497 1 nlicva3am497.txt NLIC VA3 AM SUPPLEMENT Northbrook Life Insurance Company Northbrook Variable Annuity Account II Supplement dated August 30, 2002 to the Morgan Stanley Variable Annuity 3 AssetManager Prospectus dated May 1, 2002 This supplement announces that the basic dollar cost averaging fixed account option is currently closed to purchase payments. Please read this supplement carefully and retain it for future reference together with your prospectus. On page 16 of your prospectus, the first paragraph under the heading "Investment Alternatives: The Fixed Account" is deleted and replaced with the following: The Fixed Account options are not currently available. In the future, we may offer the Basic Dollar Cost Averaging Option and the 6 and 12 Month Dollar Cost Averaging Options described below. Please consult with your Morgan Stanley Financial Advisor for current information. Please delete all references to the availability of Fixed Account Options in the prospectus and change all references throughout the prospectus to the availability of "38" investment alternatives to "36" investment alternatives.