U-57 1 u-57.txt U-57-COVER File No. __________________ SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. FORM U-57 NOTIFICATION OF FOREIGN UTILITY COMPANY STATUS Filed under section 33(a) of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, as amended SEI Operadora de Argentina S.A. (Name of foreign utility company) THE AES CORPORATION 1001 N. 19th Street Suite 2000 Arlington, Virginia 22209 (Name of filing company, if filed on behalf of foreign utility company) The Commission is requested to mail copies of all correspondence relating to this Notification to: William R. Luraschi, Esq. The AES Corporation 1001 N. 19th Street Suite 2000 Arlington, Virginia 22209 Julia Dryden English, Esq. Dewey Ballantine LLP 1775 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 ITEM 1 Foreign utility status is claimed by SEI Operadora de Argentina S.A., a company organized under the laws of the Republic of Argentina, with its business address at Suipacha 1111 18th floor, Buenos Aires, Argentina. SEI Operadora de Argentina operates the 1,000 MW Alicura hydro project located on the Limay River in Neuquen and Rio Negro Provinces, Argentina. Upon or shortly after the closing of the acquisition transaction, SEI Operadora de Argentina will be renamed. Upon the closing of the acquisition transaction, AES Corporation will own 100% of the renamed entity through its subsidiary, AES Alicura Holdings S.R.L. The AES Corporation is a Delaware corporation. ITEM 2 AES Operadora de Argentina S.A. has one domestic associate public utility company, Central Illinois Light Company ("CILCO"), through The AES Corporation. By letter dated March 10, 1999, the Illinois Commerce Commission certified to the SEC that (1) it has the authority and resources to protect Illinois consumers in accordance with applicable Illinois statutes, and (2) it intends to exercise that authority, as required under Section 33(a)(2) of the Act in connection with this transaction. AES hereby incorporates that letter into this filing by reference. The undersigned company has duly caused this statement to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized. By: /s/ William R. Luraschi ------------------------ William R. Luraschi General Counsel The AES Corporation 1001 N. 19th Street Suite 2000 Arlington, Virginia 22209 (703) 522-1315 Dated: August 23, 2000