40-17G/A 1 form.htm

Federated Funds

Fidelity Bond Filing

Joint Insureds Agreement and Amendment



Contents of Submission:


1)Copy of the Investment Company Bond (“Bond”) received on February 9, 2012 as required by Rule 17g-1(g)(1)(ii)(a);*
2)Copy of the National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, PA Follow Form Bond received on February 22, 2012 as required by Rule 17g-1(g)(1)(ii)(a);**
2)Copy of the resolutions of a majority of the Federated Funds’ Independent Trustees and Executive Committee of the Federated Funds approving the amount, type, form and coverage of the Bond, and the portion of the premium to be paid by such company as required by Rule 17g-1(g)(1)(ii)(b);*
3)Copy of a statement showing the amount of the single insured bond which each investment company would have provided and maintained had it not been named as an insured under a joint insured bond as required by Rule 17g-1(g)(1)(ii)(c);
4)As required by Rule 17g-1(g)(1)(ii)(d), the period for which premiums have been paid is October 1, 2011 to October 1, 2012; and
5)Copy of the agreement and amendment thereto between the investment company and all of the other named insureds as required by Rule 17g-1(g)(1)(ii)(e) and Rule 17g-1(f).


* Incorporated by reference to the Fidelity Bond filing submitted on February 17, 2012.

**Incorporated by reference to the Fidelity Bond filing amendment submitted on March 1, 2012.





Cash Trust Series, Inc.; Cash Trust Series II; Edward Jones Money Market Fund; Federated Adjustable Rate Securities Fund; Federated Core Trust; Federated Core Trust II, L.P.; Federated Core Trust III; Federated Enhanced Treasury Income Fund; Federated Equity Funds; Federated Equity Income Fund, Inc.; Federated Fixed Income Securities, Inc.; Federated GNMA Trust; Federated Government Income Securities, Inc.; Federated High Income Bond Fund, Inc.; Federated High Yield Trust; Federated Income Securities Trust; Federated Income Trust; Federated Index Trust; Federated Institutional Trust; Federated Insurance Series; Federated Intermediate Government Fund, Inc.; Federated International Series, Inc.; Federated Investment Series Funds, Inc.; Federated Managed Allocation Portfolios; Federated Managed Pool Series; Federated MDT Series; Federated Municipal Securities Fund, Inc.; Federated Municipal Securities Income Trust; Federated Premier Intermediate Municipal Income Fund; Federated Premier Municipal Income Fund; Federated Short-Intermediate Duration Municipal Trust; Federated Stock and Bond Fund; Federated MDT Stock Trust; Federated Total Return Series, Inc.; Federated Total Return Government Bond Fund; Federated U.S. Government Bond Fund; Federated U.S. Government Securities Fund: 1-3 Years; Federated U.S. Government Securities Fund: 2-5 Years; Federated World Investment Series, Inc.; Intermediate Municipal Trust; Money Market Obligations Trust; (hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”) do hereby enter into this Agreement to be effective October 1, 2010, and agree as follows:



W I T N E S E T H :


WHEREAS, the Parties have procured a joint insured fidelity bond program from Great American Insurance Company, National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, PA, Chartis and Westchester Fire Insurance Co. (ACE USA), which the parties have approved in form and amount (hereinafter referred to as “the Bond”);


WHEREAS, the Parties procured the Bond for the purpose of protecting their respective assets against events of loss, theft or misappropriation by their respective officers and employees; and


WHEREAS, the Parties hereto desire to enter into an agreement so as to be in compliance with 17 CFR 270.17g-1(f).


NOW THEREFORE, the Parties hereto, intending to be legally bound hereby, agree as follows:


1. In the event recovery is received under the Bond as a result of a loss sustained by any registered management investment company that is named in the Bond and one or more of the other Parties to the Bond, the registered investment company shall receive an equitable and proportionate share of the recovery, at least equal to the amount which it would have received had it provided and maintained a single insured bond with the minimum coverage as provided, by 17 CFR 270.17g-1(d)(1).


2. Registered management investment companies, collective investment funds, and investment companies exempt from registration under the Investment Company Act of 1940, or series thereof, which become effective in the future, and future established series of registered management investment companies, collective investment funds, or investment companies exempt from registration under the Investment Company Act of 1940, which are currently Parties, are hereafter referred to as "Future Funds". Such Future Funds which are advised and/or distributed and/or administered by companies which are subsidiaries or affiliates of Federated Investors, Inc. may undertake action to become parties to the Bond by executing a counterpart signature page to this Agreement.


3. This Agreement may be amended or modified by a written agreement executed by the Parties.


4. This Agreement shall be construed and the provisions thereof interpreted in accordance with the laws of Pennsylvania.


5. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement among the parties hereto and supersedes any prior agreement with respect to the subject hereof, whether oral or written, among any or all of the parties.
















IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in their names and on their behalf under their seals by and through their duly authorized officers, as of the day and year first above written.


Cash Trust Series, Inc.

Cash Trust Series II

Edward Jones Money Market Fund

Federated Adjustable Rate Securities Fund

Federated Core Trust

Federated Core Trust II, L.P.

Federated Core Trust III

Federated Enhanced Treasury Income Fund

Federated Equity Funds

Federated Equity Income Fund, Inc.

Federated Fixed Income Securities, Inc.

Federated GNMA Trust

Federated Government Income Securities, Inc.

Federated High Income Bond Fund, Inc.

Federated High Yield Trust

Federated Income Securities Trust

Federated Income Trust

Federated Index Trust

Federated Institutional Trust

Federated Insurance Series

Federated Intermediate Government Fund, Inc.

Federated International Series, Inc.

Federated Investment Series Funds, Inc.

Federated Managed Allocation Portfolios

Federated Managed Pool Series

Federated MDT Series

Federated Municipal Securities Fund, Inc.

Federated Municipal Securities Income Trust

Federated Premier Intermediate Municipal Income Fund

Federated Premier Municipal Income Fund

Federated Short-Intermediate Duration Municipal Trust

Federated Stock and Bond Fund

Federated MDT Stock Trust

Federated Total Return Series, Inc.

Federated Total Return Government Bond Fund

Federated U.S. Government Bond Fund

Federated U.S. Government Securities Fund: 1-3 Years

Federated U.S. Government Securities Fund: 2-5 Years

Federated World Investment Series, Inc.

Intermediate Municipal Trust

Money Market Obligations Trust



/s/ John W. McGonigle

John W. McGonigle, Secretary







Federated Joint Insured’s Agreement

Amendment #1

Dated January 31, 2011



The entities designated below require that the Joint Insured’s Agreement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on October 1, 2010 be amended as follows:




Entity Name Effective Date


CHANGE Federated Stock & Bond Fund to Federated Asset Allocation Fund 1/31/2011





/s/ John W. McGonigle

John W. McGonigle, Secretary






































Federated Joint Insured’s Agreement

Amendment #2

Dated February 10, 2012



The entities designated below require that the Joint Insured’s Agreement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on October 1, 2010 be amended as follows:




Entity Name Effective Date


DELETE Federated Managed Allocation Portfolios 11/18/2011




/s/ John W. McGonigle______

John W. McGonigle, Secretary








































Federated Joint Insured’s Agreement

Amendment #3

Dated August 24, 2012




The entities designated below require that the Joint Insured’s Agreement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on October 1, 2010 be amended as follows:




Entity Name Effective Date


DELETE Federated U.S. Government Bond Fund 8/24/2012





/s/John W. McGonigle

John W. McGonigle, Secretary






































Federated Joint Insured’s Agreement

Amendment #4

Dated 12/12/2012




The entities designated below require that the Joint Insured’s Agreement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on October 1, 2010 be amended as follows:




Entity Name Effective Date


CHANGE Federated Asset Allocation Fund to Federated Global Allocation Fund 12/12/2012





/s/John W. McGonigle

John W. McGonigle, Secretary

















  For December 31, 2012    
        Required Total
    Monthly Average Gross Assets Coverage by ANA by
  Fund Net Assets (Assets & Liabilities*) Investment Co. Investment Co.
  Cash Trust Series, Inc.    
  GCS $2,827,838,194      
  MCS $466,041,058      
  PCS $3,150,906,229      
  TCS $2,408,729,114      
      $9,030,584,887 $2,500,000 $8,853,514,595
  Cash Trust Series II        
  TCSII $68,487,204      
      $69,856,948 $400,000 $68,487,204
  Edward Jones Money Market Fund    
  JONES $14,512,805,162      
      $14,803,061,265 $2,500,000 $14,512,805,162
  Federated Adjustable Rate Securities Fund    
  FARSF $947,630,435      
      $966,583,044 $1,000,000 $947,630,435
  Federated Core Trust    
  HYCORE $2,335,384,263      
  IPCORE $78,105,696      
  BLCORE $180,575,105      
  MBCORE $2,463,624,881      
      $5,158,843,744 $2,500,000 $5,057,689,945
  MBCORE is a Blended Fund and its assets are also counted in participating Federated Funds    
  Federated Core Trust II, LP    
  EMCORE $771,141,855      
      $786,564,692 $1,000,000 $771,141,855
  Federated Core Trust III    
  FPTFF $232,123,188      
      $236,765,652 $600,000 $232,123,188
  Federated Enhanced Treasury Income Fund    
  FETIF $146,690,121      
      $149,623,923 $525,000 $146,690,121
  Federated Equity Funds    
  FCAF $844,621,147      
  FICF $564,296,771      
  FKLCF $361,788,798      
  FMGSF $317,170,510      
  FKAUF $5,260,670,248      
  FKSCF $714,699,410      
  FISVF $276,138,665      
  FCSVF $328,224,337      
  FCVF $878,388,491      
  FPBF $1,001,184,485      
  FGLEF $11,361,460      
  FSVF $6,815,358,751      
  FPARF $400,249,709      
      $18,129,635,838 $2,500,000 $17,774,152,782
  Federated Equity Income Fund, Inc.    
  FEIF $460,693,696      
      $469,907,570 $750,000 $460,693,696
  Federated Fixed Income Securities, Inc.    
  FMUSF $3,937,540,837      
  SIF $1,613,141,585      
      $5,661,696,070 $2,500,000 $5,550,682,422
  Federated GNMA Trust    
  FGNMA $508,748,002      
      $518,922,962 $900,000 $508,748,002
  Federated Government Income Securities, Inc.    
  GISI $381,734,534      
      $389,369,225 $750,000 $381,734,534
  Federated High Income Bond Fund, Inc.    
  FHIBF $1,232,610,648      
      $1,257,262,861 $1,250,000 $1,232,610,648
  Federated High Yield Trust    
  FHYT $325,616,514      
      $332,128,844 $750,000 $325,616,514
  Federated Income Securities Trust    
  FRRBF $80,315,262      
  FCIF $498,550,816      
  FUSG $600,164,965      
  FMSAF $513,341,129      
  FPDBF $227,451,400      
  FRSIF $68,607,371      
  FUNBF $167,737,876      
  FICBF $383,365,758      
  FSTIF $1,282,278,504      
      $3,898,249,343 $2,300,000 $3,821,813,081
  Federated Income Trust    
  FIT $518,394,191      
      $528,762,075 $900,000 $518,394,191
  Federated Index Trust    
  MDCF $973,132,083      
  MXCF $523,157,588      
      $1,526,215,464 $1,500,000 $1,496,289,671
  Federated Institutional Trust    
  FIGCF $282,069,307      
  FIHYBF $2,070,213,503      
  FGUSF $1,479,638,997      
      $3,908,560,243 $2,300,000 $3,831,921,807
  Federated Insurance Series    
  IFCAF $169,743,299      
  IFHIBF $281,119,901      
  IFKAUF $93,993,475      
  IFPMF $173,400,113      
  IFQBF $304,265,744      
  IFMVF $228,211,303      
  IFUSG $246,948,581      
      $1,527,636,064 $1,500,000 $1,497,682,416
  Federated International Series Inc.    
  FIBF $73,777,158      
      $75,252,701 $450,000 $73,777,158
  Federated Investment Series Fund, Inc.    
  FBF $1,682,968,690      
      $1,716,628,064 $1,500,000 $1,682,968,690
  Federated Intermediate Government Fund, Inc.    
FADJ FIGF $29,072,183      
      $29,653,627 $300,000 $29,072,183
  Federated Managed Pool Series    
  FMSP $53,002,067      
  FIBSP $6,628,202      
  FHYSP $13,173,122      
  FCP $50,492,013      
      $125,761,312 $525,000 $123,295,404
  Federated MDT Series    
  FMACC $97,345,057      
  FMBF $125,837,893      
  FMLCG $56,604,665      
  FMSCC $15,875,705      
  FMSCG $57,295,642      
      $360,018,141 $750,000 $352,958,962
  Federated Municipal Securities Fund, Inc.    
  FMSF $529,126,760      
      $539,709,295 $900,000 $529,126,760
  Federated Municipal Securities Income Trust    
  FMHYAF $552,171,237      
  MIIMT $134,237,049      
  NYMIF $36,872,781      
  OHMIF $186,370,197      
  PAMIF $283,620,384      
      $1,217,137,081 $1,250,000 $1,193,271,648
  Federated Premier Municipal Income Fund    
  FPMIF $97,766,235      
      $99,721,560 $450,000 $97,766,235
  Federated Premier Intermediate Municipal Income Fund    
  FPIMIF $105,086,776      
      $107,188,512 $525,000 $105,086,776
  Federated-Short Intermediate Duration Municipal Trust    
  FSIDMT $925,942,684      
      $944,461,538 $1,000,000 $925,942,684
  Federated Global Allocation Fund    
  FGALF $374,117,953      
      $381,600,312 $750,000 $374,117,953
  Federated MDT Stock Trust    
  FMST $215,147,976      
      $219,450,936 $600,000 $215,147,976
  Federated Total Return Government Bond Fund    
  FTRGBF $1,202,729,499      
      $1,226,784,089 $1,250,000 $1,202,729,499
  Federated Total Return Series, Inc.    
  FMF $265,378,957      
  FTRBF $7,561,132,472      
  FUSBF $1,802,647,364      
      $9,821,741,969 $2,500,000 $9,629,158,793
  Federated U.S. Government Securities Fund: 1-3 Years    
  GOV1-3 $479,445,253      
      $489,034,158 $750,000 $479,445,253
  Federated U.S. Government Securities Fund: 2-5 Years    
  GOV2-5 $727,769,018      
      $742,324,398 $900,000 $727,769,018
  Federated World Investment Series, Inc.    
  FILF $500,732,719      
  FEMDF $271,449,822      
  FISCF $201,162,053      
      $992,811,486 $1,000,000 $973,344,594
  Intermediate Municipal Trust        
  IMT $120,733,367      
      $123,148,034 $525,000 $120,733,367
  Money Market Obligations Trust        
  ACMT $2,661,501,633      
  AGCR $452,007,256      
  AGMT $1,225,495,743      
  ALMCT $64,031,841      
  CMCT $810,919,132      
  CTMCT $124,465,357      
  FCRF $11,598,928,477      
  FGRF $11,757,092,353      
  FLMCT $210,609,193      
  FMUTR $512,553,850      
  FMT $102,997,644      
  FTFT $81,095,765      
  GAMCT $233,147,320      
  GOF $31,340,896,137      
  GOTMF $6,326,605,327      
  LIB $145,720,591      
  MAMCT $349,107,780      
  MIMCT $151,300,826      
  MMM $20,418,755      
  MNMCT $196,119,026      
  MOF $3,562,272,686      
  NCMCT $234,562,487      
  NJMCT $306,603,076      
  NYMCT $966,461,890      
  OHMCT $457,849,257      
  PAMCT $361,366,958      
  PCOF $26,448,931,054      
  PMOF $2,002,598,541      
  POF $50,706,004,895      
  PVOF $7,737,166,972      
  TFMM $4,068,321,290      
  TFOF $8,560,343,537      
  TOF $23,914,606,638      
  TTO $189,920,026      
  USTCR $18,133,909,764      
  VAMCT $470,652,108      
      $220,816,316,889 $2,500,000 $216,486,585,185
  TOTALS: 303,312,720,407.00 $309,378,974,815 $47,350,000 303,312,720,407.00
      Current Coverage:    
      Coverage Cushion: 5.30%  
  *ANA multiplied by 102% to approximate gross assets.
   Liabilities are generally 2% of gross assets.