EX-99.4 5 y01216exv99w4.htm EX-99.4: THIRD QUARTER 2005 RESULTS EX-99.4

Exhibit 99.4
2, place de la Coupole
La Défense 6
92 400 Courbevoie France
Fax : 33 (1) 47 44 68 21
Catherine ENCK
Tel. 33 (1) 47 44 37 76
Patricia MARIE
Tel. 33 (1) 47 44 45 90
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 45 91
Christine de CHAMPEAUX
Tel : 33 (1) 47 44 47 49
Bertille ARON
Tel 33 (1) 47 44 67 12
Tel.: 33 (1) 47 44 21 19
Isabelle CABROL
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 64 24
Charles-Edouard ANFRAY
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 65 55
Franklin BOITIER
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 59 81
Philippe GATEAU
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 47 05
Capital 6 214 875 300 euros
542 051 180 R.C.S. Nanterre
Total reports third quarter 2005 results
     l   +32% to 3.13 billion for adjusted net income1 in euros
     l   +36% to 5.32 € for adjusted earnings per share in euros
     l   +32% to 3.81 billion for adjusted net income expressed in dollars2
     l   +36% to 6.49 $for adjusted earnings per share expressed in dollars
Investments expressed in dollars increased by 37% over the first nine months of 2005
Interim dividend of 3 euros per share payable November 24, 2005
l Results expressed in dollars2-3
3rd quarter 2005       9 months 2005        
3.81 B$
    +32 %   Adjusted net income1   11.30 B$     +42 %
6.49 $/share
    +36 %       19.10 $/share     +46 %
4.45 B$
    +32 %   Net income   12.54 B$     +43 %
l Results in euros3
3rd quarter 2005       9 months 2005        
3.13 B€
    +32 %   Adjusted net income1   8.95 B€     +38 %
5.32 €/share
    +36 %       15.13 €/share     +42 %
3.65 B€
    +32 %   Net income   9.93 B€     +39 %
1   adjusted net income = net income using replacement cost (Group share) adjusted for special items and excluding Total’s equity share of amortization of intangibles related to the Sanofi-Aventis merger
2   dollar amounts represent euro amounts converted at the /$ rate for the period (1.2199 $/ for the third quarter 2005, 1.2220 for the third quarter 2004, 1.2626 for the first nine months of 2005 and 1.2255 for the first nine months of 2004)
3   percent changes are relative to the same period in 2004



2, place de la Coupole
La Défense 6
92 400 Courbevoie France
Fax : 33 (1) 47 44 68 21
Catherine ENCK
Tel. 33 (1) 47 44 37 76
Patricia MARIE
Tel. 33 (1) 47 44 45 90
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 45 91
Christine de CHAMPEAUX
Tel : 33 (1) 47 44 47 49
Bertille ARON
Tel 33 (1) 47 44 67 12
Tel.: 33 (1) 47 44 21 19
Isabelle CABROL
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 64 24
Charles-Edouard ANFRAY
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 65 55
Franklin BOITIER
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 59 81
Philippe GATEAU
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 47 05
Capital 6 214 875 300 euros
542 051 180 R.C.S. Nanterre
Paris, November 4, 2005 — The Board of Directors of Total, chaired by CEO Thierry Desmarest, met on November 3, 2005 to review the consolidated accounts for the third quarter 2005.
Adjusted net income increased to 3,126 million euros (M€) in the third quarter 2005, an increase of 32% compared to the third quarter 2004. Commenting on the results, CEO Thierry Desmarest said :
« At a time when global demand for petroleum products was already strong, major disruptions in the Gulf of Mexico drove oil prices and refining margins to very high levels in the third quarter 2005. Further downstream in the oil chain, retail marketing and petrochemicals suffered as a result of rapidly rising raw material costs.
The 36% increase in adjusted earnings per share for Total reflects essentially the stronger oil market environment and illustrates the sensitivity of the Group to this environment.
Over the first nine months of 2005, Total reported the best performance among the majors by achieving a 46% increase in earnings per share expressed in dollars.
The Group invested 9.3 billion dollars over the first nine months of 2005, which includes 1.1 B$ (US) for the acquisition of 82% of Deer Creek and represents a 37% increase in investments over the same period last year.
In the Upstream, continued exploration success and the launching of several large, long-term projects allow Total to be confident of its ability to sustain ongoing production growth beyond 2010. In the Downstream, a program to increase investments to upgrade and adapt the refining system to changing product demand is being actively implemented.»
l Total — consolidated accounts4
3Q05   3Q04   %   in millions of euros   9M05   9M04   %
    +19 %   Sales     103,226       88,400       +17 %
    +41 %   Adjusted operating income from business segments     17,339       12,107       +43 %
    +52 %         Upstream     13,421       9,416       +43 %
    +31 %         Downstream     2,816       2,022       +39 %
    -48 %         Chemicals     1,102       669       +65 %
    +34 %   Adjusted net operating income from business segments     8,807       6,414       +37 %
    +32 %   Net income (Group share)     9,932       7,137       +39 %
    +32 %   Adjusted net income     8,951       6,496       +38 %
    +36 %   Adjusted earnings per share (euros)     15.13       10.67       +42 %
    +71 %   Investments     7,396       5,575       +33 %
    +34 %   Divestments at selling price     838       538       +56 %
    +17 %   Cash flow from operating activities     11,498       10,840       +6 %
4   adjusted income (adjusted income, adjusted net operating income, adjusted net income) is defined as income using replacement cost, adjusted for special items and excluding Total’s equity share of amortization of intangibles related to the Sanofi-Aventis merger



2, place de la Coupole
La Défense 6
92 400 Courbevoie France
Fax : 33 (1) 47 44 68 21
Catherine ENCK
Tel. 33 (1) 47 44 37 76
Patricia MARIE
Tel. 33 (1) 47 44 45 90
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 45 91
Christine de CHAMPEAUX
Tel : 33 (1) 47 44 47 49
Bertille ARON
Tel 33 (1) 47 44 67 12
Tel.: 33 (1) 47 44 21 19
Isabelle CABROL
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 64 24
Charles-Edouard ANFRAY
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 65 55
Franklin BOITIER
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 59 81
Philippe GATEAU
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 47 05
Capital 6 214 875 300 euros
542 051 180 R.C.S. Nanterre
l Number of shares
3Q05   3Q04   %   Millions   9M05   9M04   %
    -3 %   Fully-diluted weighted-average shares     591.7       608.7       -3 %
l Market environment
3Q05   3Q04   %       9M05   9M04   %
        US$($/€)     1.26       1.23       -3 %*
    +48 %   Brent ($/b)     53.7       36.4       +48 %
    +35 %   European refining margins TRCV ($/t)     40.4       29.6       +36 %
*   change in the dollar versus the ‘euro
l Adjustments to operating income from business segments
3Q05   3Q04   in millions of euros   9M05   9M04
  (9 )        
Impact of special items on operating income from business segments
    (20 )      
  Restructuring charges
    (11 )      
  (9 )        
    (9 )      
  1,066       590    
Difference of FIFO vs. Replacement cost
    2,179       1,138  
  1,057       590    
Total adjustments affecting operating income from business segments
    2,159       1,138  
l Adjustments to net income (Group share)
3Q05   3Q04   in millions of euros   9M05   9M04
  (98 )     (12 )  
Impact of special items on net income (Group share)
    (274 )     (145 )
  (87 )        
  Equity share of special items recorded by Sanofi-Aventis
    (165 )      
  Gain/(loss) on asset sales
  Additional Toulouse-AZF provision
          (98 )
        (12 )  
  Restructuring charges and early retirement plans
    (90 )     (43 )
    (8 )      
  (11 )        
    (11 )     (4 )
  (112 )        
Adjustment related to the Sanofi-Aventis merger* (share of amortization of intangible assets)
    (247 )      
  729       410    
After-tax difference of FIFO vs. Replacement cost
    1,502       786  
  519       398    
Total adjustments affecting net income
    981       641  
*   based on 13% participation of Total in Sanofi-Aventis at September 30, 2005



2, place de la Coupole
La Défense 6
92 400 Courbevoie France
Fax : 33 (1) 47 44 68 21
Catherine ENCK
Tel. 33 (1) 47 44 37 76
Patricia MARIE
Tel. 33 (1) 47 44 45 90
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 45 91
Christine de CHAMPEAUX
Tel : 33 (1) 47 44 47 49
Bertille ARON
Tel 33 (1) 47 44 67 12
Tel.: 33 (1) 47 44 21 19
Isabelle CABROL
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 64 24
Charles-Edouard ANFRAY
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 65 55
Franklin BOITIER
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 59 81
Philippe GATEAU
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 47 05
Capital 6 214 875 300 euros
542 051 180 R.C.S. Nanterre
l Third quarter 2005 results
     > Operating income
Compared to the third quarter 2004, the oil market environment in the third quarter 2005 was marked by a strong increase in oil prices (+48% for Brent) and European refining margins (+35% for the TRCV indicator).
Petrochemical margins decreased relative to the third quarter 2004.
In this context, adjusted operating income from the business segments increased by 41% to 6,346 M€ from 4,498 M€ in the third quarter 2004.
Special items affecting operating income, which were related to exceptional charges in the Chemicals segment, had a negative impact of 9 M€ in the third quarter 2005. There were no special items affecting operating income in the third quarter 2004.
Adjusted net operating income from the business segments increased by 34% to 3,044 M€ from 2,279 M€ in the third quarter 2004. The smaller percentage increase relative to the increase in operating income is due notably to the higher effective tax rate in the third quarter 2005 compared to the third quarter 2004.
     > Net income
Adjusted net income, which excludes notably after-tax inventory effects of 729 M€ in the third quarter 2005 and 410 M€ in the third quarter 2004, increased by 32% to 3,126 M€ from 2,365 M€ in the third quarter 2004.
Special items affecting net income had a negative impact of 98 M€ on the third quarter 2005 and 12 M€ on the third quarter 2004. They include special charges and provisions in the Chemicals segment and, in the third quarter 2005, -87 M€ for Total’s equity share of special items taken by Sanofi-Aventis.
Net income5 increased to 3,645 M€ from 2,763 M€ in the third quarter 2004.
During the third quarter 2005, the Group bought back 3.97 million of its shares6, or 0.6% of its capital, for 826 M€.
Adjusted earnings per share, based on 588.0 million fully-diluted weighted-average shares, rose to 5.32 euros in the third quarter 2005 from 3.91 euros in the third quarter 2004, an increase of 36%, which is higher than the increase in adjusted net income due to the accretive effect of the share buybacks.
     > Cash flow
Cash flow from operating activities increased to 4,764 M€ from 4,075 M€ in the third quarter 2004.
Investments rose to 3,357 M€ from 1,967 M€ in the third quarter 2004. They include 890 M€ paid out for the acquisition of 82% of Deer Creek.
Divestments in the third quarter 2005 were 248 M€, including notably the sale of Total’s interest in the power company South Humber Bank.
Net cash flow7 was 1,655 M€ compared to 2,293 M€ in the same period 2004.
5   reported net income includes special items and after-tax inventory valuation effects as well as Total’s equity share of the amortization of intangibles related to the Sanofi-Aventis merger
6   including 0.57 million shares which are reserved for share grants as per the decision of the Board on July 19, 2005
7   net cash flow = cash flow from operating activities + divestments — investments



2, place de la Coupole
La Défense 6
92 400 Courbevoie France
Fax : 33 (1) 47 44 68 21
Catherine ENCK
Tel. 33 (1) 47 44 37 76
Patricia MARIE
Tel. 33 (1) 47 44 45 90
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 45 91
Christine de CHAMPEAUX
Tel : 33 (1) 47 44 47 49
Bertille ARON
Tel 33 (1) 47 44 67 12
Tel.: 33 (1) 47 44 21 19
Isabelle CABROL
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 64 24
Charles-Edouard ANFRAY
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 65 55
Franklin BOITIER
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 59 81
Philippe GATEAU
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 47 05
Capital 6 214 875 300 euros
542 051 180 R.C.S. Nanterre
l Upstream
     > Results
3Q05   3Q04   %   in millions of euros   9M05   9M04   %
    +52 %   Adjusted operating income*     13,421       9,416       +43 %
    +43 %   Adjusted net operating income*     5,897       4,454       +32 %
    +87 %   Investments     5,590       3,933       +42 %
    +41 %   Divestments at selling price     551       315       +75 %
    +24 %   Cash flow from operating activities     7,737       7,248       +7 %
*   adjustment detail included in the business segment information
Adjusted operating income for the Upstream segment increased by 52% to 5,199 M€ in the third quarter 2005 from 3,429 M€ in the third quarter 2004.
The increase reflects essentially the benefit of higher hydrocarbon prices, more so for liquids than for gas.
Adjusted net operating income for Upstream increased by 43% to 2,202 M€.
The more moderate increase relative to the increase in operating income reflects, among other elements, the higher effective tax rate in the third quarter 2005 compared to the third quarter 2004, which was due notably to less production in areas with lower effective tax rates.
     > Production
3Q05   3Q04   %   Hydrocarbon production   9M05   9M04   %
    -2 %   Combined production (kboe/d)     2,498       2,571       -3 %
    -4 %         Liquids (kb/d)     1,631       1,698       -4 %
    +2 %         Gas (Mcfd)     4,742       4,749        
Hydrocarbon production declined by 2% to 2,428 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day (kboe/d) in the third quarter 2005 from 2,479 kboe/d in the third quarter 2004.
This decrease in production was due primarily to the negative impact on entitlement volumes linked to higher prices in the third quarter 2005 versus the third quarter 2004 (“price effect”).
Excluding the price effect impact, hydrocarbon production increased. Production growth from Trinidad, Congo, Indonesia, and Venezuela combined with lower maintenance in the North Sea relative to the third quarter of last year more than offset lower production from the Gulf of Mexico due to the hurricanes and from shutdowns in Nigeria affecting onshore areas.



2, place de la Coupole
La Défense 6
92 400 Courbevoie France
Fax : 33 (1) 47 44 68 21
Catherine ENCK
Tel. 33 (1) 47 44 37 76
Patricia MARIE
Tel. 33 (1) 47 44 45 90
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 45 91
Christine de CHAMPEAUX
Tel : 33 (1) 47 44 47 49
Bertille ARON
Tel 33 (1) 47 44 67 12
Tel.: 33 (1) 47 44 21 19
Isabelle CABROL
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 64 24
Charles-Edouard ANFRAY
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 65 55
Franklin BOITIER
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 59 81
Philippe GATEAU
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 47 05
Capital 6 214 875 300 euros
542 051 180 R.C.S. Nanterre
     > Liquids and gas price realizations
3Q05   3Q04   %   Liquids and gas price*   9M05   9M04   %
    +46 %   Average liquids price ($/b)     49.9       34.9       +43 %
    +31 %   Average gas price ($/Mbtu)     4.47       3.56       +26 %
*   consolidated subsidiaries, excluding fixed margin and buy-back contracts
The smaller increase in the average realized liquids price compared to the increase in the Brent price in particular reflects the larger spread in the light-heavy price differential for crude oil. Gas prices increased in every producing region.
     > Recent highlights
Total continued to expand its exploration acreage by signing a production sharing contract on OPL 223 in Nigeria, being awarded a block in Libya and bidding successfully for three production licenses in the UK North Sea.
Successful exploration activity included new discoveries in ultra-deep offshore Angola, a discovery on Block NC 186 in Libya and two new positive wells on OPL 222 (Total operated, 20%) in Nigeria that further confirm the potential of the Usan discovery.
An initial development plan for Usan projecting a start-up by 2010 and a plateau rate of 150 kb/d was approved by NNPC, the concession holder of the block.
The third quarter 2005 also marked the launch of the development of Yemen LNG (Total 42.9%8) projecting the construction of a liquefaction plant with a capacity of 6.7 Mt/y by 2008. Plans call for gas sales over a 20-year period of 4.5 Mt/y to the Atlantic basin market and 2 Mt/y to the Asian market.
Phase 1 of the development of the Moho-Bilondo field has been launched (Total operated, 53.5%). Production is projected to start in 2008 with a plateau rate of approx. 90 kb/d.
Total took a major step forward in developing its Canadian oil sands strategy through the successful takeover of Deer Creek Energy Limited which holds 84% of the Joslyn lease in Athabasca, Canada. As of October 31, 2005, Total held 82.4% of Deer Creek.
Total sold its 40% stake in the South Humber Bank power plant in the UK to Centrica.
8   before the potential entry of Kogas



2, place de la Coupole
La Défense 6
92 400 Courbevoie France
Fax : 33 (1) 47 44 68 21
Catherine ENCK
Tel. 33 (1) 47 44 37 76
Patricia MARIE
Tel. 33 (1) 47 44 45 90
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 45 91
Christine de CHAMPEAUX
Tel : 33 (1) 47 44 47 49
Bertille ARON
Tel 33 (1) 47 44 67 12
Tel.: 33 (1) 47 44 21 19
Isabelle CABROL
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 64 24
Charles-Edouard ANFRAY
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 65 55
Franklin BOITIER
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 59 81
Philippe GATEAU
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 47 05
Capital 6 214 875 300 euros
542 051 180 R.C.S. Nanterre
l Downstream
     > Results
3Q05   3Q04   %   in millions of euros   9M05   9M04   %
  981       748       +31 %  
Adjusted operating income*
    2,816       2,022       +39 %
  706       524       +35 %  
Adjusted net operating income*
    2,117       1,493       +42 %
  493       376       +31 %  
    1,069       951       +12 %
  21       45       -53 %  
Divestments at selling price
    124       127       -2 %
  893       852       +5 %  
Cash flow from operating activities
    2,512       3,009       -17 %
*   adjustment detail included in the business segment information
Adjusted operating income for the Downstream segment in the third quarter 2005 was 981 M€, a 31% increase compared to the third quarter 2004.
The increase was due mainly to the stronger refining margins that reflected the tight supply-demand balance in the Atlantic basin, particularly in the wake of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
Downstream results benefited as well from the effects of self-help programs and, in refining, positive market effects that were not reflected in the TRCV increase. Partially offsetting those positive effects were the prolonged shutdown of the Antwerp cracker, the shutdown of the Port Arthur refinery due to Hurricane Rita, the strike at the Normandy refinery, and the negative impact of rapidly rising refined product prices on marketing margins, which all had a negative impact on the performance of the segment.
Adjusted net operating income for the Downstream segment increased by 35% to 706 M€ in the third quarter 2005 from 524 M€ for the third quarter 2004.
     > Refinery throughput
3Q05   3Q04   %   Refinery throughput (kb/d)   9M05   9M04   %
  2,379       2,516       -5 %  
Total refinery throughput*
    2,407       2,501       -4 %
  951       996       -5 %  
    944       1,010       -7 %
  1,124       1,191       -6 %  
Rest of Europe*
    1,143       1,184       -3 %
  304       329       -8 %  
Rest of world
    321       307       +5 %
*   includes share of Cepsa
Refinery throughput was 2,379 kb/d in the third quarter 2005, a decrease of 5% compared to the same quarter last year. The refining utilization rate was 88%.
This decrease was due essentially to the longer-than-expected maintenance shutdown at Antwerp at the beginning of the third quarter 2005 and to the impact of the strike at Normandy at the end of the quarter.



2, place de la Coupole
La Défense 6
92 400 Courbevoie France
Fax : 33 (1) 47 44 68 21
Catherine ENCK
Tel. 33 (1) 47 44 37 76
Patricia MARIE
Tel. 33 (1) 47 44 45 90
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 45 91
Christine de CHAMPEAUX
Tel : 33 (1) 47 44 47 49
Bertille ARON
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 67 12
Tel.: 33 (1) 47 44 21 19
Isabelle CABROL
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 64 24
Charles-Edouard ANFRAY
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 65 55
Franklin BOITIER
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 59 81
Philippe GATEAU
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 47 05
Capital 6 214 875 300 euros
542 051 180 R.C.S. Nanterre
  > Recent highlights
Within the framework of the announcement made in September to accelerate its investment program in refining with the goal of increasing the capacity of diesel production and desulphurization as well as improving energy efficiency at its refineries, Total has launched studies on a deep-conversion project at its Port Arthur refinery in the US. Other studies have been launched regarding the construction of a deep-conversion unit at one of the Group’s European refineries.
Total signed an agreement with ExxonMobil to acquire its marketing and refined products distribution affiliates in 14 African countries. This transaction, which remains subject to the necessary regulatory approvals in each country, would make Total the largest marketer in Africa with an overall market share of 11%.
Total signed a preliminary agreement to increase its share in its Rome refinery from 57.5% to 77.5% and, as part of the deal, to sell its 18% interest in the Reichstett in France9.
Total and Sinochem signed a new joint venture agreement to build a network of 300 service stations in the region around Shanghai, China. The two companies are already partners in a similar venture in northern China and in the Dalian refinery.
Total signed an agreement with Neste Oil to build a second-generation bio-diesel production unit at one of the Group’s refineries that is expected to start up by 2008.
9   pending exercise of pre-emption rights by the minority shareholders



2, place de la Coupole
La Défense 6
92 400 Courbevoie France
Fax : 33 (1) 47 44 68 21
Catherine ENCK
Tel. 33 (1) 47 44 37 76
Patricia MARIE
Tel. 33 (1) 47 44 45 90
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 45 91
Christine de CHAMPEAUX
Tel : 33 (1) 47 44 47 49
Bertille ARON
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 67 12
Tel.: 33 (1) 47 44 21 19
Isabelle CABROL
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 64 24
Charles-Edouard ANFRAY
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 65 55
Franklin BOITIER
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 59 81
Philippe GATEAU
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 47 05
Capital 6 214 875 300 euros
542 051 180 R.C.S. Nanterre
  > Results
3Q05     3Q04     %     in millions of euros   9M05     9M04     %  
  5,401       5,228       +3 %  
    16,655       14,797       +13 %
  2,344       2,532       -7 %  
Base chemicals
    7,604       6,472       +17 %
  1,640       1,450       +13 %  
    4,867       5,563       +9 %
  1,417       1,244       +14 %  
    4,184       3,839       +9 %
        2     ns  
Corporate Chemicals
          5     ns
  166       321       -48 %  
Adjusted operating income*
    1,102       669       +65 %
  (18 )     172     ns  
Base chemicals
    479       230       +108 %
  138       124       +10 %  
    404       379       +7 %
  49       16       +219 %  
    216       45       +380 %
  (3 )     9     ns  
Corporate Chemicals
    3       15     ns
  136       216       -37 %  
Adjusted net operating income*
    793       467       +70 %
  275       211       +30 %  
    678       645       +5 %
        19     ns  
at selling price
    30       68       -56 %
  498       300       +66 %  
Cash flow from operating activities
    785       262       +200 %
*   adjustment detail included in business segment information
Sales for the Chemicals segment increased by 3% to 5,401 M in the third quarter 2005 from 5,228 M in the third quarter 2004.
Adjusted operating income fell by 48% to 166 M in the third quarter 2005 from 321 M in the third quarter 2004.
Base chemical margins fell sharply as a result of rapidly increasing raw material costs in the third quarter 2005. Shutdowns of steamcrackers in September at Port Arthur (related to the hurricanes) and at Normandy (related to the beginning of the 5-year scheduled turnaround) also had a negative impact on results.
Specialties continued to perform well.
Arkema reported a strong increase relative to the third quarter 2004, mainly due to better results in industrial chemicals.
Adjusted net operating income for the Chemicals segment were 136 M in the third quarter 2005 compared to 216 M for the third quarter 2004.
  > Recent highlights
Samsung Total Petrochemicals (Total 50%) launched a major expansion program at the Daesan site in South Korea which will raise the capacity of the cracker to 850 kt/y by 2007, (a 30% increase) as well as increase the production capacities for styrene and polypropylene.
Cray Valley and Sartomer, subsidiaries of Total, finalized the acquisition of the hydrocarbon resins activities of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company.



2, place de la Coupole
La Défense 6
92 400 Courbevoie France
Fax : 33 (1) 47 44 68 21
Catherine ENCK
Tel. 33 (1) 47 44 37 76
Patricia MARIE
Tel. 33 (1) 47 44 45 90
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 45 91
Christine de CHAMPEAUX
Tel : 33 (1) 47 44 47 49
Bertille ARON
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 67 12
Tel.: 33 (1) 47 44 21 19
Isabelle CABROL
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 64 24
Charles-Edouard ANFRAY
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 65 55
Franklin BOITIER
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 59 81
Philippe GATEAU
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 47 05
Capital 6 214 875 300 euros
542 051 180 R.C.S. Nanterre
l Nine months 2005 results
  > Operating income
Compared to the first nine months of 2004, the oil market environment for the first nine months of 2005 was marked by a strong increase in oil prices (+48% for Brent) and European refining margins (+36% for TRCV).
Petrochemical margins, on average, were higher relative to the first nine months of 2004.
In this context, adjusted operating income from the business segments increased by 43% to 17,339 M from 12,107 M in the first nine months of 2004.
Special items affecting operating income had a negative impact of 20 M10 in the first nine months of 2005. There were no special items affecting operating income in the first nine months of 2004.
Adjusted net operating income from the business segments increased by 37% to 8,807 M from 6,414 M in the first nine months of 2004.
  > Net income
Adjusted net income, which excludes after-tax inventory effects of 1,502 M in the first nine months of 2005 and 786 M in the first nine months of 2004, increased by 38% to 8,951 M from 6,496 M in the first nine months of 2004.
Special items affecting net income had a negative impact of 274 M10 on the first nine months of 2005 and 145 M10 on the first nine months of 2004.
Reported net income11 was 9,932 M compared to 7,137 M for the first nine months of 2004.
During the first nine months of 2005, the Group bought back 15.7 million of its shares12, or 2.5% of its capital, for 2.9 B.
At September 30, 2005 the number of fully-diluted weighted-average shares was 588.1 million compared to 603.7 million a year ago, representing a decrease of close to 3%.
Adjusted earnings per share, based on 591.7 million fully-diluted weighted-average shares rose to 15.13 euros from 10.67 euros in the first nine months of 2004, an increase of 42%, which is a higher rate of increase than for adjusted net income due to the accretive impact of the share buybacks.
  > Cash flow
Cash flow from operating activities rose to 11,498 M in the first nine months of 2005 from 10,840 M in the same period last year. During the first nine months of 2005 investments were 7,396 M. Expressed in dollars, investments were 9.3 B$, including 1.1 B$ for the Deer Creek acquisition, an increase of 37% compared to the first nine months of 2004.
Divestments for the first nine months of 2005 were 838 M.
Net cash flow was 4,940 M in the first nine months of 2005 compared to 5,803 M in the first nine months of 2004.
The net-debt-to-equity ratio was 25.6% at September 30, 2005 compared to 30.3% at June 30, 2005 and 26.6% at September 30, 2004.
10   detail on these items is shown in a table on page 3
11   reported net income includes special items and after-tax inventory valuation effects as well as Total’s equity share of the amortization of intangibles related to the Sanofi-Aventis merger
12   including 0.57 million shares which are reserved for share grants as per the decision of the Board on July 19, 2005



2, place de la Coupole
La Défense 6
92 400 Courbevoie France
Fax : 33 (1) 47 44 68 21
Catherine ENCK
Tel. 33 (1) 47 44 37 76
Patricia MARIE
Tel. 33 (1) 47 44 45 90
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 45 91
Christine de CHAMPEAUX
Tel : 33 (1) 47 44 47 49
Bertille ARON
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 67 12
Tel.: 33 (1) 47 44 21 19
Isabelle CABROL
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 64 24
Charles-Edouard ANFRAY
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 65 55
Franklin BOITIER
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 59 81
Philippe GATEAU
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 47 05
Capital 6 214 875 300 euros
542 051 180 R.C.S. Nanterre
l Cancellation of outstanding shares
The Board of Directors met on November 3, 2005 and approved the cancellation of 7,547,990 shares effective November 22, 2005. The share capital has been adjusted to 6,139,395,400 represented by 613,939,540 shares with a par value of 10 . This cancellation increases the Group’s capacity for share buybacks.
l Interim dividend
Net income for Total S.A., the parent company, was 2,763 M for the first nine months of 2005 compared to 2,244 M for the same period last year.
Directors met on November 3, 2005 and, after reviewing the accounts, approved an interim dividend in the amount of 3 payable on November 24, 2005.
l Summary and outlook
The return on average capital employed (ROACE) for the Group rose to 28%, at the level of the best in the industry, for the 12 months ended September 30, 2005. For the same period, ROACE13 was 37% for Upstream, 32% for Downstream, and 12% for Chemicals.
Calculated for the same period, the Group’s return on equity was 34%.
Total continued to invest, giving priority to the Upstream, in line with its forecasts.
The Group has continued to buy back shares and in October 2005 bought back 1.6 million shares for 340 M, bringing the level of buybacks since the start of the year to 2.7% of the capital.
Since the beginning of the fourth quarter 2005, oil prices have remained high. Refining margins were very high following the hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico. Petrochemical margins were relatively weak, while the other Chemicals activities continued to benefit from a satisfactory environment.
¨ ¨ ¨
To listen to the conference call with CFO Robert Castaigne and financial analysts today at 15:30 (Paris time), please call +44 (0)20 7162 0125 from Europe or +1 334 323 6203 from the US or access the call through company web site www.total.com. For a replay, please dial +44 (0)20 7031 4064 from Europe or 1 954 334 0342 (access code: 677 694) from the US.
The September 30, 2005 notes to the consolidated accounts are available on the Total web site (www.total.com). The interim accounts have been the subject of a limited review by the company’s auditors. This document may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 with respect to the financial condition, results of operations, business, strategy and plans of Total. Such statements are based on a number of assumptions that could ultimately prove inaccurate, and are subject to a number of risk factors, including currency fluctuations, the price of petroleum products, the ability to realize cost reductions and operating efficiencies without unduly disrupting business operations, environmental regulatory considerations and general economic and business conditions. Total does not assume any obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Further information on factors which could affect the company’s financial results is provided in documents filed by the Group and its affiliates with the French Autorité des Marchés Financiers and the US Securities and Exchange Commission.
The business segment information is presented in accordance with the Group internal reporting system used by the Chief operating decision maker to measure performance and allocate resources internally. Due to their particular nature or significance, certain transactions qualified as “special items” are monitored at the Group level and excluded from the business segment figures. In general, special items relate to transactions that are significant, infrequent or unusual. However, in certain instances, certain transactions such as restructuring costs or assets disposals, which are not considered to be representative of normal course of business, may be qualified as special items although they may have occurred within prior years or are likely to recur within following years.
13   ROACE = adjusted net operating income divided by the average capital employed using replacement cost



2, place de la Coupole
La Défense 6
92 400 Courbevoie France
Fax : 33 (1) 47 44 68 21
Catherine ENCK
Tel. 33 (1) 47 44 37 76
Patricia MARIE
Tel. 33 (1) 47 44 45 90
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 45 91
Christine de CHAMPEAUX
Tel : 33 (1) 47 44 47 49
Bertille ARON
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 67 12
Tel.: 33 (1) 47 44 21 19
Isabelle CABROL
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 64 24
Charles-Edouard ANFRAY
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 65 55
Franklin BOITIER
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 59 81
Philippe GATEAU
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 47 05
Capital 6 214 875 300 euros
542 051 180 R.C.S. Nanterre
In accordance with IAS 2, the Group values inventories of crude oil and petroleum products in the financial statements in accordance with the FIFO (First in, First out) method and other inventories using the weighted-average cost method. However, in the note setting forth information by business segment, the Group continues to present the results for the Downstream segment according to the replacement cost method and those of the Chemicals segment according to the LIFO (Last in, First out) method in order to ensure the comparability of the Group’s results with those of its main competitors, notably from North America. The inventory valuation effect is the difference between the results according to the FIFO method and the results according to the replacement cost or LIFO method.
In this framework, performance measures such as adjusted operating income, adjusted net operating income and adjusted net income are defined as incomes using replacement cost, adjusted for special items and excluding Total’s equity share of the amortization of intangibles related to the Sanofi-Aventis merger. They are meant to facilitate the analysis of the financial performance and the comparison of income between periods.



2, place de la Coupole
La Défense 6
92 400 Courbevoie France
Fax : 33 (1) 47 44 68 21
Catherine ENCK
Tel. 33 (1) 47 44 37 76
Patricia MARIE
Tel. 33 (1) 47 44 45 90
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 45 91
Christine de CHAMPEAUX
Tel : 33 (1) 47 44 47 49
Bertille ARON
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 67 12
Tel.: 33 (1) 47 44 21 19
Isabelle CABROL
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 64 24
Charles-Edouard ANFRAY
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 65 55
Franklin BOITIER
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 59 81
Philippe GATEAU
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 47 05
Capital 6 214 875 300 euros
542 051 180 R.C.S. Nanterre
Operating information by segment
Third quarter and first nine months of 2005
l Upstream
                        Combined production by region                  
3Q05     3Q04     %     (kboe/d)   9M05     9M04     %  
  698       701          
    773       824       -6 %
  753       821       -8 %  
    783       804       -3 %
  40       65       -38 %  
North America
    44       69       -36 %
  255       243       +5 %  
Far East
    248       240       +3 %
  407       408          
Middle East
    394       403       -2 %
  266       231       +15 %  
South America
    247       222       +11 %
  9       10       -10 %  
Rest of world
    9       9        
  2,428       2,479       -2 %  
    2,498       2,571       -3 %
3Q05     3Q04     %     Liquids production by region (kb/d)   9M05     9M04     %  
  367       368          
    392       418       -6 %
  682       752       -9 %  
    703       732       -4 %
  9       19       -53 %  
North America
    10       20       -50 %
  30       30          
Far East
    30       31       -3 %
  354       356       -1 %  
Middle East
    342       350       -2 %
  157       139       +13 %  
South America
    146       138       +6 %
  8       10       -20 %  
Rest of world
    8       9       -11 %
  1,607       1,674       -4 %  
    1,631       1,698       -4 %



2, place de la Coupole
La Défense 6
92 400 Courbevoie France
Fax : 33 (1) 47 44 68 21
Catherine ENCK
Tel. 33 (1) 47 44 37 76
Patricia MARIE
Tel. 33 (1) 47 44 45 90
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 45 91
Christine de CHAMPEAUX
Tel : 33 (1) 47 44 47 49
Bertille ARON
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 67 12
Tel.: 33 (1) 47 44 21 19
Isabelle CABROL
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 64 24
Charles-Edouard ANFRAY
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 65 55
Franklin BOITIER
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 59 81
Philippe GATEAU
Tel. : 33 (1) 47 44 47 05
Capital 6 214 875 300 euros
542 051 180 R.C.S. Nanterre
3Q05     3Q04     %     Gas production by region (Mcfd)   9M05     9M04     %  
  1,798       1,801          
    2,068       2,201       -6 %
  377       367       +3 %  
    426       378       +13 %
  159       245       -35 %  
North America
    180       261       -31 %
  1,252       1,196       +5 %  
Far East
    1,218       1,167       +4 %
  288       279       +3 %  
Middle East
    280       283       -1 %
  615       498       +23 %  
South America
    568       459       +24 %
  2           ns  
Rest of the world
    2           ns
  4,491       4,386       +2 %  
    4,742       4,749        
l Downstream
                        Refined product sales by region                  
3Q05     3Q04     %     (kb/d)*   9M05     9M04     %  
  2,742       2,829       -3 %  
    2,689       2,739       -2 %
  346       297       +16 %  
    335       295       +14 %
  714       623       +15 %  
United States
    640       613       +4 %
  48       113       -58 %  
Rest of world
    176       167       +5 %
  3,850       3,862          
    3,840       3,814       +1 %
*   includes equity share in Cepsa and trading



Total financial statements
Third quarter and first nine months 2005 consolidated accounts, IFRS









3rd quarter     3rd quarter         9 months     9 months  
2005     2004     Amounts in millions of euros (1)   2005     2004  
  38,414       32,296    
    103,226       88,400  
  (5,206 )     (6,925 )  
Excise taxes
    (15,503 )     (17,559 )
  33,208       25,371    
Revenues from sales
    87,723       70,841  
  (20,088 )     (14,689 )  
Purchases, net of inventory variation
    (49,874 )     (39,857 )
  (4,416 )     (4,240 )  
Other operating expenses
    (14,552 )     (13,903 )
  (113 )     (81 )  
Unsuccessful exploration costs
    (277 )     (263 )
  (1,277 )     (1,324 )  
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization of tangible assets
    (3,776 )     (3,826 )
Operating income
  (89 )     (51 )  
    (254 )     (253 )
  7,403       5,088    
Business segments *
    19,498       13,245  
  7,314       5,037    
Total operating income
    19,244       12,992  
Other income
    73       146  
  (63 )     (147 )  
Other expense
    (242 )     (542 )
  (324 )     (171 )  
Financial charge on debt
    (875 )     (535 )
  257       145    
Financial income on cash and cash equivalents and equity securities
    658       431  
  (67 )     (26 )  
Cost of net debt
    (217 )     (104 )
  100       92    
Other financial income
    304       281  
  (79 )     (54 )  
Other financial expense
    (202 )     (158 )
  (3,768 )     (2,516 )  
Income taxes
    (9,655 )     (6,367 )
  281       449    
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates
    897       1,083  
  3,749       2,835    
Consolidated net income
    10,202       7,331  
  3,645       2,763    
Group share **
    9,932       7,137  
  104       72    
Minority interests and dividends on subsidiaries’ redeemable preferred shares
    270       194  
  6.20       4.57    
Earnings per share (euros) ***
    16.78       11.72  
  6,346       4,498   *
Adjusted operating income from business segments
    17,339       12,107  
  3,044       2,279    
Adjusted net operating income from business segments
    8,807       6,414  
  3,126       2,365   **
Adjusted net income
    8,951       6,496  
  5.32       3.91   ***
Adjusted earnings per share (euros)
    15.13       10.67  
(1)   Except for earnings per share



    Amounts in millions of euros  
    September 30, 2005     June 30, 2005     December 31, 2004     September 30, 2004  
    (unaudited)     (unaudited)             (unaudited)  
Intangible assets, net
    4,305       3,319       3,176       3,538  
Property, plant, and equipment, net
    39,264       38,290       34,906       35,675  
Equity affiliates : investments and loans
    12,167       11,927       10,680       8,449  
Other investments
    1,302       1,212       1,198       1,350  
Other non-current assets
    1,905       2,056       2,351       2,028  
Total non-current assets
    58,943       56,804       52,311       51,040  
Inventories, net
    12,951       11,499       9,264       9,712  
Accounts receivable, net
    17,740       17,250       14,025       14,646  
Prepaid expenses and other current assets
    6,295       5,542       5,314       4,616  
Cash and cash equivalents
    14,989       13,577       3,860       12,541  
Total current assets
    51,975       47,868       32,463       41,515  
    110,918       104,672       84,774       92,555  
Common shares
    6,226       6,359       6,350       6,543  
Paid-in surplus and retained earnings
    37,882       36,397       31,717       32,279  
Cumulative translation adjustment
    998       920       (1,429 )     233  
Treasury shares
    (5,381 )     (7,067 )     (5,030 )     (7,126 )
    39,725       36,609       31,608       31,929  
Minority interest and subsidiaries’ redeemable preferred shares
    1,015       708       810       1,105  
    40,740       37,317       32,418       33,034  
Deferred income taxes
    7,653       7,485       6,402       6,131  
Employee benefits
    3,574       3,609       3,607       3,785  
Other liabilities
    6,589       6,626       6,274       6,004  
Total long-term liabilities
    17,816       17,720       16,283       15,920  
    12,778       11,485       9,773       10,694  
Accounts payable
    13,473       12,721       11,672       12,010  
Other creditors and accrued liabilities
    14,061       12,507       11,148       10,816  
Short-term borrowings and bank overdafts
    12,050       12,922       3,480       10,081  
Total current liabilities
    39,584       38,150       26,300       32,907  
    110,918       104,672       84,774       92,555  



3rd quarter     3rd quarter         9 months     9 months  
2005     2004     Amounts in millions of euros   2005     2004  
  3,749       2,835    
Consolidated net income
    10,202       7,331  
  1,315       1,397    
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization
    3,915       4,007  
  206       192    
Long-term liabilities, valuation allowances, and deferred taxes
    1,070       419  
Impact of coverage of pension benefit plans
  113       81    
Unsuccessful exploration costs
    277       263  
  (31 )     4    
(Gains)/Losses on sales of assets
    (73 )     (142 )
  (159 )     (358 )  
Equity in income of affiliates (in excess of)/less than dividends received
    (335 )     (562 )
  27       134    
Other changes, net
    70       245  
  5,220       4,285    
Cash flow from operating activities before changes in working capital
    15,126       11,561  
  (456 )     (210 )  
(Increase)/Decrease in operating assets and liabilities
    (3,628 )     (721 )
  4,764       4,075    
    11,498       10,840  
  (2,178 )     (1,688 )  
Intangible assets and property, plant, and equipment additions
    (5,674 )     (4,596 )
  (84 )     (80 )  
Exploration expenditures charged to expenses
    (223 )     (238 )
  (903 )     (28 )  
Acquisitions of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired
    (903 )     (37 )
  (62 )     (19 )  
Investments in equity affiliates and other securities
    (134 )     (108 )
  (130 )     (152 )  
Increase in long-term loans
    (462 )     (596 )
  (3,357 )     (1,967 )  
    (7,396 )     (5,575 )
  31       28    
Proceeds from sale of intangible assets and property, plant, and equipment
    225       171  
Proceeds from sale of subsidiaries, net of cash sold
    11       1  
  69       8    
Proceeds from sale of non-current investments
    112       49  
  148       149    
Repayment of long-term loans
    490       317  
  248       185    
Total divestitures
    838       538  
  (3,109 )     (1,782 )  
    (6,558 )     (5,037 )
Issuance and repayment of shares:
Parent company’s shareholders
    9       371  
  (655 )     (655 )  
Purchase of treasury shares
    (2,674 )     (2,563 )
  8       36    
Minority shareholders
    79       118  
Subsidiaries’ redeemable preferred shares
    (156 )      
Cash dividends paid:
   - Parent company’s shareholders
    (1,765 )     (2,853 )
        (4 )  
   - Minority shareholders
    (152 )     (145 )
  1,197       460    
Net issuance/(repayment) of long-term debt
    2,235       1,700  
  (759 )     (680 )  
Increase/(Decrease) in short-term borrowings and bank overdrafts
    7,433       5,189  
Other changes, net
    (1 )     (2 )
  (200 )     (842 )  
    5,008       1,815  
  1,455       1,451    
Net increase/decrease in cash and cash equivalents
    9,948       7,618  
  (43 )     (236 )  
Effect of exchange rates and changes in reporting entity on cash and cash equivalents
    1,181       63  
  13,577       11,326    
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period
    3,860       4,860  
  14,989       12,541    
    14,989       12,541  
(1)   Including payments relating to the Toulouse AZF plant explosion, offset by a long-term liability write-back of 14 million euros for the third quarter 2005, 65 million euros for the first nine months 2005.



                    Paid-in                                     Subsidiaries’              
                    surplus and     Cumulative                             redeemable              
    Common shares issued     retained     translation     Treasury shares     Shareholders’     preferred     Minority     Total  
(Amounts in millions of euros)   Number     Amount     earnings     adjustment     Number     Amount     equity     shares     interest     equity  
As of January 1, 2004 (French GAAP)
    649,118,236       6,491       30,408       (3,268 )     (26,256,899 )     (3,225 )     30,406       396       664       31,466  
IFRS adjustments
                (3,048 )     3,268       (10,855,206 )     (1,388 )     (1,168 )           19       (1,149 )
As of January 1, 2004 (IFRS)
    649,118,236       6,491       27,360             (37,112,105 )     (4,613 )     29,238       396       683       30,317  
Cash dividend
                (2,853 )                       (2,853 )           (145 )     (2,998 )
Net income for the first nine months
                7,137                         7,137       1       193       7,331  
Issuance of shares
    5,195,630       52       445                         497                   497  
Purchase of treasury shares
                            (16,500,000 )     (2,563 )     (2,563 )                 (2,563 )
Cancellation of repurchased shares
Sale of treasury shares (1)
                11             583,981       50       61                   61  
Translation adjustments
                      233                   233       6       9       248  
Other (2)
                179                         179             (38 )     141  
As of September 30, 2004
    654,313,866       6,543       32,279       233       (53,028,124 )     (7,126 )     31,929       403       702       33,034  
Cash dividend
                (1,440 )                       (1,440 )           (62 )     (1,502 )
Net income for the last quarter
                3,731                         3,731       5       82       3,818  
Issuance of shares
    575,174       6       33                         39                   39  
Purchase of treasury shares
                            (6,050,000 )     (991 )     (991 )                 (991 )
Cancellation of repurchased shares
    (19,873,932 )     (199 )     (2,877 )           19,873,932       3,076                          
Sale of treasury shares (1)
                3             131,705       11       14                   14  
Translation adjustments
                      (1,662 )                 (1,662 )     (20 )     (28 )     (1,710 )
Repayment of subsidiaries’ redeemable preferred shares
                                              (241 )           (241 )
Other (2)
                (12 )                       (12 )           (31 )     (43 )
As of December 31, 2004 (IFRS)
    635,015,108       6,350       31,717       (1,429 )     (39,072,487 )     (5,030 )     31,608       147       663       32,418  
Cash dividend
                (1,765 )                       (1,765 )           (152 )     (1,917 )
Net income for the first nine months
                9,932                         9,932       1       269       10,202  
Issuance of shares
    1,076,359       11       77                         88                   88  
Purchase of treasury shares
                            (15,693,500 )     (2,927 )     (2,927 )                 (2,927 )
Cancellation of repurchased shares
    (13,527,578 )     (135 )     (2,248 )           13,527,578       2,383                          
Sale of treasury shares (1)
                30             1,774,063       193       223                   223  
Repayment of subsidiaries’ redeemable preferred shares
                                              (156 )           (156 )
Translation adjustments
                      2,427                   2,427       8       49       2,484  
Other (2)
                139                         139             186       325  
As of September 30, 2005
    622,563,889       6,226       37,882       998       (39,464,346 )     (5,381 )     39,725             1,015       40,740  
(1)   Treasury shares related to the stock option purchase plans
(2)   Mainly due to the charge related to stock options



  Amounts in millions of euros  
3rd quarter 2005   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
    5,065       27,936       5,401       12               38,414  
Intersegment sales
    5,543       1,171       265       30       (7,009 )      
Excise taxes
          (5,206 )                       (5,206 )
Revenues from sales
    10,608       23,901       5,666       42       (7,009 )     33,208  
Operating expenses
    (4,592 )     (21,697 )     (5,214 )     (123 )     7,009       (24,617 )
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization of tangible assets
    (817 )     (265 )     (187 )     (8 )             (1,277 )
Operating income
    5,199       1,939       265       (89 )             7,314  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items
    140       67       8       55               270  
Tax on net operating income
    (3,137 )     (640 )     (74 )     61               (3,790 )
Net operating income
    2,202       1,366       199       27               3,794  
Net cost of net debt
                                            (45 )
Minority interests and dividends on subsidiaries’ redeemable preferred shares
                                            (104 )
Net income
3rd quarter 2005                                    
(adjustments) (*)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
Intersegment sales
Excise taxes
Revenues from sales
Operating expenses
          958       99                     1,057  
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization of tangible assets
Operating income (1)
          958       99                     1,057  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items (2)
          18       (5 )     (200 )             (187 )
Tax on net operating income
          (316 )     (31 )                   (347 )
Net operating income (1)
          660       63       (200 )             523  
Net cost of net debt
Minority interests and dividends on subsidiaries’ redeemable preferred shares
                                            (4 )
Net income
(*)   Adjustments include special items, inventory valuation effect and equity share of amortization of intangible assets related to the Sanofi-Aventis merger
(1) Of which inventory valuation effect
On operating income
          958       108        
On net operating income
          660       74        
(2) Of which equity share of amortization of intangible assets related to the Sanofi-Aventis merger
                      (112 )
3rd quarter 2005                                    
(adjusted)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
    5,065       27,936       5,401       12               38,414  
Intersegment sales
    5,543       1,171       265       30       (7,009 )      
Excise taxes
          (5,206 )                       (5,206 )
Revenues from sales
    10,608       23,901       5,666       42       (7,009 )     33,208  
Operating expenses
    (4,592 )     (22,655 )     (5,313 )     (123 )     7,009       (25,674 )
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization of tangible assets
    (817 )     (265 )     (187 )     (8 )             (1,277 )
Operating income
    5,199       981       166       (89 )             6,257  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items
    140       49       13       255               457  
Tax on net operating income
    (3,137 )     (324 )     (43 )     61               (3,443 )
Net operating income
    2,202       706       136       227               3,271  
Net cost of net debt
                                            (45 )
Minority interests and dividends on subsidiaries’ redeemable preferred shares
                                            (100 )
Net income
3rd quarter 2005   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Total expenditures
    2,589       493       275                   3,357  
Divestitures at selling price
    161       21             66             248  
Cash flow from operating activities (3)
    2,818       893       498       555             4,764  
(3)   In the Chemicals segment, this figure amounts to 512 million euros excluding 14 million euros paid relating to the Toulouse AZF plant explosion.



    Amounts in millions of euros  
3rd quarter 2004   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
    3,610       23,453       5,228       5               32,296  
Intersegment sales
    3,984       838       220       75       (5,117 )      
Excise taxes
            (6,925 )                             (6,925 )
Revenues from sales
    7,594       17,366       5,448       80       (5,117 )     25,371  
Operating expenses
    (3,295 )     (15,872 )     (4,838 )     (122 )     5,117       (19,010 )
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization of tangible assets
    (870 )     (246 )     (199 )     (9 )             (1,324 )
Operating income
    3,429       1,248       411       (51 )             5,037  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items
    129       29       (23 )     205               340  
Tax on net operating income
    (2,019 )     (401 )     (124 )     16               (2,528 )
Net operating income
    1,539       876       264       170               2,849  
Net cost of net debt
                                            (14 )
Minority interests and dividends on subsidiaries’ redeemable preferred shares
                                            (72 )
Net income
3rd quarter 2004                                    
(adjustments) (*)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
Intersegment sales
Excise taxes
Revenues from sales
Operating expenses
          500       90                     590  
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization of tangible assets
Operating income (1)
          500       90                     590  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items (2)
          17       (19 )                   (2 )
Tax on net operating income
          (165 )     (23 )                   (188 )
Net operating income (1)
          352       48                     400  
Net cost of net debt
Minority interests and dividends on subsidiaries’ redeemable preferred shares
                                            (2 )
Net income
(*)   Adjustments include special items, inventory valuation effect and equity share of amortization of intangible assets related to the Sanofi-Aventis merger
(1) Of which inventory valuation effect
       On operating income
          500       90                          
       On net operating income
          352       58                          
(2)  Of which equity share of amortization of intangible assets related to the Sanofi-Aventis merger
3rd quarter 2004                                    
(adjusted)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
    3,610       23,453       5,228       5               32,296  
Intersegment sales
    3,984       838       220       75       (5,117 )      
Excise taxes
            (6,925 )                             (6,925 )
Revenues from sales
    7,594       17,366       5,448       80       (5,117 )     25,371  
Operating expenses
    (3,295 )     (16,372 )     (4,928 )     (122 )     5,117       (19,600 )
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization of tangible assets
    (870 )     (246 )     (199 )     (9 )             (1,324 )
Operating income
    3,429       748       321       (51 )             4,447  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items
    129       12       (4 )     205               342  
Tax on net operating income
    (2,019 )     (236 )     (101 )     16               (2,340 )
Net operating income
    1,539       524       216       170               2,449  
Net cost of net debt
                                            (14 )
Minority interests and dividends on subsidiaries’ redeemable preferred shares
                                            (70 )
Net income
3rd quarter 2004   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Total expenditures
    1,385       376       211       (5 )             1,967  
Divestitures at selling price
    114       45       19       7               185  
Cash flow from operating activities (3)
    2,269       852       300       654               4,075  
(3)   In the Chemicals segment, this figure amounts to 365 million euros excluding 65 million euros paid relating to the Toulouse AZF plant explosion.



    Amounts in millions of euros  
9 months 2005   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
    14,080       72,471       16,655       20               103,226  
Intersegment sales
    13,936       3,135       911       108       (18,090 )      
Excise taxes
            (15,503 )                             (15,503 )
Revenues from sales
    28,016       60,103       17,566       128       (18,090 )     87,723  
Operating expenses
    (12,184 )     (54,390 )     (15,861 )     (358 )     18,090       (64,703 )
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization of tangible assets
    (2,411 )     (784 )     (557 )     (24 )             (3,776 )
Operating income
    13,421       4,929       1,148       (254 )           19,244  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items
    393       294       (105 )     248               830  
Tax on net operating income
    (7,917 )     (1,641 )     (311 )     142               (9,727 )
Net operating income
    5,897       3,582       732       136               10,347  
Net cost of net debt
                                            (145 )
Minority interests and dividends on subsidiaries’ redeemable preferred shares
                                            (270 )
Net income
9 months 2005                                    
(adjustments) (*)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
Intersegment sales
Excise taxes
Revenues from sales
Operating expenses
          2,113       57                     2,170  
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization of tangible assets
                (11 )                   (11 )
Operating income (1)
          2,113       46                     2,159  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items (2)
          48       (139 )     (414 )             (505 )
Tax on net operating income
          (696 )     32                     (664 )
Net operating income (1)
          1,465       (61 )     (414 )             990  
Net cost of net debt
Minority interests and dividends on subsidiaries’ redeemable preferred shares
                                            (9 )
Net income
(*)  Adjustments include special items, inventory valuation effect and equity share of amortization of intangible assets related to the Sanofi-Aventis merger
(1) Of which inventory valuation effect
On operating income
          2,113       66        
On net operating income
          1,465       48        
(2) Of which equity share of amortization of intangible assets related to the Sanofi-Aventis merger
                      (249 )
9 months 2005                                    
(adjusted)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
    14,080       72,471       16,655       20               103,226  
Intersegment sales
    13,936       3,135       911       108       (18,090 )      
Excise taxes
            (15,503 )                             (15,503 )
Revenues from sales
    28,016       60,103       17,566       128       (18,090 )     87,723  
Operating expenses
    (12,184 )     (56,503 )     (15,918 )     (358 )     18,090       (66,873 )
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization of tangible assets
    (2,411 )     (784 )     (546 )     (24 )             (3,765 )
Operating income
    13,421       2,816       1,102       (254 )             17,085  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items
    393       246       34       662               1,335  
Tax on net operating income
    (7,917 )     (945 )     (343 )     142               (9,063 )
Net operating income
    5,897       2,117       793       550               9,357  
Net cost of net debt
                                            (145 )
Minority interests and dividends on subsidiaries’ redeemable preferred shares
                                            (261 )
Net income
9 months 2005   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Total expenditures
    5,590       1,069       678       59               7,396  
Divestitures at selling price
    551       124       30       133               838  
Cash flow from operating activities (3)
    7,737       2,512       785       464               11,498  
(3)   In the Chemicals segment, this figure amounts to 850 million euros excluding 65 million euros paid relating to the Toulouse AZF plant explosion.



    Amounts in millions of euros  
9 months 2004   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
    10,853       62,725       14,797       25               88,400  
Intersegment sales
    10,416       2,034       511       128       (13,089 )      
Excise taxes
            (17,559 )                             (17,559 )
Revenues from sales
    21,269       47,200       15,308       153       (13,089 )     70,841  
Operating expenses
    (9,409 )     (43,498 )     (13,825 )     (380 )     13,089       (54,023 )
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization of tangible assets
    (2,444 )     (744 )     (612 )     (26 )             (3,826 )
Operating income
    9,416       2,958       871       (253 )             12,992  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items
    394       125       (211 )     502               810  
Tax on net operating income
    (5,356 )     (934 )     (204 )     95               (6,399 )
Net operating income
    4,454       2,149       456       344               7,403  
Net cost of net debt
                                            (72 )
Minority interests and dividends on subsidiaries’ redeemable preferred shares
                                            (194 )
Net income
9 months 2004                                    
(adjustments) (*)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
Intersegment sales
Excise taxes
Revenues from sales
Operating expenses
          936       202                     1,138  
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization of tangible assets
Operating income (1)
          936       202                     1,138  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items (2)
          29       (220 )                   (191 )
Tax on net operating income
          (309 )     7                     (302 )
Net operating income (1)
          656       (11 )                   645  
Net cost of net debt
Minority interests and dividends on subsidiaries’ redeemable preferred shares
                                            (4 )
Net income
(*)  Adjustments include special items, inventory valuation effect and equity share of amortization of intangible assets related to the Sanofi-Aventis merger
(1) Of which inventory valuation effect
On operating income
          936       202        
On net operating income
          656       133        
(2) Of which equity share of amortization of intangible assets related to the Sanofi-Aventis merger
9 months 2004                                    
(adjusted)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
    10,853       62,725       14,797       25               88,400  
Intersegment sales
    10,416       2,034       511       128       (13,089 )      
Excise taxes
            (17,559 )                             (17,559 )
Revenues from sales
    21,269       47,200       15,308       153       (13,089 )     70,841  
Operating expenses
    (9,409 )     (44,434 )     (14,027 )     (380 )     13,089       (55,161 )
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization of tangible assets
    (2,444 )     (744 )     (612 )     (26 )             (3,826 )
Operating income
    9,416       2,022       669       (253 )             11,854  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items
    394       96       9       502               1,001  
Tax on net operating income
    (5,356 )     (625 )     (211 )     95               (6,097 )
Net operating income
    4,454       1,493       467       344               6,758  
Net cost of net debt
                                            (72 )
Minority interests and dividends on subsidiaries’ redeemable preferred shares
                                            (190 )
Net income
9 months 2004   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Total expenditures
    3,933       951       645       46               5,575  
Divestitures at selling price
    315       127       68       28               538  
Cash flow from operating activities (3)
    7,248       3,009       262       321               10,840  
(3)   In the Chemicals segment, this figure amounts to 549 million euros excluding 287 million euros paid relating to the Toulouse AZF plant explosion.



    9 months     9 months  
    2005     2004  
Amounts in millions of euros   Adjusted     Adjustments     statement of income     Adjusted  
    103,226             103,226       88,400  
Excise taxes
    (15,503 )           (15,503 )     (17,559 )
Revenues from sales
    87,723             87,723       70,841  
Purchases, net of inventory variation
    (52,053 )     2,179       (49,874 )     (40,995 )
Other operating expenses
    (14,543 )     (9 )     (14,552 )     (13,903 )
Unsuccessful exploration costs
    (277 )           (277 )     (263 )
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization of tangible assets
    (3,765 )     (11 )     (3,776 )     (3,826 )
Operating income
    (254 )           (254 )     (253 )
Business segments
    17,339       2,159       19,498       12,107  
Total operating income
    17,085       2,159       19,244       11,854  
Other income
    73             73       146  
Other expense
    (98 )     (144 )     (242 )     (322 )
Financial charge on debt
    (875 )           (875 )     (535 )
Financial income on cash and cash equivalents and equity securities
    658             658       431  
Cost of net debt
    (217 )           (217 )     (104 )
Other financial income
    304             304       281  
Other financial expense
    (202 )           (202 )     (158 )
Income taxes
    (8,991 )     (664 )     (9,655 )     (6,065 )
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates
    1,258       (361 )     897       1,054  
Consolidated net income
    9,212       990       10,202       6,686  
Group share
    8,951       981       9,932       6,496  
Minority interests and dividends on subsidiaries’ redeemable preferred shares
    261       9       270       190  
    3rd quarter     3rd quarter  
    2005     2004  
Amounts in millions of euros   Adjusted     Adjustments     statement of income     Adjusted  
    38,414             38,414       32,296  
Excise taxes
    (5,206 )           (5,206 )     (6,925 )
Revenues from sales
    33,208             33,208       25,371  
Purchases, net of inventory variation
    (21,154 )     1,066       (20,088 )     (15,279 )
Other operating expenses
    (4,407 )     (9 )     (4,416 )     (4,240 )
Unsuccessful exploration costs
    (113 )           (113 )     (81 )
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization of tangible assets
    (1,277 )           (1,277 )     (1,324 )
Operating income
    (89 )           (89 )     (51 )
Business segments
    6,346       1,057       7,403       4,498  
Total operating income
    6,257       1,057       7,314       4,447  
Other income
    31             31        
Other expense
    (56 )     (7 )     (63 )     (129 )
Financial charge on debt
    (324 )           (324 )     (171 )
Financial income on cash and cash equivalents and equity securities
    257             257       145  
Cost of net debt
    (67 )           (67 )     (26 )
Other financial income
    100             100       92  
Other financial expense
    (79 )           (79 )     (54 )
Income taxes
    (3,421 )     (347 )     (3,768 )     (2,328 )
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates
    461       (180 )     281       433  
Consolidated net income
    3,226       523       3,749       2,435  
Group share
    3,126       519       3,645       2,365  
Minority interests and dividends on subsidiaries’ redeemable preferred shares
    100       4       104       70  



The consolidated financial statements of TOTAL and its subsidiaries (together, the Company or Group) as of September 30, 2005 have been prepared on the basis of IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) recognition and measurement principles and in accordance with presentation rules for interim financial statements as defined in the General regulation of the AMF (Autorité des marchés financiers).
Accounting principles applicable at September 30, 2005 are described in Note 1. Given the potential evolution of accounting principles, these principles could be different from that which will be ultimately applied by the Group at year-end. However, based on the information currently available, the Group does not anticipate any significant changes to the accounting policies presented below.
As of September 30, 2005, standards and interpretations applied by the Group are not different from IFRS adopted by the European Commission, subject to the following transitional provisions:
    The Group anticipated the application of IFRS 6 “Exploration and Evaluation of Mineral Resources”. This standard, currently under approval by the European Commission, is compatible with the Group’s previous accounting method for exploration and production costs (see note 1 G: Oil and gas exploration and producing properties).
    The standard IAS 39 “Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement” was endorsed by the European Commission on November 19, 2004 with the exception of certain provisions. The differences between the standard issued by the IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) and the one endorsed by the European Commission do not affect the Group.
    Compliance with IAS 34, which implies a release of 2004 comparative financial statements in accordance with IFRS, will become effective at the latest upon publication of the 2005 annual financial statements.
Information concerning the first-time application of IFRS
Pursuant to IFRS 1 “First-time adoption of IFRS”, the Group has chosen to apply the following exceptions:
    offsetting cumulative translation adjustment (CTA) against retained earnings, as of January 1, 2004,
    recording unrecognized actuarial losses and gains as of January 1, 2004 to retained earnings,
    non-restatement of business combinations that occurred before January 1, 2004.
IAS 32 and IAS 39 related to financial instruments have been applied from January 1, 2004. Furthermore, the standard IFRS 2 “Share-based payment” has been applied retrospectively and not solely to share-based compensation plans granted after November 7, 2002.
Descriptions of the effect of the transition to IFRS on the net equity and the results of the Group have been provided in the 2004 Annual Report, and in the 2004 quarterly summarized financial statements which have been published in May 2005.



Notes to consolidated statements for the first nine months of 2005
The consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a historical cost basis, except for certain financial assets and liabilities that have been measured at fair value.
The main accounting policies used by the Group are described below.
The subsidiaries which are directly controlled by the parent company or indirectly controlled by other consolidated companies are consolidated.
The Company’s interests in subsidiary ventures are proportionately consolidated.
Investments in companies, over which the Group has significant influence, are accounted for by the equity method. Significant influence is presumed when the Group holds, directly or indirectly (eg through subsidiaries), 20% or more of the voting power of the investee.
Companies in which ownership interest is less than 20%, but over which the Company has the ability to exercise significant influence, are also accounted for by the equity method.
All material intercompany accounts, transactions and income have been eliminated.
The financial statements of subsidiaries are prepared in the currency that most clearly reflects their business environment. This is referred to as their functional currency.
(i) Monetary transactions
Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the exchange rate prevailing when the transaction is realized. At each balance sheet date, the monetary assets and liabilities are translated at the closing rate and the resulting exchange differences are recognized in “Other income” or “Other expense”.
(ii) Translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies
All assets and liabilities of consolidated subsidiaries or equity affiliates denominated in foreign currencies are translated into euros on the basis of exchange rates at the end of the period. The consolidated statements of income and of cash flows are translated using the average exchange rates during the period. Foreign exchange differences resulting from such translation are recorded either in “Cumulative translation adjustments” (for the Company’s share) or in “Minority interests” as deemed appropriate.
Revenues from sales of products are recognized when the significant risks and rewards of ownership have been passed to the buyer. Sales figures are presented before deduction of excise taxes collected by the Group within the course of its oil distribution operations. Excise taxes are deducted from sales in order to obtain the Revenue from sales indicator.
Revenues from sales of crude oil, natural gas and coal are recorded upon transfer of title, according to the terms of the sales contracts. Revenues from the production of crude oil and natural gas properties in which TOTAL has an interest with the other producers are recognized on the basis of the company’s net working interest (entitlement method).
Revenues from gas transport are recognized when the services are rendered, based on the quantities transported measured according to procedures defined in each service contract.
Revenues from sales of electricity, of refining-marketing activities and of chemicals products are recorded upon transfer of title, according to the terms of the related contracts.
Revenues from services are recognized when the services have been performed.
Oil and gas sales are inclusive of quantities delivered that represent production royalties and taxes.
Certain transactions within the trading activities (contracts involving quantities that are purchased outside the Group then resold outside the Group) are shown at their net value in sales.



Notes to consolidated statements for the first nine months of 2005
Exchanges of crude oil and petroleum products within normal trading activities are excluded from sales.
The Group applies IFRS 2 “Share-based payment” to employee stock-option and share-purchase plans and to capital increases reserved for employees. The benefits are determined by reference to the fair value of the instruments granted.
The cost of options is valued according to the Black-Scholes method at the grant date. The expense is allocated on a straight-line basis between the grant date and vesting date.
For employee-reserved capital increases, the cost is immediately recognized as an expense. A discount reduces the expense in order to take into account the non-transferability of the shares awarded to the employees over a period of five years according to French Regulations.
These employee benefits are recognized as expenses with a corresponding credit to shareholders’ equity.
The Company uses the liability method whereby deferred income taxes are recorded based upon the temporary differences between the financial statement and tax basis of assets and liabilities, and for carryforwards of unused tax losses and tax credits.
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using the tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date. The effect of the change in the tax rate is recognized either in the consolidated statement of income or in equity depending on the item it is related to.
Deferred tax assets are recognized where future recovery is probable.
Deferred tax liabilities on temporary differences resulting from the difference between the carrying value of the equity-method investments and the taxable basis of these investments are recognized. The deferred tax calculation is based on the expected future tax effect (dividend distribution rate or tax rate on the gain or loss upon sale of these investments).
Taxes paid for the Upstream production are included in operating expenses. They include taxes related to historical concessions held by the company in the Middle East producing countries.
Earnings per common share are calculated by dividing net income by the fully-diluted weighted-average number of common shares and common share equivalents outstanding during the period. Treasury shares deducted from consolidated shareholders’ equity are not considered outstanding for purposes of this calculation which also takes into account the dilutive effect of stock-options and capital increases.
The weighted-average number of fully-diluted shares is calculated in accordance with the treasury stock method. The proceeds which would be recovered in the event of an exercise of options related to dilutive instruments are presumed to be a buyback of shares at market price as of the closing date of the period. The number of shares thereby obtained leads to a reduction in the total number of shares that would result from the exercise of options.
The Group applies IFRS 6 “Exploration and Evaluation of Mineral Resources”. Oil and Gas exploration and production properties and assets are accounted for in accordance with the “successful efforts” method.
(i) Exploration costs
Geological and geophysical costs, including seismic surveys for exploration purposes are expensed as incurred.
Exploration leasehold acquisition costs are capitalized as intangible assets when acquired, impairment is determined regularly, property by property, on the basis of the results of the exploratory activity and management’s evaluation.
In the event of a discovery, the unproved leasehold rights are transferred to proved leasehold rights at their net book value as soon as proved reserves are booked.



Notes to consolidated statements for the first nine months of 2005
Exploratory wells are accounted for as follows:
    Costs of exploratory wells that have found proved reserves are capitalized. Capitalized successful exploration wells are then depreciated using the unit-of-production method based on proved developed reserves.
    Costs of dry exploratory wells and wells that have not found proved reserves, are charged to expense.
    Costs of exploratory wells are temporarily capitalized until a determination is made as to whether the well has found proved reserves if both of the following conditions are met:
    The well has found a sufficient quantity of reserves to justify its completion as a producing well, if appropriate, assuming that the required capital expenditure is made;
    The Company is making sufficient progress assessing the reserves and the economic and operating viability of the project.
      This progress is evaluated on the basis of indicators such as whether additional exploratory works are under way or firmly planned (wells, seismic or significant studies), whether costs are being incurred for development studies and whether the Company is waiting for governmental or other third-party authorization of a proposed project, or availability of capacity on an existing transport or processing facility.
Costs of exploratory wells not meeting these conditions are charged to expense.
(ii) Oil and Gas producing assets
Development costs incurred for the drilling of development wells and in the construction of production facilities are capitalized, together with interest costs incurred during the period of construction and estimated discounted costs of asset retirement obligations. The rate of depletion is equal to the ratio of oil and gas production for the period to proved developed reserves (unit-of-production method).
With respect to production sharing contracts, this computation is based on the portion of production and reserves assigned to the Company taking into account estimates based on the contractual clauses regarding the reimbursement of exploration and development costs (cost oil) as well as the sharing of hydrocarbon rights (profit oil).
Transportation assets are depreciated using the unit-of-production method based on throughput or by using the straight-line method whichever best reflects the economic life of the asset.
Proved leasehold rights are depreciated using the unit-of-production method based on proved reserves.
Other intangible assets include goodwill, patents, trademarks, and leasehold rights.
Goodwill in a consolidated company is calculated as the excess of the cost of shares, including transaction expenses, over the Group’s equity in the fair value of the net assets at the acquisition date. Goodwill is not amortized but is tested for impairment annually or more frequently if there is any indication that an asset may be impaired (see note 1 K: Impairment of long-lived assets.)
Other intangible assets (except goodwill) have a definite useful life and are amortized on a straight-line basis over 10 to 40 years depending on useful life of the assets.
Research and development cost
Research costs are charged to expense as incurred. Expenses incurred during the development phase of an R&D project are capitalized as an intangible asset if all the following criteria are met:
    the technical feasibility of the project and the availability of the appropriate resources for the completion of the intangible asset,
    the ability of the asset to generate probable future economic benefits;
    the ability to value reliably the expenses attributable to the asset.
Advertising costs are charged to expense as incurred.



Notes to consolidated statements for the first nine months of 2005
Other property, plant and equipment are carried at cost. The basis includes interest expenses incurred until assets are placed into service. Equipment subsidies are deducted from the cost of the related expenditures.
Routine maintenance and repairs are charged to income as incurred. The cost of major turnarounds of refineries and large petrochemical units are capitalized and depreciated over the period of time between two major turnarounds.
Other property, plant and equipment are depreciated using the straight-line method over their useful life, as follows:
    Furniture, office equipment, machinery and tools: 3-12 years
    Transportation equipment: 5-20 years
    Storage tanks and related equipment: 10-15 years
    Specialized complex installations and pipelines: 10-30 years
    Buildings: 10-50 years
Finance leases which transfer to the Group substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership are capitalized at the fair value of the leased item or if lower at the present value of the minimum lease payments. A financial debt is recognized for the same amount. These assets are depreciated over their useful life.
All other leases are operating leases.
The carrying amounts of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment are tested for possible impairment if there is any indication that the assets may be impaired. This test is performed at least annually for goodwills.
For this purpose, assets are grouped by cash-generating units (or CGUs). A cash-generating unit is a group of assets that generate cash inflows that are largely independent of the cash inflows from other groups of assets.
The recoverable amount is determined for each CGU by reference to the discounted future cash flow expected from it, based upon management’s expectation of future economic and operating conditions. If the recoverable amount is less than the carrying amount, an impairment loss on property plant and equipment, or on intangible assets is recognized either in the “Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets” or in the “Other expense”, respectively.
Impairment losses recognized in prior periods (except those related to goodwill) could be reversed up to the net book value that the asset would have, had the impairment not been recognized.
Financial assets and liabilities are financial loans and receivables, investments in non-consolidated subsidiaries, publicly-traded equity securities, financial derivatives, debt and other financial liabilities.
The accounting treatment of these items is as follows.
(i) Financial loans and receivables
These assets are recognized at amortized cost. They are tested for impairment, if there is any evidence that their fair value is less than their accounting value, and at least once a year. The potential loss is recorded in the consolidated statement of income.
(ii) Investments in non-consolidated subsidiaries and publicly-traded equity securities
These assets are classified as available for sale and measured at their fair value. For listed securities, fair value is given by the market price. If fair value is not reliably determinable, securities are recorded at their historical value. Changes in fair value are recorded in the equity. If there is any evidence of a significant and long-lasting loss, an impairment is recorded in the consolidated statement of income. This impairment is reversed in the consolidated statement of income only when the securities are sold.



Notes to consolidated statements for the first nine months of 2005
(iii) Derivative instruments
The Company uses derivative instruments in order to manage its exposure to changes in interest rates and foreign exchange rates.
Within its hedging policy, the Company enters into interest rate and foreign currency swap agreements. The Company may also use futures, caps, floors, and options.
In connection with its international trading activities, the Company, like most other oil companies, uses derivative instruments to adjust its exposure to expected fluctuations in the prices of crude oil, refined products, natural gas and of power. Furthermore, the Group uses freight-rate derivative contracts in its shipping activity in order to adjust its exposure to freight-rate fluctuations. In order to hedge against this risk, the Company uses various instruments such as futures, forwards, swaps and options on organized markets or over-the-counter markets.
Derivative instruments used by the Group are valued at fair value, and fair value changes are recognized in the statement of income.
(iv) Debt and other financial liabilities
Loans and other financial liabilities (excluding derivatives) are recognized at amortized cost, except those for which a hedge accounting can be applied.
Fixed rate loans, hedged by interest rate swaps or combined currency and interest rate swaps are recorded under fair value hedge accounting. A hedging relationship qualifies for hedge accounting only if there is formal designation and documentation of the hedging relationship at the inception of the hedge and if the hedge is expected to be highly effective throughout the financial reporting periods for which the hedge is designated. Applying fair value hedging has the following consequences:
    Loans are recognized at their fair value in the balance sheet
    Changes in fair value of the loans are recorded in the profit and loss statement where they are compensated by the changes in fair value of the swaps
Inventories are valued in financial statements at either the historical cost or the market value, whichever is lower. The Group values inventories of petroleum products in the financial statements according to the FIFO (First-In, First-Out) method and other inventories using the weighted-average cost method.
In note 6 setting forth information by business segment, the adjusted results of the Downstream segment and Chemicals segment are presented according to the replacement cost method in order to ensure the comparability of the Group’s results with those of its competitors, mainly North-American.
In the replacement cost method, which is similar to the LIFO (Last-In, First-Out) method, the variation of inventories in the income statement is determined by the average prices of the period rather than the historical value. The inventory valuation effect is the difference between the results according to the FIFO and the replacement cost. This effect is presented in the adjustment items in note 7.
Downstream (Refining — Marketing)
Petroleum product inventories include mainly crude oil and refined products. Refined products are made up principally of motor gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, heating oil and are produced by the Company’s refineries. The average life cycle of petroleum products is no longer than two months.
Crude oil cost flows include raw material and receipt costs. Refining cost flows principally include the cost of crude oil, production (energy, labor, depreciation of producing assets) and allocation of production overheads (taxes, maintenance, insurance). Retained costs, initial tooling or other deferred start-up costs or general and administrative costs are not included in the determination of the historical cost of refined products.
Costs of chemical product inventories consist of the cost of materials, direct labor and an allocation of production overheads. Retained costs, initial tooling or other deferred start-up costs or general and administrative costs are not included in the determination of the cost of inventories of chemicals products.



Notes to consolidated statements for the first nine months of 2005
Treasury shares held by the parent company or its subsidiaries in their individual accounts are deducted from consolidated shareholders’ equity. Gains or losses on sales of treasury shares are excluded from the determination of net income and are recognized in shareholders’ equity.
Long-term liabilities comprise liabilities for which the amount and the timing are uncertain. They arise from environmental risks, legal and tax risks, litigations and other risks.
A provision is recognized when the Group has a present obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of a past event for which it is probable that an outflow of resources will be required, and when a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. The amount of the contingency reserve corresponds to the best possible estimate.
Asset retirement obligations, which result from a legal or constructive obligation, are recognized on the basis of a reasonable estimate of their fair value, in the period in which appears a retirement obligation.
The associated asset retirement costs are capitalized as part of the carrying amount of the long-lived assets and depreciated over the useful life of the associated fixed asset.
An entity is required to measure changes in the liability for an asset retirement obligation due to the passage of time (accretion) by applying a credit adjusted risk-free rate to the amount of the liability at the beginning of the period. The increase of the provision due to the passage of time is recognized as “Other financial expense”.
In accordance with the laws and practices of each country, the Company participates in employee benefit plans offering retirement, death and disability, health care and special termination benefits. These plans provide benefits based on various factors such as length of service, salaries, and contributions made to the national bodies responsible for the payment of benefits.
These plans can either be defined contribution or defined benefit pension plans and may be entirely or partially funded with investments made in various non-Company instruments such as mutual funds, insurance contracts, and securities.
For defined contribution plans, expenses correspond to the contributions paid.
For defined benefit plans, accruals and prepaid expenses are determined using the projected unit credit method. Actuarial gains and losses may result from the difference generated between projected commitments and the actuarial valuation (based on new projections and actuarial assumptions) on the same date and difference between the expected return and the actual return of plan assets.
The Group applies the corridor method to amortize its actuarial losses and gains. This method entails spreading the actuarial losses and gains in excess of 10% of the highest value of funded obligations, or externally-funded plans, over the residual employment term for those still in service.
In case of creation or of improvement to a plan, the vested portion of the cost of past services is recorded immediately in the income statement, the unvested past services costs is amortized over the vesting period.
The net periodic pension cost is recognized as “Other operating expenses”.
In the absence of a current IFRS standard or interpretation on accounting for emission rights, the following principles have been applied:
  Emission quotas issued free of charge are accounted for nil.
  Transactions which have been made on the market are recorded at cost.
  The liabilities resulting from potential differences between available quotas and quotas to be delivered at the end of the compliance period are accounted for as a provision, at fair market value.



Notes to consolidated statements for the first nine months of 2005
The financial information for each business segment is reported on the same basis that is used internally by the chief operating decision maker in assessing segment performance and the allocation of segment resources.
Adjustment items
Due to their particular nature or significance, certain transactions qualified as “special items” are monitored at the Group level and excluded from the business segment figures. In general, special items relate to transactions that are significant, infrequent or unusual. However, in certain instances, certain transactions such as restructuring costs or assets disposals, which are not considered to be representative of normal course of business, may be qualified as special items although they may have occurred within prior years or are likely to recur within following years.
Special items, together with the inventory valuation effect (described in Note 1 M) and TOTAL’s equity share of amortization of intangible assets related to the Sanofi-Aventis merger, form the adjustment items. The detail of adjustment items is presented in Note 7.
The adjusted results (adjusted operating income, adjusted net operating income, adjusted net income) are meant to facilitate the analysis of the financial performance and the comparison of income between periods.
Operating income (measure used to evaluate operating performance)
Revenue from sales after deducting cost of goods sold and inventory variations, other operating expenses, exploration expenses and depreciation, depletion, and amortization.
Operating income excludes the amortization of intangible assets other than leasehold rights, translation adjustments, and gains or losses on the sale of assets.
Net operating income (measure used to evaluate the return on capital employed)
Operating income after deducting the amortization and the depreciation of intangible assets other than leasehold rights, translation adjustments and gains or losses on the sale of assets, as well as all other income and expenses related to capital employed (dividends from non-consolidated companies, share in income of equity method affiliates, capitalized interest expenses), and after applicable income taxes.
The income and expenses not included in net operating income which are included in net income are interest expenses related to long-term liabilities net of interest earned on cash and cash equivalents, after applicable income taxes (net cost of net debt and minority interests).
Adjusted income
Operating income, net operating income, or net income excluding the effect of adjustment items.
Capital employed
Non-current assets and working capital requirements, at replacement cost, net of deferred taxes and long-term liabilities.
ROACE (Return on Average Capital Employed)
Ratio of adjusted net operating income to average capital employed between the beginning and the end of the period.
Net debt
Long-term debt, including short-term portion, short-term borrowings, bank overdrafts less cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments.



Notes to consolidated statements for the first nine months of 2005
Pursuant to its take-over bid for Deer Creek Energy Limited, the Group has acquired 82.41% of the company’s shares. As of September 30, 2005, the new subsidiary is consolidated using the full consolidation method.
During the 3rd quarter 2005, the Group sold its 40 percent equity interest in Humber Power Limited.
There were no other major changes in the Group structure during the first nine months of 2005.
Shares held by the parent company, TOTAL S.A.
As of September 30, 2005, TOTAL S.A. held 14,381,529 of its own shares, representing 2.31% of its share capital, detailed as follows:
    8,433,539 allocated to covering share purchase option plans and restricted shares grants for Company employees.
    5,947,990 shares, detailed as follows :
  ü   4,356,068 shares were purchased in November and December 2004, pursuant to the authorization granted by the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting held on May 14, 2004,
  ü   15,119,500 shares were purchased during the first nine months of 2005, pursuant to the authorization granted by the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting held on May 17, 2005,
  ü   13,527,578 shares were cancelled pursuant to the decision of the Board of Directors held on July 19, 2005.
These 14,381,529 shares are deducted from the consolidated shareholders’ equity.
Shares held by the subsidiaries
As of September 30, 2005, TOTAL S.A. held indirectly, through its subsidiaries 25,082,817 of its own shares, representing 4.03% of its share capital :
    505,918 shares held by a consolidated subsidiary, Total Nucléaire, indirectly controlled by TOTAL S.A. These shares were initially acquired in order to realize short-term cash investments.
    24,576,899 shares held by subsidiaries of Elf Aquitaine, Financière Valorgest, Sogapar and Fingestval.
These 25,082,817 shares are deducted from the consolidated shareholders’ equity.
Subsidiaries’ redeemable preferred shares
Subsidiaries’ redeemable preferred shares have been fully repaid during the first nine months of 2005.



Notes to consolidated statements for the first nine months of 2005
The Group has issued debenture loans through its subsidiary Total Capital during the first nine months of 2005:
    Debenture 1.625% 2005-2011 (200 million CHF)
    Debenture 6.5% 2005-2012 (100 million NZD)
    Debenture 5.75% 2005-2012 (100 million AUD)
    Debenture 3.25% 2005-2012 (100 million EUR)
    Debenture 4.125% 2005-2011 (100 million USD)
    Debenture 4.125% 2005-2011 (50 million USD)
    Debenture 4.125% 2005-2011 (50 million USD)
    Debenture 4% 2005-2011 (100 million CAD)
    Debenture 5.75% 2005-2011(100 million AUD)
    Debenture 3.5% 2005-2009 (50 million USD)
    Debenture 2.125% 2005-2012 (300 million CHF)
    Debenture 3.25% 2005-2012 (300 million EUR)
The Group has reimbursed debenture loans during the first nine months of 2005:
    Debenture 5.75% 2000-2005 (500 million EUR)
    Debenture 5.375% 2000-2005 (250 million EUR)
    Debenture 3.25% 1999-2005 (200 million CHF)
    Debenture 3.25% 2000-2005 (100 million CHF)
    Debenture 3.78% 1999-2006 (20 million FRF)
    Debenture 6.875% 2000-2005 (150 million GBP)
    Debenture 8.2% 1995-2005 (500 million FRF)
In the context of its active cash management, the Group may increase temporarily its short-term borrowings, particularly in the form of commercial paper. The short-term borrowings and the cash and cash equivalents resulting from this cash management in the quarterly financial statements are not necessarily representative of a steady position.



Notes to consolidated statements for the first nine months of 2005
    Amounts in millions of euros  
9 months 2005   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
    14,080       72,471       16,655       20               103,226  
Intersegment sales
    13,936       3,135       911       108       (18,090 )      
Excise taxes
            (15,503 )                             (15,503 )
Revenues from sales
    28,016       60,103       17,566       128       (18,090 )     87,723  
Operating expenses
    (12,184 )     (54,390 )     (15,861 )     (358 )     18,090       (64,703 )
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization of tangible assets
    (2,411 )     (784 )     (557 )     (24 )             (3,776 )
Operating income
    13,421       4,929       1,148       (254 )           19,244  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items
    393       294       (105 )     248               830  
Tax on net operating income
    (7,917 )     (1,641 )     (311 )     142               (9.727 )
Net operating income
    5,897       3,582       732       136               10,347  
Net cost of net debt
                                            (145 )
Minority interests and dividends on subsidiaries’ redeemable preferred shares
                                            (270 )
Net income
9 months 2005                                    
(adjustments) (*)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
Intersegment sales
Excise taxes
Revenues from sales
Operating expenses
          2,113       57                     2,170  
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization of tangible assets
                (11 )                   (11 )
Operating income (1)
          2,113       46                     2,159  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items (2)
          48       (139 )     (414 )             (505 )
Tax on net operating income
          (696 )     32                     (664 )
Net operating income (1)
          1,465       (61 )     (414 )             990  
Net cost of net debt
Minority interests and dividends on subsidiaries’ redeemable preferred shares
                                            (9 )
Net income
(*) Adjustments include special items, inventory valuation effect and equity share of amortization of intangible assets related to the Sanofi-Aventis merger
(1) Of which inventory valuation effect
           On operating income
          2,113       66                
           On net operating income
          1,465       48                
(2) Of which equity share of amortization of intangible assets related to the Sanofi-Aventis merger
                      (249 )        
9 months 2005                                    
(adjusted)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
    14,080       72,471       16,655       20               103,226  
Intersegment sales
    13,936       3,135       911       108       (18,090 )    
Excise taxes
            (15,503 )                             (15,503 )
Revenues from sales
    28,016       60,103       17,566       128       (18,090 )     87,723  
Operating expenses
    (12,184 )     (56,503 )     (15,918 )     (358 )     18,090       (66,873 )
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization of tangible assets
    (2,411 )     (784 )     (546 )     (24 )             (3,765 )
Operating income
    13,421       2,816       1,102       (254 )             17,085  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items
    393       246       34       662               1,335  
Tax on net operating income
    (7,917 )     945 )     (343 )     142               (9,063 )
Net operating income
    5,897       2,117       793       550               9,357  
Net cost of net debt
                                            (145 )
Minority interests and dividends on subsidiaries’ redeemable preferred shares
                                            (261 )
Net income
9 months 2005   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Total expenditures
    5,590       1,069       678       59               7,396  
Divestitures at selling price
    551       124       30       133               838  
Cash flow from operating activities (3)
    7,737       2,512       785       464               11,498  
(3)   In the Chemicals segment, this figure amounts to 850 millions of euros excluding an amount of 65 millions of euros paid relating to the Toulouse AZF plant explosion.



Notes to consolidated statements for the first nine months of 2005
    Amounts in millions of euros  
9 months 2004   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
    10,853       62,725       14,797       25               88,400  
Intersegment sales
    10,416       2,034       511       128       (13,089 )      
Excise taxes
            (17,559 )                             (17,559 )
Revenues from sales
    21,269       47,200       15,308       153       (13,089 )     70,841  
Operating expenses
    (9,409 )     (43,499 )     (13,825 )     (380 )     13,089       (54,023 )
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization of tangible assets
    (2,444 )     (744 )     (612 )     (26 )             (3,826 )
Operating income
    9,416       2,958       871       (253 )             12,992  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items
    394       125       (211 )     502               810  
Tax on net operating income
    (5,356 )     (934 )     (204 )     95               (6,399 )
Net operating income
    4,454       2,149       456       344               7,403  
Net cost of net debt
                                            (72 )
Minority interests and dividends on subsidiaries’ redeemable preferred shares
                                            (194 )
Net income
9 months 2004                                    
(adjustments) (*)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
Intersegment sales
Excise taxes
Revenues from sales
Operating expenses
          936       202                     1,138  
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization of tangible assets
Operating income (1)
          936       202                     1,138  
Equity in income (loss) affiliates and other items (2)
          29       (220 )                   (191 )
Tax on net operating income
          (309 )     7                     (302 )
Net operating income (1)
          656       (11 )                   645  
Net cost of net debt
Minority interests and dividends on subsidiaries’ redeemable preferred shares
                                            (4 )
Net Income
(*) Adjustments include special items, inventory valuation effect and equity share of amortization of intangible assets related to the Sanofi-Aventis merger
(1) Of which inventory valuation effect
          On operating income
          936       202                        
          On net operating income
          856       133                        
(2) Of which equity share of amortization of intangible assets related to the Sanofi-Aventis merger
9 months 2004                                    
(adjusted)   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Non-Group sales
    10,853       62,725       14,797       25               88,400  
Intersegment sales
    10,416       2,034       511       128       (13,089 )      
Excise taxes
            (17,559 )                             (17,559 )
Revenues from sales
    21,269       47,200       15,308       153       (13,089 )     70,841  
Operating expenses
    (9,409 )     (44,434 )     (14,027 )     (380 )     13,089       (55,161 )
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization of tangible assets
    (2,444 )     (744 )     (612 )     (26 )             (3,826 )
Operating income
    9,416       2,022       669       (253 )             11,854  
Equity in income (loss) of affiliates and other items
    394       96       9       502               1,001  
Tax on net operating income
    (5,356 )     (625 )     (211 )     95               (8,097 )
Net operating income
    4,454       1,493       467       344               6,758  
Net cost of net debt
                                            (72 )
Minority interests and dividends on subsidiaries’ redeemable preferred shares
                                            (190 )
Net income
9 months 2004   Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Intercompany     Total  
Total expenditures
    3,933       951       645       46               5,575  
Divestitures at selling price
    315       127       68       28               538  
Cash flow from operating activities (3)
    7,248       3,009       262       321               10,840  
(3)   In the Chemicals segment, this figure amounts to 549 millions of euros excluding an amount of 287 millions of euros paid relating to the Toulouse AZF plant explosion.



Notes to consolidated statements for the first nine months of 2005
Adjustments items affecting the consolidated statement of income, as described in note 2, are the following:
(in millions of euros)           Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Total  
9 Months 2005
  Inventory valuation effect           2,113       66             2,179  
  Restructuring charges                              
  Asset impairment charges                 (11 )           (11 )
  Other items                 (9 )           (9 )
                  2,113       46             2,159  
9 Months 2004
  Inventory valuation effect           936       202             1,138  
  Restructuring charges                              
  Asset impairment charges                              
  Other items                              
                  936       202             1,138  
(in millions of euros)     Upstream     Downstream     Chemicals     Corporate     Total  
9 Months 2005
  Inventory valuation effect           1,454       48             1,502  
Total’s equity share of special items recorded by Sanofi-Aventis                       (165 )     (165 )
  Adjustment related to the Sanofi-Aventis merger                       (247 )     (247 )
  Restructuring charges                 (90 )           (90 )
  Asset impairment charges                 (8 )           (8 )
  Gains (losses) on sales of assets                              
  Additional Toulouse-AZF provision                              
  Other items                 (11 )           (11 )
                  1,454       (61 )     (412 )     981  
9 Months 2004
  Inventory valuation effect           653       133             786  
  Restructuring charges                 (43 )           (43 )
  Asset impairment charges                              
  Gains (losses) on sales of assets                              
  Additional Toulouse-AZF provision                 (98 )           (98 )
  Other items                 (4 )           (4 )
                  653       (12 )           641  



Notes to consolidated statements for the first nine months of 2005
The Group has been informed by the government of Venezuela of a challenge to the Group’s computation of certain taxes and royalties. The Group believes that it is in compliance with the applicable tax and legal provisions. It has paid an increased royalty in regards to this matter, while retaining its right to undertake further action.
Following reclassification under IFRS of certain trading transactions (see 1 C — Sales and revenues from sales), comparative figures for 3rd quarter 2004 and first nine months previously released by the Group have been modified as follows:
(In millions of euros)
Consolidated statement of income — 3rd quarter 2004 As modified   As previously released  
    32,296       31,978  
Purchases, net of inventory variation
    (14,689 )     (14,371 )
    17,607       17,607  
Consolidated statement of income — first nine months 2004 As modified   As previously released  
    88,400       86,956  
Purchases, net of inventory variation
    (39,857 )     (38,413 )
    48,543       48,543  
These reclassifications have no impact on net income or cash flows; they impact non-group sales and operating expenses of the Upstream segment in Business segment information.