Washington, D.C. 20549




Investment Company Act file number: 811-06475



Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.



(Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

1285 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10019-6028



(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)

Mark F. Kemper, Esq.

UBS Global Asset Management

1285 Avenue of the Americas

New York, NY 10019-6028

(Name and address of agent for service)

Copy to:

Jack W. Murphy, Esq.

Dechert LLP

1900 K Street, NW

Washington, DC 20006

Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: 212-821 3000

Date of fiscal year end:  November 30

Date of reporting period:  November 30, 2014

Item 1. Reports to Stockholders.

LOGO   Closed-end Funds   Annual Report


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Annual Report

November 30, 2014

Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Managed distribution policy—key points to note


Ÿ   The Fund has a managed distribution policy. Since June 2014, the Fund makes regular monthly distributions at an annualized rate equal to 5% of the Fund’s net asset value, as determined as of the last trading day during the first week of a month (usually a Friday, unless the NYSE is closed that day). (Pursuant to the policy with respect to distributions paid from June 2011 through the monthly distribution for May 2014, the annualized rate had been 6%, which, consistent with the policy, in any given month may have been comprised of a combination of net investment income, short- and/or long-term capital gains, and/or a return of capital.)


Ÿ   To the extent that the Fund’s taxable income in any fiscal year exceeds the aggregate amount distributed based on a fixed percentage of its net asset value, the Fund would make an additional distribution in the amount of that excess near the end of the fiscal year. To the extent that the aggregate amount distributed by the Fund based on a fixed percentage of its net asset value exceeds its current and accumulated earnings and profits, the amount of that excess would constitute a return of capital or net realized capital gains for tax purposes. A return of capital may occur, for example, when some or all of the money that shareholders invested in the Fund is deemed to be paid back to shareholders. A return of capital distribution does not necessarily reflect the Fund’s investment performance and should not be confused with “yield” or “income.”


Ÿ   You should not draw any conclusions about the Fund’s investment performance from the amount of the monthly distribution or from the terms of the Fund’s managed distribution policy.


Ÿ   The Fund periodically issues notices and press releases estimating the source characteristics of its monthly distributions. The amounts and sources reported in these materials are only estimates and are not being provided for tax reporting purposes. The actual amounts and sources of the amounts for accounting and tax reporting purposes will depend upon the Fund’s investment experience during its entire fiscal year and may be subject to retroactive changes based on tax regulations. The Fund will send you a Form 1099-DIV (or your financial intermediary should provide you with similar information) for the calendar year that will tell you how to report these distributions for federal income tax purposes.


Ÿ   The Fund’s Board may change or terminate the managed distribution policy at any time without prior notice to Fund shareholders; any such change or termination may have an adverse effect on the market price for the Fund’s shares.


Ÿ   Further information regarding the Fund’s managed distribution policy is contained in the section captioned “Distribution policy” towards the end of this report.

Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.


January 12, 2015

Dear shareholder,

This report provides an overview of the performance of Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc. (the “Fund”) for the 12 months ended November 30, 2014.


For the 12 months ended November 30, 2014, the Fund returned 3.42% on a net asset value basis and 4.14% on a market price basis. In comparison, the Fund’s benchmark, the Strategic Global Benchmark1 (the “Benchmark”), returned 2.49%. The median returns for the Fund’s peer group, the Lipper Global Income Funds category were 6.15% and 8.05% on a net asset value basis and market price basis, respectively, over the same period. Investors should note that certain funds comprising the Fund’s peer group pursue principal investment strategies/risks that may differ markedly from the Fund’s focus; hence, the Fund’s manager believes that the Benchmark is a more relevant gauge of Fund performance. (For more on the Fund’s performance, please refer to “Performance at a glance” on page 5.)

The Fund did not use structural leverage during the reporting period. That

is, the Fund did not have preferred stock outstanding, nor did it borrow from banks for investment purposes, as some of its peers may have done. Leverage magnifies returns on both the upside and on the downside and creates a wider range of returns within the Fund’s peer group.

The Fund traded at a discount2 to its net asset value (“NAV”) per share during the reporting period. At the close of the preceding annual reporting period, November 30, 2013, the Fund traded at a discount of 14.5%; at the close of the current reporting period, November 30, 2014, the Fund traded at a discount of 14.6%. As of these same dates, the Lipper peer group reported median discounts of 9.9% and 9.9%, respectively.

Market commentary

Gross domestic product (“GDP”) grew at a seasonally-adjusted annualized rate of 3.5% in the fourth quarter of 2013, during which the reporting period for the Fund began. The Commerce Department then reported that first quarter 2014 GDP contracted at a 2.1% rate. This was the first negative reading since the first quarter of 2011, and the downturn was partially attributed to severe winter weather in parts of the country. However, this proved to be a temporary setback for the economy, as GDP growth was 4.6% during the second quarter, the highest rate since the fourth quarter of 2011, and 5.0% for the third quarter.

Growth was generally weaker in developed countries outside the US during the reporting period. In its October 2014 World Economic Outlook, the International Monetary Fund (“IMF”) said: “Despite setbacks, an uneven global


Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Investment goals:

Primarily, high level of current income; secondarily, capital appreciation

Portfolio Management:

Portfolio management team, including Scott Dolan, John Dugenske, Craig Ellinger, Brian Fehrenbach and Uwe Schillhorn


February 3, 1992

NYSE symbol:


Distribution payments:


1  The Strategic Global Benchmark is an unmanaged index compiled by the advisor, constructed as follows: 67% Citigroup World Government Bond Index and 33% J.P. Morgan Emerging Markets Bond Index Global (EMBI Global). Investors should note that indices do not reflect the deduction of fees and expenses.
2  A fund trades at a premium when the market price at which its shares trade is more than its NAV. Alternatively, a fund trades at a discount when the market price at which its shares trade is less than its NAV. The market price is the price the market is willing to pay for shares of a fund at a given time and may be influenced by a range of factors, including supply and demand and market conditions. NAV per share is determined by dividing the value of the Fund’s securities, cash and other assets, less all liabilities, by the total number of common shares outstanding.




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.


recovery continues. In advanced economies, the legacies of the pre-crisis boom and the subsequent crisis, including high private and public debt, still cast a shadow on the recovery. Emerging markets are adjusting to rates of economic growth lower than those reached in the pre-crisis boom and the post-crisis recovery. Overall, the pace of recovery is becoming more country specific.” From a regional perspective, the IMF forecasts 2014 growth will have been 0.8% in the Eurozone, versus a 0.4% contraction in 2013. Japan’s economy is projected to expand 0.9% in 2014, compared with 1.5% in 2013. Elsewhere, the IMF projects that overall growth in emerging markets countries will be lower for 2014, with expected growth of 4.4%, versus 4.7% in 2013.

The US spread sectors3 generated positive results during the reporting period. While there were periods of volatility, investor demand was solid overall given the quest for yield in the low interest rate environment. That said, investor sentiment was challenged at times given mixed economic data in the US, uncertainties regarding future monetary policy, moderating growth overseas and a host of geopolitical issues. Among the US spread sectors, long-term investment grade corporate bonds posted the strongest total returns, supported by declining yields over the period. High yield and commercial mortgage-backed securities also delivered strong results.

After a challenging start and a sharp sell-off toward the end the reporting period, the emerging markets debt asset class rallied and generated solid results during the 12 months ended November 30, 2014. Risk aversion was initially elevated amid rising US interest rates and concerns regarding global growth. The asset class then began rallying in February. Given significant spread4 widening in 2013 and January 2014, emerging markets debt valuations were more attractive, and investors may have felt that negative economic and geopolitical news had been largely priced into the market. Despite a number of headline risks, including Russia’s actions in Ukraine and a number of issues in the Middle East, the asset class continued to move higher from March through August. Risk aversion resumed in September and early October, however, given signs of weakening growth in many developed and emerging markets countries. The asset class then rallied again in October and was largely flat in November 2014.

Portfolio commentary

What worked


Ÿ   The Fund’s currency positioning, overall, was the largest contributor to performance. In particular, the Fund’s long US dollar positions versus the euro and Japanese yen were additive to results. Several of the Fund’s tactical currency trades were also rewarded, albeit to a lesser extent.


Ÿ   Spread management contributed to performance, driven by the Fund’s out-of-benchmark exposure to the spread sectors.


  The Fund’s overweight allocations to high yield and investment grade corporate bonds were positive for performance.


  The Fund’s securitized product allocation, especially exposure to agency mortgage-backed securities (“MBS”) and commercial mortgage-backed securities (“CMBS”), was additive to the Fund’s results.


  The Fund’s corporate bond security selection was somewhat mixed, but beneficial for performance overall.


3  A spread sector refers to non-government fixed income sectors, such as investment grade or high yield bonds, commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS), etc.
4  “Spread” is the difference between the yields paid on a government bond (such as US Treasuries) and a security of a different quality, but with the same or similar maturity. When spreads widen, it implies the market is factoring in greater risk of default for the lower rated security; conversely, when spreads tighten, the market is factoring in less risk. Such movements in spreads generally result in changes in market prices for such securities.




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.


What didn’t work


Ÿ   The Fund’s US duration positioning was the largest detractor from performance. Given our belief that US interest rates were unsustainably low, we maintained duration that was generally one-and-one-half to two-and-one-half years shorter than that of the Benchmark. (Duration measures a fund’s sensitivity to changes in interest rates and is related to the maturity of the bonds comprising the portfolio.) This was not rewarded, as intermediate- and longer-term US rates declined during the reporting period.


Ÿ   Yield curve positioning, overall, was negative for performance. In particular, an underweight to the 30-year portion of the US yield curve detracted from results, as it was the best performing part of the curve over the reporting period. This more than offset the positive impact of the Fund’s underweight to the short-end of the US curve.


Ÿ   Our emerging markets debt allocation dragged on results. An overweight to emerging markets local currencies was not rewarded, as they generally depreciated versus the US dollar. While our emerging markets country exposures were generally flat, the Fund’s exposure to energy-linked securities and Russian banks detracted from performance given falling oil prices and sanctions against Russia.

Portfolio adjustments


Ÿ   Several adjustments were made to the portfolio during the reporting period.


  We tactically adjusted the Fund’s currency position during the 12-month period.


  While we adjusted the Fund’s credit allocations, we maintained a preference for the financial sector.


  We increased the Fund’s use of derivative instruments during the reporting period (please see below for more information).

Use of derivatives


Ÿ   The Fund utilized various currency derivatives—such as currency forwards, options and swaps—to manage its currency exposures across both developed and emerging markets. The Fund’s overall currency strategy (which includes any non-US dollar denominated bond positions as well as derivatives) contributed to performance during the reporting period.


Ÿ   As part of its spread management strategy, the Fund used various credit derivatives—including but not limited to credit default swaps, credit-linked notes and options on credit default swaps—in an effort to efficiently gain or hedge risk exposures across countries, markets, sectors and issuers. Spread management strategy overall contributed to results.


Ÿ   The Fund used several different interest rate derivatives—such as interest rate swaps, futures and options—to adjust its duration and yield curve positioning. Overall, duration and yield curve management strategies detracted from performance during the reporting period.


In our view, the US economy has enough momentum to continue expanding, although the pace could be far from robust. That being said, we feel growth in the US will remain stronger than most other developed countries. Economic growth in Europe remains weak. We are currently neutral overall for the region as we wait to see what actions the European Central Bank takes to stimulate growth and ward off deflation. Elsewhere, we continue to closely monitor China’s economy, as growth has moderated and it could have a spillover effect on the global economy.

Turning to the fixed-income market, credit spreads fluctuated during the reporting period, but tightened overall. Looking ahead, we expect to see more of a “coupon clipping” environment in 2015, as we feel we are in the latter stages of the credit cycle. From a rate perspective, much will depend on the US Federal Reserve’s (the “Fed”)




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.


actions. We expect the US central bank to begin the process of normalizing monetary policy in 2015, although it is not clear when and at what pace rates may rise.

In terms of the emerging markets asset class, we may continue to see a bumpy ride. Sharply falling oil prices have negatively impacted the economies and currencies of a number of developing countries. Should oil prices remain low, it could have a significant impact on oil producing countries, such as Russia and Venezuela. In addition, Fed rate hikes could pressure the overall asset class.

We thank you for your continued support and welcome any comments or questions you may have. For additional information regarding the fund, please contact your financial advisor, or visit us at www.ubs.com/globalam-us.


Mark E. Carver   Scott Dolan
President   Portfolio Manager
Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.   Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Managing Director   Managing Director
UBS Global Asset Management   UBS Global Asset Management
(Americas) Inc.   (Americas) Inc.


John Dugenske, CFA   Craig Ellinger, CFA
Portfolio Manager   Portfolio Manager
Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.   Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Managing Director   Managing Director
UBS Global Asset Management   UBS Global Asset Management
(Americas) Inc.   (Americas) Inc.


Brian Fehrenbach, CFA   Uwe Schillhorn, CFA
Portfolio Manager   Portfolio Manager
Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.   Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.
Managing Director   Managing Director
UBS Global Asset Management   UBS Global Asset Management
(Americas) Inc.   (Americas) Inc.

This letter is intended to assist shareholders in understanding how the Fund performed during the 12 months ended November 30, 2014. The views and opinions in the letter were current as of January 12, 2015. They are not guarantees of future performance or investment results and should not be taken as investment advice. Investment decisions reflect a variety of factors, and we reserve the right to change our views about individual securities, sectors and markets at any time. As a result, the views expressed should not be relied upon as a forecast of the Fund’s future investment intent. We encourage you to consult your financial advisor regarding your personal investment program.




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.


Performance at a glance (unaudited)

Average annual total returns for periods ended 11/30/2014


Net asset value returns      1 year        5 years        10 years  

Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

       3.42        5.66        6.79

Lipper Global Income Funds median

       6.15           7.50           6.51   
Market price returns                              

Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

       4.14        5.39        4.33

Lipper Global Income Funds median

       8.05           5.66           5.55   
Index returns                              

Strategic Global Benchmark1

       2.49        3.13        5.01

Citigroup World Government Bond Index2

       (0.74        0.76           3.32   

Past performance does not predict future performance. The return and value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when sold, may be worth more or less than their original cost. The Fund’s net asset value (“NAV”) returns assume, for illustration only, that dividends and other distributions, if any, were reinvested at the NAV on the payable dates. The Fund’s market price returns assume that all dividends and other distributions, if any, were reinvested at prices obtained under the Fund’s Dividend Reinvestment Plan. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund dividends and other distributions, if any, or on the sale of Fund shares.


1  The Strategic Global Benchmark is an unmanaged index compiled by the advisor, constructed as follows: 67% Citigroup World Government Bond Index and 33% J.P. Morgan Emerging Markets Bond Index Global (EMBI Global). Investors should note that indices do not reflect the deduction of fees and expenses.
2  The Citigroup World Government Bond Index is an unmanaged market capitalization-weighted index designed to measure the performance of fixed-rate, local currency, investment-grade sovereign bonds with a one-year minimum maturity. Investors should note that indices do not reflect the deduction of fees and expenses.

Lipper peer group data calculated by Lipper Inc.; used with permission. The Lipper median is the return of the fund that places in the middle of the peer group. Lipper classifies the Fund in its “Global Income Funds” category, which includes both leveraged and non-leveraged closed-end funds that invest primarily in US dollar and non-US dollar debt securities of issuers located in at least three countries, one of which may be the United States.

Any Fund performance information reflects the deduction of the Fund’s fees and expenses, as indicated in shareholder reports, such as investment advisory and administration fees, custody fees, exchange listing fees, etc. It does not reflect any transaction charges that a shareholder may incur when (s)he buys or sells shares (e.g., a shareholder’s brokerage commissions).

Investing in the Fund entails specific risks, such as interest rate, credit and the risks associated with investing in the securities of non-US issuers, including those located in emerging market countries. The value of the Fund’s investments in foreign securities may fall due to adverse political, social and economic developments abroad and due to decreases in foreign currency values relative to the US dollar. Further detailed information regarding the Fund, including a discussion of principal objectives, principal investment strategies and principal risks, may be found in the fund overview located at http://www.ubs.com/closedendfundsinfo. You may also request copies of the fund overview by calling the Closed-End Funds Desk at 888-793 8637.




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.


Portfolio statistics (unaudited)


Characteristics1    11/30/14              05/31/14              11/30/13  

Net asset value

   $ 10.19              $ 10.62              $ 10.42   

Market price

   $ 8.70              $ 9.20              $ 8.90   

12-month dividends/distributions

   $ 0.5771              $ 0.6322              $ 0.7784   

Monthly dividend/distribution at period-end

   $ 0.0425              $ 0.0529              $ 0.0528   

Net assets (mm)

   $ 186.0              $ 193.9              $ 190.2   

Weighted average maturity (yrs.)

     7.5                8.3                9.1   

Duration (yrs.)2

     4.9                4.6                3.9   
Currency breakdown3    11/30/14              05/31/14              11/30/13  

US dollar denominated

     75.9             70.8             73.0

Foreign denominated

     24.1                29.2                27.0   


     100.0             100.0             100.0
Top ten countries4
(bond holdings)
   11/30/14              05/31/14              11/30/13  

United States

     42.4      United States      45.6      United States      50.1


     6.1         United Kingdom      5.6         United Kingdom      5.4   

United Kingdom

     5.8         Brazil      4.7         Brazil      3.5   

New Zealand

     3.2         Russia      3.2         Russia      3.2   


     2.8         Italy      2.6         Germany      2.5   


     2.6         France      2.4         France      2.5   


     1.9         Mexico      2.3         Italy      2.5   


     1.9         Belgium      2.2         Spain      2.4   


     1.9         Germany      1.9         India      2.0   


     1.9         Venezuela      1.8         Mexico      1.9   


     70.5      Total      72.3      Total      76.0
Credit quality5    11/30/14              05/31/14              11/30/13  


     3.9             4.5             3.2

US Treasury6

     3.8                3.7                6.6   

US Agency6,7

     2.3                7.5                8.8   


     9.8                8.3                7.3   


     10.2                8.9                12.2   


     24.0                21.5                20.0   


     14.4                13.1                10.3   


     8.6                8.2                5.7   


     1.9                0.1                0.2   


     0.7                0.7                0.6   


     20.1                20.6                24.7   

Cash equivalents

     2.3                2.6                0.6   

Other assets less liabilities

     (2.0             0.3                (0.2


     100.0             100.0             100.0


1  Prices and other characteristics will vary over time.
2 Duration is a measure of price sensitivity of a fixed income investment or portfolio (expressed as % change in price) to a 1 percentage point (i.e. 100 basis points) change in interest rates, accounting for optionality in bonds such as prepayment risk and call/put features.
3  Breakdown represents a percentage of market value as of the dates indicated. Forward foreign currency contracts are reflected at unrealized appreciation/depreciation; this may not align with the risk exposure described in the portfolio commentary section of the preceding shareholder letter which reflects forward foreign currency contracts based on contract notional amount. As of the most recent year end, November 30, 2014, the Fund maintained a risk exposure to non-US dollar currencies equal to approximately 27% of the Fund.
4  Weightings represent percentage of net assets as of the dates indicated. The Fund’s portfolio is actively managed and its composition will vary over time.
5 Weightings represent percentages of net assets as of the dates indicated. The Fund’s portfolio is actively managed and its composition will vary over time. Credit quality ratings shown are based on those assigned by Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC, a part of McGraw-Hill Financial (“S&P”), to individual portfolio holdings. S&P is an independent ratings agency. Ratings reflected represent S&P individual debt issue credit ratings. While S&P may provide a credit rating for a bond issuer (e.g., a specific company or country); certain issues, such as some sovereign debt, may not be covered or rated and therefore are reflected as non-rated for the purposes of this table. Credit ratings range from AAA, being the highest, to D, being the lowest, based on S&P measures; ratings of BBB or higher are considered to be investment grade quality. Unrated securities do not necessarily indicate low quality. Further information regarding S&P’s rating methodology may be found on its website at www.standardandpoors.com. Please note that any references to credit quality made in the commentary above may reflect ratings based on multiple providers (not just S&P) and thus may not align with the data represented in this table. S&P credit ratings were identified and selected for use in the credit quality table included above given their coverage of the asset class in which the Fund invests.
6 S&P downgraded long-term US government debt on August 5, 2011 to AA+. Other rating agencies continue to rate long-term US government debt in their highest ratings categories. The Fund’s aggregate exposure to AA rated debt as of November 30, 2014 would include the percentages indicated above for AA, US Treasury and US Agency debt but has been broken out into three separate categories to facilitate understanding.
7 Includes agency debentures and agency mortgage-backed securities.




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.


Industry diversification (unaudited)

As a percentage of net assets As of November 30, 2014





Corporate bonds


Aerospace & defense








Building products

     0.00 1 

Capital markets




Commercial services & supplies


Construction materials


Consumer finance


Diversified financial services


Diversified telecommunication services


Electric utilities


Electronic equipment, instruments & components


Energy equipment & services


Food & staples retailing


Gas utilities


Health care providers & services


Health care technology


Hotels, restaurants & leisure


Independent power and renewable electricity producers








Metals & mining


Oil, gas & consumable fuels


Paper & forest products




Real estate investment trust (REIT)


Road & rail


Specialty retail


Technology hardware, storage & peripherals




Trading companies & distributors


Transportation infrastructure


Wireless telecommunication services







Total corporate bonds








Asset-backed securities

     1.05 %

Collateralized debt obligations


Commercial mortgage-backed securities


Mortgage & agency debt securities


Municipal bonds


US government obligations


Non-US government obligations


Structured note


Supranational bonds







Total bonds







Common stock


Short-term investment


Options purchased




Total investments




Liabilities, in excess of cash and other assets

     (1.98 )



Net assets



1  Amount represents less than 0.005%.




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Portfolio of investments—November 30, 2014



Bonds: 99.55%


Corporate bonds: 46.95%


Australia: 0.31%


Qantas Airways Ltd.,


7.500%, due 06/11/21

  AUD 650,000     $ 572,780  

Brazil: 3.92%


Banco do Brasil SA,


9.000%, due 06/18/241,2,3

  $ 795,000       773,138  

Caixa Economica Federal,


2.375%, due 11/06/171

    1,050,000       1,018,500  

Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA,


5.750%, due 10/27/214

    1,760,000       1,720,400  

Petrobras Global Finance BV,


4.375%, due 05/20/23

    1,100,000       1,016,774  

6.250%, due 03/17/24

    600,000       616,584  

Petrobras International Finance Co. SA,


5.375%, due 01/27/21

    1,000,000       997,800  

6.750%, due 01/27/41

    1,120,000       1,101,856  

Vale Overseas Ltd.,


6.875%, due 11/21/36

    50,000       54,571  

Canada: 1.82%


Barrick Gold Corp.,


3.850%, due 04/01/22

    600,000       586,335  
Barrick North America Finance LLC,    

5.750%, due 05/01/43

    1,015,000       1,022,235  

NOVA Chemicals Corp.,


5.000%, due 05/01/251

    290,000       299,787  

5.250%, due 08/01/231

    660,000       691,350  

Teck Resources Ltd.,


6.250%, due 07/15/41

    65,000       64,839  

Yamana Gold, Inc.,


4.950%, due 07/15/24

    750,000       727,960  

China: 0.37%


China Oil & Gas Group Ltd.,


5.250%, due 04/25/181

    400,000       411,000  

China Shanshui Cement Group Ltd.,


10.500%, due 04/27/174

    260,000       276,250  

Colombia: 0.17%


Ecopetrol SA,


4.125%, due 01/16/25

    320,000       312,000  

Croatia: 0.35%


Agrokor DD,


8.875%, due 02/01/201

    600,000       650,358  

France: 1.30%


Credit Agricole SA,


7.875%, due 01/23/241,2,3

  $ 550,000     $ 571,040  



6.250%, due 05/15/241

    200,000       203,750  

Reseau Ferre de France,


5.500%, due 12/01/214

  GBP 860,000       1,644,076  

Georgia: 0.21%


Georgian Railway JSC,


7.750%, due 07/11/224

  $ 350,000       390,250  

Germany: 1.01%


HeidelbergCement Finance BV,


8.500%, due 10/31/194

  EUR 800,000       1,308,286  

Unitymedia Hessen GmbH & Co. KG,


5.500%, due 01/15/231

  $ 550,000       572,000  

Indonesia: 0.88%


Pertamina Persero PT,


6.000%, due 05/03/424

    1,350,000       1,372,342  

6.450%, due 05/30/44

    240,000       258,900  

Kazakhstan: 0.92%


Kazakhstan Temir Zholy Finance BV,


6.950%, due 07/10/424

    650,000       698,750  

Kazatomprom Natsionalnaya Atomnaya Kompaniya AO,


6.250%, due 05/20/154

    1,000,000       1,010,000  

Luxembourg: 1.23%


Altice SA,


7.750%, due 05/15/221

    200,000       206,750  



5.000%, due 02/25/17

    1,000,000       1,042,500  

Intelsat Jackson Holdings SA,


7.250%, due 10/15/20

    125,000       132,656  

7.500%, due 04/01/21

    850,000       911,625  

Malaysia: 0.31%


SSG Resources Ltd.,


4.250%, due 10/04/224

    560,000       579,180  

Mexico: 1.01%


Cemex Finance LLC,


6.000%, due 04/01/241

    700,000       700,875  

Cemex SAB de CV,


5.700%, due 01/11/251

    850,000       824,500  

5.875%, due 03/25/191

    350,000       353,500  




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Portfolio of investments—November 30, 2014





Corporate bonds—(continued)


Morocco: 0.23%




5.625%, due 04/25/241

  $ 400,000     $ 423,000  

Netherlands: 1.50%


EDP Finance BV,


4.900%, due 10/01/191

    1,400,000       1,462,986  

6.000%, due 02/02/181

    1,000,000       1,084,610  

Generali Finance BV,


6.214%, due 06/16/162,3

  GBP 150,000       241,610  

Nigeria: 0.83%


FBN Finance Co. BV,


8.000%, due 07/23/211,2

  $ 1,620,000       1,533,395  

Norway: 1.00%


Eksportfinans ASA,


5.500%, due 06/26/17

    1,750,000       1,868,125  

Panama: 0.11%


Avianca Holdings SA,


8.375%, due 05/10/204

    200,000       210,000  

Russia: 2.33%


RSHB Capital SA for OJSC
Russian Agricultural Bank,


7.750%, due 05/29/184

    1,900,000       1,921,375  

VEB Finance Ltd.,


6.800%, due 11/22/254

    900,000       834,750  

6.902%, due 07/09/204

    300,000       290,625  

VTB Capital SA,


6.950%, due 10/17/224

    1,500,000       1,282,500  

South Africa: 0.26%


Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd.,


6.750%, due 08/06/234

    450,000       489,487  

Sri Lanka: 0.96%


National Savings Bank,


8.875%, due 09/18/184

    1,570,000       1,783,912  

Switzerland: 0.24%


Credit Suisse Group AG,


6.250%, due 12/18/241,2,3

    465,000       452,213  

Turkey: 1.42%


Turkiye Halk Bankasi AS,


3.875%, due 02/05/204

    1,800,000       1,773,000  

Turkiye Vakiflar Bankasi Tao,


5.000%, due 10/31/184

    840,000       873,600  

United Kingdom: 4.85%


Barclays Bank PLC,


5.140%, due 10/14/20

  $ 1,000,000      $ 1,097,243   

Barclays PLC,


4.375%, due 09/11/24

    370,000       361,235  

HSBC Holdings PLC,


6.375%, due 09/17/242,3

    270,000       276,210  

Lloyds Bank PLC,


6.500%, due 03/24/204

  EUR 900,000       1,372,345  

11.875%, due 12/16/212,4

    1,000,000       1,504,574  

Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC,


5.125%, due 05/28/24

  $ 650,000       662,776  

6.100%, due 06/10/23

    2,010,000       2,187,455  

Wellcome Trust Finance PLC,


4.750%, due 05/28/21

  GBP 860,000       1,555,156  

United States: 18.44%


21st Century Fox America, Inc.,


6.200%, due 12/15/34

  $ 65,000       82,299  

Allstate Corp.,


5.750%, due 08/15/532

    1,330,000       1,403,150  

Ally Financial, Inc.,


6.250%, due 12/01/17

    450,000       486,562  

Altria Group, Inc.,


9.950%, due 11/10/38

    161,000       275,961  

Anadarko Petroleum Corp.,


6.450%, due 09/15/36

    500,000       609,231  

BE Aerospace, Inc.,


6.875%, due 10/01/20

    100,000       107,875  

Berry Petroleum Co., LLC,


6.750%, due 11/01/20

    50,000       46,000  

Boise Cascade Co.,


6.375%, due 11/01/20

    150,000       157,125  

Case New Holland Industrial, Inc.,


7.875%, due 12/01/17

    1,025,000       1,148,000  

Caterpillar, Inc.,


4.300%, due 05/15/44

    600,000       625,043  



8.500%, due 04/01/19

    40,000       42,450  

Chrysler Group LLC,


8.000%, due 06/15/19

    55,000       58,300  

CIT Group, Inc.,


5.000%, due 08/15/22

    1,825,000       1,882,031  

Citigroup, Inc.,


Series D,


5.350%, due 05/15/232,3

    1,170,000       1,088,100  

5.500%, due 09/13/25

    1,000,000       1,117,789  

Series M,


6.300%, due 05/15/242,3

    650,000       645,775  




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Portfolio of investments—November 30, 2014





Corporate bonds—(continued)


United States—(concluded)




6.000%, due 08/15/40

  $ 160,000     $ 180,516  



7.875%, due 09/01/19

    850,000       971,125  

Endo Finance LLC & Endo Finco, Inc.,


5.375%, due 01/15/231

    100,000       97,687  

Energy Transfer Partners LP,


7.500%, due 07/01/38

    1,000,000       1,231,999  

ExamWorks Group, Inc.,


9.000%, due 07/15/19

    80,000       85,200  

Felcor Lodging LP,


6.750%, due 06/01/19

    25,000       26,000  

Fidelity National Financial, Inc.,


5.500%, due 09/01/22

    340,000       369,906  

Ford Motor Co.,


7.450%, due 07/16/31

    1,000,000       1,349,868  

Freeport-McMoran Oil & Gas LLC,


6.875%, due 02/15/23

    259,000       292,230  

Frontier Communications Corp.,


8.500%, due 04/15/20

    100,000       114,500  

9.000%, due 08/15/31

    60,000       64,650  

General Electric Capital Corp.,


Series C,


5.250%, due 06/15/232,3

    850,000       854,250  

General Motors Financial Co., Inc.,


3.000%, due 09/25/17

    670,000       683,768  

4.750%, due 08/15/17

    1,740,000       1,841,790  

Glencore Funding LLC,


4.625%, due 04/29/241

    675,000       688,972  

HCA, Inc.,


5.875%, due 03/15/22

    25,000       27,187  

Hiland Partners LP,


7.250%, due 10/01/201

    200,000       209,000  

International Lease Finance Corp.,


7.125%, due 09/01/181

    75,000       85,125  

Jefferies Finance LLC,


6.875%, due 04/15/221

    200,000       187,000  

Key Energy Services, Inc.,


6.750%, due 03/01/21

    50,000       38,500  

Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP,


6.500%, due 09/01/39

    85,000       94,756  

Kinder Morgan, Inc.,


7.000%, due 06/15/17

    1,500,000       1,678,125  

7.250%, due 06/01/18

    1,000,000       1,156,850  

Level 3 Financing, Inc.,


8.625%, due 07/15/20

    25,000       27,188  

Liberty Mutual Group, Inc.,


10.750%, due 06/15/581,2

    35,000       53,900  

Linn Energy LLC,


8.625%, due 04/15/20

  $ 100,000     $ 90,500  

MedAssets, Inc.,


8.000%, due 11/15/18

    50,000       52,063  

MetLife, Inc.,


6.400%, due 12/15/36

    1,940,000       2,157,038  

Midstates Petroleum Co., Inc.,


10.750%, due 10/01/20

    650,000       562,250  

NRG Energy, Inc.,


6.250%, due 07/15/22

    125,000       128,438  

Owens Corning,


6.500%, due 12/01/16

    3,000       3,289  

Petco Animal Supplies, Inc.,


9.250%, due 12/01/181

    45,000       47,025  

PNC Preferred Funding Trust I,


1.884%, due 03/15/171,2,3

    800,000       772,504  

Prudential Financial, Inc.,


5.200%, due 03/15/442

    520,000       518,050  

5.875%, due 09/15/422

    400,000       424,000  

Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.,


7.500%, due 10/15/27

    125,000       144,063  

Sabine Pass Liquefaction LLC,


6.250%, due 03/15/22

    280,000       296,800  

Seagate HDD Cayman,


5.750%, due 12/01/341

    460,000       479,341  

Sprint Communications, Inc.,


9.000%, due 11/15/181

    100,000       115,750  

Sprint Corp.,


7.250%, due 09/15/21

    300,000       306,000  

SquareTwo Financial Corp.,


11.625%, due 04/01/17

    200,000       198,500  

Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc.,
3.750%, due 03/15/25

    360,000       363,229  

4.500%, due 10/01/34

    240,000       239,242  

Time Warner Cable, Inc.,


6.550%, due 05/01/37

    145,000       184,310  

Transocean, Inc.,


6.800%, due 03/15/38

    500,000       436,468  

Valero Energy Corp.,


6.625%, due 06/15/37

    160,000       194,694  

7.500%, due 04/15/32

    750,000       960,900  

Wells Fargo Capital X,


5.950%, due 12/15/36

    600,000       610,500  

WESCO Distribution, Inc.,


5.375%, due 12/15/21

    550,000       560,313  

XL Group PLC,
Series E,
6.500%, due 04/15/172,3

    2,355,000       2,272,575  




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Portfolio of investments—November 30, 2014





Corporate bonds—(concluded)


Venezuela: 0.97%


Petroleos de Venezuela SA,


5.250%, due 04/12/174

  $ 1,000,000     $ 620,000  

8.500%, due 11/02/171

    1,000,000       725,000  

9.000%, due 11/17/214

    840,000       457,800  

Total corporate bonds
(cost $86,320,240)


Asset-backed securities: 1.05%


United States: 1.05%


Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust,
Series 2013-3, Class C,
2.790%, due 10/22/18

    650,000       663,261  

Series 2014-1, Class D,


3.390%, due 07/22/19

    525,000       536,668  

Fortress Credit BSL II Ltd.,
Series 2013-2A, Class C,
3.131%, due 10/19/251,2

    800,000       749,600  

Total asset-backed securities
(cost $1,957,791)


Collateralized debt obligations: 6.31%


United Kingdom: 0.99%


Boyne Valley CLO BV,
Series 1X, Class F,
2.851%, due 02/12/222,4

  EUR 1,700,000       697,575  

Cadogan Square CLO BV,
Series 2X, Class M,
6.302%, due 08/12/222,4

    2,000,000       1,143,974  

United States: 5.32%


Apidos XIV CLO,
Series 2013-14A, Class C1,
3.081%, due 04/15/251,2

  $ 700,000       677,250  

Ares XXVII CLO Ltd.,
Series 2013-2A, Class C,
2.983%, due 07/28/251,2

    500,000       478,750  

Avery Point IV CLO Ltd.,
Series 2014-1A, Class C,
3.334%, due 04/25/261,2

    550,000       544,920  

Babson CLO Ltd.,
Series 2014-3A, Class C1,
3.232%, due 01/15/261,2

    350,000       341,075  

BlueMountain CLO Ltd.,
Series 2013-4A, Class C,
2.880%, due 04/15/251,2

    1,150,000       1,097,330  

Series 2013-1A, Class B,
2.882%, due 05/15/251,2

    1,100,000       1,048,685  

CIFC Funding Ltd.,
Series 2014-1A, Class C,
3.031%, due 04/18/251,2

  $ 525,000     $ 501,113  

Denali Capital CLO X Ltd.,
Series 2013-1A, Class A3L,
3.134%, due 04/28/251,2

    900,000       875,250  

Galaxy CLO XVI Ltd.,
Series 2013-16A, Class C,
2.832%, due 11/16/251,2

    500,000       475,000  

GoldenTree Loan Opportunities IX Ltd.,
Series 2014-9A, Class D,
3.819%, due 10/29/261,2,5

    975,000       918,938  

KKR Financial CLO Trust,
Series 2013-1A, Class B,
2.834%, due 07/15/251,2

    700,000       660,296  

Marathon CLO V Ltd.,
Series 2013-5A, Class A2A,
2.581%, due 02/21/251,2

    1,000,000       988,658  

Northwoods Capital XIV Ltd.,
Series 2014-14A, Class C,
3.582%, due 11/12/251,2

    500,000       486,250  

Octagon Investment Partners XVIII CLO Ltd.,
Series 2013-1A, Class B,
2.982%, due 12/16/241,2

    250,000       240,127  

Octagon Investment Partners XIX CLO Ltd.,
Series 2014-1A, Class C,
3.081%, due 04/15/261,2

    580,000       557,919  

Total collateralized debt
(cost $11,576,305)


Commercial mortgage-backed securities: 6.01%


United States: 6.01%


Americold 2010 LLC Trust,
Series 2010-ARTA, Class C,
6.811%, due 01/14/291

    975,000       1,136,140  

BAMLL Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust,
Series 2013-DSNY, Class E,
2.755%, due 09/15/261,2

    600,000       602,270  

Boca Hotel Portfolio Trust,
Series 2013-BOCA, Class D,
3.205%, due 08/15/261,2

    675,000       674,494  

Commercial Mortgage Loan Trust,
Series 2014-CR14, Class C,
4.758%, due 02/10/472

    750,000       797,930  

Series 2014-CR17, Class C,
4.896%, due 05/10/472

    500,000       527,748  

Series 2008-LS1, Class A4B,
6.241%, due 12/10/492

    373,319       405,616  




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Portfolio of investments—November 30, 2014





Commercial mortgage-backed securities—(concluded)


United States—(concluded)


Extended Stay America Trust,
Series 2013-ESH7, Class B7,
3.604%, due 12/05/311

  $ 1,000,000     $ 1,028,606  

GS Mortgage Securities Trust,
Series 2014-GSFL, Class D,
4.055%, due 07/15/311,2

    500,000       500,018  

Series 2014-GC18, Class C,
5.113%, due 01/10/472

    350,000       373,647  

Hilton USA Trust,
Series 2013-HLT, Class DFX,
4.407%, due 11/05/301

    1,000,000       1,028,764  

Irvine Core Office Trust,
Series 2013-IRV, Class C,
3.279%, due 05/15/481,2

    250,000       246,638  

JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust,
Series 2013-JWRZ, Class D,
3.145%, due 04/15/301,2

    500,000       500,266  

Madison Avenue Trust,
Series 2013-650M, Class D,
4.169%, due 10/12/321,2

    350,000       360,761  

Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust,
Series 2013-C7, Class B,
3.769%, due 02/15/46

    350,000       357,417  

Series 2014-C17, Class B,
4.464%, due 08/15/472,4

    500,000       523,730  

Series 2013-C13, Class C, 5.059%, due 11/15/462

    325,000       344,453  

Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust,
Series 2014-CPT, Class E,
3.560%, due 07/13/291,2

    250,000       250,085  

Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust,
Series 2007-C33, Class A4,
6.140%, due 02/15/512

    398,915       428,497  

Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust,
Series 2013-120B, Class C,
2.800%, due 03/18/281,2

    1,100,000       1,083,287  

Total commercial mortgage-backed securities
(cost $10,999,939)


Mortgage & agency debt securities: 4.93%


United States: 4.93%


Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. REMIC, IO,6
3.000%, due 05/15/27

    4,627,600       479,234  

Federal National Mortgage Association REMIC, IO,6


Series 2013-15, Class IO,
2.500%, due 03/25/28

  $ 5,536,886     $ 518,428  

Series 2013-64, Class LI,
3.000%, due 06/25/33

    4,976,886       790,230  

Series 2011-91, Class EI,
3.500%, due 08/25/26

    4,006,648       396,350  

Series 2012-146, Class IO,
3.500%, due 01/25/43

    1,643,169       347,699  

Series 2012-146, Class LI,
4.500%, due 10/25/41

    1,711,108       228,598  

Government National Mortgage Association, IO,


Series 2013-22, Class IO, 3.000%, due 02/20/43

    6,025,446       1,164,518  

Series 2012-26, Class GI, 3.500%, due 02/20/27

    3,448,771       422,093  

JP Morgan Alternative Loan Trust,


Series 2006-A5, Class 2A6, 3.458%, due 10/25/362

    5,455,532       3,187,313  

Starwood Property Trust, Inc.,


2.656%, due 11/15/27

    375,000       376,677  

Structured Adjustable Rate Mortgage Loan Trust,


Series 2006-8, Class 4A3, 5.171%, due 09/25/362

    1,438,097       1,256,776  

Total mortgage & agency debt securities
(cost $11,300,198)


Municipal bonds: 2.82%


State of Illinois, GO Bonds,


5.877%, due 03/01/19

    2,100,000       2,345,154  

State of California, GO Bonds,


7.300%, due 10/01/39

    300,000       432,963  

7.550%, due 04/01/39

    1,625,000       2,459,681  

Total municipal bonds
(cost $4,806,823)


US government obligations: 3.81%


US Treasury Bonds,


3.625%, due 08/15/437

    1,000,000       1,140,312  

US Treasury Notes,


1.625%, due 11/15/227

    3,665,000       3,556,769  

2.375%, due 08/15/247

    2,350,000       2,387,821  

Total US government obligations
(cost $6,915,937)





Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Portfolio of investments—November 30, 2014





Non-US government obligations: 24.34%


Argentina: 0.80%


Republic of Argentina,


0.000%, due 12/15/358

  $ 1,800,000     $ 150,300  

0.000%, due 12/15/358

    1,700,825       134,365  

7.000%, due 10/03/15

    1,250,000       1,211,359  

Australia: 1.26%


Queensland Treasury Corp.,


6.000%, due 02/21/18

  AUD  2,500,000       2,343,608  

Belarus: 1.61%


Republic of Belarus,


8.750%, due 08/03/154

  $ 2,945,000       2,996,538  

Belgium: 1.38%


Kingdom of Belgium,


4.000%, due 03/28/22

  EUR  1,650,000       2,561,415  

Brazil: 2.15%


Federative Republic of Brazil,


6.000%, due 08/15/509

  BRL  4,000,000       4,007,208  

Canada: 0.74%


Province of Alberta Canada,


3.400%, due 12/01/23

  CAD  1,460,000       1,376,128  

China: 0.29%


China Government Bond,


2.480%, due 12/01/20

  CNY  3,500,000       548,227  

Costa Rica: 0.92%


Banco Nacional de Costa Rica,


4.875%, due 11/01/181

  $ 1,700,000       1,721,250  

Ecuador: 0.30%


Republic of Ecuador,


7.950%, due 06/20/241

    250,000       256,875  

9.375%, due 12/15/154

    290,000       295,800  

France: 0.60%


Government of France,


3.500%, due 04/25/26

  EUR  720,000       1,116,783  

Gabon: 0.39%


Gabonese Republic,


6.375%, due 12/12/241

  $ 700,000       717,500  

Germany: 0.75%


Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau,


5.050%, due 02/04/25

  CAD  1,350,000       1,405,452  

Ghana: 0.90%


Republic of Ghana,


7.875%, due 08/07/231

  $ 432,364     $ 428,040  

8.125%, due 01/18/261

    300,000       297,750  

8.500%, due 10/04/174

    896,000       940,800  

Greece: 0.92%


Hellenic Republic,


2.000%, due 02/24/244,10

  EUR  230,000       195,548  

2.000%, due 02/24/264,10

    870,000       673,151  

2.000%, due 02/24/314,10

    1,230,000        850,518  

Hungary: 0.60%


MFB Magyar Fejlesztesi Bank Zrt,


6.250%, due 10/21/204

  $ 1,000,000       1,109,056  

Ireland: 0.18%


Government of Ireland,


3.900%, due 03/20/23

  EUR  220,000       331,909  

Italy: 1.92%


Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro,


2.100%, due 09/15/214,9

    1,025,382       1,395,765  

3.750%, due 08/01/15

    1,150,000       1,462,153  

4.250%, due 09/01/19

    500,000       716,337  

Kenya: 0.39%


Republic of Kenya,


5.875%, due 06/24/191

  $ 250,000       256,875  

6.875%, due 06/24/241

    440,000       470,800  

Mexico: 0.86%


Mexican Udibonos,


Series S, 4.000%, due 11/15/409

  MXN  20,014,157       1,592,196  

New Zealand: 3.15%


New Zealand Local Government Funding Agency,


5.500%, due 04/15/23

  NZD 5,000,000       4,151,417  

6.000%, due 05/15/21

    2,000,000       1,700,733  

Nigeria: 0.53%


Federal Republic of Nigeria,


5.125%, due 07/12/184

  $ 970,000       982,125  

Pakistan: 0.07%


Islamic Republic of Pakistan,


7.125%, due 03/31/164

    125,000       128,125  




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Portfolio of investments—November 30, 2014





Non-US government obligations—(concluded)


Russia: 0.44%


Russian Federation,


7.000%, due 01/25/23

  RUB 49,900,000     $ 817,548  

Spain: 1.86%


Kingdom of Spain,


4.200%, due 01/31/37

  EUR 840,000       1,241,731  

4.400%, due 10/31/231,4

    720,000       1,091,190  

5.850%, due 01/31/22

    695,000       1,128,029  

Venezuela: 0.94%


Republic of Venezuela,


8.250%, due 10/13/244

  $ 3,400,000       1,751,000  

Zambia: 0.39%


Republic of Zambia,


8.500%, due 04/14/241

    650,000       729,625  

Total Non-US government obligations
(cost $48,346,821)


Structured note : 0.48%


Ghana: 0.48%


Standard Chartered Bank,
23.000%, due 08/21/171 (linked to Ghana Government Bonds, 23.000%, due 08/21/17)
(cost $1,759,260)

    2,800,000       894,904  

Supranational bonds: 2.85%


6.250%, due 12/28/184

  AUD  1,405,000       1,331,700  

European Financial Stability Facility,
3.875%, due 03/30/324

  EUR 850,000       1,445,081  

European Investment Bank,


5.375%, due 06/07/21

  GBP 600,000       1,142,329  

6.500%, due 08/07/19

  AUD 1,425,000       1,381,049  

Total supranational bonds
(cost $5,879,465)


Total bonds
(cost $189,862,779)


Common stock: 0.02%


United States: 0.02%


WMI Holdings Corp.*
(cost $10,890)

    19,801       39,602  



Short-term investment: 2.30%


Investment company: 2.30%


UBS Cash Management Prime Relationship Fund11
(cost $4,285,564)

    4,285,564      $ 4,285,564  
     Face amount
covered by

Options purchased: 0.11%


Call options: 0.09%


Foreign Exchange Option, Buy USD/EUR,
strike @ EUR 0.7862,
expires April 2015, counterparty: MSCI

  $ 5,700,000       174,699  
     Number of

Put options: 0.02%


2 Year Euro-Dollar Midcurve,
strike @ USD 97.7500,
expires December 2014

    387       2,419  

3 Year Euro-Dollar Midcurve,
strike @ USD 97.7500,
expires June 2016

    155       31,969  

90 Day Euro-Dollar Time Deposit,
strike @ USD 99.2500,
expires March 2015

    550       3,437  

Options purchased on interest rate swaps: 0.00%5,12


Expiring 11/02/15. If option exercised the Fund pays semi-annually 6.000% and receives quarterly floating 3 month USD LIBOR. Underlying interest rate swap terminating 11/04/25. European style.
Counterparty: DB

  $ 14,000,000       1,305  

Total options purchased
(cost $1,467,962)


Total investments: 101.98%
(cost $195,627,195)



Liabilities, in excess of cash and
other assets: (1.98%)



Net assets: 100.00%

          $ 186,018,220  




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Portfolio of investments—November 30, 2014


Notes to portfolio of investments

Aggregate cost for federal income tax purposes was $195,738,236; and net unrealized depreciation consisted of:


Gross unrealized appreciation

   $ 6,369,853   

Gross unrealized depreciation


Net unrealized depreciation of investments

   $ (6,031,223

For a listing of defined portfolio acronyms, counterparty abbreviations and currency abbreviations that are used throughout the Portfolio of investments as well as the tables that follow, please refer to page 22. Portfolio footnotes begin on page 21.

Forward foreign currency contracts


Counterparty    Contracts
to deliver
exchange for


     AUD        11,650,000          USD        10,135,850          01/22/15         $ 259,993  


     CLP        558,500,000          USD        934,144          12/17/14           17,647  


     MXN        41,004,000          USD        3,079,164          12/17/14           135,234  


     MYR        2,900,000          USD        876,868          12/17/14           20,570  


     PHP        39,650,000          USD        882,287          12/17/14           123  


     TRY        1,750,000          USD        746,619          12/17/14           (38,920


     USD        8,906,877          EUR        6,965,000          01/22/15           (243,246


     USD        418,175          IDR        5,200,000,000          12/17/14           6,853  


     USD        1,417,364          MXN        19,150,000          12/17/14           (42,467


     USD        360,784          TRY        809,130          12/17/14           2,418  


     BRL        7,797,625          USD        3,310,199          12/17/14           293,357  


     IDR        5,907,660,000          USD        481,472          12/17/14           (1,397


     USD        395,491          BRL        1,000,000          12/17/14           (8,599


     USD        13,439,076          JPY        1,425,300,000          01/22/15           (1,423,653


     USD        519,301          PEN        1,500,000          12/17/14           (6,460


     RUB        13,630,000          USD        355,503          12/17/14           83,564  


     THB        27,900,000          USD        861,776          12/17/14           12,749  


     USD        902,078          MYR        2,900,000          12/17/14           (45,780


     USD        900,165          PHP        39,650,000          12/17/14           (17,999


     USD        172,882          RUB        7,000,000          12/17/14           (33,222


     USD        159,623          THB        5,250,000          12/17/14           140  


     USD        547,790          ZAR        6,000,000          12/17/14           (7,424


     BRL        730,000          USD        310,704          12/17/14           28,273  


     TRY        1,850,000          USD        819,309          12/17/14           (11,118


     USD        58,688          IDR        707,660,000          12/17/14           (847


     USD        893,276          INR        55,200,000          12/17/14           (6,577


     USD        2,135,187          TRY        4,750,000          12/17/14           (3,009


     USD        485,529          ZAR        5,400,000          12/17/14           801  


     AUD        680,000          USD        581,520          01/22/15           5,075  


     JPY        234,600,000          USD        1,995,044          01/22/15           17,342  


     NOK        2,320,000          USD        351,412          01/22/15           21,316  


     USD        846,639          AUD        970,000          01/22/15           (24,358


     USD        2,489,419          CAD        2,815,000          01/22/15           (30,712


     USD        1,040,323          DKK        6,050,000          01/22/15           (28,872


     USD        1,398,312          EUR        1,125,000          01/22/15           1,054  


     USD        1,739,005          GBP        1,085,000          01/22/15           (44,806


     USD        2,775,826          NZD        3,500,000          01/22/15           (44,418




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Portfolio of investments—November 30, 2014


Forward foreign currency contracts (concluded)


Counterparty    Contracts
to deliver
exchange for


     JPY        201,374,064          USD        1,800,000          01/22/15         $ 102,396  


     NZD        11,185,000          USD        8,805,984          01/22/15           77,188  


     EUR        150,000          USD        191,052          01/22/15           4,470  

Net unrealized depreciation on forward foreign currency contracts


     $ (973,321

Futures contracts


     Value      Unrealized

US Treasury futures buy contracts:


US Long Bond, 161 contracts (USD)

     March 2015       $ 22,711,298      $ 22,962,625      $ 251,327  

5 Year US Treasury Notes, 19 contracts (USD)

     March 2015         2,260,650        2,270,352        9,702  

10 Year US Treasury Notes, 84 contracts (USD)

     March 2015         10,595,647        10,671,937        76,290  

US Treasury futures sell contracts:


US Long Bond, 39 contracts (USD)

     March 2015         (5,498,563 )      (5,562,375 )      (63,812 )

US Ultra Bond, 13 contracts (USD)

     March 2015         (2,052,077 )      (2,090,563 )      (38,486 )

5 Year US Treasury Notes, 110 contracts (USD)

     March 2015         (13,080,390 )      (13,144,140 )      (63,750 )

10 Year US Treasury Notes, 172 contracts (USD)

     March 2015         (21,695,674 )      (21,852,062 )      (156,388 )

Interest rate futures buy contracts:


90 Day Euro-Dollar Time Deposit, 199 contracts (USD)

     September 2016         48,693,165        49,033,600        340,435  

Interest rate futures sell contracts:


90 Day Euro-Dollar Time Deposit, 178 contracts (USD)

     December 2016         (43,773,735      (43,759,075      14,660  

Canadian Government 10 Year Bond, 13 contracts (CAD)

     March 2015         (1,545,580      (1,565,798      (20,218

Long Gilt, 4 contracts (GBP)

     March 2015         (728,161      (734,390      (6,229

Net unrealized appreciation on futures contracts


   $ 343,531  

Options written



Call options

2 Year Euro-Dollar Midcurve, 387 contracts, strike @ USD 98.2500      December 2014       $ 129,258      $ (120,938
3 Year Euro-Dollar Midcurve, 155 contracts, strike @ USD 98.7500      June 2016         125,995        (143,375

Put options

2 Year Euro-Dollar Midcurve, 387 contracts, strike @ USD 97.2500      December 2014         134,096        (2,419
90 Day Euro-Dollar Time Deposit, 550 contracts, strike @ USD 98.2500      March 2015         142,450        (3,437

Options written on interest rate swaps11

If option exercised the Fund receives quarterly floating 3 month EURIBOR and pays annually 1.825%. Underlying interest rate swap terminating 12/10/15. European style. Counterparty: BB, Notional Amount EUR 48,000,000      December 2014         270,235        (1,039,926
If option exercised the Fund receives semi-annually 7.250% and pays quarterly floating 3 month USD LIBOR. Underlying interest rate swap terminating 11/04/25. European style. Counterparty: DB, Notional Amount USD 14,000,000      November 2015         257,600        (345
If option exercised the Fund receives semi-annually 8.760% and pays quarterly floating 3 month USD LIBOR. Underlying interest rate swap terminating 11/04/25. European style. Counterparty: DB, Notional Amount USD 14,000,000      November 2015         166,600        (93




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Portfolio of investments—November 30, 2014


Options written (concluded)



Options written on credit default swaps on credit indices5

If option exercised payment from the counterparty will be made upon the occurrence of a failure to pay, obligation acceleration, repudiation or restructuring of the referenced obligation specified in the CDX.NA.HY Series 22 Index and the Fund receives quarterly fixed rate of 5.000%. Underlying credit default swap terminating 06/20/19. European style. Counterparty: DB, Notional Amount USD 10,000,000      December 2014       $ 138,600      $ (8,595
If option exercised payment from the counterparty will be received upon the occurrence of a failure to pay, obligation acceleration, repudiation or restructuring of the referenced obligation specified in the CDX.NA.HY Series 23 Index and the Fund pays quarterly fixed rate of 5.000%. Underlying credit default swap terminating 12/20/19. European style. Counterparty: BB, Notional Amount USD 10,000,000      December 2014         17,000        (8,724
If option exercised payment from the counterparty will be received upon the occurrence of a failure to pay, obligation acceleration, repudiation or restructuring of the referenced obligation specified in the CDX.NA.HY Series 23 Index and the Fund pays quarterly fixed rate of 5.000%. Underlying credit default swap terminating 12/20/19. European style. Counterparty: JPMCB, Notional Amount USD 12,000,000      January 2015         21,600        (30,608
If option exercised payment from the counterparty will be received upon the occurrence of a failure to pay, obligation acceleration, repudiation or restructuring of the referenced obligation specified in the CDX.NA.HY Series 23 Index and the Fund pays quarterly fixed rate of 5.000%. Underlying credit default swap terminating 12/20/19. European style. Counterparty: MLI, Notional Amount USD 6,500,000      December 2014         19,500        (5,670

Total options written

            $ 1,422,934      $ (1,364,130

Written options activity for the year ended November 30, 2014 was as follows:


      Number of

Options outstanding at November 30, 2013

     2,230       $ 776,064   

Options written

     8,459         1,644,667   

Options terminated in closing purchase transactions

     (9,210      (1,888,932

Options expired prior to exercise


Options outstanding at November 30, 2014

     1,479       $ 531,799   

Swaptions and foreign exchange written options activity for the year ended November 30, 2014 was as follows:



Swaptions & foreign exchange options outstanding at November 30, 2013

   $ 1,694,361   

Swaptions & foreign exchange options written


Swaptions & foreign exchange options terminated in closing purchase transactions


Swaptions & foreign exchange options expired prior to exercise


Swaptions & foreign exchange options outstanding at November 30, 2014

   $ 891,135   




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Portfolio of investments—November 30, 2014


Currency swap agreements5


    Notional Amount                                  
Counterparty   Pay
    Value     Unrealized


    USD        19,958,101        AUD        22,328,244        12/24/22      3 month
  3 month
  $      $ (803,477   $ (803,477


    AUD        22,328,244        USD        19,958,101        12/24/14      3 month
  3 month
           806,279        806,279   


    JPY        1,896,000,000        USD        17,448,923        03/20/19      3 month
  3 month
           1,402,549        1,402,549   


    USD        17,448,923        JPY        1,896,000,000        03/20/15      3 month
  3 month
           (1,474,825     (1,474,825
                                                    $      $ (69,474   $ (69,474

Interest rate swap agreements


Counterparty   Notional
made by
the Fund
received by
the Fund
    Value     Unrealized


    KRW        4,800,000,000        08/26/16      3.410%   3 month CD KSDA   $      $ (105,445   $ (105,445


    CAD        32,620,000        02/11/17      3 month BA   3.500%     (293,326     1,475,770        1,182,444   


    CAD        9,200,000        02/11/22      4.145   3 month BA            (1,197,975     (1,197,975


    EUR        8,200,000        05/04/22      2.130   6 month EURIBOR     467,871        (1,233,730     (765,859


    EUR        3,650,000        05/04/42      6 month EURIBOR   2.460            942,364        942,364   


    ZAR        7,400,000        05/31/23      3 month JIBAR   7.480            7,954        7,954   


    TWD        140,000,000        08/26/16      1.280   3 month TWCPBA            (26,967     (26,967


    CAD        32,620,000        02/11/17      3.500   3 month BA            (1,475,770     (1,475,770


    EUR        8,200,000        05/04/22      6 month EURIBOR   2.130            1,233,730        1,233,730   


    EUR        3,650,000        05/04/42      2.460   6 month EURIBOR            (942,364     (942,364


    USD        105,000,000        07/03/42      1 month LIBOR
  3 month LIBOR
           825,842        825,842   


    CAD        22,140,000        04/09/17      3 month BA   1.978            256,890        256,890   


    CAD        7,480,000        02/04/21      3.725   3 month BA     194,693        (732,769     (538,076


    CAD        7,410,000        02/04/31      3 month BA   3.475            673,416        673,416   


    CAD        2,620,000        02/04/41      4.208   3 month BA            (608,113     (608,113


    ZAR        12,000,000        06/04/18      3 month JIBAR   6.400            (5,388     (5,388


    CAD        21,160,000        04/08/17      3.600   3 month BA            (984,606     (984,606
                                    $ 369,238      $ (1,897,161   $ (1,527,923

Credit default swaps on credit indices—buy protection14


Counterparty   Referenced index15   Notional
made by
the Fund
    Value     Unrealized


  CDX.EM.Series 21 Index     USD        19,000,000        06/20/19        5.000   $ 1,650,720      $ (1,744,402   $ (93,682




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Portfolio of investments—November 30, 2014


Credit default swaps on corporate and sovereign issues—buy protection14


Counterparty   Referenced obligation15   Notional
made by
the Fund
    Value     Unrealized


  American International Group, Inc., bond,
6.250%, due 05/01/36
    USD        2,000,000        06/20/19        1.000   $ 43,209      $ (48,646   $ (5,437


  CNA Financial Corp. bond,
5.850%, due 12/15/14
    USD        2,000,000        09/20/19        1.000        45,451        (48,787     (3,336


  Deutsche Bank AG bond,
5.125%, due 08/31/17
    EUR        1,750,000        06/20/17        1.000        (94,483     (35,617     (130,100
                                        $ (5,823   $ (133,050   $ (138,873

Credit default swaps on credit indices—sell protection16


Counterparty   Referenced Index15   Notional
received by
the Fund
    Value     Unrealized


  CMBX.NA.BB. Series 6 Index     USD        3,800,000        05/11/63        5.000   $ (116,180   $ 35,311      $ (80,869     3.359


  CMBX.NA.BBB. Series 6 Index     USD        9,550,000        05/11/63        3.000        (237,457     51,450        (186,007     2.781   


  CDX.NA.HY. Series 15 Index     USD        4,000,000        12/20/15        5.000        295,000        245,180        540,180        2.781   


  CMBX.NA.A. Series 6 Index     USD        2,750,000        05/11/63        2.000        (41,835     31,777        (10,058     1.872   


  CMBX.NA.BB. Series 6 Index     USD        2,000,000        05/11/63        5.000        (13,148     18,585        5,437        3.359   


  CMBX.NA.A. Series 6 Index     USD        4,750,000        05/11/63        2.000        (117,951     54,887        (63,064     1.872   
                                        $ (231,571   $ 437,190      $ 205,619           

Credit default swaps on corporate and sovereign issues—sell protection16


Counterparty   Referenced obligation15   Notional
received by
the Fund
    Value     Unrealized


  State of Illinois bond,
5.000%, due 06/01/29
    USD        3,000,000        12/20/23        1.000   $ 213,735      $ (223,701   $ (9,966     2.090


  The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. bond,
6.000%, due 01/15/19
    USD        2,000,000        09/20/19        1.000        (31,726     44,847        13,121        0.560   


  General Electric Capital Corp. bond,
5.625%, due 09/15/17
    USD        2,000,000        06/20/19        1.000        (48,222     50,648        2,426        0.470   
                                        $ 133,787      $ (128,206   $ 5,581           




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Portfolio of investments—November 30, 2014


Centrally cleared interest rate swap agreements


made by
the Fund
received by
the Fund
   Value        Unrealized


  9,200,000        02/11/22         3 month BA    2.626%    $ 340,828         $ 340,828   


  24,550,000        08/22/18         3 month USD LIBOR    1.472      232,727           232,727   


  14,500,000        08/22/21         2.176%    3 month USD LIBOR      (287,940        (287,940
                                $ 285,615         $ 285,615   

Centrally cleared credit default swaps on credit indices—buy protection14


Referenced index15    Notional
made by
the Fund
     Value      Unrealized

CDX.NA.IG. Series 23 Index

   USD     38,200,000         12/20/19         1.000    $ (790,125    $ (166,497

The following is a summary of the fair valuations according to the inputs used as of November 30, 2014 in valuing the Fund’s investments:


Description    Unadjusted quoted
prices in active
markets for
identical investments
(Level 1)
     Other significant
observable inputs
(Level 2)
(Level 3)



Corporate bonds

   $  —      $ 87,344,104      $  —      $ 87,344,104  

Asset-backed securities

            1,949,529               1,949,529  

Collateralized debt obligations

            8,145,298        3,587,812        11,733,110  

Commercial mortgage-backed securities

            11,170,367               11,170,367  

Mortgage & agency debt securities

            8,745,823        422,093        9,167,916  

Municipal bonds

            5,237,798               5,237,798  

US government obligations

            7,084,902               7,084,902  

Non-US government obligations

            45,285,229               45,285,229  

Structured note

            894,904               894,904  

Supranational bonds

            5,300,159               5,300,159  

Common stock

     39,602                      39,602  

Short-term investment

            4,285,564               4,285,564  

Options purchased

     37,825        176,004               213,829  

Forward foreign currency contracts

            1,090,563               1,090,563  

Futures contracts

     692,414                      692,414  

Swap agreements

            8,731,034               8,731,034  


   $ 769,841      $ 195,441,278      $ 4,009,905      $ 200,221,024  



Forward foreign currency contracts

   $      $ (2,063,884    $      $ (2,063,884

Futures contracts

     (348,883                    (348,883

Swap agreements

            (12,770,647             (12,770,647

Options written

            (1,364,130             (1,364,130


   $ (348,883    $ (16,198,661    $  —      $ (16,547,544

At November 30, 2014, there were no transfers between Level 1 and Level 2.




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Portfolio of investments—November 30, 2014


Level 3 rollforward disclosure

The following is a rollforward of the Fund’s investments that were valued using unobservable inputs for the period:


     Mortgage &
agency debt



Beginning balance

   $ 782,960       $ 7,582,124       $ 1,500,844       $ 1,150,837       $ 11,016,765   


             1,748,388                         1,748,388   




             (669,410      (903,375      (335,918      (1,908,703

Accrued discounts (premiums)

                             (115,345      (115,345

Total realized gain (loss)

             (17,304      3,375         (117,869      (131,798

Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation)

     (33,360      (600,628      1,426         (159,612      (792,174

Transfers into Level 3


Transfers out of Level 3

     (749,600      (4,455,358      (602,270              (5,807,228

Ending balance

   $       $ 3,587,812       $       $ 422,093       $ 4,009,905   

The change in net unrealized appreciation/depreciation relating to the Level 3 investments held at November 30, 2014 was $(547,959). Transfers out of Level 3 represent the value at the end of the period. At November 30, 2014, securities were transferred from Level 3 to Level 2 as the valuation is based primarily on unobservable inputs from an established pricing source.

Portfolio footnotes


*   Non-income producing security.
1   Security exempt from registration pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1933. These securities are considered liquid, unless noted otherwise, and may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At November 30, 2014, the value of these securities amounted to $40,611,355 or 21.83% of net assets.
2   Variable or floating rate security—The interest rate shown is the current rate as of November 30, 2014 and changes periodically.
3   Perpetual investment. Date shown reflects the next call date.
4   Security exempt from registration pursuant to Regulation S under the Securities Act of 1933. Regulation S applies to securities offerings that are made outside of the United States and do not involve direct selling efforts in the United States. At November 30, 2014, the value of these securities amounted to $39,965,178 or 21.48% of net assets.
5   Illiquid investment as of November 30, 2014.
6   On September 7, 2008, the Federal Housing Finance Agency placed the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation and the Federal National Mortgage Association into conservatorship, and the US Treasury guaranteed the debt issued by those organizations.
7   All or a portion of these securities have been designated as collateral for open swap agreements.
8   Security pays, when required, a floating rate that is determined annually based on the Argentina GDP.
9   Debt security whose principal and/or interest payments are adjusted for inflation, unlike debt securities that make fixed principal and interest payments. The interest rate paid by the securities is fixed, while the principal value rises or falls based on changes in an index. Thus, if inflation occurs, the principal and interest payments on the securities are adjusted accordingly to protect investors from inflationary loss. During a deflationary period, the principal and interest payments decrease, although the securities’ principal amounts will not drop below their face amounts at maturity. In exchange for the inflation protection, the securities generally pay lower interest rates than typical government securities from the issuer’s country. Only if inflation occurs will securities offer a higher real yield than a conventional security of the same maturity.
10   Step bond—Coupon rate increases in increments to maturity. Rate disclosed is as of November 30, 2014. Maturity date disclosed is the ultimate maturity date.




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Portfolio of investments—November 30, 2014


11   The table below details the Fund’s investment in a fund advised by the same advisor as the Fund. The advisor does not earn a management fee from the affiliated UBS Relationship Fund.


Security description   Value
during the
year ended
during the
year ended
    Net income
earned from
affiliate for the
year ended

UBS Cash Management Prime Relationship Fund

  $ 1,047,245      $ 65,258,309      $ 62,019,990      $ 4,285,564      $ 2,756   


12   Amount represents less than 0.005%.
13   Payments made or received are based on the notional amount.
14   If the Fund is a buyer of protection and a credit event occurs, as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement, the Fund will either (i) receive from the seller of protection an amount equal to the notional amount of the swap and deliver the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index or (ii) receive a net settlement amount in the form of cash or securities equal to the notional amount of the swap less the recovery value of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index.
15   Payments from/to the counterparty will be received/made upon the occurrence of bankruptcy and/or restructuring event with respect to the referenced index/obligation.
16   If the Fund is a seller of protection and a credit event occurs, as defined under the terms of that particular swap agreement, the Fund will either (i) pay to the buyer of protection an amount equal to the notional amount of the swap and take delivery of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index or (ii) pay a net settlement amount in the form of cash or securities equal to the notional amount of the swap less the recovery value of the referenced obligation or underlying securities comprising the referenced index.
17   Credit spreads, represented in absolute terms, utilized in determining the market value as of period end serve as an indicator of the current status of the payment/performance risk and represent the likelihood or risk of default or other credit event occurring for the credit derivative. The credit spread of a particular referenced entity reflects the cost of buying/selling protection and may include upfront payments required to be made to enter into the agreement. Wider credit spreads represent a deterioration of the referenced entity’s credit soundness and a greater likelihood or risk of default or other credit event occurring as defined under the terms of the agreement. A credit spread identified as “Defaulted” indicates a credit event has occurred for the referenced entity. Credit spreads are unaudited.

Portfolio acronyms


BA    Canadian Bankers’ Acceptance Rate
BAMLL    Bank of America Merrill Lynch
BBA    British Banking Association
BBSW    Bank Bill Swap Reference Rate (Australian Financial Market)
CD KSDA    Korean Securities Dealer Association 91-day Certificate of Deposit Rate
CLO    Collateralized Loan Obligations
EURIBOR    Euro Interbank Offered Rate
GDP    Gross Domestic Product
GO    General Obligation
GS    Goldman Sachs
IO    Interest only—This security entitles the holder to receive interest payments from an underlying pool of mortgages. The risk associated with this security is related to the speed of the principal paydowns. High prepayments would result in a smaller amount of interest being received and cause the yield to decrease. Low prepayments would result in a greater amount of interest being received and cause the yield to increase.
JIBAR    Johannesburg Interbank Agreed Rate
LIBOR    London Interbank Offered Rate
OJSC    Open Joint Stock Company
REMIC    Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit
TWCPBA    Taiwan Secondary Market Bills Rate


Counterparty abbreviations


BB    Barclays Bank PLC
CITI    Citibank NA
CSI    Credit Suisse International
DB    Deutsche Bank AG
GSI    Goldman Sachs International
JPMCB    JPMorgan Chase Bank
MLI    Merrill Lynch International
MSCI    Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC
SSB    State Street Bank




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Portfolio of investments—November 30, 2014


Currency abbreviations


AUD    Australian Dollar
BRL    Brazilian Real
CAD    Canadian Dollar
CLP    Chilean Peso
CNY    Chinese Yuan
DKK    Danish Krone
EUR    Euro
GBP    Great Britain Pound
IDR    Indonesian Rupiah
INR    Indian Rupee
JPY    Japanese Yen
KRW    Korean Won
MXN    Mexican Peso
MYR    Malaysian Ringgit
NOK    Norwegian Krone
NZD    New Zealand Dollar
PEN    Peruvian Nuevo Sol
PHP    Philippine Peso
RUB    Russian Ruble
THB    Thai Baht
TRY    Turkish Lira
TWD    Taiwan Dollar
USD    United States Dollar
ZAR    South African Rand


See accompanying notes to financial statements.




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Statement of assets and liabilities — November 30, 2014




Investments in securities of unaffiliated issuers, at value (cost—$191,341,631)

   $ 185,421,449   

Investment in affiliated issuer, at value (cost—$4,285,564)


Total investments, at value (cost—$195,627,195)

   $ 189,707,013   

Foreign currency, at value (cost—$1,002,332)


Dividends and Interest receivable


Foreign tax reclaims receivable


Variation margin on futures contracts


Variation margin on centrally cleared swap agreements


Cash collateral for futures contracts


Cash collateral for swap agreements


Outstanding swap agreements, at value1


Unrealized appreciation on forward foreign currency contracts


Other assets


Total assets




Outstanding swap agreements, at value1


Payable for investments purchased


Unrealized depreciation on forward foreign currency contracts


Options written, at value (premiums received—$1,422,934)


Payable for investment advisory and administration fees


Due to broker


Due to custodian


Directors’ fees payable


Accrued expenses and other liabilities


Total liabilities


Net assets:


Capital stock— $0.001 par value; 100,000,000 shares authorized; 18,258,828 shares issued and outstanding

   $ 197,545,202   

Distributions in excess of net investment income


Accumulated net realized loss


Net unrealized depreciation


Net assets

   $ 186,018,220   

Net asset value per share

   $ 10.19   


1  Net upfront payments received by the Fund on outstanding swap agreements amounted to $1,916,351.


See accompanying notes to financial statements.




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Statement of operations


      For the
Year ended
November 30, 2014

Investment income:


Interest income, net of foreign withholding taxes of $10,812

   $ 10,262,033   

Affiliated income


Total income




Investment advisory and administration fees


Professional fees


Custody and accounting fees


Reports and notices to shareholders


Listing fees


Directors’ fees


Transfer agency fees


Insurance expense


Other expenses


Total expenses


Less: Fee waivers by investment advisor and administrator


Net expenses


Net investment income


Realized and unrealized gains (losses) from investment activities:


Net realized gain (loss) on:




Futures contracts


Options written


Swap agreements


Forward foreign currency contracts


Foreign currency transactions


Change in net unrealized appreciation/depreciation on:




Futures contracts


Options written


Swap agreements


Forward foreign currency contracts


Translation of other assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency


Net realized and unrealized loss from investment activities


Net increase in net assets resulting from operations

   $ 6,370,465   


See accompanying notes to financial statements.




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Statement of changes in net assets


      For the
year ended
November 30, 2014
     For the
year ended
November 30, 2013

From operations:


Net investment income

   $ 8,035,505       $ 7,936,496   

Net realized loss

     (2,764,084      (4,120,260

Change in net unrealized appreciation/depreciation

     1,099,044         (13,027,983

Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations

     6,370,465         (9,211,747

Dividends and distributions to shareholders from:


Net investment income

     (8,374,665      (5,866,970

Net realized gains


Return of capital

     (2,162,505      (6,262,369

Total dividends and distributions to shareholders

     (10,537,170      (14,212,671

Net decrease in net assets

     (4,166,705      (23,424,418

Net assets:


Beginning of year

     190,184,925         213,609,343   

End of year

   $ 186,018,220       $ 190,184,925   

Distributions in excess of net investment income

   $ (204,420    $ (648,116


See accompanying notes to financial statements.




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Financial highlights


Selected data for a share of common stock outstanding throughout each year is presented below:


      For the years ended November 30,  
   2014     2013     2012     2011     2010  

Net asset value, beginning of year

   $ 10.42      $ 11.70      $ 11.37      $ 12.12      $ 11.94   

Net investment income1

     0.44        0.43        0.44        0.46        0.51   

Net realized and unrealized gains (losses)

     (0.09     (0.93     0.86        0.56        0.55   

Net increase (decrease) from operations

     0.35        (0.50     1.30        1.02        1.06   

Dividends from net investment income

     (0.46     (0.33     (0.46     (1.26     (0.84

Distributions from net realized gains

            (0.11     (0.51     (0.51     (0.04

Return of capital

     (0.12     (0.34                     

Total dividends, distributions, and return of capital

     (0.58     (0.78     (0.97     (1.77     (0.88

Net asset value, end of year

   $ 10.19      $ 10.42      $ 11.70      $ 11.37      $ 12.12   

Market price, end of year

   $ 8.70      $ 8.90      $ 10.71      $ 10.52      $ 11.74   

Total net asset value return2

     3.42     (4.56 )%      12.13     8.93     9.23

Total market price return3

     4.14     (10.23 )%      11.42     4.54     19.42

Ratios to average net assets:


Expenses before fee waivers

     1.20     1.24     1.22     1.22     1.23

Expenses after fee waivers

     1.16     1.19     1.17     1.17     1.18

Net investment income

     4.20     3.94     3.90     3.95     4.22

Supplemental data:


Net assets, end of year (000’s)

   $ 186,018      $ 190,185      $ 213,609      $ 207,562      $ 221,217   

Portfolio turnover rate

     46     78     182     121     59


1  Calculated using the average shares method.
2  Total net asset value return is calculated assuming a $10,000 purchase of common stock at the current net asset value on the first day of each year reported and a sale at the current net asset value on the last day of each year reported, and assuming reinvestment of dividends and other distributions at the net asset value on the payable dates. Total net asset value return does not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund dividends/distributions or a sale of Fund shares. Total return based on net asset value is hypothetical as investors cannot purchase or sell Fund shares at the net asset value but only at market prices.
3  Total market price return is calculated assuming a $10,000 purchase of common stock at the current market price on the first day of each year reported and a sale at the current market price on the last day of each year reported, and assuming reinvestment of dividends and other distributions at prices obtained under the Fund’s Dividend Reinvestment Plan. Total market price return does not reflect brokerage commissions or the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund dividends/distributions or a sale of Fund shares.


See accompanying notes to financial statements.




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Notes to financial statements


Organization and significant accounting policies

Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc. (the “Fund”) was incorporated in Maryland on November 15, 1991 and is registered with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) as a closed-end, non-diversified management investment company. The Fund’s primary investment objective is to achieve a high level of current income. As a secondary objective the Fund seeks capital appreciation, to the extent consistent with its primary objective.

In the normal course of business, the Fund enters into contracts that contain a variety of representations or that provide general indemnification for certain liabilities. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, as this would involve future claims that may be made against the Fund that have not yet occurred. However, the Fund has not had prior claims or losses pursuant to these contracts and expects the risk of loss to be remote.

The Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) is the exclusive reference of authoritative US generally accepted accounting principles (“US GAAP”) recognized by the FASB to be applied by nongovernmental entities. Rules and interpretive releases of the SEC under authority of federal laws are also sources of authoritative US GAAP for SEC registrants. The Fund’s financial statements are prepared in accordance with US GAAP, which may require the use of management estimates and assumptions. Actual results could differ from those estimates. The following is a summary of significant accounting policies:

Valuation of investments

The Fund calculates its net asset value based on the current market value, where available, for its portfolio securities. The Fund normally obtains market values for its investments from independent pricing sources and broker-dealers. Independent pricing sources may use last reported sale prices, official market closing prices, current market quotations or valuations from computerized evaluation systems that derive values based on comparable investments. An evaluation system incorporates parameters such as security quality, maturity and coupon, and/or research and evaluations by its staff, including review of broker-dealer market price quotations, if available, in determining the valuation of the portfolio investments. Investments also may be valued based on appraisals derived from information concerning the investment or similar investments received from recognized dealers in those holdings. Investments traded in the over-the counter (“OTC”) market and listed on The NASDAQ Stock Market, Inc. (“NASDAQ”) normally are valued at the NASDAQ Official Closing Price. Other OTC securities are valued at the last bid price on the valuation date prior to valuation. Investments which are listed on US and foreign stock exchanges normally are valued at the market close, the last sale price on the day the securities are valued or, lacking any sales on such day, at the last available bid price. In cases where investments are traded on more than one exchange, the investments are valued on the exchange designated as the primary market by UBS Global Asset Management (Americas) Inc. (“UBS Global AM” or the “Advisor”), the investment advisor of the Fund. UBS Global AM is an indirect asset management subsidiary of UBS Group AG, an internationally diversified organization with headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland and operations in many areas of the financial services industry. If a market value is not available from an independent pricing source for a particular investment, that investment is valued at fair value as determined in good faith by or under the direction of the Fund’s Board of Directors (the “Board”). Various factors may be reviewed in order to make a good faith determination of an investment’s fair value. These factors include, but are not limited to, fundamental analytical data relating to the investment; the nature and duration of restrictions on disposition of the investment; and the evaluation of forces which influence the market in which the investment is purchased and sold. Foreign currency exchange rates are generally determined as of the close of the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”).

Certain investments in which the Fund invests are traded in markets that close before 4:00 p.m., Eastern time. Normally, developments that occur between the close of the foreign markets and 4:00 p.m., Eastern time, will not be reflected in the Fund’s net asset value. However, if the Fund determines that such developments are so




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Notes to financial statements


significant that they will materially affect the value of the Fund’s investments, the Fund may adjust the previous closing prices to reflect what the Board believes to be the fair value of these investments as of 4:00 p.m., Eastern time.

The amortized cost method of valuation, which approximates market value, generally is used to value short-term debt instruments with sixty days or less remaining to maturity, unless the Board determines that this does not represent fair value. Investments in open-end investment companies are valued at the daily closing net asset value of the respective investment company. Pursuant to the Fund’s use of the practical expedient within ASC Topic 820, investments in non-registered investment companies are also valued at the daily net asset value. All investments quoted in foreign currencies are valued daily in US dollars on the basis of the foreign currency exchange rates prevailing at the time such valuation is determined by the Fund’s custodian and accounting agent.

Futures contracts are generally valued at the settlement price established each day on the exchange on which they are traded. Forward foreign currency contracts are valued daily using forward exchange rates quoted by independent pricing services.

Swaps are marked-to-market daily based upon values from third party vendors or quotations from market makers to the extent available, and the change in value, if any, is recorded as an unrealized gain or loss on the Statement of assets and liabilities. In the event that market quotations are not readily available or deemed unreliable, the swap is valued at fair value as determined in good faith by or under the direction of the Board (or a committee designated by it).

The Board has delegated to the UBS Global AM Global Valuation Committee (“GVC”) the responsibility for making fair value determinations with respect to the Fund’s portfolio holdings. The GVC is comprised of representatives of management, including members of the investment team.

The GVC provides reports to the Board at each quarterly meeting regarding any investments that have been fair valued, valued pursuant to standing instructions approved by the GVC, or where non-vendor pricing sources had been used to make fair value determinations when sufficient information exists during the prior quarter. Fair valuation determinations are subject to review at least monthly by the GVC during scheduled meetings. Pricing decisions, processes, and controls over fair value determinations are subject to internal and external reviews, including annual internal compliance reviews and periodic internal audit reviews of securities valuations.

The types of investments for which such fair value pricing may be necessary include, but are not limited to: foreign investments under some circumstances; securities of an issuer that has entered into a restructuring; investments whose trading has been halted or suspended; fixed income securities that are in default and for which there is no current market value quotation; and investments that are restricted as to transfer or resale. The need to fair value a Fund’s portfolio investments may also result from low trading volume in foreign markets or thinly traded domestic investments, and when a security that is subject to a trading limit or collar on the exchange or market on which it is primarily traded reaches the “limit up” or “limit down” price and no trading has taken place at that price. Various factors may be reviewed in order to make a good faith determination of an investment’s fair value. These factors include, but are not limited to, fundamental analytical data relating to the investment; the nature and duration of restrictions on disposition of the investments; and the evaluation of forces which influence the market in which the investments are purchased and sold. Valuing investments at fair value involves greater reliance on judgment than valuing investments that have readily available market quotations. Fair value determinations can also involve reliance on quantitative models employed by a fair value pricing service.




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Notes to financial statements


US GAAP requires disclosure regarding the various inputs that are used in determining the value of the Fund’s investments. These inputs are summarized into the three broad levels listed below:

Level 1—Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical investments.

Level 2—Other significant observable inputs, including but not limited to, quoted prices for similar investments, interest rates, prepayment speeds and credit risk.

Level 3—Unobservable inputs inclusive of the Fund’s own assumptions in determining the fair value of investments.

A fair value hierarchy has been included near the end of the Fund’s Portfolio of investments.

The provisions of ASC Topic 815 “Derivatives and Hedging” (“ASC Topic 815”) require qualitative disclosures about objectives and strategies for using derivatives, quantitative disclosures about fair value amounts of gains and losses on derivative instruments and disclosures about credit-risk related contingent features in derivative agreements. Since investment companies value their derivatives at fair value and recognize changes in fair value through the Statement of operations, they do not qualify for hedge accounting under ASC Topic 815. Accordingly, even though the Fund’s investments in derivatives may represent economic hedges, they are considered to be non-hedge transactions for purposes of disclosure under ASC Topic 815. ASC Topic 815 requires that (1) objectives for using derivative instruments be disclosed in terms of underlying risk and accounting designation, (2) the fair values of derivative instruments and their gains and losses be disclosed in a tabular format, and (3) information be disclosed about credit-risk contingent features of derivatives contracts. Details of this disclosure can be found below as well as in the Portfolio of investments. Swap agreements, forward foreign currency contracts, swaptions and options written entered into by the Fund may contain credit-risk related contingent features that could be triggered subject to certain circumstances. Such circumstances include agreed upon net asset value thresholds. If triggered, the derivative counterparty could request additional cash margin and/or terminate the derivative contract. The aggregate fair value of the derivative contracts that are in a net liability position that contain these triggers can be found in the Portfolio of investments. The aggregate fair value of assets that are already posted as collateral as of November 30, 2014 is reflected in the Statement of assets and liabilities. If the applicable credit-risk related contingent features were triggered as of November 30, 2014, the Fund would be required to post additional collateral or may be required to terminate the contracts and settle any amounts outstanding. The volume of derivatives that is presented in the Portfolio of investments of the Fund is consistent with the derivative activity during the year ended November 30, 2014. The Fund may be a seller of protection through credit default swap agreements which are by nature credit-risk contingent (the terms of these agreements can be found within the Portfolio of investments, with further discussion in the Notes to financial statements).




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Notes to financial statements


Disclosure of derivatives by underlying risk as of and for the year ended November 30, 2014 is as follows:


Asset derivatives  
rate risk
     Credit risk      Foreign

Forward foreign currency contracts1

   $       $       $ 1,090,563       $ 1,090,563   

Futures contracts2

     692,414                         692,414   

Options purchased1

     39,130                 174,699         213,829   

Swap agreements1,2

     5,989,521         532,685         2,208,828         8,731,034   

Total value

   $ 6,721,065       $ 532,685       $ 3,474,090       $ 10,727,840   


1  Statement of assets and liabilities location: Options purchased are shown within investments in securities of unaffiliated issuers, at value, outstanding swap agreements, at value (except centrally cleared swaps) and unrealized appreciation on forward foreign currency contracts.
2  Includes cumulative appreciation of futures contracts and centrally cleared swaps as reported in the futures contracts and centrally cleared swaps tables in the Portfolio of investments, but only the unpaid variation margin is reported within the Statement of assets and liabilities within Variation margin on futures contracts and swap agreements, respectively.


Liability derivatives  
rate risk
     Credit risk      Foreign

Forward foreign currency contracts1

   $       $       $ (2,063,884    $ (2,063,884

Futures contracts2

     (348,883                      (348,883

Options written1

     (1,310,533      (53,597              (1,364,130

Swap agreements1,2

     (7,601,067      (2,891,278      (2,278,302      (12,770,647

Total value

   $ (9,260,483    $ (2,944,875    $ (4,342,186    $ (16,547,544


1  Statement of assets and liabilities location: Options written, at value, outstanding swap agreements, at value (except centrally cleared swaps) and unrealized depreciation on forward foreign currency contracts.
2  Includes cumulative depreciation of futures contracts and centrally cleared swaps as reported in the futures contracts and centrally cleared swaps tables in the Portfolio of investments, but only the unpaid variation margin is reported within the Statement of assets and liabilities within Variation margin on futures contracts and swap agreements, respectively.

Activities in derivative instruments during the year ended November 30, 2014, were as follows:


rate risk
    Credit risk     Foreign

Net realized gain (loss)1


Forward foreign currency contracts

  $      $      $ (912,249   $ (912,249

Futures contracts

    (849,612                   (849,612

Options purchased2

    (1,991,632            (119,740     (2,111,372

Options written

    693,640        1,843,151        61,304        2,598,095   

Swap agreements

    803,202        180,622        (296,651     687,173   

Total net realized gain (loss)

  $ (1,344,402   $ 2,023,773      $ (1,267,336   $ (587,965

Change in net unrealized appreciation/depreciation3


Forward foreign currency contracts

  $      $      $ 661,963      $ 661,963   

Futures contracts

    117,793                      117,793   

Options purchased2

    (417,484            130,341        (287,143

Options written

    21,866        75,774        (43,511     54,129   

Swap agreements

    1,249,693        (733,935     (68,312     447,446   

Total change in net unrealized appreciation/depreciation

  $ 971,868      $ (658,161   $ 680,481      $ 994,188   




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Notes to financial statements



1  Statement of operations location: Net realized gain (loss) on futures contracts, options written, swap agreements and forward foreign currency contracts.
2  Realized and unrealized gain (loss) is included in net realized gain (loss) on investments and change in net unrealized appreciation/depreciation on investments.
3  Statement of operations location: Change in net unrealized appreciation/depreciation on futures contracts, options written, swap agreements and forward foreign currency contracts.

In January 2013, Accounting Standards Update 2013-01 (“ASU 2013-01”), “Clarifying the Scope of Disclosures about Offsetting Assets and Liabilities”, replaced Accounting Standards Update 2011-11 (“ASU 2011-11”), “Disclosures about Offsetting Assets and Liabilities”. ASU 2013-01 is effective for fiscal years beginning on or after January 1, 2013, and interim periods within those annual periods. ASU 2011-11 was intended to enhance disclosure requirements on the offsetting of financial assets and liabilities. ASU 2013-01 limits the scope of the new balance sheet offsetting disclosures to derivatives, repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements, and securities lending and borrowing transactions to the extent that they are (1) offset in the financial statements or (2) subject to an enforceable master netting arrangement or similar agreement.

The Fund typically enters into International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. Master Agreements (“ISDA Master Agreements”) or similar master agreements (collectively, “Master Agreements”) with its OTC derivative contract counterparties in order to, among other things, reduce its credit risk to counterparties. ISDA Master Agreements include provisions for general obligations, representations, collateral and events of default or termination. Under an ISDA Master Agreement, the Fund typically may offset with the counterparty certain derivative financial instrument’s payables and/or receivables with collateral held and/or posted and create one single net payment (close-out netting) in the event of default or termination.


Derivative Financial Instruments:    Assets ($)      Liabilities ($)  

Forward foreign currency contracts

     1,090,563         (2,063,884

Futures contracts

     692,414         (348,883

Options purchased


Options written


Swap agreements

     8,731,034         (12,770,647

Total gross amount of derivative assets and liabilities in the Statement of assets and liabilities

     10,727,840         (16,547,544

Derivatives not subject to a master netting agreement or similar agreement (“MNA”)

     (1,303,794      1,697,117   

Total gross amount of assets and liabilities subject to MNA or similar agreements

     9,424,046         (14,850,427

The following tables present the Fund’s derivative assets and liabilities by counterparty net of amounts available for offset under a MNA and net of the related collateral received/pledged by the Fund as of November 30, 2014.


Counterparty    Gross Amount of
Assets ($)
and Derivatives
Available for
Offset ($)
Received ($)*
Amount of
Assets ($)


     442,838         (442,838                


     2,244,139         (2,244,139                


     1,820,577         (1,820,577                


     1,048,076         (1,048,076                


     29,074         (29,074                


     2,104,359         (2,104,359                


     1,270,981         (1,270,981                


     459,532         (459,532                


     4,470                         4,470   


     9,424,046         (9,419,576              —         4,470   




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Notes to financial statements



Counterparty    Gross Amount of
Liabilities ($)
and Derivatives
Available for
Offset ($)
Pledged ($)*
Amount of
Liabilities ($)


     (2,176,760      442,838         1,733,922           


     (3,548,373      2,244,139         1,304,234           


     (2,638,084      1,820,577                 (817,507


     (1,347,188      1,048,076         299,112           


     (48,518      29,074                 (19,444


     (2,621,908      2,104,359         485,114         (32,435


     (1,449,373      1,270,981         178,392           


     (1,020,223      459,532         560,691           


     (14,850,427      9,419,576         4,561,465         (869,386


* In some instances, the actual collateral received and/or pledged may be more than the amount shown.

Restricted securities

The Fund may invest in securities that are subject to legal or contractual restrictions on resale. These securities generally may be resold in transactions exempt from registration or to the public if the securities are registered. Disposal of these securities may involve time-consuming negotiations and expenses, and prompt sale at an acceptable price may be difficult. Restricted securities are identified, if any, in the Portfolio of investments and information regarding them is included in the Fund’s Portfolio of investments footnotes.

Investment transactions and investment income

Investment transactions are recorded on the trade date. Realized gains and losses from investment and foreign exchange transactions are calculated using the identified cost method. Interest income is recorded on an accrual basis. Discounts are accreted and premiums are amortized as adjustments to interest income and the identified cost of investments.

During prior fiscal years, the amortization of premium and accretion of inflationary income for certain securities was accounted for incorrectly. These instances resulted in an understatement of net investment income and an overstatement of realized and unrealized gains/losses, but no impact on net increase in net assets from operations. As such, there was no corresponding impact to the net assets or the net asset value per share of the Fund in any prior year since this represented only a reclassification between income and capital accounts. The impact of these misclassifications was immaterial, and therefore, no changes to prior year reported amounts have been recorded. During the current fiscal year, the amortization of premium and recognition of inflationary income was calculated using the US GAAP approved method over the remaining contractual maturity period. The cumulative impact of these adjustments on the components of net assets as of the beginning of the year was to increase net unrealized depreciation by $43,877 (as a result of the change to amortized cost of impacted portfolio securities), increase distributions in excess of net investment income by $708,827 and decrease accumulated realized loss by $664,950.

Foreign currency translation

The Fund uses the foreign currency exchange rates determined as of the close of regular trading on the NYSE. For purposes of calculating the US dollar equivalent value of a non-US dollar denominated obligation, foreign currency amounts are translated into US dollars on the following basis: (1) market value of investment securities and other assets and liabilities—at the exchange rates prevailing at the end of the Fund’s fiscal period; and (2) purchases and sales of investment securities and income and expenses—at the rates of exchange prevailing on the respective dates of such transactions.




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Notes to financial statements


Although the net assets and the market value of the Fund’s portfolio are presented at the foreign exchange rates at the end of the Fund’s fiscal period, the Fund does not generally isolate the effect of fluctuations in foreign exchange rates from the effect of the changes in market prices of securities. However, the Fund does isolate the effect of fluctuations in foreign exchange rates when determining the realized gain or loss upon the sale or maturity of foreign currency-denominated securities pursuant to US federal income tax regulations. Certain foreign exchange gains and losses included in realized and unrealized gains and losses are included in, or are a reduction of, ordinary income in accordance with US federal income tax regulations.

Forward foreign currency contracts

The Fund may enter into forward foreign currency contracts (“forward contracts”) in connection with planned purchases or sales of securities or to hedge the US dollar value of portfolio securities denominated in a particular currency. The Fund may also use forward contracts in an attempt to enhance income or gains.

The Fund has no specific limitation on the percentage of assets which may be committed to such contracts. The Fund may enter into forward contracts or maintain a net exposure to forward contracts only if (1) the consummation of the contracts would not obligate the Fund to deliver an amount of foreign currency in excess of the value of the position being hedged by such contracts or (2) the Fund identifies cash or liquid securities in an amount not less than the value of its assets committed to the consummation of the forward contracts and not covered as provided in (1) above, as marked-to-market daily.

Risks may arise upon entering into forward contracts from the potential inability of counterparties to meet the terms of their forward contracts and from unanticipated movements in the value of foreign currencies relative to the US dollar.

Fluctuations in the value of forward contracts are recorded for book purposes as unrealized gains or losses by the Fund. Realized gains and losses include net gains and losses recognized by the Fund on contracts which have been sold or matured.

Futures contracts

The Fund may use financial futures contracts for hedging purposes and to adjust exposure to US and foreign fixed income markets in connection with a reallocation of the Fund’s assets or to manage the average duration of the Fund. The Fund may also use futures contracts in an attempt to enhance income or gains. However, imperfect correlations between futures contracts and the related securities or markets, or market disruptions, do not normally permit full control of these risks at all times. Using financial futures contracts involves various market risks, including interest rate risk. Risks of entering into futures contracts include the possibility that there may be an illiquid market or that a change in the value of the contract may not correlate with changes in the value of the underlying securities. To the extent that market prices move in an unexpected direction, there is a risk that the Fund will not achieve the anticipated benefits of the futures contract or may realize a loss.

Upon entering into a financial futures contract, the Fund is required to deliver to a broker an amount of cash and/ or liquid securities equal to a certain percentage of the contract amount. This amount is known as the “initial margin.” Subsequent payments, known as “variation margin,” are made or received by the Fund each day, depending on the daily fluctuations in the value of the underlying futures contracts. Such variation margin is recorded for financial statement purposes on a daily basis as an unrealized gain or loss on futures until the futures contract is closed or expires, at which time the net gain or loss is reclassified to realized gain or loss on futures.

Swap agreements

The Fund may engage in swap agreements, including but not limited to interest rate, currency, total return, and credit default swap agreements. The Fund expects to enter into these transactions to preserve a return or spread on a particular investment or to hedge a portion of the portfolio’s duration, to protect against any increase in the




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Notes to financial statements


price of securities the Fund anticipates purchasing at a later date, to gain exposure to certain markets in the most economical way possible or in an attempt to enhance income or gains.

The Fund may enter into interest rate swap agreements with another party to receive or pay interest (e.g., an exchange of fixed rate payments for floating rate payments) to protect itself from interest rate fluctuations. This type of swap is an agreement that obligates two parties to exchange a series of cash flows at specified intervals based upon or calculated by reference to a specified interest rate(s) for a specified amount. The payment flows are usually netted against each other, with the difference being paid by one party to the other. In addition, the Fund may enter into interest rate cap and floor transactions which involve an agreement between two parties in which one party agrees to make payments to the other when a designated market interest rate goes above (in the case of a cap) or below (in the case of a floor) a designated level on pre-determined dates or during a specified period. Interest rate swap agreements are subject to general market risk, liquidity risk, counterparty risk and interest rate risk.

The Fund may enter into currency swap agreements with another party to receive or pay amounts based on changes in currency exchange rates in order to protect itself from or take advantage of exchange rate fluctuations. The Fund utilizes currency swaps to earn income and enhance returns as well as to manage the risk profile of the Fund. This type of swap is an agreement that obligates two parties to exchange a series of cash flows at specified intervals based upon or calculated by reference to a specified currency exchange rate(s) for a specified amount. Currency swap agreements are subject to general market risk, liquidity risk, counterparty risk, foreign exchange risk and interest rate risk.

Credit default swap agreements involve commitments to make or receive payments in the event of a default or other credit event of a referenced security. As a buyer, the Fund would make periodic payments to the counterparty, and the Fund would receive payments only upon the occurrence of a credit event. If no credit event occurs, the Fund will lose its periodic stream of payments over the term of the contract. However, if a credit event does occur, the Fund typically would receive full notional value for a reference obligation that may have little or no value. As a seller, the Fund would receive periodic payments from the counterparty, and the Fund would make payments only upon the occurrence of a credit event. If no credit event occurs, the Fund will retain the periodic stream of payments it received over the term of the contract. However, if a credit event occurs, the Fund will pay full notional value for a reference obligation that may have little or no value. Credit default swaps may involve greater risks than if the Fund had invested in the reference obligation directly and are subject to general market risk, liquidity risk, counterparty risk and credit risk.

Credit default swap agreements on corporate issues or sovereign issues of an emerging market country involve one party making a stream of payments to another party in exchange for the right to receive a specified return in the event of a default or other credit event. If a credit event occurs and cash settlement is not elected, a variety of other obligations may be delivered in lieu of the specific referenced obligation. The ability to deliver other obligations may result in delivery of a security with a value other than had been anticipated (such as a party’s right to choose the deliverable obligation with the lowest value following a credit event). The Fund may use credit default swaps on corporate issues or sovereign issues of an emerging market country to provide a measure of protection against defaults of the issuers (i.e., to reduce risk where the Fund owns or has exposure to the referenced obligation) or to take an active long or short position with respect to the likelihood of a particular issuer’s default.

The maximum potential amount of future payments (undiscounted) that the Fund as a seller of protection could be required to make under a credit default swap agreement would be an amount equal to the notional amount of the agreement. Notional amounts of all credit default swap agreements outstanding as of November 30, 2014 for which the Fund is the seller of protection are disclosed under the sections “Credit default swaps on corporate and sovereign issues—sell protection” and “Credit default swaps on credit indices—sell protection” in the Portfolio of investments. These potential amounts would be partially offset by any recovery values of the respective referenced obligations, upfront payments received upon entering into the agreement, or net amounts received from the




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Notes to financial statements


settlement of buy protection credit default swap agreements entered into, if any, by the Fund for the same referenced entity or entities.

Total return swap agreements involve commitments to pay or receive interest in exchange for a market-linked return based on a notional amount. To the extent the total return of the security or index underlying the transaction exceeds or falls short of the offsetting interest rate obligation, the Fund will receive a payment from or make a payment to the counterparty, respectively. Total return swaps are marked-to-market daily, and the change, if any, is recorded as unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Total return swap agreements are subject to general market risk, liquidity risk, counterparty risk and the risk that there may be unfavorable changes in the underlying investments or instruments.

Certain clearinghouses currently offer clearing for limited types of derivatives transactions, such as interest and credit derivatives. In a cleared derivative transaction, a Fund typically enters into the transaction with a financial institution counterparty, and performance of the transaction is effectively guaranteed by a central clearinghouse, thereby reducing or eliminating the Fund’s exposure to the credit risk of its original counterparty. The Fund will be required to post specified levels of margin with the clearinghouse or at the instruction of the clearinghouse; the margin required by a clearinghouse may be greater than the margin the Fund would be required to post in an uncleared transaction. Only a limited number of transactions are currently eligible for clearing. Centrally cleared swaps, if any, are reported on the Statement of assets and liabilities based on variation margin received or paid, if any.

The use of swap agreements involves investment techniques and risks different from those associated with ordinary portfolio security transactions. If UBS Global AM is incorrect in its forecast of market values, interest rates and other applicable factors, the investment performance of the Fund will be less favorable than it would have been if this investment technique was never used. Swap agreements do not involve the delivery of securities and are subject to counterparty risk. If the other party to a swap agreement defaults and fails to consummate the transaction, the Fund’s risk of loss will consist of the net amount of interest or other payments that the Fund is contractually entitled to receive. Therefore, the Fund would consider the creditworthiness of the counterparty to a swap agreement in evaluating potential credit risk.

The Fund accrues for interim payments on swap agreements on a daily basis, with the net amount recorded within outstanding swap agreements on the Statement of assets and liabilities. Once interim payments are settled in cash, the net amount is recorded as realized gain/loss on swap agreements, in addition to realized gain/loss recorded upon the termination of swap agreements on the Statement of operations. Fluctuations in the value of swap agreements are recorded for financial statement purposes as unrealized appreciation or depreciation on swap agreements.

Structured notes

The Fund may invest in structured notes whose values are based on the price movements of a referenced security or index. The value of these structured notes will rise and fall in response to changes in the referenced security or index. On the maturity date of each structured note, the Fund will receive a payment from a counterparty based on the value of the referenced security or index (notional amount multiplied by the price of the referenced security or index) and record a realized gain or loss. Structured notes may present a greater degree of market risk than many types of securities and may be more volatile and less liquid than less complex securities. Structured notes are also subject to the risk that the issuer of the structured notes may fail to perform its contractual obligations.

Option writing

The Fund may write (sell) put and call options on foreign or US securities, indices, foreign currencies and interest rate swaps (commonly referred to as swaptions), in order to gain exposure to or protect against changes in the markets. When the Fund writes a call or a put option, an amount equal to the premium received by the Fund is included in the Fund’s Statement of assets and liabilities as an asset and as an equivalent liability. The amount of




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Notes to financial statements


the liability is subsequently marked-to-market to reflect the current market value of the option written. If an option which the Fund has written either expires on its stipulated expiration date or the Fund enters into a closing purchase transaction, the Fund realizes a gain (or loss if the cost of a closing purchase transaction exceeds the premium received when the option was written) without regard to any unrealized gain or loss on the underlying security or derivative instrument, and the liability related to such option is extinguished. If a call option which the Fund has written is exercised, the Fund recognizes a realized gain or loss (long-term or short-term, depending on the holding period of the underlying security) from the sale of the underlying security or derivative instrument and the proceeds from the sale are increased by the premium originally received. If a put option which the Fund has written is exercised, the amount of the premium originally received reduces the cost of the security or derivative instrument which the Fund purchases upon exercise of the option.

In writing an option, the Fund bears the market risk of an unfavorable change in the price of the derivative instrument, security, index or currency underlying the written option. Exercise of an option written by the Fund could result in the Fund selling or buying a derivative instrument, security or currency at a price different from current market value.

Purchased options

The Fund may purchase put and call options on foreign or US securities, indices, foreign currencies and interest rate swaps (commonly referred to as swaptions), as well as exchange listed call options on particular market segment indices to achieve temporary exposure to a specific security, currency, industry or geographic region. Purchasing call options tends to increase exposure to the underlying instrument. Purchasing put options tends to decrease exposure to the underlying instrument. The Fund pays a premium which is included in the Statement of assets and liabilities as an investment and subsequently marked-to-market to reflect the current value of the option. Premiums paid for purchasing options which expire are treated as realized losses. The risk associated with purchasing put and call options is limited to the premium paid. Premiums paid for purchasing options which are exercised or closed are added to the amounts paid or offset against the proceeds on the underlying futures, security or currency transaction to determine the realized gain or loss.

Dividends and distributions

Dividends and distributions to shareholders are recorded on the ex-distribution date. The amount of dividends from net investment income and distributions from net realized capital gains and/or return of capital are determined in accordance with income tax regulations, which may differ from US GAAP. These “book/tax” differences are either considered temporary or permanent in nature. To the extent these differences are permanent in nature, such amounts are reclassified within the capital accounts based on their federal tax-basis treatment; temporary differences do not require reclassification.

Concentration of risk

Investing in securities of foreign issuers and currency transactions may involve certain considerations and risks not typically associated with investments in US securities. These risks include revaluation of currencies, adverse fluctuations in foreign currency values and possible adverse political, social and economic developments, including those particular to a specific industry, country or region, which could cause the securities and their markets to be less liquid and prices more volatile than those of comparable US companies and US government securities. These risks are greater with respect to securities of issuers located in emerging market countries in which the Fund invests. The ability of the issuers of debt securities held by the Fund to meet their obligations may be affected by economic and political developments particular to a specific industry, country, state or region.

Investment advisor and administrator and other transactions with related entities

The Fund’s Board has approved an investment advisory and administration contract dated August 1, 2014, with UBS Global AM (the “Advisory Contract”); the Advisory Contract superseded an earlier agreement (the “Prior Advisory Contract”). The only substantive difference between the Advisory Contract and the Prior Advisory




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Notes to financial statements


Contract is that the Advisory Contract reflects a Board approved reduction in the contractual investment advisory and administration fee paid to UBS Global AM.

Pursuant to the Prior Advisory Contract, the Fund had agreed to pay UBS Global AM an investment advisory and administration fee, accrued weekly and paid monthly, at the annual rate of 1.00% of the Fund’s average weekly net assets. UBS Global AM had, since August 2009, voluntarily waived from year-to-year compensation otherwise payable to it under the Prior Advisory Contract so that it was paid at the annual rate of 0.95% of the Fund’s average weekly net assets.

When the Prior Advisory Contract was superseded by the Advisory Contract, effective August 1, 2014, the contractual fee rate was changed from 1.00% to a rate of 0.85% of the Fund’s average weekly net assets. Given the new, lower contractual fee rate under the Advisory Contract, the voluntary year-to-year waiver arrangements that related to the Prior Advisory Contract were replaced by the ongoing lower contractual fee under the Advisory Contract, namely the 0.85% rate. At November 30, 2014, the Fund owed UBS Global AM $266,536 in investment advisory and administration fees. For the year ended November 30, 2014, UBS Global AM waived $64,018 of investment advisory and administration fees from the Fund.

Additional information regarding compensation to affiliate of a board member

Professor Meyer Feldberg serves as a senior advisor to Morgan Stanley, a financial services firm with which the Fund may conduct transactions, resulting in him being an interested director of the Fund. The Fund has been informed that Professor Feldberg’s role at Morgan Stanley does not involve matters directly affecting any UBS funds. Fund transactions are executed through Morgan Stanley based on that firm’s ability to provide best execution of the transactions. For the year ended November 30, 2014, the Fund purchased and sold certain securities (e.g., fixed income securities) in principal trades with Morgan Stanley having an aggregate value of $15,821,207. Morgan Stanley received compensation in connection with these trades, which may have been in the form of a “mark-up” or “mark-down” of the price of the securities, a fee from the issuer for maintaining a commercial paper program, or some other form of compensation. Although the precise amount of this compensation is not generally known by UBS Global AM, UBS Global AM believes that under normal circumstances it represents a small portion of the total value of the transactions.

Securities lending

The Fund may lend securities up to 33 13% of its total assets to qualified broker-dealers or institutional investors. The loans are secured at all times by cash, cash equivalents or US government securities in an amount at least equal to 102% of the market value of the securities loaned with respect to domestic securities and 105% of the market value of the securities loaned with respect to foreign securities, plus accrued interest and dividends, determined on a daily basis and adjusted accordingly.

The Fund will regain ownership of loaned securities to exercise certain beneficial rights; however, the Fund may bear the risk of delay in recovery of, or even loss of rights in, the securities loaned should the borrower fail financially. The Fund receives compensation for lending its securities from interest or dividends earned on the cash, cash equivalents or US government securities held as collateral, net of fee rebates paid to the borrower plus reasonable administrative and custody fees. The Fund did not lend any securities during the year ended November 30, 2014.

Capital stock

There are 100,000,000 shares of $0.001 par value common stock authorized and 18,258,828 shares outstanding at November 30, 2014. For the year ended November 30, 2014 and for the year ended November 30, 2013, there were no transactions involving common stock.

Purchases and sales of securities

For the year ended November 30, 2014, aggregate purchases and sales of portfolio securities, excluding short-term securities and US government and agency securities, were as follows: $81,925,243, and $75,972,925, respectively.




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Notes to financial statements


For the same period, aggregate purchases and sales of US government and agency securities, excluding short-term securities, were as follows: $3,869,515, and $9,591,995, respectively.

Federal tax status

It is the Fund’s policy to comply with all requirements of the Internal Revenue Code applicable to regulated investment companies and to distribute substantially all of its taxable income to its shareholders. In addition, by distributing during each calendar year substantially all of its net investment income, net realized capital gains and certain other amounts, if any, the Fund intends not to be subject to a federal excise tax. Accordingly, no federal income tax provision was required.

The tax character of distributions paid during the fiscal years ended November 30, 2014 and November 30, 2013 were as follows:


Distributions paid from:    2014      2013  

Ordinary income

   $ 8,374,665       $ 4,832,639   

Return of capital

     2,162,505         6,262,369   

Net long-term capital gains


Total distributions paid

   $ 10,537,170       $ 14,212,671   

At November 30, 2014, the components of accumulated earnings (deficit) on a tax basis were as follows:


Accumulated capital and other losses

   $ (3,897,423

Net unrealized depreciation


Total accumulated deficit

   $ (11,526,982

The difference between book-basis and tax-basis net unrealized appreciation is attributable to wash sales, premium amortization adjustments, tax treatment of certain inflation protected debt securities and derivative related adjustments.

To reflect reclassifications arising from permanent “book/tax” differences for the year ended November 30, 2014, the Fund’s distributions in excess of net investment income was decreased $74,029, accumulated net realized loss was decreased $54,985, and capital stock was decreased $129,014. These differences are primarily due to the tax treatment of foreign currency transactions, paydown gains and losses, swap adjustments, inflation protected debt securities, tax character of distributions and adjustments for certain debt obligations.

Under the Regulated Investment Company Modernization Act of 2010 (the “Act”), net capital losses recognized by the Fund after December 22, 2010 may be carried forward indefinitely, and retain their character as short-term and/or long-term losses.

At November 30, 2014, the Fund had post-enactment net capital losses incurred that will be carried forward indefinitely as follows:


  $402,682      $ 2,864,206      $ 3,266,888   

Qualified late year losses are deemed to arise on the first business day of a Fund’s next taxable year. For the year ended November 30, 2014, the Fund did not incur, or elect to defer any such losses.




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Notes to financial statements


ASC 740-10 “Income Taxes—Overall” sets forth a minimum threshold for financial statement recognition of the benefit of a tax position taken or expected to be taken. The Fund has conducted an analysis and concluded, as of November 30, 2014, that there are no significant uncertain tax positions taken or expected to be taken that would require recognition in the financial statements. It is the Fund’s policy to record any significant foreign tax exposures on the financial statements. The Fund recognizes interest and penalties, if any, related to uncertain tax positions as income tax expense in the Statement of operations. During the year ended November 30, 2014, the Fund did not incur any interest or penalties. Capital gains realized by the Fund on securities issued in or by certain foreign countries may be subject to capital gains tax imposed by those countries.

Each of the tax years in the four year period ended November 30, 2014 remains subject to examination by the Internal Revenue Service and state taxing authorities.




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Report of Ernst & Young LLP, independent registered public accounting firm


The Board of Directors and Shareholders of Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities of Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc. (the “Fund”), including the portfolio of investments, as of November 30, 2014, and the related statement of operations for the year then ended, the statement of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended. These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement. We were not engaged to perform an audit of the Fund’s internal control over financial reporting. Our audits included consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Fund’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements and financial highlights, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of November 30, 2014, by correspondence with the custodian and others or by other appropriate auditing procedures where replies from others were not received. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc. at November 30, 2014, the results of its operations for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended, in conformity with US generally accepted accounting principles.



New York, New York

January 29, 2015




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Tax information (unaudited)


Dividends received by tax-exempt recipients (e.g., IRAs and Keoghs) need not be reported as taxable income. Some retirement trusts (e.g., corporate, Keogh and 403(b)(7) plans) may need this information for their annual reporting. Since the Fund’s fiscal year is not the calendar year, another notification will be sent in respect of calendar year 2014. The second notification, which will reflect the amount to be used by calendar year taxpayers on their federal income tax returns, will be made in conjunction with Form 1099 DIV and will be mailed no later than January 31, 2015. Shareholders are advised to consult their own tax advisors with respect to the tax consequences of their investment in the Fund.

The foreign taxes paid represent taxes incurred by the Fund on income received by the Fund from foreign sources. Foreign taxes paid may be included in taxable income with an offsetting deduction from gross income or may be taken as a credit for taxes paid to foreign governments. For the year ended November 30, 2014, there was no foreign tax credit passed through to shareholders. You should consult your tax advisor regarding the appropriate treatment of foreign taxes paid.




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

General information



The Fund

Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc. (the “Fund”) is a non-diversified, closed-end management investment company whose shares trade on the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”). The Fund’s primary investment objective is to achieve a high level of current income. As a secondary objective, the Fund seeks capital appreciation, to the extent consistent with its primary objective. There can be no assurance that the Fund’s investment objective will be achieved. The Fund’s investment advisor and administrator is UBS Global Asset Management (Americas) Inc. (“UBS Global AM”).

Shareholder information

The Fund’s NYSE trading symbol is “SGL.” Net asset value and market price information as well as other

information about the Fund is updated each business day on UBS’s web site at the following internet address: http://globalam-us.ubs.com/corpweb/closedendedfunds.do.

Quarterly Form N-Q portfolio schedule

The Fund will file its complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The Fund’s Forms N-Q are available on the SEC’s Web site at http://www.sec.gov. The Fund’s Forms N-Q may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. Information on the operation of the SEC’s Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-202-551-8090. Additionally, you may obtain copies of Form N-Q from the Fund upon request by calling 1-888-793 8637.

Proxy voting policies, procedures and record

You may obtain a description of the Fund’s (1) proxy voting policies (2) proxy voting procedures, and (3) information regarding how the Fund voted any proxies related to portfolio securities during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30 for which an SEC filing has been made, without charge, upon request by contacting the Fund directly at 1-888-793 8637, online on UBS’s Web site: http://www.ubs.com/us/en/asset_management/individual_investors/closed_end_funds.html or on the EDGAR Database on the SEC’s Web site (http://www.sec.gov).

Dividend reinvestment plan

The Fund’s Board has established a Dividend Reinvestment Plan (the “Plan”) under which all shareholders whose shares are registered in their own names, or in the name of UBS Financial Services Inc. or its nominee, will have all dividends and other distributions on their shares of common stock automatically reinvested in additional shares, unless such shareholders elect to receive cash.

Shareholders who elect to hold their shares in the name of another broker or nominee should contact such broker or nominee to determine whether, or how, they may participate in the Plan.

The ability of such shareholders to participate in the Plan may change if their shares are transferred into the name of another broker or nominee.

A shareholder may elect not to participate in the Plan or may terminate participation in the Plan at any time without penalty, and shareholders who have previously terminated participation in the Plan may rejoin it at any time. Changes in elections must be made in writing to the Fund’s transfer agent and should include the shareholder’s name and address as they appear on that share certificate or in the transfer agent’s records.

An election to terminate participation in the Plan, until such election is changed, will be deemed an election by a shareholder to take all subsequent distributions in cash. An election will be effective only for distributions declared and having a record date at least ten days after the date on which the election is received.




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

General information



Additional shares of common stock acquired under the Plan will be purchased in the open market, on the NYSE or otherwise, at prices that may be higher or lower than the net asset value per share at the time of the purchase. Investors should consider whether continued participation in the dividend reinvestment plan is appropriate for them when the Fund’s market price exceeds its net asset value; a portion of a dividend/distribution may represent a return of capital, which would be reinvested in the Fund at a premium to net asset value. The number of shares of common stock purchased with each dividend/distribution will be equal to the result obtained by dividing the amount of the dividend/distribution payable to a particular shareholder by the average price per share (including applicable brokerage commissions) that the transfer agent was able to obtain in the open market. The Fund will not issue any new shares in connection with the Plan. There currently is no charge to participants for reinvesting dividends or other distributions. The transfer agent’s fees for handling the reinvestment of distributions are paid by the Fund. However, each participant pays a pro rata share of brokerage commissions incurred with respect to the transfer agent’s open market purchases of common stock in connection with the reinvestment of distributions. The automatic reinvestment of dividends and other distributions in shares of common stock does not relieve participants of any income tax that may be payable on such distributions.

Experience under the Plan may indicate that changes are desirable. Accordingly, the Fund reserves the right to amend or terminate the Plan with respect to any dividend or other distribution if notice of the change is sent to Plan participants at least 30 days before the record date for such distribution. The Plan also may be amended or terminated by the transfer agent by at least 30 days’ written notice to all Plan participants. Additional information regarding the Plan may be obtained from, and all correspondence concerning the Plan should be directed to, the transfer agent at BNY Mellon Shareowner Services, P.O. Box 358035, Pittsburgh, PA 15252-8035. For further information regarding the Plan, you may also contact the transfer agent directly at 1-866-352 5528.

Distribution policy

The Fund’s Board adopted a managed distribution policy in May 1998, which was revised (1) effective January 2000, (2) in May 2005, (3) effective August 2009, (4) effective June 2011 and (5) effective June 2014. Pursuant to the policy as in effect from January 2000 through early May 2005, the Fund made regular monthly distributions at an annualized rate equal to 10% of the Fund’s net asset value, as determined as of the last trading day during the first week of that month (usually a Friday unless the NYSE is closed that Friday). The Board approved reducing the annualized rate for distribution pursuant to the policy from 10% to 8% effective beginning with the June 2005 monthly distribution. The Board approved a further reduction in the annualized rate for distributions pursuant to the policy from 8% to 7% in July 2009, effective beginning with the August 2009 monthly distribution. The Board again approved a further reduction in the annualized rate of distribution pursuant to the policy from 7% to 6% in May 2011, effective beginning with the June 2011 monthly distribution. Most recently, the Board approved a reduction in the annualized rate for distributions pursuant to the policy from 6% to 5% in May 2014, effective beginning with the June 2014 monthly distribution. From May 31, 1998 through January 2000, the Fund’s managed distribution was 8% of the Fund’s net asset value as determined as of the last trading day during the first week of the month. Prior to May 31, 1998, the Fund’s distributions varied based on the Fund’s net investment income and realized capital gains or losses.

Monthly distributions based on a fixed percentage of the Fund’s net asset value may require the Fund to make multiple distributions of long-term capital gains during a single fiscal year. The Fund has received exemptive relief from the Securities and Exchange Commission that enables it to do so. The Fund’s Board receives recommendations from UBS Global AM, the Fund’s investment advisor, periodically and no less frequently than annually will reassess the annualized percentage of net assets at which the Fund’s monthly distributions will be made.

The above information supplements that contained on the inside front cover of this report.




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

General information



Revised distribution characteristics for distributions made during the fiscal year ended November 30, 2014

During the fiscal year ended November 30, 2014, the Fund issued press releases and notices to shareholders estimating information regarding the sources of its monthly distributions. Those press releases and related shareholder notices indicated that distributions during this time were estimated to be sourced from a combination of net investment income, capital gains and/or a return of capital. As discussed in the Notes to the financial statements in the “Investment transactions and investment income” section, there was an issue regarding the amortization of premium and accretion of inflationary income for certain securities at the time that the Fund issued those press releases and notices. These instances resulted in an understatement of net investment income and an overstatement of realized and unrealized gains/losses which has since been addressed in the reclassifications noted in the financial statements.

The November 2014 press release and notice reported that an estimated 82% of the distributions made during the fiscal year ended November 30, 2014 was attributed to net investment income and the remaining 18% was attributed to a return of capital. As a result of the aforementioned accounting reclassifications, the estimated sources of distributions during the fiscal year ended November 30, 2014 should have been reported as 85% attributed to net investment income with the remaining 15% to return of capital. This allocation does not change the amount of the distributions that had been paid, only their estimated characteristics, and is not being provided for tax reporting purposes. The Fund will send you a Form 1099-DIV (or your financial intermediary should provide you with similar information) for the calendar year that will tell you how to report these distributions for federal income tax purposes.




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Board approval of investment advisory and administration contract (unaudited)


Background—At a meeting of the board of Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc. (the “Fund”), a closed-end investment company, on July 15-16, 2014, the members of the board, including the directors who are not “interested persons” of the Fund (“Independent Directors”), as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), considered and approved an amended and restated investment advisory and administration contract (the “Investment Advisory and Administration Contract”) of the Fund with UBS Global Asset Management (Americas) Inc. (“UBS Global AM”). (As indicated below, the only substantive differences between the current contract and the amended and restated contract related to the reduction in contractual advisory and administration fees. For convenience of reference, both the then current as well as the proposed amended and restated contracts may be referred to as the “Investment Advisory and Administration Contract.”) In preparing for the meeting, the board members had requested and received extensive information from UBS Global AM to assist them, including information about UBS Global AM, as well as the advisory and administrative arrangements for the Fund. The Independent Directors discussed the materials initially provided by management on several occasions prior to the scheduled board meeting. The Independent Directors also met in executive session after management’s presentation was completed to review the disclosure that had been made to them at the meeting. At these sessions the Independent Directors were joined by their independent legal counsel. The Independent Directors also received a memorandum from their independent legal counsel discussing the duties of board members in considering the approval of advisory, administration and distribution agreements.

In its consideration of the approval of the Investment Advisory and Administration Contract, the board evaluated the following factors:

Nature, extent and quality of the services under the Investment Advisory and Administration Contract—The board received and considered information regarding the nature, extent and quality of advisory services provided to the Fund, a registered closed-end investment company, by UBS Global AM under the Investment Advisory and Administration Contract during the past year. The board also considered the nature, extent and quality of administrative and shareholder services performed by UBS Global AM and its affiliates for the Fund and the resources devoted to, and the record of compliance with, the Fund’s compliance policies and procedures. The board noted that it received information at regular meetings throughout the year regarding the services rendered by UBS Global AM concerning the management of the Fund’s affairs and UBS Global AM’s role in coordinating and overseeing providers of other services to the Fund. The board’s evaluation of the services provided by UBS Global AM took into account the board’s knowledge and familiarity gained as board members of funds in the UBS New York fund complex, including the scope and quality of UBS Global AM’s investment advisory and other capabilities and the quality of its administrative and other services. The board observed that the scope of services provided by UBS Global AM had expanded over time as a result of regulatory and other developments, including maintaining and monitoring its own and the Fund’s expanded compliance programs.

The board had available to it the qualifications, backgrounds and responsibilities of the senior personnel at UBS Global AM responsible for the Fund and had previously met with and received information regarding the persons primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of the Fund. The board recognized that the Fund’s senior personnel at UBS Global AM report to the board regularly and that at each regular meeting the board receives a detailed report from UBS Global AM on the Fund’s performance. The board also considered, based on its knowledge of UBS Global AM and its affiliates, the financial resources available to UBS Global AM and its parent organization, UBS AG. In that regard, the board received extensive financial information regarding UBS Global AM and noted that it was a wholly owned, indirect subsidiary of one of the largest financial services firms in the world. It also was noted that UBS Global AM had approximately $158 billion in assets under management as of March 31, 2014 and was part of the UBS Global Asset Management Division, which had approximately $674 billion in assets under management worldwide as of March 31, 2014. The board also was cognizant of, and considered, the regulatory and litigation actions and investigations occurring in the past few years involving UBS AG, UBS Global AM and certain of their affiliates.




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Board approval of investment advisory and administration contract (unaudited)


The board concluded that, overall, it was satisfied with the nature, extent and quality of services provided (and expected to be provided) to the Fund under the Investment Advisory and Administration Contract.

Advisory fees and expense ratios—The board reviewed and considered the contractual management fee (the “Contractual Management Fee”) payable by the Fund to UBS Global AM in light of the nature, extent and quality of the advisory and administrative services provided by UBS Global AM pursuant to the Investment Advisory and Administration Contract. The board also reviewed and considered the fee waiver arrangements for the Fund and considered the actual fee rate (after taking any waivers into account) (the “Actual Management Fee”) payable by the Fund. Additionally, the board received and considered information comparing the Fund’s Contractual Management Fee, Actual Management Fee and total expenses with those of funds in a group of funds selected and provided by Lipper, Inc. (“Lipper”), an independent provider of investment company data (the “Expense Group”). The Expense Group consisted of the Fund and two other comparable non-leveraged funds.

In connection with its consideration of the Fund’s management fees, the board also received information on UBS Global AM’s standard institutional account fees for accounts of a similar investment type to the Fund. The board noted management’s explanation that comparisons with such accounts may be of limited relevance given the different structures and regulatory requirements of closed-end funds, such as the Fund, versus those accounts and the differences in the levels of services required by the Fund and those accounts. The board also received information on fees charged to other funds managed by UBS Global AM.

The comparative Lipper information showed that the Fund’s Contractual Management Fee, Actual Management Fee and total expenses were above the respective Expense Group medians (in each case, the highest in the Expense Group). As in previous years, management explained that the Fund’s higher total expense ratio is a factor of a slightly larger management fee and higher other non-management expenses. Management noted that the small peer group makes expense evaluation challenging, particularly considering that one of the expense group peers is significantly larger in size (six times the size of the Fund) and thus has a smaller other non-management expense structure. Management noted that Lipper had changed the composition of the Fund’s Expense Group, resulting in the replacement of a peer fund with another peer fund that has a less similar mandate to the Fund. Management also noted that the Fund has a broader investment mandate than some of its peers, one of which invests almost exclusively in global sovereign debt markets. Management further noted that, unlike some of its peers, the Fund allocates broadly across a variety of fixed income markets which includes, but is not limited to, sovereign (developed and emerging) and supranational debt, investment grade and high yield corporate debt, residential and commercial mortgage-backed securities, as well as collateralized debt and loan obligations. Management further noted that, in addition to actively managing duration/curve strategies and spread sectors, the Fund also implements an active currency strategy to add value. Management also noted that UBS Global AM had been waiving 5 basis points (0.05%) of its advisory fee through July 31, 2014, making the Fund’s effective Actual Management Fee, after the waiver, 95 basis points (0.95%) of the Fund’s average weekly net assets until July 31, 2014. Management proposed to further reduce the Fund’s advisory fee so that it is paid at the annual rate of 85 basis points (0.85%) of the Fund’s average weekly net assets and to reflect the proposed reduction by amending and restating the Fund’s Investment Advisory and Administration Contract to set the advisory fee at 85 basis points—thus achieving simplicity versus ongoing annual waivers but conceding the ability to increase the fee in the future absent a shareholder vote.

In light of the foregoing, including the proposed contractual fee reduction, the board determined that the management fee was reasonable in light of the nature, extent and quality of services provided to the Fund under the Investment Advisory and Administration Contract. Nonetheless, the board determined that it would closely monitor the Fund’s expenses over the upcoming year.

Fund performance—The board received and considered (a) annualized total return information of the Fund compared to other funds (the “Performance Universe”) selected by Lipper over the one-, three-, five-, ten-year and




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Board approval of investment advisory and administration contract (unaudited)


since inception periods ended April 30, 2014, (b) annualized performance information for each year in the ten-year period ended April 30, 2014 and (c) the performance of the Fund’s shares based on market action, including discounts from and premiums to net asset value per share. Although the board received information for the ten-year and since inception periods, in its analysis, it generally placed greater emphasis on the one-, three- and five-year periods. The board was provided with a description of the methodology Lipper used to determine the similarity of the Fund with the funds included in its Performance Universe.

The comparative Lipper information showed that the Fund’s performance was at or above the Performance Universe median for the one-, three- and five-year periods, and below the median for the ten-year and since inception periods. Management noted that the Performance Universe, which includes only two peer funds, was too small to effectively rank the Fund’s performance. Management noted that the Fund outperformed its benchmark during the most recent one-year period and discussed performance versus its benchmark during prior periods as well. Management stated that while its focus on spread sectors was rewarded, its more defensive duration positioning in US holdings detracted more recently as US long-term yields generally declined in early 2014. Management further explained that the Fund’s preference for local debt, its underweight in other developed sovereign debt markets and it underweight in Japanese yen also detracted from performance. Management noted, however, that, relative to peers, the Fund remains well positioned for the three- and five-year periods.

Based on its review of the Fund and management’s presentation, the board concluded that the Fund’s investment performance was acceptable.

Advisor profitability—The board received and considered a profitability analysis of UBS Global AM and its affiliates in providing services to the Fund. The board also received profitability information with respect to the UBS New York fund complex as a whole. UBS Global AM’s profitability was considered not excessive in light of the nature, extent and quality of the services provided to the Fund.

Economies of scale—The board received and considered information from management regarding whether UBS Global AM has realized economies of scale with respect to management of the Fund, whether the Fund has appropriately benefited from any economies of scale, and whether there is potential for realization of further economies of scale for the Fund. The board considered whether economies of scale in the provision of services to the Fund were being passed along to the shareholders.

The board noted that the Fund’s Contractual Management Fee did not contain any breakpoints. The board also noted that advisory contracts of closed-end funds frequently do not contain breakpoints applicable to a fund’s current asset size. Management informed the board that the Fund, as a closed-end investment company, was not expected to materially increase in size; thus, UBS Global AM did not expect to materially benefit from economies of scale.

Other benefits to UBS Global AM—The board considered other benefits received by UBS Global AM and its affiliates as a result of its relationship with the Fund, including the opportunity to offer additional products and services to Fund shareholders.

In light of the costs of providing investment advisory, administrative and other services to the Fund and UBS Global AM’s ongoing commitment to the Fund, the profits and other ancillary benefits that UBS Global AM and its affiliates received were considered reasonable.

In light of all of the foregoing, the board approved the proposed amended and restated Investment Advisory and Administration Contract. No single factor reviewed by the board was identified by the board as the principal factor in determining whether to approve the Investment Advisory and Administration Contract. The Independent Directors were advised by separate independent legal counsel throughout the process. The board discussed the proposed amended and restated Investment Advisory and Administration Contract in private sessions with its independent legal counsel at which no representatives of UBS Global AM were present.




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Supplemental information (unaudited)


Board of Directors & Officers

The Fund is governed by a Board of Directors which oversees the Fund’s operations. Directors are classified into three classes. The term of office of one class of directors will expire at the Fund’s 2015 annual stockholders meeting, with another class expiring at the 2016 meeting and the remaining class’s term expiring at the 2017 meeting, and when the successors to the members of each class have been elected. The Board members were classified as follows: Class I—Richard R. Burt and Meyer Feldberg; Class II—Bernard H. Garil and Heather R. Higgins; and Class III—Richard Q. Armstrong, Alan S. Bernikow and David Malpass. Officers are appointed by the directors and serve at the pleasure of the Board.

The table below shows, for each director and officer, his or her name, address and age, the position held with the Fund, the length of time served as a director or officer of the Fund, the director’s or officer’s principal occupations during the last five years, the number of funds in the UBS fund complex overseen by the director or for which a person served as an officer, and other directorships held by the director.

The Fund’s most recent proxy statement for an annual meeting of shareholders contains additional information about the directors and is expected to be mailed to shareholders around the same time as this annual report.

Interested Directors:


and age
held with
  Term of office
and length of
time served
during past
5 years
  Number of
portfolios in fund
complex overseen
by director
held by

Meyer Feldberg; 72

Morgan Stanley

1585 Broadway

36th Floor

New York, NY 10036


Since 1992;

Term expires 2017

  Professor Feldberg is Dean Emeritus and Professor of Leadership and Ethics at Columbia Business School, although on an extended leave of absence. He is also a senior advisor to Morgan Stanley (financial services) (since 2005). Professor Feldberg also served as president of New York City Global Partners (an organization located in part of the Office of the Mayor of the City of New York that promoted interaction with other cities around the world) (2007-2014). Prior to 2004, he was Dean and Professor of Management of the Graduate School of Business at Columbia University (since 1989).   Professor Feldberg is a director or trustee of 19 investment companies (consisting of 51 portfolios) for which UBS Global Asset Management (Americas) Inc. (“UBS Global AM”) or one of its affiliates serves as investment advisor or manager.   Professor Feldberg is also a director of Macy’s, Inc. (operator of department stores), Revlon, Inc. (cosmetics) and the New York City Ballet.




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Supplemental information (unaudited)


Independent Directors:  
and age
held with
  Term of office
and length of
time served
during past
5 years
  Number of
portfolios in fund
complex overseen
by director
held by

Richard Q. Armstrong; 79

c/o Keith A. Weller Assistant Fund Secretary

UBS Global Asset Management (Americas) Inc.

1285 Avenue of the Americas, 12th Floor

New York, NY 10019

  Director and Chairman of the Board of Directors  

Since 1996 (Director) Since 2004 (Chairman of the Board of Directors); Term expires 2016

  Mr. Armstrong is chairman and principal of R.Q.A. Enterprises (management consulting firm) (since 1991 and principal occupation since 1995). Mr. Armstrong was president or chairman of a number of packaged goods companies (responsible for such brands as Canada Dry, Dr. Pepper, Adirondack Beverages and Moët Hennessy) (from 1982 to 1995).   Mr. Armstrong is a director or trustee of 11 investment companies (consisting of 43 portfolios) for which UBS Global AM serves as investment advisor or manager.   None

Alan S. Bernikow; 74

207 Benedict Ave.

Staten Island, NY 10314


Since 2006;

Term expires 2016

  Mr. Bernikow is retired. He was a consultant on non-management matters for the firm of Deloitte & Touche (international accounting and consulting firm) (from 2003 to 2007). Previously, he was deputy chief executive officer at Deloitte & Touche.   Mr. Bernikow is a director or trustee of 11 investment companies (consisting of 43 portfolios) for which UBS Global AM serves as investment advisor or manager.   Mr. Bernikow is also a director of Revlon, Inc. (cosmetics) (and serves as the chair of its audit committee and as the chair of the compensation committee), a director of Mack-Cali Realty Corporation (real estate investment trust) (and serves as the chair of its audit committee) and a director of the Casual Male Retail Group, Inc. (menswear) (and serves as a member of its audit committee and as a member of its nominating and corporate governance committee). He is also a director of Premier American Bank, N.A.




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Supplemental information (unaudited)


Independent Directors (continued):
and age
held with
  Term of office
and length of
time served
during past
5 years
  Number of
portfolios in fund
complex overseen
by director
held by

Richard R. Burt; 67

McLarty Associates

900 17th Street, N.W.

8th Floor

Washington, D.C. 20006


Since 1996;

Term expires 2017

  Mr. Burt is a managing director of McLarty Associates (a consulting firm) (since 2007). He was chairman of IEP Advisors (international investments and consulting firm) until 2009. Prior to 2007, he was chairman of Diligence Inc. (information and risk management firm).   Mr. Burt is a director or trustee of 11 investment companies (consisting of 43 portfolios) for which UBS Global AM serves as investment advisor or manager.   Mr. Burt is also a director of The Central Europe & Russia Fund, Inc., The European Equity Fund, Inc., and The New Germany Fund, Inc. (and serves as a member of each fund’s audit, nominating and governance committees.)

Bernard H. Garil; 74

6754 Casa Grande Way

Delray Beach, FL 33446

  Director   Since 2006; Term expires 2015   Mr. Garil is retired (since 2001). He was a managing director at PIMCO Advisory Services (from 1991 to 2001) where he served as president of closed-end funds and vice-president of the variable insurance product funds advised by OpCap Advisors (until 2001).   Mr. Garil is a director or trustee of 11 investment companies (consisting of 43 portfolios) for which UBS Global AM serves as investment advisor or manager.   Mr. Garil is also a director of OFI Global Trust Company (commercial trust company), The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (voluntary health organization) and a trustee for the Brooklyn College Foundation, Inc. (charitable foundation).

Heather R. Higgins; 55

c/o Keith A. Weller

Assistant Fund Secretary

UBS Global Asset Management (Americas) Inc.

1285 Avenue of the Americas, 12th Floor

New York, NY 10019

  Director   Since 2006; Term expires 2015   Ms. Higgins is the president and director of The Randolph Foundation (charitable foundation) (since 1991). Ms. Higgins also serves (or had served) on the boards of several non-profit charitable groups, including the Independent Women’s Forum (chairman) and the Philanthropy Roundtable (vice chairman). She also serves on the board of the Hoover Institution (from 2001 to 2007 and since 2009).   Ms. Higgins is a director or trustee of 11 investment companies (consisting of 43 portfolios) for which UBS Global AM serves as investment advisor or manager.   None




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Supplemental information (unaudited)


Independent Directors (concluded):
and age
held with
  Term of office
and length of
time served
during past
5 years
  Number of
portfolios in fund
complex overseen
by director
held by

David Malpass; 58

Encima Global, LLC

645 Madison Avenue,

5th Floor,

New York, NY 10022


Since May 2014;

term expires 2016

  Mr. Malpass is the president and founder of Encima Global, LLC (economic research and consulting) (since 2008). From 1993 until 2008, he was Chief Economist and Senior Managing Director of Bear, Stearns & Co. (financial services firm).   Mr. Malpass is a director or trustee of 11 investment companies (consisting of 43 portfolios) for which UBS Global AM serves as investment advisor or manager.   Mr. Malpass is also a director of New Mountain Finance Corp. (business development company) (and serves as a member of its audit committee).




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Supplemental information (unaudited)


and age
held with
   Term of office
and length of
time served
   Principal occupation(s) during past 5 years;
number of portfolios in fund complex
for which person serves as officer
Joseph Allessie*; 49    Vice President, Assistant Secretary and Chief Compliance Officer   

Since 2005

(Vice President and Assistant Secretary);

since July 2014

(Chief Compliance Officer)


Mr. Allessie is an executive director (since 2007) (prior to which he was a director) at UBS Global AM and UBS Global Asset Management (US) Inc. (collectively “UBS Global AM—Americas region”). Mr. Allessie is head of compliance and operational risk control for the UBS Global Asset Management Division in the Americas with oversight for traditional and alternative investment businesses in Canada, the US and Cayman Islands. Prior to that he served as deputy general counsel of UBS Global AM—Americas region (from 2005 to 2014). Mr. Allessie is a vice president, assistant secretary and chief compliance officer (prior to which he was interim chief compliance officer) (from January to July 2014) of 15 investment companies (consisting of 75 portfolios) for which UBS Global AM serves as investment advisor or manager.

Rose Ann Bubloski*; 46    Vice President and Assistant Treasurer    Since 2011    Ms. Bubloski is a director (since 2012) (prior to which she was an associate director) (since 2008) and senior manager of the US mutual fund treasury administration department of UBS Global AM—Americas region. She is vice president and assistant treasurer of 15 investment companies (consisting of 75 portfolios) for which UBS Global AM serves as investment advisor or manager.
Mark E. Carver*; 51    President    Since 2010    Mr. Carver is a managing director and Head of Product Development and Management—Americas for UBS Global AM—Americas region (since 2008). In this role, he oversees product development and management for both wholesale and institutional businesses. He is a member of the Americas Management Committee (since 2008) and the Regional Operating Committee (since 2008). Prior to 2008, Mr. Carver held a number of product-related or sales responsibilities with respect to funds, advisory programs and separately managed accounts. Mr. Carver joined a predecessor of an affiliated firm in 1985 and has been with UBS Global AM—Americas region (or its affiliates) since 1996. Mr. Carver is president of 15 investment companies (consisting of 75 portfolios) for which UBS Global AM serves as investment advisor or manager.
Thomas Disbrow*; 48    Vice President and Treasurer   

Since 2000

(Vice President)

Since 2004


   Mr. Disbrow is a managing director (since 2011) (prior to which he was an executive director) (since 2007) and head of North American Fund Treasury (since 2011) of UBS Global AM—Americas region. Mr. Disbrow is a vice president and treasurer and/or principal accounting officer of 15 investment companies (consisting of 75 portfolios) for which UBS Global AM serves as investment advisor or manager.
Scott E. Dolan*; 48    Vice President    Since 2012    Mr. Dolan is a managing director and co-head of US multi-sector fixed income at UBS Global AM—Americas region (since 2012). He is jointly responsible for managing several key investment strategies. He is also responsible for securitized portfolio management, a role he assumed in 2008 when he joined UBS Global AM. He also serves as a member of UBS Global AM’s Fixed Income Investment Committee. He is vice president of one investment company (consisting of one portfolio) for which UBS Global AM serves as investment advisor or manager.




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Supplemental information (unaudited)


Officers (continued):
and age
held with
   Term of office
and length of
time served
   Principal occupation(s) during past 5 years;
number of portfolios in fund complex
for which person serves as officer
John Dugenske**; 48    Vice President    Since 2012    Mr. Dugenske is a managing director and global head of fixed income for the global asset management division of UBS Group AG (since 2013, previously head of North American fixed income from 2009 to 2013 at UBS Global AM—Americas region.) He has overall responsibility for fixed income investment capabilities for the global asset management division of UBS Group AG and is a member of the UBS Global Asset Management Executive Committee. He also chairs the UBS Global AM Fixed Income Investment Committee. He is vice president of one investment company (consisting of one portfolio) for which UBS Global AM serves as investment advisor or manager.
Craig G. Ellinger**; 44    Vice President    Since 2012    Mr. Ellinger is a managing director and the head of US investment grade and global high yield fixed income at UBS Global AM—Americas region (since 2012); previously, he was the global head of credit research and global head of high yield at UBS Global AM—Americas region (since 2008). In this role, he oversees US investment grade and global high yield portfolio management. Mr. Ellinger is vice president of two investment companies (consisting of two portfolios) for which UBS Global AM serves as investment advisor or manager.
Brian Fehrenbach**; 49    Vice President    Since 2012    Mr. Fehrenbach is a managing director and co-head of US multi-sector fixed income at UBS Global AM—Americas region (since 2012). He is jointly responsible for managing several key investment strategies. Prior to assuming his current role, he led the derivatives strategy group for fixed income on a global basis, and has been with UBS Global AM since 2006. He also serves as a member of UBS Global AM’s Fixed Income Investment Committee. He is vice president of one investment company (consisting of one portfolio) for which UBS Global AM serves as investment advisor or manager.
Christopher S. Ha*; 34    Vice President and Assistant Secretary    Since 2012    Mr. Ha is a director and associate general counsel (since 2012) at UBS Global AM—Americas region. Prior to joining UBS Global AM—Americas region, Mr. Ha was of counsel at Buhler, Duggal & Henry LLP (law firm) (from March 2012 to July 2012) and an associate attorney at Dechert LLP (law firm) (from 2007 to 2009). Mr. Ha is a vice president and assistant secretary of 15 investment companies (consisting of 75 portfolios) for which UBS Global AM serves as investment advisor or manager.
Mark F. Kemper**; 56    Vice President and Secretary   

Since 2004

   Mr. Kemper is a managing director (since 2006) and head of the legal department of UBS Global AM—Americas region (since 2004). He has been secretary of UBS Global AM (since 2004), assistant secretary of UBS Global Asset Management Trust Company (since 1993) and secretary of UBS AM Holdings (USA) Inc. (since 2001). Mr. Kemper is vice president and secretary of 15 investment companies (consisting of 75 portfolios) for which UBS Global AM serves as investment advisor or manager.




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Supplemental information (unaudited)


Officers (continued):
and age
held with
   Term of office
and length of
time served
   Principal occupation(s) during past 5 years;
number of portfolios in fund complex
for which person serves as officer
Joanne M. Kilkeary*; 46    Vice President and Assistant Treasurer    Since 2004    Ms. Kilkeary is an executive director (since 2013) (prior to which she was a director) (since 2008) and a senior manager (since 2004) of the US mutual fund treasury administration department of UBS Global AM—Americas region. Ms. Kilkeary is a vice president and assistant treasurer of 15 investment companies (consisting of 75 portfolios) for which UBS Global AM serves as investment advisor or manager.
Cindy Lee*; 39    Vice President and Assistant Treasurer    Since November 2014    Ms. Lee is an associate director (since 2009) prior to which she was a fund treasury manager (from 2007 to 2009) of the US mutual fund treasury administration department of UBS Global AM—Americas region. Ms. Lee is a vice president and assistant treasurer of 15 investment companies (consisting of 75 portfolios) for which UBS Global AM serves as investment advisor or manager.
Tammie Lee*; 43    Vice President and Assistant Secretary    Since 2005    Ms. Lee is an executive director (since 2010) (prior to which she was a director) (since 2005) and associate general counsel of UBS Global AM—Americas region (since 2005). Ms. Lee is a vice president and assistant secretary of 15 investment companies (consisting of 75 portfolios) for which UBS Global AM serves as investment advisor or manager.
Nancy D. Osborn*; 48    Vice President and Assistant Treasurer    Since 2007    Mrs. Osborn is a director (since 2010) (prior to which she was an associate director) and a senior manager of the US mutual fund treasury administration department of UBS Global AM—Americas region (since 2006). Mrs. Osborn is a vice president and assistant treasurer of 15 investment companies (consisting of 75 portfolios) for which UBS Global AM serves as investment advisor or manager.
Eric Sanders*; 49    Vice President and Assistant Secretary    Since 2005    Mr. Sanders is a director and associate general counsel of UBS Global AM—Americas region (since 2005). Mr. Sanders is a vice president and assistant secretary of 15 investment companies (consisting of 75 portfolios) for which UBS Global AM serves as investment advisor or manager.
Uwe Schillhorn**; 50    Vice President    Since 2004    Mr. Schillhorn is a managing director (since 2010) (prior to which he was an executive director), and head of emerging markets debt (since 2004) of UBS Global AM—Americas region. Mr. Schillhorn is a vice president of two investment companies (consisting of two portfolios) for which UBS Global AM serves as investment advisor or manager.
Andrew Shoup*; 58    Vice President and Chief Operating Officer    Since 2006    Mr. Shoup is a managing director and global head of the fund treasury administration department of the UBS Global Asset Management division of UBS AG (since 2006). Mr. Shoup is also a director of UBS (IRL) Fund p.l.c (since 2008). Mr. Shoup is a vice president and chief operating officer of 15 investment companies (consisting of 75 portfolios) for which UBS Global AM serves as investment advisor or manager.




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

Supplemental information (unaudited)


Officers (concluded):
and age
held with
   Term of office
and length of
time served
   Principal occupation(s) during past 5 years;
number of portfolios in fund complex
for which person serves as officer
Keith A. Weller*; 53    Vice President and Assistant Secretary    Since 1995    Mr. Weller is an executive director and senior associate general counsel of UBS Global AM—Americas region (since 2005) and has been an attorney with affiliated entities since 1995. Mr. Weller is a vice president and assistant secretary of 15 investment companies (consisting of 75 portfolios) for which UBS Global AM serves as investment advisor or manager.
Mandy Yu*; 31    Vice President    Since 2013    Ms. Yu is an authorized officer (since 2012) and tax compliance manager (since 2013) of the US mutual fund treasury administration department of UBS Global AM—Americas region. She was a Fund Treasury Manager (from 2012 to March 2013) and a Mutual Fund Administrator (from 2007 to 2012) for UBS Global AM—Americas region. Ms. Yu is a vice president of 15 investment companies (consisting of 75 portfolios) for which UBS Global AM serves as investment advisor or manager.


*   This person’s business address is 1285 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10019-6028.
**   This person’s business address is One North Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60606-2807.
    Directors are classified into three classes, with the term of office of each class of directors expiring at successive annual meetings, as further described in the preamble to this report section. Officers are appointed by the directors and serve at the pleasure of the Board.
    Professor Feldberg is deemed an “interested person” of the Fund as defined in the Investment Company Act because he is a senior advisor to Morgan Stanley, a financial services firm with which the Fund may conduct transactions.




Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.

UBS family of funds privacy notice


N.B.—The following privacy notice applies to closed-end fund shares where the investor’s holdings are registered directly with the fund’s transfer agent and not held through an intermediary (e.g., in “street name”).

Privacy Notice

This privacy notice is not a part of the shareholder report.

This notice describes the privacy policy of the UBS Family of Funds, the PACE Funds and all closed-end funds managed by UBS Global Asset Management (collectively, the “Funds”). The Funds are committed to protecting the personal information that they collect about individuals who are prospective, current or former investors.

The Funds collect personal information in order to process requests and transactions and to provide customer service. Personal information, which is obtained from applications and other forms or correspondence submitted to the Funds, may include name(s), address, e-mail address, telephone number, date of birth, social security number or other tax identification number, bank account information, information about your transactions and experiences with the Funds, and any affiliation a client has with UBS Financial Services Inc. or its affiliates (“Personal Information”).

The Funds limit access to Personal Information to those individuals who need to know that information in order to process transactions and service accounts. These individuals are required to maintain and protect the confidentiality of Personal Information and to follow established procedures. The Funds maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect Personal Information and to comply with applicable laws and regulations.

The Funds may share Personal Information with their affiliates to facilitate the servicing of accounts and for other business purposes, or as otherwise required or permitted by applicable law. The Funds may also share Personal Information with non-affiliated third parties that perform services for the Funds, such as vendors that provide data or transaction processing, computer software maintenance and development, and other administrative services. When the Funds share Personal Information with a non-affiliated third party, they will do so pursuant to a contract that includes provisions designed to ensure that the third party will uphold and maintain privacy standards when handling Personal Information. In addition to sharing information with non-affiliated third parties to facilitate the servicing of accounts and for other business purposes, the Funds may disclose Personal Information to non-affiliated third parties as otherwise required or permitted by applicable law. For example, the Funds may disclose Personal Information to credit bureaus or regulatory authorities to facilitate or comply with investigations; to protect against or prevent actual or potential fraud, unauthorized transactions, claims or other liabilities; or to respond to judicial or legal process, such as subpoena requests.

Except as described in this privacy notice, the Funds will not use Personal Information for any other purpose unless the Funds describe how such Personal Information will be used and clients are given an opportunity to decline approval of such use of Personal Information relating to them (or affirmatively approve the use of Personal Information, if required by applicable law). The Funds endeavor to keep their customer files complete and accurate. The Funds should be notified if any Personal Information needs to be corrected or updated. Please call 1-800-647-1568 with any questions or concerns regarding your Personal Information or this privacy notice.

Privacy Notice

This privacy notice is not a part of the shareholder report.


Richard Q. Armstrong



Alan S. Bernikow


Richard R. Burt


Meyer Feldberg


Bernard H. Garil


Heather R. Higgins


David Malpass

Principal Officers   

Mark E. Carver



Mark F. Kemper

Vice President and Secretary


John Dugenske

Vice President


Craig Ellinger

Vice President

Thomas Disbrow

Vice President and Treasurer


Scott Dolan

Vice President


Brian Fehrenbach

Vice President


Uwe Schillhorn

Vice President


Investment Advisor and Administrator
UBS Global Asset Management (Americas) Inc.
1285 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10019-6028


Notice is hereby given in accordance with Section 23(c) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 that from time to time the Fund may purchase shares of its common stock in the open market at market prices.

This report is sent to the shareholders of the Fund for their information. It is not a prospectus, circular or representation intended for use in the purchase or sale of shares of the Fund or of any securities mentioned in this report.

©UBS 2015. All rights reserved.



UBS Global Asset Management (Americas) Inc.

1285 Avenue of the Americas

New York, New York 10019-6028


Item 2. Code of Ethics.

The registrant has adopted a code of ethics that applies to its principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller, or persons performing similar functions pursuant to Section 406 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. (The registrant has designated the code of ethics adopted pursuant to Sarbanes-Oxley as a “Code of Conduct” to lessen the risk of confusion with its separate code of ethics adopted pursuant to Rule 17j-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.)

Item 3. Audit Committee Financial Expert.

The registrant’s Board has determined that the following person serving on the registrant’s Audit Committee is an “audit committee financial expert” as defined in item 3 of Form N-CSR: Alan S. Bernikow. Mr. Bernikow is independent as defined in Item 3 of Form N-CSR.

Item 4. Principal Accountant Fees and Services.



Audit Fees:

For the fiscal years ended November 30, 2014 and November 30, 2013, the aggregate Ernst & Young LLP (E&Y) audit fees for professional services rendered to the registrant were approximately $69,564 and $69,564, respectively.

Fees included in the audit fees category are those associated with the annual audits of financial statements and services that are normally provided in connection with statutory and regulatory filings.



Audit-Related Fees:

In each of the fiscal years ended November 30, 2014 and November 30, 2013, the aggregate audit-related fees billed by E&Y for services rendered to the registrant that are reasonably related to the performance of the audits of the financial statements, but not reported as audit fees, were approximately $4,490 and $4,444, respectively.

Fees included in the audit-related category are those associated with (1) the reading and providing of comments on the 2014 and 2013 semiannual financial statements, and (2) review of the consolidated 2013 and 2012 report on the profitability of the UBS funds to UBS Global Asset Management (Americas) Inc. (“UBS Global AM”) and its affiliates to assist the board members in their annual advisory/administration contract reviews.

There were no audit-related fees required to be approved pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(ii) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X during the fiscal years indicated above.


Tax Fees:

In each of the fiscal years ended November 30, 2014 and November 30, 2013, the aggregate tax fees billed by E&Y for professional services rendered to the registrant were approximately $7,001 and $6,142, respectively.

Fees included in the tax fees category comprise all services performed by professional staff in the independent accountant’s tax division except those services related to the audits. This category comprises fees for review of tax compliance, tax return preparation and excise tax calculations.

There were no tax fees required to be approved pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(ii) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X during the fiscal years indicated above.



All Other Fees:

In each of the fiscal years ended November 30, 2014 and November 30, 2013, there were no fees billed by E&Y for products and services, other than the services reported in Item 4(a)-(c) above, rendered to the registrant.

Fees included in the all other fees category would consist of services related to internal control reviews, strategy and other consulting, financial information systems design and implementation, consulting on other information systems, and other tax services unrelated to the registrant.

There were no “all other fees” required to be approved pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(ii) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X during the fiscal years indicated above.


  (e)  (1)   Audit Committee Pre-Approval Policies and Procedures:

The registrant’s Audit Committee (“audit committee”) has adopted an “Audit Committee Charter (Amended and Restated as of May 12, 2004-with revisions through July 2013)” (the “charter”). The charter contains the audit committee’s pre-approval policies and procedures. Reproduced below is an excerpt from the charter regarding pre-approval policies and procedures:

The [audit ]Committee shall:




Pre-approve (a) all audit and permissible non-audit services1 to be provided to the Fund and (b) all permissible non-audit services to be provided by the Fund’s independent auditors to UBS Global [AM] and any Covered Service Providers, if the engagement relates directly to the operations and financial reporting of the Fund. In carrying out this responsibility, the Committee shall seek periodically from UBS Global [AM] and from the independent auditors a list of such audit and permissible non-audit services that can be expected to be rendered to the Fund, UBS Global [AM] or any Covered Service Providers by the Fund’s independent auditors, and an estimate of the fees sought to be paid in connection with such services. The Committee may delegate its responsibility to pre-approve any such audit and permissible non-


audit services to a sub-committee consisting of the Chairperson of the Committee and two other members of the Committee as the Chairperson, from time to time, may determine and appoint, and such sub-committee shall report to the Committee, at its next regularly scheduled meeting after the sub-committee’s meeting, its decision(s). From year to year, the Committee shall report to the Board whether this system of pre-approval has been effective and efficient or whether this Charter should be amended to allow for pre-approval pursuant to such policies and procedures as the Committee shall approve, including the delegation of some or all of the Committee’s pre-approval responsibilities to other persons (other than UBS Global [AM] or the Fund’s officers).


1 The Committee will not approve non-audit services that the Committee believes may taint the independence of the auditors. Currently, permissible non-audit services include any professional services (including tax services) that are not prohibited services as described below, provided to the Fund by the independent auditors, other than those provided to the Fund in connection with an audit or a review of the financial statements of the Fund. Permissible non-audit services may not include: (i) bookkeeping or other services related to the accounting records or financial statements of the Fund; (ii) financial information systems design and implementation; (iii) appraisal or valuation services, fairness opinions or contribution-in-kind reports; (iv) actuarial services; (v) internal audit outsourcing services; (vi) management functions or human resources; (vii) broker or dealer, investment adviser or investment banking services; (viii) legal services and expert services unrelated to the audit; and (ix) any other service the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board determines, by regulation, is impermissible.

Pre-approval by the Committee of any permissible non-audit services is not required so long as: (i) the aggregate amount of all such permissible non-audit services provided to the Fund, UBS Global [AM] and any service providers controlling, controlled by or under common control with UBS Global [AM] that provide ongoing services to the Fund (“Covered Service Providers”) constitutes not more than 5% of the total amount of revenues paid to the independent auditors (during the fiscal year in which the permissible non-audit services are provided) by (a) the Fund, (b) its investment adviser and (c) any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the investment adviser that provides ongoing services to the Fund during the fiscal year in which the services are provided that would have to be approved by the Committee; (ii) the permissible non-audit services were not recognized by the Fund at the time of the engagement to be non-audit services; and (iii) such services are promptly brought to the attention of the Committee and approved by the Committee (or its delegate(s)) prior to the completion of the audit.

(e) (2)    Services approved pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(i)(C) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X:

Audit-Related Fees:

There were no amounts that were approved by the audit committee pursuant to the de minimis exception for the fiscal years ended November 30, 2014 and November 30, 2013 on behalf of the registrant.

There were no amounts that were required to be approved by the audit committee pursuant to the de minimis exception for the fiscal years ended November 30, 2014 and November 30, 2013 on behalf of the registrant’s service providers that relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of the registrant.

Tax Fees:

There were no amounts that were approved by the audit committee pursuant to the de minimis exception for the fiscal years ended November 30, 2014 and November 30, 2013 on behalf of the registrant.

There were no amounts that were required to be approved by the audit committee pursuant to the de minimis exception for the fiscal years ended November 30, 2014 and November 30, 2013 on behalf of the registrant’s service providers that relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of the registrant.

All Other Fees:

There were no amounts that were approved by the audit committee pursuant to the de minimis exception for the fiscal years ended November 30, 2014 and November 30, 2013 on behalf of the registrant.

There were no amounts that were required to be approved by the audit committee pursuant to the de minimis exception for the fiscal years ended November 30, 2014 and November 30, 2013 on behalf of the registrant’s service providers that relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of the registrant.


  (f) For the fiscal year ended November 30, 2014, if greater than 50%, specify the percentage of hours spent on the audit of the registrant’s financial statements for the most recent fiscal year that were attributed to work performed by persons who are not full-time, permanent employees of E&Y. According to E&Y, such amount was below 50%; therefore disclosure item not applicable to this filing.


  (g) For the fiscal years ended November 30, 2014 and November 30, 2013, the aggregate fees billed by E&Y of $302,518 and $240,961, respectively, for non-audit services rendered on behalf of the registrant (“covered”), its investment adviser (not including any sub-adviser whose role is primarily portfolio management and is subcontracted with or overseen by another investment adviser) and any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the adviser (“non-covered”) that provides ongoing services to the registrant for each of the last two fiscal years of the registrant is shown in the table below:


  2014   2013  

Covered Services

$ 11,491    $ 10,586   

Non-Covered Services

$ 291,027    $ 230,375   

  (h) The registrant’s audit committee was not required to consider whether the provision of non-audit services that were rendered to the registrant’s investment adviser (not including any sub-adviser whose role is primarily portfolio management and is subcontracted with or overseen by another investment adviser), and any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the investment adviser that provides ongoing services to the registrant that were not pre-approved pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(ii) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X is compatible with maintaining the principal accountant’s independence.

Item 5. Audit Committee of Listed Registrants.

The registrant has a separately designated standing audit committee (the “Audit Committee”) established in accordance with Section 3(a)(58)(A) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. The Audit Committee is comprised of the following board members: Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Bernikow, Mr. Burt, Mr. Garil, Mr. Malpass and Ms. Higgins.

Item 6. Investments.


  (a) Included as part of the report to shareholders filed under Item 1 of this form.


  (b) Not applicable.

Item 7. Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management Investment Companies.

The registrant’s Board of Directors believes that the voting of proxies on securities held by the registrant is an important element of the overall investment process. As such, the Board has delegated the responsibility to vote such proxies to the registrant’s advisor. Following is a summary of the proxy voting policy of the advisor.


The proxy voting policy of UBS Global Asset Management (Americas) Inc. (“UBS Global AM”) is based on its belief that voting rights have economic value and should be treated accordingly. Generally, UBS Global AM expects the boards of directors of companies issuing securities held by its clients to act in the service of the shareholders, view themselves as stewards of the company, exercise good judgment and practice diligent oversight of the management of the company. While there is no absolute set of rules that determine appropriate corporate governance under all circumstances and no set of rules will guarantee ethical behavior, there are certain principles which provide evidence of good corporate governance. UBS Global AM may delegate to an independent proxy voting and research service the authority to exercise the voting rights associated with certain client holdings. Any such delegation shall be made with the direction that the votes be exercised in accordance with UBS Global AM’s proxy voting policy.

When UBS Global AM’s view of a company’s management is favorable, UBS Global AM generally supports current management initiatives. When UBS Global AM’s view is that changes to the management structure would probably increase shareholder value, UBS Global AM may not support existing management proposals. In general, UBS Global AM generally exercises voting rights in accordance with the following principles: (1) with respect to board structure, (a) the roles of chairman and chief executive generally should be separated, (b) board members should have appropriate and diverse experience and be capable of providing good judgment and diligent oversight of management of the company, and (c) the board should include executive and non-executive members and the non-executive

members should provide a challenging, but generally supportive environment; and (2) with respect to board responsibilities, (a) the whole board should be fully involved in endorsing strategy and in all major strategic decisions, and (b) the board should ensure that, among other things, at all times the interests of executives and shareholders are aligned and the financial audit is independent and accurate. In addition, UBS Global AM focuses on the following areas of concern when voting its clients’ securities: economic value resulting from acquisitions or disposals; operational performance; quality of management; independent board members not holding management accountable; quality of internal controls; lack of transparency; inadequate succession planning; poor approach to social responsibility; inefficient management structure; and corporate activity designed to frustrate the ability of shareholders to hold the board accountable or realize the maximum value of their investment. UBS Global AM exercises its voting rights in accordance with overarching rationales outlined by its proxy voting policies and procedures that are based on the principles described above.

UBS Global AM has implemented procedures designed to identify whether it has a conflict of interest in voting a particular proxy proposal, which may arise as a result of its or its affiliates’ client relationships, marketing efforts or banking, investment banking and broker/dealer activities. To address such conflicts, UBS Global AM has imposed information barriers between it and its affiliates who conduct banking, investment banking and broker/dealer activities and has implemented procedures to prevent business, sales and marketing issues from influencing its proxy votes. Whenever UBS Global AM is aware of a conflict with respect to a particular proxy, the UBS Global AM Corporate Governance Committee is required to review and resolve the manner in which such proxy is voted.

Item 8. Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies.


  (a) (1)    Names – Uwe Schillhorn, Craig Ellinger, Scott Dolan, John Dugenske and Brian Fehrenbach provide day-to-day portfolio management for the registrant as a team.

Title – Messrs. Schillhorn, Ellinger, Dolan, Dugenske and Fehrenbach are each a Vice President of the registrant.

Length of Service – Mr. Schillhorn began serving as a portfolio manager for the registrant in 2004 and became a Vice President in May 2004. Mr. Ellinger began serving as a portfolio manager for the registrant in May 2012 and became a Vice President in May 2012. Mr. Dolan began serving as a portfolio manager for the registrant in May 2012 and became a Vice President in May 2012. Mr. Dugenske began serving as a portfolio manager for the registrant in May 2012 and became a Vice President in May 2012. Mr. Fehrenbach began serving as a portfolio manager for the registrant in May 2012 and became a Vice President in May 2012.

Business Experience Last 5 Years (for Mr. Schillhorn ) – Mr. Schillhorn is a managing director (since 2010) (prior to which he was an executive director) and head of emerging markets debt (since 2004) at UBS Global Asset Management (Americas) Inc. (“UBS Global AM”). As head of emerging markets debt, he oversees the management of all emerging market portfolios, including research, formulation and implementation of investment strategy and trading.

Business Experience Last 5 Years (for Mr. Ellinger) – Mr. Ellinger is a managing director and the head of US investment grade and global high yield fixed income at UBS Global AM (since 2012); previously, he was the global head of credit research and global head of high yield at UBS Global AM (since 2008). In this role, he oversees US investment grade and global high yield portfolio management.

Business Experience Last 5 Years (for Mr. Dolan) – Mr. Dolan is a managing director and co-head of US multi-sector fixed income at UBS Global AM (since 2012). He is jointly responsible for managing several key investment strategies. He is also responsible for securitized portfolio management, a role he assumed in 2008 when he joined UBS Global AM.

Business Experience Last 5 Years (for Mr. Dugenske) – Mr. Dugenske is a managing director and global head of fixed income for the global asset management division of UBS Group AG (and affiliates) (since 2013; previously head of North American fixed income from 2009 to 2013 at UBS Global AM—Americas region). He has overall responsibility for fixed income investment capabilities for the global asset management division of UBS Group AG and is a member of the UBS Global Asset Management Executive Committee. He also chairs the UBS Global AM Fixed Income Investment Committee.

Business Experience Last 5 Years (for Mr. Fehrenbach) – Mr. Fehrenbach is a managing director and co-head of US multi-sector fixed income at UBS Global AM (since 2012). He is jointly responsible for managing several key investment strategies. Prior to assuming his current role, he led the derivatives strategy group for fixed income on a global basis and has been with UBS Global AM since 2006.

Information in 8(a)(1) is as of February 9, 2015.

(a) (2) (i) Messrs. Schillhorn, Ellinger, Dolan, Dugenske and Fehrenbach are primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of other accounts. Further information is provided below.

(a) (2) (ii) (A) Registered Investment Companies

Mr. Schillhorn is responsible for 3 additional Registered Investment Companies (not including the registrant) totaling approximately $292 million as of November 30, 2014.

Mr. Ellinger is responsible for 9 additional Registered Investment Companies (not including the registrant) totaling approximately $865 million as of November 30, 2014.

Mr. Dolan is responsible for 6 additional Registered Investment Companies (not including the registrant) totaling approximately $276 million as of November 30, 2014.

Mr. Fehrenbach is responsible for 7 additional Registered Investment Companies (not including the registrant) totaling approximately $471 million as of November 30, 2014.

Mr. Dugenske is responsible for 5 additional Registered Investment Companies (not including the registrant) totaling approximately $229 million as of November 30, 2014.

(a) (2) (ii) (B) Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

Mr. Schillhorn is responsible for 20 Other Pooled Investment Vehicles totaling approximately $5.302 billion as of November 30, 2014.

Mr. Ellinger is responsible for 14 Other Pooled Investment Vehicles totaling approximately $14.5 billion as of November 30, 2014.

Mr. Dolan is responsible for 5 Other Pooled Investment Vehicles totaling approximately $560 million as of November 30, 2014.

Mr. Fehrenbach is responsible for 4 Other Pooled Investment Vehicles totaling approximately $735 million as of November 30, 2014.

Mr. Dugenske is responsible for no Other Pooled Investment Vehicles as of November 30, 2014.

(a) (2) (ii) (C) Other accounts

Mr. Schillhorn is responsible for 17 other accounts totaling approximately $10.915 billion as of November 30, 2014.

Mr. Ellinger is responsible for 6 other accounts totaling approximately $651 million as of November 30, 2014.

Mr. Dolan is responsible for 12 other accounts totaling approximately $7.1 billion as of November 30, 2014.

Mr. Fehrenbach is responsible for 21 other accounts totaling approximately $3.5 billion as of November 30, 2014.

Mr. Dugenske is responsible for 2 other accounts totaling less than $1 million as of November 30, 2014.

(a) (2) (iii) Accounts with respect to which an advisory fee is based on the performance of the account as of November 30, 2014.

As of November 30, 2014, none of the accounts referenced above for Messrs. Schillhorn, Ellinger, Dolan, Fehrenbach and Dugenske had such an advisory fee arrangement.

(a) (2) (iv) Conflicts.

The portfolio management team’s management of the registrant and other accounts could result in potential conflicts of interest if the registrant and other accounts have different objectives, benchmarks and fees because the portfolio management team must allocate its time and investment expertise across multiple accounts, including the registrant. The portfolio manager and the team of which he is a member manage the registrant and other accounts utilizing a model approach that groups similar accounts within a model portfolio. UBS Global AM manages accounts according to the appropriate model portfolio, including where possible, those accounts that have specific investment restrictions. Accordingly, portfolio holdings, position sizes, and industry and sector exposures tend to be similar across accounts, which may minimize the potential for conflicts of interest.

If a portfolio manager identifies a limited investment opportunity that may be suitable for more than one account or model portfolio, the registrant may not be able to take full advantage of that opportunity due to an allocation of filled purchase or sale orders across all eligible portfolios and accounts. To deal with these situations, UBS Global AM has adopted procedures for allocating portfolio trades across multiple accounts to provide fair treatment to all accounts.

The management of personal accounts by a portfolio manager may also give rise to potential conflicts of interest. UBS Global AM and the registrant have adopted a Code of Ethics that governs such personal trading, but there is no assurance that the Code will adequately address all such conflicts.

(Information in Item 8(a)(2) is provided as of the Registrant’s fiscal year end of November 30, 2014.)

(a)    (3) Compensation.

UBS Global Asset Management’s compensation and benefits programs are designed to provide its investment professionals with incentives to excel, and to promote an entrepreneurial, performance-oriented culture with clear accountability. They also align the interests of investment professionals with those of our clients and other stakeholders.

In general, the total compensation received by the portfolio managers and analysts at UBS Global Asset Management consists of two elements: a fixed component (base salary and benefits) and an annual discretionary performance award.

Fixed component (base salary and benefits):

•            Set with the aim of being competitive in the industry and monitored and adjusted periodically with reference to the relevant local labor market in order to remain so.

•            The fixed component is used to recognize the experience, skills and knowledge that each portfolio manager and analyst brings to their role.

Performance award:



Determined annually on a discretionary basis.


Based on the individual’s financial and non-financial contribution—as assessed through a rigorous performance assessment process—as well as the performance of their respective function, of UBS Global Asset Management and of UBS as a whole.


Delivered in cash and, when total compensation is over a defined threshold, partly in deferral vehicles.


For awards subject to deferral, the deferred amount is calculated using graduated marginal deferral rates, which increase as the value of the performance award increases.


Deferred amounts are then delivered via two deferral vehicles – 75% in the UBS Global Asset Management Equity Ownership Plan (Global AM EOP) and 25% in the Deferred Contingent Capital Plan (DCCP):



Global AM EOP awards generally vest over five years with 40% of the award vesting in year two, 40% in year three and 20% in year five, provided the vesting conditions, including continued service, are met and the awards have not been forfeited on or before the vesting dates. The notional funds awarded under the Global AM EOP are aligned to selected UBS Global Asset Management funds. They provide for a high level of transparency and correlation between an employee’s compensation and the investment performance of UBS Global Asset Management. This alignment with UBS Global Asset Management funds enhances the alignment of investment professionals’ and other employees’ interests with those of our clients.

  o The DCCP is a mandatory deferral plan. Awards under the DCCP vest 100% in year five, subject to vesting conditions, including continued employment, and subject to forfeiture.

UBS Global Asset Management believes that these deferral plans reinforce the critical importance of creating long-term business value, with both plans serving as alignment and retention tools.

Investment professionals’ discretionary performance awards are correlated with the investment performance of relevant client portfolios versus benchmark (here a blended benchmark composed of 67% Citigroup World Government Bond Index and 33% J.P. Morgan Emerging Markets Bond Index Global (EMBI Global)) or other investment objectives and, where appropriate, peer strategies over one and three years. This is to ensure that long-term performance is the focus and that the interests of the portfolio managers are aligned with those of clients.

For analysts, performance awards are, in general, based on the performance of some combination of model and/or client portfolios, generally evaluated over one and three years. This is coupled with a qualitative assessment of their contribution considering factors such as the quality of their research, stock recommendations and their communication within and between teams and with portfolio managers.

(Information in Item 8(a)(3) is provided as of the Registrant’s fiscal year end of November 30, 2014.)

(a) (4) Dollar Range of Securities of Registrant Beneficially Owned by Portfolio Manager.


(Information in Item 8(a)(4) is provided as of the Registrant’s fiscal year end of November 30, 2014.)

Item 9. Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Company and Affiliated Purchasers.

There were no purchases made by or on behalf of the Registrant or any “affiliated purchaser,” as defined in Rule 10b-18(a)(3) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, of shares of the Registrant’s equity securities that are registered by the Registrant pursuant to Section 12 of the Exchange Act made in the period covered by this report.

Item 10. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.

The registrant’s Board has established a Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee will consider nominees recommended by shareholders if a vacancy occurs among those board members who are not “interested persons” as defined in Section 2(a)(19) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended. In order to recommend a nominee, a shareholder should send a letter to the chairperson of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee, Richard R. Burt, care of the Secretary of the registrant at UBS Global Asset Management, UBS Building, One North Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60606, and indicate on the envelope “Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee.” The shareholder’s letter should state the nominee’s name and should include the nominee’s resume or curriculum vitae, and must be accompanied by a written consent of the individual to stand for election if nominated for the Board and to serve if elected by shareholders.

Item 11. Controls and Procedures.



The registrant’s principal executive officer and principal financial officer have concluded that the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended) are effective based on their evaluation of these controls and procedures as of a date within 90 days of the filing date of this document.



The registrant’s principal executive officer and principal financial officer are aware of no changes in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended) that occurred during the registrant’s last fiscal quarter that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

Item 12. Exhibits.



(1) Code of Ethics as required pursuant to Section 406 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (and designated by registrant as a “Code of Conduct”) is filed herewith as Exhibit EX-99.CODE ETH.



(2) Certifications of principal executive officer and principal financial officer pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 are attached hereto as Exhibit EX-99.CERT.



(3) Written solicitation to purchase securities under Rule 23c-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 sent or given during the period covered by the report by or on behalf of the registrant to 10 or more persons – The registrant has not engaged in such a solicitation during the period covered by this report.



Certifications of principal executive officer and principal financial officer pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 are attached hereto as Exhibit EX-99.906CERT.



Disclosure pursuant to Section 13(r) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, is attached hereto as Exhibit EX-99.IRANNOTICE.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.



/s/ Mark E. Carver

Mark E. Carver



February 9, 2015

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.



/s/ Mark E. Carver

Mark E. Carver



February 9, 2015


/s/ Thomas Disbrow

Thomas Disbrow

Vice President and Treasurer


February 9, 2015

EX-99.CODE 2 d823947dex99code.htm CODE OF ETHICS Code of Ethics






This Code of Conduct (“Code”) applies to U.S. registered investment companies (“Funds”) for which UBS Global Asset Management (“UBS Global AM”) acts as advisor, sub-advisor and/or manager where UBS Global AM employees serve as officers of the Funds. This Code shall serve as the code of ethics required by Section 406 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

This Code applies to a Fund’s principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller, or persons performing similar functions, regardless of whether these individuals are employed by the registrant or a third party.


Each person to whom this Code applies (a “Covered Person”) must respect, and comply with, the laws, rules and regulations applicable to a Fund.

It is the personal responsibility of each Covered Person to adhere to the standards and restrictions imposed by those laws, rules and regulations.


Each Covered Person must act ethically, with honesty and integrity, including the ethical handling of actual or apparent conflicts of interest between personal and professional relationships. A conflict of interest exists when a person’s private interest interferes, or appears to interfere, in any way with the interests of a Fund.

Any Covered Person who becomes aware of a conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest not addressed by existing policies or procedures (e.g., Rule 17e-1 Procedures) must promptly consult the Compliance Procedure described in this Code.


A Covered Person must not take unfair advantage of a Fund through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation of material facts, or any other unfair practice.

A Covered Person must respect and promote compliance with applicable insider trading laws, rules and regulations as well as with the internal directives and policies of UBS Global AM concerning the illegal or unethical trading on material non-public information.


A Covered Person must abstain from taking for himself or herself personally, or directing to third parties, opportunities that are discovered through the use of Fund property, information or position, or otherwise competing with the interests of a Fund, unless a Fund has already been offered the opportunity and turned it down or such actions are otherwise consistent with the policies and practices disclosed in the Fund’s disclosure documents or approved by the Fund’s board or otherwise permissible under securities laws and regulations (e.g., soft dollars, trade allocation policies).


A Covered Person must endeavor to protect a Fund’s assets.

Fund property should not be used for personal use.


A Covered Person must see that a Fund discloses information fully, fairly, accurately, timely and understandably in reports and documents that a Fund files with, or submits to, the SEC and in other public communications made by a Fund.


A Covered Person must promptly consult the Compliance Procedure described in this Code about any observed violations of this Code, including any violations of laws, rules, regulations or other legal requirements or when in doubt about the best course of action in a particular situation.

It is the policy of UBS Global AM not to allow retaliation for reports of misconduct by others made in good faith.

Reports may be made anonymously if the situation requires that identity be kept secret.


Any waiver of this Code may be made only by the Board of the relevant Fund or the General Counsel or a Deputy General Counsel of UBS Global AM and will be disclosed as required by applicable law or regulations. Any waiver by the General Counsel or a Deputy General Counsel of UBS Global AM must be reported to the Board of the relevant Fund no later than their next regularly scheduled meeting.

For purposes of this provision, the term “waiver” means the approval of a material departure from a provision in this Code. It also includes an “implicit waiver,” which means the failure to take action within a reasonable period of time regarding a material departure from a provision of the Code that has been made known to an executive officer of a fund or the General Counsel or a Deputy General Counsel of UBS Global AM.

Any person granting a waiver is responsible for promptly alerting the persons responsible for preparing SEC filings so that required disclosure regarding a waiver may be timely included in filings (e.g., Form N-CSR filings).


If you are unsure about how to handle a situation with regard to this Code or are aware of any violations or apparent violations of this Code promptly contact the General Counsel or a Deputy General Counsel of UBS Global AM.

A Fund’s Board, the General Counsel or a Deputy General Counsel of UBS Global AM has the authority to interpret this Code in any particular situation.


Those who violate the standards in this Code will be subject to disciplinary proceedings or dismissal by UBS Global AM.

A copy of this Code shall be provided to each Covered Person.


This Code deals with the required standards of fairness, honesty and integrity in a universal and general manner. UBS Global AM and its affiliates have issued, and will issue from time to time, more specific directives, policies, principals and procedures to implement such values while reflecting the specific requirements of a business group, business area or a particular jurisdiction. If there is any inconsistency between the requirements of this Code or any other applicable policy, the higher standard shall apply.

This Code is supplemental to, and does not replace, any other code applicable to Covered Persons, such as a code of ethics regarding personal investing or restrictions on the receipt of gifts from third-party vendors or service contractors.

EX-99.CERT 3 d823947dex99cert.htm CERTIFICATIONS PURSUANT TO SECTION 302 Certifications pursuant to Section 302

Exhibit EX-99.CERT


I, Mark E. Carver, President of Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc. certify that:



I have reviewed this report on Form N-CSR of Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.;



Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;



Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations, changes in net assets, and cash flows (if the financial statements are required to include a statement of cash flows) of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;



The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) for the registrant and have:



Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;



Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;



Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of this report based on such evaluation; and



Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the second fiscal quarter of the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting; and



The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed to the registrant’s auditors and the audit committee of the registrant’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):



All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant’s ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial information; and



Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.



/s/ Mark E. Carver

Mark E. Carver



February 9, 2015

I, Thomas Disbrow, Vice President and Treasurer of Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc., certify that:



I have reviewed this report on Form N-CSR of Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.;



Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;



Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations, changes in net assets, and cash flows (if the financial statements are required to include a statement of cash flows) of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;



The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) for the registrant and have:



Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;



Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;



Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of this report based on such evaluation; and


Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the second fiscal quarter of the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting; and



The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed to the registrant’s auditors and the audit committee of the registrant’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):



All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant’s ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial information; and



Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.



/s/ Thomas Disbrow

Thomas Disbrow

Vice President and Treasurer


February 9, 2015

EX-99.906CERT 4 d823947dex99906cert.htm CERTIFICATIONS PURSUANT TO SECTION 906 Certifications pursuant to Section 906

Exhibit EX-99.906CERT

Certification Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

(Subsections (a) and (b) of Section 1350, Chapter 63 of Title 18, United States Code)

In connection with the attached report of Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc. (the “Registrant”) on Form N-CSR (the “Report”), each of the undersigned officers of the Registrant does hereby certify that, to the best of such officer’s knowledge:



the Report fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d), as applicable, of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended;



the information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in the Report.



February 9, 2015


/s/ Mark E. Carver

Mark E. Carver



February 9, 2015


/s/ Thomas Disbrow

Thomas Disbrow

Vice President and Treasurer

This certification is being furnished solely pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 1350 and is not being filed as part of the Report or as a separate disclosure document.

EX-99.IRANNOTICE 5 d823947dex99irannotice.htm IRAN NOTICE Iran Notice


Disclosure pursuant to Section 13(r) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

The disclosure below does not relate to any activities conducted by the registrant and does not involve the registrant or the registrant’s management. The disclosure relates solely to activities conducted by UBS AG.

Section 219 of the U.S. Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act of 2012 (“ITRA”) added new Section 13(r) to the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”) requiring each SEC reporting issuer to disclose in its annual and, if applicable, quarterly reports whether it or any of its affiliates have knowingly engaged in certain activities, transactions or dealings relating to Iran or with the Government of Iran or certain designated natural persons or entities involved in terrorism or the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction during the period covered by the report. The required disclosure includes disclosure of activities not prohibited by U.S. or other law even if conducted outside the U.S. by non-U.S. affiliates in compliance with local law. The registrant’s investment adviser UBS Global Asset Management (Americas) Inc. is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of UBS AG. As a result, it appears that registrant is required to provide the disclosures set forth below pursuant to Section 219 of ITRA and Section 13(r) of the Exchange Act. It should therefore be noted that the Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2013 filed by UBS AG with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 14, 2014 contained the disclosure set forth below (with all references contained therein to “UBS” being references to UBS AG and its consolidated subsidiaries). By providing this disclosure, the registrant does not admit that it is an affiliate of UBS AG or UBS Global Asset Management (Americas) Inc.

The disclosure relates solely to activities conducted by UBS AG and its consolidated subsidiaries.

Disclosure Pursuant To Section 219 of the Iran Threat Reduction and Syrian Human Rights Act

UBS AG has a Group Sanctions Policy which was implemented in 2006 that prohibits transactions involving sanctioned countries, including Iran, and sanctioned individuals and entities. However, UBS continues to maintain one account involving the Iranian government under the auspices of the United Nations in Geneva after agreeing with the Swiss government that it would do so only under certain conditions. These conditions include that payments involving the account must: (1) be made within Switzerland; (2) be consistent with paying rent, salaries, telephone and other expenses necessary for its operations in Geneva; and (3) not involve any Specially Designated Nationals blocked or otherwise restricted under U.S. or Swiss law. In 2013, the gross/net revenues for this UN related account were approximately USD 15,8571 which was generated by fees charged to the account; the net profit was approximately USD 10,647 after deductions were taken for UBS internal costs for maintaining the account. UBS AG intends to continue maintaining this account pursuant to the conditions it has established and consistent with its Group Sanctions Policy.




1 All figures in this Section 219 disclosure are stated in US dollars for convenience and consistency, although the underlying transactions are denominated in other currencies, principally Swiss francs.

As previously reported, there were also certain outstanding trade finance arrangements that had been issued on behalf of Swiss client exporters in favor of their Iranian counterparties which involve four Iranian designated banks (WMD). At the time these trade finance arrangements were initiated in or about 2000, none of the Iran banks involved were WMD-designated. In February 2012, due to increasing risks involving Iran, UBS ceased accepting payments on these outstanding export trade finance arrangements and worked with the Swiss government who insured these contracts (Swiss Export Risk Insurance “SERV”). On December 21, 2013, UBS and the SERV entered into certain Transfer and Assignment Agreements under which SERV purchased all of UBS’s remaining receivables under or in connection with Iran-related export finance transactions. Subsequently the SERV notified the Iranian banks and requested their agreement. Such agreement is stipulated under the terms of the original contracts. To date UBS has not been informed of any confirmation. Hence from a legal perspective, the SERV is the sole beneficiary of said receivables. Contractually UBS remains creditor and thus accordingly it is not yet in the position to write off these receivables. There was no financial activity involving Iran in connection with these trade finance arrangements in 2013. In connection with these trade finance arrangements, UBS has maintained one existing account relationship with an Iranian bank that is currently WMD designated. This account was established as a correspondent banking relationship prior to the U.S. designation. In 2006, when UBS implemented its Group Sanctions Policy, the relationship was closed but the account was maintained due to the existing trade finance arrangements. In or about 2007, following the designation of the bank pursuant to sanctions issued by the U.S., UN and Switzerland, the account was blocked under Swiss law and has remained blocked since then. Client assets as of December 2013 were USD 3,553. We intend to terminate these legacy arrangements and relationships in accordance with the nature of these instruments and applicable law. As there have been no transactions involving this account in 2013 other than general account fees, there are no gross profits/net revenues to report for 2013.

In 1993, a non-Iranian individual opened a private banking relationship at a predecessor institution of UBS AG in Switzerland. In 2001, this individual was designated under Executive Order 13224 and remains so today. In 2001, the individual’s accounts at UBS AG were blocked by order of the Swiss authorities. The Swiss authorities lifted the blocking of the individual’s UBS accounts in October 2012. UBS AG does not intend to continue this activity and has been in the process of exiting this client relationship. UBS AG has frozen the client’s remaining account until it can be closed as permitted by applicable law. In 2013, the gross revenues for this client relationship were approximately USD -2,667 and the net loss was approximately USD -10,025.

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