EX-14.1 2 c06978exv14w1.txt AMENDED AND RESTATED CODE OF BUSINESS CONDUCT AND ETHICS EXHIBIT 14.1 SPSS INC. SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED CODE OF BUSINESS CONDUCT & ETHICS 1. PURPOSE SPSS Inc. ("SPSS") is committed to conducting its business with the highest level of integrity. As such, SPSS is adopting this Second Amended and Restated Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the "Code of Ethics") for its directors, officers and employees. An uncompromising commitment to this Code of Ethics is essential to the maintenance of the strong ethical foundation SPSS. This Code of Ethics highlights some of the more frequent ethical questions that you may face during your employment or association with SPSS. The items set forth in this Code of Ethics are not intended to be exhaustive and are, in fact, intended to serve only as a minimum standard of conduct. If you are uncertain as to whether a particular situation may violate this Code of Ethics or are otherwise concerned about any particular action or scenario, please follow the procedures outlined in Section 6 below. 2. COMPLIANCE Each director, officer and employee of SPSS must comply with this Code of Ethics, as well as all federal and state laws, rules and regulations affecting the SPSS business. The failure to comply with any of the foregoing will give rise to disciplinary measures up to and including immediate dismissal from SPSS. 3. GENERAL STANDARD OF CONDUCT The SPSS General Standard of Conduct applies to all SPSS directors, officers and employees. Each SPSS director, officer and employee is expected to conduct his or her affairs with uncompromising honesty and integrity. Many decisions are made every day at all levels of SPSS. This process is how we move forward and accomplish our business goals. We, as individuals, are accountable for making good decisions and for the outcomes those decisions produce. This General Standard of Conduct provides guidance for our decisions. (a) Standard of Ethics. Each SPSS director, officer and employee is expected to (i) be honest and ethical in dealing with the clients, vendors and other business affiliates of SPSS; (ii) be respectful of the rights of your fellow employees by refraining from actions that may be construed as discriminatory, libelous, slanderous or harassing; (iii) provide equal opportunity to all other SPSS directors, officers and employees, regardless of age, race, sex, sexual preference, color, creed, religion, national origin, marital status, veteran's status, handicap or disability; and (iv) alert management whenever an illegal, dishonest or unethical act is discovered or suspected in accordance with Section 6 below. (b) Conflicts of Interest. You may not engage in any conduct that represents a conflict of interest. Conduct that represents a conflict of interest includes (i) any investment, activity or association that makes it difficult to perform work for SPSS in an objective and efficient manner or (ii) any investment, activity or association that causes you to receive improper personal benefits as a result of your position with SPSS. Examples of conduct that represents a conflict of interest include, without limitation: (i) Activities that cause SPSS to engage in business transactions with your relatives or friends; (ii) The exploitation of a personal opportunity that is discovered through the use of corporate property, information or position; (iii) The use of nonpublic SPSS, client or vendor information for personal gain by you or your relatives or friends (including securities transactions based on such information) or in any manner that otherwise violates the SPSS insider Trading Policy; (iv) An investment that causes or may cause you to have more than a modest financial interest in the SPSS vendors, clients or competitors; (v) The receipt of a loan or guarantee of obligations from SPSS or a third party as a result of your position at SPSS; or (vi) Participation in any activity that competes, may compete or may appear to compete with SPSS while you are employed by SPSS. (c) Conflicts of Interest. Neither you nor your relatives may give gifts to or receive gifts from SPSS clients and vendors (except for modest gifts given or received in the normal course of business which may be given or accepted only with prior approval of your senior management). In addition, neither you nor your relatives may pay or receive bribes or kickbacks (i.e., any item intended to improperly obtain favorable treatment). (d) Alcohol/Substance Abuse. SPSS is committed to a workplace free of substance abuse. We jeopardize ourselves and each other if we report to work impaired by the influence of alcohol or drugs. The use, possession, or distribution of unauthorized drugs or alcohol on SPSS time or on SPSS premises is prohibited. SPSS employees are encouraged to seek treatment for alcohol and substance abuse problems. (e) Purchasing Practices. All purchasing decisions should be designed to produce the best overall value for SPSS. Important considerations in many purchasing decisions include competitive bids, partnering arrangements, incentive-based contracts, quality verification and confirming the legal and financial condition of the supplier. Every effort should be made to avoid not only the actual occurrence, but even the appearance of personal conflicts in purchasing decisions. Accordingly, you should employ extra caution if you are considering making purchases on behalf of SPSS from family members or friends. At a minimum, you must discuss any such potential transaction with your supervisor prior to requesting bids or votes from friends, family or any entity in which such individuals have a managerial position. Agreements should be written and have established expectations set forth for all parties. (f) Loans. You may not request or accept loans from SPSS. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you may receive payroll advances and/or draws from SPSS if such advance or draw is properly documented in accordance with the SPSS established procedure. (g) Improper Use or Theft of SPSS Property You must use SPSS assets only for a legitimate business purpose. You must safeguard SPSS property from loss or theft, and may not take such property for personal use. SPSS property includes confidential information, software, computers, office equipment and supplies. (h) Compliance with Policies You may neither conceal mistakes nor falsify any SPSS, client or third party record. Mistakes must be fully disclosed and corrected. Applicable laws and SPSS policy require SPSS to keep books and records that accurately and fairly reflect all financially significant, and in some cases, even non-financial, aspects of the SPSS business. Each of us, regardless of our position with SPSS, may engage in or know of activities that should be reflected in the SPSS books and records. In an effort to insure that SPSS satisfies its obligation to maintain accurate books and records, we maintain a system of internal accounting controls and have adopted other non-accounting policies designed to insure: (i) that SPSS enters into only those transactions, and our employees engage in only such conduct, as is designed to contribute to a proper business purpose; (ii) that all aspects of our conduct on behalf of SPSS has been reviewed and approved by persons with appropriate skills and experience; and (iii) that all aspects of our conduct on behalf of SPSS are made known to persons within our organization who are responsible for ensuring that the SPSS financial reporting and other disclosure obligations are satisfied (which obligations are imposed not only by applicable law, but also by the relationships of trust and confidence we seek to establish with customers, suppliers, investors and others with whom SPSS maintains a relationship). It is the responsibility of all SPSS employees to be aware of, and to comply with, the requirements of our internal accounting controls and other non-accounting policies. In addition to this general requirements, all employees who have any responsibility for accounting, financial reporting, internal controls or disclosure controls and procedures must act in strict accordance with the SPSS Accounting and Financial Reporting Integrity Policy attached hereto as Exhibit A. (i) Protection of SPSS, Client or Vendor Information You may not use or reveal SPSS, client or vendor confidential or proprietary information to others. Additionally, you must take appropriate steps to prevent unauthorized access to such information. Confidential and/or proprietary information includes, without limitation, SPSS software (including, without limitation, source listings therefor), as well as confidential and/or proprietary prospect and customer lists, data, research, specifications, memoranda, files, records, plans, concepts, flow charts, drawings, designs, descriptions, formulations, trade secrets and other confidential and/or proprietary information and property, including but not limited to, information regarding SPSS operations, businesses, affairs, management and market structure. The obligation to protect SPSS, client and vendor information under this Section 6(i) is not intended to limit any obligations that an SPSS director, officer or employee may have under an existing agreement with the company. (j) Sales SPSS employees involved in the sale of SPSS products may not include misstatements or unsupportable information in connection with any sales proposal. In addition, such employees may not make unsupportable promises concerning the SPSS products. SPSS employees involved in the sale of SPSS products must ensure that any written contract entered into with an SPSS customer documents the entire agreement between SPSS and such customer; any agreement that is not incorporated into the text of the written contract will be considered ineffective. (k) Use of Third Party Software All third-party software used at SPSS must be properly licensed. In particular and without limiting the foregoing, any third-party software used on SPSS equipment must be properly licensed to SPSS or an SPSS employee. Each SPSS employee will use third-party software in accordance with the applicable license between SPSS and such third party. (l) Developing Software SPSS employees involved in the design, development, testing, modification or maintenance of SPSS software must not tarnish or undermine the legitimacy and "cleanliness" of the SPSS products by copying or using unauthorized third party software or confidential information. You may not possess, use or discuss proprietary computer code, output, documentation or trade secrets of a non-SPSS party unless authorized by such party. (m) Electronic Communications SPSS employees must use electronic mail in accordance with the SPSS "Electronic Communication Policy" located in the SPSS employee handbook. (n) Securities Trading You must ensure that your actions are in full compliance with the SPSS Insider Trading Policy at all times. (o) Political Contributions Personal contributions to political parties or candidates are a matter of individual choice. Such contributions may not be represented as being made on behalf of SPSS. SPSS funds may not be used for political contributions. (p) Retention of Business Records SPSS business records must be maintained in accordance with the Company's document retention guidelines (the "Document Retention Guidelines"). Records may be destroyed only at the expiration of the pertinent period. In no case may documents involved in a pending or threatened litigation, government inquiry or under subpoena or other information request, be discarded or destroyed, regardless of the periods specified above. In addition, you may never destroy, alter, or conceal, with an improper purpose, any record, or otherwise impede any official proceeding, either personally, in conjunction with or by attempting to influence another person. 4. EXECUTIVE STANDARD OF CONDUCT The SPSS Executive Standard of Conduct applies to the SPSS Chief Executive Officer ("CEO"), the SPSS Chief Financial Officer ("CFO"), the SPSS Controller and Principal Accounting Officer ("PAO") and other senior financial officers. SPSS expects the highest possible ethical conduct from its CEO, CFO, PAO and other senior financial officers. As such, the CEO, CFO, PAO and other senior financial officers must comply with both the General Standard of Conduct and the Executive Standard of Conduct. A dedicated commitment to both standards of conduct will assist SPSS in maintaining its strong ethical foundation. (a) Conflicts of Interest The CEO, CFO, PAO and other senior financial officers may not engage in any conduct that represents an actual or apparent conflict of interest between his or her personal and professional relationships. Conduct that represents a conflict of interest is described in Section 3(b) above. (b) Accurate Periodic Reports The CEO, CFO, PAO and other senior financial officers are expected to exercise the highest standards of care in making full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosures in each report or document filed by SPSS with the SEC, each earnings release and any other public communications made by SPSS. In accordance with this expectation, all SPSS accounting records, as well as reports produced from those records, must be in accordance with the laws of each applicable jurisdiction. All records must fairly and accurately reflect the transactions or occurrences to which they relate and must fairly and accurately reflect, in reasonable detail, the assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses of SPSS. The accounting records of SPSS may not contain any false or intentionally misleading entries. No transactions should be intentionally misclassified as to accounts, departments or accounting periods, and all transactions must be supported by accurate documentation in reasonable detail and recorded in the proper account and in the proper accounting period. Information may not be concealed from any firm or individual conducting either an independent or internal audit of SPSS. Finally, full compliance with the system of internal accounting controls of SPSS is required. (c) Accountability for Compliance with Executive Standard of Conduct The CEO, CFO, PAO and other senior financial officers are expected to comply, at all times, with the General Standard of Conduct, Executive Code of Conduct and all applicable federal and state laws, rules and regulations. The consequences to SPSS of any departure from this policy could be extremely serious. As such, the failure to comply with any of the foregoing will give rise to disciplinary measures, up to and including immediate dismissal from SPSS. (d) Reporting Violations If you engage, or are aware that any individual who is subject to this Executive Standard of Conduct is engaging in any activity that is or may be prohibited by the General Standard of Conduct or the Executive Standard of Conduct, you must report such incident pursuant to the procedure set forth in Section 6 below. 5. AMENDMENTS AND WAIVERS The Code of Ethics applies to all SPSS directors, officers and employees, except as allowed by a vote of the Board of Directors, or a designated committee, which will ascertain whether an amendment or waiver is appropriate and ensure that the amendment or waiver is accompanied by appropriate controls designed to protect SPSS. 6. REPORTING QUESTIONS, CONCERNS OR ALLEGED VIOLATIONS OF THE CODE OF ETHICS (a) Reporting Questions or Concerns If you have a question or concern regarding any aspect of this Code of Ethics, you may contact any member of the SPSS Corporate Governance Committee, as indicated in Section 6(c) below. (b) Reporting Alleged Violations If you have identified a potential violation of this Code of Ethics, you must report such incident to any member of the SPSS Corporate Governance Committee pursuant to the procedures outlined in Section 6(c) below. (c) Procedure for Reporting To make a report pursuant to Section 6(a) or 6(b), as noted above, please follow the procedure detailed in this Section 6(c). The procedure set forth in this Section 6(c) will not apply, however, if your particular question, concern or allegation addresses accounting, auditing or financial reporting issues. PLEASE FOLLOW THE "ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL REPORTING INTEGRITY POLICY" SET FORTH ON EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO IF YOUR SPECIFIC CONCERN ADDRESSES EITHER THE SPSS ACCOUNTING METHODS, INTERNAL ACCOUNTING CONTROLS OR AUDITING MATTERS, OR THE SPSS PROCEDURES FOR REPORTING FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EACH AS DESCRIBED IN SECTION 1 OF EXHIBIT A). To file a report pursuant to this Section 6(c), please contact a member of the SPSS Corporate Governance Committee via SPSS interoffice mail, telephone or electronic mail as follows:
NAME IF BY MAIL IF BY TELEPHONE IF BY E-MAIL Tony Ciro SPSS Interoffice Mail (312) 651-3650 ciro@spss.com ------------- Bob Brinkmann SPSS Interoffice Mail (312) 651-3605 bbrinkmann@spss.com ------------------- Marc Nelson SPSS Interoffice Mail (312) 612-2029 mdnelson@spss.com ----------------- Stacey Mulderick SPSS Interoffice Mail (312) 651-3643 smulderick@spss.com ------------------- Terry Schohn SPSS Interoffice Mail (312) 651-3484 tschohn@spss.com ---------------- Douglas Dow SPSS Interoffice Mail (312) 651-3464 ddow@spss.com ------------- Ron Markham SPSS Interoffice Mail (312) 651-3751 rmarkham@spss.com ----------------- Alan Williams SPSS Interoffice Mail (312) 651-3186 awilliams@spss.com ------------------
Your correspondence or communication (referred to as a "Report") must describe, in detail, your question, concern or allegation. If applicable, please include any relevant documents. Any information submitted in your Report will remain confidential, except as necessary to conduct an investigation and take any remedial action, in accordance with applicable law. You may submit your Report on an anonymous basis. After a Report is submitted, the Corporate Governance Committee will review the Report and present the information set forth therein to the SPSS Executive Vice President, Corporate Operations and Chief Financial Officer. If your Report raises a question or concern regarding this Code of Ethics, the Corporate Governance Committee will determine the appropriate manner in which to respond to your question or concern. If your Report alleges a violation of this Code of Ethics, the Corporate Governance Committee, together with the SPSS Executive Vice President, Corporate Operations and Chief Financial Officer, will assess both the merits of the claim and the potential consequences of the alleged violation, and implement any necessary remedial actions or penalties. 7. PROTECTION FROM RETALIATION SPSS strictly prohibits discrimination, retaliation or harassment of any kind against any director, officer or employee who, based on the employee's reasonable belief that such conduct or practices have occurred or are occurring, submits a Report pursuant to or participates in an investigation regarding this Code of Ethics. If you believe that you have been subject to such discrimination, retaliation or harassment for having made a Report under this Code of Ethics, you must immediately report those facts in the manner provided in Section 6 above. Any such complaint shall be promptly and thoroughly investigated. You have the commitment of SPSS that, if a complaint of discrimination, retaliation or harassment is substantiated, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. EXHIBIT A ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL REPORTING INTEGRITY POLICY SPSS is committed to preserving the integrity of its financial reporting procedures and the accuracy of the information provided to its stockholders, the financial markets and various federal/state regulatory agencies. As such, SPSS encourages its employees to report any questionable accounting methods, internal accounting controls or auditing matters (collectively, the "Accounting Procedures") or concerns regarding the SPSS procedures for reporting financial information (collectively, the "Financial Reporting Procedures") as detailed in this Accounting and Financial Reporting Integrity Policy. Actions giving rise to questionable Accounting Procedures or Financial Reporting Procedures constitute serious violations of The Code of Ethics of SPSS. 1. ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES AND FINANCIAL REPORTING PROCEDURES To preserve the integrity of its Accounting Procedures and Financial Reporting Procedures, SPSS must maintain the following standards: (a) SPSS must make full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosures in its periodic reports. (b) All SPSS accounting records, as well as reports produced from those records, must be in accordance with the laws of each applicable jurisdiction. (c) All records must fairly and accurately reflect the transactions or occurrences to which they relate. (d) All records must fairly and accurately reflect, in reasonable detail, the SPSS assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses. (e) All transactions must be supported by accurate documentation in reasonable detail and recorded in the proper account and in the proper accounting period. (f) Each director, officer and employee, as applicable, must fully comply with the SPSS system of internal accounting controls. (g) The SPSS accounting records may not contain any false or intentionally misleading entries. (h) No transactions should be intentionally misclassified as to accounts, departments or accounting periods. (i) Information may not be concealed from any firm or individual conducting either an independent or internal audit of SPSS. 2. REPORTING A QUESTION OR CONCERN If you have a question or concern regarding questionable Accounting Procedures or Financial Reporting Procedures, you must report this information to a member of the audit committee (the "Audit Committee") of the board of directors of SPSS. You may contact any member of the Audit Committee by calling an anonymous voice mailbox at the following numbers: o Calls made from within the United States: (866) 354-1251 o Calls made from outside of the United States: (312) 261-5899 Your communication (each, a "Report") will be forwarded to each Audit Committee member. Unless a Report includes a reference to the caller's name or any other identifying information, the source of each Report will remain anonymous. Your Report should describe, in detail, the questionable accounting or auditing matter or the report of fraudulent financial information. If applicable, please include references to any relevant documents. Each Report will be promptly and thoroughly investigated in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 3 below. All information disclosed during the course of the investigation will remain confidential, except as necessary to conduct the investigation and take any remedial action, in accordance with applicable law. 3. INVESTIGATION OF REPORTS AND REMEDIAL ACTION The Audit Committee's response to Reports submitted pursuant to this Accounting and Financial Reporting Integrity Policy will depend on the nature and gravity of the conduct or circumstances reported, and the quality of the information provided. Where the Audit Committee determines, pursuant to the procedures set forth below, that questionable Accounting Procedures or Financial Reporting Procedures have occurred or are occurring, matters will be corrected and, if appropriate, the person responsible will be disciplined. The Audit Committee will respond to each Report in the following manner: (a) Within five (5) business days following the receipt of a Report, the Audit Committee will hold a meeting via telephone to initiate a preliminary evaluation of the Report, which preliminary evaluation may include consultation with any advisors to the Audit Committee. This preliminary evaluation will include an examination of the available evidence and related circumstances to determine whether a broad investigation is required. (b) If a broad investigation is required: (i) All SPSS employees have a duty to cooperate with the Audit Committee's investigation. An employee shall be subject to disciplinary action if such employee fails to cooperate in an investigation, or deliberately provides false information during an investigation. (ii) No SPSS employee shall attempt to conduct an independent investigation of the questions or concerns set forth in a Report. (iii) No SPSS employee or member of the SPSS Board of Directors, other than as specifically warranted by the Audit Committee, shall confront or question the individual accused of the alleged violation. (c) The Audit Committee shall maintain an official record of each investigation. This record shall include all disclosures set forth in the Report, information obtained by the Audit Committee throughout its investigation and the Audit Committee's recommended course of action. This record should be maintained by the Audit Committee in accordance with the Company's Document Retention Guidelines. (d) Upon completion of the investigation, the Audit Committee will inform the SPSS Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Board of Directors of its conclusion and recommended course of action. If the Audit Committee determines that a violation of the SPSS Code of Ethics has occurred or is occurring as a result of questionable Accounting Procedures or Financial Reporting Procedures, the Audit Committee shall direct SPSS to take effective remedial action commensurate with the severity of the offense. This remedial action may include disciplinary action against the accused party, up to and including termination. Reasonable and necessary steps will also be taken to prevent a recurrence of the alleged action. The Audit Committee will describe to the Board on a quarterly basis the status of each Report under investigation. 4. PROTECTION FROM RETALIATION SPSS strictly prohibits discrimination, retaliation or harassment of any kind against any employee who, based on the employee's reasonable belief that such conduct or practices have occurred or are occurring, reports such information to the Audit Committee pursuant to this Accounting and Financial Reporting Integrity Policy. SPSS also strictly prohibits any discrimination, retaliation or harassment against any employee who participates in an investigation of complaints about questionable accounting or auditing matters, or the reporting of fraudulent financial information. If you believe that you have been subject to discrimination, retaliation or harassment for having made a Report under this Accounting and Financial Reporting Integrity Policy, you must immediately report those facts to the Audit Committee in the manner provided in Section 2 above. Any such complaint shall be promptly and thoroughly investigated in accordance with the Audit Committee's investigation procedures outlined above. You have the commitment of SPSS and of the Audit Committee that, if a complaint of discrimination, retaliation or harassment is substantiated, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.