10-K 1 a2042175z10-k.htm 10-K Prepared by MERRILL CORPORATION www.edgaradvantage.com
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Washington, D.C. 20549

Form 10-K



For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2000


For the transition period from                to                

Commission File Number: 0-22613


(Name of small business issuer in its charter)

(State or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)
(I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)

One SW Columbia Street, Suite 1105, Portland, Oregon
(Address of principal executive offices)


(Zip Code)

Issuer's telephone number, including area code: 503-227-0554

Securities registered under Section 12(b) of the Exchange Act: None

Securities registered under Section 12(g) of the Exchange Act:
Common Stock with $.0001 par value
(Title of Class)

    Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes /x/  No / /

    Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to Item 405 of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained, to the best of Registrant's knowledge, in definitive proxy or information statements incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this Form 10-K. / /

    The aggregate market value of the voting stock held by non-affiliates of the Registrant (based on the closing sale price of the Common Stock as reported on the Nasdaq Stock Market on February 28, 2001) was approximately $102,803,889. This determination of affiliate status is not necessarily a conclusive determination for other purposes. The number of outstanding shares of the Registrant's Common Stock as of the close of business on February 28, 2001 was 21,530,782.

Documents Incorporated by Reference

    The issuer has incorporated into Part III of Form 10-K, by reference, portions of its Proxy Statement for its 2001 annual meeting.



Item 1.   Description of Business   2
Item 2.   Description of Property   14
Item 3.   Legal Proceedings   14
Item 4.   Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders   14

Item 5.   Market for Common Equity and Related Stockholder Matters   15
Item 6.   Selected Financial Data   16
Item 7.   Management's Discussion and Analysis or Plan of Operation   16
Item 7A.   Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk   24
Item 8.   Financial Statements   24
Item 9.   Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and Financial Disclosure   24
Item 10.   Directors, Executive Officers, Promoters and Control Persons; Compliance with Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act   25
Item 11.   Executive Compensation   25
Item 12.   Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management   25
Item 13.   Certain Relationships and Related Transactions   25
Item 14.   Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules and Reports on Form 8-K   25
    Signatures   29



Item 1.  Description of Business

General Overview

Business   AVI BioPharma, Inc. (AVI) is a development-stage biopharmaceutical company focusing on developing therapeutic products using two distinct platform technologies: Cancer Immunotherapy and Gene-targeted drugs (NEU-GENES ®).



Our principal focus is developing treatments for life-threatening diseases, most notably cancer and heart disease. Currently approved drugs or other therapies often prove to be ineffective in treating advanced stages of these diseases or produce numerous unwanted side effects. Our two leading platforms, Cancer Immunotherapy and NEU-GENES, are specifically aimed at solving the challenges faced by today's pharmaceutical products. Each of these products represents large market opportunities.

Cancer Immunotherapy (Vaccines)


Avicine™, a therapeutic vaccine, represents our most advanced product opportunity, having completed a multi-center Phase II human clinical trial for colorectal cancer. Therapeutic cancer vaccines operate under the rationale that active immunization can stimulate an immune response that can be effective in fighting an existing cancer. The therapeutic benefit of the vaccine hinges on the existence of specific target sites, called tumor antigens, on cancer cells.



The target for Avicine is human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Not only is hCG responsible for stimulating fetal development during pregnancy, but it is also a tumor antigen on cancer cells of all major cancer types including cancers of the colon, pancreas, prostate, lung and breast. It is believed that the role of hCG in pregnancy and cancer is similar. In both cases, it (i) serves as a growth factor encouraging rapid cell division, (ii) fosters the formation of blood vessels, (iii)  stimulates invasion of other tissues, and (iv) dampens the immune system to allow the fetus, or the tumor, to avoid rejection. Avicine is based on an anti-hCG approach to treating cancer.



Avicine has completed five clinical studies in cancer, in which a total of 172 patients received treatment. From these studies, we believe that the vaccine is a safe and essentially non-toxic therapy and capable of producing a specific immune response in most patients. Further, the patients who mounted an immune response to hCG lived longer than patients treated with other conventional therapies. We intend to investigate further the use of Avicine alone or in conjunction with other approved therapies in Phase II and Phase III trials.





Gene-Targeted Drugs (NEU-GENES)


We have developed third generation gene-inactivating compounds that we believe are more stable, specific, efficacious, and cost effective than other antisense or ribozyme agents. Our NEU-GENE compounds are distinguished by a novel backbone which replaces the natural or modified backbones of competing antisense or ribozyme technologies.



NEU-GENES use synthetic polymers to block the function of selected genetic sequences involved in disease processes. Targeting specific genetic sequences provides for greater selectivity than that available through conventional drugs. NEU-GENES have the potential to provide safe and effective treatment for a wide range of human diseases.



We have completed pre-clinical studies using our NEU-GENE compounds in the treatment of multiple types of cancer and in restenosis, the blockage of arteries following balloon angioplasty. We filed an Investigational New Drug application (IND) with the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) for Resten-NG™ for restenosis and began a Phase II clinical trial in late 2000.



We have the experience and resources to initiate drug discovery and development, and move drug candidates through pre-clinical development and into early stage clinical trials (Phase I and Phase II). Our strategy for the near-term (2 to 5 years) is to license the marketing rights for our product candidates to pharmaceutical partners during or after Phase II clinical trials or co-develop product candidates with strategic partners. In this manner, expensive, late-stage clinical development and marketing will be the responsibility of the licensee. With adequate resources we may consider assuming greater responsibility for the late-stage clinical development and marketing opportunities of future product candidates.

    This annual report includes our trademarks and registered trademarks, including Avicine and NEU-GENE. Each other trademark, trade name or service mark appearing in this annual report belongs to its holder.


Clinical Development Program

    The following table summarizes our clinical development program.

Product Candidate

  Phase I
  Phase II
  Phase III
Avicine™   Completed   Completed   Completed   In progress
(Colorectal Cancer Vaccine)                







In progress


(Pancreatic Cancer Vaccine)                









(Prostate Cancer Vaccine)                







In progress


(NEU-GENE for Restenosis)                









(NEU-GENE for Cancer)                









(NEU-GENE for Polycystic Kidney Disease)                









(NEU-GENE for P450)                



In progress






(NEU-GENE for Inflammation)                



In progress






(NEU-GENE Antibiotics)                

I. Cancer Immunotherapy

Avicine Therapeutic Cancer Vaccine

Technical Overview

    The therapeutic vaccine approach is among the newer strategies being investigated for treating cancer. Historically, vaccines were developed and used to induce an immune response in order to prevent a disease. This is contrasted with a therapeutic vaccine approach where the disease entity is known or suspected to be present at the time of vaccination. The rationale employed with a therapeutic approach is that active immunization against a specific pathogenic agent can stimulate an immune response against the existing disease.

    In order for a therapeutic vaccine to be effective in fighting a disease such as cancer, it is necessary to identify specific target sites on the tumor cells, called tumor-associated antigens. The more selective that the antigen is to the tumor, the greater likelihood of attacking only the cancer cells. The identification of an appropriate target has been one of the greatest challenges in the development of a useful cancer vaccine.


    AVI BioPharma's therapeutic cancer vaccine, Avicine, which is currently in clinical trials, is designed to produce an immune response against a well-characterized target, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). hCG is a hormone produced during pregnancy that plays a variety of roles in fostering the development of a fetus. Through extensive research, scientists found that hCG is also present in most cancers. In fact, cancer is believed to be the only significant exception to the normal hCG function during pregnancy. Given the selective production of hCG, we believe it represents a highly specific target for a therapeutic cancer vaccine.

    The use of hCG as a cancer vaccine target may offer advantages over other potential tumor associated antigens.

    It is not usually found on normal cells with the exception of those present during a pregnancy. This means that it is highly selective.

    It is widely expressed by and found on many types of cancer, including colon, pancreas, prostate, lung and breast.

    hCG expression has been correlated with tumor aggressiveness. In other words, the higher the level of hCG, the more aggressive the rate of growth or spread of the cancer.

    Antibodies to hCG are believed to block the same hormonal functions that hCG plays in pregnancy and cancer, including rapid cell division, the formation of blood vessels, invasion of other tissues, and dampening of the immune responses.

    Since hCG is a natural human protein, people will not mount an immune response to it unless they are actively immunized. Once immunized, the mechanism of action of an anti-hCG vaccine can be viewed as a two-pronged attack. First, it directs an immune response against the tumor, and second, it neutralizes the hormonal benefits provided by hCG.

    The hCG component in Avicine is a small peptide from this hormone. The peptide is joined to a carrier, diphtheria toxoid, to enhance the immune response. Diphtheria toxoid was selected since most of the world's population has been vaccinated against it and there is significant experience with it as a vaccine component in man. The combination provides for an existing immune response to the carrier which is believed to be important in stimulating an immune response to the hCG peptide.


    Fully-characterized synthetic vaccine

    Capable of being produced inexpensively in large quantities

    Targets a widely-expressed tumor antigen (hCG)

    Ready for Phase III clinical testing in colorectal patients

    Applicable to most cancer types in multiple clinical settings

    Twenty years of research and development and safety data


Avicine Clinical Trials

    We have completed three Phase I clinical trials using Avicine in 87 patients with cancer. Overall, these studies showed Avicine to be safe and essentially non-toxic. These early clinical trials showed the vaccine to be effective in stimulating an immune response to hCG in most patients. Moreover, apparent survival benefits and some tumor regressions were noted.

Pancreatic and Prostate Cancer Trials

    We have completed a pilot Phase II study using Avicine in 10 patients with advanced pancreatic cancer. For the 10 patients treated, the median survival was approximately 33 weeks. Patients with advanced pancreatic cancer are currently treated with chemotherapy and have a median survival of approximately 18 to 25 weeks. Although we believe these results are encouraging, we hesitate to draw conclusions from such a small study other than to use these results to design additional trials.

    Two additional Phase II trials were scheduled. The first Phase II study of 50 patients with pancreatic cancer completed enrollment in 2000. In addition, we plan to initiate a Phase II clinical trial in 100 patients with prostate cancer in 2001.

Colorectal Cancer Trials

    A multicenter Phase II study of Avicine was conducted in 77 patients with advanced colorectal cancer. The objectives of this trial were to determine whether administration of Avicine would induce an immune response in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer, and to measure safety and efficacy in these patients. Overall, 51 of the 77 patients responded to our vaccine by producing antibodies to hCG. The patients that were antibody responders had a median survival of 42 weeks. Patients that did not respond immunologically had a median survival of just 17 weeks.

    Further analysis of the multicenter Phase II data showed that patients who produced antibodies to two targets on the hCG peptide had a median survival of 66 weeks. Camptosar®, the current standard of care for treating advanced colorectal cancer patients, produces a median survival of 37-40 weeks. Through additional research efforts, we believe we have learned how to improve production of antibodies to the two hCG targets in most patients.


    Overall, these clinical data suggest that the patients that received Avicine and responded by making hCG antibodies had improved median survival compared to patients treated with chemotherapeutic drugs. Avicine was found to be safe and did not exhibit the toxicity associated with cytotoxic drug treatment. Based on these data, we plan to initiate a Phase III pivotal trial in 800 patients with metastatic colorectal cancer in 2001. This trial randomizes patients receiving first-line therapy for metastatic colorectal cancer to one of two treatment arms: combination chemotherapy or combination chemotherapy plus Avicine. The end points in the trial are time to disease progression and median survival.



  Description & Type
1   Phase I safety study   43 treated   Completed
2   Phase I metastatic cancer   21 treated   Completed
3   Phase Ib metastatic cancer   23 treated   Completed
4   Phase II pancreatic and extension   10 treated   Completed
5   Phase II colorectal   77 treated   Completed
6   Phase II pancreatic   50   In progress
7   Phase II prostate   100   2001
8   Phase III colorectal licensing trial   800   In progress

II. Gene-Targeted Drugs—NEU-GENE Technology

Technical Overview

    Most human diseases arise from the function or dysfunction of genes within the body, either those of pathogens, such as viruses, or of one's own genes. New techniques in molecular biology have led to the identification of the genes associated with most of the major human diseases and to the determination of the sequence of their genetic codes. Using modern methods of chemical synthesis, compounds can be prepared that recognize target gene sequences in a pathogen or pathogenic process. When these compounds bind tightly to the disease-causing sequence, the genetic process is inhibited, and thus the pathogen or pathogenic process is disabled. This is called antisense technology since the sense of the genetic code is blocked.

    Limitations of then-existing antisense technology in the late 1980s led us to pursue a different approach than many of our competitors. This effort culminated in our development of a class of third-generation agents, known as NEU-GENE compounds. In pre-clinical studies, our patented compounds display advantageous pharmaceutical properties over second-generation compounds now in clinical trials by others. Such improvements include stability, specificity, potency, low toxicity and effectiveness.

Near-term Product Development—Cancer and Restenosis

    The first application of our antisense technology is designed to treat diseases involving abnormal cell division, such as cancer, certain cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases, psoriasis, polycystic kidney disease and chronic graft rejection. The NEU-GENE target for these diseases is the gene component named c-myc. We have finished the pre-clinical development of two NEU-GENE agents, Resten-NG and Oncomyc-NG, and have filed an IND and completed a Phase I clinical trial for restenosis and cancer.


    The table below summarizes our broader development program for NEU-GENE:


Antisense Target

  Clinical Indication

C-myc   Cancer, restenosis, polycystic kidney disease
CYP 3A4   Metabolic redirection, cancer
NF kappa B   Arthritis, chronic inflammation
TNF alpha   Arthritis, septic shock, asthma
Bacterial ribosomes   Antibiotics for infectious diseases
Hepatitis C virus   Hepatitis

Collaborative Agreements

    We believe that our vaccine and antisense technologies are broadly applicable for the potential development of pharmaceutical products in many therapeutic areas. To exploit our core technologies as fully as possible, our strategy is to enter into collaborative research agreements with major pharmaceutical companies for all cancer applications with our vaccine, and agreements directed at specific molecular targets for our NEU-GENE antisense technology. It is anticipated that NEU-GENE antisense collaborative research agreements may provide us with some funding for internal programs aimed at discovering and developing antisense compounds to inhibit the production of additional individual molecular targets. Partners in antisense may be granted options to obtain licenses to co-develop and to market drug candidates resulting from their collaborative research programs. We intend to retain manufacturing rights to our antisense products. There can be no assurance, however, that we will be able to enter into collaborative research agreements with large pharmaceutical companies on terms and conditions satisfactory to us.


    For our vaccine, we have identified potential Good Manufacturing Practices ("GMP") manufacturers who could meet large scale, low cost manufacturing demands for future Phase III trials and market introduction. We also believe that we have developed significant proprietary manufacturing techniques, which will allow large-scale, low-cost synthesis and purification of NEU-GENES. Because our NEU-GENE compounds are based upon a malleable backbone chemistry, we believe that NEU-GENE synthesis will be more cost-effective than competing technologies. We have established sufficient manufacturing capacity to meet immediate research and development needs.


    We currently intend to retain manufacturing rights to all products incorporating our proprietary and patented antisense technology, whether such products are sold directly by us or through collaborative agreements with industry partners. Our current production capacity is insufficient for the requirements of human clinical studies. We have, however, commenced construction of a GMP facility which will have capacity to meet our Phase I and Phase II NEU-GENE clinical trial requirements for the foreseeable future. We have also contracted with a GMP facility to produce our near-term antisense therapeutic candidates for current pre-clinical and clinical trial studies. There is no assurance, however, that our plans will not change as a result of unforeseen events.

    In March 1993, we moved to our present laboratory facility. This facility and the laboratory procedures followed by us have not been formally inspected by the FDA and will have to be approved as products move from the research phase through the clinical testing phase to commercialization. We will be required to comply with FDA requirements for GMP in connection with human clinical trials and commercial production. See "Drug Approval Process and Other Government Regulations."

Marketing Strategy

    We plan to market the initial products when developed, and for which we obtain regulatory approval, through marketing arrangements or other licensing arrangements with large pharmaceutical companies. Implementation of this strategy will depend on many factors, including the market potential of any products we develop, and our financial resources. We do not expect to establish a direct sales capability for therapeutic compounds for at least the next several years. To market products that will serve a large, geographically diverse patient population, we expect to enter into licensing, distribution, or partnering agreements with pharmaceutical companies that have large, established sales organizations. The timing of our entry into marketing arrangements or other licensing arrangements with large pharmaceutical companies will depend on successful product development and regulatory approval within the regulatory framework established by the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act, as amended, and regulations promulgated thereunder. Although the implementation of initial aspects of our marketing strategy may be undertaken before this process is completed, the development and approval process typically is not completed in less than three to five years after the filing of an IND application and our marketing strategy therefore may not be implemented for several years. See "Drug Approval Process and Other Governmental Regulation."

Patents and Proprietary Rights

    We have developed or acquired a comprehensive body of intellectual rights. The proprietary nature of, and protection for, our product candidates, processes and know-how are important to our business. We plan to prosecute and aggressively defend our patents and proprietary technology. Our policy is to patent the technology, inventions, and improvements that are considered important to the development of our business. We also depend upon trade secrets, know-how, and continuing technological innovation to develop and maintain our competitive position.

    We own forty-six patents covering various facets of our current technology platforms and future developmental technologies. We have additional pending applications in the areas of our Avicine, NEU-GENE, and other technologies. We intend to protect our proprietary technology with additional filings as appropriate.


    We have acquired certain product/technology licenses from The Ohio State University and Dr. Vernon Stevens. These properties include exclusive world-wide licenses covering the composition, manufacturing and use of Avicine in all fields of use, with the exception of fertility regulation. Our proprietary rights also include the unrestricted use of vaccine technology for non-hormonal cancer applications. We enjoy the right to commercialize any new intellectual property relating to our licensed subject matter including access and use of all new experimental data resulting from Dr. Stevens' research. Our licenses have been granted for a period of thirty (30) years or ten (10) years from the expiration of the last issued patent, whatever comes later. Under these licensing agreements, we have the right to sublicense our products and technology throughout the world. For such rights, we are obligated to pay the licensors minimum annual royalties of $60,000 through the third quarter of 2001 and $55,000 thereafter. Subject to such minimums, the royalties are 5% of net sales of products from licensed technology in the United States and Canada; 2% of net sales in countries of the "European Economic Community"; and 25% of any royalties received by us for sublicenses in the United States, the "European Economic Community" or in Korea, subject to certain maximums.

    There can be no assurance that any patents we apply for will be granted or that patents held by us will be valid or sufficiently broad to protect our technology or provide a significant competitive advantage. Additionally, we cannot provide assurance that practice of our patents or proprietary technology will not infringe third-party patents.

    Although we believe that we have independently developed our technology and we attempt to ensure that our technology does not infringe the proprietary rights of others, if infringement were alleged and proven, there can be no assurance that we could obtain necessary licenses on terms and conditions that would not have an adverse effect on us. We are not aware of any asserted or unasserted claims that our technology violates the proprietary rights of any person.

Drug Approval Process and Other Government Regulation

    The United States system of new drug approvals is the most rigorous in the world. It costs an average of $500 million and takes an average of almost 15 years from the discovery of a compound to bring a single new pharmaceutical to market. For every 5,000 to 10,000 chemically synthesized molecules screened, only 250 are ever issued an Investigational New Drug Application and tested in humans. Of those, the FDA will approve only one for commercialization according to the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America. Yet, in recent years, societal and governmental pressures have created the expectation that biotech and pharmaceutical companies will reduce the costs for drug discovery and development without sacrificing safety, efficacy and innovation. The need to significantly improve or provide alternative strategies for successful pharmaceutical discovery, research and development remains a major health care industry challenge.


Drug Discovery

    In the initial stages of drug discovery before a compound reaches the laboratory, tens of thousands of potential compounds are randomly screened for activity against an assay assumed to be predictive for particular disease targets. This drug discovery process can take several years. Once a company locates a "screening lead", or starting point for drug development, isolation and structural determination may begin. The development process results in numerous chemical modifications to the screening lead in an attempt to improve the drug properties of the lead. After a compound emerges from the above process, the next steps are to conduct further preliminary studies on the mechanism of action, further IN VITRO (test tube) screening against particular disease targets and finally, some IN VIVO (animal) screening. If the compound passes these barriers, the toxic effects of the compound are analyzed by performing preliminary exploratory animal toxicology. If the results are positive, the compound emerges from the basic research mode and moves into the preclinical phase.

Preclinical Testing

    During the preclinical testing stage, laboratory and animal studies are conducted to show biological activity of the compound against the targeted disease, and the compound is evaluated for safety. These tests typically take approximately three and one-half years to complete.

Investigational New Drug Application

    During the preclinical testing, an IND is filed with the FDA to begin human testing of the drug. The IND becomes effective, if not rejected by the FDA, within 30 days. The IND must indicate the results of previous experiments, how, where and by whom the new studies will be conducted, the chemical structure of the compound, the method by which it is believed to work in the human body, any toxic effects of the compound found in the animal studies and how the compound is manufactured. In addition, an Institutional Review Board, comprised of physicians at the hospital or clinic where the proposed studies will be conducted, must review and approve the IND. Progress reports detailing the results of the clinical trials must be submitted at least annually to the FDA.

    Some limited human clinical testing may be done under a Physician's IND in support of an IND application and prior to receiving an IND. A Physician's IND is an IND application that allows a single individual to conduct a clinical trial under less rigorous standards with a shorter FDA review process. A Physician's IND does not replace the more formal IND process, but can provide a preliminary indication as to whether further clinical trials are warranted, and can, on occasion, facilitate the more formal IND process.

Phase I Clinical Trials

    After an IND becomes effective, Phase I human clinical trials can begin. These tests, involving usually between 20 and 80 healthy volunteers, typically take approximately one year to complete. The Phase I clinical studies also determine how a drug is absorbed, distributed, metabolized and excreted by the body, and the duration of its action. Phase I trials are normally not conducted for anticancer product candidates.


Phase II Clinical Trials

    In Phase II clinical trials, controlled studies are conducted on approximately 100 to 300 volunteer patients with the targeted disease. The preliminary purpose of these tests is to evaluate the effectiveness of the drug on the volunteer patients as well as to determine if there are any side effects. These studies generally take approximately two years, and may be conducted concurrently with Phase I clinical trials. In addition, Phase I/II clinical trials may be conducted to evaluate not only the efficacy of the drug on the patient population, but also its safety.

Phase III Clinical Trials

    This phase typically lasts about three years and usually involves 1,000 to 3,000 patients. During the Phase III clinical trials, physicians monitor the patients to determine efficacy and to observe and report any reactions that may result from long-term use of the drug.

New Drug Application

    After the completion of all three clinical trial phases, if the data indicates that the drug is safe and effective, a New Drug Application (NDA) is filed with the FDA. The NDA must contain all of the information on the drug gathered to that date, including data from the clinical trials. NDAs are often over 100,000 pages in length. The average NDA review time for new pharmaceuticals approved in 1997 was 16.2 months, down from 23 months in 1996.

Marketing Approval

    If the FDA approves the NDA, the drug becomes available for physicians to prescribe. Periodic reports must be submitted to the FDA, including descriptions of any adverse reactions reported. The FDA may request additional studies (Phase IV) to evaluate long-term effects.

Phase IV Clinical Trials and Post Marketing Studies

    In addition to studies requested by the FDA after approval, these trials and studies are conducted to explore new indications. The purpose of these trials and studies and related publications is to broaden the application and use of the drug and its acceptance in the medical community.


    Companies in the cancer vaccine development area include Progenics, Corixa, Biomira, Bristol Meyers-Squibb, and E. Merck. Several companies are pursuing the development of antisense technology, including Glaxo, Boehringer Ingelheim, Genta, and ISIS Pharmaceuticals. All of these companies have products in development stages, and, in some cases, are in human trials with antisense compounds generally similar to our NEU-GENE compounds. While we believe that none of these companies is likely to introduce an antisense compound into the broad commercial market in the immediate future, many pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, including most of those listed above, have financial and technical resources greater than those currently available to us and have more established collaborative relationships with industry partners than we do. We believe that the combination of pharmaceutical properties of our NEU-GENE compounds for cancer and restenosis afford us competitive advantages when compared with the antisense compounds of competitors.


    We can also expect to compete with other companies exploiting alternative technologies that address the same therapeutic needs as do our technologies. The biopharmaceutical market is subject to rapid technological change, and it can be expected that competing technologies will emerge and will present a competitive challenge to us.

Research and Development

    The Company expensed $9,268,330, $6,672,027 and $6,306,860 on research and development activities during the years ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998.

    On September 15, 1998, we acquired all of the equity of ImmunoTherapy Corporation (ITC), a privately held biotechnology company based in Seattle, Washington. The purchase consideration consisted of 2,132,592 shares of our common stock and 2,116,814 warrants to purchase our common stock. The transaction was accounted for as a purchase. In connection with the purchase price allocation, we estimated that substantially all of the intangible assets consist of research and development projects in process. At that time, the development of these projects had not reached technology feasibility and the technology was believed to have no alternative future use. In accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, a one-time charge for acquired in-process research and development of $19,473,154, or $1.65 per share, has been reflected in our financial statements for the year ended December 31, 1998.


    As of December 31, 2000, we had 71 employees, 24 of whom hold advanced degrees. Sixty-three employees are engaged directly in research and development activities, and eight are in administration. None of our employees are covered by collective bargaining agreements, and we consider relations with our employees to be good.


Item 2.  Description of Property

    We occupy 30,900 square feet of leased laboratory and office space at 4575 S.W. Research Way, Suite 200, Corvallis, Oregon 97333. Our executive office is located in 2,400 square feet of leased space at One S.W. Columbia, Suite 1105, Portland, Oregon 97258. We believe that our facilities are suitable and adequate for our present operational requirements and that we are not dependent upon any individually leased premises.

Item 3.  Legal Proceedings

    As of February 28, 2001, there were no material, pending legal proceedings to which we are a party. From time to time, we become involved in ordinary, routine or regulatory legal proceedings incidental to our business.

Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

    No matters were submitted to a vote of our shareholders during the quarter ended December 31, 2000.



Item 5.  Market for Common Equity and Related Stockholder Matters

    Our Common Stock is quoted on the Nasdaq National Market System ("Nasdaq NMS") under the symbol "AVII." The following table sets forth the high and low sales prices as reported by Nasdaq NMS for each quarterly period in the two most recent fiscal years and quarter-to-date for the next fiscal year:


Quarter 1   $ 4.09   $ 2.47
Quarter 2     5.00     2.94
Quarter 3     5.88     3.00
Quarter 4     7.94     2.88


Quarter 1   $ 26.19   $ 5.44
Quarter 2     14.50     8.06
Quarter 3     10.00     6.41
Quarter 4     7.31     4.06


Quarter 1 to February 28, 2001   $ 6.88   $ 4.31

    The number of shareholders of record and approximate number of beneficial holders on February 28, 2001 was 641 and 9,600, respectively. There were no cash dividends declared or paid in fiscal years 2000 or 1999. We do not anticipate declaring such dividends in the foreseeable future.

    In November 2000, we issued 7,769 shares of common stock to twenty-two employees at $5.45 per share for $42,372, under our Employee Stock Purchase Plan. The issuance of shares described above were in reliance on Section 4 (2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. These shares have been registered with the Securities Exchange Commission using form S-8. We made no public solicitation in connection with the issuance of the above securities nor were there any other offerees. We relied on representations from the recipients of the securities that they purchased the securities for investment for their own account and not with a view to, or for resale in connection with, any distribution thereof and that they were aware of our business affairs and financial condition and had sufficient information to reach an informed and knowledgeable decision regarding their acquisition of the securities.


Item 6.  Selected Financial Data

    The information set forth below is not necessarily indicative of results of future operations and should be read in conjunction with the financial statements and notes thereto appearing in Item 14 of Part IV of this Report.

  Years Ended December 31,
Operations data:                                
  Revenues   $ 1,297,338   $ 17,024   $ 120,351   $ 14,345   $ 27,227  
  Research and development     9,268,330     6,672,027     6,306,860     2,737,172     1,729,554  
  General and administrative     2,270,302     1,745,491     1,621,381     1,282,214     613,811  
  Acquired in-process research and development         71,874     19,473,154          
  Net loss     (9,239,956 )   (8,278,441 )   (26,733,963 )   (3,615,990 )   (2,087,362 )
Net loss per share—
















    Basic and diluted     (0.49 )   (0.62 )   (2.27 )   (0.36 )   (0.25 )
  Cash flow from operations     (9,128,745 )   (7,561,388 )   (6,736,462 )   (3,005,882 )   (1,608,088 )

Balance sheet data:
















  Cash and investments   $ 32,112,099   $ 11,620,505   $ 8,510,020   $ 17,638,936   $ 3,041,229  
  Working capital     31,408,473     10,611,593     7,833,049     17,193,526     2,738,677  
  Total assets     35,088,393     12,929,628     10,192,083     18,782,214     4,248,899  
  Shareholders' equity     33,365,601     11,889,474     9,005,684     18,317,762     796,127  

Item 7.  Management's Discussion and Analysis or Plan of Operations

Forward-Looking Information

    This report contains forward-looking statements that are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from the results expressed in, or implied by these forward-looking statements, including the results for fiscal 2001. When used in this report, the words "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "expect" and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. Important factors, that have caused, or in the future could cause the Company's actual results to differ materially from those expressed in any forward-looking statements, include, among others, the results of research and development efforts, the results of pre-clinical and clinical testing, the effect of regulation by the FDA and other agencies, the impact of competitive products, product development, commercialization and technological difficulties, and other risks detailed in Item 7 of this Form 10-K and the Company's Securities and Exchange Commission filings, from time to time.


    From our inception in 1980, we have devoted our resources primarily to fund our research and development efforts. We have been unprofitable since inception and, other than limited interest and grant revenue, we have had no material revenues from the sale of products or from other sources, and we do not expect material revenues for at least the next 12 months. We expect to continue to incur losses for the foreseeable future as we expand our research and development efforts. As of December 31, 2000, our accumulated deficit was $60,293,833.


Results of Operations

    Year Ended December 31, 2000 Compared with Year Ended December 31, 1999.  Revenues, from license fees, grants and research contracts, increased from $17,024 in 1999 to $1,297,338 in 2000 due primarily to the receipt of a $1,000,000 fee for expansion of an existing licensing arrangement. Operating expenses increased from $8,489,392 in 1999 to $11,538,632 in 2000 due to increases in research and development staffing and expenses associated with outside collaborations and pre-clinical and clinical testing of the Company's technologies. Additionally, increased general and administrative costs were incurred to support the research expansion, and to continue to broaden the Company's investor and public relations efforts. Net interest income increased from $193,927 in 1999 to $1,001,338 in 2000 due to earnings on increased cash balances.

    Year Ended December 31, 1999 Compared with Year Ended December 31, 1998.  Operating expenses decreased from $27,401,395 in 1998 to $8,489,392 in 1999 principally due to a one-time charge of $19,473,154 for acquired in-process research and development reflecting the acquisition of ImmunoTherapy Corporation (ITC) in September 1998 and, to a lesser extent, increases in research and development staffing and expenses associated with outside collaborations and pre-clinical testing of our technologies. Additionally, increased general and administrative costs were incurred to support the research expansion. Net interest income decreased from $547,081 in 1998 to $193,927 in 1999 due to smaller earnings on decreased cash balances.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

    We have financed our operations since inception primarily through equity sales totaling $69,690,668 and grants and contract research funding of $2,138,555 from various sources. Our cash and cash equivalents were $25,898,513 at December 31, 2000, compared with $8,683,005 at December 31, 1999. The increase of $17,215,508 was primarily due to net proceeds of $19,861,571 from the Company's secondary offering completed August 1, 2000, net proceeds of $4,744,720 in a private equity placement from SuperGen, Inc. and $2,833,706 from the exercise of options and warrants, offset by $9,128,745 used in operations and $1,095,744 used for investing activities which consist primarily of purchases of property and equipment and patent related costs. In addition the Company's short-term securities increased $3,276,086 to $6,213,586 at December 31, 2000 due to receiving 347,826 registered shares of SuperGen, Inc. in a private equity placement, offset by unrealized losses in the value of these securities.

    In July 2000, the Company completed a secondary offering for 3,000,000 shares of common stock at $7.25 per share. Net proceeds were $19,861,571. In addition, representatives' warrants to purchase 300,000 shares of AVI common stock were issued to the underwriters' of the secondary offering.

    In April 2000, the Company entered into an alliance with SuperGen, Inc. for shared development and marketing rights for Avicine. Under the terms of the agreement, AVI and SuperGen will equally share in future clinical development and FDA registration costs as well as in profits from product sales in the United States. Additionally, AVI may receive up to $80 million from SuperGen from meeting commercialization benchmarks.

    In addition, pursuant to a separate private placement, the Company received from SuperGen, Inc. $5,000,000 in cash and 347,826 registered shares of SuperGen, Inc. common stock in exchange for 1,684,211 shares of AVI common stock and a warrant to purchase 1,665,878 shares of AVI common stock, subject to anti-dilution provisions. Closing of the transaction occurred during the third quarter of 2000.


    Our future expenditures and capital requirements will depend on numerous factors, including without limitation, the progress of our research and development programs, the progress of our pre-clinical and clinical trials, the time and costs involved in obtaining regulatory approvals, the cost of filing, prosecuting, defending and enforcing any patent claims and other intellectual property rights, competing technological and market developments, our ability to establish collaborative arrangements and the terms of any such arrangements, and the costs associated with commercialization of our products. Our cash requirements are expected to continue to increase each year as we expand our activities and operations. There can be no assurance, however, that we will ever be able to generate product revenues or achieve or sustain profitability.

    We expect that our cash requirements over the next twenty-four months will be satisfied by existing cash resources. We will continue to look for opportunities to finance our ongoing activities and operations through accessing corporate partners or the public equity markets, as we currently have no credit facility, nor do we intend to seek one.

Factors Affecting Future Operating Results

    We do not provide forecasts of our future financial performance. While we are optimistic about our long-term prospects, the following factors should be considered in evaluating our outlook.

History of Operating Losses and Anticipated Future Losses

    We incurred a net operating loss of $9.2 million in 2000. "Net operating loss" represents the amount by which our expenses (other than interest expense) exceed revenues. As of December 31, 2000, our accumulated deficit was $60.3 million. Our losses have resulted principally from expenses incurred in research and development of our technology and products and from selling, general and administrative expenses that we have incurred while building our business infrastructure. We expect to continue to incur significant operating losses in the future as we continue our research and development efforts and seek to obtain regulatory approval of our products. Our ability to achieve profitability depends on our ability to complete development of our products, obtain regulatory approvals and market our products. It is uncertain when, if ever, we will become profitable.

Early Stage of Product Development

    Although we began operations in 1980, except for Avicine, we are only in the early stages of the development of our pharmaceutical products. We have devoted almost all of our time to research and development of our technology and products, protecting our proprietary rights and establishing strategic alliances. Our proposed products are in the pre-clinical or clinical stages of development and will require significant further research, development, clinical testing and regulatory clearances. We have no products available for sale and we do not expect to have any products available for sale for several years. Our proposed products are subject to development risks. These risks include the possibilities that any of the products could be found to be ineffective or toxic, or could fail to receive necessary regulatory clearances. Although we have obtained favorable results in Phase II using Avicine to treat colorectal cancer patients, we cannot assure that we will obtain similar results in the contemplated Phase III protocol. We have not received any significant revenues from the sale of products and we cannot assure investors that we will successfully develop marketable products, that our sales will increase or that we will become profitable. Third parties may develop superior or equivalent, but less expensive, products.


Lack of Operating Experience

    We have engaged solely in the development of pharmaceutical technology. Although some of our management have experience in biotechnology company operations, we have limited experience in manufacturing or selling pharmaceutical products. We also have only limited experience in negotiating and maintaining strategic relationships, and in conducting clinical trials and other later-stage phases of the regulatory approval process. We cannot assure investors that we will successfully engage in any of these activities.

Need for Future Capital and Uncertainty of Additional Funding

    Since we began operations, we have obtained operating funds primarily by selling shares of our company. Based on our current plans, we believe that current cash balances will be sufficient to meet our operating needs for approximately the next twenty-four months. Furthermore, the actual amount of funds that we will need will be determined by many factors, some of which are beyond our control. These factors include the success of our research and development efforts, the status of our pre-clinical and clinical testing, costs relating to securing regulatory approvals and the costs and timing of obtaining new patent rights, regulatory changes, competition and technological developments in the market. We may need funds sooner than currently anticipated.

    We anticipate that we will need to obtain additional funds during or at the end of this twenty-four month period. If necessary, potential sources of additional funding include strategic relationships, public or private sales of shares of our common stock or debt or other arrangements. We do not have any committed sources of additional financing at this time. It is uncertain whether we can obtain additional funding when we need it on terms that will be acceptable to us or at all. If we raise funds by selling additional shares of our common stock or securities convertible into our common stock, the ownership interest of our existing shareholders will be diluted. If we are unable to obtain financing when needed, our business and future prospects would be materially adversely affected.

Dependence on Others for Clinical Testing, Manufacturing and Marketing

    We do not intend to conduct late-stage (Phase III) human clinical trials solely by ourselves. We anticipate entering into relationships with larger pharmaceutical companies to conduct later pharmaceutical trials and to market our products and we also plan to continue to use contract manufacturing for late stage clinical, and commercial quantities of our products. We may be unable to enter into corporate partnerships, which could impede our ability to bring our products to market. We cannot assure investors that any corporate partnerships, if entered, will be on favorable terms or will result in the successful development or marketing of our products. If we are unsuccessful in establishing advantageous clinical testing, manufacturing and marketing relationships, we are not likely to generate significant revenues and become profitable.


Limited Manufacturing Capability

    While we believe that we can produce materials for Phase I and Phase II clinical trials at our existing facilities, we will need to expand our commercial manufacturing capabilities for products in the future if we elect not to or cannot contract with others to manufacture our products. This expansion may occur in stages, each of which would require regulatory approval, and product demand could at times exceed supply capacity. We have not selected a site for any expanded facilities and cannot predict the amount we will expend for construction of such facilities. We cannot assure if or when the FDA will determine that such facilities comply with Good Manufacturing Practices. The projected location and construction of any facilities will depend on regulatory approvals, product development, pharmaceutical partners and capital resources, among other factors. We have not obtained regulatory approvals for any productions facilities for our products, nor can we assure investors that we will be able to do so.

Governmental Regulation; Lack of Assurance of Regulatory Approvals

    All of our products are subject to extensive regulation by the United States Food and Drug Administration and by comparable agencies in other countries. The FDA and comparable agencies require new pharmaceutical products to undergo lengthy and detailed clinical testing procedures and other costly and time-consuming compliance procedures. We cannot predict when we will initiate and complete our clinical trials or when we will be able to submit our products for regulatory review. Even if we submit a new drug application, there may be delays in obtaining regulatory approvals, if we obtain them at all. Sales of our products outside the United States will also be subject to regulatory requirements governing clinical trials and product approval. These requirements vary from country to country and could delay introduction of our products in those countries. We cannot assure you that any of our products will receive marketing approval from the FDA or comparable foreign agencies.

Dependence on Key Personnel

    Our success will depend to a large extent on the abilities and continued service of several key employees, including Drs. Denis Burger, Patrick Iversen, David Mason, and Dwight Weller. The loss of any of these key employees could significantly delay the achievement of our goals. Competition for qualified personnel in our industry is intense, and our success will be dependent on our ability to attract and retain highly skilled personnel.


    The biotechnology industry is highly competitive. We compete with companies in the United States and abroad that are engaged in the development of pharmaceutical technologies and products. They include:

    biotechnology, pharmaceutical, chemical and other companies;

    academic and scientific institutions;

    governmental agencies; and

    public and private research organizations.

    Many of these companies and many of our other competitors have much greater financial and technical resources and production and marketing capabilities than we do. Our industry is characterized by extensive research and development and rapid technological progress. Competitors may successfully develop and market superior or less expensive products which render our products less valuable or unmarketable.


Patents and Proprietary Rights

    Our success will depend on our existing patents and licenses, and our ability to obtain additional patents in the future. We have filed 64 patent applications in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia and Japan and 46 patents have been issued. We license the composition, manufacturing and use of Avicine in all fields except fertility regulation from The Ohio State University, and we license other patents for certain complementary technologies from others.

    We cannot assure investors that our pending patent applications will result in patents being issued in the United States or foreign countries. In addition, we cannot guarantee that patents which have been or will be issued will afford meaningful protection for our technology and products. Competitors may develop products similar to ours which do not conflict with our patents. Others may challenge our patents and, as a result, our patents could be narrowed or invalidated. The patent position of biotechnology firms generally is highly uncertain, involves complex legal and factual questions, and has recently been the subject of much litigation. No consistent policy has emerged from the United States Patent and Trademark Office or the courts regarding the breadth of claims allowed or the degree of protection afforded under biotechnology patents. In addition, there is a substantial backlog of biotechnology patent applications at the USPTOs and the approval or rejection of patents may take several years.

    Our success will also depend partly on our ability to operate without infringing upon the proprietary rights of others, as well as our ability to prevent others from infringing on our proprietary rights. We may be required at times to take legal action in order to protect our proprietary rights and, despite our best efforts, we may be sued for infringing on the patent rights of others. Patent litigation is costly and, even if we prevail, the cost of such litigation could adversely affect our financial condition. If we do not prevail, in addition to any damages we might have to pay, we could be required to stop the infringing activity or obtain a license. We cannot be certain that any required license would be available to us on acceptable terms, or at all. If we fail to obtain a license, our business might be materially adversely affected.

    To help protect our proprietary rights in unpatented trade secrets, we require our employees, consultants and advisors to execute confidentiality agreements. However, we cannot guarantee that these agreements will provide us with adequate protection if confidential information is used or disclosed improperly. In addition, in some situations, these agreements may conflict with, or be subject to, the rights of third parties with whom our employees, consultants or advisors have prior employment or consulting relationships. Further, others may independently develop substantially equivalent proprietary information and techniques, or otherwise gain access to our trade secrets.

Potential Product Liability

    The use of our products will expose us to the risk of product liability claims. Although we intend to obtain product liability insurance coverage, we cannot guaranty that product liability insurance will continue to be available to us on acceptable terms or that our coverage will be sufficient to cover all claims against us. A product liability claim, even one without merit or for which we have substantial coverage, could result in significant legal defense costs, thereby increasing our expenses, lowering our earnings and, depending on revenues, potentially result in additional losses.


Uncertainty of Third-Party Reimbursement

    In addition to obtaining regulatory approval, the successful commercialization of our products will depend on our ability to obtain reimbursement for the cost of the product and treatment. Government authorities, private health insurers and other organizations, such as health maintenance organizations are increasingly challenging the prices charged for medical products and services. Also, the trend toward managed health care in the United States, the growth of healthcare organizations such as HMOs, and legislative proposals to reform healthcare and government insurance programs could significantly influence the purchase of healthcare services and products, resulting in lower prices and reducing demand for our products. The cost containment measures that healthcare providers are instituting and any healthcare reform could affect our ability to sell our products and may have a material adverse effect on our operations. We cannot assure investors that reimbursement in the United States or foreign countries will be available for any of our products, that any reimbursement granted will be maintained, or that limits on reimbursement available from third-party payors will not reduce the demand for, or the price of, our products. The lack or inadequacy of third-party reimbursements for our products would have a material adverse affect on our operations. We cannot forecast what additional legislation or regulation relating to the healthcare industry or third-party coverage and reimbursement may be enacted in the future, or what effect the legislation or regulation would have on our business.

Risks Related to Share Ownership

Our Preferred Shares, Classified Board of Directors and Oregon Laws Could Prohibit Takeovers

    Our authorized capital consists of 50,000,000 shares of common stock and 2,000,000 preferred shares. The Board of Directors, without any further vote by the shareholders, has the authority to issue preferred shares and to determine the price, preferences, rights and restrictions, including voting and dividend rights, of these shares. The rights of the holders of shares of common stock may be affected by the rights of holders of any preferred shares that the Board of Directors may issue in the future. For example, the Board of Directors may allow the issuance of preferred shares with more voting rights, higher dividend payments or more favorable rights upon dissolution, than the shares of common stock. If preferred shares are issued in the future, it may also be more difficult for others to acquire a majority of our outstanding voting shares.

    In addition, we have a "classified" Board of Directors, which means that only one-half of our directors are eligible for election each year. Therefore, if shareholders wish to change the composition of the Board of Directors, it could take at least two years to remove a majority of the existing directors or to change all directors. Having a classified Board of Directors may, in some circumstances, deter or delay mergers, tender offers or other possible transactions which may be favored by some or a majority of our shareholders.

    The Oregon Control Share Act and Business Combination Act limit parties who acquire a significant amount of voting shares from exercising control over us. The Act may lengthen the period for a proxy contest or for a person to vote their shares to elect the majority of our Board.


Volatility of Stock Price

    Historically, the market price of our stock has been highly volatile. The following types of announcements could have a significant impact on the price of our common stock:

    positive or negative results of testing and clinical trials by ourselves or competitors

    delays in entering into corporate partnerships

    technological innovations or commercial product introductions by ourselves or competitors

    changes in government regulations

    developments concerning proprietary rights, including patents and litigation matters

    public concern relating to the commercial value or safety of any of our products

    general stock market conditions

    Further, the stock market has in recent months experienced and may continue to experience significant price and volume fluctuations. These fluctuations have particularly affected the market prices of equity securities of many biopharmaceutical companies that are not yet profitable. Often, the effect on the price of such securities is unrelated or disproportionate to the operating performance of such companies. These broad market fluctuations may adversely affect the ability of a shareholder to dispose of his shares at a price equal to or above the price at which the shares were purchased.

Future Sale of Eligible Shares May Lower the Price of our Common Stock

    We have outstanding 21,508,148 shares of common stock and all are eligible for sale under Rule 144 or are otherwise freely tradeable. In addition:

    Our employees and others hold options to buy a total of 2,855,296 shares of common stock. The shares of common stock to be issued upon exercise of these options, have been registered, and therefore may be freely sold when issued;

    There are outstanding warrants to buy 7,394,861 shares of common stock. The shares issuable upon exercise of 4,416,814 warrants are registered. These shares may be freely sold when issued. The holders of warrants covering 400,000 shares have incidental registration rights to have the shares issuable upon the exercise of their warrants registered. Once registered, those shares may be freely sold when issued, for so long as the registration statement is effective and current. The remaining warrants have no registration rights.

    We may issue options to purchase up to an additional 82,281 shares of common stock under our stock option plans, which also will be fully saleable when issued.

    We are authorized to sell up to 242,231 shares of common stock under our Employee Stock Purchase Plan to our full-time employees, nearly all of whom are eligible to participate.


    Sales of substantial amounts of shares into the public market could lower the market price of our common stock.

Absence of Dividends

    We have never paid dividends on our shares of common stock and do not intend to pay dividends in the foreseeable future.

Item 7A.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk

    Due to the short-term nature of our interest bearing assets we believe that our exposure to interest rate market risk is not significant.

Item 8.  Financial Statements

    All information required by this item begins on page F-1 in item 14 of Part IV of this Report and is incorporated into this item by reference.

Item 9.  Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and Financial Disclosure




Item 10.  Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant

    Information regarding our directors and executive officers required by this item is included in our definitive proxy statement for our 2001 annual meeting of shareholders to be filed with the Commission not later than 120 days after the end of the fiscal year covered by this Annual Report and is incorporated herein by reference.

Item 11.  Executive Compensation

    The information required by this item is included in our definitive proxy statement for our 2001 annual meeting of shareholders to be filed with the Commission not later than 120 days after the end of the fiscal year covered by this Annual Report and is incorporated herein by reference.

Item 12.  Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management

    The information required by this item is included in our definitive proxy statement for our 2001 annual meeting of shareholders to be filed with the Commission not later than 120 days after the end of the fiscal year covered by this Annual Report and is incorporated herein by reference.

Item 13.  Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

    The information required by this item is included in our definitive proxy statement for our 2001 annual meeting of shareholders to be filed with the Commission not later than 120 days after the end of the fiscal year covered by this Annual Report and is incorporated herein by reference.

Item 14.  Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules and Reports on Form 8-K

    The following documents are filed as part of this Report:

Financial Statements

    The following financial statements of the Company and the Report of Arthur Andersen LLP, Independent Auditors, are included in Part IV of this Report on the pages indicated:

Report of Arthur Andersen LLP, Independent Auditors   F-1
Balance Sheets   F-2
Statements of Operations   F-3
Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity   F-4
Statements of Cash Flow   F-5
Notes to Financial Statements   F-6

Financial Statement Schedules

    All schedules are omitted because they are not applicable or the required information is shown in the financial statements or the notes thereto.



    The following exhibits are filed herewith and this list is intended to constitute the exhibit index:

Exhibit No.

3. 1     Third Restated Articles of Incorporation of AntiVirals Inc.(1)
3. 2     Bylaws of AntiVirals Inc.(1)
3. 3     First Amendment to Third Restated Articles of Incorporation(4)
4. 1     Form of Specimen Certificate for Common Stock.(1)
4. 2     Form of Warrant for Purchase of Common Stock.(1)
4. 3     Form of Warrant Agreement.(1)
4. 4     Form of Representative's Warrant.(1)
4. 5     Form of Warrant Agreement between AntiVirals Inc. and ImmunoTherapy Shareholders(3)
4. 6     Form of Common Stock Purchase Warrant.(5)
10. 1     1992 Stock Incentive Plan (as amended through May 11, 2000).(1)
10. 2     Employment Agreement with Denis R. Burger, Ph.D. dated November 4, 1996.(1)
10. 3     Employment Agreement with Alan P. Timmins dated November 4, 1996.(1)
10. 4     Employment Agreement with Dwight Weller, Ph.D. dated November 4, 1996.(1)
10. 5     Technology Transfer Agreement between Anti-Gene Development Group and AntiVirals Inc., dated February 9, 1992.(1)
10. 6     Amendment to Technology Transfer Agreement between Anti-Gene Development Group and AntiVirals Inc. dated January 20, 1996.(1)
10. 7     License and Option Agreement between Anti-Gene Development Group and AntiVirals Inc., dated February 9, 1993.(1)
10. 8     Commercial Lease between Research Way Investments, Landlord, and AntiVirals Inc., Tenant, dated June 15, 1992.(1)
10. 9     Lease between Benjamin Franklin Plaza, Inc., Landlord, and AntiVirals Inc., Tenant, dated June 17, 1992.(1)
10. 10     First Amendment to Lease between Benjamin Franklin Plaza, Inc., Landlord, and AntiVirals Inc., Tenant, dated July 24, 1995.(1)
10. 11     Employment Agreement with Patrick L. Iversen, Ph.D. dated July 14, 1997.(2)
10. 12     ImmunoTherapy Corporation 1997 Stock Option Plan(3)
10. 13     Form of Employment Agreement with Jeffrey Lillard(3)
10. 14     Promissory Note dated June, 1998 made by the Lillard Family Trust to AntiVirals Inc.(3)
10. 15     Oregon Deed of Trust Security Agreement and Fixture Filing dated June, 1998, granted by the Lillard Family Trust to Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon, as trustee, for the benefit of AntiVirals Inc.(3)
10. 16     License Agreement between ImmunoTherapy Corporation and Ohio State University, dated March 12, 1996(3)
10. 17     License Agreement between ImmunoTherapy Corporation and Ohio State University, dated December 26, 1996(3)
10. 18     Amendment to License Agreement between ImmunoTherapy Corporation and Ohio State University, dated September 23, 1997(3)
10. 19     Agreement and Plan of Reorganization and Merger dated as of February 2, 1998, among AntiVirals Inc., AntiVirals Acquisition Corporation and ImmunoTherapy Corporation(3)
10. 20     First Amendment to Plan of Reorganization and Merger dated as of May 27, 1998, among AntiVirals Inc., AntiVirals Acquisition Corporation and ImmunoTherapy Corporation(3)


Exhibit No.

10.21   Second Amendment to Plan of Reorganization and Merger dated as of August 4, 1998, among AntiVirals Inc., AntiVirals Acquisition Corporation and ImmunoTherapy Corporation(3)
10.22   Form of Escrow Agreement among AntiVirals Inc., the Escrow Indemnitors and Jeffrey Lillard(3)
10.23   Purchase Agreement, dated December 15, 1999, by and between AVI BioPharma, Inc. and certain Investors(5)
10.24   Registration Rights Agreement, dated December 15, 1999, by and between AVI BioPharma, Inc. and certain Investors(5)
10.25   Purchase Agreement, dated December 16, 1999, by and between AVI BioPharma, Inc. and certain Investors(5)
10.26   Registration Rights Agreement, dated December 16, 1999, by and between AVI BioPharma, Inc. and certain Investors(5)
10.27   Subscription Agreement, dated December 1, 1999, by and between SuperGen, Inc. and AVI BioPharma, Inc.(5)
10.28   2000 Amendment to Technology Transfer Agreement between Anti-Gene Development Group and AVI BioPharma, Inc.(6)
10.29   United States of America Sales, Distribution, and Development Agreement, dated April 4, 2000, between SuperGen, Inc. and AVI BioPharma, Inc.
10.30   Common Stock and Warrant Purchase Agreement, dated April 4, 2000, between SuperGen, Inc. and AVI BioPharma, Inc.(7)
10.31   Registration Rights Agreement, dated April 14, 2000, between SuperGen, Inc. and AVI BioPharma, Inc.(7)
10.32   2000 Employee Share Purchase Plan(8)
23.0   Consent of Arthur Andersen LLP

Incorporated by reference to Exhibits to Registrant's Registration Statement on Form SB-2, as amended and filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 29, 1997 (Commission Registration No. 333-20513).

Incorporated by reference to Exhibits to Registrant's Annual Report on Form 10-KSB for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1997, and filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 30, 1998.

Incorporated by reference to Exhibits to Registrant's Registration Statement on Form S-4, as amended, and filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on August 7, 1998 (Commission Registration No. 333-60849).

Incorporated by reference to Exhibits to Registrant's current report on Form 8-K, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on September 30, 1998 (Commission Registration No. 000-22613).

Incorporated by reference to Exhibits to Registrant's Registration Statement on Form S-3, as amended, and filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on December 21, 1999 (Commission Registration No. 333-93135).

Incorporated by reference to exhibits to Registrant's Registration Statement on Form S-1 and filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 16, 2000 (Commission Registration No. 333-39542).

Incorporated by reference to exhibits to Registrant's Registrations Statement on Form S-3, and filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on September 15, 2000 (Commission Registration No. 333-45888).


Incorporated by reference to Appendix A to Registrant's Definitive Proxy Statement on Form 14-A, as amended, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on April 12, 2000.

Reports on Form 8-K

The Company did not file any Reports on Form 8-K during the quarter ended December 31, 2000.

Exhibits. See Item 14 (a) above.

Financial Statement Schedules. See Item 14 (a) above.



    In accordance with Section 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Dated: February 28, 2001   AVI BIOPHARMA, INC.




Denis R. Burger, Ph.D.
Chairman of the Board and
Chief Executive Officer

    Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the Registrant and in their capacities indicated on February 28, 2001:




Denis R. Burger, Ph.D.
  Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
(Principal Executive Officer)

Alan P. Timmins


President, Chief Operating Officer, and Director

Mark M. Webber


Chief Financial Officer and Chief Information Officer
(Principal Financial and Accounting Officer)

Patrick L. Iversen, Ph.D.


Senior Vice President of Research and Development and Director

Dwight D. Weller, Ph.D.


Senior Vice President of Chemistry and Manufacturing and Director

Nick Bunick



Bruce L.A. Carter, Ph.D.



John W. Fara, Ph.D.



James B. Hicks, Ph.D.



Joseph Rubinfeld, Ph.D.





To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of

    We have audited the accompanying balance sheets of AVI BIOPHARMA, INC. (an Oregon corporation in the development stage) as of December 31, 2000 and 1999, and the related statements of operations, shareholders' equity and cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2000 and for the period from inception (July 22, 1980) to December 31, 2000. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

    We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

    In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of AVI BIOPHARMA, INC. as of December 31, 2000 and 1999, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2000 and for the period from inception (July 22, 1980) to December 31, 2000, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States.

Arthur Andersen, LLP

Portland, Oregon
February 7, 2001


(A Development Stage Company)

  December 31,

Current Assets:







  Cash and cash equivalents   $ 25,898,513   $ 8,683,005  
  Short-term securities—available-for-sale     6,213,586     2,937,500  
  Other current assets     1,019,166     31,242  
    Total Current Assets     33,131,265     11,651,747  
Property and Equipment, net of accumulated depreciation and amortization of $2,658,549 and $2,518,494     1,036,749     403,303  
Patent Costs, net of accumulated amortization of $541,185 and $418,268     890,532     844,731  
Other Assets     29,847     29,847  
    Total Assets   $ 35,088,393   $ 12,929,628  

Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity


Current Liabilities:







  Accounts payable   $ 1,290,804   $ 727,673  
  Accrued employee compensation     431,988     312,481  
    Total Current Liabilities     1,722,792     1,040,154  
Shareholders' Equity:              
  Preferred stock, $.0001 par value, 2,000,000 shares authorized; none issued and outstanding          
  Common stock, $.0001 par value, 50,000,000 shares authorized; 21,508,148 and 16,236,428 issued and outstanding     2,151     1,624  
  Additional paid-in capital     105,340,697     62,901,227  
  Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)     (11,683,414 )   40,500  
  Deficit accumulated during the development stage     (60,293,833 )   (51,053,877 )
    Total Shareholders' Equity     33,365,601     11,889,474  
    Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity   $ 35,088,393   $ 12,929,628  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these balance sheets.


(A Development Stage Company)

  Year ended December 31,
  July 22, 1980
(Inception) to
December 31, 2000

Revenues, from license fees, grants and research contracts   $ 1,297,338   $ 17,024   $ 120,351   $ 2,138,555  
Operating expenses:                          
  Research and development     9,268,330     6,672,027     6,306,860     33,995,963  
  General and administrative     2,270,302     1,745,491     1,621,381     11,468,970  
  Acquired in-process research and development         71,874     19,473,154     19,545,028  
      11,538,632     8,489,392     27,401,395     65,009,961  
Other Income:                          
  Interest income, net     1,001,338     193,927     547,081     2,480,823  
  Realized gain on sale of short-term securities                 96,750  
      1,001,338     193,927     547,081     2,577,573  
Net loss   $ (9,239,956 ) $ (8,278,441 ) $ (26,733,963 ) $ (60,293,833 )
Net loss per share—basic and diluted   $ (0.49 ) $ (0.62 )   (2.27 )      
Weighted average number of common shares outstanding for computing basic and diluted loss per share     18,724,533     13,440,205     11,801,453        

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these balance sheets.


(A Development Stage Company)

During the

  Common Stock




BALANCE AT JULY 22, 1980 (Inception)       $   $   $   $   $  
  Issuance of partnership units, warrants and common stock   3,615   8,272,916     828     33,732,654             33,733,482  
  Compensation expense related to issuance of warrants for common stock and partnership units             537,353             537,353  
  Exercise of warrants for partnership units and common stock   42   1,214,263     121     184,046             184,167  
  Exercise of options for common stock     59,903     6     281,804             281,810  
  Conversion of debt into common stock and partnership units   9   9,634     1     87,859             87,860  
  Issuance of common stock in exchange for partnership units   (1,810 ) 1,632,950     163     (163 )            
  Withdrawal of partnership net assets upon conveyance of technology   (1,856 )         (176,642 )           (176,642 )
  Common stock subject to rescission, net     (64,049 )   (6 )   (288,789 )           (288,795 )
  Net loss                     (16,041,473 )   (16,041,473 )
BALANCE AT DECEMBER 31, 1997     11,125,617     1,113     34,358,122         (16,041,473 )   18,317,762  
  Exercise of warrants for common stock     34,567     3     17,922             17,925  
  Exercise of options for common stock     35,990     4     166,944             166,948  
  Issuance of common stock and warrants for the acquisition of ImmunoTherapy Corporation     2,132,592     213     17,167,199             17,167,412  
  Issuance of common stock for consulting services, $4.00 per share     17,400     2     69,598             69,600  
  Net loss                     (26,733,963 )   (26,733,963 )
BALANCE AT DECEMBER 31, 1998     13,346,166     1,335     51,779,785         (42,775,436 )   9,005,684  
  Exercise of warrants for common stock     16,667     2     3             5  
  Exercise of options for common stock     16,448     1     66,722             66,723  
  Issuance of common stock and warrants for cash and securities, net of offering costs     2,857,147     286     11,054,717             11,055,003  
  Comprehensive income (loss):                                        
    Unrealized gain on short-term securities—available-for-sale                 40,500         40,500  
    Net loss                     (8,278,441 )   (8,278,441 )
      Comprehensive loss                                     (8,237,941 )
BALANCE AT DECEMBER 31, 1999     16,236,428     1,624     62,901,227     40,500     (51,053,877 )   11,889,474  
  Exercise of warrants for common stock     162,215     16     1,103,438             1,103,454  
  Exercise of options for common stock     376,616     38     1,687,842             1,687,880  
  Issuance of common stock for ESPP     7,769     1     42,371             42,372  
  Issuance of common stock and warrants for cash and securities, net of offering costs     4,725,120     472     39,605,819             39,606,291  
  Comprehensive loss:                                        
    Unrealized loss on short-term securities—available-for-sale                 (11,723,914 )       (11,723,914 )
    Net loss                     (9,239,956 )   (9,239,956 )
      Comprehensive loss                                     (20,963,870 )
BALANCE AT DECEMBER 31, 2000     21,508,148   $ 2,151   $ 105,340,697   $ (11,683,414 ) $ (60,293,833 ) $ 33,365,601  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these balance sheets.


(A Development Stage Company)

  For the Period
July 22, 1980
(Inception) to
December 31, 2000

  Year ended
December 31,

Cash flows from operating activities:                          
Net loss   $ (9,239,956 ) $ (8,278,441 ) $ (26,733,963 ) $ (60,293,833 )
  Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash flows used in operating activities:                          
    Depreciation and amortization     416,497     313,238     223,186     3,470,028  
    Realized gain on sale of short-term investments—available for sale                 (96,750 )
    Compensation expense on issuance of common stock and partnership units             69,600     251,992  
    Compensation expense on issuance of options and warrants to purchase common stock or partnership units                 562,353  
    Conversion of interest accrued to common stock                 7,860  
    Acquired in-process research and development         71,874     19,473,154     19,545,028  
    (Increase) decrease in:                          
      Other current assets     (987,924 )   478,186     (490,386 )   (1,019,166 )
      Other assets                 (29,847 )
    Net increase (decrease) in accounts payable and accrued liabilities     682,638     (146,245 )   721,947     1,722,792  
        Net cash used in operating activities     (9,128,745 )   (7,561,388 )   (6,736,462 )   (35,879,543 )
Cash flows from investing activities:                          
  Proceeds from sale or redemption of short-term investments                 247,750  
  Purchase of property and equipment     (813,187 )   (135,075 )   (109,657 )   (3,795,073 )
  Patent costs     (282,557 )   (283,409 )   (264,434 )   (1,602,236 )
  Acquisition costs         (71,874 )   (2,203,236 )   (2,377,616 )
        Net cash used in investing activities     (1,095,744 )   (490,358 )   (2,577,327 )   (7,527,175 )
Cash flows from financing activities:                          
  Proceeds from sale of common stock, warrants, and partnership units, net of offering costs, and exercise of options and warrants     27,439,997     8,224,731     184,873     69,690,668  
  Buyback of common stock pursuant to rescission offering                 (288,795 )
  Withdrawal of partnership net assets                 (176,642 )
  Issuance of convertible debt                 80,000  
        Net cash provided by financing activities     27,439,997     8,224,731     184,873     69,305,231  
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents     17,215,508     172,985     (9,128,916 )   25,898,513  
Cash and cash equivalents:                          
  Beginning of period     8,683,005     8,510,020     17,638,936      
  End of period   $ 25,898,513   $ 8,683,005   $ 8,510,020   $ 25,898,513  
  Short-term securities—available-for-sale received in connection with the private offering   $ 15,000,000   $ 2,897,000   $   $ 17,897,000  
  Unrealized gain (loss) on short-term securities—available-for-sale   $ (11,723,914 ) $ 40,500   $   $ (11,683,414 )

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these balance sheets.


(A Development Stage Company)



    AVI BioPharma, Inc. (the Company or AVI) was incorporated in the State of Oregon on July 22, 1980. The mission of the Company is to develop and commercialize improved therapeutic products based upon antisense and cancer immunotherapy technology.

    Through May 1993, the financial statements included the combined accounts of the Company and ANTI-GENE DEVELOPMENT GROUP, a limited partnership (AGDG or the Partnership) founded in 1981 and registered in the State of Oregon. Substantially all income generated and proceeds from the Partnership unit sales through that date have been paid to the Company under the terms of research and development contracts entered into by the Partnership and the Company. Significant transactions between the Company and the Partnership through that date have been eliminated.

    In March 1993, the Company offered to all partners in the Partnership the opportunity to exchange their partnership units or warrants to purchase partnership units (unit warrants) for common stock or warrants to purchase common stock. Under the terms of the offer, which was completed May 1, 1993, each partner could elect to exchange each unit held or unit warrant held for 1,100 shares of common stock or warrants to purchase 1,100 shares of common stock of the Company, respectively. Total shares and warrants to purchase shares issued in the exchange offer were 1,632,950 and 381,700, respectively.

    Effective May 19, 1993, the Company and the Partnership entered into a Technology Transfer Agreement wherein the Partnership conveyed all intellectual property then in its control to the Company. As part of the conveyance, the Company tendered to the Partnership for liquidation all partnership units received pursuant to the exchange offer and received a 49.37 percent undivided interest in the intellectual property. The Company then purchased the remaining undivided interest in the intellectual property for rights to payments of 4.05 percent of gross revenues in excess of $200 million, from sales of products, which would, in the absence of the Technology Transfer Agreement, infringe a valid claim under any patent transferred to the Company. The Company also granted to the Partnership a royalty-bearing license to make, use and sell small quantities of product derived from the intellectual property for research purposes only.

    In March 2000, the Company and AGDG amended the Technology Transfer Agreement to give to AGDG and Gene Tools LLC, related organizations, exclusive, non royalty-bearing rights to in vitro diagnostic applications of the intellectual property. In consideration for this amendment, Gene Tools paid the Company $1 million and reduced the royalty that the Company would pay to AGDG under the Technology Transfer Agreement on future sales of therapeutic products from 4.05% to 3.00%.

    The remaining net assets of the Partnership, $176,642 of cash, were no longer combined with those of the Company in May 1993. Under the terms of the Technology Transfer Agreement, the Partnership ceased active sales of partnership units and income generating activities and no longer will enter into research and development contracts with the Company. The Partnership currently exists primarily for the purpose of collecting potential future payments from the Company as called for in the Technology Transfer Agreement.

    Beginning in 1991, the Company changed its fiscal year from a fiscal year ending on October 31, to a calendar year. The new fiscal year was adopted prospectively.


    The Company is in the development stage. Since its inception in 1980 through December 31, 2000, the Company has incurred losses of approximately $60 million, substantially all of which resulted from expenditures related to research and development, general and administrative expenses and a one-time charge in 1998 of $19,473,154 for acquired in-process research and development reflecting the acquisition of ImmunoTherapy Corporation. The Company has not generated any material revenue from product sales to date, and there can be no assurance that revenues from product sales will be achieved. Moreover, even if the Company does achieve revenues from product sales, the Company nevertheless expects to incur operating losses over the next several years.

    The financial statements have been prepared assuming that the Company will continue as a going concern. The Company's ability to achieve a profitable level of operations in the future will depend in large part on its completing product development of its cancer vaccine, antisense and/or drug delivery products, obtaining regulatory approvals for such products and bringing these products to market. During the period required to develop these products, the Company will require substantial financing. There is no assurance that such financing will be available when needed or that the Company's planned products will be commercially successful. If necessary, the Company's management will curtail expenditures in an effort to conserve operating funds.

    The likelihood of the long-term success of the Company must be considered in light of the expenses, difficulties and delays frequently encountered in the development and commercialization of new pharmaceutical products, competitive factors in the marketplace as well as the burdensome regulatory environment in which the Company operates. There can be no assurance that the Company will ever achieve significant revenues or profitable operations.


Use of Estimates

    The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

Cash and Cash Equivalents

    The Company considers all highly liquid investments with an original maturity of three months or less from the date of purchase to be cash equivalents.

Short-Term Securities—Available-For-Sale

    The Company accounts for its short-term securities in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 115, "Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities" (SFAS 115). As such, the Company has classified its investment securities as available-for-sale and, accordingly, such investment securities are stated on the balance sheet at their fair market value, which was below cost by $11,683,414 at December 31, 2000. The unrealized difference between the cost and the fair market value of these securities has been reflected as a separate component of shareholders' equity. These short-term securities represent common stock of SuperGen, Inc. with a fair value of $6,213,586 at December 31, 2000.


Property and Equipment

    Property and equipment is stated at cost and depreciated over the estimated useful lives of the assets, generally five years, using the straight-line method. Leasehold improvements are amortized over the shorter of the lease term or the estimated useful life of the asset.

Patent Costs

    Patent costs consist primarily of legal and filing fees incurred to file patents on proprietary technology developed by the Company. Patent costs are amortized on a straight-line basis over the shorter of the estimated economic lives or the legal lives of the patents, generally 17 years.

Research and Development

    Research and development costs are expensed as incurred.

Income Taxes

    The Company accounts for income taxes in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 109, "Accounting for Income Taxes" (SFAS 109). Under SFAS 109, deferred tax assets and liabilities are recorded based on the tax effected difference between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amount for financial reporting purposes, referred to as temporary differences, using enacted marginal income tax rates.

Net Loss Per Share

    Basic EPS is calculated using the weighted average number of common shares outstanding for the period and diluted EPS is computed using the weighted average number of common shares and dilutive common equivalent shares outstanding. Given that the Company is in a loss position, there is no difference between basic EPS and diluted EPS since the common stock equivalents would be antidilutive.

Year Ended December 31,

Net loss   $ (9,239,956 ) $ (8,278,441 ) $ (26,733,963 )
Weighted average number of shares of common stock and common stock equivalents outstanding:                    
  Weighted average number of common shares outstanding for computing basic earnings per share     18,724,533     13,440,205     11,801,453  
  Dilutive effect of warrants and stock options after application of the treasury stock method     *     *     *  
Weighted average number of common shares outstanding for computing diluted earnings per share     18,724,533     13,440,205     11,801,453  
Net loss per share—basic and diluted   $ (0.49 ) $ (0.62 ) $ (2.27 )


The following common stock equivalents are excluded from earnings per share calculation as their effect would have been antidilutive:
Year Ended December 31,

  Warrants and stock options   10,250,157   7,722,621   7,102,242

Segment Reporting

    As of January 1, 1998, the Company adopted Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 131 (SFAS 131), "Disclosures about Segments of an Enterprise and Related Information." Based upon definitions contained within SFAS 131, the Company has determined that it operates in one segment.

Comprehensive Income

    The Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 130 (SFAS 130), "Reporting Comprehensive Income," establishes standards for reporting and display of comprehensive income. Comprehensive income includes charges or credits to equity that did not result from transactions with shareholders. SFAS No. 130 became effective during 1998. The Company's only component of "other comprehensive income (loss)" is unrealized gain (loss) on short-term securities available-for-sale.

Recent Pronouncements

    In June 1999, Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 137, "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities" (SFAS 137). SFAS 137 is an amendment to Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 133, "Accounting for Derivative and Hedging Activities." SFAS 137 is effective for the Company beginning January 1, 2001. The Company currently does not have any derivative instruments and, accordingly, does not expect the adoption of SFAS 137 to have an impact on its results of operations or financial position.


    In December 1999, the Company completed a private offering with institutional investors and an equity sale to SuperGen, Inc., as a prospective corporate partner. In the private offering, 1,857,147 shares of common stock and 628,573 warrants to purchase common stock at $4.025 per share were issued. All of the warrants issued in connection with the private placement are currently exercisable and expire in five years from closing. Net proceeds of $5,808,003 were received from the private placement. In the equity sale to SuperGen, Inc., 1,000,000 shares were issued in exchange for net proceeds of $5,247,000 in cash and securities including 100,000 shares of SuperGen Inc.'s common stock. Subsequent to December 31, 1999, the shares received from SuperGen, Inc. were registered and have no restrictions.

    In April 2000, the Company entered into an alliance with SuperGen, Inc. for shared development and marketing rights for Avicine. Under the terms of the agreement, AVI and SuperGen Inc. will equally share in future clinical development and FDA registration costs as well as in profits from product sales in the United States. Additionally, AVI may receive up to $80 million from SuperGen from meeting commercialization benchmarks. In addition, pursuant to a separate private placement, the Company received from SuperGen, Inc. $5,000,000 in cash and 347,826 registered shares of SuperGen, Inc. common stock in exchange for 1,684,211 shares of AVI common stock and a warrant to purchase 1,665,878 shares of AVI common stock, subject to anti-dilution provisions. Closing of the transaction occurred during the third quarter of 2000.


    In July 2000, the Company completed a secondary offering for 3,000,000 shares of common stock at $7.25 per share. Net proceeds were $19,861,571. In addition, representatives' warrants to purchase 300,000 shares of AVI common stock were issued to the underwriters' of the secondary offering.

    In 2000, the Board of Directors and the Company's shareholders approved the Employee Stock Purchase Plan under which the Company is authorized to sell up to 250,000 shares of common stock to its full-time employees, nearly all of whom are eligible to participate. Under the terms of the Plan, employees may elect every six months to have up to 10% of their compensation withheld to purchase the Company's common stock. The purchase price of the stock is 85% of the lower of the beginning-of-plan period or end-of-plan period market price of the Company's common stock. During 2000, twenty-two employees elected to purchase 7,769 shares of the Company's common stock at $5.45 per share on November 15, 2000.

    At December 31, 2000, the Company had two stock option plans, the 1992 Stock Incentive Plan and the 1997 Stock Option Plan (the Plans). The 1992 Plan provides for the issuance of incentive stock options to its employees and nonqualified stock options, stock appreciation rights and bonus rights to employees, directors of the Company and consultants. The 1997 Plan provides for the assumption of the ImmunoTherapy Options under the Merger Agreement. The Company has reserved 2,937,577 shares of common stock for issuance under the Plans. Options issued under the Plans generally vest ratably over four years and expire five to ten years from the date of grant.

    The Financial Accounting Standards Board has issued SFAS 123, which defines a fair value based method of accounting for an employee stock option and similar equity instruments and encourages all entities to adopt that method of accounting for all of their employee stock compensation plans. However, it also allows an entity to continue to measure compensation cost for those plans using the method of accounting prescribed by Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 25 (APB 25). Entities electing to remain with the accounting in APB 25 must make pro forma disclosures of net income (loss) and, if presented, earnings (loss) per share, as if the fair value based method of accounting defined in SFAS 123 had been adopted. The Company has elected to account for its stock-based compensation plans under APB 25; however, the Company has computed, for pro forma disclosure purposes, the value of all options granted during 2000 and 1999 using the Black-Scholes options pricing model as prescribed by SFAS 123 using the following weighted average assumptions for grants:

Year Ended December 31,

Risk-free interest rate   5.74%   6.25%   6.25%
Expected dividend yield   0%   0%   0%
Expected lives   6 Years   6 Years   6 Years
Expected volatility   147%   91%   76%

    Using the Black-Scholes methodology, the total value of options granted during 2000, 1999 and 1998 was $6,310,098, $366,767 and $3,043,771, respectively, which would be amortized on a pro forma basis over the vesting period of the options (typically four years). The weighted average fair value of options granted during 2000, 1999 and 1998 was $6.07, $2.70 and $4.08, respectively. Included in options granted during 1998, are options assumed in connection with the ImmunoTherapy Corporation acquisition as discussed in Note 7. As the fair value of the assumed options was recorded as part of the purchase price allocation, these assumed options have not been included in the SFAS 123 fair value calculation.


    If the Company had accounted for its stock-based compensation plans in accordance with SFAS 123, the Company's net loss and net loss per share would approximate the pro forma disclosures below:

For the Year Ended December 31,

  As Reported
  Pro Forma
  As Reported
  Pro Forma
  As Reported
  Pro Forma
Net loss   $ (9,239,956 ) $ (10,126,948 ) $ (8,278,441 ) $ (9,867,318 ) $ (26,733,963 ) $ (28,791,068 )
Net loss per share—basic and diluted   $ (0.49 ) $ (0.54 ) $ (0.62 ) $ (0.73 ) $ (2.27 ) $ (2.44 )

    The effects of applying SFAS 123 in this pro forma disclosure are not indicative of future amounts. Additional awards are anticipated in future years.

    A summary of the status of the Company's stock option plans and changes are presented in the following table:

For the Year Ended December 31,

  Weighted Average
Exercise Price

  Weighted Average
Exercise Price

  Weighted Average
Exercise Price

Options outstanding at beginning of year   2,195,367   $ 5.27   2,136,894   $ 5.32   1,240,209   $ 5.30
Granted   1,039,446     6.25   135,631     3.47   971,856     5.29
Exercised   (376,616 )   4.48   (16,448 )   4.06   (35,990 )   4.64
Canceled   (2,901 )   5.89   (60,710 )   3.43   (39,181 )   4.65
Options outstanding at end of year   2,855,296     5.73   2,195,367     5.27   2,136,894     5.32
Exercisable at end of year   1,751,547   $ 5.50   1,752,226   $ 5.17   1,428,798   $ 5.05

    At December 31, 2000, 82,281 shares were available for future grant.


    The following table summarizes information about stock options outstanding at December 31, 2000:

Exercise Price

Shares at
December 31, 2000

  Weighted Average
Contractual Life

  Exercisable Options
$0.04   12,600   4.93   12,600
 3.31   79,536   5.34   62,786
 3.69   31,000   7.57   10,000
 3.75   33,334   7.91   16,667
 3.81   116,446   4.58   91,446
 3.97   159,368   5.38   159,368
 4.56   301,672   1.48   301,672
 4.75   57,112   4.99   30,533
 4.95   119,158   3.95   119,158
 5.00   5,000   3.95   1,250
 5.75   503,000   9.01  
 6.00   73,335   5.24   65,001
 6.38   236,599   6.41   224,099
 6.63   518,429   7.05   509,679
 6.69   100,000   6.69   75,000
 6.88   436,000   8.80   49,999
 7.19   33,334   9.59  
 7.94   1,040   2.02   1,040
 8.13   28,333   6.84   21,249
 10.00   10,000   4.41  

    The Company has also issued warrants for the purchase of common stock in conjunction with financing and compensation arrangements. Of the 2,115,878 warrants granted during 2000, 1,965,878 have not been considered in the fair value based method of accounting defined in SFAS 123 as such warrant grants related to the raising of additional equity. The value of warrants granted in 1999 have not been considered in the fair value based method of accounting defined in SFAS 123 as such warrant grants related to the raising of additional equity. Of the 2,166,814 warrants granted during 1998, 2,116,814 were in connection with the ImmunoTherapy Corporation acquisition as discussed in Note 7. The fair value of such warrants was considered in the purchase price of ImmunoTherapy Corporation and therefore has not been considered in the fair value based method of accounting defined in SFAS 123. A summary of the status of the Company's warrants and changes are presented in the following table:

For the Year Ended December 31,

  Weighted Average
Exercise Price

  Weighted Average
Exercise Price

  Weighted Average
Exercise Price

Warrants outstanding at beginning of year   5,527,254   $ 12.22   4,965,348   $ 13.17   2,833,101   $ 12.88
Granted   2,115,878     29.99   628,573     4.025   2,166,814     13.36
Exercised   (162,215 )   8.04   (16,667 )   0.0003   (34,567 )   0.54
Canceled   (86,056 )   4.41   (50,000 )   7.25      
Warrants outstanding at end of year   7,394,861     17.49   5,527,254     12.22   4,965,348     13.17
Exercisable at end of year   5,278,983   $ 12.48   5,455,825   $ 12.33   4,965,348   $ 13.17


    In connection with the initial public offering, the Company authorized the issuance of the Underwriters' Warrants (the Warrants) and reserved 400,000 shares of Common Stock for issuance upon exercise of such Warrants (including the warrants to purchase common stock issuable upon exercise of the Warrants). The Warrants entitle the holder to acquire up to an aggregate of 200,000 Units at an exercise price of $10.80 per Unit and are currently exercisable and expire June 2002. Each Unit consists of one share of Common Stock and one redeemable warrant. Each warrant initially entitles the holder thereof to purchase one share of Common Stock at a price of $13.50 per share.

    The following table summarizes information about warrants outstanding at December 31, 2000:

Exercise Price

Warrants at
December 31, 2000

  Weighted Average
Contractual Life (Years)

  Exercisable Warrants
$0.0003   16,667   No expiration date   16,667
 1.14   3,000   No expiration date   3,000
 4.03   500,002   3.97   500,002
 8.70   300,000   4.59  
 10.00   150,000   4.42  
 10.80   142,500   1.42   142,500
 13.50   4,616,814   1.86   4,616,814
 35.63   1,665,878   9.26  


    As of December 31, 2000 and 1999 the Company has net operating loss carryforwards of approximately $41,190,000 and $30,700,000, respectively, available to reduce future taxable income, which expire 2001 through 2020. Of this $41,190,000, approximately $4,150,000 relates to net operating losses assumed as part of the ImmunoTherapy Corporation acquisition. Utilization of such losses is limited to approximately $1,200,000 per year. In addition, the Internal Revenue Code rules under Section 382 could limit the future use of the remaining $37,040,000 in losses based on ownership changes and the value of the Company's stock. Approximately $1,796,000 of the Company's carryforwards were generated as a result of deductions related to exercises of stock options. When utilized, this portion of the Company's carryforwards, as tax effected, will be accounted for as a direct increase to contributed capital rather than as a reduction of that year's provision for income taxes. The principal differences between net operating loss carryforwards for tax purposes and the accumulated deficit result from depreciation, amortization, and treatment of research and development costs and deductions related to the exercise of stock options for income tax purposes.

    The Company had a net deferred tax asset of $17,347,000 and $13,203,000 at December 31, 2000 and 1999, primarily from net operating loss carryforwards. A valuation allowance was recorded to reduce the net deferred tax asset to zero. The net change in the valuation allowance for deferred tax assets was an increase of approximately $4,144,000 and $2,637,000 for the years ended December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively, mainly due to the increase in the net operating loss carryforwards.


    An analysis of the deferred tax assets and liabilities as of December 31, 2000, is as follows:

  Deferred Tax

  Deferred Tax

Net operating loss carryforwards   $ 16,064,000   $   $ 16,064,000  
Depreciation     1,000         1,000  
Research and development tax credits     1,629,000         1,629,000  
Patent costs         (347,000 )   (347,000 )
    $ 17,694,000   $ (347,000 )   17,347,000  
Valuation allowance                 (17,347,000 )

    An analysis of the deferred tax assets and liabilities as of December 31, 1999, is as follows:

  Deferred Tax

  Deferred Tax

Net operating loss carryforwards   $ 12,278,000   $   $ 12,278,000  
Depreciation     2,000         2,000  
Research and development tax credits     1,261,000         1,261,000  
Patent costs         (338,000 )   (338,000 )
    $ 13,541,000   $ (338,000 )   13,203,000  
Valuation allowance                 (13,203,000 )


    In December 1999, the Company entered into an agreement with SuperGen, Inc. The president and chief executive officer of SuperGen, Inc. is a member of our Board of Directors. The chief executive officer of the Company is a member of the Board of Directors of SuperGen, Inc. Under terms of the agreement, the Company acquired $2.5 million cash and 100,000 shares of SuperGen, Inc. common stock, for 1,000,000 shares of AVI common stock. SuperGen, Inc. also acquired exclusive negotiating rights for the United States market for Avicine, the Company's proprietary cancer vaccine currently in late-stage clinical testing against a variety of solid tumors.

    In April 2000, the Company entered into an alliance with SuperGen, Inc. for shared development and marketing rights for Avicine as discussed in Note 3.

    Effective May 19, 1993, the Company and AGDG entered into a Technology Transfer Agreement as discussed in Note 1.

    In March 2000, the Company and AGDG amended the Technology Transfer Agreement as discussed in Note 1.

    In December 2000, the Company loaned the chief executive officer of AVI $500,000. The term of the loan is one year. The loan is secured by the chief executive officer's stock in AVI. Interest will accrue at the rate of 8.5%.



    The Company leases office and laboratory facilities under various noncancelable operating leases through December 2007. Rent expense under these leases was $405,000, $322,000 and $293,000 for the years ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively, and $2,167,000 for the period from July 22, 1980 through December 31, 2000.

    At December 31, 2000, the aggregate noncancelable future minimum payments under these leases are as follows:

Year ending December 31,

2001   $ 513,000
2002     492,000
2003     506,000
2004     522,000
2005     537,000
Thereafter     1,099,000
Total minimum lease payments   $ 3,669,000


    On September 15, 1998, the Company acquired all of the equity of ImmunoTherapy Corporation (ITC), a privately held biotechnology company based in Seattle, Washington. The purchase consideration consisted of 2,132,592 shares of AVI common stock and 2,116,814 warrants to purchase AVI BioPharma common stock. The transaction was accounted for as a purchase. In connection with the purchase price allocation, the Company estimated that substantially all of the intangible assets consist of research and development projects in process. At that time, the development of these projects had not reached technology feasibility and the technology was believed to have no alternative future use. In accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, a one-time charge for acquired in-process research and development of $19,473,154, or $1.65 per share, has been reflected in the accompanying financial statements.

    The value assigned to purchased in-process technology was determined by estimating the costs to develop the purchased in-process technology into commercially viable products, estimating the resulting net cash flows from the expected product sales of such products, and discounting the net cash flows to their present value using a risk-adjusted discount rate.

    Remaining development efforts for the acquired R&D projects include various stages of clinical testing and development work to manufacture the product in accordance with functional and commercial specifications. If none of these products is successfully developed, the sales and profitability of the combined company may be adversely affected in future periods.

    Unaudited pro forma combined statements of operations assume the ITC acquisition occurred at beginning of the period and include acquired in-process research and development are as follows:

Year Ended December 31,

Revenues   $ 120,351  
Net loss     (27,684,092 )
Net loss per share—basic and diluted   $ (2.80 )



2000 for quarter ended

  December 31
  September 30
  June 30
  March 31
Revenues from license fees, grants and research contracts   $ 25,000   $ 122,215   $ 18,250   $ 1,131,873  
Operating expenses:                          
  Research and development     2,692,377     2,155,538     2,483,942     1,936,473  
  General and administrative     786,143     557,911     490,185     436,063  
  Acquired in-process research and development                  
      3,478,520     2,713,449     2,974,127     2,372,536  
Other income:                          
  Interest income, net     445,963     339,130     115,464     100,781  
Net loss   $ (3,007,557 ) $ (2,252,104 ) $ (2,840,413 ) $ (1,139,882 )
Net loss per share, basic and diluted   $ (0.14 ) $ (0.11 ) $ (0.17 ) $ (0.07 )
Shares used in per share calculations     21,477,556     20,303,112     16,710,194     16,359,671  

1999 for quarter ended

  December 31
  September 30
  June 30
  March 31
Revenues from license fees, grants and research contracts   $ 9,241   $ 3,558   $ 110   $ 4,115  
Operating expenses:                          
  Research and development     1,962,171     1,739,728     1,627,478     1,342,650  
  General and administrative     404,392     504,607     418,868     417,624  
  Acquired in-process research and development     10,537         1,498     59,839  
      2,377,100     2,244,335     2,047,844     1,820,113  
Other income:                          
  Interest income, net     31,143     35,696     50,549     76,539  
Net loss   $ (2,336,716 ) $ (2,205,081 ) $ (1,997,185 ) $ (1,739,459 )
Net loss per share, basic and diluted   $ (0.17 ) $ (0.17 ) $ (0.15 ) $ (0.13 )
Shares used in per share calculations     13,713,993     13,351,206     13,351,206     13,349,358  

