424B3 1 flexguardsupplement9282020.htm 424B3 Document


Supplement dated September 28, 2020
Prospectus dated May 18, 2020

This Supplement should be read in conjunction with the current Prospectus for your Annuity and should be retained for future reference. This Supplement is intended to update certain information in the Prospectus for the Annuity you own and is not intended to be a prospectus or offer for any other annuity that you do not own. Defined terms used herein and not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings given to them in the Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information.

This Supplement contains information about the Interim Value calculation and the Indices used for the Prudential FlexGuard Index-Linked and Variable Annuity (“B Series”).

If you would like another copy of the current Annuity Prospectus, please call us at 1-888-PRU-2888.

(1)     The section captioned “Interim Value” in the “Summary” section of the Prospectus is amended and restated as shown below:

Interim Value: If you take a withdrawal (including partial withdrawals, systematic withdrawals and full surrenders), transfer out of, annuitize, or we pay a death claim between an Index Strategy Start Date and Index Strategy End Date, we will use an Interim Value to determine the fair market value of each Index Strategy at the time of the transaction. The Interim Value is also used to determine how much the Index Strategy Base will be reduced after a transfer or withdrawal. If you withdraw Account Value allocated to an Index Strategy, the withdrawal will cause an immediate reduction to your Index Strategy Base in a proportion equal to the reduction in your Interim Value. A proportional reduction could be larger than the dollar amount of your withdrawal. Reductions to your Index Strategy Base will negatively impact your Interim Value for the remainder of the Index Strategy Term and will result in a lower Index Credit on the Index Strategy End Date. Once your Index Strategy Base is reduced due to a withdrawal during any Index Strategy Term, it will not increase for the remainder of the Index Strategy Term.
The Interim Value is designed to represent the fair value of the Index Strategy on each Valuation Day, taking into account the potential gain or loss of the applicable Index at the end of the Index Strategy Term. The Interim Value reflects the change in fair value due to economic factors of the investment instruments (including derivatives) supporting the Index Strategies. The Interim Value may result in a loss even if the Index Value at the time the Interim Value is calculated is higher than the Index Value on the Index Strategy Start Date. See “Interim Value” and “Access to Account Value” for more information.

(2) The section captioned “Interim Value of Index Strategies” in the “Valuing Your Investment and Interim Value of Index Strategies” section of the Prospectus is amended and restated as shown below:

On each Valuation Day during the year, other than the Index Strategy Start Date and Index Strategy End Date, each Index Strategy is valued using an Interim Value. The Interim Value is used to calculate amounts available for withdrawal (including systematic withdrawals), surrender, transfer, annuitization or payment of a death claim. The Interim Value also is used to determine how much the Index Strategy Base will be reduced after a transfer or withdrawal.


The Interim Value is also included in the Account Value and Surrender Value to reflect the amount in the applicable Index Strategy prior to the Index Strategy End Date. The Interim Value reflects the value of each Index Strategy taking into account the current price of the underlying Index, the time remaining until the Index Strategy End Date, and the current value of the investments we have made to fund our obligations under the Index Strategy. The Interim Value is an estimate of the current value of fixed income and derivative instruments we could purchase to assure our ability to meet our obligations to the Owner at an Index Strategy End Date. We use a portfolio of fixed income instruments and derivatives to replicate our obligations to calculate Index Credit for the Index Strategies. These derivatives are valued using the Black-Scholes Model. There are many external factors that may impact the Interim Value including changes in the Indices, changes in the interest rate environment, and volatility.
The Interim Value assesses the fair value of the assets allocated to the Index Strategy (Index Strategy Base) plus the current value of the portfolio of options utilized to replicate the performance of these Index Strategies.
The Interim Value for the applicable Index Strategy is equal to (1) + (2) where:
(1) is the fair value of the Index Strategy Base on the Valuation Day the Interim Value is calculated.
(2) is the current value of replicating the portfolio of options

The fair value of the Index Strategy Base is meant to represent the market value of the investments supporting each Index Strategy.
The Market Value Index Rate will apply on a uniform basis for a class of Owners in the same Index Strategy and will be administered in a uniform and non-discriminatory manner.
The Market Value Index Rate is the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Intermediate Credit Index rate. The Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Intermediate Credit Index is the rate for the maturity using a set duration. The duration is set to represent the duration of the investments supporting the Index Strategy and may not match the actual length of the Index Strategy.
If the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Intermediate Credit Index yield is not published for a particular day, then we will use the yield on the next day it is published. If the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Intermediate Credit Index yield is no longer published, or is discontinued, then we may substitute another suitable method for determining this component of the Market Value Index Rate.
Current value of replicating the portfolio of options – We utilize a fair market value methodology to value replicating the portfolio of options that support this product.
For each Index Strategy, we solely designate and value options, each of which is tied to the performance of the Index associated with the Index Strategy. We use derivatives to provide an estimate of the gain or loss on the Index Strategy Base that could occur at the end of the Index Strategy Term. This estimate also reflects the impact of the Cap Rate, Participation Rate, Tier Level, Step Rate and Buffer at the end of the Index Strategy Term as well as the estimated cost of exiting the replicating options prior to the Index Strategy End Date. The valuation of the options is based on standard methods for valuing derivatives and based on inputs from third party vendors. The methodology used to value these options is determined solely by us and may vary, higher or lower, from other estimated valuations or the actual selling price of identical derivatives. Any variance between our estimated fair value price and other estimated or actual prices may be different from Index Strategy type to Index Strategy type and may also change from day to day.

See Appendix A for additional information regarding the Interim Value calculation.

Index Effective Date: 12/2/2019
Purchase Payment: $150,000
Allocated to:
33% 1-Year Step Rate Plus; S&P 500; Step Rate 5%; Participation Rate 90%; Buffer 5%
33% 3-Year Point-to-Point Cap Rate; S&P 500; Cap Rate 75%; Buffer 10%


34% 6-Year Tiered Participation Rate; S&P 500; Tier 1 100%; Tier 2 140%; Tier Level 30%; Buffer 10%
Note on examples: months are assumed to have 30 days and years are assumed to have 365 days.
On the Index Effective Date
Step Rate Plus
Point-to- Point Cap Rate
Tiered Part Rate
Index Strategy Term (in months)
Months elapsed since Index Strategy Start Date
Index Strategy Base
Index Strategy rate
Months until Index Strategy End Date
Market Index Rate on Index Strategy Start Date
Starting Index Value
Total Account Value
Index Return is Negative
Months elapsed since Index Strategy Start Date
Time Remaining in Index Strategy Term (in months)
Index Value on Calculation Date
Index Return on Calculation Date
Market Index Rate on Calculation Date
1. Fair Value of Index Strategy Base
2. Options value
Interim Value for each Strategy (1+2)
Total Account Value


Index Return is Positive
Months elapsed since Index Strategy Start Date
Time Remaining in Index Strategy Term (in months)
Index Value on Calculation Date
Index Return on Calculation Date
Market Index Rate
1. Fair Value of Index Strategy Base
2. Options value
Interim Value for each Strategy (1+2)
Total Account Value

(3) Appendix A of the Prospectus is amended and restated as shown below:


Below is additional information regarding the Interim Value calculation.
The Interim Value for an Index Strategy is equal to the sum of (1) and (2) where:
Is the fair value of the Index Strategy Base on the Valuation Day the Interim Value is calculated. It is determined as (A - B) multiplied by [(1 + C) divided by (1 + D)]E, where:
The Index Strategy Base on the Valuation Day the Interim Value is calculated;
The fair value of the replicating portfolio of options under initial market conditions, with updated time to expiry;
The Market Value Index Rate on the Index Strategy Start Date;
The Market Value Index Rate on the Valuation Day the Interim Value is calculated; and
The total days remaining in the Index Strategy Term divided by 365.
Is the fair value of the replicating portfolio of options.

When we calculate the Interim Value, we obtain market data for derivative pricing each business day from outside vendors. If these values are available and we are delayed in receiving these values, and cannot calculate a new Interim Value, we will use the prior business day’s Interim Value.

(4) The section captioned “Indices” in the “Index Strategies” section of the Prospectus is amended and restated as shown below:


Each Index Strategy references an Index that determines the Index Return used to compute the Index Credit. These Indices are not funds and are not available for direct investment. We currently offer Index Strategies based on the following securities indices:
S&P 500 ® Index, Price Return (SPX). The S&P 500 ® Index is comprised of 500 stocks considered representative of the overall market and is exclusive of dividends. An index is unmanaged and not available for direct investment.
MSCI EAFE Index, Price Return (MXEA). The MSCI EAFE Index measures the equity market performance of 22 developed market country indices located in Europe, Australasia and the Far East and is exclusive of dividends. An index is unmanaged and not available for direct investment.
If an Index is discontinued or substantially changes, we reserve the right to select an alternative Index and we will notify you of any such changes. For these purposes, an Index would be substantially changed if an index sponsor announces that it will make a material change in the formula for the Index or the method of calculating the Index or in any other way materially modifies the Index. We would attempt to choose a substitute Index that has a similar investment objective and risk profile to the replaced Index. Upon substitution of an Index, we will calculate your Index Return on the replaced Index up until the date of substitution and the substitute Index from the date of substitution to the Index Strategy End Date. An Index substitution will not change your Index Strategy. The performance of the new Index may not be as good as the one that it substituted and as a result your Index Return may have been better if there had been no substitution. When we notify you of any substitution of an Index, we will also inform you of the potential impacts to your Index Credit. You may transfer your allocation in the impacted Index Strategy, at Interim Value, to the Variable Investment Subaccounts, where you may then use the funds to start a new Index Strategy on the next Index Anniversary Date.
See Appendix B for important information about the Indices.