EX-99.77C VOTES 2 tf_exhibit_77c.txt JULY 1, 2013 STOCKHOLDERS VOTE Exhibit 77(c) At a Special Meeting of Stockholders of the Thai Capital Fund Inc. (the Fund) held on July 1, 2013 the following matters were voted upon: Proposal 1: To approve an amendment to the Funds fundamental investment limitations to permit the Fund to issue senior securities in order to pursue the rights offering of preferred stock (the Offer) that the Board of Directors of the Fund previously determined was in the best interest of the Fund and the Funds stockholders. Number of Shares/Votes Voted For Voted Against Votes Abstain 2,591,534 184,094 27,222 Proposal 2: To liquidate and dissolve the Fund pursuant to the Plan of Liquidation and Dissolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Fund. Number of Shares/Votes Voted For Voted Against Votes Abstain 2,654,166 145,168 3,516