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Summary Of Significant Accounting Policies (Policy)
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2020
Accounting Policies [Abstract]  
Principles of Consolidation
Principles of Consolidation
Our consolidated financial statements include the accounts of our majority-owned subsidiaries. The equity method is used to account for investments in affiliates in which we do not have majority ownership but have the ability to exert significant influence. All material intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated.
Basis of Presentation
Basis of Presentation
Our consolidated financial statements have been prepared in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”) in U.S. dollars. Certain reclassifications were made to previously reported amounts in the consolidated financial statements and notes thereto to make them consistent with the current presentation format. We have made all adjustments that we believe are necessary for a fair presentation of our consolidated financial statements.
Use of Estimates
Use of Estimates
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosures of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results may differ from those estimates.
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents are highly liquid financial instruments with original maturities of three months or less. They are carried at cost plus accrued interest, which approximates fair value.
Restricted Cash
Restricted Cash
We classify cash as restricted when there are legal or contractual restrictions for its withdrawal. We had no restricted cash as of December 31, 2020. As of December 31, 2019, we had restricted cash of $54.1 million, which served as collateral for a letter of credit and was restricted for less than one year. In January 2021, we reclassified $73.4 million to restricted cash, which serves as collateral for a letter of credit for a temporary importation permit for work offshore Nigeria that is expected to be less than one year.
Accounts Receivable and Allowance for Credit Losses
Accounts Receivable and Allowance for Credit Losses
Accounts receivable are recognized when our right to consideration becomes unconditional. Accounts receivable are stated at the historical carrying amount, net of write-offs and allowance for credit losses. We estimate current expected credit losses on our accounts receivable at each reporting date. We estimate current expected credit losses based on our credit loss history, adjusted for current factors including global economic and business conditions, offshore energy industry and market conditions, customer mix, contract payment terms and past due accounts receivable. Uncollectible receivables are written off when a settlement is reached for an amount that is less than the outstanding historical balance or when we have determined that the balance will not be collected (Note 19).
Property and Equipment
Property and Equipment
Property and equipment is recorded at historical cost, net of accumulated depreciation. Property and equipment is depreciated on a straight-line basis over its estimated useful life. The cost of improvements is capitalized whereas the cost of repairs and maintenance is expensed as incurred.
Assets used in operations are assessed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an asset or asset group may not be recoverable because such carrying amount may exceed the asset’s or asset group’s expected undiscounted cash flows. If the carrying amount of the asset or asset group is not recoverable and is greater than its fair value, an impairment charge is recorded. The amount of the impairment recorded is calculated as the difference between the carrying amount of the asset or asset group and its estimated fair value. Individual assets are evaluated for impairment at the lowest level where there are identifiable cash flows that are largely independent of the cash flows of other groups of assets. The expected future cash flows used for impairment reviews and related fair value calculations are based on assessments of operating revenues and costs, project margins and capital project spending, considering all available information at the date of review.
Capitalized Interest
Capitalized Interest
Interest from external borrowings is capitalized on major projects under development until the assets are ready for their intended use. Capitalized interest is added to the cost of the underlying asset and is amortized over the useful life of the asset. Capitalized interest is excluded from our interest expense (Note 8) and is included as an investing cash outflow in the consolidated statements of cash flows.
Equity Investment
Equity Investment
With respect to our investment accounted for using the equity method of accounting, losses in excess of the carrying amount of our equity investment are recognized when (i) we guaranteed the obligations of the investee, (ii) we are otherwise committed to provide further financial support for the investee, or (iii) it is anticipated that the investee’s return to profitability is imminent. Losses in excess of the carrying amount of our equity investment are presented as a liability in the consolidated balance sheets.
Leases with a term greater than one year are recognized in the consolidated balance sheet as right-of-use (“ROU”) assets and lease liabilities. We have not recognized in the consolidated balance sheet leases with an initial term of one year or less. Lease liabilities and their corresponding ROU assets are recorded at the commencement date based on the present value of lease payments over the expected lease term. The lease term may include the option to extend or terminate the lease when it is reasonably certain that we will exercise the option. We use our incremental borrowing rate, which would be the rate incurred to borrow on a collateralized basis over a similar term in a similar economic environment, to calculate the present value of lease payments. ROU assets are adjusted for any initial direct costs paid or incentives received.
We separate our long-term vessel charters between their lease components and non-lease services. We estimate the lease component using the residual approach by estimating the non-lease services, which primarily include crew, repair and maintenance, and regulatory certification costs. For all other leases, we have not separated the lease components and non-lease services.
We recognize operating lease cost on a straight-line basis over the lease term for both (i) leases that are recognized in the consolidated balance sheet and (ii) short-term leases. We recognize lease cost related to variable lease payments that are not recognized in the consolidated balance sheet in the period in which the obligation is incurred.
Goodwill impairment is evaluated using a two-step process. The first step involves comparing a reporting unit’s fair value with its carrying amount. We have the option to assess qualitative factors to determine if it is necessary to perform the first step. If it is more likely than not that a reporting unit’s fair value is less than its carrying amount, we must perform the quantitative goodwill impairment test, which involves estimating the reporting unit’s fair value and comparing it to its carrying amount. If the reporting unit’s carrying amount exceeds its fair value, impairment loss is recognized in an amount equal to that excess, but not to exceed the goodwill’s carrying amount.
We perform an impairment analysis of goodwill at least annually as of November 1 or more frequently whenever events or circumstances occur indicating that goodwill might be impaired. Our goodwill balance attributable to the acquisition of a controlling interest in Subsea Technologies Group Limited (“STL”) was fully impaired during 2020, and we had no goodwill in the accompanying consolidated balance sheet at December 31, 2020 (Note 7).
Deferred Recertification and Dry Dock Costs
Deferred Recertification and Dry Dock Costs
Our vessels and certain well intervention equipment are required by regulation to be periodically recertified. Recertification costs for a vessel are typically incurred while the vessel is in dry dock. We defer and amortize recertification costs, including vessel dry dock costs, over the period that the certification applies, which generally ranges from 30 to 60 months if the appropriate permitting is obtained. A recertification process, including vessel dry dock, typically lasts between one to three months, a period during which a vessel or a piece of equipment is idle and generally not available to earn revenue. Major replacements and improvements that extend the economic useful life or functional operating capability of a vessel or a piece of equipment are capitalized and depreciated over the asset’s remaining economic useful life. We expense routine repairs and maintenance costs as they are incurred.
As of December 31, 2020 and 2019, deferred recertification and dry dock costs, which were included within “Other assets, net” in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets (Note 3), totaled $21.5 million and $16.1 million (net of accumulated amortization of $21.8 million and $15.7 million), respectively. During the years ended December 31, 2020, 2019 and 2018, amortization expense related to deferred recertification and dry dock costs was $14.3 million, $12.4 million and $8.3 million, respectively.
Revenue Recognition
Revenue Recognition
Revenue from Contracts with Customers
We generate revenue in our Well Intervention segment by supplying vessels, personnel and equipment to provide well intervention services, which involve providing marine access, serving as a deployment mechanism to the subsea well, connecting to and maintaining a secure connection to the subsea well and maintaining well control through the duration of the intervention services. We may also perform down-hole intervention work and provide certain engineering services. We generate revenue in our Robotics segment by operating ROVs, trenchers and a ROVDrill to provide subsea construction, inspection, repair and maintenance services to oil and gas companies as well as subsea trenching and burial of pipelines and cables as well as seabed clearing for the oil and gas and the renewable energy markets. We also provide integrated robotic services by supplying vessels that deploy ROVs and trenchers. Our Production Facilities segment generates revenue by supplying vessels, personnel and equipment for oil and natural gas processing, well control response services, and oil and gas production from owned properties.
Our revenues are derived from short-term and long-term service contracts with customers. Our service contracts generally contain either provisions for specific time, material and equipment charges that are billed in accordance with the terms of such contracts (dayrate contracts) or lump sum payment provisions (lump sum contracts). We record revenues net of taxes collected from customers and remitted to governmental authorities. Contracts are classified as long-term if all or part of the contract is to be performed over a period extending beyond 12 months from the effective date of the contract. Long-term contracts may include multi-year agreements whereby the commitment for services in any one year may be short in duration.
We generally account for our services under contracts with customers as a single performance obligation satisfied over time. The single performance obligation in our dayrate contracts is comprised of a series of distinct time increments in which we provide services. We do not account for activities that are immaterial or not distinct within the context of our contracts as separate performance obligations. Consideration received under a contract is allocated to the single performance obligation on a systematic basis that depicts the pattern of the provision of our services to the customer.
The total transaction price for a contract is determined by estimating both fixed and variable consideration expected to be earned over the term of the contract. We generally do not provide significant financing to our customers and do not adjust contract consideration for the time value of money if extended payment terms are granted for less than one year. Estimated variable consideration, if any, is considered to be constrained and therefore is not included in the transaction price until it is probable that a significant reversal in the amount of cumulative revenue recognized will not occur. At the end of each reporting period, we reassess and update our estimates of variable consideration and amounts of that variable consideration that should be constrained.
Dayrate Contracts.  Revenues generated from dayrate contracts generally provide for payment according to the rates per day as stipulated in the contract (e.g., operating rate, standby rate, and repair rate). Invoices billed to the customer are typically based on the varying rates applicable to operating status on an hourly basis. Dayrate consideration is allocated to the distinct hourly time increment to which it relates and is therefore recognized in line with the contractual rate billed for the services provided for any given hour. Similarly, revenues from contracts that stipulate a monthly rate are recognized ratably during the month.
Dayrate contracts also may contain fees charged to the customer for mobilizing and/or demobilizing equipment and personnel. Mobilization and demobilization are considered contract fulfillment activities, and related fees (subject to any constraint on estimates of variable consideration) are allocated to the single performance obligation and recognized ratably over the term of the contract. Mobilization fees are generally billable to the customer in the initial phase of a contract and generate contract liabilities until they are recognized as revenue. Demobilization fees are generally received at the end of the contract and generate contract assets when they are recognized as revenue prior to becoming receivables from the customer.
We receive reimbursements from our customers for the purchase of supplies, equipment, personnel services and other services provided at their request. Reimbursable revenues are variable and subject to uncertainty as the amounts received and timing thereof are dependent on factors outside of our influence. Accordingly, these revenues are constrained and not recognized until the related costs are incurred on behalf of the customer. We are generally considered a principal in these transactions and record the associated revenues at the gross amounts billed to the customer.
A dayrate contract modification involving an extension of the contract by adding days of services is generally accounted for prospectively as a separate contract, but may be accounted for as a termination of the existing contract and creation of a new contract if the consideration for the extended services does not represent their stand-alone selling prices.
Lump Sum Contracts.  Revenues generated from lump sum contracts are recognized over time. Revenue is recognized based on the extent of progress towards completion of the performance obligation. We generally use the cost-to-cost measure of progress for our lump sum contracts because it best depicts the progress toward satisfaction of our performance obligation, which occurs as we incur costs under those contracts. Under the cost-to-cost measure of progress, the extent of progress towards completion is measured based on the ratio of cumulative costs incurred to date to the total estimated costs at completion of the performance obligation. Consideration, including lump sum mobilization and demobilization fees billed to the customer, is recorded proportionally as revenue in accordance with the cost-to-cost measure of progress. Consideration for lump sum contracts is generally due from the customer based on the achievement of milestones. As such, contract assets are generated to the extent we recognize revenues in advance of our rights to collect contract consideration and contract liabilities are generated when contract consideration due or received is greater than revenues recognized to date.
We review and update our contract-related estimates regularly and recognize adjustments in estimated profit on contracts under the cumulative catch-up method. Under this method, the impact of the adjustment on profit recorded to date on a contract is recognized in the period in which the adjustment is identified. Revenue and profit in future periods of contract performance are recognized using the adjusted estimate. If a current estimate of total contract costs to be incurred exceeds the estimate of total revenues to be earned, we recognize the projected loss in full when it is identified. A modification to a lump sum contract is generally accounted for as part of the existing contract and recognized as an adjustment to revenue on a cumulative catch-up basis.
Income from Oil and Gas Production
Income from oil and gas production is recognized according to monthly oil and gas production volumes from the oil and gas properties that we own, and is included in revenues from our Production Facilities segment.
Income from Royalty Interests
Income from royalty interests is recognized according to our share of monthly oil and gas production volumes and is reflected in “Royalty income and other” in the consolidated statements of operations.
Income Taxes
Income Taxes
Deferred income taxes are based on the differences between financial reporting and tax bases of assets and liabilities. We utilize the liability method of computing deferred income taxes. The liability method is based on the amount of current and future taxes payable using tax rates and laws in effect at the balance sheet date. Income taxes have been provided based upon the tax laws and rates in the countries in which operations are conducted and income is earned. A valuation allowance for deferred tax assets is recorded when it is more likely than not that some or all of the benefit from the deferred tax asset will not be realized. We consider the undistributed earnings of our non-U.S. subsidiaries without operations in the U.S. to be permanently reinvested.
We provide for uncertain tax positions and related interest and penalties based upon management’s assessment of whether a tax benefit is more likely than not to be sustained upon examination by local taxing authorities. At December 31, 2020, we believe that we have appropriately accounted for any unrecognized tax benefits. To the extent we prevail in matters for which a liability for an unrecognized tax benefit has been recognized or are required to pay amounts in excess of the liability, our effective tax rate in a given financial statement period may be affected.
Share-Based Compensation
Share-Based Compensation
Share-based compensation is measured at the grant date based on the estimated fair value of an award. Share-based compensation based solely on service conditions is recognized on a straight-line basis over the vesting period of the related shares. Forfeitures are recognized as they occur.
Compensation cost for restricted stock is the product of the grant date fair value of each share and the number of shares granted and is recognized over the applicable vesting period on a straight-line basis.
Compensation cost for our performance share unit (“PSU”) awards, which have a service condition and a market condition and are accounted for as equity awards, is measured based on the grant date estimated fair value and recognized over the vesting period on a straight-line basis. PSUs that are accounted for as liability awards are measured at their estimated fair value at each balance sheet date, and subsequent changes in fair value of the awards are recognized in earnings for the portion of the award for which the requisite service period has elapsed. Cumulative compensation cost for vested liability PSU awards equals the actual payout value upon vesting.
Asset Retirement Obligations
Asset Retirement Obligations
Asset retirement obligations (“AROs”) are recorded at fair value and consist of estimated costs for subsea infrastructure plug and abandonment (“P&A”) activities associated with our oil and gas properties. The estimated costs are discounted to present value using a credit-adjusted risk-free discount rate. After its initial recognition, an ARO liability is increased for the passage of time as accretion expense, which is a component of our depreciation and amortization expense. An ARO liability may also change based on revisions in estimated costs and/or timing to settle the obligations.
Foreign Currency
Foreign Currency
Because we operate in various regions around the world, we conduct a portion of our business in currencies other than the U.S. dollar. Results of operations for our non-U.S. dollar subsidiaries are translated into U.S. dollars using average exchange rates during the period. Assets and liabilities of these non-U.S. dollar subsidiaries are translated into U.S. dollars using the exchange rate in effect, and the resulting translation adjustments are included in other comprehensive income (loss) (“OCI”).
For transactions denominated in a currency other than a subsidiary’s functional currency, the effects of changes in exchange rates are reported in other income or expense in the consolidated statements of operations. For the years ended December 31, 2020, 2019 and 2018, our foreign currency transaction gains (losses) totaled $4.6 million, $1.5 million and $(4.3) million, respectively. These realized amounts are exclusive of any gains or losses from our foreign currency exchange derivative contracts.
Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities
Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities
Our business is exposed to market risks associated with interest rates and foreign currency exchange rates. Our risk management activities involve the use of derivative financial instruments to mitigate the impact of market risk exposure related to variable interest rates and foreign currency exchange rates. To reduce the impact of these risks on earnings and increase the predictability of our cash flows, from time to time we enter into derivative contracts, including interest rate swaps and foreign currency exchange contracts. Interest rate and foreign currency derivative instruments are reflected in the consolidated balance sheets at fair value. The capped call transactions (the “2026 Capped Calls”) we entered into in connection with the issuance of Convertible Senior Notes Due 2026 are recorded in shareholders’ equity and are not accounted for as derivatives (Note 8).
We engage solely in cash flow hedges. Cash flow hedges are entered into to hedge the variability of cash flows related to a forecasted transaction or to be received or paid related to a recognized asset or liability. Changes in the fair value of derivative instruments that are designated as cash flow hedges are reported in OCI. These changes are subsequently reclassified into earnings when the hedged transactions affect earnings. Changes in the fair value of interest rate and foreign currency derivative instruments that do not qualify for hedge accounting are recorded in earnings.
We formally document all relationships between hedging instruments and the related hedged items, as well as our risk management objectives, strategies for undertaking various hedge transactions and our methods for assessing and testing correlation and hedge ineffectiveness. All hedging instruments are linked to the hedged asset, liability, firm commitment or forecasted transaction. We also assess, both at the inception of the hedge and on an ongoing basis, whether the derivative instruments that are designated as hedging instruments are highly effective in offsetting changes in cash flows of the hedged items. We discontinue hedge accounting if we determine that a derivative is no longer highly effective as a hedge, or if it is probable that a hedged transaction will not occur. If hedge accounting is discontinued because it is probable the hedged transaction will not occur, gains or losses on the hedging instruments are reclassified from accumulated OCI into earnings immediately.
Earnings Per Share
Earnings Per Share 
Basic earnings per share (“EPS”) is computed by dividing net income or loss attributable to common shareholders by the weighted average shares of our common stock outstanding. The calculation of diluted EPS is similar to that for basic EPS, except that the denominator includes dilutive common stock equivalents and the numerator excludes the effects of dilutive common stock equivalents, if any. We have shares of restricted stock issued and outstanding that are currently unvested. Because holders of shares of unvested restricted stock are entitled to the same liquidation and dividend rights as the holders of our unrestricted common stock, we are required to compute basic and diluted EPS under the two-class method in periods in which we have earnings. Under the two-class method, the undistributed earnings available to common shareholders for each period are allocated based on the participation rights of both common shareholders and the holders of any participating securities as if earnings for the respective periods had been distributed. For periods in which we have a net loss we do not use the two-class method as holders of our restricted shares are not obligated to share in such losses.
Major Customers and Concentration of Credit Risk
Major Customers and Concentration of Risk
We offer our products and services primarily in the offshore oil and gas and renewable markets. Oil and gas companies spend capital on exploration, drilling and production operations, the amount of which is generally dependent on the prevailing view of future oil and gas prices and volatility, which are subject to many external factors. Our customers consist primarily of major and independent oil and gas producers and suppliers, pipeline transmission companies, renewable energy companies and offshore engineering and construction firms. We perform ongoing credit evaluations of our customers and provide allowances for credit losses. The percentages of consolidated revenue from major customers (those representing 10% or more of our consolidated revenues) are as follows: 2020 — Petrobras (28%) and BP (17%); 2019 — Petrobras (29%), BP (15%) and Shell (13%); and 2018 — Petrobras (28%) and BP (15%). Most of the concentration of revenues are in our Well Intervention segment.
Fair Value Measurements
Fair Value Measurements
Fair value is defined as the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. The fair value accounting rules establish a three-tier fair value hierarchy, which prioritizes the inputs used in measuring fair value as follows: 
Level 1.  Observable inputs such as quoted prices in active markets;
Level 2.  Inputs, other than the quoted prices in active markets, that are observable either directly or indirectly; and
Level 3.  Unobservable inputs for which there is little or no market data, which require the reporting entity to develop its own assumptions.
Assets and liabilities measured at fair value are based on one or more of three valuation approaches as described in Note 20.
New Accounting Standards
New Accounting Standards
New accounting standards adopted
In February 2016, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (the “FASB”) issued Accounting Standards Update (“ASU”) No. 2016-02, “Leases (Topic 842)” (“ASC 842”), which was updated by subsequent amendments. ASC 842 requires a lessee to recognize a lease ROU asset and related lease liability for most leases, including those classified as operating leases. ASC 842 also changes the definition of a lease and requires expanded quantitative and qualitative disclosures for both lessees and lessors. We adopted ASC 842 as of January 1, 2019 using the modified retrospective method. We also elected the package of practical expedients permitted under the transition guidance that, among other things, allows companies to carry forward their historical lease classification. Our adoption of ASC 842 resulted in the recognition of operating lease liabilities of $259.0 million and corresponding ROU assets of $253.4 million (net of existing prepaid/deferred rent balances) as of January 1, 2019. In addition, we reclassified the remaining deferred gain of $4.6 million (net of deferred taxes of $0.9 million) on a 2016 sale and leaseback transaction to retained earnings. Subsequent to adoption, leases in foreign currencies will generate foreign currency gains and losses, and we will no longer amortize the deferred gain from the aforementioned sale and leaseback transaction. Aside from these changes, ASC 842 has not had, and is not expected to have, a material impact on our net earnings or cash flows. See Note 6 for additional information regarding our leases.
In June 2016, the FASB issued ASU No. 2016-13, “Measurement of Credit Losses on Financial Instruments,” which was updated by subsequent amendments. This ASU replaces the current incurred loss model for measurement of credit losses on financial assets (including trade receivables) with a forward-looking expected loss model based on historical experience, current conditions, and reasonable and supportable forecasts. Upon adoption of ASU No. 2016-13 on January 1, 2020, we recognized $0.6 million (net of deferred taxes of $0.2 million) related to the provision for current expected credit losses on our accounts receivable through a cumulative effect offset to retained earnings. The credit loss standard also resulted in the recognition of an additional $0.7 million in credit loss reserves on our accounts receivable for the year ended December 31, 2020. See Note 19 for additional information regarding allowance for credit losses on our accounts receivable.
New accounting standards issued but not yet effective
In August 2020, the FASB issued ASU No. 2020-06, “Accounting for Convertible Instruments and Contracts in an Entity's Own Equity,” which simplifies the accounting for certain financial instruments with characteristics of liabilities and equity, including convertible instruments and contracts in an entity’s own equity. Among other changes, this ASU removes from GAAP the requirement to separate certain convertible instruments, such as our Convertible Senior Notes Due 2022, Convertible Senior Notes Due 2023 and Convertible Senior Notes Due 2026 (Note 8), into liability and equity components. Consequently, those convertible instruments will be accounted for in their entirety as liabilities measured at their amortized cost. We have elected to early adopt ASU No. 2020-06 on a modified retrospective basis as of January 1, 2021. The adoption of this ASU will increase our long-term debt and decrease common stock by approximately $44.1 million and $41.5 million, respectively, as we reclassify the conversion features associated with our various outstanding convertible senior notes from equity to long-term debt. The adoption of this ASU will also increase our retained earnings and decrease deferred tax liabilities by approximately $6.7 million and $9.3 million, respectively. The embedded conversion feature will no longer be amortized into income as interest expense over the life of the instrument. Subsequent to its adoption, the ASU is also expected to reduce our interest expense as there will no longer be debt discounts associated with our outstanding convertible senior notes. Additionally, the ASU no longer permits the treasury stock method for convertible instruments and instead requires the application of the if-converted method to calculate the impact of our convertible senior notes on diluted EPS.
We do not expect any other recent accounting standards to have a material impact on our financial position, results of operations or cash flows.