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Significant Accounting Policies (Policy)
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2020
Policy Text Block [Abstract]  
Principles of Consolidation - The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Company, its wholly owned subsidiaries and subsidiaries in which we have a controlling interest. We also consolidate certain entities when control of such entities can be achieved through means other than voting rights (“variable interest entities” or “VIEs”) if the Company is deemed to be the primary beneficiary of such entities. All material intercompany transactions and balances are eliminated in consolidation.

A VIE is broadly defined as an entity with one or more of the following characteristics: (a) the total equity investment at risk is insufficient to finance the entity’s activities without additional subordinated financial support; (b) as a group, the holders of the equity investment at risk lack (i) the ability to make decisions about the entity’s activities through voting or similar rights, (ii) the obligation to absorb the expected losses of the entity, or (iii) the right to receive the expected residual returns of the entity; or (c) the equity investors have voting rights that are not proportional to their economic interests, and substantially all of the entity’s activities either involve, or are conducted on behalf of, an investor that has disproportionately few voting rights.

We apply Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) guidance for our arrangements with VIEs which requires us to identify entities for which control is achieved through means other than voting rights and to determine which business enterprise is the primary beneficiary of the VIE. In accordance with FASB guidance, management must evaluate each of the Company’s contractual relationships which creates a variable interest in other entities. If the Company has a variable interest and the entity is a VIE, then management must determine whether the Company is the primary beneficiary of the VIE. If it is determined that the Company is the primary beneficiary, NHI would consolidate the VIE. We identify the primary beneficiary of a VIE as the enterprise that has both: (i) the power to direct the activities of the VIE that most significantly impact the entity’s economic performance; and (ii) the obligation to absorb losses or the right to receive benefits of the VIE that could be significant to the entity. We perform this analysis on an ongoing basis.

If the Company has determined that an entity is not a VIE, the Company assesses the need for consolidation under all other provisions of Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) Topic 810 Consolidation. These provisions provide for consolidation of majority-owned entities where a majority voting interest held by the Company demonstrates control of such entities in the absence of any legal constraints.

At December 31, 2020, we held interests in seven unconsolidated VIEs, and, because we lack either directly or through related parties the power to direct the activities that most significantly impact their economic performance, we have concluded that the Company is not the primary beneficiary. Accordingly, we account for our transactions with these entities and their subsidiaries at either amortized cost or net realizable value for straight-line receivables, excluding Timber Ridge OpCo, LLC (“Timber Ridge OpCo”) which is accounted for under the equity method. See Note 5 for a discussion of Timber Ridge OpCo.

The Company’s unconsolidated VIEs are summarized below by date of initial involvement. For further discussion of the nature of the relationships, including the sources of our exposure to these VIEs, see the notes to our consolidated financial statements cross-referenced below.
DateNameSource of ExposureCarrying Amount Maximum Exposure to LossNote Reference
2012Bickford Senior Living
$63,304,000 $75,738,000 Notes 3,4
2014Senior Living CommunitiesNotes and straight-line receivable$82,691,000 $83,410,000 Notes 3,4
2016Senior Living ManagementNotes and straight-line receivable$26,912,000 $26,912,000 
2018Sagewood, LCS affiliateNotes$158,814,000 $178,862,000 Note 4
201941 Management, LLCNotes and straight-line receivable$13,328,000 $33,572,000 Note 4
2020Timber Ridge OpCo
$(2,250,000)$2,750,000 Notes 3,5
2020Watermark RetirementNotes and straight-line receivable$4,145,000 $9,145,000 Note 4
1 Notes, loan commitments, straight-line rent receivables, and unamortized lease incentives
2 Loan commitment, equity method investment and straight-line rent receivables

We are not obligated to provide support beyond our stated commitments to these tenants and borrowers whom we classify as VIEs, and accordingly, our maximum exposure to loss as a result of these relationships is limited to the amount of our commitments, as shown above and discussed in the notes. Economic loss on a lease, above what is presented in the table above, if any, would be limited to that resulting from a short period of arrearage and non-payment of monthly rent before we are able to take effective remedial action, as well as costs incurred in transitioning the lease to a new tenant. The potential extent of such loss would be dependent upon individual facts and circumstances, and is therefore not included in the table above.

In the future, NHI may be deemed the primary beneficiary of the operations if the tenants do not have adequate liquidity to accept the risks and rewards as the tenant and operator of the stabilizing properties and might be required to consolidate the statements of financial position and results of operations of the operators into our consolidated financial statements.

We consolidate two real estate partnerships formed with our partners, Discovery Senior Housing Investor XXIV, LLC, (“Discovery”) and LCS Timber Ridge LLC (“LCS”), to invest in senior housing facilities. As of and for the year ended December 31, 2020, our non-controlling interests relate to these partnerships with Discovery and LCS. NHI directs the activities that most significantly impact economic performance of these joint venture entities, subject to limited protective rights extended to our JV partners for specified business decisions. We consider both entities to be VIEs, based on our determination that the total equity at risk in each is insufficient to finance activities without additional subordinated financial support. Because of our control of these entities, we include their assets, liabilities, noncontrolling interests and operations in our consolidated financial statements.

We use the equity method of accounting when we own an interest in an entity whereby we can exert significant influence over but cannot control the entity’s operations. We discontinue equity method accounting if our investment in an entity (and net advances) is reduced to zero unless we have guaranteed obligations of the entity or are otherwise committed to provide further financial support for the entity.

We structured our Timber Ridge OpCo investment to be compliant with the provisions of RIDEA which permits us to receive rent payments through a triple-net lease between a property company and an operating company and allows us to receive distributions from the operating company to a taxable REIT subsidiary (“TRS”). Our TRS holds our equity interests in unconsolidated operating companies thus providing an organizational structure that allows the TRS to engage in a broad range of activities and share in revenues that are otherwise non-qualifying income under the REIT gross income tests.

Noncontrolling Interests - As mentioned above, we consolidate real estate partnerships formed with Discovery Senior Housing Investor XXIV, LLC in June 2019 and LCS Timber Ridge LLC in January 2020, both of which invest in senior housing facilities. The noncontrolling interests reflected in the consolidated financial statements relate to these partnerships from the date of inception of these arrangements.
Use of Estimates Use of Estimates - The preparation of consolidated financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the U.S. requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.
Earnings Per Share Earnings Per Share - The weighted average number of common shares outstanding during the reporting period is used to calculate basic earnings per common share. Diluted earnings per common share assume the exercise of stock options using the treasury stock method, to the extent dilutive. Diluted earnings per share also incorporate the potential dilutive impact of our 3.25% convertible senior notes due 2021. We apply the treasury stock method to our convertible debt instruments, the effect of which is that conversion will not be assumed for purposes of computing diluted earnings per share unless the average share price of our common stock for the period exceeds the conversion price per share.
Fair Value Of Financial Instruments
Fair Value Measurements - Fair value is defined as the exchange price that would be received for an asset or paid to transfer a liability (an exit price) in the principal or most advantageous market for the asset or liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. A three-level fair value hierarchy is required to prioritize the inputs used to measure fair value. This hierarchy requires entities to maximize the use of observable inputs and minimize the use of unobservable inputs.

The three levels of inputs used to measure fair value are as follows:

Level 1 - Quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.

Level 2 - Observable inputs other than quoted prices included in Level 1, such as quoted prices for similar assets and liabilities in active markets; quoted prices for identical or similar assets and liabilities in markets that are not active; or other inputs that are observable or can be corroborated by observable market data.

Level 3 - Unobservable inputs that are supported by little or no market activity and that are significant to the fair value of the assets or liabilities. This includes certain pricing models, discounted cash flow methodologies and similar techniques that use significant unobservable inputs.

If the fair value measurement is based on inputs from different levels of the hierarchy, the level within which the entire fair value measurement falls is the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement in its entirety. Our assessment of the significance of a particular input to the fair value measurement in its entirety requires judgment and considers factors specific to the asset or liability. When an event or circumstance alters our assessment of the observability and thus the appropriate classification of an input to a fair value measurement which we deem to be significant to the fair value measurement as a whole, we will transfer that fair value measurement to the appropriate level within the fair value hierarchy.
Property, Plant and Equipment, Impairment
Real Estate Properties - Real estate properties are recorded at cost or, if acquired through business combination, at fair value, including the fair value of contingent consideration, if any. Cost or fair value at the time of acquisition is allocated among land, buildings, improvements, personal property and lease and other intangibles. For properties acquired in transactions accounted for as asset purchases, the purchase price, which includes transaction costs, is allocated based on the relative fair values of the assets acquired. Cost includes the amount of contingent consideration, if any, deemed to be probable at the acquisition date. Contingent consideration is deemed to be probable to the extent that a significant reversal in amounts recognized is not likely to occur when the uncertainty associated with the contingent consideration is subsequently resolved. Cost also includes capitalized interest during construction periods. We use the straight-line method of depreciation for buildings over their estimated useful lives of 40 years, and improvements over their estimated useful lives ranging to 25 years. For contingent consideration arising from business combinations, the liability is adjusted to estimated fair value at each reporting date through earnings.

We evaluate the recoverability of the carrying amount of our real estate properties on a property-by-property basis. We review our properties for recoverability when events or circumstances, including significant physical changes in the property, significant adverse changes in general economic conditions and significant deterioration of the underlying cash flows of the property, indicate that the carrying amount of the property may not be recoverable. The need to recognize an impairment charge is based on estimated undiscounted future cash flows from a property compared to the carrying amount of that property. If recognition of an impairment charge is necessary, it is measured as the amount by which the carrying amount of the property exceeds the fair value of the property.
Lessor, Leases Leases - Leases entered into or modified since 2019 are accounted for under the guidance of ASC Topic 842, Leases. All of our leases are classified as operating leases and generally have an initial leasehold term of 10 to 15 years followed by one or more 5-year tenant renewal options. The leases are “triple net leases” under which the tenant is responsible for the payment of all taxes, utilities, insurance premiums, repairs and other charges relating to the operation of the properties, including required levels of capital expenditures each year. The tenant is obligated at its expense to keep all improvements, fixtures and other components of the properties covered by “all risk” insurance in an amount equal to at least the full replacement cost thereof, and to maintain specified minimal personal injury and property damage insurance. The leases also require the tenant to indemnify and hold us harmless from all claims resulting from the use, occupancy and related activities of each property by the tenant, and to indemnify us against all costs related to any release, discovery, clean-up and removal of hazardous substances or materials, or other environmental responsibility with respect to each facility. While we do not incorporate residual value guarantees, the above lease provisions and considerations impact our expectation of realizable value from our properties upon the expiration of their lease terms. The residual value of our real estate under lease is still subject to various market, asset, and tenant-specific risks and characteristics. As the classification of our leases is dependent on the fair value of estimated cash flows at lease commencement, management’s projected residual values represent significant assumptions in our accounting for operating leases. Similarly, the exercise of renewal options is also subject to these same risks, making a tenant’s lease term another significant variable in a lease’s cash flows. Initial direct costs that are incremental to entering into a lease are capitalized in accordance with the provisions of Topic 842.
Loans and Leases Receivable, Allowance for Loan Losses Policy Mortgage and Other Notes Receivable - Effective January 1, 2020, we estimate an allowance for credit losses upon origination of a loan, based on expected credit losses over the term of the loan and update this estimate each reporting period. We calculate the estimated credit losses on mortgages by pooling these loans into two groups – investments in existing or new mortgages and construction mortgages. Mezzanine and revolving lines of credit are evaluated at the individual loan level. We estimate the allowance for credit losses by utilizing a loss model that relies on future expected credit losses, rather than incurred losses. This loss model incorporates our historical experience, adjusted for current conditions and our forecasts, using the probability of default and loss given default method. Incorporated into the construction mortgage loss model is an estimate of the probability that NHI will acquire the property. Using the resulting estimate, a portion of the outstanding construction mortgage balance which we currently expect will be reduced by our acquisition of the underlying property when construction is complete, is deducted from the construction mortgage balance included in the expected loss calculation. Mezzanine loans and revolving lines of credit are also based on the loss model to recognize expected future credit losses and are applied to each individual loan using borrower specific information. We also perform a qualitative assessment beyond model estimates and apply adjustments as necessary. The credit loss estimate is based on the net amortized cost balance of our mortgage and other notes receivables as of the balance sheet date.
Cash and Cash Equivalents, Restricted Cash and Cash Equivalents, Policy [Policy Text Block]
Cash and Cash Equivalents and Restricted Cash - Cash equivalents consist of all highly liquid investments with an original maturity of three months or less. Restricted cash includes amounts required to be held on deposit or subject to an agreement (e.g. with a qualified intermediary subject to an Internal Revenue Code Section 1031 exchange agreement or in accordance with agency agreements governing our Fannie Mae mortgages and Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) mortgages).

The following table sets forth our “Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash” reported within the Company’s Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows ( $ in thousands):
As of December 31,
Cash and cash equivalents$43,344 $5,215 
Restricted cash (included in Other assets)2,999 10,454 
$46,343 $15,669 
Concentration Risk, Credit Risk
Concentration of Credit Risks - Our credit risks primarily relate to cash and cash equivalents and investments in mortgage and other notes receivable. Cash and cash equivalents are primarily held in bank accounts and overnight investments. We maintain our bank deposit accounts with large financial institutions in amounts that often exceed federally insured limits. We have not experienced any losses in such accounts. Our mortgages and other notes receivable consist primarily of secured loans on facilities.

Our financial instruments, principally our investments in notes receivable, are subject to the possibility of loss of the carrying values as a result of the failure of other parties to perform according to their contractual obligations which may make the instruments less valuable. We obtain collateral in the form of mortgage liens and other protective rights for notes receivable and continually monitor these rights in order to reduce such possibilities of loss. We evaluate the need to provide for reserves for potential losses on our financial instruments based on management’s periodic review of our portfolio on an instrument-by-instrument basis.
Deferred Charges Deferred Loan Costs - Costs incurred to acquire debt are capitalized and amortized by the straight-line method, which approximates the effective-interest method, over the term of the related debt.
Revenue Recognition, Deferred Revenue Deferred Income - Deferred income primarily includes non-refundable commitment fees received by us, which are amortized into income over the expected period of the related loan or lease. In the event that our financing commitment to a potential borrower or lessee expires, the related commitment fees are recognized into income immediately. Commitment fees may be charged based on the terms of the lease agreements and the creditworthiness of the parties.
Revenue Recognition, Leases
Rental Income - Our leases generally provide for rent escalators throughout the term of the lease. Base rental income is recognized using the straight-line method over the term of the lease to the extent that lease payments are considered collectible and the lease provides for specific contractual escalators. Under certain leases, we receive additional contingent rent, which is calculated on the increase in revenues of the lessee over a base year or base quarter. We recognize contingent rent annually or quarterly based on the actual revenues of the lessee once the target threshold has been achieved. Lease payments that depend on a factor directly related to future use of the property, such as an increase in annual revenues over a base year, are considered to be contingent rentals and are excluded from the schedule of minimum lease payments.

If rental income calculated on a straight-line basis exceeds the cash rent due under a lease, the difference is recorded as an increase to straight-line rent receivable in the Consolidated Balance Sheets and an increase in rental income in the Consolidated Statements of Income. If rental income on a straight-line basis is calculated to be less than cash received, there is a decrease in the same accounts.

Property operating expenses that are reimbursed by our operators are recorded as Rental income upon adoption of Topic 842 in 2019. Accordingly, we record a corresponding Taxes and insurance on leased properties expense in the Consolidated Statements of Income. Rental income related to reimbursement of property operating expenses for the years ended December 2020 and 2019, are $9,653,000 and $5,798,000, respectively.

Rental income is reduced for the non-cash amortization of payments made upon the eventual settlement of commitments and contingencies originally identified and recorded as lease inducements. We record lease inducements to the extent that it is probable that a significant reversal of amounts recognized will not occur when the uncertainty associated with the contingent consideration is subsequently resolved.

The Company reviews its operating lease receivables for collectibility on a regular basis, taking into consideration changes in factors such as the tenant’s payment history, the financial condition of the tenant, business conditions in which the tenant operates and economic conditions in the area where the property is located. In the event that collectibility with respect to any tenant is not probable, a direct write-off of the receivable is made as an adjustment to rental income and any future rental revenue is recognized only when the tenant makes a rental payment.
Revenue Recognition, Interest Interest Income from Mortgage and Other Notes Receivable - Interest income is recognized based on the interest rates and principal amounts outstanding on the notes receivable. We identify a mortgage loan as non-performing if a required payment is not received within 30 days of the date it is due. Our policy related to mortgage interest income on non-performing mortgage loans is to recognize mortgage interest income in the period when the cash is received. As of December 31, 2020, we did not identified any of our mortgages as non-performing.
Derivatives - In the normal course of business, we are subject to risk from adverse fluctuations in interest rates. We have chosen to manage this risk through the use of derivative financial instruments, primarily interest rate swaps. Counterparties to these contracts are major financial institutions. We are exposed to credit loss in the event of nonperformance by these counterparties. We do not use derivative instruments for trading or speculative purposes. Our objective in managing exposure to market risk is to limit the impact on cash flows relating to the change in market interest rates on our variable rate debt.

To qualify for hedge accounting, our interest rate swaps must effectively reduce the risk exposure that they are designed to hedge. In addition, at inception of a qualifying cash flow hedging relationship, the underlying transaction or transactions must be, and be expected to remain, probable of occurring in accordance with our related assertions. All of our hedges are cash flow hedges.

We recognize all derivative instruments, including embedded derivatives required to be bifurcated, as assets or liabilities at their fair value in the Consolidated Balance Sheets. Changes in the fair value of derivative instruments that are not designated as hedges or that do not meet the criteria of hedge accounting are recognized in earnings. For derivatives designated in qualifying cash flow hedging relationships, the change in fair value of the effective portion of the derivatives is recognized in accumulated other comprehensive income (loss), whereas the change in fair value of any ineffective portion is recognized in earnings. Gains and losses are reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) into earnings once the underlying hedged transaction is recognized in earnings.
Income Tax Federal Income Taxes - We intend at all times to qualify as a REIT under Sections 856 through 860 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. Aside from such income taxes which may be applicable to the taxable income in the TRS, we will not be subject to U.S. federal income tax, provided that we continue to qualify as a REIT and make distributions to stockholders at least equal to or in excess of 90% our taxable income. Accordingly, no provision for federal income taxes has been made in
the consolidated financial statements. A failure to qualify under the applicable REIT qualification rules and regulations would have a material adverse impact on our financial position, results of operations and cash flows.

Earnings and profits, which determine the taxability of dividends to stockholders, differ from net income reported for financial reporting purposes due primarily to differences in the basis of assets, estimated useful lives used to compute depreciation expense, gains on sales of real estate, non-cash compensation expense and recognition of commitment fees.

Our tax returns filed for years beginning in 2017 are subject to examination by taxing authorities. We classify interest and penalties related to uncertain tax positions, if any, in our Consolidated Statements of Income as a component of income tax expense.
Segment Reporting Segment Disclosures - We are in the business of owning and financing health care properties. We are managed as one segment for internal purposes and for internal decision making.
New Accounting Pronouncements
New Accounting Pronouncements

Financial Instruments - Credit Losses - With the adoption of Accounting Standards Update 2016-13, Financial Instruments - Credit Losses effective January 1, 2020, we estimate and record an allowance for credit losses upon origination of the loan, based on expected credit losses over the term of the loan and update this estimate each reporting period. We calculate the estimated credit losses on mortgages by pooling these loans into two groups – investments in existing or new mortgages and construction mortgages. Mezzanine and revolving lines of credit are evaluated at the individual loan level. We estimate the allowance for credit losses by utilizing a loss model that relies on future expected credit losses, rather than incurred losses. This loss model incorporates our historical experience, adjusted for current conditions and our forecasts, using the probability of default and loss given default method. Incorporated into the construction mortgage loss model is an estimate of the probability that NHI will acquire the property. Using the resulting estimate, a portion of the outstanding construction mortgage balance which we currently expect will be reduced by our acquisition of the underlying property when construction is complete, is deducted from the construction mortgage balance included in the expected loss calculation. Mezzanine loans and revolving lines of credit are also based on the loss model to recognize expected future credit losses and are applied to each individual loan using borrower specific information. We also perform a qualitative assessment beyond model estimates and apply adjustments as necessary. The credit loss estimate is based on the net amortized cost balance of our mortgage and other notes receivables as of the balance sheet date.

Calculation of the allowance for credit losses involves significant judgement. It is possible that actual credit losses will differ materially from our current estimates. Write-offs are deducted from the allowance for credit losses when we judge the principal to be uncollectible.

Upon adoption, we recorded an allowance for expected credit losses of $3,900,000 that is reflected as an adjustment to “Mortgage and other notes receivable, net of credit loss reserve” in the Consolidated Balance Sheets and recorded a corresponding cumulative-effect adjustment to “Cumulative dividends in excess of net income”. Upon adoption, we also recorded a $325,000 reserve for estimated credit losses pertaining to unfunded loan commitments as an adjustment to “Cumulative dividends in excess of net income”. The corresponding credit loss liability is included in the financial statement line item “Accounts payable and accrued expenses” in the Consolidated Balance Sheets.

FASB Lease Modifications Related to Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic - In April 2020, the FASB issued a question-and-answer document (the “Lease Modification Q&A”) focused on the application of lease accounting guidance to lease concessions provided as a result of the coronavirus pandemic (“COVID-19”). The Lease Modification Q&A clarifies that entities may elect not to evaluate whether lease-related relief provided to mitigate the economic effects of COVID-19 is a lease modification under ASC 842. Instead, an entity that elects not to evaluate whether a concession directly related to COVID-19, which does not substantially increase either its rights as lessor or the obligations of the tenant, is a modification can elect whether to apply the modification guidance. Such election being applied consistently to leases with similar characteristics and similar circumstances. During 2020, the Company provided $6,922,000 in lease concessions as a result of COVID-19, as discussed in more detail in Note 8. NHI has elected not to apply the modification guidance under ASC 842 and has accounted for the related concessions as variable lease payments, recorded as rental income when received.

Reference Rate Reform - In March 2020, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) issued Accounting Standards Update (“ASU”) 2020-04, Reference Rate Reform (Topic 848). ASU 2020-04 contains practical expedients for reference rate reform related activities that impact debt, leases, derivatives and other contracts. The guidance in ASU 2020-04 is optional and may be elected over time as reference rate reform activities occur. During the first quarter of 2020, the Company elected to apply the hedge accounting expedients related to probability and the assessments of effectiveness for future London Inter-bank
Offered Rate (”LIBOR”) indexed cash flows to assume that the index upon which future hedged transactions will be based matches the index on the corresponding derivatives. Application of these expedients preserves the presentation of derivatives consistent with past presentation. We continue to evaluate the impact of the guidance and may apply other elections as applicable as additional changes in the market occur.

Leases - On January 1, 2019, we adopted ASU 2016-02, Leases, which has been codified under ASC Topic 842, using the effective date method provided in Topic 842 and elected the practical expedients available for implementation under the standard. As such, our reporting in the consolidated financial statements for comparative periods prior to the adoption of Topic 842 will continue to be in accordance with prior guidance. The adoption of Topic 842 had no material impact on our financial statements.