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Summary Prospectus Supplement   September 2, 2021 
Putnam Sustainable Leaders Fund   
Summary prospectus dated August 30, 2021   


• The footnote to the “Management fees” column in the “Annual fund operating expenses” table in the section Fees and expenses is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:

† Management fees are subject to a performance adjustment. The fund’s base management fee is subject to adjustment, up or down, based on the fund’s performance relative to the performance of the S&P 500 Index for portions of a performance period after August 1, 2019 and the Russell 3000 Growth Index for portions of a performance period prior to August 1, 2019. The maximum annualized performance adjustment rate, upward or downward, is 0.12%. For the most recent fiscal year, the fund’s base management fee prior to any performance adjustment was 0.549%.

• The sub-section  Investments  in the section Investments, risks, and performance  is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:


We invest mainly in common stocks of U.S. companies of any size, with a focus on companies that we believe exhibit a commitment to financially material sustainable business practices. In evaluating investments for the fund, we view “financially material sustainable business practices” as business practices that we believe are reasonably likely to impact the financial condition or operating performance of a company and that relate to environmental, social, or corporate governance issues. We identify relevant environmental, social, or corporate governance issues on a sector-specific basis using an internally developed materiality map, which is informed by the sustainability issues identified by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board as material to companies within a particular industry. As part of this analysis, we may utilize metrics and information such as emissions data, carbon intensity, sources of energy used for operations, water use and re-use, water generation and diversion from landfill, employee safety and diversity data, supplier audits, product safety, board composition, and incentive compensation structures. Stocks of companies that exhibit a commitment to financially material sustainable business practices are typically, but not always, considered to be growth stocks. Growth stocks are stocks of companies whose revenues, earnings, or cash flows are expected to grow faster than those of similar firms, and whose business growth and other characteristics may lead to an increase in stock price. We may consider, among other factors, a company’s sustainable business practices (as described above), valuation, financial strength, growth potential, competitive position in its industry, projected future earnings, cash flows and dividends when deciding whether to buy or sell investments. We may also invest in non-U.S. companies.

Under normal circumstances, the fund invests at least 80% of the value of its net assets in securities that meet our sustainability criteria. These criteria are based on a proprietary materiality map that is informed by the sustainability issues identified as material by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board. In applying these criteria, we will assign each company a proprietary environmental, social and/or corporate governance (ESG) rating ranging from 1 to 4 (1 indicating the highest (best) ESG rating and 4 indicating the

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lowest (worst) ESG rating). In order to meet our sustainability criteria for purposes of this investment policy, a company must be rated 2 or 1 by us. This policy is non-fundamental and may be changed only after 60 days’ notice to shareholders. In selecting each investment, we focus on companies that have a demonstrated commitment to sustainable business practices in areas that are relevant and material to their long-term financial returns and risk profiles. We believe that companies that have exhibited such a commitment also often demonstrate potential for strong financial growth. This commitment may be reflected through ESG policies, practices, or outcomes. The fund’s approach to sustainable investing incorporates fundamental research together with consideration of ESG factors. Environmental factors include, for example, a company’s carbon intensity and use of resources like water or minerals. Sustainability measures in this area might include plans to reduce waste, increase recycling, raise the proportion of energy supply from renewable sources, or improve product design to be less resource intensive. Social factors include, for example, labor practices and supply chain management. Sustainability measures in this area might include programs to improve employee well-being, commitment to workplace equality and diversity, or improved stewardship of supplier relationships and working conditions. Corporate governance factors include, for example, board composition and executive compensation. Sustainability measures in this area might include improvements in board independence or diversity, or alignment of management incentives with the company’s strategic sustainability objectives. The integrated approach of the fund combines analysis of the growing body of ESG data and deep fundamental analysis and looks for companies that demonstrate leadership, beyond compliance, on relevant sustainability issues. The characteristics that we may use when considering sustainability leadership include:

(1) Materiality. The company is focused on sustainability issues that are relevant to long term business success.

(2) Creativity and proactiveness. The company’s sustainability characteristics go beyond compliance to demonstrate heightened commitment.

(3) Transparency. The company’s goals are specific, with candid and consistent progress reporting.

(4) Impact. The sustainability characteristics create benefits that are meaningful both at the company and more broadly.

• The sixth paragraph of the sub-section  Risks  in the section  Investments, risks, and performance  is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:

Investing with a focus on companies that exhibit a commitment to sustainable practices may result in the fund investing in certain types of companies, industries or sectors that the market may not favor. In evaluating an investment opportunity, we may make investment decisions based on information and data that is incomplete or inaccurate. Sustainability and ESG factors are not uniformly defined and applying such factors involves subjective assessments. Sustainability and ESG scorings and assessments of issuers can vary across third-party data providers and may change over time. In addition, a company’s business practices, products or services may change over time. As a result of these possibilities, among others, the fund may temporarily hold securities that are inconsistent with the fund’s sustainable investment criteria. Regulatory changes or interpretations regarding the definitions and/or use of ESG or other

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sustainability criteria could have a material adverse effect on the fund’s ability to invest in accordance with its investment policies and/or achieve its investment objective, as well as the ability of certain classes of investors to invest in funds, such as the fund, whose strategies include ESG or other sustainability criteria.

Shareholders should retain this Supplement for future reference. 


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