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3 Months Ended
Mar. 31, 2020
The Company

The Company

Headquartered in Richmond, Virginia, Atlantic Union Bankshares Corporation (Nasdaq: AUB) is the holding company for Atlantic Union Bank. Atlantic Union Bank has 149 branches and approximately 170 ATMs located throughout Virginia, and in portions of Maryland and North Carolina. Middleburg Financial is a brand name used by Atlantic Union Bank and certain affiliates when providing trust, wealth management, private banking, and investment advisory products and services. Certain non-bank affiliates of Atlantic Union Bank include: Old Dominion Capital Management, Inc., and its subsidiary, Outfitter Advisors, Ltd., Dixon, Hubard, Feinour, & Brown, Inc., and Middleburg Investment Services, LLC, which provide investment advisory and/or brokerage services; and Union Insurance Group, LLC, which offers various lines of insurance products.

On March 13, 2020, the United States President declared a national emergency in the face of a growing public health and economic crisis due to the COVID-19 global pandemic. Within a few days of the declaration of a national emergency, governors of states comprising the Company’s geographic footprint issued states of emergency in response to the novel COVID-19. As a result of this pandemic, actions were taken around the world to help mitigate the spread of COVID 19, which have impacted the economies and financial markets of many countries, including the geographical area in which the Company operates. On March 27, 2020, the CARES Act was signed into law. The CARES Act is designated to provide financial relief to the American people and American businesses in response to the economic fallout from COVID-19. The CARES Act, as well as other interagency guidance, provide enhanced guidelines and accounting for COVID-19 related modifications.

The unaudited consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP for interim financial information and follow general practice within the banking industry. Accordingly, the unaudited consolidated financial statements do not include all the information and footnotes required by U.S. GAAP for complete financial statements; however, in the opinion of management, all adjustments necessary for a fair presentation of the results of the interim periods presented have been made. The results of operations for the interim periods are not necessarily indicative of the results that may be expected for the full year or any other period.

These unaudited consolidated financial statements should be read in conjunction with the Company’s audited consolidated financial statements and notes thereto included in the Company’s 2019 Form 10-K. Certain prior period amounts have been reclassified to conform to current period presentation.

Adoption of New Accounting Standards

Adoption of New Accounting Standards

On January 1, 2020, the Company adopted ASC 326. This ASU updates the existing guidance to provide financial statement users with more decision-useful information about the expected credit losses on financial instruments and other commitments to extend credit held by a reporting entity at each reporting date. This ASU replaces the incurred loss impairment methodology in current GAAP with a methodology that reflects expected credit losses and requires consideration of a broader range of reasonable and supportable information to inform credit loss estimates. The measurement of expected credit losses under the CECL methodology is applicable to financial assets measured at amortized cost, including loan receivables and held-to-maturity debt securities. It also applies to unfunded credit exposures not accounted for as insurance (loan commitments, standby letters of credit, financial guarantees, and other similar instruments). The Company adopted ASC 326 using the modified retrospective method for all financial assets measured at amortized cost and unfunded credit exposures. Results for reporting periods beginning after January 1, 2020 are presented under ASC 326, while prior period amounts continue to be reported in accordance with previously applicable GAAP. As a result of adopting ASC 326, the Company recorded a net decrease to retained earnings of $39.1 million.

ASC 326 also replaced the Company’s current accounting for PCI loans. With the adoption of ASC 326, previously classified PCI loans are now classified as PCD loans. The Company adopted ASC 326 using the prospective transition approach for financial assets with PCD that were previously identified as PCI and accounted for under ASC 310-30. On January 1, 2020, the amortized cost basis of the PCD assets were adjusted to reflect the addition of $2.4 million to the ACL. The remaining noncredit discount (based on the adjusted amortized cost basis) will be accreted into interest income at the effective interest rate as of January 1, 2020.

The Company’s adoption of ASC 326 resulted in a change in the accounting and reporting related to PCI loans which are now defined as PCD and evaluated at the loan level instead of being evaluated in pools under PCI accounting. In accordance with

ASC 326, the Company did not re-assess whether individual modifications were needed to individual acquired financial assets accounted for in the pools with troubled debt restructurings as of the date of adoption.

The Company adopted ASC 326 using the prospective transition approach for debt securities. The effective interest rate on these debt securities was not changed. Upon adoption of ASC 326, the Company did not have any securities included in its portfolio where OTTI had previously been recognized.

The following table illustrates the impact of ASC 326.

December 31,

January 1,

January 1,




As Previously Reported (Incurred Loss)

Impact of CECL Adoption

As Reported Under CECL














Allowance for loan and lease losses





Allowance for credit losses on unfunded credit exposure




Total Allowance for credit losses







Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses

Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses

The provision for loan losses charged to operations is an amount sufficient to bring the allowance to an estimated balance that management considers adequate to absorb expected losses in the Company’s loan portfolio. The ALLL is a valuation account that is deducted from the loans' amortized cost basis to present the net amount expected to be collected on the loans. Amortized cost is the principal balance outstanding, net of any purchase premiums and discounts and net of any deferred loan fees and costs.

The ALLL represents management’s estimate of credit losses over the remaining life of the loan portfolio. Loans are charged off against the ALLL when management believes the loan balance is no longer collectible. Subsequent recoveries of previously charged off amounts are recorded as increases to the ALLL.

Management’s determination of the adequacy of the ALLL is based on an evaluation of the composition of the loan portfolio, the value and adequacy of collateral, current economic conditions, historical loan loss experience, reasonable and supportable forecasts, and other risk factors. The ALLL is estimated by pooling loans by call code and credit risk indicator and applying a loan-level PD/LGD method for all loans with the exception of its auto and third party consumer lending portfolios. For auto and third party consumer portfolios, the Company has elected to pool those loans based on similar risk characteristics to determine the ALLL using vintage and loss rate methods. The Company utilizes a forecast period of two years and then reverts to the mean of historical loss rates on a straight-line basis over the following two-year period. The Company considers economic forecasts and recession probabilities from highly recognized third-parties to inform the model for loss estimation. Management also considers qualitative factors when estimating loan losses to take into account model limitations. The Company’s Allowance Committee approves the key methodologies and assumptions, as well as the final ALLL on a quarterly basis. While management uses available information to estimate expected losses on loans, future changes in the ALLL may be necessary based on changes in portfolio composition, portfolio credit quality, and/or economic conditions.

Loans that do not share risk characteristics are evaluated on an individual basis. The individual reserve component relates to loans that have shown substantial credit deterioration as measured by risk rating and/or delinquency status. In addition, the Company has elected the practical expedient that would include loans for individual assessment consideration if the repayment of the loan is expected substantially through the operation or sale of collateral because the borrower is experiencing financial difficulty. Where the source of repayment is the sale of collateral, the ALLL is based on the fair value of the underlying collateral, less selling costs, compared to the amortized cost basis of the loan. If the ALLL is based on the operation of the collateral, the reserve is calculated based on the fair value of the collateral calculated as the present value of expected cash flows from the operation of the collateral, compared to the amortized cost basis. If the Company determines that the value of a collateral dependent loan is less than the recorded investment in the loan, the Company charges off the deficiency if it is determined that such amount is deemed to be a confirmed loss. Typically, a loss is confirmed when the Company is moving towards foreclosure (or final disposition).

In situations where, for economic or legal reasons related to a borrower’s financial condition, the Company grants a concession in the loan structure to the borrower that is would not otherwise consider, the related loan is classified as a TDR. With the exception of loans with interest rate concessions, the ALLL on a TDR is measured using the same method as all other loans held for investment. For loans with interest rate concessions, the Company uses a discounted cash flow approach using the original interest rate.

Accrued Interest Receivable

Accrued Interest Receivable

The Company has elected to exclude accrued interest from the amortized cost basis in its determination of the ACL reserve for both loans and HTM securities, as well as elected the policy to write-off accrued interest receivable directly through the reversal of interest income. Accrued interest receivable totaled $31.1 million on loans held for investment and, $5.2 million on HTM securities at March 31, 2020 and is included in “Other Assets” on the Company’s consolidated balance sheet.

Acquired Loans

Acquired Loans

The Company has purchased loans, some of which have experienced more than insignificant credit deterioration since origination. Acquired loans are recorded at their fair value at acquisition date without carryover of the acquiree’s previously established ALLL, as credit discounts are included in the determination of fair value. The fair value of the loans is determined using market participant assumptions in estimating the amount and timing of both principal and interest cash flows expected to be collected on the loans and then applying a market-based discount rate to those cash flows. During evaluation upon acquisition, acquired loans are also classified as either PCD or acquired performing.

The purchase discount on acquired performing loans is accounted for under ASC 310-20, Receivables – Nonrefundable Fees and Other Costs. The difference between the fair value and unpaid principal balance of the loan at acquisition date (premium or discount) is amortized or accreted into interest income over the life of the loans. If the acquired performing loan has revolving privileges, it is accounted for using the straight-line method; otherwise, the effective interest method is used.

PCD loans reflect loans that have experienced more-than-insignificant credit deterioration since origination. These PCD loans are accounted for under ASC 326. Credit risk characteristics include risk rating groups, nonaccrual status, and past due status. For valuation purposes, these pools are further disaggregated by maturity, pricing characteristics, and re-payment structure.

PCD loans are recorded at the amount paid. An ALLL is determined using the same methodology as other loans held for investment. For PCD loans not individually assessed, the initial ALLL is determined on a collective basis and is allocated to individual loans. The sum of the loan's purchase price and ALLL becomes its initial amortized cost basis. The difference between the initial amortized cost basis and the par value of the loan is a noncredit discount or premium, which is amortized into interest income over the life of the loan. Subsequent changes to the ALLL are recorded through provision expense.

The PCD loans are and will continue to be subject to the Company’s internal and external credit review and monitoring.

Business Combinations and Divestitures

Business Combinations and Divestitures

On February 1, 2019, the Company completed the acquisition of Access. Refer to the Note 2 “Acquisitions” for additional information.

Goodwill and Intangible Assets

Goodwill and Intangible Assets

The Company has an aggregate goodwill balance of $935.6 million associated with previous merger transactions, which is primarily associated with commercial and consumer banking.

Goodwill resulting from business combinations prior to January 1, 2009 represents the excess of the purchase price over the fair value of the net assets of businesses acquired. Goodwill resulting from business combinations after January 1, 2009 is generally determined as the excess of the fair value of the consideration transferred, plus the fair value of any noncontrolling interests in the acquiree over the fair value of the net assets acquired and liabilities assumed as of the acquisition date. Goodwill and intangible assets acquired in a purchase business combination and determined to have an indefinite useful life are not amortized, but tested for impairment at least annually or more frequently if events and circumstances exists that indicate that a goodwill impairment test should be performed. The Company has selected April 30th as the date to perform the annual impairment test. The Company performed its annual goodwill impairment testing as of April 30, 2019 and determined that there was no impairment to its goodwill.

The Company performed an interim impairment review as of March 31, 2020 and considered various factors including, the results of the prior year impairment test, the Company’s most recent forecasts, and the Company’s recent stock price movements, and concluded that no impairment existed as of the balance sheet date.

Intangible assets with definite useful lives are amortized over their estimated useful lives, which range from 4 to 10 years, to their estimated residual values. Goodwill is the only intangible asset with an indefinite life included on the Company’s Consolidated Balance Sheets.

Long-lived assets, including purchased intangible assets subject to amortization are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an asset may not be recoverable. Recoverability of assets to be held and used is measured by a comparison of the carrying amount of an asset to estimated undiscounted future cash flows expected to be generated by the asset. If the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its estimated future cash flows, an impairment charge is recognized in the amount by which the carrying amount of the asset exceeds the fair value of the asset. Assets to be disposed of would be separately presented on the Company's Consolidated Balance Sheets and reported at the lower of the carrying amount or fair value less costs to sell, would no longer depreciated. Management performed a review of impairment through March 31, 2020, and concluded no impairment of these assets existed as of the balance sheet date.

Held-to-maturity Securities  
Allowance for Credit Losses

Allowance for Credit Losses on HTM Securities

The Company evaluates the credit risk of its securities on at least a quarterly basis.  Management estimates expected credit losses on held-to-maturity debt securities based on an individual basis based on the PD/LGD methodology primarily using security-level credit ratings.  Management recorded an immaterial ACL on HTM securities as a result of the adoption of ASC 326, and no additional changes were needed at March 31, 2020.

Available-for-sale Securities  
Allowance for Credit Losses

Allowance for Credit Losses on AFS Securities

For AFS securities, the Company evaluates the fair value and credit quality of its AFS securities on at least a quarterly basis. In the event the fair value of a security falls below its amortized cost basis, the security will be evaluated to determine whether the decline in value was caused by changes in market interest rates or security credit quality. The primary indicators of credit quality for the Company’s AFS portfolio are security type and credit rating, which is influenced by a number of security-specific factors that may include obligor cash flow, geography, seniority, and others. There is currently no ACL held against the Company’s AFS securities portfolio at March 31, 2020. See Note 3 “Securities,” for additional information on the Company’s ACL analysis. If unrealized losses are related to credit quality, the Company estimates the credit related loss by evaluating the present value of cash flows expected to be collected from the security with the amortized cost basis of the security. If the present value of cash flows expected to be collected is less than the amortized cost basis of the security and a credit loss exists, an ACL shall be recorded for the credit loss, limited by the amount that the fair value is less than amortized cost basis.

Unfunded Commitments  
Allowance for Credit Losses

Reserve for Unfunded Commitments

The Company estimates expected credit losses over the contractual period in which the Company is exposed to credit risk via a contractual obligation to extend credit, unless that obligation is unconditionally cancellable by the Company. The reserve for unfunded commitments is adjusted as a provision for credit loss expense. The estimate includes consideration of the likelihood that funding will occur and an estimate of expected credit losses on commitments expected to be funded and is included in “Other Liabilities” within the Company’s Consolidated Balance Sheets.