MAY 1, 2005

     This Statement of Additional Information, which is not a prospectus, supplements and should be read in conjunction with the current Prospectus of Dreyfus Florida Intermediate Municipal Bond Fund (the "Fund"), dated May 1, 2005, as it may be revised from time to time. To obtain a copy of the Fund's Prospectus, please write to the Fund at 144 Glenn Curtiss Boulevard, Uniondale, New York 11556-0144, visit www.dreyfus.com, or call one of the following numbers:

  Call Toll Free 1-800-645-6561
In New York City - Call 1-718-895-1206
Outside the U.S. - Call 516-794-5452

     The Fund's most recent Annual Report to Shareholders are separate documents supplied with this Statement of Additional Information, and the financial statements, accompanying notes and report of the independent registered public accounting firm appearing in the Annual Report are incorporated by reference into this Statement of Additional Information.


Description of the Fund    B-2 
Management of the Fund    B-17 
Management Arrangements    B-23 
How to Buy Shares    B-28 
Shareholder Services Plan    B-30 
How to Redeem Shares    B-31 
Shareholder Services    B-33 
Determination of Net Asset Value    B-36 
Portfolio Transactions    B-37 
Dividends, Distributions and Taxes    B-38 
Information About the Fund    B-41 
Counsel and Independent Auditors    B-42 
Appendix B    B-56 


     The Fund is a Massachusetts business trust that commenced operations on January 21, 1992. The Fund is an open-end management investment company, known as a municipal bond fund. As a municipal bond fund, the Fund invests in debt obligations issued by states, territories, and possessions of the United States and the District of Columbia and their political subdivisions, agencies and instrumentalities, or multistate agencies or authorities, and certain other specified securities, the interest from which is, in the opinion of bond counsel to the issuer, exempt from Federal income tax ("Municipal Bonds").

     The Dreyfus Corporation (the "Manager" or "Dreyfus") serves as the Fund's investment adviser.

Dreyfus Service Corporation (the "Distributor") is the distributor of the Fund's shares.

Certain Portfolio Securities

     The following information supplements and should be read in conjunction with the Fund's Prospectus.

     Florida Municipal Bonds. As a fundamental policy, the Fund normally invests at least 80% of the value of its net assets (including any borrowings for investment purposes) in Municipal Bonds of the State of Florida, its political subdivisions, authorities and corporations, and certain other specified securities, that provide income exempt from Federal income tax and which enable the Fund's shares to be exempt from the Florida intangible personal property tax (collectively, "Florida Municipal Bonds"). To the extent acceptable Florida Municipal Bonds are at any time unavailable for investment by the Fund, the Fund will invest temporarily in other Municipal Bonds the interest from which is, in the opinion of bond counsel to the issuer, exempt from Federal income tax. Municipal Bonds generally include debt obligations issued to obtain funds for various public purposes as well as certain industrial development bonds issued by or on behalf of public authorities. Municipal Bonds are classified as general obligation bonds, revenue bonds and notes. General obligation bonds are secured by the issuer's pledge of its full faith, credit and taxing power for the payment of principal and interest. Revenue bonds are payable from the revenue derived from a particular facility or class of facilities or, in some cases, from the proceeds of a special excise or other specific revenue source, but not from the general taxing power. Tax exempt industrial development bonds, in most cases, are revenue bonds that do not carry the pledge of the credit of the issuing municipality, but generally are guaranteed by the corporate entity on whose behalf they are issued. Notes are short-term instruments which are obligations of the issuing municipalities or agencies and are sold in anticipation of a bond sale, collection of taxes or receipt of other revenues. Municipal Bonds include municipal lease/purchase agreements which are similar to installment purchase contracts for property or equipment issued by municipalities. Municipal Bonds bear fixed, floating or variable rates of interest, which are determined in some instances by formulas under which the securities' interest rate will change directly or inversely to changes in interest rates or an index, or multiples thereof, in many cases subject to a maximum and minimum. Certain Municipal Bonds are subject to

redemption at a date earlier than their stated maturity pursuant to call options, which may be separated from the related Municipal Bond and purchased and sold separately.

     The yields on Municipal Bonds are dependent on a variety of factors, including general economic and monetary conditions, money market factors, conditions in the Municipal Bond market, size of a particular offering, maturity of the obligation and rating of the issue.

     Municipal Bonds include certain private activity bonds (a type of revenue bond), the income from which is subject to the alternative minimum tax (AMT). The Fund may invest without limitation in such Municipal Bonds if the Manager determines that their purchase is consistent with the Fund's investment objective.

     Certain Tax Exempt Obligations. The Fund may purchase floating and variable rate demand notes and bonds, which are tax exempt obligations ordinarily having stated maturities in excess of one year, but which permit the holder to demand payment of principal at any time or at specified intervals. Variable rate demand notes include master demand notes which are obligations that permit the Fund to invest fluctuating amounts, at varying rates of interest, pursuant to direct arrangements between the Fund, as lender, and the borrower. These obligations permit daily changes in the amount borrowed. Because these obligations are direct lending arrangements between the lender and borrower, it is not contemplated that such instruments generally will be traded, and there generally is no established secondary market for these obligations, although they are redeemable at face value, plus accrued interest.

Accordingly, where these obligations are not secured by letters of credit or other credit support arrangements, the Fund's right to redeem is dependent on the ability of the borrower to pay principal and interest on demand. Each obligation purchased by the Fund will meet the quality criteria established for the purchase of Municipal Bonds.

     Tax Exempt Participation Interests. The Fund may purchase from financial institutions participation interests in Municipal Bonds (such as industrial development bonds and municipal lease/purchase agreements). A participation interest gives the Fund an undivided interest in the obligation in the proportion that the Fund's participation interest bears to the total principal amount of the obligation. These instruments may have fixed, floating or variable rates of interest. If the participation interest is unrated, it will be backed by an irrevocable letter of credit or guarantee of a bank that the Fund's Board has determined meets prescribed quality standards for banks, or the payment obligation otherwise will be collateralized by U.S. Government securities. For certain participation interests, the Fund will have the right to demand payment, on not more than seven days' notice, for all or any part of the Fund's participation interest in the obligation, plus accrued interest. As to these instruments, the Fund intends to exercise its right to demand payment only upon a default under the terms of the obligation, as needed to provide liquidity to meet redemptions, or to maintain or improve the quality of its investment portfolio.

     Municipal lease obligations or installment purchase contract obligations (collectively, "lease obligations") have special risks not ordinarily associated with Municipal Bonds. Although lease obligations do not constitute general obligations of the municipality for which the municipality's taxing power is pledged, a lease obligation ordinarily is backed by the municipality's covenant to budget for, appropriate and make the payments due under the lease obligation. However, certain lease obligations in which the Fund may invest contain

"non-appropriation" clauses which provide that the municipality has no obligation to make lease or installment purchase payments in future years unless money is appropriated for such purpose on a yearly basis. Although "non-appropriation" lease obligations are secured by the leased property, disposition of the property in the event of foreclosure might prove difficult. Certain lease obligations may be considered illiquid. Determination as to the liquidity of such securities is made in accordance with guidelines established by the Fund's Board of Trustees. Pursuant to such guidelines, the Board has directed the Manager to monitor carefully the Fund's investment in such securities with particular regard to: (1) the frequency of trades and quotes for the lease obligation; (2) the number of dealers willing to purchase or sell the lease obligation and the number of other potential buyers; (3) the willingness of dealers to undertake to make a market in the lease obligation; (4) the nature of the marketplace trades, including the time needed to dispose of the lease obligation, the method of soliciting offers and the mechanics of transfer; and (5) such other factors concerning the trading market for the lease obligation as the Manager may deem relevant. In addition, in evaluating the liquidity and credit quality of a lease obligation that is unrated, the Fund's Board of Trustees has directed the Manager to consider: (a) whether the lease can be canceled; (b) what assurance there is that the assets represented by the lease can be sold; (c) the strength of the lessee's general credit (e.g., its debt, administrative, economic, and financial characteristics); (d) the likelihood that the municipality will discontinue appropriating funding for the leased property because the property is no longer deemed essential to the operations of the municipality (e.g., the potential for an "event of nonappropriation"); (e) the legal recourse in the event of failure to appropriate; and (f) such other factors concerning credit quality as the Manager may deem relevant. The Fund will not invest more than 15% of the value of its net assets in lease obligations that are illiquid and in other illiquid securities.

     Tender Option Bonds. The Fund may purchase tender option bonds. A tender option bond is a Municipal Bond or other debt obligation (generally held pursuant to a custodial arrangement) having a relatively long maturity and bearing interest at a fixed rate substantially higher than prevailing short-term tax exempt rates, that has been coupled with the agreement of a third party, such as a bank, broker-dealer or other financial institution, pursuant to which such institution grants the security holders the option, at periodic intervals, to tender their securities to the institution and receive the face value thereof. As consideration for providing the option, the financial institution receives periodic fees equal to the difference between the obligation's fixed coupon rate and the rate, as determined by a remarketing or similar agent at or near the commencement of such period, that would cause the securities, coupled with the tender option, to trade at par on the date of such determination. Thus, after payment of this fee, the security holder effectively holds a demand obligation that bears interest at the prevailing short-term tax exempt rate. The Manager, on behalf of the Fund, will consider on an ongoing basis the creditworthiness of the issuer of the underlying obligation, of any custodian and of the third party provider of the tender option. In certain instances and for certain tender option bonds, the option may be terminable in the event of a default in payment of principal or interest on the underlying obligation and for other reasons.

     The Fund will purchase tender option bonds only when the Manager is satisfied that the custodial and tender option arrangements, including the fee payment arrangements, will not adversely affect the tax exempt status of the underlying obligations and that payment of any tender fees will not have the effect of creating taxable income for the Fund. Based on the tender

option bond agreement, the Fund expects to be able to value the tender option bond at par; however, the value of the instrument will be monitored to assure that it is valued at fair value.

     Custodial Receipts. The Fund may purchase custodial receipts representing the right to receive certain future principal and interest payments on Municipal Bonds or other debt obligations which underlie the custodial receipts. A number of different arrangements are possible. In a typical custodial receipt arrangement, an issuer or a third party owner of obligations deposits such obligations with a custodian in exchange for two classes of custodial receipts. The two classes have different characteristics, but, in each case, payments on the two classes are based on payments received on the underlying obligations. One class has the characteristics of a typical auction rate security, where at specified intervals its interest rate is adjusted, and ownership changes, based on an auction mechanism. This class's interest rate generally is expected to be below the coupon rate of the underlying obligations and generally is at a level comparable to that of an obligation of similar quality and having a maturity equal to the period between interest rate adjustments. The second class bears interest at a rate that exceeds the interest rate typically borne by a security of comparable quality and maturity; this rate also is adjusted, but in this case inversely to changes in the rate of interest of the first class. The aggregate interest paid with respect to the two classes will not exceed the interest paid by the underlying obligations. The value of the second class and similar securities typically fluctuates more than the value of an obligation of comparable quality and maturity, which would increase the volatility of the Fund's net asset value. These custodial receipts are sold in private placements. The Fund also may purchase directly from issuers, and not in a private placement, obligations having characteristics similar to custodial receipts. These securities may be issued as part of a multi-class offering and the interest rate on certain classes may be subject to a cap or floor.

     Stand-By Commitments. The Fund may acquire "stand-by commitments" with respect to the Municipal Bonds or other securities held in its portfolio. Under a stand-by commitment, the Fund obligates a broker, dealer or bank to repurchase, at the Fund's option, specified securities at a specified price and, in this respect, stand-by commitments are comparable to put options. The exercise of a stand-by commitment, therefore, is subject to the ability of the seller to make payment on demand. The Fund will acquire stand-by commitments solely to facilitate its portfolio liquidity and does not intend to exercise its rights thereunder for trading purposes. The Fund may pay for stand-by commitments if such action is deemed necessary, thus increasing to a degree the cost of the underlying obligation and similarly decreasing such security's yield to investors. Gains realized in connection with stand-by commitments will be taxable. The Fund also may acquire call options on specific obligations. The Fund generally would purchase these call options to protect the Fund from the issuer of the related obligation redeeming, or other holder of the call option from calling away, the obligation before maturity. The sale by the Fund of a call option that it owns on a specific obligation could result in the receipt of taxable income by the Fund.

     Ratings of Municipal Bonds. The Fund will invest at least 80% of the value of its net assets in securities which, in the case of Municipal Bonds, are rated no lower than Baa by Moody's Investors Service, Inc. ("Moody's") or BBB by Standard & Poor's Ratings Services ("S&P") or Fitch Ratings ("Fitch" and, together with Moody's and S&P, the "Rating Agencies"). The Fund may invest up to 20% of the value of its net assets in securities which, in the case of

Municipal Bonds, are rated lower than Baa by Moody's and BBB by S&P and Fitch and as low as the lowest ratings assigned by the Rating Agencies. The Fund also may invest in securities which, while not rated, are determined by the Manager to be of comparable quality to the rated securities in which the Fund may invest; for purposes of the 80% requirement described in this paragraph, such unrated securities will be considered to have the rating so determined.

     The average distribution of Fund investments (at value) in Municipal Bonds (including notes) and other securities by ratings for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2004, computed on a monthly basis, was as follows:

                    Percentage of 
Fitch    or    Moody's    or    S&P    Value 

AAA        Aaa        AAA    85.1% 
AA        Aa        AA    11.7 
BBB        Baa        BBB    2.4 
F-1+/F-1        VMIG1/MIG1, P-1    SP-1+/SP-1, A-1    0.1 
Not Rated        Not Rated        Not Rated    0.7* 

     Subsequent to its purchase by the Fund, an issue of rated Municipal Bonds may cease to be rated or its rating may be reduced below the minimum required for purchase by the Fund. Neither event will require the sale of such Municipal Bonds by the Fund, but the Manager will consider such event in determining whether the Fund should continue to hold the obligations. To the extent that the ratings given by the Rating Agencies for Municipal Bonds may change as a result of changes in such organizations or their rating systems, the Fund will attempt to use comparable ratings as standards for its investments in accordance with the investment policies described in the Prospectus and this Statement of Additional Information. The ratings of the Rating Agencies represent their opinions as to the quality of the Municipal Bonds which they undertake to rate. It should be emphasized, however, that ratings are relative and subjective and are not absolute standards of quality. Although these ratings may be an initial criterion for selection of portfolio investments, the Manager also will evaluate these securities and the creditworthiness of the issuers of such securities.

     Zero Coupon, Pay-In-Kind and Step-Up Securities. The Fund may invest in zero coupon securities which are debt securities issued or sold at a discount from their face value that do not entitle the holder to any periodic payment of interest prior to maturity or a specified redemption date or cash payment date; pay-in-kind bonds which are debt securities which generally pay interest through the issuance of additional bonds; and step-up coupon bonds which are debt securities that typically do not pay interest for a specified period of time and then pay interest at a series of different rates. The amount of any discount on these securities varies depending on the time remaining until maturity or cash payment date, prevailing interest rates, liquidity of the security and perceived credit quality of the issuer. Zero coupon securities also may take the form of debt securities that have been stripped of their unmatured interest coupons, the coupons themselves and receipts or certificates representing interest in such stripped debt obligations and

* Included in the Not Rated category are securities comprising 0.7% of the Fund's market value which, while not rated, have been determined by the Manager to be of comparable quality to securities in the following rating categories: Baa/BBB (0.5%), and B/B (0.2%) .

coupons. The market prices of these securities generally are more volatile and are likely to respond to a greater degree to changes in interest rates than the market prices of securities that pay cash interest periodically having similar maturities and credit qualities. In addition, unlike bonds which pay cash interest throughout the period to maturity, the Fund will realize no cash until the cash payment or maturity date unless a portion of such securities is sold and, if the issuer defaults, the Fund may obtain no return at all on its investment. Federal income tax law requires the holder of a zero coupon security or of certain pay-in-kind or step-up bonds to accrue income with respect to these securities prior to the receipt of cash payments. To maintain its qualification as a regulated investment company and avoid liability for Federal income taxes, the Fund may be required to distribute such income accrued with respect to these securities and may have to dispose of portfolio securities under disadvantageous circumstances in order to generate cash to satisfy these distribution requirements. See "Dividends, Distributions and Taxes."

     Illiquid Securities. The Fund may invest up to 15% of the value of its net assets in securities as to which a liquid trading market does not exist, provided such investments are consistent with the Fund's investment objective. These securities may include securities that are not readily marketable, such as securities that are subject to legal or contractual restrictions on resale, and repurchase agreements providing for settlement in more than seven days after notice. As to these securities, the Fund is subject to a risk that should the Fund desire to sell them when a ready buyer is not available at a price that the Fund deems representative of their value, the value of the Fund's net assets could be adversely affected.

     Investment Companies. The Fund may invest in securities issued by other investment companies. Under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act"), the Fund's investment in such securities, subject to certain exceptions, currently is limited to (i) 3% of the total voting stock of any one investment company, (ii) 5% of the Fund's total assets with respect to any one investment company and (iii) 10% of the Fund's total assets in the aggregate. As a shareholder of another investment company, the Fund would bear, along with other shareholders, its pro rata portion of the other investment company's expenses, including advisory fees. These expenses would be in addition to the advisory fees and other expenses that the Fund bears directly in connection with its own operations. The Fund also may invest its uninvested cash reserves, or cash it receives as collateral from borrowers of its portfolio securities in connection with the Fund's securities lending program, in shares of one or more money market funds advised by the Manager. Such investments will not be subject to the limitations described above, except that the Fund's aggregate investment of uninvested cash reserves in such money market funds may not exceed 25% of its total assets. See "Lending Portfolio Securities."

     Taxable Investments. From time to time, on a temporary basis other than for temporary defensive purposes (but not to exceed 20% of the value of the Fund's net assets) or for temporary defensive purposes, the Fund may invest in taxable short-term investments ("Taxable Investments") consisting of: notes of issuers having, at the time of purchase, a quality rating within the two highest grades of a Rating Agency; obligations of the U.S. Government, its agencies or instrumentalities; commercial paper rated not lower than P-2 by Moody's, A-2 by S&P or F-2 by Fitch; certificates of deposit of U.S. domestic banks, including foreign branches of domestic banks, with assets of $1 billion or more; time deposits; bankers' acceptances and other short-term bank obligations; and repurchase agreements in respect of any of the foregoing. Dividends paid by the Fund that are attributable to income earned by the Fund from Taxable

Investments will be taxable to investors. See "Dividends, Distributions and Taxes." Except for temporary defensive purposes, at no time will more than 20% of the value of the Fund's net assets be invested in Taxable Investments. When the Fund has adopted a temporary defensive position, including when acceptable Florida Municipal Bonds are unavailable for investment by the Fund, in excess of 20% of the Fund's net assets may be invested in securities other than Florida Municipal Bonds. Under normal market conditions, the Fund anticipates that not more than 5% of the value of its total assets will be invested in any one category of Taxable Investments.

Investment Techniques

     The following information supplements and should be read in conjunction with the Fund's Prospectus. The Fund's use of certain of the investment techniques described below may give rise to taxable income.

     Borrowing Money. The Fund is permitted to borrow to the extent permitted under the 1940 Act, which permits an investment company to borrow in an amount up to 33-1/3% of the value of its total assets. The Fund currently intends to borrow money only for temporary or emergency (not leveraging) purposes, in an amount up to 15% of the value of its total assets (including the amount borrowed) valued at the lesser of cost or market, less liabilities (not including the amount borrowed) at the time the borrowing is made. While such borrowings exceed 5% of the Fund's total assets, the Fund will not make any additional investments.

     Short-Selling. In these transactions, the Fund sells a security it does not own in anticipation of a decline in the market value of the security. To complete the transaction, the Fund must borrow the security to make delivery to the buyer. The Fund is obligated to replace the security borrowed by purchasing it subsequently at the market price at the time of replacement. The price at such time may be more or less than the price at which the security was sold by the Fund, which would result in a loss or gain, respectively.

     The Fund will not sell securities short if, after such short sale, the total market value of all securities sold short would exceed 25% of the value of the Fund's net assets. The Fund may not make a short sale which results in the Fund having sold short in the aggregate more than 5% of the outstanding securities of any class of an issuer.

     The Fund also may make short sales "against the box," in which the Fund enters into a short sale of a security it owns. At no time will more than 15% of the value of the Fund's net assets be in deposits on short sales against the box.

     Until the Fund closes its short position or replaces the borrowed security, the Fund will: (a) segregate permissible liquid assets in an amount that, together with the amount provided as collateral, always equals the current value of the security sold short; or (b) otherwise cover its short position.

     Lending Portfolio Securities. The Fund may lend securities from its portfolio to brokers, dealers and other financial institutions needing to borrow securities to complete certain transactions. In connection with such loans, the Fund remains the owner of the loaned securities and continues to be entitled to payments in amounts equal to the interest or other distributions

payable on the loaned securities. The Fund also has the right to terminate a loan at any time. The Fund may call the loan to vote proxies if a material issue affecting the Fund's investment is to be voted upon. Loans of portfolio securities may not exceed 33-1/3% of the value of the Fund's total assets (including the value of assets received as collateral for the loan). The Fund will receive collateral consisting of cash, U.S. Government securities or irrevocable letters of credit which will be maintained at all times in an amount equal to at least 100% of the current market value of the loaned securities. If the collateral consists of a letter of credit or securities, the borrower will pay the Fund a loan premium fee. If the collateral consists of cash, the Fund will reinvest the cash and pay the borrower a pre-negotiated fee or "rebate" from any return earned on the investment. The Fund may participate in a securities lending program operated by Mellon Bank, N.A., as lending agent (the "Lending Agent"). The Lending Agent will receive a percentage of the total earnings of the Fund derived from lending its portfolio securities. Should the borrower of the securities fail financially, the Fund may experience delays in recovering the loaned securities or exercising its rights in the collateral. Loans are made only to borrowers that are deemed by the Manager to be of good financial standing. In a loan transaction, the Fund will also bear the risk of any decline in value of securities acquired with cash collateral. The Fund will minimize this risk by limiting the investment of cash collateral to money market funds advised by the Manager, repurchase agreements or other high quality instruments with short maturities.

     Derivatives. The Fund may invest in, or enter into, derivatives for a variety of reasons, including to hedge certain market or interest rate risks, to provide a substitute for purchasing or selling particular securities or to increase potential income gain. Generally, derivatives are financial contracts whose value depends upon, or is derived from, the value of an underlying asset, reference rate or index, and may relate to stocks, bonds, interest rates, currencies or currency exchange rates, commodities, and related indexes. Derivatives may provide a cheaper, quicker or more specifically focused way for the Fund to invest than "traditional" securities would. Examples of derivative instruments in which the Fund may invest include options contracts, futures contracts, and swap agreements. The portfolio manager may decide not to employ any of these strategies and there is no assurance that any derivatives strategy used by the Fund will succeed.

     Derivatives can be volatile and involve various types and degrees of risk, depending upon the characteristics of the particular derivative and the portfolio as a whole. Derivatives permit the Fund to increase or decrease the level of risk, or change the character of the risk, to which its portfolio is exposed in much the same way as the Fund can increase or decrease the level of risk, or change the character of the risk, of its portfolio by making investments in specific securities. However, derivatives may entail investment exposures that are greater than their cost would suggest, meaning that a small investment in derivatives could have a large potential impact on the Fund's performance.

     If the Fund invests in derivatives at inopportune times or judges market conditions incorrectly, such investments may lower the Fund's return or result in a loss. The Fund also could experience losses if its derivatives were poorly correlated with its other investments, or if the Fund were unable to liquidate its position because of an illiquid secondary market. The market for many derivatives is, or suddenly can become, illiquid. Changes in liquidity may result in significant, rapid and unpredictable changes in the prices for derivatives.

     Derivatives may be purchased on established exchanges or through privately negotiated transactions referred to as over-the-counter derivatives. Exchange-traded derivatives generally are guaranteed by the clearing agency which is the issuer or counterparty to such derivatives. This guarantee usually is supported by a daily variation margin system operated by the clearing agency in order to reduce overall credit risk. As a result, unless the clearing agency defaults, there is relatively little counterparty credit risk associated with derivatives purchased on an exchange. By contrast, no clearing agency guarantees over-the-counter derivatives. Therefore, each party to an over-the-counter derivative bears the risk that the counterparty will default. Accordingly, the Manager will consider the creditworthiness of counterparties to over-the-counter derivatives in the same manner as it would review the credit quality of a security to be purchased by the Fund. Over-the-counter derivatives are less liquid than exchange-traded derivatives since the other party to the transaction may be the only investor with sufficient understanding of the derivative to be interested in bidding for it.

     The Fund will not be a commodity pool. In addition, as a registered investment company, the Fund has filed notice with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and National Futures Association of its eligibility for an exclusion from the definition of commodity pool operator and, therefore, the Fund is not subject to registration or regulation as a commodity pool operator under the Commodity Exchange Act.

Futures Transactions--In General. A futures contract is an agreement between two parties to buy and sell a security for a set price on a future date. These contracts are traded on exchanges, so that, in most cases, either party can close out its position on the exchange for cash, without delivering the security. An option on a futures contract gives the holder of the option the right to buy from or sell to the writer of the option a position in a futures contract at a specified price in or before a specified expiration date.

Although some futures contracts call for making or taking delivery of the underlying securities, generally these obligations are closed out before delivery by offsetting purchases or sales of matching futures contracts (same exchange, underlying security or index, and delivery month). Closing out a futures contract sale is effected by purchasing a futures contract for the same aggregate amount of the specific type of financial instrument with the same delivery date. If an offsetting purchase price is less than the original sale price, the Fund realizes a capital gain, or if it is more, the Fund realizes a capital loss. Conversely, if an offsetting sale price is more than the original purchase price, the Fund realizes a capital gain, or if it is less, the Fund realizes a capital loss. Transaction costs also are included in these calculations.

      The Fund may enter into futures contracts in U.S. domestic markets. Engaging in these transactions involves risk of loss to the Fund which could adversely affect the value of the Fund's net assets. Although the Fund intends to purchase or sell futures contracts only if there is an active market for such contracts, no assurance can be given that a liquid market will exist for any particular contract at any particular time. Many futures exchanges and boards of trade limit the amount of fluctuation permitted in futures contract prices during a single trading day. Once the daily limit has been reached in a particular contract, no trades may be made that day at a price beyond that limit or trading may be suspended for specified periods during the trading day. Futures contract prices could move to the limit for several consecutive trading days with little or

no trading, thereby preventing prompt liquidation of futures positions and potentially subjecting the Fund to substantial losses.

     Successful use of futures by the Fund also is subject to the Manager's ability to predict correctly movements in the direction of the relevant market and, to the extent the transaction is entered into for hedging purposes, to ascertain the appropriate correlation between the securities being hedged and the price movements of the futures contract. For example, if the Fund uses futures to hedge against the possibility of a decline in the market value of securities held in its portfolio and the prices of such securities instead increase, the Fund will lose part or all of the benefit of the increased value of securities which it has hedged because it will have offsetting losses in its futures positions. Furthermore, if in such circumstances the Fund has insufficient cash, it may have to sell securities to meet daily variation margin requirements. The Fund may have to sell such securities at a time when it may be disadvantageous to do so.

     Pursuant to regulations and/or published positions of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), the Fund may be required to segregate permissible liquid assets to cover its obligations relating to its transactions in derivatives. To maintain this required cover, the Fund may have to sell portfolio securities at disadvantageous prices or times since it may not be possible to liquidate a derivative position at a reasonable price. In addition, the segregation of such assets will have the effect of limiting the Fund's ability otherwise to invest those assets.

Specific Futures Transactions -- The Fund may purchase and sell interest rate futures contracts. An interest rate future obligates the Fund to purchase or sell an amount of a specific debt security at a future date at a specific price.

Swap Transactions -- The Fund may engage in swap transactions, including interest rate swaps, interest rate locks, caps, collars and floors, to mitigate risk, manage duration and reduce portfolio turnover. Swap transactions, including interest rate swaps, interest rate locks, caps, collars and floors, may be individually negotiated and include exposure to a variety of different interest rates. Swaps involve two parties exchanging a series of cash flows at specified intervals. In the case of an interest rate swap, the parties exchange interest payments based upon an agreed upon principal amount (referred to as the "notional principal amount"). Under the most basic scenario, Party A would pay a fixed rate on the notional principal amount to Party B, which would pay a floating rate on the same notional principal amount to Party A. Swap agreements can take many forms and are known by a variety of names.

     In a typical cap or floor agreement, one party agrees to make payments only under specified circumstances, usually in return for payment of a fee by the other party. For example, the buyer of an interest rate cap obtains the right to receive payments to the extent that a specified interest rate exceeds an agreed-upon level, while the seller of an interest rate floor is obligated to make payments to the extent that a specified interest rate falls below an agreed-upon level. An interest rate collar combines elements of buying a cap and selling a floor.

     In a typical interest rate lock transaction, if Party A desires to lock in a particular interest rate on a given date it may enter into an agreement to pay, or receive a payment from, Party B based on the yield of a reference index or security, such as a Municipal Bond or U.S. Treasury security. At the maturity of the term of the agreement, one party makes a payment to the other

party as determined by the relative change in the yield of the reference security or index. An interest rate lock transaction may be terminated prior to its stated maturity date by calculating the payment due as of the termination date, which generally differs from the make-whole provisions for an early termination of an interest rate swap transaction in which the party terminating the swap early is required to give its counterparty the economic benefit of the transaction.

     The Fund will set aside cash or permissible liquid assets to cover its current obligations under swap transactions. If the Fund enters into a swap agreement on a net basis (that is, the two payment streams are netted out, with the Fund receiving or paying, as the case may be, only the net amount of the two payments), the Fund will maintain cash or permissible liquid assets with a daily value at least equal to the excess, if any, of the Fund's accrued obligations under the swap agreement over the accrued amount the Fund is entitled to receive under the agreement.

     The most important factor in the performance of a swap agreement is the change in the specific interest rate or other factor(s) that determine the amounts of payments due to and from the Fund. If a swap agreement called for payments by the Fund, the Fund must be prepared to make such payments when due. In addition, if the counterparty's creditworthiness declines, the value of a swap agreement would likely decline, potentially resulting in losses.

     The Fund will enter into swaps, interest rate locks, caps, collars and floors only with banks and recognized securities dealers believed by the Manager to present minimal credit risks. If there were a default by the other party to such transaction, the Fund will have to rely on its contractual remedies (which may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency or similar laws) pursuant to the agreement relating to the transaction.

     The use of interest rate swaps is a highly specialized activity which involves investment techniques and risks different from those associated with ordinary portfolio security transactions. If the Manager is incorrect in its forecasts of market values, interest rates and other applicable factors, the investment performance of the Fund would diminish compared with what it would have been if these investment techniques were not used. Moreover, even if the Manager is correct in its forecasts, there is a risk that the swap position may correlate imperfectly with the price of the asset or liability being hedged. The Fund will enter into swap transactions only when the Manager believes it would be in the best interests of the Fund's shareholders to do so. Depending on the circumstances, gains from a swap transaction can be treated either as taxable ordinary income or as short- or long-term capital gains.

Options--In General. The Fund may invest up to 5% of its assets, represented by the premium paid, in the purchase of call and put options. The Fund may write (i.e., sell) covered call and put option contracts to the extent of 20% of the value of its net assets at the time such option contracts are written. A call option gives the purchaser of the option the right to buy, and obligates the writer to sell, the underlying security or securities at the exercise price at any time during the option period, or at a specific date. Conversely, a put option gives the purchaser of the option the right to sell, and obligates the writer to buy, the underlying security or securities at the exercise price at any time during the option period, or at a specific date.

     A covered call option written by the Fund is a call option with respect to which the Fund owns the underlying security or otherwise covers the transaction by segregating permissible

liquid assets. A put option written by the Fund is covered when, among other things, the Fund segregates permissible liquid assets having a value equal to or greater than the exercise price of the option to fulfill the obligation undertaken. The principal reason for writing covered call and put options is to realize, through the receipt of premiums, a greater return than would be realized on the underlying securities alone. The Fund receives a premium from writing covered call or put options which it retains whether or not the option is exercised.

     There is no assurance that sufficient trading interest to create a liquid secondary market on a securities exchange will exist for any particular option or at any particular time, and for some options no such secondary market may exist. A liquid secondary market in an option may cease to exist for a variety of reasons. In the past, for example, higher than anticipated trading activity or order flow, or other unforeseen events, at times have rendered certain of the clearing facilities inadequate and resulted in the institution of special procedures, such as trading rotations, restrictions on certain types of orders or trading halts or suspensions in one or more options. There can be no assurance that similar events, or events that may otherwise interfere with the timely execution of customers' orders, will not recur. In such event, it might not be possible to effect closing transactions in particular options. If, as a covered call option writer, the Fund is unable to effect a closing purchase transaction in a secondary market, it will not be able to sell the underlying security until the option expires or it delivers the underlying security upon exercise or it otherwise covers its position.

     Successful use by the Fund of options will be subject to the Manager's ability to predict correctly movements in interest rates. To the extent the Manager's predictions are incorrect, the Fund may incur losses.

     Future Developments. The Fund may take advantage of opportunities in options and futures contracts and options on futures contracts and any other derivatives which are not presently contemplated for use by the Fund or which are not currently available but which may be developed, to the extent such opportunities are both consistent with the Fund's investment objective and legally permissible for the Fund. Before entering into such transactions or making any such investment, the Fund will provide appropriate disclosure in its Prospectus or this Statement of Additional Information.

     Forward Commitments. The Fund may purchase and sell Municipal Bonds and other securities on a forward commitment, when-issued or delayed delivery basis, which means that delivery and payment take place a number of days after the date of the commitment to purchase. The payment obligation and the interest rate receivable on a forward commitment, when-issued or delayed delivery security are fixed when the Fund enters into the commitment, but the Fund does not make payment until it receives delivery from the counterparty. The Fund will commit to purchase such securities only with the intention of actually acquiring the securities, but the Fund may sell these securities before the settlement date if it is deemed advisable. The Fund will segregate permissible liquid assets at least equal at all times to the amount of the Fund's purchase commitments.

     Municipal Bonds or other securities purchased on a forward commitment, when-issued or delayed delivery basis are subject to changes in value (generally changing in the same way, i.e., appreciating when interest rates decline and depreciating when interest rates rise) based upon the

public's perception of the creditworthiness of the issuer and changes, real or anticipated, in the level of interest rates. Securities purchased on a forward commitment, when-issued or delayed delivery basis may expose the Fund to risks because they may experience such fluctuations prior to their actual delivery. Purchasing securities on a forward commitment, when-issued or delayed delivery basis can involve the additional risk that the yield available in the market when the delivery takes place actually may be higher than that obtained in the transaction itself.

Purchasing securities on a forward commitment, when-issued or delayed delivery basis when the Fund is fully or almost fully invested may result in greater potential fluctuation in the value of the Fund's net assets and its net asset value per share.

Certain Investment Considerations and Risks

     Investing in Municipal Bonds. The Fund may invest more than 25% of the value of its total assets in Municipal Bonds which are related in such a way that an economic, business or political development or change affecting one such security also would affect the other securities; for example, securities the interest upon which is paid from revenues of similar types of projects. As a result, the Fund may be subject to greater risk as compared to a municipal bond fund that does not follow this practice.

     Certain provisions in the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), relating to the issuance of Municipal Bonds may reduce the volume of Municipal Bonds qualifying for Federal tax exemption. One effect of these provisions could be to increase the cost of the Municipal Bonds available for purchase by the Fund and thus reduce available yield. Shareholders should consult their tax advisers concerning the effect of these provisions on an investment in the Fund. Proposals that may restrict or eliminate the income tax exemption for interest on Municipal Bonds may be introduced in the future. If any such proposal were enacted that would reduce the availability of Florida Municipal Bonds for investment by the Fund so as to adversely affect Fund shareholders, the Fund would reevaluate its investment objective and policies and submit possible changes in the Fund's structure to shareholders for their consideration. If legislation were enacted that would treat a type of Florida Municipal Bonds as taxable, the Fund would treat such security as a permissible Taxable Investment within the applicable limits set forth herein.

     Investing in Florida Municipal Bonds. Since the Fund is concentrated in securities issued by Florida or entities within Florida, an investment in the Fund may involve greater risk than investments in certain other types of municipal bond funds. You should consider carefully the special risks inherent in the Fund's investment in Florida Municipal Bonds. You should review "Appendix A" which provides a brief summary of special investment considerations and risk factors relating to investing in Florida Municipal Bonds.

     Lower Rated Bonds. The Fund may invest up to 20% of the value of its net assets in higher yielding (and, therefore, higher risk) debt securities such as those rated below investment grade by the Rating Agencies (commonly known as "high yield" or "junk" bonds). They may be subject to certain risks with respect to the issuing entity and to greater market fluctuations than certain lower yielding, higher rated debt securities. See "Appendix B" for a general description of the Rating Agencies' ratings of Municipal Bonds. Although ratings may be useful in evaluating the safety of interest and principal payments, they do not evaluate the market value

risk of these bonds. The Fund will rely on the Manager's judgment, analysis and experience in evaluating the creditworthiness of an issuer.

     The market values of many of these bonds tend to be more sensitive to economic conditions than are higher rated securities and will fluctuate over time. These bonds generally are considered by the Rating Agencies to be, on balance, predominantly speculative with respect to capacity to pay interest and repay principal in accordance with the terms of the obligation and generally will involve more credit risk than securities in the higher rating categories.

     Because there is no established retail secondary market for many of these securities, the Fund anticipates that such securities could be sold only to a limited number of dealers or institutional investors. To the extent a secondary trading market for these bonds does exist, it generally is not as liquid as the secondary market for higher rated securities. The lack of a liquid secondary market may have an adverse impact on market price and yield and the Fund's ability to dispose of particular issues when necessary to meet the Fund's liquidity needs or in response to a specific economic event such as a deterioration in the creditworthiness of the issuer. The lack of a liquid secondary market for certain securities also may make it more difficult for the Fund to obtain accurate market quotations for purposes of valuing the Fund's portfolio and calculating its net asset value. Adverse publicity and investor perceptions, whether or not based on fundamental analysis, may decrease the values and liquidity of these securities. In such cases, the Manager's judgment may play a greater role in valuation because less reliable, objective data may be available.

     These bonds may be particularly susceptible to economic downturns. An economic recession could adversely affect the ability of the issuers of such securities to repay principal and pay interest thereon which would increase the incidence of default for such securities. It is likely that any economic recession also would disrupt severely the market for such securities and may have an adverse impact on their value.

     The Fund may acquire these bonds during an initial offering. Such securities may involve special risks because they are new issues. The Fund has no arrangement with any person concerning the acquisition of such securities, and the Manager will review carefully the credit and other characteristics pertinent to such new issues.

     The credit risk factors pertaining to lower rated securities also apply to lower rated zero coupon bonds, pay-in-kind bonds and step-up bonds, in which the Fund may invest up to 5% of its total net assets. In addition to the risks associated with the credit rating of the issuers, the market prices of these securities may be very volatile during the period no interest is paid.

     Simultaneous Investments. Investment decisions for the Fund are made independently from those of the other investment companies advised by the Manager. The Manager has adopted written trade allocation procedures for its equity and fixed income trading desks. Under the procedures, portfolio managers or the trading desks will ordinarily seek to aggregate (or "bunch") orders that are placed or received concurrently for more than one investment company or account. In some cases, this procedure may adversely affect the size of the position obtained for or disposed of by the Fund or the price paid or received by the Fund.

Investment Restrictions

     The Fund's investment objective, and its policy to invest normally at least 80% of its net assets (plus any borrowings for investment purposes) in Florida Municipal Bonds (or other investments with similar economic characteristics) are fundamental policies, which cannot be changed without approval by the holders of a majority (as defined in the 1940 Act) of the Fund's outstanding voting shares. In addition, the Fund has adopted investment restrictions numbered 1 through 7 as fundamental policies. Investment restrictions numbered 8 through 11 are not fundamental policies and may be changed by a vote of a majority of the Fund's Board members at any time. The Fund may not:

     1. Invest more than 25% of its assets in the securities of issuers in any single industry; provided that there shall be no limitation on the purchase of Municipal Bonds and, for defensive purposes, securities issued by banks and obligations issued or guaranteed by the U.S. Government, its agencies or instrumentalities.

     2. Borrow money, except to the extent permitted under the 1940 Act (which currently limits borrowings to no more than 33-1/3% of the value of the Fund's total assets). For purposes of this investment restriction, the entry into options, forward contracts, futures contracts, including those relating to indices, and options on futures contracts or indices shall not constitute borrowing.

     3. Purchase or sell real estate, commodities or commodity contracts, or oil and gas interests, but this shall not prevent the Fund from investing in Municipal Bonds secured by real estate or interests therein, or prevent the Fund from purchasing and selling options, forward contracts, futures contracts, including those relating to indices, and options on futures contract or indices.

     4. Underwrite the securities of other issuers, except that the Fund may bid separately or as part of a group for the purchase of Municipal Bonds directly from an issuer for its own portfolio to take advantage of the lower purchase price available, and except to the extent the Fund may be deemed an underwriter under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, by virtue of disposing of portfolio securities.

     5. Make loans to others, except through the purchase of debt obligations and the entry into repurchase agreements; however, the Fund may lend its portfolio securities in an amount not to exceed 33-1/3% of the value of its total assets. Any loans of portfolio securities will be made according to guidelines established by the SEC and the Fund's Board.

6. Issue any senior security (as such term is defined in Section 18(f) of the 1940

Act), except to the extent that the activities permitted in Investment Restriction Nos. 2, 3 and 10 may be deemed to give rise to a senior security.

     7. Purchase securities on margin, but the Fund may make margin deposits in connection with transactions in options, forward contracts, futures contracts, including those relating to indices, and options on futures contracts or indices.

     8. Purchase securities other than Municipal Bonds and Taxable Investments and those arising out of transactions in futures and options or as otherwise provided in the Fund's Prospectus.

     9. Invest in securities of other investment companies, except to the extent permitted under the 1940 Act.

     10. Pledge, hypothecate, mortgage or otherwise encumber its assets, except to the extent necessary to secure permitted borrowings and to the extent related to the deposit of assets in escrow in connection with the purchase of securities on a when-issued or delayed delivery basis and collateral and initial or variation margin arrangements with respect to options, forward contracts, futures contracts, including those relating to indices, and options on futures contracts or indices.

     11. Enter into repurchase agreements providing for settlement in more than seven days after notice or purchase securities which are illiquid (which securities could include participation interests (including municipal lease/purchase agreements) that are not subject to the demand feature described in the Fund's Prospectus, and floating and variable rate demand obligations as to which the Fund cannot exercise the demand feature described in the Fund's Prospectus on less than seven days' notice and as to which there is no secondary market) if, in the aggregate, more than 15% of its net assets would be so invested.

     For purposes of Investment Restriction No. 1, industrial development bonds, where the payment of principal and interest is the ultimate responsibility of companies within the same industry, are grouped together as an "industry."

     If a percentage restriction is adhered to at the time of investment, a later change in percentage resulting from a change in values or assets will not constitute a violation of such restriction. With respect to Investment Restriction No. 2, however, if borrowings exceed 33-1/3% of the value of the Fund's total assets as a result of a change in values or assets, the Fund must take steps to reduce such borrowings at least to the extent of such excess.

     The Fund and the Manager have received an exemptive order from the SEC which, among other things, permits the Fund to use cash collateral received in connection with lending the Fund's securities, and other uninvested cash, to purchase shares of one or more registered money market funds advised by the Manager in excess of the limitations imposed by the 1940 Act.


     The Fund's Board is responsible for the management and supervision of the Fund, and approves all significant agreements with those companies that furnish services to the Fund. These companies are as follows:

The Dreyfus Corporation    Investment Adviser 
Dreyfus Service Corporation    Distributor 
Dreyfus Transfer, Inc    Transfer Agent 
The Bank of New York    Custodian 

Board Members of the Fund1

Board members of the Fund, together with information as to their positions with the Fund, principal occupations and other board memberships and affiliations, are shown below.

Name (Age)    Principal Occupation    Other Board Memberships and 
Position with the Fund (Since)    During Past 5 Years    Affiliations 
Joseph S. DiMartino (61)    Corporate Director and Trustee    The Muscular Dystrophy Association, 
Chairman of the Board (1995)        Director 
        Levcor International, Inc., an apparel 
        fabric processor, Director 
        Century Business Services, Inc., a 
        provider of outsourcing functions 
        for small and medium size 
        companies, Director 
        The Newark Group, a provider of a 
        national market of paper recovery 
        facilities, paperboard mills and 
        paperboard converting plants, 
        Azimuth Trust, an institutional asset 
        management firm, Member of Board 
        of Managers and Advisory Board 
Gordon J. Davis (63)    Partner of LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene &    Consolidated Edison, Inc., a utility 
Board Member (1993)    MacRae    company, Director 
    President, Lincoln Center for the    Phoenix Companies, Inc., a life 
    Performing Arts, Inc.    insurance company, Director 
        Board Member/Trustee for several 
        not-for-profit groups 
David P. Feldman (65)    Corporate Director and Trustee    BBH Mutual Funds Group (11 funds), 
Board Member (1991)        Director 
        The Jeffrey Company, a private 
        investment company, Director 
        QMED, a medical device company, 
Lynn Martin (65)    Advisor to the international    SBC Communications, Inc., Director 
Board Member (1994)    accounting firm of Deloitte &    Ryder System, Inc., a supply chain 
    Touche LLP    and transportation management 
    Chairperson to its Council for the    company, Director 
    Advancement of Women    The Proctor & Gamble Co., a 
    President, The Martin Hall Group    consumer products company, 
    LLP    Director 
        Constellation Energy Group, Director 
        Member of the Council of Foreign 

1 None of the Board members are "interested persons" of the Fund, as defined in the 1940 Act.

Name (Age)    Principal Occupation    Other Board Memberships and 
Position with the Fund (Since)    During Past 5 Years    Affiliations 
Daniel Rose (75)    Chairman and Chief Executive    Baltic-American Enterprise Fund, 
Board Member (1992)    Officer of Rose Associates, Inc., a    Director 
    New York based real estate    Harlem Educational Activities Fund, 
    development and management firm    Inc., Chairman 
        Housing Committee of the Real Estate 
        Board of New York, Inc., Director 
Philip L. Toia (71),    Retired    None 
Board Member (1997)         
Sander Vanocur (77)    President of Old Owl    None 
Board Member (1992)    Communications     
Anne Wexler (74)    Chairman of the Wexler and Walker    Wilshire Mutual Funds (5 funds), 
Board Member (1994)    Public Policy, consultants    Director 
    specializing in government relations    Methanex Corporation, a methanol 
    and public affairs    producing company, Director 
        Member of the Council of Foreign 
        Member of the National Park 

     Board members are elected to serve for an indefinite term. The Fund has standing audit, nominating and compensation committees, each comprised of its Board members who are not "interested persons" of the Fund, as defined in the 1940 Act. The function of the audit committee is (i) to oversee the Fund's accounting and financial reporting processes and the audits of the Fund's financial statements and (ii) to assist in the Board's oversight of the integrity of the Fund's financial statements, the Fund's compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and the independent auditors' qualifications, independence and performance. The Fund's nominating committee is responsible for selecting and nominating persons as members of the Board for election or appointment by the Board and for election by shareholders. In evaluating potential nominees, including any nominees recommended by shareholders, the committee takes into consideration various factors listed in the nominating committee charter, including character and integrity, business and professional experience, and whether the committee believes the person has the ability to apply sound and independent business judgment and would act in the interest of the Fund and its shareholders. The nominating committee will consider recommendations for nominees from shareholders submitted to the Secretary of the Fund, c/o The Dreyfus Corporation Legal Department, 200 Park Avenue, 8th Floor West, New York, New York 10166, which includes information regarding the recommended nominee as specified in the nominating committee charter. The function of the compensation committee is to establish the appropriate compensation for serving on the Board. The Fund also has a standing pricing committee comprised of any one Board member. The function of the pricing committee is to assist in valuing the Fund's investments. The Fund's audit committee met four times and the compensation committee met once during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2004. The pricing and nominating committees did not meet during the last fiscal year.

     The table below indicates the dollar range of each Board member's ownership of Fund shares and shares of other funds in the Dreyfus Family of Funds for which he or she is a Board member, in each case as of December 31, 2004.

        Aggregate Holding of Funds in 
        the Dreyfus Family of Funds 
        for which Responsible as a 
Name of Board Member    Fund    Board Member 
Joseph S. DiMartino    None    Over $100,000 
Gordon J. Davis    None    None 
David P. Feldman    None    $10,000 - $50,000 
Lynn Martin    None    None 
Daniel Rose    None    None 
Sander Vanocur    None    $1-$10,000 
Philip L. Toia    None    $1 – $10,000 
Anne Wexler    None    None 

     As of December 31, 2004, none of the Board members or their immediate family members owned securities of the Manager, the Distributor or any person (other than a registered investment company) directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by or under common control with the Manager or the Distributor.

     Typically, the Fund pays its Board members its allocated portion of an annual retainer of $30,000 and a fee of $4,000 per meeting (with a minimum fee of $500 per meeting and per telephone meeting) attended for the Fund and eight other funds (comprised of eleven portfolios) in the Dreyfus Family of Funds, and reimburses them for their expenses. The Chairman of the Board receives an additional 25% of such compensation. Emeritus Board members are entitled to receive an annual retainer and a per meeting fee of one-half the amount paid to them as Board members. The aggregate amount of compensation paid to each Board member by the Fund and by all funds in the Dreyfus Family of Funds for which such person was a Board member (the number of portfolios of such funds is set forth in parenthesis next to each Board member's total compensation) for the year ended December 31, 2004, was as follows:

        Total Compensation from the 
    Aggregate Compensation    Fund and Fund Complex 
Name of Board Member    from the Fund*    Paid to Board Member(**) 
Gordon J. Davis    $4,577    $108,500 (26) 

        Total Compensation from the 
    Aggregate Compensation    Fund and Fund Complex 
Name of Board Member    from the Fund*    Paid to Board Member(**) 
Joseph S. DiMartino    $6,176    $874,125 (193) 
David P. Feldman    $4,997    $185,000 (58) 
Lynn Martin    $4,202    $46,000 (11) 
Eugene McCarthy***    $500    $9,500 (11) 
Daniel Rose    $4,941    $104,500 (22) 
Philip L. Toia    $4,941    $54,500 (11) 
Sander Vanocur    $4,941    $104,000 (22) 
Anne Wexler    $4,941    $104,000 (36) 

*      Amount does not include reimbursed expenses for attending Board meetings, which amounted to $1,898 for all Board members as a group.
**      Represents the number of separate portfolios comprising the investment companies in the Fund Complex, including the Fund, for which the Board member serves.
***      Emeritus Board member since March 29, 1996.

Officers of the Fund

STEPHEN E. CANTER, President since March 2000. Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, and Chief Operating Officer of the Manager, and an officer of 92 investment companies (comprised of 185 portfolios) managed by the Manager. Mr. Canter also is a

Board member and, where applicable, an Executive Committee Member of the other investment management subsidiaries of Mellon Financial Corporation, each of which is an affiliate of the Manager. He is 59 years old and has been an employee of the Manager since May 1995.

STEPHEN R. BYERS, Executive Vice President since November 2002. Chief Investment Officer, Vice Chairman and a director of the Manager, and an officer of 92 investment companies (comprised of 185 portfolios) managed by the Manager. Mr. Byers also is an officer, director or an Executive Committee Member of certain other investment management subsidiaries of Mellon Financial Corporation, each of which is an affiliate of the Manager. He is 51 years old and has been an employee of the Manager since January 2000.

MARK N. JACOBS, Vice President since March 2000. Executive Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel of the Manager, and an officer of 93 investment companies (comprised of 201 portfolios) managed by the Manager. He is 58 years old and has been an employee of the Manager since June 1977.

JAMES WINDELS, Treasurer since November 2001. Director-Mutual Fund Accounting of the Manager, and an officer of 93 investment companies (comprised of 201 portfolios) managed by the Manager. He is 46 years old and has been an employee of the Manager since April 1985.

MICHAEL A. ROSENBERG, Secretary since March 2000. Associate General Counsel of the Manager, and an officer of 90 investment companies (comprised of 194 portfolios) managed by the Manager. He is 45 years old and has been an employee of the Manager since October 1991.

STEVEN F. NEWMAN, Assistant Secretary since March 2000. Associate General Counsel and Assistant Secretary of the Manager, and an officer of 93 investment companies (comprised of 201 portfolios) managed by the Manager. He is 55 years old and has been an employee of the Manager since July 1980.

RICHARD CASSARO, Assistant Treasurer since August 2003. Senior Accounting Manager – Equity Funds of the Manager, and an officer of 26 investment companies (comprised of 102 portfolios) managed by the Manager. He is 44 years old and has been an employee of the Manager since August 1993.

KENNETH J. SANDGREN, Assistant Treasurer since March 2001. Mutual Funds Tax Director of the Manager, and an officer of 93 investment companies (comprised of 201 portfolios) managed by the Manager. He is 50 years old and has been an employee of the Manager since June 1993.

ROBERT J. SVAGNA, Assistant Treasurer since December 2002. Senior Accounting of the Manager – Equity Funds of the Manager and an officer of 27 investment companies (comprised of 107 portfolios) managed by the Manager. He is 37 years old and has been an employee of the Manager since November 1990.

WILLIAM GERMENIS, Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Officer since October 2002. Vice President and Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Officer of the Distributor, and the Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Officer of 88 investment companies (comprised of 196 portfolios) managed by the Manager. He is 34 years old and has been an employee of the Distributor since October 1998.

JOSEPH W. CONNOLLY, Chief Compliance Officer since October 2004. Chief Compliance Officer of the Manager and The Dreyfus Family of Funds (93 investment companies, comprising 201 portfolios). From November 2001 through March 2004, Mr. Connolly was first Vice-President, Mutual Fund Servicing for Mellon Global Securities Services.

In that capacity, Mr. Connolly was responsible for managing Mellon's Custody, Fund Accounting and Fund Administration services to third-party mutual fund clients. He is 47 years old and has served in various capacities with the Manager since 1980, including manager of the firm's Fund Accounting Department from 1997 through October 2001.

     The address of each Board member and officer of the Fund is 200 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10166.

     The Fund's Board members and officers, as a group, owned less than 1% of the Fund's shares outstanding on April 15, 2005.

     The following shareholder was known by the Fund to own of record 5% or more of the Fund's shares outstanding on April 15, 2005. A shareholder who beneficially owns, directly or indirectly, more than 25% of the Fund's voting securities may be deemed a "control person" (as defined in the 1940 Act) of the Fund.

Name and Address    Percent of Total 
    Shares Outstanding 
SAN FRANCISCO CA 94104-4122     


     Investment Adviser. The Manager is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mellon Financial Corporation ("Mellon"). Mellon is a global financial holding company incorporated under Pennsylvania law in 1971 and registered under the Federal Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, as amended. Mellon provides a comprehensive range of financial products and services in domestic and selected international markets.

     The Manager provides management services pursuant to a Management Agreement (the "Agreement") between the Fund and the Manager. The Agreement is subject to annual approval by (i) the Fund's Board or (ii) vote of a majority (as defined in the 1940 Act) of the outstanding voting securities of the Fund, provided that in either event the continuance also is approved by a majority of the Board members who are not "interested persons" (as defined in the 1940 Act) of the Fund or the Manager, by vote cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such approval. The Agreement is terminable without penalty, on 60 days' notice, by the Fund's Board or by vote of the holders of a majority of the Fund's shares, or, on not less than 90 days' notice, by the Manager. The Agreement will terminate automatically in the event of its assignment (as defined in the 1940 Act).

     In approving the current Agreement, the Board considered a number of factors, including the nature and quality of the services provided by the Manager; the investment philosophy and investment approach as applied to the Fund by the Manager; the investment management expertise of the Manager in respect of the Fund's investment strategies; the personnel, resources and experience of the Manager; the Fund's performance history and the management fees paid to the Manager relative to those of mutual funds with similar investment objectives, strategies and restrictions; the Manager's costs of providing services under the Agreement; and ancillary benefits the Manager may receive from its relationship with the Fund.

     The following persons are officers and/or directors of the Manager: Stephen E. Canter, Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer; Thomas F. Eggers, President and a director; Stephen R. Byers, Chief Investment Officer, Vice Chairman and a director; J. Charles Cardona, Vice Chairman and a director; J. David Officer, Vice Chairman and a director; Ronald P. O'Hanley III, Vice Chairman and a director; Diane P. Durnin, Executive Vice President; Mark N. Jacobs, Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary; Patrice M. Kozlowski, Senior Vice President-Corporate Communications; Lisa A. Fox, Vice President-Human Resources; Anthony Mayo, Vice President-Information Systems; Theodore A. Schachar, Vice President-Tax; Alex G. Sciulli, Vice President; Wendy H. Strutt, Vice President; William H. Maresca, Controller; Joseph W. Connolly, Chief Compliance Officer; James Bitetto, Assistant Secretary; Steven F. Newman, Assistant Secretary; and Steven G. Elliott, David F. Lamere, Martin G. McGuinn and Richard W. Sabo, directors.

     The Manager's Code of Ethics subjects its employees' personal securities transactions to various restrictions to ensure that such trading does not disadvantage any fund advised by the Manager. In that regard, portfolio managers and other investment personnel of the Manager must preclear and report their personal securities transactions and holdings, which are reviewed for compliance with the Code of Ethics, and are also subject to the oversight of Mellon's Investment Ethics Committee. Portfolio managers and other investment personnel of the Manager who comply with the preclearance and disclosure procedures of the Code of Ethics and the requirements of the Committee may be permitted to purchase, sell or hold securities which also may be or are held in fund(s) they manage or for which they otherwise provide investment advice.

     The Manager maintains office facilities on behalf of the Fund, and furnishes statistical and research data, clerical help, accounting, data processing, bookkeeping and internal auditing and certain other required services to the Fund. The Manager also maintains a research department with a professional staff of portfolio managers and securities analysts who provide research services for the Fund and for other funds advised by the Manager. The Manager may pay the Distributor for shareholder services from the Manager's own assets, including past profits but not including the management fee paid by the Fund. The Distributor may use part or all of such payments to pay securities dealers, banks or other financial institutions (collectively, "Service Agents") in respect of these services. The Manager also may make such advertising and promotional expenditures, using its own resources, as it from time to time deems appropriate.

     Expenses. All expenses incurred in the operation of the Fund are borne by the Fund, except to the extent specifically assumed by the Manager. The expenses borne by the Fund include: taxes, interest, brokerage fees and commissions, if any, fees of Board members who are not officers, directors, employees or holders of 5% or more of the outstanding voting securities of the Manager, SEC fees, state Blue Sky qualification fees, advisory fees, charges of custodians, transfer and dividend disbursing agents' fees, certain insurance premiums, industry association fees, outside auditing and legal expenses, costs of maintaining the Fund's existence, costs of independent pricing services, costs attributable to investor services (including, without limitation, telephone and personnel expenses), costs of shareholders' reports and meetings, costs of preparing and printing prospectuses and statements of additional information for regulatory purposes and for distribution to existing shareholders, and any extraordinary expenses.

     As compensation for the Manager's services, the Fund has agreed to pay the Manager a monthly management fee at the annual rate of 0.60% of the value of the Fund's average daily net assets. All fees and expenses are accrued daily and deducted before declaration of dividends to investors. For the fiscal years ended December 31, 2002, 2003 and 2004, the management fees paid by the Fund amounted to $1,528,994, $1,477,987 and $1,378,520, respectively.

     The Manager has agreed that if in any fiscal year the aggregate expenses of the Fund, exclusive of taxes, brokerage, interest on borrowings and (with the prior written consent of the necessary state securities commissions) extraordinary expenses, but including the management fee, exceed the expense limitation of any state having jurisdiction over the Fund, the Fund may deduct from the payment to be made to the Manager under the Agreement, or the Manager will bear, such excess expense to the extent required by state law. Such deduction or payment, if any, will be estimated daily, and reconciled and effected or paid, as the case may be, on a monthly basis.

     The aggregate of the fees payable to the Manager is not subject to reduction as the value of the Fund's net assets increases.

     Fund Management. The Manager manages the Fund's portfolio of investments in accordance with the stated policies of the Fund, subject to the approval of the Fund's Board. The Manager is responsible for investment decisions, and provides the Fund with portfolio managers who are authorized by the Fund's Board to execute purchases and sales of securities. The Fund's portfolio managers are Joseph P. Darcy, A. Paul Disdier, Joseph Irace, Colleen Meehan, W. Michael Petty, Scott Sprauer, Bill Vasiliou, James Welch, and Monica S. Wieboldt. The Manager also maintains a research department with a professional staff of portfolio managers and securities analysts who provide research services for the Fund and for other funds advised by the Manager.

     Portfolio Manager Compensation. Portfolio manager compensation is comprised primarily of a market-based salary and an incentive compensation plan. The Fund's portfolio managers are compensated by Dreyfus or its affiliates and not by the Fund. The incentive compensation plan is comprised of three components: portfolio performance (approximately 60%), individual qualitative performance (approximately 20%) and Dreyfus financial performance as measured by Dreyfus' pre-tax net income (approximately 20%). Up to 10% of the incentive plan compensation may be paid in Mellon restricted stock.

     Portfolio performance is measured by a combination of yield (35%) and total return (65%) relative to the appropriate Lipper peer group. 1-year performance in each category is weighted at 40% and 3-year performance at 60%. The portfolio manager's performance is measured on either a straight average (each account weighted equally) or a combination of straight average and asset-weighted average. Generally, if the asset-weighted average is higher, then that is used to measure performance. If the straight average is higher, then typically an average of the two is used to measure performance.

     Individual qualitative performance is based on Dreyfus' Chief Investment Officer's evaluation of portfolio manager's performance based on any combination of the following: marketing contributions; new product development; performance on special assignments; people development; methodology enhancements; fund growth/gain in market; and support to colleagues. The Chief Investment Officer may consider additional factors at his discretion.

     Portfolio managers are also eligible for Dreyfus' Long Term Incentive Plan. Under that plan, cash and/or Mellon restricted stock is awarded at the discretion of the Chief Investment Officer based on individual performance and contributions to the Investment Management Department and the Mellon organization.

     Additional Information About the Portfolio Manager. The following table lists the number and types of other accounts advised by the Fund's primary portfolio manager and assets under management in those accounts as of the end of the Fund's fiscal year:

    Company        Pooled    Assets    Other    Assets 
Portfolio Manager    Accounts    Assets Managed    Accounts    Managed    Accounts    Managed 
Scott Sprauer    6    $769.9 million    0    $0    0    $0 

None of the funds or accounts are subject to a performance-based advisory fee.

     The dollar range of Fund shares beneficially owned by the primary portfolio manager are as follows as of the end of the Fund's fiscal year:

        Dollar Range of Fund Shares 
Portfolio Manager    Fund Name    Beneficially Owned 
Scott Sprauer    Dreyfus Florida Intermediate    None 
    Municipal Bond Fund     

Portfolio managers at Dreyfus may manage multiple accounts for a diverse client base, including mutual funds, separate accounts (assets managed on behalf of institutions such as pension funds, insurance companies and foundations), bank common trust accounts and wrap fee programs ("Other Accounts").

Potential conflicts of interest may arise because of Dreyfus' management of the Fund and Other Accounts. For example, conflicts of interest may arise with both the aggregation and

allocation of securities transactions and allocation of limited investment opportunities, as Dreyfus may be perceived as causing accounts it manages to participate in an offering to increase Dreyfus' overall allocation of securities in that offering, or to increase Dreyfus' ability to participate in future offerings by the same underwriter or issuer. Allocations of bunched trades, particularly trade orders that were only partially filled due to limited availability, and allocation of investment opportunities generally, could raise a potential conflict of interest, as Dreyfus may have an incentive to allocate securities that are expected to increase in value to preferred accounts. Initial public offerings, in particular, are frequently of very limited availability. Additionally, portfolio managers may be perceived to have a conflict of interest if there are a large number of Other Accounts, in addition to the Fund, that they are managing on behalf of Dreyfus. Dreyfus periodically reviews each portfolio manager's overall responsibilities to ensure that they are able to allocate the necessary time and resources to effectively manage the Fund. In addition, Dreyfus could be viewed as having a conflict of interest to the extent that Dreyfus or its affiliates and/or portfolio managers have a materially larger investment in Other Accounts than their investment in the Fund.

     Other Accounts may have investment objectives, strategies and risks that differ from those of the Fund. For these or other reasons, the portfolio manager may purchase different securities for the Fund and the Other Accounts, and the performance of securities purchased for the Fund may vary from the performance of securities purchased for Other Accounts. The portfolio manager may place transactions on behalf of Other Accounts that are directly or indirectly contrary to investment decisions made for the Fund, which could have the potential to adversely impact the Fund, depending on market conditions.

     A potential conflict of interest may be perceived to arise if transactions in one account closely follow related transactions in another account, such as when a purchase increases the value of securities previously purchase by the other account, or when a sale in one account lowers the sale price received in a sale by a second account.

     Dreyfus' goal is to provide high quality investment services to all of its clients, while meeting Dreyfus'fiduciary obligation to treat all clients fairly. Dreyfus has adopted and implemented policies and procedures, including brokerage and trade allocation policies and procedures, that it believes address the conflicts associated with managing multiple accounts for multiple clients. In addition, Dreyfus monitors a variety of areas, including compliance with Fund guidelines, the allocation of IPOs, and compliance with the firm's Code of Ethics Furthermore, senior investment and business personnel at Dreyfus periodically review the performance of the portfolio managers for Dreyfus-managed funds.

     Distributor. The Distributor, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Manager located at 200 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10166, serves as the Fund's distributor on a best efforts basis pursuant to an agreement with the Fund which is renewable annually.

The Manager or the Distributor may provide additional cash payments out of its own resources to financial intermediaries that sell shares of the Fund or provide other services. Such payments are in addition to any sales charges, 12b-1 fee and/or shareholder services fee or other expenses paid by the Fund. These additional payments may be made to certain Service Agents, including affiliates, that provide shareholder servicing, sub-administration recordkeeping and/or

sub-transfer agency services, marketing support and/or access to sales meetings, sales representatives and management representatives of the Service Agent. Cash compensation also may be paid to Service Agents for inclusion of the Fund on a sales list, including a preferred or select sales list or in other sales programs. These payments sometimes are referred to as "revenue sharing." In some cases, these payments may create an incentive for a Service Agent to recommend or sell shares of the Fund to you. Please contact your Service Agent for details about any payments it may receive in connection with the sale of Fund shares or the provision of services to the Fund.

From time to time, the Manager or the Distributor also may provide cash or non-cash compensation to Service Agents in the form of: occasional gifts; occasional meals, tickets or other entertainment; support for due diligence trips; educational conference sponsorship; support for recognition programs; and other forms of cash or non-cash compensation permissible under broker-dealer regulations, as periodically amended.

     Transfer and Dividend Disbursing Agent and Custodian. Dreyfus Transfer, Inc. (the "Transfer Agent"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Manager, 200 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10166, is the Fund's transfer and dividend disbursing agent. Under a transfer agency agreement with the Fund, the Transfer Agent arranges for the maintenance of shareholder account records for the Fund, the handling of certain communications between shareholders and the Fund and the payment of dividends and distributions payable by the Fund. For these services, the Transfer Agent receives a monthly fee computed on the basis of the number of shareholder accounts it maintains for the Fund during the month, and is reimbursed for certain out-of-pocket expenses.

     The Bank of New York (the "Custodian"), One Wall Street, New York, New York 10286, is the Fund's custodian. The Custodian has no part in determining the investment policies of the Fund or which securities are to be purchased or sold by the Fund. Under a custody agreement with the Fund, the Custodian holds the Fund's securities and keeps all necessary accounts and records. For its custody services, the Custodian receives a monthly fee based on the market value of the Fund's assets held in custody and receives certain securities transactions charges.


     General. Fund shares are sold without a sales charge. You may be charged a fee if you effect transactions in Fund shares through a Service Agent. Share certificates are issued only upon your written request. It is not recommended that the Fund be used as a vehicle for Keogh, IRA or other qualified plans. No certificates are issued for fractional shares. The Fund reserves the right to reject any purchase order.

     The minimum initial investment is $2,500 or $1,000 if you are a client of a Service Agent which maintains an omnibus account in the Fund and has made an aggregate minimum initial purchase for its customers of $2,500. Subsequent investments must be at least $100. The initial investment must be accompanied by the Account Application. For full-time or part-time employees of the Manager or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries, directors of the Manager, Board

members of a fund advised by the Manager, including members of the Fund's Board, or the spouse or minor child of any of the foregoing, the minimum initial investment is $1,000. For full-time or part-time employees of the Manager or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries who elect to have a portion of their pay directly deposited into their Fund accounts, the minimum initial investment is $50. Fund shares are offered without regard to the minimum initial investment requirements to Board members of a fund advised by the Manager, including members of the Fund's Board, who elect to have all or a portion of their compensation for servicing in that capacity automatically invested in the Fund. The Fund reserves the right to vary the initial and subsequent investment minimum requirements at any time.

     Fund shares also are offered without regard to the minimum initial investment requirements through Dreyfus-Automatic Asset Builder®, Dreyfus Government Direct Deposit Privilege or Dreyfus Payroll Savings Plan pursuant to the Dreyfus Step Program described under "Shareholder Services." These services enable you to make regularly scheduled investments and may provide you with a convenient way to invest for long-term financial goals. You should be aware, however, that periodic investment plans do not guarantee a profit and will not protect an investor against loss in a declining market.

     Management understands that some Service Agents may impose certain conditions on their clients which are different from those described in the Fund's Prospectus and this Statement of Additional Information, and, to the extent permitted by applicable regulatory authority, may charge their clients direct fees. As discussed under "Management Arrangements-Distributor," Service Agents may receive revenue sharing payments from the Manager or the Distributor. The receipt of such payments could create an incentive for a Service Agent to recommend or sell shares of the Fund instead of other mutual funds where such payments are not received. Please contact your Service Agent for details about any payments it may receive in connection with the sale of Fund shares or the provision of services to the Fund.

     Shares are sold on a continuous basis at the net asset value per share next determined after an order in proper form is received by the Transfer Agent or other entity authorized to receive orders on behalf of the Fund. Net asset value per share is determined as of the close of trading on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (usually 4:00 p.m., Eastern time) on each day the New York Stock Exchange is open for regular business. For purposes of computing net asset value per share, certain options and futures contracts may be valued 15 minutes after the close of trading on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. Net asset value per share is computed by dividing the value of the Fund's net assets (i.e., the value of its assets less liabilities) by the total number of shares outstanding. For information regarding the methods employed in valuing the Fund's investments, see "Determination of Net Asset Value."

     Dreyfus TeleTransfer Privilege. You may purchase shares by telephone or online if you have checked the appropriate box and supplied the necessary information on the Account Application or have filed a Shareholder Services Form with the Transfer Agent. The proceeds will be transferred between the bank account designated in one of these documents and your Fund account. Only a bank account maintained in a domestic financial institution which is an Automated Clearing House ("ACH") member may be so designated.

Dreyfus TeleTransfer purchase orders may be made at any time. If purchase orders are received by 4:00 p.m., Eastern Time, on any day that the Transfer Agent and the New York Stock Exchange are open for regular business, Fund shares will be purchased at the public offering price determined on that day. If purchase orders are made after 4:00 p.m., Eastern time, on any day the Transfer Agent and the New York Stock Exchange are open for regular business, or made on Saturday, Sunday or any Fund holiday (e.g., when the New York Stock Exchange is not open for business), Fund shares will be purchased at the public offering price determined on the next bank business day following such purchase order. To qualify to use Dreyfus TeleTransfer Privilege, the initial payment for purchase of shares must be drawn on, and redemption proceeds paid to, the same bank and account as are designated on the Account Application or Shareholder Services Form on file. If the proceeds of a particular redemption are to be sent to an account at any other bank, the request must be in writing and signature-guaranteed. See "How to Redeem Shares--Dreyfus TeleTransfer Privilege."

     Reopening an Account. You may reopen an account with a minimum investment of $100 without filing a new Account Application during the calendar year the account is closed or during the following calendar year, provided the information on the old Account Application is still applicable.


     The Fund has adopted a Shareholder Services Plan (the "Plan"), pursuant to which the Fund reimburses the Distributor an amount not to exceed the annual rate of 0.25% of the value of the Fund's average daily net assets for certain allocated expenses of providing personal services and/or maintaining shareholder accounts. The services provided may include personal services relating to shareholder accounts, such as answering shareholder inquiries regarding the Fund and providing reports and other information, and services related to the maintenance of shareholder accounts.

     A quarterly report of the amounts expended under the Plan, and the purposes for which such expenditures were incurred, must be made to the Fund's Board for its review. In addition, the Plan provides that material amendments of the Plan must be approved by the Fund's Board, and by the Board members who are not "interested persons" (as defined in the 1940 Act) of the Fund and have no direct or indirect financial interest in the operation of the Plan, by vote cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of considering such amendments. The Plan is subject to annual approval by such vote of the Board members cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on the Plan. The Plan is terminable at any time by vote of a majority of the Board members who are not "interested persons" and who have no direct or indirect financial interest in the operation of the Plan.

     During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2004, the Fund paid $154,979 pursuant to the Plan.


     General. The Fund ordinarily will make a payment for all shares redeemed within seven days after receipt by the Transfer Agent of a redemption request in proper form, except as provided by the rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission. However, if you have purchased Fund shares by check or by Dreyfus TeleTransfer Privilege and subsequently submit a written redemption request to the Transfer Agent, the Fund may delay sending the redemption proceeds for up to eight business days after the purchase of such shares. In addition, the Fund will not honor redemption checks under the Checkwriting Privilege, and will reject requests to redeem shares by wire or telephone, online or pursuant to the Dreyfus TeleTransfer Privilege, for a period of up to eight business days after receipt by the Transfer Agent of the purchase check or the Dreyfus TeleTransfer purchase against which such redemption is requested. These procedures will not apply if your shares were purchased by wire payment, or if you otherwise have a sufficient collected balance in your account to cover the redemption request. Fund shares may not be redeemed until the Transfer Agent has received your Account Application.

     Redemption Fee. The Fund will deduct a redemption fee equal to 1% of the net asset value of Fund shares redeemed (including redemptions through the use of the Fund Exchanges service) less than 30 days following the issuance of such shares. The redemption fee will be deducted from the redemption proceeds and retained by the Fund. For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2004, the Fund retained $1,571 in redemption fees.

     No redemption fee will be charged on the redemption or exchange of shares (1) through the Fund's Checkwriting Privilege, Automatic Withdrawal Plan or Dreyfus Auto-Exchange Privilege, (2) through accounts that are reflected on the records of the Transfer Agent as omnibus accounts approved by the Distributor, (3) through accounts established by securities dealers, banks or other financial institutions approved by the Distributor that utilize the National Securities Clearing Corporation's networking system, or (4) acquired through the reinvestment of dividends or distributions. The redemption fee may be waived, modified or terminated at any time.

     Checkwriting Privilege. The Fund provides redemption checks ("Checks") to investors automatically upon opening an account, unless you specifically refuse the Checkwriting Privilege by checking the applicable "No" box on the Account Application. The Checkwriting Privilege may be established for an existing account by a separate signed Shareholder Services Form. Checks will be sent only to the registered owner(s) of the account and only to the address of record. The Account Application or Shareholder Services Form must be manually signed by the registered owner(s). Checks may be made payable to the order of any person in an amount of $500 or more. When a Check is presented to the Transfer Agent for payment, the Transfer Agent, as your agent, will cause the Fund to redeem a sufficient number of shares in your account to cover the amount of the Check. Dividends are earned until the Check clears. After clearance, a copy of the Check will be returned to you. You generally will be subject to the same rules and regulations that apply to checking accounts, although the election of this Privilege creates only a shareholder-transfer agent relationship with the Transfer Agent.

     You should date your Checks with the current date when you write them. Please do not postdate your Checks. If you do, the Transfer Agent will honor, upon presentment, even if

presented before the date of the Check, all postdated Checks which are dated within six months of presentment for payment, if they are otherwise in good order.

     Checks are free, but the Transfer Agent will impose a fee for stopping payment of a Check upon your request or if the Transfer Agent cannot honor a Check due to insufficient funds or other valid reason. If the amount of the Check is greater than the value of the shares in your account, the Check will be returned marked insufficient funds. Checks should not be used to close an account.

     The Checkwriting Privilege will be terminated immediately, without notice, with respect to any account which is, or becomes, subject to backup withholding on redemptions. Any Check written on an account which has become subject to backup withholding on redemptions will not be honored by the Transfer Agent.

     Wire Redemption Privilege. By using this Privilege, you authorize the Transfer Agent to act on telephone, letter or online redemption instructions from any person representing himself or herself to be you and reasonably believed by the Transfer Agent to be genuine. Ordinarily, the Fund will initiate payment for shares redeemed pursuant to this Privilege on the next business day after receipt by the Transfer Agent of a redemption request in proper form. Redemption proceeds ($1,000 minimum) will be transferred by Federal Reserve wire only to the commercial bank account specified by you on the Account Application or Shareholder Services Form, or to a correspondent bank if your bank is not a member of the Federal Reserve System. Fees ordinarily are imposed by such bank and borne by the investor. Immediate notification by the correspondent bank to your bank is necessary to avoid a delay in crediting the funds to your bank account.

     To change the commercial bank or account designated to receive redemption proceeds, a written request must be sent to the Transfer Agent. This request must be signed by each shareholder, with each signature guaranteed as described below under "Share Certificates; Signatures."

     Dreyfus TeleTransfer Privilege. You may request by telephone or online that redemption proceeds be transferred between your Fund account and your bank account. Only a bank account maintained in a domestic financial institution which is an ACH member may be designated. You should be aware that if you have selected the Dreyfus TeleTransfer Privilege, any request for a Dreyfus TeleTransfer transaction a will be effected through the ACH system unless more prompt transmittal specifically is requested. Redemption proceeds will be on deposit in the your account at an ACH member bank ordinarily two business days after receipt of the redemption request. See "How to Buy Shares--Dreyfus TeleTransfer Privilege."

     Share Certificates; Signatures. Any certificates representing Fund shares to be redeemed must be submitted with the redemption request. Written redemption requests must be signed by each shareholder, including each holder of a joint account, and each signature must be guaranteed. Signatures on endorsed certificates submitted for redemption also must be guaranteed. The Transfer Agent has adopted standards and procedures pursuant to which signature-guarantees in proper form generally will be accepted from domestic banks, brokers, dealers, credit unions, national securities exchanges, registered securities associations, clearing

agencies and savings associations, as well as from participants in the New York Stock Exchange Medallion Signature Program, the Securities Transfer Agents Medallion Program ("STAMP") and the Stock Exchanges Medallion Program. Guarantees must be signed by an authorized signatory of the guarantor and "Signature-Guaranteed" must appear with the signature. The Transfer Agent may request additional documentation from corporations, executors, administrators, trustees or guardians and may accept other suitable verification arrangements from foreign investors, such as consular verification. For more information with respect to signature-guarantees, please call one of the telephone numbers listed on the cover.

     Redemption Commitment. The Fund has committed itself to pay in cash all redemption requests by any shareholder of record, limited in amount during any 90-day period to the lesser of $250,000 or 1% of the value of the Fund's net assets at the beginning of such period. Such commitment is irrevocable without the prior approval of the Securities and Exchange Commission. In the case of requests for redemption in excess of such amount, the Board reserves the right to make payments in whole or in part in securities or other assets of the Fund in case of an emergency or any time a cash distribution would impair the liquidity of the Fund to the detriment of the existing shareholders. In such event, the securities would be valued in the same manner as the Fund's portfolio is valued. If the recipient sells such securities, brokerage charges might be incurred.

     Suspension of Redemptions. The right of redemption may be suspended or the date of payment postponed (a) during any period when the New York Stock Exchange is closed (other than customary weekend and holiday closings), (b) when trading in the markets the Fund ordinarily utilizes is restricted, or when an emergency exists as determined by the Securities and Exchange Commission so that disposal of the Fund's investments or determination of its net asset value is not reasonably practicable, or (c) for such other periods as the Securities and Exchange Commission by order may permit to protect the Fund's shareholders.


     Fund Exchanges. You may purchase, in exchange for shares of the Fund, shares of certain other funds managed or administered by the Manager or shares of certain funds advised by Founders Asset Management LLC ("Founders"), an indirect subsidiary of the Manager, to the extent such shares are offered for sale in your state of residence. The Fund will deduct a redemption fee equal to 1% of the net asset value of Fund shares exchanged where the exchange is made less than 30 days after the issuance of such shares. Shares of other funds purchased by exchange will be purchased on the basis of relative net asset value per share as follows:

A.      Exchanges for shares of funds offered without a sales load will be made without a sales load.
B.      Shares of funds purchased without a sales load may be exchanged for shares of other funds sold with a sales load, and the applicable sales load will be deducted.
C.      Shares of funds purchased with a sales load may be exchanged without a sales load for shares of other funds sold without a sales load.

D.      Shares of funds purchased with a sales load, shares of funds acquired by a previous exchange from shares purchased with a sales load and additional shares acquired through reinvestment of dividends or distributions of any such funds (collectively referred to herein as "Purchased Shares") may be exchanged for shares of other funds sold with a sales load (referred to herein as "Offered Shares"), but if the sales load applicable to the Offered Shares exceeds the maximum sales load that could have been imposed in connection with the Purchased Shares (at the time the Purchased Shares were acquired), without giving effect to any reduced loads, the difference may be deducted.

     To accomplish an exchange under item D above, you must notify the Transfer Agent of your prior ownership of fund shares and your account number.

     To request an exchange, you must give exchange instructions to the Transfer Agent in writing, by telephone or online. The ability to issue exchange instructions by telephone or online is given to all Fund shareholders automatically, unless you check the applicable "No" box on the Account Application, indicating that you specifically refuse this privilege. By using this privilege, you authorize the Transfer Agent to act on telephonic and online instructions (including over the Dreyfus ExpressR voice response telephone system) from any person representing himself or herself to be you, and reasonably believed by the Transfer Agent to be genuine. Exchanges may be subject to limitations as to the amount involved or the number of exchanges permitted. Shares issued in certificate form are not eligible for telephone or online exchange. No fees currently are charged shareholders directly in connection with exchanges, although the Fund reserves the right, upon not less than 60 days' written notice, to charge shareholders a nominal administrative fee in accordance with rules promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

     To establish a personal retirement plan by exchange, shares of the fund being exchanged must have a value of at least the minimum initial investment required for the fund into which the exchange is being made.

     During times of drastic economic or market conditions, the Fund may suspend Fund Exchanges temporarily without notice and treat exchange requests based on their separate components--redemption orders with a simultaneous request to purchase the other fund's shares. In such a case, the redemption request would be processed at the Fund's next determined net asset value but the purchase order would be effective only at the net asset value next determined after the fund being purchased receives the proceeds of the redemption, which may result in the purchase being delayed.

     Dreyfus Auto-Exchange Privilege. Dreyfus Auto-Exchange Privilege permits you to purchase (on a semi-monthly, monthly, quarterly or annual basis), in exchange for shares of the Fund, shares of another fund in the Dreyfus Family of Funds or shares of certain funds advised by Founders of which you are a shareholder. This Privilege is available only for existing accounts. Shares will be exchanged on the basis of relative net asset value as described above under "Fund Exchanges." Enrollment in or modification or cancellation of this Privilege is effective three business days following notification by the investor. You will be notified if your account falls below the amount designated to be exchanged under this Privilege. In this case,

your account will fall to zero unless additional investments are made in excess of the designated amount prior to the next Auto-Exchange transaction. Shares held under IRA and other retirement plans are eligible for this Privilege. Exchanges of IRA shares may be made between IRA accounts from regular accounts to IRA accounts, but not from IRA accounts to regular accounts. With respect to all other retirement accounts, exchanges may be made only among those accounts.

     Shareholder Services Forms and prospectuses of the other funds may be obtained by calling 1-800-645-6561, or visiting the Dreyfus.com website. The Fund reserves the right to reject any exchange request in whole or in part. Shares may be exchanged only between accounts having certain identical identifying designations. The Fund Exchanges service or the Dreyfus Auto-Exchange Privilege may be modified or terminated at any time upon notice to shareholders.

     Dreyfus-Automatic Asset Builder®. Dreyfus-Automatic Asset Builder permits you to purchase Fund shares (minimum of $100 and maximum of $150,000 per transaction) at regular intervals selected by you. Fund shares are purchased by transferring funds from the bank account designated by you.

     Dreyfus Government Direct Deposit Privilege. Dreyfus Government Direct Deposit Privilege enables you to purchase Fund shares (minimum of $100 and maximum of $50,000 per transaction) by having Federal salary, Social Security, or certain veterans', military or other payments from the U.S. Government automatically deposited into your fund account.

     Dreyfus Payroll Savings Plan. Dreyfus Payroll Savings Plan permits you to purchase Fund shares (minimum of $100 per transaction) automatically on a regular basis. Depending upon your employer's direct deposit program, you may have part or all of your paycheck transferred to your existing Dreyfus account electronically through the ACH system at each pay period. To establish a Dreyfus Payroll Savings Plan account, you must file an authorization form with your employer's payroll department. It is the sole responsibility of your employer to arrange for transactions under the Dreyfus Payroll Savings Plan.

     Dreyfus Step Program. Dreyfus Step Program enables you to purchase Fund shares without regard to the Fund's minimum initial investment requirements through Dreyfus-Automatic Asset Builder®, Dreyfus Government Direct Deposit Privilege or Dreyfus Payroll Savings Plan. To establish a Dreyfus Step Program account, you must supply the necessary information on the Account Application and file the required authorization form(s) with the Transfer Agent. For more information concerning this Program, or to request the necessary authorization form(s), please call toll free 1-800-782-6620. You may terminate your participation in this Program at any time by discontinuing your participation in Dreyfus-Automatic Asset Builder, Dreyfus Government Direct Deposit Privilege or Dreyfus Payroll Savings Plan, as the case may be, as provided under the terms of such Privilege(s). The Fund may modify or terminate this Program at any time.

     Dreyfus Dividend Options. Dreyfus Dividend Sweep allows you to invest automatically your dividends or dividends and capital gain distributions, if any, from the Fund in shares of another fund in the Dreyfus Family of Funds or shares of certain funds advised by Founders of

which you are a shareholder. Shares of other funds purchased pursuant to this privilege will be purchased on the basis of relative net asset value per share as follows:

A.      Dividends and distributions paid by a fund may be invested without a sales load in shares of other funds offered without a sales load.
B.      Dividends and distributions paid by a fund that does not charge a sales load may be invested in shares of other funds sold with a sales load, and the applicable sales load will be deducted.
C.      Dividends and distributions paid by a fund that charges a sales load may be invested in shares of other funds sold with a sales load (referred to herein as "Offered Shares"), but if the sales load applicable to the Offered Shares exceeds the maximum sales load charged by the fund from which dividends or distributions are being swept (without giving effect to any reduced loads), the difference may be deducted.
D.      Dividends and distributions paid by a fund may be invested in shares of other funds that impose a contingent deferred sales charge ("CDSC") and the applicable CDSC, if any, will be imposed upon redemption of such shares.

     Dreyfus Dividend ACH permits you to transfer electronically dividends or dividends and capital gain distributions, if any, from the Fund to a designated bank account. Only an account maintained at a domestic financial institution which is an ACH member may be so designated. Banks may charge a fee for this service.

     Automatic Withdrawal Plan. The Automatic Withdrawal Plan permits you to request withdrawal of a specified dollar amount (minimum of $50) on either a monthly or quarterly basis if you have a $5,000 minimum account. Withdrawal payments are the proceeds from sales of Fund shares, not the yield on the shares. If withdrawal payments exceed reinvested dividends and distributions, your shares will be reduced and eventually may be depleted. Automatic Withdrawal may be terminated at any time by you, the Fund or the Transfer Agent. Shares for which certificates have been issued may not be redeemed through the Automatic Withdrawal Plan.


     Valuation of Portfolio Securities. The Fund's investments are valued each business day by an independent pricing service (the "Service") approved by the Fund's Board. When, in the judgment of the Service, quoted bid prices for investments are readily available and are representative of the bid side of the market, these investments are valued at the mean between the quoted bid prices (as obtained by the Service from dealers in such securities) and asked prices (as calculated by the Service based upon its evaluation of the market for such securities). The value of other investments (which may constitute a majority of the portfolio securities) is determined by the Service based on methods which include consideration of: yields or prices of municipal bonds of comparable quality, coupon, maturity and type; indications as to values from dealers; and general market conditions. The Service may employ electronic data processing techniques and/or a matrix system to determine valuations. The Service's procedures are

reviewed under the general supervision of the Fund's Board. If valuations for investments (received from the Service or otherwise) are not readily available, or are determined not to reflect accurately fair value, the Fund may value those investments at fair value as determined in accordance with the procedures approved by the Fund's Board. Fair value of investments may be done by the Fund's Board, its pricing committee or its valuation committee in good faith using such information as it deems appropriate under the circumstances. The factors that may be considered in fair valuing a security include fundamental analytical data, the nature and duration of restrictions on disposition, an evaluation of the forces that influence the market in which the securities are purchased or sold, and public trading of similar securities of the issuer or comparable issuers. Using fair value to price investments may result in a value that is different from a security's most recent price and from prices used by other mutual funds to calculate their net asset values. Expenses and fees, including the management fee (reduced by the expense limitation, if any), are accrued daily and are taken into account for the purpose of determining the net asset value of Fund shares.

     New York Stock Exchange Closings. The holidays (as observed) on which the New York Stock Exchange is closed currently are: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents' Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.


     General. Portfolio securities ordinarily are purchased from and sold to parties acting as either principal or agent. Newly-issued securities ordinarily are purchased directly from the issuer or from an underwriter; other purchases and sales usually are placed with those dealers from which it appears that the best price or execution will be obtained. Usually no brokerage commissions, as such, are paid by the Fund for such purchases and sales, although the price paid usually includes an undisclosed compensation to the dealer acting as agent. The prices paid to underwriters of newly-issued securities usually include a concession paid by the issuer to the underwriter, and purchases of after-market securities from dealers ordinarily are executed at a price between the bid and asked price. No brokerage commissions have been paid by the Fund to date.

     Transactions are allocated to various dealers by the Fund's portfolio managers in their best judgment. The primary consideration is prompt and effective execution of orders at the most favorable price. Subject to that primary consideration, dealers may be selected for research, statistical or other services to enable the Manager to supplement its own research and analysis with the views and information of other securities firms.

     Research services furnished by brokers through which the Fund effects securities transactions may be used by the Manager in advising other funds it advises and, conversely, research services furnished to the Manager by brokers in connection with other funds the Manager advises may be used by the Manager in advising the Fund. Although it is not possible to place a dollar value on these services, it is the opinion of the Manager that the receipt and study of such services should not reduce the overall expenses of its research department.

     Disclosure of Portfolio Holdings. It is the policy of the Fund to the protect the confidentiality of the Fund's portfolio holdings and prevent the selective disclosure of non-public information about such holdings. The fund will publicly disclose its holdings in accordance with regulatory requirements, such as periodic portfolio disclosure in filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Fund will publicly disclose its complete schedule of portfolio holdings, as reported on a month-end basis, at www.dreyfus.com. The information will be posted with a one-month lag and will remain accessible until the Fund files a report on Form N-Q or Form N-CSR for the period that includes the date as of which the information was current. In addition, fifteen days following the end of each calendar quarter, the Fund will publicly disclose on the website its complete schedule of portfolio holdings as of the end of such quarter.

If the Fund's portfolio holdings are released pursuant to an ongoing arrangement with any party, the Fund must have a legitimate business purpose for doing so, and neither the Fund, nor Dreyfus or its affiliates, may receive any compensation in connection with an arrangement to make available information about the Fund's portfolio holdings. The Fund may distribute portfolio holdings to mutual fund evaluation services such as Standard & Poor's, Morningstar or Lipper Analytical Services; due diligence departments of broker-dealers and wirehouses that regularly analyze the portfolio holdings of mutual funds before their public disclosure; and broker-dealers that may be used by the Fund, for the purpose of efficient trading and receipt of relevant research, provided that (a) the recipient does not distribute the portfolio holdings to persons who are likely to use the information for purposes of purchasing or selling Fund shares or Fund portfolio holdings before the portfolio holdings become public information; and (b) the recipient sings a written confidentiality agreement.

The Fund may also disclose any and all portfolio information to its service providers and others who generally need access to such information in the performance of their contractual duties and responsibilities and are subject to duties of confidentiality, including a duty not to trade on non-public information, imposed by law and/or contract. These service providers include the Fund's custodians, auditors, investment adviser, administrator, and each of their respective affiliates and advisers.

Disclosure of the Fund's portfolio holdings may be authorized only by the Chief Compliance Officer, and any exceptions to this policy are reported quarterly to the Fund's Board.


     Management believes that the Fund has qualified for treatment as a "regulated investment company" under the Code for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2004. The Fund intends to continue to so qualify if such qualification is in the best interests of its shareholders. As a regulated investment company, the Fund will pay no Federal income tax on net investment income and net realized capital gains to the extent that such income and gains are distributed to shareholders in accordance with applicable provisions of the Code. To qualify as a regulated investment company, the Fund must pay out to its shareholders at least 90% of its net income (consisting of net investment income from tax exempt obligations and taxable obligations, if any,

and net short-term capital gains), and must meet certain asset diversification and other requirements. If the Fund does not qualify as a regulated investment company, it will be treated for tax purposes as an ordinary corporation subject to Federal income tax. The term "regulated investment company" does not imply the supervision of management or investment practices or policies by any government agency.

     The Fund ordinarily declares dividends from its net investment income on each day the New York Stock Exchange is open for regular business. Fund shares begin earning income dividends on the day following the date of purchase. Dividends usually are paid on the last business day of each month and are automatically reinvested in additional Fund shares at net asset value or, at your option, paid in cash. The Fund's earnings for Saturdays, Sundays and holidays are declared as dividends on the next business day. If you redeem all shares in your account at any time during the month, all dividends to which you are entitled will be paid to you along with the proceeds of the redemption. If you are an omnibus accountholder and indicate in a partial redemption request that a portion of any accrued dividends to which such account is entitled belongs to an underlying accountholder who has redeemed all shares in his or her account, such portion of the accrued dividends will be paid to you along with the proceeds of the redemption.

     If you elect to receive dividends and distributions in cash, and your dividend or distribution check is returned to the Fund as undeliverable or remains uncashed for six months, the Fund reserves the right to reinvest such dividend or distribution and all future dividends and distributions payable to you in additional Fund shares at net asset value. No interest will accrue on amounts represented by uncashed distribution or redemption checks.

     Any dividend or distribution paid shortly after an investor's purchase may have the effect of reducing the aggregate net asset value of the shares below the cost of his or her investment. Such a distribution would be a return on investment in an economic sense although taxable as stated under "Distributions and Taxes" in the Prospectus. In addition, the Code provides that if a shareholder holds Fund shares for six months or less and has received an exempt-interest dividend with respect to such shares, any loss incurred on the sale of such shares will be disallowed to the extent of the exempt-interest dividend received.

     If, at the close of each quarter of its taxable year, at least 50% of the value of the Fund's total assets consists of Federal tax exempt obligations, the Fund may designate and pay Federal exempt-interest dividends from interest earned on all such tax exempt obligations. Such exempt-interest dividends may be excluded by shareholders of the Fund from their gross income for Federal income tax purposes. Dividends derived from taxable investments, together with distributions from any net realized short-term securities gains, generally are taxable as ordinary income for Federal income tax purposes whether or not reinvested. Distributions from net realized long-term securities gains generally are taxable as long-term capital gains to a shareholder who is a citizen or resident of the United States, whether or not reinvested and regardless of the length of time the shareholder has held his shares.

     Ordinarily, gains and losses realized from portfolio transactions will be treated as capital gains or losses. However, all or a portion of any gains realized from the sale or other disposition of certain market discount bonds will be treated as ordinary income. In addition, all or a portion

of the gain realized from engaging in "conversion transactions" (generally including certain transactions designed to convert ordinary income into capital gain) may be treated as ordinary income.

     Gain or loss, if any, realized by the Fund from certain financial futures and options transactions ("Section 1256 contracts") will be treated as 60% long-term capital gain or loss and 40% short-term capital gain or loss. Gain or loss will arise upon exercise or lapse of Section 1256 contracts as well as from closing transactions. In addition, any such Section 1256 contracts remaining unexercised at the end of the fund's taxable year will be treated as sold for their then fair market value, resulting in additional gain or loss to the Fund as described above.

     Offsetting positions held by the Fund involving certain financial futures contracts or options transactions may be considered, for tax purposes, to constitute "straddles." "Straddles" are defined to include "offsetting positions" in actively traded personal property. To the extent the straddle rules apply to positions established by the Fund, losses realized by the Fund may be deferred to the extent of unrealized gain in the offsetting position. In addition, short-term capital loss on straddle positions may be recharacterized as long-term capital loss, and long-term capital gains on straddle positions may be treated as short-term capital gains or ordinary income. Certain of the straddle positions held by the Fund may constitute "mixed straddles." The Fund may make one or more elections with respect to the treatment of "mixed straddles," resulting in different tax consequences. In certain circumstances, the provisions governing the tax treatment of straddles override or modify certain of the provisions discussed above.

     If the Fund either (1) holds an appreciated financial position with respect to stock, certain debt obligations, or partnership interests ("appreciated financial position") and then enters into a short sale, futures, forward, or offsetting notional principal contract (collectively, a "Contract") with respect to the same or substantially identical property or (2) holds an appreciated financial position that is a Contract and then acquires property that is the same as, or substantially identical to, the underlying property, the Fund generally will be taxed as if the appreciated financial position were sold at its fair market value on the date the Fund enters into the financial position or acquires the property, respectively.

     Investment by the Fund in securities issued at a discount or providing for deferred interest or for payment of interest in the form of additional obligations could, under special tax rules, affect the amount, timing and character of distributions to shareholders. For example, the Fund could be required to take into account annually a portion of the discount (or deemed discount) at which such securities were issued and to distribute such portion in order to maintain its qualification as a regulated investment company. In such case, the Fund may have to dispose of securities which it might otherwise have continued to hold in order to generate cash to satisfy these distribution requirements.

     Federal regulations require that you provide a certified taxpayer identification number ("TIN") upon opening or reopening an account. See the Account Application for further information concerning this requirement. Failure to furnish a certified TIN to the Fund could subject you to a $50 penalty imposed by the Internal Revenue Service.


     Each Fund share has one vote and, when issued and paid for in accordance with the terms of the offering, is fully paid and non-assessable. Fund shares are of one class and have equal rights as to dividends and in liquidation. Shares have no preemptive, subscription or conversion rights and are freely transferable.

     Under Massachusetts law, shareholders, under certain circumstances, could be held personally liable for the obligations of the Fund. However, the Fund's Agreement and Declaration of Trust ("Trust Agreement") disclaims shareholder liability for acts or obligations of the Fund and requires that notice of such disclaimer be given in each agreement, obligation or instrument entered into or executed by the Fund or a Trustee. The Trust Agreement provides for indemnification from the Fund's property for all losses and expenses of any shareholder held personally liable for the obligations of the Fund. Thus, the risk of a shareholder incurring financial loss on account of shareholder liability is limited to circumstances in which the Fund itself would be unable to meet its obligations, a possibility which management believes is remote. Upon payment of any liability incurred by the Fund, the shareholder paying such liability will be entitled to reimbursement from the general assets of the Fund. The Fund intends to conduct its operations in such a way so as to avoid, as far as possible, ultimate liability of the shareholders for liabilities of the Fund.

     Unless otherwise required by the 1940 Act, ordinarily it will not be necessary for the Fund to hold annual meetings of shareholders. As a result, Fund shareholders may not consider each year the election of Board members or the appointment of auditors. However, the holders of at least 10% of the shares outstanding and entitled to vote may require the Fund to hold a special meeting of shareholders for purposes of removing a Board member from office. Fund shareholders may remove a Board member by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Fund's outstanding voting shares. In addition, the Board will call a meeting of shareholders for the purpose of electing Board members if, at any time, less than a majority of the Board members then holding office have been elected by shareholders.

     The Fund is intended to be a long-term investment vehicle and is not designed to provide investors with a means of speculating on short-term market movements. A pattern of frequent purchases and exchanges can be disruptive to efficient portfolio management and, consequently, can be detrimental to the Fund's performance and its shareholders. If Fund management determines that an investor is following an abusive investment strategy, it may reject any purchase request, or terminate the investor's exchange privilege, with or without prior notice. Such investors also may be barred from purchasing shares of other funds in the Dreyfus Family of Funds. Accounts under common ownership or control will be considered as one account for purposes of determining a pattern of excessive trading. In addition, the Fund may refuse or restrict purchase or exchange requests for Fund shares by any person or group if, in the judgment of the Fund's management, the Fund would be unable to invest the money effectively in accordance with its investment objective and policies or could otherwise be adversely affected or if the Fund receives or anticipates receiving simultaneous orders that may significantly affect the Fund. If an exchange request is refused, the Fund will take no other action with respect to the Fund shares until it receives further instructions from the investor. While the Fund will take reasonable steps to prevent excessive short-term trading deemed to be harmful to the Fund, it

may not be able to identify excessive trading conducted through certain financial intermediaries or omnibus accounts.

     To offset the relatively higher costs of servicing smaller accounts, the Fund will charge regular accounts with balances below $2,000 an annual fee of $12. The valuation of accounts and the deductions are expected to take place during the last four months of each year. The fee will be waived for any investor whose aggregate Dreyfus mutual fund investments total at least $25,000, and will not apply to IRA accounts or to accounts participating in automatic investment programs or opened through a securities dealer, bank or other financial institution, or to other fiduciary accounts.

The Fund will send annual and semi-annual financial statements to all its shareholders.


     Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP, 180 Maiden Lane, New York, New York 10038-4982, as counsel for the Fund, has rendered its opinion as to certain legal matters regarding the due authorization and valid issuance of the shares being sold pursuant to the Fund's Prospectus.

     Ernst & Young LLP, 5 Times Square, New York, New York 10036, an independent registered public accounting firm, has been selected as independent auditors of the Fund.



     The following information is a summary of special factors affecting investments in Florida Municipal Obligations. It does not purport to be a complete description and is based on information drawn from official statements relating to securities offerings of the State of Florida (the "State") available as of the date of this Statement of Additional Information. While the Fund has not independently verified this information, it has no reason to believe that such information is not correct in all material respects.

Demographic and Economic Information

     Juan Ponce de Leon made the first recorded landing in the State in 1513 and subsequently claimed the territory for Spain. The Spaniards founded the first permanent settlement, St. Augustine, in 1565. The State was acquired by the United States from Spain in 1821, became a territory of the United States in 1822, and was admitted to statehood in 1845 as the 27th state. The State is the 26th largest state with land area of 54,252 square miles and a water area of 4,308 square miles, with tidal shoreline in excess of 2,200 miles.

     As of April 1, 2004, Florida ranked as the fourth most populous state, with a population of 17.07 million. From 1993 to 2003, the U.S. population increased about 1% annually, while Florida's population averaged a 2.2% annual increase, with a majority of that increase due to migration to the State. During the 1990's, the elderly population (aged 65 or older) grew by 19.2% and constituted 17.6% of the State's total population on April 1, 2000. The working age population (18-64) grew by approximately 23.8% from 1990-2000, representing 59.6% of the total population in 2000. Growth in this age group is projected at 23.1% between 2000 and 2010, to become 60.5% of the total population by 2010.

     During the latter half of the twentieth century growth in the Gross State Product (the "GSP") outpaced both the Southeast and the nation. During the same period, the manufacturing base of the State's economy declined and the service and trade bases increased. In 2003, services constituted 47.9% of the State's total non-farm jobs, compared to 42.9% in 1998. The total number of non-farm jobs increased 6.7% while jobs in the services sector increased 11.6% over the same five-year period. The 1990's also saw Florida become a leader in high-tech industrial employment, ranking first in the Southeast and fifth in the nation by 1999, with the number of high-tech jobs increasing nearly 36% over that decade. Computer and electronic products accounted for 29% of Florida's export sales in 2002. The State's total international merchandise trade totaled $70.14 billion in 2002, with exports declining by 6.6% compared to 5.2% nationally and imports increasing by 4% compared to 1.9% for the nation.

     Private industry accounted for 88.4% of the State's 2002 GSP. Services constituted the largest sector of the GSP, with health services and business services contributing the most within the industry (24.9% and 21.9%, respectively). Real estate was the largest industry, accounting for 15.1% of the State's 2002 GSP. In 2002, agriculture, forestry and fishing constituted only about 1.2% of GSP, while construction grew to 4.5% of the State's GSP.

     Tourism is not treated as a separate industry sector, but remains an important aspect of the Florida economy. Its financial impact is reflected in a broad range of market sectors, such as transportation, communications, retail trade and services, and in State tax revenues generated by business activities that cater to visitors, such as hotels, restaurants, admissions and gift shops. According to State estimates, approximately 76.8 million people visited the State in 2004, a 3% increase over 2003. In 2002, hotels and lodging contributed 12.9% of the services component of the GSP, and amusement and recreation contributed 6.1% .

     State Retirement System. The Florida Retirement System ("FRS") provides retirement, disability and death benefits for participating public employees. The FRS is a cost-sharing, multiple employer, pension plan. There are two primary programs: FRS Defined Benefit Program and Public Employee Optional Retirement Program (FRS Investment Plan). In addition to these two primary, integrated programs there are non-integrated plan alternatives available. As of June 30, 2004, there were 866 participating employers, and 956,875 individual participants.

     The Florida Retirement System Trust Funds are invested by the State Board of Administration. The assumed rate of investment return for Fiscal Year 2003-2004 was 7.75%, with actual return calculated on the basis of fair value which was 16.6% . As of June 30, 2004, the FRS Trust Funds were valued at $103.1 billion (market value).

     The State contributed to the FRS as part of a cost-sharing multiple-employer public-employee defined benefit pension plan. For Fiscal Year 2003-2004, the State's total covered payroll amounted to approximately $5.16 billion with actual and required employer contributions totaling $436.3 million (8.46%) . The State's contribution to the FRS for Fiscal Years 2001-02 and 2002-03 were $442.7 million and $371.7 million, respectively. These amounts were also equal to the required contributions for each year. Covered payroll refers to all compensation paid by the State to active employees covered by the FRS on which contributions to the defined benefit pension plan are based. The State's contributions represented 22.32% of the total contributions required of all participating employers.

     Economic Outlook. The State's economic growth accelerated in Fiscal Year 2003-2004 and performed moderately better than the nation. While the U.S. experienced a minimal increase in non-farm employment, Florida posted a strong growth rate and had a low unemployment rate and a strong income growth rate. This performance may be attributable to favorable natural, economic and tax environments, and a growing population that fueled increased demand for goods and services.

     Florida remains the number one state in total job growth and generates the fastest job growth rate among the top ten most populous states. The State's non-farm employment grew 1.9% in Fiscal Year 2003-2004, adding 139,200 jobs. Increases in jobs were led by gains in professional and business services, construction, education and health services, leisure and hospitality, financial activities and government. Sixty percent of the job increase in the last fiscal year came from professional and business services and education and health services. With the strengthening economy, non-farm employment is anticipated to add 192,700 jobs in Fiscal Year 2004-2005, resulting in a 6.3% increase to wages and salaries. The unemployment

rate is anticipated to decline slightly from 4.8% in Fiscal Year 2003-2004 to 4.6% in the current fiscal year.

     Population has been a major source of increased economic activity in the State, which grew by 2.2% in the last fiscal year. The State's population is expected to increase by 353,200 in the current fiscal year. Over the next ten years, population growth is expected to reach 3.1 million. Population growth has been a major driver, and is expected to continue to be, of the State's sustained economic expansion as the demand for housing, durable and non-durable goods and other services continues to increase.

     Florida was hit by four major hurricanes in 2004, which destroyed thousands of homes and businesses. Massive reconstruction activities are underway to rebuild homes, business and public infrastructures, and the reconstruction efforts are expected to continue the surge of construction in the State in spite of recent increases in mortgage rates. Billions of dollars from the Federal government, the State and insurance claims are aiding in reconstruction efforts. Total construction employment, which added 21,900 jobs in the prior fiscal year, is anticipated to add another 17,900 jobs in Fiscal Year 2004-2005. The State's economy has continued to show strength and resilience after the hurricane devastation, and has been steadily expanding at a much higher growth rate than expected.

State Finances


     Recent State Financial Developments. In November 2003, the Revenue Estimating Conference ("REC") revised its forecast for Fiscal Year 2003-2004 and Fiscal Year 2004-2005. The general revenue collection estimate for Fiscal Year 2003-2004 was increased by $541.1 million to $20.9 billion (2.6% more than prior estimate). Fiscal Year 2004-05 general revenue is projected to be $21.6 billion, $703.8 million more than the current fiscal year estimate.

     Total General Revenue Fund and Working Capital Fund combined funds available for Fiscal Year 2003-2004 are projected to be $2.34 billion, with a year-end projected balance of $2.2 billion (10.3% of current year appropriations). The revised projected year-end balance reflects the increase in the general revenue estimate as offset by the $310 million appropriation to fund the Scripps Florida Funding Corporation authorized during special session. The estimated balance in the Budget Stabilization Fund is expected to be $966.4 million at the end of the current fiscal year.

     Fiscal Year 2003 Budget. The State is required to annually balance its budget. General revenue appropriations for Fiscal Year 2002-2003 totaled approximately $20.7 billion, which was to be funded by estimated general revenue collections of $19.6 billion, $197.3 million in trust fund transfers, $36.1 million from mid-year adjustments to available revenues and $854 million from the Working Capital Fund. Budget Stabilization Fund reserves (totaling $940.9 million) were not used to achieve the current balanced budget.

     Actual general revenue collections for Fiscal Year 2002-2003 were $373.8 million more than previous estimate ($19.98 billion for the year). The excess collections were due primarily to documentary stamp taxes and corporate income taxes, which accounted for $112.6 million and

$143.1 million of such excess, respectively. General revenue collections for Fiscal Year 2002-2003 were $655.7 million (approximately 3.4%) more than collections for the prior fiscal year. The year-end Working Capital Fund balance for Fiscal Year 2002-2003 was approximately $678.4 million. The amount in the Budget Stabilization Fund at year-end was $958.9 million.

     As of June 30, 2003, State net assets totaled $43.5 billion. The State's governmental funds reported a combined ending fund balance of $12.6 billion.

     Fiscal Year 2004 Budget. For Fiscal Year 2003-2004, general revenue spending was budgeted to increase by $566.5 million (2.7% over the prior fiscal year). Budgeted general revenue appropriations for Fiscal Year 2003-04 totaled approximately $21.3 billion, which was expected to be funded by general revenue collections of approximately $20.1 billion, $713.5 million in trust fund transfers, approximately $200 million in unused appropriations and reversions from the prior fiscal year and $174.8 million resulting from legislative changes in 2003. The State's constitutionally required Budget Stabilization Fund reserve of $958.9 million will not be used to fund the 2003-04 budget.

     During a special legislative session in October 2003, the Legislature enacted a law that increased appropriations by $310 million to fund the Scripps Florida Funding Corporation created by the legislation.

     The State's revenue forecasting committee met most recently in March 2004 to reevaluate revenue estimates for the General Revenue Fund for Fiscal Years 2003-2004 and 2004-2005. For Fiscal Year 2003-2004, the new revenue forecast was increased by $538.4 million (or 2.6% over the earlier estimate), to $21.4 billion. Fiscal Year 2004-2005 general revenue collections are now projected to be $22.1 billion, or 2.6% higher than the previous estimate.

     Total General Revenue Fund and Working Capital Fund combined funds that were available for Fiscal Year 2003-2004 were projected to be $23.5 billion, with a year-end projected balance of $2.2 billion, or 10.3% of appropriations. The projected year-end balance reflects the increased general revenue estimate offset by the $310 million to fund the Scripps Florida Funding Corporation, a $413.4 million budget amendment to reduce Medicaid appropriations, and the Governor's vetoes. The estimated balance in the Budget Stabilizations Fund was expected to be $966.4 million at the end of the current fiscal year.

Fiscal Year 2005 Budget. On May 28, 2004, the Governor singed the General

Appropriations Act, setting forth the State's budget for Fiscal Year 2004-2005. The Legislature budgeted $24.4 billion of general revenue and $33.6 billion of trust funds, and made supplemental appropriations of approximately $57.7 billion for Fiscal Year 2004-2005, or 5.1% ($2.8 billion) more than the 2003-2004 budget. The Governor line-item vetoed $349.3 in legislative appropriations.

     Florida was hit by four hurricanes affecting many areas within the State during August and September 2004. The total government cost of disaster recovery and relief efforts for public and individual assistance was estimated to be $4.3 billion as of November 10, 2004. The State's non-reimbursable share of the total cost of such efforts was estimated to be $387.7 million.

     Fiscal Year 2004-2005 general revenue collections, as of November 2004, are projected to be $23.62 billion, or $1.3 billion over prior estimates and $1.79 billion above actual collections for the prior fiscal year. The projected sales tax growth reflects the State's continued economic expansion. Spending on repair and replacement of property destroyed by the hurricanes is expected to account for $319.8 million of the increase in sales tax revenues. Activity in the real estate market continues to account for increased documentary and intangibles tax. For July 2004 through January 2005, preliminary general revenue collections were $13.31 billion, or approximately 2.1% over November estimates.

     General Revenue Fund appropriations originally enacted by the Legislature totaled approximately $24.05 billion. The State's budget has since been amended, by executive order and through special legislative action, to provide a total of $543.5 million in hurricane disaster relief. Additionally, the Legislature approved $77 million in December 2004 for juvenile justice and universal pre-kindergarten. As a result, General Revenue Fund appropriations for the current fiscal year now total approximately $24.68 billion. Appropriations are expected to be funded from total General Revenue Funds preliminary projected at $26.66 billion, consisting of the $23.62 billion in expected revenue collections, trust fund and other transfers of $465.3 million, $76.1 million in reversions and cancellation of warrants and $45 million in repayment of hurricane disaster relief loans, as well as the funds on hand in the Working Capital Fund. The year-end Working Capital Fund balance is currently projected to be $1.98 billion, or 8% of appropriations. The Budget Stabilization Fund balance is expected to be $999.2 million at fiscal year-end, and has not been used to fund the State's current fiscal year budget.

     State Revenues. Financial operations of the State are maintained through the General Revenue Fund, trust funds, the Working Capital Fund and the Budget Stabilization Fund. The General Revenue Fund receives the majority of State tax revenues. Trust funds consist of monies which under law or trust agreement are segregated for a specified purpose. Revenues in the General Revenue Fund which exceed the amount needed for appropriations may be transferred to the Working Capital Fund. State monies are expended pursuant to appropriations acts. The Governor and Chief Financial Officer are responsible for insuring that sufficient revenues are collected to meet appropriations and that no deficits occur in State funds.

     The State budget must be kept in balance from current revenues each fiscal year (July 1—June 30), and the State may not borrow to fund governmental operations. The State Constitution mandates the creation and maintenance of a Budget Stabilization Fund in an amount not less than 5% nor more than 10% of the last complete fiscal year's net revenue collections for the General Revenue Fund. Monies in the Budget Stabilization Fund may be transferred to the General Revenue Fund to offset a deficit therein or to provide emergency funding. Monies in this Fund are constitutionally prohibited from being obligated or otherwise committed for any other purpose. Any withdrawals from the Budget Stabilization Fund must be restored from general revenues in five equal annual installments, unless the Legislature establishes a different restoration schedule.

     The rate of growth in State revenues in a given fiscal year is limited to no more than the average annual growth rate in personal income over the previous five years. Revenues have never exceeded the limitation. Revenues collected in excess of the limitation are to be deposited into the Budget Stabilization Fund unless two-thirds of the members of both houses of the

Legislature vote to raise the limit. The actual general revenue collections for Fiscal Year 2003-2004 were $21.82 billion, 9.2% more than collections for Fiscal Year 2002-2003, and are estimated at $23.67 billion and $24.48 billion for Fiscal Years 2004-2005 and 2005-2006, respectively.

     Sales and Use Tax. The largest single source of tax receipts in the State is the sales and use tax. It is a uniform tax upon either the sale of tangible personal property at retail or its use irrespective of where it may have been purchased. The sales tax is 6% of the sales price of tangible property sold at retail in the State, and the use tax is 6% of the cost price of tangible personal property used or stored for use in the State. In addition, local governments may (by referendum) assess a 0.5% or 1% discretionary sales surtax within their county.

     The sales tax is also levied on the following: (1) rental of tangible personal property; (2) rental of transient lodging and non-residential real property; (3) admissions to places of amusement, most sports and recreation events; (4) non-residential utilities (at a 7% rate); and (5) restaurant meals. A number of legislative exemptions exist, and the Legislature may waive the tax from time to time in certain instances.

     Receipts of the sales and use tax, with the exception of the tax on gasoline and special fuels, are credited to the General Revenue Fund, the Solid Waste Management Trust Fund, or counties and cities. Legislation was enacted in 2000 that provides that 2.25% of sales tax receipts are to be deposited in the Revenue Sharing Trust Fund for Counties in lieu of intangible personal property taxes that were so distributed under prior law. Sales tax receipts credited to the General Fund for Fiscal Year 2003-2004 were $15.8 billion and are estimated at $17.3 billion for Fiscal Year 2004-2005 (an increase of 9.4%) and $18.2 billion (an increase of 5.5%) for Fiscal Year 2005-2006.

     Motor Fuel Tax. The second largest source of State tax receipts is the tax on motor fuels. However, these revenues are almost entirely dedicated trust funds for specific purposes and are not included in the State General Revenue Fund. Taxes on motor fuels (gasoline and diesel fuel) include several distinct fuel taxes: (1) the State sales tax on motor fuels, levied at 6% of the average retail price per gallon of fuel, not to fall below 6.9¢ per gallon; (2) the State excise tax of 4¢ per gallon of motor fuel, with proceeds distributed to local governments; (3) the State Comprehensive Enhanced Transportation System tax, which is levied at a rate in each county equal to two-thirds of the sum of the county's local option motor fuel taxes; (4) aviation fuel, which air carriers may choose to be taxed at 6.9¢ per gallon or 8% of the retail price of fuel, not to be less than 4.4¢ per gallon; and (5) local option motor fuel taxes, which may range between one cent to 12¢ per gallon. Most of the proceeds of the sales tax on motor fuels are deposited into the State Transportation Trust Fund for road maintenance and construction. The 2004 Legislature enacted a measure reducing the sales tax on motor fuels by 8¢ per gallon during the month of August 2004. An appropriation of $58 million was made from the General Revenue Fund to compensate for the revenue reduction.

     Alcoholic Beverage Tax. The State's alcoholic beverage tax is an excise tax on beer, wine and liquor. Two percent of collections are deposited into the Alcoholic Beverage and Tobacco Trust Fund, and the Children and Adolescent Substance Abuse Trust Fund receives 9.8%, while the remainder of revenues is deposited into the General Revenue Fund. Receipts from the

beverage tax and licenses were $572 million for Fiscal Year 2003-2004 and are estimated at $566.4 million for Fiscal Year 2004-2005 (a decrease of 1.1%) and $580 for Fiscal Year 2005-2006 (an increase of 2.4%) .

     Corporate Income Tax. The State collects a tax on the net income of corporations, organizations, associations and other artificial entities for the privilege of conducting business, deriving income or existing within the State. The tax is levied at a rate of 5.5% of net corporate income, less a $5,000 exemption. Net income is defined as that share of adjusted Federal income that is apportioned to the State. All receipts of the corporate income tax are credited to the General Revenue Fund. Receipts from this source were $1.35 billion for Fiscal Year 2003-2004 (an increase 9.5%) . Estimates for Fiscal Year 2004-2005 are $1.45 billion (an increase of 7.5%) and $1.78 billion for Fiscal Year 2005-2006 (an increase of 23.1%) .

     Documentary Stamp Tax. Deeds and other documents relating to realty are taxed upon execution or recording at 70¢ per $100 of consideration. Corporate shares, bonds, certificates of indebtedness, promissory notes, wage assignments and retail charge accounts are taxed upon issuance or renewal at 35¢ per $100 of face value, or actual value if issued without face value. Documentary stamp tax receipts were $1.18 billion for Fiscal Year 2003-2004 (an increase of 40.4%) . Estimates for Fiscal Year 2004-2005 are $1.24 billion (an increase of 4.8%) and $1.08 billion for Fiscal Year 2005-2006 (a decrease of 12.6%) .

     Intangible Personal Property Tax. This tax is levied on two distinct bases: (1) stocks, bonds, notes, governmental leaseholds, interests in limited partnerships registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and other miscellaneous intangible personal property are currently taxed at an annual rate of 1 mill; and (2) mortgages and other obligations secured by liens on State realty are taxed with a non-recurring 2 mill tax. Obligations issued by the State or local governmental entities in the State, or by the Federal government, are exempt from such taxation.

     The Department of Revenue uses part of the proceeds for administrative costs. Of the remaining tax proceeds, 33.5% is distributed to the County Revenue Sharing Trust Fund and 66.5% is distributed to the General Revenue Fund. Receipts from this source were $795 million for Fiscal Year 2003-2004 (an increase of 3.5%), and are estimated at $876 million for Fiscal Year 2004-2005 (an increase of 10.2%) and $832.6 million for Fiscal Year 2005-2006 (a decrease of 5%).

     Estate Tax. A tax is imposed on decedents' estates for the privilege of transferring property at death. The State Constitution limits the tax on estates of resident decedents to the aggregate amount allowable as a credit against or a deduction from any similar tax levied by the United States or any other state. Thus, the State estate tax on resident decedents does not increase the total tax liability of the estate. Reduction or elimination of the Federal estate tax could reduce the amount of such taxes collected at the State level. The tax on estates of nonresident decedents is equal to the amount allowable as a credit against Federal estate tax for State death taxes paid multiplied by the ratio of the value of the property taxable in the State over the value of the entire gross estate.

     All receipts of the estate tax are credited to the General Revenue Fund. Estate tax receipts were $382.7 million for Fiscal Year 2003-2004 (a decrease of 31.5%), and are estimated at $304.7 million for Fiscal Year 2004-2005 (a decrease of 20.4%) and $53.2 million for Fiscal Year 2005-2006 (a decrease of 82.5%) .

     Gross Receipts Tax. The gross receipts tax is currently imposed at a rate of 2.5% of the gross receipts of providers of electricity, natural gas and telecommunications services.

Telecommunications services are subject to a unified Telecommunications Services Tax, a portion of which is collected with the gross receipts tax at revenue-neutral rates. All gross receipts tax collections are credited to the Public Education Capital Outlay and Debt Service Trust Fund. The potential impact of electric utility deregulation on gross receipts tax collections cannot be determined at this time.

     Communications Services Tax. The communications services tax is imposed on retail sales of communications services that originate and terminate in the State, or originate or terminate in the State and are billed to a State address. Communications services include all forms of telecommunications previously taxed by the gross receipts tax plus cable television and direct-to-home satellite service. The communications services tax replaced certain sales and use taxes and gross receipts taxes, at revenue-neutral rates. Communications services tax receipts are included in sales tax and gross receipts tax collections, as appropriate.

     Other State Taxes. To the extent not pre-exempted to the Federal government, the State levies a one-time excise tax on cigarettes, at rates based on their weight and package quantity, and on other tobacco products at the rate of 25% of the wholesale price. The State also imposes a tax on racing and jai-alai admissions, and on contributions to pari-mutuel pools, or "handle." Tobacco tax receipts were $276.2 million for Fiscal Year 2003-2004 (an increase of 1.2%), are estimated at $275.3 million for Fiscal Year 2004-2005 (a decrease of 0.3%) and $279.2 million for Fiscal Year 2005-2006 (an increase of 1.4%) . Pari-mutuels tax receipts were $23.7 million for Fiscal Year 2003-2004 (an increase of 8.6%), and are estimated at $15.9 million for Fiscal Year 2004-2005 (a decrease of 32.9%) and $14.6 million for Fiscal Year 2005-2006 (a decrease of 8.2%) .

     Insurance premiums received by insurers are generally taxed at 1.75% of such receipts, adjusted for return premiums and subject to credits for certain other taxes paid by the insurers. Insurance premium tax receipts were $492.1 million for Fiscal Year 2003-2004 (an increase of 19.7%), and are estimated at $527.2 million for Fiscal Year 2004-2005 (an increase of 7.1%) and $570.1 million in Fiscal Year 2005-2006 (an increase of 8.1%) .

     Tobacco Litigation Settlement. As a result of settling litigation by the State against the tobacco industry in 1997, the State expects to receive more than $13 billion over 25 years. Payments are subject to adjustment for various factors, including inflation and tobacco product sales volume. Proceeds of the settlement are expected to be used for children's health care coverage and other health-related services to reimburse the State for medical expenses, for improvements in State efforts to reduce sales of tobacco products to minors, and to promote production of reduced risk tobacco products.

     As of June 30, 2004, the State has received approximately $4.2 billion from the settlement. A portion of the tobacco settlement revenues have been deposited in the Lawton Chiles Endowment Fund to provide a perpetual source of funding for health and human services for children and elders, and for biomedical research activities. As of June 30, 2004, the value of the endowment was approximately $1.74 billion.

     Lottery. In order to provide additional funding for education, the 1987 State Legislature created the Department of the Lottery to operate a State Lottery. Revenues generated by the State Lottery are used to pay prizes, fund the Educational Enhancement Trust Fund and pay for the administrative cost of operating the lottery. As of June 30, 2004, net assets totaled $204 million.

     State Indebtedness. As a general rule, bonds of the State or its agencies are issued by the Division of Bond Finance. The State debt fiscal responsibility policy establishes debt service to revenues as the benchmark debt ratio to estimate future debt capacity, using a target ratio of 6% and a cap of 7%. Total State debt outstanding is separated into net tax-supported debt and self-supporting debt. Net tax-supported debt is repaid by the State from a specified tax revenue source or general appropriation of the State. Self-supporting debt is reasonably expected to be repaid from project revenue or loan repayments. Some, but not all, of State debt is additionally secured by the full faith and credit of the State. As of June 30, 2004 the State had approximately $16.9 billion in net tax-supported debt outstanding and approximately $4.3 billion in self-supporting debt outstanding, for a total of approximately $21.1 billion of outstanding State debt obligations.

     State Full Faith and Credit Debt. The State Constitution authorizes the issuance of bonds pledging the full faith and credit of the State to finance or refinance State capital outlay projects upon approval by vote of the electors, provided that the outstanding principal amount may not exceed 50% of total State tax revenues for the two preceding fiscal years. There are currently no bonds outstanding under this authorization.

     All of the State's full faith and credit debt that is outstanding has been issued under separate constitutional authority, which also authorizes the pledge of a dedicated tax or other revenue source as well. Such debt includes bonds for pollution control and abatement and solid waste disposal (operating revenues, assessments); right-of-way acquisition and bridge construction (motor fuel or special fuel taxes); public education capital outlay (gross receipts tax); roads within a county (second gas tax); and school districts or community colleges (motor vehicle license revenues). Although these bonds are not subject to the above-referenced debt limitation, each program has debt service coverage tests that must be met prior to issuance.

     State Revenue Bonds. The State Constitution authorizes the issuance of bonds to finance or refinance State capital outlay projects that are payable from funds derived directly from sources other than State tax revenues. Bonds outstanding under this authorization include financings for the State University System, individual universities, public schools, State owned office facilities and toll roads. The State Constitution specifically authorizes the issuance of bonds to fund student loans; to finance housing; to refund outstanding bonds at a lower net interest cost; and for the purposes of conservation, outdoor recreation, water resource development, restoration of natural systems or historic preservation. Bonds are also outstanding

which are payable from documentary stamp tax receipts for conservation and recreation purposes.

     Other Obligations. Although most debt of the State or its agencies is issued through the Division of Bond Finance, there are other entities that issue bonds or incur other long-term obligations that are secured by State revenues. These include the Florida Housing Finance Corporation, the Florida Ports Financing Commission, the Correctional Privatization Commission, the Department of Corrections, the Department of Juvenile Justice, the Department of Children and Families, the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund Finance Corporation, the Inland Protection Financing Corporation and the Investment Fraud Restoration Financing Corporation. The Legislature has also dedicated 2.59% of tobacco tax receipts to be pledged to secure bonds issued by the City of Tampa. The City of Tallahassee has recently issued bonds to finance relocation a school of Florida State University. The State Comptroller has also entered into a consolidated equipment financing program for State agencies, which is subject to annual appropriation.

     In 2000, the Legislature authorized the creation of the Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation, with the power to issue up to $3 billion in revenue bonds (not to exceed $1.5 billion annually) in order to purchase the State's interest in the tobacco litigation settlement agreement, but no bonds have been approved by the Legislature or issued by the corporation. The

Legislature also created the Florida Water Pollution Control Financing Corporation to finance State projects authorized under the Federal Clean Water Act. The principal amount of such bonds that may be issued may not exceed $300 million in any fiscal year.

     Ratings. As of June 30, 2004, Florida maintained a high bond rating from Moody's Investor Services ("Moody's") (Aa2), Standard and Poor's Ratings Services (AA+) and Fitch, Inc. (AA) on all state general obligation bonds. On January 12, 2005, Moody's upgraded its rating to Aa1.


     Due to its size and broad range of activities, the State is involved in numerous routine legal actions. The departments involved believe that the results of such litigation pending or anticipated will not materially affect the State's financial position.

     Riscorp Insurance Company, et al. v. Florida Department of Labor and Employment Security and Mary B. Hooks. The Florida Department of Labor ("DOL") collects assessments on "net premiums collected" and "net premiums written" from carriers of workers' compensation insurance and by self-insurers in the State. Claimants allege that there is no statutory definition of "net premiums" and the DOL does not currently have a rule providing guidance as to how "net premiums" are calculated. Claimants allege that industry standards would allow them to deduct various costs of doing business in calculating "net premiums" and are seeking refunds of approximately $35 million. A final judgment was entered on August 15, 2002, in favor of some of the plaintiffs (Riscorp) in the amount of $22.5 million. The DOL appealed. On July 25, 2002, a stipulated final judgment was entered in favor of the remaining plaintiffs (Florida Hospitality Mutual Insurance Company) in the amount of approximately $1.6 million. The DOL appealed and on March 16, 2004, the appellate court reversed the trial court's decision for the plaintiffs on

the issue of ceded insurance premiums, affirmed the trial court's decision awarding refunds for assessments that were paid on brokerage fees and commissions and remanded the case to the trial court for further proceedings. Plaintiffs appealed to the State Supreme Court, which denied further review. As a result, the DOL's liability amounted to less than $3.6 million in overpaid assessments. The remaining issues were dismissed with prejudice on December 13, 2004.

     Sarnoff v. Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. This suit alleges the improper setting of the fee for the motor vehicle inspection program. Plaintiffs challenge the constitutionality of State statutes, which impose a $10.00 fee on the emissions inspection of automobiles in 7 of the State's 67 counties. Plaintiffs were granted class certification by the trial court, which was subsequently reversed by the appellate court in 2001. The State Supreme Court affirmed the appellate court's holding that the plaintiffs should have first sought administrative relief and granted summary judgment for the State. The Plaintiffs appealed to the Federal district court, which affirmed the holding on January 18, 2005.

     Rendon v. Florida Department of Transportation, et al. The plaintiffs (persons covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA")), in a certified class action suit, seek a declaratory judgment that State statutes violate the ADA in that the surtax charged for a disabled parking permit is illegal. Issues include the right to proceed with refund claims when no one has applied for a refund claim. The trial court held that the State statute violated the ADA. The State appealed to the Federal district court, which reversed the trial court's decision and remanded with direction to grant the DOT's motion for summary judgment based on the sovereign immunity afforded the State. The plaintiffs petitioned the State Supreme Court for review, which was subsequently denied in 2003. The plaintiffs then petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court for review, which was granted. The Court vacated the lower court ruling and remanded the case back to the district court for further consideration in light of other recent related rulings in 2004. Oral argument was held in November 2004. Estimated potential loss to the State is in excess of $35 million.

     Traylor Brothers, Inc. v. Department of Transportation. The Department of Transportation ("DOT") contracted with Traylor Brothers to construct a "signature" bascule bridge over the Intercoastal Waterway in Fort Lauderdale. Traylor Brothers has sued the DOT for breach of contract. Discovery has been undertaken by both parties and is ongoing. A trial date has been set for Fall 2005. Potential loss to the State is estimated at $37 million.

     Smith & Company, Inc., v. Florida Department of Transportation. This breach of contract suit seeks compensatory damages, return of assessments for late completion, lost future profit allegedly resulting from lost bonding ability, and prejudgment interest on these amounts. The initial stay was lifted on August 15, 2003, and DOT's motion to amend was approved on September 23, 2003. The plaintiff's motion to amend its complaint was also granted a month later. The DOT filed a motion to dismiss the claims in December 2003. On January 24, 2004, the trial court dismissed the case. The DOT subsequently filed suit for liquidated damages and the plaintiffs counterclaimed with the same claims previously dismissed. The potential loss to the State could approach $50 million.

ContractPoint Florida Parks, LLC, v. Florida Department of Environmental Protection.

This is a suit for breach of contract with the Department of Environmental Protection ("DEP")

that would have allowed the plaintiffs to build, manage, and receive income from cabins in eight State parks for thirty years. Discovery is pending and all mediation attempts have failed. DEP has a motion to dismiss pending before the trial court, which was set for hearing on February 14, 2005. Plaintiff seeks damages of $50-250 million.

     Marilyn Shumaker Gerkin, as guardian for Helen L. Shumaker, et. al. v. Jerry Regier, individually and in his official capacity as the Secretary of the Florida Department of Children and Family Services, and Rhonda M. Medows, individually and in her official capacity as the Secretary of the Agency for Health Care Administration. This is a class action suit brought by the daughter and guardian of a Medicaid recipient alleging that the defendants have not allowed the deductions from income required by Federal law in determining eligibility for a class of Medicaid recipients. The complaint was served on November 21, 2003, and the State filed a motion to dismiss on December 12, 2003. The motion was granted in part and denied in part on February 20, 2004. The individual defendants were dismissed, as was the claim for retroactive damages. On February 26, 2004, the defendants filed a motion to dismiss based on mootness, which resulted in the plaintiffs immediately filing for class certification and a preliminary injunction. The trial court indefinitely continued the plaintiffs' motions. The State then successfully sought funding to implement certain policies to correct the issues alleged by the plaintiffs and, on August 9, 2004, the trial court dismissed the rest of the claims as moot.

     Kevin Rabin, Ruth Sinreich and Michael Roberts (formerly Citrix Systems, Inc.) v. Department of Revenue. The Department of Revenue ("DOR") issued a corporate income tax assessment against Citrix Systems, Inc. ("Citrix"). Citrix responded by filing an action in county court contesting the assessment and asserting that Florida sales and use taxes are facially unconstitutional because they impose tax liabilities on transactions involving communication of information or on businesses and individuals who are recipients of information. Citrix and the plaintiffs sought to create a class action asserting that all taxes are a facial violation of their First Amendment rights, and Citrix has since withdrawn its claims. The trial court granted the DOR's motion to transfer venue. The remaining plaintiffs' appeal on the motion to transfer was denied by the appellate court, and plaintiffs appealed to the State Supreme Court. The potential loss to the State could be in excess of $25 million.

     Prado-Steiman Bush. This case challenges the administration of certain State-supported waivers, and includes individuals already enrolled in the waiver plans and individuals waiting for such services. The plaintiffs allege violations of the ADA, the Rehabilitation Act, the Social Security Act, regulations promulgated pursuant to these statues and due process violations. After court approval of a settlement agreement, the parties were in compliance until April 2003, when a motion asserting material breach was filed. Plaintiffs seek to set aside the settlement agreement and pursue litigation on the merits of their claim. On March 30, 2004, the trial court issued an order denying the plaintiffs' attempt to set aside the settlement, and ordered that once the issues of attorneys' fees and costs were resolved that the case be closed. On October 25, 2004, a joint notice was filed with the court advising it that such expenses had been settled and paid.

American Habilitations Services, Inc. et. al. v. Agency for Health Care Administration.

The plaintiffs, 28 providers of services for developmentally disabled Medicaid recipients, seek declaratory and injunctive relief concerning unilaterally imposed rate reductions. Discovery is

currently in progress and no hearing date has been set. Plaintiffs seek damages in excess of $25 million.

Kindred Pharmacy Services East, LLC, et. al. v. Agency for Health Care Administration.

The plaintiffs, eight pharmacies, filed a breach of contract claim and seek a declaratory judgment against the Agency, alleging that the Agency did not properly reimburse providers for prescription drugs provided under the Medicaid program. Plaintiffs seek compensatory damages, declaratory relief and attorneys' fees. Discovery is being conducted. The estimated exposure of the claim is up to $50 million.

     Collier v. State of Florida. This is a challenge to Florida's former practice of releasing driver's license information to bulk mailers. Until October 2004, this information was public record. The plaintiffs contend that Federal law prohibits the disclosure of such information, even though State law required its disclosure. The plaintiffs sought class certification and damages. In October 2004, the State filed a motion to dismiss the case, but no action has been taken by the court. Plaintiffs seek damages in excess of $25 million.

     Collier v. Dickenson. This is the Federal companion case to Collier v. State of Florida, which is pending in State court. The plaintiffs in this action proceeded under Federal causes of action under the Federal Driver Privacy Protection Act, and are seeking damages from several State officials and employees. A motion to dismiss was filed, which the court dismissed without prejudice to refile in April 2005 after limited discovery takes place on the defendants' claim of qualified immunity. Plaintiffs seek damages in excess of $25 million.


Rating Categories

     Description of certain ratings assigned by Standard & Poor's Ratings Services ("S&P"), Moody's Investors Service ("Moody's"), and Fitch Ratings ("Fitch"):




An obligation rated 'AAA' has the highest rating assigned by S&P. The obligor's capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation is extremely strong.


An obligation rated 'AA' differs from the highest rated obligations only in small degree. The obligor's capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation is very strong.


An obligation rated 'A' is somewhat more susceptible to the adverse effects of changes in circumstances and economic conditions than obligations in higher rated categories. However, the obligor's capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation is still strong.


An obligation rated 'BBB' exhibits adequate protection parameters. However, adverse economic conditions or changing circumstances are more likely to lead to a weakened capacity of the obligor to meet its financial commitment on the obligation.

BB, B, CCC, CC, and C

Obligations rated 'BB', 'B', 'CCC', 'CC', and 'C' are regarded as having significant speculative characteristics. 'BB' indicates the least degree of speculation and 'C' the highest. While such obligations will likely have some quality and protective characteristics, these may be outweighed by large uncertainties or major exposures to adverse conditions.


An obligation rated 'BB' is less vulnerable to nonpayment than other speculative issues. However, it faces major ongoing uncertainties or exposure to adverse business, financial, or economic conditions which could lead to the obligor's inadequate capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation.


An obligation rated 'B' is more vulnerable to nonpayment than obligations rated 'BB', but the obligor currently has the capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation. Adverse business, financial, or economic conditions will likely impair the obligor's capacity or willingness to meet its financial commitment on the obligation.


An obligation rated 'CCC' is currently vulnerable to nonpayment, and is dependent upon favorable business, financial, and economic conditions for the obligor to meet its financial commitment on the obligation. In the event of adverse business, financial, or economic conditions, the obligor is not likely to have the capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation.


An obligation rated 'CC' is currently highly vulnerable to nonpayment.


A subordinated debt or preferred stock obligation rated 'C' is currently highly vulnerable to nonpayment. The 'C' rating may be used to cover a situation where a bankruptcy petition has been filed or similar action taken, but payments on this obligation are being continued. A 'C' also will be assigned to a preferred stock issue in arrears on dividends or sinking fund payments, but that is currently paying.


An obligation rated 'D' is in payment default. The 'D' rating category is used when payments on an obligation are not made on the date due even if the applicable grace period has not expired, unless S&P believes that such payments will be made during such grace period. The 'D' rating also will be used upon the filing of a bankruptcy petition or the taking of a similar action if payments on an obligation are jeopardized.


The symbol 'r' is attached to the ratings of instruments with significant noncredit risks. It highlights risks to principal or volatility of expected returns which are not addressed in the credit rating. Examples include: obligations linked or indexed to equities, currencies, or commodities; obligations exposed to severe prepayment risk—such as interest-only or principal-only mortgage securities; and obligations with unusually risky interest terms, such as inverse floaters.


The designation 'N.R.' indicates that no rating has been requested, that there is insufficient information on which to base a rating, or that S&P does not rate a particular obligation as a matter of policy.

Note: The ratings from 'AA' to 'CCC' may be modified by the addition of a plus (+) or minus (-) sign designation to show relative standing within the major rating categories.



Strong capacity to pay principal and interest. An issue determined to possess a very strong capacity to pay debt service is given a plus sign (+) designation.


Satisfactory capacity to pay principal and interest, with some vulnerability to adverse financial and economic changes over the term of the notes.


Speculative capacity to pay principal and interest.

Commercial paper


This designation indicates that the degree of safety regarding timely payment is strong. Those issues determined to possess extremely strong safety characteristics are denoted with a plus sign (+) designation.


Capacity for timely payment on issues with this designation is satisfactory. However, the relative degree of safety is not as high as for issues designated 'A-1'.


Issues carrying this designation have an adequate capacity for timely payment. The are, however, more vulnerable to the adverse effects of changes in circumstances than obligations carrying the higher designations.


Issues rated B are regarded as having only speculative capacity for timely payment.


This rating is assigned to short-term debt obligations with a doubtful capacity for payment.


Debt rated 'D' is payment default. The 'D' rating category is used when interest payments or principal payments are not made on the due date, even if the applicable grace period has not expired, unless S&P believes such payments will be made during such grace period.




Bonds rated 'Aaa' are judged to be of the best quality. They carry the smallest degree of investment risk and are generally referred to as "gilt edged." Interest payments are protected by a large or by an exceptionally stable margin and principal is secure. While the various protective elements are likely to change, such changes as can be visualized are most unlikely to impair the fundamentally strong position of such issues.


Bonds rated 'Aa' are judged to be of high quality by all standards. Together with the 'Aaa' group they comprise what are generally known as high-grade bonds. They are rated lower than the best bonds because margins of protection may not be as large as in 'Aaa' securities or fluctuation of protective elements may be of greater amplitude or there may be other elements present which make the long-term risk appear somewhat larger than the 'Aaa' securities.


Bonds rated 'A' possess many favorable investment attributes and are to be considered as upper-medium-grade obligations. Factors giving security to principal and interest are considered adequate, but elements may be present which suggest a susceptibility to impairment some time in the future.


Bonds rated 'Baa' are considered as medium-grade obligations (i.e., they are neither highly protected nor poorly secured). Interest payments and principal security appear adequate for the present but certain protective elements may be lacking or may be characteristically unreliable over any great length of time. Such bonds lack outstanding investment characteristics and in fact have speculative characteristics as well.


Bonds rated 'Ba' are judged to have speculative elements; their future cannot be considered as well-assured. Often the protection of interest and principal payments may be very moderate, and thereby not well safeguarded during both good and bad times over the future. Uncertainty of position characterizes bonds in this class.


Bonds rated 'B' generally lack characteristics of the desirable investment. Assurance of interest and principal payments or of maintenance of other terms of the contract over any long period of time may be small.


Bonds rated 'Caa' are of poor standing. Such issues may be in default or there may be present elements of danger with respect to principal or interest.


Bonds rated 'Ca' represent obligations which are speculative in a high degree. Such issues are often in default or have other marked shortcomings.


Bonds rated 'C' are the lowest rated class of bonds, and issues so rated can be regarded as having extremely poor prospects of ever attaining any real investment standing.

Note: Moody's applies numerical modifiers 1, 2, and 3 in each generic rating classification from 'Aa' through 'Caa'. The modifier 1 indicates that the obligation ranks in the higher end of its generic rating category; the modifier 2 indicates a mid-range ranking; and the modifier 3 indicates a ranking in the lower end of that generic rating category.

Prime rating system (short-term)

Issuers rated Prime-1 (or supporting institutions) have a superior ability for repayment of senior short-term debt obligations. Prime-1 repayment ability will often be evidenced by many of the following characteristics:

Leading market positions in well-established industries.

High rates of return on funds employed.

Conservative capitalization structure with moderate reliance on debt and ample asset protection.

Broad margins in earnings coverage of fixed financial charges and high internal cash generation.

Well-established access to a range of financial markets and assured sources of alternate liquidity.

Issuers rated Prime-2 (or supporting institutions) have a strong ability for repayment of senior short-term debt obligations. This will normally be evidenced by many of the characteristics cited above but to a lesser degree. Earnings trends and coverage ratios, while sound, may be more subject to variation. Capitalization characteristics, while still appropriate, may be more affected by external conditions. Ample alternate liquidity is maintained.

Issuers rated Prime-3 (or supporting institutions) have an acceptable ability for repayment of senior short-term obligations. The effect of industry characteristics and market compositions may be more pronounced. Variability in earnings and profitability may result in changes in the level of debt protection measurements and may require relatively high financial leverage. Adequate alternate liquidity is maintained.

Issuers rated Not Prime do not fall within any of the Prime rating categories.

MIG/VMIG--U.S. short-term

Municipal debt issuance ratings are designated as Moody's Investment Grade (MIG) and are divided into three levels -- MIG 1 through MIG 3.

The short-term rating assigned to the demand feature of variable rate demand obligations (VRDOs) is designated as VMIG. When either the long- or short-term aspect of a VRDO is not rated, that piece is designated NR, e.g., Aaa/NR or NR/VMIG 1.


This designation denotes superior credit quality. Excellent protection is afforded by established cash flows, highly reliable liquidity support, or demonstrated broad-based access to the market for refinancing.


This designation denotes strong credit quality. Margins of protection are ample, although not as large as in the preceding group.


This designation denotes acceptable credit quality. Liquidity and cash-flow protection may be narrow, and market access for refinancing is likely to be less well-established.


This designation denotes speculative-grade credit quality. Debt instruments in this category may lack sufficient margins of protection.


Long-term investment grade


Highest credit quality. 'AAA' ratings denote the lowest expectation of credit risk. They are assigned only in case of exceptionally strong capacity for timely payment of financial commitments. This capacity is highly unlikely to be adversely affected by foreseeable events.


Very high credit quality. 'AA' ratings denote a very low expectation of credit risk. They indicate very strong capacity for timely payment of financial commitments. This capacity is not significantly vulnerable to foreseeable events.


High credit quality. 'A' ratings denote a low expectation of credit risk. The capacity for timely payment of financial commitments is considered strong. This capacity may, nevertheless, be more vulnerable to changes in circumstances or in economic conditions than is the case for higher ratings.


Good credit quality. 'BBB' ratings indicate that there is currently a low expectation of credit risk. The capacity for timely payment of financial commitments is considered adequate, but adverse changes in circumstances and in economic conditions are more likely to impair this capacity. This is the lowest investment-grade category.

Long-term speculative grade


Speculative. 'BB' ratings indicate that there is a possibility of credit risk developing, particularly as the result of adverse economic change over time; however, business or financial alternatives may be available to allow financial commitments to be met. Securities rated in this category are not investment grade.


Highly speculative. 'B' ratings indicate that significant credit risk is present, but a limited margin of safety remains. Financial commitments are currently being met; however, capacity for continued payment is contingent upon a sustained, favorable business and economic environment.


High default risk. Default is a real possibility. Capacity for meeting financial commitments is solely reliant upon sustained, favorable business or economic developments. 'CC' ratings indicate that default of some kind appears probable. 'C' ratings signal imminent default.


Default. The ratings of obligations in this category are based on their prospects for achieving partial or full recovery in a reorganization or liquidation of the obligor. While expected recovery values are highly speculative and cannot be estimated with any precision, the following serve as general guidelines. 'DDD' obligations have the highest potential for recovery, around 90% - 100% of outstanding amounts and accrued interest. 'DD' ratings indicate potential recoveries in the range of 50% - 90% and 'D' the lowest recovery potential, i.e., below 50%.

Entities rated in this category have defaulted on some or all of their obligations. Entities rated 'DDD' have the highest prospect for resumption of performance or continued operation with or without a formal reorganization process. Entities rated 'DD' and 'D' are generally undergoing a formal reorganization or liquidation process; those rated 'DD' are likely to satisfy a higher portion of their outstanding obligations, while entities rated 'D' have a poor prospect of repaying all obligations.


A short-term rating has a time horizon of less than 12 months for most obligations, or up to three years for U.S. public finance securities, and thus places greater emphasis on the liquidity necessary to meet financial commitments in a timely manner.


Highest credit quality. Indicates the strongest capacity for timely payment of financial commitments; may have an added "+" to denote any exceptionally strong credit feature.


Good credit quality. A satisfactory capacity for timely payment of financial commitments, but the margin of safety is not as great as in the case of the higher ratings.


Fair credit quality. The capacity for timely payment of financial commitment is adequate; however, near-term adverse changes could result in a reduction non-investment grade.


Speculative. Minimal capacity for timely payment of financial commitments plus vulnerability to near-term adverse changes in financial and economic conditions.


High default risk. Default is a real possibility. Capacity for meeting financial commitments is solely reliant upon a sustained, favorable business and economic environment.


Default. Denotes actual or imminent payment default.

'NR' indicates that Fitch does not rate the issuer or issue in question.

Notes to long-term and short-term ratings: A plus (+) or minus (-) sign designation may be appended to a rating to denote relative status within major rating categories. Such suffixes are not added to the 'AAA' long-term rating category, to categories below 'CCC', or to short-term ratings other than 'F1.'