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AIMF SUP-3 061715

Statement of Additional Information Supplement dated June 17, 2015

The purpose of this supplement is to provide you with changes to the current Statement of Additional Information for Class A, B, C, R, R5, R6, Y and Investor Class shares, as applicable, of the Funds listed below:


Invesco Asia Pacific Growth Fund Invesco Global Small & Mid Cap Growth Fund
Invesco European Growth Fund Invesco International Core Equity Fund
Invesco Global Growth Fund Invesco International Growth Fund
Invesco Global Opportunities Fund Invesco Select Opportunities Fund

With respect to Invesco Asia Pacific Growth Fund, Invesco Global Growth Fund, Invesco Global Small & Mid Cap Growth Fund and Invesco International Growth Fund:

The following risk is added below the last paragraph under the heading “DESCRIPTION OF THE FUNDS AND THEIR INVESTMENTS AND RISKS – Investment Strategies and Risks – Foreign Investments – Foreign Securities – Risks of Developing/Emerging Markets Countries” in the Statement of Additional Information.

“Risks of Investments in China A-shares through the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect Program. The Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect program (“Connect Program”) is subject to quota limitations and an investor cannot purchase and sell the same security on the same trading day, which may restrict a Fund’s ability to invest in China A-shares through the Connect Program and to enter into or exit trades on a timely basis. The Shanghai market may be open at a time when the Connect Program is not trading, with the result that prices of China A-shares may fluctuate at times when the Fund is unable to add to or exit its position. Only certain China A-shares are eligible to be accessed through the Connect Program. Such securities may lose their eligibility at any time, in which case they could be sold but could no longer be purchased through the Connect Program. Because the Connect Program is new, the actual effect on the market for trading China A-shares with the introduction of large numbers of foreign investors is currently unknown. The Connect Program is subject to regulations promulgated by regulatory authorities for the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, and further regulations or restrictions, such as limitations on redemptions or suspension of trading, may adversely impact the Connect Program, if the authorities believe it necessary to assure orderly markets or for other reasons. There is no guarantee that both exchanges will continue to support the Connect Program in the future.

Investments in China A-shares may not be covered by the securities investor protection programs of either exchange and, without the protection of such programs, will be subject to the risk of default by the broker. In the event that the depository of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (“ChinaClear”) defaulted, a Fund may not be able to recover fully its losses from ChinaClear or may be delayed in receiving proceeds as part of any recovery process. In addition, because all trades on the Connect Program in respect of eligible China A-shares must be settled in Renminbi (RMB), the Chinese currency, the Funds investing through the Connect Program must have timely access to a reliable supply of offshore RMB, which cannot be guaranteed.

China A-shares purchased through the Connect Program are held in nominee name and not the Fund’s name as the beneficial owner. It is possible, therefore, that a Fund’s ability to exercise its rights as a shareholder and to pursue claims against the issuer of China A-shares may be limited because the nominee structure has not been tested in Chinese courts. In addition, a Fund may not be able to participate in corporate actions affecting China A-shares held through the Connect Program due to time constraints or for other operational reasons.

Trades on the Connect Program are subject to certain requirements prior to trading. If these requirements are not completed prior to the market opening, a Fund cannot sell the shares on that trading day. In addition, these requirements may limit the number of brokers that a Fund may use to execute trades. If an investor holds 5% or more of the total shares issued by a China-A share issuer, the investor must return any profits obtained from the purchase and sale of those shares if both transactions occur within a six-month period. If a Fund holds 5% or more of the total shares of a China-A share issuer through its Connect Program investments, its profits may be subject to these limitations. All accounts managed by the Adviser and/or its affiliates will be aggregated for purposes of this 5% limitation, which makes it more likely that a Fund’s profits may be subject to these limitations.”

AIMF SUP-3 061715