discount rate
    5.00 %     6.00 %
Rate of compensation increase
    5.00 %     5.00 %
Plan assets by asset category
Equity securities
    40 %     37 %
Debt securities
    21 %     22 %
CRA refundable tax account
    34 %     35 %
Cash and other
    5 %     6 %
    100 %     100 %
    The cost of pension benefits earned by employees is actuarially determined using the projected benefit method prorated on service and management’s best estimate of expected plan investment performance, salary escalation, retirement ages of employees and mortality. Plan obligations are discounted using rates that reflect the market yields, as of the measurement date, on high-quality debt instruments with cash flows that match expected benefit payments. Plan assets are presented at fair value.
    The difference between the plan assets and the benefit obligation as at January 1, 2005 has been treated as a transitional asset (obligation). The transitional asset (obligation), past service costs resulting from plan amendments and the net actuarial gain (loss) that exceeds 10 percent of the greater of the accrued benefit obligation and the value of plan assets are amortized over the average remaining service period of active employees. The average remaining service periods of the six active employees range from 1 year to 12 years.
    The accrued benefit asset is included in accounts payable and accrued liabilities in Aur’s consolidated balance sheets.
    Aur provides a variety of benefit plans. Benefits include life insurance and health and dental programs. Aur does not provide any non-pension post-retirement benefits other than its obligation to former employees of a predecessor company, which are not material.
15.   Fair value of financial instruments
    The carrying amount of cash, accounts receivable and current liabilities approximate their fair value due to the short term maturities of these instruments.
    Zinc forward contracts
    In January 2006, Aur entered into monthly forward sales contracts to economically hedge a portion of the scheduled zinc concentrate production from its wholly owned Duck Pond Deposit currently under development and thereby protected itself from the risk that falling zinc prices would reduce revenue from zinc sales from its Duck Pond Mine.
    Effective January 1, 2006, Aur adopted the recommendations of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (“CICA”) relating to the circumstances in which hedge accounting is appropriate, including the identification, documentation, designation and effectiveness testing of hedges.
    The Company did not meet the hedge accounting criteria prescribed by GAAP and as a result was unable to apply hedge accounting to these sales commitments. Accordingly Aur has recognized a mark-to-market loss of $159 million on the income statement. See note 1(p).



    Aur’s commitments arising from this transaction, which are identified, on a monthly basis, over the period July 2007 through December 2011 and cover the first 75% of estimated scheduled zinc production during the period, are:
    Zinc Forward Sales
Year   Hedge Tonnage   Average Price   Average Price
            $/tonne   $/lb
2007 (July — December)
    12,700       1,857       0.84  
    25,900       1,723       0.78  
    25,900       1,584       0.72  
    25,900       1,479       0.67  
    25,900       1,393       0.63  
    116,300       1,579       0.72  
    At December 31, 2006, the estimated fair value of Aur’s zinc forward sales, based on a forward spot price of $1.42 per pound, was a loss of $159.0 million.
16.   Contingent liability
    In 2003, the Chilean Internal Revenue Service (the “IRS”) issued to CMQB a notice of reassessment in respect of the deduction of certain components of guarantee fees owed to Aur and claimed as expenses by CMQB. The IRS assessed CMQB with taxes, as of November 11, 2003, of $2.9 million, including interest, penalties and inflation adjustment to such date, together with a reduction of CMQB’s tax loss carry forwards in the amount of $20.2 million. CMQB contested such reassessment and, in August 2005, the Iquique Tax Court rendered a judgment confirming the IRS reassessment. CMQB appealed such judgment to the Court of Appeals of Iquique and, in October 2006, the Court of Appeals annulled such judgment. As a result, CMQB’s contestation of the original IRS reassessment has been returned to the Iquique Tax Court for rehearing. It is the opinion of management and CMQB’s legal counsel that CMQB’s income tax filings with respect to the guarantee fees are reasonable and that the payment of the guarantee fees should not attract withholding taxes. Should the IRS ultimately be successful in its reassessment, Aur would record a pre-tax charge to earnings equal to its proportionate share of the amount of the reassessment, plus interest, penalties and inflation adjustment to the date of final judgment. At this time, the outcome of this judicial procedure cannot be determined and, accordingly, the loss, if any, has not been recorded in the consolidated financial statements.
17.   Future accounting standards
    In January 2005, the CICA issued three new standards relating to financial instruments. Section 3855, Financial Instruments — Recognition and Measurement, prescribes when a financial asset, financial liability, or non-financial derivative is to be recognized on the balance sheet and at what amount — sometimes using fair value; other times using cost-based measures. It also specifies how financial instrument gains and losses are to be presented. Section 3865, Hedges, is applicable whenever an enterprise chooses to designate a hedging relationship for accounting purposes. It expands on AcG No. 13, Hedging Relationships, and Section 1650, Foreign Currency Translation by specifying how hedge accounting is applied and what disclosures are necessary when it is applied. Section 1530, Comprehensive income, introduces new rules for the reporting and display of comprehensive income. Comprehensive Income is the change in equity (net assets) of an enterprise during a reporting period from transaction and other events and circumstances from non-owner sources. It includes all changes in equity during a period except those resulting from investments by owners and distribution to owners.



    These standards are applicable for fiscal years beginning on or after October 1, 2006. If an enterprise elects to early adopt such standards, the early adoption election must be applied to all three standards at the same time. Aur is currently reviewing the impact of these new standards.
18.   Subsequent events
  (a)   Andacollo — Purchase of CMP’s 27% interest
On January 18, 2007, Aur purchased CMP’s 27% interest in the Series A shares of CDA for $103 million in cash. This increased Aur’s economic interest in CDA from 63% to 90% effective January 1, 2007. This transaction will be accounted for as a step purchase with the excess of the consideration paid over the fair value of the net assets acquired being allocated to property, plant and equipment.
  (b)   Attainment of a $150 million line of credit facility
On January 25, 2007, Aur obtained a four year $150 million revolving credit facility from Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce for general corporate purposes. Advances under the facility are secured by cash collateral provided by one of Aur’s Chilean subsidiaries. On January 26, 2007, $90 million was drawn down to fund the special dividend of CDN$1.00 per share payable to Aur shareholders on January 31, 2007.
  (c)   Acquisition by Teck Cominco Limited
On August 22, 2007, the Company was acquired by Teck Cominco Limited.



June 30, 2007
(Expressed in thousands of United States dollars)



Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Income
(in thousands of United States dollars except earnings per share)
    Three months ended     Six months ended  
    June 30     June 30  
    2007     2006     2007     2006  
    As restated     As restated     As restated     As restated  
    Note 2(b)     Note 2(b)     Note 2(b)     Note 2(b)  
    $     $     $     $  
Mining revenues
    214,366       219,442       370,778       354,546  
    58,070       40,017       104,414       79,220  
Business Development
    2,518       2,041       3,678       3,886  
    2,149       2,123       4,474       4,959  
Depreciation and amortization
    13,528       7,225       25,289       14,715  
Mine closure and site restoration
    1,255       369       1,714       699  
Interest on long-term debt
    3,155       2,110       6,335       4,219  
Stock-based compensation
    1,086       372       2,087       931  
ENAMI copper price participation
    7,563       11,453       12,846       15,733  
Unrealized (gain) loss on zinc forward contracts
    12,347       19,276       (33,350 )     42,193  
Interest income
    (6,784 )     (5,351 )     (14,046 )     (9,229 )
Other (note 10)
    585       (201 )     (1,409 )     (922 )
    95,472       79,434       112,032       156,404  
Earnings before taxes and non-controlling interests
    118,894       140,008       258,746       198,142  
Income and resource taxes
    (24,927 )     (30,870 )     (44,755 )     (46,598 )
Earnings before non-controlling interests
    93,967       109,138       213,991       151,544  
Non-controlling interests
    (22,189 )     (34,447 )     (38,696 )     (52,952 )
Net earnings and comprehensive income for the period
    71,778       74,691       175,295       98,592  
Basic earnings per share (note 9(b))
    0.73       0.77       1.78       1.02  
Diluted earnings per share (note 9(b))
    0.72       0.76       1.77       1.01  
See accompanying notes to interim consolidated financial statements.



Consolidated Statements of Retained Earnings
(in thousands of United States dollars)
    Three months ended     Six months ended  
    June 30     June 30  
    2007     2006     2007     2006  
    As restated     As restated     As restated     As restated  
    Note 2(b)     Note 2(b)     Note 2(b)     Note 2(b)  
    $     $     $     $  
Retained earnings as originally stated — beginning of period
    391,363       278,683       288,665       254,782  
Adjustment to reflect change in accounting policy for deferred financing costs (note 2(a))
                (819 )      
Net earnings for the period
    71,778       74,691       175,295       98,592  
Dividends on common shares
    (4,649 )     (13,145 )     (4,649 )     (13,145 )
Retained earnings — end of period
    458,492       340,229       458,492       340,229  
See accompanying notes to interim consolidated financial statements.


Consolidated Segmented Information on Operations for the three months ended June 30
(in thousands of United States dollars)
            Quebrada     Duck              
2007 As restated, Note 2(b)   Andacollo     Blanca     Pond     Corporate     Total  
    $     $     $     $     $  
Mining revenues
    36,794       157,340       20,232             214,366  
    7,745       39,184       11,141             58,070  
Business development
                      2,518       2,518  
                      2,149       2,149  
Depreciation and amortization
    4,116       7,221       2,145       46       13,528  
Mine closure and site restoration
    246       988       21             1,255  
Interest on long-term debt
                      3,155       3,155  
Stock-based compensation
                      1,086       1,086  
ENAMI copper price participation
          7,563                   7,563  
Unrealized loss on zinc forward contracts
                12,347             12,347  
Interest income
    (1,756 )     (1,061 )     (19 )     (3,948 )     (6,784 )
    48       968       1       (432 )     585  
    10,399       54,863       25,636       4,574       95,472  
Earnings (loss) before taxes
    26,395       102,477       (5,404 )     (4,574 )     118,894  
Income and resource taxes
    (4,970 )     (19,742 )           (215 )     (24,927 )
Earnings (loss) before non-controlling interests
    21,425       82,735       (5,404 )     (4,789 )     93,967  
Non-controlling interests
    (2,313 )     (19,876 )                 (22,189 )
Net earnings (loss)
    19,112       62,859       (5,404 )     (4,789 )     71,778  
            Quebrada             Duck        
2006 As restated, Note 2(b)   Andacollo     Blanca     Pond     Corporate     Total  
    $     $     $     $     $  
Mining revenues
    36,758       182,684                   219,442  
    6,332       33,685                   40,017  
Business development
                      2,041       2,041  
                      2,123       2,123  
Depreciation and amortization
    878       6,309             38       7,225  
Mine closure and site restoration
    204       165                   369  
Interest on long-term debt
                      2,110       2,110  
Stock-based compensation
                      372       372  
ENAMI copper price participation
          11,453                   11,453  
Unrealized loss on zinc forward contracts
                      19,276       19,276  
Interest income
    (868 )     (1,671 )           (2,812 )     (5,351 )
    (77 )     (126 )           2       (201 )
    6,469       49,815             23,150       79,434  
Earnings (loss) before taxes
    30,289       132,869             (23,150 )     140,008  
Income and resource taxes
    (5,501 )     (25,308 )           (61 )     (30,870 )
Earnings (loss) before non-controlling interests
    24,788       107,561             (23,211 )     109,138  
Non-controlling interests
    (9,172 )     (25,275 )                 (34,447 )
Net earnings (loss)
    15,616       82,286             (23,211 )     74,691  
See accompanying notes to interim consolidated financial statements.


Consolidated Segmented Information on Operations for the six months ended June 30
(in thousands of United States dollars)
            Quebrada     Duck              
2007 As restated, Note 2(b)   Andacollo     Blanca     Pond     Corporate     Total  
    $     $     $     $     $  
Mining revenues
    68,927       281,619       20,232             370,778  
    16,198       77,075       11,141             104,414  
Business development
                      3,678       3,678  
                      4,474       4,474  
Depreciation and amortization
    8,678       14,374       2,145       92       25,289  
Mine closure and site restoration
    199       1,494       21             1,714  
Interest on long-term debt
                      6,335       6,335  
Stock-based compensation
                      2,087       2,087  
ENAMI copper price participation
          12,846                   12,846  
Unrealized gain on zinc forward contracts
                (33,350 )           (33,350 )
Interest income
    (3,507 )     (2,276 )     (19 )     (8,244 )     (14,046 )
    (39 )     1,086       1       (2,457 )     (1,409 )
    21,529       104,599       (20,061 )     5,965       112,032  
Earnings (loss) before taxes
    47,398       177,020       40,293       (5,965 )     258,746  
Income and resource taxes
    (8,858 )     (33,643 )           (2,254 )     (44,755 )
Earnings (loss) before non-controlling interests
    38,540       143,377       40,293       (8,219 )     213,991  
Non-controlling interests
    (4,241 )     (34,455 )                 (38,696 )
Net earnings (loss)
    34,299       108,922       40,293       (8,219 )     175,295  
            Quebrada     Duck              
2006 As restated, Note 2(b)   Andacollo     Blanca     Pond     Corporate     Total  
    $     $     $     $     $  
Mining revenues
    65,965       288,581                   354,546  
    15,114       64,106                   79,220  
Business development
                      3,886       3,886  
                      4,959       4,959  
Depreciation and amortization
    2,460       12,186             69       14,715  
Mine closure and site restoration
    411       288                   699  
Interest on long-term debt
                      4,219       4,219  
Stock-based compensation
                      931       931  
ENAMI copper price participation
          15,733                   15,733  
Unrealized loss on zinc forward contracts
                      42,193       42,193  
Interest income
    (1,425 )     (2,320 )           (5,484 )     (9,229 )
    (158 )     (257 )           (507 )     (922 )
    16,402       89,736             50,266       156,404  
Earnings (loss) before taxes
    49,563       198,845             (50,266 )     198,142  
Income and resource taxes
    (8,606 )     (37,989 )           (3 )     (46,598 )
Earnings (loss) before non-controlling interests
    40,957       160,856             (50,269 )     151,544  
Non-controlling interests
    (15,154 )     (37,798 )                 (52,952 )
Net earnings (loss)
    25,803       123,058             (50,269 )     98,592  
See accompanying notes to interim consolidated financial statements.



Consolidated Balance Sheets
(in thousands of United States dollars)
    As at  
    June 30     December 31  
    2007     2006  
    As restated     As restated  
    Note 2(b)     Note 2(b)  
    $     $  
    466,263       630,297  
    21,406       21,681  
Inventories and prepaid expenses (note 4)
    82,901       72,861  
    570,570       724,839  
Restricted cash (note 8)
Property, plant and equipment
    494,931       394,582  
Future income and resource taxes
    3,387       3,387  
Long-term copper inventory and other (note 5)
    24,709       24,588  
    1,221,597       1,147,396  
Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
    55,307       63,967  
Taxes payable
    7,707       54,008  
Dividends payable
    4,628       88,660  
Copper price participations (note 6)
    15,335       42,112  
Payable to non-controlling interests
    16,157       7,497  
Current portion of obligation under capital lease
    10,121       4,127  
Current portion of mine closure and site restoration
    819       931  
Current portion of senior notes
    31,250       31,250  
Unrealized loss on zinc forward contracts (note 12)
    34,523       22,009  
    175,847       314,561  
Senior notes (note 7)
    62,500       93,750  
Revolving credit facility (note 8)
Obligation under capital leases
    30,050       9,313  
Future income and resource taxes
    20,481       20,856  
Mine closure and site restoration
    28,346       27,797  
Non-controlling interests
    24,506       57,059  
Unrealized loss on zinc forward contracts (note 12)
    91,134       136,998  
    382,017       345,773  
    557,864       660,334  
Contingency (note 13)
Subsequent Event (note 14)
Shareholders’ equity
Share capital (note 9)
    198,567       194,629  
Contributed surplus — stock-based compensation
    6,674       4,587  
Retained earnings
    458,492       287,846  
    663,733       487,062  
    1,221,597       1,147,396  
See accompanying notes to interim consolidated financial statements.



Consolidated Segmented Balance Sheet Information as at (in thousands of United States dollars)
June 30, 2007           Quebrada     Duck              
(Unaudited)   Andacollo     Blanca     Pond     Corporate     Total  
    $     $     $     $     $  
    145,192       78,760       920       241,391       466,263  
    1,830       10,786       4,933       3,857       21,406  
Inventories and prepaid expenses
    16,748       55,732       10,008       413       82,901  
    163,770       145,278       15,861       245,661       570,570  
Restricted cash
                      128,000       128,000  
Property, plant and equipment
    139,579       222,372       132,270       710       494,931  
Future income and resource taxes
                      3,387       3,387  
Long-term copper inventory and other
          20,181       658       3,870       24,709  
    303,349       387,831       148,789       381,628       1,221,597  
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
    9,066       34,023       7,589       4,629       55,307  
Taxes payable
    5,257       1,520             930       7,707  
Dividends Payable
                      4,628       4,628  
Copper price participations
          12,835             2,500       15,335  
Payable to non-controlling interests
          16,157                   16,157  
Current portion of obligation under capital leases
    5,815       4,201       105             10,121  
Current portion of mine closure and site restoration
                      819       819  
Current portion of senior notes
                      31,250       31,250  
Unrealized loss on zinc forward contracts
                34,523             34,523  
    20,138       68,736       42,217       44,756       175,847  
Senior notes
                      62,500       62,500  
Revolving credit facility
                      125,000       125,000  
Obligation under capital leases
    21,215       8,709       126             30,050  
Future income and resource taxes
    2,154       18,327                   20,481  
Mine closure and site restoration
    5,488       20,290       2,537       31       28,346  
Non-controlling interests
    18,044       6,462                   24,506  
Unrealized loss on zinc forward contracts
                91,134             91,134  
    67,039       122,524       136,014       232,287       557,864  
            Quebrada     Duck              
December 31, 2006 As restated, Note 2(b)   Andacollo     Blanca     Pond     Corporate     Total  
    $     $     $     $     $  
    130,621       67,683             431,993       630,297  
    1,609       12,240             7,832       21,681  
Inventories and prepaid expenses
    13,552       58,056             1,253       72,861  
    145,782       137,979             441,078       724,839  
Property, plant and equipment
    50,543       217,486             126,553       394,582  
Future income and resource taxes
                      3,387       3,387  
Long-term copper inventory and other
          21,018             3,570       24,588  
    196,325       376,483             574,588       1,147,396  
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
    15,924       34,888             13,155       63,967  
Taxes payable
    15,963       38,045                   54,008  
Dividends payable
                      88,660       88,660  
Copper price participations
          32,112             10,000       42,112  
Payable to non-controlling interests
          7,497                   7,497  
Current portion of obligation under capital leases
          4,032             95       4,127  
Current portion of mine closure and site restoration
                      931       931  
Current portion of senior notes
                      31,250       31,250  
Unrealized loss on zinc forward contracts
                      22,009       22,009  
    31,887       116,574             166,100       314,561  
Senior notes
                      93,750       93,750  
Obligation under capital leases
          9,150             163       9,313  
Future income and resource taxes
    2,771       18,085                   20,856  
Mine closure and site restoration
    5,310       19,602             2,885       27,797  
Non-controlling interests
    57,059                         57,059  
Unrealized loss on zinc forward contracts
                      136,998       136,998  
    97,027       163,411             399,896       660,334  
See accompanying notes to interim consolidated financial statements.



Consolidated Statements of Cash Flow
(in thousands of United States dollars)
    Three months ended     Six months ended  
    June 30     June 30  
    2007     2006     2007     2006  
    As restated     As restated     As restated     As restated  
    Note 2(b)     Note 2(b)     Note 2(b)     Note 2(b)  
    $     $     $     $  
Operating activities
Net earnings for the period
    71,778       74,691       175,295       98,592  
Non-cash items —
Depreciation and amortization
    13,528       7,225       25,289       14,715  
Future income and resource taxes
    (3,525 )     (311 )     (374 )     (690 )
Mine closure and site restoration
    1,255       499       1,714       44  
Loss (gain) on disposal of property, plant and equipment
          8       (56 )     (140 )
Interest on obligation on property purchased
          4             9  
Stock-based compensation
    1,086       372       2,087       931  
Copper price participation
    7,563       11,453       12,846       15,733  
Unrealized (gain) loss on zinc forward contracts
    12,347       19,276       (33,350 )     42,193  
Non-controlling interests
    22,189       34,447       38,696       52,952  
    126,221       147,664       222,147       224,339  
Net change in non-cash working capital items (note 11)
    (40,671 )     4,023       (57,586 )     3,353  
    85,550       151,687       164,561       227,692  
Financing activities
Proceeds on drawdown of revolving credit facility
Dividends on common shares
                (88,660 )     (12,384 )
Repayments of senior notes
                (31,250 )      
Repayments of capital leases
    (3,345 )     (740 )     (4,515 )     (1,626 )
Payments to non-controlling interests
    (19,333 )     (32,687 )     (19,333 )     (32,687 )
Payment of copper price participation to ENAMI
    (32,123 )     (5,916 )     (32,123 )     (5,916 )
Common shares issued
    1,611       3,598       3,938       5,800  
Foreign exchange and other
    (1,504 )     (1,068 )     (1,921 )     (1,283 )
    (54,694 )     (36,813 )     (48,864 )     (48,096 )
Investing activities
Restricted cash
                (128,000 )      
Payment of copper price participation
    (2,500 )           (12,500 )     (10,000 )
Property, plant and equipment
    (1,516 )     (10,953 )     (26,009 )     (16,383 )
Mineral property development
    (6,637 )     (7,646 )     (11,156 )     (16,081 )
Purchase of additional interest in Andacollo (note 3)
                (103,000 )      
Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment
          12       56       226  
Repayments of advances by Quebrada Blanca minesite employees
    338             878        
    (10,315 )     (18,587 )     (279,731 )     (42,238 )
Increase (decrease) in cash for the period
    20,541       96,287       (164,034 )     137,358  
Cash — beginning of period
    445,722       402,334       630,297       361,263  
Cash — end of period
    466,263       498,621       466,263       498,621  
See accompanying notes to interim consolidated financial statements.



Consolidated Segmented Information on Cash Flow for the three months ended June 30
(in thousands of United States dollars)
            Quebrada     Duck              
2007 As restated, Note 2(b)   Andacollo     Blanca     Pond     Corporate     Total  
    $     $     $     $     $  
Operating activities
Net earnings (loss)
    19,112       62,859       (5,404 )     (4,789 )     71,778  
Non-cash items
    6,166       32,630       14,513       1,134       54,443  
    25,278       95,489       9,109       (3,655 )     126,221  
Net change in non-cash working capital items
    (8,568 )     (22,125 )     (17,429 )     7,451       (40,671 )
    16,710       73,364       (8,320 )     3,796       85,550  
Financing activities
Repayments of capital leases
    (2,551 )     (779 )     (15 )           (3,345 )
Payments to non-controlling interests
          (19,333 )                 (19,333 )
Payment of copper participation to ENAMI
          (32,123 )                 (32,123 )
Common shares issued
                      1,611       1,611  
Foreign exchange and other
    (149 )     745             (2,100 )     (1,504 )
    (2,700 )     (51,490 )     (15 )     (489 )     (54,694 )
Investing activities
Property, plant and equipment
    (558 )     (7,918 )     6,960             (1,516 )
Mineral property development
    (6,637 )                       (6,637 )
Payment of copper price participation to Teck
                      (2,500 )     (2,500 )
Repayments of advances by Quebrada Blanca minesite employees
          338                   338  
    (7,195 )     (7,580 )     6,960       (2,500 )     (10,315 )
Inter-segment distributions to corporate
    (474 )     (65,097 )     2,295       63,276        
Increase (decrease) in cash for the period
    6,341       (50,803 )     920       64,083       20,541  
Cash — beginning of period
    138,851       129,562             177,309       445,722  
Cash — end of period
    145,192       78,759       920       241,392       466,263  
            Quebrada     Duck              
2006 As restated, Note 2(b)   Andacollo     Blanca     Pond     Corporate     Total  
    $     $     $     $     $  
Operating activities
Net earnings (loss)
    15,616       82,286             (23,211 )     74,691  
Non-cash items
    10,468       43,070             19,435       72,973  
    26,084       125,356             (3,776 )     147,664  
Net change in non-cash working capital items
    1,923       814             1,286       4,023  
    28,007       126,170             (2,490 )     151,687  
Financing activities
Repayments of capital leases
          (740 )                 (740 )
Payments to non-controlling interests
          (32,687 )                 (32,687 )
Payment of copper price participation to ENAMI
          (5,916 )                 (5,916 )
Common shares issued
                      3,598       3,598  
Foreign exchange and other
    63       (1,313 )           182       (1,068 )
    63       (40,656 )           3,780       (36,813 )
Investing activities
Property, plant and equipment
    (3,046 )     (1,570 )           (6,337 )     (10,953 )
Mineral property development
                      (7,646 )     (7,646 )
Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment
                      12       12  
    (3,046 )     (1,570 )           (13,971 )     (18,587 )
Inter-segment distributions to corporate
    (338 )     (106,937 )           107,275        
Increase (decrease) in cash for the period
    24,686       (22,993 )           94,594       96,287  
Cash — beginning of period
    63,708       101,518             237,108       402,334  
Cash — end of period
    88,394       78,525             331,702       498,621  
See accompanying notes to interim consolidated financial statements.



Consolidated Segmented Information on Cash Flow for the six months ended June 30
(in thousands of United States dollars)
            Quebrada     Duck              
2007 As restated, Note 2(b)   Andacollo     Blanca     Pond     Corporate     Total  
    $     $     $     $     $  
Operating activities
Net earnings (loss)
    34,299       108,922       40,293       (8,219 )     175,295  
Non-cash items
    12,501       63,410       (31,184 )     2,125       46,852  
    46,800       172,332       9,109       (6,094 )     222,147  
Net change in non-cash working capital items
    (16,503 )     (32,803 )     (17,429 )     9,149       (57,586 )
    30,297       139,529       (8,320 )     3,055       164,561  
Financing activities
Proceeds on drawdown of revolving credit facility
                      125,000       125,000  
Dividends on common shares
                      (88,660 )     (88,660 )
Repayments of senior notes
                      (31,250 )     (31,250 )
Repayments of capital leases
    (2,551 )     (1,924 )     (40 )           (4,515 )
Payments to non-controlling interests
          (19,333 )                 (19,333 )
Payment of copper price participation to ENAMI
          (32,123 )                 (32,123 )
Common shares issued
                      3,938       3,938  
Foreign exchange and other
    13       125             (2,059 )     (1,921 )
    (2,538 )     (53,255 )     (40 )     6,969       (48,864 )
Investing activities
Restricted cash
                      (128,000 )     (128,000 )
Payment of copper price participation to Teck Cominco
                      (12,500 )     (12,500 )
Property, plant and equipment
    (1,060 )     (12,203 )     (12,746 )           (26,009 )
Mineral property development
    (11,156 )                       (11,156 )
Purchase of additional interest in Andacollo
                      (103,000 )     (103,000 )
Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment
                      56       56  
Repayments of advances by Quebrada Blanca minesite employees
          878                   878  
    (12,216 )     (11,325 )     (12,746 )     (243,444 )     (279,731 )
Intersegment distributions to corporate
    (972 )     (63,873 )     22,026       42,819        
Increase (decrease) in cash for the period
    14,571       11,076       920       (190,601 )     (164,034 )
Cash — beginning of period
    130,621       67,683             431,993       630,297  
Cash — end of period
    145,192       78,759       920       241,392       466,263  
            Quebrada     Duck              
2006 As restated, Note 2(b)   Andacollo     Blanca     Pond     Corporate     Total  
    $     $     $     $     $  
Operating activities
Net earnings (loss)
    25,803       123,058             (50,269 )     98,592  
Non-cash items
    18,101       65,303             42,343       125,747  
    43,904       188,361             (7,926 )     224,339  
Net change in non-cash working capital items
    5,191       1,780             (3,618 )     3,353  
    49,095       190,141             (11,544 )     227,692  
Financing activities
Dividends on common shares
                      (12,384 )     (12,384 )
Repayments of capital leases
          (1,626 )                 (1,626 )
Payments of non-controlling interests
          (32,687 )                 (32,687 )
Payment of copper price participation to ENAMI
          (5,916 )                 (5,916 )
Common shares issued
                      5,800       5,800  
Foreign exchange and other
    (155 )     (443 )           (685 )     (1,283 )
    (155 )     (40,672 )           (7,269 )     (48,096 )
Investing activities
Payment of copper price participation
                      (10,000 )     (10,000 )
Property, plant and equipment
    (5,403 )     (1,603 )           (9,377 )     (16,383 )
Mineral property development
                      (16,081 )     (16,081 )
Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment
    3                   223       226  
    (5,400 )     (1,603 )           (35,235 )     (42,238 )
Inter-segment distributions to corporate
    (370 )     (107,146 )           107,516        
Increase in cash for the period
    43,170       40,720             53,468       137,358  
Cash — beginning of period
    45,224       37,805             278,234       361,263  
Cash — end of period
    88,394       78,525             331,702       498,621  
See accompanying notes to interim consolidated financial statements.



For the three and six month periods ended June 30, 2007 and 2006
(In thousands of United States dollars except where otherwise noted)
1.   Accounting policies
The interim unaudited consolidated financial statements of Aur Resources Inc. (“Aur”) have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in Canada using the same accounting policies as those disclosed in note 1 to Aur’s restated audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2006. These interim unaudited consolidated financial statements should be read in conjunction with Aur’s restated audited annual consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2006.
2.   Changes in Accounting Policies and Restatement
(a) Financial Instruments and Comprehensive Income
Effective January 1, 2007, Aur adopted CICA Handbook Section 1530, Comprehensive Income, CICA Handbook Section 3855, Financial Instruments — Recognition and Measurement, and CICA Handbook Section 3865, Hedges. These new Handbook Sections provide comprehensive requirements for the recognition and measurement of financial instruments, as well as standards on when and how hedge accounting may be applied. Handbook Section 1530 also introduces a new component of equity referred to as comprehensive income.
Under these new standards, all financial instruments, including derivatives are included on the consolidated balance sheet and are measured either at fair market value or, in limited circumstances, at cost or amortized cost. Derivatives that qualify as hedging instruments must be designated as either a “cash flow hedge,” when the hedged item is a future cash flow, or a “fair value hedge,” when the hedged item is a recognized asset or liability. The unrealized gains and losses related to a cash flow hedge are included in other comprehensive income. For a fair value hedge, both the derivative and the hedged item are recorded at fair value in the consolidated balance sheet and the unrealized gains and losses from both items are included in earnings. For derivatives that do not qualify for hedging, unrealized gains and losses are included in earnings.
After the restatement described in Note 2(b) below, the adoption of these new standards had minimal impact on the Company’s consolidated financial statements. The unrealized gains and losses on the Company’s zinc forward sales contracts to economically hedge a portion of the scheduled zinc production from the Duck Pond Mine were previously recognized on the Company’s financial statements at fair value (see Note 2 (b) below).
Deferred financing costs which had been previously capitalized and amortized over the term of the related debt facility are now expensed as incurred. The retrospective application of this policy to January 1, 2007 resulted in a decrease in other assets and opening retained earnings of $819.



(b) Restatement
In October 2007, Aur restated its financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2006 to record unrealized losses on zinc forward sales contracts in relation to the Duck Pond mine. The Company was unable to apply hedge accounting to these sales commitments in 2007 and has accordingly recognized mark-to-market gains and losses on these contracts for the three and six month periods ended June 30, 2007. The impact on these financial statements is as follows:
    As     Increase     As  
    Reported     (decrease)     Restated  
    $     $     $  
June 30, 2007 Balance Sheet:
Unrealized loss on zinc forward contracts
— Current
    38,679       (4,156 )     34,523  
— Long-term
    101,491       (10,357 )     91,134  
Retained earnings
    584,149       (126,657 )     458,492  
Accumulated other comprehensive income
    (140,170 )     140,170        
Three months ended June 30                   2007                     2006  
    As     Increase     As     As     Increase     As  
    Reported     (decrease)     Restated     Reported     (decrease)     Restated  
    $     $     $     $     $     $  
Statement of Operations:
Unrealized loss on zinc forward contracts
          12,347       12,347             19,276       19,276  
Net earnings
    84,125       (12,347 )     71,778       93,967       (19,276 )     74,691  
Comprehensive income
    71,038       740       71,778       93,967       (19,276 )     74,691  
Statement of Cash Flow:
Net earnings
    84,125       (12,347 )     71,778       93,967       (19,276 )     74,691  
Non-cash items
    42,096       12,347       54,443       53,697       19,276       72,973  
Six months ended June 30                   2007                     2006  
    As     Increase     As     As     Increase     As  
    Reported     (decrease)     Restated     Reported     (decrease)     Restated  
    $     $     $     $     $     $  
Statement of Operations:
Unrealized (gain) loss on zinc forward contracts
          (33,350 )     (33,350 )           42,193       42,193  
Net earnings
    141,945       33,350       175,295       140,785       (42,193 )     98,592  
Comprehensive income
    181,635       (6,340 )     175,295       140,785       (42,193 )     98,592  
Statement of Cash Flow:
Net earnings
    141,945       33,350       175,295       140,785       (42,193 )     98,592  
Non-cash items
    80,202       (33,350 )     46,852       83,554       42,193       125,747  
3. Purchase of additional interest in Andacollo
On January 18, 2007, Aur purchased CMP’s 30% interest in the Series A shares of Compañía Minera Carmen de Andacollo (“CDA”) for $103.0 million in cash. This increased Aur’s economic interest in CDA from 63% to 90% effective January 1, 2007 with ENAMI holding the remaining 10%. This transaction was accounted for as a step purchase with the excess of the consideration paid over the fair value of the net assets acquired being allocated to property, plant and equipment.



4.   Inventories and prepaid expenses
    June 30     December 31  
    2007     2006  
    $     $  
Cathode copper
    3,054       2,347  
In-process inventories
    60,319       52,090  
Mine supplies
    17,913       14,338  
Prepaid expenses and deposits
    1,615       4,086  
    82,901       72,861  
The amount of depreciation and amortization capitalized to cathode copper and in-process inventories was $313 (2006 — $401) and $6,353 (2006 — $5,594), respectively.
5.   Long-term copper inventory and other
    June 30     December 31  
    2007     2006  
    $     $  
Long-term in-process copper inventory
    18,747       18,747  
Deferred charges
Advances to Quebrada Blanca minesite employees
    1,433       2,271  
Letters of credit
    3,870       3,570  
    24,709       24,588  
6.   Copper price participations
  (i)   Andacollo
ENAMI is entitled to receive from dividends declared by CDA, in the event the average sales price per pound of copper sold by CDA in any calendar year exceeds certain United States inflation-adjusted threshold prices for such year, a payment based on a sliding scale percentage of the total dividends paid by CDA in respect of such year. CDA has determined that no dividends will be declared in 2007, 2008 and 2009 as cash balances will be retained for the purposes of funding a portion of the capital expenditures to develop the Andacollo Hypogene Deposit which is scheduled to begin production by late 2009. As at December 31, 2006, the inflation adjusted copper prices to be utilized for purposes of the foregoing and the percentage of dividends paid that ENAMI is entitled to receive as an additional payment were, respectively, as follows: $1.47 to $1.58 per pound, 1%; $1.59 to $1.72 per pound, 2%; $1.73 to $1.85 per pound, 3%; $1.86 to $1.99 per pound, 4%; $2.00 or greater per pound, 5%.
  (ii)   Quebrada Blanca
Teck Cominco Limited (“Teck”). is entitled to a copper price participation of $2.5 million quarterly beginning in 2007 to a maximum of $10 million on or before December 31, 2012 if the United States inflation adjusted copper prices exceeds a threshold amount, which was $1.30 per pound at December 31, 2006. Aur paid Teck Cominco $10 million on January 7, 2005 for 2004, $10 million on January 6, 2006 for 2005 and $10 million on January 10, 2007 for 2006 as the copper price exceeded the threshold amount in those years. Aur’s property, plant and equipment assets at Quebrada Blanca are increased by these accruals with amortization commencing



once payment to Teck Cominco is made. On April 19, 2007, the $2.5 million quarterly payment for 2007 was made. During the second quarter of 2007, an additional $2.5 million was accrued and was paid on July 9, 2007.
ENAMI is entitled to receive a per pound price participation in copper sales from the Quebrada Blanca Mine equal to 10% of the amount by which the average realized sales price per pound of copper, less transportation and certain related costs, sold by the Mine in any calendar year exceeds a specified inflation adjusted indexed price for such year up to a cumulative total of $50.8 million. The average realized copper price for 2006 exceeded the inflation adjusted copper price for the year. Accordingly, a $32.1 million liability to ENAMI was accrued at December 31, 2006, representing the 2006 obligation with a corresponding increase in the line item entitled “Interest and other” on the Consolidated Statements of Operations. The price participation amount payable to ENAMI for the year 2006 of $32.1 million was paid in April 2007. The final $12.8 million liability to ENAMI has been accrued at June 30, 2007 as the average realized copper price for the first six months of 2007 exceeded the inflation adjusted realized copper price for the period and will be paid to ENAMI in April 2008.
7.   Senior notes
On March 10, 2003, Aur issued US$125 million of senior unsecured notes (the “Notes”) to a number of U.S. insurance companies. The Notes bear interest at 6.75% per annum, require semi-annual interest payments and are repayable at any time in whole or in part, subject to certain specified prepayment premiums based on prevailing interest rates at the time of prepayment.
The scheduled principal repayments are as follows:
    June 30     December 31  
    2007     2006  
    $     $  
Current portion
March 2007
March 2008
    31,250       31,250  
Long term portion
March 2008
March 2009
    31,250       31,250  
March 2010
    31,250       31,250  
    62,500       93,750  
    93,750       125,000  
8.   Revolving credit facility
On January 25, 2007, Aur obtained a four year revolving credit facility that permits borrowings of up to $150 million. The terms of the facility require one of Aur’s Chilean subsidiaries to provide cash collateral to the lender equal to the amount outstanding under the facility plus $3 million. The excess interest expenses charged on the facility over the interest income earned on the collateralized cash is expected to be between 0.25% and 0.50% over the term of the facility. At June 30, 2007, $125 million had been drawn on the facility and, accordingly, $128 million was included in restricted cash on the balance sheet.



9.   Share capital, earnings per share and stock-based compensation
  (a)   Issued and outstanding
    Six months ended June 30  
    2007     2006  
    Shares     Amount     Shares     Amount  
    # 000’s     $     # 000’s     $  
Common shares
Balance — beginning of period
    98,159       194,629       96,306       183,654  
Share purchase options exercised
    513       3,938       1,056       5,801  
Balance — end of period
    98,672       198,567       97,362       189,455  
  (b)   Earnings per common share (As restated, Note 2(b))
    Three months ended     Six months ended  
    June 30     June 30  
    2007     2006     2007     2006  
    $     $     $     $  
(i) Basic
Net earnings available to shareholders
    71,778       74,628       175,295       98,592  
Denominator (# 000’s)
Weighted average number of shares
    98,474       96,845       98,474       96,845  
Basic earnings per share
    0.73       0.77       1.78       1.02  
(ii) Diluted
Income available to shareholders
    71,778       74,628       175,295       98,592  
Denominator (# 000’s)
Weighted average number of shares
    98,474       96,845       98,474       96,845  
Potential incremental issuance from stock-based compensation
    18       72       18       72  
Potential issuance of shares from purchase options
    628       991       628       991  
    99,120       97,908       99,120       97,908  
Diluted earnings per share
    0.72       0.76       1.77       1.01  
(c) Stock-based compensation plans
At June 30, 2007, Aur had one stock-based compensation plan, a common share purchase option plan (the “Plan”), which is described below.
The Plan is for directors, officers and senior management personnel of Aur. Options under the Plan are typically granted in such numbers as reflect the level of responsibility of the particular optionee and his or her contribution to the business and activities of Aur. Options granted under the Plan typically have a five year term and are typically made cumulatively exercisable by the holders thereof as to a proportionate part of the aggregate number of shares subject to the option over a specified term. Except in specified circumstances, options are not assignable and terminate upon the optionee ceasing to be employed by or associated with Aur. The terms of the Plan further provide that the price at which shares



may be issued under the Plan cannot be less than the market price of the shares when the relevant options are granted.
Aur’s common shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange, trading in Canadian dollars, and the Santiago Stock Exchange, trading in United States dollars.
The following table summarizes information regarding Aur’s outstanding and exercisable common share purchase options as at June 30, 2007:
Outstanding     Exercisable  
                    Weighted             Weighted  
Range of           Weighted     average             average  
exercise           average     exercise             exercise  
prices           months     price             price  
per share   Shares     remaining     per share     Shares     per share  
    # 000’s       #                  CDN$     # 000’s      
3.30 to 6.96
    183       27       6.21       41       5.71  
7.05 to 11.21
    419       39       9.70       87       11.21  
12.63 to 17.46
    355       47       15.51       127       13.94  
18.25 to 25.51
    762       55       22.66       185       21.57  
    1,719                       440          
The number of stock options outstanding at June 30, 2007 represents 1.7% of Aur’s issued and outstanding common shares.
The following table summarizes information regarding Aur’s common share purchase options as at and for the periods ended June 30, 2007:
                    Six months ended  
    Three months ended             Weighted  
            Weighted             average  
            average             exercise  
            exercise price             price  
    Shares     per share     Shares     per share  
    # 000’s     CDN$       # 000’s     CDN$  
Balance — beginning of period
    1,857       14.66       1,693       11.15  
    100       25.13       579       23.97  
    (238 )     7.36       (513 )     8.74  
                (40 )     7.41  
Balance — end of period
    1,719       16.28       1,719       16.28  
For purposes of stock-based compensation, the fair value of each option was estimated on the date of grant using the Black-Scholes option pricing model with the following weighted average assumptions used for grants as follows: dividend yield of 0.32% (2006 — 0.6%), expected volatility of 39% (2006 — 42%), risk-free interest rate of 4.8% (2006 — 4.7%) and expected life of 32 months (2006 — 24 months).



10. Other
    Three months ended     Six months ended  
    June 30     June 30  
    2007     2006     2007     2006  
    $     $     $     $  
Hypogene drilling — Quebrada Blanca
    431             460        
Interest on obligation under capital leases
    187       103       388       211  
Other income
    (537 )     (48 )     (1,534 )     (303 )
Interest and financing costs
    242       4       276       8  
Foreign exchange
    242       (411 )     (980 )     (902 )
Loss (gain) on disposal of property, plant and equipment
          8       (56 )     (140 )
    20       143       37       204  
    585       (201 )     (1,409 )     (922 )
11. Supplementary cash flow information
    Three months ended     Six months ended  
    June 30     June 30  
    2007     2006     2007     2006  
    $     $     $     $  
Net change in non-cash working capital:
    7,798       8,427       274       5,001  
    (10,014 )     (3,978 )     (10,040 )     (6,155 )
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
    (38,455 )     (426 )     (47,820 )     4,507  
    (40,671 )     4,023       (57,586 )     3,353  
Other information:
Interest paid
    1,714       4,219       5,933       4,219  
Income, resource and capital taxes paid
    60,965       34,724       72,620       37,703  
12. Fair value of financial instruments
The carrying amount of cash, accounts receivable and current liabilities approximate their fair value due to the short term maturities of these instruments.
      Zinc forward contracts
In January 2006, Aur entered into monthly forward sales contracts to economically hedge a portion of the scheduled zinc concentrate production from its wholly owned Duck Pond Mine and thereby protected itself from the risk that falling zinc prices would reduce revenue from zinc sales from its Duck Pond Mine.
The Company did not meet the hedge accounting criteria prescribed by GAAP and as a result was unable to apply hedge accounting to these sales commitments. It has accordingly recognized mark-to-market gain and loss on these contracts. See note 2(b).



Aur’s commitments arising from this transaction, which are identified, on a monthly basis, over the period July 2007 through December 2011 and cover the first 75% of estimated scheduled zinc production during the period, are:
    Zinc Forward Sales
Year   Tonnage   Average Price   Average Price
            $/tonne   $/lb
2007 (July-December)
    12,700       1,857       0.84  
    25,900       1,723       0.78  
    25,900       1,584       0.72  
    25,900       1,479       0.67  
    25,900       1,393       0.63  
    116,300       1,579       0.72  
At June 30, 2007, the estimated fair value of Aur’s zinc forward sales based on a forward spot price of $1.26 was a loss of $125.7 million.
13. Contingency
In 2003, the Chilean Internal Revenue Service (the “IRS”) issued to CMQB a notice of reassessment in respect of the deduction of certain components of guarantee fees owed to Aur and claimed as expenses by CMQB. The IRS assessed CMQB with taxes, as of November 11, 2003, of $2.9 million, including interest, penalties and inflation adjustment to such date, together with a reduction of CMQB’s tax loss carry forwards in the amount of $20.2 million. CMQB contested such reassessment and, in August 2005, the Iquique Tax Court rendered a judgment confirming the IRS reassessment. CMQB appealed such judgment to the Court of Appeals of Iquique and, in October 2006, the Court of Appeals annulled such judgment. As a result, CMQB’s contestation of the original IRS reassessment has been returned to the Iquique Tax Court for rehearing. It is the opinion of management and CMQB’s legal counsel that CMQB’s income tax filings with respect to the guarantee fees are reasonable and that the payment of the guarantee fees should not attract withholding taxes. Should the IRS ultimately be successful in its reassessment, Aur would record a pre-tax charge to earnings equal to its proportionate share of the amount of the reassessment, plus interest, penalties and inflation adjustment to the date of final judgment. At this time, the outcome of this judicial procedure cannot be determined and, accordingly, the loss, if any, has not been recorded in the consolidated financial statements.
14. Subsequent event
On August 22, 2007, the Company was acquired by Teck Cominco Limited.