Exhibit 99

For More Information:
Craig M. Koven
Communications Manager
(800) CELADON, Ext. 7041
317-972-7041 Direct
317-408-4859 Mobile
December 5, 2007

Celadon Group Announces Completion of Its Two Million Share Buyback and Authorization of an Additional Two Million Share Buyback

INDIANAPOLIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dec. 5, 2007--Celadon Group Inc. (NASDAQ:CLDN) today announced that it has completed the two million share stock repurchase program which had been authorized by its Board of Directors on October 24, 2007. The Company also announced that today, the Board of Celadon authorized a second stock repurchase program, for up to an additional two million shares. As in the case of the October approval, the shares may be purchased in open market or negotiated transactions through December 3, 2008. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Steve Russell said, "At recent stock prices, and applicable interest rates, we believe that repurchasing these additional shares will likely be accretive to earnings, and provide us with a potentially attractive use of capital."
Celadon Group Inc. (www.celadongroup.com), through its subsidiaries, primarily provides long-haul, full-truckload freight service across the United States, Canada and Mexico. The company also owns TruckersB2B Inc. (www.truckersb2b.com) which provides cost savings to member fleets, and Celadon Dedicated Services, which provides supply chain management solutions, such as warehousing and dedicated fleet services.
This press release and statements made by Celadon in its stockholder reports and public filings, as well as oral public statements by Celadon representatives, contain certain forward-looking information, usually identified by words such as "anticipates," "believes," "estimates," "projects," "intends," expects," "plans," or similar expressions. These statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements are based upon the current beliefs and expectations of Celadon's management and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ from those set forth in forward-looking statements. With respect to expectations concerning continued execution of the strategic plan and future operating results, as well as with respect to general business operations, the following factors, among others, could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements: excess tractor and trailer capacity in the trucking industry; decreased demand for our services or loss of one or more of our major customers; surplus inventories; recessionary economic cycles and downturns in customers' business cycles; strikes, work slow downs, or work stoppages at our facilities, or at customer, port, border crossing, or other shipping related facilities; our ability to execute our strategic plan; increases in compensation for and difficulty in attracting and retaining qualified drivers and independent contractors; increases in insurance premiums and deductible amounts; elevated experience in the frequency or severity of claims relating to accident, cargo, workers' compensation, health, and other matters; fluctuations in claims expenses that result from high self-insured retention amounts and differences between estimates used in establishing and adjusting claims reserves and actual results over time; increases or rapid fluctuations in fuel prices, as well as fluctuations in hedging activities and surcharge collection, the volume and terms of diesel purchase commitments, interest rates, fuel taxes, tolls, and license and registration fees; fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates; increases in the prices paid for new revenue equipment; increases in interest rates or decreased availability of capital or other sources of financing for revenue equipment; decreases in the resale value of our used equipment; seasonal factors such as harsh weather conditions that increase operating costs; competition from trucking, rail, and intermodal competitors; regulatory requirements that increase costs or decrease efficiency, including revised hours-of-service requirements for drivers; our ability to identify acceptable acquisition candidates, consummate acquisitions, and integrate acquired operations; the timing of, and any rules relating to, the opening of the border to Mexican drivers; challenges associated with doing business internationally; our ability to retain key employees; and the effects of actual or threatened military action or terrorist attacks or responses, including security measures that may impede shipping efficiency, especially at border crossings. Readers should review and consider the various disclosures made by Celadon in this press release, stockholder reports, and in its Forms 10-K, 10-Q, and other public filings. Celadon disclaims any such obligation to update or alter its forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.
For a more detailed discussion of these factors, please refer to the various disclosures made by the Company in its press releases, stockholder reports, and filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.