Washington, D.C. 20549



Investment Company Act file number: 811-06475

Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
(Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

1285 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10019-6028
(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)

Mark F. Kemper, Esq.
UBS Global Asset Management
1285 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10019-6028
(Name and address of agent for service)

Copy to:
Jack W. Murphy, Esq.
Dechert LLP
1775 I Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20006-2401

Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: 212-821 3000

Date of fiscal year end: November 30

Date of reporting period: May 31, 2012

Item 1.   Reports to Stockholders.

  Closed-end funds

Strategic Global Income
Fund, Inc.
Semiannual Report
May 31, 2012

Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.:
Managed distribution policy—key points to note
The Fund has a managed distribution policy. Since June 2011, the Fund makes regular monthly distributions at an annualized rate equal to 6% of the Fund’s net asset value, as determined as of the last trading day during the first week of a month (usually a Friday, unless the NYSE is closed that day). (From August 2009 through the monthly distribution for May 2011, the annualized rate had been 7%.)
To the extent that the Fund’s taxable income in any fiscal year exceeds the aggregate amount distributed based on a fixed percentage of its net asset value, the Fund would make an additional distribution in the amount of that excess near the end of the fiscal year. To the extent that the aggregate amount distributed by the Fund (based on a percentage of its net assets) exceeds its current and accumulated earnings and profits, the amount of that excess would constitute a return of capital or net realized capital gains for tax purposes. A return of capital may occur, for example, when some or all of the money that shareholders invested in the Fund is deemed to be paid back to shareholders. A return of capital distribution does not necessarily reflect the Fund’s investment performance and should not be confused with “yield” or “income.”
You should not draw any conclusions about the Fund’s investment performance from the amount of the monthly distribution or from the terms of the Fund’s managed distribution policy.
The Fund periodically issues notices and press releases estimating the source characteristics of its monthly distributions. The amounts and sources reported in these materials are only estimates and are not being provided for tax reporting purposes. The actual amounts and sources of the amounts for accounting and tax reporting purposes will depend upon the Fund’s investment experience during the remainder of its fiscal year and may be subject to changes based on tax regulations. The Fund will send you a Form 1099-DIV (or your financial intermediary should provide you with similar information) for the calendar year that will tell you how to report these distributions for federal income tax purposes.
The Fund’s Board may change or terminate the managed distribution policy at any time without prior notice to Fund shareholders; any such change or termination may have an adverse effect on the market price for the Fund’s shares.
Further information regarding the Fund’s managed distribution policy is contained in the section captioned “Distribution policy” towards the end of this report.

Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

July 12, 2012

Dear shareholder,  
This report provides an overview of the performance of Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc. (the “Fund”) for the six months ended May 31, 2012.

The Fund commenced operations in February 1992, and passed its twentieth anniversary during the review period. In May 2012, we announced the expansion of the portfolio management team as further resources are devoted to helping the Fund seek its investment objectives. After the conclusion of this letter, we provide more information about the expanded portfolio management team.
Over the six months ended May 31, 2012, the Fund returned 3.63% on a net asset value basis, and generated a 6.20% return on a market price basis. Over the same period, the Fund’s benchmark, the Strategic Global Benchmark1 (the “Benchmark”), returned 2.46%. Finally, the median returns for the Fund’s peer group, the Lipper Global Income Funds category, were 3.19% and 7.79% on a net asset value and market price basis, respectively. (For more on the Fund’s performance, please refer to “Performance at a glance” on page 10.)  
  Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
  Investment goals:
  Primarily, high level of current income; secondarily, capital appreciation
  Portfolio management:
  Portfolio management team,
including Uwe Schillhorn, Scott
Dolan, John Dugenske, Craig
Ellinger and Brian Fehrenbach
UBS Global Asset
Management (Americas) Inc.
  February 3, 1992
  NYSE symbol:
  Distribution payments:

The Fund did not use structural leverage during the reporting period. That is, the Fund did not have preferred stock outstanding, nor did it borrow from banks for investment purposes, as some of its peers may

1   The Strategic Global Benchmark is an unmanaged index compiled by the advisor, constructed as follows: 67% Citigroup World Government Bond Index and 33% J.P. Morgan Emerging Markets Bond Index Global (EMBI Global). Investors should note that indices do not reflect the deduction of fees and expenses.


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

have done. Leverage magnifies returns on both the upside and on the downside, and creates a wider range of returns within the Fund’s peer group.

The Fund traded at a discount to its net asset value (“NAV”)2 per share during the reporting period. At the close of the preceding reporting period, November 30, 2011, the Fund traded at a discount of 7.4%; at the close of the current reporting period, May 31, 2012, the Fund traded at a discount of 5.5%. As of these same dates, the Lipper peer group medians reported discounts of 5.3% and 1.1%, respectively.

An interview with the Portfolio Managers
Q. How would you describe the global economic environment during the reporting period?
A. During the first half of the reporting period, data in the US suggested that its economy was gathering some momentum, as unemployment edged lower, consumer spending improved and the manufacturing sector continued to expand at a solid pace. However, as the reporting period progressed, there were some indications that the US economy may be experiencing a soft patch. In particular, employment gains moderated and manufacturing activity weakened somewhat.
  Economic growth in developed countries outside the US generally weakened and, in some cases, moved into negative territory during the reporting period. The fallout from the ongoing sovereign debt crisis negatively impacted growth in Europe. Several countries, including the UK, fell back into a recession as they experienced two consecutive quarters of negative gross domestic product (“GDP”) growth. In contrast, Japan’s economy expanded at a stronger pace during the reporting period. Elsewhere, while growth rates in many developing countries continued to surpass their developed country

2 A fund trades at a premium when the market price at which its shares trade is more than its NAV. Alternatively, a fund trades at a discount when the market price at which its shares trade is less than its NAV. The market price is the price the market is willing to pay for shares of a fund at a given time, and may be influenced by a range of factors, including supply and demand and market conditions. NAV per share is determined by dividing the value of the Fund’s securities, cash and other assets, less all liabilities, by the total number of common shares outstanding.


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

  counterparts, in many cases they expanded at a less robust pace during the reporting period.
  The US spread sectors3 experienced periods of volatility during the period. The spread sectors were initially supported by improving economic conditions in the US economy and corporate profits that often exceeded expectations. Against this backdrop, demand for lower quality, higher yielding securities was generally strong during the first half of the period. As the period progressed, concerns that the global economy was slowing and fears of contagion from the European sovereign debt crisis then led to several flights to quality. Consequently, US Treasury yields moved sharply lower and the spread sectors generally lagged equal duration Treasuries during the second half of the period.
  The emerging markets debt asset class, despite generating weak results at times, performed well during the six months ended May 31, 2012. The asset class rallied from the end of December 2011 through February 2012. This was driven by positive economic news in the US and expectations for a soft landing4 for China’s economy. In addition, concerns relating to the European sovereign debt crisis moderated, as the European Central Bank’s three-year Long-Term Refinancing Operation (LTRO) soothed the markets. Nevertheless, the asset class weakened somewhat in March, as new issuance increased and investors appeared to capture some of their earlier profits. With demand resuming in April, the asset class again rallied, only to fall sharply in May as numerous macro concerns led to a flight to quality.
Q. How did you position the portfolio from a duration standpoint?
A. The Fund’s duration was somewhat shorter than its benchmark during the reporting period, due to our expectations for continued, albeit relatively modest, global growth. The Fund’s duration positioning was a slight negative for results over the period. (Duration measures

3 A spread sector refers to non-government fixed income sectors, such as high yield bonds, commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) and investment grade corporate bonds. The spread measures the difference between the yields paid on non-government securities versus those paid on government securities (in this example, US Treasuries) of comparable duration.
4 A soft landing describes a situation in which a central bank raises interest rates gradually, but steadily, to curb inflation, while still attempting to keep the economy out of a recession.


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

  a fund’s sensitivity to changes in interest rates and is related to the maturity of the bonds comprising the portfolio.)
Q. Which currency strategies did you use during the period?
A. We tactically adjusted the Fund’s currency exposures during the reporting period. Our positions in the Japanese yen and Norwegian krone—where the Fund generally had long positions—benefited performance. This was offset by the Fund’s short positions in the Australian dollar and Swiss franc. In addition, the Fund’s overweight to local emerging markets currencies was a drag on results, as they lagged relative to the US dollar given an increase in risk aversion during the second half of the reporting period. Overall, currency exposure did not meaningfully impact Fund performance during the reporting period.
Q. Which other strategies impacted the Fund’s results over the period?
A. Overall, spread management was positive over the period, particularly due to the Fund’s out-of-benchmark exposure to the US spread sectors. In particular, the Fund’s allocations to commercial mortgage-backed securities, investment grade bonds and US high yield bonds posted positive results as their spreads narrowed, especially during the first half of the reporting period. In addition, the Fund’s allocation to US Treasuries, as well as our avoidance of peripheral European bonds, contributed to performance.
  As mentioned, the Fund’s emerging market local currency exposures were a drag on results. Our preference for local currencies was based on our positive long-term outlook for certain currencies, as well as what we viewed to be the superior yields they offered versus US dollar-denominated currencies. However, local currencies performed poorly as investors avoided asset classes that were perceived to be riskier.
Q. How was the Fund positioned at the end of the reporting period?
A. Toward the end of the reporting period, we made several adjustments to the Fund’s portfolio. Given increased risk aversion, investors flocked to the relative safety of government debt from countries such as the US and Germany, driving their yields to record low levels. Based on our view that these yields were unsustainably low, and given the


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

  Fund’s primary objective to achieve a high level of current income, with capital appreciation a secondary objective in the selection of investments, we pared our exposures and added to the Fund’s allocation to high-quality US agency mortgage backed securities (MBS). Not only do we feel this will help reduce the Fund’s interest rate risk, but we also believe agency MBS offer more attractive yields.
Q. What derivative instruments had the greatest impact on performance during the reporting period?
A. The Fund utilized various currency derivatives (such as currency forwards, options and swaps) to manage its currency exposures across both developed and emerging markets currencies. These instruments were successful in helping us to adjust the Fund’s currency exposures, although the overall currency strategy had a marginal impact on performance over the period. (Currency forwards are agreements based on the exchange rates between currencies at a future date.)
  As part of its spread management strategy, the Fund utilized various credit derivatives (such as credit default swaps and structured notes) to efficiently gain or hedge risk exposures across markets, sectors and issuers. As noted above, overall spread management strategy was highly beneficial to performance over the period.
  Lastly, while the Fund’s use of several different interest rate derivatives (such as interest rate swaps, futures and swaptions) to adjust its duration and yield curve positioning had a positive impact on performance, the overall duration and yield curve management strategy detracted over the review period.
Q. What is your outlook on the global economy and fixed income markets?
A. While recent economic data in the US have triggered concerns of a soft patch, we continue to feel that the US economy has enough momentum to continue expanding, albeit at a modest pace. We also feel that inflation will be relatively benign. Against this backdrop, the Fed should maintain its highly accommodative monetary policy which, in our view, would be supportive for higher yielding securities. The outlook for economic growth outside the US is clouded by the


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

  overhang of the European sovereign debt crisis and uncertainties over the policy response in the region. There are also questions regarding the Chinese government’s response to moderating growth in its economy. Against this backdrop, we expect to see continued periods of heightened market volatility.
  We continue to have a positive long-term outlook for emerging markets investments, although volatility may stay elevated in the near-term, due to market uncertainty and investor risk aversion. In our view, demand for emerging market bonds will be supported by investors’ search for higher-yielding securities, and by strong sovereign and corporate balance sheets in emerging markets. Strong fundamental data, stable reserves, a more solid fiscal situation and lower indebtedness are signs of such strengths, especially for emerging market sovereigns, quasi-sovereigns and currencies.

Mark E. Carver   Scott Dolan
President   Portfolio Manager
Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.   Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Managing Director   Managing Director
UBS Global Asset Management   UBS Global Asset Management
(Americas) Inc.   (Americas) Inc.
John Dugenske, CFA   Craig Ellinger, CFA
Portfolio Manager   Portfolio Manager
Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.   Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Managing Director   Managing Director
UBS Global Asset Management   UBS Global Asset Management
(Americas) Inc.   (Americas) Inc.


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Brian Fehrenbach, CFA   Uwe Schillhorn, CFA
Portfolio Manager   Portfolio Manager
Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.   Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Managing Director   Managing Director
UBS Global Asset Management   UBS Global Asset Management
(Americas) Inc.   (Americas) Inc.

This letter is intended to assist shareholders in understanding how the Fund performed during the six months ended May 31, 2012. The views and opinions in the letter were current as of July 12, 2012. They are not guarantees of future performance or investment results and should not be taken as investment advice. Investment decisions reflect a variety of factors, and we reserve the right to change our views about individual securities, sectors and markets at any time. As a result, the views expressed should not be relied upon as a forecast of the Fund’s future investment intent. We encourage you to consult your financial advisor regarding your personal investment program.


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc. portfolio management team expansion

During the reporting period, the Fund issued a press release announcing the expansion of its portfolio management team. Information regarding the new team is repeated below.

Effective mid-May 2012, the Fund’s investment team was expanded from a team-based structure with a single lead portfolio manager to one led by multiple portfolio managers. Uwe Schillhorn, Head of Emerging Markets Debt at UBS Global Asset Management (Americas) Inc. (“UBS Global AM”), who had been the lead portfolio manager for the Fund, was joined by the following individuals, each of whom will focus on specific aspects of managing the Fund:

Scott Dolan, Managing Director of UBS Global AM
Years of investment industry experience: 23

Mr. Dolan is a member of the Global Fixed Income Investment Committee. In his current role, he is responsible for overseeing the overall strategy and portfolio management of multi-sector and securitized debt portfolios. Mr. Dolan has been with UBS Global AM since 2008.

John Dugenske, CFA, Managing Director of UBS Global AM
Years of investment industry experience: 23

Mr. Dugenske is a member and the chairman of the Global Fixed Income Investment Committee. As Head of North American Fixed Income, he has overall responsibility across all fixed income investment capabilities at UBS Global AM. Mr. Dugenske has been with the firm since 2009.

Craig Ellinger, CFA, Managing Director of UBS Global AM
Years of investment industry experience: 21

Mr. Ellinger is a member of the Global Fixed Income Investment Committee. In his current role, he is responsible for managing all aspects of UBS Global AM’s global high yield business. Mr. Ellinger joined the firm in 2000.


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Brian Fehrenbach,CFA, Managing Director of UBS Global AM
Years of investment industry experience: 25

Mr. Fehrenbach is a member of the Global Fixed Income Investment Committee. In his current role, he is responsible for overseeing the overall strategy and portfolio management of multi-sector funds and unconstrained strategies at UBS Global AM. Mr. Fehrenbach has been with the firm since 2006.

Mr. Schillhorn, who has been involved in the management of the Fund since November 2003, continues to be part of the management team, with a focus on overseeing investment decisions relating to the emerging markets debt sector. Mr. Schillhorn is also a member of the Global Fixed Income Investment Committee.

UBS Global AM believes that this new team structure better aligns the Fund with its multi-sector investment strategy. It furthermore advances an investment approach that has already been employed to a degree with the Fund, as Mr. Schillhorn has historically drawn upon the fuller array of resources of UBS Global AM’s Fixed Income team, benefiting from the insights and opportunities identified by his colleagues to make investment decisions for the Fund.


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Performance at a glance (unaudited)

Average annual total returns for periods ended 05/31/12

Net asset value returns   6 months     1 year     5 years     10 years

Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.     3.63 %     3.09 %     9.24 %     9.78 %

Lipper Global Income Funds median     3.19       2.09       6.60       10.98  

Market price returns                                

Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.     6.20 %     2.03 %     7.96 %     9.20 %

Lipper Global Income Funds median     7.79       4.17       8.00       12.05  

Index returns                                

Strategic Global Benchmark1     2.46 %     4.65 %     7.65 %     8.55 %

Citigroup World Government Bond Index2     1.21       2.83       7.17       7.30  

Past performance does not predict future performance. The return and value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when sold, may be worth more or less than their original cost. The Fund’s net asset value (“NAV”) returns assume, for illustration only, that dividends and other distributions, if any, were reinvested at the NAV on the payable dates. The Fund’s market price returns assume that all dividends and other distributions, if any, were reinvested at prices obtained under the Fund’s Dividend Reinvestment Plan. Returns for periods of less than one year have not been annualized. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund dividends and other distributions, if any, or on the sale of Fund shares.

1 The Strategic Global Benchmark is an unmanaged index compiled by the advisor, constructed as follows: 67% Citigroup World Government Bond Index and 33% J.P. Morgan Emerging Markets Bond Index Global (EMBI Global). Investors should note that indices do not reflect the deduction of fees and expenses.
2 The Citigroup World Government Bond Index is an unmanaged broad-based market capitalization weighted index composed of straight (i.e., not floating rate or index-linked) government bonds with a one-year minimum maturity. The index is designed to track the government bond markets of 23 developed countries. Investors should note that indices do not reflect the deduction of fees and expenses.

Lipper peer group data calculated by Lipper Inc.; used with permission. The Lipper median is the return of the fund that places in the middle of the peer group. Lipper classifies the fund in its “Global Income Funds” category, which includes both leveraged and non-leveraged closed-end funds that invest primarily in US dollar and non-US dollar debt securities of issuers located in at least three countries, one of which may be the United States.


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Portfolio statistics (unaudited)

Characteristics1   05/31/12         11/30/11         05/31/11

Net asset value     $11.14             $11.37             $11.77  

Market price     $10.53             $10.52             $11.30  

12-month dividends/                                    
distributions     $0.9735             $1.7725             $1.8481  

at period-end     $0.0567             $0.0574             $0.0688  

Net assets (mm)     $203.5             $207.6             $214.9  

Weighted average                                    
maturity (yrs.)     6.3             5.6             6.2  

Duration (yrs.)2     4.9             4.0             4.3  

Currency exposure3   05/31/12         11/30/11         05/31/11

US dollar denominated     57.2 %           67.7 %           47.5 %

Non-US dollar denominated     42.8             32.3             52.5  

Total     100.0 %           100.0 %           100.0 %

Top ten countries4                                    
(bond holdings)   05/31/12         11/30/11         05/31/11

United States     42.8 %     United States     46.7 %     United States     37.7 %

Germany     13.6       Germany     15.5       Germany     9.0  

Argentina     3.7       Cayman Islands     3.6       United Kingdom     6.1  

Cayman Islands     3.5       Argentina     3.2       Argentina     3.9  

Netherlands     3.1       Russia     2.7       Malaysia     3.9  

France     3.1       United Kingdom     2.4       Venezuela     3.5  

United Kingdom     2.6       India     2.3       Cayman Islands     3.4  

India     2.2       Venezuela     2.2       Hong Kong     2.2  

Mexico     2.1       Malaysia     2.0       South Africa     2.2  

Malaysia     2.1       South Africa     2.0       Ireland     2.1  

Total     78.8 %           82.6 %           74.0 %



Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Portfolio statistics (unaudited) (concluded)

Credit quality5   05/31/12   11/30/11   05/31/11

AAA     1.5 %     5.9 %     9.4 %

US Treasury6     16.9       9.1       8.1  

US Agency6,7     3.3              

AA     6.2       6.6       4.7  

A     7.1       12.5       10.9  

BBB     11.3       12.7       14.3  

BB     5.0       4.2       6.4  

B     4.9       8.0       7.8  

CCC     1.1       1.9       2.5  

CC                 0.3  

D     1.3       0.3       0.1  

Non-rated     40.9       28.6       28.1  

Cash equivalents     2.6       11.1       4.0  

Other assets less liabilities     (2.1 )     (0.9 )     3.4  

Total     100.0 %     100.0 %     100.0 %

1 Prices and other characteristics will vary over time.
2 Duration is a measure of price sensitivity of a fixed income investment or portfolio (expressed as % change in price) to a 1 percentage point (i.e., 100 basis points) change in interest rates, accounting for optionality in bonds such as prepayment risk and call/put features.
3 Exposure represents a percentage of market value as of dates indicated.
4 Weightings represent percentage of net assets as of the dates indicated. The Fund’s portfolio is actively managed and its composition will vary over time.
5 Weightings represent percentages of net assets as of the dates indicated. The Fund’s portfolio is actively managed and its composition will vary over time. Credit quality ratings shown are based on those assigned by Standard & Poor’s, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. (“S&P”), to individual portfolio holdings. S&P is an independent ratings agency. Rating reflected represents S&P individual debt issue credit rating. While S&P may provide a credit rating for a bond issuer (e.g., a specific company or country); certain issues, such as some sovereign debt, may not be covered or rated and therefore are reflected as non-rated for the purposes of this table.
6 S&P downgraded long-term US government debt on August 5, 2011 to AA+. Other rating agencies continue to rate long-term US government debt in their highest ratings categories. The Fund’s aggregate exposure to AA rated debt as of May 31, 2012 would include the percentages indicated above for AA, US Treasury and US Agency debt but has been broken out into three separate categories to facilitate understanding.
7 Includes agency debentures and agency mortagage-backed securities.


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Industry diversification (unaudited)        
As a percentage of net assets        
As of May 31, 2012        

Corporate bonds        
Aerospace & defense     0.19 %
Airlines     0.01  
Auto components     0.01  
Auto parts & equipment     0.02  
Automobiles     0.06  
Beverages     0.02  
Building products     0.11  
Capital markets     0.30  
Chemicals     0.22  
Commercial banks     0.98  
Commercial services & supplies     0.38  
Computers & peripherals     0.11  
Construction materials     0.03  
Consumer finance     0.28  
Containers & packaging     0.10  
Distribution/wholesale     0.03  
Diversified financial services     3.89  
Diversified telecommunication services     0.44  
Electric utilities     0.07  
Electrical equipment     0.01  
Electronic equipment, instruments & components     0.02  
Energy equipment & services     0.32  
Entertainment     0.04  
Food & staples retailing     0.44  
Food products     0.31  
Health care providers & services     0.18  
Health care technology     0.03  
Health services     0.02  
Hotels, restaurants & leisure     0.40  
Household durables     0.05  
Independent power producers & energy traders     0.21  
Insurance     0.61  
Internet software & services     0.03  
Leisure equipment & products     0.01  
Machinery     0.11  
Media     0.91  
Metals & mining     0.42  
Multiline retail     0.01  
Multi-utilities     0.16  


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Industry diversification (unaudited) (concluded)        
As a percentage of net assets        
As of May 31, 2012        

Bonds (concluded)        
Corporate bonds (concluded)        
Non-food & drug retailers     0.04 %
Oil, gas & consumable fuels     4.31  
Paper & forest products     0.09  
Pharmaceuticals     0.15  
Professional services     0.01  
Real estate investment trust (REIT)     0.34  
Real estate management & development     2.14  
Road & rail     0.08  
Software     0.05  
Specialty retail     0.15  
Telecommunications     0.15  
Tobacco     0.50  
Trading companies & distributors     0.02  
Wireless telecommunication services     0.47  
Total corporate bonds     20.04 %
Asset-backed securities     0.52  
Collateralized debt obligations     4.75  
Commercial mortgage-backed securities     9.49  
Mortgage & agency debt securities     5.16  
Municipal bond     0.19  
US government obligations     16.86  
Non-US government obligations     35.37  
Structured notes     3.92  
Total bonds     96.30 %
Common stocks     0.001  
Short-term investment     2.55  
Options purchased     3.25  
Total investments     102.10 %
Liabilities, in excess of cash and other assets     (2.10 )
Net assets     100.00 %

1 Amount represents less than 0.005%.


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Security description     amount   Value


Corporate bonds—20.04%                


FMG Resources August 2006 Pty Ltd.,                

7.000%, due 11/01/151

    $   75,000   $ 75,000


Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG,                

3.500%, due 04/28/14

    EUR   735,000     954,209


Connacher Oil and Gas Ltd.,                

8.500%, due 08/01/191

    $   35,000     32,550

Inmet Mining Corp.,                

8.750%, due 06/01/201

        25,000     24,375

Nova Chemicals Corp.,                

8.625%, due 11/01/19

        115,000     128,513

Novelis, Inc.,                

8.375%, due 12/15/17

        50,000     52,750

Teck Resources Ltd.,                

6.250%, due 07/15/41

        65,000     72,266

Videotron Ltee,                

5.000%, due 07/15/221

        30,000     29,250


Cayman Islands—0.44%                

Seagate HDD Cayman,                

7.750%, due 12/15/18

        50,000     53,875

Transocean, Inc.,                

6.800%, due 03/15/38

        500,000     579,995

Vale Overseas Ltd.,                

4.375%, due 01/11/22

        200,000     199,915

6.875%, due 11/21/36

        50,000     57,214



Vimpel Communications Via VIP                

Finance Ireland Ltd. OJSC,


9.125%, due 04/30/181

        100,000     103,500


KazMunayGas National Co.,                

8.375%, due 07/02/132

        2,350,000     2,464,562



Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Security description     amount   Value


Corporate bonds—(continued)                


Intelsat Jackson Holdings SA,                

7.250%, due 10/15/20

    $   125,000   $ 124,375

Intelsat Luxembourg SA,                

11.250%, due 02/04/17

        100,000     98,250

Wind Acquisition Finance SA,                

11.750%, due 07/15/171

        50,000     42,500



Johor Corp.,                

1.000%, due 07/31/123

    MYR   9,100,000     4,332,309

Marshall Islands—0.01%                

Navios Maritime Holdings, Inc.,                

8.875%, due 11/01/17

    $   20,000     20,500


America Movil SAB de CV,                

5.000%, due 03/30/20

        210,000     234,725

Petroleos Mexicanos,                

4.875%, due 01/24/221

        300,000     315,000


Netherlands Antilles—0.06%                

Teva Pharmaceutical Finance IV BV,                

3.650%, due 11/10/21

        125,000     131,000


Eksportfinans ASA,                

1.600%, due 03/20/14

    JPY   152,000,000     1,781,987

3.000%, due 11/17/14

    $   35,000     33,253



RSHB Capital SA for OJSC Russian Agricultural Bank,                

7.750%, due 05/29/182

        1,900,000     2,104,250

VEB Finance Ltd.,                

6.800%, due 11/22/252

        1,800,000     1,845,000




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Security description     amount   Value


Corporate bonds—(continued)                

South Africa—0.06%                

AngloGold Ashanti Holdings PLC,                

5.375%, due 04/15/20

    $   125,000   $ 128,417


Naftogaz Ukraine,                

9.500%, due 09/30/14

        880,000     831,600

United Kingdom—0.75%                

Biz Finance PLC,                

11.000%, due 02/03/14

    UAH   10,800,000     1,001,824

HSBC Holdings PLC,                

4.000%, due 03/30/22

    $   400,000     407,146

Virgin Media Finance PLC,                

8.375%, due 10/15/19

        100,000     109,500


United States—10.62%                

AES Corp.,                

8.000%, due 10/15/17

        75,000     83,250

AK Steel Corp.,                

7.625%, due 05/15/20

        100,000     92,500

Ally Financial, Inc.,                

6.750%, due 12/01/14

        100,000     104,000

8.300%, due 02/12/15

        55,000     58,850

Alta Mesa Holdings,                

9.625%, due 10/15/18

        75,000     73,875

Altria Group, Inc.,                

9.950%, due 11/10/38

        500,000     798,428

AMC Entertainment, Inc.,                

9.750%, due 12/01/20

        25,000     26,875

American International Group, Inc.,                

4.375%, due 04/26/16

    EUR   500,000     624,688

AmeriGas Finance LLC,                

6.750%, due 05/20/20

    $   30,000     29,550

AMGH Merger Sub, Inc.,                

9.250%, due 11/01/181

        15,000     15,188

Anadarko Petroleum Corp.,                

6.450%, due 09/15/36

        500,000     584,275



Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Security description     amount   Value


Corporate bonds—(continued)                

United States—(continued)                

ARAMARK Corp.,                

8.500%, due 02/01/15

    $   125,000   $ 127,970

Arch Coal, Inc.,                

7.250%, due 10/01/20

        100,000     85,500

8.750%, due 08/01/16

        25,000     24,000

AT&T, Inc.,                

1.600%, due 02/15/17

        185,000     185,667

6.500%, due 09/01/37

        125,000     157,454

Atlas Pipeline Partners LP,                

8.750%, due 06/15/18

        25,000     26,500

Avis Budget Car Rental LLC,                

7.750%, due 05/15/16

        50,000     51,375

Bank of America Corp.,                

5.650%, due 05/01/18

        60,000     62,499

BE Aerospace, Inc.,                

6.875%, due 10/01/20

        100,000     109,750

Berry Petroleum Co.,                

6.750%, due 11/01/20

        50,000     51,750

Boyd Gaming Corp.,                

9.125%, due 12/01/18

        30,000     30,750

BreitBurn Energy Partners LP,                

7.875%, due 04/15/221

        50,000     49,000

Brunswick Corp.,                

11.250%, due 11/01/161

        25,000     29,188

Burlington Coat Factory Warehouse Corp.,                

10.000%, due 02/15/19

        25,000     25,813

Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC,                

6.150%, due 05/01/37

        60,000     75,608

Cablevision Systems Corp.,                

8.625%, due 09/15/17

        60,000     65,550

Caesars Entertainment Operating Co., Inc.,                

5.625%, due 06/01/15

        75,000     61,875

10.000%, due 12/15/15

        50,000     43,750

10.000%, due 12/15/18

        15,000     10,125

11.250%, due 06/01/17

        50,000     53,125



Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Security description     amount   Value


Corporate bonds—(continued)                

United States—(continued)                

Calpine Corp.,                

7.875%, due 07/31/201

    $   145,000   $ 153,700

Capital One Capital III,                

7.686%, due 08/15/36

        30,000     30,300

Case New Holland, Inc.,                

7.875%, due 12/01/17

        125,000     142,500

CB Richard Ellis Services, Inc.,                

11.625%, due 06/15/17

        25,000     28,250

CCO Holdings LLC,                

6.500%, due 04/30/21

        50,000     51,125

CDW LLC,                

12.535%, due 10/12/17

        50,000     53,500

Celanese US Holdings LLC,                

5.875%, due 06/15/21

        50,000     52,125

6.625%, due 10/15/18

        25,000     26,437

CF Industries, Inc.,                

7.125%, due 05/01/20

        125,000     151,250

Chesapeake Energy Corp.,                

9.500%, due 02/15/15

        100,000     105,500

Chrysler Group LLC,                

8.000%, due 06/15/19

        55,000     55,137

CIT Group, Inc.,                

4.750%, due 02/15/151

        170,000     169,150

5.500%, due 02/15/191

        75,000     72,937

Citigroup Capital XXI,                

8.300%, due 12/21/574

        50,000     50,550

CityCenter Holdings LLC,                

10.750%, due 01/15/175

        50,000     53,500

Clearwire Communications LLC,                

12.000%, due 12/01/151

        20,000     17,450

Coleman Cable, Inc.,                

9.000%, due 02/15/18

        15,000     15,562

Comcast Corp.,                

6.300%, due 11/15/17

        160,000     192,845

6.950%, due 08/15/37

        100,000     128,659



Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Security description     amount   Value


Corporate bonds—(continued)                

United States—(continued)                

Community Health Systems, Inc.,                

8.000%, due 11/15/19

    $   25,000   $ 25,531

8.875%, due 07/15/15

        11,000     11,282


6.500%, due 02/01/39

        90,000     123,598

Constellation Brands, Inc.,                

7.250%, due 05/15/17

        40,000     45,300

Cricket Communications, Inc.,                

7.750%, due 05/15/16

        50,000     52,750

10.000%, due 07/15/15

        50,000     51,125

Crosstex Energy,                

8.875%, due 02/15/18

        180,000     189,000

CSX Corp.,                

6.220%, due 04/30/40

        50,000     62,499

DDR Corp.,                

9.625%, due 03/15/16

        75,000     91,324

Dell, Inc.,                

5.400%, due 09/10/40

        95,000     101,960

Delta Air Lines, Inc.,                

12.250%, due 03/15/151

        20,000     21,600

Denbury Resources, Inc.,                

8.250%, due 02/15/20

        100,000     108,000

Devon Energy Corp.,                

4.750%, due 05/15/42

        500,000     523,036

Diamond Resorts Corp.,                

12.000%, due 08/15/18

        70,000     75,425

DirecTV Holdings LLC,                

6.000%, due 08/15/40

        160,000     175,359

DISH DBS Corp.,                

7.750%, due 05/31/15

        25,000     27,187

7.875%, due 09/01/19

        130,000     144,625

DPL, Inc.,                

7.250%, due 10/15/211

        50,000     54,375

DuPont Fabros Technology LP,                

8.500%, due 12/15/17

        125,000     136,250



Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Security description     amount   Value


Corporate bonds—(continued)                

United States—(continued)                

El Paso Corp.,                

7.750%, due 01/15/32

    $   105,000   $ 119,841

Energy Transfer Partners LP,                

5.200%, due 02/01/22

        500,000     528,551

7.500%, due 07/01/38

        75,000     85,214

Entravision Communications Corp.,                

8.750%, due 08/01/17

        71,000     74,195

Epicor Software Corp.,                

8.625%, due 05/01/19

        30,000     30,075

Equinix, Inc.,                

8.125%, due 03/01/18

        50,000     54,625

ERP Operating LP,                

4.750%, due 07/15/20

        50,000     55,235

5.375%, due 08/01/16

        275,000     307,743

ExamWorks Group, Inc.,                

9.000%, due 07/15/191

        80,000     81,200

Felcor Lodging LP,                

6.750%, due 06/01/19

        25,000     25,063

Ferrellgas Partners-LP,                

9.125%, due 10/01/17

        35,000     36,225

First Data Corp.,                

9.875%, due 09/24/15

        75,000     74,438

Ford Motor Co.,                

7.450%, due 07/16/31

        50,000     65,125

Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC,                

6.625%, due 08/15/17

        100,000     116,114

8.125%, due 01/15/20

        100,000     127,004

12.000%, due 05/15/15

        100,000     126,250

Forest Oil Corp.,                

7.250%, due 06/15/19

        75,000     68,250

Frontier Communications Corp.,                

8.250%, due 04/15/17

        60,000     61,950

9.000%, due 08/15/31

        85,000     77,775

FTI Consulting, Inc.,                

6.750%, due 10/01/20

        25,000     26,313



Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Security description     amount   Value


Corporate bonds—(continued)                

United States—(continued)                

Gannett Co., Inc.,                

9.375%, due 11/15/17

    $   25,000   $ 27,875

General Electric Capital Corp.,                

4.650%, due 10/17/21

        200,000     219,735

Georgia Gulf Corp.,                

9.000%, due 01/15/171

        30,000     33,675

Georgia-Pacific LLC,                

8.875%, due 05/15/31

        100,000     140,640

Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.,                

5.750%, due 01/24/22

        250,000     256,488

Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.,                

7.000%, due 05/15/22

        20,000     19,600

Graphic Packaging International, Inc.,                

9.500%, due 06/15/17

        50,000     55,250

Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.,                

6.625%, due 04/15/42

        60,000     62,377

HCA, Inc.,                

5.875%, due 03/15/22

        25,000     24,812

7.500%, due 02/15/22

        75,000     78,609

8.500%, due 04/15/19

        25,000     27,594

Hexion US Finance Corp.,                

8.875%, due 02/01/18

        45,000     44,775

Host Hotels & Resorts LP,                

Series Q, 6.750%, due 06/01/16

        75,000     76,875

Inergy LP,                

7.000%, due 10/01/18

        100,000     102,000

International Lease Finance Corp.,                

7.125%, due 09/01/181

        75,000     82,500

8.625%, due 09/15/15

        90,000     98,100

8.750%, due 03/15/17

        60,000     66,600

Iron Mountain, Inc.,                

8.375%, due 08/15/21

        325,000     346,938

JC Penney Corp., Inc.,                

7.125%, due 11/15/23

        30,000     28,500



Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Security description     amount   Value


Corporate bonds—(continued)                

United States—(continued)                

JMC Steel Group,                

8.250%, due 03/15/181

    $   20,000   $ 20,200

JPMorgan Chase & Co.,                

4.350%, due 08/15/21

        410,000     427,989

4.500%, due 01/24/22

        175,000     186,693

5.400%, due 01/06/42

        80,000     86,645

Key Energy Services, Inc.,                

6.750%, due 03/01/21

        75,000     75,281

Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP,                

3.950%, due 09/01/22

        135,000     136,334

6.500%, due 09/01/39

        85,000     97,488

Kraft Foods, Inc.,                

6.500%, due 02/09/40

        400,000     509,560

Level 3 Communications, Inc.,                

11.875%, due 02/01/19

        25,000     26,812

Level 3 Financing, Inc.,                

8.625%, due 07/15/201

        25,000     25,500

10.000%, due 02/01/18

        30,000     32,325

Liberty Mutual Group, Inc.,                

10.750%, due 06/15/581,4

        35,000     48,300

Limited Brands, Inc.,                

7.600%, due 07/15/37

        25,000     24,875

Linn Energy LLC,                

7.750%, due 02/01/21

        100,000     102,250

Marina District Finance Co., Inc.,                

9.500%, due 10/15/15

        40,000     37,900

Masco Corp.,                

7.125%, due 03/15/20

        25,000     27,523

McClatchy Co.,                

11.500%, due 02/15/17

        30,000     30,300

McJunkin Red Man Corp.,                

9.500%, due 12/15/16

        60,000     64,200

Mead Products LLC,                

6.750%, due 04/30/201

        25,000     25,688



Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Security description     amount   Value


Corporate bonds—(continued)                

United States—(continued)                

MedAssets, Inc.,                

8.000%, due 11/15/18

    $   50,000   $ 51,625

Mercer International, Inc.,                

9.500%, due 12/01/17

        25,000     25,937

MetLife, Inc.,                

6.400%, due 12/15/364

        500,000     475,050

MGM Resorts International,                

10.000%, due 11/01/16

        105,000     114,975

Michael Foods, Inc.,                

9.750%, due 07/15/18

        100,000     108,250

Michaels Stores, Inc.,                

7.750%, due 11/01/18

        50,000     52,125

Momentive Performance Materials, Inc.,                

9.000%, due 01/15/21

        25,000     18,875

Morgan Stanley,                

6.000%, due 04/28/15

        225,000     228,857

6.625%, due 04/01/18

        125,000     126,879

Multiplan, Inc.,                

9.875%, due 09/01/181

        100,000     106,000

Murray Energy Corp.,                

10.250%, due 10/15/151

        85,000     75,650

Mylan, Inc.,                

7.625%, due 07/15/171

        50,000     54,563

Navistar International Corp.,                

8.250%, due 11/01/21

        25,000     26,250

News America, Inc.,                

6.200%, due 12/15/34

        65,000     72,667

Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc.,                

8.875%, due 04/15/17

        50,000     52,250

Nextel Communications, Inc.,                

Series C, 5.950%, due 03/15/14

        75,000     74,625

Series D, 7.375%, due 08/01/15

        50,000     48,875

Niska Gas Storage US LLC,                

8.875%, due 03/15/18

        40,000     38,100



Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Security description     amount   Value


Corporate bonds—(continued)                

United States—(continued)                

NRG Energy, Inc.,                

8.500%, due 06/15/19

    $   50,000   $ 50,000

ONEOK Partners LP,                

8.625%, due 03/01/19

        250,000     331,073

Owens Corning,                

6.500%, due 12/01/16

        175,000     196,479

Owens-Brockway Glass Container, Inc.,                

7.375%, due 05/15/16

        100,000     110,500

PAETEC Holding Corp.,                

9.875%, due 12/01/18

        55,000     60,363

Peabody Energy Corp.,                

7.375%, due 11/01/16

        50,000     55,375

Penn Virginia Resource Partners LP,                

8.375%, due 06/01/201

        25,000     25,000

Petco Animal Supplies, Inc.,                

9.250%, due 12/01/181

        45,000     48,375

Philip Morris International, Inc.,                

2.900%, due 11/15/21

        225,000     231,953

Phillips 66,                

4.300%, due 04/01/221

        100,000     104,143

PPL Energy Supply LLC,                

4.600%, due 12/15/21

        130,000     135,813

Production Resource Group, Inc.,                

8.875%, due 05/01/19

        10,000     7,775

QEP Resources, Inc.,                

6.875%, due 03/01/21

        100,000     108,250

Quicksilver Resources, Inc.,                

7.125%, due 04/01/16

        50,000     43,750

11.750%, due 01/01/16

        15,000     15,375

QVC, Inc.,                

7.500%, due 10/01/191

        75,000     81,562

Range Resources Corp.,                

5.750%, due 06/01/21

        25,000     25,750

Regions Financial Corp.,                

5.750%, due 06/15/15

        50,000     52,500



Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Security description     amount   Value


Corporate bonds—(continued)                

United States—(continued)                

Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.,                

7.500%, due 10/15/27

    $   125,000   $ 125,625

Ryerson, Inc.,                

12.000%, due 11/01/15

        75,000     76,500

Samson Investment Co.,                

9.750%, due 02/15/201

        60,000     59,700

SandRidge Energy, Inc.,                

7.500%, due 03/15/21

        50,000     48,500

Sanmina-SCI Corp.,                

7.000%, due 05/15/191

        40,000     38,700

8.125%, due 03/01/16

        4,000     4,115

SBA Telecommunications, Inc.,                

8.250%, due 08/15/19

        33,000     35,805

Sealed Air Corp.,                

8.375%, due 09/15/211

        30,000     33,000

Sempra Energy,                

9.800%, due 02/15/19

        225,000     315,818

SESI LLC,                

7.125%, due 12/15/211

        75,000     81,750

Severstal Columbus LLC,                

10.250%, due 02/15/18

        25,000     26,000

Sinclair Television Group, Inc.,                

9.250%, due 11/01/171

        20,000     22,000

Solo Cup Co.,                

8.500%, due 02/15/14

        30,000     30,000

Southern California Edison Co.,                

4.050%, due 03/15/42

        80,000     83,295

Sprint Nextel Corp.,                

8.375%, due 08/15/17

        65,000     62,400

9.000%, due 11/15/181

        25,000     27,062

9.125%, due 03/01/171

        25,000     24,812

SPX Corp.,                

7.625%, due 12/15/14

        50,000     55,125

SquareTwo Financial Corp.,                

11.625%, due 04/01/17

        200,000     185,000



Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Security description     amount   Value


Corporate bonds—(continued)                

United States—(continued)                

Standard Pacific Corp.,                

10.750%, due 09/15/16

    $   25,000   $ 29,187

SunTrust Bank,                

7.250%, due 03/15/18

        235,000     277,085

SUPERVALU, Inc.,                

8.000%, due 05/01/16

        35,000     34,912

Swift Energy Co.,                

7.875%, due 03/01/22

        25,000     25,250

Tenet Healthcare Corp.,                

6.875%, due 11/15/31

        50,000     41,938

Tesoro Corp.,                

9.750%, due 06/01/19

        40,000     45,000

Time Warner Cable, Inc.,                

6.550%, due 05/01/37

        145,000     169,738

6.750%, due 07/01/18

        260,000     315,036

Tomkins LLC,                

9.000%, due 10/01/18

        45,000     49,444

Toys R Us Property Co. II LLC,                

8.500%, due 12/01/17

        40,000     41,150

United Technologies Corp.,                

4.500%, due 06/01/42

        250,000     267,753

US Foodservice,                

8.500%, due 06/30/191

        15,000     15,113

USPI Finance Corp.,                

9.000%, due 04/01/201

        20,000     20,750

Valeant Pharmaceuticals International,                

7.000%, due 10/01/201

        75,000     72,563

Valero Energy Corp.,                

6.625%, due 06/15/37

        160,000     177,836

Verizon Communications, Inc.,                

6.900%, due 04/15/38

        150,000     204,195

Verizon Wireless Capital LLC,                

8.500%, due 11/15/18

        135,000     184,670

Vulcan Materials Co.,                

7.500%, due 06/15/21

        50,000     54,000



Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Security description     amount   Value


Corporate bonds—(concluded)                

United States—(concluded)                

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.,                

3.250%, due 10/25/20

    $   805,000   $ 862,394

Warner Chilcott Co. LLC,                

7.750%, due 09/15/18

        30,000     31,650

Whiting Petroleum Corp.,                

6.500%, due 10/01/18

        15,000     15,675

WMG Acquisition Corp.,                

9.500%, due 06/15/16

        250,000     266,875

XL Group PLC,                

Series E, 6.500%, due 04/15/174,6

        40,000     30,800

Yankee Holdings Corp.,                

10.250%, due 02/15/165

        55,000     55,138

Yonkers Racing Corp.,                

11.375%, due 07/15/161

        225,000     239,063



Petroleos de Venezuela SA,                

8.500%, due 11/02/171

        1,000,000     790,000

Total corporate bonds (cost—$38,443,410)               40,767,044

Asset-backed securities—0.52%                

United States—0.52%                

Ameriquest Mortgage Securities, Inc.,                

Series 2005-R6, Class A2,


0.439%, due 08/25/354

        67,065     64,457

Bear Stearns Asset Backed Securities Trust,                

Series 2006-SD2, Class A2,


0.439%, due 06/25/364

        77,704     77,338

Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust, Inc.,                

Series 2006-WFH2, Class A2A,


0.389%, due 08/25/364

        1,115,852     791,880

Soundview Home Equity Loan Trust,                

Series 2005-OPT1, Class 2A4,


0.539%, due 06/25/354

        130,058     124,501

Total asset-backed securities (cost—$1,072,723)               1,058,176



Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Security description     amount   Value


Collateralized debt obligations—4.75%                

Cayman Islands—3.03%                

Atrium CDO Corp.,                

Series 5A, Class A2B,


0.787%, due 07/20/201,3,4

    $   2,000,000   $ 1,742,000

BlueMountain CLO Ltd.,                

Series 2005-1A, Class A2,


0.837%, due 11/15/171,3,4

        2,000,000     1,815,000

GSC Partners CDO Fund Ltd.,                

Series 2003-4A, Class B,


2.400%, due 12/16/151,3,4

        492,892     481,802

Mountain View Funding CLO,                

Series 2007-3A, Class A2,


0.807%, due 04/16/211,3,4

        2,500,000     2,125,000



Boyne Valley CLO BV,                

Series 1X, Class F,


2.851%, due 02/12/222,3,4

    EUR   1,700,000     525,513

Cadogan Square CLO BV,                

Series 2X, Class M,


7.370%, due 08/12/222,3,4

        2,000,000     642,980

Jubilee CDO BV,                

Series III X, Class A2,


1.841%, due 04/20/172,3,4

        700,000     806,020

Series III X, Class B,


2.641%, due 04/20/172,3,4

        1,500,000     1,517,521


Total collateralized debt obligations (cost—$7,951,004)               9,655,836

Commercial mortgage-backed securities—9.49%                

United States—9.49%                

Banc of America Commercial Mortgage, Inc.,                

Series 2007-2, Class AM,


5.644%, due 04/10/494

    $   2,950,000     2,860,237

Series 2007-4, Class AM,


5.793%, due 02/10/514

        3,963,000     3,805,927



Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Security description     amount   Value


Commercial mortgage-backed securities—(concluded)                

United States—(concluded)                

Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust,                

Series 2007-C6, Class AM,


5.699%, due 12/10/494

    $   4,950,000   $ 5,002,495

Greenwich Capital Commercial Funding Corp.,                

Series 2007-GG9, Class AM,


5.475%, due 03/10/39

        1,300,000     1,243,299

JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Corp.,                

Series 2006-CB17, Class AM,


5.464%, due 12/12/43

        3,025,000     2,835,629

Series 2007-CB18, Class AM,


5.466%, due 06/12/474

        400,000     398,123

Series 2007-LD11, Class A4,


5.817%, due 06/15/494

        400,000     431,900

Morgan Stanley Re-REMIC Trust,                

Series 2009-GG10, Class A4B,


5.786%, due 08/12/451,4

        2,725,000     2,736,573

Total commercial mortgage-backed securities (cost—$15,403,716)               19,314,183

Mortgage & agency debt securities—5.16%                

United States—5.16%                

Credit Suisse Mortgage Capital Certificates,                

Series 2006-4, Class CB1,


4.693%, due 05/25/364

        222,821     2

Government National Mortgage Association, IO,                

Series 2012-26, Class GI,


3.500%, due 02/20/27

        6,486,423     810,803

Series 2012-16, Class AI,


3.500%, due 10/20/38

        5,375,756     787,548

Government National Mortgage Association Pools,                

3.000%, TBA

        2,250,000     2,323,087

G2 MA0022, 3.500%, due 04/20/42

        1,621,744     1,732,647

G2 MA0023, 4.000%, due 04/20/42

        1,047,681     1,146,174

JPMorgan Alternative Loan Trust,                

Series 2006-A5, Class 2A6,


5.800%, due 10/25/364

        6,411,551     2,705,328



Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Security description     amount   Value


Mortage & agency debt securities—(concluded)                

United States—(concluded)                

Structured Adjustable Rate Mortgage Loan Trust,                

Series 2006-8, Class 4A3,


5.401%, due 09/25/364

    $   1,500,000   $ 989,694

Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Securities Trust,                

Series 2006-18, Class B1,


6.000%, due 12/26/36

        437,096     4

Total mortgage & agency debt securities (cost—$14,794,037)               10,495,287

Municipal bond—0.19%                

State of California, General Obligation Bonds,                

7.300%, due 10/01/39 (cost—$302,469)

        300,000     379,395

US government obligations—16.86%                

US Treasury Bonds,                

3.125%, due 11/15/41

        150,000     164,016

3.125%, due 02/15/42

        1,000,000     1,093,438

8.000%, due 11/15/21

        725,000     1,148,219

US Treasury Inflation Indexed Notes (TIPS),                

0.125%, due 01/15/227

        3,040,530     3,237,927

US Treasury Notes,                

0.250%, due 04/30/148

        9,960,000     9,957,281

0.250%, due 02/15/15

        300,000     299,250

0.500%, due 08/15/14

        100,000     100,446

0.625%, due 05/31/17

        3,350,000     3,342,670

0.875%, due 01/31/17

        1,240,000     1,254,240

0.875%, due 04/30/17

        5,965,000     6,028,378

1.000%, due 03/31/17

        1,070,000     1,088,056

1.750%, due 05/15/22

        605,000     614,453

2.000%, due 02/15/22

        970,000     1,009,179

US Treasury STRIP Principal Bonds,                

2.969%, due 08/15/408,9

        11,000,000     4,955,038

Total US government obligations (cost—$33,835,902)               34,292,591



Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Security description     amount   Value


Non-US government obligations—35.37%                


Republic of Argentina,                

0.000%, due 12/15/3510

    $   3,200,825   $ 297,677

1.337%, due 12/15/354

        11,700,000     1,099,800

7.000%, due 09/12/13

        6,620,000     6,001,030

7.000%, due 04/17/17

        100,000     66,150

8.280%, due 12/31/33

        45,320     25,606

Series 1, 8.750%, due 06/02/17

        9,432     7,404



Republic of Austria,                

3.500%, due 09/15/211

    EUR   1,000,000     1,387,106

3.800%, due 10/20/131

        630,000     816,651



Republic of Belarus,                

8.750%, due 08/03/152

    $   2,225,000     2,085,937


Notas do Tesouro Nacional,                

Series B, 6.000%, due 05/15/457

    BRL   2,530,000     3,383,651


Bonos de la Tesoreria de la Republica,                

3.000%, due 07/01/177

    CLP   2,013,316,170     4,051,757


China Government Bond,                

1.400%, due 08/18/162

    CNY   9,000,000     1,361,856

2.480%, due 12/01/20

        3,500,000     526,066



French Treasury Note,                

2.500%, due 07/25/16

    EUR   1,680,000     2,201,128

Government of France,                

1.000%, due 07/25/177

        1,687,406     2,184,751

3.500%, due 04/25/26

        840,000     1,121,146

4.000%, due 04/25/55

        515,000     771,951




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Security description     amount   Value


Non-US government obligations—(continued)                



1.250%, due 10/14/16

    $   3,355,000   $ 4,327,484

4.000%, due 10/11/13

        2,670,000     3,478,819

Bundesrepublik Deutschland,                

1.500%, due 04/15/167

        4,882,176     6,547,283

2.000%, due 01/04/22

        3,000,000     4,001,809

2.250%, due 09/04/20

        3,105,000     4,232,830

3.750%, due 01/04/19

        840,000     1,245,247

4.750%, due 07/04/28

        930,000     1,626,604

Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau,                

3.875%, due 07/04/13

        1,000,000     1,284,130

Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank,                

3.250%, due 03/12/14

        750,000     973,276



Mexican Udibonos,                

4.000%, due 06/13/197

    MXN   5,000,000     1,909,918

4.000%, due 11/15/407

        4,920,000     1,794,982

United Mexican States,                

4.750%, due 03/08/44

    $   100,000     101,000



Netherlands Government Bond,                

3.250%, due 07/15/15

    EUR   470,000     630,774

4.000%, due 07/15/19

        1,500,000     2,194,169


South Africa—2.01%                

Republic of South Africa,                

5.500%, due 12/07/237

    ZAR   25,676,365     4,096,224

United Kingdom—1.84%                

UK Gilts,                

4.250%, due 12/07/27

    GBP   600,000     1,167,894

4.250%, due 12/07/49

        275,000     538,654

4.750%, due 03/07/20

        1,045,000     2,032,519




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Security description     amount   Value


Non-US government obligations—(concluded)              


Republic of Venezuela,              

8.250%, due 10/13/242

    $   3,500,000 $ 2,388,750

Total Non-US government obligations (cost—$72,267,315)             71,962,033

Structured notes—3.92%              


VTB Capital PLC, 22.000%, due 06/18/121              

(linked to Republic of Belarus,


22.000%, due 06/18/12)

    BYR   16,000,000,000   1,950,674


Standard Chartered Bank,              

8.130%, due 09/23/221,9


(linked to Indian Government Bonds,


8.130%, due 09/23/22)

    $   4,828,773   4,505,728


HSBC Bank PLC,16.146%, due 03/30/131,9              

(linked to Nigeria Treasury Bill,


16.146%, due 03/30/13)

        1,740,507   1,531,646

Total structured notes (cost—$8,351,142)             7,988,048

Total bonds (cost—$192,421,718)             195,912,593


Common stocks—0.00%11              

United States—0.00%11              

Washington Mutual Funding Tranche III*1,3,12         1,000   10

WMI Holdings Corp.*         19,801   8,514

Total common stocks (cost—$10,890)             8,524

Short-term investment—2.55%              

Investment company—2.55%              

UBS Cash Management Prime Relationship Fund13              


        5,195,175   5,195,175



Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

      Number of      
Security description     contracts   Value

Options purchased*—3.25%                

Call options—0.55%                

10 Year US Treasury Notes,                

strike @ USD 131.50, expires July 2012

        105   $ 269,063

15 Year US Treasury Bonds,                

strike @ USD 144.00, expires June 2012

        35     208,906

15 Year US Treasury Bonds,                

strike @ USD 146.00, expires June 2012

        140     599,375

5 Year US Treasury Notes,                

strike @ USD 125.00, expires August 2012

        185     40,469


Put options—0.09%                

15 Year US Treasury Bonds,                

strike @ USD 143.00, expires July 2012

        62     9,687

15 Year US Treasury Bonds,                

strike @ USD 146.00, expires July 2012

        140     78,750

2 Year Euro-Dollar Midcurve,                

strike @ USD 98.88, expires December 2012

        105     25,594

3 Year Euro-Dollar Midcurve,                

strike @ USD 98.13, expires December 2012

        105     28,875

90 Day Euro-Dollar Time Deposit,                

strike @ USD 99.50, expires June 2012

        1,242     31,050

90 Day Euro-Dollar Time Deposit,                

strike @ USD 98.00, expires December 2012

        200     7,500


      Face amount      
      covered by      

Call options—0.44%                

Foreign Exchange Option, Buy EUR/MXN,                

strike @ MXN 18.15, expires June 2012

    EUR   1,020,000     7,770

Foreign Exchange Option, Buy EUR/MXN,                

strike @ MXN 18.15, expires June 2012

        1,640,000     12,493

Foreign Exchange Option, Buy USD/ARS,                

strike @ ARS 4.62, expires June 2012

    $   880,000     11,264



Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

      Face amount      
      covered by      
Security description     contracts   Value

Options purchased*—(continued)                

Call options—(concluded)                

Foreign Exchange Option, Buy USD/CZK,                

strike @ CZK 20.30, expires July 2012

    $   10,790,000   $ 411,682

Foreign Exchange Option, Buy USD/CZK,                

strike @ CZK 20.15, expires July 2012

        7,210,000     315,402

Foreign Exchange Option, Buy USD/SAR,                

strike @ SAR 3.75, expires July 2013

        7,487,500     13,877

Foreign Exchange Option, Buy USD/SGD,                

strike @ SGD 1.28, expires June 2012

        240,000     1,749

Foreign Exchange Option, Buy USD/SGD,                

strike @ SGD 1.29, expires June 2012

        1,780,000     9,787

Foreign Exchange Option, Buy USD/TRY,                

strike @ TRY 1.87, expires February 2013

        1,640,000     119,538


Put options—0.05%                

Foreign Exchange Option, Buy EUR/BRL,                

strike @ BRL 2.34, expires June 2012

    EUR   3,160,000     185

Foreign Exchange Option, Buy EUR/BRL,                

strike @ BRL 2.34, expires June 2012

        1,730,000     353

Foreign Exchange Option, Buy EUR/BRL,                

strike @ BRL 2.34, expires June 2012

        1,020,000     208

Foreign Exchange Option, Buy EUR/MXN,                

strike @ MXN 17.10, expires June 2012

        1,020,000     2,381

Foreign Exchange Option, Buy EUR/MXN,                

strike @ MXN 17.10, expires June 2012

        1,640,000     3,828

Foreign Exchange Option, Buy EUR/TRY,                

strike @ TRY 2.29, expires June 2012

        4,740,000     21,958

Foreign Exchange Option, Buy USD/ARS,                

strike @ ARS 4.71, expires June 2012

    $   800,000     13,062

Foreign Exchange Option, Buy USD/ARS,                

strike @ ARS 4.58, expires June 2012

        800,000     588

Foreign Exchange Option, Buy USD/BRL,                

strike @ BRL 1.81, expires June 2012

        2,560,000     4



Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

      Face amount      
      covered by      
Security description     contracts   Value

Options purchased*—(continued)                

Put options—(concluded)                

Foreign Exchange Option, Buy USD/BRL,                

strike @ BRL 1.81, expires June 2012

    $   1,280,000   $ 2

Foreign Exchange Option, Buy USD/CNY,                

strike @ CNY 6.22, expires January 2013

        7,200,000     5,096

Foreign Exchange Option, Buy USD/CNY,                

strike @ CNY 6.29, expires January 2013

        7,200,000     13,301

Foreign Exchange Option, Buy USD/MXN,                

strike @ MXN 13.40, expires June 2012

        1,610,000     61

Foreign Exchange Option, Buy USD/SAR,                

strike @ SAR 3.75, expires July 2013

        7,487,500     15,423

Foreign Exchange Option, Buy USD/TRY,                

strike @ TRY 1.87, expires February 2013

        1,640,000     33,636



Options purchased on interest rate swaps3—2.12%                

Expiring 06/22/12. If option exercised                

the Fund pays quarterly floating 3 month


USD LIBOR and receives semi-annually


2.030%. Underlying interest rate swap


terminating 06/26/27. European style.


Counterparty: MSC

    $   7,750,000     54,591

Expiring 10/15/12. If option exercised the Fund                

pays quarterly floating 3 month USD LIBOR


and receives semi-annually 2.650%. Underlying


interest rate swap terminating 10/17/42.


European style. Counterparty: MLI

        10,500,000     901,642

Expiring 01/06/14. If option exercised the Fund                

pays semi-annually 2.765% and receives


semi-annually floating 6 month GBP LIBOR.


Underlying interest rate swap terminating


01/06/24. European style. Counterparty: DB

    GBP   7,720,000     294,070



Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Security description     amount   Value  

Options purchased*—(concluded)                  

Options purchased on interest rate swaps3—(concluded)                  

Expiring 01/06/14. If option exercised the Fund                  

pays semi-annually floating 6 month GBP


LIBOR and receives semi-annually 2.765%.


Underlying interest rate swap terminating


01/06/24. European style. Counterparty: DB

    GBP   7,720,000   $ 700,960  

Expiring 06/14/13. If option exercised the Fund                  

pays quarterly floating 3 month USD LIBOR


and receives semi-annually 3.410%. Underlying


interest rate swap terminating 06/18/18.


European style. Counterparty: DB

    $   8,560,000     870,210  

Expiring 06/14/21. If option exercised the Fund                  

pays quarterly floating 3 month USD LIBOR


and receives semi-annually 5.080%. Underlying


interest rate swap terminating 6/16/26.


European style. Counterparty: DB

        4,210,000     429,644  

Expiring 11/02/15. If option exercised the Fund                  

pays semi-annually 6.000% and receives


quarterly floating 3 month USD LIBOR.


Underlying interest rate swap terminating


11/04/25. European style. Counterparty: DB

        14,000,000     100,191  

Expiring 12/08/14. If option exercised the Fund                  

pays quarterly floating 3 month EUR EURIBOR


and receives annually 2.325%. Underlying


interest rate swap terminating 12/10/15.


European style. Counterparty: BB

    EUR   48,000,000     860,407  

Expiring 12/24/13. If option exercised the Fund                  

pays semi-annually 2.140% and receives


semi-annually floating 6 month JPY LIBOR.


Underlying interest rate swap terminating


12/30/33. European style. Counterparty: JPMCB

    JPY   350,000,000     92,076  


Total options purchased (cost—$5,731,293)               6,616,708  

Total investments—102.10% (cost—$203,359,076)               207,733,000  

Liabilities, in excess of cash and other assets—(2.10%)               (4,276,954 )

Net assets—100.00%             $ 203,456,046  



Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Notes to portfolio of investments
Aggregate cost for federal income tax purposes was substantially the same as for book purposes; and net unrealized appreciation consisted of:

Gross unrealized appreciation     $16,141,768  

Gross unrealized depreciation     (11,767,844 )

Net unrealized appreciation of investments     $4,373,924  

For a listing of defined portfolio acronyms, counterparty abbreviations and currency abbreviations that are used throughout the Portfolio of investments as well as the tables that follow, please refer to pages 54–55. Portfolio footnotes begin on page 52.

Forward foreign currency contracts
      Contracts               Maturity   appreciation/
Counterparty     to deliver     In exchange for     date   (depreciation)

BB     BRL   943,000     USD   512,083     06/12/12     $45,211  

BB     EUR   767,000     USD   1,007,455     06/08/12     59,050  

BB     EUR   1,196,000     USD   1,528,489     06/12/12     49,603  

BB     EUR   315,000     USD   394,538     06/13/12     5,030  

BB     EUR   248,000     USD   326,616     06/21/12     19,943  

BB     EUR   6,300,000     USD   7,921,040     08/02/12     127,827  

BB     MXN   364,000     USD   27,458     06/21/12     2,141  

BB     NOK   49,352,980     EUR   6,427,500     08/02/12     (100,912 )

BB     RUB   36,930,000     USD   1,239,262     06/22/12     136,559  

BB     TRY   3,922,000     USD   2,128,549     06/13/12     30,184  

BB     USD   223,176     ARS   1,040,000     06/22/12     618  

BB     USD   1,007,571     BRL   1,818,000     06/08/12     (106,803 )

BB     USD   898,597     BRL   1,640,000     06/12/12     (86,647 )

BB     USD   1,000,356     BRL   1,955,000     06/20/12     (34,285 )

BB     USD   2,049,521     CNY   12,830,000     01/25/13     (41,115 )

BB     USD   2,128,235     EUR   1,706,000     06/13/12     (18,710 )

BB     USD   8,003,243     EUR   6,300,000     08/02/12     (210,030 )

BB     USD   394,465     MXN   5,493,000     06/13/12     (12,071 )

BB     USD   325,993     MXN   4,204,000     06/21/12     (33,605 )



Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Forward foreign currency contracts (continued)
      Contracts               Maturity   appreciation/
Counterparty     to deliver     In exchange for     date   (depreciation)

BB     USD   1,238,223     RUB   36,930,000     06/22/12     $(135,520 )

BB     USD   347,194     RUB   10,671,000     07/12/12     (29,808 )

CSI     BRL   8,582,850     USD   4,752,672     06/22/12     513,431  

CSI     CLP   2,083,610,000     USD   4,244,037     06/22/12     222,439  

CSI     CNY   9,090,000     USD   1,440,057     01/10/13     16,934  

CSI     EUR   2,609,000     USD   3,423,399     06/08/12     197,341  

CSI     EUR   10,745,000     USD   14,210,252     08/02/12     918,494  

CSI     GBP   5,125,000     JPY   656,500,200     08/02/12     487,332  

CSI     INR   25,740,000     USD   506,195     06/22/12     49,552  

CSI     MXN   5,493,000     USD   394,877     06/13/12     12,484  

CSI     RUB   42,242,000     USD   1,374,618     07/12/12     118,222  

CSI     USD   3,394,007     BRL   6,116,000     06/08/12     (363,700 )

CSI     USD   1,450,802     CNY   9,090,000     01/10/13     (27,679 )

CSI     USD   1,005,792     EUR   800,000     06/12/12     (16,571 )

CSI     USD   394,853     EUR   315,000     06/13/12     (5,345 )

CSI     USD   1,042,808     RUB   31,571,000     07/12/12     (103,798 )

DB     BRL   7,934,000     USD   4,439,843     06/08/12     508,769  

DB     BRL   1,230,000     USD   669,716     06/12/12     60,753  

DB     BRL   4,366,000     USD   2,210,633     06/20/12     53,155  

DB     EUR   644,000     USD   844,831     06/21/12     48,471  

DB     MXN   5,017,000     USD   392,200     06/21/12     43,269  

DB     MXN   51,107,890     USD   3,953,118     06/22/12     398,989  

DB     MYR   5,900,000     USD   1,952,026     06/22/12     94,122  

DB     USD   1,280,064     BRL   2,411,000     06/20/12     (88,658 )

DB     USD   4,439,609     EUR   3,376,000     06/08/12     (265,146 )

DB     USD   670,450     EUR   506,000     06/12/12     (44,768 )

DB     USD   392,233     EUR   297,000     06/21/12     (24,967 )

DB     USD   841,479     MXN   11,028,000     06/21/12     (74,483 )

DB     USD   2,177,856     RUB   64,715,000     06/22/12     (245,513 )

DB     USD   2,009,320     TRY   3,650,130     06/22/12     (60,904 )

DB     ZAR   24,543,860     USD   3,195,649     06/22/12     312,707  



Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Forward foreign currency contracts (concluded)
      Contracts               Maturity   appreciation/
Counterparty     to deliver     In exchange for     date   (depreciation)

GSI     BRL   1,328,000     USD   765,992     06/22/12     $110,066  

GSI     CNY   9,663,000     USD   1,525,335     01/10/13     12,504  

GSI     EUR   296,000     USD   388,530     06/21/12     22,500  

GSI     MXN   14,966,000     USD   1,173,086     06/21/12     132,204  

GSI     USD   790,006     BRL   1,328,000     06/22/12     (134,080 )

GSI     USD   1,173,091     EUR   891,000     06/21/12     (71,293 )

GSI     USD   389,854     MXN   5,115,000     06/21/12     (34,107 )

HSBC     AUD   8,215,000     NZD   10,572,656     08/02/12     (22,066 )

HSBC     AUD   16,330,000     USD   16,723,880     08/02/12     903,902  

HSBC     EUR   16,014,865     CHF   19,220,000     08/02/12     (970 )

HSBC     JPY   1,573,179,782     AUD   20,120,000     08/02/12     (598,394 )

HSBC     USD   6,659,037     GBP   4,115,000     08/02/12     (318,820 )

HSBC     USD   35,895,753     JPY   2,876,000,000     08/02/12     831,673  

JPMCB     CHF   19,220,000     USD   21,176,217     08/02/12     1,366,511  

JPMCB     EUR   1,990,000     USD   2,541,123     08/02/12     79,457  

JPMCB     JPY   717,804,874     USD   9,039,315     08/02/12     (127,279 )

JPMCB     USD   3,599,943     CNY   22,554,000     01/25/13     (69,344 )

MLI     EUR   506,000     USD   670,450     06/12/12     44,768  

MLI     USD   257,732     ARS   1,250,000     07/05/12     4,087  

MLI     USD   669,714     BRL   1,230,000     06/12/12     (60,752 )

MSCI     SEK   56,748,228     EUR   6,280,000     08/02/12     (24,992 )

MSCI     USD   8,398,794     SEK   56,600,000     08/02/12     (625,686 )

RBS     GBP   5,160,000     JPY   646,931,130     08/02/12     311,205  

RBS     USD   10,219,512     CAD   10,110,000     08/02/12     (443,961 )

SSB     USD   16,414,935     NOK   94,280,000     08/02/12     (1,033,331 )

Net unrealized appreciation on forward foreign currency contracts     $2,655,394  



Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Futures contracts
    Expiration   Cost/             appreciation/
    date   (proceeds)     Value     (depreciation)

US Treasury futures                                
buy contracts:                                
US Ultra Bond Futures,                                
89 contracts (USD)     June 2012       $13,795,737       $15,166,156       $1,370,419  

US Ultra Bond Futures,                                
101 contracts (USD)     September 2012       16,909,319       17,069,000       159,681  

5 Year US Treasury Notes,                                
175 contracts (USD)     September 2012       21,748,706       21,732,813       (15,893 )

US Treasury futures                                
sell contracts:                                
US Long Bond,                                
73 contracts (USD)     June 2012       (10,832,533 )     (10,970,531 )     (137,998 )

US Long Bond,                                
39 contracts (USD)     September 2012       (5,848,757 )     (5,839,031 )     9,726  

US Ultra Bond Futures,                                
10 contracts (USD)     September 2012       (1,642,677 )     (1,690,000 )     (47,323 )

10 Year US Treasury Notes,                                
42 contracts (USD)     September 2012       (5,577,030 )     (5,625,375 )     (48,345 )

Interest rate futures                                
buy contracts:                                
Long Gilt,                                
27 contracts (GBP)     September 2012       4,978,534       5,018,455       39,921  

Interest rate futures                                
sell contracts:                                
90 Day Bank Bill,                                
204 contracts (AUD)     December 2012       (197,198,475 )     (197,416,688 )     (218,213 )

37 contracts (EUR)     June 2012       (5,729,629 )     (5,808,026 )     (78,397 )

35 contracts (EUR)     September 2012       (6,227,156 )     (6,278,267 )     (51,111 )

Net unrealized appreciation                                
on futures contracts                             $982,467  



Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Options written                        
    Expiration   Premiums          
    date   received       Value  

Call options                        
15 Year US Treasury Bonds, 62 contracts,                        
strike @ USD 151.00     July 2012       $57,050       $(79,438 )

Foreign Exchange Option, Sell EUR/MXN,                        
EUR 1,640,000 face amount covered                        
by contracts, strike @ MXN 17.60     June 2012       30,719       (35,314 )

Foreign Exchange Option, Sell EUR/MXN,                        
EUR 1,020,000 face amount covered                        
by contracts, strike @ MXN 17.60     June 2012       23,129       (21,963 )

Foreign Exchange Option, Sell USD/ARS,                        
USD 880,000 face amount covered by                        
contracts, strike @ ARS 4.47     June 2012       25,960       (25,960 )

Put options                        
90 Day Euro-Dollar Time Deposit,                        
200 contracts, strike @ USD 96.00     December 2012       89,300       (1,250 )

Foreign Exchange Option, Sell EUR/MXN,                        
EUR 1,640,000 face amount covered by                        
contracts, strike @ MXN 17.60     June 2012       34,475       (18,760 )

Foreign Exchange Option, Sell EUR/MXN,                        
EUR 1,020,000 face amount covered                        
by contracts, strike @ MXN 17.60     June 2012       18,726       (11,669 )

Options written on interest rate swaps3                        
If option exercised the Fund receives                        
quarterly floating 3 month USD LIBOR                        
and pays semi-annually 2.000%.                        
Underlying interest rate swap                        
terminating 10/17/22. European style.                        
Counterparty: DB,                        
Notional Amount USD 22,575,000     October 2012       284,445       (664,686 )

If option exercised the Fund receives                        
semi-annually 2.530% and pays                        
quarterly floating 3 month USD LIBOR.                        
Underlying interest rate swap                        
terminating 06/26/27. European style.                        
Counterparty: MSC,                        
Notional Amount USD 7,750,000     June 2012       19,375       (8,441 )



Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Options written (continued)                        
    Expiration   Premiums          
    date   received       Value  

Options written on interest rate swaps3 (continued)
If option exercised the Fund receives                        
annually 3.325% and pays quarterly                        
floating 3 month EUR EURIBOR. Underlying                        
interest rate swap terminating 12/10/15.                        
European style. Counterparty: BB,                        
Notional Amount EUR 48,000,000     December 2014       233,238       $(76,706 )

If option exercised the Fund receives                        
quarterly floating 3 month EUR EURIBOR                        
and pays annually 1.825%. Underlying                        
interest rate swap terminating 12/10/15.                        
European style. Counterparty: BB,                        
Notional Amount EUR 48,000,000     December 2014       270,235       (611,910 )

If option exercised the Fund receives                        
quarterly floating 3 month USD LIBOR                        
and pays semi-annually 4.700%.                        
Underlying interest rate swap                        
terminating 06/16/21. European style.                        
Counterparty: DB,                        
Notional Amount USD 10,600,000     June 2016       417,885       (1,263,860 )

If option exercised the Fund receives                        
semi-annually 1.620% and pays                        
semi-annually floating 6 month GBP LIBOR.                        
Underlying interest rate swap                        
terminating 01/06/16. European style.                        
Counterparty: BB,                        
Notional Amount GBP 35,000,000     January 2014       461,170       (286,791 )

If option exercised the Fund receives                        
semi-annually 7.250% and pays quarterly                        
floating 3 month USD LIBOR. Underlying                        
interest rate swap terminating 11/04/25.                        
European style. Counterparty: DB,                        
Notional Amount USD 14,000,000     November 2015       257,600       (49,892 )

If option exercised the Fund receives                        
semi-annually 8.760% and pays quarterly                        
floating 3 month USD LIBOR. Underlying                        
interest rate swap terminating 11/04/25.                        
European style. Counterparty: DB,                        
Notional Amount USD 14,000,000     November 2015       166,600       (22,537 )



Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Options written (concluded)                        
    Expiration   Premiums          
    date   received       Value  

Options written on interest rate swaps3 (concluded)                        
If option exercised the Fund receives                        
semi-annually floating 6 month GBP LIBOR                        
and pays semi-annually 1.620%.                        
Underlying interest rate swap terminating                        
01/06/16. European style.                        
Counterparty: BB,                        
Notional Amount GBP 35,000,000     January 2014       $461,170       $(667,570 )

If option exercised the Fund receives                        
semi-annually floating 6 month JPY LIBOR                        
and pays semi-annually 1.600%.                        
Underlying interest rate swap terminating                        
12/30/33. European style.                        
Counterparty: MSC,                        
Notional Amount JPY 350,000,000     December 2013       129,978       (166,084 )

Total options written             $2,981,055       $(4,012,831 )

Written option activity for the period ended May 31, 2012 was as follows:

    Number of   Premiums
    contracts   received

Options outstanding at November 30, 2011     2,711       $633,392  

Options written     2,126       399,298  

Options terminated in closing purchase transactions     (3,006 )     (596,821 )

Options expired prior to exercise     (1,569 )     (289,519 )

Options outstanding at May 31, 2012     262       $146,350  

Swaption and foreign exchange written option activity for the period ended May 31, 2012 was as follows:


Swaptions & foreign exchange options outstanding at November 30, 2011     $1,439,384  

Swaptions & foreign exchange options written     2,971,030  

Swaptions & foreign exchange options terminated in closing        
purchase transactions     (1,575,709 )

Swaptions & foreign exchange options expired prior to exercise      

Swaptions & foreign exchange options outstanding at May 31, 2012     $2,834,705  


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Currency swap agreements3


Pay   Receive               Upfront                
contracts   contracts   Termination   Pay   Receive   payments           Unrealized
(000)  (000s)   date   rate14   rate14   made   Value   appreciation

                6 month                        
INR 249,400   USD 4,831   12/05/16   4.500%   USD LIBOR     $—     $ 461,260     $ 461,260  

Pay   Receive               Upfront           Unrealized
contracts   contracts   Termination   Pay   Receive   payments           appreciation/
(000)   (000s)   date   rate14   rate14   made   Value   (depreciation)

            3 month   3 month                        
EUR 15,642   USD 21,500   03/16/20   EURIBOR   USD LIBOR     $—       $1,636,032       $1,636,032  

            3 month   3 month                        
USD 21,500   EUR 15,642   03/16/40   USD LIBOR   EURIBOR           (1,231,545 )     (1,231,545 )

                      $—       $404,487       $404,487  

Pay   Receive               payments           Unrealized
contracts   contracts   Termination   Pay   Receive   (made)/           appreciation/
(000)   (000s)   date   rate14   rate14   received   Value   (depreciation)

            3 month   3 month                        
CAD 21,866   USD 22,053   03/16/40   BA   USD LIBOR   $ (1,162,605 )     $719,908     $ (442,697 )

            3 month   3 month                        
USD 22,053   CAD 21,866   03/16/20   USD LIBOR   BA     1,162,605       (910,127 )     252,478  

                      $0       $(190,219 )   $ (190,219 )

Interest rate swap agreements

            Payments   Payments                        
    Notional       made   received   Upfront           Unrealized
Counter-   amount   Termination   by the   by the   payments           appreciation/
party   (000s)   date   Fund14   Fund14   made   Value   (depreciation)

            3 month   1 month                        
            LIBOR   LIBOR                        
BB   USD 84,700   11/24/12   (USD BBA)   (USD BBA)     $—       $31,211       $31,211  

                3 month                        
BB   USD 1,530   06/16/26   3.624%   (USD BBA)           (37,360 )     (37,360 )


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Interest rate swap agreements (continued)

                Payments   Payments                        
    Notional       made   received   Upfront           Unrealized
Counter-   amount   Termination   by the   by the   payments           appreciation/
party   (000s)   date   Fund14   Fund14   made   Value   (depreciation)

                    3 month                        
CITI   KRW   4,800,000   08/26/16   3.410%   CD KSDA     $—       $(19,118 )     $(19,118 )

                1 month   3 month                        
                LIBOR   LIBOR                        
CITI   USD   42,400   11/24/18   (USD BBA)   (USD BBA)           294,404       294,404  

                    3 month                        
CITI   USD   13,768   02/15/36   4.668   (USD BBA)           (6,220,681 )     (6,220,681 )

                3 month                            
DB   CAD   13,100   10/03/13   BA   1.875%           114,596       114,596  

                    3 month                        
DB   CAD   11,700   10/03/16   2.485   BA           (499,992 )     (499,992 )

                3 month                            
DB   CAD   3,250   10/03/21   BA   3.260           349,506       349,506  

                    3 month                        
DB   USD   8,958   02/15/36   4.545   (USD BBA)           (3,837,832 )     (3,837,832 )

                    3 month                        
GSI   TWD   140,000   08/26/16   1.280   TWCPBA           (38,284 )     (38,284 )

                3 month                            
JPMCB   AUD   54,500   11/10/14   BBSW   3.315           338,612       338,612  

                    6 month                        
JPMCB   AUD   12,655   11/10/22   4.225   BBSW           (297,611 )     (297,611 )

                3 month                            
JPMCB   CAD   36,375   02/11/14   BA   2.775           1,040,100       1,040,100  

                    3 month                        
JPMCB   CAD   32,620   02/11/17   3.500   BA           (3,062,390 )     (3,062,390 )

                3 month                            
JPMCB   CAD   9,200   02/11/22   BA   4.145           1,744,919       1,744,919  

                6 month                            
JPMCB   EUR   8,200   05/04/22   EURIBOR   2.130           438,842       438,842  

                    6 month                        
JPMCB   EUR   3,650   05/04/42   2.460   EURIBOR           (633,298 )     (633,298 )

                1 month   3 month                        
                LIBOR   LIBOR                        
JPMCB   USD   42,300   11/24/18   (USD BBA)   (USD BBA)           280,157       280,157  

                3 month                            
MLI   CAD   22,140   04/08/17   BA   1.978           478,721       478,721  


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Interest rate swap agreements (concluded)

                Payments   Payments                        
    Notional       made   received   Upfront           Unrealized
Counter-   amount   Termination   by the   by the   payments           appreciation/
party   (000s)   date   Fund14   Fund14   made   Value   (depreciation)

                    3 month                        
MLI   CAD   5,930   02/04/21   3.725%   BA     $—       $(868,781 )     $(868,781 )

                3 month                            
MLI   CAD   7,410   02/04/31   BA   4.310%           2,032,499       2,032,499  

                    3 month                        
MLI   CAD   3,000   02/04/41   4.208   BA           (1,106,952 )     (1,106,952 )

                6 month                            
MLI   JPY   4,364,000   04/26/13   (USD BBA)   0.451           46,207       46,207  

                    6 month                        
MLI   JPY   3,505,000   04/26/16   0.706   (USD BBA)           (581,050 )     (581,050 )

                6 month                            
MLI   JPY   911,000   04/26/21   (USD BBA)   1.334           608,668       608,668  

                    3 month                        
MLI   USD   4,180   06/18/18   2.090   (USD BBA)           (155,570 )     (155,570 )

                3 month                            
MLI   USD   3,770   06/16/21   (USD BBA)   3.171           146,206       146,206  

                    3 month                        
MSCI   CAD   21,160   04/08/17   3.600   BA           (2,061,873 )     (2,061,873 )

                    3 month                        
MSCI   USD   2,558   06/26/27   2.280   (USD BBA)           (50,448 )     (50,448 )

                          $—     $ (11,526,592 )   $ (11,526,592 )

Credit default swaps on credit indices—buy protection15

        Notional       made   Upfront                
Counter-   Referenced   amount   Termination   by the   payments           Unrealized
party   Index16   (000s)   date   Fund14   made   Value   appreciation

BB   Series 17 Index   USD 1,700   12/20/16       5.000%     $(53,122 )     $78,287       $25,165  

DB   Series 17 Index   USD 2,000   12/20/16   5.000     (40,551 )     92,102       51,551  

JPMCB   Series 17 Index   USD 4,100   12/20/16   5.000     (133,096 )     188,810       55,714  

                    $ (226,769 )   $ 359,199     $ 132,430  


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Credit default swaps on sovereign issues—buy protection15 (concluded)

        Notional       received   Upfront           Unrealized
Counter-   Referenced   amount   Termination   by the   payments           appreciation/
party   obligation16   (000s)   date   Fund14   made   Value   depreciation

    Republic of                                    
    Bond, 9.250%,                                    
JPMCB   due 09/15/27   USD   950   03/20/17       5.000%   $ (155,800 )   $ 146,406       $(9,394 )

    Republic of                                    
    Bond, 9.250%,                                    
JPMCB   due 09/15/27   USD 1,230   03/20/17   5.000     (127,305 )     189,557       62,252  

    Bank AG                                    
    Bond, 5.125%,                                    
MSCI   due 8/31/17   EUR 1,750   06/20/17   1.000     (94,482 )     95,214       732  

                    $ (377,587 )   $ 431,177       $53,590  

Credit default swaps on sovereign issues—sell protection17

        Notional       received   Upfront                        
Counter-   Referenced   amount   Termination   by the   payments           Unrealized   Credit
party   obligation16   (000s)   date   Fund14   made   Value   depreciation   spread18

    Republic of                                            
    8.280%, due                                            
CITI   12/31/33   USD 1,500   09/20/13   5.000%   $ (8,726 )   $ (126,038 )   $ (134,764 )     12.874 %

Total return swap agreement3


        Payments   Payments                        
Notional       made   received   Upfront                
amount   Termination   by the   by the   payments           Unrealized
(000s)   date   Fund   Fund   made19   Value   depreciation

BRL 3,627   08/15/12     20   $ (4,666,144 )   $ 3,951,419     $ (714,725 )


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

The following is a summary of the fair valuations according to the inputs used as of May 31, 2012 in valuing the Fund’s investments:

    quoted prices in   Other                
    active markets   significant                
    for identical   observable   Unobservable        
    investments   inputs   inputs        
Description   (Level 1)   (Level 2)   (Level 3)   Total

Corporate bonds   $     $ 36,434,735     $ 4,332,309     $ 40,767,044  

Asset-backed securities           1,058,176             1,058,176  

Collateralized debt obligations           8,487,343       1,168,493       9,655,836  

Commercial mortgage-backed securities           19,314,183             19,314,183  

Mortgage & agency debt securities           10,495,287             10,495,287  

Municipal bond           379,395             379,395  

US government obligations           34,292,591             34,292,591  

Non-US government obligations           71,962,033             71,962,033  

Structured notes           6,037,374       1,950,674       7,988,048  

Common stocks     8,514             10       8,524  

Short-term investment           5,195,175             5,195,175  

Options purchased     1,299,269       5,317,439             6,616,708  

Forward foreign currency contracts, net           2,655,394             2,655,394  

Futures contracts, net     982,467                   982,467  

Options written     (80,688 )     (3,932,143 )           (4,012,831 )

Swap agreements, net           (6,235,307 )           (6,235,307 )

Total   $ 2,209,562     $ 191,461,675     $ 7,451,486     $ 201,122,723  


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Level 3 rollforward disclosure
The following is a rollforward of the Fund’s investments that were valued using unobservable inputs for the period:

    Corporate   debt   Structured   Common        
    bonds   obligations   note   stock   Total

Beginning balance   $ 4,235,825     $ 6,391,400     $     $     $ 10,627,225  

Purchases           1,597,416       1,987,577             3,584,993  

Issuances                       0       0  

Sales     (408,591 )     (610,361 )                 (1,018,952 )


Accrued discounts (premiums)                              

Total realized gain (loss)     (845,356 )     54,589                   (790,767 )

Change in net unrealized appreciation/depreciation     1,350,431       (100,749 )     (36,903 )     10       1,212,789  

Transfers into Level 3                              

Transfers out of Level 321           (6,163,802 )                 (6,163,802 )

Ending balance   $ 4,332,309     $ 1,168,493     $ 1,950,674     $ 10     $ 7,451,486  

The change in net unrealized appreciation/depreciation relating to the Level 3 investments held at May 31, 2012 was $120,793.


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Portfolio footnotes
*   Non-income producing security.
1   Security exempt from registration pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1933. These securities are considered liquid, unless noted otherwise, and may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At May 31, 2012, the value of these securities amounted to $22,533,822 or 11.08% of net assets.
2   Security exempt from registration pursuant to Regulation S under the Securities Act of 1933. Regulation S applies to securities offerings that are made outside of the United States and do not involve direct selling efforts in the United States. At May 31, 2012, the value of these securities amounted to $15,742,389 or 7.74% of net assets.
3   Security is illiquid. At May 31, 2012, the value of these securities and other derivative instruments amounted to $31,020,714 or 15.25% of net assets.
4   Variable or floating rate security—The interest rate shown is the current rate as of May 31, 2012 and changes periodically.
5   PIK—Payment-in kind security. Income may be paid in cash or additional notes, at the discretion of the issuer.
6   Perpetual bond security. The maturity date reflects the next call date.
7   Debt security whose principal and/or interest payments are adjusted for inflation, unlike debt securities that make fixed principal and interest payments. The interest rate paid by the securities is fixed, while the principal value rises or falls based on changes in an index. Thus, if inflation occurs, the principal and interest payments on the securities are adjusted accordingly to protect investors from inflationary loss. During a deflationary period, the principal and interest payments decrease, although the securities’ principal amounts will not drop below their face amounts at maturity. In exchange for the inflation protection, the securities generally pay lower interest rates than typical government securities from the issuers’ country. Only if inflation occurs will securities offer a higher real yield than a conventional security of the same maturity.
8   All or a portion of these securities have been designated as collateral for open swap agreements.
9   Rate shown reflects annualized yield at May 31, 2012 on zero coupon bond.
10   Security has yet to make its first payment. Security pays, when required, a floating rate that is determined annually based on the Argentina GDP.
11   Amount represents less than 0.005%.
12   Security is being fair valued by a valuation committee under the direction of the Board of Directors. At May 31, 2012, the value of this security amounted to $10 or 0.00% of net assets.


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

13   The table below details the Fund’s investments in a fund advised by the same advisor as the Fund. The advisor does not earn a management fee from the affiliated UBS Relationship Fund.

        Purchases   Sales       Income earned
        during the   during the       from affiliate for
        six months   six months       the six months
Security   Value   ended   ended   Value   ended
description   11/30/11   05/31/12   05/31/12   05/31/12   05/31/12

UBS Cash Management Prime Relationship Fund   $22,901,010   $44,935,380   $62,641,215   $5,195,175   $5,326

14   Payments made or received are based on the notional amount.
15   If the Fund is a buyer of protection and a credit event occurs, as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement, the Fund will either (i) receive from the seller of protection an amount equal to the notional amount of the swap and deliver the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index or (ii) receive a net settlement amount in the form of cash or securities equal to the notional amount of the swap less the recovery value of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index.
16   Payments from/to the counterparty will be received/made upon the occurrence of bankruptcy and/or restructuring event with respect to the referenced index/obligation.
17   If the Fund is a seller of protection and a credit event occurs, as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement, the Fund will either (i) pay to the buyer of protection an amount equal to the notional amount of the swap and take delivery of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index or (ii) pay a net settlement amount in the form of cash or securities equal to the notional amount of the swap less the recovery value of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index.
18   Credit spreads, where available, represented in absolute terms, utilized in determining the market value as of period end serve as an indicator of the current status of the payment/performance risk and represent the likelihood or risk of default or other credit event occurring for the credit derivative. The credit spread of a particular referenced entity reflects the cost of buying/selling protection and may include upfront payments required to be made to enter into the agreement. Wider credit spreads represent a deterioration of the referenced entity’s credit soundness and a greater likelihood or risk of default or other credit event occurring as defined under the terms of the agreement. A credit spread identified as “Defaulted” indicates a credit event has occurred for the referenced entity.
19   Payment made to fully fund swap.
20   Payment is based on the interest payment of the underlying Brazilian Government bond, 6.000%, due 08/15/12.
21   Transfers out of Level 3 represent the value at the end of the period. At May 31, 2012, securities were transfered from Level 3 to Level 2 as the valuation is based on observable inputs from an established pricing source.


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Portfolio acronyms
BA   Canadian Bankers’ Acceptance Rate
BBA   British Banking Association
BBSW   Bank Bill Swap Reference Rate (Australian Financial Market)
CD KSDA   Korean Securities Dealer Association 91-day Certificate of Deposit Rate
CDO   Collateralized debt obligations
CLO   Collateralized loan obligations
EURIBOR   Euro Interbank Offered Rate
GDP   Gross Domestic Product
IO   Interest only – This security entitles the holder to receive interest payments from an underlying pool of mortgages. The risk associated with this security is related to the speed of the principal paydowns. High prepayments would result in a smaller amount of interest being received and cause the yield to decrease. Low payments would result in a greater amount of interest being received and cause the yield to increase.
LIBOR   London Interbank Offered Rate
OJSC   Open joint stock company
REIT   Real estate investment trust
Re-REMIC   Combined Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit
STRIP   Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities
TBA   (To be announced) Security is purchased on a forward commitment basis with an approximate principal amount (generally +/–1.0%) and no definite maturity date. The actual principal amount and maturity date will be determined upon settlement, when the specific mortgage pools are assigned.
TIPS   Treasury inflation protected securities (“TIPS”) are debt securities issued by the US Treasury whose principal and/or interest payments are adjusted for inflation, unlike debt securities that make fixed principal and interest payments. The interest rate paid by the TIPS is fixed, while the principal value rises or falls based on changes in a published Consumer Price Index (“CPI”). Thus, if inflation occurs, the principal and interest payments on the TIPS are adjusted accordingly to protect investors from inflationary loss. During a deflationary period, the principal and interest payments decrease, although the TIPS principal amounts will not drop below their face amounts at maturity. In exchange for the inflation protection, the TIPS generally pay lower interest rates than typical US Treasury securities. Only if inflation occurs will TIPS offer a higher real yield than a conventional Treasury security of the same maturity.
TWCPBA   Taiwan Secondary Markets Bills Rate


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Portfolio of investments—May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Counterparty abbreviations
BB   Barclays Bank PLC
CITI   Citibank NA
CSI   Credit Suisse International
DB   Deutsche Bank AG
GSI   Goldman Sachs International
JPMCB   JPMorgan Chase Bank
MLI   Merrill Lynch International
MSC   Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc.
MSCI   Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC
RBS   Royal Bank of Scotland PLC
SSB   State Street Bank & Trust
Currency abbreviations
ARS   Argentine Peso
AUD   Australian Dollar
BRL   Brazilian Real
BYR   Belarus Ruble
CAD   Canadian Dollar
CHF   Swiss Franc
CLP   Chilean Peso
CNY   Chinese Yuan
CZK   Czech Koruna
EUR   Euro
GBP   Great Britain Pound
INR   Indian Rupee
JPY   Japanese Yen
KRW   Korean Won
MXN   Mexican Peso
MYR   Malaysian Ringgit
NOK   Norwegian Krone
NZD   New Zealand Dollar
RUB   Russian Ruble
SAR   Saudi Arabian Riyal
SEK   Swedish Krona
SGD   Singapore Dollar
TRY   Turkish Lira
TWD   Taiwan Dollar
UAH   Ukrainian Hryvnia
USD   United States Dollar
ZAR   South African Rand

See accompanying notes to financial statements   55

Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Statement of assets and liabilities
May 31, 2012 (unaudited)

Investments in securities of unaffiliated issuers, at value (cost—$198,163,901)   $ 202,537,825  

Investments in affiliated issuers, at value (cost—$5,195,175)     5,195,175  

Total investments, at value (cost—$203,359,076)     207,733,000  

Foreign currency, at value (cost—$706,752)     687,835  

Interest receivable     1,849,937  

Receivable for investments sold     12,830,639  

Cash collateral for futures contracts     1,464,835  

Receivable for foreign tax reclaims     5,388  
Outstanding swap agreements, at value1     15,503,643  

Unrealized appreciation on forward foreign currency contracts     8,351,507  

Other assets     44,996  

Total assets     248,471,780  

Outstanding swap agreements, at value1     21,738,950  

Payable for investments purchased     12,835,547  

Unrealized depreciation on forward foreign currency contracts     5,696,113  

Options written, at value (premiums received—$2,981,055)     4,012,831  

Due to broker     435,527  

Payable for investment advisory and administration fees     165,698  

Due to custodian     14,229  

Directors’ fees payable     4,004  

Accrued expenses and other liabilities     112,835  

Total liabilities     45,015,734  

Net assets:        
Capital stock—$0.001 par value; 100,000,000 shares authorized; 18,258,828 shares issued and outstanding   $ 206,099,090  

Distributions in excess of net investment income     (3,079,965 )2

Accumulated net realized gain     5,048,286 2

Net unrealized depreciation     (4,611,365 )

Net assets   $ 203,456,046  

Net asset value per share   $ 11.14  

1   Net upfront payments made by the Fund on outstanding swap agreements amounted to $5,279,226.
2   The actual sources of the Fund’s fiscal year 2012 dividends/distributions may be net investment income, net realized capital gains, return of capital or a combination of the foregoing and may be subject to retroactive recharacterization at the end of the Fund’s fiscal year based on tax regulations. Shareholders will be informed of the tax characteristics of dividends/distributions after the close of the 2012 fiscal year.

56   See accompanying notes to financial statements

Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Statement of operations

  For the six
  months ended
  May 31, 2012

Investment income:      
Interest income, net of foreign withholding taxes of $2,444 (includes $5,326 earned from an affiliated entity) $ 4,639,989  

Investment advisory and administration fees   1,028,603  

Custody and accounting fees   71,474  

Professional fees   60,640  

Reports and notices to shareholders   37,041  

Listing fees   11,880  

Transfer agency fees   8,199  

Directors’ fees   7,989  

Insurance expense   2,164  

Other expenses   19,208  

Total expenses   1,247,198  

Less: Fee waivers by investment advisor and administrator   (51,430 )

Net expenses   1,195,768  

Net investment income   3,444,221  

Realized and unrealized gains (losses) from investment activities:      
Net realized gain (loss) on:      
Investments   1,386,694  

Futures contracts   99,888  

Options written   1,498,186  

Swap agreements   4,124,888  

Forward foreign currency contracts   (131,003 )

Foreign currency transactions   (762,360 )

Net realized gain   6,216,293  

Change in net unrealized appreciation/depreciation on:      
Investments   3,647,558  

Futures contracts   (815,338 )

Options written   (1,466,671 )

Swap agreements   (4,051,358 )

Forward foreign currency contracts   389,827  

Translation of other assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency   (36,606 )

Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation   (2,332,588 )

Net realized and unrealized gain from investment activities   3,883,705  

Net increase in net assets resulting from operations $ 7,327,926  

See accompanying notes to financial statements   57

Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Statement of changes in net assets

    For the six   For the
    months ended   year ended
    May 31, 2012   November 30,
    (unaudited)   2011

From operations:                
Net investment income   $ 3,444,221     $ 8,349,641  

Net realized gain     6,216,293       13,519,935  

Change in net unrealized appreciation/depreciation     (2,332,588 )     (3,161,198 )

Net increase in net assets resulting from operations     7,327,926       18,708,378  

Dividends and distributions to shareholders from:                
Net investment income     (2,163,672 )1     (22,976,909 )

Net realized gains     (9,270,007 )1     (9,386,864 )

Total dividends and distributions     (11,433,679 )     (32,363,773 )

Net decrease in net assets     (4,105,753 )     (13,655,395 )

Net assets:                
Beginning of period     207,561,799       221,217,194  

End of period   $ 203,456,046     $ 207,561,799  

Distributions in excess of net investment income   $ (3,079,965 )1   $ (4,360,514 )

1   The actual sources of the Fund’s fiscal year 2012 dividends/distributions may be net investment income, net realized capital gains, return of capital or a combination of the foregoing and may be subject to retroactive recharacterization at the end of the Fund’s fiscal year based on tax regulations. Shareholders will be informed of the tax characteristics of dividends/distributions after the close of the 2012 fiscal year.

58   See accompanying notes to financial statements

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Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Financial highlights

Selected data for a share of common stock outstanding throughout each period is presented below:

    For the six
    months ended
    May 31, 2012

Net asset value, beginning of period     $11.37  

Net investment income1     0.19  

Net realized and unrealized gains (losses)     0.21  

Net increase (decrease) from operations     0.40  

Dividends from net investment income     (0.12 )2

Distributions from net realized gains     (0.51 )2

Total dividends and distributions     (0.63 )

Net asset value, end of period     $11.14  

Market price, end of period     $10.53  

Total net asset value return3     3.63 %

Total market price return4     6.20 %

Ratios to average net assets:        
Expenses before fee waivers by advisor and administrator     1.21 %5

Expenses after fee waivers by advisor and administrator     1.16 %5

Net investment income     3.35 %5

Supplemental data:        
Net assets, end of period (000s)     $203,456  

Portfolio turnover rate     74 %

1   Calculated using the average shares method.
2   The actual sources of the Fund’s fiscal year 2012 dividends/distributions may be net investment income, net realized capital gains, return of capital or a combination of the foregoing and may be subject to retroactive recharacterization at the end of the Fund’s fiscal year based on tax regulations. Shareholders will be informed of the tax characteristics of dividends/distributions after the close of the 2012 fiscal year.
3   Total net asset value return is calculated assuming a $10,000 purchase of common stock at the current net asset value on the first day of each period reported and a sale at the current net asset value on the last day of each period reported, and assuming reinvestment of dividends and other distributions at the net asset value on the payable dates. Total net asset value return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund dividends/distributions or a sale of Fund shares. Total return based on net asset value is hypothetical as investors cannot purchase or sell Fund shares at the net asset value but only at market prices. Total net asset value return for the period of less than one year has not been annualized.

60   See accompanying notes to financial statements

Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Financial highlights

For the years ended November 30,

2011     2010     2009     2008     2007  

$12.12       $11.94       $9.34       $11.40       $11.85  

0.46       0.51       0.55       0.68       0.45  

0.56       0.55       2.83       (1.76 )     0.03  

1.02       1.06       3.38       (1.08 )     0.48  

(1.26 )     (0.84 )     (0.78 )     (0.90 )     (0.61 )

(0.51 )     (0.04 )           (0.08 )     (0.32 )

(1.77 )     (0.88 )     (0.78 )     (0.98 )     (0.93 )

$11.37       $12.12       $11.94       $9.34       $11.40  

$10.52       $11.74       $10.63       $7.53       $10.38  

8.93 %     9.23 %     37.82 %     (10.52 )%     4.22 %

4.54 %     19.42 %     53.96 %     (20.13 )%     (3.45 )%

1.22 %     1.23 %     1.25 %     1.21 %     1.22 %

1.17 %     1.18 %     1.23 %     1.21 %     1.22 %

3.95 %     4.22 %     5.30 %     6.14 %     3.86 %

$207,562       $221,217       $218,009       $170,468       $208,066  

121 %     59 %     128 %     102 %     103 %

4   Total market price return is calculated assuming a $10,000 purchase of common stock at the current market price on the first day of each period reported and a sale at the current market price on the last day of each period reported, and assuming reinvestment of dividends and other distributions at prices obtained under the Fund’s Dividend Reinvestment Plan. Total market price return does not reflect brokerage commissions or the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund dividends/distributions or a sale of Fund shares. Market price return for the period of less than one year has not been annualized.
5   Annualized.

See accompanying notes to financial statements   61

Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Notes to financial statements (unaudited)

Organization and significant accounting policies
Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc. (the “Fund”) was incorporated in Maryland on November 15, 1991 and is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) as a closed-end, non-diversified management investment company. The Fund’s primary investment objective is to achieve a high level of current income. As a secondary objective the Fund seeks capital appreciation, to the extent consistent with its primary objective.

In the normal course of business, the Fund may enter into contracts that contain a variety of representations that provide indemnification for certain liabilities. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, as this would involve future claims that may be made against the Fund that have not yet occurred. However, the Fund has not had any prior claims or losses pursuant to these contracts and expects the risk of loss to be remote.

The Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) is the exclusive reference of authoritative US generally accepted accounting principles (“US GAAP”) recognized by the FASB to be applied by non-governmental entities. Rules and interpretive releases of the SEC under authority of federal laws are also sources of authoritative US GAAP for SEC registrants. The Fund’s financial statements are prepared in accordance with US GAAP, which may require the use of management estimates and assumptions. Actual results could differ from those estimates. The following is a summary of significant accounting policies:

Valuation of investments
The Fund calculates its net asset value based on the current market value, where available, for its portfolio securities. The Fund normally obtains market values for its securities and other instruments from independent pricing sources and broker-dealers. Independent pricing sources may use reported last sale prices, official market closing prices, current market quotations or valuations from computerized “evaluation” systems that derive values based on comparable securities or instruments.


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Notes to financial statements (unaudited)

An evaluation system incorporates parameters such as security quality, maturity and coupon, and/or research and evaluations by its staff, including review of broker-dealer market price quotations, if available, in determining the valuation of the portfolio securities or instruments. Securities and other instruments also may be valued based on appraisals derived from information concerning the security or instrument or similar securities or instruments received from recognized dealers in those holdings. Securities and instruments traded in the over-the-counter (“OTC”) market and listed on The NASDAQ Stock Market, Inc. (“NASDAQ”) normally are valued at the NASDAQ Official Closing Price. Other OTC securities are valued at the last bid price on the valuation date available prior to valuation. Securities and instruments which are listed on US and foreign stock exchanges normally are valued at the market closing price, the last sale price on the day the securities are valued or, lacking any sales on such day, at the last available bid price. In cases where securities or instruments are traded on more than one exchange, the securities or instruments are valued on the exchange designated as the primary market by UBS Global Asset Management (Americas) Inc. (“UBS Global AM” or the “Advisor”), the investment advisor of the Fund. UBS Global AM is an indirect wholly owned asset management subsidiary of UBS AG, an internationally diversified organization with headquarters in Zurich and Basel, Switzerland and operations in many areas of the financial services industry. If a market value is not readily available from an independent pricing source for a particular security or instrument, that security or instrument is valued at fair value as determined in good faith by or under the direction of the Fund’s Board of Directors (the “Board”). Various factors may be reviewed in order to make a good faith determination of a security’s or instrument’s fair value. These factors include, but are not limited to, fundamental analytical data relating to the investment; the nature and duration of restrictions on disposition of the securities or instruments; and the evaluation of forces which influence the market in which the securities or instruments are purchased and sold. Foreign currency exchange rates are generally determined as of the close of the New York Stock Exchange (”NYSE”).


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Notes to financial statements (unaudited)

Certain securities or instruments in which the Fund invests are traded in markets that close before 4:00 p.m., Eastern time. Normally, developments that occur between the close of the foreign markets and 4:00 p.m., Eastern time, will not be reflected in the Fund’s net asset value. However, if the Fund determines that such developments are so significant that they will materially affect the value of the Fund’s securities or instruments, the Fund may adjust the previous closing prices to reflect what is believed to be the fair value of these securities or instruments as of 4:00 p.m., Eastern time.

The amortized cost method of valuation, which approximates market value, generally is used to value short-term debt instruments with sixty days or less remaining to maturity, unless the Board (or a committee designated by it) determines that this does not represent fair value. Investments in open-end investment companies are valued at the daily closing net asset value of the respective investment company. The Fund values investments in non-registered US open-end investment companies at the daily net asset value, pursuant to the practical expedient within ASC Topic 820. All investments quoted in foreign currencies will be valued daily in US dollars on the basis of the foreign currency exchange rates prevailing at the time such valuation is determined by the Fund’s custodian.

Futures contracts are generally valued at the settlement price established each day on the exchange on which they are traded. Forward foreign currency contracts are valued daily using forward exchange rates quoted by independent pricing services.

Swaps are marked-to-market daily based upon values from third party vendors or quotations from market makers to the extent available, and the change in value, if any, is recorded as an unrealized gain or loss on the Statement of assets and liabilities. In the event that market quotations are not readily available or deemed unreliable, the swap is valued at fair value as determined in good faith by or under the direction of the Board (or by a committee designated by it).


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Notes to financial statements (unaudited)

US GAAP requires disclosure regarding the various inputs that are used in determining the value of the Fund’s investments. These inputs are summarized into the three broad levels listed below:

Level 1—Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical investments.
Level 2—Other significant observable inputs, including but not limited to, quoted prices for similar investments, interest rates, prepayment speeds and credit risk.
Level 3—Unobservable inputs inclusive of the Fund’s own assumptions in determining the fair value of investments.

A fair value hierarchy has been included near the end of the Fund’s Portfolio of investments.

In May 2011, FASB issued Accounting Standards Update No. 2011-04 “Amendments to Achieve Common Fair Value Measurement and Disclosure Requirements in US GAAP and International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”)” (“ASU 2011-04”). ASU 2011-04 includes common requirements for measurement of and disclosure about fair value between US GAAP and IFRS. ASU 2011-04 will require reporting entities to disclose the following information for fair value measurements categorized within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy: quantitative information about the unobservable inputs used in the fair value measurement, the valuation processes used by the reporting entity and a narrative description of the sensitivity of the fair value measurement to changes in unobservable inputs and the interrelationships between those unobservable inputs. In addition, ASU 2011-04 will require reporting entities to make disclosures about amounts and reasons for all transfers in and out of Level 1 and Level 2 fair value measurements. The new and revised disclosures are effective for interim and annual reporting periods beginning after December 15, 2011. At this time, management is evaluating the implications of ASU 2011-04 and its impact on the financial statements.


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Notes to financial statements (unaudited)

In December 2011, FASB issued Accounting Standards Update No. 2011-11 “Disclosures about Offsetting Assets and Liabilities” (“ASU 2011-11”). These disclosure requirements are intended to help investors and other financial statement users to better assess the effect or potential effect of offsetting arrangements on a company’s financial position. They also improve transparency in the reporting of how companies mitigate credit risk, including disclosure of related collateral pledged or received. In addition, ASU 2011-11 facilitates comparison between those entities that prepare their financial statements on the basis of US GAAP and those entities that prepare their financial statements on the basis of IFRS. ASU 2011-11 requires entities to: disclose both gross and net information about both instruments and transactions eligible for offset in the financial statements; and disclose instruments and transactions subject to an agreement similar to a master netting agreement. ASU 2011-11 is effective for fiscal years beginning on or after January 1, 2013, and interim periods within those annual periods. At this time, management is evaluating the implications of ASU 2011-11 and its impact on the Fund’s financial statement disclosures.

The provisions of ASC Topic 815 “Derivatives and Hedging” (“ASC Topic 815”) require qualitative disclosures about objectives and strategies for using derivatives, quantitative disclosures about fair value amounts of gains and losses on derivative instruments and disclosures about credit-risk related contingent features in derivative agreements. Since investment companies value their derivatives at fair value and recognize changes in fair value through the Statement of operations, they do not qualify for hedge accounting under ASC Topic 815. Accordingly, even though the Fund’s investments in derivatives may represent economic hedges, they are considered to be non-hedge transactions for purposes of disclosure under ASC Topic 815. ASC Topic 815 requires that (1) objectives for using derivative instruments be disclosed in terms of underlying risk and accounting designation, (2) the fair values of derivative instruments and their gains and losses be disclosed in a tabular format, and (3) information be disclosed about credit-risk contingent features of derivatives contracts. Details of this disclosure can be found below as well as in the Portfolio of investments. Certain derivative contracts entered into by the Fund may contain credit-risk


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Notes to financial statements (unaudited)

related contingent features that could be triggered subject to certain circumstances. Such circumstances include agreed upon net asset value thresholds. If triggered, the derivative counterparty could request additional cash margin and/or terminate the derivative contract. The aggregate fair value of the derivative contracts that are in a net liability position that contain these triggers can be found in the Portfolio of investments. The aggregate fair value of assets that are already posted as collateral as of May 31, 2012 is reflected in the Statement of assets and liabilities. If the applicable credit-risk related contingent features were triggered as of May 31, 2012, the Fund would be required to post additional collateral or may be required to terminate the contracts and settle any amounts outstanding. The volume of derivatives that is presented in the Portfolio of investments of the Fund is representative of the volume of derivatives outstanding during the period ended May 31, 2012. The Fund may be a seller of protection through credit default swap agreements which are by nature credit-risk contingent (the terms of these agreements can be found within the Portfolio of investments, with further discussion in the Notes to financial statements).

Disclosure of derivatives by underlying risk for the Fund as of and for the period ended May 31, 2012 is as follows:

Asset derivatives

    Interest   Credit   exchange      
    rate risk   risk   risk   Total

Forward contracts1   $   $   $ 8,351,507   $ 8,351,507

Futures contracts2     1,579,747             1,579,747

Options purchased1     5,603,060         1,013,648     6,616,708

Swap agreements1     11,896,067     790,376     2,817,200     15,503,643

Total value   $ 19,078,874   $ 790,376   $ 12,182,355   $ 32,051,605

1   Statement of assets and liabilities location: Options purchased are shown within investments in securities of unaffiliated issuers, at value, unrealized appreciation on forward foreign currency contracts and outstanding swap agreements, at value.
2   Includes cumulative appreciation of futures contracts as reported in the futures contracts table in the Portfolio of investments, but only the unpaid variation margin is reported within the Statement of assets and liabilities within Due from broker.


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Notes to financial statements (unaudited)

Liability derivatives

    Interest     Credit     exchange          
    rate risk     risk     risk     Total  

Forward contracts1   $     $     $ (5,696,113 )   $ (5,696,113 )

Futures contracts2     (597,280 )                 (597,280 )

Options written1     (3,899,165 )           (113,666 )     (4,012,831 )

Swap agreements1     (19,471,240 )     (126,038 )     (2,141,672 )     (21,738,950 )

Total value   $ (23,967,685 )   $ (126,038 )   $ (7,951,451 )   $ (32,045,174 )

1   Statement of assets and liabilities location: Unrealized depreciation on forward foreign currency contracts, outstanding swap agreements, at value and options written, at value.
2   Includes cumulative depreciation of futures contracts as reported in the futures contracts table in the Portfolio of investments, but only the unpaid variation margin is reported within the Statement of assets and liabilities within Due to broker.

Activities in derivative instruments during the period ended May 31, 2012 were as follows:

    Interest     Credit     exchange          
    rate risk     risk     risk     Total  

Net realized gain (loss)1                                

Forward contracts   $     $     $ (131,003 )   $ (131,003 )

Futures contracts     99,888                   99,888  

Options purchased3     34,591             (2,042,592 )     (2,008,001 )

Options written     1,032,624             465,562       1,498,186  

Swap agreements     3,900,356       187,384       37,148       4,124,888  

Total net realized gain (loss)   $ 5,067,459     $ 187,384     $ (1,670,885 )   $ 3,583,958  

Change in net unrealized appreciation/depreciation2                                

Forward contracts   $     $     $ 389,827     $ 389,827  

Futures contracts     (815,338 )                 (815,338 )

Options purchased3     2,510,610             (130,235 )     2,380,375  

Options written     (1,432,284 )           (34,387 )     (1,466,671 )

Swap agreements     (4,541,305 )     111,556       378,391       (4,051,358 )

Total change in net unrealized appreciation/depreciation   $ (4,278,317 )   $ 111,556     $ 603,596     $ (3,563,165 )

1   Statement of operations location: Net realized gain (loss) on futures contracts, options written, swap agreements and forward foreign currency contracts.


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Notes to financial statements (unaudited)

2   Statement of operations location: Change in net unrealized appreciation/depreciation on futures contracts, options written, swap agreements and forward foreign currency contracts.
3   Realized and unrealized gain (loss) is included in net realized gain (loss) from investments and net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation from investments.

Restricted securities
The Fund may invest in securities that are subject to legal or contractual restrictions on resale. These securities generally may be resold in transactions exempt from registration or to the public if the securities are registered. Disposal of these securities may involve time-consuming negotiations and expense, and prompt sale at an acceptable price may be difficult. Information regarding restricted securities, if any, is included in the Fund’s Notes to portfolio of investments.

Investment transactions and investment income
Investment transactions are recorded on the trade date. Realized gains and losses from investment and foreign exchange transactions are calculated using the identified cost method. Interest income is recorded on an accrual basis. Discounts are accreted and premiums are amortized as adjustments to interest income and the identified cost of investments.

Foreign currency translation
The Fund uses the foreign currency exchange rates determined as of the close of regular trading on the NYSE. For purposes of calculating the US dollar equivalent value of a non-US dollar denominated obligation, foreign currency amounts are translated into US dollars on the following basis: (1) market value of investment securities and other assets and liabilities—at the exchange rates prevailing at the end of the Fund’s fiscal period; and (2) purchases and sales of investment securities and income and expenses—at the rates of exchange prevailing on the respective dates of such transactions.

Although the net assets and the market value of the Fund’s portfolio are presented at the foreign exchange rates at the end of the Fund’s fiscal period, the Fund does not generally isolate the effect of fluctuations


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Notes to financial statements (unaudited)

in foreign exchange rates from the effect of the changes in market prices of securities. However, the Fund does isolate the effect of fluctuations in foreign exchange rates when determining the gain or loss upon the sale or maturity of foreign currency-denominated securities pursuant to US federal income tax regulations. Certain foreign exchange gains and losses included in realized and unrealized gains and losses are included in or are a reduction of ordinary income in accordance with US federal income tax regulations.

Forward foreign currency contracts
The Fund may enter into forward foreign currency contracts (“forward contracts“) in connection with planned purchases or sales of securities or to hedge the US dollar value of portfolio securities denominated in a particular currency. The Fund may also use forward contracts in an attempt to enhance income or gains.

The Fund has no specific limitation on the percentage of assets which may be committed to such contracts. The Fund may enter into forward contracts or maintain a net exposure to forward contracts only if (1) the consummation of the contracts would not obligate the Fund to deliver an amount of foreign currency in excess of the value of the position being hedged by such contracts or (2) the Fund identifies cash or liquid securities in an amount not less than the value of its assets committed to the consummation of the forward contracts and not covered as provided in (1) above, as marked-to-market daily.

Risks may arise upon entering into forward contracts from the potential inability of counterparties to meet the terms of their forward contracts and from unanticipated movements in the value of foreign currencies relative to the US dollar.

Fluctuations in the value of forward contracts are recorded for book purposes as unrealized gains or losses by the Fund. Realized gains and losses include net gains and losses recognized by the Fund on contracts which have been sold or matured.


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Notes to financial statements (unaudited)

Futures contracts
The Fund may use financial futures contracts for hedging purposes and to adjust exposure to US and foreign fixed income markets in connection with a reallocation of the Fund’s assets or to manage the average duration of the Fund. The Fund may also use futures contracts in an attempt to enhance income or gains. However, imperfect correlations between futures contracts and the related securities or markets, or market disruptions, do not normally permit full control of these risks at all times. Using financial futures contracts involves various market risks, including interest rate risk. Risks of entering into futures contracts include the possibility that there may be an illiquid market or that a change in the value of the contract may not correlate with changes in the value of the underlying securities. To the extent that market prices move in an unexpected direction, there is a risk that the Fund will not achieve the anticipated benefits of the futures contract or may realize a loss.

Upon entering into a financial futures contract, the Fund is required to deliver to a broker an amount of cash and/or liquid securities equal to a certain percentage of the contract amount. This amount is known as the “initial margin.” Subsequent payments, known as “variation margin,” are made or received by the Fund each day, depending on the daily fluctuations in the value of the underlying financial futures contracts. Such variation margin is recorded as part of Due to or Due from broker for financial statement purposes on a daily basis as an unrealized gain or loss on futures until the financial futures contract is closed or expires, at which time the net gain or loss is reclassified to realized gain or loss on futures.

Swap agreements
The Fund may engage in swap agreements, including but not limited to interest rate, currency, total return, and credit default swap agreements. The Fund expects to enter into these transactions to preserve a return or spread on a particular investment or to hedge a portion of the portfolio’s duration, to protect against any increase in the price of securities the Fund anticipates purchasing at a later date, to gain exposure to certain markets in the most economical way possible or in an attempt to enhance income or gains.


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Notes to financial statements (unaudited)

The Fund may enter into interest rate swap agreements with another party to receive or pay interest (e.g., an exchange of fixed rate payments for floating rate payments) to protect itself from interest rate fluctuations. This type of swap is an agreement that obligates two parties to exchange a series of cash flows at specified intervals based upon or calculated by reference to a specified interest rate(s)for a specified amount. The payment flows are usually netted against each other, with the difference being paid by one party to the other. Interest rate swap agreements are subject to general market risk, liquidity risk, counterparty risk and interest rate risk.

The Fund may enter into currency swap agreements with another party to receive or pay amounts based on changes in currency exchange rates in order to protect itself from or take advantage of exchange rate fluctuations. The Fund utilizes currency swaps to earn income and enhance returns as well as to manage the risk profile of the Fund. This type of swap is an agreement that obligates two parties to exchange a series of cash flows at specified intervals based upon or calculated by reference to a specified currency exchange rate(s)for a specified amount. Currency swap agreements are subject to general market risk, liquidity risk, counterparty risk, foreign exchange risk and interest rate risk.

Total return swap agreements involve commitments to pay or receive interest in exchange for a market-linked return based on a notional amount. To the extent the total return of the security or index underlying the transaction exceeds or falls short of the offsetting interest rate obligation, the Fund will receive a payment from or make a payment to the counterparty, respectively. Total return swaps are marked-to-market daily, and the change, if any, is recorded as unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Total return swap agreements are subject to general market risk, liquidity risk, counterparty risk and the risk that there may be unfavorable changes in the underlying investments or instruments.

Credit default swap agreements involve commitments to make or receive payments in the event of a default or other credit event of a referenced security. As a buyer, the Fund would make periodic payments to the counterparty, and the Fund would receive payments only upon the occurrence of a credit event. If no credit event occurs, the Fund will lose


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Notes to financial statements (unaudited)

its periodic stream of payments over the term of the contract. However, if a credit event does occur, the Fund typically would receive full notional value for a reference obligation that may have little or no value. As a seller, the Fund would receive periodic payments from the counterparty, and the Fund would make payments only upon the occurrence of a credit event. If no credit event occurs, the Fund will gain the periodic stream of payments it received over the term of the contract. However, if a credit event occurs, the Fund will pay full notional value for a reference obligation that may have little or no value. Credit default swaps may involve greater risks than if the Fund had invested in the reference obligation directly and are subject to general market risk, liquidity risk, counterparty risk and credit risk.

Credit default swap agreements on corporate issues or sovereign issues of an emerging market country involve one party making a stream of payments to another party in exchange for the right to receive a specified return in the event of a default or other credit event. If a credit event occurs and cash settlement is not elected, a variety of other obligations may be delivered in lieu of the specific referenced obligation. The ability to deliver other obligations may result in delivery of a security with a value other than had been anticipated (such as a party’s right to choose the deliverable obligation with the lowest value following a credit event). The Fund may use credit default swaps on corporate issues or sovereign issues of an emerging market country to provide a measure of protection against defaults of the issuers (i.e., to reduce risk where a Fund owns or has exposure to the referenced obligation) or to take an active long or short position with respect to the likelihood of a particular issuer’s default.

The maximum potential amount of future payments (undiscounted) that the Fund as a seller of protection could be required to make under a credit default swap agreement would be an amount equal to the notional amount of the agreement. Notional amounts of all credit default swap agreements outstanding as of May 31, 2012 for which the Fund is the seller of protection are disclosed under the section “Credit default swaps on sovereign issues—sell protection” in the Notes to portfolio of investments. These potential amounts would be partially offset by any recovery values of the respective referenced obligations, upfront payments


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Notes to financial statements (unaudited)

received upon entering into the agreement, or net amounts received from the settlement of buy protection credit default swap agreements entered into, if any, by the Fund for the same referenced entity or entities.

The use of swap agreements involves investment techniques and risks different from those associated with ordinary portfolio security transactions. If UBS Global AM is incorrect in its forecast of market values, interest rates and other applicable factors, the investment performance of the Fund will be less favorable than it would have been if this investment technique was never used. Swap agreements do not involve the delivery of securities and are subject to counterparty risk. If the other party to a swap agreement defaults and fails to consummate the transaction, the Fund’s risk of loss will consist of the net amount of interest or other payments that the Fund is contractually entitled to receive. Therefore, the Fund would consider the creditworthiness of the counterparty to a swap agreement in evaluating potential credit risk.

The Fund accrues for interim payments on swap agreements on a daily basis, with the net amount recorded within unrealized appreciation/ depreciation of swap agreements on the Statement of assets and liabilities. Once interim payments are settled in cash, the net amount is recorded as realized gain/loss on swap agreements, in addition to realized gain/loss recorded upon the termination of swap agreements on the Statement of operations. Fluctuations in the value of swap agreements are recorded for financial statement purposes as unrealized appreciation or depreciation of swap agreements.

Structured notes
The Fund may invest in structured notes whose values are based on the price movements of a referenced security or index. The value of these structured notes will rise and fall in response to changes in the referenced security or index. On the maturity date of each structured note, the Fund will receive a payment from a counterparty based on the value of the referenced security or index (notional amount multiplied by the price of the referenced security or index) and record a realized gain or loss.

Structured notes may present a greater degree of market risk than many types of securities and may be more volatile and less liquid than less


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Notes to financial statements (unaudited)

complex securities. Structured notes are also subject to the risk that the issuer of the structured notes may fail to perform its contractual obligations.

Option writing
The Fund may write (sell) put and call options on foreign or US securities, indices, foreign currencies and interest rate swaps (commonly referred to as swaptions), in order to gain exposure to or protect against changes in the markets. When the Fund writes a call or a put option, an amount equal to the premium received by the Fund is included in the Fund’s Statement of assets and liabilities as an asset and as an equivalent liability. The amount of the liability is subsequently marked-to-market to reflect the current market value of the option written. If an option which the Fund has written either expires on its stipulated expiration date or the Fund enters into a closing purchase transaction, the Fund realizes a gain (or loss if the cost of a closing purchase transaction exceeds the premium received when the option was written) without regard to any unrealized gain or loss on the underlying security or derivative instrument, and the liability related to such option is extinguished. If a call option which the Fund has written is exercised, the Fund recognizes a realized gain or loss (long-term or short-term, depending on the holding period of the underlying security) from the sale of the underlying security or derivative instrument and the proceeds from the sale are increased by the premium originally received. If a put option which the Fund has written is exercised, the amount of the premium originally received reduces the cost of the security or derivative instrument which the Fund purchases upon exercise of the option.

In writing an option, the Fund bears the market risk of an unfavorable change in the price of the derivative instrument, security, index or currency underlying the written option. Exercise of an option written by the Fund could result in the Fund selling or buying a derivative instrument, security or currency at a price different from current market value.

Purchased options
The Fund may purchase put and call options on foreign or US securities, indices, foreign currencies and interest rate swaps (commonly referred to as swaptions), as well as exchange listed call options on particular market segment indices to achieve temporary exposure to a specific security,


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Notes to financial statements (unaudited)

currency, industry or geographic region. Purchasing call options tends to increase exposure to the underlying instrument. Purchasing put options tends to decrease exposure to the underlying instrument. The Fund pays a premium which is included in the Statement of assets and liabilities as an investment and subsequently marked-to-market to reflect the current value of the option. Premiums paid for purchasing options which expire are treated as realized losses. The risk associated with purchasing put and call options is limited to the premium paid. Premiums paid for purchasing options which are exercised or closed are added to the amounts paid or offset against the proceeds on the underlying futures, security or currency transaction to determine the realized gain or loss.

Dividends and distributions
Dividends and distributions to shareholders are recorded on the ex-distribution date. The amount of dividends from net investment income and distributions from net realized capital gains and/or return of capital is determined in accordance with US federal income tax regulations, which may differ from US GAAP. These “book/tax” differences are either considered temporary or permanent in nature. To the extent these differences are permanent in nature, such amounts are reclassified within the capital accounts based on their federal tax-basis treatment; temporary differences do not require reclassification.

Concentration of risk
Investing in securities of foreign issuers and currency transactions may involve certain considerations and risks not typically associated with investments in the United States. These risks include revaluation of currencies, adverse fluctuations in foreign currency values and possible adverse political, social and economic developments, including those particular to a specific industry, country or region, which could cause the securities and their markets to be less liquid and prices more volatile than those of comparable US companies and US government securities. These risks are greater with respect to securities of issuers located in emerging market countries in which the Fund invests. The ability of the issuers of debt securities held by the Fund to meet their obligations may be affected by economic and political developments particular to a specific industry, country, state or region.


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Notes to financial statements (unaudited)

Investment advisor and administrator and other transactions with related entities
The Fund’s Board has approved an investment advisory and administration contract (“Advisory Contract”) with UBS Global AM. In accordance with the Advisory Contract, the Fund pays UBS Global AM investment advisory and administration fees, which are accrued weekly and paid monthly, at the annual rate of 1.00% of the Fund’s average weekly net assets. UBS Global AM has agreed voluntarily to waive 0.05% of its fees through July 31, 2013, thereby reducing the fees to 0.95% for such period. At May 31, 2012, the Fund owed UBS Global AM $165,698 which is composed of $191,523 of investment advisory and administration fees less fees waived of $25,825. For the period ended May 31, 2012, UBS Global AM waived $51,430 of investment advisory and administration fees from the Fund.

Additional information regarding compensation to affiliate of a board member
Professor Meyer Feldberg serves as a senior advisor to Morgan Stanley, a financial services firm with which the Fund may conduct transactions, resulting in him being an interested director of the Fund. The Fund has been informed that Professor Feldberg’s role at Morgan Stanley does not involve matters directly affecting any UBS funds. Fund transactions are executed through Morgan Stanley based on that firm’s ability to provide best execution of the transactions. During the period ended May 31, 2012, the Fund purchased and sold certain securities (e.g., fixed income securities) in principal trades with Morgan Stanley having an aggregate value of $29,233,646. Morgan Stanley received compensation in connection with these trades, which may have been in the form of a “mark-up” or “mark-down” of the price of the securities, a fee from the issuer for maintaining a commercial paper program, or some other form of compensation. Although the precise amount of this compensation is not generally known by UBS Global AM, UBS Global AM believes that under normal circumstances it represents a small portion of the total value of the transactions.


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Notes to financial statements (unaudited)

Securities lending
The Fund may lend securities up to 331/3% of its total assets to qualified broker-dealers or institutional investors. The loans are secured at all times by cash, cash equivalents or US government securities in an amount at least equal to 102% of the market value of the securities loaned with respect to domestic securities and 105% of the market value of the securities loaned with respect to foreign securities, plus accrued interest and dividends, determined on a daily basis and adjusted accordingly.

The Fund will regain ownership of loaned securities to exercise certain beneficial rights; however, the Fund may bear the risk of delay in recovery of, or even loss of rights in, the securities loaned should the borrower fail financially. The Fund receives compensation for lending its securities from interest or dividends earned on the cash, cash equivalents or US government securities held as collateral, net of fee rebates paid to the borrower plus reasonable administrative and custody fees. The Fund did not lend any securities during the period ended May 31, 2012.

Capital stock
There are 100,000,000 shares of $0.001 par value common stock authorized and 18,258,828 shares outstanding at May 31, 2012. For the period ended May 31, 2012 and for the year ended November 30, 2011, there were no transactions involving common stock.

Purchases and sales of securities
For the period ended May 31, 2012, aggregate purchases and sales (including maturities) of portfolio securities, excluding short-term securities and US government and agency securities, were as follows: $75,113,876 and $82,625,853, respectively. For the same period, aggregate purchases and sales (including maturities) of US government and agency securities, excluding short-term securities, were as follows: $74,206,392, and $59,843,928, respectively.

Federal tax status
It is the Fund’s policy to comply with all requirements of the Internal Revenue Code applicable to regulated investment companies and to distribute substantially all of its taxable income to its shareholders. In


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Notes to financial statements (unaudited)

addition, by distributing during each calendar year substantially all of its net investment income, net realized capital gains and certain other amounts, if any, the Fund intends not to be subject to a federal excise tax. Accordingly, no federal income tax provision was required.

The tax character of distributions paid during the fiscal year ended November 30, 2011 were as follows:

Distributions paid from:   2011

Ordinary income   $ 29,208,647

Net long-term capital gains     3,155,126

Total distributions paid   $ 32,363,773

The tax character of distributions paid and components of accumulated earnings (deficit) on a tax basis for the current fiscal year will be determined after the Fund’s fiscal year ending November 30, 2012.

As of and during the six months ended May 31, 2012, the Fund did not have any liabilities for any uncertain tax positions. The Fund recognizes interest and penalties, if any, related to uncertain tax positions as income tax expense in the Statement of operations. During the period, the Fund did not incur any interest or penalties.

Each of the tax years in the four year period ended November 30, 2011 remains subject to examination by the Internal Revenue Service and state taxing authorities.

Under the Regulated Investment Company Modernization Act of 2010 (the “Act”), net capital losses recognized by the Fund after November 30, 2011, may be carried forward indefinitely, and retain their character as short-term and/or long-term losses. Prior to the Act, net capital losses incurred by the Fund were carried forward for eight years and treated as short-term losses. The Act requires that post-enactment net capital losses be used before pre-enactment net capital losses.

At November 30, 2011, the Fund had no pre-enactment net capital loss carryforward.


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
General information (unaudited)

The Fund
Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc. (the “Fund”) is a non-diversified, closed-end management investment company whose shares trade on the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”). The Fund’s primary investment objective is to achieve a high level of current income. As a secondary objective, the Fund seeks capital appreciation, to the extent consistent with its primary objective. There can be no assurance that the Fund’s investment objective will be achieved. The Fund’s investment advisor and administrator is UBS Global Asset Management (Americas) Inc. (“UBS Global AM”).

Shareholder information
The Fund’s NYSE trading symbol is “SGL.” Net asset value and market price information as well as other information about the Fund is updated each business day on UBS’s web site at the following internet address:

Shareholder meeting information
An annual meeting of shareholders of the Fund was held on March 15, 2012. At the meeting, the two nominees as Class II directors, namely Bernard H. Garil and Heather R. Higgins, were elected to serve as board members for three year terms and until their successors are duly elected and qualified or until they retire, resign or are earlier removed. The shares were voted as indicated below:

    Shares   withhold
To vote for or withhold authority in the election of:   voted for   authority

Bernard H. Garil   12,361,567   370,894

Heather R. Higgins   12,423,589   308,872

The following persons’ terms of office as directors also continued after the annual meeting given that they are in other director classes: Richard Q. Armstrong, Richard R. Burt, Meyer Feldberg, Alan S. Bernikow and Barry M. Mandinach.

The Fund is not aware of any broker non-votes. (Broker non-votes are shares held in street name for which the broker indicates that instructions


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
General information (unaudited)

have not been received from the beneficial owners or other persons entitled to vote and for which the broker does not have discretionary voting authority.)

Quarterly Form N-Q portfolio schedule
The Fund will file its complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Fund’s Forms N-Q are available on the SEC’s Web site at http://www.sec.gov. The Fund’s Forms N-Q may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. Information on the operation of the SEC’s Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC 0330. Additionally, you may obtain copies of Form N-Q from the Fund upon request by calling 1 888-793 8637.

Proxy voting policies, procedures and record
You may obtain a description of the Fund’s (1) proxy voting policies (2) proxy voting procedures, and (3) information regarding how the Fund voted any proxies related to portfolio securities during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30 for which an SEC filing has been made, without charge, upon request by contacting the Fund directly at 1-888-793 8637, online on UBS’s Web site: http://www.ubs.com/us/en/ asset_management/individual_investors/closed_end_funds.html or on the EDGAR Database on the SEC’s Web site (http://www.sec.gov.)

Dividend reinvestment plan
The Fund’s Board has established a Dividend Reinvestment Plan (the “Plan”) under which all shareholders whose shares are registered in their own names, or in the name of UBS Financial Services Inc. or its nominee, will have all dividends and other distributions on their shares of common stock automatically reinvested in additional shares, unless such shareholders elect to receive cash. Shareholders who elect to hold their shares in the name of another broker or nominee should contact such broker or nominee to determine whether, or how, they may participate in the Plan.


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
General information (unaudited)

The ability of such shareholders to participate in the Plan may change if their shares are transferred into the name of another broker or nominee.

A shareholder may elect not to participate in the Plan or may terminate participation in the Plan at any time without penalty, and shareholders who have previously terminated participation in the Plan may rejoin it at any time. Changes in elections must be made in writing to the Fund’s transfer agent and should include the shareholder’s name and address as they appear on that share certificate or in the transfer agent’s records.

An election to terminate participation in the Plan, until such election is changed, will be deemed an election by a shareholder to take all subsequent distributions in cash. An election will be effective only for distributions declared and having a record date at least ten days after the date on which the election is received.

Additional shares of common stock acquired under the Plan will be purchased in the open market, on the NYSE or otherwise, at prices that may be higher or lower than the net asset value per share at the time of the purchase. Investors should consider whether continued participation in the dividend reinvestment plan is appropriate for them when the Fund’s market price exceeds its net asset value; a portion of a dividend/ distribution may represent a return of capital, which would be reinvested in the Fund at a premium to net asset value. The number of shares of common stock purchased with each dividend/distribution will be equal to the result obtained by dividing the amount of the dividend/distribution payable to a particular shareholder by the average price per share (including applicable brokerage commissions) that the transfer agent was able to obtain in the open market. The Fund will not issue any new shares in connection with the Plan. There currently is no charge to participants for reinvesting dividends or other distributions. The transfer agent’s fees for handling the reinvestment of distributions are paid by the Fund. However, each participant pays a pro rata share of brokerage commissions incurred with respect to the transfer agent’s open market purchases of common stock in connection with the reinvestment of distributions. The automatic reinvestment of dividends and other


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
General information (unaudited)

distributions in shares of common stock does not relieve participants of any income tax that may be payable on such distributions.

Experience under the Plan may indicate that changes are desirable. Accordingly, the Fund reserves the right to amend or terminate the Plan with respect to any dividend or other distribution if notice of the change is sent to Plan participants at least 30 days before the record date for such distribution. The Plan also may be amended or terminated by the transfer agent by at least 30 days’ written notice to all Plan participants. Additional information regarding the Plan may be obtained from, and all correspondence concerning the Plan should be directed to, the transfer agent at BNY Mellon Shareowner Services, P.O.Box 358035, Pittsburgh, PA 15252-8035. For further information regarding the Plan, you may also contact the transfer agent directly at 1-866-352 5528.

Distribution policy
The Fund’s Board adopted a managed distribution policy in May 1998, which was revised (1) effective January 2000, (2) in May 2005, (3) effective August 2009 and (4) effective June 2011. Pursuant to the policy as in effect from January 2000 through early May 2005, the Fund made regular monthly distributions at an annualized rate equal to 10% of the Fund’s net asset value, as determined as of the last trading day during the first week of that month (usually a Friday unless the NYSE is closed that Friday). The Board approved reducing the annualized rate for distribution pursuant to the policy from 10% to 8% effective beginning with the June 2005 monthly distribution. The Board approved a further reduction in the annualized rate for distributions pursuant to the policy from 8% to 7% in July 2009, effective beginning with the August 2009 monthly distribution. The Board again approved a further reduction in the annualized rate of distribution pursuant to the policy from 7% to 6% in May 2011, effective beginning with the June 2011 monthly distribution. From May 31, 1998 through January 2000, the Fund’s managed distribution was 8% of the Fund’s net asset value as determined as of the last trading day during the first week of the month. Prior to May 31, 1998, the Fund’s distributions varied based on the Fund’s net investment income and realized capital gains or losses.


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
General information (unaudited)

Monthly distributions based on a fixed percentage of the Fund’s net asset value may require the Fund to make multiple distributions of long-term capital gains during a single fiscal year. The Fund has received exemptive relief from the Securities and Exchange Commission that enables it to do so. The Fund’s Board receives recommendations from UBS Global AM, the Fund’s investment advisor, periodically and no less frequently than annually will reassess the annualized percentage of net assets at which the Fund’s monthly distributions will be made.

The above information supplements that contained on the inside front cover of this report.


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Richard Q. Armstrong   Meyer Feldberg
    Bernard H. Garil
Alan S. Bernikow    
    Heather R. Higgins
Richard R. Burt    
    Barry M. Mandinach
Principal Officers    
Mark E. Carver   John Dugenske
President   Vice President
Mark F. Kemper   Craig Ellinger
Vice President and Secretary   Vice President
Thomas Disbrow   Brian Fehrenbach
Vice President and Treasurer   Vice President
Scott Dolan   Uwe Schillhorn
Vice President   Vice President

Investment Advisor and Administrator
UBS Global Asset Management (Americas) Inc.
1285 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10019-6028

Notice is hereby given in accordance with Section 23(c) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 that from time to time the Fund may purchase shares of its common stock in the open market at market prices.

This report is sent to the shareholders of the Fund for their information. It is not a prospectus, circular or representation intended for use in the purchase or sale of shares of the Fund or of any securities mentioned in this report.

The financial information included herein is taken from the records of the Fund without examination by independent registered public accountants who do not express an opinion thereon.

©UBS 2012. All rights reserved.


UBS Global Asset Management (Americas) Inc.
1285 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10019-6028


Item 2.   Code of Ethics.

Form N-CSR disclosure requirement not applicable to this filing of a semi-annual report.

Item 3.   Audit Committee Financial Expert.

Form N-CSR disclosure requirement not applicable to this filing of a semi-annual report.

Item 4.   Principal Accountant Fees and Services.

Form N-CSR disclosure requirement not applicable to this filing of a semi-annual report.

Item 5.   Audit Committee of Listed Registrants.

Form N-CSR disclosure requirement not applicable to this filing of a semi-annual report.

Item 6.   Investments.

Included as part of the report to shareholders filed under Item 1 of this form.
Not applicable.

Item 7.   Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management Investment Companies.

Form N-CSR disclosure requirement not applicable to this filing of a semi-annual report.

Item 8.   Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies.

(1)        Names – Uwe Schillhorn, Craig Ellinger, Scott Dolan, John Dugenske and Brian Fehrenbach provide day-to-day portfolio management for the registrant as a team.

Title – Mr. Schillhorn, Mr. Ellinger, Mr. Dolan, Mr. Dugenske and Mr. Fehrenbach are each a Vice President of the registrant.

             Length of Service – Mr. Schillhorn began serving as a portfolio manager for the registrant in 2007 and became a Vice President in May 2004. Mr. Ellinger began serving as a portfolio manager for the registrant in May 2012 and became a Vice President in May 2012. Mr. Dolan began serving as a portfolio manager for the registrant in May 2012 and became a Vice President in May 2012. Mr. Dugenske began serving as a portfolio manager for the registrant in May 2012 and became a Vice President in May 2012. Mr. Fehrenbach began serving as a portfolio manager for the registrant in May 2012 and became a Vice President in May 2012.

             Business Experience Last 5 Years (for Mr. Schillhorn ) – Mr. Schillhorn is a managing director and head of emerging markets debt (since 2004) at UBS Global Asset Management (Americas) Inc. (“UBS Global AM”). As head of emerging markets debt, he oversees the management of all emerging market portfolios, including research, formulation and implementation of investment strategy and trading. He is responsible for analysis and management of fixed income investments in Latin American countries as well as for emerging market currencies. He is a member of the Global Fixed Income Investment Committee.

             Business Experience Last 5 Years (for Mr. Ellinger) – Mr. Ellinger is a managing director and the head of Global High Yield Fixed Income (since 2008) and US Investment Grade Credit (since 2012) at UBS Global AM. He is a member of the Global Fixed Income Management Committee and several global fixed income strategy subcommittees and has been with the firm since 2000.

             Business Experience Last 5 Years (for Mr. Dolan) – Mr. Dolan is a managing director and the co-head of Multi-Sector Strategies at UBS Global AM. He is a member of the Global Fixed Income Investment Committee. Prior to joining UBS Global AM in 2008, Mr. Dolan was a managing director and head of securitized assets for Citigroup Alternative Investments.

             Business Experience Last 5 Years (for Mr. Dugenske) – Mr. Dugenske is a managing director and the head of North American Fixed Income at UBS Global AM. He is a member (and chairman) of the Global Fixed Income Investment Committee. Prior to joining UBS Global AM in 2009, he spent over four years at the former asset management business of Lehman Brothers, which encompassed Lehman Brothers Asset Management and Neuberger Berman, where he most recently held the position of head of European and middle east fixed income, based in London.

             Business Experience Last 5 Years (for Mr. Fehrenbach ) – Mr. Fehrenbach is a managing director and co-head of Multi-Sector Strategies at UBS Global AM. He has been with UBS Global AM since 2006. He is a member of the Global Fixed Income Investment Committee.

Information in 8(a)(1) is as of August 9, 2012.

(a) (2) (i) Messrs. Schillhorn, Ellinger, Dolan, Dugenske and Fehrenbach are primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of other accounts. Further information is provided below.

(a) (2) (ii) (A) Registered Investment Companies

             Mr. Schillhorn is responsible for 4 additional Registered Investment Companies and manages $487 million in total assets within this category.

             Mr. Ellinger is responsible for 5 additional Registered Investment Companies and manages $604 million in total assets within this category.

             Messrs. Dolan and Fehrenbach are each responsible for 1 additional Registered Investment Companies and manage $77 million in total assets within this category.

             Mr. Dugenske is responsible for 0 additional Registered Investment Companies and manages $0 million in total assets within this category

(a) (2) (ii) (B) Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

             Mr. Schillhorn is responsible for 11 Other Pooled Investment Vehicles having approximately $4.7 billion in total assets.

             Mr. Ellinger is responsible for 8 Other Pooled Investment Vehicles having approximately $2.3 billion in total assets.

             Mr. Dolan is responsible for 2 Other Pooled Investment Vehicles having approximately $6.1 billion in total assets.

             Mr. Fehrenbach is responsible for 3 Other Pooled Investment Vehicles having approximately $200 million in total assets.

             Mr. Dugenske is responsible for 0 Other Pooled Investment Vehicles having approximately $0 in total assets.

(a) (2) (ii) (C) Other accounts

             Mr. Schillhorn is responsible for 11 other accounts totaling approximately $8 billion in total assets.

             Mr. Ellinger is responsible for 4 other accounts totaling approximately less than $1 million in total assets.

             Mr. Dolan is responsible for 4 other accounts totaling approximately less than $1 million in total assets.

             Mr. Fehrenbach is responsible for 8 other accounts totaling approximately $4 million in total assets.

             Mr. Dugenske is responsible for 0 other accounts totaling approximately $0 in total assets.

(a) (2) (iii) Accounts with respect to which an advisory fee is based on the performance of the account.


(a) (2) (iv) Dollar range of securities of registrant beneficially owned by portfolio managers identified above.


             Information in 8(a)(2)(i)–(iii) is as of December 31, 2011. Information for item 8(a)(2)(iv) is as of August 9, 2012.

(b) At a meeting of the Registrant’s Board of Directors held on May 16, 2012 the Board approved the addition of Messrs. Dolan, Dugenske, Ellinger and Fehrenbach as additional portfolio managers of the

Fund, effective May 17, 2012. Mr. Schillhorn continues as a portfolio manager. Please see responses to items 8a(1) through items 8(a)(2)(iv), above.

Item 9.   Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Company and Affiliated Purchasers.

There were no purchases made by or on behalf of the Registrant or any “affiliated purchaser,” as defined in Rule 10b-18(a)(3) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, of shares of the Registrant’s equity securities that are registered by the Registrant pursuant to Section 12 of the Exchange Act made in the period covered by this report.

Item 10.   Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.

The registrant’s Board has established a Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee will consider nominees recommended by shareholders if a vacancy occurs among those board members who are not “interested persons” as defined in Section 2(a)(19) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended. In order to recommend a nominee, a shareholder should send a letter to the chairperson of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee, Richard R. Burt, care of the Secretary of the registrant at UBS Global Asset Management, UBS Building, One North Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60606, and indicate on the envelope “Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee.” The shareholder’s letter should state the nominee’s name and should include the nominee’s resume or curriculum vitae, and must be accompanied by a written consent of the individual to stand for election if nominated for the Board and to serve if elected by shareholders.

Item 11.   Controls and Procedures.

The registrant’s principal executive officer and principal financial officer have concluded that the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended) are effective based on their evaluation of these controls and procedures as of a date within 90 days of the filing date of this document.
The registrant’s principal executive officer and principal financial officer are aware of no changes in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended) that occurred during the registrant’s last fiscal quarter that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

Item 12.   Exhibits.

(1) Code of Ethics – Form N-CSR disclosure requirement not applicable to this filing of a semi-annual report.
(2) Certifications of principal executive officer and principal financial officer pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 are attached hereto as Exhibit EX-99.CERT.
(3) Written solicitation to purchase securities under Rule 23c-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 sent or given during the period covered by the report by or on behalf of the registrant to 10 or more persons – The registrant has not engaged in such a solicitation during the period covered by this report.
Certifications of principal executive officer and principal financial officer pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 are attached hereto as Exhibit EX-99.906CERT.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

By:   /s/ Mark E. Carver
    Mark E. Carver
Date:   August 9, 2012

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

By:   /s/ Mark E. Carver
    Mark E. Carver
Date:   August 9, 2012
By:   /s/ Thomas Disbrow
    Thomas Disbrow
    Vice President and Treasurer
Date:   August 9, 2012
EX-99.CERT 2 e86776_ex99cert.htm

Exhibit EX-99.CERT


I, Mark E. Carver, President of Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc. certify that:

1.   I have reviewed this report on Form N-CSR of Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.;
Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;
Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations, changes in net assets, and cash flows (if the financial statements are required to include a statement of cash flows) of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;
The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) for the registrant and have:

Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;
Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;
Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of this report based on such evaluation; and
Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the second fiscal quarter of the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting; and

The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed to the registrant’s auditors and the audit committee of the registrant’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant’s ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial information; and

Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

By:   /s/ Mark E. Carver
    Mark E. Carver
Date:   August 9, 2012

I, Thomas Disbrow, Vice President and Treasurer of Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc., certify that:

1.   I have reviewed this report on Form N-CSR of Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.;
Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;
Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations, changes in net assets, and cash flows (if the financial statements are required to include a statement of cash flows) of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;
The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) for the registrant and have:

Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;
Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;
Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of this report based on such evaluation; and

Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the second fiscal quarter of the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting; and

The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed to the registrant’s auditors and the audit committee of the registrant’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant’s ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial information; and
Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

By:   /s/ Thomas Disbrow
    Thomas Disbrow
    Vice President and Treasurer
Date:   August 9, 2012
EX-99.906 CERT 3 e86776_ex906cert.htm

Exhibit EX-99.906CERT

Certification Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
(Subsections (a) and (b) of Section 1350, Chapter 63 of Title 18, United States Code)

In connection with the attached report of Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc. (the “Registrant”) on Form N-CSR (the “Report”), each of the undersigned officers of the Registrant does hereby certify that, to the best of such officer’s knowledge:

  1)   the Report fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d), as applicable, of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended;
the information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in the Report.

Dated:   August 9, 2012
By:   /s/ Mark E. Carver
    Mark E. Carver

Dated:   August 9, 2012
By:   /s/ Thomas Disbrow
    Thomas Disbrow
    Vice President and Treasurer

This certification is being furnished solely pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 1350 and is not being filed as part of the Report or as a separate disclosure document.

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