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Label Element Value
Risk Return [Abstract] rr_RiskReturnAbstract  
ProspectusDate rr_ProspectusDate Oct. 29, 2012
UBS U.S. Small Cap Growth Fund (Prospectus Summary) | UBS U.S. Small Cap Growth Fund
Risk Return [Abstract] rr_RiskReturnAbstract  
Risk/Return [Heading] rr_RiskReturnHeading UBS U.S. Small Cap Growth Fund
Objective [Heading] rr_ObjectiveHeading Investment objective
Objective, Primary [Text Block] rr_ObjectivePrimaryTextBlock The Fund seeks to provide long-term capital appreciation.
Expense [Heading] rr_ExpenseHeading Fees and expenses
Expense Narrative [Text Block] rr_ExpenseNarrativeTextBlock These tables describe the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy and hold
shares of the Fund. You may qualify for a sales charge waiver or discount if you
and your family invest, or agree to invest in the future, at least $50,000 in
the Fund. More information about these and other discounts and waivers, as well
as eligibility requirements for each share class, is available from your
financial advisor and in "Managing your fund account" on page 37 of the Fund's
prospectus and in "Reduced sales charges, additional purchase, exchange and
redemption information and other services" on page 107 of the Fund's statement
of additional information ("SAI").
Shareholder Fees Caption [Text] rr_ShareholderFeesCaption Shareholder fees (fees paid directly from your investment)
Operating Expenses Caption [Text] rr_OperatingExpensesCaption Annual fund operating expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment)
Portfolio Turnover [Heading] rr_PortfolioTurnoverHeading Portfolio turnover
Portfolio Turnover [Text Block] rr_PortfolioTurnoverTextBlock The Fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells
securities (or "turns over" its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may
indicate higher transaction costs and may result in higher taxes when Fund
shares are held in a taxable account. These costs, which are not reflected in
annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the Fund's performance.
During the most recent fiscal year, the Fund's portfolio turnover rate was 48%
of the average value of its portfolio.
Portfolio Turnover, Rate rr_PortfolioTurnoverRate 48.00%
Expense Breakpoint Discounts [Text] rr_ExpenseBreakpointDiscounts You may qualify for a sales charge waiver or discount if you and your family invest, or agree to invest in the future, at least $50,000 in the Fund.
Expense Breakpoint, Minimum Investment Required [Amount] rr_ExpenseBreakpointMinimumInvestmentRequiredAmount 50,000
Expense Example [Heading] rr_ExpenseExampleHeading Example
Expense Example Narrative [Text Block] rr_ExpenseExampleNarrativeTextBlock This example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the Fund
with the cost of investing in other mutual funds. The example assumes that you
invest $10,000 in the Fund for the time periods indicated and then sell all of
your shares at the end of those periods unless otherwise stated. The example
also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the Fund's
operating expenses remain the same. The costs described in the example reflect
the expenses of the Fund that would result from the contractual fee waiver and
expense reimbursement agreement with the Advisor for the first year only.
Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions,
your costs would be:
Strategy [Heading] rr_StrategyHeading Principal strategies
Strategy Narrative [Text Block] rr_StrategyNarrativeTextBlock Principal investments

Under normal circumstances, the Fund invests at least 80% of its net assets
(plus borrowings for investment purposes, if any) in equity securities of US
small capitalization companies. Small capitalization companies are those
companies with market capitalizations of less than $3 billion. However, the Fund
may invest a portion of its assets in securities outside of this range.
Investments in equity securities may include, but are not limited to, common
stock and preferred stock. The Fund may invest up to 20% of its net assets in
foreign securities.

The Fund may, but is not required to, use exchange-traded or over-the-counter
derivative instruments for risk management purposes or as part of the Fund's
investment strategies. The derivatives in which the Fund may invest include
futures and forward currency agreements. These derivatives may be used for risk
management purposes to manage or adjust the risk profile of the Fund. Futures on
currencies and forward currency agreements may also be used to hedge against a
specific currency. In addition, futures on indices may be used for investment
(non-hedging) purposes to earn income; to enhance returns; to replace more
traditional direct investments; or to obtain exposure to certain markets.

Under certain market conditions, the Fund may invest in companies at the time of
their initial public offering ("IPO").

Management process

In selecting securities, the Advisor seeks to invest in companies that possess
dominant market positions or franchises, a major technological edge, or a unique
competitive advantage. To this end, the Advisor considers earnings revision
trends, positive stock price momentum and sales acceleration when selecting
securities. The Fund may invest in emerging growth companies, which are
companies that the Advisor expects to experience above-average earnings or cash
flow growth or meaningful changes in underlying asset values.
Risk [Heading] rr_RiskHeading Main risks
Risk Narrative [Text Block] rr_RiskNarrativeTextBlock All investments carry a certain amount of risk and the Fund cannot guarantee
that it will achieve its investment objective. You may lose money by investing
in the Fund. An investment in the Fund is not a deposit of the bank and is not
insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other
government agency. Below are some of the specific risks of investing in the

Market risk: The market value of the Fund's investments may fluctuate, sometimes
rapidly or unpredictably, as the stock and bond markets fluctuate. Market risk
may affect a single issuer, industry, or sector of the economy, or it may affect
the market as a whole.

Limited capitalization risk: The risk that securities of smaller capitalization
companies tend to be more volatile and less liquid than securities of larger
capitalization companies. This can have a disproportionate effect on the market
price of smaller capitalization companies and affect the Fund's ability to
purchase or sell these securities. In general, smaller capitalization companies
are more vulnerable than larger companies to adverse business or economic
developments and they may have more limited resources.

Management risk: The risk that the investment strategies, techniques and risk
analyses employed by the Advisor may not produce the desired results.

IPOs risk: The purchase of shares issued in IPOs may expose the Fund to the
risks associated with issuers that have no operating history as public
companies, as well as to the risks associated with the sectors of the market in
which the issuer operates. The market for IPO shares may be volatile, and share
prices of newly-public companies may fluctuate significantly over a short period
of time.

Derivatives risk: The value of "derivatives"-so called because their value
"derives" from the value of an underlying asset, reference rate or index-may
rise or fall more rapidly than other investments. When using derivatives for
non-hedging purposes, it is possible for the Fund to lose more than the amount
it invested in the derivative. The risks of investing in derivative instruments
also include market and management risks. In addition, non-exchange traded
derivatives may be subject to liquidity risk, credit risk and mispricing or
valuation complexity. These derivatives risks are different from, and may be
greater than, the risks associated with investing directly in securities and
other instruments.

Leverage risk associated with financial instruments: The use of financial
instruments to increase potential returns, including derivatives used for
investment (non-hedging) purposes, may cause the Fund to be more volatile than
if it had not been leveraged. The use of leverage may also accelerate the
velocity of losses and can result in losses to the Fund that exceed the amount
originally invested.

Foreign investing risk: The value of the Fund's investments in foreign
securities may fall due to adverse political, social and economic developments
abroad and due to decreases in foreign currency values relative to the US
dollar. Also, foreign securities are sometimes less liquid and more difficult to
sell and to value than securities of US issuers.
Risk Lose Money [Text] rr_RiskLoseMoney You may lose money by investing in the Fund.
Risk Not Insured Depository Institution [Text] rr_RiskNotInsuredDepositoryInstitution An investment in the Fund is not a deposit of the bank and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency.
Bar Chart and Performance Table [Heading] rr_BarChartAndPerformanceTableHeading Performance
Performance Narrative [Text Block] rr_PerformanceNarrativeTextBlock Risk/return bar chart and table

The performance information that follows shows the Fund's performance
information in a bar chart and an average annual total returns table. The
information provides some indication of the risks of investing in the Fund by
showing changes in the Fund's performance from year to year and by showing how
the Fund's average annual total returns compare with those of a broad measure of
market performance. Index reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes. The
Fund's past performance (before and after taxes) is not necessarily an
indication of how the Fund will perform in the future. Updated performance for
the Fund is available at http://globalam-us.ubs.com/corpweb/performance.do.

After-tax returns are calculated using the historical highest individual federal
marginal income tax rates and do not reflect the impact of state and local
taxes. Actual after-tax returns depend on an investor's tax situation and may
differ from those shown. In addition, the after-tax returns shown are not
relevant to investors who hold Fund shares through tax-deferred arrangements,
such as 401(k) plans or individual retirement accounts. After-tax returns for
other classes will vary from the Class Y shares' after-tax returns shown.
Performance Information Illustrates Variability of Returns [Text] rr_PerformanceInformationIllustratesVariabilityOfReturns The performance information that follows shows the Fund's performance information in a bar chart and an average annual total returns table. The information provides some indication of the risks of investing in the Fund by showing changes in the Fund's performance from year to year and by showing how the Fund's average annual total returns compare with those of a broad measure of market performance.
Performance Availability Website Address [Text] rr_PerformanceAvailabilityWebSiteAddress http://globalam-us.ubs.com/corpweb/performance.do
Performance Past Does Not Indicate Future [Text] rr_PerformancePastDoesNotIndicateFuture The Fund's past performance (before and after taxes) is not necessarily an indication of how the Fund will perform in the future.
Bar Chart [Heading] rr_BarChartHeading UBS U.S. Small Cap Growth Fund Annual Total Returns of Class Y Shares
Bar Chart Closing [Text Block] rr_BarChartClosingTextBlock Total return January 1 - September 30, 2012: 19.85%
Best quarter during calendar years shown-2Q 2003: 20.83%
Worst quarter during calendar years shown-4Q 2008: (32.03)%
Index No Deduction for Fees, Expenses, Taxes [Text] rr_IndexNoDeductionForFeesExpensesTaxes Index reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes.
Performance Table Uses Highest Federal Rate rr_PerformanceTableUsesHighestFederalRate After-tax returns are calculated using the historical highest individual federal marginal income tax rates and do not reflect the impact of state and local taxes.
Performance Table Not Relevant to Tax Deferred rr_PerformanceTableNotRelevantToTaxDeferred In addition, the after-tax returns shown are not relevant to investors who hold Fund shares through tax-deferred arrangements, such as 401(k) plans or individual retirement accounts.
Performance Table One Class of after Tax Shown [Text] rr_PerformanceTableOneClassOfAfterTaxShown After-tax returns for other classes will vary from the Class Y shares' after-tax returns shown.
Caption rr_AverageAnnualReturnCaption Average annual total returns (for the periods ended December 31, 2011)
UBS U.S. Small Cap Growth Fund (Prospectus Summary) | UBS U.S. Small Cap Growth Fund | Russell 2000 Growth Index
Risk Return [Abstract] rr_RiskReturnAbstract  
Label rr_AverageAnnualReturnLabel Russell 2000 Growth Index
1 Year rr_AverageAnnualReturnYear01 (2.91%)
5 Years rr_AverageAnnualReturnYear05 2.09%
10 Years rr_AverageAnnualReturnYear10 4.48%
UBS U.S. Small Cap Growth Fund (Prospectus Summary) | UBS U.S. Small Cap Growth Fund | Class A
Risk Return [Abstract] rr_RiskReturnAbstract  
Maximum front-end sales charge (load) imposed on purchases (as a % of offering price) rr_MaximumSalesChargeImposedOnPurchasesOverOfferingPrice 5.50%
Maximum contingent deferred sales charge (load) (CDSC) (as a % of purchase or sales price, whichever is less) rr_MaximumDeferredSalesChargeOverOfferingPrice none [1]
Redemption fee (as a % of amount redeemed within 90 days of purchase, if applicable) rr_RedemptionFeeOverRedemption (1.00%)
Management fees rr_ManagementFeesOverAssets 0.85%
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees rr_DistributionAndService12b1FeesOverAssets 0.25%
Other expenses rr_OtherExpensesOverAssets 0.47%
Acquired fund fees and expenses rr_AcquiredFundFeesAndExpensesOverAssets 0.01%
Total annual fund operating expenses rr_ExpensesOverAssets 1.58% [2]
Less management fee waiver/expense reimbursements rr_FeeWaiverOrReimbursementOverAssets (0.17%)
Total annual fund operating expenses after management fee waiver/expense reimbursements rr_NetExpensesOverAssets 1.41% [2],[3]
Fee Waiver or Reimbursement over Assets, Date of Termination rr_FeeWaiverOrReimbursementOverAssetsDateOfTermination 2013-10-28
Expense Example, with Redemption, 1 Year rr_ExpenseExampleYear01 686
Expense Example, with Redemption, 3 Years rr_ExpenseExampleYear03 1,006
Expense Example, with Redemption, 5 Years rr_ExpenseExampleYear05 1,348
Expense Example, with Redemption, 10 Years rr_ExpenseExampleYear10 2,311
Label rr_AverageAnnualReturnLabel Class A Return before taxes
1 Year rr_AverageAnnualReturnYear01 (6.04%)
5 Years rr_AverageAnnualReturnYear05 0.17%
10 Years rr_AverageAnnualReturnYear10 4.22%
Inception Date rr_AverageAnnualReturnInceptionDate Dec. 31, 1998
UBS U.S. Small Cap Growth Fund (Prospectus Summary) | UBS U.S. Small Cap Growth Fund | Class C
Risk Return [Abstract] rr_RiskReturnAbstract  
Maximum front-end sales charge (load) imposed on purchases (as a % of offering price) rr_MaximumSalesChargeImposedOnPurchasesOverOfferingPrice none
Maximum contingent deferred sales charge (load) (CDSC) (as a % of purchase or sales price, whichever is less) rr_MaximumDeferredSalesChargeOverOfferingPrice 1.00%
Redemption fee (as a % of amount redeemed within 90 days of purchase, if applicable) rr_RedemptionFeeOverRedemption (1.00%)
Management fees rr_ManagementFeesOverAssets 0.85%
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees rr_DistributionAndService12b1FeesOverAssets 1.00%
Other expenses rr_OtherExpensesOverAssets 0.50%
Acquired fund fees and expenses rr_AcquiredFundFeesAndExpensesOverAssets 0.01%
Total annual fund operating expenses rr_ExpensesOverAssets 2.36% [2]
Less management fee waiver/expense reimbursements rr_FeeWaiverOrReimbursementOverAssets (0.20%)
Total annual fund operating expenses after management fee waiver/expense reimbursements rr_NetExpensesOverAssets 2.16% [2],[3]
Fee Waiver or Reimbursement over Assets, Date of Termination rr_FeeWaiverOrReimbursementOverAssetsDateOfTermination 2013-10-28
Expense Example, with Redemption, 1 Year rr_ExpenseExampleYear01 319
Expense Example, with Redemption, 3 Years rr_ExpenseExampleYear03 717
Expense Example, with Redemption, 5 Years rr_ExpenseExampleYear05 1,242
Expense Example, with Redemption, 10 Years rr_ExpenseExampleYear10 2,681
Expense Example, No Redemption, 1 Year rr_ExpenseExampleNoRedemptionYear01 219
Expense Example, No Redemption, 3 Years rr_ExpenseExampleNoRedemptionYear03 717
Expense Example, No Redemption, 5 Years rr_ExpenseExampleNoRedemptionYear05 1,242
Expense Example, No Redemption, 10 Years rr_ExpenseExampleNoRedemptionYear10 2,681
Label rr_AverageAnnualReturnLabel Class C Return before taxes [4]
1 Year rr_AverageAnnualReturnYear01 (2.25%)
5 Years rr_AverageAnnualReturnYear05 0.57%
10 Years rr_AverageAnnualReturnYear10 4.03%
Inception Date rr_AverageAnnualReturnInceptionDate Nov. 19, 2001
UBS U.S. Small Cap Growth Fund (Prospectus Summary) | UBS U.S. Small Cap Growth Fund | Class Y
Risk Return [Abstract] rr_RiskReturnAbstract  
Maximum front-end sales charge (load) imposed on purchases (as a % of offering price) rr_MaximumSalesChargeImposedOnPurchasesOverOfferingPrice none
Maximum contingent deferred sales charge (load) (CDSC) (as a % of purchase or sales price, whichever is less) rr_MaximumDeferredSalesChargeOverOfferingPrice none
Redemption fee (as a % of amount redeemed within 90 days of purchase, if applicable) rr_RedemptionFeeOverRedemption (1.00%)
Management fees rr_ManagementFeesOverAssets 0.85%
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees rr_DistributionAndService12b1FeesOverAssets none
Other expenses rr_OtherExpensesOverAssets 0.30%
Acquired fund fees and expenses rr_AcquiredFundFeesAndExpensesOverAssets 0.01%
Total annual fund operating expenses rr_ExpensesOverAssets 1.16% [2]
Less management fee waiver/expense reimbursements rr_FeeWaiverOrReimbursementOverAssets none
Total annual fund operating expenses after management fee waiver/expense reimbursements rr_NetExpensesOverAssets 1.16% [2],[3]
Fee Waiver or Reimbursement over Assets, Date of Termination rr_FeeWaiverOrReimbursementOverAssetsDateOfTermination 2013-10-28
Expense Example, with Redemption, 1 Year rr_ExpenseExampleYear01 118
Expense Example, with Redemption, 3 Years rr_ExpenseExampleYear03 368
Expense Example, with Redemption, 5 Years rr_ExpenseExampleYear05 638
Expense Example, with Redemption, 10 Years rr_ExpenseExampleYear10 1,409
Annual Return 2002 rr_AnnualReturn2002 (18.42%)
Annual Return 2003 rr_AnnualReturn2003 44.75%
Annual Return 2004 rr_AnnualReturn2004 10.92%
Annual Return 2005 rr_AnnualReturn2005 6.63%
Annual Return 2006 rr_AnnualReturn2006 8.59%
Annual Return 2007 rr_AnnualReturn2007 4.96%
Annual Return 2008 rr_AnnualReturn2008 (44.11%)
Annual Return 2009 rr_AnnualReturn2009 33.41%
Annual Return 2010 rr_AnnualReturn2010 38.62%
Annual Return 2011 rr_AnnualReturn2011 (0.33%)
Year to Date Return, Label rr_YearToDateReturnLabel Total return January 1 - September 30, 2012:
Bar Chart, Year to Date Return, Date rr_BarChartYearToDateReturnDate Sep. 30, 2012
Bar Chart, Year to Date Return rr_BarChartYearToDateReturn 19.85%
Highest Quarterly Return, Label rr_HighestQuarterlyReturnLabel Best quarter during calendar years shown-2Q 2003:
Highest Quarterly Return, Date rr_BarChartHighestQuarterlyReturnDate Jun. 30, 2003
Highest Quarterly Return rr_BarChartHighestQuarterlyReturn 20.83%
Lowest Quarterly Return, Label rr_LowestQuarterlyReturnLabel Worst quarter during calendar years shown-4Q 2008:
Lowest Quarterly Return, Date rr_BarChartLowestQuarterlyReturnDate Dec. 31, 2008
Lowest Quarterly Return rr_BarChartLowestQuarterlyReturn (32.03%)
Label rr_AverageAnnualReturnLabel Class Y Return before taxes
1 Year rr_AverageAnnualReturnYear01 (0.33%)
5 Years rr_AverageAnnualReturnYear05 1.58%
10 Years rr_AverageAnnualReturnYear10 5.07%
Inception Date rr_AverageAnnualReturnInceptionDate Sep. 30, 1997
UBS U.S. Small Cap Growth Fund (Prospectus Summary) | UBS U.S. Small Cap Growth Fund | Class Y | After Taxes on Distributions
Risk Return [Abstract] rr_RiskReturnAbstract  
Label rr_AverageAnnualReturnLabel Class Y Return after taxes on distributions
1 Year rr_AverageAnnualReturnYear01 (0.33%)
5 Years rr_AverageAnnualReturnYear05 1.26%
10 Years rr_AverageAnnualReturnYear10 4.77%
Inception Date rr_AverageAnnualReturnInceptionDate Sep. 30, 1997
UBS U.S. Small Cap Growth Fund (Prospectus Summary) | UBS U.S. Small Cap Growth Fund | Class Y | After Taxes on Distributions and Sales
Risk Return [Abstract] rr_RiskReturnAbstract  
Label rr_AverageAnnualReturnLabel Class Y Return after taxes on distributions and sale of fund shares
1 Year rr_AverageAnnualReturnYear01 (0.22%)
5 Years rr_AverageAnnualReturnYear05 1.23%
10 Years rr_AverageAnnualReturnYear10 4.36%
Inception Date rr_AverageAnnualReturnInceptionDate Sep. 30, 1997
[1] Purchases of $1 million or more that were not subject to a front-end sales charge are subject to a 1% CDSC if sold within one year of the purchase date.
[2] Since the "Acquired fund fees and expenses" are not directly borne by the Fund, they are not reflected in the Fund's financial statements, and therefore the amounts listed in "Total annual fund operating expenses" and "Total annual fund operating expenses after management fee waiver/expense reimbursements" will differ from those presented in the Financial highlights.
[3] The Trust, with respect to the Fund, and UBS Global Asset Management (Americas) Inc., the Fund's investment advisor ("UBS Global AM (Americas)" or the "Advisor"), have entered into a written agreement pursuant to which the Advisor has agreed to waive a portion of its management fees and/or to reimburse expenses (excluding expenses incurred through investment in other investment companies, interest, taxes, brokerage commissions, extraordinary expenses, and dividend expense and security loan fees for securities sold short) to the extent necessary so that the Fund's ordinary operating expenses (excluding expenses incurred through investment in other investment companies, interest, taxes, brokerage commissions , extraordinary expenses, and dividend expense and security loan fees for securities sold short), through the period ending October 28, 2013, do not exceed 1.40% for Class A shares, 2.15% for Class C shares and 1.15% for Class Y shares. Pursuant to the written agreement, the Advisor is entitled to be reimbursed for any fees it waives and expenses it reimburses for a period of three years following such fee waivers and expense reimbursements to the extent that such reimbursement of the Advisor by the Fund will not cause the Fund to exceed any applicable expense limit that is in place for the Fund. The fee waiver/expense reimbursement agreement may be terminated by the Fund's Board of Trustees at any time and also will terminate automatically upon the expiration or termination of the Fund's advisory contract with the Advisor. Upon termination of the fee waiver/expense reimbursement agreement, however, the UBS Global AM (Americas)'s three year recoupment rights will survive.
[4] Prior to September 30, 2003, Class C shares were subject to a maximum front-end sales charge of 1.00%; this front-end sales charge is not reflected in the average annual total returns presented for the Class C shares shown above.