As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 6, 2019
File No. 333-

Washington, D.C. 20549

(Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)
British Columbia, Canada

(State or other jurisdiction of
incorporation or organization)
(Primary Standard Industrial
Classification Code Number)
(I.R.S. Employer
Identification Number)

Suite 5700 – 100 King Street West
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5X 1C7
Telephone:  (416) 915-4149
(Address and telephone number of Registrant’s principal executive offices)

Patrick Keenan
c/o Poly Met Mining, Inc.
444 Cedar Street, Suite 2060
St Paul, Minnesota 55101
Telephone: (651) 389-4100
(Name, address, and telephone number of agent for service)
Copies to:
Joseph Walsh, Esq.
Troutman Sanders LLP
875 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Tel: 212.704.6000
Denise C. Nawata
Farris, Vaughan, Wills and Murphy LLP
PO Box 10026, Pacific Centre South
25th Floor, 700 W Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC
Canada V7Y 1B3
Tel: 604.684.9151
Approximate date of commencement of proposed sale to the public:  As soon as practicable after this  registration statement becomes effective.
British Columbia, Canada
(Principal jurisdiction regulating this offering)

It is proposed that this filing shall become effective (check appropriate box below):

A. ☐  upon filing with the Commission, pursuant to Rule 467(a) (if in connection with an offering being made contemporaneously in the United States and Canada).
B. ☒  at some future date (check the appropriate box below)

1. ☐  pursuant to Rule 467(b) on (     ) at (     ) (designate a time not sooner than 7 calendar days after filing).
2. ☐  pursuant to Rule 467(b) on (     ) at (     ) (designate a time 7 calendar days or sooner after filing) because the securities regulatory authority in the review jurisdiction has issued a receipt or notification of clearance on (     ).
3. ☐  pursuant to Rule 467(b) as soon as practicable after notification of the Commission by the Registrant or the Canadian securities regulatory authority of the review jurisdiction that a receipt or notification of clearance has been issued with respect hereto.
4. ☒  after the filing of the next amendment to this Form (if preliminary material is being filed).
If any of the securities being registered on this Form are to be offered on a delayed or continuous basis pursuant to the home jurisdiction’s shelf prospectus offering procedures, check the following box. ☐

Title of each class of
securities to be registered
Amount to be
price per
aggregate offering
price (1)
of registration
fee (1)
U.S. $265,000,000
U.S. $32,118
Common Shares
Estimated solely for the purpose of calculating the amount of the registration fee pursuant to Rule 457 of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act of 1933”). If, as a result of stock splits, stock dividends or similar transactions, the number of securities purported to be registered on this registration statement changes, the provisions of Rule 416 shall apply to this registration statement

Information contained herein is subject to completion or amendment.  A registration statement relating to these securities has been filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.  These securities may not be sold nor may offers to buy be accepted prior to the time the registration statement becomes effective.  This preliminary short form prospectus shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy nor shall there be any sale of these securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such jurisdiction.
A copy of this preliminary short form prospectus has been filed with the securities regulatory authorities in each of the provinces of Canada but has not yet become final for the purpose of the sale of securities.  Information contained in this preliminary short form prospectus may not be complete and may have to be amended.  The securities may not be sold until a receipt for the short form prospectus is obtained from the securities regulatory authorities.
This preliminary short form prospectus constitutes a public offering of these securities only in those jurisdictions where they may be lawfully offered for sale and therein only by persons permitted to sell such securities.  No securities regulatory authority has expressed an opinion about these securities and it is an offence to claim otherwise.
The enforcement by investors of civil liabilities under United States federal securities laws may be affected adversely by the fact that the issuer is organized under the laws of British Columbia, Canada, that many of its directors and officers, and some or all of the experts named in this short form prospectus, are residents of Canada or otherwise reside outside the United States, and that a substantial portion of the assets of said persons are located outside the United States.  See “ENFORCEABILITY OF CIVIL LIABILITIES”.
This offering is made by a Canadian issuer that is permitted, under a multijurisdictional disclosure system adopted by the United States and Canada, to prepare this short form prospectus in accordance with the disclosure requirements of Canada.  You should be aware that those requirements are different from those of the United States.  Financial statements incorporated by reference into this prospectus have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board and may not be comparable to financial statements prepared in accordance with United States generally accepted accounting principles.
Shareholders in the United States should be aware that the ownership and disposition of the Rights and Common Shares issuable upon the exercise of Rights by them as described herein may have tax consequences both in the United States and Canada. Such shareholders are encouraged to consult their tax advisors in that regard.
Information has been incorporated by reference in this prospectus from documents filed with securities commissions or similar authorities in Canada.  Copies of the documents incorporated herein by reference may be obtained on request without charge from the Corporate Secretary of PolyMet Mining Corp. at First Canadian Place, Suite 5700 - 100 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M5X 1C7, telephone (416) 915-4149 and are also available electronically at www.sedar.com and at www.polymetmining.com.
Preliminary Short Form Prospectus
Rights Offering
May 6, 2019

Offering of Rights to subscribe for up to [] Common Shares
at a Subscription Price of US$[
] per Common Share
PolyMet Mining Corp. (the “Corporation”) is distributing to the holders of its outstanding common shares (the “Common Shares”) of record (“Shareholders”) at 5:00 p.m. (Eastern time) on [], 2019 (the “Record Date”) one right (the “Right”) for each Common Share held which will entitle the Shareholders to subscribe for up to an aggregate of [] Common Shares for gross proceeds to the Corporation of approximately US$265,000,000 (the “Gross Proceeds”), assuming exercise of all Rights (the “Rights Offering”).

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The Rights are evidenced by transferable certificates in registered form (the “Rights Certificates”).  Each Shareholder (other than an Ineligible Holder as defined herein) is entitled to one Right for each Common Share held on the Record Date.  For each [] Rights held, the holder thereof (other than an Ineligible Holder) is entitled to purchase one Common Share (the “Basic Subscription Privilege”) at a price of US$[] per Common Share (the “Subscription Price”) prior to 5:00 p.m. (Eastern time) (the “Expiry Time”) on [], 2019 (the “Expiry Date”).  No fractional Common Shares will be issued. Where the exercise of Rights would appear to entitle a holder of Rights to receive fractional Common Shares, the holder’s entitlement will be reduced to the next lowest whole number of Common Shares. The Corporation will not be required to issue fractional Common Shares or pay cash in lieu thereof. RIGHTS NOT EXERCISED BEFORE THE EXPIRY TIME WILL BE VOID AND OF NO VALUE. Shareholders who exercise in full the Basic Subscription Privilege for their Rights are also entitled to subscribe for additional Common Shares (the “Additional Shares”), if available, pursuant to an additional subscription privilege (the “Additional Subscription Privilege”).  See “DESCRIPTION OF OFFERED SECURITIES -- Additional Subscription Privilege”.  Any subscription for Common Shares will be irrevocable once submitted.
Offering Price
Proceeds to the Corporation(1)
Per Common Share


After deducting the expenses of the Rights Offering, estimated to be approximately US$[•], and the Standby Fee (as defined herein) equal to 3.00% of the total funds committed by the Standby Purchaser (as defined herein) pursuant to the Standby Commitment (as defined herein).  The Standby Fee will be payable in cash in immediately available funds by wire transfer to the account designated by the Standby Purchaser or by set-off (at the option of the Standby Purchaser).
Pursuant to the requirements of the Toronto Stock Exchange (“TSX”), completion of the Rights Offering is not subject to raising a minimum amount of proceeds.
This prospectus qualifies the distribution of the Rights as well as the Common Shares issuable upon exercise of the Rights and the Standby Shares (as defined herein) (collectively, the “Offered Securities”) in each of the provinces of Canada.  This prospectus also covers the offer and sale of the Offered Securities in the United States (together with each of the provinces of Canada, the “Eligible Jurisdictions”) under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “U.S. Securities Act”).  The Corporation intends to apply to list the Rights distributed under this prospectus and the Common Shares issuable upon the exercise of the Rights on the TSX and the NYSE American (“NYSE American”). The approval of such listings is subject to the Corporation fulfilling all of the listing requirements of the TSX and NYSE American.  If approved for listing or admitted for trading, as applicable, it is expected that the Rights will cease trading on the TSX at noon (Eastern time) on the Expiry Date and on the NYSE American at the close of trading (Eastern time) on the business day immediately preceding the Expiry Date.  There is currently no market through which the Rights may be sold and there can be no assurance that an active trading market will develop in the Rights. Holders of Rights may not be able to sell the Rights qualified by this prospectus.  To the extent an active trading market does not develop, the pricing of the Rights in the secondary market, the transparency and availability of trading prices, the liquidity of the securities and the extent of issuer regulation may be adversely affected. See “RISK FACTORS”.  The outstanding Common Shares are listed and posted for trading on the TSX under the symbol “POM” and on the NYSE American under the symbol “PLM”. On May 3, 2019, the closing price for the Common Shares on the TSX was CDN$0.68 per Common Share and on the NYSE American was US$0.5085 per Common Share.
Prospective investors should be aware that the acquisition or disposition of the securities described in this prospectus and the expiry of an unexercised Right may have tax consequences in Canada, the United States, or elsewhere, depending on each particular prospective investor’s specific circumstances. Such consequences may not be described fully herein. Prospective investors should consult their own tax advisors with respect to such tax considerations.
Computershare Investor Services Inc. (the “Subscription Agent”), at its principal office in the city of Toronto, Ontario (the “Subscription Office”), is the subscription agent for this Rights Offering.  See “DESCRIPTION OF OFFERED SECURITIES -- Subscription and Transfer Agent”.

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For Common Shares held through a securities broker or dealer, bank or trust company or other participant (a “Participant”) in the book based system administered by CDS Clearing and Depository Services Inc. (“CDS”) or in the book based system administered by the Depository Trust Company (“DTC”), a subscriber may subscribe for Common Shares by instructing the Participant holding the subscriber’s Rights to exercise all or a specified number of such Rights and forwarding the Subscription Price for each Common Share subscribed for to such Participant in accordance with the terms of this Rights Offering.  A subscriber wishing to subscribe for Additional Shares pursuant to the Additional Subscription Privilege must forward its request to the Participant that holds the subscriber’s Rights and such request must be received by the Subscription Agent prior to the Expiry Time on the Expiry Date, along with payment for the number of Additional Shares requested.  Any excess funds will be returned by mail or credited to the subscriber’s account with its Participant without interest or deduction.  Subscriptions for Common Shares made through a Participant will be irrevocable and subscribers will be unable to withdraw their subscriptions for Common Shares once submitted.  See “DESCRIPTION OF OFFERED SECURITIES -- Rights Certificate -- Common Shares Held Through CDS” and “-- Rights Certificate -- Common Shares Held Through DTC”. We refer to Participants in CDS as “CDS Participants” and to Participants in DTC as “DTC Participants”.
For Common Shares held in registered form, a Rights Certificate evidencing the number of Rights to which a holder is entitled will be mailed with a copy of this prospectus to each registered Shareholder as of 5:00 p.m. (Eastern time) on the Record Date.  In order to exercise the Rights represented by the Rights Certificate, the holder of Rights must complete and deliver the Rights Certificate to the Subscription Agent in the manner and upon the terms set out in this prospectus.  All exercises of Rights are irrevocable once submitted.  See “DESCRIPTION OF OFFERED SECURITIES -- Rights Certificate -- Common Shares Held in Registered Form”.
If a Shareholder does not exercise, or sells or otherwise transfers, any of its Rights, then such Shareholder’s current percentage ownership in the Corporation will be diluted as a result of the exercise of Rights by other Shareholders.
This prospectus qualifies the distribution of the Offered Securities in the Eligible Jurisdictions.  The Offered Securities are not being distributed or offered to Shareholders in any jurisdiction other than the Eligible Jurisdictions (an “Ineligible Jurisdiction”) and, except under the circumstances described herein, Rights may not be exercised by or on behalf of a holder of Rights resident in an Ineligible Jurisdiction (an “Ineligible Holder”).  This prospectus is not, and under no circumstances is to be construed as, an offering of any Rights or Common Shares for sale in any Ineligible Jurisdiction or a solicitation therein of an offer to buy any securities.  Rights Certificates will not be sent to Shareholders with addresses of record in any Ineligible Jurisdiction.  Instead, such Ineligible Holders will be sent a letter advising them that their Rights Certificates will be held by the Subscription Agent, who will hold such Rights as agent for the benefit of all such Ineligible Holders until and unless such Ineligible Holder becomes an Approved Eligible Holder (as defined herein).  In the event such Ineligible Holders do not become Approved Eligible Holders, the Subscription Agent, for the account of such Ineligible Holder, will, prior to the Expiry Date, attempt to sell the Rights allocable to such Ineligible Holder and evidenced by Rights Certificates in the possession of the Subscription Agent, at such prices and otherwise in such manner as the Subscription Agent may determine in its sole discretion.  The Subscription Agent’s ability to sell such Rights and the price obtained therefore are dependent on market conditions.  Neither the Corporation nor the Subscription Agent will be subject to any liability for the failure to sell any such Rights or to sell such Rights at a particular price.  The net proceeds received by the Subscription Agent from the sale of such Rights will be divided among the Ineligible Holders in proportion to the number of Common Shares then held by them respectively on the Record Date.  The Subscription Agent will mail cheques therefore at the addresses of the Ineligible Holders appearing in the records of the Corporation.  Amounts of less than US$10.00 will not be remitted.  See “DESCRIPTION OF OFFERED SECURITIES -- Ineligible Holders”.
Under a standby purchase agreement dated May 6, 2019 (the “Standby Purchase Agreement”), Glencore AG (the “Standby Purchaser” or “Glencore”), the Corporation’s largest shareholder, which owns approximately 28.8% of the outstanding Common Shares, has agreed, subject to certain terms, conditions and limitations, to subscribe for and purchase at the Subscription Price, any Common Shares offered under the Rights Offering not otherwise subscribed for by holders of Rights pursuant to their Basic Subscription Privilege and Additional Subscription Privilege (such Common Shares being the “Standby Shares”).  Under the Standby Purchase Agreement, the Standby Purchaser, subject to certain terms and conditions and limitations, has agreed to exercise its Basic Subscription Privilege in full and to purchase at the Subscription Price, that number of Common Shares equal to the difference, if any, of (x) the total number of Common Shares offered pursuant to the Rights Offering minus (y) the number of Common Shares subscribed for pursuant to the Basic Subscription Privilege and the Additional Subscription Privilege (the “Standby Commitment”).  See “STANDBY COMMITMENT”.  This prospectus also qualifies the issuance of the Standby Shares.

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The Standby Purchase Agreement may be terminated by the Standby Purchaser prior to the Expiry Time in certain circumstances.  In consideration of the agreement of the Standby Purchaser to purchase the Standby Shares as provided above, the Standby Purchaser will be entitled to a fee at the closing of the Rights Offering equal to 3.00% of the total funds committed by Glencore pursuant to the Standby Commitment (the “Standby Fee”).  The Standby Fee will be payable in cash in immediately available funds by wire transfer to the account designated by the Standby Purchaser or by set-off (at the option of Glencore).  See “STANDBY COMMITMENT”.
Certain legal matters relating to Canadian law in connection with the Rights Offering will be passed upon on our behalf by Farris, Vaughan, Wills & Murphy LLP (“Farris”), British Columbia, Canada and certain legal matters relating to United States laws will be passed upon on our behalf by Troutman Sanders LLP (“Troutman”), New York, New York.
The Standby Purchaser is not engaged as an underwriter in connection with the Rights Offering and has not been involved in the preparation of, or performed any review of, this prospectus in the capacity of an underwriter.  No underwriter has been involved in the preparation of this prospectus or performed any review of the contents of this prospectus.

Investments in Rights and the Common Shares underlying such Rights are subject to a number of risks.  See “RISK FACTORS” for a discussion of factors that should be considered by prospective investors and their advisors in assessing the appropriateness of an investment in the Rights or the Common Shares underlying such Rights.
The Corporation’s registered office is located at Suite 2500, 700 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V7Y 1B3 and the Corporation’s head office is located Suite 5700 – 100 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M5X 1C7.
Certain persons signing a certificate under Part 5 of National Instrument 41-101- General Prospectus Requirements, reside outside of Canada. Although these individuals, Messrs. Jonathan Cherry and Patrick Keenan and W. Ian L. Forrest, have appointed Farris as their agent for service of process in British Columbia, it may not be possible for investors to enforce judgments obtained in Canada against Messrs. Cherry and Keenan and Forrest.

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The following table reflects the high and low rates of exchange for one United States dollar, expressed in Canadian dollars, during the periods noted, the rates of exchange at the end of such periods and the average of such rates of exchange for each period, based on the Bank of Canada noon spot rate through April 30, 2017 and the Bank of Canada closing rate of exchange after May 1, 2017. On May 3, 2019, the Bank of Canada closing rate of exchange was US$1.00 equals CDN$1.3429.

Year Ended
December 31, 2016
December 31, 2017
December 31, 2018
Quarter Ended
March 29, 2019


In this prospectus, “PolyMet”, “we”, “us” and “our” refer collectively to the Corporation and its consolidated subsidiaries, unless the context otherwise requires.  All references in this prospectus to “CDN$” are to Canadian dollars.  All references to “U.S. dollars” or “US$” are to United States dollars.  The Corporation’s financial statements incorporated herein by reference have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board.  The Corporation prepares its financial statements in United States dollars.
You should rely only on the information contained in this prospectus.  We have not authorized anyone to provide you with information different from that contained in this prospectus.
We have filed with the SEC under the U.S. Securities Act a registration statement on Form F-10 relating to the Offered Securities being offered hereunder and of which this prospectus forms a part.  This prospectus, which constitutes part of the registration statement, does not contain all of the information set forth in such registration statement, certain items of which are contained in the exhibits to the registration statement as permitted or required by the rules and regulations of the SEC. Items of information omitted from this prospectus but contained in the registration statement will be available on the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov.
We file with the securities commissions or similar authorities in each of the provinces of Canada (the “Canadian Securities Authorities”) material change reports, annual and quarterly reports and other information. We are subject to the informational requirements of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), and, in accordance with the Exchange Act, we also file certain reports with and furnish other information to the SEC. You may read any document we file with or furnish to the SEC at the SEC’s public reference room at Room 1580, 100 F Street N.E., Washington, D.C. 20549. You may also obtain copies of the same documents from the public reference room of the SEC at Room 1580, 100 F Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20549 by paying a fee. Please call the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330 or contact them at www.sec.gov for further information on the public reference rooms.
You may also access our disclosure documents and any reports, statements or other information that we file with the Canadian Securities Authorities through the internet on the Canadian System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval, which is commonly known by the acronym SEDAR and which may be accessed at www.sedar.com. SEDAR is the Canadian equivalent of the SEC’s Electronic Document Gathering Analysis and Retrieval System, which is commonly known by the acronym EDGAR and which may be accessed at www.sec.gov.
Certain statements contained in this prospectus and in the documents incorporated by reference in this prospectus, constitute “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the “safe harbor” provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and “forward-looking information” under the provisions of Canadian provincial securities laws. Forward-looking statements are frequently characterized by words such as “expects,” “anticipates,” “believes,” “intends,” “estimates,” “potential,” “possible,” “projects,” “plans,” and similar expressions, or statements that events, conditions or results “will,” “may,” “could,” or “should” occur or be achieved or their negatives or other comparable words. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements that may be expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.  In making the forward-looking statements in this prospectus, we have applied several material assumptions, including, but not limited to, the assumption that: (1) market fundamentals will result in copper, nickel and precious metals being sustained at sufficient levels to enable the NorthMet Project (as defined herein), once completed, to be able to sell its products and operate economically; (2) the operations of the NorthMet Project, once completed, will be viable operationally; (3) the project financing, equipment financing and any other financing that may be needed for the NorthMet Project will be available on commercially reasonable terms; (4) the Standby Purchase Agreement will not be terminated; (5) the Rights, Common Shares and/or Standby Shares will be listed on the TSX and NYSE American; and (6) the Rights Offering will close.  Statements relating to “mineral reserves” or “mineral resources” are deemed to be forward-looking statements, as they involve the implied assessment, based on certain estimates and assumptions that the mineral reserves and mineral resources described can be profitably produced in the future. Forward-looking statements are based on the opinions and estimates of management at the date the statements are made, and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements include statements regarding the outlook for our future operations, plans and timing for our exploration and development programs, statements about future market conditions, supply and demand conditions, forecasts of future costs and expenditures, the outcome of legal proceedings, and other expectations, intentions and plans that are not historical fact.  You are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees and may involve risks and uncertainties.  Our actual results may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements due to risks facing us or due to actual facts differing from the assumptions underlying our predictions.  Some of these risks and assumptions include:

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inability to close the Rights Offering resulting in the Standby Purchaser taking all steps it deems advisable, including, without limitation, demanding payment of the Corporation’s indebtedness and enforcing any and all remedies available;
inability to finance project development;
inability to receive required clearance under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976 (HSR Act);
general economic and business conditions, including changes in interest rates and exchange rates;
prices of natural resources, costs associated with mineral exploration and development, and other economic conditions;
natural phenomena;
actions by government authorities, including changes in government regulation;
uncertainties associated with legal proceedings;
changes in the resources market;
future decisions by management in response to changing conditions;
our ability to execute prospective business plans; and
misjudgments in the course of preparing forward-looking statements.
We advise you that these cautionary remarks expressly qualify in their entirety all forward-looking statements attributable to us or persons acting on our behalf.  Except as required by law, we are not under any obligation, and expressly disclaim any obligation, to update or alter any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.  You should carefully review the cautionary statements and risk factors contained in this prospectus and other documents that we file from time to time with the Canadian Securities Authorities and the SEC and which are incorporated by reference herein.
All subsequent forward-looking statements attributable to us or any person acting on our behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by the cautionary statements contained or referred to in this section and the “RISK FACTORS” section of this prospectus.
The Corporation is incorporated under the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia) (“BCBCA”).  Certain of the Corporation’s directors, and some of the experts named in this prospectus, are residents of Canada or otherwise reside outside the United States. Concurrent with the filing of this prospectus, the Corporation has appointed an agent for service of process in the United States (described below), but it may be difficult for Shareholders that reside in the United States to effect service upon those directors and experts that are not resident in the United States.  It may also be difficult for Shareholders that reside in the United States to realize in the United States upon judgments of courts of the United States predicated upon the Corporation’s civil liability and the civil liability of its directors, officers and experts under the U.S. federal securities laws.  The Corporation has been advised by its Canadian counsel, Farris, that a judgment of a U.S. court predicated solely upon civil liability under U.S. federal securities laws or the securities or “blue sky” laws of any state within the United States, would probably be enforceable in Canada if the U.S. court in which the judgment was obtained assumed jurisdiction on the same basis that a court in Canada would assume jurisdiction.  The Corporation has also been advised by Farris, however, that there is substantial doubt whether an action could be maintained in Canada in the first instance on the basis of liability predicated solely upon U.S. federal securities laws.

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The Corporation has filed with the SEC, concurrently with its registration statement on Form F-10 of which this prospectus is a part, an appointment of agent for service of process on Form F-X.  Under the Form F-X, the Corporation has appointed Ryan Vogt as its agent for service of process in the United States in connection with any investigation or administrative proceeding conducted by the SEC, and any civil suit or action brought against or involving the Corporation in a U.S. court arising out of or related to or concerning the offering of the securities under this prospectus.
This prospectus has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of Canadian securities laws, which differ from the requirements of United States securities laws. Unless otherwise indicated, all reserve and resource estimates included or incorporated by reference in this prospectus have been prepared in accordance with Canadian National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (“NI 43-101”), and the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves (“CIM Definitions”). NI 43-101 is a rule developed by the Canadian Securities Administrators that establishes standards for public disclosure an issuer makes of scientific and technical information concerning mineral projects.
For United States reporting purposes, the SEC has adopted amendments to its disclosure rules to modernize the mineral property disclosure requirements for issuers whose securities are registered with the SEC under the Exchange Act.  These amendments became effective February 25, 2019 (the “SEC Modernization Rules”) with compliance required for the first fiscal year beginning on or after January 1, 2021.  The SEC Modernization Rules replace the historical property disclosure requirements for mining registrants that were included in SEC Industry Guide 7, which will be rescinded from and after the required compliance date of the SEC Modernization Rules.  As a result of the adoption of the SEC Modernization Rules, the SEC now recognizes estimates of “measured mineral resources”, “indicated mineral resources” and “inferred mineral resources”.  In addition, the SEC has amended its definitions of “proven mineral reserves” and “probable mineral reserves” to be “substantially similar” to the corresponding CIM Definitions that apply under NI 43-101.
United States investors are cautioned that while the SEC will now recognize “measured mineral resources”, “indicated mineral resources” and “inferred mineral resources”, investors should not assume that any part or all of the mineral deposits in these categories will ever be converted into a higher category of mineral resources or into mineral reserves.  Reserves reported based on these terms have a great amount of uncertainty as to their economic and legal feasibility. Accordingly, investors are cautioned not to assume that any “measured mineral resources”, “indicated mineral resources”, or “inferred mineral resources” that the Corporation reports are or will be economically or legally mineable.
See page 2 of the Corporation’s annual information form for the year ended December 31, 2018 (the “2018 AIF”) filed on SEDAR on March 28, 2019 and filed on EDGAR on March 29, 2019, for a description of certain mining terms used in this prospectus and the documents incorporated by reference herein.
Information has been incorporated by reference in this prospectus from documents filed with the Canadian Securities Administrators.  Information that is incorporated by reference is an important part of this prospectus.  We incorporate by reference the documents listed below, which were filed with the Canadian Securities Authorities under applicable Canadian securities laws and, subject to certain exceptions, with the SEC.

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The following documents of the Corporation are specifically incorporated by reference into and form an integral part of this prospectus:

the 2018 AIF, filed on SEDAR on March 28, 2019;

our audited consolidated financial statements, filed on SEDAR on March 28, 2019, including notes thereto, as at December 31, 2018 and 2017 and for the twelve months ended December 31, 2018 and eleven months ended December 31, 2017, Management’s Annual Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting, together with the report of our Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm thereon, and the management’s discussion and analysis relating thereto (the “Annual MD&A”) (collectively, the “Annual Financial Statements”);

our management information circular dated May 3, 2018 and filed on SEDAR on May 18, 2018 in connection with our annual and special meeting of shareholders held on June 27, 2018 (the “2018 Circular”); and

our material change report filed on SEDAR on March 25, 2019 announcing the issuance of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ (“USACE”) Record of Decision and Section 404 wetlands permit for the NorthMet Project and the execution of an extension agreement with Glencore with respect to the approximate US$243 million in secured convertible and non-convertible debt owing to Glencore.
Any documents of the Corporation of the type described in section 11.1 of Form 44-101F1 – Short Form Prospectus filed by the Corporation with any securities regulatory authorities after the date of this prospectus and prior to the termination of this distribution will be deemed to be incorporated by reference into this prospectus. In addition, to the extent that any document or information incorporated by reference in this prospectus is included in any report on Form 6-K, Form 40-F, Form 20-F, Form 10-K, Form 10-Q or Form 8-K (or any respective successor form) that is filed with or furnished to the SEC after the date of this prospectus, such document or information shall be deemed to be incorporated by reference as an exhibit to the registration statement of which this prospectus forms a part.  In addition, we may incorporate by reference into this prospectus information from documents that we file with or furnish to the SEC pursuant to Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Exchange Act.
Any statement contained in this prospectus or in a document incorporated or deemed to be incorporated by reference herein will be deemed to be modified or superseded, for purposes of this prospectus, to the extent that a statement contained in this prospectus or in any other subsequently filed document which also is, or is deemed to be, incorporated by reference herein modifies or supersedes such statement.  The modifying or superseding statement need not state that it has modified or superseded a prior statement or include any other information set forth in the document that it modifies or supersedes.  The making of a modifying or superseding statement will not be deemed an admission for any purposes that the modified or superseded statement, when made, constituted a misrepresentation, an untrue statement of a material fact or an omission to state a material fact that is required to be stated or that is necessary to make a statement not misleading in light of the circumstances in which it was made.  Any statement so modified or superseded will not, except as so modified or superseded, be deemed to constitute a part of this prospectus.

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The following is a summary of the principal features of the Rights Offering and should be read together with, and is qualified in its entirety by, the more detailed information and financial data and statements contained elsewhere or incorporated by reference in this prospectus.  Certain terms used in this summary and in the prospectus are defined elsewhere herein.

PolyMet Mining Corp.

The Rights Offering:
Rights to subscribe for up to an aggregate of [] Common Shares. If additional Common Shares are issued prior to the Record Date pursuant to the exercise or exchange of outstanding warrants or options, additional Rights will be issued.  Each Shareholder on the Record Date will receive one Right for each Common Share held.

Record Date:
[], 2019.

Commencement Date:
[], 2019.
Expiry Date:
[], 2019.

Expiry Time:
5:00 p.m. (Eastern time) on the Expiry Date.  Rights not validly exercised and received by the Subscription Agent before the Expiry Time on the Expiry Date will be void and have no value and will no longer be exercisable for any Common Shares.

Subscription Price:
US$[] per Common Share.

Net Proceeds:
Assuming exercise in full of the Rights, approximately US$[], after deducting the estimated expenses of the Rights Offering of approximately US$[] and the Standby Fee equal to 3.00% of the total funds committed by Glencore pursuant to the Standby Commitment.

Basic Subscription Privilege:
Every [] Rights entitles the holder thereof (other than an Ineligible Holder) to subscribe for [] Common Shares upon payment of the Subscription Price.  Where the exercise of Rights would appear to entitle a holder of Rights to receive fractional Common Shares, the holder’s entitlement will be reduced to the next lowest whole number of Common Shares.  The Corporation will not be required to issue fractional Common Shares or pay cash in lieu thereof.  See “DESCRIPTION OF OFFERED SECURITIES -- Basic Subscription Privilege”.

Additional Subscription Privilege:
Holders of Rights who exercise in full the Basic Subscription Privilege for their Rights are also entitled to subscribe pro rata for additional Common Shares, if any, to the extent such additional Common Shares are available and not otherwise purchased pursuant to the Basic Subscription Privilege.  See “DESCRIPTION OF OFFERED SECURITIES -- Additional Subscription Privilege”.

- 6 -

Exercise of Rights:
For all Shareholders whose Common Shares are held in registered form with an address of record in an Eligible Jurisdiction, a Rights Certificate representing the total number of Rights to which such Shareholder is entitled as at the Record Date will be mailed with a copy of this prospectus to each such Shareholder.  In order to exercise the Rights represented by the Rights Certificate, such holder of Rights must complete and deliver the Rights Certificate in accordance with the instructions set out under “DESCRIPTION OF OFFERED SECURITIES -- How to Complete the Rights Certificate”.

For Common Shares held through a Participant in the book based system administered by CDS or in the book based system administered by DTC, a Shareholder in an Eligible Jurisdiction or an Approved Eligible Holder (as defined herein) may exercise the Rights issued in respect of such Common Shares (under either the Basic Subscription Privilege or the Additional Subscription Privilege) by: (a) instructing the Participant holding such Rights to exercise all or a specified number of such Rights pursuant to the Basic Subscription Privilege, and if desired by such holder, pursuant to the Additional Subscription Privilege; and (b) forwarding to such Participant the Subscription Price for each Common Share that such holder wishes to subscribe for in accordance with the terms of this Rights Offering.

Holders that wish to exercise Rights issued in respect of Common Shares held through a Participant should contact such Participant to determine how Rights may be exercised.  The entire Subscription Price for any Common Shares purchased must be paid at the time of subscription and must be received by the Subscription Agent at the Subscription Office prior to the Expiry Time on the Expiry Date. Accordingly, subscribers must provide the Participant holding their Rights with instructions and the required payment sufficiently in advance of the Expiry Date to permit proper exercise of their Rights.  Participants will have an earlier deadline for receipt of instructions and payment.  See “DESCRIPTION OF OFFERED SECURITIES -- Rights Certificate -- Common Shares Held Through CDS”.

If your Rights are held of record through DTC, you may exercise your Basic Subscription Privilege or your Additional Subscription Privilege through the DTC’s “PSOP” function by instructing DTC to charge your applicable DTC account for the Subscription Price for the Common Shares and deliver such amount to the Subscription Agent.  The Subscription Agent must receive the required subscription documents and the Subscription Price for any Common Shares sufficiently in advance of the Expiry Time on the Expiry Date to permit proper exercise of the Rights. See “DESCRIPTION OF OFFERED SECURITIES -- Rights Certificate -- Common Shares Held Through DTC”.

Subscriptions for Common Shares will be irrevocable and subscribers will be unable to withdraw their subscriptions for Common Shares once submitted. See “CANADIAN PURCHASERS’ STATUTORY RIGHTS OF WITHDRAWAL AND RESCISSION”.

If the delivered Subscription Price is greater than the amount you owe for your subscription, the Subscription Agent will return the excess amount to you by mail, without interest or deduction, promptly after the closing of the Rights Offering, which is anticipated to occur on or about [], 2019. If the Rights Offering does not proceed, the Subscription Price made pursuant to the Basic Subscription Privilege and Additional Subscription Privilege will be returned promptly to the subscribers by the Subscription Agent without interest or deduction. See “DESCRIPTION OF OFFERED SECURITIES -- Basic Subscription Privilege” and “-- Additional Subscription Privilege”.

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Shareholders in Ineligible Jurisdictions:
This Rights Offering is made in all of the Eligible Jurisdictions.  No subscription under the Basic Subscription Privilege nor under the Additional Subscription Privilege will be accepted from any person, or such person’s agent, who appears to be, or who the Corporation has reason to believe is, an Ineligible Holder, except that the Corporation may accept subscriptions in certain circumstances from persons in such jurisdictions if the Corporation determines that such offering to and subscription by such person or agent is lawful and in compliance with all securities and other laws applicable in the jurisdiction where such person or agent is resident (each, an “Approved Eligible Holder”). No Rights Certificates will be mailed to Ineligible Holders and Ineligible Holders will not be permitted to exercise their Rights unless and until they become Approved Eligible Holders.  Holders of Common Shares who have not received Rights Certificates but are resident in an Eligible Jurisdiction or wish to be recognized as Approved Eligible Holders should contact the Subscription Agent at the earliest possible time.  Rights of Ineligible Holders will be held by the Subscription Agent until 5:00 p.m. (Eastern time) on [], 2019 in order to provide the beneficial holders outside the Eligible Jurisdictions an opportunity to claim the Rights Certificate by satisfying the Corporation that the exercise of their Rights will not be in violation of the laws of the applicable jurisdiction.  After such time, the Subscription Agent will attempt to sell the Rights of such registered Ineligible Holders on such date or dates and at such price or prices as the Subscription Agent will determine in its sole discretion.  See “DESCRIPTION OF OFFERED SECURITIES -- Ineligible Holders”.

Standby Commitment:
Under the Standby Purchase Agreement, the Standby Purchaser, subject to certain terms and conditions and limitations, has agreed to exercise its  Basic Subscription Privilege in full and to purchase at the Subscription Price, that number of Common Shares equal to the difference, if any, of (x) the total number of Common Shares offered pursuant to the Rights Offering minus (y) the number of Common Shares subscribed for pursuant to the Basic Subscription Privilege and the Additional Subscription Privilege. The Standby Purchaser is not engaged as an underwriter in connection with the Rights Offering and has not been involved in the preparation of, or performed any review of, this prospectus in the capacity of an underwriter.  The Standby Purchase Agreement may be terminated by the Standby Purchaser prior to the Expiry Time in certain circumstances.  In consideration of the agreement of the Standby Purchaser to purchase the Standby Shares as provided in the Standby Purchase Agreement, the Standby Purchaser will be entitled to a fee equal to 3.00% of the total funds committed by Glencore pursuant to the Standby Commitment.  The Standby Fee will be payable in cash in immediately available funds by wire transfer to the account designated by the Standby Purchaser or by set-off (at the option of Glencore).  See “STANDBY COMMITMENT”.

The Standby Purchaser was previously granted a right of first refusal to provide material financings other than certain forms of equity financing, subject to regulatory approval, as long as it owns 10% or more of the issued and outstanding Common Shares of the Corporation. As long as the Standby Purchaser owns more than 5% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares of the Corporation, it has the right to participate pro rata in any equity-related financing by the Corporation to maintain its ownership interest on a fully diluted basis (currently []% on a partially diluted basis).  The Standby Purchaser has waived its right of first refusal with respect to the Rights Offering and the issuance of the Offered Securities subject to revocation upon termination of the Standby Purchase Agreement or breach by the Corporation under the Standby Purchase Agreement.

The Standby Purchaser may terminate the Standby Purchase Agreement under certain circumstances.  See “STANDBY COMMITMENT”. If the Standby Purchase Agreement is terminated, the Standby Purchaser would no longer be obligated to provide the Standby Commitment or exercise its Basic Subscription Privilege in full.  See “RISK FACTORS”.

- 8 -

Use of Proceeds:
The Corporation intends to use the proceeds of this Rights Offering for: (a) the repayment of the amount that the Corporation is indebted to Glencore under certain debentures which, as at March 31, 2019, is the principal amount of US$165,000,000 plus accrued interest of US$77,774,753, plus additional interest which continues to accrue; (b) the payment of the Standby Fee in full; and (c) payment of expenses of the Rights Offering, which expenses shall be no greater than US$6,000,000.

The Corporation will apply to list the Rights, the Common Shares issuable upon the exercise of the Rights and the Standby Shares on the TSX and the NYSE American.  The approval of such listing will be subject to the Corporation fulfilling all of the listing requirements of the TSX and the NYSE American.

Governance Agreement:
The restrictions set out in Section 3(b) of the Corporate Governance Agreement between Glencore and the Corporation dated July 5, 2013 will be eliminated and replaced in an amended and restated Corporate Governance Agreement to be entered into by Glencore and the Corporation (the “Amended and Restated Corporate Governance Agreement”) upon the closing of the Rights Offering.

Other Approvals and Consents:
The Rights Offering cannot proceed without HSR Clearance (as defined below).  The issuance and trading of the Rights and completion of the Rights Offering is subject to the expiration or termination of any waiting period and any extension thereof, or any timing agreement or legally binding commitments obtained by request or other action of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission and/or the U.S. Department of Justice, as applicable, under the HSR Act in connection with the Rights Offering (the “HSR Clearance”)

Risk Factors:
The receipt of Rights and an investment in Common Shares are subject to a number of risk factors.  See “RISK FACTORS”.

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The following are examples of what the Corporation anticipates will be common questions about the Rights Offering.  The following questions and answers do not contain all of the information that may be important to an investor.  This prospectus and the documents incorporated by reference herein contain more detailed descriptions of the terms and conditions of the Rights Offering and provide additional information about the Corporation and its business.  The questions and answers are qualified in their entirety by the more detailed information appearing elsewhere in this prospectus which investors should read before making an investment decision.
Q: Why is PolyMet issuing Common Shares by way of a Rights Offering?
A: The Corporation has agreed to complete the Rights Offering under the terms of the Extension Agreement entered into in connection with the repayment of the Glencore Debt. This will effectively convert PolyMet’s debt to equity, thus eliminating the Corporation’s existing debt and strengthening the Corporation’s balance sheet.
Q: What is a rights offering?
A: The Corporation is issuing to its Shareholders of record as of 5:00 p.m. (Eastern time) on [], 2019, at no charge, one Right for each Common Share held by such Shareholder.  This is the Basic Subscription Privilege.  See “PLAN OF DISTRIBUTION”.
Q: Is the proceeding of the Rights Offering conditional?
A: Yes. The Rights Offering cannot proceed without HSR Clearance (see “RISK FACTORS -- Glencore’s Ability to Provide the Standby Commitment depends on HSR Clearance; if HSR Clearance is not received the Rights Offering Cannot Proceed”).
Q: Why have I received this material?
A: These materials are important and require your immediate attention.  Shareholders are required to make an important decision regarding whether to exercise their Rights to purchase additional Common Shares of the Corporation.
Q: What will the Subscription Price be for the Common Shares issued pursuant to the Rights Offering?
A: PolyMet’s Common Shares will be priced at a 20% discount to the five (5) day volume weighted average price (“VWAP”) prior to launch.  The VWAP is a trading benchmark used by stock traders and is calculated using the average price a security has traded throughout a given period, based on both volume and price.
Q: How much debt is owed to Glencore?
A: As a result of Glencore agreeing to backstop the Rights Offering, it is expected that the gross proceeds from the Rights Offering shall be sufficient to repay in its entirety the debt owed by the Corporation to Glencore, which is estimated to be approximately US$251.3 million at the time of closing of the Rights Offering. The remaining gross proceeds will be used for the Standby Fee of approximately US$7.7 million and expenses with respect to the Rights Offering, anticipated to be approximately US$6.0 million.
Q: What does it mean that Glencore is backstopping the Rights Offering?
A: It means that any of the Rights not purchased by Shareholders will, subject to certain terms, conditions and limitations, be purchased by Glencore. Glencore’s resulting ownership interest in PolyMet could change following the Rights Offering depending on the level of other Shareholder participation in the Rights Offering.
Q: Is there a minimum subscription level in order for the Rights Offering to be completed?
A: No. The Rights Offering is not subject to any minimum subscription levels.

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Q: How long will Shareholders have to make a decision on whether they will exercise their rights?
A: Shareholders will have 21 calendar days following the launch of the Rights Offering to review and act on the terms.  See “PLAN OF DISTRIBUTION”.
Q: When will the Rights Offering be completed?
A: The Rights Offering will be completed on or before June 30, 2019, or such later date as agreed to by the Corporation and the Standby Purchaser.
Q: As a Beneficial Shareholder what should I do if I want to participate in the Rights Offering?
A: If you hold your Common Shares through a CDS or DTC Participant, such as a securities broker or dealer, bank, trust company or other intermediary, then the CDS or DTC Participant must exercise Rights on your behalf and Shareholders must arrange purchases or transfers of Rights through their own CDS or DTC Participant. If you wish to participate in the Rights Offering, please contact the CDS or DTC Participant who holds your Common Shares as soon as possible. See “DESCRIPTION OF OFFERED SECURITIES -- Rights Certificate -- Common Shares Held Through CDS” and “-- Rights Certificate -- Common Shares Held Through DTC”.
Q: What if I reside in an Ineligible Jurisdiction?
A: Persons located in certain Ineligible Jurisdictions may be able to exercise the Rights and purchase Common Shares provided that they furnish evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Corporation that they are permitted under applicable laws to participate in the Rights Offering.  See “DESCRIPTION OF OFFERED SECURITIES – Ineligible Holders”.
Q: Can I buy additional Common Shares beyond my Basic Subscription Privilege?
A: Possibly. All Shareholders have an Additional Subscription Privilege that allows those Shareholders who exercise in full their Basic Subscription Privilege to exercise, on a pro rata basis based on their Basic Subscription Privilege, any Additional Shares, if any, to the extent such Additional Shares are available and not otherwise acquired by Shareholders pursuant to their Basic Subscription Privilege. See “DESCRIPTION OF OFFERED SECURITIES – Additional Subscription Privilege”. Additionally, it is expected that the Rights will be listed and posted for trading on the TSX and NYSE American and, subject to such listing, a Shareholder will be able to purchase additional Rights through the facilities of the TSX and NYSE American.
Q: Will the Rights trade on a stock exchange?
A: Approval of the listing of the Rights on the TSX and the NYSE American will be subject to the Corporation fulfilling all of the listing requirements of the TSX and the NYSE American.  The Corporation expects that the Rights will be listed and posted for trading on the TSX and the NYSE American under the symbol [] and begin trading on an ex-rights basis on or before [], 2019 and that the Rights will be posted for trading on the TSX and the NYSE American until the Expiry Time, at which time the Rights will cease trading.  Although the Corporation expects that the Rights will be listed on the TSX and the NYSE American, the Corporation cannot provide any assurance that the Rights will be listed, that an active or any trading market in the Rights will develop, or that the Rights can be sold on the TSX and the NYSE American at any time.
Q. What will happen to my Rights after the Expiry Date?
A: Rights not exercised before the Expiry Time on the Expiry Date will be void and of no value.
Q: What will happen to my current Common Shares if I do not participate in the Rights Offering?
A: If a Shareholder does not exercise all of its Rights pursuant to the Basic Subscription Privilege, the Shareholder’s equity ownership in the Corporation will be diluted by the issuance of Common Shares upon the exercise of Rights by other Shareholders, which dilution may be significant. See “RISK FACTORS”.

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Q: What happens next after the Rights Offering?
A: Once the Rights Offering is completed, the Corporation looks forward to advancing the process of raising project capital. The Corporation anticipates this could take several months. If the Corporation is successful in securing project capital, the Corporation will begin the construction phase of the project, which is anticipated to take approximately 30 months.
Q: Who should I contact if I have any further questions?
A: If you have any questions relating to the Rights Offering, you should contact the Subscription Agent by telephone at 1-800-564-6253 (North America) or 1-514-982-7555 (outside North America).

- 12 -

Date that Rights will be admitted for trading on the TSX
●, 2019
Date that Rights will be admitted for trading on the NYSE American
●, 2019
Record Date for participation in the Rights Offering
●, 2019
Commencement Date of Rights Offering
●, 2019
Expected Mailing Date of the final short form prospectus and Rights Certificates
●, 2019
Date on which Sale of Rights of Ineligible Holders by Subscription Agent Begins
●, 2019
End of trading of Rights on the TSX
●, 2019
End of trading of Rights on the NYSE American
●, 2019
Expiry Time and Expiry Date
●, 2019
Expected Closing Date of the Rights Offering
●, 2019

- 13 -
The Corporation was incorporated under the predecessor to the BCBCA on March 4, 1981 under the name Fleck Resources Ltd., which was changed to PolyMet Mining Corp. on June 10, 1998.  The Corporation is a development stage company engaged in the exploration and development of natural resource properties. Currently the Corporation’s sole mineral property is a polymetallic, project in northeastern Minnesota, United States of America, which hosts copper, nickel, cobalt, gold, silver and platinum group metal mineralization (the “NorthMet Project”).
The Corporation controls 100% of the NorthMet Project through two long-term leases and owns 100% of the former LTV Steel Mining Company processing facility, located approximately seven rail miles from the ore body in the established mining district of the Mesabi Iron Range in northeastern Minnesota. Information with respect to the NorthMet Project is contained in the 2018 AIF and the Corporation’s other annual and quarterly filings available on SEDAR and EDGAR and PolyMet’s website, which are incorporated herein by reference. The following supplements information on the North Met Project that is incorporated by reference.
The Corporation’s registered and records office is located at the Corporation’s legal counsel offices situated at 2500 – 700 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V7Y 1B3.  The corporate office is situated at First Canadian Place, Suite 5700 - 100 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M5X 1C7. The phone number is (416) 915-4149.
Our Business
Since 2003, the Corporation has focused on commencing commercial production on our NorthMet Project. We have focused our efforts on four main areas:
PolyMet acquired the Erie Plant, associated infrastructure and approximately 12,400 acres (19 square miles) of surface rights from Cliffs Erie LLC, a subsidiary of Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. (together “Cliffs”).  The plant is located about six miles west of the NorthMet ore body and is comprised of a 100,000 ton-per-day crushing and milling facility, a railroad and railroad access rights connecting the Erie Plant to the NorthMet Project ore body, tailings storage facilities, 120 railcars, locomotive fueling and maintenance facilities, water rights and pipelines, administrative offices on site, and approximately 6,000 acres of land to the east and west of the existing tailings storage facilities.
Upon completion of the land exchange on June 28, 2018, PolyMet now controls surface rights to approximately 19,050 acres or 30 square miles of contiguous surface rights stretching from west of the Erie Plant to east of the proposed East Pit at NorthMet.
In November 2015, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (“MDNR”), the USACE, and the United States Forest Service (“USFS”) published the NorthMet Final Environmental Impact Statement (“EIS”) as required under the Minnesota Environmental Policy Act (“MEPA”) and the National Environmental Policy Act (“NEPA”).  The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency was a cooperating agency in preparation of the EIS.  As part of the decade-long MEPA and NEPA processes, there were several extensive periods for public review and comment prior to publication of the final EIS.  The EIS included a proposed land exchange between the USFS and the Corporation.
In November 2018, the Corporation received all final MDNR permits for the NorthMet Project for which the Corporation had applied, including the Permit to Mine, dam safety, water appropriations, endangered and threatened species takings, and public waters work permits, along with Wetland Conservation Act approval.
In December 2018, the Corporation received all final Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (“MPCA”) permits for the NorthMet Project for which the Corporation had applied, including the water quality permit, air emission quality permit, and Section 401 certification.
Since early 2018, there have been various challenges filed in the Minnesota Court of Appeals contesting various aspects of the MDNR and MPCA decisions. PolyMet is a co-respondent in all suits.

- 14 -
On March 22, 2019, the Corporation announced that the USACE had issued its Record of Decision and Section 404 wetlands permit for the NorthMet Project.  Along with the recently issued State permits, the Corporation now holds all necessary permits to construct and operate the NorthMet Project.
In January 2017, the USFS issued its final Record of Decision authorizing the land exchange which stated the land exchange eliminates a fundamental conflict between the rights that PolyMet has as a result of control of the mineral rights and the USFS position on those rights which otherwise could result in litigation that has no certain outcome and could set a judicial precedent regarding other lands acquired in the same deed under the Weeks Act (36 Stat. 961).
Four legal challenges, which have since been consolidated into one proceeding, were filed during 2017 contesting various aspects of the land exchange final Record of Decision. PolyMet is a co-defendant with the USFS in this proceeding. Motions were filed by PolyMet to dismiss each of these suits for lack of standing. In August 2017, the U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota denied the consolidated plaintiff’s motion for a preliminary injunction to stop the land exchange from proceeding while the consolidated action was pending.
In June 2018, the Corporation and the USFS exchanged titles to federal and private lands, completing the land exchange giving the Corporation control over both surface and mineral rights in and around the NorthMet Project’s ore body and consolidating the Superior National Forest’s land holdings in northeast Minnesota.
Since October 31, 2008, the Corporation and the Standby Purchaser have entered into a series of financing agreements and a marketing agreement (the “2008 Financing Agreements”) whereby Glencore committed to purchase all of the Corporation’s production of concentrates, metal, or intermediate products on market terms at the time of delivery, for at least the first five years of production.  As a result of the series of financing transactions and Glencore’s purchase of Common Shares previously owned by Cliffs, Glencore's current and potential ownership of Common Shares as at December 31, 2018 comprises:

92,836,072 Common Shares currently owned by Glencore representing 28.8% of PolyMet's issued and outstanding Common Shares.

44,303,743 Common Shares issuable upon the exercise of an exchange warrant (the “Exchange Warrant”) at US$1.2696 per share in exchange for US$25,000,000 initial principal floating rate secured debentures (“Convertible Debt”) plus capitalized and accrued interest as at December 31, 2018. Upon PolyMet giving the Standby Purchaser notice that it has received permits necessary to start construction of the NorthMet Project and availability of senior construction financing in a form reasonably acceptable to the Standby Purchaser, the Standby Purchaser will be required to exchange the debentures for Common Shares. The debentures bear interest at 12-month US dollar LIBOR plus 10%, compounded quarterly. Interest is payable in cash or by increasing the principal amount of the debentures at the Standby Purchaser’s option. At March 31, 2019, US$33,076,858.77 of interest had accrued to the Convertible Debt since inception.  The Corporation has provided security on the Convertible Debt covering all of the assets of PolyMet and Poly Met Mining, Inc. (“PMI”), including a pledge of PolyMet’s 100% shareholding in PMI (the “Security Documents”).  The Convertible Debt contains certain customary affirmative and negative covenants, including, among other things, with respect to the incurrence of debt and the grant of guarantees by the Corporation and its subsidiaries.

6,458,001 Common Shares issuable upon the exercise of warrants acquired by Glencore in 2019, which warrants can be exercised at US$0.7368 per Common Share at any time until March 31, 2024 (the “2019 Warrants”);

7,055,626 Common Shares issuable upon the exercise of warrants acquired by Glencore in 2016, which warrants can be exercised at US$1.00 per Common Share at any time until October 28, 2021 (the “2016-1 Warrants”); and

625,000 Common Shares issuable upon the exercise of warrants acquired by Glencore in 2016, which warrants can be exercised at US$0.7797 per share at any time until October 28, 2021 (the “2016-2 Warrants”).

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The agreements governing the 2019 Warrants, the 2016-1 Warrants and the 2016-2 Warrants (collectively, the “Purchase Warrants”) contain customary anti-dilution provisions that are triggered by the occurrence of certain financing events, including the Rights Offering, as well as other terms and conditions described more fully in those agreement. If the Standby Purchaser were to exercise all of its rights and obligations under the above-noted agreements, prior to the Rights Offering, it would own 152,718,916 Common Shares of PolyMet as at March 31, 2019, representing approximately 39.97% on a partially diluted basis. Assuming exercise in full of the Rights, the Purchase Warrants will become exchangeable into [] Common Shares at an average price of approximately US$[] per Common Share.  If the Standby Purchaser subscribes for the maximum number of Common Shares, and no other holders of Rights exercise their Rights, and if the Standby Purchaser were to exchange the Purchase Warrants for Common Shares, subject to the adjustments described above, the Standby Purchaser would own [] Common Shares representing []% on a partially diluted basis.
The Standby Purchaser was previously granted a right of first refusal to provide material financings other than certain forms of equity financing, subject to regulatory approval, as long as it owns 10% or more of the issued and outstanding Common Shares of PolyMet. As long as the Standby Purchaser owns more than 5% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares of PolyMet, it has the right to participate pro rata in any equity-related financing by the Corporation to maintain its ownership interest on a fully diluted basis (currently []% on a partially diluted basis).  The Standby Purchaser has waived its right of first refusal with respect to the Rights Offering and the issuance of the Rights Offering securities subject to revocation upon termination of the Standby Purchase Agreement or breach by the Corporation under the Standby Purchase Agreement.
On March 22, 2019, the Corporation entered into an extension agreement with Glencore (the “Extension Agreement”) with respect to the Convertible Debt in the principal amount of US$25,000,000 (with accrued interest through March 31, 2019 of US$33,076,859) and certain non-convertible debentures (the “Non-Convertible Debentures”, together with the Convertible Debt, the “Debentures”) in the principal amount of US$140,000,000 (with accrued interest through March 31, 2019 of US$44,697,894.25), issued by the Corporation pursuant to the 2008 Financing Agreements which were due to mature on March 31, 2019 (the “Glencore Debt”). Glencore agreed to extend the maturity date of the Debentures to provide the Corporation time to prepare for and complete the Rights Offering by June 30, 2019.
In connection with the Extension Agreement, the Corporation also entered into a warrant amendment agreement with Glencore (the “Warrant Amending Agreement”) pursuant to which the Corporation: (i) extended the expiry date of the Exchange Warrant to the earlier of (A) March 31, 2020 and (B) the date the Convertible Debentures are fully repaid, (ii) issued the 2019 Warrant, and (iii) used its commercially reasonable best efforts to reduce the exercise price of the Exchange Warrant to the lowest price permitted by the TSX and NYSE American, in each case subject to obtaining any necessary approvals of consents of the TSX and NYSE American.  Approval of the Exchange Warrant price reduction to US$0.7368 was subsequently approved in April 2019 by the TSX and NYSE American. The Exchange Warrant is exercisable provided the Glencore Debt remains outstanding. Upon closing of the Rights Offering, the intention is to repay the Glencore Debt at which point, the Exchange Warrants will expire unexercised.
Among other things, if the Rights Offering is not completed by June 30, 2019, the Standby Purchaser has the right to demand repayment of the Glencore Debt and exercise its rights and remedies pursuant to the 2008 Financing Agreements, including, without limitation, the right to enforce the Security Documents.
The Rights Offering is the result of discussions and negotiations among representatives of the Corporation, the Special Committee (as herein defined), the board of directors of the Corporation (the “Board”) and the Standby Purchaser, and their respective advisors.  The following is a summary of the principal events leading up to the Corporation’s announcement of the Rights Offering on March 22, 2019 and May 6, 2019:
On February 28, 2019, a special committee comprised of independent directors of the Board (the “Special Committee”) was created to, among other things, assist with the evaluation of strategic alternatives for the Corporation, including potential debt, equity, alternative financing, investment, joint venture and strategic acquisition transactions, to provide the Board with advice and recommendations relating to any such strategic alternatives and to provide the Board with advice concerning alternatives for addressing the pending maturity of the Glencore Debt. The members of the Special Committee included Messrs. W. Ian L. Forrest (as chair), Dennis Bartlett and Alan R. Hodnik, each of whom was determined to not have any direct or indirect material relationship with Glencore. At this initial meeting, the members of the Special Committee discussed the potential for various strategic transactions in general as well as, more specifically, alternatives for either extending or repaying the Glencore Debt. It was agreed that the Corporation did not have the means to repay the maturing Glencore Debt and that the Corporation would need to work with Glencore to find a solution to this issue. Morgan Stanley Canada Limited and Paradigm Capital Inc., financial advisors to the Board and the Special Committee, as well as the Corporation’s external legal counsel, were also present and participated in this initial meeting of the Special Committee.

- 16 -
Immediately following this initial meeting of the Special Committee, the entire Board convened to further discuss strategic alternatives and options for addressing the Glencore Debt.
On March 5, 2019, a meeting of the Special Committee was held. The purpose of the meeting was for members of the Special Committee and management of the Corporation to be updated by the Corporation’s financial advisors with respect to a video conference call that had been held earlier that day between representatives of the Corporation’s financial advisors and senior Glencore officials. The Corporation’s financial advisors reported to the Special Committee and management of the Corporation that their call with Glencore had gone well, that Glencore remained supportive of the NorthMet Project and various options for addressing the pending Glencore Debt maturity were discussed.
On March 12, 2019, a meeting of the Special Committee was held by teleconference to review a draft proposal that had been prepared by the Corporation’s financial and legal advisors with respect to alternatives for repaying the Glencore Debt, which alternatives included a debt-to-project equity conversion proposal as well as a rights offering proposal. The Special Committee commented on the proposal and instructed its advisors to send it to Glencore later that day.
On March 15, 2019, a meeting of the Special Committee was held by teleconference during which the members of the Special Committee and management of the Corporation were advised that Glencore had considered the Corporation’s debt repayment proposals and that Glencore had determined that a rights offering fully backstopped by Glencore was its preferred route for addressing the repayment of the Glencore Debt. After extended discussion, the Special Committee instructed management and its external legal counsel to prepare a rights offering term sheet to send to Glencore.
On March 18, 2019, the Corporation’s external legal counsel provided a draft rights offering term sheet to Glencore’s external counsel. Over the next several days the Corporation, Glencore and their respective counsel continued to negotiate the definitive versions of the Extension Agreement, which included the rights offering term sheet as an appendix, and the Warrant Amending Agreement relating to the issuance of the 2019 Warrants to Glencore and certain amendments to the outstanding Exchange Warrant held by Glencore.
On March 21, 2019, a meeting of the Special Committee and its financial and legal advisors was held by teleconference to review the near final drafts of the Extension Agreement, the Warrant Amending Agreement and a draft press release. At this meeting, the members of the Special Committee further deliberated upon the advantages and disadvantages to the Corporation of the transactions contemplated by the Extension Agreement. After receiving advice from its financial and legal advisors, the Special Committee concluded that entering into the Extension Agreement and the Warrant Amending Agreement, including the commitment to launch a rights offering and to enter into the Standby Purchase Agreement with Glencore, was in the best interests of the Corporation. The Special Committee authorized management to execute the necessary agreements once finalized.
In addition, the members of the Special Committee discussed and considered that, under Multilateral Instrument 61-101 - Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions (“MI 61-101”), the transactions contemplated pursuant to the proposed Rights Offering, specifically the entering into of the Standby Purchase Agreement with Glencore, are “related party transactions” insofar as Glencore is, by reason of the securities currently held in the Corporation (being greater than 10% of the voting rights of the securities of the Corporation), a related party of the Corporation.  Pursuant to MI 61-101, related party transactions are, with certain limited exceptions, subject to formal valuation and minority shareholder approval requirements unless an exemption is available from those requirements. Following advice from legal counsel, the Special Committee concluded that the commitments under the proposed Rights Offering and the Extension Agreement, including the proposed Standby Purchase Agreement, were either not subject to the related party transaction rules of MI 61-101 given that Glencore’s proposed standby commitment complies with National Instrument 45-106 - Prospectus Exemptions, or, in respect of the issuance of the 2019 Warrants to Glencore pursuant to the Extension Agreement, does not exceed 24.99% of the “market capitalization” (as defined in MI 61-101) of the Corporation.
The definitive Extension Agreement and Warrant Amending Agreement were finalized and executed prior to the opening of trading on March 22, 2019.

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The Gross Proceeds (assuming full exercise of the Rights) to be received by the Corporation from the Rights Offering are estimated to be approximately US$265,000,000.
The Corporation intends to use the Gross Proceeds of US$265,000,000 from the Rights Offering as follows:
Repayment of Glencore Debt: US$251.31 million
Standby Fee:                                 US$7.69 million
Expenses:                                  US$6 million
As at December 31, 2018, the Corporation has negative cash flow from operating activities. The Corporation cannot predict if or when it will generate positive cash flows. The Corporation intends to use proceeds raised from the Rights Offering primarily for repayment of the Glencore Debt. See “RISK FACTORS -- Negative Cash Flow from Operating Activities.”
Business Objectives and Milestones
The key business objectives that the Corporation expects to accomplish with the proceeds of the Rights Offering are to repay the Glencore Debt upon closing of the Rights Offering at a cost of approximately US$251 million.  Future objectives include: (a) maintain political, social and regulatory support for the NorthMet Project; (b) finalize the NorthMet Project optimization plan; (c) finalize the NorthMet Project implementation plan; and (d) execute construction finance, subject to typical conditions precedent.
Other than as described under the heading “PRIOR SALES”, there have been no material changes in the share and loan capital of the Corporation since December 31, 2018.  As a result of the issuance of securities which may be distributed under this prospectus, the share capital of the Corporation may increase by up to a maximum of US$265,000,000.
The Corporation conducted transactions with senior management, directors and persons or companies related to these individuals, and paid or accrued amounts during the periods indicated below as follows:
Twelve months
ended December
31, 2018 (1)
Eleven months
ended December
31, 2017  (2)
Twelve months
ended January
31, 2017 (3)
Salaries and other short-term benefits
Other long-term benefits
Share-based payment(4)
Twelve months ended December 31, 2018 includes Directors (Dennis Bartlett, Jonathan Cherry, Mike Ciricillo, David Dreisinger, W. Ian L. Forrest, Helen Harper, Alan R. Hodnik, Stephen Rowland and Michael M. Sill) and senior management (Jonathan Cherry, Patrick Keenan and Bradley Moore).
Eleven months ended December 31, 2017 includes Directors (Dennis Bartlett, Jonathan Cherry, Mike Ciricillo, Matthew Daley, David Dreisinger, W. Ian L. Forrest, Helen Harper, Alan R. Hodnik, Stephen Rowland and Michael M. Sill) and senior management (Jonathan Cherry, Patrick Keenan, Douglas Newby and Bradley Moore).
Year ended January 31, 2017 includes Directors (Jonathan Cherry, Matthew Daley, David Dreisinger, W. Ian L. Forrest, Helen Harper, Alan R. Hodnik, Stephen Rowland and Michael M, Sill) and senior management (Jonathan Cherry, Douglas Newby and Bradley Moore).
Share-based payment represents the amount capitalized or expenses during the period.

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The amounts charged to the Corporation for the services provided have been determined by negotiation among the parties. These transactions were in the normal course of operations.
During the twelve months ended December 31, 2018, the Corporation granted 1,696,000 incentive stock options (“Stock Options”) and 907,904 restricted stock units (“RSUs”) to directors and senior management.  This compares with 1,150,000 Stock Options and 327,869 RSUs granted during the eleven months ended December 31, 2017.  Share-based payment represents the fair value determined at grant date to be expensed over the vesting period.
There are agreements with key employees, including the President and Chief Executive Officer, containing severance provisions for termination without cause or in the event of a change of control. No other director of the Corporation has an agreement providing for benefits upon termination.
As a result of Glencore’s ownership of 28.8% of the Corporation’s issued and outstanding Common Shares, it is a related party. In addition to the Glencore Debt and securities issued pursuant to the 2008 Financing Agreements, the Corporation entered into a Technical Services Agreement with Glencore whereby the Corporation reimburses Glencore for the NorthMet Project technical support costs requested under an agreed scope of work, primarily in detailed project design and mineral processing. During the twelve months ended December 31, 2018, the Corporation recorded US$0.070 million (eleven months ended December 31, 2017 - US$nil) for services under this agreement.
Pursuant to the Extension Agreement, Glencore has agreed to extend the maturity date of the Glencore Debt to provide the Corporation time to prepare for and complete the Rights Offering by June 30, 2019.
In connection with the Warrant Amending Agreement, the Corporation: (i) extended the expiry date of the Exchange Warrant to the earlier of (A) March 31, 2020 and (B) the date the Convertible Debentures are fully repaid, (ii) issued the 2019 Warrant, and (iii) used its commercially reasonable best efforts to reduce the exercise price of the Exchange Warrant to the lowest price permitted by the TSX and NYSE American, in each case subject to obtaining any necessary approvals of consents of the TSX and NYSE American. Approval of the Exchange Warrant price reduction to US$0.7368 was subsequently approved in April 2019 by the TSX and NYSE American.
In connection with the Standby Purchase Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereunder as described further under the heading “STANDBY COMMITMENT”, the Corporation is not subject to the valuation and minority approval requirements of Part 5 of MI 61-101 by virtue of section 5.1(k)(ii) of MI 61-101.
The authorized capital of the Corporation consists of an unlimited number of Common Shares without par value.  On the date of this prospectus, 322,223,504 Common Shares were issued and outstanding, including 95,500 restricted shares.  In addition, as of May 6, 2019, there were Stock Options outstanding to acquire 25,082,002 Common Shares and RSUs to acquire 4,052,282 Common Shares pursuant to the PolyMet Mining Corp. Omnibus Share Compensation Plan (the “Omnibus Plan”). In addition, as of May 6, 2019, there were bonus shares to acquire up to 3,640,000 Common Shares issuable pursuant to the Corporation’s bonus share incentive plan for certain directors, key employees and consultants, and convertible debentures and warrants to acquire 106,012,811 Common Shares.  For further details regarding the authorized capital of the Corporation, see the 2018 AIF, which is incorporated herein by reference.
Common Shares
Shareholders are entitled to one vote per Common Share at all meetings of Shareholders except meetings at which only holders of another specified class or series of shares of the Corporation are entitled to vote separately as a class or series.  The holders of Common Shares are entitled to receive dividends as and when declared by the Board, and to receive a pro rata share of the remaining property and assets of the Corporation in the event of liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation. The Common Shares carry no pre-emptive, redemption, purchase or conversion rights. Pursuant to the terms of prior financings, the Standby Purchaser has certain anti-dilution rights that permit it to acquire additional securities so as to maintain its proportional equity interest in the Corporation.  Neither the BCBCA nor the constating documents of the Corporation impose restrictions on the transfer of Common Shares on the register of the Corporation, provided that the Corporation receives the certificate representing the Common Shares to be transferred together with a duly endorsed instrument of transfer and payment of any fees and taxes which may be prescribed by the Board from time to time. There are no sinking fund provisions in relation to the Common Shares and they are not liable to further calls or to assessment by the Corporation. The BCBCA provides that the rights and provisions attached to any class of shares may not be modified, amended or varied unless consented to by special resolution passed by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the votes cast in person or by proxy by holders of shares of that class.

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Options to Purchase Common Shares
The Rights Offering is a corporate transaction that will affect the Corporation’s issued share capital and its outstanding equity securities that are convertible into, exchangeable for or exercisable to acquire unissued share capital (“Convertible Securities”). Some, but not all, of the Corporation’s outstanding Convertible Securities contain certain anti-dilution adjustment provisions that are intended to ensure that a holder of Convertible Securities is entitled to acquire equivalent share capital after the occurrence of a relevant corporate transaction, such as the Rights Offering. The outstanding warrants held by the Standby Purchaser are subject to certain specific anti-dilution adjustment provisions that are intended to ensure that a holder is entitled to acquire equivalent share capital after the occurrence of a relevant corporate transaction, such as the Rights Offering.
Currently granted Stock Options and RSUs issued under the Omnibus Plan are not subject to specific anti-dilution adjustment provisions. Instead, the Omnibus Plan authorizes the Board to make appropriate adjustments to the terms of outstanding Stock Options and RSUs to reflect changes to the Common Shares resulting from corporate transactions such as the Rights Offering.  Subject to the prior approval of the TSX, the Corporation may adjust the terms of its outstanding Stock Options and RSU’s on a basis equivalent to the adjustment to be made, in accordance with their terms, to the warrants.  Information provided elsewhere in this prospectus with respect to the number of Convertible Securities issued and outstanding is given without giving effect to any anti-dilution adjustment provisions described above. If additional Common Shares are issued prior to the Record Date pursuant to the exercise or exchange of outstanding warrants or options, additional Rights will be issued.
Assuming that the Rights Offering is fully subscribed, the number of Common Shares issuable upon the exercise of all outstanding Stock Options and RSUs will increase from [] Common Shares to [] Common Shares.
Under the Standby Purchase Agreement, the Standby Purchaser, subject to certain terms and conditions and limitations, has agreed to exercise its Basic Subscription Privilege in full and to purchase at the Subscription Price, that number of Common Shares equal to the difference, if any, of (x) the total number of Common Shares offered pursuant to the Rights Offering minus (y) the number of Common Shares subscribed for pursuant to the Basic Subscription Privilege and the Additional Subscription Privilege.
Certain directors and officers of the Corporation who can participate directly or indirectly in the Rights Offering have indicated that they intend to exercise some or all of their Rights pursuant to the Basic Subscription Privilege, and may also subscribe for additional Rights under the Additional Subscription Privilege.
The information as to the intentions of our insiders is not within our knowledge and has been furnished by the respective insiders. No assurance can be given by us that the respective insiders will subscribe for Common Shares.
During the 12-month period prior to the date of this prospectus, the Corporation issued Common Shares or securities convertible into Common Shares as follows:
Number and Type of Security Issued
Issue/Exercise Price
Type of Issuance
April 22, 2019
26,250 Common Shares
Extension of option agreement
for land purchase(1)
March 29, 2019
6,458,001 Common Share
Purchase Warrant
US$0.7368 per Common
Extension Agreement for
Glencore Debt (2)
March 26, 2019
39,391 Common Shares
Release of RSUs (3)
January 30, 2019
7,800 Common Shares
Exercise of Stock Options(4)

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January 28, 2019
100,000 Common Shares
Exercise of Stock Options(4)
January 25, 2019
3,832 Common Shares
Exercise of Stock Options(4)
January 23, 2019
78,539 Common Shares
Exercise of Stock Options(4)
January 21, 2019
26,250 Common Shares
Extension of option agreement
for land purchase(1)
January 17, 2019
10,000 Common Shares
Exercise of Stock Options(4)
January 7, 2019
102,921 Common Shares
Performance Awards(5)
January 7, 2019
200,000 Common Shares
Exercise of Stock Options(6)
January 7, 2019
438,452 Common Shares
Release of RSUs (7)
November 6, 2018
500,000 Common Shares
Exercise of Warrants(8)
October 22, 2018
26,250 Common Shares
Extension of option agreement
for land purchase(1)
September 7, 2018
100,000 Common Shares
Exercise of Stock Options(9)
July 23, 2018
26,250 Common Shares
Extension of option agreement
for land purchase(1)
June 15, 2018
26,250 Common Shares
Extension of option agreement
for land purchase(1)
June 15, 2018
109,290 Common Shares
Release of RSUs (10)

Through its wholly-owned U.S. subsidiary, PMI, the Corporation entered into agreements with Burns Enterprise, LLC (“Burns”) for the extension of the option to purchase certain land in Minnesota and as further consideration for the extension, granted to Burns 26,250 Common Shares every three months, pending the extension of the option.

As further consideration for the extension of the Glencore Debt.

RSUs granted March 10, 2011 released upon receipt of final permit to construct and operate the NorthMet Project.

Options granted January 30, 2009 at an exercise price of US$0.7110 that expired on January 30, 2019.

Performance Awards issued pursuant to the Omnibus Plan issued to employees based on year-end performance.

Options granted February 17, 2009 at an exercise price of US$0.7110 that expired on February 17, 2019.

RSUs granted January 5, 2017 with a vesting date provision of January 5, 2019.

Warrants exercised in connection with the October 2016 private placement at an exercise price of US$1.00.

Options granted June 15, 2017 at an exercise price of US$0.61 that expire on June 15, 2022.

RSUs granted June 15, 2017, with a vesting date provision of 1/3 annually from the date of grant.
The Common Shares are listed for trading on the TSX under the symbol “POM” and on the NYSE American under the symbol “PLM”.  The following table sets forth the market price range and trading volumes of the Common Shares on the TSX and the NYSE American for the periods indicated.
NYSE American
Total Volume
Total Volume
May 1 - 3, 2019
0.505 1,405,788
April 30, 2019
March 31, 2019
February 28, 2019
January 31, 2019
December 31, 2018
November 30, 2018
October 31, 2018
September 30, 2018
August 31, 2018
July 31, 2018
June 30, 2018
May 31, 2018
April 30, 2018

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Issue of Rights and Record Date
Shareholders of record at 5:00 p.m. (Eastern time) on the Record Date will receive Rights on the basis of one Right for each Common Share held at that time.  The Rights permit the holders thereof (provided that such holders are in an Eligible Jurisdiction or are Approved Eligible Holders) to subscribe for and purchase from the Corporation up to an aggregate of [] Common Shares, assuming exercise in full of the Rights issued hereunder.  The Rights are transferable in Canada and in the United States by the holders thereof.  See “Sale or Transfer of Rights”.
The Rights will be represented by the Rights Certificates that will be issued in registered form.  For Shareholders who hold their Common Shares in registered form, a Rights Certificate evidencing the number of Rights to which a holder is entitled as at the Record Date and the number of Common Shares which may be obtained on exercise of those Rights will be mailed with a copy of this prospectus to each Shareholder as of 5:00 p.m. (Eastern time) on the Record Date.  See “Rights Certificate -- Common Shares Held in Registered Form”.
Shareholders that hold their Common Shares through a CDS Participant or DTC Participant will not receive physical certificates evidencing their ownership of Rights.  On the Record Date, a global position representing such Rights will be issued electronically to, and in the name of, CDS and will be issued in certificated form to DTC, or its nominee.  See “Rights Certificate -- Common Shares Held Through CDS” and “Rights Certificates -- Common Shares Held Through DTC”.
Subscription Basis
For every [] Rights held, the holder thereof (other than an Ineligible Holder) is entitled to subscribe for one Common Share at the Subscription Price of US$[] per Common Share.  This Subscription Price was determined by the Corporation in accordance with the rules of the TSX.  Subject to statutory rescission rights, any exercise of Rights for Common Shares will be irrevocable once submitted.
Where the exercise of Rights would appear to entitle a holder of Rights to receive fractional Common Shares, the holder’s entitlement will be reduced to the next lowest whole number of Common Shares.  The Corporation will not be required to issue fractional Common Shares or pay cash in lieu thereof.  CDS Participants or DTC Participants that hold Rights for more than one beneficial holder may, upon providing evidence satisfactory to the Corporation, exercise Rights on behalf of its accounts on the same basis as if the beneficial owners of Common Shares were holders of record on the Record Date.
Commencement Date and Expiry Date
The Rights will be eligible for exercise following [], 2019 (the “Commencement Date”).  The Rights will expire at the Expiry Time on the Expiry Date.  Shareholders who exercise the Rights will become holders of Common Shares issued through the exercise of the Rights on the completion of the Rights Offering, which is expected to occur on or before the third business day following the Expiry Date.  RIGHTS NOT VALIDLY EXERCISED AND RECEIVED BY THE SUBSCRIPTION AGENT PRIOR TO THE EXPIRY TIME ON THE EXPIRY DATE WILL BE VOID AND OF NO VALUE.

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Basic Subscription Privilege
Each Shareholder at 5:00 p.m. (Eastern time) on the Record Date is entitled to receive one Right for each Common Share held.  For every [] Rights held, the holder (other than an Ineligible Holder) is entitled to acquire one Common Share under the Basic Subscription Privilege at the Subscription Price by subscribing and making payment in the manner described herein prior to the Expiry Time on the Expiry Date.  A holder of Rights that subscribes for some, but not all, of the Common Shares pursuant to the Basic Subscription Privilege will be deemed to have elected to waive the unexercised balance of such Rights and such unexercised balance of Rights will be void and of no value unless the Subscription Agent is otherwise specifically advised by such holder at the time the Rights Certificate is surrendered that the Rights are to be transferred to a third party or are to be retained by the holder.  Holders of Rights who exercise in full the Basic Subscription Privilege for their Rights are also entitled to subscribe for the Additional Shares, if any, that are not otherwise subscribed for under the Rights Offering on a pro rata basis, prior to the Expiry Time on the Expiry Date pursuant to the Additional Subscription Privilege.  See “-- Additional Subscription Privilege”.
For Rights held in registered form, in order to exercise the Rights represented by a Rights Certificate, the holder of Rights must complete and deliver the Rights Certificate to the Subscription Agent in accordance with the terms of this Rights Offering in the manner and upon the terms set out in this prospectus and pay the aggregate Subscription Price.  Any exercises of Rights for Common Shares are irrevocable once submitted.
For Rights held through a CDS Participant, a holder may subscribe for Common Shares by instructing the CDS Participant holding the subscriber’s Rights to exercise all or a specified number of such Rights and forwarding the Subscription Price for each Common Share subscribed for in accordance with the terms of this Rights Offering to such CDS Participant.  Any exercise of Rights for Common Shares made in connection with the Rights Offering through a CDS Participant will be irrevocable and subscribers will be unable to withdraw their subscriptions for Common Shares once submitted.
For Rights held through a DTC Participant, a holder may subscribe for Common Shares by instructing the DTC Participant holding the subscriber’s Rights to exercise all or a specified number of such Rights and forwarding the Subscription Price for each Common Share subscribed for in accordance with the terms of this Rights Offering to such DTC Participant.  Any exercise of Rights for Common Shares made in connection with the Rights Offering through a DTC Participant will be irrevocable and subscribers will be unable to withdraw their subscriptions for Common Shares once submitted.
The Subscription Price is payable in U.S. funds by certified cheque, bank draft, bank transfer or money order drawn to the order of the Subscription Agent.  In the case of subscription through a CDS Participant or DTC Participant, the Subscription Price is payable by certified cheque, bank draft, bank transfer or money order drawn to the order of such CDS Participant or DTC Participant, by direct debit from the subscriber’s brokerage account or by electronic funds transfer or other similar payment mechanism.  The entire Subscription Price for Common Shares subscribed for must be paid at the time of subscription and must be received by the Subscription Agent at the Subscription Office prior to the Expiry Time on the Expiry Date.  Accordingly, a subscriber subscribing through a CDS Participant or DTC Participant must deliver its payment and instructions sufficiently in advance of the Expiry Date to allow the CDS Participant or DTC Participant to properly exercise the Rights on its behalf.
Payment of the Subscription Price will constitute a representation to the Corporation and, if applicable, to the CDS Participant or DTC Participant, by the subscriber (including by its agents) that: (a) either the subscriber is not a citizen or resident of an Ineligible Jurisdiction or the subscriber is an Approved Eligible Holder; and (b) the subscriber is not purchasing the Common Shares for resale to any person who is a citizen or resident of an Ineligible Jurisdiction.
Additional Subscription Privilege
Each holder of Rights who has exercised in full the Basic Subscription Privilege for its Rights may subscribe for Additional Shares, if available, at a price equal to the Subscription Price for each Additional Share.  The number of Additional Shares will be the difference, if any, between the total number of Common Shares issuable upon the exercise of all Rights offered under the Rights Offering and the total number of Common Shares subscribed and paid for pursuant to the Basic Subscription Privilege at the Expiry Time on the Expiry Date.  Subscriptions for Additional Shares will be received subject to allotment only and the number of Additional Shares, if any, that may be allotted to each subscriber will be equal to the lesser of: (a) the number of Additional Shares that such subscriber has subscribed for; and (b) the product (disregarding fractions) obtained by multiplying the number of Additional Shares available to be issued by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of Rights previously exercised by the subscriber and the denominator of which is the aggregate number of Rights previously exercised under the Rights Offering by all holders of Rights that have subscribed for Additional Shares.  If any holder of Rights has subscribed for fewer Additional Shares than such holder’s pro rata allotment of Additional Shares, the excess Additional Shares will be allotted in a similar manner among the holders who were allotted fewer Additional Shares than they subscribed for.

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To apply for Additional Shares under the Additional Subscription Privilege, each holder of Rights must forward their request to the Subscription Agent at the Subscription Office or their CDS Participant or DTC Participant, as applicable, prior to the Expiry Time on the Expiry Date.  Payment for Additional Shares, in the same manner as required upon exercise of the Basic Subscription Privilege, must accompany the request when it is delivered to the Subscription Agent or a CDS Participant or a DTC Participant, as applicable.  Any excess funds will be returned by mail by the Subscription Agent or credited to a subscriber’s account with its CDS Participant or DTC Participant, as applicable, without interest or deduction.  Payment of such price must be received by the Subscription Agent prior to the Expiry Time on the Expiry Date, failing which the subscriber’s entitlement to such Additional Shares will terminate.  Accordingly, a subscriber subscribing through a CDS Participant or a DTC Participant must deliver its payment and instructions to its CDS Participant or DTC Participant sufficiently in advance of the Expiry Time on the Expiry Date to allow the CDS Participant or DTC Participant to properly exercise the Additional Subscription Privilege on its behalf.
Subscription and Transfer Agent
The Subscription Agent has been appointed the agent of the Corporation to receive subscriptions and payments from holders of Rights Certificates, to act as registrar and transfer agent for the Common Shares and to perform certain services relating to the exercise and transfer of Rights.  The Corporation will pay for the services of the Subscription Agent.  Subscriptions and payments under the Rights Offering should be sent to the Subscription Agent at:
By Registered Mail, Hand or Courier

By Mail
Computershare Investor Services Inc.
8th Floor
100 University Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M5J 2Y1
Attention: Corporate Actions
Computershare Investor Services Inc.
P.O. Box 7021
31 Adelaide Street East
Toronto, Ontario M5C 3H2
Attention: Corporation Actions
Enquiries relating to the Rights Offering should be addressed to the Subscription Agent by telephone at 1-800-564-6253 (North America) or 1-514-982-7555 (outside North America).
Rights Certificate - Common Shares Held in Registered Form
For all Shareholders with an address of record in an Eligible Jurisdiction whose Common Shares are held in registered form, a Rights Certificate representing the total number of Rights to which each such Shareholder is entitled as at the Record Date and the number of Common Shares which may be obtained on exercise of those Rights will be mailed with a copy of this prospectus to each such Shareholder.  In order to exercise the Rights represented by the Rights Certificate, such holder of Rights must complete and deliver the Rights Certificate in accordance with the instructions set out under “How to Complete the Rights Certificate”.  Rights not exercised by the Expiry Time on the Expiry Date will be void and of no value.
Rights Certificate - Common Shares Held Through CDS
For all Shareholders who hold their Common Shares through a securities broker or dealer, bank or trust company or other CDS Participant with an address of record in an Eligible Jurisdiction in the book based system administered by CDS, a global position representing the total number of Rights to which all such Shareholders as at the Record Date are entitled will be issued in registered form to CDS and will be deposited with CDS on the Commencement Date.  The Corporation expects that each beneficial Shareholder will receive a confirmation of the number of Rights issued to it from its CDS Participant in accordance with the practices and procedures of that CDS Participant.  CDS will be responsible for establishing and maintaining book-entry accounts for CDS Participants holding Rights.

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Neither the Corporation nor the Subscription Agent will have any liability for: (a) the records maintained by CDS or CDS Participants relating to the Rights or the book-entry accounts maintained by them; (b) maintaining, supervising or reviewing any records relating to such Rights; or (c) any advice or representations made or given by CDS or CDS Participants with respect to the rules and regulations of CDS or any action to be taken by CDS or CDS Participants.
The ability of a person having an interest in Rights held through a CDS Participant to pledge such interest or otherwise take action with respect to such interest (other than through a CDS Participant) may be limited due to the lack of a physical certificate.
Shareholders who hold their Common Shares through a CDS Participant must arrange purchases or transfers of Rights through their CDS Participant.  It is anticipated by the Corporation that each such purchaser of a Common Share or Right will receive a customer confirmation of issuance or purchase, as applicable, from the CDS Participant through which such Right is issued or such Common Share is purchased in accordance with the practices and policies of such CDS Participant.
Rights Certificate - Common Shares Held Through DTC
For all Shareholders who hold their Common Shares through a securities broker or dealer, bank or trust company or other DTC Participant with an address of record in an Eligible Jurisdiction in the book based system administered by DTC, a global certificate representing the total number of Rights to which all such Shareholders as at the Record Date are entitled will be issued in registered form to DTC and will be deposited with DTC on the Commencement Date.  The Corporation expects that each beneficial Shareholder will receive a confirmation of the number of Rights issued to it from its DTC Participant in accordance with the practices and procedures of that DTC Participant.  DTC will be responsible for establishing and maintaining book-entry accounts for DTC Participants holding Rights.
Neither the Corporation nor the Subscription Agent will have any liability for: (a) the records maintained by DTC or DTC Participants relating to the Rights or the book-entry accounts maintained by them; (b) maintaining, supervising or reviewing any records relating to such Rights; or (c) any advice or representations made or given by DTC or DTC Participants with respect to the rules and regulations of DTC or any action to be taken by DTC or DTC Participants.
The ability of a person having an interest in Rights held through a DTC Participant to pledge such interest or otherwise take action with respect to such interest (other than through a DTC Participant) may be limited due to the lack of a physical certificate.
Shareholders who hold their Common Shares through a DTC Participant must arrange purchases or transfers of Rights through their DTC Participant.  It is anticipated by the Corporation that each such purchaser of a Common Share or Right will receive a customer confirmation of issuance or purchase, as applicable, from the DTC Participant through which such Right is issued or such Common Share is purchased in accordance with the practices and policies of such DTC Participant.

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How to Complete the Rights Certificate

Form 1 — Basic Subscription Privilege.  The maximum number of Rights that may be exercised pursuant to the Basic Subscription Privilege is shown in the box on the upper right hand corner of the face of the Rights Certificate.  Form 1 must be completed and signed to exercise all or some of the Rights represented by the Rights Certificate pursuant to the Basic Subscription Privilege.  If Form 1 is completed so as to exercise some but not all of the Rights represented by the Rights Certificate, the holder of the Rights Certificate will be deemed to have waived the unexercised balance of such Rights, unless the Subscription Agent is otherwise specifically advised by such holder at the time the Rights Certificate is surrendered that the Rights are to be transferred to a third party or are to be retained by the holder.

Form 2 — Additional Subscription Privilege.  Complete and sign Form 2 on the Rights Certificate only if you also wish to participate in the Additional Subscription Privilege.  See “-- Additional Subscription Privilege”.

Form 3 — Transfer of Rights.  Complete and sign Form 3 on the Rights Certificate only if you wish to transfer the Rights.  Your signature must be guaranteed by a Schedule I bank, a major trust company in Canada, or a member of an acceptable Medallion Signature Guarantee Program, including STAMP, SEMP, and MSP (for Canadian Shareholders).  Members of STAMP are usually members of a recognized stock exchange in Canada or members of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada.  The guarantor must affix a stamp bearing the actual words “Signature Guaranteed”.  In the United States, your signature must be guaranteed by a member of an acceptable Medallion Signature Guarantee Program only. It is not necessary for a transferee to obtain a new Rights Certificate to exercise the Rights, but the signatures of the transferee on Forms 1 and 2 must correspond in every particular with the name of the transferee (or the bearer if no transferee is specified) as the absolute owner of the Rights Certificate for all purposes.  If Form 3 is completed, the Subscription Agent will treat the transferee as the absolute owner of the Rights Certificate for all purposes and will not be affected by notice to the contrary.

Form 4 — Dividing or Combining.  Complete and sign Form 4 on the Rights Certificate only if you wish to divide or combine the Rights Certificate, and surrender it to the Subscription Agent at the Subscription Office.  Rights Certificates need not be endorsed if the new Rights Certificate(s) are issued in the same name.  The Subscription Agent will then issue a new Rights Certificate in such denominations (totalling the same number of Rights as represented by the Right(s) Certificates being divided or combined) as are required by the Rights Certificate holder.  Rights Certificates must be surrendered for division or combination in sufficient time prior to the Expiry Time to permit the new Rights Certificates to be issued to and used by the Rights Certificate holder.

Payment.  Enclose payment in U.S. funds by certified cheque, bank draft, bank transfer or money order payable to the order of “Computershare Investor Services Inc.”.  The amount of payment will be US$[] per Common Share.  Payment must also be included for any Additional Shares subscribed for under the Additional Subscription Privilege.

Deposit.  Deliver by sending a pdf copy by email to depositoryparticipant@computershare.com of the completed Rights Certificate immediately followed by payment and the completed Rights Certificate in the enclosed return envelope addressed to the Subscription Agent to be received by the Subscription Office listed above before the Expiry Time on the Expiry Date.  If mailing, registered mail is recommended.  Please allow sufficient time to avoid late delivery.  The signature of the Rights Certificate holder must correspond in every particular with the name that appears on the face of the Rights Certificate.
Signatures by a trustee, executor, administrator, guardian, attorney, officer of a corporation or any person acting in a fiduciary or representative capacity should be accompanied by evidence of authority satisfactory to the Subscription Agent.  All questions as to the validity, form, eligibility (including time of receipt) and acceptance of any subscription will be determined by the Corporation in its sole discretion, and any determination by the Corporation will be final and binding on the Corporation and its security holders.  Upon delivery by email to depositoryparticipant@computershare.com of the completed Rights Certificate to the Subscription Agent, the exercise of the Rights and the subscription for Common Shares is irrevocable.  The Corporation reserves the right to reject any subscription if it is not in proper form or if the acceptance thereof or the issuance of Common Shares pursuant thereto could be unlawful.  The Corporation also reserves the right to waive any defect in respect of any particular subscription.  Neither the Corporation nor the Subscription Agent is under any duty to give any notice of any defect or irregularity in any subscription, nor will they be liable for the failure to give any such notice.  Any holder of Rights that fails to complete their subscription in accordance with the foregoing instructions prior to the Expiry Time on the Expiry Date will forfeit their Rights under the Basic Subscription Privilege and the Additional Subscription Privilege attaching to those Rights.

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Undeliverable Rights
Rights Certificates returned to the Subscription Agent as undeliverable will not be sold by the Subscription Agent and no proceeds of sale will be credited to such holders.
Sale or Transfer of Rights
Holders of Rights in registered form in Canada or the United States may, instead of exercising their Rights to subscribe for Common Shares, sell or transfer their Rights to any person that is not an Ineligible Holder by completing Form 3 on the Rights Certificate and delivering the Rights Certificate to the transferee.  See “-- How to Complete the Rights Certificate - 3.  Form 3 - Transfer of Rights”.  A permitted transferee of the Rights of a registered holder of a Rights Certificate may exercise the Rights transferred to such permitted transferee without obtaining a new Rights Certificate.  If a Rights Certificate is transferred in blank, the Corporation and the Subscription Agent may thereafter treat the bearer as the absolute owner of the Rights Certificate for all purposes and neither the Corporation nor the Subscription Agent will be affected by any notice to the contrary.
The TSX has conditionally approved the listing of the Rights, the Common Shares issuable upon the exercise of the Rights, the Common Shares issuable upon the exercise of the Additional Subscription Privilege and the Standby Shares. The listing is subject to the Corporation fulfilling all the requirements of the TSX on or before noon on the fifth trading day preceding the Record Date for the Rights Offering. An application has been made with NYSE American to admit the Rights for trading and list the Common Shares issuable upon the exercise of the Rights and the Standby Shares. Provided the Corporation obtains such approval and fulfills all such requirements, the Rights will be listed or admitted for trading, as applicable, on each of the TSX and NYSE American.  Holders that do not wish to exercise their Rights may sell or transfer their Rights through usual investment channels, such as investment dealers and brokers, at the holder’s own expense. It is expected that the Rights will cease trading on the TSX at noon (Eastern time) on the Expiry Date, and on the NYSE American at the close of trading (Eastern time) on the day immediately preceding the Expiry Date. The Corporation has filed with the SEC a registration statement on Form F-10 under the U.S. Securities Act, and expects to make other certain filings with the SEC and the NYSE American so that the Rights and the Common Shares issuable upon the exercise of the Rights issued to Shareholders that are U.S. residents and are not affiliates of the Corporation will not be subject to transfer restrictions under U.S. securities law.
Holders of Rights through CDS or DTC Participants in Canada who wish to sell or transfer their Rights must do so in the same manner in which they sell or transfer Common Shares.  See “-- Rights Certificate -- Common Shares Held Through CDS” and “Rights Certificate -- Common Shares Held Through DTC”.
Dividing or Combining Rights Certificates
A Rights Certificate may be divided, exchanged or combined.  See “-- How to Complete the Rights Certificate - 4.  Form 4 - Dividing or Combining” above.
Reservation of Common Shares
The Corporation will, at all times, reserve sufficient unissued Common Shares as will permit the exchange of all the outstanding Rights for Common Shares during the period beginning on the Commencement Date and ending on the Expiry Date at the Expiry Time.
Dilution to Existing Shareholders
If a Shareholder does not exercise all of its Rights pursuant to the Basic Subscription Privilege, the Shareholder’s current percentage ownership in the Corporation will be diluted by the issuance of Common Shares upon the exercise of Rights by other Shareholders, as well as the purchase of Standby Shares by the Standby Purchaser and the triggering of the anti-dilution adjustments of the Corporation’s outstanding Purchase Warrants issued in connection with the Debentures to the Standby Purchaser. Shareholders should be aware that under the Standby Purchase Agreement, the Standby Purchaser, subject to certain terms and conditions and limitations, has agreed to exercise its Basic Subscription Privilege in full and to purchase at the Subscription Price, that number of Common Shares equal to the difference, if any, of (x) the total number of Common Shares offered pursuant to the Rights Offering minus (y) the number of Common Shares subscribed for pursuant to the Basic Subscription Privilege and the Additional Subscription Privilege.  See “STANDBY COMMITMENT”.
Ineligible Holders
This Rights Offering is made only in the Eligible Jurisdictions.  Accordingly, neither a subscription under the Basic Subscription Privilege nor under the Additional Subscription Privilege will be accepted from any person, or such person’s agent, who appears to be, or who the Corporation has reason to believe is an Ineligible Holder, except that the Corporation may accept subscriptions in certain circumstances from an Approved Eligible Holder.

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Rights Certificates will not be issued and forwarded by the Corporation to Ineligible Holders who are not Approved Eligible Holders.  Ineligible Holders will be presumed to be resident in the place of their registered address unless the contrary is shown to the satisfaction of the Corporation.  Ineligible Holders will be sent a letter advising them that their Rights Certificates will be issued to and held on their behalf by the Subscription Agent.  The letter will also set out the conditions required to be met, and procedures that must be followed, by Ineligible Holders wishing to participate in the Rights Offering.  Rights Certificates in respect of Rights issued to Ineligible Holders will be issued to and held by the Subscription Agent as agent for the benefit of Ineligible Holders.  The Subscription Agent will hold the Rights until 5:00 p.m. (Eastern time) on [], 2019 in order to provide Ineligible Holders an opportunity to claim a Rights Certificate by satisfying the Corporation that the issue of Common Shares pursuant to the exercise of Rights will not be in violation of the laws of the applicable jurisdiction.  Following such date, the Subscription Agent, for the account of registered Ineligible Holders will, prior to the Expiry Time on the Expiry Date, attempt to sell the Rights of such registered Ineligible Holders represented by Rights Certificates in the possession of the Subscription Agent on such date or dates and at such price or prices as the Subscription Agent determines in its sole discretion.
Beneficial owners of Common Shares registered in the name of a resident of an Ineligible Jurisdiction, who are not themselves resident in an Ineligible Jurisdiction, who wish to be recognized as an Approved Eligible Holder and who believe that their Rights Certificates may have been delivered to the Subscription Agent, should advise their broker if they wish to subscribe and the broker may contact the Subscription Agent at the earliest opportunity and in any case in advance of 5:00 p.m. (Eastern time) on [], 2019 to request to have their Rights Certificates mailed to them.
The Rights and the Common Shares issuable on the exercise of the Rights and the Standby Shares have not been qualified for distribution in any Ineligible Jurisdiction and, accordingly, may only be offered, sold, acquired, exercised or transferred in transactions not prohibited by applicable laws in Ineligible Jurisdictions.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, persons located in such Ineligible Jurisdictions may be able to exercise the Rights and purchase Common Shares provided that they furnish an investor letter satisfactory to the Corporation on or before [], 2019.  The form of investor letter will be available from the Corporation or the Subscription Agent upon request.  A holder of Rights in an Ineligible Jurisdiction holding on behalf of a person resident in an Eligible Jurisdiction may be able to exercise the Rights provided the holder certifies in the investor letter that the beneficial purchaser is resident in an Eligible Jurisdiction and satisfies the Corporation that such subscription is lawful and in compliance with all securities and other applicable laws.
No charge will be made for the sale of Rights by the Subscription Agent except for a proportionate share of any brokerage commissions incurred by the Subscription Agent and the costs of or incurred by the Subscription Agent in connection with the sale of the Rights.  Registered Ineligible Holders will not be entitled to instruct the Subscription Agent in respect of the price or the time at which the Rights are to be sold.  The Subscription Agent will endeavour to effect sales of Rights on the open market and any proceeds received by the Subscription Agent with respect to the sale of Rights net of brokerage fees and costs incurred and, if applicable, the Canadian tax required to be withheld, will be divided on a pro rata basis among such registered Ineligible Holders and delivered by mailing cheques (in Canadian funds) of the Subscription Agent therefor as soon as practicable to such registered Ineligible Holders at their addresses recorded on the books of the Corporation.  Amounts of less than US$10.00 will not be remitted.  The Subscription Agent will act in its capacity as agent of the registered Ineligible Holders on a best efforts basis only and the Corporation and the Subscription Agent do not accept responsibility for the price obtained on the sale of, or the inability to sell, the Rights on behalf of any registered Ineligible Holder.  Neither the Corporation nor the Subscription Agent will be subject to any liability for the failure to sell any Rights of registered Ineligible Holders or as a result of the sale of any Rights at a particular price or on a particular day.  There is a risk that the proceeds received from the sale of Rights will not exceed the costs of or incurred by the Subscription Agent in connection with the sale of such Rights and, if applicable, the Canadian tax required to be withheld.  In such event, no proceeds will be remitted.
Holders of Rights who are not resident in Canada or the United States should be aware that the acquisition and disposition of Rights or Common Shares may have tax consequences in the jurisdiction where they reside, which are not described herein.  Accordingly, such holders should consult their own tax advisors about the specific tax consequences in the jurisdiction where they reside of acquiring, holding and disposing of Rights or Common Shares.

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Each Shareholder on the Record Date will receive one Right for each Common Share held.  For every [] Rights held, the holder thereof is entitled to purchase [] Common Shares at a price of US$[] per Common Share.
This prospectus qualifies the distribution of the Rights as well as the Common Shares issuable upon exercise of the Rights and the Standby Shares in each of the Eligible Jurisdictions.  The Rights as well as the Common Shares issuable upon the exercise of the Rights and the Standby Shares are not qualified under the securities laws of, or being distributed or offered in, any Ineligible Jurisdiction and, except under the circumstances described herein, Rights may not be exercised by or on behalf of an Ineligible Holder.  This prospectus is not, and under no circumstances is to be construed as, an offering of any Rights or Common Shares for sale in any Ineligible Jurisdiction or a solicitation therein of an offer to buy any securities.  Rights Certificates will not be sent to Shareholders with addresses of record in any Ineligible Jurisdiction.  Instead, such Ineligible Holders will be sent a letter advising them that their Rights Certificates will be held by the Subscription Agent, who will hold such Rights as agent for the benefit of all such Ineligible Holders until and unless such Ineligible Holder becomes an Approved Eligible Holder.  In the event such Ineligible Holders do not become Approved Eligible Holders, the Subscription Agent, for the account of such Ineligible Holder, will, prior to the Expiry Date, attempt to sell the Rights allocable to such Ineligible Holder and evidenced by Rights Certificates in the possession of the Subscription Agent, at such prices and otherwise in such manner as the Subscription Agent may determine in its sole discretion.  The Subscription Agent’s ability to sell such Rights and the price obtained therefore are dependent on market conditions. Neither the Corporation nor the Subscription Agent will be subject to any liability for the failure to sell any such Rights or to sell such Rights at a particular price.  The net proceeds received by the Subscription Agent from the sale of such Rights will be divided among the Ineligible Holders in proportion to the number of Common Shares then held by them respectively on the Record Date.  The Subscription Agent will mail cheques therefore at the addresses of the Ineligible Holders appearing in the records of the Corporation. Amounts of less than US$10.00 will not be mailed.  See “DESCRIPTION OF OFFERED SECURITIES -- Ineligible Holders”.
No action has been or will be taken in any jurisdiction other than in the Eligible Jurisdictions, where action for that purpose is required, which would permit a public offering of the Offered Securities or the possession, circulation or distribution of this prospectus or any material relating to this Rights Offering except as set forth herein. Accordingly, the Offered Securities may not be offered, sold or delivered, directly or indirectly, and neither this prospectus nor any other offering material or advertisements in connection with this Rights Offering may be distributed or published, in or from any country or jurisdiction, except under circumstances that will result in compliance with any applicable rules and regulations of any such country or jurisdiction.
Notice to Investors in the European Economic Area
In relation to each member state of the European Economic Area (“Member State”) which has implemented the Prospectus Directive (defined below) (each, a “Relevant Member State”) with effect from and including the date on which the Prospectus Directive is implemented in that Relevant Member State (the “Relevant Implementation Date”), the Offered Securities may not be offered or sold to the public in that Relevant Member State prior to the publication of a prospectus in relation to the Offered Securities which has been approved by the competent authority in that Relevant Member State or, where appropriate, approved in another Relevant Member State and notified to the competent authority in that Relevant Member State, all in accordance with the Prospectus Directive, except that the Offered Securities, with effect from and including the Relevant Implementation Date, may be offered to the public in that Relevant Member State at any time:

to persons or entities that are “qualified investors” as defined in the Prospectus Directive;

to fewer than 150, natural or legal persons (other than “qualified investors” as defined in the Prospectus Directive); or

in any other circumstances falling within Article 3(2) of the Prospectus Directive,

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provided in each case that no such offer of Rights shall result in a requirement for the Corporation to publish a prospectus pursuant to Article 3 of the Prospectus Directive or to supplement a prospectus pursuant to Article 16 of the Prospectus Directive.
For the purposes of this notice, the expression an “offer to the public” in relation to any Offered Securities in any Relevant Member State means the communication in any form and by any means of sufficient information on the terms of the Rights Offering and any Rights to be offered so as to enable an investor to decide to purchase any Rights, as the same may be varied in that Member State by any measure implementing the Prospectus Directive in that Member State, and the expression “Prospectus Directive” means Directive 2003/71/EC (and amendments thereto, including Directive 2010/73/EU, to the extent implemented in the Relevant Member State) and includes any relevant implementing measure in each Relevant Member State.
The Corporation has not authorized, nor does it authorize, the making of any offer of Rights through any financial intermediary on its behalf. In the case of any Offered Securities being offered to a financial intermediary as that term is used in Article 3(2) of the Prospectus Directive, such financial intermediary will also be deemed to have represented, acknowledged and agreed that the Offered Securities acquired by it have not been acquired on a nondiscretionary basis on behalf of, nor have they been acquired with a view to their offer or resale to persons in circumstances which may give rise to an offer of any Offered Securities to the public other than their offer or resale in a Relevant Member State to “qualified investors” within the meaning of Article 2(1)(e) of the Prospectus Directive. The Corporation will rely upon the truth and accuracy of the foregoing representations, acknowledgements and agreements.
The European Economic Area selling restriction is in addition to any other selling restrictions set out in this prospectus.
Notice to Investors in the United Kingdom
The Offered Securities may not be offered to the public in the United Kingdom (the “UK”). This prospectus does not contain an offer or constitute any part of an offer to the public in the UK within the meaning of sections 85 and 102B of the UK Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, as amended (the “FSMA”), or otherwise, is not an approved prospectus for the purposes of section 85 of FSMA, and has not been (nor will be) delivered to the UK Financial Conduct Authority or delivered to or approved by any other authority which could be a competent authority for the purposes of the Prospectus Directive. In the UK, this prospectus is only being distributed to, and is only directed at, persons that are: (i) qualified investors within the meaning of section 86(7) of FSMA acting as principal or in circumstances to which section 86(2) of the FSMA applies; and (ii) relevant persons, who are either: (a) ‘investment professionals’ falling within Article 19 of UK Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (as amended) (the “Financial Promotions Order”); (b) ‘high net worth entities, unincorporated associations etc.’, falling within Article 49 of the Financial Promotions Order; or (c) otherwise lawfully permitted to receive it. This prospectus and its contents are confidential and should not be distributed, published or reproduced (in whole or in part) or disclosed by recipients to any other persons in the UK. Any person in the UK that is not a relevant person should not act or rely on this short form prospectus or any of its contents. Each purchaser of Offered Securities in the UK will be deemed to have represented to the Corporation, and acknowledges that the Corporation is relying on such representation, that they satisfy the criteria to be a relevant person.
Notice to Investors in Switzerland
The Offered Securities may not be publicly offered in Switzerland and will not be listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange (“SIX”), or on any other stock exchange or regulated trading facility in Switzerland. This prospectus has been prepared without regard to the disclosure standards for issuance prospectuses under art. 652a or art. 1156 of the Swiss Code of Obligations or the disclosure standards for listing prospectuses under art. 27 ff. of the SIX Listing Rules or the listing rules of any other stock exchange or regulated trading facility in Switzerland. Neither this prospectus nor any other offering or marketing material relating to the Offered Securities may be publicly distributed or otherwise made publicly available in Switzerland.
Neither this prospectus nor any other offering or marketing material relating to the Offered Securities, have been or will be filed with or approved by any Swiss regulatory authority. In particular, this prospectus will not be filed with, and the offer of Rights will not be supervised by, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA, and the offer of Rights has not been and will not be authorized under the Swiss Federal Act on Collective Investment Schemes (“CISA”). Accordingly, no public distribution, offering or advertising, as defined in CISA, its implementing ordinances and notices, and no distribution to any non-qualified investor, as defined in CISA, its implementing ordinances and notices, shall be undertaken in or from Switzerland, and the investor protection afforded to acquirers of interests in collective investment schemes under CISA does not extend to purchasers of Rights.

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Notice to Investors in Hong Kong
The contents of this prospectus have not been reviewed by any regulatory authority in Hong Kong. Purchasers resident in Hong Kong are advised to exercise caution in relation to the Rights Offering. If you are in any doubt about any of the contents of this document, you should obtain independent professional advice.
This document has not been registered by the Registrar of Companies in Hong Kong pursuant to the Companies (Winding Up and Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Chapter 32) of the Laws of Hong Kong (“CWMO”).
Accordingly: (i) the Offered Securities may not be offered or sold in Hong Kong by means of any document other than to persons who are “professional investors” as defined in the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571) of the Laws of Hong Kong (“SFO”) and any rules made under the SFO, or in other circumstances which do not result in the document being a “prospectus” as defined in section 2(1) of the CWMO or which do not constitute an offer to the public within the meaning of the CWMO or an invitation to the public within the meaning of the SFO; and (ii) this document must not be issued, circulated or distributed in Hong Kong other than (1) to “professional investors” as defined in the SFO and any rules made under the SFO, (2) to persons and in circumstances which do not result in this document being a “prospectus” as defined in section 2(1) of the CWMO or which do not constitute an offer to the public within the meaning of the CWMO or an invitation to the public within the meaning of the SFO or (3) otherwise pursuant to, and in accordance with the conditions of, any other applicable provisions of the SFO and CWMO.
In Hong Kong, there are two statutes that regulate the offering of securities: (i) the CWMO; and (ii) the SFO.  As the proposed Rights Offering involves the offer of Rights to Common Shares in the Corporation, both of these statutes are applicable.  Under the CWMO, an offer in Hong Kong needs to comply with the prospectus requirements unless it can be made in compliance with one of the safe harbours expressly provided for under the statute.  Additionally, offers in Hong Kong need to be made pursuant to one of the statutory safe harbours under the SFO to avoid the requirement for the offer document (and any supporting materials) to comply with the authorisation requirements under the SFO.
One of the safe harbours included in both the CWMO and the SFO is where offers in Hong Kong are solely made to “professional investors” as defined under the SFO. Further detail on the relevant “professional investor” safe harbour included under the CWMO and the SFO are set out below.  The definition of “professional investors” as set forth under the SFO covers both intermediaries (i.e. companies operating regulated financial services businesses) and high-net worth individuals.  It should also be noted that there are other potential safe harbours under the CWMO and SFO that could be relied on in connection with the proposed Rights Offering (e.g. including where offers are made to a limited number of prospective (non-professional) investors in Hong Kong and, in any event, no more than 50 offerees (and this prospectus includes wording necessary to rely on this exemption were it available)).  However, in practice, since this can be easy to breach (and difficult to monitor), it is common for offerors / their managers to rely solely on the “profession investor” safe harbour.
CWMO Safe Harbour Provisions
Section 2(1) of the CWMO provides that a document that includes an offer of securities is not a “prospectus” where the offer contains or relates to an offer specified in Part 1 of the 17th Schedule of the CWMO (the “CWMO Safe Harbours”).  In turn, the 17th Schedule of the CWMO provides that an offer is excluded from the CWMO definition of “prospectus” where the offer is only made to “professional investors”.  In considering whether an offer comes within the scope of the CWMO Safe Harbours, the part of the offer which is made to investors outside of Hong Kong can be disregarded.  Therefore, if the offer is made in other jurisdictions to non-professional investors, this will not affect the availability of the CWMO Safe Harbours for the purposes of the proposed offer.  Accordingly, provided the proposed offer is only made in Hong Kong to “professional investors”, the proposed offer will be exempt from the prospectus requirements provided for under the CWMO. 

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SFO Safe Harbour Provisions
Section 103 of Part IV of the SFO provides that unless an exemption exists, a person must have an advertisement, invitation or document which to the person’s knowledge contains an invitation to the public to acquire or subscribe for securities authorised by the Securities and Futures Commission.   Under section 103(2)(ga) of the SFO, advertisements, invitations and documents for offers which fall within the CWMO Safe Harbours are exempt from authorization under section 103 of the SFO.  Further, section 103(3)(k) includes an express exemption from the authorisation requirements where an offer for securities is, or is only intended to be disposed of, to “professional investors”.  Accordingly, if the proposed offer is only made to “professional investors” it would, pursuant to section 103(2)(ga) and section 103(3)(k), be exempt from the authorization requirements under Part IV of the SFO. 
Conducting Regulated Activity in Hong Kong
Conducting certain activities (such as advising on securities) in or from Hong Kong or holding oneself out as doing so may constitute “regulated activity”, triggering a requirement for licensing under the Hong Kong regulatory regime. Actively marketing, from a place outside Hong Kong, to the Hong Kong public services which if provided in Hong Kong would constitute a regulated activity, may also be regarded as carrying on regulated activity in Hong Kong triggering a requirement for licensing. However, where the activity in question is simply allowing professional investors in Hong Kong to participate in an offering, without doing more (which we assume to be the case here), we would not expect this to constitute “regulated activity” and therefore we would not expect this to trigger a licensing requirement. Accordingly, if further activity were to be conducted it may need to be undertaken by a person duly authorised to do so in Hong Kong.
Stock Exchange Approvals
An application will be submitted to the TSX to approve the listing of the Rights, the Common Shares issuable upon the exercise of the Rights, and the Standby Shares.  A similar application will be made with NYSE American to admit the Rights for trading and list the Common Shares issuable upon the exercise of Rights and the Standby Shares. Listing of the Rights on the TSX and NYSE American is subject to obtaining conditional listing approval for the Rights, the Common Shares underlying the Rights, and the Standby Shares from the TSX and NYSE American and the Corporation fulfilling all of the listing requirements of the TSX and NYSE American, respectively.  Provided the Corporation obtains each such approval and fulfills all such requirements, the Rights will be listed for trading on the TSX and admitted for trading on the NYSE American on [•], 2019. If approved for listing or admitted for trading, as applicable, it is expected that the Rights will cease trading on the TSX at noon (Eastern time) on the Expiry Date, and on the NYSE American at the close of trading (Eastern time) on the day immediately preceding the Expiry Date.
Under the Standby Purchase Agreement, the Standby Purchaser, subject to certain terms and conditions and limitations, has agreed to exercise its Basic Subscription Privilege in full and to purchase at the Subscription Price, that number of Common Shares equal to the difference, if any, of (x) the total number of Common Shares offered pursuant to the Rights Offering minus (y) the number of Common Shares subscribed for pursuant to the Basic Subscription Privilege and the Additional Subscription Privilege.
The Standby Purchaser will exercise its Basic Subscription Privilege in full and may also, in its sole discretion, exercise its Additional Subscription Privilege.
The Standby Purchaser has confirmed to the Corporation that it has the financial ability to carry out the Standby Commitment.
In consideration for the Standby Commitment, the Standby Purchaser will be entitled to the Standby Fee upon the successful completion of the Rights Offering in the amount equal to 3.00% of the total funds committed by the Standby Purchaser pursuant to the Standby Commitment. The Standby Fee will be payable in cash in immediately available funds by wire transfer to the account designated by the Standby Purchaser or by set-off (at the option of Glencore).

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The obligation of the Standby Purchaser to complete the subscription under the Rights Offering is subject to the following conditions, among others, being satisfied in full: (i) the Corporation and the Standby Purchaser having entered into the Amended and Restated Corporate Governance Agreement; (ii) the Corporation and the Standby Purchaser having entered into a registration rights agreement; (iii) none of the Standby Purchase Agreement, the Extension Agreement and the Warrant Amending Agreement having been terminated; (iv) no “Triggering Event” (as defined in the Extension Agreement) having occurred; (v) the closing of the Rights Offering having occurred by June 30, 2019; (vi) receipt of HSR Clearance; and (vii) certain other customary closing conditions.
The Corporation has provided certain representations, warranties and covenants under the Standby Purchase Agreement including representations and warranties with respect to corporate authority of both the Corporation and PMI, governmental approvals, authorized capitalization, no undisclosed material changes, tax and tax filings, use and title to owned and leased real property, proper permits, pension plans, environmental and mineral rights, intellectual property, financial reporting, securities law matters, anti-corruption, anti-money laundering and trade sanction matters, amongst others.
The Standby Purchaser has provided certain representations, warranties and covenants under the Standby Purchase Agreement including representations and warranties with respect to corporate authority and governmental approvals amongst others.
The obligations of the Standby Purchaser under the Standby Purchase Agreement may be terminated at the discretion of the Standby Purchaser in certain circumstances, including, without limitation:
by giving written notice to the Corporation at any time prior to, but not after, the date on which the final prospectus and registration statement is mailed to the holders in the Eligible Jurisdictions if:

the Corporation has committed a breach of the Standby Purchase Agreement (which shall include, for the avoidance of doubt, any breach of any representations or warranties set out in the Standby Purchase Agreement) and, if capable of cure, has not cured it within a reasonable time; or

a “Triggering Event” (as defined in the  Extension Agreement) has occurred, which includes any of the following;

a default in the payment of any amount due and payable to the Standby Purchaser pursuant to the Extension Agreement, any documents with respect to the Glencore Debt or any future agreement between the Standby Purchaser or the Corporation and/or PMI;

the Corporation and/or PMI fails or neglects to observe or perform in any material manner any term, covenant, condition or obligation contained or referred to in the Extension Agreement or any documents with respect to the Glencore Debt or such person, or a “default”, “event of default”, “Default” or “Event of Default” occurs under any of the foregoing documents or agreements, including any documents with respect to the Glencore Debt; or

any of the steps listed in Schedule A to the Extension Agreement is not achieved by the deadline in respect thereof (for the avoidance of doubt, unless waived); or

the Corporation or one of its Affiliates has committed a breach of any other material agreement between the Corporation and/or its Affiliates (as defined in the Standby Purchase Agreement) on the one hand and the Standby Purchaser and/or its Affiliates (as defined in the Standby Purchase Agreement) on the other hand and if capable of cure, has not been cured in the time permitted under the applicable agreement;

the Corporation fails to:

obtain final listing approval from the TSX and the NYSE American for the Rights at least two days prior to the date named as the Record Date in this prospectus;

obtain conditional listing approval from the TSX and NYSE American in respect of the Common Shares issuable upon exercise of the Rights and the Standby Shares, prior to or on the completion of the Rights Offering, subject to receipt of customary final documentation; and

satisfy any of the applicable conditions set out in the Standby Purchase Agreement on or before the completion of the Rights Offering, including that the Rights Offering closing occurs on or before June 30, 2019;

the Common Shares are de-listed or suspended or halted for trading for a period greater than one business day for any reason by the TSX or NYSE American at any time; or

if the Rights Offering is otherwise terminated or cancelled.

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If the Standby Purchase Agreement is terminated, then:
the parties’ obligations under the Standby Purchase Agreement will cease immediately, except certain customary sections of the Standby Purchase Agreement including the definitions, the confidentiality provisions, indemnification provisions and general provisions;

neither the Corporation nor the Standby Purchaser will have any claim against each other, provided however, that this limitation will not apply in respect of: (x) any fraud; or (y) a breach of the Standby Purchase Agreement which occurred on or prior to the termination of the Standby Purchase Agreement (which fraud or breach and liability therefore are not affected by the termination of the Standby Purchase Agreement); and

the applications for the listing of the Offered Securities shall be withdrawn and the Corporation shall procure that the listing will not become effective (except to the extent such listing has already become effective).

The Corporation has agreed to indemnify the Standby Purchaser for certain matters including any and all, direct or indirect losses, claims, damages, demands, costs, and expenses and other liabilities of any kind caused or incurred by reason of any misrepresentations or alleged misrepresentations in the prospectus or registration statement, any order made or any inquiry, investigation or proceeding instituted, threatened or announced based upon a misrepresentation in the prospectus or registration statement, noncompliance or alleged non-compliance with securities laws by the Corporation and any breach or default of the Corporation under the Standby Purchase Agreement.
The Standby Purchaser, together with its affiliates, currently owns 92,836,072 Common Shares, representing approximately 28.8% of the outstanding Common Shares.  If no Rights are exercised by persons other than the Standby Purchaser, and the Standby Purchaser exercises all of its Rights and its Standby Commitment, following the closing of the Rights Offering, the Standby Purchaser, together with its affiliates, could own up to [•] Common Shares, representing up to approximately [•]% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares.
The Standby Purchaser is not engaged as an underwriter in connection with the Rights Offering and has not been involved in the preparation of, or performed any review of, this prospectus in the capacity of an underwriter.  No underwriter has been involved in the preparation of this prospectus or performed any review of the contents of this prospectus.
The receipt of Rights and an investment in the Common Shares is subject to a number of risks.  A prospective purchaser of such securities should carefully consider the information and risks faced by the Corporation described in this prospectus as well as in the documents incorporated by reference including, without limitation, the risk factors set out under the heading “Risks Factors” in the 2018 AIF and “Risks and Uncertainties” in the Annual MD&A. While the risks and uncertainties described below and as disclosed in the 2018 AIF and Annual MD&A are those that management of the Corporation believes to be material to the Corporation with respect to the Rights Offering, it is possible that other risks and uncertainties affecting the Corporation’s business will arise or become material in the future.

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If a Shareholder does not exercise all of its Rights pursuant to the Basic Subscription Privilege, or if a Shareholder sells or transfers its Rights, the Shareholder’s current percentage ownership in the Corporation may be significantly diluted by the issuance of Common Shares upon the exercise of Rights by other Shareholders, as well as the purchase of Standby Shares by the Standby Purchaser, and the triggering of the anti-dilution adjustments of the Corporation’s outstanding Purchase Warrants issued in connection with the Glencore Debt.
Standby Purchaser control
Depending on how many Rights are exercised by Shareholders pursuant to the Basic Subscription Privilege, the Standby Purchaser could acquire a significant number of Common Shares and in turn, become a majority shareholder of the Corporation with the ability to exert a significant degree of control over the Corporation. For example, if no Rights are exercised by the Corporation's other Shareholders, the Standby Purchaser would acquire [] Common Shares, or []% of the Corporation.  In addition, the Amended and Restated Corporate Governance Agreement to be entered into upon the closing of the Rights Offering will eliminate existing restrictions on the number of directors that Glencore is authorized to name to the Board.
No Exercise of Rights by Shareholders other than Glencore
If none of the holders of Rights (other than Glencore) exercise their Rights and all of the Common Shares issuable upon the exercise of Rights held by such holders are purchased by Glencore as Standby Shares pursuant to the Standby Commitment, Glencore will acquire [●] Common Shares under the Rights Offering and, following the closing of the Rights Offering, will beneficially own [●] Common Shares representing approximately [●]% of the then outstanding Common Shares.
If Glencore were to fully exercise all outstanding Purchase Warrants for Common Shares in connection with or following the closing of the Rights Offering, Glencore would acquire an additional [●] Common Shares. Following such issuances, Glencore would beneficially own [●] Common Shares, representing approximately [●]% of the then outstanding Common Shares.
Trading market for Rights
Although the Corporation expects that the Rights will be listed on the TSX and admitted for trading on the NYSE American, the Corporation cannot provide any assurance that an active or any trading market in the Rights will develop or that Rights can be sold on the TSX or NYSE American at any time.  To the extent an active trading market does not develop, the pricing of the Rights in the secondary market, the transparency and availability of trading prices and liquidity of the Rights, would be adversely affected which may have a material impact on the Corporation and its share price.
Market price of securities of the Corporation may be subject to significant fluctuations which may be based on factors unrelated to its financial performance or prospects
The trading price of the securities of the Corporation have been and may continue to be subject to significant fluctuations which may be based on factors unrelated to its financial performance or prospects.  These factors include macroeconomic developments in North America and globally, and market perceptions of the attractiveness of particular industries.
The Rights Offering is not subject to any minimum subscription level
The completion of the Rights Offering is not subject to any minimum subscription level.  Rights are transferable.  A Right does not entitle the holder thereof to any rights whatsoever as a securityholder of the Corporation other than to subscribe for and purchase Common Shares as described herein.

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Entitlements of a holder of Rights
A Right does not entitle the holder thereof to any rights whatsoever as a securityholder of the Corporation other than to subscribe for and purchase Common Shares as described herein.
Standby Purchase Agreement may be terminated under certain circumstances
Under the terms of the Standby Purchase Agreement, the Standby Purchaser has the right to terminate the Standby Commitment in certain circumstances, as set out under the heading “STANDBY COMMITMENT”. If the Standby Purchaser becomes entitled to and does terminate its Standby Commitment, the application for listing the Offered Securities on the TSX shall be withdrawn and the Corporation shall procure that the listing does not become effective (except to the extent such listing has already become effective), the Standby Purchase Agreement shall terminate and the parties’ obligations under the Standby Purchase Agreement shall cease immediately and neither party will have any claim against any other party except, provided however that such limitation will not apply in the event of fraud or a breach of the Standby Purchase Agreement and the anticipated proceeds of the Rights Offering will not be realized.
Once the Rights have commenced trading on the TSX, the Corporation will be required to proceed with the Rights Offering, subject to limited exceptions, even if the Standby Purchaser does not purchase the Standby Shares.  Under TSX rules, once the Rights have commenced trading, the essential terms of the Rights Offering, including the Subscription Price and Expiry Date, cannot be modified absent extremely exceptional circumstances. To the extent the termination of the Standby Purchaser’s obligations under the Standby Commitment constitutes a material change which requires the Corporation to file an amendment to this prospectus, Canadian subscribers would have a right to withdraw any payments of the Subscription Price made for a period of two business days after receipt or deemed receipt of an amended prospectus (as set out under the heading “CANADIAN PURCHASERS’ STATUTORY RIGHTS OF WITHDRAWAL AND RESCISSION”), although such statutory withdrawal right would not be available to United States subscribers or to other holders of Rights who are not Canadian subscribers. Under such circumstances, payment of the Subscription Price made by non-Canadian subscribers may not be recoverable.
If the Standby Commitment is terminated, the Standby Purchaser may take all steps it deems advisable, including, without limitation, demanding payment of the Glencore Debt and therefore enforcing any and all remedies available. The failure to complete the Rights Offering and to receive the anticipated US$265,000,000 in Gross Proceeds (assuming full exercise of the Rights) will have a material adverse effect on the Corporation as it does not currently have sufficient cash or alternate sources of financing available to otherwise repay the Glencore Debt.
Future sales may affect the market price of the Common Shares
In order to finance future operations, the Corporation may raise funds through the issuance of Common Shares or the issuance of debt instruments or other securities convertible into Common Shares.  The Corporation cannot predict the size of future issuances of Common Shares or the issuance of debt instruments or other securities convertible into shares or the effect, if any, that future issuances and sales of the Corporation’s securities will have on the market price of the Common Shares.
Liquidity of the Common Shares may be negatively impacted by the Rights Offering
The liquidity of the Common Shares may be negatively impacted by the Rights Offering in the event that the Standby Purchaser is required to take up and pay for a large number of Standby Shares, which would result in potential increased percentage ownership by Glencore of the Common Shares of the Corporation.
Exercises of Rights may not be revoked
Subject to certain statutory withdrawal and rescission rights available to Canadian subscribers, if the Common Share trading price declines below the Subscription Price for the Common Shares, resulting in a loss of some or all of the Shareholder’s Subscription Price, the Shareholders may not revoke or change the exercise of Rights after they send in their subscription forms and payment.
If the Rights Offering does not proceed, neither the Corporation, nor the Subscription Agent will have any obligation to you except to return any payments towards the Subscription Price
If the Rights Offering does not proceed for any reason, although any payments made in connection with the exercise of Rights would be returned promptly to subscribers by the Subscription Agent without interest or deduction, all outstanding Rights would cease to be exercisable for Common Shares and would lose all of their value. In such circumstances, any person who had purchased Rights in the market would lose the entire purchase price paid to acquire such Rights.

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Holders of Rights are responsible for accuracy and completeness of subscription within applicable time limits
Holders of Rights that elect to purchase Common Shares in the Rights Offering must act promptly to ensure that the entire payment for any Rights exercised is paid at the time of subscription and received by the Subscription Agent at the Subscription Office prior to the Expiry Time.  Accordingly, a subscriber that holds Rights through a Participant must provide the Participant holding its Rights with instructions and the required payment sufficiently in advance of the Expiry Time to permit proper exercise of its Rights.  If an Eligible Holder fails to complete and sign the required subscription forms, sends an incorrect payment, or otherwise fails to follow the subscription procedures that apply to the exercise of Rights by the holder, the Subscription Agent may, depending on the circumstances, reject the subscription or accept it only to the extent of the payment received.  Neither the Corporation nor the Subscription Agent undertakes to subscribers that it will, or will attempt to, correct an incomplete or incorrect subscription form or payment.  The Corporation has the sole discretion to determine whether an exercise of Rights properly follows the subscription procedures, provided that Rights not exercised by the Expiry Time will be void and of no value and no longer exercisable.
A large number of Common Shares may be issued and subsequently sold upon the exercise of Rights
To the extent that Shareholders who exercise Rights sell the Common Shares underlying such Rights, the market price of the Corporation’s Common Shares may decrease due to the additional selling pressure in the market.  The risk of dilution from issuances of Common Shares underlying the Rights may cause Shareholders to sell their Common Shares, which may have a material adverse impact on the Corporation and its share price.
The sale of Common Shares issued upon exercise of the Rights could encourage short sales by third parties which could depress the price of the Common Shares
Any downward pressure on the price of Common Shares caused by the sale of Common Shares underlying the Rights could encourage short sales by third parties.  In a short sale, a prospective seller borrows Common Shares from a Shareholder or broker and sells the borrowed Common Shares.  The prospective seller hopes that the Common Share price will decline, at which time the seller can purchase Common Shares at a lower price for delivery back to the lender.  The seller profits when the Common Share price declines because it is purchasing Common Shares at a price lower than the sale price of the borrowed Common Shares.  Such sales could place downward pressure on the price of the Corporation’s Common Shares by increasing the number of Common Shares being sold, which may have a material adverse impact on the Corporation and its share price.
No Underwriter
There is no underwriter for the Rights Offering.  Accordingly, there has not been an independent “due diligence” review of matters covered by this prospectus, such as would customarily be conducted by an underwriter if one had been involved with this Rights Offering.
The Subscription Price is not necessarily an indication of value
The Standby Purchase Agreement provides that the Subscription Price will be determined by the Corporation and Glencore at the date of filing of the Final Prospectus and shall be discounted by no more than 20% to the five (5) day volume weighted average price of the Common Shares on the TSX prior to the date of filing of the Final Prospectus. The Subscription Price does not necessarily bear any relationship to the book value of the Corporation’s assets, past operations, cash flows, losses, financial condition or any other established criteria for value.  Holders of Rights should not consider the Subscription Price to be an indication of the Corporation’s value and the Common Shares may trade at prices above or below the Subscription Price.

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A decline in the market price of the Common Shares may occur
The trading price of the Common Shares in the future may decline below the Subscription Price. The Corporation can give no assurance that the Subscription Price will remain below any future trading price for the Common Shares.  Future prices of the Common Shares may adjust positively or negatively depending on various factors, including the Corporation’s future revenues, cash flows and operations and overall conditions affecting the Corporation’s business, economic trends and the securities markets and changes in the estimated value and prospects for the Corporation’s projects, in particular the NorthMet Project.
Subscribers outside of the United States are subject to exchange rate risk
The Subscription Price is payable in United States dollars.  Accordingly, any subscriber outside of the United States is subject to adverse movements in their local currency against the United States dollar.
The Corporation may be a passive foreign investment company
Because the Corporation expects to be treated as a passive foreign investment company (a “PFIC”) for U.S. federal income tax purposes, U.S. Holders (as defined in “CERTAIN UNITED STATES FEDERAL INCOME TAX CONSIDERATIONS”) of the Corporation’s Common Shares may be subject to adverse U.S. federal income tax consequences, such as ordinary income treatment plus a charge in lieu of interest upon a sale or disposition of Common Shares even if the shares were held as a capital asset.  See “CERTAIN UNITED STATES FEDERAL INCOME TAX CONSIDERATIONS” for more information.
Negative Cash Flow from Operating Activities
As a development stage company with no holdings in any producing mines, the Corporation continues to incur losses and expects to incur losses in the immediate future. The Corporation currently has negative cash flow from operating activities. The Corporation cannot predict if or when it will operate profitably and generate positive cash flows.
As at December 31, 2018, the Corporation had an accumulated deficit of US$149,489,000. The Corporation may not be able to achieve or sustain profitability in the future. If the Corporation does not begin to generate revenues, the Corporation may either have to suspend or cease operations.
The Corporation has prepared the consolidated financial statements on a going concern basis, which contemplates the realization of assets and the settlement of liabilities in the normal course of operations.
The Corporation intends to use proceeds raised pursuant to the Rights Offering for: (a) the repayment of the Glencore Debt; (b) the payment of the Standby Fee in full; and (c) payment of expenses of the Rights Offering, which expenses shall be no greater than US$6,000,000.
Since October 31, 2008 and as at March 31, 2019, the Corporation has become indebted to the Standby Purchaser in the principal amount of US$165,000,000 plus accrued interest of US$77,774,753, plus additional interest which continues to accrue.  The Corporation must immediately apply the proceeds of the Rights Offering to repay in full the Glencore Debt and the Standby Fee.   
The Corporation will need to raise sufficient funds for ongoing development, capital expenditures and administration expenses, in accordance with its spending plans. While in the past the Corporation has been successful in closing financing agreements with the Standby Purchaser and other parties and the Corporation expects the Rights Offering to be completed, there can be no assurance the Rights Offering will be completed and if the Rights Offering does not close, Glencore will be in a position to demand repayment of the Glencore Debt and exercise its rights and remedies pursuant to the 2008 Financing Agreements, including, without limitation, the right to enforce the Security Documents that were entered into in connection with the Glencore Debt. There are no assurances that the Corporation will be able to secure financing again in the future.  Factors that could affect the availability of financing include the state of international debt and equity markets, investor perceptions and expectations and the global metals markets.
Glencore’s Ability to Provide the Standby Commitment depends on HSR Clearance; if HSR Clearance is not received the Rights Offering Cannot Proceed
Glencore’s ability to provide the Standby Commitment is subject to receipt of HSR Clearance.  The Rights Offering cannot proceed unless HSR Clearance has been received.  There is no guarantee that HSR Clearance will be received. If HSR Clearance is not received, then the Rights Offering cannot proceed and the Rights will not be issued or traded.

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In the opinion of Farris, Canadian counsel to the Corporation, the following is, as of the date hereof, a general summary of the principal Canadian federal income tax considerations under the Income Tax Act (Canada) and the regulations thereunder (collectively, the “Tax Act”) generally applicable to a holder of Rights acquired pursuant to the Rights Offering and of Common Shares acquired on the exercise of such Rights. This summary only applies to a holder that, for the purposes of the Tax Act and at all relevant times: (i) acquires and holds such Rights and Common Shares as capital property, (ii) is not affiliated with and deals at arm’s length with the Corporation and any subsequent purchasers of the Rights and Common Shares held by them (a “Holder”).  A Right or Common Share generally will be capital property to a Holder unless it is held in the course of carrying on a business of trading in or dealing in securities, or it has been acquired in a transaction or transactions considered to be an adventure or concern in the nature of trade.
This summary is based on the current provisions of the Tax Act, all specific proposals to amend the Tax Act publicly announced by or on behalf of the Minister of Finance (Canada) (“Tax Proposals”) before the date of this prospectus, and the current published administrative policies and assessing practices of the Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”).  No assurance can be given that the Tax Proposals will be enacted in the form proposed or at all.  Except as mentioned above, this summary, does not take into account or anticipate any changes in law, whether by legislative, administrative or judicial decision or action, nor does it take into account provincial, territorial or foreign income tax legislation or considerations, which may differ significantly from the Canadian federal income tax considerations discussed herein.
This summary is not exhaustive of all possible Canadian federal income tax considerations, is of a general nature only and is not intended to be, nor should it be construed to be, legal or tax advice to any particular Holder.  Accordingly, Holders should consult their own tax advisors about the specific tax consequences to them of acquiring, holding and disposing of Rights or Common Shares.
Residents of Canada
The following portion of the summary is generally applicable to a Holder that, at all relevant times for purposes of the Tax Act, is or is deemed to be a resident of Canada (a “Resident Holder”).
Resident Holders that might not otherwise be considered to hold their Common Shares as capital property may, in certain circumstances, be entitled to have their Common Shares and all other “Canadian securities” (as defined in the Tax Act) owned in the taxation year of the election and all subsequent taxation years deemed to be capital property by making the irrevocable election permitted by subsection 39(4) of the Tax Act.  Such Resident Holders should consult their own tax advisors as to whether an election under subsection 39(4) of the Tax Act is available and/or advisable in their particular circumstances.
This summary does not apply to a Resident Holder: (i) that is a “financial institution” for purposes of the Tax Act, (ii) that is a “specified financial institution” as defined for purposes of the Tax Act, (iii) that is a corporation that is, or becomes as part of a transaction or event or series of transactions or events that includes the acquisition of the Rights or Common Shares, controlled by a non-resident for the purposes of the “foreign affiliate dumping rules” in section 212.3 of the Tax Act, (iv) to which the “functional currency” reporting rules in section 261 of the Tax Act apply, (v) that enters into or has entered into, with respect to the Rights or Common Shares, a “synthetic disposition arrangement” or “derivative forward arrangement”, as such terms are defined in the Tax Act, or (vi) an interest in which is a “tax shelter investment” for purposes of the Tax Act.  Such Resident Holders should consult their own tax advisors.
Acquisition of Rights
A Resident Holder that receives a Right pursuant to the Rights Offering will not be required to include the value of such Right in computing the Resident Holder’s income for purposes of the Tax Act.  Rights received by a Resident Holder pursuant to this Rights Offering will have an adjusted cost base of nil.  If a Resident Holder acquires Rights otherwise than pursuant to this Rights Offering, the cost of those Rights will be averaged with the adjusted cost base of all other Rights held by that Resident Holder immediately prior to such acquisition for the purposes of determining the adjusted cost base to that Resident Holder of each Right so held.

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Exercise of Rights
The exercise of a Right will not constitute a disposition of that Right for purposes of the Tax Act and, accordingly, a Resident Holder will not realize a gain or loss on such exercise.  The aggregate cost to a Resident Holder of the Common Shares acquired on the exercise of a Right will be equal to the aggregate amount of the Subscription Price paid on exercise and the Resident Holder’s adjusted cost base of the Right, if any, immediately before the exercise.  The adjusted cost base to a Resident Holder at any time of Common Shares received on an exercise of Rights will be determined by averaging the cost of such Common Shares with the adjusted cost base of any other Common Shares owned by the Resident Holder as capital property at that time.
Expiry of Rights
The expiry or termination of an unexercised Right will result in a disposition to the Resident Holder for proceeds of disposition equal to nil.  If the Resident Holder has acquired Rights only under the Rights Offering, the adjusted cost base of the Rights will be nil such that no capital gain or capital loss will arise. If a Resident Holder has an adjusted cost base in the Rights immediately prior to expiry or termination, a capital loss to a Resident Holder will arise equal to such adjusted cost base.  Any such capital loss will be subject to the treatment described below under the heading “CERTAIN CANADIAN FEDERAL INCOME TAX CONSIDERATIONS -- Residents of Canada -- Treatment of Capital Gains and Capital Losses”.
Disposition of Rights
A Resident Holder that disposes of or is deemed to dispose of a Right generally will realize a capital gain (or a capital loss) equal to the amount by which the proceeds of disposition of the Right exceed (or are exceeded by) the aggregate of the Resident Holder’s adjusted cost base thereof and any reasonable costs of disposition.  The tax treatment of any capital gain (or capital loss) realized on the disposition of a Right is described below under the heading “CERTAIN CANADIAN FEDERAL INCOME TAX CONSIDERATIONS  -- Residents of Canada -- Treatment of Capital Gains and Capital Losses”.
Receipt of Dividends on Common Shares
Dividends received or deemed to be received on Common Shares by a Resident Holder that is an individual (other than certain trusts) will be included in computing the individual’s income and will be subject to the gross-up and dividend tax credit rules normally applicable to taxable dividends received by an individual from a taxable Canadian corporation.  Taxable dividends received or deemed to be received by such individual which are designated by the Corporation as “eligible dividends” in accordance with the Tax Act will be subject to enhanced gross-up and dividend tax credit rules under the Tax Act.
Taxable dividends received by an individual (including certain trusts) may give rise to a liability for alternative minimum tax as calculated under the detailed rules set out in the Tax Act.
Dividends received or deemed to be received on Common Shares by a Resident Holder that is a corporation will be included in computing the corporation’s income and generally will be deductible in computing the taxable income of the corporation.  In certain circumstances, taxable dividend received by a Resident Holder that is a corporation may be treated as proceeds of disposition or a capital gain pursuant to the rules in subsection 55(2) of the Tax Act. In addition, a Resident Holder that is a “private corporation” or a “subject corporation” for purposes of the Tax Act will generally be liable to pay a refundable tax under Part IV of the Tax Act on dividends received or deemed to be received to the extent such dividends are deductible in computing such Resident Holder’s taxable income.
Disposition of Common Shares
On a disposition or a deemed disposition of a Common Share (other than to the Corporation, unless purchased by the Corporation on the open market in the manner in which shares are normally purchased by any member of the public in the open market), a Resident Holder generally will realize a capital gain (or a capital loss) equal to the amount by which the proceeds of disposition of the Common Share exceed (or are exceeded by) the aggregate of the Resident Holder’s adjusted cost base thereof and any reasonable costs of disposition.  The tax treatment of any such capital gain (or capital loss) is described under the heading “CERTAIN CANADIAN FEDERAL INCOME TAX CONSIDERATIONS -- Residents of Canada -- Treatment of Capital Gains and Capital Losses”.

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Treatment of Capital Gains and Capital Losses
Generally, one-half of the amount of any capital gain (a “taxable capital gain”) realized by a Resident Holder in a taxation year must be included in computing the Resident Holder’s income in that year, and one-half of the amount of any capital loss (an “allowable capital loss”) realized by a Resident Holder in a taxation year generally must be deducted from taxable capital gains realized by the Resident Holder in that year.  Allowable capital losses in excess of taxable capital gains realized in a taxation year generally may be carried back and deducted in any of the three preceding taxation years or carried forward and deducted in any following taxation year against taxable capital gains realized in such years to the extent and under the circumstances described in the Tax Act.
The amount of any capital loss realized on the disposition or deemed disposition of a Common Share by a Resident Holder that is a corporation may be reduced by the amount of dividends received or deemed to have been received by it on the Common Share (or on a share for which such Common Share has been substituted) to the extent and in the circumstances prescribed by the Tax Act.  Similar rules may apply where a corporation is a member of a partnership or a beneficiary of a trust that owns Common Shares, directly, or indirectly through a partnership or a trust.  Resident Holders to which these rules may be relevant should consult their own tax advisors.
A Resident Holder that is a “Canadian-controlled private corporation” (as defined in the Tax Act) may be liable for an additional refundable tax on its “aggregate investment income”, which is defined in the Tax Act to include taxable capital gains.
Capital gains realized by an individual (including certain trusts) may give rise to a liability for alternative minimum tax as calculated under the detailed rules set out in the Tax Act.
Non-Residents of Canada
The following portion of the summary is generally applicable to a Holder that, at all relevant times for purposes of the Tax Act, is (i) neither a resident nor deemed to be a resident of Canada (including as a consequence of an applicable income tax treaty or convention) and (ii) does not use or hold, and is not deemed to use or hold Rights or Common Shares in connection with carrying on a business in Canada (a “Non-Resident Holder”).  Special rules which are not discussed in this summary, may apply to a non-resident insurer carrying on business in Canada and elsewhere.  Such holders should consult their own tax advisors.
Acquisition of Rights
The issuance of Rights to a Non-Resident Holder pursuant to the Rights Offering will not be subject to Canadian withholding tax and no other tax will be payable under the Tax Act by a Non-Resident Holder in respect of the receipt of Rights pursuant to the Rights Offering.
Exercise of Rights
The exercise of Rights by a Non-Resident Holder will not constitute a disposition of Rights for purposes of the Tax Act and, consequently, no gain or loss will be realized by the Non-Resident Holder upon the exercise of the Rights.  The adjusted cost base to a Non-Resident Holder of a Common Share acquired on the exercise of Rights will be the same as to a Resident Holder. The tax treatment to a Non-Resident Holder of disposing Common Shares received on the exercise of Rights is described under the heading “CERTAIN CANADIAN FEDERAL INCOME TAX CONSIDERATIONS -- Non-Residents of Canada -- Dispositions of the Rights or Common Shares” and receiving dividends on such Common Shares is described under the heading “CERTAIN CANADIAN FEDERAL INCOME TAX CONSIDERATIONS – Non-Residents of Canada -- Receipt of Dividends on Common Shares”.

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Expiry of Rights
A Non-Resident Holder will not be subject to tax under the Tax Act in respect of the expiry or termination of an unexercised Right.
Dispositions of the Rights or Common Shares
A Non-Resident Holder will not be subject to tax under the Tax Act in respect of any capital gain realized on a disposition of Rights or Common Shares unless the Rights or Common Shares disposed of constitute “taxable Canadian property” of the Non-Resident Holder and the Non-Resident Holder is not entitled to relief under an applicable income tax treaty or convention.
The Rights will generally only be “taxable Canadian property” of a Non-Resident Holder if the Common Shares to be issued upon the exercise of the Rights would be “taxable Canadian property” of the Non-Resident Holder.
Generally, a Common Share will not be “taxable Canadian property” (within the meaning of the Tax Act) of a Non-Resident Holder at a particular time provided the Common Share is listed on a “designated stock exchange” (which currently includes the TSX) unless, at any time during the 60-month period preceding the particular time, (a) the Common Share derived more than 50% of its fair market value directly or indirectly from one or any combination of: (i) real or immovable properties situated in Canada, (ii) Canadian resource properties, (iii) timber resource properties (as such terms are defined in the Tax Act), and (iv) options in respect of, or interests in, or for civil law rights in, property described in (i) to (iii), whether or not the property exists; and (b) 25% or more of the issued shares of any class or series of the Company’s shares were owned by one or any combination of (i) the Non-Resident Holder, (ii) persons with whom the Non-Resident Holder did not deal at “arm’s length” (within the meaning of the Tax Act), and (iii) partnerships in which the Non-Resident Holder or a person described in (ii) holds a membership interest directly or indirectly through one or more partnerships.
Non-Resident Holders for which the Rights or Common Shares may constitute “taxable Canadian property” should consult their own tax advisors for advice having regard to their particular circumstances.
Receipt of Dividends on Common Shares
Dividends on Common Shares paid or credited, or deemed to be paid or credited to a Non-Resident Holder will be subject to a non-resident withholding tax under the Tax Act at a rate of 25%, subject to reduction under the provisions of an applicable income tax treaty or convention.
The following summary describes certain material U.S. federal income tax consequences to a “U.S. Holder” (as defined below) of the receipt and exercise (or expiration) of the Rights acquired through this Rights Offering, and of owning and disposing of the Common Shares received upon the exercise of the Rights.
This discussion is based upon the provisions of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), Treasury regulations promulgated thereunder, administrative rulings and judicial decisions, in each case as of the date hereof. These authorities are subject to differing interpretations and may be changed, perhaps retroactively, resulting in U.S. federal income tax consequences different from those discussed below. We have not sought any ruling from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) with respect to the statements made and the conclusions reached in this discussion, and there can be no assurance that the IRS will agree with such statements and conclusions.
For purposes of this discussion, a “U.S. Holder” means a holder of Rights or Common Shares that is (i) a citizen or an individual resident of the U.S., (ii) a corporation, or other entity treated as a corporation for U.S. federal income tax purposes, created or organized in or under the laws of the U.S., any state thereof or the District of Columbia, (iii) an estate the income of which is subject to U.S. federal income taxation regardless of its source, or (iv) a trust if it (1) is subject to the primary supervision of a court within the U.S. and one or more “U.S. persons,” as defined in the Code, have the authority to control all substantial decisions of the trust or (2) has a valid election in effect under applicable Treasury regulations to be treated as a U.S. person. This summary does not apply to you if you are not a U.S. Holder.

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This summary applies to you only if you are a U.S. Holder (i) that receives your Rights pursuant to this Rights Offering, and you hold your Rights or Common Shares issued to you upon exercise of the Rights as capital assets for tax purposes, and (ii) (a) that is a resident of the United States for purposes of the current Convention between the United States and Canada signed on September 26, 1980 (as amended by the Protocols, the “Treaty”), (b) whose Rights and Common Shares are not, for purposes of the Treaty, effectively connected with a permanent establishment in Canada and (c) that otherwise qualifies for the full benefits of the Treaty.
In addition, this discussion does not address any U.S. federal alternative minimum tax, U.S. federal estate, gift, or other non-income tax or the 3.8% tax imposed on certain net investment income; or state, local or non-U.S. tax consequences of the acquisition, ownership and disposition of a Right or Common Share. In addition, this discussion does not address the U.S. federal income tax consequences to certain categories of U.S. Holders subject to special rules, including, but not limited to U.S. Holders that are (i) banks, financial institutions or insurance companies; (ii) regulated investment companies or real estate investment trusts; (iii) brokers or dealers in securities or currencies or traders in securities that elect to use a mark-to-market method of accounting; (iv) tax-exempt organizations, qualified retirement plans, individual retirement accounts or other tax-deferred accounts; (v) holders that hold a Right or Common Share as part of a hedge, straddle, conversion transaction or a synthetic security or other integrated transaction; (vi) holders that have a “functional currency” other than the United States dollar; (vii) holders that own directly, indirectly or constructively 10 percent or more of the voting power of the Corporation; and (viii) persons liable for the alternative minimum tax; (ix) persons subject to special tax accounting rules as a result of any item of gross income with respect to a Right or Common Shares being taken into account in an applicable financial statement; (x) persons holding a Right or Common Shares in connection with a trade or business conducted outside of the United States and (xi) United States expatriates.
If a partnership (or any other entity treated as a partnership for U.S. federal income tax purposes) holds Rights or Common Shares, the tax treatment of a partner in such partnership will generally depend on the status of the partner and the activities of the partnership. Such a partner should consult its own tax advisors as to the U.S. federal income tax consequences of being a partner in a partnership that holds or disposes of Rights or Common Shares.
This discussion addresses only certain aspects of U.S. federal income taxation to U.S. Holders. U.S. Holders should consult their own tax advisors regarding the U.S. federal, state, local, non-U.S. and other tax consequences of the ownership and disposition of Rights or Common Shares.
Taxation of Rights
Receipt of Rights
Under Section 305 of the Code, a shareholder who receives a right to acquire shares will, in certain circumstances, be treated as having received a taxable distribution in an amount equal to the value of such right. In general, a shareholder who receives a right to acquire shares will be treated as having received a taxable distribution if a shareholder’s proportionate interest in the earnings and profits or assets of the corporation is increased and any other shareholder receives a distribution (or a deemed distribution) of cash or other property. While the issue is not free from doubt, we believe that the receipt of the Rights by a U.S. Holder should not be treated as a taxable stock dividend under Section 305(a) of the Code. However, due to the uncertainties in the application of Section 305 of the Code, there can be no assurance that such treatment will not be challenged by the IRS or, if challenged, upheld. If the distribution of the Rights were treated as a taxable distribution, the fair market value of the Right a U.S. Holder receives would be taxable to such U.S. Holder as a dividend. The U.S. Holder’s tax basis in such Right will equal the amount of the dividend and the U.S. Holder’s holding period for the rights will commence on the date of distribution. For further disclosure on taxation of dividends, see “—Distributions on our Common Shares.” The remainder of the discussion below assumes that the distribution of the Rights will not be treated as a taxable distribution.

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Tax Basis in Rights
If the fair market value of the Rights you receive is less than 15% of the fair market value of your existing Common Shares on the date you receive the Rights, the Rights will be allocated a zero basis for U.S. federal income tax purposes, unless you elect to allocate your basis in your existing Common Shares between your existing Common Shares and the Rights in proportion to the relative fair market values of the existing Common Shares and the Rights determined on the date of receipt of the Rights. If you choose to allocate basis between your existing Common Shares and the Rights, you must make this election on a statement included with your tax return for the taxable year in which you receive the Rights. Such an election is irrevocable.
However, if the fair market value of the Rights you receive is 15% or more of the fair market value of your existing Common Shares on the date you receive the Rights, then you must allocate your basis in your existing Common Shares between your existing Common Shares and the Rights you receive in proportion to their fair market values determined on the date you receive the Rights. The fair market value of the Rights on the date the Rights will be distributed is uncertain. In determining the fair market value of the Rights, you should consider all relevant facts and circumstances, including the trading price thereof.
Exercise of Rights
You will not recognize gain or loss on the exercise of a Right. Your tax basis in a new Common Share acquired when you exercise a Right will be equal to your adjusted tax basis in the Right (as determined above), if any, plus the Subscription Price. The holding period of a Common Share acquired when you exercise your Rights will begin on the date of exercise.
Disposition of Rights
A U.S. Holder will recognize gain or loss on the sale or other taxable disposition of a Right in an amount equal to the difference, if any, between (a) the amount of cash plus the fair market value of any property received and (b) such U.S. Holder’s tax basis, if any, in the Right sold or otherwise disposed of. Subject to the discussion under “Taxation of Common Shares Acquired upon Exercise of Rights -- Passive Foreign Investment Company” below, any such gain or loss generally will be capital gain or loss, and will be short-term or long-term depending on whether the Rights are treated as having been held for more than one year. Long-term capital gains of a non-corporate taxpayer are generally subject to taxation at preferential rates. The deductibility of capital losses is subject to various limitations.
Expiration of Rights
If you allow Rights to expire, you will not recognize any gain or loss for U.S. federal income tax purposes, and you will re-allocate any portion of the tax basis in your existing Common Shares previously allocated to the Rights that have expired to the existing Common Shares.
Taxation of Common Shares Acquired upon Exercise of Rights
Distributions on Our Common Shares
Subject to the discussion below under “Passive Foreign Investment Company,” U.S. Holders receiving dividend distributions (including constructive dividends) with respect to our Common Shares generally are required to include in gross income for U.S. federal income tax purposes the gross amount of such distributions (without reduction for any Canadian income or other tax withheld from such distributions), equal to the U.S. dollar value of such distributions on the date of receipt (based on the exchange rate on such date), to the extent that we have current or accumulated earnings and profits (as determined for U.S. federal income tax purposes). To the extent that the amount of the distribution exceeds our current and accumulated earnings and profits, it will be treated as a return of capital to the extent of a U.S. Holder’s adjusted tax basis in our Common Shares and thereafter as capital gain from the sale or exchange of such Common Shares. We do not intend to calculate our earnings and profits under U.S. federal income tax principles. Therefore, a U.S. Holder should expect that the full amount of a distribution with respect to the Common Shares will be treated, and reported by us, as a dividend.

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Dividends received by U.S. Holders that are individuals, estates or trusts from a “qualified foreign corporation,” as defined in the Code, generally are taxed at the same preferential tax rates applicable to long-term capital gains. A corporation that is a “passive foreign investment company”, as defined below under “Passive Foreign Investment Company,” for its taxable year during which it pays a dividend, or for its immediately preceding taxable year, however, is not a “qualified foreign corporation.” Since we expect to be treated as a PFIC for the current taxable year, dividends received by U.S. Holders that are individuals, estates or trusts generally will be subject to U.S. federal income tax at ordinary income tax rates (and not at the preferential tax rates applicable to long-term capital gains). Dividends paid on our Common Shares will not be eligible for the dividends received deduction provided to corporations receiving dividends from certain U.S. corporations.
In the case of foreign currency (such as Canadian dollars) received as a dividend that is not converted by the recipient into U.S. dollars on the date of receipt, a U.S. Holder will have a tax basis in the foreign currency equal to its U.S. dollar value on the date of receipt. Generally any gain or loss recognized upon a subsequent sale or other disposition of the foreign currency, including the exchange for U.S. dollars, will be ordinary income or loss.
A U.S. Holder will be entitled, subject to a number of complex limitations and conditions (including a minimum holding period requirement), to claim a U.S. foreign tax credit in respect of any Canadian withholding taxes imposed on dividends received on our Common Shares. U.S. Holders who do not elect to claim a foreign tax credit with regard to any foreign income taxes paid or accrued during the taxable year may instead claim a deduction in respect of such withholding taxes. Dividends received with respect to our Common Shares will be treated as foreign source income, which may be relevant in calculating such U.S. Holder’s U.S. foreign tax credit limitation. For purposes of the U.S. foreign tax credit limitation, foreign source income is separated into different “baskets,” and the credit for foreign taxes on income in any basket is limited to the U.S. federal income tax allocable to such income. Dividends paid with respect to our Common Shares should generally constitute “passive category income” for most U.S. Holders. Holders are urged to consult their tax advisors regarding the availability of the foreign tax credit in their particular circumstances.
Disposition of Our Common Shares
Subject to the discussion below under “Passive Foreign Investment Company,” U.S. Holders will recognize gain or loss upon the sale of our Common Shares equal to the difference, if any, between (i) the amount of cash plus the fair market value of any property received, and (ii) the U.S. Holder’s tax basis in our Common Shares.  Any gain or loss on disposition of our Common Shares generally will be treated as capital gain or loss. If, at the time of the disposition, a U.S. Holder is treated as holding the Common Shares for more than one year, such gain or loss will be a long-term capital gain or loss. Long-term capital gain recognized by a non-corporate U.S. Holder is currently subject to taxation at a reduced rate. The deductibility of capital losses is subject to limitations.  Capital gain or loss, if any, realized by a U.S. Holder on the sale, exchange or other taxable disposition of our Common Shares generally will be treated as U.S. source income or loss for U.S. foreign tax credit purposes. Consequently, in the case of a sale, exchange or other taxable disposition of our Common Shares that is subject to Canadian tax imposed on the gain, the U.S. Holder may not be able to benefit from the foreign tax credit for that Canadian tax unless the U.S. Holder can apply the credit against U.S. federal income tax payable on other income from foreign sources in the appropriate income category. Alternatively, if available, the U.S. Holder may take a deduction for the Canadian tax if it does not elect to claim a foreign tax credit for any foreign income taxes paid or accrued during the taxable year.
Passive Foreign Investment Company
Based on the current and expected composition of our income and valuation of our assets, we expect to be treated as a PFIC under Section 1297 of the Code for the current taxable year. A U.S. Holder that holds shares in a non-U.S. corporation during any year in which such corporation is a PFIC is subject to numerous special U.S. federal income tax rules. A non-U.S. corporation is considered to be a PFIC for any taxable year if either: at least 75% of its gross income is passive income (the “income test”), or at least 50% of the value of its assets (based on an average of the quarterly values of the assets during a taxable year) is attributable to assets that produce or are held for the production of passive income (the “asset test”).
For purposes of the income test and the asset test, respectively, we will be treated as earning our proportionate share of the income and owning our proportionate share of the assets of any other corporation in which we own, directly or indirectly, 25% or more (by value) of the shares. In addition, for purposes of the income test, passive income does not include any interest, dividends, rents, or royalties received or accrued by us from certain related persons, to the extent such items are properly allocable to income of such related person that is not passive.

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We must make a separate determination each year as to whether or not we are a PFIC. As a result, our PFIC status may change. In particular, because the total value of our assets for purposes of the asset test will be calculated using the market price of our Common Shares (assuming that we continue to be a publicly traded corporation for purposes of the PFIC rules), our PFIC status will depend in large part on the market price of our Common Shares. Accordingly, fluctuations in the market price of our Common Shares may result in our being a PFIC for any year. If we are a PFIC for any year during which a U.S. Holder holds our Rights or Common Shares, we generally will continue to be treated as a PFIC for all succeeding years during which such U.S. Holder holds the Rights or Common Shares, absent a special election. For instance, if we cease to be a PFIC, a U.S. Holder may avoid some of the adverse effects of the PFIC regime by making a deemed sale election with respect to its Common Shares pursuant to which such U.S. Holder recognizes gain (which will be taxed under the default PFIC tax rules discussed below) as if such Common Shares had been sold on the last day of the last taxable year for which we were a PFIC. If a non-U.S. corporation is a PFIC for any taxable year and any of its non-U.S. subsidiaries is also a PFIC, a U.S. Holder would be treated as owning a proportionate amount (by value) of the shares of the lower-tier PFIC for purposes of the application of these rules.
If we are a PFIC for any taxable year during which a U.S. Holder holds our Rights or Common Shares, such U.S. Holder will be subject to special tax rules with respect to any “excess distribution” that it receives and any gain it realizes from a sale or other disposition (including a pledge) of the Rights or Common Shares, unless the U.S. Holder makes a “mark-to-market” election, as discussed below. Distributions received by a U.S. Holder in a taxable year that are greater than 125% of the average annual distributions such U.S. Holder received during the shorter of the three preceding taxable years and its holding period for the Rights or Common Shares will be treated as an excess distribution. Under these special tax rules, (a) the excess distribution or gain will be allocated rateably over the U.S. Holder’s holding period, (b) the amount allocated to the current taxable year and any taxable year prior to the first taxable year in which we became a PFIC will be treated as ordinary income, and (c) the amount allocated to each other taxable year will be subject to the highest tax rate in effect for that year and the interest charge generally applicable to underpayments of tax will be imposed on the resulting tax attributable to each such year. You will be required to file IRS Form 8621 if you hold our Rights or Common Shares in any year in which we are classified as a PFIC.
The tax liability for amounts allocated to taxable years prior to the year of disposition or “excess distribution” cannot be offset by any net operating losses for such years, and gains (but not losses) realized on the disposition of the Rights or Common Shares cannot be treated as capital.
Alternatively, a U.S. Holder of “marketable stock” (as defined below) in a PFIC may make a mark-to-market election with respect to shares of a PFIC to elect out of the tax treatment discussed above. If a U.S. Holder makes a valid mark-to-market election for the Common Shares, the U.S. Holder will include in income each year an amount equal to the excess, if any, of the fair market value of the Common Shares as of the close of its taxable year over its adjusted basis in such Common Shares. The U.S. Holder is allowed a deduction for the excess, if any, of the adjusted basis of the Common Shares over their fair market value as of the close of the taxable year. However, deductions are allowable only to the extent of any net mark-to-market gains on the Common Shares included in the U.S. Holder’s income for prior taxable years. Amounts included in a U.S. Holder’s income under a mark-to-market election, as well as gain on the actual sale or other disposition of the Common Shares, are treated as ordinary income. Ordinary loss treatment also applies to the deductible portion of any mark-to-market loss on the Common Shares, as well as to any loss realized on the actual sale or disposition of the Common Shares, to the extent that the amount of such loss does not exceed the net mark-to-market gains previously included for such Common Shares. A U.S. Holder’s basis in the Common Shares will be adjusted to reflect any such income or loss amounts. If a U.S. Holder makes such an election, the tax rules that ordinarily apply to distributions by corporations that are not PFICs would apply to distributions by us, except that the preferential tax rates applicable to long-term capital gains on dividends received from a “qualified foreign corporation” discussed above under “Distributions on Our Common Shares” would not apply. The mark-to-market election is available only for “marketable stock,” which is stock that is traded in other than de minimis quantities on at least 15 days during each calendar quarter on a “qualified exchange,” including the TSX and the NYSE American, or other market, as defined in applicable U.S. Treasury regulations. We cannot provide any assurances that the Rights or Common Shares will be listed on each of the TSX and the NYSE American on at least 15 days during each calendar quarter and traded in other than de minimis quantities. You are urged to consult your own tax advisor concerning the availability of the mark-to-market election.

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If a non-U.S. corporation is a PFIC, a holder of shares in that corporation can avoid taxation under the rules described above by making a “qualified electing fund” election to include the holder’s share of the corporation’s income on a current basis in gross income. However, a U.S. Holder can make a qualified electing fund election with respect to its Common Shares only if we furnish the U.S. Holder annually with certain tax information, and we do not intend to prepare or provide such information.
U.S. Holders should note that neither the qualified electing fund nor the mark-to-market election is available with respect to the Rights.
You are urged to consult your own tax advisors concerning the U.S. federal income tax consequences of holding Common Shares if we are considered a PFIC in any taxable year.
Information Reporting; Backup Withholding
Certain U.S. Holders are required to report information relating to their investment in, or involvement in, a foreign corporation, by attaching a complete IRS Form 8938, Statement of Specified Foreign Financial Assets, with their applicable tax return. Such information reporting may apply to the Rights and/or Common Shares. U.S. Holders should consult their own tax advisors regarding any such information reporting requirements.
In general, payments made in the U.S. or through certain U.S. related financial intermediaries with respect to the ownership and disposition of the Rights and Common Shares will be required to be reported to the IRS unless the U.S. Holder is a corporation or other exempt recipient and, when required, demonstrates this fact. In addition, a U.S. Holder may be subject to a backup withholding (currently at a rate of 24%) on such payments unless the U.S. Holder (i) is a corporation or other exempt recipient and when required, demonstrates this fact or (ii) provides a taxpayer identification number and otherwise timely complies with applicable certification requirements. U.S. Holders should consult their own tax advisors regarding their qualification for an exemption from backup withholding and the procedures for obtaining such an exemption, if applicable. Backup withholding is not an additional tax. Amounts withheld as backup withholding may be credited against a U.S. Holder’s U.S. federal income tax liability and such U.S. Holder may obtain a refund of any excess amounts withheld by filing the appropriate claim for refund with the IRS and furnishing any required information in a timely manner.
In the opinion of Farris, counsel to the Corporation, provided that the Rights and Common Shares are listed on a designated stock exchange under the Tax Act (which includes the TSX), the Rights and the Common Shares, if issued on the date hereof, would be qualified investments under the Tax Act for a trust governed by a registered retirement savings plan (an “RRSP”), registered retirement income fund (an “RRIF”), registered education savings plan (“RESP”), registered disability savings plan (“RDSP”), deferred profit sharing plan (“DPSP”) and a tax-free savings account (a TFSA).
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Rights and/or Common Shares are a “prohibited investment” (as defined in the Tax Act) for a particular RRSP, RRIF, RESP, DPSP or TFSA (each a “Registered Plan”), the annuitant of an RRSP or RRIF, holder of a TFSA or RDSP or subscriber of a RESP (each such person referred to as a “Plan Subscriber”), as the case may be, will be subject to a penalty tax as set out in the Tax Act. The Rights and Common Shares will not be a “prohibited investment” for a Registered Plan provided that the Plan Subscriber deals at arm’s length with the Corporation for purposes of the Tax Act and does not have a “significant interest” (within the meaning of the Tax Act for purposes of the prohibited investment rules) in the Corporation. In addition, the Rights and Common Shares will generally not be a “prohibited investment” if such securities are “excluded property” as defined in the Tax Act for purposes of the prohibited investment rules. Plan Subscribers should consult with their own tax advisors as to whether the Rights or Common Shares will be a prohibited investment for such Registered Plans in their particular circumstances.
Certain legal matters in connection with the Rights Offering and to the Rights to be distributed pursuant to this prospectus will be reviewed on behalf of the Corporation by Farris.  Certain legal matters relating to United States federal laws will be passed upon by Troutman.  As of May 6, 2019, the partners and associates of Farris and Troutman, as a group, beneficially owned, directly or indirectly, less than 1% of the outstanding Common Shares.

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Information relating to the NorthMet Project in this prospectus and the documents incorporated by reference has been derived from the technical report titled “NorthMet Project Form 43-101 F1 Technical Report” (the “Technical Report”) with an effective date of March 26, 2018, which was filed on SEDAR on March 27, 2018 and with the SEC on March 28, 2018. The following ‘qualified persons’ (within the meaning of NI 43-101) participated in the preparation of the Technical Report: Zachary J. Black, Jennifer J. Brown, Nicholas Dempers, Thomas L. Drielick, Art S. Ibrado, Erin L. Patterson, Thomas J. Radue, Jeff S. Ubl, and Herbert E. Welhener (collectively, the “Experts”), and have been included in reliance on such persons’ expertise. None of the Experts have: (i) received a direct or indirect interest in the property of the Corporation or of any associate or affiliate of the Corporation, or (ii) is currently expected to be elected, appointed or employed as a director, officer or employee of the Corporation or of any associates or affiliates of the Corporation.
As of May 6, 2019, the aforementioned Experts, as a group, beneficially own, directly or indirectly, less than 1% of the Corporation’s outstanding securities of any class.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP of Vancouver, British Columbia is the Corporation’s auditor. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP has advised the Corporation that it is independent within the meaning and in accordance with the Code of Professional Conduct of the Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia.
Computershare Investor Services Inc. is the Corporation’s registrar and transfer agent at its principal offices in Vancouver, British Columbia.  Computershare Investor Services Inc., with its principal office in Toronto, Ontario is acting as the Subscription Agent for this Rights Offering and as registrar and transfer agent with respect to any Common Shares issued upon the exercise of Rights or pursuant to any Standby Shares issued pursuant to the Standby Commitment.
Securities legislation in certain provinces of Canada provides purchasers with the right to withdraw from an agreement to purchase securities.  This right may be exercised within two business days after receipt or deemed receipt of a prospectus and any amendment.  In several of the provinces, the securities legislation further provides a purchaser with remedies for rescission or, in some jurisdictions, revisions of the price or damages if the prospectus and any amendment contains a misrepresentation or is not delivered to the purchaser, provided that the remedies for rescission, revisions of the price or damages are exercised by the purchaser within the time limit prescribed by the securities legislation of the purchaser’s province.  You should refer to applicable provisions of the securities legislation of your province for the particulars of these rights or consult with a legal advisor.
On April 17, 2019, the Autorité des marchés financiers granted the Corporation an exemption from the requirement to translate the English version of this prospectus and the documents incorporated herein by reference into French.
The following documents have been or will be filed with the SEC as part of the registration statement of which this prospectus forms a part: (i) the 2018 AIF; (ii) the Annual Financial Statements; (iii) the material change report dated March 25, 2019; (iv) Consent of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP; (v) Consent of Farris; (vi) Consent of Zachary J. Black; (vii) Consent of Jennifer J. Brown; (viii) Consent of Nicholas Dempers; (ix) Consent of Thomas L. Drielick; (x) Consent of Art S. Ibrado; (xi) Consent of Erin L. Patterson; (xii) Consent of Thomas J. Radue; (xiii) Consent of Jeff S. Ubl; (xiv) Consent of Herbert E. Welhener; and (xv) Powers of Attorney.

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May 6, 2019
This short form prospectus, together with the documents incorporated by reference, constitutes full, true and plain disclosure of all material facts relating to the securities offered by this short form prospectus as required by the securities legislation of each of the provinces of Canada.

PolyMet Mining Corp.

By: (Signed) Jonathan Cherry
President and Chief Executive Officer
By: (Signed) Patrick Keenan
Chief Financial Officer

On Behalf of the Board of Directors

By: (Signed) W. Ian L. Forrest
By: (Signed) David Dreisinger


Indemnification of Directors and Officers

The laws of British Columbia and PolyMet Mining Corp.’s articles permit indemnification of its directors and officers against certain liabilities, which would include liabilities arising under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

Under Sections 159 to 165 of the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia) (the “BCBCA”), we are permitted to indemnify a past or present director or officer of us without obtaining prior court approval in respect of an “eligible proceeding”. An “eligible proceeding” includes any legal proceeding relating to the activities of the individual as a director or officer of us. However, under the BCBCA, we will be prohibited from paying an indemnity or making the payment of expenses if:

(a) the indemnity or payment is made under an earlier agreement to indemnify or pay expenses and, at the time that the agreement was made, we were prohibited from giving the indemnity or paying the expenses by our articles;

(b) the indemnity or payment is made otherwise than under an earlier agreement to indemnity or pay expenses and, at the time that the indemnity is made, we are prohibited from giving the indemnity or paying the expenses by our articles;

(c) the party did not act honestly and in good faith with a view to our best interests;

(d) the proceeding was not a civil proceeding and the party did not have reasonable grounds for believing that his or her conduct was lawful; and

(e) the proceeding is brought against the party by us or an associated corporation.

Under Section 164 of the BCBCA, the Supreme Court of British Columbia may, on our application or the applicable of an eligible party:

(a) order us to indemnify an eligible party against any liability incurred by the eligible party in respect of an eligible proceeding;

(b) order us to pay some or all of the expenses incurred by an eligible party in respect of an eligible proceeding;

(c) order the enforcement of, or payment under, an agreement of indemnification entered into by us;

(d) order us to pay some or all of the expenses actually and reasonably incurred by any person in obtaining an order under Section 164 of the BCBCAS; or

(e) make any other order the court considers appropriate.

We may indemnify directors, officers, employees and agents, subject to the limits imposed under the BCBCA.

Section 165 of the BCBCA provides that we may purchase and maintain insurance for the benefit of an eligible party or the heirs and personal or other legal representatives of the eligible party against any liability that may be incurred by reason of the eligible party being or having been a director or officer of, or holding or having held a position equivalent to that of a director or officer of, our company or an associated corporation.

Under the BCBCA, the articles of the company may affect our power or obligation to give an indemnity or pay expenses to the extent that the articles prohibit giving the indemnity or paying the expenses. As indicated above, this is subject to the overriding power of the Supreme Court of British Columbia under Section 164 of the BCBCA.

Our articles provide that we will indemnify any of our directors, former directors, alternate directors or senior officers and his or her heirs and legal personal representative against all eligible penalties to which such person is or may be liable, and we must after the final disposition of an eligible proceeding, pay the expenses actually and reasonably incurred by such person in respect of that proceeding.
Insofar as indemnification for liabilities under the Securities Act of 1933 may be permitted to directors, officers or persons controlling the Registrant pursuant to the foregoing provisions, the Registrant has been informed that, in the opinion of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, such indemnification is against public policy in the United States as expressed in the Securities Act of 1933 and is therefore unenforceable.



Item 1. Undertaking
The Registrant undertakes to make available, in person or by telephone, representatives to respond to inquiries made by the Commission staff, and to furnish promptly, when requested to do so by the Commission staff, information relating to the securities registered pursuant to Form F-10 or to transactions in said securities.
Item 2. Consent to Service of Process
Concurrently with the filing of this Registration Statement, the Registrant is filing with the Commission a written irrevocable consent and power of attorney on Form F-X. Any change to the name or address of the agent for service of the Registrant will be communicated promptly to the Commission by amendment to Form F-X referencing the file number of this Registration Statement.

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, the registrant certifies that it has reasonable grounds to believe that it meets all of the requirements for filing on Form F‑10 and has duly caused this Registration Statement to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized, in the City of Toronto, Country of Canada, on May 6, 2019.
/s/ Patrick Keenan
Patrick Keenan
Chief Financial Officer


KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that each individual whose signature appears below constitutes Jonathan Cherry and Patrick Keenan each acting alone, his true and lawful attorney-in-fact and agent, with full power of substitution and resubstitution, for him and in his name, place and stead, in any and all capacities, to sign any and all amendments to this Form F-10 and to file the same with exhibits thereto, and all documents in connection therewith, with the Securities and Exchange Commission, granting unto said attorneys-in-fact and agents, and each of them, full power and authority to do and perform each and every act and thing requisite and necessary to be done in and about the premises, as fully to all intents and purposes as he might or could do in person, hereby ratifying and confirming all that said attorneys-in-fact and agents or any of them, or their or is substitute or substitutes, may lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof.
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, this Registration Statement has been signed below by the following persons in the capacities indicated on the date indicated.
/s/ Jonathan Cherry
President, Chief Executive Officer (Principal Executive Officer) and Director
May 6, 2019
Jonathan Cherry
/s/ Patrick Keenan
Chief Financial Officer (Principal Financial and Accounting Officer)
May 6, 2019
Patrick Keenan
/s/ W. Ian L. Forrest
Chairman and Director
May 6, 2019
W. Ian L. Forrest
/s/ Dennis Bartlett
May 6, 2019
Dennis Bartlett
/s/ Mike Ciricillo
May 6, 2019
Mike Ciricillo      
/s/ David Dreisinger
May 6, 2019
David Dreisinger
/s/ Helen Harper
May 6, 2019
Helen Harper      
/s/ Alan R. Hodnik
May 6, 2019
Alan R. Hodnik
/s/ Stephen Rowland
May 6, 2019
Stephen Rowland
/s/ Michael M. Sill
May 6, 2019
Michael M. Sill


Pursuant to the requirements of Section 6(a) of the Securities Act of 1933, the undersigned has signed this Registration Statement, in the capacity of the duly authorized representative of the Registrant in the United States, on May 6, 2019.

/s/ Ryan Vogt
Ryan Vogt
Corporate Controller

EX-4.1 2 a51974518ex4_1.htm EXHIBIT 4.1

Exhibit 4.1
Execution Copy
Dated: May 6, 2019



THIS AGREEMENT is entered into as of May 6, 2019
POLYMET MINING CORP., whose registered office is at 100 King Street West, Suite 5700, Toronto, ON  M5X 1C7 (“PolyMet” or the “Company”); and
GLENCORE AG, a corporation formed under the laws of Switzerland whose registered office is at Baarermattstrasse 3, P.O. Box 1301, CH‑6341, Baar, Switzerland (“Glencore”).
Pursuant to certain debentures (collectively, the “Debentures”) issued pursuant to the purchase agreement made as of October 31, 2008 (as amended from time to time to the date hereof, the “Purchase Agreement”) between Poly Met Mining Inc. (“PMI”, and together with the Company, “PLM”), the Company and Glencore, PMI is indebted to Glencore: (a) in the principal amount of US$25,000,000, plus accrued interest of US$33,815,052 pursuant to the Convertible Debentures (the “Convertible Debt”); and (b) in the principal amount of US$140,000,000 plus accrued interest of US$47,045,521 pursuant to the Non‑Convertible Debentures (the “Non‑Convertible Debt” together with the Convertible Debt, the “Glencore Debt”), in each case as at the date of this Agreement, for an aggregate total of US$259,416,390, plus additional interest which accrues after the date of this Agreement.

Pursuant to an extension agreement (the “Extension Agreement”) made as of March 22, 2019 between PMI, the Company and Glencore, Glencore agreed to extend the maturity date of the Glencore Debt for a period of time to provide the Company with an opportunity to arrange a rights offering (the “Rights Offering”) and related transactions to effect a repayment of the Glencore Debt, and the Company agreed to extend the expiry date of and make certain other amendments to the exchange warrant issued by the Company on October 31, 2008 relating to the Convertible Debentures (the “Exchange Warrant”) and to issue new purchase warrants to replace certain purchase warrants issued in March 2018 (the “2018 Purchase Warrants”), each of which expired on March 31, 2019.

As contemplated by the Extension Agreement, the Company and Glencore entered into a warrant amending agreement (the “Warrant Amending Agreement”) dated March 22, 2019 pursuant to which Company agreed to (a) extend the expiry date of the Exchange Warrant to the earlier of (x) March 31, 2020, and (y) the date on which the Convertible Debt is fully repaid (the “Expiry Date Extension”); (b) issue 6,458,001 new purchase warrants (the “2019 Purchase Warrants”) to Glencore having an expiry date of March 31, 2024 and an exercise price equal to the “market price” (as defined under the TSX Company Manual, but otherwise have the same terms and conditions as the 2018 Purchase Warrants) of the Shares on the TSX as soon as written receipt of the TSX is obtained (the “2019 Purchase Warrant Issuance”); and (c) use its commercially reasonable best efforts to reduce the exercise price (the “Exercise Price Reduction”) of the Exchange Warrant to the lowest price permitted by the TSX and NYSE American (collectively, the “Exchanges”), in each case subject to obtaining any necessary approvals or consents of the Exchanges.

On March 29, 2019,  Amendment 26 to the Purchase Agreement became effective.

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On March 29, 2019, the 2019 Purchase Warrant Issuance occurred.

On March 29, 2019, the Expiry Date Extension occurred.

On April 18, 2019, the Exercise Price Reduction occurred.

As contemplated by Section 3(d) and Schedule B of the Extension Agreement, the Company intends to raise US$265,000,000 (the “Gross Proceeds”) by way of the Rights Offering to its Shareholders on the terms and conditions set out herein and in the draft Preliminary Prospectus attached hereto as Schedule 4.

As contemplated by Schedule B of the Extension Agreement, Glencore has agreed to provide a standby commitment in respect of the Rights Offering on the terms and conditions set out in Schedule 2.

Glencore agrees to waive its right of first refusal contained in paragraphs 11, 12 and 13 of the subscription agreement (the “Subscription Agreement”) dated November 12, 2010 between the Company and Glencore (as confirmed by paragraph 13 of the subscription agreement dated November 30, 2011 between the Company and Glencore), as applicable, to the issue of the Rights and the Rights Offering Shares and the Standby Shares.

Definitions and Interpretation

Words defined in Schedule 1 have, where used in this Agreement, the meanings given to them in that Schedule.

In this Agreement:

the table of contents and the headings are inserted for convenience only and do not affect the interpretation of this Agreement;

references to Sections, Articles and Schedules are to sections of this Agreement, sections of the Schedules, articles of the Schedules and schedules to this Agreement respectively unless otherwise stated and references to “this Agreement” include the Schedules;

references to a statutory provision are references to it as from time to time amended, consolidated or reenacted (with or without modification) and include all instruments or orders made under it;

whenever a provision of this Agreement requires an approval or consent and the approval or consent is not delivered in writing within the applicable time limit, then, unless otherwise specified, the Party whose consent or approval is required shall be conclusively deemed to have withheld its approval or consent;

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unless the context requires otherwise any definition of or reference to any agreement, instrument or other document shall be construed as referring to such agreement, instrument or other document as from time to time amended, supplemented or otherwise modified (subject to any restrictions on such amendments, supplements or modifications set out herein or in any such agreement, instrument or other document) in accordance with the terms hereof and thereof. For the avoidance of doubt, if a “Further Extension Agreement” as defined in the Extension Agreement is entered into as contemplated by the Extension Agreement any reference to the “Extension Agreement” shall be construed as referring to the Extension Agreement as amended and supplement by the “Further Extension Agreement”;

unless the context requires otherwise any reference herein to any Person shall be construed to include such Person’s successors and permitted assigns;

unless the context requires otherwise the words “this Agreement”, “herein,” “hereof” and “hereunder,” and words of similar import, when used in this Agreement, shall be construed to refer to this Agreement in its entirety and not to any particular provision hereof;

where the “including” or “includes” is used in this Agreement it means “including (or includes) without limitation”;

words importing the plural include the singular and vice versa; and

except as otherwise provided herein, references to a time of day are to Vancouver, B.C. time.

The Rights Offering

In accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Company agrees to make the Rights Offering and issue Rights to the holders of its outstanding Shares on the Record Date and Glencore agrees to exercise its Basic Subscription Right in full and has informed the Company that it has yet to determine whether or not it will exercise its Additional Subscription Privilege, and shall subscribe for the Standby Shares in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 2.

Glencore and the Company hereby acknowledge that the completion of the Rights Offering will trigger: (a) Section 13 of the 20161 Purchase Warrants which will require the exercise price in the 20161 Purchase Warrants to be adjusted in accordance with the formulae set forth in Section 13(b) of the 2016‑1 Purchase Warrants; (b) Article 4 of a warrant indenture between PolyMet and Computershare Trust Company of Canada dated October 18, 2016 (the “2016 Warrant Indenture”) with regards to the 20162 Purchase Warrants which will require the exercise price of the 20162 Purchase Warrants to be adjusted in accordance with the formulae set forth in Section 4.1(b) of the 2016 Warrant Indenture; and (c) Section 13 of the 2019 Purchase Warrants which will require the exercise price in the 2019 Purchase Warrants to be adjusted in accordance with the formulae set forth in Section 13(b) of the 2019 Purchase Warrants.  

Glencore and the Company hereby acknowledge that the completion of the Rights Offering will trigger Section 12 in the Exchange Warrant which will require the exercise prices in the Exchange Warrant to be adjusted in accordance with the formulae set forth in Section 12(d) of the Exchange Warrant.

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Glencore waives the provisions of paragraphs 11, 12, and 13 of the Subscription Agreement with respect to the issue of the Rights Offering Securities, provided that the waiver contemplated by this Section 2.4 shall be revoked upon the earlier of: (a) termination of this Agreement in accordance with its terms; or (b) the Company having committed a material breach of this Agreement.

Representations and Warranties

All representations and warranties of PolyMet and Glencore contained in this Agreement shall survive the completion of the transactions contemplated herein.

Representations and Warranties of the Company

The Company represents and warrants to Glencore as set out in Schedule 5. Capitalized terms used in Schedule 5 shall have the same definitions as the defined terms in the Agreement.

The Company shall not do, or omit to do, anything which would or might reasonably be expected to cause a representation or warranty set out in Schedule 5 to become untrue, inaccurate or misleading at any time (by reference to the circumstances subsisting at that time) before the Rights Offering Closing Date.

The Company shall notify Glencore immediately if it becomes aware of a fact or circumstance which has caused or would be reasonably likely to cause a representation or warranty set out in Schedule 5 to become untrue, inaccurate or misleading at any time (by reference to circumstances subsisting at that time) before the Rights Offering Closing Date.

The Company accepts that Glencore is relying upon the representations and warranties set out in Schedule 5 in connection with entering into this Agreement and consummating the transactions contemplated hereby.

Representations and Warranties of Glencore

Glencore represents and warrants to the Company as set out in Schedule 6.

Glencore accepts that the Company is relying upon the representations and warranties set out in Schedule 6 in connection with entering into this Agreement and consummating the transactions contemplated hereby.

Conduct of Business During Rights Offering

The Company hereby undertakes that, except with the prior written approval of Glencore, between the date of this Agreement and the Rights Offering Closing Date it shall (and shall procure that each of its Subsidiaries (including, for the avoidance of doubt, PMI) shall) conduct its business and operations in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice and without limiting the generality of the foregoing in accordance with the following terms:

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it will perform and observe all of the terms and conditions contained in each of the Credit Documents (as defined in the Extension Agreement) to which it is a party;

it will, at all times, undertake all appropriate efforts for the purposes of managing its property and undertaking in a commercially reasonable manner and maintaining its properties and assets in accordance with usual and accepted proper practice for its industry so as to maintain the value and utility of such properties and assets;

not make any payments or disbursements, nor incur any liability, except in respect of ordinary course of business expenses relating to the business of Company or PMI;

remit to the appropriate Governmental Entity when due all sales and other taxes collected or deemed to be collected by it (including, without limitation, goods and services tax and provincial sales tax);

remit to the appropriate Governmental Entity all source deductions (including, without limitation, withholding taxes, employment insurance and Canada Pension Plan contributions) at the same time as its payroll is paid; and

not enter into or agree to enter into, or amend, any material contracts.

The Company covenants and agrees with Glencore that, except with the prior written approval of Glencore, between the date of this Agreement and the Rights Offering Closing Date it shall not (and procure that each of its Subsidiaries (including for the avoidance of doubt, PMI) shall not):

pay any amount to its employees, officers or directors in their capacities as such by way of salary, bonus, commission, directors fees (other than (i) the special committee fees that have been disclosed in writing prior to the date of the Extension Agreement; and (ii) the annual cost of living salary increases approved at the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company on March 1, 2019) or otherwise in excess of the amounts currently being paid in accordance with contractual arrangements and policies existing as at 30 June 2018;

enter into any “change of control” agreement or any amendment or modification of any existing agreement to include “change of control” provisions which have the effect of creating new payment obligations and/or accelerating existing payment obligations) or any new or amended employment or retention or bonus agreement or any other similar agreement with any of its employees, officers or directors;

amend or propose any amendments to its constating documents;

amend or adopt any shareholder rights plan or issue any securities other than common shares in the ordinary course of business and/or pursuant to the Rights Offering; or

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guarantee, endorse or otherwise become surety for or upon any obligations of others.

The Company shall allow representatives of Glencore reasonable access to the operations of the Company and its Subsidiaries (subject to the Company receiving reasonable notice), subject always to appropriate restrictions to ensure that the Company or any of its Subsidiaries does not breach any legal or contractual confidentiality obligations.

Amended and Restated Corporate Governance Agreement

The Company covenants and agrees, on or prior to the Rights Offering Closing Date, to execute and deliver the amended and restated corporate governance agreement in substantially the form set out in Schedule 4.3.3 (the “Amended and Restated Corporate Governance Agreement”) to terminate the restrictions set out in Section 3(b) of the Existing Corporate Governance Agreement. For greater certainty, the Company shall not be obligated to enter into the Amended and Restated Corporate Governance Agreement if this Agreement is terminated in accordance with its terms prior to the completion and closing of the Rights Offering.

Demand Registration

Effective as of the Rights Offering Closing Date, Glencore and the Company shall execute and deliver a registration rights agreement (the “2019 Registration Rights Agreement”) in customary form, pursuant to which the Company will agree to provide registration rights under the 1933 Act, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, and applicable state securities laws, and qualification rights under Canadian Securities Laws with respect to the Shares acquired by Glencore in connection with this Agreement and any Shares issued under the 2019 Purchase Warrants.

Conditions and Termination Rights

For the avoidance of doubt, no obligation under this Agreement is subject to any conditions precedent other than as expressly set out in this Section 9 or Article 6 of Schedule 2.

The Company will use its best efforts to procure that each of the conditions set out in Section 6.3 and Section 6.4 of Article 6 of Schedule 2 and this Section 9 are fulfilled by the time referred to therein or herein or by such later time as may be agreed in writing with Glencore. The Company shall notify Glencore immediately in the event that the Company or any of its directors or officers become aware that any such condition has become or might reasonably be expected to become incapable of fulfilment by the time referred to therein or by such later time as may be agreed in writing with Glencore.

Neither Party shall be entitled to claim that any obligation under this Agreement need not be performed as a result of any condition set out in Section 6.3, Section 6.4 or Section 6.5 of Article 6 of Schedule 2 not being satisfied if the failure to satisfy such condition is as a result of any action or inaction constituting a breach of: (a) this Agreement; (b) the Extension Agreement; (c) the Warrant Amending Agreement; or (d) the Purchase Agreement, by the Party seeking to rely on it.

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Documentation for Inspection

The Company shall promptly (and in any event within five Business Days) deliver to Glencore all due diligence materials reasonably requested by Glencore.

Termination Rights

Glencore may terminate this Agreement by providing written notice to the Company at any time if PolyMet shall have not prepared and filed the Preliminary Prospectus with the Securities Authorities and the Registration Statement with the SEC and obtained a receipt or analogous decision document (the “Decision Document”) on or as of the date that this Agreement is executed.

For the avoidance of doubt, without limiting Glencore’s rights under Schedule 2, Glencore may terminate this Agreement by providing written notice to the Company at any time prior to, but not after, the date on which the Final Prospectus and Registration Statement is mailed to the Qualifying Shareholders pursuant to Section 2.5(b) of Schedule 2 if:

the Company has committed a material breach of this Agreement (which shall include, for the avoidance of doubt, any material breach of any representations or warranties set out in this Agreement) and, if capable of cure, has not cured it within a reasonable time; or

a Triggering Event has occurred; or

the Company or one of its Affiliates has otherwise committed a material breach of any other material agreement between the Company and/or its Affiliates on the one hand and Glencore and/or its Affiliates on the other hand and if capable of cure, has not been cured in the time permitted under the applicable agreement.

The Company may terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to Glencore at any time prior to, but not after, the date on which the Final Prospectus and Registration Statement is mailed to the Qualifying Shareholders pursuant to Section 2.5(b) of Schedule 2 if Glencore has committed a material breach of this Agreement and, if capable of cure, has not cured it within a reasonable time.

Glencore or the Company may terminate this Agreement immediately by giving written notice to the other party if Glencore delivers, or is deemed pursuant to Section 4.2 of Schedule 2 to have delivered, to the Company a Second Request Notification indicating that Glencore has elected not to respond and comply with a Second Request.

Consequences of Termination

If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 11.1, Section 11.2, Section 11.3 or Section 11.4, or Article 7 of Schedule 2, then:

this Agreement shall terminate and the Parties’ obligations under this Agreement shall cease immediately, except as set out in Section 12.1.4;

neither Party will have any claim against any other Party, provided however that this limitation shall not apply in respect of: (x) any fraud; or (y) a breach of this Agreement which occurred on or prior to the termination of this Agreement (which fraud or breach and liability therefore shall not be effected by the termination of this Agreement);

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the applications for the listing of the Rights Offering Securities shall be withdrawn and the Company shall procure that the listing will not become effective (except to the extent such listing has already become effective); and

the provisions of Section 1, Section 14.5, Section 14.6, Section 16 to Section 18 and Article 8 of Schedule 2 will remain in full force and effect.


The Company hereby agrees that, from the date of this Agreement until the earliest of: (a) the Rights Offering Closing Date; or (b) the termination of this Agreement in accordance with its terms, it shall not, and shall procure that none of its Subsidiaries, representatives, advisers, agents or employees shall, directly or indirectly:

solicit, negotiate or initiate the submission of proposals, indications of interest or offers of any kind which could lead to a Competing Transaction;

enter into or participate in any discussions or negotiations with any third party in relation to a proposal or request in respect of a Competing Transaction, or which may lead to a Competing Transaction;

provide any information to any third party in connection with a possible Competing Transaction; or

recommend any Competing Transaction to its Shareholders.

The Company hereby agrees that, with immediate effect, it shall and shall procure that its Subsidiaries and its or their representatives, advisors, agents or employees shall cease any ongoing activities that are prohibited pursuant to Section 13.1.

The Company will promptly (and in any event within one Business Day) inform Glencore if the Company or any of its Subsidiaries or its or their representatives, advisors, agents or employees receives or is informed of any proposal that could lead to a Competing Transaction.

Confidentiality and Announcements

The Company shall release the Launch Press Announcement immediately after the conclusion of trading on the TSX and NYSE American on the date of execution of this Agreement or, in the event that this Agreement is executed outside of trading hours of the TSX and NYSE American, before the commencement of trading on the next trading day following the execution of this Agreement.

The Company shall release press announcements as required in relation to:

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obtaining a receipt for the Final Prospectus from the Securities Authorities and the filing of the Registration Statement, the setting of the Record Date and the commencement of the Rights Offering; and

the levels of take up of Rights following the expiry of the Rights Offering; the above being referred to as the “Press Announcements,
provided that any Press Announcement shall, so far as is practicable, be made after consultation with Glencore and after taking into account its reasonable requirements regarding the content, timing and manner of dispatch the Press Announcement.
Subject to Section 14.4, no announcement, circular or communication (each an “Announcement”) concerning the existence or content of this Agreement shall be made by either Party (or any of its Subsidiaries or, in the case of Glencore, any Subsidiaries of Glencore plc) without the prior written approval of the other Party provided that, for the avoidance of doubt, Glencore hereby approves the release of the Launch Press Announcement.

Section 14.3 does not apply to any Announcement if, and to the extent that, it is required to be made by the rules of any Securities Authority or any governmental, regulatory, stock exchange or supervisory body or court of competent jurisdiction (“Relevant Authority”) to which the Party making the Announcement is subject, whether or not any of the same has the force of law, provided that any Announcement shall, so far as is practicable, be made after consultation with the other Party and after taking into account its reasonable requirements regarding the content, timing and manner of despatch of the Announcement in question.

Subject to Section 14.6, each Party shall treat as strictly confidential all information received or obtained as a result of entering into or performing this Agreement which relates to the subject matter and provisions of this Agreement; the negotiations relating to this Agreement; or the other Party.

A Party may disclose information which would otherwise be confidential if and to the extent:

required by the law of any relevant jurisdiction;

required by any Relevant Authority to which the Party making the disclosure is subject, whether or not such requirement has the force of law;

disclosure is made to the professional advisers, auditors, insurance providers and bankers of either Party who have a bona fide need to know such information provided that the Party making such disclosure shall be responsible for the actions of any professional advisor, auditor, insurance provider or banker to which information is disclosed to. That is, if any action by such persons would, if taken by a Party, constitute a violation of the provisions of this Agreement; the other Party shall be entitled to claim against the first Party as though such Party had taken the relevant actions;

the information has come into the public domain through no fault of that Party; or

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the other Party has given prior written approval to the disclosure, provided that any disclosure shall, so far as is practicable, be made only after consultation with the other Party.

Further Assurance

The Company and Glencore each undertake that they will execute such further documents and give any such further consents as may be required in order to give effect to this Agreement.

The Company and Glencore will provide all reasonable assistance and cooperation and supply all such information as may be required in order to obtain the necessary approvals for the transactions contemplated hereunder (subject always to any legal or contractual confidentiality obligations owed to third parties).


Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, a notice or other communication given under or in connection with this Agreement (a “Notice”) must be:

in writing;

in the English language; and

sent by a Permitted Method to the Notified Address.

A Permitted Method means any of the methods set out in the first column below. The second column sets out the time on which a Notice given by such Permitted Method will be deemed to be given and in proving service of such Notice it will be sufficient to prove that delivery was made or that the Notice was properly addressed and posted or faxed or emailed in full to the Notified Address.

Permitted Method

Date on which Notice Deemed Given
Personal delivery
When delivered at the Notified Address if delivered before 6.00 p.m. (recipient’s time) on any Business Day and in any other case at 9.00 a.m. (recipient’s time) on the Business Day following delivery

First class pre‑paid post
Two Business Days after posting

Fax transmission
On completion of transmission if before 6.00 p.m. (recipient’s time) on any Business Day and in any other case at 9.00 a.m. (recipient’s time) on the Business Day following transmission

Email transmission
On completion of transmission if before 6.00 p.m. (recipient’s time) on any Business Day and in any other case at 9.00 a.m. (recipient’s time) on the Business Day following transmission

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The Notified Addresses of each of the parties is as set out below:

Name of Party
Fax number/Email
Baarermattstrasse 3
PO Box 1301, 6341 Baar Switzerland

Matthew Weber
Copy to (which shall not constitute notice):
McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Suite 5300, 66 Wellington Street West
Toronto, ON  M5K 1E6 Canada
+1 416 868 0673
Adam Taylor and Roger Taplin
Copy to (which shall not constitute notice):
Curtis, Mallet‑Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP
101 Park Avenue
New York, New York 10178‑0061

+ 1 917 368 8918
Jeffrey N. Ostrager
Suite 5700, 100 King Street West
Toronto, ON  M5X 1C7

+1 416 915 4149
Jon Cherry
Copy to (which shall not constitute notice):
Troutman Sanders LLP
The Chrysler Building
405 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10174
United States

+1 212‑704‑5950
Joseph Walsh
Copy to (which shall not constitute notice):
Norton Rose Fulbright LLP
Suite 3800, 200 Bay Street
Toronto, ON  M5J 2Z4

+1 416‑216‑2967
Robert Mason
Copy to (which shall not constitute notice):
Farris, Vaughan, Wills & Murphy LLP
Suite 2500, 700 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC  V7Y 1B3
+1 604‑661‑9349
Denise Nawata

or such other Notified Address as any of the parties may, by written notice to the other parties, substitute for their Notified Address set out above.

This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which when executed and delivered is an original and all of which taken together evidence the same agreement.

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This Agreement, and each other agreement or instrument entered into in connection herewith or therewith or contemplated hereby or thereby, and any amendments hereto or thereto, to the extent signed and delivered by means of a facsimile machine or by a PDF attachment to an email, shall be treated in all manner and respects as an original agreement or instrument and shall be considered to have the same binding legal effect as if it were the original signed version thereof delivered in person. At the request of any Party hereto or to any such agreement or instrument, each other Party hereto or thereto shall reexecute original forms thereof and deliver them to all other Parties. No Party hereto or to any such agreement or instrument shall raise the use of a facsimile machine or by a PDF attachment to an email to deliver a signature or the fact that any signature or agreement or instrument was transmitted or communicated through the use of a facsimile machine or email as a defence to the formation or enforceability of a contract and each such Party forever waives any such defence.

This Agreement is binding on and enures for the benefit of the successors, permitted assigns or legal personal representatives of the Parties.

No Party may assign its rights under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other Party. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Glencore may assign its rights and interests in this Agreement to an Affiliate without PolyMet’s prior written consent subject to the transferee agreeing in writing to be bound by the terms and conditions hereof.

Other than in respect of the Glencore Indemnified Parties in Article 8 of Schedule 2, nothing in this Agreement, express or implied, is intended to or shall confer upon any Person, other than the Parties, any right, benefit, or remedy of any nature whatsoever under or by reason of this Agreement. With respect to those provisions of the Agreement applicable to Glencore Indemnified Parties, Glencore is executing, delivering and holding this Agreement as agent and trustee for such Glencore Indemnified Parties.

The obligations of the Parties under this Agreement have effect notwithstanding anything revealed in any investigation made by or on behalf of any Person.

The language used in this Agreement is the language chosen by the Parties to express their mutual intent, and no rule of strict construction shall apply against any Party.

No failure by any Party to exercise any right or remedy under any provision of this Agreement will operate as a waiver and no single or partial exercise of any right or remedy of any Party will preclude the further exercise or enforcement of any such right or remedy. No waiver by either Party will be deemed to have been made unless it is in writing refers specifically to this Agreement and executed by the waiving Party.

No amendment of this Agreement or of any of the documents referred to in this Agreement will be effective unless it is in writing, refers specifically to this Agreement and is duly executed by each Party.

This Agreement shall not create, nor shall be deemed to create, any partnership, fiduciary relationship or duty between the Parties or constitute either Party the agent or legal representative of the other.

Unless otherwise specified, time periods within or following which any payment is to be made or act is to be done, shall be calculated by excluding the day on which the period commences and including the day on which the period ends and by extending the period to the next Business Day following if the last day of the period is not a Business Day.

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If any provision of this Agreement is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable under the law of any jurisdiction, neither the legality, validity nor enforceability of the remaining parts of this Agreement will be affected or impaired in any way.

Each Party shall bear its own expenses in the preparation of this Agreement.

This Agreement, the Extension Agreement, the Purchase Agreement and the Warrant Amending Agreement and the documents contemplated herein and therein represent the entire agreement with respect to the subject matter dealt with herein and supersede all prior discussions, negotiations, agreements, understandings whether oral or written, Except as expressly represented and warranted herein, no Party shall be considered to have given any other express or implied representations or warranties, including as a result of oral or written statements. In the event of a conflict between this Agreement on the one hand, and the Extension Agreement, the Warrant Amending Agreement or the Purchase Agreement on the other hand, the Extension Agreement and/or the Warrant Amending Agreement and/or the Purchase Agreement (as the case may be) shall prevail.

Time is of the essence in this Agreement.

Unless otherwise provided, all dollar amounts referred to in this Agreement are to United States currency or “American dollars”. If, in connection with any action or proceeding brought in connection with this Agreement or any resulting judgment, it becomes necessary to convert any amount due hereunder in one currency (the “first currency”) into another currency (the “second currency”), then the conversion shall be made at the Judgment Conversion Rate on the first Business Day prior to the day on which payment is received. If the conversion is not able to be made in the manner contemplated by the preceding paragraph in the jurisdiction in which the action or proceeding is brought, then the conversion shall be made at the Judgment Conversion Rate on the day on which the judgment is given. If the Judgment Conversion Rate on the date of payment is different from the Judgment Conversion Rate on such first Business Day or on the date of judgment, as the case may be, the Party shall pay such additional amount (if any) in the second currency as may be necessary to ensure that the amount paid on such payment date is the aggregate amount in the second currency which, when converted at the Judgment Conversion Rate on the date of payment, is the amount due in the first currency, together with all costs, charges and expenses of conversion. Any additional amount owing pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be due as a separate debt and shall give rise to a separate cause of action and shall not be affected by or merged into any judgment obtained for any other amounts due under or in respect of this Agreement.

The term “Judgment Conversion Rate” used in this section means the noon rate of exchange for Canadian dollars in the other currency published by the Bank of Canada for the date in question.

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Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be governed, including as to validity, interpretation and effect, by the laws of the Province of British Columbia and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein, and shall be construed and treated in all respects as a British Columbia contract. Each Party hereby irrevocably attorns to the nonexclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of British Columbia in respect to all matters arising under and in relation to this Agreement.

Signatures to appear on the following page.

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This Agreement has been entered into on the date stated at the beginning of this Agreement.
Signed by Patrick Keenan
for and on behalf of
/s/ Patrick Keenan
Authorised signatory
Signed by Martin Haering
for and on behalf of
/s/ Martin Haering
Authorised signatory
Signed by Nicola Leigh
for and on behalf of
/s/ Nicola Leigh
Authorised signatory

5 Day VWAP
has the meaning given to it in Section 2.5(a) of Schedule 2

1933 Act
means the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder

1934 Act
means the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder

2016 Warrant Indenture
has the meaning given to it in Section 2.2

2016‑1 Purchase Warrants
means purchase warrants to acquire 625,000 Shares that were issued by PolyMet to Glencore AG on October 28, 2016

2016‑2 Purchase Warrants
means the purchase warrants to acquire 7,055,626 Shares that were issued by PolyMet to Glencore AG on October 28, 2016

2018 Purchase Warrants
has the meaning given to it in the Recitals

2019 Purchase Warrant
has the meaning given to it in the Recitals

2019 Purchase Warrant Issuance
has the meaning given to it in the Recitals

2019 Registration Rights Agreement
has the meaning given to it in Section 8.1

ABC Violation
means any violation, or activity or conduct which would amount to a violation but for jurisdictional reasons, of:
(a) any Anti‑Corruption Laws;
(b) any Anti‑Money Laundering Laws; or
(c) any Trade Sanctions

Additional Subscription Privilege
has the meaning given to it in Section 2.2 of Schedule 2

Additional Subscription Shares
has the meaning given to it in Section 2.6(b) of Schedule 2

has the meaning given to it under NI 45‑106

means this Standby Purchase Agreement

Amended and Restated Corporate Governance Agreement
has the meaning given to it in Section 7.1

Amendment 26 to the Purchase Agreement
means amendment 26 to the Purchase Agreement which was made effective as of March 29, 2019

has the meaning given to it in Section 14.3

Annual Report
means the Company’s Annual Report on Form 40‑F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2018, as amended

- 1-2 -

Anti‑Corruption Laws
(a) the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions, 1997 (the “OECD Convention”);
(b) the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 of the United States of America, as amended by the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Amendments of 1988 and 1998, and as may be further amended and supplement from time to time (the “FCPA”);
(c) the UK Bribery Act 2010, Prevention of Corruptions Act 1906 and the 1916 and Public Bodies Corrupt Practices Act 1889;
(d) any other applicable law (including any: (i) statute, ordinance, rule or regulation; (ii) order of any court, tribunal or any other judicial body; and (iii) rule, regulation, guideline or order of any public body, or any other administrative requirement) which:
i) prohibits the conferring of any gift, payment or other benefit to any Person or any officer, employee, agent or adviser of such Person; and/or
ii) is broadly equivalent to the FCPA and/or the above United Kingdom laws or was intended to enact the provisions of the OECD Convention or which has as its objective the prevention of corruption

Anti‑Money Laundering Laws
means all laws and regulations related to money laundering and financial record keeping, including related reporting requirements which are applicable to any of Glencore, PolyMet or PMI

Applicable Pension Legislation
means, at any time, any applicable Canadian or United States federal, state or provincial pension legislation, including all regulations made thereunder and all rules, regulations, rulings, guidelines, directives and interpretations made or issued by any Governmental Entity in Canada or the United States having or asserting jurisdiction in respect thereof, each as amended or replaced from time to time

Basic Entitlement Shares
has the meaning given to it in Section 2.4(d) of Schedule 2

Basic Subscription Right
has the meaning given to it in Section 2.4(c) of Schedule 2

means the British Columbia Securities Commission

Benefit Plan
means all employee benefit plans or arrangements that are not Pension Plans, including all profit sharing, savings, supplemental retirement, retiring allowance, severance, pension, deferred compensation, stock, stock option, welfare, bonus, incentive compensation, phantom stock, legal services, supplementary unemployment benefit plans or arrangements and all life, health, dental and disability plans and arrangements in which the employees or former employees of the Company participate or are eligible to participate

Board or Board of Directors
means the Board of Directors of PolyMet

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Business Day
means any day, other than a Saturday or a Sunday, upon which banks are open for business in the City of Vancouver, Canada and the City of Zurich, Switzerland

any actual or potential claims, actions, proceedings or investigations (whether by governmental or regulatory bodies or otherwise), demands, judgments or awards

Closing Date Indebtedness
has the meaning given to it in the Extension Agreement

Company or PolyMet
has the meaning given to it in the Recitals

Competing Transaction
any transaction or proposed transaction involving the Company or any of its Subsidiaries under which a third party would: (a) acquire any of the business (otherwise than in the ordinary course of business) or assets of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries; (b) acquire, from the Company or any of its Subsidiaries, any Shares or other securities in the Company or any of its Subsidiaries; (c) undertake any merger, business combination, recapitalisation, amalgamation, plan of arrangement or similar transaction involving the Company or any of its Subsidiaries; or (d) provide any equity or debt financing to the Company or any of its Subsidiaries, (provided that the Rights Offering shall not constitute a Competing Transaction)

means Computershare Trust Company of Canada, the registrar and transfer agent of the Company

Convertible Debentures
means the Debentures that, in accordance with their provisions, are convertible or exchangeable into Shares pursuant to, and in accordance with, the provisions set forth in the Exchange Warrant

Convertible Debt
has the meaning given to it in the Recitals

has the meaning given to it in the Recitals

Decision Document
has the meaning given to it in Section 11.1

Disclosure Documents
means the Company’s Management Information Circular dated May 3, 2018 the Company’s Annual Information Form for the year ended December 31, 2018 dated March 28, 2019; and the audited consolidated financial statements and accompanying management’s discussion and analysis and all interim financial statements, interim management’s discussion and analyses and material change reports filed pursuant to applicable Securities Laws since December 31, 2018; any material change report required to be filed under Securities Laws since December 31, 2018; the Annual Report; all other reports filed by the Company pursuant to the 1934 Act since December 31, 2018 and any other disclosure documents incorporated by reference in the Prospectus or Registration Statement

Disclosure Letter
means the disclosure letter executed by the Company and delivered to and accepted by Glencore as of the date of this Agreement

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means any hypothec, mortgage, pledge, security interest, encumbrance, lien, charge, deposit arrangement, lease, adverse claim, right of set‑off or agreement, trust, deemed trust or any other arrangement or condition that in substance secures payment or performance of an obligation of the Company or PMI, statutory and other non‑commercial leases or encumbrances and includes the interest of a vendor or lessor under any conditional sale agreement, capital lease or other title retention agreement

Environmental Laws
has the meaning given to it in paragraph (aa) of Schedule 5

Erie Plant
means the owned taconite concentrator and pellet plant and supporting infrastructure and surrounding lands located approximately six miles west of the NorthMet Deposit, together with all related property and assets

Event of Default
means: (a) an “Event of Default” as defined in the Debentures; or (b) a breach of a Material Agreement that has had, or reasonably could have, a Material Adverse Effect

has the meaning given to it in the Recitals

Exchange Warrant
has the meaning given to it in the Recitals

Exercise Price Reduction
has the meaning given to it in the Recitals

Existing Corporate Governance Agreement
means the corporate governance agreement dated July 5, 2013 entered into between the Company and Glencore

Expiry Date Extension
has the meaning given to it in the Recitals

Extension Agreement
has the meaning given to it in the Recitals

Final Prospectus
means the (final) short form prospectus to be filed by PolyMet with the Securities Authorities (and the Prospectus to be filed with the SEC pursuant to the Multi‑Jurisdictional Disclosure System) in connection with the Rights Offering, as amended by any Prospectus Amendment

first currency
has the meaning given to it in Section 17.16

has the meaning given to it in the Recitals

Glencore Debt
has the meaning given to it in the Recitals

Glencore Indemnified Parties
has the meaning given to it in Section 8.1 of Schedule 2

Glencore Nominee
means a director nominated by Glencore to the Board

Governmental Entity
means: (a) any multinational, federal, provincial, state, regional, municipal, local or other government, governmental or public department, central bank, court, tribunal, arbitral body, commission, board, bureau or agency, domestic or foreign; (b) any subdivision, agent, commission, board or authority of any of the foregoing; (c) any quasi‑governmental or private body, including any tribunal, commission, regulatory agency or self‑regulatory organization, exercising any regulatory, expropriation or taxing authority under or for the account of any of the foregoing; or (d) any stock exchange, including the TSX and NYSE American

- 1-5 -

Gross Proceeds
has the meaning given to it in the Recitals

means the Hart‑Scott‑Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as amended, and including any rules, regulations and requirements promulgated thereunder

HSR Clearance
means the expiration or termination of any waiting period and any extensions thereof, or any timing agreements or legally binding commitments obtained by request or other action of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission and/or the U.S. Department of Justice, as applicable, under the HSR Act relating to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement

means international financial reporting standards, as issued by the International Accounting Standard Board and as adopted in Canada, as in effect from time to time

Indemnified Party
has the meaning given to it in Section 8.6 of Schedule 2

Indemnifying Party
has the meaning given to it in Section 8.6 of Schedule 2

Intellectual Property Rights
has the meaning given to it in paragraph (z) of Schedule 5

Judgment Conversion Rate
has the meaning given to it in Section 17.17

Launch Press Announcement
means the press announcement, in form attached as Schedule 3

means any and all applicable laws including all statutes, codes, ordinances, decrees, rules, regulations, municipal by‑laws, judicial or arbitral or administrative or ministerial or departmental or regulatory judgments, orders, decisions, rulings or awards, instruments, policies, guidelines, and general principles of common law and equity, binding on or affecting the Person referred to in the context in which the word is used

Leased Real Properties
means the land and premises listed on, and legally described in Schedule 5, paragraph (n) with respect to which the Company or PMI holds a lease, license, easement, or other interest as further described in Schedule 5, paragraph (n)

Loss (or Losses)
has the meaning given to it in Section 8.1 of Schedule 2

M3 Technical Report
means the technical report entitled “NorthMet Project Form NI 43‑101F1 Technical Report, Minnesota, USA” dated March 26, 2018 prepared by M3 Engineering & Technology Corp.

- 1-6 -

Material Adverse Effect
means any event, occurrence or condition (or series of related events, occurrences or conditions) which, individually or in the aggregate, could reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on or results in a material adverse change in any of the following: (i) the condition (financial or otherwise), business, assets or results of operations of the Company and its Subsidiaries considered as a whole; (ii) the ability of the Company to perform any of its obligations under the terms of this Agreement; and (iii) the validity or enforceability of any of this Agreement or the rights and remedies of Glencore under the terms of this Agreement, except any such effect resulting from or arising in connection with: (a) any change in IFRS; (b) any change in the global, national or regional political conditions (including the outbreak of war or acts of terrorism) or in the general economic, business, regulatory, political or market conditions or in the national or global financial or capital markets; (c) any change in the industry in which the Company and its Subsidiaries operate, provided that for the purposes of (b) and (c) such effect does not primarily relate to (or have the effect primarily relating to) the Company and its Subsidiaries (considered as a whole) or disproportionately adversely affects the Company and its Subsidiaries (considered as a whole) compared to other entities operating in the industries in which the Company and its Subsidiaries operate

Material Agreements
means: (a) those agreements listed on Schedule S1 (as amended, restated, supplemented or replaced as permitted hereunder); and (b) those agreements (as amended, supplemented, revised or restated as permitted herein from time to time) of PolyMet or PMI, the breach, non‑performance or cancellation of which or the failure of which to renew could reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect

material change
has the meaning given to it in the Securities Act

material fact
has the meaning given to it in the Securities Act

Mineral Rights
has the meaning given to it in paragraph (bb) of Schedule 5

means: (a) a “misrepresentation” as defined in Section 1(1) of the Securities Act; or (b) as to any document, any untrue statement of a material fact or omission to state any material fact required to be stated therein or necessary in order to make the statements therein, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading

NI 45‑106
means National Instrument 45‑106 – Prospectus and Registration Exemptions of the Canadian Securities Regulators

NI 54‑101
means National Instrument 54‑101 – Communication with Beneficial Owners of Securities of a Reporting Issuer of the Canadian Securities Regulators

Non‑Convertible Debentures
means the Debentures other than the Convertible Debentures

Non‑Convertible Debt
has the meaning given to it in the Recitals

Non-Material Subsidiaries
has the meaning given to it in Schedule 5, paragraph (b)
NorthMet Deposit
means the polymetallic copper‑nickel‑cobalt‑platinum group element deposit situated on a mineral lease of approximately 4,200 acres located in St. Louis County in northeastern Minnesota, U.S.A., at approximately latitude 47° 36’ north, longitude 91° 58’ west, about 70 miles north of the City of Duluth and 6.5 miles south of the town of Babbitt, together with all related property and assets

- 1-7 -

NorthMet Project
means the mining project comprised of the NorthMet Deposit and the Erie Plant

has the meaning given to it in Section 16.1

NYSE American
means the NYSE American, LLC

Owned Real Property
means the land and premises listed on, and legally described in Schedule 5, paragraph (m)-1 and the buildings and fixtures thereon

Parties or Party
means Glencore and the Company; “Party” means any one of them and reference to either of them includes a reference to that Party’s legal personal representatives, successors and permitted assigns

Pension Plan
means any plan, program, agreement or arrangement for the purpose of Applicable Pension Legislation or under the Tax Act (whether or not required under such law) that is maintained or contributed to or to which there is or may be an obligation to contribute by the Company or PMI in respect of their respective employees or former employees

Permitted Encumbrances
means the following types of encumbrances: (a) statutory Encumbrances of landlords and Encumbrances of carriers, warehousemen, mechanics, suppliers, material men, repairmen and other Encumbrances imposed by law incurred in the ordinary course of business and Encumbrances for taxes, assessments or governmental charges or claims, in either case, for sums not yet overdue or being contested in good faith by appropriate proceedings, if such reserve or other appropriate provision, if any, as shall be required by IFRS shall have been made in respect thereof; (b) Encumbrances incurred or deposits made in the ordinary course of business in connection with workers’ compensation, unemployment insurance and other types of social security, or to secure the performance of tenders, statutory obligations, surety and appeal bonds, bids, leases, government contracts, performance and return‑of‑money bonds and other similar obligations (exclusive of obligations for the payment of borrowed money); (c) Encumbrances upon specific items of inventory or other goods and proceeds of any Person securing such Person’s obligations in respect of bankers’ acceptances issued or created for the account of such Person to facilitate the purchase, shipment or storage of such inventory or other goods; (d) Encumbrances encumbering deposits made to secure obligations arising from statutory, regulatory, contractual or warranty requirements of the Company or PMI, including rights of offset and setoff; (e) bankers’ liens, rights of setoff and other similar Encumbrances existing solely with respect to cash on deposit in one or more accounts maintained by the Company or PMI, in each case granted in the ordinary course of business in favour of the bank or banks with which such accounts are maintained, securing amounts owing to such bank with respect to cash management and operating account arrangements, including those involving pooled accounts and netting arrangements; provided, however, that in no case shall any such Encumbrances secure (either directly or indirectly) the repayment of any debt; (f) leases or subleases (or any Encumbrances related thereto) granted to others that do not materially interfere with the ordinary course of business of the Company or PMI; (g) attachment or judgment Encumbrances not giving rise to an Event of Default and which are being contested in good faith by appropriate proceedings; (h) easements, rights‑of‑way, restrictions and other similar charges or encumbrances not materially interfering with the ordinary course of business of the Company or PMI; (i) zoning restrictions, licenses, restrictions on the use of real property or minor irregularities in title thereto, which do not materially impair the use of such real property in the ordinary course of business of the Company and its Subsidiaries or the value of such real property for the purpose of such business; and (h) Encumbrances securing hedging obligations entered into for bona fide hedging purposes of the Company or PMI not for the purpose of speculation

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includes an individual, corporation, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, limited liability company, association, trust, estate, custodian, trustee, executor, administrator, nominee or other entity or organization, including (without limitation) a Governmental Entity or political subdivision or an agency or instrumentality thereof

has the meaning given to it in the Recitals

has the meaning given to it in the Recitals

Preliminary Prospectus
means the preliminary short form prospectus in the form attached as Schedule 4 to be filed by PolyMet with the Securities Authorities (including, for the avoidance of doubt, the Preliminary Prospectus filed with the SEC in accordance with the Multi‑Jurisdictional Disclosure System) in connection with the Rights Offering, as amended by any Prospectus Amendment

Press Announcements
has the meaning given to it in Section 14.2.2

means, collectively, the Preliminary Prospectus, the Final Prospectus, and any Prospectus Amendment(s)

Prospectus Amendment
means any amendment to the Preliminary Prospectus or the Final Prospectus

Purchase Agreement
has the meaning given to it in the Recitals 

Qualifying Jurisdictions
means all provinces and territories in Canada

Qualifying Shareholders
has the meaning given to it in Section 2.1 of Schedule 2

- 1-9 -

Record Date
means the record date established pursuant to Section 2.5(a) of Schedule 2 for the purpose of determining the holders of Shares who are entitled to receive Rights pursuant to the Rights Offering

means the qualification of Shares under Securities Laws, by prospectus or otherwise, for distribution in any of the provinces or territories of Canada in which PolyMet is a “reporting issuer”, or in the United States

Registration Statement
means the registration statement on Form F‑10 of which the Prospectus shall form a part, as amended, registering, inter alia, the Rights Offering Securities under the 1933 Act and prepared in accordance with the Multi‑Jurisdictional Disclosure System including the exhibits and any schedules thereto and the documents incorporated by reference therein

Relevant Authority
has the meaning given to it in Section 14.4

means the transferable rights to subscribe for Shares offered by PolyMet pursuant to the Rights Offering, with each holder of Shares receiving one right per Share held

Rights Certificate
has the meaning given to it in Section 2.5(b) of Schedule 2

Rights Issue Date
means the date on which the Rights are issued by the Company to the holders of record of its Shares on the Record Date

Rights Offering
has the meaning given to it in the Recitals to the Agreement

Rights Offering Closing Date
has the meaning given to it in Section 6.1 of Schedule 2

Rights Offering Closing Time
has the meaning given to it in Section 6.1 of Schedule 2

Rights Offering Expiry Date
means the date on which the Rights will expire and become null and void as set out in the Final Prospectus and Registration Statement, such date being the 21st day following the date on which the Final Prospectus or Registration Statement is delivered to holders of record of the Shares on the Record Date, or such later date as may be agreed in writing by PolyMet and Glencore

Rights Offering Expiry Time
means 5:00 p.m. (Toronto time) on the Rights Offering Expiry Date

Rights Offering Ratio
has the meaning given to it in Section 2.4(d) of Schedule 2

Rights Offering Securities
means, collectively, the Rights, the Shares issuable upon exercise of the Rights and the Standby Shares

Rights Offering Shares
means the Shares issuable pursuant to the Rights Offering

Sarbanes‑Oxley Act
means the Sarbanes‑Oxley Act of 2002 and all rules and regulations promulgated thereunder

means the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

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second currency
has the meaning given to it in Section 17.16

Second Request
has the meaning given to it in Section 4.2(d) of Schedule 2

Second Request Notification
Has the meaning given to it in Section 4.2(d) of Schedule 2

Securities Act
means the Securities Act (British Columbia) and the rules, regulations and published policies made thereunder, as now in effect and as they may be promulgated or amended from time to time

Securities Authorities
means the TSX, the BCSC, the SEC and the NYSE American and the applicable securities commissions and other securities regulatory authorities in each of the other provinces and territories of Canada

Securities Laws
means the Securities Act, together with all other applicable Canadian provincial and territorial securities laws, rules and regulations and published policies thereunder, the 1933 Act, the 1934 Act and all other applicable U.S. federal and state securities laws and rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, as now in effect and as they may be promulgated or amended from time to time, together with the applicable rules of the TSX and NYSE American

means a holder of Shares from time to time

means common shares in the capital of PolyMet

Standby Commitment
has the meaning given to it in Section 2.3(a) of Schedule 2

Standby Fee
has the meaning given to it in Section 2.7 of Schedule 2

Standby Purchaser
means Glencore

Standby Shares
has the meaning given to it in Section 2.3(a) of Schedule 2

Subscription Agent
means Computershare

Subscription Agreement
has the meaning given to it in the Recitals

Subscription Price
has the meaning given to it in Section 2.4(a) of Schedule 2

has the meaning given to it in NI 45‑106

Tax Act
means the Income Tax Act (Canada), as amended

Trade Sanctions
means all laws relating to economic or trade sanctions, including the laws or regulations implemented by the Office of Foreign Assets Controls of the United States Department of the Treasury and any similar laws or regulations in other applicable jurisdictions which are applicable to any of Glencore, PolyMet or PMI

Triggering Event
has the meaning given to it in the Extension Agreement

means the Toronto Stock Exchange

US or United States
means the United States of America its territories and possessions and any of the United States of America and the District of Columbia and other areas subject to its jurisdiction

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has the meaning given to it in Section 2.4(a) of Schedule 2

Warrant Amending Agreement
has the meaning given to it in the Recitals

Definitions. The defined terms used in this Schedule 2, unless the context otherwise requires, are set out in Schedule 1.
Conduct of Rights Offering. Subject to and in accordance with the provisions hereof, PolyMet agrees to offer, in accordance with Securities Laws and pursuant to the Prospectus and Registration Statement, the Rights to Persons that are the holders of record of Shares on the Record Date: (a) with an address in one of the Qualifying Jurisdictions; or (b) with an address in any other jurisdiction, where PolyMet has satisfied itself that such holder is entitled to receive the Rights Offering Securities under the Rights Offering in accordance with the laws of such jurisdiction and without obliging PolyMet to register the Rights Offering Securities or file a prospectus or other disclosure document or to make any other filings or become subject to any reporting or disclosure obligations that PolyMet is not already obligated to make (together, “Qualifying Shareholders”). The Parties hereby acknowledge and agree that Glencore is a Qualifying Shareholder. With respect to non‑Qualifying Shareholders, the Parties acknowledge and agree that Rights will be issued to the Subscription Agent to hold for their benefit.

Additional Subscription Privilege. PolyMet shall ensure that each Qualifying Shareholder who has exercised its Rights in full by the Rights Offering Expiry Time shall have the right to subscribe for additional Shares immediately prior to the Rights Offering Expiry Time (if such are available) as a result of Rights that are not exercised by the Rights Offering Expiry Time, subject to pro ration as provided for in the Prospectus (the “Additional Subscription Privilege”).

Standby Commitment.

Subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, Glencore hereby agrees to subscribe for and PolyMet hereby agrees to issue to Glencore at the Subscription Price and on the Rights Offering Closing Date, as fully paid and non‑assessable Shares, such number of Shares (the “Standby Shares”) equal to the result of (x) minus (y), where: (x) equals the number of Shares determined by dividing the Gross Proceeds by the Subscription Price; and (y) equals the number of Shares subscribed for and taken up under the Rights Offering by holders of Rights, including Glencore, pursuant to the Basic Subscription Right and Additional Subscription Privilege (if any) (such commitment referred to as the “Standby Commitment”).

Glencore and PolyMet hereby agree that it is the intent of both Parties that Glencore, by virtue of acting as Standby Purchaser hereunder, shall not be deemed an “underwriter” or deemed to be engaged in broker‑dealer activity requiring registration as defined in Applicable Securities Laws, and Glencore and PolyMet shall in the fulfillment of their obligations hereunder act in accordance with this mutual understanding.

- 2-2 -

Offering Size and Price Determination

The gross proceeds from the Rights Offering will, subject as provided in Section 2.4(d) of this Schedule 2 below, be equal (as nearly as reasonably practicable) to the Gross Proceeds. The subscription price per Rights Offering Share (the “Subscription Price”) will be payable in US dollars (and the US dollar price will be fixed on the date of the filing of the Final Prospectus). The Subscription Price will be determined by the Parties at the date of filing of the Final Prospectus and shall be discounted by no more than 20% from the then 5 day VWAP for the Shares on the TSX. For the purposes of this Section 2.4(a), “5 day VWAP” means the VWAP on TSX for the five trading days ending on the trading date immediately preceding the date of filing of the Final Prospectus, and “VWAP” means the volume weighted average trading price of the Shares on the TSX, calculated by dividing the total value by the total volume of securities traded for the relevant period and by converting the total value of the trading prices of such securities on the TSX into U.S. dollars at the Judgment Conversion Rate.

The aggregate number of Rights Offering Shares (as nearly as practicable) which are issuable will be determined by dividing the Gross Proceeds by the Subscription Price, which number will be subject to increase as described in Section 2.4(d) of this Schedule 2 below.

For each Right held, the holder thereof will be entitled to subscribe for a fractional number of Shares (the “Basic Subscription Right”) determined by dividing the total number of Rights Offering Shares (calculated in accordance with Section 2.4(b) of this Schedule 2 above) by the total the number of Shares outstanding determined on the latest practicable date before the date of the filing of the Final Prospectus.

The ratio of new Rights Offering Shares offered pursuant to the Basic Subscription Right (“Basic Entitlement Shares”) for each existing Share held will be fixed at the date of the filing of the Final Prospectus as described above (“Rights Offering Ratio”). However, if any Shares are issued prior to the Record Date (where such Shares are not already included in the number of shares determined on the Record Date), the Rights Offering Ratio will remain fixed as determined in the Prospectus and consequently, the number of Rights issued and the Rights Offering Shares will be increased. For the avoidance of doubt, this will not increase the Standby Commitment of Glencore.

Where a holder’s exercise of Rights would otherwise entitle such holder to fractional Shares, such holder’s entitlement will be reduced to the next lowest whole number of Shares. PolyMet will not be required to issue fractional Shares or to pay cash in lieu thereof.

- 2-3 -

Timing of Rights Offering. Subject to and in accordance with the provisions hereof, PolyMet agrees that it will file with the Securities Authorities in the Qualifying Jurisdictions and with the SEC: (a) the Preliminary Prospectus and the Registration Statement as soon as practicable following the execution of this Agreement and for the avoidance of doubt, no later than the close of business on the date on which this Agreement is executed; and (b) the Final Prospectus and the Registration Statement on or before the day which is five Business Days immediately following the later of the date on which: (x) all necessary approvals and consents are received from the Securities Authorities that are necessary or advisable, in PolyMet’s opinion, acting reasonably, to proceed with the filing of the Final Prospectus and the Registration Statement and completion of the Rights Offering; or (y) the HSR Clearance shall have been obtained on terms acceptable to Glencore in its sole discretion (or such other date as the Parties may agree acting reasonably). PolyMet will use its best efforts to obtain a Decision Document as soon as possible following the filing of each of the Preliminary Prospectus and Final Prospectus with the Securities Authorities and to obtain final TSX and NYSE American approval of the Rights Offering as soon as possible following the filing of the Preliminary Prospectus with the Securities Authorities and the Registration Statement with the SEC. On receipt of the Decision Document and final TSX and NYSE American approval, PolyMet shall:

as soon as reasonably practicable announce that the record date will be the date falling not less than seven trading days after that announcement (the “Record Date”); and

(i) within two Business Days after the Record Date, mail to holders of record in a Qualifying Jurisdiction a certificate (a “Rights Certificate”) evidencing the total number of rights to which a Qualifying Shareholder is entitled, together with a commercial copy of the Final Prospectus or the Registration Statement, as applicable; (ii) within six Business Days after the Record Date, mail to beneficial holders in a Qualifying Jurisdiction (determined pursuant to and in the manner contemplated by NI 54‑101) a Rights Certificate evidencing the total number of Rights to which a Qualifying Shareholder is entitled, together with a commercial copy of the Final Prospectus or the Registration Statement, as applicable; (iii) within two Business Days after the Record Date, mail to holders of record not in a Qualifying Jurisdiction a commercial copy of the Final Prospectus or the Registration Statement, as applicable, together with a letter advising them that their Rights Certificates will be issued on their behalf to the Subscription Agent; and (iv) within six Business Days after the Record Date, mail to beneficial holders not in a Qualifying Jurisdiction (determined pursuant to and in the manner contemplated by NI 54‑101) a commercial copy of the Final Prospectus or the Registration Statement, as applicable together with a letter advising them that their Rights Certificates will be issued on their behalf to the Subscription Agent.

Additional Subscription Shares and Standby Shares.

Subject to and in accordance with the provisions hereof, on the Rights Offering Closing Date, Glencore will pay in immediately available funds by wire transfer to an account designated by PolyMet, the aggregate Subscription Price that is payable for the Basic Entitlement Shares and the Standby Shares to be purchased by it hereunder, and PolyMet will issue the Basic Entitlement Shares and the Standby Shares to Glencore as fully paid and non‑assessable Shares, shall update the share register of the Company to enter Glencore as a holder of record of those Shares, and shall deliver to Glencore a certificate in respect of those Shares.

In the event that Glencore exercises, in full or in part, its Additional Subscription Privilege, Glencore shall be obligated to pay for such Shares (“Additional Subscription Shares”) in accordance with the provisions of the Rights Offering, and on the Rights Offering Closing Date PolyMet will issue the Additional Subscription Shares to Glencore as fully paid and non‑assessable Shares, shall update the share register of the Company to enter Glencore as a holder of record of those Shares, and shall deliver to Glencore a certificate in respect of those Shares.

- 2-4 -

Standby Fee to Glencore. Subject to the successful completion of the Rights Offering and the Standby Commitment on the Rights Offering Closing Date, in consideration of Glencore providing the Standby Commitment, the Company shall pay Glencore a standby commitment fee (the “Standby Fee”) equal to 3.00% of the sum of: (x) the Closing Date Indebtedness (excluding for these purposes the Standby Fee); and (y) US$6,000,000 (for the avoidance of doubt, all as detailed in Schedule 5(dd) of the Disclosure Letter). Such fee shall be payable in cash on the Rights Offering Closing Date.

Payment Mechanics. Notwithstanding Section 2.6 and 2.7 of this Schedule 2, PolyMet hereby irrevocably authorizes and directs Glencore to pay and apply such amount of the funds owing by Glencore under Section 2.6 of this Schedule 2 against and in satisfaction of: (a) the Closing Date Indebtedness other than the Standby Fee; (b) the Standby Fee; and (c) to pay the balance of the funds owing by Glencore to PolyMet under Section 2.6 of this Schedule 2 in immediately available funds by wire transfer to an account designated by PolyMet.

Dealer Manager. The Company shall have the right to retain the services of a managing dealer, soliciting dealer or similar advisor, provided that, for the avoidance of doubt, any fees payable to any such managing dealer, soliciting dealer or similar advisor shall be for the account for the Company and shall not be deducted (if at all) from the proceeds of Rights Offering until the Company has repaid the Closing Date Indebtedness and paid the Standby Fee, in each case in full.

Miscellaneous. Any Shares held by a member of the Glencore plc group of companies, other than Glencore, shall for all purposes of this Schedule 2, be deemed to be held by Glencore and Glencore shall be entitled to execute and deliver (as agent or otherwise for such other members of the Glencore plc group of companies) any and all notices and/or other documents to be executed and/or delivered by a holder of Shares or Rights and PolyMet shall accept any such notices or other documents so executed and/or delivered.
Subject to and in accordance with the provisions hereof, PolyMet undertakes and agrees with and in favour of Glencore that:

Preliminary Prospectus. As provided in Section 2.5 of this Schedule 2, PolyMet will file with the Securities Authorities in the Qualifying Jurisdictions, the Preliminary Prospectus and with the SEC the Registration Statement relating to the proposed distribution of the Rights Offering Securities. The Company will provide Glencore with the reasonable opportunity to review and comment on the Preliminary Prospectus and Registration Statement and will take into account Glencore’s reasonable comments thereon. If requested by PolyMet (acting reasonably), Glencore shall provide to PolyMet, for the purposes of the Prospectus, Registration Statement and any Press Announcement, information regarding Glencore’s future intentions for its holding in PolyMet and will confirm the accuracy of such information provided.

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Final Prospectus and Qualification. As provided in Section 2.5 of this Schedule 2, PolyMet will file with the Securities Authorities in the Qualifying Jurisdictions the Final Prospectus and with the SEC the Registration Statement relating to the proposed distribution of the Rights Offering Securities, and take all other reasonable steps and proceedings that may be necessary in order to qualify the distribution of the Rights Offering Securities in each of the Qualifying Jurisdictions in which the Final Prospectus and Registration Statement has been filed. The Company will provide Glencore with the reasonable opportunity to review and comment on the Final Prospectus and Registration Statement and will take into account Glencore’s reasonable comments thereon.

Supplementary Material. If required by Securities Laws, PolyMet will prepare any Prospectus Amendments or amendments to the Registration Statement and/or any documentation supplemental thereto and/or any amending or supplemental documentation and/or any similar document required to be filed by it under the Securities Laws. PolyMet will also promptly, and in any event within any applicable time limitation, comply with all applicable filing and other requirements under the Securities Laws as a result of any material change. The Company will provide Glencore with the reasonable opportunity to review and comment on any such documentation and will take into account Glencore’s reasonable comments thereon.

Consents and Approvals. PolyMet will use its best efforts to obtain all necessary consents, approvals or exemptions for the creation, offering and issuance of the Rights Offering Securities in all Qualifying Jurisdictions and to Glencore as contemplated herein and in the Prospectus and Registration Statement and the entering into and performance by it of the Agreement (including, for the avoidance of doubt, the issuance of the Rights Offering Securities).

Cease Trade Order or Other Investigation. From the date hereof through the earlier of: (a) the Rights Offering Closing Date; and (b) the termination of the Agreement in accordance with its terms, PolyMet will immediately notify Glencore in writing of any written demand, request or inquiry (formal or informal) by any of the Securities Authorities or other Governmental Entity that concerns any matter relating to the affairs of PolyMet that may affect the Rights Offering, the transactions contemplated herein, or any other matter contemplated by the Agreement, or that relates to the issuance, or threatened issuance, by any such authority of any cease trading or similar order or ruling relating to any securities of PolyMet. Any notice delivered to Glencore as aforesaid will contain reasonable details of the demand, request, inquiry, order or ruling in question. PolyMet will use its best efforts to prevent the issuance of any orders contemplated in this Section 3.1(e) of this Schedule 2 and, if issued, to obtain their prompt withdrawal.

Listing. PolyMet will take all lawful action as may be required and appropriate so that the Rights Offering Securities have been conditionally approved for listing on the TSX and NYSE American, subject to receipt of customary final documentation.

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Securities Laws. PolyMet will take all lawful action as may be necessary and appropriate so that the Rights Offering and the other transactions contemplated in the Agreement will be effected in accordance with Securities Laws. It will consult with Glencore and its advisors upon their reasonable request regarding the manner in which the Rights Offering and the other transactions contemplated herein will comply with applicable Securities Laws, and it will provide to Glencore and its advisors copies of any documents that are to be submitted by it to any Securities Authorities or other regulatory authority for such purpose prior to being so submitted and it will give Glencore and its advisors an opportunity to comment on same and will take into account Glencore's reasonable comments thereon.

Obtaining of Report. PolyMet will cause Computershare to deliver to Glencore, as soon as is practicable following the Rights Offering Expiry Time, details concerning the total number of Shares duly subscribed and paid for by holders of Rights under the Rights Offering, including (without limitation) those Shares subscribed and paid for pursuant to the Additional Subscription Privilege, and accordingly the number of Standby Shares for which Glencore must subscribe pursuant to Section 2.3 of this Schedule 2.

Mailing of Materials. PolyMet will effect and complete the mailing of commercial copies of the Final Prospectus and Registration Statement and the other materials as set out in Section 2.5(b) of this Schedule 2.

Application of Proceeds. PolyMet shall immediately apply the proceeds of the Rights Offering to repay in full the Closing Date Indebtedness (including, for the avoidance doubt, the Standby Fee) provided for the avoidance of doubt, PolyMet acknowledges Glencore`s rights under Section 2.8 of this Schedule 2. The balance of the proceeds from the Rights Offering shall be applied in the manner and for the purposes described in the Final Prospectus and Registration Statement.

Registration Rights Agreement. On or before the Rights Offering Closing Date, PolyMet shall execute and deliver the Registration Rights Agreement to Glencore.

Amended and Restated Corporate Governance Agreement. On or before the Rights Offering Closing Date, PolyMet shall execute and deliver the Amended and Restated Corporate Governance Agreement to Glencore.

PolyMet undertakes to Glencore that it will not knowingly and intentionally use the proceeds from the Rights Offering, or lend, contribute or otherwise make available such proceeds in any manner that results in an ABC Violation.
General Obligation. Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, prior to the Rights Offering Closing Time, each of the Company and Glencore shall use its respective commercially reasonable efforts to take, or cause to be taken, all actions and do, or cause to be done, all things necessary, proper or advisable under the HSR Act to consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, including: (a) making all appropriate applications, notifications and filings (and applications, notifications and filings considered by Glencore to be advisable) under the HSR Act as promptly as practicable; and (b) cooperating with each other in connection with any such application, notification or filing. Glencore shall pay all filing fees for the filings required under the HSR Act.

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To the extent not prohibited by applicable law and subject to any applicable privileges (including attorney‑client privilege), each of the Company and Glencore shall use its respective reasonable best efforts to furnish to the other Party all information required for any application, notification or other filing to be made pursuant to the HSR Act in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. The Company and Glencore shall promptly inform the other Party of any oral communication with, and provide copies of written communications with, any Governmental Entity regarding any such applications, notifications and filings.

The Company and Glencore shall give each other reasonable prior notice of any communication with, and any proposed understanding, undertaking or agreement with, any Governmental Entity regarding any such applications, notifications or filings or any such transaction. The Parties agree that both the Company and Glencore shall be represented at all in‑person meetings and in all substantive conversations with any Governmental Entity regarding the matters set forth in this Article 4 of this Schedule 2, except if, and to the extent that, any Governmental Entity objects to any Party’s being represented at any such meeting or in any such conversation. To the extent not prohibited by applicable law or any Governmental Entity and subject to any applicable privileges (including attorney‑client privilege), the Parties shall consult and cooperate with one another in connection with any analyses, appearances, presentations, memoranda, briefs, arguments, opinions and proposals made or submitted by or on behalf of any Party hereto in connection with proceedings under or relating to the HSR Act. Unless the Company and Glencore agree otherwise in writing, Glencore shall take the lead in coordinating any applications, notifications or filings, obtaining any necessary approvals, and resolving any investigation or other inquiry of any such agency or other Governmental Entity under the HSR Act.

The Company shall not, without Glencore’s prior written consent, enter into any timing, settlement or similar agreement, or otherwise agree or commit to any arrangement, that would have the effect of extending, suspending, lengthening or otherwise tolling the expiration or termination of the waiting period applicable to the contemplated transactions under the HSR Act.

Glencore shall not have an obligation to respond or comply if the U.S. Federal Trade Commission or the U.S. Department of Justice issues a request for additional information or documentary material under 15 U.S.C. Section 18a(e) (a “Second Request”) in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement; provided, further, that Glencore shall notify the Company in writing within 10 Business Days of receiving a Second Request whether Glencore elects to respond and comply with a Second Request (a “Second Request Notification”) and, to the extent Glencore fails to deliver such Second Request Notification within such 10 Business Day period, a Second Request Notification indicating that Glencore has elected not to respond and comply with such Second Request shall be deemed delivered by Glencore and Glencore or the Company may terminate this Agreement pursuant to Section 11.4.

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If Glencore delivers a Second Request Notification confirming Glencore’s affirmative election to respond and comply with the Second Request, then Glencore, at any time and in its sole discretion, may deliver an updated Second Request Notification to the Company indicating that Glencore no longer elects to respond and comply with such Second Request and Glencore or the Company may terminate this Agreement pursuant to Section 11.4.

No Obligation to Make Divestiture or take Certain Other Actions.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this Article 4 of this Schedule 2 or otherwise in this Agreement shall require Glencore or any Affiliate of Glencore to (i) propose, negotiate, effect or agree to, the sale, divestiture, license, holding separate or other disposition of any assets or businesses of Glencore or any Affiliate of Glencore; (ii) terminate, restrict, modify or amend any existing relationships, ventures, contractual rights or obligations of Glencore or any Affiliate of Glencore (including pursuant to this Agreement); (iii) expend any material funds or incur any material burden; (iv) create any relationship, contractual rights or obligations; (v) effectuate any other change or restructuring to Glencore or any Affiliate of Glencore; (vi) commence or participate in any litigation in order to obtain any waivers, consents or approvals of any Governmental Entity; (vii) litigation, defend, challenge or contest any action, suit or proceeding (including any action, suit or proceeding seeking a temporary restraining order or preliminary injunction) challenging this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby or otherwise take any action that limits the freedom of action with respect to; (viii) or Glencore’s ability to retain any of the businesses or assets of, Glencore or any Affiliate of Glencore.
Material Change During Distribution.

During the period from the date of the Agreement to the Rights Offering Closing Date, PolyMet will promptly (and in any event within one Business Day) notify Glencore in writing of any material change (actual, anticipated, contemplated or threatened, financial or otherwise) in the business, affairs, operations, assets, liabilities (contingent or otherwise) or capital of PolyMet and its Subsidiaries taken as a whole.

During the period from the date hereof to the Rights Offering Closing Date, PolyMet will promptly (and in any event within one Business Day) notify Glencore in writing of:

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any material fact that has arisen or been discovered and that would be required to be disclosed in the Prospectus or Registration Statement if filed on such date; and

any change in any material fact contained in the Prospectus or Registration Statement, including (without limitation) all documents incorporated by reference, which fact or change is, or may be, of such a nature as to result in a Misrepresentation in the Prospectus or Registration Statement or that would result in the Prospectus or Registration Statement not complying with applicable Securities Laws.

PolyMet will promptly, and in any event within any applicable time limitation, comply, to the satisfaction of Glencore, acting reasonably, with all applicable filings and other requirements under the Securities Laws as a result of such fact or change.

Change in Securities Laws. If during the period of distribution to the public of the Rights, there is any change in the Securities Laws that, in the opinion of Glencore, acting reasonably, requires the filing of a Prospectus Amendment or an amendment to the Registration Statement, PolyMet will promptly prepare and file such Prospectus Amendment with the appropriate Securities Authority in each of the Qualifying Jurisdictions where such filing is required and file any amendment to the Registration Statement with the SEC. PolyMet will provide Glencore with the reasonable opportunity to review any comment on any Prospectus Amendment and any amendment to the Registration Statement and will take into account Glencore’s reasonable comments thereon.

Change in Rights Offering Closing Date. If a material change occurs after the date of filing of the Final Prospectus with the Securities Authorities and the filing of the Registration Statement with the SEC and prior to the Rights Offering Closing Date, the Rights Offering Closing Date will be, unless PolyMet and Glencore otherwise agree in writing, the later of the previously scheduled Rights Offering Closing Date and the sixth Business Day following the date on which all applicable filings or other requirements of the Securities Laws with respect to such material change have been complied with in all Qualifying Jurisdictions and any appropriate documents obtained for such filings and notice of such filings from PolyMet or PolyMet’s counsel have been received by Glencore, provided that in no event shall the Rights Offering Closing Date be later than June 30, 2019.
Rights Offering Closing. The closing of the Rights Offering, including the closing of the purchase by Glencore and sale by PolyMet of the Standby Shares, if any, to be purchased by Glencore hereunder will be completed at 8:30 a.m. (Vancouver time) (the “Rights Offering Closing Time”) on the second Business Day following the Rights Offering Expiry Date (the “Rights Offering Closing Date”) or at such other time and/or on such other date as PolyMet and Glencore may agree upon in writing. On such date, and upon payment being made by Glencore in accordance with Sections 2.6 and 2.8 of this Schedule 2 PolyMet will: (x) deliver (or cause to be delivered) to Glencore definitive certificates representing the number of Shares that is equal to the aggregate of: (a) the number of Basic Entitlement Shares to be purchased by Glencore; (b) the number of any Standby Shares to be purchased by Glencore; and (c) the number of any Additional Subscription Shares to be purchased by Glencore, such certificates to be registered in the name of Glencore or one or more designees of Glencore, as applicable; and (y) pay the Standby Fee to Glencore or one or more of its designees.

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Electronic Closing. On or before the Rights Offering Closing Time, the Company will deliver to Matthew Weber at matthew.weber@glencore.com, with a copy to Adam Taylor at ataylor@mccarthy.ca and Roger Taplin rtaplin@mccarthy.ca by electronic delivery of all documents (including, for the avoidance of doubt, certificates representing the Basic Entitlement Shares to be purchased by Glencore) and instruments to be executed and delivered by or on behalf of the Company other than the delivery at the Rights Offering Closing Time, as the case may be, the certificates representing the number of Shares that is equal to the number of Standby Shares (and, if applicable any Additional Subscription Shares) to be purchased by Glencore, which certificates will be delivered by Computershare to Matthew Weber, Baarermattstrasse 3, PO Box 1301, CH‑6341, Baar, Switzerland and Glencore will deliver to Patrick Keenan at pkeenan@polymetmining.com, with a copy to Robert Mason at robert.mason@nortonrosefulbright.com and Denise Nawata at dnawata@farris.com by electronic delivery all documents and instruments to be executed and delivered by or on behalf of Glencore and will wire, in immediately available funds, the amounts to be paid by Glencore on the Rights Offering Closing Date to an account designated in writing by the Company at least two Business Days prior to the Rights Offering Closing Date for receipt by the Company at the Rights Offering Closing Time. All documents and instruments delivered to Matthew Weber on behalf of Glencore or Patrick Keenan on behalf of the Company are to be held for delivery to the appropriate Party at the Rights Offering Closing Time if and when all such documents and instruments have been delivered and such certificates have been delivered as aforesaid and such funds have been received.

Mutual Conditions. The respective obligations of each of PolyMet and Glencore to complete the issuance by PolyMet and the subscription by Glencore for the Rights Offering Shares are subject to the following conditions being satisfied in full, provided that in the case of PolyMet, only if PolyMet has used its best efforts to comply with (or cause to be complied with) such conditions:

There shall not be any order issued by a Governmental Entity pursuant to laws, nor shall there be any determination or change of law, in either case which suspends, ceases, restricts or suspends trading in the Rights or the Shares or operates to prevent or restrict the lawful sale or distribution of the Rights Offering Securities (which suspension, cessation, prevention or restriction, as the case may be, is continuing).

The Rights shall be listed on the TSX and NYSE American.

The TSX and NYSE American shall have approved the listing of the Rights Offering Shares, subject to the filing of customary documents with the TSX and NYSE American.

Conditions in Favour of Glencore. The obligation of Glencore to complete the subscription of the Rights Offering Share is subject to the following conditions being satisfied in full, which conditions are for the exclusive benefit of Glencore, any of which may be waived, in whole or in part, by Glencore, in its sole and absolute discretion:

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The Parties shall have entered into the Amended and Restated Corporate Governance Agreement.

The Parties shall have entered into the 2019 Registration Rights Agreement.

None of this Agreement, the Extension Agreement and Warrant Amending Agreement shall have been terminated in accordance with its provisions.

No Triggering Event shall have occurred.

All actions required to be taken by or on behalf of PolyMet including the passing of all requisite resolutions of the directors of PolyMet and all requisite filings with any Governmental Entity will have occurred on or prior to the Rights Offering Closing Date, so as to validly authorize the execution and filing of the Preliminary Prospectus, the Final Prospectus, any Prospectus Amendment and Registration Statement and to create and issue the Rights Offering Securities, in each case having the attributes contemplated by the Prospectus and Registration Statement, and PolyMet will have taken all requisite actions, including the passing of all requisite resolutions of the directors of PolyMet, and have made and/or obtained all necessary filings, approvals, orders, rulings and consents of all relevant securities regulatory authorities and other Governmental Entities required in connection with the Rights Offering, the other transactions contemplated in the Agreement and the purchase of Standby Shares by Glencore as contemplated herein.

Glencore shall have received a legal opinion as to matters of the laws of Canada dated as of the Rights Offering Closing Date from PolyMet’s Canadian counsel (who may rely, to the extent appropriate in the circumstances, as to matters of fact, on certificates of officers of PolyMet) substantially in the form of Exhibit 5.4(E).

Glencore shall have received a legal opinion as to matters of the laws of the United States dated as of the Rights Offering Closing Date from Troutman Sanders LLP, United States counsel to the Company (who may rely, to the extent appropriate in the circumstances, as to matters of fact, on certificates of officers of PolyMet) substantially in the form of Exhibit 5.4(F).

Glencore shall have received at the Rights Offering Closing Date, a certificate or certificates dated the Rights Offering Closing Date signed on behalf of PolyMet by the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer of PolyMet or such other officers of PolyMet acceptable to Glencore, acting reasonably, in form and content satisfactory to Glencore, acting reasonably, addressed to Glencore certifying for and on behalf of PolyMet and not in their personal capacity after having made due enquiry, with respect to the following matters:

its constating documents;

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the resolutions of its board of directors relevant to the approval of the Preliminary Prospectus, the Final Prospectus and Registration Statement and the signing and filing thereof, the allotment and issue of the Rights Offering Securities and the authorization of the Agreement and the transactions contemplated therein; and

the incumbency and signatures of certain of its authorized signing officers.

PolyMet shall have performed or complied with, in all material respects, each of its covenants contained in the Agreement and each of its representations and warranties which are qualified as to materiality shall be true and correct, and all representations and warranties not so qualified shall be true and correct in all material respects, and Glencore shall have received at the Rights Offering Closing Date a certificate or certificates dated the Rights Offering Closing Date, and signed on behalf of PolyMet by the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer of PolyMet or such other officers of PolyMet acceptable to Glencore, acting reasonably, in form and content satisfactory to Glencore, acting reasonably, addressed to Glencore certifying for and on behalf of PolyMet and not in their personal capacity after having made due enquiry and after having carefully examined the Prospectus and Registration Statement, including all documents incorporated by reference that:

since the respective dates as of which information is given in the Final Prospectus or Registration Statement, as amended or supplemented which has been filed and receipted, as required, there has been no requirement to file a Prospectus Amendment under Securities Laws or an amendment of the Registration Statement with the SEC;

no order, ruling, determination or change in law, in any such case, having the effect of preventing, restricting or suspending the sale or distribution of the Rights suspending the sale or ceasing the trading of the Rights Offering Securities or any other securities of PolyMet or prohibiting the sale of the Rights Offering Securities has been issued by any regulatory authority and is continuing in effect and no proceedings for that purpose have been instituted or are pending or, to the knowledge of such officers, contemplated or threatened under Securities Laws or by any Governmental Entity;

all representations and warranties of PolyMet made in this Agreement, the Extension Agreement and the Warrant Amending Agreement which are qualified as to materiality shall be true and correct, and all representations and warranties not so qualified shall be true and correct in all material respects, as of the Rights Offering Closing Time, as though made on and as of the Rights Offering Closing Time;

all covenants of PolyMet in this Agreement, the Extension Agreement and the Warrant Amending Agreement to be performed on or before the Rights Offering Closing Time, shall have been duly performed by PolyMet in all material respects;

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neither the Rights nor any Shares will have been delisted or suspended or halted from trading for a period of greater than one Business Day at any time prior to the Rights Offering Closing Date; and

no Material Adverse Effect will have occurred or have been disclosed (if previously undisclosed) at any time after the date hereof and prior to the Rights Offering Closing Date; and

The HSR Clearance shall have been obtained on terms acceptable to Glencore in its sole discretion and shall remain in full force and effect.

Rights Offering Closing Date shall have occurred on or before June 30, 2019.

Conditions in Favour of PolyMet. The obligation of PolyMet to issue the Standby Shares to Glencore is subject to the following conditions being satisfied in full which conditions are for the exclusive benefit of PolyMet, any of which may be waived, in whole or in part, by PolyMet, in its sole and absolute discretion:

Glencore shall have performed or complied with, in all material respects, each of its covenants contained in the Agreement and each of its representations and warranties shall be true and correct and PolyMet shall have received at the Rights Offering Closing a certificate or certificates dated the Rights Offering Closing Date and signed on behalf of Glencore by such officers of Glencore acceptable to PolyMet, acting reasonably, addressed to PolyMet certifying for and on behalf of Glencore and not in their personal capacity after having made due enquiry that:

all representations and warranties of Glencore made in the Agreement shall be true and correct as of the Rights Offering Closing Time, as though made on and as of the Rights Offering Closing Time; and

all covenants of Glencore in the Agreement to be performed on or before the Rights Offering Closing Time, shall have been duly performed by Glencore in all material respects.
Termination by PolyMet or Glencore. Either PolyMet or Glencore may terminate the Agreement by giving written notice to the other Party, if the conditions set out in Section 6.3 of this Schedule 2 are not satisfied on or before the Rights Offering Closing Date or such other date as may be agreed in writing by PolyMet and Glencore.

Termination by PolyMet. PolyMet may terminate the Agreement by giving written notice to Glencore at any time if any of the conditions set out in Section 6.5 of this Schedule 2 are not satisfied on or before the Rights Offering Closing Date, provided however that PolyMet will be entitled to make such election to terminate only if PolyMet has complied with its obligations under the Agreement.

Termination by Glencore. Glencore may terminate the Agreement by giving written notice to PolyMet at any time if:

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PolyMet fails to: (i) obtain final listing approval from the TSX or NYSE American for the Rights at least two days prior to the date named as the Record Date in the Final Prospectus; (ii) obtain conditional listing approval from the TSX and NYSE American in respect of the Shares issuable upon exercise of the Rights and the Standby Shares, prior to or on the Rights Offering Closing Date, subject to receipt of customary final documentation;

any of the conditions set out in Section 6.4 of this Schedule 2 are not satisfied on or before the Rights Offering Closing Date;

the Rights Offering Closing Date shall not have occurred on or before June 30, 2019;

the Shares are de‑listed or suspended or halted for trading for a period greater than one Business Day for any reason by the TSX or NYSE American at any time; or

if the Rights Offering is otherwise terminated or cancelled.
PolyMet covenants and agrees to protect, indemnify and hold harmless Glencore for and on behalf of itself and for and on behalf of and in trust for each of its Affiliates and Glencore’s and their respective directors, officers, shareholders, partners, employees and agents (collectively, the “Glencore Indemnified Parties”) from and against any and all direct and indirect losses, claims, damages, demands, costs, expenses and other liabilities of any kind, (“Losses”) which any of them may be subject to or suffer or incur to any third party:

by reason of or in any way arising, directly or indirectly, out of any Misrepresentation or alleged Misrepresentation in the Prospectus or Registration Statement (other than a Misrepresentation in the Prospectus or Registration Statement attributable to information provided by or on behalf of Glencore in respect of itself expressly for inclusion in the Prospectus or Registration Statement); and/or

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by reason of or in any way, directly or indirectly, out of any order made or any inquiry, investigation or proceeding instituted, threatened or announced by any Governmental Entity or by any other Person, based upon any Misrepresentation or alleged Misrepresentation in the Prospectus or Registration Statement (other than a Misrepresentation in the Prospectus or Registration Statement attributable to information provided by or on behalf of the Glencore Indemnified Parties in respect of themselves for inclusion in the Prospectus or Registration Statement); and/or

the non‑compliance or alleged non‑compliance by PolyMet with any requirement of Securities Laws or any other laws in connection with the Rights Offering; and/or

by reason of, or in any way arising, directly or indirectly, out of any breach or default of or under any representation, warranty, covenant or agreement of PolyMet contained in the Agreement.

The indemnification in this Article 8 may not be used by Glencore to bring a claim against PolyMet in circumstances where Glencore has not suffered any Losses to a third party. The indemnification in this Article 8 may not be used by PolyMet to bring a claim against Glencore in circumstances where PolyMet has not suffered any Losses.

Glencore covenants and agrees to protect, indemnify and hold harmless PolyMet for and on behalf of itself and for and on behalf of and in trust for each of its directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all Losses caused or incurred to any third party by reason of, or in any way arising, directly or indirectly, out of: (a) any breach or default of or under any representation, warranty, covenant or agreement of Glencore contained herein; or (b) any information relating solely to Glencore that Glencore provided to PolyMet in writing expressly for inclusion in the Prospectus or Registration Statement.

The indemnification by PolyMet contained in Section 8.1 of this Schedule 2 will not apply in respect of any Losses caused or incurred by reason of or arising out of any Misrepresentation, order, inquiry, investigation or other matter or thing referred to herein which is based upon or results directly from any information relating solely to Glencore that Glencore provided to PolyMet in writing expressly for inclusion in the Prospectus or Registration Statement.

Nothing in this Article 8 shall affect the ability of the Company to bring a claim against Glencore in respect of any breach of this Agreement by Glencore, and nothing in this Article 8 shall affect the ability of Glencore to bring a claim against the Company in respect of any breach of this Agreement by the Company.

In the event that any claim, action, suit or proceeding, including, without limitation, any inquiry or investigation (whether formal or informal), is brought or instituted against any of the Persons in respect of which indemnification is or might reasonably be considered to be provided for herein, such Person (an “Indemnified Party”) shall promptly notify the Person from whom indemnification is being sought (being either PolyMet under Section 8.1 of this Schedule 2 or Glencore under Section 8.2 of this Schedule 2, as the case may be (the “Indemnifying Party”)) and the Indemnifying Party shall promptly retain counsel who shall be reasonably satisfactory to the Indemnified Party to represent the Indemnified Party in such claim, action, suit or proceeding, and the Indemnifying Party shall pay all of the reasonable fees and disbursements of such counsel relating to such claim, action, suit or proceeding.

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In any such claim, action, suit or proceeding, the Indemnified Party shall have the right to retain other counsel to act on such Person’s behalf, provided that the fees and disbursements of such other counsel shall be paid by the Indemnified Party unless:

the Indemnifying Party and the Indemnified Party shall have mutually agreed in writing to the retention of such other counsel; or

the named parties to any such claim, action, suit or proceeding (including any added, third or impleaded parties) include both the Indemnifying Party and the Indemnified Party and representation of both parties by the same counsel would be inappropriate due to actual or potential differing interests between them (such as the availability of different defenses),

provided, however, the Indemnifying Party shall not, in connection with any such claim, action, suit or proceeding in the same jurisdiction, be liable for the reasonable fees and expenses of more than one separate legal firm for all Persons or corporations in respect of which indemnification is or might reasonably be considered to be provided for herein and such firm shall be designated in writing by the Indemnified Party (on behalf of itself and its directors, officers, employees and agents).
Notwithstanding anything herein contained, neither PolyMet nor Glencore shall agree to any settlement of any such claim, action, suit or proceeding unless the other has consented in writing thereto, and neither Party shall be liable for any settlement of any such claim, action, suit or proceeding unless it has consented in writing thereto.

If the indemnification provided for in this Article 8 is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unavailable to an Indemnified Party with respect to any Losses referred to herein, the Indemnifying Party, in lieu of indemnifying such Indemnified Party thereunder, shall to the extent permitted by law contribute to the amount paid or payable by such Indemnified Party as a result of such Loss in such proportion as is appropriate to reflect the relative fault of the Indemnifying Party on the one hand and of the Indemnified Party on the other in connection with the act or omission that resulted in such Loss, as well as any other relevant equitable considerations. The relative fault of the Indemnifying Party and of the Indemnified Party shall be determined by a court of law by reference to, among other things, whether the untrue or alleged untrue statement of material fact or the omission to state a material fact relates to information supplied by the Indemnifying Party or by the Indemnified Party and the parties’ relative intent, knowledge, access to information and opportunity to correct or prevent such statement or omission.

The obligations of PolyMet and Glencore under this Article 8 shall survive completion of any offerings described herein and any termination of the Agreement. No Indemnifying Party, in the defense of any such claim or litigation, shall, except with the consent of the Indemnified Party, consent to entry of any judgment or enter into any settlement which does not include as an unconditional term thereof the giving by the claimant or plaintiff to such Indemnified Party of a release from all liability in respect to such claim or litigation.

To the extent any indemnification by an Indemnifying Party is prohibited or limited by law, the Indemnifying Party agrees to make the maximum contribution with respect to any amounts for which it would otherwise be liable under this Article 8 to the fullest extent permitted by law; provided, however, that no Person guilty of fraudulent misrepresentation shall be entitled to contribution from any Person who was not guilty of such fraudulent misrepresentation.

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(See attached)

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(See attached)

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DATED the ___ day of________________, 2019.
PolyMet Mining Corp. (“PolyMet” or the “Company”) and Glencore AG (“Glencore”) are party to a standby purchase agreement dated May 6, 2019 (the “Standby Purchase Agreement”).

The Parties have previously entered into the Existing Corporate Governance Agreement.

Pursuant to Section 7.1 of the Standby Purchase Agreement, the Parties have agreed to enter into this Amended and Restated Corporate Governance Agreement to amend and restate the Existing Corporate Governance Agreement.

NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the foregoing, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows.
Upon the execution of this Agreement, the Existing Corporate Governance Agreement shall be amended and restated and superseded and replaced in its entirety by this Agreement. 1

All capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings given thereto in the Standby Purchase Agreement.

From and after the date of this Agreement, the Company hereby covenants and agrees that:

at the relevant time, as long as the number of issued and outstanding Shares held by Glencore (on a fully diluted basis) relative to all the issued and outstanding Shares (on a fully diluted basis) is at least 10%, Glencore shall have the right but not the obligation to designate that number of Glencore Nominees that is the greater of:

one; and

the number of the directors of the Company out of the total number of directors of the Company which is proportionate to Glencore's holdings of issued and outstanding Shares (on a fully diluted basis) relative to all the issued and outstanding Shares (on a fully diluted basis), provided that if the foregoing calculation does not result in a whole number, the number of Glencore Nominees which Glencore is entitled to designate will be rounded down to the nearest whole number;

1 This agreement will not be executed until closing, the signatures will be held in escrow.

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to take all such actions to appoint the Glencore Nominees to the Board as soon as reasonably practicable following notice of Glencore’s request to appoint the Glencore Nominees, which, for the avoidance of doubt, such actions may include increasing the number of directors on the Board or procuring the resignation of members of the Board at the time of appointing the Glencore Nominees.

to mail to Shareholders in accordance with applicable corporate and Securities Laws, a management proxy circular in which the Board will:

nominate all of the Glencore Nominees for election at the Company’s annual general meetings held after the date of this Agreement where directors are elected (and every such Company meeting thereafter) (“Company AGM”); and

make a written recommendation to Shareholders in favour of the election of all of the Glencore Nominees;

to solicit proxies for the Company AGM in favour of Shareholder approval of the election of all of the Glencore Nominees;

to notify Glencore in advance of any meeting of shareholders of PolyMet to be called by PolyMet after the completion of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, of the intention of PolyMet to include the election of directors of PolyMet as business to be conducted at such meeting in sufficient time for Glencore to designate the Glencore Nominees to be included in the proxy circular for such meeting and the Company agrees to include such individuals so designated by Glencore among managements nominees as directors of the Company at such meeting; and

that if any individual nominated or designated by Glencore as aforesaid as a director of PolyMet and elected or appointed as a director of PolyMet should resign, other than at an annual general meeting of shareholders of PolyMet, then Glencore shall be entitled to designate another individual as a director of PolyMet in place of the individual who so resigned.

Glencore hereby covenants and agrees to nominate or designate as a director of PolyMet only individuals who are qualified to serve as a director of PolyMet under applicable law (notwithstanding that such individual may not be “independent” under Securities Laws).

All rights previously granted by PolyMet to Glencore to appoint directors to the Board remain in full force and effect unamended by this Agreement.

This agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of British Columbia and the laws of Canada applicable therein. Each of the parties hereto hereby attorn to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of British Columbia.

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No supplement, modification, amendment, waiver, discharge or termination of this agreement is binding unless it is executed in writing by each of the parties to this agreement. No waiver of, failure to exercise or delay in exercising any provision of this agreement constitutes a waiver of any other provision (whether or not similar) nor does such waiver constitute a continuing waiver unless otherwise expressly provided.

This agreement may be executed in counterparts, all of which will be considered one and the same agreement, and will become effective when one or more counterparts will have been signed by each Party and delivered to the other Party. Delivery of an executed counterpart of this agreement by facsimile or transmitted electronically shall be equally effective as delivery of a manually executed counterpart of this Agreement.

[Signature page follows]

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Amended and Restated Corporate Governance Agreement as of the date first above written.

PolyMet represents and warrants to Glencore as at the date of the Agreement, the Rights Issue Date and the Rights Offering Closing Date (by reference to the circumstances subsisting on each respective date), that:
The Company is a corporation duly incorporated, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its incorporation and has the corporate power and authority to own its properties and to carry on its business as now being conducted. The Company is duly qualified to do business as a foreign corporation and is in good standing in each jurisdiction in which the nature of the business conducted or property owned or leased by it makes such qualification necessary.

The only Subsidiaries of the Company are PMI and the companies set out in Schedule 5(b) of the Disclosure Letter. The companies set out in Schedule 5(b)of the Disclosure Letter are non-material subsidiaries (the “Non-Material Subsidiaries”). PMI is incorporated under the laws of the State of Minnesota and is wholly‑owned by the Company. Except as set out in Schedule 5(b) of the Disclosure Letter, the Non-Material Subsidiaries are incorporated under the laws of the State of Minnesota and are wholly-owned by the Company. PMI is duly incorporated, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its incorporation and has the corporate power and authority to own its properties and to carry on its business as now being conducted. Except as set out in Schedule 5(b) of the Disclosure Letter, the Non-Material Subsidiaries are duly incorporated, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of their incorporation and have the corporate power and authority to own their properties and to carry on their business as now being conducted. PMI is duly qualified to do business as a foreign corporation and is in good standing in each jurisdiction in which the nature of the business conducted or property owned or leased by it makes such qualification necessary. Except as set out in Schedule 5(b) of the Disclosure Letter, the Non-Material Subsidiaries are duly qualified to do business as foreign corporations and are in good standing in each jurisdiction in which the nature of the business conducted or property owned or leased by them makes such qualification necessary.

The Company has full corporate power and authority and has taken all requisite action on its part necessary for: (i) the authorization, execution and delivery of the Agreement; (ii) authorization of the performance of all of its obligations hereunder; and (iii) in respect of the Company, the authorization, issuance (or reservation for issuance) and delivery of the Rights Offering Securities.

The Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by the Company and the Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of the Company, enforceable against the Company in accordance with its terms, except as such enforceability may be limited by: (i) applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, fraudulent conveyance, reorganization, moratorium, liquidation or similar laws relating to, or affecting generally the enforcement of, creditors’ rights and remedies; or (ii) equitable principles relating to the availability of specific performance, injunctive relief and other equitable remedies.

No notice, registration and filing or report with, and no consent, approval, order or other authorization of, any Governmental Entity is required in connection with the execution, delivery and performance of the Transaction Documents by the Company or PMI, other than those that are set out in Schedule 5(e) of the Disclosure Letter.

There has been no voluntary or involuntary action taken either by or against the Company or PMI for any such Person’s winding‑up, dissolution, liquidation, bankruptcy, receivership, administration or similar or analogous events in respect of such Person or all or any part of its assets or revenues.

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Set forth on Schedule 5(g) of the Disclosure Letter, is a description of: (i) the authorized capital stock of the Company and PMI; (ii) the number of Shares of capital stock of the Company issued and outstanding; the number of shares of capital stock of PMI issued and outstanding; (iii) the number of Shares of capital stock of the Company issuable pursuant to the Company’s equity compensation plans (including those issuable subject to approval by the Company’s shareholders); (iv) the number of Shares of capital stock of the Company issuable and reserved for issuance pursuant to securities exercisable for, or convertible into or exchangeable for any Shares of capital stock of the Company; and (v) the number of shares of capital stock of PMI issuable and reserved for issuance pursuant to securities exercisable for, or convertible into or exchangeable for any shares of capital stock of PMI. All of: (x) the issued and outstanding Shares of the Company’s capital stock; and (y) issued and outstanding shares of PMI’ capital stock, have been duly authorized and validly issued and are fully paid and non‑assessable. Except as set forth on Schedule 5(g) of the Disclosure Letter, no Person is entitled to pre‑emptive or similar statutory or contractual rights with respect to any securities of the Company or PMI. There is no shareholder rights plan or similar “poison pill” arrangement with respect to the Shares, the Company or any securities of the Company. Except as set forth on Schedule 5(g) of the Disclosure Letter, there are no outstanding warrants, options, convertible securities or other rights, agreements or arrangements of any character under which the Company or PMI is or may be obligated to issue any equity securities of any kind, and except as contemplated by this Agreement, the Company’s equity compensation plans (including those issuable subject to approval by the Company’s shareholders), neither the Company nor PMI are currently in negotiations for the issuance of any equity securities of any kind. Except as set forth on Schedule 5(g) of the Disclosure Letter, the Company has no knowledge of any voting agreements, buy‑sell agreements, option or right of first purchase agreements or other agreements of any kind among any of the securityholders of the Company or PMI relating to the securities of the Company or PMI held by them. Except as set forth on Schedule 5(g) of the Disclosure Letter, neither the Company nor PMI has granted any Person the right to require the Company or PMI to register any securities of the Company or PMI under the 1933 Act or Securities Laws, whether on a demand basis or in connection with the registration of securities of the Company or PMI for its own account or for the account of any other Person.

The Company has filed all Disclosure Documents with the Securities Authorities and SEC pursuant to Canadian Securities Laws and 1934 Act, respectively, since December 31, 2018. When filed, all Disclosure Documents complied as to form in all material respects with the requirements of the applicable Securities Laws and 1934 Act, respectively, and did not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state any material fact necessary in order to make the statements made therein, not misleading. The Company and PMI are engaged only in the business described in the Disclosure Documents, and the Disclosure Documents contain a complete and accurate description of the business of the Company and PMI in all material respects.

Since December 31, 2018, there has not been:

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any change in the consolidated assets, liabilities, financial condition or operating results of PLM from that reflected in the financial statements included in the Annual Report, except changes in the ordinary course of business which have not had, in the aggregate, a Material Adverse Effect;

any declaration or payment of any dividend, or any authorization or payment of any distribution, on any of the capital stock of the Company or PMI, or any redemption or repurchase of any securities of the Company or PMI;

material damage, destruction or loss, whether or not covered by insurance, to any assets or properties of the Company or PMI;

any waiver by the Company or PMI of a material right or of a material debt owed to it;

any satisfaction or discharge of any Encumbrance or payment of any obligation by the Company or PMI, except in the ordinary course of business and which is not material to the assets, properties, financial condition, operating results or business of the Company and PMI taken as a whole (as such business is presently conducted and as it is proposed to be conducted);

any material change or amendment to a material agreement by which the Company or PMI or any of their respective assets or properties are bound or subject;

any material labour difficulties or labour union organizing activities with respect to employees of the Company or PMI;

any material transaction entered into by the Company or PMI other than in the ordinary course of business; or

any other event or condition of any character that may have a Material Adverse Effect.

The execution, delivery and performance of the Agreement by the Company and the issuance and sale of the Rights Offering Securities by the Company will not conflict with or result in a breach or violation of any of the terms and provisions of, or constitute a default under: (i) the Company’s constating documents (including any certificates of designation) or articles or any shareholders agreement relating to it; or (ii) except where it could not, individually or in the aggregate, reasonably be expected to result in a Material Adverse Effect: (A) any statute, rule, regulation or order of any Governmental Entity having jurisdiction over the Company or PMI or any of their respective properties; or (B) any agreement or instrument to which the Company or PMI is a party or by which the Company or PMI is bound or to which any of the properties of the Company or PMI is subject (including an event that with notice or lapse of time or both would become a default, and including any event that would give to others any rights of termination, amendment, acceleration or cancellation, with or without notice, lapse of time or both). Except where it could not, individually or in the aggregate, reasonably be expected to result in a Material Adverse Effect, neither the Company nor PMI, to the Company’s knowledge: (x) is in violation of any statute, rule or regulation applicable to the Company or PMI or their respective assets or activities; (y) is in violation of any judgment, order or decree applicable to the Company or PMI or their respective assets or activities; and (z) is in breach or violation of any agreement, note or instrument to which they or their assets are a party or are bound or subject. Except as provided in Schedule 5(cc) of the Disclosure Letter, neither the Company nor PMI has received written notice from any Person of any claim or investigation that, if adversely determined, would render the preceding sentence untrue or incomplete.

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Each of the Company and PMI have prepared and filed all tax returns required to have been filed by it with all appropriate Governmental Entities and paid all taxes due owed by it, taking into account permitted extensions. The charges, accruals and reserves on the books of the Company and PMI in respect of taxes for all fiscal periods are adequate, and there are no unpaid assessments against the Company or PMI nor, to the knowledge of the Company, any basis for the assessment of any additional taxes, penalties or interest for any fiscal period or audits by any federal, state or local taxing authority except such as which are not material. All taxes and assessments and levies that either the Company or PMI is required to withhold or to collect for payment have been duly withheld and collected and paid to the proper Governmental Entity or third party when due, taking into account permitted extensions. There are no tax liens or claims pending or, to the Company’s knowledge, threatened against the Company or PMI or any of their respective assets or property. There are no outstanding tax sharing agreements or other such arrangements between the Company or PMI and any other Person.

The only jurisdictions (or registration districts within such jurisdictions) in which the Company or PMI has any place of business or stores any material tangible assets are as set forth in Schedule 5(l) of the Disclosure Letter.

Subject to Schedule 5(m‑1) of the Disclosure Letter, each of the Company and PMI has good and marketable title to all real properties and all other properties and assets owned by it and material to its operations, in each case free from Encumbrances other than Permitted Encumbrances and defects that would materially affect the value thereof or materially interfere with the use made or currently planned to be made thereof by them; and subject to Schedule 5(n) of the Disclosure Letter, each of the Company and PMI directly or indirectly holds any leased real or personal property material to its operations under valid and enforceable leases with no exceptions that would materially interfere with the use made or currently planned to be made thereof by them. Schedule 5(m-1) of the Disclosure Letter sets forth a complete and accurate legal description of all the real property owned in fee by the Company and/or PMI. Each of the Company and PMI has adequate rights of ingress and egress for the operation of the business in the ordinary course from and to the Owned Real Property. Except as set forth in Schedule 5(m‑2) of the Disclosure Letter, neither the Company nor PMI owns any real property other than the Owned Real Property, and neither the Company nor PMI has agreed to acquire any real property or interest in real property other than the Owned Real Property.

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Neither the Company nor PMI is party to any lease, sublease, agreement to lease, offer to lease, renewal of lease or other right or interest in or to real property (each a “Lease”) except in respect of the Leased Real Properties. Each Lease is in good standing in all material respects and all amounts owing thereunder have been paid by the Company or PMI. Schedule 5(n) of the Disclosure Letter identifies the Leased Real Properties of the Company or PMI material to their operations. Each of the Company and PMI has adequate rights of ingress and egress for the operation of the business from and to Leased Real Property.

The uses to which the Owned Real Property and the Leased Real Property are being put by the Company and PMI are not in breach, in any material respect, of any applicable law.

No part of the Owned Real Property or the Leased Real Property of the Company or PMI has been taken or expropriated by any Governmental Entity nor has any written notice or proceeding in respect thereof been given or commenced nor is the Company aware of any intent or proposal to give any such notice or commence any such proceedings.

Subject to Schedule 5(q) of the Disclosure Letter, each of the Company and PMI possesses adequate certificates, authorities or permits issued by appropriate Governmental Entities necessary to conduct the business now operated by it which could, individually or in the aggregate, reasonably be expected to result in a Material Adverse Effect if not obtained, and has not received any written notice of proceedings relating to the revocation or modification of any such certificate, authority or permit except as identified in Schedule 5(q) of the Disclosure Letter. Each of the Company and PMI is in compliance with all applicable laws, non‑compliance with which could reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.

Neither the Company nor PMI is in default, nor has any event or circumstance occurred which, but for the passage of time or the giving of notice, or both, would constitute a default under any material agreement. No Event of Default has occurred and is continuing.

There are no existing Encumbrances relating to the assets of the Company or PMI other than Permitted Encumbrances except as set out on Schedule 5(s) of the Disclosure Letter.

There are no Pension Plans in existence. All Benefit Plans to which the Company or PMI is a party are described in Schedule 5(t) of the Disclosure Letter. There has not been any improper withdrawal or application of any asset of the Benefit Plans. There is no proceeding, action, suit or claim, including by any Governmental Entity (other than routine claims for benefits) pending or, to the Company’s knowledge, threatened involving the Benefit Plans, and no fact exists which could give rise to that type of proceeding, action, suit or claim. All contributions or premiums required to be made or paid by the Company or PMI in respect of the Benefit Plans have been made or paid in accordance with the terms of such plans and all applicable law. All contributions to the Benefit Plans by way of authorized payroll deduction or otherwise have been properly withheld or collected by the Company or PMI and have been fully paid into those plans in compliance with the plans and applicable law. All reports and disclosures relating to the Benefit Plans required by those plans and any applicable law to be filed or distributed have been filed or distributed in compliance with the plans and applicable law.

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No material labor dispute with the employees of the Company or PMI exists or, to the knowledge of the Company, is imminent.

Each of the Company and PMI has paid all wages and other forms of compensation due and owing and have made and remitted all required statutory and other deductions and there are no outstanding or pending labor or employment‑related liabilities.

(i) Neither the Company nor PMI is a party to any collective agreement or other labour contract except as set out on Schedule 5(w) of the Disclosure Letter; (ii) no union or other labor organization is actively seeking to organize, or to be recognized as, a collective bargaining unit of employees of the Company or PMI; and (iii) there is no pending or, to the Company’s knowledge, threatened, strike, work stoppage, material unfair labor practice claim, or other material labor dispute against or affecting the Company or PMI.

All Material Agreements of the Company and PMI are in full force and effect, unamended, and the Company or, to the Company’s knowledge, any other party to any such agreement is not in material default with respect thereto.

All books and records of the Company and PMI have been fully, properly and accurately kept and completed in accordance with IFRS and there are no material inaccuracies or discrepancies of any kind contained or reflected therein.

Each of the Company and PMI owns or possesses adequate rights or licenses to the inventions, know‑how, patents, patent rights, copyrights, trademarks, trade names, licenses, approvals, governmental authorizations, trade secrets, confidential information and other intellectual property rights, free and clear of all Encumbrances, equities and other adverse claims, necessary to conduct the business now operated by it and presently contemplated to be operated by it (collectively, “Intellectual Property Rights”), and neither the Company nor PMI has received any written notice of infringement of or conflict with asserted rights of others with respect to any Intellectual Property Rights.

The following representations are, in their entirety, subject to Schedule 5(aa) of the Disclosure Letter. To the knowledge of the Company, neither the Company nor PMI: (i) is in violation of any statute, rule, regulation, decision or order of any Governmental Entity relating to the use, disposal or release of hazardous or toxic substances or relating to the protection or restoration of the environment or human exposure to hazardous or toxic substances (collectively, “Environmental Laws”); (ii) own or operate any real property contaminated with any substance that is subject to any Environmental Laws, are not liable for any off‑site disposal or contamination pursuant to any Environmental Laws; and (iii) are subject to any claim relating to any Environmental Laws, which violation, contamination, ownership, operation, liability or claim would individually or in the aggregate have a Material Adverse Effect except as set forth in Schedule 5(aa) of the Disclosure Letter, and the Company is not aware of any other pending investigation that might lead to such a claim. The business and operations each of the Company and PMI complies in all material respects with Environmental Laws and each the Company and PMI holds all permits and licenses necessary to conduct its business and operations in compliance with Environmental Laws. All material costs to ensure compliance with Environmental Laws, including those with respect to future closure and rehabilitation costs, are accurately reflected in the Company’s financial statements in accordance with IFRS.

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Schedule 5(bb) of the Disclosure Letter lists all mineral interests and rights, including claims, concessions, surface rights, easements, exploration licenses and exploitation licenses and leases (collectively, the “Mineral Rights”) associated with the NorthMet Project which are held directly or indirectly by the Company or PMI or to which the Company or PMI is a party. Except as identified in Schedule 5(bb) of the Disclosure Letter or would not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect:

the Company is the sole legal and beneficial owner of all right, title and interest in and to the Mineral Rights, free and clear of any Encumbrances, except Permitted Encumbrances;

all of the Mineral Rights have been properly located and recorded in compliance with applicable Laws and are comprised of valid and subsisting mineral claims;

the Mineral Rights are in good standing under applicable Laws and all work required to be performed and filed in respect thereof has been performed and filed, all taxes, rentals, fees, expenditures and other payments in respect thereof have been paid or incurred and all filings in respect thereof have been made;

there is no adverse claim against or challenge to the title to or ownership of any of the Mineral Rights;

the Company has the exclusive right to deal with all of the Mineral Rights;

no person other than the Company has any interest in any of the Mineral Rights or the production or profits therefrom or any royalty in respect thereof or any right to acquire any such interest;

there are no options, back‑in rights, earn‑in rights, rights of first refusal or similar provisions or rights which would affect the interest of the Company or PMI in any of the Mineral Rights;

there are no restrictions on the ability of the Company or PMI to use, transfer or exploit any of the Mineral Rights, except pursuant to applicable laws;

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neither the Company nor PMI has received any written notice from any Governmental Entity of any revocation or intention to revoke any interest of the Company or PMI in any of the Mineral Rights; and

the Company has all surface rights, including easements and rights of way from landowners or Governmental Entities, that are required to develop and exploit the NorthMet Project as contemplated in the M3 Technical Report and no third party or group holds any such rights that would be required by the Company or PMI to develop and exploit the NorthMet Project as contemplated in the M3 Technical Report.

Except as identified in Schedule 5(cc) of the Disclosure Letter, there are no pending actions, suits or proceedings against or affecting the Company or PMI or any of their respective properties that, if determined adversely, would individually or in the aggregate have a Material Adverse Effect and, to the knowledge of the Company, no such actions, suits or proceedings are threatened or contemplated. There are no pending actions, suits or proceedings against or affecting the Company or PMI that involve this Agreement or the rights of Glencore or the obligations of the Company thereunder and, to the knowledge of the Company, no such actions, suits or proceedings are threatened or contemplated.

The financial statements included in the Disclosure Documents present fairly and accurately in all material respects the consolidated balance sheets of the Company as of the dates shown and its consolidated statements of loss and comprehensive loss, consolidated statements of changes in shareholder equity and consolidated statement of cash flows for the periods shown, and such other financial statements have been prepared in conformity with IFRS in effect from time to time in Canada applied on a consistent basis throughout the periods involved except as set forth in the notes thereto. Except as set forth in the annual financial statements of the Company included in the Annual Report, neither the Company nor PMI has any liabilities, contingent or otherwise, which individually or in the aggregate would result in a Material Adverse Effect subject to Schedule 5(dd) of the Disclosure Letter. The amount of the Closing Date Indebtedness is anticipated to be US$264,183,982 if the Rights Offering Closing Date occurs on June 30, 2019. Set out in Schedule 5(dd) of the Disclosure Letter is the Closing Date Indebtedness calculated for each day of the months of April, May and June, 2019.

Each of the Company and PMI maintains in full force and effect insurance coverage that the Company reasonably believes to be adequate against all liabilities, claims and risks against which it is customary for comparably situated companies to insure. All such insurance policies are: (i) sufficient for compliance with all requirements of applicable Law and of all Material Agreements; (ii) are valid, outstanding and enforceable policies; and (iii) provide adequate insurance coverage in at least such amounts and against at least such risks (but including in any event, public liability) as are usually insured against in the same general area by companies engaged in the same or a similar business. All premiums with respect thereto have been paid in accordance with their respective terms, and no written notice of cancellation or termination has been received with respect to any such policy.

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There are no proceedings pending or, to the Company’s knowledge, threatened against the Company relating to the continued listing of the Shares on the TSX or the NYSE American.

The Company is in material compliance with all applicable provisions of the Sarbanes‑Oxley Act that are in effect.

The Company is in material compliance with all applicable corporate governance requirements set forth in the rules of the NYSE American currently in effect.

In respect of financial reporting for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2018 and all subsequent periods, the Company maintains a system of internal control over financial reporting (as such term is defined in Rules 13a‑15(f) and 15d‑15(f) of the 1934 Act) sufficient to provide reasonable assurances that: (i) transactions are executed in accordance with management’s general or specific authorization; (ii) transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements of the Company in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles and to maintain accountability for assets; (iii) access to the Company’s assets is permitted only in accordance with management’s general or specific authorization; and (iv) the recorded accountability for assets of the Company is compared with existing assets at reasonable intervals and appropriate actions is taken with respect to any differences. The Company has not been advised of (x) any significant deficiencies in the design or operation of its internal control over financial reporting that could adversely affect its ability to record, process, summarize and report financial data; (y) any material weaknesses in its internal control over financial reporting; or (z) any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have significant role in the internal control over its financial reporting.

The Company has established and maintains disclosure controls and procedures (as such term is defined in Rules 13a‑15(e) and 15d‑15(e) of the 1934 Act), which are effective in all material respects to perform the functions for which they are established.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, which has audited certain financial statements of the Company and delivered its report with respect to the audited financial statements included in the Annual Report, is, with respect to the Company, an independent registered public accounting firm within the meaning of the 1933 Act and the rules and regulations promulgated by the SEC thereunder (including without limitation pursuant to the Sarbanes‑Oxley Act).

Neither the aggregate value of the assets in Canada of PolyMet and its Subsidiaries, nor the gross revenues from sales in or from Canada generated from those assets, as determined in accordance with Part IX of the Competition Act (Canada) and the Notifiable Transactions Regulations (Canada), SOR 87‑348, exceeds the prescribed value referred to in Section 110 of the Competition Act (Canada).

The “enterprise value” of PolyMet is less than C$1.045 billion, as determined in accordance with Section 3.3 of the Investment Canada Regulations (Canada) SOR 65‑611.

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The Rights Offering Shares issuable to Glencore will be duly and validly issued and registered in the name of Glencore (or as it may direct in writing) and upon receipt of the Subscription Price in respect of the Basic Entitlement Shares and Additional Subscription Shares and on fulfillment of the Standby Commitment, the Rights Offering Shares will be validly issued, fully paid, non‑assessable and will be free and clear of all liens, pledges, claims, encumbrances, security interests or other restrictions except for any restrictions on resale or transfer imposed by Securities Laws and not subject to any option to purchase or similar right (it being acknowledged by Glencore that the number of Standby Shares that it may be entitled to receive pursuant to the Rights Offering will depend on the number of Shares issued to those Persons who have exercised Rights prior to the Rights Offering Expiry Time).

The Rights Offering Shares will be allotted and issued subject to the notice of articles and articles of PolyMet, and on terms that they will, when issued, be fully paid, non‑assessable and free and clear of all encumbrances and restrictions, except for restrictions on transfer imposed by applicable securities laws.

PolyMet has provided Glencore with a good faith estimate of PolyMet’s out‑of‑pocket expenses relating to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. Such expenses shall not exceed US$6,000,000.

PolyMet is a reporting issuer in good standing in the Provinces of British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario.

PolyMet is qualified to file a prospectus in the form of a short form prospectus pursuant to the provisions of NI 44‑101 – Short Form Prospectus Distributions.

The Company has filed all of the technical reports required to be filed under National Instrument 43‑101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects in respect of each property material to the Company.

The Company has not, at any time since June 30, 2018, entered into any agreement or amendment or executed any payment that would have breached Section 6.1 of this Agreement if such provisions had been in force as at June 30, 2018.

(i) the common shares, without par value, of PolyMet are registered under Section 12(b) of the 1934 Act; (ii) PolyMet is required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 of the 1934 Act; (iii) PolyMet has filed all reports required to be filed pursuant to Section 13 of the 1934 Act; and (iv) PolyMet is in compliance with all of its other obligations under the 1934 Act.

PolyMet is a “foreign private issuer” within the meaning of Rule 3b‑4 under the 1934 Act, and PolyMet meets the requirements for use of Form F‑10 under the 1933 Act for registration under the 1933 Act of the offering of the Rights Offering Securities to be issued in connection with the Rights Offering.

- 5-11 -

No order halting or suspending trading in securities of PolyMet or prohibiting the sale of such securities is outstanding against PolyMet, and to the knowledge of PolyMet and the directors and officers thereof, no investigations or proceedings for such purpose are pending or threatened.

No approval of the Company’s Shareholders or valuation is required for: (i) the execution and delivery by the Company of this Agreement; (ii) the issuance of any of the Rights, the Shares issuable upon exercise of the Rights and/or the Standby Shares as contemplated by this Agreement; (iii) the Extension Agreement; (iv) the Warrant Amending Agreement; (v) the issuance of the 2019 Purchase Warrants; (vi) the Proposed Expiry Date Amendments (as defined in the Extension Agreement); (vii) the Extension Agreement; or (viii) the consummation of the other transactions contemplated by this Agreement, the Extension Agreement, the Warrant Amending Agreement and the Extension Agreement.

At the time of its filing with any Securities Authority and the SEC or otherwise and as at the Rights Offering Closing Date, the Prospectus and Registration Statement did and will comply with the requirements of Securities Laws in all material respects; and at the time of its filing and as at the Rights Offering Closing Date, the information and statements contained therein are true and correct in all material respects, contain no Misrepresentation and constitute full, true and plain disclosure of all material facts and do not omit any material facts relating to PolyMet and its Subsidiaries taken as a whole and as concerns the Rights Offering and the transactions contemplated herein; provided that the foregoing will not apply to any information or statements contained in the Prospectus or Registration Statement relating solely to Glencore that Glencore has specifically provided to PolyMet in writing for inclusion in such Prospectus and Registration Statement. The information disclosed to Glencore by or on behalf of Polymet in connection with the negotiation of the Extension Agreement and this Agreement, including any information disclosed in any representation and warranty, including any related disclosure schedule, contained herein or therein, does not include any information that is “material” within the meaning of the Securities Act, the 1933 Act or the 1934 Act, with respect to the Company, and which is not disclosed in the Prospectus.

Neither PolyMet nor PMI (nor to the knowledge of PolyMet, any officer, director, employee, advisor or agent of PolyMet or PMI) has engaged in any activity or conduct that has resulted or could result in an ABC Violation and PolyMet and PMI have established and maintained policies and procedures designed to ensure compliance with: (x) Anti‑Corruption Laws; (y) Anti‑Money Laundering Laws; and (z) Trade Sanctions.

The Company has received relief from the Autorité des Marchés Financiers for the translation requirements under Québec law.

- 6-1 -

Glencore represents and warrants to the Company as at the date of this Agreement that:
Glencore is a corporation duly incorporated, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its incorporation and has the corporate power and authority to own its properties and to carry on its business as now being conducted.

Glencore has full corporate power and authority and has taken all requisite action on its part necessary for: (i) the authorization, execution and delivery of the Agreement; and (ii) authorization of the performance of all of its obligations thereunder.

The Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by Glencore and the Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of Glencore, enforceable against Glencore in accordance with its terms, except as such enforceability may be limited by: (i) applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, fraudulent conveyance, reorganization, moratorium, liquidation or similar laws relating to, or affecting generally the enforcement of, creditors’ rights and remedies; or (ii) equitable principles relating to the availability of specific performance, injunctive relief and other equitable remedies.

No notice, registration and filing or report with, and no consent, approval, order or other authorization of, any Governmental Entity is required in connection with the execution, delivery and performance of the Transaction Documents by Glencore, other than: (i) HSR Clearance; (ii) an amendment to the Schedule 13D filed with the SEC by Glencore and certain of its affiliates with respect to their beneficial ownership of Shares; and (iii) “Early Warning Reports”, news releases and “insider report” filings under Canadian Securities Laws.

There has been no voluntary or involuntary action taken either by or against Glencore for any winding‑up, dissolution, liquidation, bankruptcy, receivership, administration or similar or analogous events in respect of Glencore or all or any material part of its assets or revenues.

The execution and delivery of this Agreement by Glencore will not result in any material breach of any agreement to which it is a party which would have a material adverse effect on its ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement.

- S1-1 -

See Disclosure Letter.

- 5.4-1 -


[. . .]
Glencore AG
Baarermattstrasse 3
PO Box 1301, 6341 Baar
Dear Sirs:
RE: PolyMet Mining Corp.


We have acted as counsel to PolyMet Mining Corp. (the “Company”) in connection with the negotiation, execution and delivery of a Standby Purchase Agreement (the “Agreement”) dated [. . .] 2019 between the Company and Glencore AG (“Glencore”).

This opinion is being provided pursuant to Section 5.4(e) of the Agreement. Capitalized terms used but otherwise not defined in this opinion have the same meaning herein as are ascribed thereto in the Agreement.

For the purposes of giving this opinion, we have examined and reviewed execution copies of the following documents:

the Agreement;

the Registration Rights Agreement;

the Rights Certificate (and together with the Agreement and the Registration Rights Agreement, the “Transaction Documents”);

the Preliminary Prospectus dated [. . .] 2019; and

the Final Prospectus dated [. . .], 2019.


The scope of our review is restricted to and this opinion is rendered solely with respect to the laws of the Province of [. . .], and the federal laws of Canada having application therein as of the date hereof.


In the examination and consideration of the documents (including the Transaction Documents) required to deliver this opinion, we have assumed the genuineness of all signatures thereto, the legal capacity of all individuals, the authenticity of all documents submitted to us as originals, the conformity to authentic original documents of all documents submitted to us as photostatted, telecopied or certified copies and the accuracy and completeness of any information provided to us by any office of public record. We have assumed the Transaction Documents are the legal, valid and binding obligations of the Parties thereto, other than the Company, enforceable against such Parties in accordance with their respective terms.

- 5.4-2 -

For the purposes of this opinion, we have also examined such other records, certificates and documents and have considered such questions of law and made such investigations and inquiries as we have considered necessary or advisable for the purposes of this opinion, including the following:

Certificates of Good Standing for the Company dated [. . .], 2019 and issued by the Registrar under the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia)

An officer's certificate of the Company dated [. . .], 2019 (the “Officer’s Certificate”) attaching thereto a copy of each of the following:

the Company’s constating documents; and

resolutions of the Board (“Corporate Resolutions”).

In expressing the opinion in paragraph 4.1 we have relied exclusively upon the certificate referred to in paragraph 3.2(a).

In expressing the opinion in paragraph 4.3, with respect to the number of common shares of the Company (the “Shares”) that are issued and outstanding, we have relied exclusively upon a letter dated [. . .], 2019 and provided to us by Computershare Investor Services Inc., acting in its capacity as registrar and transfer agent to the Company, a copy of which has been delivered to you.

In expressing the opinion in paragraph 4.4, we have relied exclusively upon our review of the reporting issuers list prepared by the British Columbia Securities Commission (“BCSC”) and published on the BCSC's website on [. . .], 2019 which list we assume continues to be accurate as of the date hereof.

In expressing the opinion in paragraphs 4.5 to 4.9 inclusive we have relied upon our review of the Officer’s Certificate referred to in paragraph 3.2(b).

In expressing the opinion in paragraphs 4.14, we have relied exclusively upon the letter from the Toronto Stock Exchange (“TSX”) dated [. . .], 2019, a copy of which has been provided to you.

Whenever our opinion herein with respect to the existence or absence of any agreement or other instrument or any agreement or other instrument or any judgment, writ, injunction, decree, order, award or ruling is qualified by the expression “to our knowledge” or “of which we are aware” or words to like effect, it is based solely on the actual knowledge of our current partners and associate lawyers directly involved in, and obtained during the course of, representing the Company in connection with the matters contemplated by the Transaction Documents.

We understand that the assumptions, qualifications and reliances expressed in the preceding paragraphs are satisfactory to you.

- 5.4-3 -


Based upon and subject to the foregoing and subject to the qualifications hereinafter set forth, we are of the opinion that:
The Company exists as a company under the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia) and is, with respect to the filing of annual reports, in good standing with the Office of the Registrar of Companies for the Province of British Columbia.

The Company has the necessary corporate power and capacity to enter into and carry out its obligations under each Transaction Document and to issue the Rights Offering Securities as contemplated by the Agreement.

The authorized capital of the Company consists of an unlimited number of Shares of which [. . .] Shares are issued and outstanding.

The Company is a “reporting issuer” under the Securities Act (British Columbia) and is not included in the list of issuers in default prepared by the BCSC.

Each Transaction Document and the performance by the Company of its obligations thereunder have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action by the Company.

Each Transaction Document has been duly executed and delivered by the Company and constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of the Company enforceable against the Company in accordance with its terms.

All necessary corporate action has been taken by the Company to authorize the creation, issuance and distribution of the Rights Offering Securities.

The execution and delivery of the Prospectus and the filing of the Prospectus pursuant to Securities Laws of the Province of British Columbia has been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action by the Company.

The Rights have been duly authorized and validly issued by the Company and upon the valid exercise of the Rights and payment of the subscription price for the Rights Offering Shares as provided for in the Rights Certificate, the Rights Offering Shares issued upon the exercise of the Rights will be duly authorized and validly issued as fully paid and non‑assessable common shares in the capital of the Company.

Upon the payment of the subscription price for the Standby Shares as provided for in the Agreement, the Standby Shares will be duly authorized and validly issued as fully paid and non‑assessable common shares in the capital of the Company.

Neither the execution and delivery by the Company of a Transaction Document nor the consummation of the transactions contemplated thereby results in a breach (whether after notice or lapse of time or both) of any of the terms, conditions or provisions of or constitute a default under: (i) the notice of articles or articles of the Company; (ii) any applicable law of the of the Province of British Columbia, and the federal laws of Canada having application therein; (iii) any agreement of which we are aware to which the Company is a party or by which the Company is bound; or (iv) any judgment, writ, injunction, decree, order award or ruling of a Governmental Entity of the Province of British Columbia or of Canada and of which we are aware and to which the Company is subject.

- 5.4-4 -

All documents required to have been filed or delivered by the Company and all proceedings, approvals, consents, authorizations and permits required to have been taken or obtained by the Company under Securities Laws have been filed, delivered, taken or obtained to qualify the distribution of the Rights in the Qualifying Jurisdictions.

No prospectus or other documents are required to be filed or delivered, proceedings taken or approvals, permits, consents or authorizations required to be obtained under the Securities Laws of the Qualifying Jurisdictions (other than such as have been filed or obtained) to permit the issue and delivery of the Rights Offering Shares and the Standby Shares.

The Rights have been approved for listing on the TSX and the Rights Offering Shares and Standby Shares have been conditionally approved for listing on the TSX subject only to the listing conditions set out in the letter from the TSX referred to in paragraph 3.5.

No notice, registration and filing or report with, an no consent, approval, order or other authorization of, any Governmental Entity having jurisdiction in British Columbia is require in connection with the execution, delivery and performance of the Transaction Documents by the Company, other than those that have been obtained.

Based on the provisions of the Tax Act the Regulations thereunder, and the proposals to amend the Tax Act and the Regulations publicly announced by or on behalf of the Minister of Finance (Canada) prior to the date hereof, the Rights Offering Securities, when issued, will be qualified investments under the Tax Act and the regulations thereunder for trusts governed by registered retirement savings plans, registered retirement income funds, deferred profit sharing plans and registered education savings plans, provided that the Rights and common shares of the Company are listed at that time on a “designated” stock exchange in Canada (which currently includes the TSX).

The statements set forth under the heading “Canadian Federal Income Tax Considerations” and “Eligibility for Investment” in the Final Prospectus are accurate subject to the assumptions and other qualifications referred to therein.


The opinions expressed herein are subject to the following qualifications:

the effects of any applicable bankruptcy, winding up, liquidation, insolvency, fraudulent preference, reorganization, moratorium or any other laws or judicial decisions of whatsoever nature or kind affecting the enforcement of creditors' rights and remedies generally, including, without limitation, the applicable provisions of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada), Winding‑Up and Restructuring Act (Canada), Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act (Canada) and British Columbia Business Corporations Act;

- 5.4-5 -

general principles of equity which may apply to any proceeding, whether in equity or at law, including, without limitation:

the powers of the court to stay proceedings before it and to stay the execution of judgments and to relieve from the consequences of default;

the concepts of materiality, good faith and fair dealing;

equitable remedies, such as specific performance and injunctive relief, may only be available in the discretion of the court and accordingly may not be available as a remedy in any particular circumstance;

principles limiting the availability of a remedy under a circumstance where Glencore has elected another remedy;

limitations which may be imposed by law on the effectiveness of terms exculpating or exempting a party from a liability; and

the requirement that determinations, requests or demands which may be made pursuant to the exercise of discretion must be made reasonably;

the ability to recover certain costs, fees and expenses in connection with litigation brought before the British Columbia Courts to enforce provisions of the Transaction Documents is in the discretion of the British Columbia Courts and counsel fees are subject to taxation;

claims becoming barred under laws regarding limitation of actions;

the Judgment Interest Act (British Columbia) limits interest on a judgment debt;

determinations, calculations, demands, requests, instructions and acts made by Glencore in the exercise of a discretion given to it under any Transaction Document, may not be enforceable if made or performed unreasonably or arbitrarily, and may not be treated as conclusive notwithstanding contrary provisions in any Transaction Document;

the Currency Act (Canada) precludes a court in Canada from giving a judgment in any currency other than Canadian currency;

limitations upon the right of Glencore to receive immediate payment of amounts stated to be payable on demand;

limitations upon the right of Glencore to enforce any Transaction Document on the basis of a default of a minor or non‑substantive nature or having insubstantial consequences to Glencore;

we express no opinion on provisions of the Transaction Documents:

- 5.4-6 -

directly or indirectly purporting to exclude unwritten variations, amendments, waivers or consents or to establish evidentiary standards;

purporting to bind or confer a benefit upon, persons who are not parties to that document;

purporting to allow severance of invalid, illegal or unenforceable provisions;

dealing with the waiving by a party of certain legal, statutory or equitable rights or doctrines;

purporting to relieve Glencore from the consequence of its own negligence;

which deem the Company to be holding certain assets in trust for Glencore on behalf of Glencore, since third parties dealing with the Company might otherwise have a preferential interest in the assets which are the subject of the deemed trust; or

which provide or have the effect of providing for a higher rate of interest after than before default or for the payment of rates and/or fees which may exceed the “criminal interest rate” provisions of the Criminal Code (Canada); and

which constitute an agreement to agree;

provisions providing indemnification for a party's own acts or omissions when such act or omission involves negligence, a wilful or unlawful conduct or is found to constitute a penalty or be against public policy may not be enforceable and the enforceability of rights of indemnity may be limited to the extent that any such indemnity is found by a court to indemnify a party against the consequences of an unlawful act or is found to constitute a penalty or be against public policy; and

to the extent that a particular contractual provision (including the obligation to pay default interest) is characterized by the British Columbia Courts as a penalty, and not as a genuine pre‑estimate of damages, it will not be enforceable notwithstanding its characterization by the parties.


This opinion is intended for the sole benefit of the addressees and may not be made available to or relied upon by any other person, firm or entity without our prior written consent. This opinion is limited to the matters expressly set forth in this letter, and no opinion has been implied, or may be inferred, beyond the matters expressly stated. This opinion speaks only as to law and facts in effect or existing as of the date hereof and we undertake no obligation or responsibility to update or supplement this opinion to reflect any facts or circumstances that may hereafter come to our attention or any changes in any law that may hereafter occur.
Yours truly,

- 5.4-7 -
The Registration Statement became effective upon filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. To the best of our knowledge, no stop order suspending the effectiveness of the Registration Statement has been issued under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended no proceedings for such purpose have been instituted or are pending, contemplated or threatened by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

The execution and delivery each of the Agreement, the Registration Rights Agreement and the Rights Certificate, by the Company and the performance by the Company of obligations thereunder (i) will not result in any violation of the United States federal securities law or the laws of the State of New York and (iii) will not require any consent, approval, authorization or other order of, or registration with, any New York or United States court or other governmental or regulatory authority or agency, except for such consents, approvals, authorizations, orders, or registrations which have been obtained or made by the Company or its subsidiaries and are in full force and effect under the Securities Act of 1933 or applicable state securities or blue sky laws.

Based solely on the review of a letter, dated [. . .], 2019, from the NYSE Regulation delivered to you on the date hereof, the Rights Offering Shares and the Standby Shares have been conditionally approved for listing on the NYSE American.

Based solely on the review of a letter, dated [. . .], 2019, from the NYSE Regulation delivered to you on the date hereof, the Rights have been approved for listing on the NYSE American.

The statements under the heading “Certain United States Federal Income Tax Consideration” in the Final Prospectus, to the extent that such statements purport to constitute summaries of matters of law or regulation or legal conclusions, fairly and accurately summarize the matters described therein in all material respects, except that we render no opinion as to the Company’s status as a “passive foreign investment company” within the meaning of such term in the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

EX-5.1 3 a51974518ex5_1.htm EXHIBIT 5.1

Exhibit 5.1

Consent of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
We hereby consent to the incorporation by reference in this Registration Statement on Form F-10 of PolyMet Mining Corp. of our report dated March 28, 2019 relating to the consolidated financial statements and the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting, which appears in the Exhibit to PolyMet Mining Corp.’s Annual Report on Form 40-F for the year ended December 31, 2018.

/s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Chartered Professional Accountants
Vancouver, Canada
May 6, 2019
EX-5.2 4 a51974518ex5_2.htm EXHIBIT 5.2
Exhibit 5.2


In connection with the filing of PolyMet Mining Corp.’s preliminary short form prospectus, dated May 6, 2019, all supplements thereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein (collectively, the “Prospectus”) and the registration statement on Form F-10, dated May 6, 2019, and any amendments thereto, including any post-effective amendments (collectively, the “Registration Statement”), we hereby consent to the use of our name in the Prospectus and the Registration Statement in the sections entitled “Enforceability of Civil Liabilities,” “Certain Canadian Federal Income Tax Considerations,” “Eligibility for Investment,” and “Legal Matters”.

“Farris, Vaughan, Wills & Murphy LLP”

Farris, Vaughan, Wills & Murphy LLP
Date: May 6, 2019
EX-5.3 5 a51974518ex5_3.htm EXHIBIT 5.3



Reference is made to the Technical Report entitled “NorthMet Project Form NI 43-101F1 Technical Report” (the “Technical Report”) with effective date March 26, 2018.
In connection with the filing of PolyMet Mining Corp.’s preliminary short form prospectus, dated May 6, 2019, all supplements thereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein (collectively, the “Prospectus”) and the registration statement on Form F-10, dated May 6, 2019, and any amendments thereto including any post-effective amendments (collectively, the “Registration Statement”), I, Zachary J. Black, consent to the use of my name in the report, or portions thereof in the Prospectus and Registration Statement and to the inclusion or incorporation by reference of information derived from the Report in the Prospectus and Registration Statement.



Dated this 6th day of May, 2019.
/s/ Zachary J. Black
Name:  Zachary J. Black
EX-5.4 6 a51974518ex5_4.htm EXHIBIT 5.4



Reference is made to the Technical Report entitled “NorthMet Project Form NI 43-101F1 Technical Report” (the “Technical Report”) with effective date March 26, 2018.
In connection with the filing of PolyMet Mining Corp.’s preliminary short form prospectus, dated May 6, 2019, all supplements thereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein (collectively, the “Prospectus”) and the registration statement on Form F-10, dated May 6, 2019, and any amendments thereto including any post-effective amendments (collectively, the “Registration Statement”), I, Jennifer J. Brown, consent to the use of my name in the report, or portions thereof in the Prospectus and Registration Statement and to the inclusion or incorporation by reference of information derived from the Report in the Prospectus and Registration Statement.


Dated this 6th day of May, 2019.
/s/ Jennifer J. Brown
Name:  Jennifer J. Brown

EX-5.5 7 a51974518ex5_5.htm EXHIBIT 5.5



Reference is made to the Technical Report entitled “NorthMet Project Form NI 43-101F1 Technical Report” (the “Technical Report”) with effective date March 26, 2018.
In connection with the filing of PolyMet Mining Corp.’s preliminary short form prospectus, dated May 6, 2019, all supplements thereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein (collectively, the “Prospectus”) and the registration statement on Form F-10, dated May 6, 2019, and any amendments thereto including any post-effective amendments (collectively, the “Registration Statement”), I, Nicholas Dempers, consent to the use of my name in the report, or portions thereof in the Prospectus and Registration Statement and to the inclusion or incorporation by reference of information derived from the Report in the Prospectus and Registration Statement.


Dated this 6th day of May, 2019.
/s/ Nicholas Dempers
Name:  Nicholas Dempers
EX-5.6 8 a51974518ex5_6.htm EXHIBIT 5.6



Reference is made to the Technical Report entitled “NorthMet Project Form NI 43-101F1 Technical Report” (the “Technical Report”) with effective date March 26, 2018.
In connection with the filing of PolyMet Mining Corp.’s preliminary short form prospectus, dated May 6, 2019, all supplements thereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein (collectively, the “Prospectus”) and the registration statement on Form F-10, dated May 6, 2019, and any amendments thereto including any post-effective amendments (collectively, the “Registration Statement”), I, Thomas L. Drielick, consent to the use of my name in the report, or portions thereof in the Prospectus and Registration Statement and to the inclusion or incorporation by reference of information derived from the Report in the Prospectus and Registration Statement.



Dated this 6th day of May, 2019.
/s/ Thomas L. Drielick
Name:  Thomas L. Drielick
EX-5.7 9 a51974518ex5_7.htm EXHIBIT 5.7



Reference is made to the Technical Report entitled “NorthMet Project Form NI 43-101F1 Technical Report” (the “Technical Report”) with effective date March 26, 2018.
In connection with the filing of PolyMet Mining Corp.’s preliminary short form prospectus, dated May 6, 2019, all supplements thereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein (collectively, the “Prospectus”) and the registration statement on Form F-10, dated May 6, 2019, and any amendments thereto including any post-effective amendments (collectively, the “Registration Statement”), I, Art S. Ibrado, consent to the use of my name in the report, or portions thereof in the Prospectus and Registration Statement and to the inclusion or incorporation by reference of information derived from the Report in the Prospectus and Registration Statement.


Dated this 6th day of May, 2019.
/s/ Art S. Ibrado
Name:  Art S. Ibrado
EX-5.8 10 a51974518ex5_8.htm EXHIBIT 5.8



Reference is made to the Technical Report entitled “NorthMet Project Form NI 43-101F1 Technical Report” (the “Technical Report”) with effective date March 26, 2018.
In connection with the filing of PolyMet Mining Corp.’s preliminary short form prospectus, dated May 6, 2019, all supplements thereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein (collectively, the “Prospectus”) and the registration statement on Form F-10, dated May 6, 2019, and any amendments thereto including any post-effective amendments (collectively, the “Registration Statement”), I, Erin L. Patterson, consent to the use of my name in the report, or portions thereof in the Prospectus and Registration Statement and to the inclusion or incorporation by reference of information derived from the Report in the Prospectus and Registration Statement.



Dated this 6th day of May, 2019.
/s/ Erin L. Patterson
Name:  Erin L. Patterson

EX-5.9 11 a51974518ex5_9.htm EXHIBIT 5.9



Reference is made to the Technical Report entitled “NorthMet Project Form NI 43-101F1 Technical Report” (the “Technical Report”) with effective date March 26, 2018.
In connection with the filing of PolyMet Mining Corp.’s preliminary short form prospectus, dated May 6, 2019, all supplements thereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein (collectively, the “Prospectus”) and the registration statement on Form F-10, dated May 6, 2019, and any amendments thereto including any post-effective amendments (collectively, the “Registration Statement”), I, Thomas J. Radue, consent to the use of my name in the report, or portions thereof in the Prospectus and Registration Statement and to the inclusion or incorporation by reference of information derived from the Report in the Prospectus and Registration Statement.


Dated this 6th day of May, 2019.
/s/ Thomas J. Radue
Name:  Thomas J. Radue
EX-5.10 12 a51974518ex5_10.htm EXHIBIT 5.10



Reference is made to the Technical Report entitled “NorthMet Project Form NI 43-101F1 Technical Report” (the “Technical Report”) with effective date March 26, 2018.
In connection with the filing of PolyMet Mining Corp.’s preliminary short form prospectus, dated May 6, 2019, all supplements thereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein (collectively, the “Prospectus”) and the registration statement on Form F-10, dated May 6, 2019, and any amendments thereto including any post-effective amendments (collectively, the “Registration Statement”), I, Jeff S. Ubl, consent to the use of my name in the Technical Report, or portions thereof in the Prospectus and Registration Statement and to the inclusion or incorporation by reference of information derived from the Technical Report in the Prospectus and Registration Statement.


Dated this 6th day of May, 2019.
/s/ Jeff s. Ubl
Name:  Jeff S. Ubl
EX-5.11 13 a51974518ex5_11.htm EXHIBIT 5.11



Reference is made to the Technical Report entitled “NorthMet Project Form NI 43-101F1 Technical Report” (the “Technical Report”) with effective date March 26, 2018.
In connection with the filing of PolyMet Mining Corp.’s preliminary short form prospectus, dated May 6, 2019, all supplements thereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein (collectively, the “Prospectus”) and the registration statement on Form F-10, dated May 6, 2019, and any amendments thereto including any post-effective amendments (collectively, the “Registration Statement”), I, Herbert E. Welhener, consent to the use of my name in the report, or portions thereof in the Prospectus and Registration Statement and to the inclusion or incorporation by reference of information derived from the Report in the Prospectus and Registration Statement.


Dated this 6th day of May, 2019.
/s/ Herbert E. Welhener
Name:  Herbert E. Welhener

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