EX-99.8 9 y03125exv99w8.htm EX-99.8: SECOND QUARTER 2009 RESULTS EX-99.8
Exhibit 99.8

2, place Jean Millier
La Défense 6
92 400 Courbevoie France
Fax : + 33 (0) 1 47 44 68 21
Isabelle DESMET
Tel.: + 33 (0) 1 47 44 37 76
Tel.: + 33 (0) 1 47 44 45 91
Christine de CHAMPEAUX
Tel.: + 33 (0) 1 47 44 47 49
Tel.: + 33 (0) 1 47 44 81 33
Sandra DANTE
Tel.: + 33 (0) 1 47 44 46 07
Philippe GATEAU
Tel.: + 33 (0) 1 47 44 47 05
Tel.: + 33 (0) 1 47 44 76 29
Tel.: + 33 (0) 1 47 44 38 16
Capital 5 867 520 185 euros
542 051 180 R.C.S. Nanterre
Paris, July 31, 2009
Second quarter and first half 2009 results
Board approves interim 2009 dividend of 1.14 €/share
Main results 1-2

  Second quarter adjusted net income 3   1.7 billion euros     -54 %
      2.3 billion dollars     -60 %
      0.77 euros per share     -53 %
      1.05 dollars per share     -59 %
  First half adjusted net income   3.8 billion euros     -45 %
      5.1 billion dollars     -52 %
  First half net income (Group share)   4.5 billion euros     -46 %
Highlights since the beginning of the second quarter 2009

  Upstream production of 2,182 kboe/d in the second quarter 2009
  Start-up of Tahiti in the Gulf of Mexico and Tyrihans in Norway
  Launching construction of the Jubail refinery in Saudi Arabia in partnership with Saudi Aramco
  Partnership with Cobalt International Energy, L.P. and start of first joint-exploration well in deep-offshore Gulf of Mexico
  Launching engineering studies (FEED) for Ichthys LNG project in Australia
  Signed 20-year extension of Gasco joint-venture in United Arab Emirates
  Agreement for a 49% interest in Terneftegas for development of Termokarstovoye field in Russia
  Acquired new exploration acreage in offshore Egypt, Norway and Cameroon
  Successful appraisal well near Moho Bilondo in Congo and discovery on Niscota block in Colombia
  Entered partnership with GDF SUEZ to participate in the EPR nuclear project in Penly, France and acquired interest in Gevo, an innovative US company developing bio-hydrocarbons
1   percent changes are relative to the same period 2008.
2   dollar amounts represent euro amounts converted at the average €-$ exchange rate for the period : 1.3632 $/€ in the 2nd quarter 2009, 1.5622 $/€ in the 2nd quarter 2008, 1.3029 $/€ in the 1st quarter 2009, 1.3328 $/€ in the 1st half 2009 and 1.5304 $/€ in the 1st half 2008.
3   adjusted net income = net income using replacement cost (Group share) adjusted for special items and excluding Total’s share of adjustments and, from 2009, selected items related to Sanofi-Aventis. Total’s net income (Group share) for the 2nd quarter 2009 was 2,169 M€.



The Board of Directors of Total, led by Chairman Thierry Desmarest, met on July 30, 2009 to review the Group’s second quarter and first half 2009.
Adjusted net income was 1,721 million euros (M€), a decrease of 54% compared to the second quarter 2008 and 19% compared to first quarter 2009.
The Board of Directors approved the 2009 interim dividend of 1.14 €/share for payment in November4.
Commenting on the results, CEO Christophe de Margerie said :
«In the second quarter, the price of Brent rose by 33% compared to the first quarter, lifted by the anticipation of an economic recovery and by OPEC maintaining its production discipline. However, weak demand caused natural gas prices and refining margins to fall sharply. The environment for chemicals stabilized after recent quarters that were affected by low demand. The dollar averaged 1.36 $/€ in the quarter.
Total’s adjusted net income of 2.35 billion dollars and gearing close to 25% confirms that we are able to resist in a weaker environment. Since the start of the year, Total has issued close to 5 billion euros of debt with competitive terms to maintain its financial flexibility.
While maintaining a sustained level of investment to prepare for the future, Total is fully engaged in ongoing cost reduction and optimization programs needed to lower the breakeven points and launch new development projects. For example, after succeeding in significantly reducing costs, the Group made its final investment decision on the Jubail refinery project with Saudi Aramco and awarded construction contracts.
Since the beginning of the year, the Akpo, Tahiti and Tyrihans fields have started up as planned. Despite these successes, the Group’s hydrocarbon production declined relative to the first quarter of this year because of high maintenance, impact of higher prices on entitlement production and weak gas demand with only a partial offset from the contribution from new fields.
Over the remaining months of the year, we expect to benefit from the ramp-up of these new fields and the start-up of Yemen LNG, Qatargas II train B and Tombua Landana in Angola. Exploration success during the quarter, acquisition of new permits and the partnerships with Cobalt in the Gulf of Mexico and Novatek in Russia all combine to strengthen the potential of the Group.
The recent industrial accidents regrettably confirm that the Group must maintain its efforts for vigilance and improvement of safety at the highest levels. In the framework of its policy for investment, training and management, Total will continue to give priority to the safety of its personnel and the protection of the environment.
Confident in its outlook and financial strength, Total will pay an interim dividend to its shareholders in November4 of 1.14 € per share, the same amount as the interim and final 2008 dividends. »
¨ ¨ ¨
4   the ex-dividend date for the 2009 interim dividend is November 13 and the payment date is November 18, 2009; for the ADR (NYSE :TOT) the ex-dividend date is November 9.



     Key figures5
                        2Q09 vs   in millions of euros                   1H09 vs
2Q09   1Q09   2Q08   2Q08   except earnings per share and number of shares   1H09   1H08   1H08
  31,430       30,041       48,200       -35 %  
    61,471       92,413       -33 %
  3,044       3,615       7,786       -61 %  
Adjusted operating income from business segments
    6,659       14,905       -55 %
  1,678       2,050       3,756       -55 %  
Adjusted net operating income from business segments
    3,728       6,956       -46 %
  1,451       1,482       3,099       -53 %  
    2,933       5,830       -50 %
  156       600       587       -73 %  
    756       898       -16 %
  71       -32       70       +1 %  
    39       228       -83 %
  1,721       2,113       3,723       -54 %  
Adjusted net income
    3,834       6,977       -45 %
  0.77       0.95       1.65       -53 %  
Adjusted fully-diluted earnings per share (euros)
    1.72       3.10       -45 %
  2,235.6       2,235.4       2,252.9       -1 %  
Fully-diluted weighted-average shares (millions)
    2,235.5       2,253.4       -1 %
  2,169       2,290       4,732       -54 %  
Net income (Group share)
    4,459       8,334       -46 %
  3,634       2,935       2,868       +27 %  
    6,569       5,511       +19 %
  3,575       2,840       2,138       +67 %  
Investments6 including net investments in equity affiliates and non-consolidated companies
    6,415       4,684       +37 %
  858       472       726       +18 %  
    1,330       924       +44 %
  1,939       3,994       1,922       +1 %  
Cash flow from operations
    5,933       7,238       -18 %
  3,237       3,372       4,798       -33 %  
Adjusted cash flow from operations
    6,609       9,129       -28 %
                        2Q09 vs   in millions of dollars7                   1H09 vs
2Q09   1Q09   2Q08   2Q08   except earnings per share and number of shares   1H09   1H08   1H08
  42,845       39,140       75,298       -43 %  
    81,929       141,429       -42 %
  4,150       4,710       12,163       -66 %  
Adjusted operating income from business segments
    8,875       22,811       -61 %
  2,287       2,671       5,868       -61 %  
Adjusted net operating income from business segments
    4,969       10,645       -53 %
  1,978       1,931       4,841       -59 %  
    3,909       8,922       -56 %
  213       782       917       -77 %  
    1,008       1,374       -27 %
  97       -42       109       -11 %  
    52       349       -85 %
  2,346       2,753       5,816       -60 %  
Adjusted net income
    5,110       10,678       -52 %
  1.05       1.23       2.58       -59 %  
Adjusted fully-diluted earnings per share (dollars)
    2.29       4.74       -52 %
  2,235.6       2,235.4       2,252.9       -1 %  
Fully-diluted weighted-average shares (millions)
    2,235.5       2,253.4       -1 %
  2,957       2,984       7,392       -60 %  
Net income (Group share)
    5,943       12,754       -53 %
  4,954       3,824       4,480       +11 %  
    8,755       8,434       +4 %
  4,873       3,700       3,340       +46 %  
Investments6 including net investments in equity affiliates and non-consolidated companies
    8,550       7,168       +19 %
  1,170       615       1,134       +3 %  
    1,773       1,414       +25 %
  2,643       5,204       3,003       -12 %  
Cash flow from operations
    7,908       11,077       -29 %
  4,413       4,393       7,495       -41 %  
Adjusted cash flow from operations
    8,808       13,971       -37 %
5   adjusted income (adjusted operating income, adjusted net operating income and adjusted net income) is defined as income using replacement cost, adjusted for special items affecting operating income and excluding Total’s equity share of adjustments and, from 2009, selected items related to Sanofi-Aventis; adjusted cash flow from operations is defined as cash flow from operations before changes in working capital at replacement cost; adjustment items are on page 17.
6   including acquisitions.
7   dollar amounts represent euro amounts converted at the average €-$ exchange rate for the period.



    Second quarter 2009 results
     > Operating income
In the second quarter 2009, the Brent price averaged 59.1 $/b, a decrease of 51% compared to the second quarter 2008 and an increase of 33% compared to the first quarter 2009. The TRCV European refining margin indicator fell to 12.4 $/t on average in the second quarter 2009, a decrease of 69% compared to the second quarter 2008 and 64% compared to the first quarter 2009.
The euro-dollar exchange rate averaged 1.36 $/ in the second quarter 2009 compared to 1.56 $/ in the second quarter 2008 and 1.30 $/ in the first quarter 2009.
In this environment, the adjusted operating income from the business segments was 3,044 M, a decrease of 61% compared to the second quarter 20088. Expressed in dollars, the decrease was 66%.
The effective tax rate9 for the business segments was 56% in the second quarter 2009 compared to 58% in the second quarter 2008.
Adjusted net operating income from the business segments was 1,678 M compared to 3,756 M in the second quarter 2008, a decrease of 55%. The smaller decrease, relative to the one in adjusted operating income, is essentially due to a more limited decrease in the contribution from equity affiliates.
Expressed in dollars, adjusted net operating income from the business segments was 2.3 billion dollars (B$), a decrease of 61% compared to the second quarter 2008.
     > Net income
Adjusted net income was 1,721 M compared to 3,723 M in the second quarter 2008, a decrease of 54%. Expressed in dollars, adjusted net income decreased by 60%. It excludes the after-tax inventory effect, special items, and the Group’s equity share of adjustments and selected items related to Sanofi-Aventis.
    The after-tax inventory effect had a positive impact on net income of 788 M in the second quarter 2009 and 1,154 M in the second quarter 2008.
    Special items had a negative impact on net income of 221 M in the second quarter 2009 and were comprised mainly of provisions in the Downstream and Chemicals segments, including the modernization plans for refining and petrochemicals in France announced in March 2009. In the second quarter 2008, special items had a negative impact on net income of 67 M10.
    The Group’s share of adjustments and selected items related to Sanofi-Aventis had a negative impact on net income of 119 M in the second quarter 2009. The adjustments related to Sanofi-Aventis were 78 M in the second quarter 2008.
Reported net income (Group share) was 2,169 M compared to 4,732 M in the second quarter 2008.
The effective tax rate for the Group was 56% in the second quarter 2009.
The Group did not buy back shares in the second quarter 2009.
Adjusted fully-diluted earnings per share, based on 2,235.6 million fully-diluted weighted-average shares, was 0.77 euros compared to 1.65 euros in the second quarter 2008, a decrease of 53%.
Expressed in dollars, adjusted fully-diluted earnings per share fell by 59% to $1.05.
8   special items affecting operating income from the business segments had a negative impact of -188 M in the 2nd quarter 2009 and no impact in the 2nd quarter 2008.
9   defined as: (tax on adjusted net operating income) / (adjusted net operating income - income from equity affiliates, dividends received from investments and impairments of acquisition goodwill + tax on adjusted net operating income).
10   detail shown on page 17.



     > Investments — divestments11
Investments excluding acquisitions and including net investments in equity affiliates and non-consolidated companies, were 3.1 B (4.2 B$) in the second quarter 2009 compared to 2.1 B (3.3 B$) in the second quarter 2008.
Acquisitions were 480 M in the second quarter 2009.
Asset sales in the second quarter 2009 were 781 M, consisting essentially of Sanofi-Aventis shares.
Net investments12 were 2.8 B (3.8 B$) in the second quarter 2009 compared to 2.1 B (3.3 B$) in the second quarter 2008.
     > Cash flow
Cash flow from operating activities was 1,939 M in the second quarter 2009, stable compared to the second quarter 2008, mainly due to the offsetting effects of the decrease in net income, which was linked essentially to the drop in hydrocarbon prices between the two periods, and the change in working capital.
Adjusted cash flow13 was 3,237 M, a decrease of 33% compared to second quarter 2008. Expressed in dollars, adjusted cash flow was 4.4 B$, a decrease of 41%.
Net cash flow14 for the Group was a negative of 837 M compared to a negative 220 M in the second quarter 2008. Expressed in dollars, net cash flow for the Group was a negative 1.1 B$ in the second quarter 2009.
11   detail shown on page 18.
12   net investments = investments including acquisitions and net investments in equity affiliates and non-consolidated companies - asset sales + repayments by employees for loans related to stock purchase plans.
13   cash flow from operations at replacement cost before changes in working capital.
14   net cash flow = cash flow from operations + divestments - gross investments.



    First half 2009 results
     > Operating income
Compared to the first half 2008, the first half 2009 oil environment was marked by a 53% fall in the price of Brent to 51.7 $/b. The TRCV European refining margin indicator decreased by 27% to 23.5 $/t. The environment for Total’s petrochemicals was unfavorable, mainly as a result of weak demand in the Atlantic basin.
The euro-dollar exchange rate was 1.33 $/ compared to 1.53 $/ in the first half 2008.
In this context, the adjusted operating income from the business segments was 6,659 M, a decrease of 55% compared to the first half 200815.
The effective tax rate for the business segments was 54% in the first half 2009 compared to 59% in the first half 2008, reflecting mainly the lower tax rate in the Upstream.
Adjusted net operating income from the business segments was 3,728 M compared to 6,956 M in the first half 2008, a decrease of 46%. The smaller decrease, relative to the one in adjusted operating income, is essentially due to the lower effective tax rate between the two periods and a more limited decrease in the contribution from equity affiliates.
Expressed in dollars, adjusted net operating income from the business segments fell by 53%.
     > Net income
Adjusted net income decreased by 45% to 3,834 M in the first half 2009 from 6,977 M in the first half 2008. It excludes the after-tax inventory effect, special items, and the Group’s equity share of adjustments and selected items related to Sanofi-Aventis.
    The after-tax inventory effect had a positive impact on net income of 1,115 M in the first half 2009 compared to 1,428 M in the first half 2008.
    Special items had a negative impact on net income of 308 M in the first half 2009 compared to a positive impact of 78 M in the first half 200816.
    The Group’s share of adjustments and selected items related to Sanofi-Aventis had a negative impact on net income of 182 M in the first half 2009. The adjustments related to Sanofi-Aventis were 149 M in the first half 2008.
Reported net income (Group share) was 4,459 M compared to 8,334 M in the first half 2008.
The Group did not buy back shares in the first half 2009. On June 30, 2009, there were 2,235.5 million fully-diluted shares compared to 2,252.5 million on June 30, 2008.
Adjusted fully-diluted earnings per share, based on 2,235.5 million weighted-average shares was 1.72 euros compared to 3.10 euros in the first half 2008, a decrease of 45%.
Expressed in dollars, adjusted fully-diluted earnings per share was 2.29 compared to 4.74 in the first half 2008, a decrease of 52%.
15   special items affecting operating income from the business segments had a negative impact of 291 M in the 1st  half 2009 and no impact in the 1st half 2008
16   detail shown on page 17.



     > Investments — divestments17
Investments excluding acquisitions and including net investments in equity affiliates and non-consolidated companies, were 5.8 B (7.8 B$) in the first half 2009 compared to 4.6 B (7.0 B$) in the first half 2008.
Acquisitions were 573 M in the first half 2009.
Asset sales in the first half 2009 were 1,140 M, consisting essentially of Sanofi-Aventis shares.
Net investments18 were 7.0 B$ in the first half 2009, equal to the first half 2008.
     > Cash flow
Cash flow from operating activities was 5,933 M, a decrease of 18% compared to the first half 2008.
Adjusted cash flow19 was 6,609 M, a decrease of 28%. Expressed in dollars, adjusted cash flow was 8.8 B$, a decrease of 37%.
Net cash flow20 for the Group was 694 M compared to 2,651 M in the first half 2008. Expressed in dollars, net cash flow for the Group was 0.9 B$ in the first half 2009.
The net-debt-to-equity ratio was 24.7% on June 30, 2009 compared to 19.1% on March 31, 2009 and 25.1% on June 30, 200821, in line with the objectives of the Group.
17   detail shown on page 18.
18   net investments = investments including acquisitions and net investments in equity affiliates and non-consolidated companies - asset sales + repayments by employees for loans related to stock purchase plans.
19   cash flow from operations at replacement cost before changes in working capital.
20   net cash flow = cash flow from operations + divestments - gross investments.
21   detail shown on page 19.



    Analysis of business segment results
     > Environment — liquids and gas price realizations*
                        2Q09 vs                       1H09 vs
2Q09   1Q09   2Q08   2Q08       1H09   1H08   1H08
  59.1        44.5         121.2       -51 %  
Brent ($/b)
    51.7       109.0       -53 %
   54.8       41.5       114.9       -52 %  
Average liquids price ($/b)
    48.2       102.8       -53 %
  4.71       5.98       7.29       -35 %  
Average gas price ($/Mbtu)
    5.36       6.97       -23 %
  44.2       38.8       87.3       -49 %  
Average hydrocarbons price ($/boe)
    41.5       78.8       -47 %
*   consolidated subsidiaries, excluding fixed margin and buy-back contracts.
Total’s average realized liquids price decreased by 52% and 53%, respectively, in the second quarter and the first half 2009 compared to the same periods in 2008, in line with the changes in the price of Brent.
The average realized price for Total’s natural gas decreased by 35% in the second quarter 2009 compared to the second quarter 2008 and by 23% in the first half 2009 compared to the first half 2008.
     > Production
                        2Q09 vs                       1H09 vs
2Q09   1Q09   2Q08   2Q08   Hydrocarbon production   1H09   1H08   1H08
  2,182       2,322       2,353       -7 %  
Combined production (kboe/d)
    2,252       2,389       -6 %
  1,328       1,413       1,471       -10 %  
• Liquids (kb/d)
    1,370       1,491       -8 %
  4,686       4,957       4,772       -2 %  
• Gas (Mcf/d)
    4,821       4,880       -1 %
Hydrocarbon production was 2,182 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day (kboe/d) in the second quarter 2009, a decrease of 7.3% compared to the second quarter 2008, mainly as a result of:
    -4% for OPEC reductions and lower gas demand linked to the economic recession,
    -3% for changes in the portfolio, mainly Venezuela and Libya,
    -1.5% for disruptions in Nigeria related to security issues,
    +3% for the price effect22.
    -2% for the natural decline and the high level of maintenance, including notably a shutdown of Alwyn, that were partially offset by the ramp-ups and start-ups of new fields.
In the first half 2009, hydrocarbon production was 2,252 kboe/d, a decrease of 5.7% compared to the first half 2008, mainly as a result of :
    -4% for OPEC reductions and lower gas demand,
    -2.5% for changes in the portfolio, mainly Venezuela and Libya,
    +2.5% for the price effect18,
    -1.5% for disruptions in Nigeria related to security issues.
The contribution from ramp-ups and start-ups of new fields was offset by the natural decline on existing fields.
22   impact of changing hydrocarbon prices on entitlement volumes.



     > Results
                        2Q09 vs                       1H09 vs
2Q09   1Q09   2Q08   2Q08   in millions of euros   1H09   1H08   1H08
  2,843       2,892       6,964       -59 %  
Adjusted operating income*
    5,735       13,387       -57 %
  1,451       1,482       3,099       -53 %  
Adjusted net operating income*
    2,933       5,830       -50 %
  176       227       317       -44 %  
• includes income from equity affiliates
    403       599       -33 %
  2,664       2,250       2,076       +28 %  
    4,914       4,254       +16 %
  105       129       565       -81 %  
    234       672       -65 %
  1,943       2,578       3,643       -47 %  
Cash flow from operating activities
    4,521       7,894       -43 %
  2,550       2,679       3,904       -35 %  
Adjusted cash flow
    5,229       7,749       -33 %
*   detail of adjustment items shown in business segment information.
Adjusted net operating income for the Upstream segment was 1,451 M in the second quarter 2009 compared to 3,099 M in the second quarter 2008, a decrease of 53%.
Expressed in dollars, adjusted net operating income for the Upstream segment decreased by 59%, reflecting essentially the impact of lower hydrocarbon prices compared to the second quarter 2008 when Brent peaked at an average of 121 $/b.
Adjusted net operating income expressed in dollars (1,978 M$) was slightly higher compared to the first quarter 2009, mainly because the higher liquids price offset the lower gas price and lower production volumes.
Compared to the second quarter 2008, the decrease in income from equity affiliates was driven in particular by lower results from Nigeria LNG.
The effective tax rate for the Upstream segment was 58%, unchanged from the first quarter 2009. The effective tax rate for the Upstream segment was 61% in the second quarter 2008.
Adjusted net operating income for the Upstream segment in the first half 2009 was 2,933 M compared to 5,830 M in the first half 2008, a decrease of 50%.
Expressed in dollars, adjusted net operating income for the Upstream segment fell to 3.9 B$, a decrease of 56%, essentially due to lower hydrocarbon prices.
The return on average capital employed (ROACE23) for the Upstream segment for the twelve months ended June 30, 2009 was 25% compared to 31% for the twelve months ended March 31, 2009 and 36% for the full year 2008.
23   calculated based on adjusted net operating income and average capital employed, using replacement cost, as shown on page 20.



     > Refinery throughput and utilization rates*
                        2Q09 vs                       1H09 vs
2Q09   1Q09   2Q08   2Q08       1H09   1H08   1H08
  2,175       2,236       2,297       -5 %  
Total refinery throughput (kb/d)
    2,205       2,341       -6 %
  925       895       932       -1 %  
• France
    910       931       -2 %
  1,024       1,086       1,055       -3 %  
• Rest of Europe
    1,055       1,111       -5 %
  226       255       310       -27 %  
• Rest of world
    240       299       -20 %
Utilization rates
  79 %     81 %     85 %          
• Based on crude only
    80 %     86 %        
  84 %     86 %     88 %          
• Based on crude and other feedstock
    85 %     90 %        
*   includes share of CEPSA.
In the second quarter 2009, refinery throughput decreased by 5% compared to the second quarter 2008 and by 3% compared to the first quarter 2009.
The second quarter 2009 was affected by the completion of scheduled refinery turnarounds at Donges and Antwerp as well as scheduled turnarounds initiated at Lindsey and Vlissingen. Also, due to the economic conditions, certain refineries elected to reduce throughput during the quarter.
In the second quarter 2008, there was a scheduled turnaround at Leuna and partial turnarounds at Normandy and Grandpuits. In the first quarter 2009, there were scheduled turnarounds at Donges and Lindsey in addition to a voluntary throughput reduction at the Port Arthur refinery in March.
Increased turnarounds and voluntary throughput reductions in the second quarter 2009 reduced the utilization rate based on crude and other feedstocks to 84% from 88% in the second quarter 2008 and 86% in the first quarter 2009.
     > Results
                        2Q09 vs   in millions of euros           1H09 vs
2Q09   1Q09   2Q08   2Q08   except TRCV refining margins   1H09   1H08   1H08
  12.4       34.7       40.2       -69 %  
European refining margin indicator — TRCV ($/t)
    23.5       32.4       -27 %
  141       791       744       -81 %  
Adjusted operating income*
    932       1,242       -25 %
  156       600       587       -73 %  
Adjusted net operating income*
    756       898       -16 %
  28       33       15       +87 %  
• includes income from equity affiliates
    61       17       x4  
  825       495       514       +61 %  
    1,320       808       +63 %
  26       36       128       -80 %  
    62       152       -59 %
  (28 )     1,648       (1,391 )   na  
Cash flow from operating activities
    1,620       (223 )   na
  239       934       623       -62 %  
Adjusted cash flow
    1,173       1,143       +3 %
*   detail of adjustment items shown in business segment information.



The TRCV European refining margin indicator averaged 12.4 $/t in the second quarter 2009, a decrease of 69% compared to the second quarter 2008 and a decrease of 64% compared to the first quarter 2009. Gasoline margins declined by less than diesel margins, but refining margins as a group suffered over the quarter.
Adjusted net operating income for the Downstream segment was 156 M in the second quarter 2009, a decrease of 73% compared to the second quarter 2008 and 74% compared to the first quarter 2009.
Expressed in dollars, adjusted net operating income for the Downstream segment was 213 M$, a decrease of 77% compared to the second quarter 2008 and 73% compared to the first quarter 2009, mainly due to the sharp decline of refining margins and to conditions for supply optimization that were particularly favorable in the first quarter 2009.
Adjusted net operating income for the Downstream segment in the first half 2009 was 756 M, a decrease of 16% compared to the first half 2008.
Expressed in dollars, adjusted net operating income for the Downstream segment was 1 B$ in the first half 2009, a decrease of 27% compared to the first half 2008, reflecting essentially the less favorable refining environment.
The ROACE24 for the Downstream segment for the twelve months ended June 30, 2009 was 18% compared to 23% for the twelve months ended March 31, 2009 and 20% for the full year 2008.
24   calculated based on adjusted net operating income and average capital employed, using replacement cost, as shown on page 20.



                        2Q09 vs               1H09 vs
2Q09   1Q09   2Q08   2Q08   in millions of euros   1H09   1H08   1H08
  3,684       3,218       5,478       -33 %  
    6,902       10,707       -36 %
  2,164       1,776       3,632       -40 %  
• Base chemicals
    3,940       7,052       -44 %
  1,520       1,442       1,846       -18 %  
• Specialties
    2,962       3,655       -19 %
  60       (68 )     78       -23 %  
Adjusted operating income*
    (8 )     276     na
  71       (32 )     70       +1 %  
Adjusted net operating income*
    39       228       -83 %
  19       (40 )     (23 )     na    
• Base chemicals
    (20 )     38     na
  58       16       97       -40 %  
• Specialties
    74       195       -62 %
  115       179       221     -48  
    294       385       -24 %
  8       6       12     -33  
    14       19       -26 %
  280       178       169     +66  
Cash flow from operating activities
    458       (33 )   na
  114     (134     152     -25  
Adjusted cash flow
    (20 )     418     na
*   detail of adjustment items shown in business segment information.
In the second quarter 2009, petrochemical margins remained under pressure from weak demand in the Atlantic basin and, in the second half of the quarter, suffered from rising naphtha prices. The utilization rate for petrochemical units, however, increased from the low levels of the previous quarter.
In the second quarter 2009, sales for the Chemicals segment were 3.7 B.
Adjusted net operating income for the Chemicals segment was 71 M, stable compared to the second quarter 2008 and an increase of more than 100 M compared to the first quarter 2009.
Compared to the first quarter 2009, the improvement in the Chemicals results were mainly due to relatively good petrochemical export sales to Asia and better resistance by the Specialties that reflected, in particular, their cost reduction efforts and a slight improvement in Asian demand.
In the first half 2009, adjusted net operating income for the Chemicals segment was 39 M compared to 228 M in the first half 2008, a decrease of 83% that resulted from the economic recession, particularly as it affected Europe and North America.
The ROACE25 for the Chemicals segment for the twelve months ended June 30, 2009 was 7% compared to 7% for the twelve months ended March 31, 2009 and 9% for the full year 2008.
25   calculated based on adjusted net operating income and average capital employed, using replacement cost, as shown on page 20.



    Cancellation of shares
At the July 30, 2009 meeting, the Board of Directors approved the cancellation of 24,800,000 shares bought in 2008, adjusting the share capital to 5,867,520,185 based on 2,347,008,074 shares with a par value of 2.5 per share.
    TOTAL S.A. — parent company accounts
Net income for TOTAL S.A., the parent company, was 3,240 M in the first half of 2009 compared to 3,083 M in the first half of 2008.
    Summary and outlook
The ROACE for the twelve months ended June 30, 2009 was 19% for the Group and 21% for the business segments compared respectively to 24% and 26% for the twelve months ended March 31, 2009 and 26% and 28% for the full year 2008.
Return on equity for the twelve months ended June 30, 2009 was 23%.
Total will pay the 2009 interim dividend of 1.14 per share on November 18, 200926.
The Group maintains its net-debt-to-equity ratio objective of 25-30% for year-end 2009.
Since the start of the third quarter 2009, oil prices have remained above the average of the first six months. European refining margins are currently at very weak levels. Chemicals are continuing to suffer the effects of reduced demand in the Atlantic basin, but there are positive signs for demand in Asia.
The coming months should be marked by production ramp-ups at the Akpo field in Nigeria, Tahiti in the Gulf of Mexico, Tyrihans in Norway as well as the start-up of Yemen LNG in the third quarter then Qatargas II train B and Tombua Landana in Angola by the end of the year.
¨ ¨ ¨
To listen to CFO Patrick de la Chevardière’s conference call with financial analysts today at 15:00 (Paris time) please log on to www.total.com or call +44 (0)203 147 4744 in Europe or +1 866 907 5924 in the U.S. (access code: Total). For a replay, please consult the website or call +44 (0)207 107 0686 in Europe or 1 866 794 2598 in the US (code: 253 101).
26   the ex-dividend date for the 2009 interim dividend is November 13 and the payment date is November 18, 2009; for the ADR (NYSE :TOT) the ex-dividend date is November 9.



This document does not constitute the Financial Report for the first half 2009 which will be separately published, in accordance with article L.451-1-2 III of the French Code monétaire et financier, and is available on our web site www.total.com or upon request at the company’s headquarters.
The June 30, 2009 notes to the condensed consolidated accounts are available on the Total web site (www.total.com). This document may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 with respect to the financial condition, results of operations, business, strategy and plans of Total. Such statements are based on a number of assumptions that could ultimately prove inaccurate, and are subject to a number of risk factors, including currency fluctuations, the price of petroleum products, the ability to realize cost reductions and operating efficiencies without unduly disrupting business operations, environmental regulatory considerations and general economic and business conditions. Total does not assume any obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Further information on factors which could affect the company’s financial results is provided in documents filed by the Group and its affiliates with the French Autorité des Marchés Financiers and the US Securities and Exchange Commission.
Business segment information is presented in accordance with the Group internal reporting system used by the Chief operating decision maker to measure performance and allocate resources internally. Due to their particular nature or significance, certain transactions qualified as “special items” are excluded from the business segment figures. In general, special items relate to transactions that are significant, infrequent or unusual. However, in certain instances, certain transactions such as restructuring costs or assets disposals, which are not considered to be representative of normal course of business, may be qualified as special items although they may have occurred within prior years or are likely to recur within following years. The adjusted results of the Downstream and Chemical segments are also presented according to the replacement cost method. This method is used to assess the segments’ performance and ensure the comparability of the segments’ results with those of its competitors, mainly North American. In the replacement cost method, which approximates the LIFO (Last-In, First-Out) method, the variation of inventory values in the income statement is determined by the average price of the period rather than the historical value. The inventory valuation effect is the difference between the results according to FIFO (First-In, First-Out) and replacement cost. In this framework, performance measures such as adjusted operating income, adjusted net operating income and adjusted net income are defined as incomes using replacement cost, adjusted for special items and excluding Total’s equity share of the adjustments and, from 2009, selected items related to Sanofi-Aventis. They are meant to facilitate the analysis of the financial performance and the comparison of income between periods.
Dollar amounts presented herein represent euro amounts converted at the average euro-dollar exchange rate for the applicable period and are not the result of financial statements prepared in dollars.



Operating information by segment
Second quarter and first half 2009
                        2Q09 vs   Combined liquids and gas                   1H09 vs
2Q09   1Q09   2Q08   2Q08   production by region (kboe/d)   1H09   1H08   1H08
  574       686       601       -4 %  
    629       614       +2 %
  713       741       789 *     -10 %  
    728       819 *     -11 %
  13       11       14       -7 %  
North America
    12       15       -20 %
  248       255       246       +1 %  
Far East
    251       249       +1 %
  420       419       433       -3 %  
Middle East
    419       435       -4 %
  193       184       244 *     -21 %  
South America
    189       230 *     -18 %
  21       26       26 *     -19 %  
Rest of world
    24       27 *     -11 %
  2,182       2,322       2,353       -7 %  
Total production
    2,252       2,389       -6 %
  342       350       418       -18 %  
Includes equity and non-consolidated affiliates
    346       407       -15 %
*   restated to reclassify Total’s 48.83% share of CEPSA’s production in Colombia
                        2Q09 vs                       1H09 vs
2Q09   1Q09   2Q08   2Q08   Liquids production by region (kb/d)   1H09   1H08   1H08
  275       320       299       -8 %  
    297       299       -1 %
  600       633       657 *     -9 %  
    618       687 *     -10 %
  11       10       11          
North America
    10       11       -9 %
  33       36       27       +22 %  
Far East
    34       27       +26 %
  310       315       331       -6 %  
Middle East
    312       333       -6 %
  87       85       134 *     -35 %  
South America
    86       122 *     -30 %
  12       14       12 *        
Rest of world
    13       12 *     +8 %
  1,328       1,413       1,471       -10 %  
Total production
    1,370       1,491       -8 %
  289       294       366       -21 %  
Includes equity and non-consolidated affiliates
    291       353       -18 %
*   restated to reclassify Total’s 48.83% share of CEPSA’s production in Colombia



                        2Q09 vs                       1H09 vs
2Q09   1Q09   2Q08   2Q08   Gas production by region (Mcf/d)   1H09   1H08   1H08
  1,639       1,985       1,639          
    1,811       1,707       +6 %
  580       551       667       -13 %  
    566       678       -17 %
  9       8       19       -53 %  
North America
    9       21       -57 %
  1,215       1,223       1,210          
Far East
    1,219       1,228       -1 %
  609       574       548       +11 %  
Middle East
    591       564       +5 %
  585       549       610       -4 %  
South America
    567       600       -5 %
  49       67       79       -38 %  
Rest of world
    58       82       -29 %
  4,686       4,957       4,772       -2 %  
Total production
    4,821       4,880       -1 %
  285       302       281       +1 %  
Includes equity and non-consolidated affiliates
    293       294        
                        2Q09 vs                       1H09 vs
2Q09   1Q09   2Q08   2Q08   Liquefied natural gas   1H09   1H08   1H08
  2.12       2.10       2.16       -2 %  
LNG sales* (Mt)
    4.22       4.48       -6 %
*       sales, Group share, excluding trading; 1 Mt/y = approx. 133 Mcf/d; data from 2008 previous period have been restated to reflect volumes estimation for Bontang LNG in Indonesia based on the 2008 SEC coefficient
                        2Q09 vs                       1H09 vs
2Q09   1Q09   2Q08   2Q08   Refined products sales by region (kb/d)*   1H09   1H08   1H08
  1,979       2,176       1,999       -1 %  
    2,076       2,071        
  272       277       280       -3 %  
    275       280       -2 %
  161       189       220       -27 %  
    175       188       -7 %
  148       128       143       +3 %  
Rest of world
    138       144       -4 %
  2,560       2,770       2,642       -3 %  
Total consolidated sales
    2,664       2,683       -1 %
  1,092       1,000       956       +14 %  
    1,046       950       +10 %
  3,652       3,770       3,598       +2 %  
Total refined product sales
    3,710       3,633       +2 %
*   includes share of CEPSA



Adjustment items
     Adjustments to operating income from business segments
2Q09   1Q09   2Q08   in millions of euros   1H09   1H08
  (188 )     (103 )        
Special items affecting operating income from the business segments
    (291 )      
• Restructuring charges
  (105 )              
• Impairments
    (105 )      
  (83 )     (103 )        
• Other
    (186 )      
  1,065       477       1,687    
Pre-tax inventory effect: FIFO vs. replacement cost
    1,542       2,062  
  877       374       1,687    
Total adjustments affecting operating income from the business segments
    1,251       2,062  
   Adjustments to net income (Group share)
2Q09   1Q09   2Q08   in millions of euros   1H09   1H08
  (221 )     (87 )     (67 )  
Special items affecting net income (Group share)
    (308 )     78  
  28       13       2    
• Gain on asset sales
    41       147  
  (99 )     (6 )     (44 )  
• Restructuring charges
    (105 )     (44 )
  (71 )              
• Impairments
    (71 )      
  (79 )     (94 )     (25 )  
• Other
    (173 )     (25 )
  (119 )     (63 )     (78 )  
Equity shares of adjustments and, from 2009, selected items related to Sanofi-Aventis*
    (182 )     (149 )
  788       327       1,154    
After-tax inventory effect : FIFO vs. replacement cost
    1,115       1,428  
  448       177       1,009    
Total adjustments to net income
    625       1,357  
*      based on Total’s share in Sanofi-Aventis of 9.7% at 6/30/2009, 10.9% at 3/31/2009 and 13% at 6/30/2008
Effective tax rates
2Q09   1Q09   2Q08   Effective tax rate*   1H09   1H08
  58.3 %     58.1 %     61.2 %  
    58.2 %     61.8 %
  55.9 %     52.2 %     57.8 %  
    53.9 %     58.6 %
*   tax on adjusted net operating income / (adjusted net operating income - income from equity affiliates, dividends received from investments, and impairments of acquisition goodwill + tax on adjusted net operating income).



Investments — Divestments
                        2Q09 vs                       1H09 vs
2Q09   1Q09   2Q08   2Q08   in millions of euros   1H09   1H08   1H08
  3,095       2,747       2,091       +48 %  
Investments* excluding acquisitions
    5,842       4,589       +27 %
  154       228       205       -25 %  
• Capitalized exploration
    382       377       +1 %
  23       225       (522 )   na  
• Net investments in equity affiliates and non-consolidated companies
    248       (410 )   na
  480       93       47       x10    
    573       95       x6  
  3,575       2,840       2,138       +67 %  
Investments* including acquisitions
    6,415       4,684       +37 %
  781       359       120       x7    
Asset sales
    1,140       195       x6  
  2,776       2,463       2,142       +30 %  
Net investments **
    5,239       4,587       +14 %
                        2Q09 vs                       1H09 vs
2Q09   1Q09   2Q08   2Q08   in millions of dollars***   1H09   1H08   1H08
  4,219       3,579       3,267       +29 %  
Investments* excluding acquisitions
    7,786       7,023       +11 %
  210       297       320       -34 %  
• Capitalized exploration
    509       577       -12 %
  31       293       (815 )   na  
• Net investments in equity affiliates and non-consolidated companies
    331       (627 )   na
  654       121       73       x9    
    764       145       x5  
  4,873       3,700       3,340       +46 %  
Investments* including acquisitions
    8,550       7,168       +19 %
  1,065       468       187       x6    
Asset sales
    1,519       298       x5  
  3,784       3,209       3,346       +13 %  
Net investments **
    6,983       7,020       -1 %
*   includes net investments in equity affiliates and non-consolidated companies.
**   net investments = investments including acquisitions and net investments in equity affiliates and non-consolidated companies - asset sales + net financing for employees related to stock purchase plans.
***   dollar amounts represent euro amounts converted at the average €-$ exchange rate for the period



Net-debt-to-equity ratio
in millions of euros   6/30/2009   3/31/2009   6/30/2008
Current borrowings
    7,916       4,771       4,795  
Net current financial assets
    (123 )     (80 )     (49 )
Non-current financial debt
    19,640       19,078       14,777  
Hedging instruments of non-current debt
    (875 )     (934 )     (540 )
Cash and cash equivalents
    (14,299 )     (13,319 )     (7,245 )
Net debt
    12,259       9,516       11,738  
Shareholders equity
    51,299       52,597       48,273  
Estimated dividend payable*
    (2,541 )     (3,812 )     (2,315 )
Minority interests
    963       1,004       855  
    49,721       49,789       46,813  
Net-debt-to-equity ratio
    24.7 %     19.1 %     25.1 %
*   June 30, 2009 based on the hypothesis of an annual dividend of 2.28 €/share
2009 Sensitivities*
                            Impact on adjusted
                    Impact on adjusted   net operating
    Scenario   Change   operating income(e)   income(e)
    1.30 $/€     +0.1 $ per €     -1.3 B€       -0.7 B€  
    60 $/b       +1 $/b       +0.32 B€/ 0.42 B$       +0.15 B€/ 0.20 B$  
European refining margins TRCV
    30 $/t       +1 $/t       +0.08 B€/ 0.11 B$       +0.06 B€/ 0.07 B$  
*   sensitivities revised once per year upon publication of the previous year’s fourth quarter results. The impact of the €-$ sensitivity on adjusted operating income and adjusted net operating income attributable to the Upstream segment are approximately 75% and 65% respectively, and the remaining impact of the €-$ sensitivity is essentially in the Downstream segment.



Return on average capital employed
     For the twelve months ended June 30, 2009
in millions of euros   Upstream   Downstream   Chemicals**   Segments   Group
Adjusted net operating income
    7,827       2,427       479       10,733       11,388  
Capital employed at 6/30/2008*
    26,676       13,491       7,394       47,561       56,107  
Capital employed at 6/30/2009*
    35,385       13,939       6,915       56,239       62,294  
    25.2 %     17.7 %     6.7 %     20.7 %     19.2 %
*   at replacement cost (excluding after-tax inventory effect).
**   capital employed for Chemicals reduced for the Toulouse-AZF provision of 126 M€ pre-tax at 6/30/2008
     For the twelve months ended March 31, 2009
in millions of euros   Upstream   Downstream   Chemicals**   Segments   Group
Adjusted net operating income
    9,475       2,858       478       12,811       13,462  
Capital employed at 3/31/2008*
    25,731       11,415       7,266       44,412       52,015  
Capital employed at 3/31/2009*
    35,027       13,095       7,175       55,297       61,688  
    31.2 %     23.3 %     6.6 %     25.7 %     23.7 %
*   at replacement cost (excluding after-tax inventory effect).
**   capital employed for Chemicals reduced for the Toulouse-AZF provision of 129 M€ pre-tax at 3/31/2008
     For the twelve months ended December 31, 2008
in millions of euros   Upstream   Downstream   Chemicals**   Segments   Group
Adjusted net operating income
    10,724       2,569       668       13,961       14,664  
Capital employed at 12/31/2007*
    27,062       12,190       7,033       46,285       54,158  
Capital employed at 12/31/2008*
    32,681       13,623       7,417       53,721       59,764  
    35.9 %     19.9 %     9.2 %     27.9 %     25.7 %
*   at replacement cost (excluding after-tax inventory effect).
**   capital employed for Chemicals reduced for the Toulouse-AZF provision of 134 M€ pre-tax at 12/31/2007 and 256 M€ pre-tax at 12/31/2008



    2nd quarter     1st quarter     2nd quarter  
(M) (a)   2009     2009     2008  
    31,430       30,041       48,200  
Excise taxes
    (4,856 )     (4,573 )     (4,900 )
Revenues from sales
    26,574       25,468       43,300  
Purchases, net of inventory variation
    (16,300 )     (15,228 )     (27,958 )
Other operating expenses
    (4,724 )     (4,675 )     (4,439 )
Exploration costs
    (155 )     (176 )     (203 )
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
    (1,636 )     (1,520 )     (1,384 )
Other income
    106       15       15  
Other expense
    (216 )     (87 )     (121 )
Financial interest on debt
    (140 )     (171 )     (204 )
Financial income from marketable securities & cash equivalents
    40       55       113  
Cost of net debt
    (100 )     (116 )     (91 )
Other financial income
    240       159       229  
Other financial expense
    (82 )     (81 )     (80 )
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates
    393       467       538  
Income taxes
    (1,877 )     (1,902 )     (4,931 )
Consolidated net income
    2,223       2,324       4,875  
Group share*
    2,169       2,290       4,732  
Minority interests
    54       34       143  
Earnings per share ()
    0.97       1.03       2.12  
Fully-diluted earnings per share ()**
    0.97       1.02       2.10  
* Adjusted net income
    1,721       2,113       3,723  
** Adjusted fully-diluted earnings per share ()
    0.77       0.95       1.65  
(a)   Except for per share amounts.



    1st half     1st half  
(M) (a)   2009     2008  
    61,471       92,413  
Excise taxes
    (9,429 )     (9,826 )
Revenues from sales
    52,042       82,587  
Purchases, net of inventory variation
    (31,528 )     (53,577 )
Other operating expenses
    (9,399 )     (9,271 )
Exploration costs
    (331 )     (393 )
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
    (3,156 )     (2,678 )
Other income
    121       168  
Other expense
    (303 )     (169 )
Financial interest on debt
    (311 )     (461 )
Financial income from marketable securities & cash equivalents
    95       242  
Cost of net debt
    (216 )     (219 )
Other financial income
    399       345  
Other financial expense
    (163 )     (151 )
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates
    860       1,084  
Income taxes
    (3,779 )     (9,148 )
Consolidated net income
    4,547       8,578  
Group share*
    4,459       8,334  
Minority interests
    88       244  
Earnings per share ()
    2.00       3.72  
Fully-diluted earnings per share ()**
    1.99       3.70  
* Adjusted net income
    3,834       6,977  
** Adjusted fully-diluted earnings per share ()
    1.72       3.10  
(a)   Except for per share amounts.



    June 30, 2009     March 31, 2009     December 31,     June 30, 2008  
(M)   (unaudited)     (unaudited)     2008     (unaudited)  
Non-current assets
Intangible assets, net
    5,955       5,904       5,341       4,381  
Property, plant and equipment, net
    48,762       48,773       46,142       41,756  
Equity affiliates: investments and loans
    14,075       15,093       14,668       14,524  
Other investments
    1,211       1,192       1,165       1,246  
Hedging instruments of non-current financial debt
    875       934       892       540  
Other non-current assets
    3,095       3,244       3,044       2,179  
Total non-current assets
    73,973       75,140       71,252       64,626  
Current assets
Inventories, net
    11,749       10,097       9,621       17,185  
Accounts receivable, net
    15,226       14,940       15,287       21,856  
Other current assets
    9,253       9,047       9,642       9,644  
Current financial assets
    217       150       187       223  
Cash and cash equivalents
    14,299       13,319       12,321       7,245  
Total current assets
    50,744       47,553       47,058       56,153  
Total assets
    124,717       122,693       118,310       120,779  
Shareholders’ equity
Common shares
    5,931       5,931       5,930       6,003  
Paid-in surplus and retained earnings
    55,031       55,198       52,947       55,024  
Currency translation adjustment
    (4,656 )     (3,523 )     (4,876 )     (6,483 )
Treasury shares
    (5,007 )     (5,009 )     (5,009 )     (6,271 )
Total shareholders’ equity — Group Share
    51,299       52,597       48,992       48,273  
Minority interests
    963       1,004       958       855  
Total shareholders’ equity
    52,262       53,601       49,950       49,128  
Non-current liabilities
Deferred income taxes
    8,561       8,478       7,973       7,748  
Employee benefits
    2,006       2,035       2,011       2,533  
Provisions and other non-current liabilities
    8,087       8,391       7,858       6,567  
Total non-current liabilities
    18,654       18,904       17,842       16,848  
Non-current financial debt
    19,640       19,078       16,191       14,777  
Current liabilities
Accounts payable
    14,036       13,894       14,815       19,297  
Other creditors and accrued liabilities
    12,115       12,375       11,632       15,760  
Current borrowings
    7,916       4,771       7,722       4,795  
Other current financial liabilities
    94       70       158       174  
Total current liabilities
    34,161       31,110       34,327       40,026  
Total Liabilities and shareholders’ equity
    124,717       122,693       118,310       120,779  



    2nd quarter     1st quarter     2nd quarter  
(M)   2009     2009     2008  
Consolidated net income
    2,223       2,324       4,875  
Depreciation, depletion and amortization
    1,712       1,661       1,482  
Non-current liabilities, valuation allowances and deferred taxes
    281       (68 )     32  
Impact of coverage of pension benefit plans
(Gains) losses on sales of assets
    (31 )     (15 )     (15 )
Undistributed affiliates’ equity earnings
    81       (79 )     104  
(Increase) decrease in working capital
    (2,363 )     145       (4,563 )
Other changes, net
    36       26       7  
Cash flow from operating activities
    1,939       3,994       1,922  
Intangible assets and property, plant and equipment additions
    (3,312 )     (2,484 )     (2,619 )
Acquisitions of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired
    (109 )     (47 )      
Investments in equity affiliates and other securities
    (131 )     (84 )     (41 )
Increase in non-current loans
    (82 )     (320 )     (208 )
Total expenditures
    (3,634 )     (2,935 )     (2,868 )
Proceeds from disposal of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment
    55       60       16  
Proceeds from disposal of subsidiaries, net of cash sold
Proceeds from disposal of non-current investments
    726       299       20  
Repayment of non-current loans
    77       113       606  
Total divestments
    858       472       726  
Cash flow used in investing activities
    (2,776 )     (2,463 )     (2,142 )
Issuance (repayment) of shares:
- Parent company shareholders
    5       9       233  
- Treasury shares
    2             (284 )
- Minority shareholders
Cash dividends paid:
- Parent company shareholders
    (2,541 )           (2,404 )
- Minority shareholders
    (141 )     (4 )     (127 )
Net issuance (repayment) of non-current debt
    2,010       2,844       1,562  
Increase (decrease) in current borrowings
    2,350       (3,417 )     55  
Increase (decrease) in current financial assets and liabilities
                (18 )
Cash flow (from) / used financing activities
    1,685       (568 )     (983 )
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents
    848       963       (1,203 )
Effect of exchange rates
    132       35       107  
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period
    13,319       12,321       8,341  
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period
    14,299       13,319       7,245  



    1st half     1st half  
(M)   2009     2008  
Consolidated net income
    4,547       8,578  
Depreciation, depletion and amortization
    3,373       2,887  
Non-current liabilities, valuation allowances and deferred taxes
    213       43  
Impact of coverage of pension benefit plans
(Gains) losses on sales of assets
    (46 )     (168 )
Undistributed affiliates’ equity earnings
    2       (198 )
(Increase) decrease in working capital
    (2,218 )     (3,953 )
Other changes, net
    62       49  
Cash flow from operating activities
    5,933       7,238  
Intangible assets and property, plant and equipment additions
    (5,796 )     (4,946 )
Acquisitions of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired
    (156 )      
Investments in equity affiliates and other securities
    (215 )     (148 )
Increase in non-current loans
    (402 )     (417 )
Total expenditures
    (6,569 )     (5,511 )
Proceeds from disposal of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment
    115       22  
Proceeds from disposal of subsidiaries, net of cash sold
Proceeds from disposal of non-current investments
    1,025       89  
Repayment of non-current loans
    190       729  
Total divestments
    1,330       924  
Cash flow used in investing activities
    (5,239 )     (4,587 )
Issuance (repayment) of shares:
- Parent company shareholders
    14       242  
- Treasury shares
    2       (711 )
- Minority shareholders
          (9 )
Cash dividends paid:
- Parent company shareholders
    (2,541 )     (2,404 )
- Minority shareholders
    (145 )     (128 )
Net issuance (repayment) of non-current debt
    4,854       2,065  
Increase (decrease) in current borrowings
    (1,067 )     (832 )
Increase (decrease) in current financial assets and liabilities
Cash flow (from) / used financing activities
    1,117       (960 )
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents
    1,811       1,691  
Effect of exchange rates
    167       (434 )
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period
    12,321       5,988  
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period
    14,299       7,245  



                    and     Currency                     Shareholders’             Total  
    Common shares issued     retained     translation     Treasury shares     equity     Minority     shareholders’  
(M)   Number     Amount     earnings     adjustment     Number     Amount     Group Share     interests     equity  
As of January 1, 2008
    2,395,532,097       5,989       48,797       (4,396 )     (151,421,232 )     (5,532 )     44,858       842       45,700  
Net income for the first half
                8,334                         8,334       244       8,578  
Other comprehensive Income
                (43 )     (2,087 )                 (2,130 )     (103 )     (2,233 )
Comprehensive Income
                8,291       (2,087 )                 6,204       141       6,345  
                (2,404 )                       (2,404 )     (128 )     (2,532 )
Issuance of common shares
    5,678,338       14       228                         242             242  
Purchase of treasury shares
                            (16,000,000 )     (818 )     (818 )           (818 )
Sale of treasury shares (1)
                28             2,679,805       79       107             107  
Share-based payments
                84                         84             84  
Other operations with minority interests
Share cancellation
Transactions with shareholders
    5,678,338       14       (2,064 )           (13,320,195 )     (739 )     (2,789 )     (128 )     (2,917 )
As of June 30, 2008
    2,401,210,435       6,003       55,024       (6,483 )     (164,741,427 )     (6,271 )     48,273       855       49,128  
Net income for the second half
                2,256                         2,256       119       2,375  
Other comprehensive Income
                (215 )     1,607                   1,392       69       1,461  
Comprehensive Income
                2,041       1,607                   3,648       188       3,836  
                (2,541 )                       (2,541 )     (85 )     (2,626 )
Issuance of common shares
    597,639       2       18                         20             20  
Purchase of treasury shares
                            (11,600,000 )     (521 )     (521 )           (521 )
Sale of treasury shares (1)
                (99 )           3,259,332       142       43             43  
Share-based payments
                70                         70             70  
Other operations with minority interests
Share cancellation
    (30,000,000 )     (75 )     (1,566 )           30,000,000       1,641                    
Transactions with shareholders
    (29,402,361 )     (73 )     (4,118 )           21,659,332       1,262       (2,929 )     (85 )     (3,014 )
As of December 31, 2008
    2,371,808,074       5,930       52,947       (4,876 )     (143,082,095 )     (5,009 )     48,992       958       49,950  
Net income for the first half
                4,459                         4,459       88       4,547  
Other comprehensive Income
                96       220                   316       86       402  
Comprehensive Income
                4,555       220                   4,775       174       4,949  
                (2,541 )                       (2,541 )     (145 )     (2,686 )
Issuance of common shares
    565,886       1       13                         14             14  
Purchase of treasury shares
Sale of treasury shares (1)
                            51,995       2       2             2  
Share-based payments
                80                         80             80  
Other operations with minority interests
                (23 )                       (23 )     (24 )     (47 )
Share cancellation
Transactions with shareholders
    565,886       1       (2,471 )           51,995       2       (2,468 )     (169 )     (2,637 )
As of June 30, 2009
    2,372,373,960       5,931       55,031       (4,656 )     (143,030,100 )     (5,007 )     51,299       963       52,262  
(1)   Treasury shares related to the stock option purchase plans and restricted stock grants



    1st half     1st half  
(M)   2009     2008  
Net income
    4,547       8,578  
Other comprehensive income
Currency translation adjustment
    246       (1,927 )
Available for sale financial assets
    39       (43 )
Cash flow hedge
Share of other comprehensive income of associates, net amount
    93       (270 )
    (11 )     (1 )
Tax effect
    (23 )     8  
Total other comprehensive income (net amount)
    402       (2,233 )
Comprehensive income
    4,949       6,345  
— Group share
    4,775       6,204  
— Minority interests
    174       141  
(a)   In accordance with revised IAS 1, applicable from January 1, 2009.





1st half 2009                                    
(M)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
    7,874       46,686       6,902       9             61,471  
Intersegment sales
    7,349       1,646       276       79       (9,350 )      
Excise taxes
          (9,429 )                       (9,429 )
Revenues from sales
    15,223       38,903       7,178       88       (9,350 )     52,042  
Operating expenses
    (7,367 )     (36,253 )     (6,635 )     (353 )     9,350       (41,258 )
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
    (2,121 )     (683 )     (335 )     (17 )           (3,156 )
Operating income
    5,735       1,967       208       (282 )           7,628  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items
    572       127       (121 )     336             914  
Tax on net operating income
    (3,413 )     (581 )     1       143             (3,850 )
Net operating income
    2,894       1,513       88       197             4,692  
Net cost of net debt
                                            (145 )
Minority interests
                                            (88 )
Net income
1st half 2009 (adjustments)(a)                                    
(M)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
Intersegment sales
Excise taxes
Revenues from sales
Operating expenses
          1,097       259                     1,356  
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
          (62 )     (43 )                   (105 )
Operating income (b)
          1,035       216                     1,251  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items (c)
    (39 )     63       (138 )     (141 )             (255 )
Tax on net operating income
          (341 )     (29 )                   (370 )
Net operating income (b)
    (39 )     757       49       (141 )             626  
Net cost of net debt
Minority interests
                                            (1 )
Net income
(a)   Adjustments include special items, inventory valuation effect and equity share of adjustments and selected items related to Sanofi-Aventis
(b) Of which inventory valuation effect
On operating income
          1,278       264                        
On net operating income
          945       171                        
(c) Of which equity share of adjustments and selected items related to Sanofi-Aventis
                      (182 )                
1st half 2009 (adjusted)                                    
(M€)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
    7,874       46,686       6,902       9             61,471  
Intersegment sales
    7,349       1,646       276       79       (9,350 )      
Excise taxes
          (9,429 )                       (9,429 )
Revenues from sales
    15,223       38,903       7,178       88       (9,350 )     52,042  
Operating expenses
    (7,367 )     (37,350 )     (6,894 )     (353 )     9,350       (42,614 )
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
    (2,121 )     (621 )     (292 )     (17 )           (3,051 )
Adjusted operating income
    5,735       932       (8 )     (282 )           6,377  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items
    611       64       17       477             1,169  
Tax on net operating income
    (3,413 )     (240 )     30       143             (3,480 )
Adjusted net operating income
    2,933       756       39       338             4,066  
Net cost of net debt
                                            (145 )
Minority interests
                                            (87 )
Ajusted net income
1st half 2009                                    
(M€)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Total expenditures
    4,914       1,320       294       41               6,569  
Total divestments
    234       62       14       1,020               1,330  
Cash flow from operating activities
    4,521       1,620       458       (666 )             5,933  





2nd quarter 2009                                    
(M)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
    3,427       24,318       3,684       1             31,430  
Intersegment sales
    4,107       1,005       152       42       (5,306 )      
Excise taxes
          (4,856 )                       (4,856 )
Revenues from sales
    7,534       20,467       3,836       43       (5,306 )     26,574  
Operating expenses
    (3,635 )     (19,154 )     (3,498 )     (198 )     5,306       (21,179 )
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
    (1,056 )     (382 )     (191 )     (7 )           (1,636 )
Operating income
    2,843       931       147       (162 )           3,759  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items
    329       85       (117 )     144             441  
Tax on net operating income
    (1,739 )     (278 )     18       81             (1,918 )
Net operating income
    1,433       738       48       63             2,282  
Net cost of net debt
                                            (59 )
Minority interests
                                            (54 )
Net income
2nd quarter 2009 (adjustments)(a)                                    
(M)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
Intersegment sales
Excise taxes
Revenues from sales
Operating expenses
          852       130                     982  
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
          (62 )     (43 )                   (105 )
Operating income (b)
          790       87                     877  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items (c)
    (18 )     48       (119 )     (91 )             (180 )
Tax on net operating income
          (256 )     9                     (247 )
Net operating income (b)
    (18 )     582       (23 )     (91 )             450  
Net cost of net debt
Minority interests
                                            (2 )
Net income
(a)   Adjustments include special items, inventory valuation effect and equity share of adjustments and selected items related to Sanofi-Aventis
(b) Of which inventory valuation effect
On operating income
          933       132                        
On net operating income
          699       91                        
(c) Of which equity share of adjustments and selected items related to Sanofi-Aventis
                      (119 )                
2nd quarter 2009 (adjusted)                                    
(M)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
    3,427       24,318       3,684       1             31,430  
Intersegment sales
    4,107       1,005       152       42       (5,306 )      
Excise taxes
          (4,856 )                       (4,856 )
Revenues from sales
    7,534       20,467       3,836       43       (5,306 )     26,574  
Operating expenses
    (3,635 )     (20,006 )     (3,628 )     (198 )     5,306       (22,161 )
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
    (1,056 )     (320 )     (148 )     (7 )           (1,531 )
Adjusted operating income
    2,843       141       60       (162 )           2,882  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items
    347       37       2       235             621  
Tax on net operating income
    (1,739 )     (22 )     9       81             (1,671 )
Adjusted net operating income
    1,451       156       71       154             1,832  
Net cost of net debt
                                            (59 )
Minority interests
                                            (52 )
Ajusted net income
2nd quarter 2009                                    
(M)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Total expenditures
    2,664       825       115       30               3,634  
Total divestments
    105       26       8       719               858  
Cash flow from operating activities
    1,943       (28 )     280       (256 )             1,939  





1st quarter 2009                                    
(M)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
    4,447       22,368       3,218       8             30,041  
Intersegment sales
    3,242       641       124       37       (4,044 )      
Excise taxes
          (4,573 )                       (4,573 )
Revenues from sales
    7,689       18,436       3,342       45       (4,044 )     25,468  
Operating expenses
    (3,732 )     (17,099 )     (3,137 )     (155 )     4,044       (20,079 )
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
    (1,065 )     (301 )     (144 )     (10 )           (1,520 )
Operating income
    2,892       1,036       61       (120 )           3,869  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items
    243       42       (4 )     192             473  
Tax on net operating income
    (1,674 )     (303 )     (17 )     62             (1,932 )
Net operating income
    1,461       775       40       134             2,410  
Net cost of net debt
                                            (86 )
Minority interests
                                            (34 )
Net income
1st quarter 2009 (adjustments) (a)                                    
(M)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
Intersegment sales
Excise taxes
Revenues from sales
Operating expenses
          245       129                     374  
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
Operating income (b)
          245       129                     374  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items (c)
    (21 )     15       (19 )     (50 )             (75 )
Tax on net operating income
          (85 )     (38 )                   (123 )
Net operating income (b)
    (21 )     175       72       (50 )             176  
Net cost of net debt
Minority interests
Net income
(a)   Adjustments include special items, inventory valuation effect and equity share of adjustments and selected items related to Sanofi-Aventis
(b) Of which inventory valuation effect
On operating income
          345       132                        
On net operating income
          246       80                        
(c) Of which equity share of adjustments and selected items related to Sanofi-Aventis
                      (63 )                
1st quarter 2009 (adjusted)                                    
(M)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
    4,447       22,368       3,218       8             30,041  
Intersegment sales
    3,242       641       124       37       (4,044 )      
Excise taxes
          (4,573 )                       (4,573 )
Revenues from sales
    7,689       18,436       3,342       45       (4,044 )     25,468  
Operating expenses
    (3,732 )     (17,344 )     (3,266 )     (155 )     4,044       (20,453 )
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
    (1,065 )     (301 )     (144 )     (10 )           (1,520 )
Adjusted operating income
    2,892       791       (68 )     (120 )           3,495  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items
    264       27       15       242             548  
Tax on net operating income
    (1,674 )     (218 )     21       62             (1,809 )
Adjusted net operating income
    1,482       600       (32 )     184             2,234  
Net cost of net debt
                                            (86 )
Minority interests
                                            (35 )
Ajusted net income
1st quarter 2009                                    
(M)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Total expenditures
    2,250       495       179       11               2,935  
Total divestments
    129       36       6       301               472  
Cash flow from operating activities
    2,578       1,648       178       (410 )             3,994  





1st half 2008                                    
(M€)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
    11,935       69,770       10,707       1             92,413  
Intersegment sales
    13,980       3,050       706       70       (17,806 )      
Excise taxes
          (9,826 )                       (9,826 )
Revenues from sales
    25,915       62,994       11,413       71       (17,806 )     82,587  
Operating expenses
    (10,697 )     (59,346 )     (10,648 )     (356 )     17,806       (63,241 )
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
    (1,831 )     (576 )     (257 )     (14 )           (2,678 )
Operating income
    13,387       3,072       508       (299 )           16,668  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items
    904       (13 )     3       383             1,277  
Tax on net operating income
    (8,331 )     (898 )     (143 )     150             (9,222 )
Net operating income
    5,960       2,161       368       234             8,723  
Net cost of net debt
                                            (145 )
Minority interests
                                            (244 )
Net income
1st half 2008 (adjustments)(a)                                    
(M€)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
Intersegment sales
Excise taxes
Revenues from sales
Operating expenses
          1,830       232                     2,062  
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
Operating income(b)
          1,830       232                     2,062  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items (c)
    130       15       (22 )     (152 )             (29 )
Tax on net operating income
          (582 )     (70 )                   (652 )
Net operating income (b)
    130       1,263       140       (152 )             1,381  
Net cost of net debt
Minority interests
                                            (24 )
Net income
(a)   Adjustments include special items, inventory valuation effect and equity share of adjustments related to Sanofi-Aventis
(b) Of which inventory valuation effect
On operating income
          1,830       232                        
On net operating income
          1,298       154                        
(c) Of which equity share of adjustments related to Sanofi-Aventis
                      (149 )                
1st half 2008 (adjusted)                                    
(M€)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
    11,935       69,770       10,707       1             92,413  
Intersegment sales
    13,980       3,050       706       70       (17,806 )      
Excise taxes
          (9,826 )                       (9,826 )
Revenues from sales
    25,915       62,994       11,413       71       (17,806 )     82,587  
Operating expenses
    (10,697 )     (61,176 )     (10,880 )     (356 )     17,806       (65,303 )
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
    (1,831 )     (576 )     (257 )     (14 )           (2,678 )
Adjusted operating income
    13,387       1,242       276       (299 )           14,606  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items
    774       (28 )     25       535             1,306  
Tax on net operating income
    (8,331 )     (316 )     (73 )     150             (8,570 )
Adjusted net operating income
    5,830       898       228       386             7,342  
Net cost of net debt
                                            (145 )
Minority interests
                                            (220 )
Ajusted net income
1st half 2008                                    
(M€)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Total expenditures
    4,254       808       385       64               5,511  
Total divestments
    672       152       19       81               924  
Cash flow from operating activities
    7,894       (223 )     (33 )     (400 )             7,238  





2nd quarter 2008                                    
(M€)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
    5,739       36,990       5,478       (7 )           48,200  
Intersegment sales
    7,862       1,497       449       37       (9,845 )      
Excise taxes
          (4,900 )                       (4,900 )
Revenues from sales
    13,601       33,587       5,927       30       (9,845 )     43,300  
Operating expenses
    (5,679 )     (31,095 )     (5,491 )     (180 )     9,845       (32,600 )
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
    (958 )     (291 )     (128 )     (7 )           (1,384 )
Operating income
    6,964       2,201       308       (157 )           9,316  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items
    439       20       (11 )     133             581  
Tax on net operating income
    (4,304 )     (651 )     (88 )     78             (4,965 )
Net operating income
    3,099       1,570       209       54             4,932  
Net cost of net debt
                                            (57 )
Minority interests
                                            (143 )
Net income
2nd quarter 2008 (adjustments)(a)                                    
(M€)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
Intersegment sales
Excise taxes
Revenues from sales
Operating expenses
          1,457       230                     1,687  
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
Operating income(b)
          1,457       230                     1,687  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items (c)
          (10 )     (22 )     (96 )             (128 )
Tax on net operating income
          (464 )     (69 )                   (533 )
Net operating income(b)
          983       139       (96 )             1,026  
Net cost of net debt
Minority interests
                                            (17 )
Net income
(a)   Adjustments include special items, inventory valuation effect and equity share of adjustments related to Sanofi-Aventis
(b) Of which inventory valuation effect
On operating income
          1,457       230                        
On net operating income
          1,018       153                        
(c) Of which equity share of adjustments related to Sanofi-Aventis
                      (78 )                
2nd quarter 2008 (adjusted)                                    
(M€)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
    5,739       36,990       5,478       (7 )           48,200  
Intersegment sales
    7,862       1,497       449       37       (9,845 )      
Excise taxes
          (4,900 )                       (4,900 )
Revenues from sales
    13,601       33,587       5,927       30       (9,845 )     43,300  
Operating expenses
    (5,679 )     (32,552 )     (5,721 )     (180 )     9,845       (34,287 )
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
    (958 )     (291 )     (128 )     (7 )           (1,384 )
Adjusted operating income
    6,964       744       78       (157 )           7,629  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items
    439       30       11       229             709  
Tax on net operating income
    (4,304 )     (187 )     (19 )     78             (4,432 )
Adjusted net operating income
    3,099       587       70       150             3,906  
Net cost of net debt
                                            (57 )
Minority interests
                                            (126 )
Ajusted net income
2nd quarter 2008                                    
(M€)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Total expenditures
    2,076       514       221       57               2,868  
Total divestments
    565       128       12       21               726  
Cash flow from operating activities
    3,643       (1,391 )     169       (499 )             1,922  





2nd quarter 2009                   Consolidated  
(M€)   Adjusted     Adjustments     statement of income  
    31,430             31,430  
Excise taxes
    (4,856 )           (4,856 )
Revenues from sales
    26,574             26,574  
Purchases net of inventory variation
    (17,365 )     1,065       (16,300 )
Other operating expenses
    (4,641 )     (83 )     (4,724 )
Exploration costs
    (155 )           (155 )
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
    (1,531 )     (105 )     (1,636 )
Other income
    78       28       106  
Other expense
    (56 )     (160 )     (216 )
Financial interest on debt
    (140 )           (140 )
Financial income from marketable securities & cash equivalents
    40             40  
Cost of net debt
    (100 )           (100 )
Other financial income
    240             240  
Other financial expense
    (82 )           (82 )
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates
    441       (48 )     393  
Income taxes
    (1,630 )     (247 )     (1,877 )
Consolidated net income
    1,773       450       2,223  
Group share
    1,721       448       2,169  
Minority interests
    52       2       54  
2nd quarter 2008                   Consolidated  
(M€)   Adjusted     Adjustments     statement of income  
    48,200             48,200  
Excise taxes
    (4,900 )           (4,900 )
Revenues from sales
    43,300             43,300  
Purchases net of inventory variation
    (29,645 )     1,687       (27,958 )
Other operating expenses
    (4,439 )           (4,439 )
Exploration costs
    (203 )           (203 )
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
    (1,384 )           (1,384 )
Other income
    13       2       15  
Other expense
    (26 )     (95 )     (121 )
Financial interest on debt
    (204 )           (204 )
Financial income from marketable securities & cash equivalents
    113             113  
Cost of net debt
    (91 )           (91 )
Other financial income
    229             229  
Other financial expense
    (80 )           (80 )
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates
    573       (35 )     538  
Income taxes
    (4,398 )     (533 )     (4,931 )
Consolidated net income
    3,849       1,026       4,875  
Group share
    3,723       1,009       4,732  
Minority interests
    126       17       143  





1st half 2009                   Consolidated  
(M€)   Adjusted     Adjustments     statement of income  
    61,471             61,471  
Excise taxes
    (9,429 )           (9,429 )
Revenues from sales
    52,042             52,042  
Purchases net of inventory variation
    (33,070 )     1,542       (31,528 )
Other operating expenses
    (9,213 )     (186 )     (9,399 )
Exploration costs
    (331 )           (331 )
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
    (3,051 )     (105 )     (3,156 )
Other income
    80       41       121  
Other expense
    (113 )     (190 )     (303 )
Financial interest on debt
    (311 )           (311 )
Financial income from marketable securities & cash equivalents
    95             95  
Cost of net debt
    (216 )           (216 )
Other financial income
    399             399  
Other financial expense
    (163 )           (163 )
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates
    966       (106 )     860  
Income taxes
    (3,409 )     (370 )     (3,779 )
Consolidated net income
    3,921       626       4,547  
Group share
    3,834       625       4,459  
Minority interests
    87       1       88  
1st half 2008                   Consolidated  
(M€)   Adjusted     Adjustments     statement of income  
    92,413             92,413  
Excise taxes
    (9,826 )           (9,826 )
Revenues from sales
    82,587             82,587  
Purchases net of inventory variation
    (55,639 )     2,062       (53,577 )
Other operating expenses
    (9,271 )           (9,271 )
Exploration costs
    (393 )           (393 )
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
    (2,678 )           (2,678 )
Other income
    21       147       168  
Other expense
    (74 )     (95 )     (169 )
Financial interest on debt
    (461 )           (461 )
Financial income from marketable securities & cash equivalents
    242             242  
Cost of net debt
    (219 )           (219 )
Other financial income
    345             345  
Other financial expense
    (151 )           (151 )
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates
    1,165       (81 )     1,084  
Income taxes
    (8,496 )     (652 )     (9,148 )
Consolidated net income
    7,197       1,381       8,578  
Group share
    6,977       1,357       8,334  
Minority interests
    220       24       244  



1) Accounting policies
The interim consolidated financial statements of TOTAL S.A. and its subsidiaries (the Group) as of June 30, 2009 have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard (IAS) 34 “Interim Financial Reporting”. The accounting policies applied for the consolidated financial statements as of June 30, 2009 do not differ significantly from those applied for the consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2008 which have been prepared on the basis of IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) as adopted by the European Union and IFRS as issued by the IASB (International Accounting Standard Board). The new accounting standards and amendments mandatory for the annual period beginning January 1, 2009 are described in Note 1W to the consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2008 and have no material effect on the Group’s consolidated financial statements for the first six months of 2009. Among these new standards or interpretations, it should be noted that the revised version of IAS 1 “Presentation of financial statements”, effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2009, resulted in the following:
    presentation of the consolidated statement of comprehensive income;
    information on other comprehensive income presented in Note 4 to the interim consolidated financial statements.
The preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS requires management to make estimates and apply assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities at the date of preparation of the financial statements and reported income and expenses for the period. Management reviews these estimates and assumptions on an ongoing basis, by reference to past experience and various other factors considered as reasonable which form the basis for assessing the carrying amount of assets and liabilities. Actual results may differ significantly from these estimates, if different assumptions or circumstances apply. These judgments and estimates relate principally to the application of the successful efforts method for the oil and gas accounting, the valuation of long-lived assets, the provisions for asset retirement obligations and environmental remediation, the pensions and post-retirement benefits and the income tax computation. These judgments and estimates are described in the notes to the consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2008.
Lastly, when the accounting treatment of a specific transaction is not addressed by any accounting standard or interpretation, management applies its judgment to define and apply accounting policies that will lead to relevant and reliable information, so that the financial statements:
    give a true and fair view of the Group’s financial position, financial performance and cash flows;
    reflect the substance of transactions;
    are neutral;
    are prepared on a prudent basis;
    are complete in all material aspects.
Pursuant to the accrual basis of accounting followed by the Group, the financial statements reflect the effects of transactions and other events when they occur. Assets and liabilities such as property, plant and equipment and intangible assets are usually measured at amortized cost. Financial assets and liabilities are usually measured at fair value.
2) Changes in the Group structure, main acquisitions and divestments
During the first six months of 2009, TOTAL progressively sold 1.71% of Sanofi-Aventis’ share capital, thus reducing its interest to 9.67%. Sanofi-Aventis is accounted for by the equity method in TOTAL’s Consolidated Financial Statements.



3) Adjustment items
Financial information by business segment is reported in accordance with the internal reporting system and shows internal segment information that is used to manage and measure the performance of TOTAL.
Performance indicators excluding the adjustment items, such as adjusted operating income, adjusted net operating income, and adjusted net income are meant to facilitate the analysis of the financial performance and the comparison of income between periods.
Adjustment items include:
(i) Special items
Due to their unusual nature or particular significance, certain transactions qualified as “special items” are excluded from the business segment figures. In general, special items relate to transactions that are significant, infrequent or unusual. However, in some instances, transactions such as restructuring costs or asset disposals, which are not considered to be representative of the normal course of business, may be qualified as special items although they may have occurred within prior years or are likely to occur again within the coming years.
(ii) Inventory valuation effect
The adjusted results of the Downstream and Chemicals segments are presented according to the replacement cost method. This method is used to assess the segments’ performance and ensure the comparability of the segments’ performance with those of its competitors, mainly North American.
In the replacement cost method, which approximates the LIFO (Last-In, First-Out) method, the variation of inventory values in the statement of income is determined by the average prices of the period rather than the historical value. The inventory valuation effect is the difference between the results according to FIFO (First-In, First-Out) and the replacement cost.
(iii) TOTAL’s equity share of adjustments and selected items related to Sanofi-Aventis
The adjusted results (adjusted operating income, adjusted net operating income, adjusted net income) are defined as replacement cost results, adjusted for special items, and excluding TOTAL’s equity share of adjustments and, from 2009, selected items related to Sanofi-Aventis.
The detail of the adjustment items is presented in the table below.
(M€)           Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Total  
2nd quarter 2009
  Inventory valuation effect           933       132             1,065  
  Restructuring charges                              
  Asset impairment charges           (62 )     (43 )           (105 )
  Other items           (81 )     (2 )           (83 )
                  790       87             877  
2nd quarter 2008
  Inventory valuation effect           1,457       230             1,687  
  Restructuring charges                              
  Asset impairment charges                              
  Other items                              
                  1,457       230             1,687  
1st half 2009
  Inventory valuation effect           1,278       264             1,542  
  Restructuring charges                              
  Asset impairment charges           (62 )     (43 )           (105 )
  Other items           (181 )     (5 )           (186 )
                  1,035       216             1,251  
1st half 2008
  Inventory valuation effect           1,830       232             2,062  
  Restructuring charges                              
  Asset impairment charges                              
  Other items                              
                  1,830       232             2,062  



(M€)           Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Total  
2nd quarter 2009
  Inventory valuation effect           697       91             788  
  TOTAL’s equity share of adjustments and selected items related to Sanofi-Aventis                       (119 )     (119 )
  Restructuring charges           (16 )     (83 )           (99 )
  Asset impairment charges           (41 )     (30 )           (71 )
  Gains (losses) on sales of assets                       28       28  
  Other items     (18 )     (60 )     (1 )           (79 )
            (18 )     580       (23 )     (91 )     448  
2nd quarter 2008
  Inventory valuation effect           1,001       153             1,154  
  TOTAL’s equity share of adjustments related to Sanofi-Aventis                       (78 )     (78 )
  Restructuring charges           (35 )     (9 )           (44 )
  Asset impairment charges                              
  Gains (losses) on sales of assets                       2       2  
  Other items                 (5 )     (20 )     (25 )
                  966       139       (96 )     1,009  
1st half 2009
  Inventory valuation effect           944       171             1,115  
  TOTAL’s equity share of adjustments and selected items related to Sanofi-Aventis                       (182 )     (182 )
  Restructuring charges           (16 )     (89 )           (105 )
  Asset impairment charges           (41 )     (30 )           (71 )
  Gains (losses) on sales of assets                       41       41  
  Other items     (39 )     (131 )     (3 )           (173 )
            (39 )     756       49       (141 )     625  
1st half 2008
  Inventory valuation effect           1,274       154             1,428  
  TOTAL’s equity share of adjustments related to                                        
  Sanofi-Aventis                       (149 )     (149 )
  Restructuring charges           (35 )     (9 )           (44 )
  Asset impairment charges                              
  Gains (losses) on sales of assets     130                   17       147  
  Other items                 (5 )     (20 )     (25 )
            130       1,239       140       (152 )     1,357  
4) Shareholders’ equity
Treasury shares (TOTAL shares held by TOTAL S.A.)
As of June 30, 2009, TOTAL S.A. held 42,698,832 of its own shares, representing 1.80% of its share capital, detailed as follows:
    17,898,832 shares allocated to covering TOTAL share purchase option plans and restricted shares plans for Group employees;
    24,800,000 shares purchased during the first ten months of 2008 for cancellation, pursuant to the authorizations granted by the shareholders’ meetings held on May 11, 2007 and May 16, 2008.
These 42,698,832 shares are deducted from the consolidated shareholders’ equity.
TOTAL shares held by Group subsidiaries
As of June 30, 2009, TOTAL S.A. held indirectly through its subsidiaries 100,331,268 of its own shares, representing 4.23% of its share capital, detailed as follows:
    2,023,672 shares held by a consolidated subsidiary, Total Nucléaire, 100% indirectly controlled by TOTAL S.A.;
    98,307,596 shares held by subsidiaries of Elf Aquitaine (Financière Valorgest, Sogapar and Fingestval).
These 100,331,268 shares are deducted from the consolidated shareholders’ equity.



The shareholders’ meeting of May 15, 2009 approved the payment of a cash dividend of €2.28 per share for the fiscal year 2008. Taking into account an interim dividend of €1.14 per share paid on November 19, 2008, the remaining balance of €1.14 per share was paid on May 22, 2009.
The Board of Directors approved the 2009 interim dividend of €1.14 per share at their July 30, 2009 meeting.
Other Comprehensive Income
Detail of other comprehensive income showing items reclassified from equity to net income is presented in the table below:
(M€)   1st half 2009   1st half 2008
Currency translation adjustment
            246               (1 927 )
- unrealized gain/(loss) of the period
    247               (1 927 )        
- less gain/(loss) included in net income
Available for sale financial assets
            39               (43 )
- unrealized gain/(loss) of the period
    39               (43 )        
- less gain/(loss) included in net income
Cash flow hedge
            58               -  
- unrealized gain/(loss) of the period
- less gain/(loss) included in net income
Share of other comprehensive income of equity affiliates, net amount
            93               (270 )
            (11 )             (1 )
- unrealized gain/(loss) of the period
    (11 )             15          
- less gain/(loss) included in net income
Tax effect
            (23 )             8  
Total other comprehensive income (net amount)
            402               (2 233 )
Tax effects relating to each component of other comprehensive income are as follows:
    1st half 2009   1st half 2008
    Pre-tax                   Pre-tax        
(M€)   amount   Tax effect   Net amount   amount   Tax effect   Net amount
Currency translation adjustment
    246               246       (1 927 )             (1 927 )
Available for sale financial assets
    39       (4 )     35       (43 )     8       (35 )
Cash flow hedge
    58       (19 )     39                      
Share of other comprehensive income of associates, net amount
    93               93       (270 )             (270 )
    (11 )             (11 )     (1 )             (1 )
Total other comprehensive income
    425       (23 )     402       (2 241 )     8       (2 233 )
5) Non-current financial debt
The Group issued bonds through its subsidiary Total Capital during the first six months of 2009:
    Bond 4.875% 2009-2019 (750 million EUR)
    Bond 2.500% 2009-2013 (350 million CHF)
    Bond 3.500% 2009-2014 (1,000 million EUR)
    Bond 3.240% 2009-2014 (396 million HKD)
    Bond 5.125% 2009-2024 (950 million EUR)
    Bond 3.500% 2009-2014 (150 million EUR)
    Bond 2.625% 2009-2014 (200 million CHF)



    Bond 5.500% 2009-2013 (100 million AUD)
    Bond 4.000% 2009-2013 (100 million USD)
    Bond 2.375% 2009-2016 (150 million CHF)
    Bond 3.625% 2009-2015 (550 million EUR)
    Bond 5.500% 2009-2013 (100 million AUD)
    Bond 4.250% 2009-2017 (200 million GBP)
    Bond 4.180% 2009-2019 (750 million HKD)
    Bond 4.250% 2009-2017 (100 million GBP)
    Bond 4.875% 2009-2019 (450 million EUR)
The Group repaid bonds during the first six months of 2009:
    Bond 4.500% 1999-2009 (1,000 million EUR)
    Bond 6.200% 1997-2009 (900 million FRF)
    Bond 3.500% 2003-2009 (500 million USD)
    Bond 6.250% 2003-2009 (100 million AUD)
    Bond 3.500% 2004-2009 (50 million USD)
    Bond 3.500% 2005-2009 (50 million USD)
In the context of its active cash management, the Group may temporarily increase its current borrowings, particularly in the form of commercial paper. The changes in current borrowings, cash and cash equivalents and current financial assets resulting from this cash management in the quarterly financial statements are not necessarily representative of a longer-term position.
6) Related parties
The related parties are principally equity affiliates and non-consolidated investments. There were no major changes concerning the main transactions with related parties during the first six months of 2009.
7) Other risks and contingent liabilities
TOTAL is not currently aware of any event, litigation, risks or contingent liabilities that could have a material impact on the assets and liabilities, results, financial position or operations of the Group.
Antitrust investigations
1.   Following investigations into certain commercial practices in the chemicals industry in the United States, some subsidiaries of the Arkema(1) group are involved in civil liability lawsuits in the United States and Canada for violations of antitrust laws. TOTAL S.A. has been named in certain of these suits as the parent company.
    In Europe, the European Commission commenced investigations in 2000, 2003 and 2004 into alleged anti-competitive practices involving certain products sold by Arkema. In January 2005, under one of these investigations, the European Commission fined Arkema 13.5 M€ and jointly fined Arkema and Elf Aquitaine 45 M€. Arkema and Elf Aquitaine have appealed these decisions to the Court of First Instance of the European Union.
    The Commission notified Arkema, TOTAL S.A. and Elf Aquitaine of complaints concerning two other product lines in January and August 2005, respectively. Arkema has cooperated with the authorities in these procedures and investigations. In May 2006, the European Commission fined Arkema 78.7 M€ and 219.1 M€, as a result of, respectively, each of these two proceedings. Elf Aquitaine was held jointly and severally liable for, respectively, 65.1 M€ and 181.35 M€ of these fines while TOTAL S.A. was held jointly and severally liable, respectively, for 42 M€ and 140.4 M€. TOTAL S.A., Arkema and Elf Aquitaine have appealed these decisions to the Court of First Instance of the European Union.
    Arkema and Elf Aquitaine received a statement of objections from the European Commission in August 2007 concerning alleged anti-competitive practices related to another line of chemical products. As a result, in June 2008, Arkema and Elf Aquitaine have been jointly and severally fined in an amount of 22.7 M€ and individually in
(1):   Arkema is used in this section to designate those companies of the Arkema group whose ultimate parent company is Arkema S.A. became an independent company after being spun-off from Total S.A. in May 2006.



    an amount of 20.43 M€ for Arkema and 15.89 M€ for Elf Aquitaine. The companies concerned appealed this decision to the relevant European court.
    Arkema and Elf Aquitaine received a statement of objections from the European Commission in March 2009 concerning alleged anti-competitive practices related to another line of chemical products. As of today, the Commission has not rendered a decision.
    No facts have been alleged that would implicate TOTAL S.A. or Elf Aquitaine in the practices questioned in these proceedings, and the fines received are based solely on their status as parent companies.
    Arkema began implementing compliance procedures in 2001 that are designed to prevent its employees from violating antitrust provisions. However, it is not possible to exclude the possibility that the relevant authorities could commence additional proceedings involving Arkema, as well as TOTAL S.A. and Elf Aquitaine.
2.   As part of the agreement relating to the spin-off of Arkema, TOTAL S.A. or certain other Group companies agreed to grant Arkema guarantees for certain risks related to antitrust proceedings arising from events prior to the spin-off.
    These guarantees cover, for a period of ten years that began in 2006, 90% of amounts paid by Arkema related to (i) fines imposed by European authorities or European member-states for competition law violations, (ii) fines imposed by U.S. courts or antitrust authorities for federal antitrust violations or violations of the competition laws of U.S. states, (iii) damages awarded in civil proceedings related to the government proceedings mentioned above, and (iv) certain costs related to these proceedings.
    The guarantee covering the risks related to anticompetition violations in Europe applies to amounts above a 176.5 M€ threshold. If one or more individuals or legal entities, acting alone or together, directly or indirectly holds more than one-third of the voting rights of Arkema, or if Arkema transfers more than 50% of its assets (as calculated under the enterprise valuation method, as of the date of the transfer) to a third party or parties acting together, irrespective of the type or number of transfers, these guarantees will become void.
    On the other hand, the agreements provide that Arkema will indemnify TOTAL S.A. or any Group company for 10% of any amount that TOTAL S.A. or any Group company are required to pay under any of the proceedings covered by these guarantees.
3.   The Group has recorded provisions amounting to 85 M€ in its consolidated financial statements as of June 30, 2009 to cover the risks mentioned above.
4.   Moreover, as a result of investigations started by the European Commission in October 2002 concerning certain Refining & Marketing subsidiaries of the Group, Total Nederland N.V. and TOTAL S.A. received a statement of objections in October 2004. These proceedings resulted, in September 2006, in Total Nederland N.V. being fined 20.25 M€ and in TOTAL S.A. as its parent company being held jointly responsible for 13.5 M€ of this amount, although no facts implicating TOTAL S.A. in the practices under investigation were alleged. TOTAL S.A. and Total Nederland N.V. have appealed this decision to the Court of First Instance of the European Union.
    In addition, in May 2007, Total France and TOTAL S.A. received a statement of objections regarding alleged antitrust practices concerning another product line of the Refining & Marketing division. These proceedings resulted, in October 2008, in Total France being fined 128.2 M€ and in TOTAL S.A., as its parent company, being held jointly responsible although no facts implicating TOTAL S.A. in the practices under investigation were alleged. TOTAL S.A. and Total Raffinage Marketing (the new corporate name of Total France) have appealed this decision to the Court of First Instance of the European Union.
    Furthermore, in July 2009, the French antitrust Authority sent to TotalGaz and Total Raffinage Marketing a statement of objections regarding alleged antitrust practices concerning another product line of the Refining & Marketing division.
5.   Given the discretionary powers granted to antitrust Authorities for determining fines, it is not currently possible to determine with certainty the ultimate outcome of these investigations and proceedings. TOTAL S.A. and Elf Aquitaine are contesting their liability and the method of determining these fines. Although it is not possible to predict the outcome of these proceedings, the Group believes that they will not have a material adverse effect on its financial condition or results.
On December 11, 2005, several explosions, followed by a major fire, occurred at an oil storage depot at Buncefield, north of London. This depot is operated by Hertfordshire Oil Storage Limited (HOSL), a company in which the British subsidiary of TOTAL holds 60% and another oil group holds 40%.



The explosion caused minor injuries to a number of people and caused property damage to the depot and the buildings and homes located nearby. The official Independent Investigation Board has indicated that the explosion was caused by the overflow of a tank at the depot. The Board’s final report was released on December 11, 2008. The civil procedure for claims, which have not yet been settled, took place between October and December 2008. The Court’s decision of March 20, 2009, declared the British subsidiary of TOTAL responsible for the accident and solely liable for indemnifying the victims. TOTAL’s British subsidiary has appealed this decision. The hearing of the appeal is expected to take place at the end of 2009 or during the first half 2010.
The Group carries insurance for damage to its interests in these facilities, business interruption and civil liability claims from third parties, and believes that, based on the information currently available, on a reasonable estimate of its liability and on provisions recognized, this accident should not have a significant impact on the Group’s financial situation or consolidated results.
On December 1, 2008, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and the Environment Agency (EA) issued a Notice of prosecution against five companies, including the British subsidiary of TOTAL. Court hearings took place in the second quarter 2009. The criminal trial is scheduled to start in the second quarter 2010.
Following the sinking in December 1999 of the Erika, a tanker that was transporting products belonging to one of the Group companies, the Tribunal de grande instance of Paris convicted TOTAL S.A. of marine pollution pursuant to a judgment issued on January 16, 2008, finding that TOTAL S.A. was negligent in its vetting procedure for vessel selection. TOTAL S.A. was fined €375,000. The court also ordered compensation to be paid to the victims of pollution from the Erika up to an aggregate amount of 192 M€, declaring TOTAL S.A. jointly and severally liable for such payments together with the Erika’s inspection and classification firm, the Erika’s owner and the Erika’s manager.
TOTAL believes that the finding of negligence and the related conviction for marine pollution are without substance as a matter of fact and as a matter of law. TOTAL also considers that this verdict is contrary to the intended aim of enhancing maritime transport safety.
TOTAL has appealed the verdict of January 16, 2008. In the meantime, it has nevertheless proposed to pay third parties who so request definitive compensation as determined by the court. As of today, thirty-six third parties have received compensation payments, representing an aggregate amount of 170.1 M€.
The hearing of the appeal before the Court of Appeals of Paris is expected to begin in October 2009.
At the current stage of the proceedings, TOTAL S.A. believes that, based on a reasonable estimate of its liability, the case will not have a material impact on the Group’s financial situation or consolidated results.
Vlissingen refinery
Total, the majority shareholder (55%) of the Vlissingen refinery, exercised its pre-emptive rights over the shares (45%) of this asset that were offered for sale by Dow Chemical. Concurrently, Lukoil submitted to TOTAL a binding purchase offer for these shares (45%).
This operation is subject to the approval by the competent authorities.



8) Information by business segment
1st half 2009                        
(M€)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
    7,874       46,686       6,902       9             61,471  
Intersegment sales
    7,349       1,646       276       79       (9,350 )      
Excise taxes
          (9,429 )                       (9,429 )
Revenues from sales
    15,223       38,903       7,178       88       (9,350 )     52,042  
Operating expenses
    (7,367 )     (36,253 )     (6,635 )     (353 )     9,350       (41,258 )
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
    (2,121 )     (683 )     (335 )     (17 )           (3,156 )
Operating income
    5,735       1,967       208       (282 )           7,628  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items
    572       127       (121 )     336             914  
Tax on net operating income
    (3,413 )     (581 )     1       143             (3,850 )
Net operating income
    2,894       1,513       88       197             4,692  
Net cost of net debt
                                            (145 )
Minority interests
                                            (88 )
Net income
1st half 2009 (adjustments)(a)                        
(M€)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
Intersegment sales
Excise taxes
Revenues from sales
Operating expenses
          1,097       259                     1,356  
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
          (62 )     (43 )                   (105 )
Operating income (b)
          1,035       216                     1,251  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items (c)
    (39 )     63       (138 )     (141 )             (255 )
Tax on net operating income
          (341 )     (29 )                   (370 )
Net operating income (b)
    (39 )     757       49       (141 )             626  
Net cost of net debt
Minority interests
                                            (1 )
Net income
(a)    Adjustments include special items, inventory valuation effect and equity share of adjustments and selected items related to Sanofi-Aventis
(b)   Of which inventory valuation effect
   On operating income
          1,278       264                        
   On net operating income
          945       171                        
(c)   Of which equity share of adjustments and selected items related to Sanofi-Aventis
                      (182 )                
1st half 2009 (adjusted)                        
(M€)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
    7,874       46,686       6,902       9             61,471  
Intersegment sales
    7,349       1,646       276       79       (9,350 )      
Excise taxes
          (9,429 )                       (9,429 )
Revenues from sales
    15,223       38,903       7,178       88       (9,350 )     52,042  
Operating expenses
    (7,367 )     (37,350 )     (6,894 )     (353 )     9,350       (42,614 )
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
    (2,121 )     (621 )     (292 )     (17 )           (3,051 )
Adjusted operating income
    5,735       932       (8 )     (282 )           6,377  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items
    611       64       17       477             1,169  
Tax on net operating income
    (3,413 )     (240 )     30       143             (3,480 )
Adjusted net operating income
    2,933       756       39       338             4,066  
Net cost of net debt
                                            (145 )
Minority interests
                                            (87 )
Ajusted net income
1st half 2009                        
(M€)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Total expenditures
    4,914       1,320       294       41               6,569  
Total divestments
    234       62       14       1,020               1,330  
Cash flow from operating activities
    4,521       1,620       458       (666 )             5,933  



1st half 2008                                    
(M€)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
    11,935       69,770       10,707       1             92,413  
Intersegment sales
    13,980       3,050       706       70       (17,806 )      
Excise taxes
          (9,826 )                       (9,826 )
Revenues from sales
    25,915       62,994       11,413       71       (17,806 )     82,587  
Operating expenses
    (10,697 )     (59,346 )     (10,648 )     (356 )     17,806       (63,241 )
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
    (1,831 )     (576 )     (257 )     (14 )           (2,678 )
Operating income
    13,387       3,072       508       (299 )           16,668  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items
    904       (13 )     3       383             1,277  
Tax on net operating income
    (8,331 )     (898 )     (143 )     150             (9,222 )
Net operating income
    5,960       2,161       368       234             8,723  
Net cost of net debt
                                            (145 )
Minority interests
                                            (244 )
Net income
1st half 2008 (adjustments)(a)                        
(M€)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
Intersegment sales
Excise taxes
Revenues from sales
Operating expenses
          1,830       232                     2,062  
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
Operating income (b)
          1,830       232                     2,062  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items (c)
    130       15       (22 )     (152 )             (29 )
Tax on net operating income
          (582 )     (70 )                   (652 )
Net operating income (b)
    130       1,263       140       (152 )             1,381  
Net cost of net debt
Minority interests
                                            (24 )
Net income
(a)   Adjustments include special items, inventory valuation effect and equity share of adjustments related to Sanofi-Aventis
(b) Of which inventory valuation effect
On operating income
          1,830       232                        
On net operating income
          1,298       154                        
(c) Of which equity share of adjustments related to Sanofi-Aventis
                      (149 )                
1st half 2008 (adjusted)                          
(M€)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total
Non-Group sales
    11,935       69,770       10,707       1             92,413  
Intersegment sales
    13,980       3,050       706       70       (17,806 )      
Excise taxes
          (9,826 )                       (9,826 )
Revenues from sales
    25,915       62,994       11,413       71       (17,806 )     82,587  
Operating expenses
    (10,697 )     (61,176 )     (10,880 )     (356 )     17,806       (65,303 )
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
    (1,831 )     (576 )     (257 )     (14 )           (2,678 )
Adjusted operating income
    13,387       1,242       276       (299 )           14,606  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items
    774       (28 )     25       535             1,306  
Tax on net operating income
    (8,331 )     (316 )     (73 )     150             (8,570 )
Adjusted net operating income
    5,830       898       228       386             7,342  
Net cost of net debt
                                            (145 )
Minority interests
                                            (220 )
Ajusted net income
1st half 2008                        
(M€)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total
Total expenditures
    4,254       808       385       64               5,511  
Total divestments
    672       152       19       81               924  
Cash flow from operating activities
    7,894       (223 )     (33 )     (400 )             7,238  



2nd quarter 2009                                    
(M€)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
    3,427       24,318       3,684       1             31,430  
Intersegment sales
    4,107       1,005       152       42       (5,306 )      
Excise taxes
          (4,856 )                       (4,856 )
Revenues from sales
    7,534       20,467       3,836       43       (5,306 )     26,574  
Operating expenses
    (3,635 )     (19,154 )     (3,498 )     (198 )     5,306       (21,179 )
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
    (1,056 )     (382 )     (191 )     (7 )           (1,636 )
Operating income
    2,843       931       147       (162 )           3,759  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items
    329       85       (117 )     144             441  
Tax on net operating income
    (1,739 )     (278 )     18       81             (1,918 )
Net operating income
    1,433       738       48       63             2,282  
Net cost of net debt
                                            (59 )
Minority interests
                                            (54 )
Net income
2nd quarter 2009 (adjustments)(a)                                    
(M€)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
Intersegment sales
Excise taxes
Revenues from sales
Operating expenses
          852       130                     982  
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
          (62 )     (43 )                   (105 )
Operating income (b)
          790       87                     877  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items (c)
    (18 )     48       (119 )     (91 )             (180 )
Tax on net operating income
          (256 )     9                     (247 )
Net operating income (b)
    (18 )     582       (23 )     (91 )             450  
Net cost of net debt
Minority interests
                                            (2 )
Net income
(a)  Adjustments include special items, inventory valuation effect and equity share of adjustments and selected items related to Sanofi-Aventis
(b) Of which inventory valuation effect
On operating income
          933       132        
On net operating income
          699       91        
(c) Of which equity share of adjustments and selected items related to Sanofi-Aventis
                      (119 )
2nd quarter 2009 (adjusted)                                    
(M€)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
    3,427       24,318       3,684       1             31,430  
Intersegment sales
    4,107       1,005       152       42       (5,306 )      
Excise taxes
          (4,856 )                       (4,856 )
Revenues from sales
    7,534       20,467       3,836       43       (5,306 )     26,574  
Operating expenses
    (3,635 )     (20,006 )     (3,628 )     (198 )     5,306       (22,161 )
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
    (1,056 )     (320 )     (148 )     (7 )           (1,531 )
Adjusted operating income
    2,843       141       60       (162 )           2,882  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items
    347       37       2       235             621  
Tax on net operating income
    (1,739 )     (22 )     9       81             (1,671 )
Adjusted net operating income
    1,451       156       71       154             1,832  
Net cost of net debt
                                            (59 )
Minority interests
                                            (52 )
Ajusted net income
2nd quarter 2009                                    
(M€)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Total expenditures
    2,664       825       115       30               3,634  
Total divestments
    105       26       8       719               858  
Cash flow from operating activities
    1,943       (28 )     280       (256 )             1,939  



2nd quarter 2008                                    
(M€)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
    5,739       36,990       5,478       (7 )           48,200  
Intersegment sales
    7,862       1,497       449       37       (9,845 )      
Excise taxes
          (4,900 )                       (4,900 )
Revenues from sales
    13,601       33,587       5,927       30       (9,845 )     43,300  
Operating expenses
    (5,679 )     (31,095 )     (5,491 )     (180 )     9,845       (32,600 )
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
    (958 )     (291 )     (128 )     (7 )           (1,384 )
Operating income
    6,964       2,201       308       (157 )           9,316  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items
    439       20       (11 )     133             581  
Tax on net operating income
    (4,304 )     (651 )     (88 )     78             (4,965 )
Net operating income
    3,099       1,570       209       54             4,932  
Net cost of net debt
                                            (57 )
Minority interests
                                            (143 )
Net income
2nd quarter 2008 (adjustments)(a)                                    
(M€)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
Intersegment sales
Excise taxes
Revenues from sales
Operating expenses
          1,457       230                     1,687  
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
Operating income (b)
          1,457       230                     1,687  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items (c)
          (10 )     (22 )     (96 )             (128 )
Tax on net operating income
          (464 )     (69 )                   (533 )
Net operating income (b)
          983       139       (96 )             1,026  
Net cost of net debt
Minority interests
                                            (17 )
Net income
(a)  Adjustments include special items, inventory valuation effect and equity share of adjustments related to Sanofi-Aventis
(b) Of which inventory valuation effect
On operating income
          1,457       230        
On net operating income
          1,018       153        
(c) Of which equity share of adjustments related to Sanofi-Aventis
                      (78 )
2nd quarter 2008 (adjusted)                                    
(M€)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
    5,739       36,990       5,478       (7 )           48,200  
Intersegment sales
    7,862       1,497       449       37       (9,845 )      
Excise taxes
          (4,900 )                       (4,900 )
Revenues from sales
    13,601       33,587       5,927       30       (9,845 )     43,300  
Operating expenses
    (5,679 )     (32,552 )     (5,721 )     (180 )     9,845       (34,287 )
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
    (958 )     (291 )     (128 )     (7 )           (1,384 )
Adjusted operating income
    6,964       744       78       (157 )           7,629  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items
    439       30       11       229             709  
Tax on net operating income
    (4,304 )     (187 )     (19 )     78             (4,432 )
Adjusted net operating income
    3,099       587       70       150             3,906  
Net cost of net debt
                                            (57 )
Minority interests
                                            (126 )
Ajusted net income
2nd quarter 2008                                    
(M€)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Total expenditures
    2,076       514       221       57               2,868  
Total divestments
    565       128       12       21               726  
Cash flow from operating activities
    3,643       (1,391 )     169       (499 )             1,922  



9) Reconciliation between information by business segment and the consolidated statement of income
1st half 2009                   Consolidated  
(M€)   Adjusted     Adjustments     statement of income  
    61,471             61,471  
Excise taxes
    (9,429 )           (9,429 )
Revenues from sales
    52,042             52,042  
Purchases net of inventory variation
    (33,070 )     1,542       (31,528 )
Other operating expenses
    (9,213 )     (186 )     (9,399 )
Exploration costs
    (331 )           (331 )
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
    (3,051 )     (105 )     (3,156 )
Other income
    80       41       121  
Other expense
    (113 )     (190 )     (303 )
Financial interest on debt
    (311 )           (311 )
Financial income from marketable securities & cash equivalents
    95             95  
Cost of net debt
    (216 )           (216 )
Other financial income
    399             399  
Other financial expense
    (163 )           (163 )
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates
    966       (106 )     860  
Income taxes
    (3,409 )     (370 )     (3,779 )
Consolidated net income
    3,921       626       4,547  
Group share
    3,834       625       4,459  
Minority interests
    87       1       88  
1st half 2008                   Consolidated  
(M€)   Adjusted     Adjustments     statement of income  
    92,413             92,413  
Excise taxes
    (9,826 )           (9,826 )
Revenues from sales
    82,587             82,587  
Purchases net of inventory variation
    (55,639 )     2,062       (53,577 )
Other operating expenses
    (9,271 )           (9,271 )
Exploration costs
    (393 )           (393 )
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
    (2,678 )           (2,678 )
Other income
    21       147       168  
Other expense
    (74 )     (95 )     (169 )
Financial interest on debt
    (461 )           (461 )
Financial income from marketable securities & cash equivalents
    242             242  
Cost of net debt
    (219 )           (219 )
Other financial income
    345             345  
Other financial expense
    (151 )           (151 )
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates
    1,165       (81 )     1,084  
Income taxes
    (8,496 )     (652 )     (9,148 )
Consolidated net income
    7,197       1,381       8,578  
Group share
    6,977       1,357       8,334  
Minority interests
    220       24       244  



2nd quarter 2009                   Consolidated  
(M€)   Adjusted     Adjustments     statement of income  
    31,430             31,430  
Excise taxes
    (4,856 )           (4,856 )
Revenues from sales
    26,574             26,574  
Purchases net of inventory variation
    (17,365 )     1,065       (16,300 )
Other operating expenses
    (4,641 )     (83 )     (4,724 )
Exploration costs
    (155 )           (155 )
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
    (1,531 )     (105 )     (1,636 )
Other income
    78       28       106  
Other expense
    (56 )     (160 )     (216 )
Financial interest on debt
    (140 )           (140 )
Financial income from marketable securities & cash equivalents
    40             40  
Cost of net debt
    (100 )           (100 )
Other financial income
    240             240  
Other financial expense
    (82 )           (82 )
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates
    441       (48 )     393  
Income taxes
    (1,630 )     (247 )     (1,877 )
Consolidated net income
    1,773       450       2,223  
Group share
    1,721       448       2,169  
Minority interests
    52       2       54  
2nd quarter 2008                   Consolidated  
(M€)   Adjusted   Adjustments   statement of income
    48,200             48,200  
Excise taxes
    (4,900 )           (4,900 )
Revenues from sales
    43,300             43,300  
Purchases net of inventory variation
    (29,645 )     1,687       (27,958 )
Other operating expenses
    (4,439 )           (4,439 )
Exploration costs
    (203 )           (203 )
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests
    (1,384 )           (1,384 )
Other income
    13       2       15  
Other expense
    (26 )     (95 )     (121 )
Financial interest on debt
    (204 )           (204 )
Financial income from marketable securities & cash equivalents
    113             113  
Cost of net debt
    (91 )           (91 )
Other financial income
    229             229  
Other financial expense
    (80 )           (80 )
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates
    573       (35 )     538  
Income taxes
    (4,398 )     (533 )     (4,931 )
Consolidated net income
    3,849       1,026       4,875  
Group share
    3,723       1,009       4,732  
Minority interests
    126       17       143  
