Washington, D.C. 20549




Investment Company Act file number 811- 06107

John Hancock Patriot Select Dividend Trust
(Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

601 Congress Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02210
(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)

Alfred P. Ouellette
Senior Counsel and Assistant Secretary

601 Congress Street

Boston, Massachusetts 02210
(Name and address of agent for service)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code: 617-663-4324

Date of fiscal year end:  June 30 
Date of reporting period:  June 30, 2007 



Your fund at a glance 
page 1 

Managers’ report 
page 2 

Fund’s investments 
page 6 

Financial statements 
page 10 

Notes to financial 
page 14 

Trustees and officers 
page 28 

For more information 
page 32 

CEO corner

To Our Shareholders,

The stock market gained ground over the last 12 months, returning 20.59% through June 30, 2007, as measured by the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index. It was bolstered by stronger-than-expected corporate earnings growth, healthy global economic growth, increased merger and acquisitions activity and mostly steady interest rates. These positives served to overcome concerns about inflation, a slumping housing market, the subprime mortgage debacle and mixed signals on the future direction of interest rates.

In fact, at the end of May, the stock market passed a significant milestone, when the broad Standard & Poor’s 500 Index climbed beyond the record it had set seven years ago. From its peak in March 2000, the stock market spiraled downward three consecutive years, bottoming in 2002. The upturn began in 2003, and the market has advanced each year since, finally setting a new high on May 30, 2007.

This nearly complete market cycle highlights the importance of an investment principle you have heard us speak of often: diversification. That is because it is a key to protecting, and growing, your assets. By allocating your investments among different asset classes, investment styles and portfolio managers, you are likely to be well represented through all phases of a complete market cycle, with the winners helping to cushion the fall of the losers.

The challenge for investors with a diversified portfolio is to properly evaluate your investments to tell the difference between an underperforming manager and an out-of-favor style, while also understanding the role each investment plays in your portfolio. That’s where your financial professional can provide true value. He or she can help you make those assessments and also counsel patience, because a properly diversified portfolio by its very nature will typically have something lagging or out of favor — a concept that can be difficult to live with, but necessary to embrace. If everything in your portfolio is “working,” then you are not truly diversified, but rather are leveraged to the current market and the flavor of the day. If so, you are bound to be out of step in the near future.

With the recent volatility in the securities markets, it has prompted investors to question how long this type of market cycle will last. History tells us it will end and that when it does, today’s leaders may well turn into laggards and vice versa. Indeed, the current subprime mortgage market woes, the subsequent credit crunch and their impact on the financial markets and the global credit markets, are just the latest examples of why investors should be well-diversified. For with patience and a diversified portfolio, it could be easier to weather the market’s twists and turns and reach your long-term goals.


Keith F. Hartstein,
President and Chief Executive Officer

This commentary reflects the CEO’s views as of August 27, 2007. They are subject to change at any time.

Your fund at a glance

The Fund seeks to provide high current income, consistent with modest growth of capital, by investing at least 80% of its assets in a diversified portfolio of dividend-paying securities. The Fund will normally invest more than 65% of its total assets in securities of companies in the utilities industry.

Over the last twelve months

Preferred and utility common stocks posted solid gains during the period, fueled by a relatively benign interest rate backdrop and strong investor demand.

Utility common stock holdings aided the Fund's returns the most.

Tax-advantaged preferred holdings performed well, but those without tax benefits lagged.

Top 10 issuers

NSTAR  5.0%  Citigroup, Inc.  3.0% 

Bear Stearns Cos. (The)  3.6%    Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc.  2.9% 

DTE Energy Co.  3.4%  Energy East Corp.  2.8% 

CH Energy Group, Inc.  3.1%  Southern Union Co.  2.6% 

Bank of America Corp.  3.0%  Alliant Energy Corp.  2.6% 


As a percentage of the Fund’s net assets plus the value of preferred shares on June 30, 2007.


Managers’ report

John Hancock

Patriot Select Dividend Trust

Preferred stocks and utility common stocks — the two primary areas of emphasis for John Hancock Patriot Select Dividend Trust — generated decent gains for the 12-month period ended June 30, 2007. Both segments started off the period in the doldrums, plagued by concerns that strong economic conditions might fuel inflation and prompt the Federal Reserve Board to raise interest rates to stave it off. Because preferreds and utility common stocks tend to make fixed-income payments in the form of dividends, their prices generally move higher and lower in response to expectations for interest rates and inflation.

But from about August through the end of 2006, preferreds and utility commons rallied strongly as the Fed refrained from raising rates amid slowing economic conditions and contained inflation, prompting investors to hope that the central bank might actually cut interest rates in early 2007. A series of reports indicating that the housing market and other parts of the economy were slowing provided investors evidence that inflation wasn’t the same concern it had been just a few months earlier.

During most of the first four months of 2007, both utility common and preferred stocks continued to be bolstered by persistently strong investor demand for securities that generated attractive amounts of incremental income over U.S. Treasury securities. Both asset classes also benefited from a reasonably favorable interest rate environment as the


National Fuel Gas    Rebound in energy prices; planned shale exploration 
Energy East  Company to be bought by Spanish energy concern 
SLM  Investors fear company will be downgraded after leveraged buyout 


Portfolio Managers, MFC Global Investment Management (U.S.), LLC
Gregory K. Phelps and Mark T. Maloney

Federal Reserve Board left its target short-term interest rate unchanged at 5.25% . A spate of merger and acquisition activity further boosted utility stocks. Preferred stocks, however, retraced some of those gains late in the period as a growing supply of the securities acted as a drag on their prices. And preferreds and utility commons came under significant pressure in May and June amid a bout of profit taking, as investors seemingly concluded that the Fed wasn’t going to be cutting rates in 2007.

“Preferred stocks and utility
common stocks … generated
decent gains for the 12-month
period ended June 30, 2007.”

Against that year-long backdrop, preferred stocks that offered a certain tax advantage known as the dividends received deduction (DRD) outpaced those without the tax benefit. That’s primarily because tax-advantaged securities were in short supply throughout much of the period.


For the 12 months ended June 30, 2007, John Hancock Patriot Select Dividend Trust returned 12.69% at net asset value (NAV) and 13.68% at market value. The difference in the Fund’s NAV performance and its market performance stems from the fact that the market share price is subject to the dynamics of secondary market trading, which could cause it to trade at a discount or premium to the Fund’s NAV share price at any time. The Fund’s yield at closing market price on June 30, 2007 was 5.15% . By comparison, the average closed-end specialty-utilities fund returned 25.01% at net asset value, according to Morningstar, Inc. For the same 12-month period, the Lehman Brothers Aggregate Bond Index gained 6.12%, the Merrill Lynch Preferred Stock DRD Index rose 10.42% and the S&P 400 Mid-Cap Utilities Index returned 17.34% .

Patriot Select Dividend Trust


Utility commons generate results

As they have for some time now, our utility common stock holdings provided the biggest boost to the Fund’s performance. Among the most significant contributors was National Fuel Gas Co. It performed well, thanks in large part to strong pricing conditions for natural gas and investors’ excitement over the company’s plans to explore for gas in the Devonian black shales region in Pennsylvania and New York. Our holdings in Energy East Corp. were also among our biggest winners, as the company was the target of a cash buyout offer in June by a Spanish utility. Our stake in Dominion Resources, Inc. also performed well, bolstered in part by the company’s sale of most of its oil and gas properties, as well as its intended buyback of a large amount of its outstanding shares of common stock. Our holdings in telecommunications giant AT&T, Inc. posted good gains due to growing recognition that the company’s stock prov ided an attractive dividend yield, that its merger was working and that it was gaining market share in the broadband and wireless segments. The rising price of oil also helped our energy related holdings, specifically BP Plc and Total SA.

Multi-utilities  41% 
Electric utilities  20% 
Investment banking &   
brokerage  7% 
Oil & gas exploration &   
production  7% 
Diversified financial   
services  6% 
Gas utilities  4% 
Life & health insurance  3% 
services  2% 
Regional banks  2% 
Integrated oil & gas  2% 
Consumer finance  2% 
Agricultural products  2% 
Thrifts & mortgage   
finance  1% 

Preferreds mixed

Among our preferred holdings, we enjoyed strong performance from PNM Resources, Inc., helped by the company’s ability to generate greater-than-expected customer growth. In addition, investors were excited by news that Microsoft founder Bill Gates’ personal investment vehicle was entering into a joint venture with the utility and energy company. Our holdings in MetLife, Inc. also served us well, aided by strong demand for DRD-eligible preferreds. Bank of America Corp.’s preferred holdings also enjoyed solid performance, helped by investor demand for attractively priced tax-advantaged preferred stocks issued by high-quality companies amid a dearth of such securities.

Many of our preferred stock holdings in the brokerage area performed quite well during the period, led by Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. The brokers benefited from their ability to fire on all cylinders in their key businesses, including stocks, investment banking, asset

Patriot Select Dividend Trust


management and private equity. They also benefited from providing services to the thriving hedge fund industry, as well as posting strong gains from their proprietary trading accounts.

In contrast, we lost ground with our stake in the preferred stock of student-loan company SLM Corp. Investors became concerned about a potential credit downgrade of the company amid news about the financing details of the company’s agreement to be taken private in a leveraged buyout. Of particular concern was the high level of debt that would have to be serviced through cash flow from operations. We continued to hold onto SLM because we believe the stock’s price reflected the worst case scenario, and we weren’t willing to part with it at such discounted valuations.

“As they have for some time now,
our utility common stock holdings
provided the biggest boost to the
Fund’s performance.”


As we enter the second half of 2007, we’re cautiously optimistic about the prospects for preferred and utility common stocks. In our view, the ongoing downturn in the housing market and the higher consumer interest rates and bond yields that we saw at the end of the period could have a slowing effect on the economy in coming months. If economic growth trails off and inflation remains in check, we could see a rally in Treasury bonds. That rally, in turn, could be the catalyst for better performance for preferred stocks and utility common stocks.

This commentary reflects the views of the portfolio managers through the end of the Fund’s period discussed in this report. The managers’ statements reflect their own opinions. As such, they are in no way guarantees of future events and are not intended to be used as investment advice or a recommendation regarding any specific security. They are also subject to change at any time as market and other conditions warrant.

The Fund normally will invest at least 65% of its managed assets in securities of companies in the utilities industry. Such an investment concentration makes the Fund more susceptible to factors adversely affecting the utilities industry than a more broadly diversified fund. Sector investing is subject to greater risks than the market as a whole.

1 As a percentage of net assets plus the value of preferred shares on June 30, 2007.

Patriot Select Dividend Trust


Fund’s investments

F I N A N C I A L   S T A T E M E N T S

Securities owned by the Fund on 6-30-07

This schedule is divided into three main categories: common stocks, preferred stocks
and short-term investments. Common and preferred stocks are further broken down by
industry group. Short-term investments, which represent the Fund’s cash position, are
listed last.

Issuer  Shares  Value 

Common stocks 56.07%    $84,666,099 
(Cost $75,721,022)     

Diversified Financial Services 0.69%


Bank of America Corp.  21,200  1,036,468 

Electric Utilities 6.65%

Integrys Energy Group, Inc.  98,643  5,004,159 

Pinnacle West Capital Corp.  30,000  1,195,500 

Progress Energy, Inc.  84,000  3,829,560 

Progress Energy, Inc. (Contingent Value Obligation) (B)(I)  20,000  6,200 

Gas Utilities 1.61%

National Fuel Gas Co.  56,150  2,431,857 

Integrated Oil & Gas 2.61%

BP Plc, ADR (United Kingdom) (F)  21,044  1,518,114 

Total SA, ADR (France) (F)  30,000  2,429,400 

Integrated Telecommunication Services 3.59%

AT&T, Inc.  97,700  4,054,550 

Verizon Communications, Inc.  33,150  1,364,786 

Multi-Utilities 40.46%

Alliant Energy Corp.  148,000  5,749,800 

Ameren Corp.  85,400  4,185,454 

CH Energy Group, Inc.  151,250  6,801,713 

Consolidated Edison, Inc.  45,000  2,030,400 

Dominion Resources, Inc.  51,000  4,401,810 

Duke Energy Corp.  53,410  977,403 

DTE Energy Co.  155,900  7,517,498 

Energy East Corp.  240,750  6,281,168 

NiSource, Inc.  117,700  2,437,567 

NSTAR Electric Co.  188,000  6,100,600 

OGE Energy Corp.  126,092  4,621,272 

SCANA Corp.  21,700  830,893 

TECO Energy, Inc.  176,750  3,036,565 

Vectren Corp.  30,000  807,900 

Xcel Energy, Inc.  260,000  5,322,200 

See notes to financial statements

Patriot Select Dividend Trust


F I N A N C I A L   S T A T E M E N T S

Issuer    Shares  Value 
Oil & Gas Storage & Transportation 0.46%      $693,262 

Spectra Energy Corp.    26,705  693,262 
Issuer, description  rating (A)  Shares  Value 

Preferred stocks 89.05%      $134,472,745 
(Cost $133,121,173)       

Agricultural Products 2.20%

Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc.,       
6.25%, Ser A (S)  BB+  40,000  3,327,500 

Consumer Finance 2.93%

SLM Corp., 6.97%, Ser A  BBB–  92,000  4,420,600 

Diversified Financial Services 8.08%

Bank of America Corp., 6.204%,       
Depositary Shares, Ser D  A+  220,000  5,667,200 

Citigroup, Inc., 6.213%,       
Depositary Shares, Ser G  A+  44,000  2,203,080 

Citigroup, Inc., 6.231%,       
Depositary Shares, Ser H  A+  86,100  4,331,691 

Electric Utilities 22.91%

Alabama Power Co., 5.20%  BBB+  240,000  5,556,000 

Duquesne Light Co., 6.50%  BB+  107,000  5,360,037 

Entergy Arkansas, Inc., 6.45%  BB+  100,000  2,500,000 

Entergy Mississippi, Inc., 6.25%  BB+  104,000  2,525,255 

Interstate Power & Light Co.,       
7.10%, Ser C  BBB–  25,000  638,750 

Interstate Power & Light Co.,       
8.375%, Ser B  Baa2  46,000  1,443,250 

PPL Electric Utilities Corp.,       
6.25%, Depositary Shares  BBB  200,000  4,968,760 

PPL Energy Supply LLC, 7.00%  BBB  50,000  1,302,000 

Southern California Edison Co.,       
6.00%, Ser C  BBB–  18,000  1,732,500 

Southern California Edison       
Co., 6.125%  BBB–  35,000  3,529,533 

Virginia Electric & Power       
Co., $6.98  BB+  10,500  1,071,656 

Virginia Electric & Power       
Co., $7.05  BB+  10,000  1,014,375 

Westar Energy, Inc., 6.10%  AAA  90,000  2,170,800 

Wisconsin Public Service       
Corp., 6.76%  BBB+  7,500  776,485 

Gas Utilities 3.82%

Southern Union Co., 7.55%, Ser A  BB  226,300  5,768,387 

See notes to financial statements

Patriot Select Dividend Trust


F I N A N C I A L   S T A T E M E N T S
Issuer, description  rating (A) Shares  Value 
Investment Banking & Brokerage 10.39%      $15,683,245 

Bear Stearns Cos., Inc. (The),       
5.49%, Depositary Shares, Ser G  BBB+  140,200  6,904,850 

Bear Stearns Cos., Inc. (The),       
6.15%, Depositary Shares, Ser E  BBB+  23,000  1,155,750 

Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., 6.20%,       
Ser B  A  20,000  509,000 

Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc.,       
5.67%, Depositary Shares, Ser D  A–  125,600  5,840,395 

Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc.,       
5.94%, Depositary Shares, Ser C  A–  13,000  637,000 

Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.,       
6.375%, Depositary Shares, Ser 3  A  25,000  636,250 

Life & Health Insurance 3.64%

MetLife, Inc., 6.50%, Ser B  BBB  215,000  5,501,850 

Movies & Entertainment 0.35%

Viacom, Inc., 6.85%  BBB  21,500  523,525 

Multi-Utilities 19.07%

Baltimore Gas & Electric Co.,       
6.99%, Ser 1995  Ba1  40,000  4,097,500 

BGE Capital Trust II, 6.20%  BBB–  200,000  4,706,000 

NSTAR Electric Co., 4.25%  A–  64,157  5,052,364 

PNM Resources, Inc., 6.75%, Conv  BBB–  66,055  3,302,750 

PSEG Funding Trust II, 8.75%  BB+  36,300  921,294 

Public Service Electric & Gas       
Co., 6.92%  BB+  30,627  3,037,816 

SEMPRA Energy, $4.36  BBB+  19,250  1,617,000 

SEMPRA Energy, $4.75, Ser 53  BBB+  6,305  545,383 

South Carolina Electric & Gas       
Co., 6.52%  Baa1  55,000  5,522,347 

Oil & Gas Exploration & Production 9.63%

Anadarko Petroleum Corp., 5.46%,       
Depositary Shares, Ser B  BB  20,000  1,893,750 

Apache Corp., 5.68%, Depositary       
Shares, Ser B  BBB  48,174  4,853,531 

Devon Energy Corp., 6.49%, Ser A  BB+  53,500  5,383,438 

Nexen, Inc., 7.35% (Canada) (F)  BB+  95,000  2,413,000 

Regional Banks 3.51%

HSBC USA, Inc., $2.8575 (G)  AA–  108,000  5,298,750 

Specialized Finance 0.33%

CIT Group, Inc., 6.35%, Ser A  BBB+  20,000  503,600 

Thrifts & Mortgage Finance 1.62%

Sovereign Bancorp, Inc., 7.30%,       
Depositary Shares, Ser C  BB+  90,000  2,444,067 

See notes to financial statements

Patriot Select Dividend Trust


F I N A N C I A L  S T A T E M E N T S

Issuer, description  rating (A)   Shares   Value 
Wireless Telecommunication Service 0.57%      863,676 

Telephone & Data Systems,         
Inc., 6.625%    BB+  39,600  863,676 

Interest  Maturity  Par value 
Issuer, description  rate  date  (000)  Value 
Short-term investments 0.93%        $1,406,000 

(Cost $1,405,796)         
Consumer Finance 0.93%        1,406,000 

Chevron Texaco Corp.         
Disc. Note  5.220%(Y) 7-2-07  $1,406  1,406,000 

Total investments (Cost $210,247,991) 146.05%      $220,544,844 

Other assets and liabilities, net 0.55%      $836,391 

Fund preferred shares, at liquidation value (46.60%)      ($70,366,722) 

Total net assets applicable to common shareholders 100.00%    $151,014,513 

The percentage shown for each investment category is the total value of that category as a percentage of the net assets applicable to common shareholders.

ADR American Depositary Receipt

(A) Credit ratings are unaudited and are rated by Moody’s Investors Service where Standard & Poor’s ratings are not available unless indicated otherwise.

(B) This security is fair valued in good faith under procedures established by the Board of Trustees. This security amounted to $6,200 or 0.004% of the net assets applicable to common shareholders as of June 30, 2007.

(F) Parenthetical disclosure of a foreign country in the security description represents country of a foreign issuer.

(G) Security rated internally by John Hancock Advisers, LLC.

(I) Non-income-producing security.

(S) This security is exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. Such security may be resold, normally to qualified institutional buyers, in transactions exempt from registration. Rule 144A securities amounted to $3,327,500 or 2.20% of the net assets applicable to common shareholders as of June 30, 2007.

(Y) Represents current yield on June 30, 2007.

See notes to financial statements

Patriot Select Dividend Trust


Financial statements

F I N A N C I A L   S T A T E M E N T S

Statement of assets and liabilities 6-30-07

This Statement of Assets and Liabilities is the Fund’s balance sheet. It shows the value
of what the Fund owns, is due and owes. You’ll also find the net asset value for each
common share.


Investments at value (cost $210,247,991)  $220,544,844 
Cash  54,055 
Dividends receivable  1,000,763 
Receivable from affiliates  36,068 
Other assets  33,152 
Total assets  221,668,882 

Payable to affiliates   
Management fees  146,115 
Other  36,197 
Other payables and accrued expenses  105,335 
Total liabilities  287,647 
Auction Market Preferred Shares (AMPS) and accrued dividends, unlimited   
number of shares of beneficial interest authorized with no par value, 700   
shares issued, liquidation preference of $100,000 per share  70,366,722 
Net assets   

Common shares capital paid-in  143,161,777 
Accumulated net realized loss on investments  (2,705,680) 
Net unrealized appreciation of investments  10,296,853 
Accumulated net investment income  261,563 
Net assets applicable to common shares  $151,014,513 
Net asset value per common share   

Based on 10,010,393 shares of beneficial interest outstanding — unlimited   
number of shares authorized with no par value  $15.09 

See notes to financial statements

Patriot Select Dividend Trust


F I N A N C I A L   S T A T E M E N T S

Statement of operations For the year ended 6-30-07

This Statement of Operations summarizes the Fund’s investment income earned
and expenses incurred in operating the Fund. It also shows net gains (losses) and
distributions paid to AMPS shareholders for the period stated.

Investment income   

Dividends (net of foreign withholding taxes of $6,048)  $12,191,982 
Interest  182,725 
Total investment income  12,374,707 
Investment management fees (Note 2)  1,790,058 
Administration fees (Note 2)  335,636 
Compliance fees  4,400 
AMPS auction fees  184,941 
Printing fees  53,316 
Custodian fees  43,583 
Transfer agent fees  38,120 
Professional fees  35,751 
Registration and filing fees  24,317 
Trustees’ fees  9,480 
Interest  14 
Miscellaneous  25,409 
Total expenses  2,545,025 
Net investment income  9,829,682 
Realized and unrealized gain   

Net realized gain on investments  2,119,009 
Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments  7,723,715 
Net realized and unrealized gain  9,842,724 
Distributions to AMPS  (2,908,708) 
Increase in net assets from operations  $16,763,698 

See notes to financial statements

Patriot Select Dividend Trust


F I N A N C I A L   S T A T E M E N T S

Statement of changes in net assets

These Statements of Changes in Net Assets show how the value of the Fund’s net assets
has changed during the last two periods. The difference reflects earnings less expenses,
any investment gains and losses, distributions, if any, paid to shareholders.

  Year  Year 
  ended  ended 
  6-30-06  6-30-07 

Increase (decrease) in net assets     
From operations     
Net investment income  $9,971,920  $9,829,682 
Net realized gain (loss)  (4,774,630)  2,119,009 
Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation)  (5,705,396)  7,723,715 
Distributions to AMPS  (2,351,712)  (2,908,708) 
Increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations  (2,859,818)  16,763,698 
Distributions to common shareholders     
From net investment income  (8,198,513)  (6,726,984) 
Total increase (decrease)  (11,058,331)  10,036,714 
Net assets     

Beginning of year  152,036,130  140,977,799 
End of year1  $140,977,799  $151,014,513 

1 Includes accumulated net investment income of $67,573 and $261,563, respectively.

See notes to financial statements

Patriot Select Dividend Trust


F I N A N C I A L   S T A T E M E N T S

Financial highlights

The Financial Highlights show how the Fund’s net asset value for a share has changed
since the end of the previous period.

Period ended  6-30-031  6-30-041  6-30-051  6-30-06  6-30-07 
Per share operating performance           

Net asset value, beginning of period  $13.77  $13.73  $13.36  $15.19  $14.08 
Net investment income2  1.08  0.96  1.03  1.00  0.98 
Net realized and unrealized           
gain (loss) on investments  0.06  (0.17)  1.94  (1.06)  0.99 
Distributions to AMPS  (0.10)  (0.08)  (0.15)  (0.23)  (0.29) 
Total from investment operations  1.04  0.71  2.82  (0.29)  1.68 
Less distributions to common shareholders           
From net investment income  (1.08)  (1.08)  (0.99)  (0.82)  (0.67) 
Net asset value, end of period  $13.73  $13.36  $15.19  $14.08  $15.09 
Per share market value, end of period  $14.72  $13.65  $13.79  $12.07  $13.05 
Total return at net asset value3 (%)  8.334  5.174  22.064  (1.14)  12.69 
Total return at market value3 (%)  16.82  0.23  8.46  (6.65)  13.68 
Ratios and supplemental data           

Net assets applicable           
to common shares, end of period           
(in millions)  137  133  152  141  151 
Ratio of expenses to average           
net assets5 (%)  1.90  1.78  1.72  1.70  1.66 
Ratio of net investment income           
to average net assets6 (%)  8.62  7.04  7.17  6.89  6.39 
Portfolio turnover (%)  2  18  36  26  14 
Senior securities           

Total value of AMPS outstanding           
(in millions)  $70  $70  $70  $70  $70 
Involuntary liquidation preference           
per unit (in thousands)  $100  $100  $100  $100  $100 
Average market value per unit           
(in thousands)  $100  $100  $100  $100  $100 
Asset coverage per unit 7  $294,629 $288,521 $316,085  $300,063 $313,751

1 Audited by previous auditor.

2 Based on the average of the shares outstanding.

3 Total return based on net asset value reflects changes in the Fund’s net asset value during each period. Total return based on market value reflects changes in market value. Each figure assumes that dividend and capital gain distributions, if any, were reinvested. These figures will differ depending upon the level of any discount from or premium to net asset value at which the Fund’s shares traded during the period.

4 Unaudited.

5 Ratios calculated on the basis of expenses relative to the average net assets of common shares. Without the exclusion of preferred shares, the ratio of expenses would have been 1.22%, 1.18%, 1.16%, 1.14% and 1.14%, respectively.

6 Ratios calculated on the basis of net investment income relative to the average net assets of common shares. Without the exclusion of preferred shares, the ratio of net investment income would have been 5.52%, 4.65%, 4.82%, 4.64% and 4.39%, respectively.

7 Calculated by subtracting the Fund’s total liabilities from the Fund’s total assets and dividing such amount by the number of AMPS outstanding as of the applicable 1940 Act Evaluation Date, which may differ from the financial reporting date.

See notes to financial statements

Patriot Select Dividend Trust


Notes to financial statements

Note 1
Accounting policies

John Hancock Patriot Select Dividend Trust (the Fund) is a diversified closed-end management investment company registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the 1940 Act).

Significant accounting policies of the Fund
are as follows:

Security valuation

The net asset value of the common shares of the Fund is determined daily as of the close of the NYSE, normally at 4:00 p.m., Eastern Time. Short-term debt investments that have a remaining maturity of 60 days or less are valued at amortized cost, and thereafter assume a constant amortization to maturity of any discount or premium, which approximates market value. All other securities held by the Fund are valued at the last sale price or official closing price (closing bid price or last evaluated quote if no sale has occurred) as of the close of business on the principal securities exchange (domestic or foreign) on which they trade or, lacking any sales, at the closing bid price. Securities traded only in the over-the-counter market are valued at the last bid price quoted by brokers making markets in the securities at the close of trading. Securities for which there are no such quotations, principally debt securities, are valued based on the valuation provided by an independent pricing service, which utilizes both dealer-supplied and electronic data processing techniques, which take into account factors such as institutional-size trading in similar groups of securities, yield, quality, coupon rate, maturity, type of issue, trading characteristics and other market data.

Other assets and securities for which no such quotations are readily available are valued at fair value as determined in good faith under consistently applied procedures established by and under the general supervision of the Board of Trustees. Generally, trading in non-U.S. securities is substantially completed each day at various times prior to the close of trading on the NYSE. The values of such securities used in computing the net asset value of the Fund’s shares are generally determined as of such times. Occasionally, significant events that affect the values of such securities may occur between the times at which such values are generally determined and the close of the NYSE. Upon such an occurrence, these securities will be valued at fair value as determined in good faith under consistently applied procedures established by and under the general supervis ion of the Board of Trustees.

Investment transactions

Investment transactions are accounted for on a trade date plus one basis for daily net asset value calculations. However, for financial reporting purposes, investment transactions are reported on trade date. Net realized gains and losses on sales of investments are determined on the identified cost basis.


The majority of expenses are directly identifiable to an individual fund. Expenses that are not readily identifiable to a specific fund are allocated in such a manner as deemed equitable, taking into consideration, among other things, the nature and type of expense and the relative size of the funds.

Federal income taxes

The Fund qualifies as a “regulated investment company” by complying with the applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code and will not be subject to federal income tax on taxable income that is distributed to shareholders. Therefore, no federal income tax provision is required. For federal income tax purposes, the Fund has $1,640,153 of a capital loss carryforward available, to the extent provided by regulations, to offset future net realized capital

Patriot Select Dividend Trust


gains. To the extent that such carryforward is used by the Fund, no capital gain distributions will be made. The loss carryforward expires as follows: June 30, 2014 — $140,314 and June 30, 2015 — $1,499,839.

New accounting pronouncements

In June 2006, Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Interpretation No. 48,  Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes (the Interpretation), was issued and is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2006, and is to be applied to all open tax years as of the effective date. This Interpretation prescribes a minimum threshold for financial statement recognition of the benefit of a tax position taken or expected to be taken in a tax return, and requires certain expanded disclosures. Management has evaluated the application of this Interpretation to the Fund and does not believe there is a material impact resulting from adoption of this Interpretation on the Fund’s financial statements.

In September 2006, FASB Standard No. 157,  Fair Value Measurements (FAS 157), was issued and is effective for fiscal years beginning after November 15, 2007. FAS 157 defines fair value, establishing a framework for measuring fair value and expands disclosure about fair value measurements. Management is currently evaluating the application of FAS 157 to the Fund and its impact, if any, resulting from the adoption of FAS 157 on the Fund’s financial statements.

Dividends, interest and distributions

Dividend income on investment securities is recorded on the ex-dividend date or, in the case of some foreign securities, on the date thereafter when the Fund identifies the dividend. Interest income on investment securities is recorded on the accrual basis. Foreign income may be subject to foreign withholding taxes, which are accrued as applicable.

The Fund records distributions to shareholders from net investment income and net realized gain, if any, on the ex-dividend date. During the year ended June 30, 2006, the tax character of distributions paid was as follows: ordinary income $10,550,225. During the year ended June 30, 2007, the tax character of distributions paid was as follows: ordinary income $9,635,692.

As of June 30, 2007, the components of distributable earnings on a tax basis included $658,567 of undistributed ordinary income.

Such distributions and distributable earnings, on a tax basis, are determined in conformity with income tax regulations, which may differ from accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Distributions in excess of tax basis earnings and profits, if any, are reported in the Fund’s financial statements as a return of capital.

Use of estimates

The preparation of these financial statements, in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, incorporates estimates made by management in determining the reported amount of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses of the Fund. Actual results could differ from these estimates.

Note 2
Management and administration
fees and transactions with affiliates
and others

The Fund has an investment management contract with John Hancock Advisers, LLC (the Adviser), a wholly owned subsidiary of the John Hancock Financial Services, Inc. a subsidiary of Manulife Financial Corporation (MFC). Under the investment management contract, the Fund pays a monthly management fee to the Adviser at an annual rate of 0.80% of the Fund’s average weekly net asset value and the value attributable to the Auction Market Preferred Shares (AMPS) (collectively, managed assets).

The Fund has an administrative agreement with the Adviser under which the Adviser oversees the custodial, auditing, valuation, accounting, legal, stock transfer and dividend disbursing services, and maintains Fund communications with shareholders. The Fund pays the Adviser a monthly administration fee at an annual rate of 0.15% of the Fund’s average weekly managed assets. The compensation for the year amounted to $335,636. The Fund

Patriot Select Dividend Trust


also reimbursed John Hancock Life Insurance Company (JHLICO), a subsidiary of MFC, for certain compliance costs, included in the Fund’s Statement of Operations.

Mr. James R. Boyle is Chairman of the Adviser, as well as affiliated Trustee of the Fund, and is compensated by the Adviser and/or its affiliates. The compensation of unaffiliated Trustees is borne by the Fund. The unaffiliated Trustees may elect to defer, for tax purposes, their receipt of this compensation under the John Hancock Group of Funds Deferred Compensation Plan. The Fund makes investments into other John Hancock funds, as applicable, to cover its liability for the deferred compensation. Investments to cover the Fund’s deferred compensation liability are recorded on the Fund’s books as an other asset. The deferred compensation liability and the related other asset are always equal and are marked to market on a periodic basis to reflect any income earned by the investments, as well as any unrealized gains or losses. The Deferred Compensation Plan investments had no impact on the operations of the Fund.

The Fund is listed for trading on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and has filed with the NYSE its chief executive officer certification regarding compliance with the NYSE’s listing standards. The Fund also files with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) the certification of its chief executive officer and chief financial officer required by Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

Note 3
Guarantees and indemnifications

Under the Fund’s organizational documents, its Officers and Trustees are indemnified against certain liability arising out of the performance of their duties to the Fund. Additionally, in the normal course of business, the Fund enters into contracts with service providers that contain general indemnification clauses. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown, as this would involve future claims that may be made against the Fund that have not yet occurred. However, based on experience, the Fund believes the risk of loss to be remote.

Note 4
Fund share transactions

Common shares

The Fund had no common share transactions during the years ended June 30, 2006 and June 30, 2007.

Auction Market Preferred Shares Series A

The Fund issued 700 shares of Dutch AMPS Series A on August 30, 1990, in a public offering. The underwriting discount was recorded as a reduction of the capital of common shares.

Dividends on the AMPS, which accrue daily, are cumulative at a rate that was established at the offering of the AMPS and has been reset every 49 days thereafter by an auction. Dividend rates on AMPS ranged from 4.00% to 4.15% during the year ended June 30, 2007. Accrued dividends on AMPS are included in the value of AMPS on the Fund’s Statement of Assets and Liabilities.

The AMPS are redeemable at the option of the Fund, at a redemption price equal to $100,000 per share, plus accumulated and unpaid dividends on any dividend payment date. The AMPS are also subject to mandatory redemption at a redemption price equal to $100,000 per share, plus accumulated and unpaid dividends, if the Fund is in default on its asset coverage requirements with respect to the AMPS, as defined in the Fund’s bylaws. Under the 1940 Act, the Fund is required to maintain asset coverage of at least 200% with respect to the AMPS as of the last business day of each month in which the share are outstanding. If the dividends on the AMPS shall remain unpaid in an amount equal to two full years’ dividends, the holders of the AMPS, as a class, have the right to elect a majority of the Board of Trustees. In general, the holders of the AMPS and the common sha reholders have equal voting rights of one vote per share, except that the holders of the AMPS, as a class, vote to elect two members of the Board of Trustees, and separate class votes are required on certain matters that affect the respective interests of the AMPS and common shareholders.

Patriot Select Dividend Trust



The Fund issued preferred shares to increase its assets available for investment. The Fund generally will not issue preferred shares unless the Adviser expects that the Fund will achieve a greater return on the proceeds resulting from the use of leverage than the additional costs the Fund incurs as a result of leverage. When the Fund leverages its assets, the fees paid to the Adviser for investment advisory and administrative services will be higher than if the Fund did not borrow because the Adviser’s fees are calculated based on the Fund’s total assets, including the proceeds of the issuance of preferred shares. Consequently, the Fund and the Adviser may have differing interests in determining whether to leverage the Fund’s assets. The Board of Trustees will monitor this potential conflict. The Fund’s use of leverage is premised upon the expectation that the Fund’s dividends on its outstanding preferred sha res will be lower than the return the Fund achieves on its investments with the proceeds of the issuance of preferred shares.

Leverage creates risks which may adversely affect the return for the holders of common shares, including:

• the likelihood of greater volatility of net asset value and market price of common shares

• fluctuations in the dividend rates on any preferred shares

• increased operating costs, which may reduce the Fund’s total return to the holders of common shares

• the potential for a decline in the value of an investment acquired through leverage, while the Fund’s obligations under such leverage remains fixed

To the extent the income or capital appreciation derived from securities purchased with funds received from leverage exceeds the cost of leverage, the Fund’s return will be greater than if leverage had not been used.

Note 5
Investment transactions

Purchases and proceeds from sales or maturities of securities, other than short-term securities and obligations of the U.S. government, during the year ended June 30, 2007, aggregated $35,497,783 and $31,414,206, respectively.

The cost of investments owned on June 30, 2007, including short-term investments, for federal income tax purposes was $211,313,518. Gross unrealized appreciation and depreciation of investments aggregated $15,003,185 and $5,771,859, respectively, resulting in net unrealized appreciation of $9,231,326. The difference between book basis and tax basis net unrealized appreciation of investments is attributable primarily to the tax deferral of losses on certain sales of securities.

Note 6
SEC settlement

On June 25, 2007, the Adviser and John Hancock Funds, LLC (the Distributor) and two of their affiliates (collectively, the John Hancock Affiliates) reached a settlement with the SEC that resolved an investigation of certain practices relating to the John Hancock Affiliates’ variable annuity and mutual fund operations involving directed brokerage and revenue sharing. Under the terms of the settlement, each John Hancock Affiliate was censured and agreed to pay a $500,000 civil penalty to the United States Treasury. In addition, the Adviser and the Distributor agreed to pay disgorgement of $2,087,477 and prejudgment interest of $359,460 to entities, including certain John Hancock Funds, that participated in the Adviser’s directed brokerage program during the period from 2000 to October 2003. Collectively, all John Hancock Affiliates agreed to pay a total disgorgement of $16,926,420 and prejudgment interest of $2,361,460 to the entities advised or distributed by John Hancock Affiliates. The Adviser discontinued the use of directed brokerage in recognition of the sale of fund shares in October 2003. As a result of this settlement, a gain of $2,203 was recorded by the Fund on June 25, 2007.

Patriot Select Dividend Trust


Auditors’ report

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Trustees and Shareholders of John Hancock Patriot Select Dividend Trust,
In our opinion, the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, including the schedule of investments, and the related statements of operations and of changes in net assets and the financial highlights present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of John Hancock Patriot Select Dividend Trust (the Fund) at June 30, 2007, the results of its operations and the changes in its net assets and the financial highlights for the periods indicated, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. These financial statements and financial highlights (hereafter referred to as “financial statements”) are the responsibility of the Fund’s management; our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits of these financial statements in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversigh t Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits, which included confirmation of securities at June 30, 2007 by correspondence with the custodian and brokers, provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. The financial highlights for each of the periods ended on or before June 30, 2005 were audited by other auditors whose report dated August 4, 2005 expressed an unqualified opinion thereon.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Boston, Massachusetts
August 24, 2007


Tax information


For federal income tax purposes, the following information is furnished with respect to the distributions of the Fund, if any, paid during its taxable year ended June 30, 2007.

With respect to the ordinary dividends paid by the Fund for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2007, 100.00% of the dividends qualifies for the corporate dividends-received deduction.

The Fund hereby designates the maximum amount allowable of its net taxable income as qualified dividend income as provided in the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003. This amount will be reflected on Form 1099-DIV for the calendar year 2007.

Shareholders will be mailed a 2007 U.S. Treasury Department Form 1099-DIV in January 2008. This will reflect the total of all distributions that are taxable for calendar year 2007.


Investment objective and policy

The Fund’s investment objective is to provide high current income, consistent with modest growth of capital. The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing in preferred stocks that, in the opinion of the Adviser, may be undervalued relative to similar securities in the marketplace.

The Fund’s non-fundamental investment policy, which became effective October 15, 1994, stipulates that preferred stocks and debt obligations in which the Fund will invest will be rated investment grade (at least “BBB” by S&P or “Baa” by Moody’s) at the time of investment or will be preferred stocks of issuers of investment grade senior debt, some of which may have speculative characteristics or, if not rated, will be of comparable quality as determined by the Adviser. The Fund will invest in common stocks of issuers whose senior debt is rated investment grade or, in the case of issuers that have no rated senior debt outstanding, whose senior debt is considered by the Adviser to be of comparable quality.

On November 20, 2001, the Fund’s Trustees approved the following investment policy investment restriction change, effective December 15, 2001. Under normal circumstances, the Fund will invest at least 80% of its assets in dividend-paying securities. The “Assets” are defined as net assets and the liquidation preference amount of the AMPS plus borrowings for investment purposes. The Fund will notify shareholders at least 60 days prior to any change in this 80% investment policy.


In November 2002, the Board of Trustees adopted several amendments to the Fund’s bylaws, including provisions relating to the calling of a special meeting and requiring advance notice of shareholder proposals or nominees for Trustee. The advance notice provisions in the bylaws require shareholders to notify the Fund in writing of any proposal which they intend to present at an annual meeting of shareholders, including any nominations for Trustee, between 90 and 120 days prior to the first anniversary of the mailing date of the notice from the prior year annual meeting of shareholders. The notification must be in the form prescribed by the bylaws. The advance notice provisions provide the Fund and its Trustees with the opportunity to thoughtfully consider and address the matters proposed before the Fund prepares and mails its proxy statement to shareholders. Oth er amendments set forth the procedures, which must be followed in order for a shareholder to call a special meeting of shareholders. Please contact the Secretary of the Fund for additional information about the advance notice requirements or the other amendments to the bylaws.

On December 16, 2003, the Trustees approved additional changes to the Fund’s bylaws. The auction preferred shares section of the Fund’s bylaws was changed to update the rating agency requirements in keeping with recent changes to the agencies’ basic maintenance reporting requirements for leveraged closed-end funds. Bylaws now require an independent accountant’s confirmation only once per year, at the Fund’s fiscal year end, and changes to the agencies’ basic maintenance reporting requirements that include modifications to the eligible assets and their respective discount factors. These revisions bring the Fund’s bylaws in line with current rating agency requirements.

On September 14, 2004, the Trustees approved an amendment to the Fund’s bylaws increasing the maximum applicable dividend rate ceiling on the preferred shares to conform with the modern calculation methodology used by the industry and other John Hancock funds.

Dividends and distributions

During the year ended June 30, 2007, dividends from net investment income totaling $0.672 per share were paid to shareholders. The dates of payments and the amounts per share are as follows:


July 31, 2006  $0.056 
August 31, 2006  0.056 
September 29, 2006  0.056 
October 31, 2006  0.056 
November 30, 2006  0.056 
December 29, 2006  0.056 
January 31, 2007  0.056 



February 28, 2007  0.056 
March 30, 2007  0.056 
April 30, 2007  0.056 
May 31, 2007  0.056 
June 29, 2007  0.056 

Dividend reinvestment plan

The Fund offers its shareholders a Dividend Reinvestment Plan (the Plan), which offers the opportunity to earn compounded yields. Each holder of common shares will automatically have all distributions of dividends and capital gains reinvested by Mellon Investor Services, as Plan Agent for the common shareholders (the Plan Agent), unless an election is made to receive cash. Holders of common shares who elect not to participate in the Plan will receive all distributions in cash, paid by check mailed directly to the shareholder of record (or, if the common shares are held in street or other nominee name, then to the nominee) by the Plan Agent, as dividend disbursing agent. Shareholders whose shares are held in the name of a broker or a nominee should contact the broker or nominee to determine whether and how they may participate in the Plan.

If the Fund declares a dividend payable either in common shares or in cash, non-participants will receive cash and participants in the Plan will receive the equivalent in common shares. If the market price of the common shares on the payment date of the dividend is equal to or exceeds their net asset value as determined on the payment date, participants will be issued common shares (out of authorized but unissued shares) at a value equal to the higher of net asset value or 95% of the market price. If the net asset value exceeds the market price of the common shares at such time, or if the Board of Trustees declares a dividend payable only in cash, the Plan Agent will, as agent for Plan participants, buy shares in the open market, on the New York Stock Exchange or elsewhere, for the participants’ accounts. Such purchases will be made promptly after the payable date for such dividend and, in any event, prior to the next ex-dividen d date after such date, except where necessary to comply with federal securities laws. If, before the Plan Agent has completed its purchases, the market price exceeds the net asset value of the common shares, the average per share purchase price paid by the Plan Agent may exceed the net asset value of the common shares, resulting in the acquisition of fewer shares than if the dividend had been paid in shares issued by the Fund.

Each participant will pay a pro rata share of brokerage commissions incurred with respect to the Plan Agent’s open market purchases in connection with the reinvestment of dividends and distributions. The cost per share of the shares purchased for each participant’s account will be the average cost, including brokerage commissions, of any shares purchased on the open market, plus the cost of any shares issued by the Fund. There will be no brokerage charges with respect to common shares issued directly by the Fund. There are no other charges to participants for reinvesting dividends or capital gain distributions.

Participants in the Plan may withdraw from the Plan at any time by contacting the Plan Agent by telephone, in writing or by visiting the Plan Agent’s Web site at www.melloninvestor.com. Such withdrawal will be effective immediately if received not less than 10 days prior to a dividend record date; otherwise, it will be effective for all subsequent dividend record dates.

When a participant withdraws from the Plan or upon termination of the Plan, as provided below, certificates for whole common shares credited to his or her account under the Plan will be issued and a cash payment will be made for any fraction of a share credited to such account.

The Plan Agent maintains each shareholder’s account in the Plan and furnishes monthly written confirmations of all transactions in the accounts, including information needed by the shareholders for personal and tax records. The Plan Agent will hold common shares in the account of each Plan participant in non-certificated form in the name of the participant. Proxy material relating to the shareholders’ meetings of the Fund will include those shares purchased as well as shares held pursuant to the Plan.


The reinvestment of dividends and distributions will not relieve participants of any federal income tax that may be payable or required to be withheld on such dividends or distributions. Participants under the Plan will receive tax information annually. The amount of dividend to be reported on 1099-DIV should be: (1) in the case of shares issued by the Fund, the fair market value of such shares on the dividend payment date and (2) in the case of shares purchased by the Plan Agent in the open market, the amount of cash used by the Plan Agent to purchase shares in the open market, including the amount of cash allocated to brokerage commissions paid on such purchases.

Experience under the Plan may indicate that changes are desirable. Accordingly, the Fund reserves the right to amend or terminate the Plan as applied to any dividend or distribution paid subsequent to written notice of the change sent to all shareholders of the Fund at least 90 days before the record date for the dividend or distribution. The Plan may be amended or terminated by the Plan Agent after at least 90 days’ written notice to all shareholders of the Fund.

All correspondence or additional information concerning the Plan should be directed to the Plan Agent, Mellon Bank, N.A., c/o Mellon Investor Services, P.O. Box 3338, South Hackensack, NJ 07606-1938 (Telephone: 1-800-852-0218).

Shareholder communication
and assistance

If you have any questions concerning the Fund, we will be pleased to assist you. If you hold shares in your own name and not with a brokerage firm, please address all notices, correspondence, questions or other communications regarding the Fund to the transfer agent at:

Mellon Investor Services
Newport Office Center VII
480 Washington Boulevard
Jersey City, NJ 07310
Telephone: 1-800-852-0218

If your shares are held with a brokerage firm, you should contact that firm, bank or other nominee for assistance.

Shareholder meeting (unaudited)

On April 23, 2007, the Annual Meeting of the fund was held to elect three Trustees and approve a proposal to merge the Fund into Patriot Premium Dividend Fund II.

Proxies covering 9,381,693 shares of beneficial interest were voted at the meeting. The common shareholders elected the following Trustees to serve until their respective successors are duly elected and qualified, with votes tabulated as follows:


James R. Boyle  9,139,837 (common shares)  241,856 
Steven R. Pruchansky  9,163,681 (common shares)  218,012 

The preferred shareholders elected Patti McGill Peterson as a Trustee of the Fund until her successor is duly elected and qualified, with the votes tabulated as follows: 678 FOR, 0 AGAINST and 0 ABSTAINING.

On August 9, 2007, the proposal for the Fund to approve the reorganization of the Fund into Patriot Premium Dividend Fund II was adjourned until September 20, 2007 to allow more shareholder votes to cast. If approved, the reorganization of the Fund is scheduled to close on October 10, 2007, subject to the satisfaction of certain conditions.


Board Consideration of and
Continuation of Investment Advisory
Agreement and Subadvisory
Agreement: John Hancock Patriot
Select Dividend Trust

The Investment Company Act of 1940 (the 1940 Act) requires the Board of Trustees (the Board) of John Hancock Patriot Select Dividend Trust (the Fund), including a majority of the Trustees who have no direct or indirect interest in the investment advisory agreement and are not “interested persons” of the Fund, as defined in the 1940 Act (the Independent Trustees), annually to meet in person to review and consider the continuation of: (i) the investment advisory agreement (the Advisory Agreement) with John Hancock Advisers, LLC (the Adviser) and (ii) the investment subadvisory agreement (the Subadvisory Agreement) with MFC Global Investment Management (U.S.), LLC (the Subadviser). The Advisory Agreement and the Subadvisory Agreement are collectively referred to as the Advisory Agreements.

At meetings held on May 7 and June 4–5, 2007, the Board considered the factors and reached the conclusions described below relating to the selection of the Adviser and Subadviser and the continuation of the Advisory Agreements. During such meetings, the Board’s Contracts/ Operations Committee and the Independent Trustees also met in executive sessions with their independent legal counsel.

In evaluating the Advisory Agreements, the Board, including the Contracts/Operations Committee and the Independent Trustees, reviewed a broad range of information requested for this purpose by the Independent Trustees, including: (i) the investment performance of the Fund and a peer group of comparable funds (the Peer Group) each selected by Morningstar Inc. (Morningstar), an independent provider of investment company data, for a range of periods ended December 31, 2006,1 (ii) advisory and other fees incurred by, and the expense ratios of, the Fund relative to a Peer Group, (iii) the Adviser’s financial results and condition, including its and certain of its affiliates’ profitability from services performed for the Fund, (iv) breakpoints in the Fund’s  and the Peer Group’s fees and information about economies of scale, (v) the Adviser’s and Subadviser’s record of compliance with applicable laws and regulations, with the Fund’s investment policies and restrictions, and with the applicable Code of Ethics, and the structure and responsibilities of the Adviser’s and Subadviser’s compliance department, (vi) the background and experience of senior management and investment professionals, and (vii) the nature, cost and character of advisory and non-investment management services provided by the Adviser and its affiliates and by the Subadviser.

The Independent Trustees considered the legal advice of independent legal counsel and relied on their own business judgment in determining the factors to be considered in evaluating the materials that were presented to them and the weight to be given to each such factor. The Board’s review and conclusions were based on a comprehensive consideration of all information presented to the Board and not the result of any single controlling factor. They principally considered performance and other information from Morningstar as of December 31, 2006. The Board also considered updated performance information provided to it by the Adviser or Subadviser at the May and June 2007 meetings. Performance and other information may be quite different as of the date of this shareholders report. The key factors considered by the Board and the conclusions reached are described below.

Nature, extent and quality of services

The Board considered the ability of the Adviser and the Subadviser, based on their resources, reputation and other attributes, to attract and retain qualified investment professionals, including research, advisory and supervisory personnel. The Board considered the investment philosophy, research and investment decision-making processes of the Adviser and Subadviser. The Board further considered the culture of compliance, resources dedicated to compliance, compliance programs and compliance records of the Adviser and Subadviser. In addition, the Board took into account the administrative and other non-advisory services provided to the Fund by the Adviser and its affiliates.


Based on the above factors, together with those referenced below, the Board concluded that, within the context of its full deliberations, the nature, extent and quality of the investment advisory services provided to the Fund by the Adviser and Subadviser supported renewal of the Advisory Agreements.

Fund performance

The Board considered the performance results for the Fund over various time periods ended December 31, 2006. The Board also considered these results in comparison to the performance of the Peer Group, as well as the Fund’s benchmark index. Morningstar determined the Peer Group for the Fund. The Board reviewed with a representative of Morningstar the methodology used by Morningstar to select the funds in the Peer Group. The Board noted the imperfect comparability of the Peer Group and that Morningstar was not able to select a comparative Category for the Fund.

The Board noted that the Fund’s performance was lower than the performance of the Peer Group median and its benchmark index, the Lehman Brothers Aggregate Bond Index, over the 5- and 10-year periods. The Board also noted that the Fund’s performance for the 5-year period was also lower than the performance of the Fund’s other benchmark index, the Merrill Lynch Preferred Stock DRD Eligible Index. The Board favorably noted that the Fund’s more recent performance during the 1- and 3-year periods was appreciably higher than the median performance of its Peer Group, and both benchmark indexes.

Investment advisory fee and subadvisory fee rates and expenses

The Board reviewed and considered the contractual investment advisory fee rate payable by the Fund to the Adviser for investment advisory services (the Advisory Agreement Rate). The Board received and considered information comparing the Advisory Agreement Rate with the advisory fees for the Peer Group. The Board noted that the Advisory Agreement Rate was lower than the median rate of the Peer Group.

The Board received and considered expense information regarding the Fund’s various  components, including advisory fees, and other non-advisory fees, including administrative fees, transfer agent fees, custodian fees and other miscellaneous fees (e.g., fees for accounting and legal services). The Board considered comparisons of these expenses to the Peer Group median. The Board also received and considered expense information regarding the Fund’s total operating expense ratio (Expense Ratio). The Board noted that, unlike the Fund, several funds in the Peer Group employed fee waivers or reimbursements. The Board received and considered information comparing the Expense Ratio of the Fund to that of the Peer Group median before the application of fee waivers and reimbursements (Gross Expense Ratio) and after the application of such waivers and reimbursem ent (Net Expense Ratio). The Board noted that the Fund’s Expense Ratio was higher than the Gross and Net Expense Ratio of the Peer Group median. The Board also noted the differences in the funds included in the Peer Group, including differences in the employment of fee waivers and reimbursements and differences in the amount of assets under management.

The Adviser also discussed the Morningstar data and rankings, and other relevant information, for the Fund. The Board considered that the Fund was a candidate for merger into another John Hancock closed-end fund. Based on the above-referenced considerations and other factors, the Board concluded that the Fund’s plans for improving overall performance and lowering the Expense Ratio supported the re-approval of the Advisory Agreements.

The Board also received information about the investment subadvisory fee rate (the Subadvisory Agreement Rate) payable by the Adviser to the Subadviser for investment sub-advisory services. The Board concluded that the Subadvisory Agreement Rate was fair and equitable, based on its consideration of the factors described here.


The Board received and considered a detailed profitability analysis of the Adviser based on the Advisory Agreements, as well as on other relationships between the Fund and the Adviser and its affiliates, including the


Subadviser. The Board also considered a comparison of the Adviser’s profitability to that of other similar investment advisers whose profit-ability information is publicly available. The Board concluded that, in light of the costs of providing investment management and other services to the Fund, the profits and other ancillary benefits reported by the Adviser were not unreasonable.

Economies of scale

The Board received and considered general information regarding economies of scale with respect to the management of the Fund, including the Fund’s ability to appropriately benefit from economies of scale under the Fund’s fee structure. The Board recognized the inherent limitations of any analysis of economies of scale, stemming largely from the Board’s understanding that most of the Adviser’s and Subadviser’s costs are not specific to individual Funds, but rather are incurred across a variety of products and services.

The Board observed that the Advisory Agreements did not offer breakpoints. However, the Board considered the limited relevance of economies of scale in the context of a closed-end fund that, unlike an open-end fund, does not continuously offer its shares. The Board noted that the Fund, as a closed-end investment company, was not expected to increase materially in size and that its assets would grow (if at all) through the investment performance of the Fund. Therefore, the Board did not consider potential economies of scale as a principal factor in assessing the fees payable under the Advisory Agreements, but concluded that the fees were fair and equitable based on relevant factors.

Other benefits to the Adviser

The Board received information regarding potential “fall-out” or ancillary benefits received by the Adviser and its affiliates as a result of the Adviser’s relationship with the Fund. Such benefits could include, among others, benefits directly attributable to the relationship of the Adviser with the Fund and benefits potentially derived from an increase in the business of the Adviser as a result of its relationship with the Fund (such as the ability to market to shareholders other financial products offered by the Adviser and its affiliates).

The Board also considered the effectiveness of the Adviser’s, Subadviser’s and Fund’s policies and procedures for complying with the requirements of the federal securities laws, including those relating to best execution of portfolio transactions and brokerage allocation.

Other factors and broader review

As discussed above, the Board reviewed detailed materials received from the Adviser and Subadviser as part of the annual re-approval process. The Board also regularly reviews and assesses the quality of the services that the Fund receives throughout the year. In this regard, the Board reviews reports of the Adviser and Subadviser at least quarterly, which include, among other things, fund performance reports and compliance reports. In addition, the Board meets with portfolio managers and senior investment officers at various times throughout the year.

After considering the above-described factors and based on its deliberations and its evaluation of the information described above, the Board concluded that approval of the continuation of the Advisory Agreements for the Fund was in the best interest of the Fund and its shareholders. Accordingly, the Board unanimously approved the continuation of the Advisory Agreements.

1 Morningstar also provided a comparative analysis for most, but not all, of the John Hancock Funds of the investment performance and advisory and other fees incurred by, and the expense ratios of, the John Hancock Funds relative to a category of relevant funds (the Category). Morningstar was not able to select a comparative Category for the John Hancock Patriot Select Dividend Trust. Therefore, Morningstar did not provide such an analysis.


Information about the portfolio managers

Management Biographies and Fund ownership

Below is an alphabetical list of the portfolio managers who share joint responsibility for the day-today investment management of the Fund. It provides a brief summary of their business careers over the past five years and their range of beneficial share ownership in the Fund as of June 30, 2007.

Gregory K. Phelps
Senior Vice President, MFC Global Investment Management (U.S.), LLC since 2005
Senior Vice President, John Hancock Advisers, LLC (1995–2005)
Began business career in 1981
Joined fund team in 1995
Fund ownership — None

Mark T. Maloney
Vice President, MFC Global Investment Management (U.S.), LLC since 2005
Vice President, John Hancock Advisers, LLC (1982–2005)
Began business career in 1976
Joined fund team in 1997
Fund ownership — None

Other Accounts the Portfolio Managers are Managing

The table below indicates for each portfolio manager information about the accounts over which the portfolio manager has day-to-day investment responsibility. All information on the number of accounts and total assets in the table is as of June 30, 2007. For purposes of the table, “Other Pooled Investment Vehicles” may include investment partnerships and group trusts, and “Other Accounts” may include separate accounts for institutions or individuals, insurance company general or separate accounts, pension funds and other similar institutional accounts.

P O R T F O L I O   M A N A G E R  O T H E R  A C C O U N T S  M A N A G E D  B Y  T H E  P O R T F O L I O  M A N A G E R S 

Gregory K. Phelps  Other Investment Companies: 5 funds with assets of 
approximately $4.9 billion.  
  Other Pooled Investment Vehicles: 2 accounts with assets of 
approximately $16 million.  
  Other Accounts: None 
Mark T. Maloney  Other Investment Companies: 5 funds with assets of 
approximately $4.9 billion.  
  Other Pooled Investment Vehicles: 2 accounts with assets of 
approximately $16 million.  
  Other Accounts: None 

The Adviser does not receive a fee based upon the investment performance of any of the accounts included under “Other Accounts Managed by the Portfolio Managers” in the table above.

When a portfolio manager is responsible for the management of more than one account, the potential arises for the portfolio manager to favor one account over another. For the reasons outlined below, the Fund does not believe that any material conflicts are likely to arise out of a portfolio manager’s responsibility for the management of the Fund as well as one or more other accounts. The Adviser and the Subadviser have adopted procedures, overseen by the Chief Compliance Officer, that are intended to monitor compliance with the policies referred to in the following paragraphs.

• The Subadviser has policies that require a portfolio manager to allocate investment opportunities in an equitable manner and generally to allocate such investments proportionately among all accounts with similar investment objectives.


• When a portfolio manager intends to trade the same security for more than one account, the policies of the Subadviser generally require that such trades for the individual accounts are aggregated so each account receives the same price. Where not possible or may not result in the best possible price, the Subadviser will place the order in a manner intended to result in as favorable a price as possible for such client.

• The investment performance on specific accounts is not a factor in determining the portfolio manager’s compensation. See “Compensation of Portfolio Managers” below. Neither the Adviser nor the Subadviser receives a performance-based fee with respect to other accounts managed by the Fund’s portfolio managers.

• The Subadviser imposes certain trading restrictions and reporting requirements for accounts in which a portfolio manager or certain family members have a personal interest in order to confirm that such accounts are not favored over other accounts.

• The Subadviser seeks to avoid portfolio manager assignments with potentially conflicting situations. However, where a portfolio manager is responsible for accounts with differing investment objectives and policies, it is possible that the portfolio manager will conclude that it is in the best interest of one account to sell a portfolio security while another account continues to hold or increase the holding in such security.

Compensation of Portfolio Managers

The Subadviser has adopted a system of compensation for portfolio managers and others involved in the investment process that is applied consistently among investment professionals. At the Subadviser, the structure of compensation of investment professionals is currently composed of the following basic components: fixed base salary, and an annual investment bonus plan, as well as customary benefits that are offered generally to all full-time employees of the Subadviser. A limited number of senior portfolio managers, who serve as officers of both the Subadviser and its parent company, may also receive options or restricted stock grants of common shares of Manulife Financial.

Only investment professionals are eligible to participate in the Investment Bonus Plan on an annual basis. While the amount of any bonus is discretionary, the following factors are generally used in determining bonuses: 1) The investment performance of all accounts managed by the investment professional over one- and three- year periods are considered. The pre-tax performance of each account is measured relative to an appropriate peer group benchmark. 2) The profitability of the Subadviser and its parent company are also considered in determining bonus awards, with greater emphasis placed upon the profitability of the Adviser. 3) The more intangible contributions of an investment professional to the Subadviser’s business, including the investment professional’s support of sales activities, new fund/strategy idea generation, professional growth and development, and management, where applicable, are evaluating in determining the amount of any bonus award.

While the profitability of the Subadviser and the investment performance of the accounts that the investment professionals maintain are factors in determining an investment professional’s overall compensation, the investment professional’s compensation is not linked directly to the net asset value of any fund.


Trustees and Officers

This chart provides information about the Trustees and Officers who oversee
your John Hancock fund. Officers elected by the Trustees manage the day-to-day
operations of the Fund and execute policies formulated by the Trustees.

Independent Trustees     
Name, Year of Birth    Number of 
Position(s) held with Fund  Trustee  John Hancock 
Principal occupation(s) and other  of Fund  funds overseen 
directorships during past 5 years  since1  by Trustee 
Ronald R. Dion, Born: 1946  1998  60 

Independent Chairman (since 2005); Chairman and Chief Executive     
Officer, R.M. Bradley & Co., Inc.; Director, The New England Council and   
Massachusetts Roundtable; Trustee, North Shore Medical Center; Director,   
Boston Stock Exchange; Director, BJ’s Wholesale Club, Inc. and a corporator   
of the Eastern Bank; Trustee, Emmanuel College; Director, Boston Municipal   
Research Bureau; Member of the Advisory Board, Carroll Graduate School   
of Management at Boston College.     
James F. Carlin, Born: 1940  1990  60 

Director and Treasurer, Alpha Analytical Laboratories Inc. (chemical analysis)   
(since 1985); Part Owner and Treasurer, Lawrence Carlin Insurance Agency,   
Inc. (since 1995); Part Owner and Vice President, Mone Lawrence Carlin   
Insurance Agency, Inc. (until 2005); Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,   
Carlin Consolidated, Inc. (management/investments) (since 1987); Trustee,   
Massachusetts Health and Education Tax Exempt Trust (1993–2003).   
William H. Cunningham, Born: 1944  1995  60 

Former Chancellor, University of Texas System and former President of the   
University of Texas, Austin, Texas; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, IBT   
Technologies (until 2001); Director of the following: Hire.com (until 2004),   
STC Broadcasting, Inc. and Sunrise Television Corp. (until 2001), Symtx,   
Inc. (electronic manufacturing) (since 2001), Adorno/Rogers Technology,   
Inc. (until 2004), Pinnacle Foods Corporation (until 2003), rateGenius   
(until 2003), Lincoln National Corporation (insurance) (since 2006), Jefferson-   
Pilot Corporation (diversified life insurance company) (until 2006), New   
Century Equity Holdings (formerly Billing Concepts) (until 2001), eCertain   
(until 2001), ClassMap.com (until 2001), Agile Ventures (until 2001), AskRed.   
com (until 2001), Southwest Airlines (since 2000), Introgen (since 2000)   
and Viasystems Group, Inc. (electronic manufacturer) (until 2003); Advisory   
Director, Interactive Bridge, Inc. (college fundraising) (until 2001); Advisory   
Director, Q Investments (until 2003); Advisory Director, JPMorgan Chase Bank   
(formerly Texas Commerce Bank–Austin), LIN Television (since 2002), WilTel   
Communications (until 2003) and Hayes Lemmerz International, Inc.   
(diversified automotive parts supply company) (since 2003).     


Independent Trustees (continued)     
Name, Year of Birth    Number of 
Position(s) held with Fund  Trustee  John Hancock 
Principal occupation(s) and other  of Fund  funds overseen 
directorships during past 5 years  since1  by Trustee 
Charles L. Ladner, 2 Born: 1938  1992  60 

Chairman and Trustee, Dunwoody Village, Inc. (retirement services)     
(until 2003); Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, UGI Corporation   
(public utility holding company) (retired 1998); Vice President and Director,     
AmeriGas, Inc. (retired 1998); Director, AmeriGas Partners, L.P. (gas distribu-     
tion) (until 1997); Director, EnergyNorth, Inc. (until 1995); Director, Parks and     
History Association (until 2005).     
John A. Moore,2 Born: 1939  2005  60 

President and Chief Executive Officer, Institute for Evaluating Health Risks,     
(nonprofit institution) (until 2001); Senior Scientist, Sciences International     
(health research) (until 2003); Former Assistant Administrator and Deputy     
Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency; Principal, Hollyhouse     
(consulting) (since 2000); Director, CIIT Center for Health Science Research     
(nonprofit research) (2002–2006).     
Patti McGill Peterson,2 Born: 1943  2005  60 

Executive Director, Council for International Exchange of Scholars and Vice     
President, Institute of International Education (since 1998); Senior Fellow,     
Cornell Institute of Public Affairs, Cornell University (until 1998); Former     
President, Wells College and St. Lawrence University; Director, Niagara     
Mohawk Power Corporation (until 2003); Director, Ford Foundation,     
International Fellowships Program (since 2002); Director, Lois Roth Endowment   
(since 2002); Director, Council for International Educational Exchange     
(since 2003).     
Steven R. Pruchansky, Born: 1944  1992  60 

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Greenscapes of Southwest Florida,     
Inc. (since 2000); Director and President, Greenscapes of Southwest Florida,     
Inc. (until 2000); Managing Director, JonJames, LLC (real estate) (since 2001);   
Director, First Signature Bank & Trust Company (until 1991); Director, Mast     
Realty Trust (until 1994); President, Maxwell Building Corp. (until 1991).     
Non-Independent Trustee3     
Name, Year of Birth    Number of 
Position(s) held with Fund  Trustee  John Hancock 
Principal occupation(s) and other  of Fund  funds overseen 
directorships during past 5 years  since1  by Trustee 
James R. Boyle, Born: 1959  2005  264 

President, John Hancock Insurance Group; Executive Vice President, John     
Hancock Life Insurance Company (since June 2004); Chairman and Director,     
John Hancock Advisers, LLC (the Adviser), John Hancock Funds, LLC and     
The Berkeley Financial Group, LLC (The Berkeley Group) (holding company)     
(since 2005); Senior Vice President, The Manufacturers Life Insurance     
Company (U.S.A.) (until 2004).     


Principal officers who are not Trustees   
Name, Year of Birth   
Position(s) held with Fund  Officer 
Principal occupation(s) and other  of fund 
directorships during past 5 years  since 
Keith F. Hartstein, Born: 1956  2005 

President and Chief Executive Officer   
Senior Vice President, Manulife Financial Corporation (since 2004); Director, 
President and Chief Executive Officer, the Adviser, The Berkeley Group,   
John Hancock Funds, LLC (since 2005); Director, MFC Global Investment 
Management (U.S.), LLC (MFC Global (U.S.)) (since 2005); Director, John 
Hancock Signature Services, Inc. (since 2005); President and Chief Executive 
Officer, John Hancock Investment Management Services, LLC (since 2006); 
President and Chief Executive Officer, John Hancock Funds, John Hancock 
Funds II, John Hancock Funds III and John Hancock Trust (since 2005);   
Director, Chairman and President, NM Capital Management, Inc. (since 2005); 
Chairman, Investment Company Institute Sales Force Marketing Committee 
(since 2003); Director, President and Chief Executive Officer, MFC Global (U.S.) 
(2005–2006); Executive Vice President, John Hancock Funds, LLC (until 2005). 
Thomas M. Kinzler, Born: 1955  2006 

Secretary and Chief Legal Officer   
Vice President and Counsel, John Hancock Life Insurance Company (U.S.A.) 
(since 2006); Secretary and Chief Legal Officer, John Hancock Funds, John 
Hancock Funds II and John Hancock Funds III; Vice President and Associate 
General Counsel, Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (1999– 
2006); Secretary and Chief Legal Counsel, MML Series Investment Fund   
(2000–2006); Secretary and Chief Legal Counsel, MassMutual Institutional 
Funds (2000–2004); Secretary and Chief Legal Counsel, MassMutual Select 
Funds and MassMutual Premier Funds (2004–2006).   
Francis V. Knox, Jr., Born: 1947  2005 

Chief Compliance Officer   
Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer, John Hancock Investment   
Management Services, LLC, the Adviser and MFC Global (U.S.) (since 2005); 
Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer, John Hancock Funds, John 
Hancock Funds II, John Hancock Funds III and John Hancock Trust (since 2005); 
Vice President and Assistant Treasurer, Fidelity Group of Funds (until 2004); 
Vice President and Ethics & Compliance Officer, Fidelity Investments   
(until 2001).   
Charles A. Rizzo, Born: 1957  2007 

Chief Financial Officer   
Chief Financial Officer, John Hancock Funds, John Hancock Funds II, John 
Hancock Funds III and John Hancock Trust (June 2007–Present); Assistant 
Treasurer, Goldman Sachs Mutual Fund Complex (registered investment   
companies) (2005–June 2007); Vice President, Goldman Sachs (2005–   
June 2007); Managing Director and Treasurer of Scudder Funds, Deutsche 
Asset Management (2003–2005); Director, Tax and Financial Reporting, 
Deutsche Asset Management (2002–2003); Vice President and Treasurer, 
Deutsche Global Fund Services (1999–2002).   


Principal officers who are not Trustees (continued)   
Name, Year of Birth   
Position(s) held with Fund  Officer 
Principal occupation(s) and other  of fund 
directorships during past 5 years  since 
Gordon M. Shone, Born: 1956  2006 

Treasurer, John Hancock Funds (since 2006), John Hancock Funds II, John   
Hancock Funds III and John Hancock Trust (since 2005); Vice President and   
Chief Financial Officer, John Hancock Trust (2003–2005); Senior Vice President,   
John Hancock Life Insurance Company (U.S.A.) (since 2001); Vice President,   
John Hancock Investment Management Services, Inc., John Hancock Advisers,   
LLC (since 2006) and The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company (U.S.A.)   
John G. Vrysen, Born: 1955  2005 

Chief Operating Officer   
Senior Vice President, Manulife Financial Corporation (since 2006); Director,   
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, the Adviser, The   
Berkeley Group and John Hancock Funds, LLC (June 2007–Present); Chief   
Operating Officer, John Hancock Funds, John Hancock Funds II, John Hancock   
Funds III and John Hancock Trust (June 2007–Present); Director, Executive   
Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, the Adviser, The Berkeley Group   
and John Hancock Funds, LLC (until June 2007); Executive Vice President and   
Chief Financial Officer, John Hancock Investment Management Services, LLC   
(since 2005), Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, MFC Global (U.S.)   
(since 2005); Director, John Hancock Signature Services, Inc. (since 2005);   
Chief Financial Officer, John Hancock Funds, John Hancock Funds II, John   
Hancock Funds III and John Hancock Trust (2005–June 2007); Vice President   
and General Manager, Fixed Annuities, U.S. Wealth Management (until 2005);   
Vice President, Operations, Manulife Wood Logan (2000–2004).   

The business address for all Trustees and Officers is 601 Congress Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02210-2805.

The Statement of Additional Information of the Fund includes additional information about members of the Board of Trustees of the Fund and is available, without charge, upon request, by calling 1-800-225-5291.

1 Each Trustee serves until resignation, retirement age or until his or her successor is elected.

2 Member of Audit and Compliance Committee.

3 Non-Independent Trustee holds positions with the Fund’s investment adviser, underwriter and certain other affiliates.


For more information

The Fund’s proxy voting policies, procedures and records are available without charge, upon request:

By phone  On the Fund’s Web site  On the SEC’s Web site 
1-800-225-5291  www.jhfunds.com/proxy  www.sec.gov 

Investment adviser  Transfer agent for  Independent registered 
John Hancock Advisers, LLC  common shareholders  public accounting firm 
601 Congress Street  Mellon Investor Services  PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP 
Boston, MA 02210-2805  Newport Office Center VII  125 High Street 
480 Washington Boulevard  Boston, MA 02110 
Subadviser  Jersey City, NJ 07310   
MFC Global Investment  Stock symbol 
Management (U.S.), LLC  Transfer agent for  Listed New York Stock 
101 Huntington Avenue  preferred shareholders  Exchange: 
Boston, MA 02199  Deutsche Bank Trust  DIV 
Company Americas 
Custodian  280 Park Avenue  For shareholder assistance 
The Bank of New York  New York, NY 10017  refer to page 22 
One Wall Street 
New York, NY 10286  Legal counsel   
Kirkpatrick & Lockhart   
  Preston Gates Ellis LLP   
  One Lincoln Street   
  Boston, MA 02111-2950   

How to contact us   

Internet  www.jhfunds.com   

Mail  Mellon Investor Services   
  Newport Office Center VII   
  480 Washington Boulevard   
  Jersey City, NJ 07310   

Phone  Customer service representatives  1-800-852-0218 
  Portfolio commentary  1-800-344-7054 
  24-hour automated information  1-800-843-0090 
  TDD line  1-800-231-5469 

A listing of month-end portfolio holdings is available on our Web site, www.jhfunds.com. A more detailed portfolio holdings summary is available on a quarterly basis 60 days after the fiscal quarter on our Web site or upon request by calling 1-800-225-5291, or on the SEC’s Web site, www.sec.gov.


J O H N   H A N C O C K   F A M I L Y   O F   F U N D S

Balanced Fund  Global Opportunities Fund 
Classic Value Fund  Global Shareholder Yield Fund 
Classic Value Fund II  Greater China Opportunities Fund 
Classic Value Mega Cap Fund  International Allocation Portfolio 
Core Equity Fund  International Classic Value Fund 
Growth Fund  International Core Fund 
Growth Opportunities Fund  International Growth Fund 
Growth Trends Fund   
Intrinsic Value Fund  INCOME 
Large Cap Equity Fund  Bond Fund 
Large Cap Select Fund  Government Income Fund 
Mid Cap Equity Fund  High Yield Fund 
Multi Cap Growth Fund  Investment Grade Bond Fund 
Small Cap Equity Fund  Strategic Income Fund 
Small Cap Fund 
Small Cap Intrinsic Value Fund  TAX-FREE INCOME 
Sovereign Investors Fund  California Tax-Free Income Fund 
U.S. Core Fund  High Yield Municipal Bond Fund 
U.S. Global Leaders Growth Fund  Massachusetts Tax-Free Income Fund 
Value Opportunities Fund  New York Tax-Free Income Fund 
Tax-Free Bond Fund 
Allocation Core Portfolio  MONEY MARKET 
Allocation Growth + Value Portfolio  Money Market Fund 
Lifecycle 2010 Portfolio  U.S. Government Cash Reserve 
Lifecycle 2015 Portfolio   
Lifecycle 2020 Portfolio  CLOSED-END 
Lifecycle 2025 Portfolio  Bank and Thrift Opportunity Fund 
Lifecycle 2030 Portfolio  Financial Trends Fund, Inc. 
Lifecycle 2035 Portfolio  Income Securities Trust 
Lifecycle 2040 Portfolio  Investors Trust 
Lifecycle 2045 Portfolio  Patriot Premium Dividend Fund II 
Lifecycle Retirement Portfolio  Patriot Select Dividend Trust 
Lifestyle Aggressive Portfolio  Preferred Income Fund 
Lifestyle Balanced Portfolio  Preferred Income II Fund 
Lifestyle Conservative Portfolio  Preferred Income III Fund 
Lifestyle Growth Portfolio  Tax-Advantaged Dividend Income Fund 
Lifestyle Moderate Portfolio  Tax-Advantaged Global Shareholder Yield Fund 
Financial Industries Fund   
Health Sciences Fund   
Real Estate Fund   
Regional Bank Fund   
Technology Fund   
Technology Leaders Fund   

The Fund’s investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses are included in the prospectus and should be considered carefully before investing. For a prospectus, contact your financial professional, call John Hancock Funds at 1-800-225-5291 or visit the Fund’s Web site at www.jhfunds.com. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing or sending money.

1-800-231-5469 TDD
1-800-843-0090 EASI-Line
www.jhfunds. com


P300A 6/07


As of the end of the period, June 30, 2007, the registrant has adopted a code of ethics, as defined in Item 2 of Form N-CSR, that applies to its Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer (respectively, the principal executive officer, the principal financial officer and the principal accounting officer, the “Senior Financial Officers”). A copy of the code of ethics is filed as an exhibit to this Form N-CSR.


Charles L. Ladner is the audit committee financial expert and is “independent”, pursuant to general instructions on Form N-CSR Item 3.


(a) Audit Fees

The aggregate fees billed for professional services rendered by the principal accountant(s) for the audit of the registrant’s annual financial statements or services that are normally provided by the accountant(s) in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements amounted to $24,650 for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2006 and $24,650 for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2007. These fees were billed to the registrant and were approved by the registrant’s audit committee.

(b) Audit-Related Services

There were no audit-related fees during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2006 and fiscal year ended June 30, 2007 billed to the registrant or to the registrant's investment adviser (not including any sub-adviser whose role is primarily portfolio management and is subcontracted with or overseen by another investment adviser), and any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the adviser that provides ongoing services to the registrant ("control affiliates").

(c) Tax Fees

The aggregate fees billed for professional services rendered by the principal accountant(s) for the tax compliance, tax advice and tax planning (“tax fees”) amounted to $3,500 for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2006 and $3,500 for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2007. The nature of the services comprising the tax fees was the review of the registrant’s income tax returns and tax distribution requirements. These fees were billed to the registrant and were approved by the registrant’s audit committee. There were no tax fees billed to the control affiliates.

(d) All Other Fees

The all other fees billed to the registrant for products and services provided by the principal accountant were $3,000 for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2006 and $3,000 for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2007. There were no other fees during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2006 and June 30, 2007 billed to control affiliates for products and services provided by the principal accountant. The nature of the services comprising the all other fees was related to the principal accountant’s report on the registrant’s Eligible Asset Coverage. These fees were approved by the registrant’s audit committee.

(e)(1) See attachment "Approval of Audit, Audit-related, Tax and Other Services", with the audit committee pre-approval policies and procedures.

(e)(2) There were no fees that were approved by the audit committee pursuant to the de minimis exception for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2006 and June 30, 2007 on behalf of the registrant or on behalf of the control affiliates that relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of the registrant.

(f) According to the registrant’s principal accountant, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2007, the percentage of hours spent on the audit of the registrant's financial statements for the most recent fiscal year that were attributed to work performed by persons who were not full-time, permanent employees of principal accountant was less than 50%.

(g) The aggregate non-audit fees billed by the registrant's accountant(s) for services rendered to the registrant and rendered to the registrant's control affiliates for each of the last two fiscal years of the registrant were $10,000 for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2006, and $3,264,859 for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2007.

(h) The audit committee of the registrant has considered the non-audit services provided by the registrant’s principal accountant(s) to the control affiliates and has determined that the services that were not pre-approved are compatible with maintaining the principal accountant(s)' independence.


The registrant has a separately-designated standing audit committee comprised of independent trustees. The members of the audit committee are as follows:

Charles L. Ladner - Chairman
Dr. John A. Moore
Patti McGill Peterson


Not applicable.


See attached Exhibit “Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures”.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


(a) The registrant has adopted procedures by which shareholders may recommend nominees to the registrant's Board of Trustees. A copy of the procedures is filed as an exhibit to this Form N-CSR. See attached "John Hancock Funds - Governance Committee Charter".


(a) Based upon their evaluation of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures as conducted within 90 days of the filing date of this Form N-CSR, the registrant's principal executive officer and principal financial officer have concluded that those disclosure controls and procedures provide reasonable assurance that the material information required to be disclosed by the registrant on this report is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the Securities and Exchange Commission's rules and forms.

(b) There were no changes in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant's most recent fiscal half-year (the registrant's second fiscal half-year in the case of an annual report) that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant's internal control over financial reporting.


(a)(1) Code of Ethics for Senior Financial Officers is attached.

(a)(2) Separate certifications for the registrant's principal executive officer and principal financial officer, as required by Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and Rule 30a-2(a) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, are attached.

(b)(1) Separate certifications for the registrant's principal executive officer and principal financial officer, as required by 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, and Rule 30a-2(b) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, are attached. The certifications furnished pursuant to this paragraph are not deemed to be "filed" for purposes of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, or otherwise subject to the liability of that section. Such certifications are not deemed to be incorporated by reference into any filing under the Securities Act of 1933 or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, except to the extent that the Registrant specifically incorporates them by reference.

(c)(1) Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures are attached.

(c)(2) Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders is attached. See attached "John Hancock Funds - Governance Committee Charter".

(c)(3) Approval of Audit, Audit-related, Tax and Other Services is attached.

(c)(4) Contact person at the registrant.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

John Hancock Patriot Select Dividend Trust

By: /s/ Keith F. Hartstein
Keith F. Hartstein
President and Chief Executive Officer

Date: August 27, 2007

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

By: /s/ Keith F. Hartstein
Keith F. Hartstein
President and Chief Executive Officer

Date: August 27, 2007

By: /s/ Charles A. Rizzo
Charles A. Rizzo
Chief Financial Officer

Date: August 27, 2007

EX-99.CERT 2 b_psdtxnn.htm CERTIFICATION e_PatriotSelectDividendTrust_xnn1.htm


I, Keith F. Hartstein, certify that:

1. I have reviewed this report on Form N-CSR of the John Hancock Patriot Select Dividend Trust (the “registrant”);

2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;

3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations, changes in net assets, and cash flows (if the financial statements are required to include a statement of cash flows) of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;

4. The registrant's other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) for the registrant and have:

(a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;

(b) Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;

(c) Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of this report based on such evaluation; and

(d) Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant's most recent fiscal half-year (the registrant's second fiscal half-year in the case of an annual report) that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant's internal control over financial reporting; and

5. The registrant's other certifying officer and I have disclosed to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of the registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

(a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant's ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial information; and

(b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting.

By: /s/ Keith F. Hartstein
Keith F. Hartstein
President and Chief Executive Officer

Date: August 27, 2007


I, Charles A. Rizzo, certify that:

1. I have reviewed this report on Form N-CSR of the John Hancock Patriot Select Dividend Trust (the “registrant”);

2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;

3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations, changes in net assets, and cash flows (if the financial statements are required to include a statement of cash flows) of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;

4. The registrant's other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) for the registrant and have:

(a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;

(b) Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;

(c) Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of this report based on such evaluation; and

(d) Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant's most recent fiscal half-year (the registrant's second fiscal half-year in the case of an annual report) that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant's internal control over financial reporting; and

5. The registrant's other certifying officer and I have disclosed to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of the registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

(a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant's ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial information; and

(b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting.

By: /s/ Charles A. Rizzo
Charles A. Rizzo
Chief Financial Officer

Date: August 27, 2007

EX-99.906 CERT 3 c_psdtxnnos.htm CERTIFICATION 906 f_PatriotSelectDividendTrust_xnnos1.htm

Certification Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as Adopted Pursuant to Section 906 of
the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

In connection with the attached Report of John Hancock Patriot Select Dividend Trust (the “registrant”) on Form N-CSR to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Report"), each of the undersigned officers of the registrant does hereby certify that, to the best of such officer's knowledge:

1. The Report fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and

2. The information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in the Report.

/s/ Keith F. Hartstein
Keith F. Hartstein
President and Chief Executive Officer

Dated: August 27, 2007

/s/ Charles A. Rizzo
Charles A. Rizzo
Chief Financial Officer

Dated: August 27, 2007

A signed original of this written statement, required by Section 906, has been provided to the registrant and will be retained by the registrant and furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission or its staff upon request.

EX-99.CODE ETH 4 d_codeth.htm CODE OF ETHICS g_CodeOfEthics_072706.htm



This is the code of ethics of:

John Hancock Advisers, LLC

MFC Global Investment Management (U.S.), LLC (formerly known as Sovereign Asset Management LLC)

each open-end and closed-end fund advised by John Hancock Advisers, LLC

John Hancock Funds, LLC

(together, called "John Hancock Funds" or "JHF")

1. General Principles

Each person within the John Hancock Funds organization is responsible for maintaining the very highest ethical standards when conducting our business.

This means that:

You have a fiduciary duty at all times to place the interests of our clients and fund investors first.

All of your personal securities transactions must be conducted consistent with the provisions of this code of ethics that apply to you and in such a manner as to avoid any actual or potential conflict of interest or other abuse of your position of trust and responsibility.

You should not take inappropriate advantage of your position or engage in any fraudulent or manipulative practice (such as front-running or manipulative market timing) with respect to our clients' accounts or fund investors.

You must treat as confidential any information concerning the identity of security holdings and financial circumstances of clients or fund investors.

You must comply with all applicable federal securities laws.

You must promptly report any violation of this code of ethics that comes to your attention to the Chief Compliance Officer of your company -see Appendix F.

The General Principles discussed above govern all conduct, whether or not

The General Principles discussed above govern all conduct, whether or not the conduct is also covered by more specific standards and procedures in this code of ethics. As described below under the heading "Interpretation and Enforcement", failure to comply with the code of ethics may result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment.

2. To Whom Does This Code Apply?

This code of ethics applies to you if you are a director, officer or employee of John Hancock Advisers, LLC, MFC Global Investment Management (U.S.), LLC, John Hancock Funds, LLC or a John Hancock open-end or closed-end fund registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the "'40 Act") and advised by John Hancock Advisers, LLC ("John Hancock funds"). It also applies to you if you are trustee of the John Hancock Financial Trends Fund, Inc. or an employee of Manulife Financial Corporation or its subsidiaries who participates in making recommendations for, or receives information about, portfolio trades or holdings of the John Hancock funds or accounts. However, notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, it does not apply to any trustees/directors of any open-end or closed-end funds advised by John Hancock Advisers, LLC who are not "interested persons" of such funds as defined in Section 2(a)(19) of the '40 Act, so long as they are subject to a separate Code of Ethics (each, an "Excluded Independent Director"). Also, in some cases only a limited number of provisions will apply to you, based on your access category. For example, only a limited number of provisions apply to directors of the John Hancock open-end funds and closed-end funds who are not Excluded Independent Directors-- see Appendix C for more information.

Please note that if a policy described below applies to you, it also applies to all accounts over which you have a beneficial interest. Normally, you will be deemed to have a beneficial interest in your personal accounts, those of a spouse, "significant other," minor children or family members sharing a household, as well as all accounts over which you have discretion or give advice or information. "Significant others" are defined for these purposes as two people who (1) share the same primary residence; (2) share living expenses; and (3) are in a committed relationship and intend to remain in the relationship indefinitely.

There are three main categories for persons covered by this code of ethics, taking into account their positions, duties and access to information regarding fund portfolio trades. You have been notified about which of these categories applies to you, based on the JHF Investment Compliance Department's understanding of your current role. If you have a level of investment access beyond your assigned category, or if you are promoted or change duties and as a result should more appropriately be included in a different category, it is your responsibility to notify the Chief Compliance Officer of your company.

The basic definitions of the three main categories, with examples, are provided below. The more detailed definitions of each category are attached as Appendix A.

“Investment Access” person    “Regular Access” person    “Non-Access” person 
        A person who regularly has access         
        to (1) fund portfolio trades or (2)    A person who does not regularly 
A person who regularly participates    non-public information regarding    participate in a fund’s investment 
in a fund’s investment process or    holdings or securities      process or obtain information 
makes securities recommendations    recommendations to clients.    regarding fund portfolio trades 
to clients.     
      examples:        examples:     
          personnel in Investment      wholesalers 
  •   portfolio managers        Operations or Compliance     
inside wholesalers who 
  analysts      most FFM personnel      don’t attend investment 
“morning meetings” 
  traders      Technology personnel with       
            access to investment      certain administrative 
        systems        personnel 
          attorneys and some legal         
            administration personnel         
          investment admin.         

3. Which Accounts and Securities are Subject to the Code's Personal Trading Restrictions?

If this code of ethics describes "Personal Trading Requirements" (i.e. John Hancock Mutual Fund reporting requirement and holding period, the preclearance requirement, the ban on short-term profits, the ban on IPOs, the disclosure of private placement conflicts and the reporting requirements) that apply to your access category as described above, then the requirements apply to trades for any account in which you have a beneficial interest. Normally, this includes your personal accounts, those of a spouse, "significant other," minor children or family members sharing your household, as well as all accounts over which you have discretion or give advice or information. This includes all brokerage accounts that contain securities (including brokerage accounts that only contain securities exempt from reporting). Accounts over which you have no direct or indirect influence or control are exempt. To prevent potential violations of this code of ethics, you are strongly encouraged to request clarification for any accounts that are in question.

These personal trading requirements do not apply to the following securities:

Direct obligations of the U.S. government (e.g., treasury securities);

Bankers' acceptances, bank certificates of deposit, commercial paper, and high quality short-term debt obligations, including repurchase agreements;

Shares of open-end mutual funds registered under the '40 Act that are not advised or sub-advised by John Hancock Advisers, John Hancock Investment Management Services or another Manulife entity;

Shares issued by money market funds; and

Securities in accounts over which you have no direct or indirect influence or control.

Except as noted above, the Personal Trading Requirements apply to all securities, including:



Government securities that are not direct obligations of the U.S. government, such as Fannie Mae or municipal securities;

Closed-end funds;

Options on securities, on indexes, and on currencies;

Limited partnerships;

Domestic unit investment trusts;

Exchange traded funds;

Non-US unit investment trusts and Non-US mutual funds;

Private investment funds and hedge funds; and

Futures, investment contracts or any other instrument that is considered a "security" under the Investment Advisers Act.

Different requirements apply to shares of open-end mutual funds that are advised or sub-advised by John Hancock Advisers, LLC or another Manulife entity--see the section below titled "John Hancock Mutual Funds Reporting Requirement and Holding Period".

4. Overview of Policies

    Investment Access    Regular Access Non-Access Person   
    Person    Person     

General principles    yes    yes    yes 

Policies outside the code             

Conflict of interest policy    yes    yes    yes 

Inside information policy    yes    yes    yes 

Policy regarding dissemination of mutual fund    yes    yes    yes 
portfolio information             

Policies in the code             

Restriction on gifts    yes    yes    yes 

John Hancock mutual funds reporting    yes    yes    yes 
requirement and holding period             

Pre-clearance requirement    yes    yes    Limited 

Heightened preclearance of securities    yes    yes    no 
transactions for “Significant Personal             

Ban on short-term profits    yes    no    no 

Ban on IPOs    yes    no    no 

Disclosure of private placement conflicts    yes    no    no 

Seven day blackout period    yes    no    no 

Reports and other disclosures outside the code             

Broker letter/duplicate confirms    yes    yes    yes 

Reports and other disclosures in the code             

Annual recertification form    yes    yes    yes 

Initial/annual holdings reports    yes    yes    no 

Quarterly transaction reports    yes    yes    no 

5. Policies Outside of the Code of Ethics

John Hancock Funds have certain policies that are not part of the code of ethics, but are equally important. The two most important of these policies are (1) the Company Conflict and Business Practice Policy; and (2) the Inside Information Policy.

>> Company Conflict & Business Practice Policy

Applies to: Investment Access Persons
Regular Access Persons
Non-Access Persons
A conflict of interest occurs when your private interests interfere or could potentially interfere with your responsibilities at work. You must not place yourself or the company in a position of actual or potential conflict.

This Policy covers a number of important issues for officers and employees of John Hancock Funds. For example, you cannot serve as a director of any company without first obtaining the required written executive approval.

This Policy includes significant requirements to be followed if your personal securities holdings overlap with John Hancock funds investment activity. For example, if you or a member of your family own:

a 5% or greater interest in a company, John Hancock Funds and its affiliates may not make any investment in that company;

a 1% or greater interest in a company, you cannot participate in any decision by John Hancock Funds and its affiliates to buy or sell that company's securities;

ANY interest in a company, you cannot recommend or participate in a decision by John Hancock Funds and its affiliates to buy or sell that company's securities unless your personal interest is fully disclosed at all stages of the investment decision.

(This is just a summary of these requirements--please read Section IV of the Company Conflict and Business Practices Policy for more detailed information.)

Other important issues in this Policy include:

personal investments or business relationships

misuse of inside information

receiving or giving of gifts, entertainment or favors

misuse or misrepresentation of your corporate position

disclosure of confidential or proprietary information

antitrust activities

political campaign contributions and expenditures on public officials

>> Inside Information Policy and Procedures

Applies to: Investment Access Persons
Regular Access Persons
Non-Access Persons

The antifraud provisions of the federal securities laws generally prohibit persons with material non-public information from trading on or communicating the information to others. Sanctions for violations can include civil injunctions, permanent bars from the securities industry, civil penalties up to three times the profits made or losses avoided, criminal fines and jail sentences. While Investment Access persons are most likely to come in contact with material non-public information, the rules (and sanctions) in this area apply to all John Hancock Funds personnel and extend to activities both related and unrelated to your job duties.

The Inside Information Policy and Procedures covers a number of important issues, such as:

The misuse of material non-public information

The information barrier procedure

The "restricted list" and the "watch list"

broker letters and duplicate confirmation statements (see section 7 of this code of ethics)

>> Policy Regarding Dissemination of Mutual Fund Portfolio Information

Applies to: Investment Access Persons
Regular Access Persons
Non-Access Persons

Information about securities held in a mutual fund cannot be disclosed except in accordance with this Policy, which generally requires time delays of approximately one month and public posting of the information to ensure that it uniformly enters the public domain.

6. Policies in the Code of Ethics

>> Restriction on Gifts

Applies to: Investment Access Persons
Regular Access Persons
Non-Access Persons

You and your family cannot accept preferential treatment or favors (for example, gifts) from securities brokers or dealers or other organizations with which John Hancock Funds might transact business, except in accordance with the Company Conflict and Business Practice Policy. For the protection of both you and John Hancock Funds, the appearance of a possible conflict of interest must be avoided. You should exercise caution in any

instance in which business travel and lodging are paid for by someone other than John Hancock Funds. The purpose of this policy is to minimize the basis for any charge that you used your John Hancock Funds position to obtain for yourself opportunities which otherwise would not be offered to you. Please see the Company Conflict and Business Practice Policy's "Compensation and Gifts" section for additional details regarding restrictions on gifts and exceptions for "nominal value" gifts.

>> John Hancock Mutual Funds Reporting Requirement and Holding Period

Applies to: Investment Access Persons
Regular Access Persons
Non-Access Persons

You must follow the reporting requirement and the holding period requirement specified below if you purchase either:

a "John Hancock Mutual Fund" (i.e. a '40 Act mutual fund that is advised by John Hancock Advisers, LLC, John Hancock Investment Management Services LLC or by another Manulife entity); or

a "John Hancock Variable Product" (i.e. contracts funded by insurance company separate accounts that use one or more portfolios of John Hancock Trust). The John Hancock Mutual Funds reporting requirement and the holding period requirement are excluded for the money market funds and any dividend reinvestment, payroll deduction, systematic investment/withdrawal and/or other program trades.

Reporting Requirement: You must report your holdings and your trades in a John Hancock Mutual Fund or a John Hancock Variable Product. This is not a preclearance requirement--you can report your holdings after you trade by submitting duplicate confirmation statements to the JHF Investment Compliance Department. If you are an Investment Access Person or a Regular Access Person, you must also make sure that your holdings in a John Hancock fund or a John Hancock variable product are included in your Initial Holdings Report (upon hire) and Annual Holdings Report (each year end).

If you purchase a John Hancock Variable Product, you must notify the JHF Investment Compliance Department. The JHF Investment Compliance Department will then obtain directly from the contract administrators the personal trade and holdings information regarding the portfolios underlying the Manulife or John Hancock variable insurance contracts.

The JHF Investment Compliance Department will obtain personal securities trades and holdings information in the 401(k) plan for John Hancock funds directly from the plan administrators.

Holding Requirement: You cannot profit from the purchase and sale of a John Hancock Mutual Fund within 30 calendar days. The purpose of this policy is to address the risk, real or perceived, of manipulative market timing or other abusive practices involving short-term personal trading in the John Hancock Mutual Funds. Any profits realized on short-term trades must be surrendered by check payable to John Hancock Advisers, LLC and will be contributed by John Hancock Advisers, LLC to a charity, upon determination by the Compliance and Business Practices Committee. If you donate or gift a security, it is considered a sale. You may request an exemption from this policy for involuntary sales due to unforeseen corporate activity (such as a merger), or for sales due to hardship reasons (such as unexpected medical expenses) by sending an e-mail to the Chief Compliance Officer of your company.

>> Preclearance of Securities Transactions

Applies to: Investment Access Persons
Regular Access Persons

Also, for a limited category of trades:
Non-Access Persons

Limited Category of Trades for Non-Access Persons: If you are a Non-Access person, you must preclear transactions in securities of any closed-end funds advised by John Hancock Advisers, LLC. A Non-Access person is not required to preclear other trades. However, please keep in mind that a Non-Access person is required to report securities transactions after every trade (even those that are not required to be precleared) by requiring your broker to submit duplicate confirmation statements, as described in section 7 of this code of ethics.

Investment Access persons and Regular Access persons: If you are an Investment Access person or Regular Access person, you must "preclear" (i.e.: receive advance approval of) any personal securities transactions in the categories described above in the section "Which Accounts and Securities are Subject to the Code's Personal Trading Restrictions". Due to this preclearance requirement, participation in investment clubs is prohibited.

Preclearance of private placements requires some special considerations--the decision will take into account whether, for example: (1) the investment opportunity should be reserved for John Hancock Funds clients; and (2) it is being offered to you because of your position with John Hancock Funds.

How to preclear: You preclear a trade by following the steps outlined in the preclearance procedures, which are attached as Appendix B. Please note that:

You may not trade until clearance is received.

Clearance approval is valid only for the date granted (i.e. the preclearance date and the trade date should be the same).

A separate procedure should be followed for requesting preclearance of a private placement or a derivative, as detailed in Appendix B. The JHF Investment Compliance Department must maintain a five-year record of all clearances of private placement purchases by Investment Access persons, and the reasons supporting the clearances.

The preclearance policy is designed to proactively identify potential "problem trades" that raise front-running, manipulative market timing or other conflict of interest concerns (example: when an Investment Access person trades a security on the same day as a John Hancock fund).

Certain transactions in securities that would normally require pre-clearance are exempt from the pre-clearance requirement in the following situations; (1) shares are being purchased as part of an automatic investment plan; (2) shares are being purchased as part of a dividend reinvestment plan; or (3) transactions are being made in an account over which you have designated a third party as having discretion to trade (you must have approval from the Chief Compliance Officer to establish a discretionary account).

>> Heightened Preclearance of Securities Transactions for "Significant Personal Positions"

Applies to: Investment Access Persons
Regular Access Persons

If you are an Investment Access person or Regular Access person with a personal securities position that is worth $100,000 or more, this is deemed to be a "Significant Personal Position". This applies to any personal securities positions in the categories described above in the section "Which Accounts and Securities are Subject to the Code's Personal Trading Restrictions". Before you make personal trades to establish, increase or decrease a Significant Personal Position, you must notify either the Chief Fixed Income Officer or the Chief Equity Officer that (1) you intend to trade in a Significant Personal Position and (2) confirm that you are not aware of any clients for whom related trades should be completed first. You must receive their pre-approval to proceed--their approval will be based on their conclusion that your personal trade in a Significant Personal Position will not "front-run" any action that John Hancock Funds should take for a client. This Heightened Preclearance requirement is in addition to, not in place of, the regular preclearance requirement described above--you must also receive the regular preclearance before you trade.

>> Ban on Short-Term Profits

Applies to: Investment Access Persons

If you are an Investment Access person, you cannot profit from the purchase and sale (or sale and purchase) of the same (or equivalent) securities within 60 calendar days. This applies to any personal securities trades in the categories described above in the section "Which Accounts and Securities are Subject to the Code's Personal Trading Restrictions".

You may invest in derivatives or sell short provided the transaction period exceeds the 60-day holding period (30 days for '40 Act mutual funds advised by John Hancock Advisers, LLC, John Hancock Investment Management Services LLC or another Manulife entity). If you donate or gift a security, it is considered a sale.

The purpose of this policy is to address the risk, real or perceived, of front-running, manipulative market timing or other abusive practices involving short-term personal trading. Any profits realized on short-term trades must be surrendered by check payable to John Hancock Advisers, LLC and will be contributed by John Hancock Advisers, LLC to a charity, upon determination by the Compliance and Business Practices Committee.

You may request an exemption from this policy for involuntary sales due to unforeseen corporate activity (such as a merger), or for sales due to hardship reasons (such as unexpected medical expenses) from the JHF Investment Compliance Department.

>> Ban on IPOs

Applies to: Investment Access Persons

If you are an Investment Access person, you may not acquire securities in an initial public offering (IPO). You may not purchase any newly-issued securities until the next business (trading) day after the offering date. This applies to any personal securities trades in the categories described above in the section "Which Accounts and Securities are Subject to the Code's Personal Trading Restrictions".

There are two main reasons for this prohibition: (1) these purchases may suggest that persons have taken inappropriate advantage of their positions for personal profit; and (2) these purchases may create at least the appearance that an investment opportunity that should have been available to the John Hancock funds was diverted to the personal benefit of an individual employee.

You may request an exemption for certain investments that do not create a potential conflict of interest, such as: (1) securities of a mutual bank or mutual insurance company received as compensation in a demutualization and other similar non-voluntary stock acquisitions; (2) fixed rights offerings; or (3) a family member's participation as a form of employment compensation in their employer's IPO.

>> Disclosure of Private Placement Conflicts

Applies to: Investment Access Persons

If you are an Investment Access person and you own securities purchased in a private placement, you must disclose that holding when you participate in a decision to purchase or sell that same issuer's securities for a John Hancock fund. This applies to any private placement holdings in the categories described above in the section "Which Accounts and Securities are Subject to the Code's Personal Trading Restrictions". Private placements are securities exempt from SEC registration under section 4(2), section 4(6) or rules 504 -506 of the Securities Act of 1933.

The investment decision must be subject to an independent review by investment personnel with no personal interest in the issuer.

The purpose of this policy is to provide appropriate scrutiny in situations in which there is a potential conflict of interest.

>> Seven Day Blackout Period

Applies to: Investment Access Persons

If you are a portfolio manager (or were identified to the JHF Investment Compliance Department as part of a portfolio management team) you are prohibited from buying or selling a security within seven calendar days before and after that security is traded for a fund that you manage unless no conflict of interest exists in relation to that security (as determined by the Compliance and Ethics Committee).

In addition, all investment access persons are prohibited from knowingly buying or selling a security within seven calendar days before and after that security is traded for a John Hancock fund unless no conflict of interest exists in relation to that security. This applies to any personal securities trades in the categories described above in the section "Which Accounts and Securities are Subject to the Code's Personal Trading Restrictions". If a John Hancock fund trades in a security within seven calendar days before or after you trade in that security, you may be required to demonstrate that you did not know that the trade was being considered for that John Hancock fund.

You will be required to sell any security purchased in violation of this policy unless it is determined that no conflict of interest exists in relation to that security (as determined by the Compliance and Ethics Committee). Any profits realized on trades determined by the Compliance and Ethics Committee to be in violation of this policy must be surrendered by check payable to John Hancock Advisers, LLC and will be contributed by John Hancock Advisers, LLC to a charity.

7. Reports and Other Disclosures Outside the Code of Ethics

>> Broker Letter/Duplicate Confirm Statements

Applies to: Investment Access Persons
Regular Access Persons
Non-Access Persons

As required by the Inside Information Policy, you must inform your stockbroker that you are employed by an investment adviser or broker. Your broker is subject to certain rules designed to prevent favoritism toward your accounts. You may not accept negotiated commission rates that you believe may be more favorable than the broker grants to accounts with similar characteristics.

When a brokerage account is opened for which you have a beneficial interest, before any trades are made, you must:

Notify the broker-dealer with which you are opening an account that you are a registered associate of John Hancock Funds;

Ask the firm in writing to have duplicate written confirmations of any trade, as well as statements or other information concerning the account, sent to the John Hancock Funds Investment Compliance Department (contact: Fred Spring), 8th Floor, 101 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02199; and

Notify the JHF Investment Compliance Department, in writing, that you have an account before you place any trades.

This applies to any personal securities trades in the categories described above in the section "Which Accounts and Securities are Subject to the Code's Personal Trading Restrictions" as well as trades in John Hancock Mutual Funds and John Hancock Variable Products. The JHF Investment Compliance Department may rely on information submitted by your broker as part of your reporting requirements under this code of ethics.

8. Reports and Other Disclosures In the Code of Ethics

>> Initial Holdings Report and Annual Holdings Report

Applies to: Investment Access Persons
Regular Access Persons

You must file an initial holdings report within 10 calendar days after becoming an Investment Access person or a Regular Access person. The information must be current as of a date no more than 45 days prior to your becoming an Investment Access person or a Regular Access person.

You must also file an annual holdings report (as of December 31st) within 45 calendar days after the calendar year end. This applies to any personal securities holdings in the categories described above in the section "Which Accounts and Securities are Subject to the Code's Personal Trading Restrictions" as well as holdings in John Hancock Mutual Funds and John Hancock Variable Products.

Your reports must include:

the title and type of security, and as applicable the exchange ticker symbol or CUSIP number, number of shares, and principal amount of each reportable security;

the name of any broker, dealer or bank with which you maintain an account; and

the date that you submit the report.

>> Quarterly Transaction Certification

Applies to: Investment Access Persons
Regular Access Persons

On a quarterly basis, Investment Access Persons and Regular Access persons are required to certify transactions in their brokerage accounts and the John Hancock Funds 401(k) Plan. Within 30 calendar days after the end of each calendar quarter you will be asked to log into the John Hancock Personal Trading and Reporting System to verify that the system has captured accurately all transactions for the preceding calendar quarter for accounts and trades which are required to be reported pursuant to the above noted section entitled "Which Accounts and Securities are Subject to the Code's Personal Trading Restrictions". Even if you have no transactions to report you will be asked to complete the certification.

For each transaction you must report the following information:

the date of the transaction, the title, and as applicable the exchange ticker symbol or CUSIP number, interest rate and maturity date, number of shares, and principal amount of each reportable security involved;

the nature of the transaction (i.e. purchase, sale or any other type of acquisition or disposition);

the price at which the transaction was effected;

the name of the broker, dealer or bank with or through which the transaction was effected; and

>> Quarterly Brokerage Account Certification

Applies to: Investment Access Persons
Regular Access Persons
Non-Access Persons

Each quarter, all Investment Access Persons, Regular Access Persons and Non-Access Persons will be required to provide a complete list of all brokerage accounts as described above in the section entitled "Which Accounts and Securities are Subject to the Code's Personal Trading Restrictions". This includes all brokerage accounts, including brokerage accounts that only contain securities exempt from reporting.

You will be asked to log into the John Hancock Personal Trading and Reporting System and verify that all brokerage accounts are listed and the following information is accurate:

Account number;

Account registration;

Brokerage firm

>> Annual Certification

Applies to: Investment Access Persons
Regular Access Persons
Non-Access Persons
Limited Access Persons

At least annually (or additionally when the code of ethics has been significantly changed), you must provide a certification at a date designated by the Investment Compliance Department that:

(1) you have read and understood this code of ethics;

(2) you recognize that you are subject to its policies; and

(3) you have complied with its requirements.

You are required to make this certification to demonstrate that you understand the importance of these policies and your responsibilities under the code of ethics.

9. Limited Access Persons

There is an additional category of persons called "Limited Access" persons. This category consists only of directors of John Hancock Advisers, LLC, trustees of the John Hancock Financial Trends Fund, Inc. or an "interested person" of the John Hancock funds who:

(a) are not also officers of John Hancock Advisers, LLC; and

(b) do not ordinarily obtain information about fund portfolio trades

An "interested person" of the John Hancock funds has the meaning given to the term in Section 2(a)(19) of the '40 Act.

A more detailed definition of Limited Access persons, and a list of the policies that apply to them, is attached as Appendix C.

10. Subadvisers

A subadviser to a John Hancock fund has a number of code of ethics responsibilities, as described in Appendix D.

11. Reporting Violations

If you know of any violation of our code of ethics, you have a responsibility to promptly report it to the Chief Compliance Officer of your company. You should also report any deviations from the controls and procedures that safeguard John Hancock Funds and the assets of our clients. You can request confidential treatment of your reporting action.

12. Interpretation and Enforcement

This code of ethics cannot anticipate every situation in which personal interests may be in conflict with the interests of our clients and fund investors. You should be responsive to the spirit and intent of this code of ethics as well as its specific provisions.

When any doubt exists regarding any code of ethics provision or whether a conflict of interest with clients or fund investors might exist, you should

discuss the situation in advance with the Chief Compliance Officer of your company. The code of ethics is designed to detect and prevent fraud against clients and fund investors, and to avoid the appearance of impropriety. If you feel inequitably burdened by any policy, you should feel free to contact your Chief Compliance Officer or the Compliance and Business Practices Committee. Exceptions may be granted where warranted by applicable facts and circumstances. For example, exemption from some Personal Trading Requirements may be granted for transactions effected pursuant to an automatic investment plan.

To provide assurance that policies are effective, the JHF Investment Compliance Department will monitor and check personal securities transaction reports and certifications against fund portfolio transactions. Additional administration and recordkeeping procedures are described in Appendix E.

The Chief Compliance Officer of your company has general administrative responsibility for this code of ethics as it applies to the access persons of your company; an appropriate Compliance Department will administer procedures to review personal trading reports. The Compliance and Business Practices Committee of John Hancock Funds approves amendments to the code of ethics and dispenses employee/officer sanctions for violations of the code of ethics. The Boards of Trustees/Directors of the open-end mutual funds and closed-end funds also approve amendments to the code of ethics and dispenses sanctions for access persons of the Funds who are not employees/officers. Accordingly, the Investment Compliance Department will refer violations to the Compliance and Business Practices Committee and/or the Boards of Trustees/Directors of the John Hancock '40 Act funds, respectively, for review and appropriate action. The following factors will be considered when determining a fine or other disciplinary action:

the person's position and function (senior personnel may be held to a higher standard);

the amount of the trade;

whether the funds or accounts hold the security and were trading the same day;

whether the violation was by a family member.

whether the person has had a prior violation and which policy was involved.

whether the employee self-reported the violation.

You can request reconsideration of any disciplinary action by submitting a written request.

No less frequently than annually, a written report of all material violations and sanctions, significant conflicts of interest and other related issues will be submitted to the boards of directors of the John

Hancock funds for their review. Sanctions for violations could include (but are not limited to) fines, limitation of personal trading activity, suspension or termination of the violator's position with John Hancock Funds and/or a report to the appropriate regulatory authority.

13. Education of Employees

The JHF Investment Compliance Department will provide a paper copy or electronic version of the Code of Ethics (and any amendments) to each person subject to this Code of Ethics. The JHF Investment Compliance Department will also administer training of employees on the principles and procedures of the code of ethics.

Appendix A: Categories of Personnel

You have been notified about which of these categories applies to you, based on the JHF Investment Compliance Department's understanding of your current role. If you have a level of investment access beyond that category, or if you are promoted or change duties and as a result should more appropriately be included in a different category, it is your responsibility to immediately notify the Chief Compliance Officer of your company.

1) Investment Access person: You are an Investment Access person if you are an employee of John Hancock Advisers, LLC, MFC Global Investment Management (U.S.), LLC, a John Hancock fund, or Manulife Financial Corporation or its subsidiaries who, in connection with your regular functions or duties, makes or participates in making recommendations regarding the purchase or sale of securities by a John Hancock fund.

(examples: portfolio managers, analysts, traders)

2) Regular Access person: You are a Regular Access person if you do not fit the definition of Investment Access Person, but you do fit one of the following two sub-categories:

You are an officer (vice president and higher) or director of John Hancock Advisers, LLC, MFC Global Investment Management (U.S.), LLC or a John Hancock fund, unless you qualify as a Limited Access person--please see Appendix C for this definition.)

You are an employee of John Hancock Advisers, LLC, MFC Global Investment Management (U.S.), LLC, a John Hancock fund or Manulife Financial Corporation or its subsidiaries , or a director, officer (vice president and higher) or employee of John Hancock Funds, LLC who has access to nonpublic information regarding any clients' purchase or sale of securities, or nonpublic information regarding the portfolio holdings of any reportable fund or who is involved in making securities recommendations to clients, or who has access to such recommendations that are nonpublic.

(examples: Investment Operations personnel, Investment Compliance Department personnel, most Fund Financial Management personnel, investment administrative personnel, Technology Resources personnel with access to investment systems, attorneys and some legal administration personnel)

3) Non-Access person: You are a non-access person if you are an employee of John Hancock Advisers, LLC, MFC Global Investment Management (U.S.), LLC, John Hancock Funds, LLC or a John Hancock fund who does not fit the definitions of any of the other three categories (Investment Access Person, Regular Access Person or Limited Access Person). To be a non-access person, you must not have access to information regarding the purchase or sale of securities by a John Hancock fund or nonpublic information regarding the portfolio holdings in connection with your regular functions or duties.

(examples: wholesalers, inside wholesalers, certain administrative staff)

4) Limited Access Person: Please see Appendix C for this definition.

Appendix B: Preclearance Procedures

You should read the Code of Ethics to determine whether you must obtain a preclearance before you enter into a securities transaction. If you are required to obtain a preclearance, you should follow the procedures detailed below.

1. Pre-clearance for Public Securities including Derivatives, Futures, Options and Selling Short:

A request to pre-clear should be entered into the John Hancock Personal Trading & Reporting System.

The John Hancock Personal Trading & Reporting System is located under your Start Menu on your Desktop. It can be accessed by going to Programs/Personal Trading & Reporting/ Personal Trading & Reporting and by entering your Web Security Services user id and password.

If the John Hancock Personal Trading & Reporting System is not on your Desktop, please contact the HELP Desk at (617) 572-6950 for assistance.

The Trade Request Screen:

At times you may receive a message like "System is currently unavailable". The system is scheduled to be offline from 8:00 PM until 7:00 AM each night.

[GRAPHIC: Trade Request Screen]

Ticker/Security Cusip: Fill in either the ticker, cusip or security name with the proper information of the security you want to buy or sell. Then

click the [Lookup] button. Select one of the hyperlinks for the desired security, and the system will populate the proper fields Ticker, Security Cusip, Security Name and Security Type automatically on the Trade Request Screen.

If You Don't Know the Ticker, Cusip, or Security Name:

If you do not know the full ticker, you may type in the first few letters followed by an asterisk * and click the [Lookup] button. For example, let's say you want to buy some shares of Intel, but all you can remember of the ticker is that it begins with int, so you enter int* for Ticker. If any tickers beginning with int are found, they are displayed on a new screen. Select the hyperlink of the one you want, and the system will populate Security Cusip, Security Name and Security Type automatically on the Trade Request Screen. If you do not know the full cusip, you may type in the first few numbers followed by an asterisk * and click the [Lookup] button. For example, let's say you want to buy some shares of Microsoft, but all you can remember of the cusip is that it begins with 594918, so you enter 594918* for Ticker. If any cusips beginning with 594918 are found, they are displayed on a new screen. Select the hyperlink of the one you want, and the system will fill in Ticker, Security Name and Security Type automatically on the Trade Request Screen. If you do not know the Ticker but have an idea of what the Security Name is, you may type in an asterisk, a few letters of the name and an asterisk * and click the [Lookup] button. For example, let's say you want to buy some shares of American Brands, so you enter *amer* for Security Name. Any securities whose names have amer in them are displayed on a new screen, where you are asked to select the hyperlink of the one you want, and the system will fill in Ticker, Cusip and Security Type automatically on the Trade Request Screen.

Other Items on the Trade Request Screen:

Brokerage Account: Click on the dropdown arrow to the right of the Brokerage Account field to choose the account to be used for the trade.

Transaction Type: Choose one of the values displayed when you click the dropdown arrow to the right of this field.

Trade Date: You may only submit trade requests for the current date.

Note: One or more of these fields may not appear on the Request Entry screen if the information is not required. Required fields are determined by the Investment Compliance Department.

Click the [Submit Request] button to send the trade request to your Investment Compliance department.

Once you click the [Submit Request] button, you will be asked to confirm the values you have entered. Review the information and click the [Confirm] button if all the information is correct. After which, you will receive

immediate feedback in your web browser. (Note: We suggest that you print out this confirmation and keep it as a record of the trade you have made). After this, you can either submit another trade request or logout.

Attention Investment Access Persons: If the system identifies a potential violation of the Ban on Short Term Profits Rule, your request will be sent to the Investment Compliance Department for review and you will receive feedback via the e-mail system.

Starting Over:

To clear everything on the screen and start over, click the [Clear Screen] button.

Exiting Without Submitting the Trade Request:

If you decide not to submit the trade request before clicking the [Submit Request] button, simply exit from the browser by clicking the [X] button on the upper right or by pressing [Alt+F4], or by clicking the Logout hyperlink on the lower left side of the screen.

Ticker/Security Name Lookup Screen:

You arrive at this screen from the Trade Request Screen, where you've clicked the [Lookup] button (see above, "If You Don't Know the Ticker, Cusip, or Security Name"). If you see the security you want to trade, you simply select its corresponding hyperlink, and you will automatically return to the Trade Request Screen, where you finish making your trade request. If the security you want to trade is not shown, that means that it is not recognized by the system under the criteria you used to look it up. Keep searching under other names (click the [Return to Request] button) until you are sure that the security is not in the system. If you determine that the desired security is not in the system, please contact a member of the Investment Compliance department to add the security for you. Contacts are listed below:

Fred Spring (617) 375-4987

Adding Brokerage Accounts:

To access this functionality, click on the Add Brokerage Account hyperlink on the left frame of your browser screen. You will be prompted to enter the Brokerage Account Number, Brokerage Account Name, Date Opened, and Broker. When you click the [Create New Brokerage Account] button, you will receive a message that informs you whether the account was successfully created.

[GRAPHIC: Add Brokerage Account screen]

3. Pre-clearance for Private Placements and Initial Public Offerings:

You may request a preclearance of private placement securities or an Initial Public Offering by contacting Fred Spring via email (please "cc." Frank Knox on all such requests). Please keep in mind that the code of ethics prohibits Investment Access persons from purchasing securities in an initial public offering.

The request must include:

|_| the associate's name;

|_| the associate's John Hancock Funds' company;

|_| the complete name of the security;

|_| the seller (i.e the selling party if identified and/or the broker-dealer or placement agent) and whether or not the associate does business with those individuals or entities on a regular basis;

|_| the basis upon which the associate is being offered this investment opportunity;

|_| any potential conflict, present or future, with fund trading activity and whether the security might be offered as inducement to later recommend publicly traded securities for any fund or to trade through a particular broker-dealer or placement agent; and

|_| the date of the request.

Clearance of private placements or initial public offerings may be denied for any appropriate reason, such as if the transaction could create the appearance of impropriety. Clearance of initial public offerings will also be denied if the transaction is prohibited for a person due to his or her access category under the code of ethics.

Appendix C: Limited Access Persons

There are three types of Limited Access Persons--(1) Certain directors of the Adviser and (2) the trustees of the John Hancock Financial Trends Fund, Inc. and (3) the directors of the John Hancock open-end funds and closed-end funds who are not Excluded Independent Directors

(1) Certain Directors of the Adviser:

You are a Limited Access person if you are a director of John Hancock Advisers, LLC or MFC Global Investment Management (U.S.), LLC and you meet the three following criteria:

(a) you are not also an officer of John Hancock Advisers, LLC, MFC Global Investment Management (U.S.), LLC or a John Hancock fund;

(b) you do not have access to nonpublic information regarding any clients' purchase or sale of securities, or nonpublic information regarding the portfolio holdings of any John Hancock fund or account; and

(c) you are not involved in making securities recommendations to clients and do not have access to such recommendations that are nonpublic.

(examples: directors of John Hancock Advisers, LLC or MFC Global Investment Management (U.S.), LLC who are not involved in the daily operations of the adviser)

If you are a Limited Access Person who fits this definition, the following policies apply to your category. These policies are described in detail in the code of ethics.

General principles

Inside information policy and procedures

Broker letter/Duplicate Confirms*

Initial/annual holdings reports*

Quarterly transaction reports*

Annual recertification

Preclearance requirement LIMITED: You only need to preclear any direct or indirect acquisition of beneficial ownership in any security in an initial public offering (an IPO) or in a limited offering (i.e. a private placement). To request preclearance of these securities, contact

Fredrick Spring at fspring@jhancock.com and/or Frank Knox at Frank_Knox@manulifeusa.com.


*A Limited Access Person may complete this requirement under the code of
ethics of another Manulife/John Hancock adviser or fund by the applicable
regulatory deadlines and arrange for copies of the required information to
be sent to the John Hancock Funds Compliance Department.


(2) The Independent Directors of the Funds: If you are a trustee of the John Hancock Financial Trends Fund, Inc. or a director to a John Hancock fund and an "interested person" of the fund within the meaning of the Investment Company Act of 1940, the following policies apply to your category. These policies are described in detail in the code of ethics.

General principles

Annual recertification

Quarterly transaction report, but only if you knew (or should have known) that during the 15 calendar days before or after you trade a security, either:

(i) a John Hancock fund purchased or sold the same security, or

(ii) a John Hancock fund or John Hancock Advisers, LLC considered purchasing or selling the same security.

This policy applies to holdings in your personal accounts, those of a spouse, "significant other" or family members sharing your household, as well as all accounts over which you have discretion or give advice or information. If this situation occurs, it is your responsibility to contact the Chief Compliance Officer of your company and he will assist you with the requirements of the quarterly transaction report.

This means that the independent directors of the funds will not usually be required to file a quarterly transaction report--they are only required to file in the situation described above and only if they are not Excluded Independent Directors.

Appendix D: Subadvisers

Each subadviser to a John Hancock fund is subject to its own code of ethics, which must meet the requirements of Rule 17j-1 and Rule 204A-1.

Approval of Code of Ethics

Each subadviser to a John Hancock fund must provide a copy of its code of ethics to the trustees of the relevant John Hancock funds for approval initially and within 60 calendar days of any material amendment. The trustees will give their approval if they determine that the code:

contains provisions reasonably necessary to prevent the subadviser's Access Persons (as defined in Rule 17j-1) from engaging in any conduct prohibited by Rule 17j-1;

requires the subadviser's Access Persons to make reports to at least the extent required in Rule 17j-1(d);

requires the subadviser to institute appropriate procedures for review of these reports by management or compliance personnel (as contemplated by Rule 17j-1(d)(3));

provides for notification of the subadviser's Access Persons in accordance with Rule 17j-1(d)(4); and

requires the subadviser's Access Persons who are Investment Personnel to obtain the pre-clearances required by Rule 17j-1(e);

Reports and Certifications

Each subadviser must provide an annual report and certification to John Hancock Advisers, LLC and the fund's trustees in accordance with Rule 17j-1(c)(2)(ii). The subadviser must also provide other reports or information that John Hancock Advisers, LLC may reasonably request.

Recordkeeping Requirements

The subadviser must maintain all records for its Access Persons as required by Rule 17j-1(f).

Appendix E: Administration and Recordkeeping

Adoption and Approval

The trustees of a John Hancock fund must approve the code of ethics of an adviser, subadviser or affiliated principal underwriter before initially retaining its services.

Any material change to a code of ethics of a John Hancock fund, John Hancock Funds, LLC, John Hancock Advisers, LLC or a subadviser to a fund must be approved by the trustees of the John Hancock funds, including a majority of trustees who are not interested persons, no later than six months after adoption of the material change.


No less frequently than annually, John Hancock Funds, LLC, John Hancock Advisers, LLC, each subadviser and each John Hancock fund will furnish to the trustees of each John Hancock fund a written report that:

describes issues that arose during the previous year under the code of ethics or the related procedures, including, but not limited to, information about material code or procedure violations, and

certifies that each entity has adopted procedures reasonably necessary to prevent its access persons from violating its code of ethics.


The Investment Compliance Department will maintain:

a copy of the current code of ethics for John Hancock Funds, LLC, John Hancock Advisers, LLC, MFC Global Investment Management (U.S.), LLC, and each John Hancock fund, and a copy of each code of ethics in effect at any time within the past five years.

a record of any violation of the code of ethics, and of any action taken as a result of the violation, for six years.

a copy of each report made by an Access person under the code of ethics, for six years (the first two years in a readily accessible place).

a record of all persons, currently or within the past five years, who are or were required to make reports under the code of ethics. This record will also indicate who was responsible for reviewing these reports.

a copy of each code of ethics report to the trustees, for six years (the first two years in a readily accessible place).

a record of any decision, and the reasons supporting the decision, to approve the acquisition by an Investment Access person of initial public offering securities or private placement securities, for six years.

Appendix F: Chief Compliance Officers

Entity    Chief Compliance Officer 

John Hancock Advisers, LLC    Frank Knox 

MFC Global Investment Management (U.S.), LLC    Frank Knox 

Each open-end and closed-end fund advised    Frank Knox 
by John Hancock Advisers, LLC     

John Hancock Funds, LLC    Michael Mahoney 

EX-99 5 e_audcom.htm AUDIT COMMITTEE CHARTER h_AuditCommCharter_072706.htm



A. Membership. The Audit Committee shall be composed exclusively of Trustees who are not "interested persons" as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940 of any of the funds, or of any fund's investment adviser or principal underwriter (the "Independent Trustees") and who satisfy the independence and financial literacy requirements in this charter. The Audit Committee shall be composed of at least three Independent Trustees who are designated for membership from time to time by the Board of Trustees of Trustees. In selecting Independent Trustees to serve on the Audit Committee, the Board should select members who are free of any relationship that, in the opinion of the Board, may interfere or give the appearance of interfering with such member's individual exercise of independent judgment. Unless otherwise determined by the Board, no member of the Audit Committee may serve on the audit committee of more than two other public companies (other than another John Hancock Fund). Except as otherwise permitted by the applicable rules of the New York Stock Exchange, each member of the Audit Committee shall be independent as defined by such rules and Rule 10A-3(b)(1) of the Exchange Act. Each member of the Audit Committee must be financially literate, as such qualification is interpreted by the Board of Trustees in its business judgment, or must become financially literate within a reasonable period of time after his or her appointment to the Audit Committee. At least one member of the Audit Committee must have accounting or related financial management expertise, as the Board of Trustees interprets such qualification in its business judgment.

B. Overview. The Audit Committee's purpose is to:

1. assist the Board of Trustee's oversight of (1) the integrity of the funds' financial statements, (2) the funds' compliance with legal and regulatory requirements (except to the extent such responsibility is delegated to another committee), (3) the independent auditor's qualifications and independence, and (4) the performance of the funds' internal audit function and independent auditors;

2. act as a liaison between the funds' independent accountants and the Board of Trustees;

3. prepare an Audit Committee Report as required by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") to the extent required to be included in the funds' annual proxy statement or other filings;

The Audit Committee shall discharge its responsibilities, and shall access

the information provided by the funds' management and independent auditors, in accordance with its business judgment. Management is responsible for the preparation of the fund's financial statements and the independent auditors are responsible for auditing those financial statements. The Audit Committee and the Board of Trustees recognize that management (including the internal audit staff) and the independent auditors have more experience, expertise, resources and time, and more detailed knowledge and information regarding a fund's accounting, auditing, internal control and financial reporting practices than the Audit Committee does. Accordingly, the Audit Committee's oversight role does not provide any expert or special assurance as to the financial statements and other financial information provided by a fund to its shareholders and others. The independent auditors are responsible for auditing the funds' annual financial statements. The authority and responsibilities set forth in this charter do not reflect or create any duty or obligation of the Audit Committee to plan or conduct any audit, to determine or certify that any fund's financial statements are complete, accurate, fairly presented, or in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles or applicable law, or to guarantee any independent auditor's report.

C. Oversight. The independent auditors shall report directly to the Audit Committee, and the Audit Committee shall be responsible for oversight of the work of the independent auditors, including resolution of any disagreements between any fund's management and the independent auditors regarding financial reporting. In connection with its oversight role, the Audit Committee should also review with the independent auditors, from time to time as appropriate: significant risks and uncertainties with respect to the quality, accuracy or fairness of presentation of a fund's financial statements; recently disclosed problems with respect to the quality, accuracy or fairness of presentation of the financial statements of companies similarly situated to the funds and recommended actions which might be taken to prevent or mitigate the risk of problems at the funds arising from such matters; accounting for unusual transactions; adjustments arising from audits that could have a significant impact on the funds' financial reporting process; and any recent SEC comments on the funds' SEC reports, including, in particular, any compliance comments. The Audit Committee should inquire of the independent auditor concerning the quality, not just the acceptability, of the funds' accounting determinations and other judgmental areas and question whether management's choices of accounting principles are, as a whole, conservative, moderate or aggressive.

D. Specific Responsibilities. The Audit Committee shall have the following duties and powers, to be exercised at such times and in such manner as the Committee shall deem necessary or appropriate:

1. To oversee the funds' auditing and accounting process.

2. To approve, and recommend to the Board of Trustees of Trustees for its ratification and approval in accord with applicable law, the selection, appointment and retention of an independent auditor for each fund prior to the engagement of such independent auditor and, at an appropriate time, its compensation. The Committee should meet with the independent auditor prior to the audit to discuss the planning and staffing of the audit. The Committee should periodically consider whether, in order to assure continuing auditor independence, there should be regular rotation of the independent audit firm and obtain and review a copy of the most recent report on the independent auditor issued by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board pursuant to Section 104 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

3. To periodically review and evaluate the lead partner and other senior members of the independent auditor's team and confirm the regular rotation of the lead audit partner and reviewing partner as required by Section 203 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

4. To confirm that the officers of the funds were not employed by the independent auditor, or if employed, did not participate in any capacity in the audit of the funds, in each case, during the one-audit-year period preceding the date of initiation of the audit, as required by Section 206 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

5. To pre-approve all non-audit services provided by the independent auditor to the fund or to the fund's investment adviser and any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the investment adviser that provides ongoing services to the fund, if the engagement relates directly to the operations and financial reporting of the fund.

6. The Committee is authorized to delegate, to the extent permitted by law, pre-approval responsibilities to one or more members of the Committee who shall report to the Committee regarding approved services at the Committee's next regularly scheduled meeting. The Committee is also authorized to adopt policies and procedures which govern the pre-approval of audit, audit-related, tax and other services provided by the independent accountants to the funds or to a service provider as referenced in Paragraph 5, provided however, that any such policies and procedures are detailed as to particular services, the Audit Committee is informed of each service, and any such policies and procedures do not include the delegation of the Audit Committee's responsibilities under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 or applicable rules or listing requirements.

7. To monitor the independent auditor of each fund throughout the engagement to attempt to identify: conflicts of interest between management and the independent auditor as a result of employment relationships; the provision of prohibited non-audit services to a fund by its independent

auditor; violations of audit partner rotation requirements; and prohibited independent auditor compensation arrangements whereby individuals employed by the auditor are compensated based on selling non-audit services to the fund. The independent auditors should promptly contact the Audit Committee or its Chair about any significant issue or disagreement concerning a fund's accounting practices or financial statements that is not resolved to their satisfaction or if Section 10A(b) of the Exchange Act has been implicated.

8. To meet with independent auditors, including private meetings, as necessary, management's internal auditors, and the funds' senior management (i) to review the arrangements for and scope of the annual audit and any special audits; (ii) to review the form and substance of the funds' financial statements and reports, including each fund's disclosures under "Management's Discussion of Fund Performance" and to discuss any matters of concern relating to the funds' financial statements, including any adjustments to such statements recommended by the independent accountants, or other results of an audit; (iii) to consider the independent accountants' comments with respect to the funds' financial policies, procedures and internal accounting controls and management's responses thereto; (iv) to review the resolution of any disagreements between the independent accountants and management regarding the funds' financial reporting; and (v) to review the form of opinion the independent accountants propose to render to the Board and shareholders. The Audit Committee should request from the independent auditors a frank assessment of management.

9. With respect to any listed fund, to consider whether it will recommend to the Board of Trustees that the audited financial statements be included in a fund's annual report. The Board delegates to the Audit Committee the authority to release the funds' financial statements for publication in the annual and semi-annual report, subject to the Board's right to review and ratify such financial statements following publication. With respect to each fund, to review and discuss with each fund's management and independent auditor the funds' audited financial statements and the matters about which Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61 (Codification of Statements on Auditing Standards, AU 380) requires discussion. The Audit Committee shall prepare an annual committee report for inclusion where necessary in the proxy statement of a fund relating to its annual meeting of security holders or in any other filing required by the SEC's rules.

10. To receive and consider reports on the audit functions of the independent auditors and the extent and quality of their auditing programs.

11. To assist the Board of Trustees in monitoring the Office of the Chief Compliance Officer (the "CCO") by:

Reviewing, no less frequently than annually, the CCO's report on the operation of the compliance programs of the funds and compliance programs of the funds' adviser, sub-advisers, principal underwriter, administrator, and transfer agent (collectively, "service providers").

Reviewing matters relating to the compliance programs of the funds and the compliance programs of their service providers and compliance matters relating to the funds and their service providers as may be presented to the Committee by the CCO.

Making recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding changes to the funds' compliance program, as may be necessary or appropriate from time to time.

Reviewing the compliance programs for proposed service providers to the funds, including subadvisers, and making recommendations regarding approval of such compliance programs to the Board of Trustees.

Reviewing regulatory inquiries relating to the funds and their service providers as may be presented to the Committee by the CCO.

Reviewing the CCO's goals and objectives and making recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding the CCO's compensation, including bonus and merit components.

Reviewing the CCO's annual budget and making recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding its approval and the amount of such budget that should be an expense of the funds.

12. To obtain and review, at least annually, a report by the independent auditor describing: the firm's internal quality-control procedures; any material issues raised by the most recent internal quality-control review, or peer review, of the firm, or by any inquiry or investigation by governmental or professional authorities, within the preceding five years, respecting one or more independent audits carried out by the firm, and any steps taken to deal with any such issues; and all relationships between the independent auditor and each fund, including the disclosures required by any applicable Independence Standards Board Standard. The Audit Committee shall engage in an active dialogue with each independent auditor concerning any disclosed relationships or services that might impact the objectivity and independence of the auditor.

13. To review with the independent auditor any problems that may be reported to it arising out of a fund's accounting, auditing or financial reporting functions and management's response, and to receive and consider reports on critical accounting policies and practices and alternative

treatments discussed with management.

14. To review the procedures for allocating fund brokerage, the allocation of trades among various accounts under management and the fees and other charges for fund brokerage.

15. To receive and consider reports from the independent auditors regarding reviews of the operating and internal control structure of custodian banks and transfer agents, including procedures to safeguard fund assets.

16. To monitor securities pricing procedures and review their implementation with management, management's internal auditors, independent auditors and others as may be required.

17. To establish and monitor, or cause to be established and monitored, procedures for the receipt, retention, and treatment of complaints received by a fund regarding accounting, internal accounting controls, or auditing matters, and the confidential, anonymous submission by employees of the investment adviser, administrator, principal underwriter or any other provider of accounting-related services for a listed fund, as well as employees of the fund, if any, regarding questionable accounting or auditing matters, as and when required by applicable rules or listing requirements. The procedures currently in effect are attached as Exhibit A.

18. To report regularly to the Board of Trustees, including providing the Audit Committee's conclusions with respect to the independent auditor and the funds' financial statements and accounting controls.

E. Subcommittees. The Audit Committee may, to the extent permitted by applicable law, form and delegate authority to one or more subcommittees (including a subcommittee consisting of a single member), as it deems appropriate from time to time under the circumstances. Any decision of a subcommittee to preapprove audit or non-audit services shall be presented to the full Audit Committee at its next meeting.

F. Additional Responsibilities. The Committee shall serve as the "qualified legal compliance committee" (as such term is defined in 17 CFR Part 205)("QLCC"), the duties of which are listed on Exhibit B to this charter; and shall also perform other tasks assigned to it from time to time by the Board of Trustees, and will report findings and recommendations to the Board of Trustees, as appropriate.

G. Funding. Each fund shall provide for appropriate funding, as determined by the Audit Committee, in its capacity as a committee of the Board of Trustees, for payment of:

1. Compensation to any registered public accounting firm engaged for the purpose of preparing or issuing an audit report or performing other audit, review or attest services for the fund.

2. Compensation to any counsel, advisers, experts or consultants engaged by the Audit Committee under Paragraph J of this charter.

3. Ordinary administrative expenses of the Audit Committee that are necessary or appropriate in carrying out its duties.

H. Governance. One member of the Committee shall be appointed as chair. The chair shall be responsible for leadership of the Committee, including scheduling meetings or reviewing and approving the schedule for them, preparing agendas or reviewing and approving them before meetings, presiding over meetings, and making reports to the Board of Trustees, as appropriate. The designation of a person as an "audit committee financial expert", within the meaning of the rules under Section 407 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, shall not impose any greater responsibility or liability on that person than the responsibility and liability imposed on such person as a member of the Committee, nor shall it decrease the duties and obligations of other Committee members or the Board of Trustees. Any additional compensation of Audit Committee members shall be as determined by the Board of Trustees. No member of the Audit Committee may receive, directly or indirectly, any consulting, advisory or other compensatory fee from a fund, other than fees paid in his or her capacity as a member of the Board of Trustees or a committee of the Board of Trustees. The members of the Audit Committee should confirm that the minutes of the Audit Committee's meetings accurately describe the issues considered by the Committee, the process the Committee used to discuss and evaluate such issues and the Committee's final determination of how to proceed. The minutes should document the Committee's consideration of issues in a manner that demonstrates that the Committee acted with due care.

I. Evaluation. At least annually, the Audit Committee shall evaluate its own performance, including whether the Audit Committee is meeting frequently enough to discharge its responsibilities appropriately.

J. Miscellaneous. The Committee shall meet as often as it deems appropriate, with or without management, as circumstances require. The Committee shall have the resources and authority appropriate to discharge its responsibilities, including the authority to retain special counsel and other advisers, experts or consultants, at the funds' expense, as it determines necessary to carry out its duties. The Committee shall have direct access to such officers of and service providers to the funds as it deems desirable.

K. Review. The Committee shall review this charter at least annually

and shall recommend such changes to the Board of Trustees as it deems desirable.


Policy for Raising and Investigating Complaints or Concerns About Accounting or Auditing Matters

As contemplated by the Audit Committee Charter, the Committee has established the following procedures for:

the receipt, retention and treatment of complaints received by a fund regarding accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters; and

the confidential, anonymous submission by employees of the investment adviser, administrator, principal underwriter or any other provider of accounting-related services for a listed fund, as well as employees of the fund ("covered persons") of concerns regarding questionable accounting or auditing matters.

A. Policy Objectives

The objective of this policy is to provide a mechanism by which complaints and concerns regarding accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters may be raised and addressed without the fear or threat of retaliation. The funds desire and expect that covered persons will report any complaints or concerns they may have regarding accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters.

B. Procedures for Raising Complaints and Concerns

The funds' Secretary shall be responsible for communicating these procedures to covered persons. Covered persons with complaints regarding accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters or concerns regarding questionable accounting or auditing matters may submit such complaints or concerns to the attention of the funds' Secretary by sending a letter or other writing to the funds' principal executive offices. Complaints and concerns may be made anonymously. Alternatively, any complaints or concerns may also be communicated anonymously directly to any member of the Audit Committee.

C. Procedures for Investigating and Resolving Complaints and Concerns

If any complaints or concerns regarding internal accounting controls or auditing matters that could affect the funds are received through the

Ethics Line or any other similar facility maintained by John Hancock Financial Services, they shall be communicated promptly to the funds' Secretary and shall be reported by the funds' Secretary to the Audit Committee, promptly or quarterly according to the guidelines set forth below.

The funds' Secretary shall report to the Audit Committee as to whether those responsible for the Ethics Line or similar facility have a procedure in place to communicate promptly any such complaints or concerns to the funds' Secretary, and whether any such communication would violate the terms thereof.

All complaints and concerns received will be promptly forwarded to the Audit Committee or the chair of the Audit Committee, unless they are determined to be without merit by Secretary of the funds. If sent only to the chair, the chair may determine the appropriate response or may refer the issues to the entire Audit Committee. In any event, the funds' Secretary will provide a record of all complaints and concerns received (whether or not determined to have merit) to the Audit Committee quarterly.

The Audit Committee will evaluate any complaints or concerns received (including those reported to the committee on a quarterly basis and which the funds' Secretary has previously determined to be without merit). If the Audit Committee requires additional information to evaluate any complaint or concern, it may conduct an investigation, including interviews of persons believed to have relevant information. The Audit Committee may, in its discretion, assume responsibility for directing or conducting any investigation or may delegate such responsibility to another person or entity.

After its evaluation of the complaint or concern, the Audit Committee will authorize such follow-up actions, if any, as deemed necessary and appropriate to address the substance of the complaint or concern. The funds reserve the right to take whatever action the Audit Committee believes appropriate, up to and including discharge of any employee deemed to have engaged in improper conduct.

Regardless of whether a complaint or concern is submitted anonymously, the Audit Committee will strive to keep all complaints and concerns and the identity of those who submit them and participate in any investigation as confidential as possible, limiting disclosure to those with a business need to know or as required by law or recommended by legal counsel.

No covered person shall penalize or retaliate against any other covered person for reporting a complaint or concern, unless it is determined that the complaint or concern was made with knowledge that it was false. The funds will not tolerate retaliation against any covered person for

submitting, or for cooperating in the investigation of, a complaint or concern. Moreover, any such retaliation is unlawful and may result in criminal action. Any retaliation will warrant disciplinary action against the offending party, up to and including termination of employment.

John Hancock Advisers, LLC shall include this policy in its employee manual and shall distribute, at least annually, the policy to all of its employees.

The funds' Secretary shall retain records of all complaints and concerns received, and the disposition thereof, for five years.

D. Notification of Others

At any time during an evaluation or investigation of a complaint or concern, the chair of the Audit Committee may notify the funds' CCO, the QLCC, or any other party with a need to know of the receipt of a complaint or concern and/or the progress or results of any review and/or investigation of a complaint or concern. The chair of the Audit Committee may provide such level of detail as may be necessary to allow the appropriate consideration by such parties in light of the funds' ongoing obligations, including, but not limited to, disclosure obligations or any required officer certifications.



The QLCC shall adopt written procedures for the confidential receipt, retention, and consideration of any report of evidence of a material violation.

The QLCC has the authority and responsibility, once a report of evidence of a material violation by a fund, its officers, directors, employees or agents has been received by the QLCC:

1. to inform the CLO and CEO of such report (except in the case where the reporting attorney reasonably believes that it would be futile to report evidence of a material violation to the CLO and CEO, and has informed the QLCC of such belief); and

2. to determine whether an investigation is necessary or appropriate, and, if it determines an investigation is necessary or appropriate, to:

(A) notify the Board of Trustees;

(B) notify the funds' CCO;

(C) initiate an investigation, which may be conducted either by the CLO or by outside attorneys; and

(D) retain such additional expert personnel as the QLCC deems necessary;

and, at the conclusion of such investigation, to:

(A) recommend, by majority vote, that the fund implement an appropriate response to evidence of a material violation; and

(B) inform the CLO, CEO the funds' CCO and the Board of Trustees of the results of any such investigation and the appropriate remedial measures.

3. by majority vote, to take all other appropriate action, including notifying the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in the event that the fund fails in any material respect to implement an appropriate response that the QLCC has recommended.

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A. Composition. The Governance Committee shall be composed entirely of Trustees who are "independent" as defined in the rules of the New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE") and the NASDAQ Stock Market, Inc. ("NASDAQ") or any other exchange, as applicable, and are not "interested persons" as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940 of any of the funds, or of any fund's investment adviser or principal underwriter (the "Independent Trustees") who are designated for membership from time to time by the Board of Trustees. The Chairman of the Board shall be a member of the Governance Committee.

B. Overview. The overall charter of the Governance Committee is to make recommendations to the Board on issues related to corporate governance applicable to the Independent Trustees and to the composition and operation of the Board, and to assume duties, responsibilities and functions to recommend nominees to the Board, together with such additional duties, responsibilities and functions as are delegated to it from time to time.

C. Specific Responsibilities. The Governance Committee shall have the following duties and powers, to be exercised at such times and in such manner as the Committee shall deem necessary or appropriate:

1. Except where the funds are legally required to nominate individuals recommended by others, to recommend to the Board of Trustees individuals for nomination to serve as Trustees.

2. To consider, as it deems necessary or appropriate, the criteria for persons to fill existing or newly created Trustee vacancies. The Governance Committee shall use the criteria and principles set forth in Annex A to guide its Trustee selection process.

3. To consider and recommend the amount of compensation to be paid by the funds to the Independent Trustees, including incremental amounts, if any, payable to Committee Chairmen, and to address compensation-related matters.

4. To consider and recommend the duties and compensation of the Chairman of the Board.

5. To consider and recommend changes to the Board regarding the size, structure, and composition of the Board.

6. To evaluate, from time to time, the retirement policies for the Independent Trustees.

7. To develop and recommend to the Board guidelines for corporate governance ("Corporate Governance Guidelines") for the funds that take into account the rules of the NYSE and any applicable law or regulation, and to periodically review and assess the Corporate Governance Guidelines and recommend any proposed changes to the Board for approval.

8. To monitor all expenditures of the Board or the Committees or the Independent Trustees not otherwise incurred and/or monitored by a particular Committee, including, but not limited to: legal, consulting, and D&O insurance costs; association dues, including Investment Company Institute membership dues; meeting expenditures and policies relating to

reimbursement of travel expenses and expenses associated with offsite meetings; expenses associated with Trustee attendance at educational or informational conferences; and publication expenses.

9. To consider, evaluate and make recommendations and necessary findings regarding independent legal counsel and any other advisers, experts or consultants, that may be engaged by the Board of Trustees, by the Trustees who are not "interested persons" as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940 of any of the funds or any fund's investment adviser or principal underwriter, or by the Governance Committee, from time to time, other than as may be engaged directly by another Committee.

10. To periodically review the Board's committee structure and the charters of the Board's committees, and recommend to the Board of Trustees changes to the committee structure and charters as it deems appropriate.

11. To coordinate and administer an annual self-evaluation of the Board, which will include, at a minimum, a review of its effectiveness in overseeing the number of funds in the fund complex and the effectiveness of its committee structure.

12. To report its activities to Board of Trustees and to make such recommendations with respect to the matters described above and other matters as the Governance Committee may deem necessary or appropriate.

D. Additional Responsibilities. The Committee will also perform other tasks assigned to it from time to time by the Chairman of the Board or by the Board of Trustees, and will report findings and recommendations to the Board of Trustees, as appropriate.

E. Governance. One member of the Committee shall be appointed as chair. The chair shall be responsible for leadership of the Committee, including scheduling meetings or reviewing and approving the schedule for them, preparing agendas or reviewing and approving them before meetings, and making reports to the Board of Trustees, as appropriate.

F. Miscellaneous. The Committee shall meet as often as it deems appropriate, with or without management, as circumstances require. The Committee shall have the resources and authority appropriate to discharge its responsibilities, including the authority to retain special counsel and other advisers, experts or consultants, at the funds' expense, as it determines necessary to carry out its duties. The Committee shall have direct access to such officers of and service providers to the funds as it deems desirable.

G. Review. The Committee shall review this Charter periodically and recommend such changes to the Board of Trustees as it deems desirable.


General Criteria

1. Nominees should have a reputation for integrity, honesty and adherence to high ethical standards.

2. Nominees should have demonstrated business acumen, experience and ability to exercise sound judgments in matters that relate to the current and long-term objectives of the funds and should be willing and able to contribute positively to the decision-making process of the funds.

3. Nominees should have a commitment to understand the funds, and the responsibilities of a trustee/director of an investment company and to regularly attend and participate in meetings of the Board and its committees.

4. Nominees should have the ability to understand the sometimes conflicting interests of the various constituencies of the funds, including shareholders and the management company, and to act in the interests of all shareholders.

5. Nominees should not have, nor appear to have, a conflict of interest that would impair their ability to represent the interests of all the shareholders and to fulfill the responsibilities of a director/trustee.

Application of Criteria to Existing Trustees

The renomination of existing Trustees should not be viewed as automatic, but should be based on continuing qualification under the criteria set forth above. In addition, the Governance Committee shall consider the existing Trustee's performance on the Board and any committee.

Review of Shareholder Nominations

Any shareholder nomination must be submitted in compliance with all of the pertinent provisions of Rule 14a-8 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 in order to be considered by the Governance Committee. In evaluating a nominee recommended by a shareholder, the Governance Committee, in addition to the criteria discussed above, may consider the objectives of the shareholder in submitting that nomination and whether such objectives are consistent with the interests of all shareholders. If the Board determines to include a shareholder's candidate among the slate of its designated nominees, the candidate's name will be placed on the funds' proxy card. If the Board determines not to include such candidate among its designated nominees, and the shareholder has satisfied the requirements of Rule 14a-8, the shareholder's candidate will be treated as a nominee of the shareholder who originally nominated the candidate. In that case, the candidate will not be named on the proxy card distributed with the funds' proxy statement.

As long as an existing Independent Trustee continues, in the opinion of the Governance Committee, to satisfy the criteria listed above, the Committee generally would favor the re-nomination of an existing Trustee rather than a new candidate. Consequently, while the Governance Committee will consider nominees recommended by shareholders to serve as trustees, the Governance Committee may only act upon such recommendations if there is a vacancy on the Board, or the Governance Committee determines that the selection of a new or additional Trustee is in the best interests of the fund. In the event that a vacancy arises or a change in Board membership is determined to be advisable, the Governance Committee will, in addition to any shareholder recommendations, consider candidates identified by other means, including candidates proposed by members of the Governance Committee. The Governance Committee may retain a consultant to assist the Committee in a search for a qualified candidate.

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John Hancock Advisers, LLC
MFC Global Investment Management (U.S.), LLC
(formerly known as Sovereign Asset Management LLC)
Proxy Voting Guidelines

We believe in placing our clients' interests first. Before we invest in a particular stock or bond, our team of portfolio managers and research analysts look closely at the company by examining its earnings history, its management team and its place in the market. Once we invest, we monitor all our clients' holdings, to ensure that they maintain their potential to produce results for investors.

As part of our active investment management strategy, we keep a close eye on each company we invest in. Routinely, companies issue proxies by which they ask investors like us to vote for or against a change, such as a new management team, a new business procedure or an acquisition. We base our decisions on how to vote these proxies with the goal of maximizing the value of our clients' investments.

Currently, John Hancock Advisers, LLC ("JHA") and MFC Global Investment Management (U.S.), LLC ("MFC") manage open-end funds, closed-end funds and portfolios for institutions and high-net-worth investors. Occasionally, we utilize the expertise of an outside asset manager by means of a subadvisory agreement. In all cases, JHA or MFC makes the final decision as to how to vote our clients' proxies. There is one exception, however, and that pertains to our international accounts. The investment management team for international investments votes the proxies for the accounts they manage. Unless voting is specifically retained by the named fiduciary of the client, JHA and MFC will vote proxies for ERISA clients.

In order to ensure a consistent, balanced approach across all our investment teams, we have established a proxy oversight group comprised of associates from our investment, operations and legal teams. The group has developed a set of policies and procedures that detail the standards for how JHA and MFC vote proxies. The guidelines of JHA have been approved and adopted by each fund client's board of trustees who have voted to delegate proxy voting authority to their investment adviser, JHA. JHA and MFC's other clients have granted us the authority to vote proxies in our advisory contracts or comparable documents.

JHA and MFC have hired a third party proxy voting service which has been instructed to vote all proxies in accordance with our established guidelines except as otherwise instructed.

In evaluating proxy issues, our proxy oversight group may consider information

from many sources, including the portfolio manager, management of a company presenting a proposal, shareholder groups, and independent proxy research services. Proxies for securities on loan through securities lending programs will generally not be voted, however a decision may be made to recall a security for voting purposes if the issue is material.

Below are the guidelines we adhere to when voting proxies. Please keep in mind that these are purely guidelines. Our actual votes will be driven by the particular circumstances of each proxy. From time to time votes may ultimately be cast on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration relevant facts and circumstances at the time of the vote. Decisions on these matters (case-by-case, abstention, recall) will normally be made by a portfolio manager under the supervision of the chief investment officer and the proxy oversight group. We may abstain from voting a proxy if we conclude that the effect on our clients' economic interests or the value of the portfolio holding is indeterminable or insignificant.

Proxy Voting Guidelines

Board of Directors

We believe good corporate governance evolves from an independent board.

We support the election of uncontested director nominees, but will withhold our vote for any nominee attending less than 75% of the board and committee meetings during the previous fiscal year. Contested elections will be considered on a case by case basis by the proxy oversight group, taking into account the nominee's qualifications. We will support management's ability to set the size of the board of directors and to fill vacancies without shareholder approval but will not support a board that has fewer than 3 directors or allows for the removal of a director without cause.

We will support declassification of a board and block efforts to adopt a classified board structure. This structure typically divides the board into classes with each class serving a staggered term.

In addition, we support proposals for board indemnification and limitation of director liability, as long as they are consistent with corporate law and shareholders' interests. We believe that this is necessary to attract qualified board members.

Selection of Auditors

We believe an independent audit committee can best determine an auditor's qualifications.

We will vote for management proposals to ratify the board's selection of auditors, and for proposals to increase the independence of audit committees.


We will vote for a proposal to increase or decrease authorized common or preferred stock and the issuance of common stock, but will vote against a proposal to issue or convert preferred or multiple classes of stock if the board has unlimited rights to set the terms and conditions of the shares, or if the shares have voting rights inferior or superior to those of other shareholders.

In addition, we will support a management proposal to: create or restore preemptive rights; approve a stock repurchase program; approve a stock split or reverse stock split; and, approve the issuance or exercise of stock warrants

Acquisitions, mergers and corporate restructuring

Proposals to merge with or acquire another company will be voted on a case-by-case basis, as will proposals for recapitalization, restructuring, leveraged buyout, sale of assets, bankruptcy or liquidation. We will vote against a reincorporation proposal if it would reduce shareholder rights. We will vote against a management proposal to ratify or adopt a poison pill or to establish a supermajority voting provision to approve a merger or other business combination. We would however support a management proposal to opt out of a state takeover statutory provision, to spin-off certain operations or divisions and to establish a fair price provision.

Corporate Structure and Shareholder Rights

In general, we support proposals that foster good corporate governance procedures and that provide shareholders with voting power equal to their equity interest in the company.

To preserve shareholder rights, we will vote against a management proposal to restrict shareholders' right to: call a special meeting and to eliminate a shareholders' right to act by written consent. In addition, we will not support a management proposal to adopt a supermajority vote requirement to change certain by-law or charter provisions or a non-technical amendment to by-laws or a charter that reduces shareholder rights.

Equity-based compensation

Equity-based compensation is designed to attract, retain and motivate talented executives and independent directors, but should not be so significant as to materially dilute shareholders' interests.

We will vote against the adoption or amendment of a stock option plan if the:

plan dilution is more than 10% of outstanding common stock,

plan allows for non-qualified options to be priced at less than 85% of the fair market value on the grant date,

company allows or has allowed the re-pricing or replacement of underwater options in the past fiscal year (or the exchange of underwater options).

With respect to the adoption or amendment of employee stock purchase plans or a stock award plan, we will vote against management if:

the plan allows stock to be purchased at less than 85% of fair market value;

this plan dilutes outstanding common equity greater than 10%;

all stock purchase plans, including the proposed plan, exceed 15% of outstanding common equity.

Other Business

For routine business matters which are the subject of many proxy related questions, we will vote with management proposals to:

change the company name;

approve other business;

adjourn meetings;

make technical amendments to the by-laws or charters;

approve financial statements;

approve an employment agreement or contract.

Shareholder Proposals

Shareholders are permitted per SEC regulations to submit proposals for inclusion in a company's proxy statement. We will generally vote against shareholder proposals and in accordance with the recommendation of management except as

follows where we will vote for proposals:;

calling for shareholder ratification of auditors;

calling for auditors to attend annual meetings;

seeking to increase board independence;

requiring minimum stock ownership by directors;

seeking to create a nominating committee or to increase the independence of the nominating committee;

seeking to increase the independence of the audit committee.

Corporate and social policy issues

We believe that "ordinary business matters" are primarily the responsibility of management and should be approved solely by the corporation's board of directors.

Proposals in this category, initiated primarily by shareholders, typically request that the company disclose or amend certain business practices. We generally vote against business practice proposals and abstain on social policy issues, though we may make exceptions in certain instances where we believe a proposal has substantial economic implications.

John Hancock Advisers, LLC
MFC Global Investment Management (U.S.), LLC
(formerly known as Sovereign Asset Management LLC)
Proxy Voting Procedures

The role of the proxy voting service

John Hancock Advisers, LLC ("JHA") and MFC Global Investment Management (U.S.), LLC ("MFC") have hired a proxy voting service to assist with the voting of client proxies. The proxy service coordinates with client custodians to ensure that proxies are received for securities held in client accounts and acted on in a timely manner. The proxy service votes all proxies received in accordance with the proxy voting guidelines established and adopted by JHA and MFC. When it is unclear how to apply a particular proxy voting guideline or when a particular proposal is not covered by the guidelines, the proxy voting service will contact the proxy oversight group coordinator for a resolution.

The role of the proxy oversight group and coordinator

The coordinator will interact directly with the proxy voting service to resolve any issues the proxy voting service brings to the attention of JHA or MFC. When a question arises regarding how a proxy should be voted the coordinator contacts the firm's investment professionals and the proxy oversight group for a resolution. In addition the coordinator ensures that the proxy voting service receives responses in a timely manner. Also, the coordinator is responsible for identifying whether, when a voting issue arises, there is a potential conflict of interest situation and then escalating the issue to the firm's Executive Committee. For securities out on loan as part of a securities lending program, if a decision is made to vote a proxy, the coordinator will manage the return/recall of the securities so the proxy can be voted.

The role of mutual fund trustees

The boards of trustees of our mutual fund clients have reviewed and adopted the proxy voting guidelines of the funds' investment adviser, JHA. The trustees will periodically review the proxy voting guidelines and suggest changes they deem advisable.

Conflicts of interest

Conflicts of interest are resolved in the best interest of clients.

With respect to potential conflicts of interest, proxies will be voted in accordance with JHA's or MFC's predetermined policies. If application of the predetermined policy is unclear or does not address a particular proposal, a special internal review by the JHA Executive Committee or MFC Executive Committee will determine the vote. After voting, a report will be made to the client (in the case of an investment company, to the fund's board of trustees), if requested. An example of a conflict of interest created with respect to a proxy solicitation is when JHA or MFC must vote the proxies of companies that they provide investment advice to or are currently seeking to provide investment advice to, such as to pension plans.

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