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Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the

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Kavilco Incorporated


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October 11, 2018


Re: Annual Meeting


Dear Shareholder,


You are invited to attend Kavilco’s 45th Annual Meeting and Dinner to be held on November 10, 2018 at The Landing in Ketchikan, Alaska. Details about the meeting are described in the enclosed Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement; and the doors open for dinner at 5:30 pm.


We strongly encourage you to attend the Annual Meeting. Attendance at our shareholder meetings helps to maintain good communication and understanding. Chief Financial Officer Scott Burns and I will be there to report on current operations and discuss future plans. We will also provide time for your questions and comments.


Voting is one of your most important rights and responsibilities as a shareholder. We urge you to vote by mail with the enclosed ballot as soon as possible. If we do not get over 50% of the vote back, we will have to redo the vote and this will be done at the cost of all shareholders.


We believe that Kavilco’s Board and management have avoided the pitfalls of other Southeast Native corporations and major economic events over the past three decades because of independent thinking and research. We have established a tradition of integrity, insight and vision. Your Board has made decisions that we believe are conservative and protective of your financial portfolio in keeping with our mission statement, “To honor the vision and unselfish actions of our Kasaan Haida ancestors and elders, the goals of Kavilco Incorporated are to provide dividends and to preserve the assets for all generations to come.”


The Board of Directors recommends your strong support for the Board-approved management proxy. By voting with the enclosed BALLOT and returning it in the prepaid envelope provided, you will help to assure our continued success.



Louis L. Jones, Sr. President







Mission Statement


“To honor the vision and unselfish actions of our Kasaan Haida ancestors and elders, the goals of Kavilco Incorporated are to provide dividends and to preserve the assets for all generations.”


Kavilco is working for our Shareholders and working to preserve our Haida heritage.

The shareholders voted to make land and dividends the top priority of the Corporation. Kavilco Incorporated is becoming a leading Native Corporation in Alaska and in the Country. We are on the right track with the financial management that is in place and we are doing this while focusing on our heritage.


This approach started when Kavilco selected land that included the Totem House and Old Kasaan property to work to preserve our important Haida heritage. Kavilco, The Kasaan Haida Heritage Foundation, and the Organized Village of Kasaan also worked together to restore the most cherished symbol of Kasaan’s history: Chief Son-I-Hat’s Whale House/ Náay I´waans and Totems Historic District Park. By forming the Kasaan Haida Heritage Foundation we are able to apply for grants enabling us to record Haida history, and the history of Kasaan.


Some of the other projects that Kavilco has worked on to directly benefit the community of Kasaan range from the powerhouse lease; the bulk fuel lease; the water easement & amendments lease; the road system to the shareholders subdivision and the tie to the Prince of Wales road system; lots issued to shareholders in 1987; the easement to the State for a boat harbor; space for a helicopter landing site for medical emergencies; lease to AP&T for a cell tower; 15 year lease to the Organized Village of Kasaan for office space in the Red Bunkhouse, the lease includes full renovation by OVK and $1 per year; solid waste site (garbage dump) and the building and operation of the sawmill for local employment.


Kavilco is working for the shareholders to preserve our community and Haida heritage while making land and dividends the top priority of the Corporation.


The Board of Director’s are privileged to be working hard on behalf of the Shareholders.


Board Members for Re-Election on the Management Ballot Text Box:  Louie Jones, Sr., President

The Last four years as President of Kavilco has been such an honor that I find it difficult to articulate. I can say without hesitation, when I retired from my position as a Chief Engineer, Alaska Marine Highway, I told my dearly departed wife of forty-eight years that I was not going to spend my remaining years laying on a couch waiting to die, trust me, this has not been the case. The first decision I made when I became president was not to try and fill Louie Thompson’s shoes. Those shoes could not be filled by anyone. He, as President of Kavilco, was amazing. I can also say my shoes were perfectly suited for the repairs that needed to be done in Kasaan starting with the double wide trailer; replacing the sink and the water heater among many other necessary repairs. The Kavilco bunkhouse in Kasaan also needed reconditioning and I have been able to, in a short time, do the necessary repairs to make it available for Board meetings and meals for the Kavilco Board of Director’s and other celebrations. It has been a labor of love. The Kavilco Board now goes to Kasaan each year, recognizing that the City of Kasaan created Kavilco.


I am extremely proud of what Kavilco has done in the past, I am excited about where Kavilco is today, and in the direction that Kavilco is headed. I would like to continue being a part of that and would appreciate your support on the proxy to vote for re-election of the Directors to the Board.


Text Box:  Kenneth Gordon, Director

My name is Kenneth Edwin Gordon Jr., my mom is Eleanor Carol Young, my grandfather was Robert Philip Young and my grandmother was Eliza McAlpin. I am Raven-Brown Bear Clan of Taas Laa Naas. I have served Kavilco and you, the shareholder, as a director through the bond market crash of 1994, the recession of 1999, the 2000 stock market crash the 2008 collapse of the housing bubble and the historically low interest rates and the current stagnant economy. As you can see, we’ve experienced some significant difficulties and yet Kavilco remains one of the most successful small village corporations in Alaska. As we strive to keep our portfolio and get you the highest annual distributions as possible, we also continue to work with the Kasaan Haida Heritage Foundation, City of Kasaan and Organized Village of Kasaan to preserve our cultural heritage, as evidence of this, our documentaries, Kasaan Haida Elders Speak (Gásaáan Xaadaas Guusuu), Surviving Sounds of Haida, and the restoration of the Naay I’ waans (Chief Son-i-Hat Whale House.) Your current Board is working hard for you; I believe we work like a well-oiled machine together for you, and for the generations to come.  It has been an honor to serve as your board member and I thank you in advance for your continued support.

Text Box:  Frederick O. K’Yuuhlgaansii (place of one’s own) Olsen, Jr., Director

Six years ago, I ran as an Independent candidate on my own proxy. Háw'aa! Thank You! You elected me then and again on the Kavilco ballot three years ago.  I will continue to look out for the best interests of our Kasaan Village, the Kasaan Haida people, and our Shareholders.

Since 2012, we have had many cultural topics on the Kavilco meeting Agendas including the white bunkhouse in Kasaan and the traditional garden sites, disposition of wood from the Whale House renovation,” and media permission for Kavilco properties that I have presented on. Last year, Kavilco joined the Prince of Wales Island Tribal Conservation District (TCD) and I have represented Kavilco at this group’s meetings. The TCD consists of all 4 federally recognized tribes and all four ANCSA Village Corporations on the island with the goal of learning about and utilizing the US federal agencies and natural resource programs to help care for our land. Several projects in the works involve salmon stream enhancements and youth involvement.

I am the Vice President of the Kasaan Haida Heritage Foundation. With the Kasaan Tribe (the Organized Village of Kasaan), we have spent the past several years working on the renovation of the Chief Son-i-Hat Whale House. Our foundation has begun to look at the condition of the nearby Totems Historic District and is developing projects involving the totem poles.





DATE: November 10, 2018


REGISTRATION: 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon




PLACE: The Landing

3434 Tongass, Ketchikan, Alaska


ITEMS OF BUSINESS: (1) To elect three Class II Directors with a term expiring in 2021. Nominees are Louis Jones, Sr., Kenneth Gordon, and Frederick O. Olsen, Jr.,


(2) to ratify the Company’s selection of independent certified public accountants, and


(3) to consider such other business as may properly come before the meeting or any adjournments thereof.


RECORD DATE: You are entitled to vote if you were a shareholder with class “A” shares at the close of business on October 11, 2018.


VOTING BY PROXY: Promptly complete, sign and return the enclosed BALLOT in the postage paid envelope provided regardless of whether or not you plan to attend the annual meeting. You may still vote in person at the meeting even though you have previously signed and mailed a proxy.




By order of the Board of Directors,

Laird A. Jones,



Questions And Answers About The Annual Meeting And Ballot



You are receiving these materials because you are a voting shareholder. The Board of Directors of Kavilco Incorporated is soliciting the return of your ballot. Shareholders are encouraged to complete and mail the enclosed BALLOT, regardless of whether or not they plan to attend the meeting, to help ensure a quorum.



Yes; you can change your vote at the meeting by registering with the independent inspectors of election during the registration period specified in the Notice of Annual Meeting. They will provide you with a ballot to vote. Only your final ballot counts.


Shareholders are encouraged to attend the meeting and place their own vote(s). Shareholders are also encouraged to complete and mail the BALLOT, regardless of whether or not they plan to attend the meeting, to help ensure a quorum.



Only shareholders of record holding Class “A” shares at the close of business on the record date noted on the Notice of Annual Meeting are entitled to vote.



The bylaws of the Corporation state that at least a majority of the total number of shares of Class “A” stock must be present, either in person or by proxy, to establish a quorum at the meeting. The quorum requirement for holding the meeting and transacting business is a majority of 50% plus one (1) vote of the shares of Class “A” stock. Conducting business will begin when a quorum is established.



Discretionary voting provides you with the option to give voting authority to the management appointed proxy holders indicated on the ballot. These proxy holders will vote on your behalf for any such matter where discretionary voting is requested or where no choice is indicated for the proposal, and in any other matters that may lawfully come before the meeting.




In proposal 1, “Election of Directors,” the nominees receiving the three highest vote totals will be elected.


In proposal 2, Ratification of Peterson Sullivan LLP as Independent Certified Public Accountants will be approved if it receives more affirmative votes than negative votes.





Abstentions will have no effect on the outcome of either proposal, but will allow your shares to be counted toward a quorum.



An independent Inspector of Elections is enlisted to tabulate the votes. Teuscher Walpole, LLC has been enlisted to tabulate the votes this year.



Kavilco Incorporated will pay the entire cost of preparing, assembling, printing, mailing and distributing the proxy materials of board approved management ballots and proxy statements as well as submitting them to the Securities and Exchange Commission for review.



In order for a shareholder to make a proposal at the next Annual Meeting, the written proposal must be received by the Secretary no sooner than June 10, 2019 and no later than July 10, 2019. These proposals must be in writing and sent to: Kavilco Incorporated, 1000 Second Avenue, Suite 3320, Seattle, Washington 98104. These proposals will need to comply with Kavilco’s Bylaws and the Securities and Exchange Commission regulations regarding the inclusion of shareholder proposals in Company-sponsored proxy materials.



In order for a shareholder to nominate one or more persons for election as director(s) at the next Annual Meeting, the nomination(s) must be received by the Secretary no sooner than June 10, 2019 and no later than July 10, 2019. The nomination(s) must be in writing and sent to: Kavilco Incorporated, 1000 Second Avenue, Suite 3320, Seattle, Washington 98104. The nomination(s) and each nominee will need to comply with Kavilco’s Bylaws and the Securities and Exchange Commission regulations regarding proxy solicitations and does not grant any shareholder a right to have any nominee included in the Company’s proxy statement. Independent nominees must submit separate proxies.


12.       WHAT matters would not be considered for voting at the meeting?

Some items that would not be considered are, but are not limited to: (a) Motions from the floor on substantive matters that could have been included in the Notice of Meeting and Proxy Statement. (b) Matters that have already been voted on. (c) Matters that are within the discretion of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, and not proper for a shareholder vote. (d) Matters that have been ruled out of order.







No. Write in voting is not allowed by the Securities Exchange Commission.



Kavilco currently has 11,212.84 shares outstanding of Class A stock. As of the record date on the Notice of Annual Meeting, Kavilco knows of no person to be the beneficial owner of more than 5% of the outstanding shares of the Company.



The audited financial statements were mailed to you on February 23, 2018. Additional audited financial statements can be provided to you at no cost. Contact the Corporate Secretary for Kavilco Incorporated at 1-800-786-9574 and a copy of the audited financial statements will be sent to you within three business days of your request.



The Board is not responsible for the accuracy or legality of any other ballot or proxy statement except the Kavilco management-approved ballot. To ensure Class A shareholders have Kavilco’s latest proxy statement and ballot to vote, the company may conduct multiple mailings prior to the annual meeting. To vote as your Board of Director’s recommend, USE THE ENCLOSED BALLOT. Only the latest dated ballot you vote will be counted. Photocopied, faxed, or electronically transmitted copies of ballots will not be counted.






Proposal 1 Election of Directors

Kavilco’s bylaws provide that the corporation shall be managed by a Board of Directors composed of nine (9) members elected in three (3) classes, each consisting of three (3) members. The election of directors is staggered so that only three (3) directors are elected each year. The Board of Directors recommends the election of the three (3) nominees listed below, all of whom are presently Board members, to serve a three (3) year term and until their successors are elected and qualified:


Louis Jones, Sr.

Kenneth Gordon

Frederick O. Olsen, Jr.


Unless otherwise instructed, the ballot holders will vote proxies received on the ballot for these nominees. The ballot holders may utilize cumulative voting with respect to the nominees and may allocate their votes among each nominee in their sole discretion. Each nominee has advised the Company that he or she will serve as a director if elected. In the event any nominee should not be available for election, the discretionary authority provided in the proxy will be exercised to vote for such other person(s) as may be designated by the present Board of Directors.


Board Structure and Compensation


The Board officers as defined by the corporate by-laws are President/Chairman, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. However, Kavilco does not currently have a Treasurer, and instead employs a Chief Financial Officer. The Board of Directors recommends that each shareholder vote FOR the election of the Class II incumbents: Louis Jones, Sr., Kenneth Gordon, and Frederick O. Olsen, Jr.


Information as to Nominees and Continuing Directors

On the Record Date, there were 11,212.84 shares of Class “A” Stock of the Company outstanding. The following table shows the beneficial ownership of the officers and directors of the Company of Class “A” stock as of the record date on the Notice of Annual Meeting:





Independent Directors & Officers
Name/Age/Address Positions & Offices with the Company Class Director Since Term Expires Principal Occupation/ Employment During Past Five Years Amount of Beneficial Ownership/% of Class “A” Stock Other Directorships Held by Director or Nominee for Director in the past 5 years
Jeane Breinig, PhD, 63 Director I 1993 2020 Associate Vice Chancellor, and Associate Dean, University of Alaska



Kasaan Haida Heritage Foundation, Secretary, Alaska Humanities Forum, Sealaska Heritage Institute, University of Alaska Press, RurAL Cap, Executive Committee
Kenneth Gordon, 58



II 1994 2018 Realtor, Exit Real Estate Professionals



Alano Club
Eleanor Hadden,MA, 66 Director III 2014 2019 Curator, AK Native Heritage Center



AK Area Institute Review Board, Co-Chair; Kasaan Haida Heritage Foundation, Treasurer
Ramona Hamar, 75 Director I 1973 2020 Administrative Support, South Central Foundation Dental



Laird A. Jones, MBA, 63 Secretary III 1994 2019 Manager, Vocational Training & Resource Center, CCTHITA



Kasaan Haida Heritage Foundation, President; National Johnson O’Malley Assoc. Board Secretary
Louis L. Jones, Sr., 80



II 1979 2018 Retired Chief Engineer, Alaska Marine Hwy.



Marie K. Miller, 53 Vice-President I 2003 2020 Human Resources Manager, City of Ketchikan



Frederick O. Olsen, Jr., 57



II 2012 2018 Tourism Director, Organized Village of Kasaan (OVK)



SEARHC (SouthEast Alaska Regional Health Consortium), Chair, Vice Chair
Organized Village of Kasaan, Vice President, President
Southeast Alaska Indigenous Transboundary Commission, Chair
Kasaan ANB, President
KHHF, Vice President


Melanie Young, 49


Director III 1997 2019 Family Services Specialist, Women in Safe Housing (WISH); Administration, JBC Product Management




Scott Burns, 72


Chief Financial Officer / Chief Compliance Officer       Chief Financial Officer/Chief Compliance Officer for Kavilco









Director’s Experience


Jeane Breinig, PhD


Jeane Breinig, PhD has been a director during the following events: Biggest bond market crash in 1994, the recession of 1999, 2000 stock market crash, 2008 collapse of the housing bubble, avoided collateralized debt obligations, collapse of insurance and banking industries, interest rates near 0% and the current stagnant economy.


Kenneth Gordon


Kenneth Gordon has been a director during the following events: Biggest bond market crash in 1994, the recession of 1999, 2000 stock market crash, 2008 collapse of the housing bubble, avoided collateralized debt obligations, collapse of insurance and banking industries, interest rates near 0% and the current stagnant economy.


Eleanor Hadden, MA


Eleanor Hadden has been a director since 2014 during this stagnant economy and has contributed to a new balance on the Board of Directors.


Ramona Hamar


Ramona Hamar has been a director during the following major economic events: Timber sale to ITT Rayonier for $25 million, recessions of 1980 and 1982, sale of Net Operating Loss to Drexel, Burnham and Lambert, Group Inc., 1987 stock market crash, Internal Revenue Service audit on the Net Operating Loss, oversight on the process to become a Registered Investment Company, biggest bond market crash in 1994, the recession of 1999, 2000 stock market crash, 2008 collapse of the housing bubble, avoided collateralized debt obligations, collapse of insurance and banking industries, interest rates near 0% and the current stagnant economy.


Laird A. Jones, MBA


Laird A. Jones, MBA has been a director during the following events: Biggest bond market crash in 1994, the recession of 1999, 2000 stock market crash, 2008 collapse of the housing bubble, avoided collateralized debt obligations, collapse of insurance and banking industries, interest rates near 0% and the current stagnant economy.




Louis Jones, Sr.,


Louis Jones, Sr. has been a director during the following major economic events: Timber sale to ITT Rayonier for $25 million, recessions of 1980 and 1982, sale of Net Operating Loss to Drexel, Burnham and Lambert, Group Inc., 1987 stock market crash, Internal Revenue Service audit on the Net Operating Loss, oversight on the process to become a Registered Investment Company, biggest bond market crash in 1994, the recession of 1999, 2000 stock market crash, 2008 collapse of the housing bubble, avoided collateralized debt obligations, collapse of insurance and banking industries, interest rates near 0% and the current stagnant economy.


Marie Miller


Marie Miller has been a director during the following events: 2008 collapse of the housing bubble, avoided collateralized debt obligations, collapse of insurance and banking industries, interest rates near 0% and the current stagnant economy. Marie was elected Vice President of Kavilco by her peers and is the first woman to hold this post.


Frederick O. Olsen, Jr.


Frederick O. Olsen, Jr. has been a director since 2012 when he ran successfully as an independent nominee. Fred has been involved with issues regarding stewardship of Kavilco’s land and Kavilco’s participation in the Prince of Wales Island Tribal Conservation District (TCD.) The TCD is a partnership of the island’s four federally-recognized tribes and ANCSA Corporations with the goal of pursuing indigenous management of our Native-owned land. For the past 9 years, Fred lived in Kasaan working for the Kasaan tribe (the Organized Village of Kasaan) as the main tour guide to the totem park owned by Kavilco as well as two years as tribal tourism director.


Melanie Young


Melanie Young has been a director during the following events: 2008 collapse of the housing bubble, avoided collateralized debt obligations, collapse of insurance and banking industries, interest rates near 0% and the current stagnant economy.




Family Relationships


Board Member Relationship
Louis Jones, Sr., President Brother to Ramona Hamar. First Cousin to Laird A. Jones, Eleanor Hadden, Jeane Breinig, and Frederick O. Olsen, Jr.
Marie K. Miller, Vice President Sister to Melanie Young
Laird A. Jones, Secretary Brother to Eleanor Hadden. First Cousin to Jeane Breinig, Ramona Hamar and Louis Jones, Sr.
Jeane Breinig, Director First Cousin to Laird A. Jones, Ramona Hamar, Eleanor Hadden, and Louis Jones, Sr.
Kenneth Gordon, Director No relationship to any Board member
Eleanor Hadden, Director Sister to Laird A. Jones. First cousin to Louis Jones, Sr., Jeane Breinig and Ramona Hamar
Ramona Hamar, Director Sister to Louis Jones, Sr. First Cousin to Laird A. Jones, Jeane Breinig, Eleanor Hadden, and Frederick O. Olsen, Jr.
Frederick O. Olsen, Jr., Director First Cousin to Ramona Hamar, and Louis Jones, Sr.
Melanie Young, Director Sister to Marie Miller



Although the Company’s shares are not listed on the NASDAQ Stock Market, the Board uses the NASDAQ standard for determining the independence of board members. Under Rule 5605 of the NASDAQ Marketplace Rules, all of the Company’s directors are independent.


Board Leadership Structure

All of the Company’s nine directors are “independent persons” as defined by the Investment Company Act of 1940. However, regardless of classification (“independent” or “interested” directors) all directors have an equal say as to management of the Company. The Company is internally-managed and has no outside investment advisor. The Board does not have an independent person as the Lead Director. The Board of Directors have determined that the leadership structure is appropriate as the Company does not have any committees and all decisions are made by the full Board of Directors, including employment contracts, leases, and investment policies. The Chairman of the Board is also the President and is responsible for all land issues in the State of Alaska and the special circumstances of an Alaska Native Village Corporation. The President is in contact with the Chief Financial Officer at least twice a week to be updated on all business and portfolio issues.


Board’s Oversight of Risk Management

The Board’s role in risk management of the Company is that of oversight. The staff of the Company is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Company including risk management. As part of its oversight, the Board, acting at its scheduled bi-monthly meetings, receives externally generated analytical and written reports on the state of the economy and compliance with applicable S.E.C. regulations. Also, an in depth review is


conducted on the approved portfolio strategies and investment performance. The Board’s role in risk oversight does not affect its leadership structure.


Audit, Nominating and Compensation Committees

The Company does not have an audit, nominating or compensation committee. However, the Board of Directors reviews annually the auditor’s independence letter, management letter, statement of auditing standards letter and internal control memo. The Board of Directors selects nominees from incumbent Directors of the Company and does not have a formal policy regarding the consideration of diversity in identifying Board candidates.


The Board of Directors has not established a compensation committee. Given that there are only two executive officers and that the Company does not have equity compensation plans, the Board believes that it is capable of evaluating the performance of the executive officers and reviewing compensation levels. The Board does review employees’ compensation every three years and occasionally reviews per diem and fees, the last review and subsequent employee increase took place in January 2016.


The Board of Directors held six regular bimonthly meetings for the year ended December 31, 2017. Each director attended all six meetings.


The Board of Directors does not have a policy regarding attendance at the Annual Meeting. All directors were in attendance at the 2017 annual meeting of shareholders.


Compensation of Directors

Each officer and director receives $1,100 in fees and $500 in per diem for each meeting they attend. In 2017, each director attended all six Board meetings and received $6,600 in compensation. Each director also received $375 in fees and $125 in per diem for an additional day at the July meeting in Kasaan, AK, and an additional day at the November meeting in Ketchikan, AK. The Company pays for up to four (4) days of travel and hotel expenses to attend meetings. The Company also pays medical insurance premiums or reimbursement of out-of-pocket medical expenses for directors.


Summary Compensation Table

All compensation paid by the Company for the year ended December 31, 2017 to each of the directors and executive officers is as shown in the following table. Aggregate compensation for Board members included a yearly fee of $6,600 plus any additional fees as outlined in the “Compensation of Directors” section and any medical and/or dental compensation if received. The President receives salary plus out of pocket medical expenses; the CFO receives salary, plus medical and dental.









Summary Compensation Table for Directors and Officers
Board Member Year Aggregate Compensation from the Fund
Jeane Breinig, Director 2017 $  16,370
Kenneth Gordon, Director 2017 $  15,129
Eleanor Hadden, Director 2017 $    7,150
Ramona Hamar, Director 2017 $    8,249
Marie K. Miller, Vice President 2017 $  19,885
Frederick O. Olsen, Jr., Director 2017 $    6,050
Melanie Young, Director 2017 $    9,885
Laird A. Jones, Secretary 2017 $    8,946
Louie Jones, Sr., President 2017 $  73,650
Scott Burns, CFO 2017 $185,807


(1)  The Company has a retirement plan for its employees; it is a defined contribution plan with the annual contribution being equal to 20% of the participant’s salary. All contributions are pooled in a brokerage trust account held at Charles Schwab.


Mr. Louis L. Jones, Sr. and Mr. Burns have employment agreements with the Company that may be terminated by the Company for cause, which includes conviction of a felony, physical or mental disability which makes it impossible to carry out his duties or responsibilities, or any illegal, immoral or dishonest act or omission by the employee, which omission results in material damage to the Company; or willful failure of the employee to discharge the duties required under the agreement. In the event of termination, Mr. Louis L. Jones, Sr. or Mr. Burns shall be entitled to accrued salary, accrued vacation and/or sick leave and a pro rata portion of the Company's contribution to the employee's defined contribution account.


Code of Ethics

The Company has adopted a written Code of Ethics that applies to all of the Company’s directors, officers and employees, including its principal executive officer and principal financial officer. The Code of Ethics sets expectations for the exercise of sound judgment and sets high ethical standards in all Company and customer matters. It is designed to promote honest and ethical conduct including in the filing of required financial information and related disclosures, as well as in compliance with laws and regulations. The Code of Ethics mandates accountability for adherence to the Code of Ethics, while a variety of procedures are available to facilitate prompt internal reporting of violations to appropriate persons. The Board is mindful that the success of the Company depends on the ongoing competence, honesty and integrity of its human resources to build relationships of trust with customers and shareholders, and believes the Code of Ethics reasonably deters wrongdoing by directors, officers and employees. The Code of Ethics includes sections on matters such as conflicts of interest, confidentiality, trading practices, and personal conduct. The Code of Ethics is posted on the Company’s website at www.kavilco.com. In addition, any waivers of the Code of Ethics for the Board or executive officers of the Company will be disclosed in a report on Form 8-K.


Compliance with Section 16(A) of the Exchange Act

Based solely upon the Company’s review of the copies of the filings that it received with respect to the last fiscal year, and written representations from certain reporting persons that no other reports were required, during the last fiscal year, all of its officers, directors, and 10% shareholders complied with all applicable Section 16(a) filing requirements.


Report of the Board of Directors

In fulfilling its oversight responsibility of reviewing the services performed by the Company’s auditor, the Board of Directors will carefully review the policies and procedures for the engagement of the independent auditor. If there are accounting issues, the Board will discuss with Peterson Sullivan, LLP, the Company’s independent auditor, the overall scope and plans for the audit and the results of its audit, including the matters required for discussion by Statement of Auditing Standards No. 61. The Board will review the written disclosures regarding the independence of Peterson Sullivan LLP, contained in its letter to the Board of Directors as required by applicable requirements of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board. The Board determines the compensation of the independent auditor and follows the established policy for pre-approval of all services, audit and non-audit related, provided by the independent auditor. The Board will make a determination that the provision of non-audit related services described in “Audit and Non-Audit Fees” is compatible with maintenance of the independence of the independent auditor.


This report is submitted by the Company’s Board of Directors consisting of Louis L. Jones, Sr., Marie K. Miller, Laird A. Jones, Jeane Breinig, Kenneth Gordon, Eleanor Hadden, Ramona Hamar, Frederick O. Olsen, Jr., and Melanie Young.



Proposal 2 Ratification of Independent Certified Public Accountants

The approval of selection of Peterson Sullivan LLP as independent certified public accountants of the Company is voted on by the Board of Directors at their Board Meeting prior to the Annual Meeting. Shareholders are asked to approve or ratify this selection. Unless the proxy holders are instructed otherwise, proxies will vote for the selection of Peterson Sullivan LLP as independent certified public accountants. If this selection is not approved, the Board of Directors intends to take the matter under advisement. No representative of Peterson Sullivan LLP is expected to be present at the Annual Meeting.



Audit and Non-Audit Fees

Peterson Sullivan LLP served as the Company’s independent auditors for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2017. The Board of Directors pre-approved all of the audit related services, tax services and other services provided by Peterson Sullivan in 2017.




The following table sets forth the aggregate fees for services by the independent auditors for the years ended December 31, 2016, and 2015:


  2017 2016
Audit fees $     21,695 $     18,177
Tax fees $       6,645 $       4,895
     Total Fees $     28,340 $     23,072


Audit Fees: The audit fees are related to the audit of the Company’s annual consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2017 and 2016.


Tax Fees: The tax fees included services related to preparation of the Company’s tax returns in 2017 and 2016.


Pre-Approval Policies and Procedures

The Board of Directors is responsible for assuring the independence of the independent auditor, including considering whether provision of non-audit related services is compatible with maintaining the independence of the independent auditor. Any non-audit services provided by the auditor must be pre-approved by the Board of Directors.



Other Matters

The Board of Directors knows of no matters, other than those mentioned in the proxy, to be brought before the meeting. However, if other matters do properly come before the meeting, it is the intention of the proxy holders to vote proxies according to their best judgment.



By Order of the Board of Directors

Louis L. Jones, Sr., President

Seattle, Washington

October 11, 2018


Solicitation by the Board of Directors for the 2018 Annual Meeting of Shareholders being held on November 10, 2018.


The undersigned shareholder hereby grants voting authority to the management appointed proxy holders Marie Miller, Ramona Hamar, and Jeane Breinig, all with full power of substitution, to any such matter where discretionary voting is requested or where no choice is indicated for the proposal, and in any other matters that may lawfully come before the meeting. Management knows of no other matters to be considered. For further information on the proposals below please consult the enclosed proxy statement.



Proposal 1. Election of Directors

THE BOARD RECOMMENDS that you CHECK BOX (A) to VOTE DISCRETIONARY and your shares will be voted by the three appointed proxy holders at their discretion. Do not allocate your votes below if you are checking box (A) to vote discretionary.

If you choose to check box (B) you need to specify the number of votes you wish to give each nominee next to that nominee’s name. See your total # of votes to cast below.


(A)   [ ] TO VOTE DISCRETIONARY for the election of three nominees as set forth in the Board of Directors Proxy Statement for the three-year terms for Louis L. Jones, Sr., Kenneth Gordon, and Frederick O. Olsen, Jr.


(B)       [ ] TO VOTE DIRECTED in the manner set forth below for the election of the Nominees below for the Board of Directors of the Corporation for three-year terms ending in 2021.



Name:  __________________________________
# of Shares: ____X 3 votes per share
Total # of votes to cast: ____



(# of shares) (quorum only)

Louis L. Jones, Sr. ___________________________

Kenneth Gordon ___________________________

Frederick O. Olsen, Jr. ___________________________



Proposal 2. Ratification of Peterson Sullivan LLP as independent public accountants.

THE BOARD RECOMMENDS that you vote FOR proposal 2.


[ ] FOR [ ] AGAINST [ ] ABSTAIN (quorum only)



The Board of Directors solicits this proxy and it will be voted as specified.

Shareholder: Sign your name as it appears in the box above. This proxy must be dated and signed in order for your vote to be counted.




Date: , 2018 Signature:__________________________________________________________


as custodian for:________________________________________________________________________________________

(Print minor’s name if applicable)

When signing as custodian for a minor, or as executor, administrator, attorney, trustee or guardian, please write your full title as such. If your name appears as “John A. Smith, Sr., as custodian for John A. Smith, Jr.,” sign “John A. Smith, Sr. as custodian for John A. Smith, Jr.”



A Stamped, Return-Envelope Has Been Provided - Remember to DATE and SIGN above




Early Bird Special Drawing

§  2 Voting Shareholders Will Win $500 each

Mail in Your Ballot Right Away to be Entered in the

Mail must be postmarked on or before October 31, 2018 to be eligible.

You do not have to be present at the Annual Meeting to win.


All Returned Ballots Drawing

§  10 Voting Shareholders Will Win $200 each

Mail in Your Ballot

You do not have to be present at the Annual Meeting to win. All returned ballots entered.


Attendance at the Annual Meeting Drawing

§  6 Voting Shareholders Will Win $100 each

Mail in Your Ballot

Board members are not eligible for this drawing.

You must be present at the Annual Meeting to win.


With Only 161 Voting Shareholders,

You Have An Excellent Chance To Win!



Winners will be announced at the Annual Meeting on November 10, 2018 and in the Kavilco Newsletter

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