EX-99.77O RULE 10F-3 11 item77o.txt EXHIBIT 77O Exhibit 77O RULE 10f-3 REPORTING FORM Name of Adviser/Subadviser: Loomis, Sayles & Company, LP Name of Fund: LS International Bond Fund (B496N7) Total Net Assets of Fund: $12,497,990 Issuer: Credit Suisse London (ISIN XS0381268068) Underwriter(s) : See attached Affiliated Underwriter in the Syndicate: Natixis Date of Purchase: July 29, 2008 Date of Offering: July 29, 2008 Amount of Purchase : $8,310,000 Purchase Price: 99.673 Commission or Spread: none Check that all the following conditions have been met (any exceptions should be discussed prior to commitment): X The securities are (i) part of an issue registered under the Securities Act of 1933, (ii) "municipal securities" as defined under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, (iii) sold in an offering conducted under the laws of a country other than the United States subject to certain requirements, or (iv) exempt from registration under section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933 or Rules 144A or 501-508 thereunder. X The purchase price did not exceed the offering price at the end of the first business day after the first day of the offering (or fourth day before termination, if a rights offering). X The underwriting was a firm commitment. X The commission, spread or profit was reasonable and fair in relation to that being received by others for underwriting similar securities during a comparable period of time. X In respect of any securities other than municipal securities, the issuer of such securities has been in continuous operation for not less than three years (including operations of predecessors), or in respect of any municipal securities, the issuer of such securities has received an investment grade rating from a nationally recognized statistical rating organization or if the issuer of the municipal securities or entity supplying the revenues from which the issues is to be paid has been in continuous operation for less than three years (including any predecessors), it has received one of the three highest ratings from at least one such rating service. X The amount of securities purchased by all of the Funds advised by the same investment adviser or sub-adviser did not exceed 25% of the principal amount of the offering. X No underwriter which is an affiliate of the Fund's adviser or sub-adviser was a direct or indirect participant in, or benefited directly or indirectly from the purchase. X The purchase was not part of a group sale (or part of the institutional pot), or otherwise allocated to the account of an officer, director, member of an advisory board, investment adviser or employee of the Fund or affiliated person thereof. Signed by: /s/ Jan Sharp Date: 8/19/08 Syndicate 7/29/08 Lead Manager: Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Co-Lead Manager(s): Banca Akros (Gruppo BPM) Bancaja Bayerische Lbank Intl Luxembourg Caja Madrid Citigroup Global Markets Ltd Credit Agricole SA Dekabank Deutsche Bank AG London DZ Bank AG Erste Bank Group ING Bank NV Intesa Sanpaolo SpA KBC Bank NV Natixis Oesterreichische Volksbanken AG Rabobank International/London Raiffeisen Zentralbank Austria/Aus Royal Bank of Canada SEB Debt Capital Markets Standard Chartered PLC Svenska Handelsbanken Wachovia Bank Attach a list of all members in the syndicate. Include all purchases made by two or more funds which have the same investment adviser or sub-adviser.