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Quarterly Report Under Section 13 of 15(d)

of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For quarter ended March 31, 2003 Commission file number 33-41863

                           NATIONAL HEALTH INVESTORS, INC.                            

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its Charter)

               Maryland                               62-1470956               
(State or other jurisdiction of (I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization) Identification No.)
100 Vine Street
           Murfreesboro, TN                               37130                    
(Address of principal (Zip Code)
executive offices)
Registrant's telephone number, including area code (615) 890-9100
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant
          (1)     Has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d), of the Securities
                    Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months.

Yes x

          (2)     Has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.

Yes x

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is an accelerated filer. Yes x No
26,719,418 shares of common stock were outstanding as of April 30, 2003.

Item 1. Financial Statements.
(in thousands, except share amounts)
March 31, December 31,
2003 2002
     Real estate properties:
          Land $ 34,896 $ 33,805
          Buildings and improvements 376,757 367,981
          Construction in progress 1,219 1,263
412,872 403,049
          Less accumulated depreciation (101,169) (98,655)
               Real estate properties, net 311,703 304,394
     Mortgage and other notes receivable, net 180,555 201,236
     Investment in preferred stock 38,132 38,132
     Investment in real estate mortgage investment conduits 36,366 36,366
     Cash and cash equivalents 16,465 43,062
     Marketable securities 15,474 15,763
     Accounts receivable 8,140 6,857
     Deferred costs and other assets 6,714 5,254
          Total Assets $613,549 $651,064
Unsecured public notes $100,000 $100,000
     Debt 66,606 61,763
     Convertible subordinated debentures 1,571 41,633
     Accounts payable and other accrued expenses 27,379 28,511
     Accrued interest 1,589 4,592
     Dividends payable 10,681 9,339
     Deferred income 4,403 4,797
          Total Liabilities 212,229 250,635
     Commitments and guarantees
     Cumulative convertible preferred stock,
          $.01 par value; 10,000,000 shares authorized, 747,994 and 747,994
shares, respectively, issued and outstanding,
           stated at liquidation preference of $25 per share 18,700 18,700
     Common stock, $.01 par value; 40,000,000 shares authorized; 26,703,704
          and 26,682,994 shares, respectively, issued and outstanding 266 266
     Capital in excess of par value of common stock 440,506 440,360
     Cumulative net income 470,733 458,613
     Cumulative dividends (527,711) (516,632)
     Unrealized losses on marketable securities (1,174) (878)
          Total Stockholders' Equity 401,320 400,429
          Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity $613,549 $651,064

The accompanying notes to interim condensed consolidated financial statements are an integral part of these financial statements.

The interim condensed balance sheet at December 31, 2002 is taken from the audited financial statements at that date.




Three Months Ended

March 31

2003 2002

(in thousands, except

share amounts)
     Mortgage interest income $ 5,543 $ 5,779
     Rental income 13,357 11,990
     Investment income 1,644 1,239
     Facility operating revenue 22,619 20,922
43,163 39,930
     Interest 3,988 4,613
     Depreciation of real estate 3,888 3,987
     Amortization of loan costs 183 94
     Legal expense (81) 136
     Franchise and excise tax 396 64
     General and administrative 713 140
     Loan losses 1,500 2,500
     Facility operating expense 22,388 21,082
32,975 32,616
Discontinued Operations
Operating income - discontinued operations --- 323
Gain on sale of real estate 1,932 ---
1,932 323
NET INCOME 12,120 7,637
     Basic $ .37 $ .27
     Diluted $ .37 $ .26
Discontinued operations per common share:
Basic $ .07 $ .01
Diluted $ .07 $ .01
Net income per common share:
Basic $ .44 $ .28
Diluted $ .44 $ .27
     Basic 26,688,984 26,072,872
     Diluted 26,944,523 26,902,501
Common dividends per share declared $ .40 $ .35

The accompanying notes to interim condensed consolidated financial statements are an integral part of these financial statements.

Three Months Ended
March 31
2003 2002

(in thousands)

     Net income $ 12,120 $ 7,637
     Depreciation of real estate 3,888 4,139
     Provision for loan, realty and security losses 1,500 2,500
Net gain on sale of real estate (1,932) ---
     Amortization of loan costs 183 94
     Amortization of bond discount (8) ---
     Amortization of deferred income (394) (257)
     Interest on debenture conversion --- 21
     (Increase) decrease in accounts receivable (1,283) (1,414)
     (Increase) decrease in deferred costs and other assets (1,642) 414
     Decrease in accounts payable and accrued liabilities (4,136) (2,407)
Investment in mortgage notes (1,681) ---
     Collection of mortgage notes receivable 7,793 1,068
     Acquisition of property and equipment, net (239) (897)
Disposition of property and equipment, net 4,045 ---
     Decrease in marketable securities, net --- 659
Proceeds from debt 6,215 ---
     Principal payments on debt (1,372) (567)
     Redemption of subordinated convertible debentures (39,917) (205)
     Sale of common stock --- 152
     Dividends paid to shareholders (9,737) (12,110)
          NET CASH USED IN FINANCING ACTIVITIES (44,811) (12,730)



Three Months Ended
March 31
2003 2002
(in thousands)
Supplemental Information:
     Cash payments for interest expense $ 5,181 $ 5,935
During the three months ended March 31, 2003 and March 31, 2002, $145,000 and
$1,388,000 of Senior Subordinated Convertible Debentures were con-
verted into 20,710 and 198,261 shares of NHI's common stock:
                 Senior subordinated convertible debentures $ (145) $ (1,388)
                 Financing costs 1 9
                 Accrued interest (2) (21)
                 Common stock --- 2
                 Capital in excess of par 146 1,398
During the three months ended March 31, 2002, NHI acquired notes
          receivable in exchange for NHI's rights to marketable securities:
                 Other notes receivable $ --- $ (5,818)
                 Marketable securities $ --- $ 5,818
During the three months ended March 31, 2003, NHI acquired property in exchange
for its rights under mortgage notes receivable:
Mortgage notes receivable $ 13,069 $ ---
Land (1,096) ---
Buildings and improvements (11,973) ---

The accompanying notes to interim condensed consolidated financial statements are an integral part of these financial statements.


( in thousands, except share amounts)

Cumulative Convertible

Unrealized Total
Preferred Stock Capital in Gains Stock-
Shares Amount Common Stock Excess of Cumulative Cumulative (losses) on holders'
at $25 per Share Shares Amount Par Value Net Income Dividends Securities Equity
BALANCE AT 12/31/02 747,994 $18,700 26,682,994 $266 $440,360 $458,613 $(516,632) $(878) $400,429
Net income --- --- --- --- --- 12,120 --- --- 12,120
Unrealized gains on securities --- --- --- --- --- --- --- (296) (296)
Total Comprehensive Income 11,824
Shares issued in conversion of
convertible debentures to
common stock --- --- 20,710 --- 146 --- --- --- 146
Dividends to common stockholders --- --- --- --- --- --- (10,682) --- (10,682)
Dividends to preferred
stockholders --- --- --- --- --- --- (397) --- (397)
BALANCE AT 3/31/03 747,994 $18,700 26,703,704 $266 $440,506 $470,733 $(527,711) $(1,174) $401,320
BALANCE AT 12/31/01 747,994 $18,700 26,004,318 $260 $435,399 $427,826 $(477,890) $ (6,502) $397,793
Net income --- --- --- --- --- 7,637 --- --- 7,637
Unrealized gains on securities --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1,805 1,805
Total Comprehensive Income 9,442
Shares sold --- --- 15,000 --- 152 --- --- --- 152
Shares issued in conversion of
   convertible debentures to
   common stock --- --- 198,261 2 1,398 --- --- --- 1,400
Dividends to common stockholders --- --- --- --- --- --- (9,187) --- (9,187)
Dividends to preferred
   stockholders --- --- --- --- --- --- (397) --- (397)
BALANCE AT 3/31/02 747,994 $18,700 26,217,579 $262 $436,949 $435,463 $(487,474) $ (4,697) $399,203

The accompanying notes to interim condensed consolidated financial statements are an integral part of these financial statements.


We, the management of National Health Investors, Inc., believe that the unaudited financial statements to which these notes are attached include all adjustments which are necessary to fairly present the financial position, results of operations and cash flows of National Health Investors, Inc. ("NHI" or the "Company"). We assume that users of these interim financial statements have read or have access to the audited December 31, 2002 financial statements and Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations and that the adequacy of additional disclosure needed for a fair presentation, except in regard to material contingencies, may be determined in that context. Accordingly, footnotes and other disclosures which would substantially duplicate the disclosure contained in our most recent annual report to stockholders have been omitted. This interim financial information is not necessarily indicative of the results that may be expected for a full year for a variety of reasons including acquisitions and dispositions, changes in interest rates, rents and the timing of debt and equity financings. Our audited December 31, 2002 financial statements are available at our web site: www.nhinvestors.com.


NHI adopted SFAS 144 "Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets" on January 1, 2002. As the result of the adoption of SFAS 144, NHI has reported as discontinued operations in its consolidated statements of income, the revenues and expenses of two medical office buildings that NHI sold during the second and third quarter of 2002 and one medical office building that NHI sold during the first quarter of 2003, and the related gains on the sales. The 2001 and 2000 financial statements, included in the December 31, 2002 10-K, have not been reclassified to reflect discontinued operations as the revenues and expenses of these three medical office buildings sold were not material to the 2001 and 2000 financial statements.

In April 2002, the FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 145, "Rescission of FASB Statements No. 4, 44, and 64, Amendment of FASB Statement No. 13, and Technical Corrections" ("SFAS 145"). SFAS 145 rescinds Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 4, "Reporting Gains and Losses From Extinguishment of Debt" ("SFAS 4"), which required all gains and losses from extinguishment of debt to be aggregated and, if material, classified as an extraordinary item, net of the related income tax effect. As a result, the criteria in APB 30 will now be used to classify those gains and losses. SFAS 145 amends SFAS 13 to require that certain lease modifications that have economic effects similar to sale-leaseback transactions be accounted for in the same manner as sale-leaseback transactions. As permitted, NHI elected to adopt SFAS 145 effective January 1, 2002. As a result, gains of $65,000 on the retirement of convertible subordinated debentures during the first quarter of 2003 have been included in investment interest and other income.

On December 31, 2002, the FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 148, "Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation - Transition and Disclosure" (SFAS 148). SFAS 148 amends Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 123 "Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation" (SFAS 123), to provide alternative methods of transition to SFAS 123's fair value method of accounting for stock-based employee compensation. SFAS 148 also amends the disclosure provisions of SFAS 123 and APB Opinion No. 28, "Interim Financial Reporting", to require disclosure in the summary of significant accounting policies of the effects of an entity's accounting policy with respect to stock-based employee compensation on reported net income and earnings per share in annual and interim financial statements. While SFAS 148 does not amend SFAS 123 to require companies to account for employee stock options using the fair value method, the disclosure provisions of SFAS 148 are applicable to all companies with stock-based employee compensation, regardless of whether they account for the compensation using the fair value method of SFAS 123 or the intrinsic value method of Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 25, "Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees" ("APB 25"). See Note 12 for the required disclosures under SFAS 148.

In January 2003, the FASB issued Interpretation No. 46, "Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities, an Interpretation of ARB No. 51" ("FIN 46"). FIN 46 significantly changes whether entities included in its scope are consolidated by their sponsors, transferors or investors. FIN 46 introduces a new consolidation model - the variable interests model - which determines control (and consolidation) based on potential variability in gains and losses of the entity being evaluated for consolidation. FIN 46's consolidation provisions apply immediately to variable interests in variable interest entities ("VIEs") created after January 31, 2003. The provisions are applicable July 1, 2003 to variable interests in VIEs acquired prior to February 1, 2003. NHI has acquired no variable interests in VIEs since January 31, 2003; however, NHI is still evaluating the potential for variable interests in VIEs acquired prior to February 1, 2003.


The following table summarizes NHI's real estate properties by leased facilities and operating facilities:

(Dollars in thousands)

March 31, 2003 December 31, 2002
Leased Operating Total Leased Operating Total
Land $ 29,231 $ 5,665 $ 34,896 $ 28,140 $ 5,665 $ 33,805
Buildings and improvements 306,777 69,980 376,757 298,291 69,690 367,981
Construction in progress 603 616 1,219 816 447 1,263
336,611 76,261 412,872 327,247 75,802 403,049
Less accumulated depreciation (84,628) (16,541) (101,169) (83,419) (15,236) (98,655)
Real estate properties, net $251,983 $ 59,720 $311,703 $243,828 $ 60,566 $304,394

Foreclosure and Other Troubled Real Estate Properties

We are treating the Washington State, and the Kansas and Missouri properties described below as foreclosure properties for federal income tax purposes. With certain elections, unqualified income generated by the properties is expected to be treated as qualified income for up to six years from the purchase date for purpose of the income-source tests that must be satisfied by REITs to maintain their tax status.

Washington State Properties - On October 16, 1998, we accepted deeds in lieu of foreclosure on four long-term care properties in Washington State. We have included the operating revenues and expenses of these facilities in our operating results since October 1998. Commencing February 1, 2000, the management of these facilities was transferred to a subsidiary of NHC. The Highline Care Center in Seattle, Washington was sold in June 2002 for net proceeds of $882,000. This facility had been closed since December 2000. The resulting loss on the sale of $98,000 has been reflected in the investment income caption of the December 31, 2002 consolidated statements of income. Based on our impairment analyses for these four facilities, we recorded an impairment of $1,500,000 during 2001 and $2,446,000 during 2000. Management believes that the carrying amount of the remaining three properties at March 31, 2003 of $7,289,000 is realizable.

New England Properties - In the third quarter of 1999, we accepted deeds in lieu of foreclosure on three nursing homes and one retirement center in New Hampshire and four nursing homes in Massachusetts. We retained NHC to manage the properties and have included the operating revenues and expenses of these facilities in our operating results since August 1999. During 2001, we sold the properties to a non-profit entity and provided 100% seller financing to close the sale. We account for this transaction under the deposit method in accordance with the provisions of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 66, "Accounting for Sales of Real Estate" ("SFAS 66"). Consistent with the deposit method, we have not recorded the sale of the assets and continue to record the results of operations of these properties each period. Any future cash received from the buyer will be reported as a deposit until the down payment and continuing investment criteria of SFAS 66 are met, at which time we will account for the sale under the full accrual method. The new owner is seeking to refinance these properties but to date has been unsuccessful. No deposits have been received to date. Management believes that the carrying amount of these properties at March 31, 2003 of $31,933,000 is realizable.

Kansas and Missouri Properties - In July 2001, we were awarded, through foreclosure, possession of nine nursing homes in Kansas and Missouri and have recorded the operating revenues and expenses of these facilities since that date. NHC has been engaged to manage these facilities. During 2001, prior to the foreclosure sales on these properties, we recorded a $4,000,000 writedown of our mortgage note receivable from these properties. Management believes that the carrying amount of these properties at March 31, 2003 of $20,523,000 is realizable.

Alterra Properties - In early 1998, we entered into a purchase-leaseback transaction with Alternative Living Centers, Inc., now known as Alterra. The $41,000,000 transaction resulted in Alterra leasing eleven properties from us consisting of four in Arizona, three in Florida, three in Tennessee, and one in South Carolina. In March 2001, Alterra defaulted on its rent payment and NHI immediately terminated the leases and arranged for new lessees. We have filed suit for damages against Alterra. On January 22, 2003, Alterra filed bankruptcy. As a result, only damages against Alterra will be subject to the bankruptcy process. The new lessees took possession of the centers during the late spring and summer of 2001. Under the terms of the new leases, we experienced reduced rental income in 2001 and 2002. Lease income for the three months ended March 31, 2003 and 2002 was $900,000 and $-0-, respectively. Based on the rental payments received and expected to be received, and our impairment analyses, we recorded an impairment of $4,900,000 during 2001. We believe that the carrying amount of these properties at March 31, 2003 of $32,446,000 is realizable.

Integrated Health Services, Inc. ("IHS") - IHS filed bankruptcy in February 2000 and failed to make its required mortgage payments to SouthTrust Bank on six Texas nursing homes. At that time, NHI owned a 50% participation in this loan with SouthTrust Bank. Effective September 1, 2001, IHS deeded the six nursing homes to a subsidiary of NHI in return for the forgiveness of the debt held jointly by SouthTrust Bank and NHI. We recorded these six nursing homes and certain non-recourse debt to SouthTrust Bank at the estimated fair value of the properties of approximately $44,700,000. NHI leases the facilities to IHS under a 66-month lease with minimum payments equal to approximately $3,078,000 per year plus additional rent based on cash flow of the facilities. We collect these rent payments and service our debt to SouthTrust Bank, which debt service is substantially equal to the rent payments collected. Through a separate participation agreement, NHI and SouthTrust each beneficially own 50% of the lease revenue. Our interest in the lease revenue is represented by a note receivable from SouthTrust Bank. We have a legal right of offset as it relates to the non-recourse debt and note receivable with SouthTrust Bank. Therefore, the note receivable offsets the non-recourse debt in the consolidated balance sheet. During 2001, prior to accepting the deeds to these properties, we recorded a $3,000,000 write-down of our note receivable. IHS has the right to terminate its lease with us with 90 days notice. Lease payments commenced September 1, 2001 and are current. We believe that the carrying amount of our net investment in these properties of approximately $19,052,000 at March 31, 2003 is realizable.

Manor House of Charlotte - An approximate $7,200,000 first mortgage loan to Manor House, Inc. went into payment default in November 2001. The property is a three year old, 110 unit assisted living facility in Charlotte, North Carolina. Management's analysis of the future expected cash flows consistent with SFAS 114, historical occupancy of the project and competition in the market area resulted in the recording of a $3,800,000 writedown of this mortgage loan value in the fourth quarter of 2001. In June 2002, the owner and corporate guarantor surrendered possession, provided a deed in lieu of foreclosure to us, made tax payments current, paid $1,016,000 toward the debt and deeded to us an unimproved parcel of land in another state. As a result, we released the parent's guarantee. Prior to our accepting the deed in lieu of foreclosure, the borrower paid $1,175,000 on the loan balance and the remaining loan balance of $2,173,000 was determined to be the fair value of the foreclosed real estate. The property was immediately leased to a new operator in June of 2002. Under the terms of the new lease, we experienced reduced revenue in 2002 compared to 2001. We believe the carrying amount of our net investment in this property at March 31, 2003 of $2,063,000 is realizable.

Marriott Brighton Gardens - During the fourth quarter of 2002, Marriott Senior Living Services ("Marriott") announced its intent to discontinue its operations in the assisted living market and notified NHI that Marriott would be terminating its lease with NHI on four facilities, two of which are located in Florida, one in Texas, and one in New Jersey. Marriott will continue to operate the facilities until June 2003 while NHI negotiates the sale or lease of these four facilities to new operators. We believe that the carrying amount of our net investment in these properties of $45,235,000 at March 31, 2003 is realizable. This carrying value, however, will be directly impacted by our success in selling and/or re-leasing the facilities.

Two New Jersey Centers - We loaned approximately $18,373,000 to the owners of two New Jersey facilities that opened in early 2000. The facilities generated negative net operating income since opening and had not made loan payments since July 2001. Based on these events and SFAS 114 analyses, we recorded impairments of $5,304,000 during 2001. During the third quarter of 2001, we filed a foreclosure lawsuit against the borrower and separate action against the individual guarantors. On November 6, 2002, the borrowers filed for reorganization under Chapter 11 of the bankruptcy code; however, this action was overturned by the bankruptcy court and NHI continued its foreclosure action. One of the guarantors also filed personal bankruptcy in the first quarter of 2003. The balance of this loan was $13,069,000 at December 31, 2002.

In January, 2003, NHI received these properties through foreclosure and immediately leased the facilities to a new operator, Royal Holding, LLC, who brought past due property taxes current and agreed to monthly lease payments. The lease initially includes monthly rent of $155,000, with provisions for increases in later periods through 2016. Lease income of $765,000 was recognized on the property for the three months ended March 31, 2003. No interest income was recognized on the previous mortgage for the three months ended March 31, 2002.


Note Receivable from National Health Realty, Inc.

Effective December 31, 2002, in exchange for an equal amount of cash, National Health Realty, Inc. ("NHR") transferred to us three mortgage notes receivable secured by three long-term care facilities in Florida with total principal balances outstanding of $15,672,000. The transfer agreement with NHR includes provisions that, beginning January 2, 2004, allow us to put to NHR the transferred notes at any time, with 60 days notice, at a price equal to the outstanding principal and interest balance or require NHR to make debt service payments if not made by the debtors. The agreement also provides that NHR may repurchase after July 1, 2003, the notes from us at a price equal to the then outstanding principal and interest balance. Consistent with the provisions of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 140, "Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities" ("SFAS 140"), we have accounted for the transfer of the notes receivable from NHR as a loan to NHR rather than as a purchase of the notes. As a result, we have recognized notes receivable from NHR on our consolidated balance sheet as of March 31, 2003 and December 31, 2002 and will recognize interest income from NHR. NHR is another REIT to which NHC provides advisory services.

Installment Method Mortgage Receivable

Autumn Hills Convalescent Centers, Inc. (HSM of Texas, new borrower) - In 1997, we funded a mortgage loan for Autumn Hills Convalescent Centers, Inc. ("Autumn Hills") in the original principal amount of $51,500,000. Collateral for the loan includes first mortgages on thirteen long-term health care facilities in Texas and certain corporate and personal guarantees. Principal and interest payments between April 2000 and May 2001 were only partially made and the debtor filed for bankruptcy on May 15, 2001. Based on these events and SFAS 114 analyses, we recorded impairments of $10,000,000 and $7,900,000 during 2001 and 2000, respectively, to reduce the loan to our estimate of net realizable value. The debtor's plan of reorganization, confirmed on January 28, 2002, required the debtor to reaffirm the original debt and accrued interest and commence monthly payments on April 10, 2002, which it did until October of 2002, at which time the borrower advised us that payments could no longer be made. We applied $1,600,000 of interest payments received in the third quarter of 2002 against our loan balance, and we initiated foreclosure action during the fourth quarter. Our net receivable balance at December 31, 2002, after the above writedowns and principal reductions, was $28,855,000.

On January 7, 2003, NHI received the projects through foreclosure and then sold the facilities to an unrelated not-for-profit entity, HSM of Texas, providing seller financing. NHI accounts for the sale of the properties using the installment method, consistent with the provisions of SFAS 66. The new borrower has made monthly principal and interest payments during the first quarter of 2003. The new loan with HSM of Texas bears interest at 5.85%, is payable at $354,000 monthly and matures in December 2022. The outstanding balance at March 31, 2003 is $30,988,000, which we believe is realizable. The average recorded investment in the loan was $30,988,000 and $31,197,000 for the three months ended March 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively. The related amount of interest income recognized on the loans were $679,000, and $-0- for the three months ended March 31, 2003, and 2002, respectively.

Borrower Bankruptcy and Other Non-Performing Loans

American Medical Associates, Inc. ("AMA") - Two first mortgage loans totaling $13,646,000 to AMA are secured by three Florida-based nursing homes. The loans, funded in 1995 and 1996, are cross-collateralized and cross-defaulted and are personally guaranteed by the owner. Payments to NHI are not current and, as a result, interest on these loans is being charged at the default rate of interest. Only interest that is received is being recognized as revenue. The facilities' operations have deteriorated due to moratoriums which were placed on admissions during the last half of 2001 by the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration. Additionally, these loans are in default on a number of other technical covenants including the failure to maintain adequate insurance coverage. Management's analysis of the future expected cash flows consistent with SFAS 114, historical occupancy and operating income of the project resulted in the recording of a $5,200,000 writedown of this mortgage loan value during 2002. Management believes that the remaining carrying amount of $8,382,000 at March 31, 2003, is supported by the value of the collateral. The borrower filed for bankruptcy protection in January 2003. The average recorded investment in the AMA loan was $8,382,000, and $13,105,000 for the three months ended March 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively. The related amount of interest income recognized on the loan was $-0- and $407,000 for the three months ended March 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively.

Ashton Woods - At March 31, 2003, we hold 75%, or $4,115,000, of a $5,487,000 first mortgage with Ashton Woods. The remaining 25% of the loan is held by SouthTrust Bank. The loan is secured by a first mortgage on a nursing home located in Atlanta, Georgia and is further secured by the lease payments which are made by Centennial HealthCare Corporation, which filed for bankruptcy on December 20, 2002. This loan matured in January 2003. Additionally, the facility had a ban on new admissions during 2001 which negatively impacted operating results during 2002 and 2003. Management's analysis of the future expected cash flows consistent with SFAS 114, historical occupancy and operating income of the project resulted in the recognition of a $3,000,000 writedown of this mortgage loan value during 2002. Management believes that the remaining carrying amount of $1,115,000 at March 31, 2003 was supported by the value of the collateral. The average recorded investment in the Ashton Woods loan was $1,120,000, and $3,669,000 for the three months ended March 31, 2003, and 2002, respectively. The related amount of interest income recognized on the loan was $108,000, and $90,000 for the three months ended March 31, 2003, and 2002, respectively.

Midwest Nursing Home Investors, Inc. ("Midwest") - An approximately $8,735,000 first mortgage loan made to Midwest in 1997 is secured by three nursing homes in Kansas and Wisconsin. The properties are cross defaulted and cross collateralized and are managed by an affiliate of Centennial HealthCare Corporation, which filed for bankruptcy protection on December 20, 2002. Although all payments to NHI are current, payments are consistently made after the due date. Additionally, the loan is in default on a number of technical covenants. Management's analysis of the future expected cash flows consistent with SFAS 114, historical occupancy and operating income of the project resulted in the recording of a $2,000,000 writedown of this mortgage loan value during 2002. Management believes that the remaining carrying value amount of $6,567,000 at March 31, 2003 is supported by the value of the collateral. The average recorded investment in the Midwest Nursing Home Investors, Inc. loan was $6,586,000, and $8,734,000 for the three months ended March 31, 2003, and 2002, respectively. The related amount of interest income recognized on the loan was $247,000, and $234,000 for the three months ended March 31, 2003, and 2002, respectively.

Allgood HealthCare, Inc. ("Allgood") - We have two loans secured by properties which are operated by Allgood. The first loan, with an outstanding balance of approximately $14,616,000 before writedown, is secured by first mortgages on four nursing homes in Georgia, which are owned by an employee stock ownership trust. The second loan, secured by a first mortgage on a Tucker, Georgia nursing home, had an outstanding balance of approximately $7,100,000 before writedown. Both of these loans secured by the five nursing homes are guaranteed by the estates of the principals of the operator. In addition to certain technical defaults, the borrower failed to maintain a $300,000 letter of credit as required in the loan documents and failed to make the required debt service payments during the third and fourth quarters of 2002. Accordingly, the loans have been declared in default and the principal amount due has been accelerated. In January, 2003, the borrowers filed for bankruptcy protection. Management's analysis of the future expected cash flows consistent with SFAS 114, historical occupancy and operating income of the project resulted in the recording of a $5,000,000 writedown of this mortgage loan in 2002. Management believes that the remaining carrying amount of $16,716,000 at March 31, 2003 is supported by the value of the collateral. The average recorded investment in the Allgood loan was $16,614,000, and $21,882,000 for the three months ended March 31, 2003, and 2002, respectively. The related amount of interest income recognized on the loan was $-0-, and $520,000 for the three months ended March 31, 2003, and 2002, respectively.

Somerset on Lake Saunders - This facility has suffered from poor occupancy and other operational issues. In 2001, the IRS placed a lien on the facility for $270,000. Although the IRS has been getting some payments, we have been told the IRS is getting progressively impatient. In addition, in the first quarter of 2003, the borrower has gotten progressively late in making its monthly payments. The borrower has now hired a consultant to assist it in evaluating strategic alternatives, including bankruptcy. The original promissory note for $2,370,000 matures in 2006, bears interest at 11.65%, and is payable $26,000 monthly.

Management's analysis of the future cash flows consistent with SFAS 114, historical occupancy and operating income of the project resulted in the recording of a $1,500,000 writedown of this mortgage loan value during the first quarter of 2003. Management believes that the remaining carrying amount of $453,000 at March 31, 2003 is supported by the value of the collateral.


Our investment in marketable securities includes available for sale securities and held to maturity securities. Unrealized gains and losses on available for sale securities are recorded in stockholders' equity in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 115, "Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities" ("SFAS 115"). Realized gains and losses from securities sales are determined on the specific identification of the securities.

Assisted Living Concepts, Inc. Convertible Debentures - During 1999 and 2001, NHI purchased approximately $29,707,000 face amount of certain convertible debentures issued by Assisted Living Concepts, Inc. ("ALC") at a discount of approximately $13,771,000. As a result of ALC declaring bankruptcy on October 1, 2001, NHI, in accordance with the provisions of SFAS 115, measured and recorded an other-than-temporary decline in value of its investment of $5,709,000 at December 31, 2001.

In order to protect our status as a REIT, we sold a portion of our investments in ALC convertible debentures to an employee of our investment advisor, NHC, during the three months ended March 31, 2002. Proceeds included a note receivable of $5,818,000 after a payment of $650,000 received in 2001. No gain nor loss was realized on this sale during the three months ended March 31, 2002. NHI's collateral on the note consists of the underlying securities. As a result, the note receivable is subject to a risk of accounting loss if the underlying value of the collateral declines below the carrying value of the note receivable. The note is a non-recourse promissory note which bears interest at a variable rate (LIBOR plus .5% at March 31, 2003) and provides for periodic escalation of the rate. The note matures June 30, 2012 and has a balance of $5,312,000 at March 31, 2003 after a payment of $506,000 in January 2003.

The carrying value but not the face amount of the ALC debentures were reduced by $659,000 related to a securities litigation settlement during the three months ended March 31, 2002.

ElderTrust SBI - At March 31, 2003, NHI holds 317,000 shares of common stock of ElderTrust SBI. NHI accounts for this investment as available-for-sale securities under SFAS 115. At March 31, 2003, NHI's cost basis in these shares is $3,293,000 and the fair value of the shares is $2,168,000. At March 31, 2003, management does not believe that an other-than-temporary impairment of the value of these securities has occurred, but management continues to carefully monitor the value of these securities. It is possible that the fair value of these securities will not increase to an amount in excess of NHI's cost basis and a charge will be recognized in a future period to record an other-than-temporary impairment in the value of these securities.


NHI had certain letters of credit of $10,835,000 that matured during 2001. As a result, NHI purchased at face value all of the outstanding first mortgage tax exempt bonds that were secured by the letters of credit. In regard to its investment in and liability under these first mortgage bonds, NHI has a legal right of offset. Therefore, the first mortgage bonds purchased, having a balance of $3,815,000 and $10,030,000 at March 31, 2003 and December 31, 2002, respectively, offset NHI's debt obligations in the consolidated balance sheet. Mortgage bonds with a principal balance of $6,215,000 were sold during the first quarter of 2003.


At March 31, 2003, we were committed, subject to due diligence and financial performance goals, to fund approximately $739,000 in health care real estate projects of which approximately $523,000 would be eligible for funding within the next 12 months. The commitments include mortgage loans or purchase leaseback agreements for one long-term care center, and one assisted living facility, at rates ranging from 10.0% to 10.5%. We have recorded deferred income for commitment fees related to these loans where applicable.

We have also guaranteed bank loans in the amount of $229,165 to key employees utilized for the exercise of stock options. The guaranteed loans, which are limited to $100,000 per individual per year, are with full recourse and are collateralized by marketable securities equal to at least 125% of the loan amount outstanding. The individual borrowers also personally guarantee the loans. Our potential accounting loss related to these guaranteed bank loans, if all collateral failed, is the face amount of the guaranteed loans outstanding.

NHI is aware of contingencies with regard to certain REIT qualification requirements. In order to fully resolve the contingencies, NHI is in the process of requesting from the Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") a ruling regarding the contingencies. It is possible that the IRS will not rule in favor of NHI. Such an unfavorable ruling could result in the assessment of taxes, penalties and interest by the IRS that are material to NHI's consolidated financial statements taken as a whole and could also result in the loss of NHI's status as a REIT, which would have a significant adverse impact on the financial position, results of operations and cash flows of NHI.

We believe that we have operated our business so as to qualify as a REIT under Section 856 through 860 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code") and we intend to continue to operate in such a manner, but no assurance can be given that we will be able to qualify at all times. If we qualify as a REIT, we will generally not be subject to federal corporate income taxes on our net income that is currently distributed to our stockholders. This treatment substantially eliminates the "double taxation" (at the corporate and stockholder levels) that typically applies to corporate dividends. Our failure to continue to qualify under the applicable REIT qualification rules and regulations would cause us to owe state and federal income taxes and would have a material adverse impact on our financial position, results of operations and cash flows.


Basic earnings per share is based on the weighted average number of common and common equivalent shares outstanding. Net income is reduced by dividends to holders of cumulative convertible preferred stock.

Diluted earnings per common share assumes, if dilutive, the conversion of cumulative convertible preferred stock, the conversion of convertible subordinated debentures, and the exercise of stock options using the treasury stock method. Net income is increased for interest expense on the convertible subordinated debentures, if dilutive.

The following table summarizes the average number of common shares and common equivalent shares and the net income used in the calculation of basic and diluted earnings per share.

Three Months Ended

March 31



Weighted average common shares



Net income from continuing operations $ 10,188,000 $ 7,314,000
Dividends paid to preferred stockholders (397,000) (397,000)
Income from continuing operations available to common stockholders 9,791,000 6,917,000
Discontinued operations 1,932,000 323,000
Net income available to common stockholders $ 11,723,000 $ 7,240,000
Income from continuing operations per common share $ .37 $ .27
Discontinued operations per common share .07 .01
Net income per common share $ .44 $ .28
Weighted average common shares 26,688,984 26,072,872
Stock options 16,390 13,684
Convertible subordinated debentures 239,149 815,945
Average common shares outstanding 26,944,523 26,902,501
Income from continuing operations $ 10,188,000 $ 7,314,000
Dividends paid to preferred stockholders (397,000) (397,000)
Interest on convertible subordinated debentures 38,000 132,000
Income from continuing operations available to common stockholders 9,829,000 7,049,000
Discontinued operations 1,932,000 323,000
Net income available to common stockholders
assuming conversion of convertible subordinated
debentures to common stock, if dilutive $ 11,761,000 $ 7,372,000
Income from continuing operations per common share $ .37 $ .26
Discontinued operations per common share .07 .01
Net income per common share $ .44 $ .27
Incremental Shares Excluded Since Anti-dilutive:
     Convertible subordinated debentures 968,513 1,507,679
     8.5% Preferred Stock 676,918 676,918
     Stock options 60,000 175,000

In accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 128, "Earnings Per Share", the above incremental shares were excluded from the computation of diluted earnings per share, since inclusion of these incremental shares in the calculation would have been anti-dilutive.


During the second and third quarter of 2002, we sold two medical office buildings with carrying amounts totaling $7,143,000 for proceeds of $12,226,000. We recognized a $5,083,000 gain on the sale of these facilities in 2002. For 2002, we have reclassified the operations and the net gain on the sale of these facilities as discontinued operations in accordance with SFAS 144.

During the three months ended March 31, 2003, we sold another medical office building with a carrying amount of $2,113,000 for proceeds of $4,045,000, resulting in a $1,932,000 net gain on the sale of this facility.

Income from discontinued operations related to these three facilities are as follows:

Three Months Ended

March 31

2003 2002
Rent Income $ --- $ 475
Depreciation --- 152
Operating Income --- 323
Gain on Sale of Real Estate 1,932 ---
Total Discontinued Operations $1,932 $ 323

Discontinued operations per common share:

Basic $.07 $.01
Diluted $.07 $.01


NHI has stock option plans that provide for the granting of options to key employees and directors of NHI to purchase shares of common stock at a price no less than the market value of the stock on the date the option is granted. The options may be exercised immediately, but the Company may purchase the shares at the grant price if employment is terminated prior to six years from the date of grant. The term of the options is five years. The following table summarizes option activity:

Number of Weighted Average
Shares Exercise Price
Outstanding December 31, 1999 410,134


Options granted 45,000


Options expired and canceled 140,060


Outstanding December 31, 2000 315,074


Options granted 45,000


Options exercised and canceled 20,000


Outstanding December 31, 2001 340,074


Options granted 45,000


Options expired 105,074 36.00
Options exercised and canceled 45,000 11.60
Outstanding December 31, 2002 235,000 $18.44

There have been no changes in options outstanding since December 31, 2002. At March 31, 2003, all options outstanding are exercisable. Exercise prices on the exercisable options range from $9.96 to $39.88. NHI's Board of Directors has authorized an additional 560,800 options to purchase shares of common stock that may be issued under the stock option plans.

Based on the number of options granted and the historical and expected future trends of factors affecting valuation of those options, management believes that the additional compensation cost, as calculated in accordance with SFAS 123, has no effect on NHI's earnings per share.

Item 2. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations


National Health Investors, Inc. is a real estate investment trust ("REIT") that invests primarily in income producing health care properties with emphasis on the long-term care sector. As of March 31, 2003, we had interests in owned real estate and investments in mortgages, real estate mortgage investment conduits ("REMICs"), preferred stock and marketable securities resulting in total invested assets of $583.0 million. Our mission is to invest in health care real estate which generates current income that will be distributed to stockholders. We have pursued this mission by making mortgage loans and acquiring properties to lease nationwide primarily in the long-term health care industry. Current conditions make it unlikely that any material new investments in health care properties will occur during 2003. Instead, we are monitoring and improving our existing properties.

As of March 31, 2003, our investments were diversified in 184 health care facilities located in 22 states consisting of 137 long-term care facilities, one acute care hospital, four medical office buildings, 18 assisted living facilities, seven retirement centers and 17 residential projects for the developmentally disabled. These investments consisted of approximately $175.2 million aggregate principal amount of loans to 21 borrowers, $311.7 million of purchase leaseback transactions with 11 lessees and $36.6 million invested in REMIC pass through certificates backed by first mortgage loans to ten operators. Of these 184 facilities, 38 are leased to National HealthCare Corporation ("NHC"). Subsidiaries of NHC also manage 20 of our foreclosure properties. NHC is also our investment advisor. Consistent with its strategy of diversification, we have reduced the portion of its portfolio operated or managed by NHC from 100.0% of total invested assets on October 17, 1991 to 10.94% of total invested assets on March 31, 2003.

At March 31, 2003, 52.43% of the total invested assets of the health care facilities were operated by public operators, 38.92% by regional operators, and 8.65% by small operators.

Critical Accounting Policies

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States requires us to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates and cause our reported net income to vary significantly from period to period.

In December 2001, the SEC requested that all registrants list their three to five most "critical accounting policies" in MD&A. The SEC indicated that a "critical accounting policy" is one which is both important to the portrayal of the Company's financial condition and results and requires management's most difficult, subjective or complex judgments, often as a result of the need to make estimates about the effect of matters that are inherently uncertain. In our Form 10-K annual report for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2002, we identified in MD&A the following critical accounting policies fitting this definition.

1) Valuations and impairments to our investments;

2) Revenue recognition - mortgage interest and rental income,

3) REIT status and taxes, and

4) Revenue recognition - third party payors.

Please refer to MD&A in the 2002 Form 10-K for a more complete discussion of these policies. There are no additional critical accounting policies identified in the first quarter of 2003.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

Sources and Uses of Funds

We generated net cash from operating activities during the first three months of 2003 totaling $8.3 million compared to $10.7 million in the prior period. This period's decrease includes an increase in net income of $4.5 million, offset by a decrease in loan loss expense of $1.0 million, a gain on sale of real estate of $1.9 million, an increase in other assets, and a decrease in accounts payable and accrued liabilities. Net cash from operating activities generally includes net income plus non-cash expenses, such as depreciation and amortization and working capital changes.

Net cash provided by investing activities during the first three months of 2003 totaled $9.9 million compared to $.8 million in the prior period. Cash flows provided from investing activities during the first three months of 2003 included collections on mortgage notes receivable of $7.8 million compared to $1.1 million for the prior period and $4.0 million proceeds from the sale of real estate.

Cash flows used in investing activities during the first three months of 2003 included investment in mortgage notes of $1.7 million and acquisition of real estate properties of $.2 million. Cash flows used in investing activities in the prior period included investment in real estate properties of $.9 million.

Net cash used in financing activities during the first three months of 2003 totaled $44.8 million compared to $12.7 million in the prior period. Cash flows used in financing activities for the first three months of 2003 included payments of convertible debentures of $39.9 million, principal payments on long-term debt of $1.4 million and dividends paid to stockholders of $9.7 million. This compares to prior period activity of payments of convertible debentures of $.2 million, $.6 million of principal payments on debt, and dividends paid to stockholders of $12.1 million.

Cash flow provided by financing activities during the first three months of 2003 included $6.2 million from debt proceeds related to first mortgage tax exempt bonds owned which were sold and no longer offset the respective debt.

We intend to comply with REIT dividend requirements that we distribute 90% of our taxable income for the year ended December 31, 2003 and thereafter. NHI declared a dividend of 40 cents per common share to shareholders of record on March 31, 2003 payable on May 10, 2003.


At March 31, 2003, we were committed, subject to due diligence and financial performance goals, to fund approximately $.7 million in health care real estate projects, of which $.5 million is expected to be funded within the next 12 months. The commitments include additional investments for one long-term health care center, and one assisted living facility at rates ranging from 10.0% to 10.5%.

We are currently limited in our ability to make new investments due to the unstable environment in which we operate and a lack of availability of reasonably priced capital. We will continue to review our investment opportunities. However, as discussed below, we believe we have sufficient liquidity to finance current investments for which we are committed as well as to repay or refinance borrowings at or prior to their maturity.

Installment Method Mortgage Receivable

Autumn Hills Convalescent Centers, Inc. (HSM of Texas, new borrower) - In 1997, we funded a mortgage loan for Autumn Hills Convalescent Centers, Inc. ("Autumn Hills") in the original principal amount of $51,500,000. Collateral for the loan includes first mortgages on thirteen long-term health care facilities in Texas and certain corporate and personal guarantees. Principal and interest payments between April 2000 and May 2001 were only partially made and the debtor filed for bankruptcy on May 15, 2001. Based on these events and SFAS 114 analyses, we recorded impairments of $10,000,000 and $7,900,000 during 2001 and 2000, respectively, to reduce the loan to our estimate of net realizable value. The debtor's plan of reorganization, confirmed on January 28, 2002, required the debtor to reaffirm the original debt and accrued interest and commence monthly payments on April 10, 2002, which it did until October of 2002, at which time the borrower advised us that payments could no longer be made. We applied $1,600,000 of interest payments received in the third quarter of 2002 against our loan balance, and we initiated foreclosure action during the fourth quarter. Our net receivable balance at December 31, 2002, after the above writedowns and principal reductions, was $28,855,000.

On January 7, 2003, NHI received the projects through foreclosure and then sold the facilities to an unrelated not-for-profit entity, HSM of Texas, providing seller financing. NHI accounts for the sale of the properties using the installment method, consistent with the provision of SFAS 66. The new borrower has made monthly principal and interest payments during the first quarter of 2003. The new loan with HSM of Texas bears interest at 5.85%, is payable at $354,000 monthly and matures in December 2022. The outstanding balance at March 31, 2003 is $30,988,000, which we believe is realizable. The average recorded investment in the above loans was $30,988,000 and $31,197,000 for the three months ended March 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively. The related amount of interest income recognized on the loans were $679,000 and $-0- for the three months ended March 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively.

Borrower Bankruptcy and Other Non-Performing Loans

American Medical Associates, Inc. ("AMA") - Two first mortgage loans totaling $13,646,000 to AMA are secured by three Florida-based nursing homes. The loans, funded in 1995 and 1996, are cross-collateralized and cross-defaulted and are personally guaranteed by the owner. Payments to NHI are not current and, as a result, interest on these loans is being charged at the default rate of interest. Only interest that is received is being recognized as revenue. The facilities' operations have deteriorated due to moratoriums which were placed on admissions during the last half of 2001 by the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration. Additionally, these loans are in default on a number of other technical covenants including the failure to maintain adequate insurance coverage. Management's analysis of the future expected cash flows consistent with SFAS 114, historical occupancy and operating income of the project resulted in the recording of a $5,200,000 writedown of this mortgage loan value during 2002. Management believes that the remaining carrying amount of $8,382,000 at March 31, 2003, is supported by the value of the collateral. The borrower filed for bankruptcy protection in January 2003. The average recorded investment in the AMA loan was $8,382,000, and $13,105,000 for the three months ended March 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively. The related amount of interest income recognized on the loan was $-0- and $407,000 for the three months ended March 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively.

Ashton Woods - We hold 75%, or $4,115,000, of a $5,487,000 first mortgage with Ashton Woods. The remaining 25% of the loan is held by SouthTrust Bank. The loan is secured by a first mortgage on a nursing home located in Atlanta, Georgia and is further secured by the lease payments which are made by Centennial HealthCare Corporation, which filed for bankruptcy on December 20, 2002. This loan matured in January 2002, was extended through January 2003 but is again matured. Additionally, the facility had a ban on new admissions during 2001 which negatively impacted operating results during 2002 and 2003. Management's analysis of the future expected cash flows consistent with SFAS 114, historical occupancy and operating income of the project resulted in the recognition of a $3,000,000 writedown of this mortgage loan value during 2002. Management believes that the remaining carrying amount of $1,115,000 at March 31, 2003 was supported by the value of the collateral. The average recorded investment in the Ashton Woods loan was $1,120,000, and $3,669,000 for the three months ended March 31, 2003, and 2002, respectively. The related amount of interest income recognized on the loan was $108,000 and $90,000 for the three months ended March 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively.

Midwest Nursing Home Investors, Inc. ("Midwest") - An approximately $8,735,000 first mortgage loan made to Midwest in 1997 is secured by three nursing homes in Kansas and Wisconsin. The properties are cross defaulted and cross collateralized and are managed by an affiliate of Centennial HealthCare Corporation, which filed for bankruptcy protection on December 20, 2002. Although all payments to NHI are current, payments are consistently made after the due date. Additionally, the loan is in default on a number of technical covenants. Management's analysis of the future expected cash flows consistent with SFAS 114, historical occupancy and operating income of the project resulted in the recording of a $2,000,000 writedown of this mortgage loan value during 2002. Management believes that the remaining carrying value amount of $6,567,000 at March 31, 2003 is supported by the value of the collateral. The average recorded investment in the Midwest Nursing Home Investors, Inc. loan was $6,586,000, and $8,734,000 for the three months ended March 31, 2003, and 2002, respectively. The related amount of interest income recognized on the loan was $247,000, and $234,000 for the three months ended March 31, 2003, and 2002, respectively.

Allgood HealthCare, Inc. ("Allgood") - We have two loans secured by properties which are operated by Allgood. The first loan, with an outstanding balance of approximately $14,616,000 before writedown, is secured by first mortgages on four nursing homes in Georgia, which are owned by an employee stock ownership trust. The second loan, secured by a first mortgage on a Tucker, Georgia nursing home, had an outstanding balance of approximately $7,100,000 before writedown. Both of these loans secured by the five nursing homes are guaranteed by the estates of the principals of the operator. In addition to certain technical defaults, the borrower failed to maintain a $300,000 letter of credit as required in the loan documents and failed to make the required debt service payments during the third and fourth quarters of 2002. Accordingly, the loans have been declared in default and the principal amount due has been accelerated. In January, 2003, the borrowers filed for bankruptcy protection. Management's analysis of the future expected cash flows consistent with SFAS 114, historical occupancy and operating income of the project resulted in the recording of a $5,000,000 writedown of this mortgage loan in 2002. Management believes that the remaining carrying amount of $16,716,000 at March 31, 2003 is supported by the value of the collateral. The average recorded investment in the Allgood loan was $16,614,000, and $21,882,000 for the three months ended March 31, 2003, and 2002, respectively. The related amount of interest income recognized on the loan was $-0-, and $520,000 for the three months ended March 31, 2003, and 2002, respectively.

Somerset on Lake Saunders - This facility has suffered from poor occupancy and other operational issues. In 2001, the IRS has placed a lien on the facility for $270,000. Although the IRS has been getting some payments, we have been told the IRS is getting progressively impatient. In addition, in the first quarter of 2003, the borrower has gotten progressively late in making its monthly payments. The borrower has now hired a consultant to assist it in evaluating strategic alternatives, including bankruptcy. The original promissory note for $2,370,000 matures in 2006, bears interest at 11.65%, and is payable $26,000 monthly.

Management's analysis of the future cash flows consistent with SFAS 114, historical occupancy and operating income of the project resulted in the recording of a $1,500,000 writedown of this mortgage loan value during the first quarter of 2003. Management believes that the remaining carrying amount of $453,000 at March 31, 2003 is supported by the value of the collateral.

Foreclosure and Other Troubled Real Estate Properties

We are treating the Washington State and the Kansas and Missouri properties described below as foreclosure properties for federal income tax purposes. With certain elections, unqualified income generated by the properties is expected to be treated as qualified income for up to six years from the purchase date for purpose of the income-source tests that must be satisfied by REITs to maintain their tax status.

Washington State Properties - On October 16, 1998, we accepted deeds in lieu of foreclosure on four long-term care properties in Washington State. We have included the operating revenues and expenses of these facilities in our operating results since October 1998. Commencing February 1, 2000, the management of these facilities was transferred to a subsidiary of NHC. The Highline Care Center in Seattle, Washington was sold in June 2002 for net proceeds of $882,000. This facility had been closed since December 2000. The resulting loss on the sale of $98,000 has been reflected in the investment income caption of the December 31, 2002 consolidated statements of income. Based on our impairment analyses for these four facilities, we recorded an impairment of $1,500,000 during 2001 and $2,446,000 during 2000. Management believes that the carrying amount of the remaining three properties at March 31, 2003 of $7,289,000 is realizable.

New England Properties - In the third quarter of 1999, we accepted deeds in lieu of foreclosure on three nursing homes and one retirement center in New Hampshire and four nursing homes in Massachusetts. We retained NHC to manage the properties and have included the operating revenues and expenses of these facilities in our operating results since August 1999. During 2001, we sold the properties to a non-profit entity and provided 100% seller financing to close the sale. We account for this transaction under the deposit method in accordance with the provisions of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 66, "Accounting for Sales of Real Estate" ("SFAS 66"). Consistent with the deposit method, we have not recorded the sale of the assets and continue to record the results of operations of these properties each period. Any future cash received from the buyer will be reported as a deposit until the down payment and continuing investment criteria of SFAS 66 are met, at which time we will account for the sale under the full accrual method. The new owner is seeking to refinance these properties but to date has been unsuccessful. No deposits have been received to date. Management believes that the carrying amount of these properties at March 31, 2003 of $31,933,000 is realizable.

Kansas and Missouri Properties - In July 2001, we were awarded, through foreclosure, possession of nine nursing homes in Kansas and Missouri and have recorded the operating revenues and expenses of these facilities since that date. NHC has been engaged to manage these facilities. During 2001, prior to the foreclosure sales on these properties, we recorded a $4,000,000 writedown of our mortgage note receivable from these properties. Management believes that the carrying amount of these properties at March 31, 2003 of $20,523,000 is realizable.

Alterra Properties - In early 1998 we entered into a purchase-leaseback transaction with Alternative Living Centers, Inc., now known as Alterra. The $41,000,000 transaction resulted in Alterra leasing eleven properties from us consisting of four in Arizona, three in Florida, three in Tennessee, and one in South Carolina. In March 2001, Alterra defaulted on its rent payment and NHI immediately terminated the leases and arranged for new lessees. We have filed suit for damages against Alterra. On January 22, 2003, Alterra filed bankruptcy. As a result, any damages against Alterra will be subject to the bankruptcy process. The new lessees took possession of the centers during the late spring and summer of 2001. Under the terms of the new leases, we experienced reduced rental income in 2001 and 2002. Lease income for the three months ended March 31, 2003 and 2002 was $900,000 and $-0-, respectively. Based on the rental payments received and expected to be received, and our impairment analyses, we recorded an impairment of $4,900,000 during 2001. We believe that the carrying amount of these properties at March 31, 2003 of $32,446,000 is realizable.

Integrated Health Services, Inc. ("IHS") - IHS filed bankruptcy in February 2000 and failed to make its required mortgage payments to SouthTrust Bank on six Texas nursing homes. At that time, NHI owned a 50% participation in this loan with SouthTrust Bank. Effective September 1, 2001, IHS deeded the six nursing homes to a subsidiary of NHI in return for the forgiveness of the debt held jointly by SouthTrust Bank and NHI. We recorded these six nursing homes and certain non-recourse debt to SouthTrust Bank at the estimated fair value of the properties of approximately $44,700,000. NHI leases the facilities to IHS under a 66-month lease with minimum payments equal to approximately $3,078,000 per year plus additional rent based on cash flow of the facilities. We collect these rent payments and service our debt to SouthTrust Bank, which debt service is substantially equal to the rent payments collected. Through a separate participation agreement, NHI and SouthTrust each beneficially own 50% of the lease revenue. Our interest in the lease revenue is represented by a note receivable from SouthTrust Bank. We have a legal right of offset as it relates to the non-recourse debt and note receivable with SouthTrust Bank. Therefore, the note receivable offsets the non-recourse debt in the consolidated balance sheet. During 2001, prior to accepting the deeds to these properties, we recorded a $3,000,000 write-down of our note receivable. IHS has the right to terminate its lease with us with 90 days notice. Lease payments commenced September 1, 2001 and are current. We believe that the carrying amount of our net investment in these properties of approximately $19,052,000 at March 31, 2003 is realizable.

Manor House of Charlotte - An approximate $7,200,000 first mortgage loan to Manor House, Inc. went into payment default in November 2001. The property is a three year old, 110 unit assisted living facility in Charlotte, North Carolina. Management's analysis of the future expected cash flows consistent with SFAS 114, historical occupancy of the project and competition in the market area resulted in the recording of a $3,800,000 writedown of this mortgage loan value in the fourth quarter of 2001. In June 2002, the owner and corporate guarantor surrendered possession, provided a deed in lieu of foreclosure to us, made tax payments current, paid $1,016,000 toward the debt and deeded to us an unimproved parcel of land in another state. As a result, we released the parent's guarantee. Prior to our accepting the deed in lieu of foreclosure, the borrower paid $1,175,000 on the loan balance and the remaining loan balance of $2,173,000 was determined to be the fair value of the foreclosed real estate. The property was immediately leased to a new operator in June of 2002. Under the terms of the new lease, we experienced reduced revenue in 2002 compared to 2001. We believe the carrying amount of our net investment in this property at March 31, 2003 of $2,063,000 is realizable.

Marriott Brighton Gardens - During the fourth quarter of 2002, Marriott Senior Living Services ("Marriott") announced its intent to discontinue its operations in the assisted living market and notified NHI that Marriott would be terminating its lease with NHI on four facilities, two of which are located in Florida, one in Texas, and one in New Jersey. Marriott will continue to operate the facilities until June 2003 while NHI negotiates the sale or lease of these four facilities to new operators. We believe that the carrying amount of our net investment in these properties of $45,235,000 at March 31, 2003 is realizable. This carrying value, however, will be directly impacted by our success in selling and/or re-leasing the facilities.

Two New Jersey Centers - We loaned approximately $18,373,000 to the owners of two New Jersey facilities that opened in early 2000. The facilities generated negative net operating income since opening and had not made loan payments since July 2001. Based on these events and SFAS 114 analyses, we recorded impairments of $5,304,000 during 2001. During the third quarter of 2001, we filed a foreclosure lawsuit against the borrower and separate action against the individual guarantors. On November 6, 2002, the borrowers filed for reorganization under Chapter 11 of the bankruptcy code; however, this action was overturned by the bankruptcy court and NHI continued its foreclosure action. One of the guarantors also filed personal bankruptcy in the first quarter of 2003. The balance of this loan was $13,069,000 at December 31, 2002.

In January, 2003, NHI received these properties through foreclosure and immediately leased the facilities to a new operator, Royal Holding, LLC, who brought past due property taxes current and agreed to monthly lease payments. The lease includes monthly base rent of $155,000, with provisions for increaes in later periods through 2016. Lease income of $765,000 was recognized on the property for the three months ended March 31, 2003. No interest income was recognized on the previous mortgage for the three months ended March 31, 2002.

Marketable Securities

ElderTrust SBI - At March 31, 2003, NHI holds 317,000 shares of common stock of ElderTrust SBI. NHI accounts for this investment as available-for-sale securities under SFAS 115. At March 31, 2003, NHI's cost basis in these shares is $3,293,000 and the fair value of the shares is $2,168,000. At March 31, 2003, management does not believe that an other-than-temporary impairment of the value of these securities has occurred, but management continues to carefully monitor the value of these securities. It is possible that the fair value of these securities will not increase to an amount in excess of NHI's cost basis and a charge will be recognized in a future period to record an other-than-temporary impairment in the value of these securities, which charge would have a material adverse effect on NHI's results of operations.

Results of Operations

Three Months Ended March 31, 2003 Compared to Three Months Ended March 31, 2002

Net income for the three months ended March 31, 2003 is $12.1 million versus net income of $7.6 million for the same period in 2002, an increase of 58.7%. Earnings per common share increased 16 cents or 58.2% to 44 cents in the 2003 period from 28 cents in the 2002 period.

Total revenues for three months ended March 31, 2003 increased $3.2 million or 8.1% to $43.2 million from $39.9 million for the three months ended March 31, 2002. Revenues from mortgage interest income decreased $.2 million, or 4.1%, when compared to the same period in 2002. Revenues from rental income increased $1.4 million, or 11.4% in 2003 as compared to 2002. Revenues from investment interest and other income increased $.4 million or 32.7% compared to 2002. Facility operating revenue increased $1.7 million or 8.1% in 2003 compared to 2002.

The decrease in mortgage interest income is due to a decline in the average amount of mortgage investments outstanding as a result of collection of and foreclosure on mortgage loans and due to the discontinuation of interest income recognition in 2003 on the American Medical Associates, Inc. loans and Allgood HealthCare, Inc. loans. This decrease is offset by approximately $.3 million interest income in 2003 from a note receivable of $15.7 million from National Health Realty, Inc. made on December 31, 2002 and $.7 million of interest income collected in 2003 related to the Autumn Hills (HSM of Texas, new borrower) loan.

The increase in rental income resulted primarily from rent from two New Jersey centers obtained in January 2003 through foreclosure, and Alterra properties which paid rent in the current quarter but not in the quarter last year.

The $.4 million increase in investment income for the three months ended March 31, 2003 relates to commitment fees recognized on mortgage payoffs and interest earned on investments.

The increase in facility operating revenues is due primarily to the improved results in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Kansas and Missouri for the three months ended March 31, 2003.

Total expenses for the three months ended March 31, 2003 increased $.4 million or 1.1% to $33.0 million from $32.6 million for 2002. Interest expense decreased $.6 million or 13.5% in 2003 as compared to 2002. Depreciation of real estate decreased $.1 million or 2.5%. General and administrative costs increased $.6 million. Facility operating expense increased by $1.3 million or 6.2% in 2003 compared to 2002.

Interest expense for the three months ended March 31, 2003 decreased primarily due to the payment of convertible debentures of $39.9 million and conversion of debentures of $.1 million.

Depreciation of real estate for the three months ended March 31, 2003 decreased primarily because of the sale of real estate and write-downs of real properties.

General and administrative costs for the three months ended March 31, 2003 increased $.6 million due primarily to the 2001 NHC advisory fee adjustment of $.6 million that was recorded during the three months ended March 31, 2002.

Loan losses for the three months ended March 31, 2003 were $1.5 million compared to $2.5 million for the same period in 2002. These loan losses were attributable to non-performing loans.

The increase in facility operating expense relates to the improved facility operating revenues in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Kansas and Missouri discussed above.

Reconciliation of Funds From Operations

The following table reconciles net income applicable to common stockholders to funds from operations applicable to common stockholders:

Three Months Ended

March 31

2003 2002
Net income applicable to common stockholders $ 11,723,000 $ 7,240,000
Real estate depreciation 3,888,000 3,987,000
Other Items:
Discontinued operations:
Operating Income - discontinued --- (323,000)
Gain on sale of real estate (1,932,000) ---
Basic funds from operations applicable to common stockholders 13,679,000 10,904,000
Interest on convertible subordinated debentures 38,000 132,000
Diluted funds from operations applicable to common stockholders $ 13,717,000 $11,036,000
Shares for basic funds from operations per share 26,688,984 26,072,872
Shares for diluted funds from operations per share 26,944,523 26,902,501

We believe that funds from operations is an important supplemental measure of operating performance. We, therefore, disclose funds from operations, although it is a measurement that is not defined by accounting principles generally accepted in the United States. We generally use the National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts (NAREIT) measure of funds from operations. We define funds from operations as income before extraordinary items adjusted for certain non-cash items, primarily real estate depreciation, less gains/losses on sales of facilities. Our measure may not be comparable to similarly titled measures used by other REITs. Consequently, our funds from operations may not provide a meaningful measure of our performance as compared to that of other REITs. Funds from operations does not represent cash generated from operating activities as defined by accounting principles generally accepted in the United States (funds from operations does not include changes in operating assets and liabilities) and, therefore, should not be considered as an alternative to net income as the primary indicator of operating performance or to cash flow as a measure of liquidity.

Impact of Inflation

Inflation may affect us in the future by changing the underlying value of our real estate or by impacting our cost of financing our operations.

Our revenues are generated primarily from long-term investments and the operation of long term care facilities. Inflation has remained relatively low during recent periods. In addition, historical reimbursement rates under the Medicare and Medicaid programs generally have reflected the underlying increases in health care costs and expenses resulting from inflation. However, there can be no assurance that future Medicare or Medicaid rate increases will be sufficient to offset future inflation increases. Certain of our leases require increases in rental income based upon increases in the revenues of the tenants. We have negotiated similar provisions in many of our mortgage notes receivable.

New Accounting Pronouncements

NHI adopted SFAS 144 on January 1, 2002. As the result of the adoption of SFAS 144, NHI has reported as discontinued operations in its consolidated statements of income, the revenues and expenses of two medical office buildings that NHI sold during the second and third quarter of 2002 and one medical office building that NHI sold during the first quarter of 2003, and the related gains on the sales. The 2001 and 2000 financial statements, included in the December 31, 2002 10-K, have not been reclassified to reflect discontinued operations as the revenues and expenses of these two medical office buildings sold were not material to the 2001 and 2000 financial statements.

In April 2002, the FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 145, "Rescission of FASB Statements No. 4, 44, and 64, Amendment of FASB Statement No. 13, and Technical Corrections" ("SFAS 145"). SFAS 145 rescinds Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 4, "Reporting Gains and Losses From Extinguishment of Debt" ("SFAS 4"), which required all gains and losses from extinguishment of debt to be aggregated and, if material, classified as an extraordinary item, net of the related income tax effect. As a result, the criteria in APB 30 will now be used to classify those gains and losses. SFAS 145 amends SFAS 13 to require that certain lease modifications that have economic effects similar to sale-leaseback transactions be accounted for in the same manner as sale-leaseback transactions. As permitted, NHI elected to adopt SFAS 145 effective January 1, 2002. As a result, gains of $65,000 on the retirement of convertible subordinated debentures during the first quarter of 2003 have been included in investment interest and other income.

On December 31, 2002, the FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 148, "Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation - Transition and Disclosure" (SFAS 148). SFAS 148 amends Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 123 "Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation" (SFAS 123), to provide alternative methods of transition to SFAS 123's fair value method of accounting for stock-based employee compensation. SFAS 148 also amends the disclosure provisions of SFAS 123 and APB Opinion No. 28, "Interim Financial Reporting", to require disclosure in the summary of significant accounting policies of the effects of an entity's accounting policy with respect to stock-based employee compensation on reported net income and earnings per share in annual and interim financial statements. While SFAS 148 does not amend SFAS 123 to require companies to account for employee stock options using the fair value method, the disclosure provisions of SFAS 148 are applicable to all companies with stock-based employee compensation, regardless of whether they account for the compensation using the fair value method of SFAS 123 or the intrinsic value method of Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 25, "Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees" (APB 25"). See Note 12 for the required disclosures under SFAS 148.

In January 2003, the FASB issued Interpretation No. 46, "Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities, an Interpretation of ARB No. 51" ("FIN 46"). FIN 46 significantly changes whether entities included in its scope are consolidated by their sponsors, transferors or investors. FIN 46 introduces a new consolidation model - the variable interests model - which determines control (and consolidation) based on potential variability in gains and losses of the entity being evaluated for consolidation. FIN 46's consolidation provisions apply immediately to variable interests in variable interest entities ("VIEs") created after January 31, 2003. The provisions are applicable July 1, 2003 to variable interests in VIEs acquired prior to February 1, 2003. NHI has acquired no variable interests in VIEs since January 31, 2003; however, NHI is still evaluating the potential for variable interests in VIEs acquired prior to February 1, 2003.

Forward Looking Statements

References throughout this document to the Company include National Health Investors, Inc. and its wholly-owned subsidiaries. In accordance with the Securities and Exchange Commission's "Plain English" guidelines, this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q has been written in the first person. In this document, the words "we", "our", "ours" and "us" refer only to National Health Investors, Inc. and its wholly-owned subsidiaries and not any other person.

This Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and other information we provide from time to time, contains certain "forward-looking" statements as that term is defined by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements regarding our expected future financial position, results of operations, cash flows, funds from operations, continued performance improvements, ability to service and refinance our debt obligations, ability to finance growth opportunities, and similar statements including, without limitations, those containing words such as "believes", anticipates", "expects", "intends", "estimates", "plans", and other similar expressions are forward-looking statements.

Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause our actual results in future periods to differ materially from those projected or contemplated in the forward-looking statements as a result of, but not limited to, the following factors:

  • national and local economic conditions, including their effect on the availability and cost of labor, utilities and materials;
  • the effect of government regulations and changes in regulations governing the healthcare industry, including compliance with such regulations by us and our borrowers and/or lessees;
  • changes in Medicare and Medicaid payment levels and methodologies and the application of such methodologies by the government and its fiscal intermediaries to our borrowers and/or lessees;
  • the ability to pay when due or refinance certain debt obligations maturing within the next 12 months;
  • the availability and terms of capital to fund investments;
  • the competitive environment in which we operate;

See the notes to the Annual Financial Statement, and "Item 1. Business" as is found in our 2002 Annual Report on Form 10-K for a discussion of various governmental regulations and other operating factors relating to the healthcare industry and the risk factors inherent in them. You should carefully consider these risks before making any investment decisions in the Company. These risks and uncertainties are not the only ones facing the Company. There may be additional risks that we do not presently know of or that we currently deem immaterial. If any of the risks actually occur, our business, financial condition or results of operations could be materially adversely affected. In that case, the trading price of our shares of stock could decline, and you may lose all or part of your investment. Given these risks and uncertainties, we can give no assurances that these forward-looking statements will, in fact, occur and, therefore, caution investors not to place undue reliance on them.

Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Information About Market Risk


Our cash and cash equivalents consist of highly liquid investments with a maturity of less than three months when purchased. All of our mortgage and other notes receivable bear interest at fixed interest rates. Our investment in preferred stock represents an investment in the preferred stock of another real estate investment trust and bears interest at a fixed rate of 8.5%. The underlying mortgages included in our investments in real estate mortgage investment conduits ("REMIC's") also bear interest at fixed interest rates. As a result of the short-term nature of the our cash instruments and because the interest rates on our investment in notes receivable, preferred stock and REMIC's are fixed, a hypothetical 10% change in interest rates has no impact on our future earnings and cash flows related to these instruments.

As of March 31, 2003, $133,815,000 of our long-term debt bears interest at fixed interest rates. Because the interest rates of these instruments are fixed, a hypothetical 10% change in interest rates has an immaterial impact on our future earnings and cash flows related to these instruments. The remaining $32,790,000 of our debt and $1,571,000 of our convertible subordinated debentures bear interest at variable rates. A hypothetical 10% change in interest rates may have a material impact on our future earnings and cash flows related to these instruments.

We do not use derivative instruments to hedge interest rate risks. The future use of such instruments will be subject to strict approvals by our senior officers.


We consider our investments in marketable securities as available for sale securities and unrealized gains and losses are recorded in stockholders' equity in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 115. The investments in marketable securities are recorded at their fair market value based on quoted market prices. Thus, there is exposure to equity price risk, which is the potential change in fair value due to a change in quoted market prices. Hypothetically, a 10% change in quoted market prices would result in a related 10% change in the fair value of our investments in marketable securities. In addition, a hypothetical 10% change in the quoted market prices of our subordinated convertible debentures would result in a related 10% change in the fair value of the debenture instruments.

Item 4. Controls and Procedures

As of March 31,2003, an evaluation was performed under the supervision and with the participation of the Company's management, including the Chief Executive Officer ("CEO") and Principal Accounting Officer ("PAO"), of the effectiveness of the design and operation of the Company's disclosure controls and procedures. Based on that evaluation, the Company's management, including the CEO and PAO, concluded that the Company's disclosure controls and procedures were effective as of March 31, 2003. There have been no significant changes in the Company's internal controls or in other factors that could significantly affect internal controls subsequent to March 31, 2003.


Item 1. Legal Proceedings. None other than in the normal course of business.

Item 2. Changes in Securities. Not applicable

Item 3. Defaults Upon Senior Securities. None

Item 4. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.

(a) The annual meeting of the shareholders was held on April 24, 2003.

(b) Matters voted upon at the meeting are as follows:

PROPOSAL NO. 1: Election of Robert T. Webb to serve as director for a term of three years or until his successors have been fully elected and qualified. Other directors whose terms of office continue are Ted H. Welch, Richard F. LaRoche, Jr., Robert A. McCabe, Jr. and W. Andrew Adams.

Nominee Voting For Withholding Authority Percent For
Robert T. Webb 23,652,663 29,654 88.62

Item 5. Other Information. None

Item 6. Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K.

(a) List of exhibits

Exhibit No.



Rule 13a-14(a)/15d-14(a) Certifications
302 Certification of W. Andrew Adams
302 Certification of Donald K. Daniel


Additional Exhibits
906 Certification of W. Andrew Adams
906 Certification of Donald K. Daniel

(b) Reports on Form 8-K - Form 8-K filed April 25, 2003.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.



Date May 7, 2003 /s/ W. Andrew Adams .
W. Andrew Adams
Chief Executive Officer
Date May 7, 2003 /s/ Donald K. Daniel
Donald K. Daniel
Principal Accounting Officer



I, W. Andrew Adams, certify that:

1. I have reviewed this quarterly report on Form 10-Q of National Health Investors, Inc.;

2. Based on my knowledge, this quarterly report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this quarterly report;

3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this quarterly report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this quarterly report;

4. The registrant's other certifying officers and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-14 and 15d-14) for the registrant and we have:

a. designed such disclosure controls and procedures to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this quarterly report is being prepared;

b. evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of this quarterly report (the "Evaluation Date"); and

c. presented in this quarterly report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures based on our evaluation as of the Evaluation Date;

5. The registrant's other certifying officers and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation, to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent function);

a. all significant deficiencies in the design or operation of internal controls which could adversely affect the registrant's ability to record, process, summarize and report financial data and have identified for the registrant's auditors any material weaknesses in internal controls; and

b. any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant's internal controls; and

6. The registrant's other certifying officers and I have indicated in this quarterly report whether there were significant changes in internal controls or in other factors that could significantly affect internal controls subsequent to the date of our most recent evaluation, including any corrective actions with regard to significant deficiencies and material weaknesses.

Date: May 7, 2003

/s/ W. Andrew Adams
W. Andrew Adams
Chairman and President
Chief Executive Officer


I, Donald K. Daniel, certify that:

1. I have reviewed this quarterly report on Form 10-Q of National Health Investors, Inc.;

2. Based on my knowledge, this quarterly report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this quarterly report;

3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this quarterly report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this quarterly report;

4. The registrant's other certifying officers and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-14 and 15d-14) for the registrant and we have:

a. designed such disclosure controls and procedures to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this quarterly report is being prepared;

b. evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of this quarterly report (the "Evaluation Date"); and

c. presented in this quarterly report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures based on our evaluation as of the Evaluation Date;

5. The registrant's other certifying officers and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation, to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent function);

a. all significant deficiencies in the design or operation of internal controls which could adversely affect the registrant's ability to record, process, summarize and report financial data and have identified for the registrant's auditors any material weaknesses in internal controls; and

b. any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant's internal controls; and

6. The registrant's other certifying officers and I have indicated in this quarterly report whether there were significant changes in internal controls or in other factors that could significantly affect internal controls subsequent to the date of our most recent evaluation, including any corrective actions with regard to significant deficiencies and material weaknesses.

Date: May 7, 2003

/s/ Donald K. Daniel
Donald K. Daniel
Vice President and Controller
Principal Accounting Officer

Exhibit 99

Certification of Annual Report on Form 10-K

of National Health Investors, Inc.

For The Year Ended December 31, 2002

The undersigned hereby certify, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that, to the undersigned's best knowledge and belief, the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for National Health Investors, Inc. ("Issuer") for the period ending March 31, 2003 as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on the date hereof (the "Report"):

(a) fully complies with the requirements of section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934; and


the information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects,
the financial condition and results of operations of the Issuer.

This Certification accompanies the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q of the Issuer for the quarterly period ended March 31, 2003.

This Certification is executed as of May 7, 2003.

/s/ W. Andrew Adams
W. Andrew Adams
Chief Executive Officer
/s/ Donald K. Daniel
Donald K. Daniel
Principal Accounting Officer

A signed original of this written statement required by Section 906 has been provided to National Health Investors, Inc. and will be retained by National Health Investors, Inc. and furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission or its staff upon request.