EX-99.2 4 exh99-2.htm SLIDE PRESENTATION 2Q10 CONFERENCE CALL exh99-2.htm
July 29, 2010
Second Quarter 2010 Conference Call
Helix Producer I operating at BP Macondo spill site

Changing the way you succeed.
Forward-Looking Statements
This presentation contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of
1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. All such statements, other than statements of
historical fact, are “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of
1995, including, without limitation, any projections of financial items; future production volumes, results of
exploration, exploitation, development, acquisition and operations expenditures, and prospective reserve levels of
properties or wells; any statements of the plans, strategies and objectives of management for future operations; any
statements concerning developments, performance or industry rankings; and any statements of assumptions
underlying any of the foregoing. These statements involve certain assumptions we made based on our experience
and perception of historical trends, current conditions, expected future developments and other factors we believe
are reasonable and appropriate under the circumstances. The forward-looking statements are subject to a number
of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause our actual results to differ materially.
The risks, uncertainties and assumptions referred to above include the performance of contracts by suppliers,
customers and partners; employee management issues; local, national and worldwide economic conditions;
uncertainties inherent in the exploration for and development of oil and gas and in estimating reserves; complexities
of global political and economic developments; geologic risks, volatility of oil and gas prices and other risks described
from time to time in our reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), including the Company’s
Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2009, and any subsequent quarterly report on Form
10-Q. You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements which speak only as of the date of
this presentation and the associated press release. We assume no obligation or duty and do not intend to update
these forward-looking statements except as required by the securities laws.
References to quantities of oil or gas include amounts we believe will ultimately be produced, and may include
“proved reserves” and quantities of oil or gas that are not yet classified as “proved reserves” under SEC definitions.
Statements of oil and gas reserves are estimates based on assumptions and may be imprecise. Investors are urged
to consider closely the disclosure regarding reserves in our 2009 Form 10-K.

Changing the way you succeed.
Presentation Outline
 Executive Summary
 Summary of Q2 2010 Results (pg. 4)
 2010 Outlook (pg. 8)
 Operational Highlights by Segment
 Contracting Services (pg. 11)
 Oil & Gas (pg. 17)
 Key Balance Sheet Metrics (pg. 20)
 Non-GAAP Reconciliations (pg. 22)
 Questions & Answers
Q4000 flaring oil and gas at BP Macondo spill site

Changing the way you succeed.
Executive Summary
($ in millions, except per share data)
(A) Results of Cal Dive, our former Shelf Contracting business, were consolidated through June 10, 2009, at which time our ownership interest dropped below 50%; thereafter, our remaining
 interest was accounted for under the equity method of accounting until September 23, 2009, when we reduced our holdings with the sale of a substantial portion of our remaining interest in
 Cal Dive. Revenues from our Shelf Contracting business totaled $197.7 million and $404.7 million in the three and six months ended June 30, 2009.
(B) Included revenues of $73.5 million of previously disputed accrued royalties in first quarter 2009.
(C) After $53.4 million of non-cash charges related to convertible preferred stock in first quarter 2009.
(D) See non-GAAP reconciliations on slides 22-23.
(E) EBITDAX excludes Cal Dive contribution in all periods presented.

Changing the way you succeed.
Executive Summary
 Second quarter results included the following matters:
  Non-cash impairment charges of $159.9 million ($1.00 per diluted share, after taxes) primarily
 associated with a reduction in carrying values of 15 Gulf of Mexico (“GOM”) shelf oil and gas
 properties due to a revision in mid-year proved reserve estimates resulting from the
 reassessment of field economics.
  In addition, we recorded incremental depletion expense of $18.8 million as a result of a reduction
 in mid-year proved reserves for our deepwater Bushwood field.

Changing the way you succeed.
Executive Summary
 Contracting Services
 o High utilization of Well Ops vessels; Well Enhancer and Seawell in the North Sea and Q4000 in
 the Gulf of Mexico
 o Helix Producer I placed into service and contracted to BP
 o Caesar placed into service and commenced GOM pipeline installation
 Oil and Gas
 o Mid-year GOM reserve report finalized, with proved reserves of approximately 400 Bcfe
 o Estimated PV-10 value of approximately $1.3 billion
 o Downward revision of approximately 140 Bcfe from year end
 o Proved developed- 43%
 o Proved undeveloped- 57%
 o Oil- 40%, Gas- 60%
 o Second quarter average production rate of approximately 131 Mmcfe/d
 o July average production rate of approximately 110 Mmcfe/d through the 27th
 o Phoenix production to start upon return of Helix Producer I from BP spill containment operations

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Executive Summary
 Oil and gas production totaled 11.9 Bcfe for Q2 2010 versus 11.3 Bcfe in Q1 2010
 o Avg realized price for oil of $72.59 / bbl ($71.82 / bbl in Q1 2010), inclusive of hedges
 o Avg realized price for gas of $6.10 / Mcf ($5.75 / Mcf in Q1 2010), inclusive of hedges
 Balance sheet remains strong (see slide 20)
 o Net debt balance of $1.09 billion at June 30, 2010
 o Liquidity* of $647 million at June 30, 2010
*Liquidity as we define it is equal to cash and cash equivalents ($270 million), plus available capacity under our revolving credit facility ($377 million).
Oil and Gas (continued)

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2010 Outlook
 Contracting Services activity in Q3 2010 expected to stay consistent with Q2
 o Q4 activity forecasted to decline due to seasonal and other factors
 o Well intervention activity particularly robust
 Oil and gas revised downward
 o Deferred start-up of Phoenix production due to HPI / BP operations
 o Higher DD&A rates due to Bushwood reserve revisions; DD&A rates comparable to
 Q2, 2010
 Capital expenditures of approximately $190 million expected for 2010
 o $80 million relates to completion of major vessel projects
 o Oil and Gas capital expenditures of approximately $70 million, excluding P&A of
 approximately $60 million

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2010 Outlook
Broad Metrics
2010 Higher End
2010 Lower End
Production Range
45 Bcfe
40 Bcfe
44 Bcfe
$450 million
$400 million
$490 million
$190 million
$190 million
$328 million
Commodity Price
2010 Higher End
2010 Lower End
$75.43/ bbl
$75.51 / bbl
$67.11 / bbl
$5.82 / mcf
$5.94 / mcf
$7.75 / mcf

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Operations Highlights

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($ in millions, except percentages)
(A) Results of Cal Dive, our former
 Shelf Contracting business, were
 consolidated through June 10,
 2009, at which time our ownership
 interest dropped below 50%;
 thereafter, our remaining interest
 was accounted for under the equity
 method of accounting until
 September 23, 2009, when we
 reduced our holdings with the sale
 of a substantial portion of our
 remaining interest in Cal Dive.
(B) See non-GAAP reconciliation on
 slides 22-23. Amounts are prior to
 intercompany eliminations.
(C) Includes both charter fee to Phoenix
 field and BP.
(D) Amounts primarily represent equity
 in earnings of Marco Polo and
 Independence Hub investments, net
 of our share of losses ($4.3 million
 and $1.4 million in the second
 quarter and first quarter of 2010,
 respectively) associated with the
 startup of the CloughHelix JV in
Contracting Services

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Contracting Services Q2 2010 Utilization
Caesar (placed in service end of May)
Olympic Canyon
Olympic Triton
Island Pioneer
Well Enhancer
40 ROVs
2 ROV Drill Units
5 Trenchers
Deep Cygnus
Normand Fortress

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Macondo Containment (MC252)
Helix Containment Vessels

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Q4000 as command vessel for top kill operations
Q4000 burning oil & gas
New buoy for HPI under construction
HPI in MC252 processing Macondo production
Helix vessels at work in MC252
Helix is well positioned to support GOM Producers

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Contracting Services - Subsea Construction
Subsea Construction
 Caesar commenced installation
 of 46 mile / 20 inch pipeline in
 Express and Intrepid enjoyed
 high utilization in the quarter
 Expect third quarter utilization
 for subsea construction fleet to
 be >90%
ROV - Robotics
 Enjoyed high utilization for five chartered ROV support
Seacor Canyon has been returned to owners
 Island Pioneer and Deep Cygnus with Canyon trenchers
 T750 and I-Trencher active in North Sea and offshore
 Olympic Triton worked for Technip on the Jubilee project
 offshore Ghana
 All ROV support vessels operated outside of the GOM in Q2
 Canyon ROV working on Jubilee project offshore Ghana

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Contracting Services - Well Ops
North America
 Q4000 worked for Newfield on deepwater well
 intervention job in April and on BP Macondo
 containment, top kill and burn-off in May and June
 Healthy backlog for remainder of 2010
North Sea
 Seawell and Well Enhancer enjoyed 99% utilization in
 the quarter with strong performance on well intervention
 projects in the North Sea
 Progressing Statoil Cat B FEED study for new well
 intervention semi-submersible for offshore Norway
 Healthy backlog for remainder of 2010
Asia Pacific
 Executed contract with China National Offshore Oil
 Company (CNOOC) for Lufeng well intervention project
 in South China Sea using the
Normand Clough
 Work commenced in Q3, 2010
Well Ops APAC Subsea Intervention Lubricator being
tested for Well Ops Lufeng project

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(A) Reflects hurricane insurance
 proceeds less related costs. In
 Q2 2009 proceeds totaled $97.7
 million, offset by $7.4 million of
 hurricane-related repair costs
 and $51.5 million of additional
 hurricane-related impairment
 charges, including an estimated
 $43.8 million increase to our
 asset retirement obligations for
 hurricane-affected properties.
(B) Second quarter 2010
 impairments primarily associated
 with the reduction in carrying
 values of 15 GOM properties due
 to a revision in mid-year
 reserves. Second quarter 2009
 impairments related to reduction
 in carrying values of certain oil
 and gas properties due to
 reserve revisions. First quarter
 2010 impairments related to
 deterioration in certain field
 economics due to lower natural
 gas prices in the period.
(C) Including effect of settled hedges
 and mark-to-market derivative
Oil & Gas

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Oil & Gas
(A) Included accretion expense and an incremental $18.8 million in the quarter ended June 30, 2010 for our Bushwood field.
(B) Excluded hurricane-related repairs of $1.6, $(90.3) and $2.1 million, net of insurance recoveries, for the quarters ended June 30, 2010, June 30, 2009 and
 March 31, 2010, respectively.
(C) Excluded exploration expenses of $1.2, $1.5 and $0.2 million, and abandonment costs of $0.4, $0.8 and $0.8 million for the quarters ended June 30, 2010,
 June 30, 2009 and March 31, 2010, respectively.
Operating Costs ($ in millions, except per Mcfe data)

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Summary of July 2010 - Dec 2011 Hedging Positions

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Key Balance Sheet Metrics
Debt (A)
 Liquidity (B) of $647 million at 6/30/10

 (A) Includes impact of unamortized debt discount under our Convertible Senior Notes.
 (B) Liquidity as we define it is equal to cash and cash equivalents ($270 million), plus
 available capacity under our revolving credit facility ($377 million).

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Changing the way you succeed.
Non GAAP Reconciliations
Adjusted EBITDAX ($ in millions)
We calculate adjusted EBITDAX as earnings before net interest expense, taxes, depreciation and amortization,   
and exploration expense. Further, we do not include earnings from our former interest in Cal Dive in any periods presented in our adjusted
EBITDAX calculation. These non-GAAP measures are useful to investors and other internal and external users of our financial statements in
evaluating our operating performance because they are widely used by investors in our industry to measure a company's operating 
performance without regard to items which can vary substantially from company to company and help investors meaningfully compare our results
from period to period. Adjusted EBITDAX should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for, but instead is supplemental to, income from
operations, net income or other income data prepared in accordance with GAAP. Non-GAAP financial measures should be viewed in addition to,
and not as an alternative to our reported results prepared in accordance with GAAP. Users of this financial information should consider the types
of events and transactions which are excluded.     

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Revenue and Gross Profit As Reported ($ in millions)
Non GAAP Reconciliations

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