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Washington, D.C. 20549

Form 20-F

(Mark One)





For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2013







Commission file number: 1-10409

InterContinental Hotels Group PLC

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

England and Wales

(Jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)

Broadwater Park,

Denham, Buckinghamshire UB9 5HR

(Address of principal executive offices)

Securities registered or to be registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:


Title of each class


Name of each exchange on which registered

American Depositary Shares

  New York Stock Exchange

Ordinary Shares of 14 194/329 pence each

  New York Stock Exchange*



* Not for trading, but only in connection with the registration of American Depositary Shares, pursuant to the requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Securities registered or to be registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:


Securities for which there is a reporting obligation pursuant to Section 15(d) of the Act:


Indicate the number of outstanding shares of each of the issuer’s classes of capital or common stock as of the close of the period covered by the annual report:


Ordinary Shares of 14 194/329 pence each   259,155,305

Indicate by check mark if the registrant is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act:    Yes  þ    No  ¨

If this report is an annual or transition report, indicate by check mark if the registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934:    Yes  ¨    No  þ

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the Registrant was required to file such reports) and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days:    Yes  þ    No  ¨

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has submitted electronically and posted on its corporate Web site, if any, every Interactive Data File required to be submitted and posted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T (§ 232.405 of this chapter) during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit and post such files).    Yes  ¨    No  ¨

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer, or a smaller reporting company. See the definitions of “large accelerated filer,” “accelerated filer” and “smaller reporting company” in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act. (Check one):


Large accelerated filer  þ   Accelerated filer  ¨    Non-accelerated filer  ¨   Smaller reporting company  ¨
     (Do not check if a smaller reporting company)  

Indicate by check mark which financial statement item the registrant has elected to follow:

Item 17 ¨      Item 18 þ

If this is an annual report, indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act):

Yes            ¨                     No            þ

Indicate by check mark which basis of accounting the registrant has used to prepare the financial statements included in this filing:




International Reporting Standards as issued by

the International Standards Accounting Board  þ

   Other  ¨




Table of Contents



Annual Report

and Form 20-F 2013





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  It all began in 1777 when William Bass opened a brewery in Burton-on-Trent in the UK. Bass made its move into the hotel industry in 1988, buying Holiday Inn International. By 2003 the business had changed from domestic brewer to international hospitality retailer: InterContinental Hotels Group PLC.     

InterContinental® Hotels & Resorts

In April 1946 Juan Trippe, the founder of Pan American Airways, had a vision to bring high-quality hotel accommodation to the end of every Pan Am flight route. This led to the first InterContinental being opened in 1949, the Hotel Grande in Belém, Brazil. From here InterContinental Hotels & Resorts expanded steadily to become the world’s first truly international luxury hospitality brand. The brand’s ethos is to provide insightful, meaningful experiences that enhance our guests’ feeling that they are in a global club. Bass acquired the InterContinental brand in 1998, adding it to our brand portfolio.



Front cover

Crowne Plaza Resort, Xishuangbanna, People’s Republic of China





178 hotels; 60,103 rooms open

51 hotels in the pipeline


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Overview    1

Table of Contents
The IHG story


2013 marked 10 years since InterContinental Hotels Group PLC (IHG) became a standalone company. Today, we are one of the world’s leading hotel companies with almost 4,700 hotels in nearly 100 countries and territories, and a portfolio of nine preferred brands that have a deep history and heritage. Highlighted below are just some of the milestones, achievements and innovations that have come to define IHG and our family of brands.







2    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

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Overview    3

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Chairman’s statement





2013 was another strong year for IHG. Despite what

continued to be challenging macroeconomic conditions

around the world, we delivered on our strategy and

reported good growth in our operating profit

and earnings per share.






“We are delighted to have delivered another year of strong performance in 2013, my first year as Chairman of IHG.”

+9%: 70.0¢

Total full-year dividend

(sterling equivalent of 43.2p)


Revenue per available room*

686,873 rooms (4,697 hotels)

operating in the IHG System


Fee revenue

Driven by 3.8% of RevPAR growth

and 1.6% net IHG System size growth



*  Total IHG System rooms revenue divided by the number of room nights available.


  Group revenue excluding owned and leased hotels, managed leases and significant liquidated damages. Growth stated at constant currency.

In last year’s Annual Report, I shared my perspective and initial impressions of IHG. I have not been disappointed. I have continued to be deeply impressed by the skills, dedication and energy of our people, our award-winning brand portfolio and our relentless focus on delivering our strategy. On behalf of the Board, I would therefore like to extend my sincere thanks to our 350,000 colleagues around the world who have strived to put our guests at the heart of everything they do with pride and dedication.

Responsible Business

Being a responsible business is an integral part of delivering on our strategy. It is not only reflected in our culture, but also in our approach to governance and doing the right thing. Our commitment to serve the local communities in which we operate is stronger than ever and we recently launched stretching Corporate Responsibility (CR) targets to reflect this. You can find more information on our CR programmes and targets on page 32.

A robust and effective system of internal controls and risk management processes is an essential part of IHG’s governance structure and a key part of being a responsible business. More detail on our approach to risk management can be found on pages 34 to 37.

Shareholder returns and financial position

IHG has an excellent track record of delivering sustainable and attractive returns for shareholders. Last year we announced a $350 million special dividend, which was paid alongside the ordinary interim dividend on 4 October 2013. We also bought back $283 million of shares in the year, in addition to the $107 million bought back in 2012, leaving $110 million of our existing $500 million share buyback programme to complete. Once complete, total funds returned to shareholders since our 2003 demerger, excluding ordinary dividends, will amount to $8.0 billion.

I am also pleased to announce that the Board is recommending a 9 per cent increase to the final dividend for 2013 resulting in a full-year dividend of 70 cents (43.2 pence) per share, up 9 per cent on 2012.

We continue to honour our commitment to maintaining an efficient balance sheet whilst retaining an investment grade credit rating through the cycle. This approach has delivered significant value for investors. Over the three-year period to 31 December 2013, IHG’s annualised total shareholder return (TSR) was 22 per cent, compared with 9 per cent for the FTSE 100 as a whole.


I have been impressed by the strength and diversity of the IHG Board. We have a very strong balance of skills, knowledge, experience and diversity among our Directors. Critical to the success of the business is ensuring we maintain this breadth and balance of skills to suit both the existing shape of the business and to support our future growth. We have, for example, recognised that consumer facing technology will continue to be an important part of our business and that we need to strengthen ourselves accordingly. We have therefore taken the decision to look to further enhance the Board by appointing an additional Non-Executive Director with strong experience in this area. Equally important, is ensuring the Board has absolutely the right processes in place to ensure it is operating as efficiently and effectively as possible, and is helping to set the agenda for the business to succeed both in the short and long term. This will continue to be a priority in 2014 and beyond.

Reflecting these commitments, this year, we announced a number changes to the Board.





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We welcomed two new independent Non-Executive Directors to the Board. Jill McDonald joined IHG on 1 June 2013 and Ian Dyson joined on 1 September 2013. Jill has a wealth of experience in franchising and marketing and Ian has a range of experience in senior executive and finance roles. Both Jill and Ian are members of the Audit and Nomination Committees and Ian is also a member of the Remuneration Committee.

David Kappler will be stepping down from the Board and his roles as Chairman of the Audit Committee and Senior Independent Non-Executive Director in 2014. David joined IHG’s Board in June 2004 and has been a great asset to the business and an invaluable support to me in my first year as Chairman. Ian Dyson will take over as Chairman of the Audit Committee with effect from 1 April 2014. David will retire from the Board on 31 May 2014 and Dale Morrison, who has been an independent Non-Executive Director of IHG since June 2011, will become the Senior Independent Non-Executive Director, ensuring a smooth transition of David’s duties.

We said goodbye to Tom Singer, who stepped down from his position as Chief Financial Officer and the Board on 1 January 2014. Tom played a key role in the success of the Group since he joined IHG’s Board and Executive Committee in September 2011. We thank him for his contribution and wish him the best for the future.

I am pleased to welcome Paul Edgecliffe-Johnson to the Board. Paul was appointed Chief Financial Officer on 1 January 2014, becoming a member of IHG’s Board and Executive Committee at that time. Paul joined IHG in August 2004 and has worked in a number of senior roles across the Group, most recently as Chief Financial Officer of IHG’s Europe and Asia, Middle East and Africa regions.


High standards of corporate governance are fundamental to the way IHG operates. The Board is committed to ensuring that we not only operate effectively, but that each Director is committed to the role and continues to make a valuable contribution to the business.

This year we commissioned a formal evaluation of the Board from an independent consultant. The findings from the evaluation are outlined on page 65.

Our Annual Report this year includes, for the first time, our US Annual Report on Form 20-F reporting requirements, as well as taking into consideration the new requirements of the UK Corporate Governance Code and changes to UK legislation, providing all reporting information in a single report.


Recruiting and retaining an outstanding executive leadership team is critical to ensuring that IHG succeeds over both the short and long term. Our Directors’ Remuneration Policy is designed to help achieve this objective. The policy requires a significant proportion of remuneration to be linked to the delivery of both strong financial and operational results and market-beating performance. Details of the policy are set out in the Directors’ Remuneration Report on pages 74 to 97. We believe that our policy, which is largely unchanged from last year, is aligned with best practice and remains fit for purpose.

We have historically tried to make the Directors’ Remuneration Report as transparent and easy to read as possible, and were pleased to receive the PwC Building Public Trust Award for Executive Remuneration Reporting in the FTSE 100 for our 2012 Directors’ Remuneration Report. In preparation for the first binding shareholder vote on our Directors’ Remuneration Policy in the 2013 Directors’ Remuneration Report,

we have worked hard to present both the policy and the reward paid to our Board in an open and accessible way, as well as complying with the regulatory requirements.


We remain confident in the long-term growth prospects of the hotel industry. This reflects our belief that we will continue to see an increase in demand for hotels over the next few decades. This belief is supported by the positive socio-economic, demographic and technological changes that we see across the globe which will ultimately mean record numbers of people join the travel market each year.

As a result, we start 2014 with confidence that the business will continue to deliver high-quality growth and generate long-term value to all stakeholders. Our significant scale, broad geographical exposure as well as our strong understanding of the industry and how it is evolving, particularly in terms of consumer trends and technological innovation, means we are well-positioned for future growth. This will allow us to continue to deliver attractive shareholder returns whilst further enhancing our guest propositions to create brands which are truly preferred.



Patrick Cescau









Overview    5

Table of Contents
Chief Executive Officer’s review





2013 marked our tenth year as a standalone company. During this period, we have delivered market-leading shareholder returns, more than doubled our fee revenues and significantly increased returns on capital employed. Our focus on high-quality growth delivered by our Winning Model, underpinned by Disciplined Execution, has enabled us to drive a good revenue and profit performance again in 2013, despite the ongoing challenging economic conditions in some of our markets.






“2013 marked IHG’s tenth anniversary as a standalone company, and was another year of strong performance.”

+10%: $668m*

Operating profit before exceptional items

+2%: $21.6bn

Total gross revenue in IHG’s System Revenue up 4% to $1,903m*


New IHG Rewards Club members added

(total members 77.4m)


* Includes three liquidated damages receipts in 2013; $31m in The Americas, $9m in Europe and $6m in AMEA.


Total room revenue from franchised hotels and total hotel revenue from managed, owned and leased hotels (not all attributable to IHG).

IHG’s Winning Model

IHG’s Winning Model is our framework for delivering superior value creation through our brands, our people and our systems. We deliver preferred experiences for guests through our targeted brand propositions, consistently delivered by over 350,000 talented colleagues across the world. Our brands are brought to life by our people and last year we launched two new training programmes for hotel General Managers to ensure the strongest possible connection between what each brand stands for and the delivery of the brand experience at the front line, encouraging General Managers to behave like Brand Managers.

Our brands already deliver superior and consistent experiences, which we measure by continuous guest satisfaction surveys, and which, in 2013, told us that we drove increased guest satisfaction globally across each of our brands. This drives revenue per available room (RevPAR) premiums and, in turn, better returns for our owners. We are very proud of the large number of industry awards our brands win and are focused on ensuring that they stay relevant to the changing needs of our guests.

To help do this, we conduct extensive, industry-leading research to ensure we have the best possible understanding of our guests’ needs. This unique insight is allowing us to better differentiate our hotel experiences and is a key driver of our ability to continue to grow ahead of the market.


Furthermore, our annual Trends Report demonstrates the insight and consumer understanding that helps us adapt to, and stay ahead of, the latest trends both within the hospitality industry and more widely. This year’s report, ‘Creating Moments of Trust’ – the key to building successful brand relationships in the Kinship Economy’, suggests that the rise of technology-aided personalisation means that to continue to win and maintain guest loyalty in the future, hotels need to deliver global, local and personalised appeal for their guests.

Hotel brands that are able to become truly ‘3D’ – by delivering local, global and personal experiences through trusted global brands – will build the trust that is needed to sustain lasting relationships with guests and outperform in the future. This marks a step-change in the thinking that has dominated the travel and hospitality industry over the last two decades, a period during which hotel brands have traditionally concentrated on being 2D – solely global and local.

An important part of building trust is offering a strong loyalty programme that is tailored to guests needs. To enable us to better meet the different needs and occasions of our guests and to strengthen our proposition to owners, on 1 July 2013, we relaunched our loyalty programme with a new name: IHG Rewards Club. This name clearly communicates to consumers that all of our brands are part of the same IHG brand family. No other hotel loyalty programme gives its members more places to use their points than IHG, and from July 2013, we also added new benefits, including being the first hotel company to offer free internet to members in all our hotels globally.





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Our strong brand portfolio and loyalty programme are underpinned by our channel management strategy which is aimed at delivering the highest quality revenues to IHG hotels at the lowest possible cost. Only the largest companies who understand these trends, and are able to deliver consistent, locally relevant and differentiated guest experiences, will win in this environment.

IHG is focused on delivering guest needs across the entirety of their journey, which we break down into five distinct steps: Dream, Plan, Book, Travel and Share. Our strategy is led by our multi-lingual websites and mobile apps, call centres, global sales force, strong brand portfolio and 77.4 million member loyalty programme. These provide compelling experiences that allow guests to use the most appropriate channel for their needs. In 2013, IHG’s direct and indirect systems and channels delivered 69 per cent of total room revenues to our hotels.

Targeted Portfolio

IHG has hotels in nearly 100 countries and territories around the world. Our growth strategy is focused primarily on the largest and/or fastest growing markets in which IHG has a strong existing brand presence, where our scale and revenue delivery systems confer the greatest benefits, and where the growth opportunities available are aligned to our asset-light business model. With a five per cent share of global hotel industry rooms supply and a 12 per cent share of the active industry hotel pipeline, we are well-positioned to continue to take share into the future.

During 2013, we opened 237 hotels and signed a further 444 hotels into our pipeline, the highest number for five years, reinforcing our already strong brand distribution platform and with it the promise of further high-quality growth.

Our commitment to an asset-light model continues to be core to our strategy and is key to the resilience of our income stream. During 2013, we completed the disposal of the InterContinental London Park Lane and agreed to dispose of an 80 per cent interest in InterContinental New York Barclay, both with long-term, valuable management contracts. This has driven up IHG’s return on capital employed, reduced the capital intensity of the business whilst forming a relationship with a great new owner.

In February 2014, we signed an agreement to sell the InterContinental Mark Hopkins San Francisco.

Disciplined Execution

Successful delivery of our strategy for high-quality growth requires Disciplined Execution. IHG is focused on leveraging our scale to drive efficiencies whilst investing behind the growth of the business. Talent is key to our success and our investment in strengthening our employer brand has been recognised externally through a number of accolades, including being awarded 3rd place in The Sunday Times 25 Best Big Companies To Work For in the UK.

Being a responsible business is part of IHG’s DNA and it underpins our business practices, enabling us to make a positive contribution to the communities in which we operate, as well as building trust and preference for our brands. Having already met our previous Corporate Responsibility targets in 2012, in September 2013, we announced new ones for the five years from 2013 to 2017. These revolve around three core programmes; IHG Green Engage, IHG Academy and IHG Shelter in a Storm Programme. These are all tightly tied to our Winning Model, which ensures they are sustainable with full support from our owners.

Looking forward, IHG’s strategy for high-quality growth gives us the confidence that we will outperform an industry which is set for good growth for many years to come, and as such we will continue to drive superior returns for our shareholders.



Richard Solomons

Chief Executive Officer








Overview    7

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Holiday Inn®

In 1951, Kemmons Wilson recognised a need for clean, comfortable and affordable places for families to stay; he opened the first Holiday Inn hotel in Memphis, Tennessee in 1952. Today, the brand offers the perfect mix of business and pleasure for today’s comfort-seeking traveller by providing an inviting, familiar atmosphere where guests can relax and enjoy themselves.



1,168 hotels; 212,058 rooms open

249 hotels in the pipeline



Holiday Inn Express®

Launched in 1991, Holiday Inn Express hotels are geared towards the smart business or leisure traveller who appreciate value but don’t want to compromise on efficiency and style.



2,258 hotels; 214,597 rooms open

473 hotels in the pipeline



Holiday Inn Resort®

In 2007, the Holiday Inn brand began a $1 billion relaunch and as part of this, Holiday Inn Resort brand was launched offering the perfect destination for family fun and relaxation.



38 properties; 8,818 rooms open

14 properties in the pipeline





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Holiday Inn Club Vacations®

Holiday Inn Club Vacations properties offer villas for families in holiday destinations in the US. The sub-brand of the Holiday Inn brand was launched in 2008 by IHG as part of a strategic alliance with the family of Orange Lake Resorts, the Kemmons Wilson family, who continue to own and operate the resorts today.



10 properties; 3,701 rooms open

1 property in the pipeline


The Strategic Report (pages 10 to 53) was approved by the Board on 17 February 2014.

George Turner, Company Secretary








Strategic Report    9

Table of Contents
Industry overview


Where the industry is now

The global hotel industry


The global hotel industry comprises approximately 14.6 million rooms, according to Smith Travel Research, and these are broadly segmented into branded (multiple hotels under the same brand name) and independent (non-branded) hotels. Growth in demand is driven by economic growth and an increasing trend for domestic and global travel resulting in part from favourable demographics and globalisation of travel.

There are a number of key industry metrics which are widely recognised and used to track performance. These include revenue per available room (RevPAR), average daily rate and rooms supply growth. These are amongst the key performance measures actively monitored by IHG. IHG also monitors macroeconomic indicators such as gross domestic product (GDP) trends, which is a leading indicator in hotel industry trends.


IHG’s KPIs are set out on pages 38 and 39.




The branded hotel market


Smith Travel Research estimates that the branded hotel market accounts for 51.5% of the total hotel market. However, this market is fragmented in terms of key brand players with the top five branded hotel companies (of which IHG is one) accounting for only 41% of the total branded hotel market in terms of open rooms and 72% of the development pipeline (hotels in planning and under construction but not yet open). However, as can be seen in the graph on the right, globally, the branded hotel market is increasing its share of the total hotel market, due to the advantages a brand can bring to hotel performance over that of independent hotels. Branded hotels have shown an increased resilience through the economic cycles, with the big branded players showing clear revenue outperformance, as well as benefiting from advantages in terms of economies of scale across a broad portfolio of hotels.

In the US, around 70% of the industry supply is branded. In fast developing markets, such as China and India, branded penetration is lower, at around 20 to 30%. However, this is expected to increase significantly over the coming decades as branded hotels gain traction due to the advantages of reliability, guest safety and security and consistency of standards that large global brands bring.


IHG’s 2014 Trends Report (see page 20 and www.ihgplc.com/trends_report) identified that consumers trust brands with a heritage and they value the comfort and security established global brands provide. However the collision of globalisation, localisation and personalisation means that brands need to stay relevant by becoming ‘3D’ – managing their global, local and personal assets simultaneously.





The different business models within the hotel industry


The global hotel industry operates under a number of different business models, depending on whether a hotel is branded or independent. The four models typically seen are owned, leased, managed or franchised:


  Owned hotels are owned and operated by an owner who bears all the costs associated with the hotel but also benefits from all of the income;


  a leased model is similar, except that the owner-operator of a hotel does not have outright ownership of the hotel but pays rental fees to the ultimate owner of the property;


  under a managed model, the owner of a hotel will use a third-party manager to operate the hotel on its behalf and will pay the manager management fees and, if the hotel is operated under a third-party brand name, brand licensing fees; and


  a franchised hotel is owned and operated by an owner under a third-party brand name and the owner will pay a brand licensing fee to the brand owner.

Whilst an owner-operated hotel enables the owner to have full control over hotel operation, it requires high capital investment. In contrast, for hotel brand owners, a managed or franchised model enables quicker rooms growth due to the lower capital investment, but this requires strong relationships with third-party hotel owners.



IHG’s business model is set out on page 16.







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Where the industry is heading

Short-term drivers and global trends


Short-term industry trends are shaped by differing economic, political or physical factors impacting local geographical markets. Since the economic crisis of 2008/09, GDP growth has returned to key economies, leading to an increase in disposable income and an increase in demand for hotel rooms. Typically, the industry would meet this demand through an increase in the supply of rooms.

In developed markets, recent industry revenue growth has been driven largely by an increase in the room rate as occupancy levels have returned to previous peak levels, but the growth in supply of rooms has been below the long-term average. In emerging markets, growth has been as a result of both an increase in room rate and the supply of rooms. The industry is also impacted in the short-term by local market economic or political factors.




Long-term drivers and global trends


In the long term, growth in the hotel industry is driven by a number of trends:


The travel and hotel industries have benefited substantially from long-term macroeconomic trends. Global GDP growth in the last 10 years of circa 4% per annum has contributed to increasing disposable income and a greater number of middle-class households, particularly in emerging markets such as Greater China, with a greater propensity to travel.

Over the long term, global economic growth and more sophisticated financial markets in emerging countries has led to a 1.8% increase in global total hotel rooms supply over the last eight years.

Improvements in physical infrastructure, particularly in emerging markets, have allowed hotels to more effectively meet the needs of guests and to open up new destinations for travel.


During the last 10 years the typical traveller demographic has changed. Travellers travel for a variety of reasons and no longer travel for a singular purpose, such as only business or leisure. Across the globe, the type of traveller can range from single people to multi-generation families. The younger workforce is driving more diverse and informal working patterns, with an expectation that hotels will cater for flexible working arrangements. A growing ageing population with the desire, and means to travel, is expected to significantly increase travel flows and lead to an overall increase in demand for travel services.


Technology has played an important role in shaping the travel industry. A decade ago, internet access and the role of digital technology in planning, booking and experiencing travel was very limited. Today, the reach and role of digital technology is very different. The internet, increasingly accessed through mobile devices, has established itself in developed markets as the preferred method to research, plan and book travel. In emerging markets, online purchasing and international travel are relatively new to travellers, and therefore personal interactions remain key, making the role of the traditional travel agent important. Industry experts estimate that about 12 to 15% of tickets and rooms are booked online in China and of that online market, approximately 70 to 80% are booked through third-party intermediaries.


The development of social networking and photo sharing has changed the way in which people think about travel, with the sharing of travel experiences, reviews and recommendations having a greater impact on travel decision-making. These recommendations, combined with the ability to compare prices and review the richer information that is available online, allow travellers to make informed decisions and book their travel options with greater control and immediacy, leading to an increase in travel to a variety of destinations.

IHG’s 2014 Trends Report (see page 20) found that the rapid rise of technology-enabled personalisation is helping to shape the experience guests want when they travel. It also found that personalised brand experiences which resonate with the local culture are particularly important for the fast-growing number of international travellers from emerging markets.

Changing technological trends and changes in consumer behaviour will continue to shape the industry.


Other trends also present new opportunities to travel. Increased competition and capacity amongst airlines, lower air fares and more relaxed travel and immigration restrictions in many regions have made international travel a viable option for an increasing number of people.


These long-term drivers and global trends are changing the competitive landscape within the travel industry. Competitors are no longer simply branded or independent hotels, but now include travel intermediaries and companies offering alternative lodging solutions and search options, providing inspiration for travel ideas and aggregating a range of travel solutions. Many of these businesses are also not subject to regulations such as fire and life safety, food safety and local industry regulations, which apply to traditional hotel operators.

Source: Smith Travel Research for industry facts.








Strategic Report    11

Table of Contents

Industry performance in 2013






Overall, global industry RevPAR increased by 4.4% in 2013 and IHG’s global RevPAR grew 3.8%. As would be anticipated, performance varied across regions and across segments (see page 29), with each facing different economic, social and physical conditions.



RevPAR is a KPI – see page 38.



IHG’s performance globally and in each of our regions during 2013 is detailed on pages 40 to 50.



Source: Smith Travel Research for industry facts.

The Americas


The hotel industry performed strongly in the region. RevPAR grew by 6.6% with average daily rate increasing by 5%. On the supply side, the number of rooms only increased by 0.8%. Although RevPAR growth was strong, it was not consistent across all segments, with the luxury, upper upscale and upscale segments performing best.

The overall dynamic remains favourable in the US, with industry demand achieving record highs and supply growth still below the 2% per annum historic average. Reflecting this, US RevPAR increased 5.4% during 2013 with average daily rate growing 3.9% and occupancy also continued to grow. On a negative note, the US government’s reduced travel over 2012 and 2013 and complete shutdown in the fourth quarter of 2013, meant that some cities, such as Washington D.C., were impacted. However, this did not outweigh the positive economic trends that contributed to greater demand in the industry.

IHG’s Americas region

IHG’s comparable RevPAR increased 4.3% with 2.6% rate growth. The region is predominantly represented by the US, where comparable RevPAR was up 4.2%. Our upscale and luxury brands (InterContinental, Crowne Plaza and Hotel Indigo) outperformed the industry. In the midscale segment, Holiday Inn and Holiday Inn Express maintained a rate premium to the segment. However, RevPAR grew at a lower rate than the market, reflecting the superior RevPAR performance versus the market in recent years and higher absolute RevPAR. Quality remained a focus, and 17,968 rooms left the IHG System. Overall the number of rooms open in the region increased by 1,807 rooms.



Despite continuing challenging economic conditions in the eurozone, overall the industry performed well with RevPAR increasing 3.2% and average daily rate 1.5%. The number of rooms across the industry increased by only 0.9%. Europe is a diverse region and the industry figures were driven by the larger markets, in particular the UK and Germany.

In the UK, RevPAR grew 3.9%, predominantly led by occupancy growth, although average daily rate grew marginally (0.2%). The UK provinces, after a relatively protracted period of weakness, performed particularly well. London’s RevPAR growth was positive in 2013, despite an unprecedented level of new rooms and 2012 figures elevated by the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Economic growth in Germany has tended to be more stable in the recent past. Although RevPAR for Germany did increase by 1.7%, the industry is highly dependent upon trade fairs, which are not consistent in number or size year-on-year. Overall, there were fewer trade fairs in 2013 compared to 2012 and RevPAR growth was positive but not as high as the growth seen in 2012.

IHG’s Europe region

IHG’s comparable RevPAR increased 1.7% led by a 1.5 percentage point increase in occupancy. RevPAR growth was resilient in our priority markets, despite tough comparatives. In London, we outperformed the market, although across the UK we were marginally below market. Overall, comparable UK RevPAR increased by 3%. In Germany, RevPAR grew 0.8% reflecting a weaker trade fair calendar in key cities, particularly Berlin and Dusseldorf. In France, RevPAR grew 2.6%, with 5.3% growth at our owned InterContinental Paris Le Grand.




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Asia, Middle East and Africa (AMEA)


AMEA is a diverse geographical region comprising many individual country markets. Overall RevPAR increased 6.1%, led by a 5% growth in average daily rate. The number of rooms available across the industry increased by 2.6%.

Strong growth was seen in Southeast Asia, where RevPAR grew 7.9% driven by continued strength in Indonesia and Thailand; Japan, where RevPAR grew by 11.4%; and in the Middle East, where RevPAR growth of 5.5% was achieved despite continuing geopolitical unrest.

In India, 2013 was a challenging year with pricing challenges as a result of rooms supply growth of 4.6% leading to a RevPAR decline of 3.3%.

In Australasia, RevPAR was up 3.9% driven by average daily rate up 2.7%, reflecting strong economic conditions in Australia.

IHG’s AMEA region

IHG is represented widely across the region, both geographically and by brand, and comparisons across the industry are hard to make. In addition, almost all of our net room growth is located in developing markets, where initial RevPAR expectations are on average about 30% of the level achieved by a mature hotel in that region. Even after three to five years, hotels in these markets are expected to achieve around 70% of the absolute RevPAR of primary city hotels. Comparable RevPAR increased 6.1% in the year but, reflecting new hotels in the developing markets, total RevPAR growth was 2.8%. Overall strong trading in Southeast Asia and Japan led the performance with RevPAR up 9.9% and 9.6% respectively. In Australasia, RevPAR increased by 4.5%. In the Middle East, RevPAR was up 3.2%, driven by good performance in Saudi Arabia and the UAE, offset by geopolitical unrest impacting our business in Egypt and Lebanon.

Greater China


Hotel industry RevPAR in Greater China was lower than industry expectations with full-year RevPAR declining by 4.2%. The RevPAR decline was predominantly led by a reduced average daily rate (an annual reduction of 3.1%), combined with a reduction in occupancy levels. Overall demand for rooms increased over the year, but occupancy rates were impacted by supply growth of 4.6%.

The industry was impacted by a number of factors in 2013 including natural disasters, slower macroeconomic conditions as reflected in GDP growth of only 7.7% (the softest pace of expansion since 1999) and the impact of the China-Japan territorial island dispute. Despite the challenges, travel and tourism continue to be a strategic pillar of the Chinese government’s five-year plan and the continuing growth of the middle-classes and a shift in emphasis to a consumption led economy are all positive factors for the medium to long-term prospects.

IHG’s Greater China region

IHG’s comparable RevPAR increased 1% as the scale and strength of our business drove a significant outperformance compared to the industry throughout 2013. IHG has brands across multiple price points and hotels in 70 cities which positions us well across the region. Conditions were difficult, but we opened 7,669 rooms and added 15,000 rooms to our pipeline, including seven HUALUXE hotels taking our pipeline of this key new brand to 21 hotels. From a growth perspective, almost 70% of the hotels in the pipeline are under construction. As with AMEA, much of the room growth is located in developing tier 2 and tier 3 cities with lower initial RevPAR expectation when compared to primary city hotels.

IHG System

We continued to grow the IHG System size in 2013 (hotels franchised, managed, owned or leased under IHG’s brands – see Our business model on page 16).

As at 31 December 2013, we had 686,873 open IHG hotel rooms (4,697 hotels) in nearly 100 countries and territories around the world.



As part of our ongoing commitment to maintaining only high-quality hotels in our brands, we removed 24,576 rooms (144 hotels) during the year, an increase from 2012, actively strengthening the quality of our estate across our brand portfolio, particularly Holiday Inn.


Information on our preferred brands is set out on pages 17 and 20.

IHG pipeline

As at 31 December 2013, we had 180,461 rooms (1,120 hotels) in the development pipeline (hotels in planning and under construction but not yet opened; a contract for these has been signed and the appropriate fees paid); the largest pipeline in the industry.



Net rooms supply is a KPI –

see page 38.








Strategic Report    13

Table of Contents
IHG at a glance*


Where we operate

We operate in nearly 100 countries
and territories globally.



Details of our Targeted Portfolio are set out on pages 28 and 29.

Our business model


Franchised hotels


Managed hotels


Owned and leased hotels



Our business model is detailed on page 16.

Our strategy for
high-quality growth

We focus on delivering high-quality growth, which for us means delivering consistent, sustained growth in cash flows and profits over the longer term. We do this by staying focused on our Targeted Portfolio and building preferred brands, driven by a deep understanding of guests’ needs. IHG’s Winning Model, combined with a Targeted Portfolio underpinned by Disciplined Execution, will drive superior returns for IHG’s shareholders.



Details on our performance globally and in each of our regions is set out on pages 40 to 50.

* All facts and figures as at 31 December 2013.

Includes three liquidated damages receipts in 2013; $31m in The Americas, $9m in Europe and $6m in AMEA.

àIncludes one significant liquidated damages receipt in 2012; $3m in The Americas.








Our brand



   LOGO     LOGO     LOGO     LOGO     LOGO      



   178   391   55   1,168   2,258    



   60,103   108,891   6,199   212,058   214,597    

Rooms (hotels) in the pipeline


   16,860 (51)         28,369 (94)         6,807 (51)         46,958 (249)         54,744 (473)          





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   10    196    312          4,697¥



   3,701    21,518    29,778          686,873¥

    3,163 (14)


   120 (1)    8,728 (80)    6,914 (80)    880 (5)    6,804 (21)    180,461 (1,120)

¥ Includes 21,210 rooms (91 hotels) which are unbranded.







Strategic Report    15

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Our business model


Our business model


As at 31 December 2013:  



  Marketing and    
  Employees           Hotel
  IHG capital        




We operate 3,977 hotels under franchise agreements (84.67%)

  IHG   IHG   Third-party   Third-party   Low   

Fee % of    




We manage 711 hotels (15.14%)

  IHG   IHG   IHG & Third-party*   Third-party   Low   

Fee % of total     revenue plus    

% of profit    

Owned and leased

We own and lease 9 hotels (less than 1%)

  IHG   IHG   IHG   IHG   High   

All revenues    

and profits    

*IHG often employs the General Manager only.




Managed and franchised model

Our business model is focused on franchising and managing hotels, rather than owning them, enabling us to grow at an accelerated pace with limited capital investment. Currently, 88 per cent of our Group operating profit (before regional and central overheads and exceptional items) is derived from franchised and managed operations. This business model allows us to focus on building preferred brands based on guests’ needs, and on strong delivery systems, such as our branded hotel websites and call centres. Our model allows us to create greater returns for owners whilst leaving asset management and real estate to our local third-party owners with the necessary expertise.

We adapt this business model by market as necessary, for example, in some markets we have in place managed leases to allow our business to grow. Managed leases are properties structured for legal reasons as operating leases but with the same characteristics as management contracts. In other markets we choose partnerships and joint ventures where appropriate.

A key characteristic of the franchised and managed business model is that it is highly cash generative, with a high return on capital employed. The asset-light approach means IHG benefits from the reduced volatility of fee-based income streams, as compared with the ownership of assets, resulting in a high-quality income stream. It enables us to focus on growing our fee revenues (Group revenue excluding owned and leased hotels, managed leases and significant liquidated damages) and fee margins (operating profit as a percentage of revenue, excluding revenue and operating profit from owned and leased hotels, managed leases and significant liquidated damages).

Dependent upon the market maturity, owner preference and, in certain cases, on the particular brand, hotels can be franchised or managed. For example, in the US, a mature market, IHG operates a largely franchised business, working together with our owners to deliver preferred brands. In contrast, in Greater China, IHG operates a predominantly managed business where IHG is responsible for operating the hotel on behalf of its owners.



Fee revenues and Fee margins are KPIs – see pages 38 and 39.

Capital expenditure

In some situations, IHG supports its brands by using its capital to build or support the funding of flagship assets in high-demand locations in order to drive growth. We plan to recycle capital by selling these assets when the time is right and to reinvest elsewhere in the business and across our portfolio.

We have committed up to $150 million to assist with the launch of our EVEN Hotels brand to demonstrate the success and economics of the brand. In 2013, IHG acquired three existing hotels which are being converted to EVEN Hotels, the first of which are due to open in 2014. In the future, we would look to recycle this capital, just as we previously did for both the Staybridge Suites and Hotel Indigo brands.

Asset disposals

As part of our asset-light approach, in May 2013, we disposed of our leasehold interest in InterContinental London Park Lane for gross cash proceeds of £301.5 million ($469 million). IHG secured a 30-year management contract on the hotel, with three 10-year extension options at IHG’s discretion, giving an expected contract length of 60 years.

In December 2013, we announced our agreement to dispose of 80 per cent of our interest in the InterContinental New York Barclay for $240 million and retain the remaining 20 per cent in a joint venture with a total circa $175 million refurbishment. Under the agreement, IHG will secure a 30-year management contract on the hotel, with two 10-year extension options at IHG’s discretion, giving an expected contract length of 50 years.

In February 2014, the Group signed an agreement to sell the InterContinental Mark Hopkins San Francisco for $120 million in cash and enter into a long-term management contract on the hotel.



Our breakdown by managed, franchised, owned and leased hotels for each region is set out on pages 40 to 50.


The System Fund

In addition to management or franchise fees, hotels within the IHG System pay assessments and contributions which are collected by IHG for specific use within the System Fund. The System Fund also receives proceeds from the sale of IHG Rewards Club points (see page 50 for further information).

The System Fund is managed by IHG for the benefit of hotels in the IHG System with the objective of driving revenues for the hotels. Total income for the System Fund in 2013 was $1.35 billion (2012: $1.25 billion) and these funds are used to pay for marketing, the IHG Rewards Club loyalty programme and the global reservation system. The System Fund is planned to operate at break even and does not result in a profit or loss for IHG.







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Our preferred brands


Our portfolio of complementary and

differentiated brands consistently

deliver on guests’ needs.



Information on how we deliver our preferred

brands is set out on page 20.







Holiday Inn® Hotels & Resorts


Offers the perfect mix of business and pleasure for today’s comfort-seeking traveller by providing an inviting, familiar atmosphere where guests can relax and enjoy themselves.




InterContinental® Hotels & Resorts


Our international luxury brand is located in most of the world’s key cities and many resort destinations across more than 60 countries worldwide. The brand’s ethos is to provide insightful, meaningful experiences that enhance our guests’ feeling that they are in a global club.




Holiday Inn Resort®


Offers leisure guests fun and relaxation in some of the world’s best holiday destinations, with the peace of mind of a trusted brand name.



HUALUXE® Hotels & Resorts


Launched in March 2012 as the first luxury international hotel brand where every element has been designed specifically to suit the tastes and sensibilities of the Chinese guest. It focuses on the unique aspects of Chinese etiquette, the importance of rejuvenation, status recognition, local customs and heritage.




Holiday Inn Club Vacations®


Formed as IHG’s timeshare brand as part of a strategic alliance with the family of Orange Lake Resorts under an exclusive licensing and marketing agreement. The portfolio is a collection of resorts in the US, offering spacious villa accommodation for families in great vacation destinations.




Crowne Plaza® Hotels & Resorts


The brand supports career-focused travellers, putting them in control of their travel experience so they can be on top of their work and at the top of their game.




Holiday Inn Express®


Aimed at smart business or leisure travellers who appreciate value without compromising on efficiency and style.



Hotel Indigo®


IHG’s boutique brand, artfully combines the modern design and intimate service associated with a boutique hotel with the peace of mind and ease of staying with one of the world’s largest branded hotel companies. Each Hotel Indigo hotel reflects the local culture, character and history of the surrounding area.




Staybridge Suites®


IHG’s extended-stay brand for business and leisure travellers who are spending an extended time away from home and prefer a warm, home-like and community environment.



EVENHotels & Resorts


Launched in February 2012, the brand was created to meet the large and growing demand for a hotel brand to help wellness-minded travellers maintain their balance on the road.




Candlewood Suites®


IHG’s extended-stay brand in North America aimed at providing guests with a relaxed, casual and home-like environment at a great value.







Strategic Report    17

Table of Contents
Our strategy for high-quality growth


We focus on delivering high-quality growth, which for us means delivering consistent, sustained growth in cash flows and profits over the longer term. We do this by staying focused on our Targeted Portfolio and building preferred brands, driven by a deep understanding of guests’ needs.

IHG’s Winning Model, combined with a Targeted Portfolio underpinned by Disciplined Execution, will drive superior returns for IHG’s shareholders.







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   Our purpose is to
create Great Hotels
   Guests Love®   LOGO









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IHG’s Winning Model is our framework for delivering superior value creation through our brands, our people and our systems.







Preferred brands delivered through our people

Our portfolio of nine preferred brands (set out on page 17) are brought to life by our people who deliver on each of our brand promises.

Preferred brands

Our portfolio of brands comprises complementary, differentiated brands that clearly and consistently deliver on guests’ needs.

Building a portfolio of preferred brands that resonate with our guests, and therefore our owners, is crucial. The value is seen through our guests wanting to stay with us and pay more to do so thereby driving RevPAR and delivering better returns on investment for our owners.

For IHG, a hotel brand is a promise of a consistent, relevant and differentiated hospitality experience:


  our guests focus on this from a location, product and service perspective, all for the right value; and


  our owners focus on this in terms of revenue delivery, relevant and purposeful brand standards and the broader support they receive from being part of a global brand.

Our research into guest needs and the guest occasions (described on page 29) and our consumer insight research helps us gain a deeper understanding of what travellers around the world want from their relationships with hotel brands (as set out on the right), and together assist us in defining our brands.

We use our guest satisfaction measurement tool, Guest HeartBeat, to measure brand preference and guest satisfaction. We are always looking to find ways to improve Guest HeartBeat scores and meet guest expectations.



RevPAR and Guest HeartBeat are KPIs – see pages 38 and 39 – and are performance measures for our incentive plans – see pages 74 to 97.



The principal risks associated with Preferred brands, Owner proposition and Reputation and brand protection are set out on pages 36 and 37.

IHG’s 2014 Trends Report

IHG’s 2014 Trends Report, ‘Creating Moments of Trust’ – the key to building successful brand relationships in the Kinship Economy’, highlights the need for hotel brands to be ‘3D’ (3 dimensional), managing their global, local and personal assets simultaneously, in order to win future guests.

This primary research is based on a study of 7,000 international travellers worldwide and uncovers critical success criteria for global brands delivering localised and personalised guest experiences, enabled by technology.








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Our people

In order to deliver our preferred brands, IHG recognises the importance of the people who work across its hotels to deliver differentiated brand experiences and the brand promise for our guests.

Our people strategy

Our expanding business requires us to continually look for additional colleagues to work in IHG hotels and deliver our preferred brands. To meet the challenges that are associated with recruitment, our people strategy is designed around attracting, retaining and developing the very best talent in the industry to service the needs of our guests, to engage and energise the talented and passionate people who work in our hotels and corporate offices, and to bring our brands to life every single day, creating Great Hotels Guests Love.

The four pillars of our people strategy are:

1. Developing a BrandHearted culture

Each of our brands offers a distinct promise to our guests and being BrandHearted means putting our brands at the heart of everything we do.

2. Making IHG a great place to work

We are dedicated to building a strong employer brand in order to attract the best possible talent to meet our strategic objectives:


  we ask our people to live our Winning Ways (set out above), a set of behaviours that define how we interact with our guests and colleagues; and


  we offer our people our Room to be yourself commitment, which is brought to life by four promises.

Room to be yourself:

  Room to have a great start: This assists us in recruiting the right people for each brand and role. We offer new recruits a structured orientation programme to provide them with an understanding of IHG’s strategy and values.


  Room to be involved: We use various channels, including conferences, team meetings and our intranet site (refreshed in 2013), to communicate with employees on matters relating to the Group’s business and performance and share information on people, policies and news across IHG. We also provide our employees opportunities to give regular feedback to ensure IHG meets expectations and delivers on its commitments. Twice a year, we ask our employees and those working in our managed hotels (excluding our joint venture hotels) to participate in an Employee Engagement survey.


  Room to grow: We promise our people all the support, experience and training they need to perform at their best and provide various development opportunities.


  Room for you: We understand it is important to recognise achievements and communicate these throughout our business.



Our Employee Engagement survey score is a KPI – see page 38 – and a performance measure for our annual incentive plan – see pages 74 to 97.



Our people

Given our franchised and managed business model, IHG does not employ all those who work in IHG hotels.

Who are our employees?

We employ all those working at our corporate offices and at our owned and leased hotels (including managed lease hotels) and the costs of these are borne by IHG. We typically employ the General Manager and in some cases, other hotel workers at our managed hotels, but the costs of these employees are not borne by IHG. We do not employ any persons working at our franchised hotels.

IHG employed 8,179 people worldwide during the year ended 31 December 2013, whose costs were borne by the Group. Of these, 94 per cent were employed on a full-time basis and 6 per cent were employed on a part-time basis.

The geographic distribution of the average number of these employees over the last three years is shown in the table to the right.

      2013      2012      2011  
Americas      2,548         2,552         2,895   
Europe      1,602         1,866         1,574   
AMEA      1,545         1,195         1,195   
Greater China      1,083         1,051         1,000   
Central      1,401         1,317         1,292   
Total      8,179         7,981         7,956   

In addition, as at 31 December 2013, the Group’s employees included 4,615 (2012: 4,431, 2011: 3,885) employees who worked directly on behalf of the System Fund and whose costs are borne by the System Fund (explained on page 16). In line with IHG’s business model, IHG also employs 578 (2012: 587, 2011: 577) General Managers who work in our managed hotels and whose costs of $135m (2012: $132m, 2011: $125m) are borne by those hotels, and, in the US predominantly, there are 12,588 (2012: 12,494, 2011: 14,596) other hotel workers in our managed hotels who have contracts or letters of service with IHG whose costs of $376m (2012: $430m, 2011: $448m) are borne by those hotels.

When the Group’s entire estate is taken into account (including those working in our franchised and managed hotels) over 350,000 people worked globally across all IHG’s brands as at 31 December 2013.








Strategic Report    21

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3. Delivering world-class People Tools to our owners and hotels

To deliver our preferred brands throughout all of our hotels, we developed a set of People Tools, industry-leading best practices tailored specifically for our brands, to assist hotel management and human resources teams hire, train, involve and recognise colleagues. They work to help increase employee retention, performance, guest satisfaction, drive efficiencies and increase revenue for our owners. In 2013, we launched an e-learning module for our People Tools, available in three languages.

4. Building a strong leadership and performance culture

We build strong leadership from the top and our Board and Executive Committee leadership and governance processes are set out on pages 56 to 76.

The Group performance culture in our corporate offices is aligned with our strategic priorities for our senior executives, as shown in our incentive plan measures, explained in the Directors’ Remuneration Report on pages 74 to 97.



The principal risks associated with People, talent and culture are set out on pages 36 and 37.


2013 initiatives and events

These included:


    the launch of a bespoke Facebook page in India, a new IHG careers page on Russia’s number one social media site and a country–specific careers website in Greater China;


    a ‘Winning in IHG’ workshop was held in Singapore, which shared best practice learnings from our AMEA region to assist other colleagues from other regions;


    our annual Celebrate Service week was held to say thank you to all those working at our hotels and corporate offices; and


    development of our online peer-to-peer recognition tool, Bravo!, as an app to download on a mobile phone or tablet.


Case Study – Talent in Greater China

With over 200 open hotels and 170 hotels in the pipeline, IHG leads the market in terms of system size and hotel signings in Greater China. People are our single biggest asset and we have over 50,000 people working across our hotels and in the next three years, we will create circa 30,000 jobs. To assist with this, we leverage our scale in Greater China to provide our people with opportunities to grow their careers within IHG and offer them a variety of locations, roles and different experiences to assist in retaining talent.

As an example, 70 per cent of our General Manager vacancies are filled internally and they are developed through our training programmes (for example see page 26). We also support the career development of the management team in hotels providing a structured way to help them map their career paths across hotel functions accompanied with learning guides. To assist with our recruitment at the entry level, at the end of 2013, we had 30 IHG Academy programmes with local schools and over 2,300 participants undertook placements with IHG. We also started the IHG Management Trainee programme and I-Grad Future Leaders programme, for new graduates from across our hotels in Greater China.

Leveraging our scale, we will continue to invest heavily in developing our people across all levels of the organisation and attract new talent across the region.





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Celebrating diversity and inclusion

As a global organisation operating in nearly 100 countries and territories around the world, we recognise the importance and benefit of ensuring our workforce fully represents the communities in which we operate and the guests who stay in our hotels.

In 2013, we introduced a new Global Diversity and Inclusion Policy to further our commitment in this area. We also made progress in our Talent Review processes, enabling us to increase local representation in emerging markets, gender balance in our leadership teams and international representation in our global functions.

In 2014, we will continue to focus on these areas by strengthening the support available internally and also by working with suppliers who comply with our Global Diversity and Inclusion Policy and principles set out therein.

We reviewed the composition of our global management teams and have set out the following objectives:


  to maintain at least 25 per cent female representation on our Board;


  to strengthen female representation in our global senior leadership population, with a target of reaching 25 per cent in three years; and


  to sustain a healthy balance of gender in the whole employee organisation.

We are committed to providing equality of opportunity to all employees without discrimination and providing an inclusive environment. Every effort is made to ensure that applications for employment from disabled employees are fully and fairly considered and that disabled employees have equal opportunities in training and promotion.



Our Board’s commitment to supporting diversity is set out on page 62.

External recognition

Our brands and our employer brand have won many awards in 2013, including:


    the Holiday Inn brand won the Best Mid-Market Hotel Brand in the World and Asia Pacific by the readers of Business Traveller for the 13th successive year in 2013;


    the Holiday Inn brand was ranked Highest in Guest Satisfaction Among Mid-Scale Full Service Hotel Chains in the US, for the third year in a row by J.D. Powers and Associates (see page 188);


    Market Metrix Hospitality Index named Staybridge Suites brand as one of the Top 10 Brands in Customer Satisfaction globally in quarter 3 and quarter 4;


    Market Metrix Hospitality Index named Candlewood Suites brand as Best Midscale Hotel Brand in the Americas region for three consecutive quarters (quarters 2, 3 and 4);


    InterContinental Hotels & Resorts was awarded a total of 22 accolades at the 2013 World Travel Awards, including the World’s Leading Hotel Brand for the seventh time and the fifth consecutive year;


    InterContinental Hotels & Resorts won Best Business Hotel Chain Worldwide at the 2013 Business Traveller Awards;


    Hotel Indigo Shanghai on the Bund was named Best Boutique Hotel at the TTG China Travel Awards 2013;


    IHG was ranked third in 2013 The Sunday Times 25 Best Big Companies To Work For in the UK;


    IHG was listed in TheJobCrowd’s The Top Companies For Graduates To Work For in 2013/14;


    IHG was named in the 2013 World’s Learning Elite for the third consecutive year; and


    IHG was named in the China Best Employer Awards.









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Build and leverage scale

For each of our brands, we aim to deliver high-quality growth through building scale positions in the most attractive geographic markets. In key cities, we build scale through increasing our market share of rooms in that location. As our brands focus on a range of occasion segments meeting guest needs in different ways (see page 29), we use our consumer research to target the right brands for each location.

Increased scale enables us to drive more revenue and create cost synergies for both IHG and our owners. More hotels in an area encourages guests to use our direct reservation channels to search and book our hotels and provides corporate customers with good coverage of key locations. We can also centralise and co-ordinate operational support, national or city-level marketing campaigns and deliver efficient procurement practices, including negotiating reduced commission rates with online travel agencies.



Net rooms supply, Total gross revenue, Fee revenues, RevPAR, System contribution to revenue and Fee margins are KPIs – see pages 38 and 39.



The principal risks associated with Owner proposition are set out on page 37.


Case study – IHG Voice

IHG Voice is a premium pay-for-performance solution available to all of our hotels for managing local telephone reservations. The solution transfers reservation enquires made to a specific hotel to experienced sales operatives with expert local and regional knowledge, located in a number of core locations in each region.

The specially trained sales agents use the proven reservation booking methods of our award-winning central reservations offices, ensuring that guests are able to make the right booking for their needs and for any given occasion. It also maximises cross-sell opportunities. If a particular hotel is unable to meet a guest’s needs then the guest is provided with alternate suitable IHG hotel suggestions. The service therefore maximises guest bookings to the IHG System, delivering incremental revenue to the hotel with improved average daily rate and RevPAR, whilst providing a superior booking experience for the guest.

The IHG Voice reservations solution means that hotels can concentrate on focusing their attention on providing a great guest service and experience for those staying at their hotel. By driving operational efficiencies and using technology in this way, the service also allows IHG to drive a low cost of sale without compromising the quality of the channel.


Strong brand portfolio

& loyalty programme

By building a strong brand portfolio and loyalty programme, IHG is able to offer an unparalleled choice for guests and owners. Our nine complementary brands are connected through a leading loyalty programme. IHG’s loyalty programme was relaunched on 1 July 2013 with a new name: IHG Rewards Club (previously Priority Club Rewards), reflecting the history of innovation, reliability and integrity that is at the heart of IHG. The name, IHG Rewards Club, clearly identifies all our brands together under the IHG family and has driven a 10 percentage point increase in the awareness of IHG as a brand family.

Through our strong brands and loyalty programme we are able to:


  cross-sell each of our brands, recognising that guests stay across our brand portfolio, depending on their needs and the occasion (see page 29);


  strengthen our owner proposition by increasing the number and winning the loyalty of our guests, thereby driving higher RevPAR premiums and increasing total gross revenue (see page 26); and


  encourage more direct bookings, increasing revenue for IHG’s owners (see page 25).

In 2013, IHG Rewards Club delivered around 38.2 per cent of total rooms revenue to our hotels; part of our system contribution to revenue (explained on page 25).



The principal risks associated with Preferred brands and Reputation and brand protection are set out on pages 36 and 37.





IHG® Rewards Club is the world’s first and largest hotel loyalty programme, with 77.4 million members globally. It offers industry-leading benefits and increased opportunity for points redemption across our portfolio. As part of the relaunch, IHG Rewards Club offered enhanced benefits for members including free internet access across all hotels globally.



IHG Rewards Club has been named Best Hotel Rewards Program in the World for eight years running by Global Traveler magazine and Program of the Year by the Freddie Awards for the Middle East and Asia/Oceania for 2013







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Effective channel management

Our channel management strategy aims to deliver the highest quality revenues to IHG hotels at the lowest possible cost, recognising that the guest experience changes along the entirety of their travel journey. Guests use multiple devices and new technology to personalise their travel experience – from choosing where they want to go, to what they want to do and, of course, where they want to stay. Our focus is therefore to deliver against a guest’s needs across the entirety of this journey, which we break down into five distinct steps: Dream, Plan, Book, Travel, and Share.

We use our systems and technology to drive demand for our hotels, manage revenue per booking and encourage guest loyalty, thereby delivering the highest quality revenues to IHG hotels at the lowest possible cost and maximising owner returns. However, we recognise that guest trends, technology and the competitive environment are continually evolving. It is therefore important that we keep abreast of new technologies and systems to keep pace with these to continue to deliver a consistent, locally relevant and differentiated guest experience.

In 2013, IHG’s direct and indirect systems and channels delivered 69 per cent of total rooms revenue to our hotels (system contribution to revenue).

Our booking systems and channels

Our multi-lingual web and mobile sites, call centres and global sales force allow guests to use the channel most appropriate for their needs, to plan and book our hotels. We also recognise that social media has an important role to play as part of the booking process as a method of advocacy and influence. As a result, we have changed the way we communicate with our guests, using social marketing innovations to make connections between hotels and guests and, through our Guests Rating and Review tool, providing our guests a forum to share their thoughts.

Web and mobile

Web-based bookings now account for over $3.5 billion of IHG’s total rooms revenue to our hotels. As hotels and other booking competitors continue to invest in the online experience, we expect direct web sales to continue growing at the expense of traditional reservation services.

Mobile technology is also a growing booking and guest channel. We were the first major hotel chain to offer branded mobile apps across all our brands. Mobile visits accounted for over 30 per cent of our website visits, while over 50 per cent of our emails are opened via a mobile device. We continue to innovate in this area in line with advancing technology.

Reservations centres

We operate 12 central reservations offices globally, with 13 different language capabilities to help potential guests and IHG Rewards Club members with queries they may have in their travel planning and to make bookings. In 2013, our global call centres answered more than 21 million calls, and accounted for almost $2 billion total rooms revenue to our hotels.

Travel agents

IHG works with a number of third-party distribution partners to support revenue delivery to our hotels, including online travel agencies (OTAs). OTAs represent a role within IHG’s distribution strategy, most specifically around infrequent, comparison-shopping leisure travellers. Therefore, IHG, on behalf of its owners, has leveraged its global footprint to secure deals with the lowest aggregate cost of sale for our owners, increasing their revenue.

Sales force

Our global sales teams are dedicated to securing profitable deals with corporate clients and travel agents and leveraging our technology platform to connect hotels to global distributions systems, in ways that independent hotels and small chains cannot do cost-effectively. In 2013, they helped our circa 2,130 corporate accounts understand and plan for their future corporate travel.



Total gross revenue, System contribution to revenue and RevPAR are KPIs – see pages 38 and 39.

The principal risks associated with Channel management and technology platforms are set out on page 36.


IHG Rewards Club

We leverage our relaunched loyalty programme, IHG Rewards Club, (further explained on page 24) with 77.4 million members around the world, to encourage more direct bookings. In 2013, this delivered around 38.2 per cent of total rooms revenue to our hotels.









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Superior owner proposition

IHG is committed to delivering a compelling and preferred offer to our hotel owners through a combination of strong owner relationship management and effective operational support.

We recognise the importance of owners in a managed and franchised business model and we therefore focus on building excellent relationships with our owners, through the IHG Owners Association.

We compete with other hotel brands when an owner chooses a brand for their hotel and we have therefore developed a strong owner proposition and a range of tools and services to drive revenues and make us the first choice for owners.

Our owner offer

Our owners are provided with a range of tools and services to assist them in all areas of their operations, for example, providing them with access to our revenue systems which work to drive higher revenue streams to hotels, and our booking and reservation channels, to increase guest bookings (thereby increasing system contribution to revenue and total gross revenue, explained on page 25). This is one part of our broader online Hotel Solutions site enabling owners to search for, identify and get assistance with a large range of hotel-based issues, such as human resources and reservations. This network of knowledge is accessible by all IHG hotels worldwide and ensures that IHG continues to deliver solutions for our owners’ needs.

We also manage brand consistency risk for our owners by focusing on driving brand standards – an important set of guidelines for each brand that support the delivery of a consistent branded hotel and guest experience and thereby assist in increasing guest satisfaction (measured through Guest HeartBeat) and driving brand preference and growth in RevPAR (both KPIs).



At our 2013 annual Owners Conference in Las Vegas, we had over 5,500 owners and General Managers attending and we took the opportunity to inform these key stakeholders about our future strategy and receive their feedback.



IHG continues to focus on delivering value to owners by pricing our fees in a way that reflects the services, tools and brand value that we deliver and we therefore drive a competitive branded fee structure to support owners in achieving premium returns. As explained on page 16, a franchised and managed business model requires us to focus on fee revenues and fee margins (both KPIs).

Guests, employees and owners are increasingly looking for confirmation that the business they interact with share their values and act responsibly. We are therefore committed to responsible business practices, and our corporate responsibility programmes are integrated with our business and our owner proposition. As set out on page 27, this is also a key priority area for the IHG Owners Association and are therefore KPIs for IHG.



For our KPIs see pages 38 and 39.

The principal risks associated with Owner proposition are set out on pages 36 and 37.

IHG Owners Association

The IHG Owners Association represents the interests of nearly 2,000 of our owners who together own 3,000 IHG hotels globally. We work together to improve total revenue for our hotels and RevPAR, further strengthen IHG’s brands and enhance the guest experience.

As set out in the Chairman of the IHG Owners Association’s message on page 27, we have worked together with the IHG Owners Association in 2013 to make further progress on our agreed priorities.


Progress against IHG Owners Association Priority 4: To develop the strongest General Manager talent in the industry

We have invested heavily in our approach to hiring, training and developing General Managers. To assist with this, we launched:


    General Manager Programme: This helps new General Managers become great brand ambassadors, deliver preferred brands, inspire their teams and achieve great results. The programme offers branded selection tools to assist owners and recruiters hire the right General Managers for the right brand and hotel and thereafter provides a General Manager with a tailored learning experience.


    Journey to Brand Manager – General Manager Professional Development Programme: This helps experienced General Managers to focus on how a General Manager can consistently deliver the brand experience to drive results and maximise the profitability of our hotels.





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IHG Owners Association

Chairman’s message




The IHG Owners Association works together with IHG to create long-term value for owners.

Last year in the Annual Report 2012, the 2013 IHG Owners Association Chairman, Mike Hembree, noted that the IHG Owners Association was changing its ways of working with IHG to better focus on how we work together. In autumn 2012, the following five key priorities around which we would strive to organise our work were agreed between IHG’s Executive Committee (see page 65) and the IHG Owners Association:


  1. deliver the strongest brand portfolio in the industry;


  2. deliver the strongest set of tools in the industry;


  3. develop the strongest approach to standards in the industry;


  4. develop the strongest General Manager talent in the industry; and


  5. maintain the strongest reputation for doing business the right way.

As the 2014 IHG Owners Association Chairman, I am proud to note that our new ways of working have reaped solid results.

Together, we launched a new professional development programme for existing and new Holiday Inn brand family General Managers. Our officers and volunteer leaders played an instrumental part in developing the programme, giving an owner perspective on what a General Manager needs to become a successful Brand Manager. This new programme is now rolling out through all IHG brands, and I am confident that they will all see the same success that we have seen in the Holiday Inn brand family.

We have worked with IHG to drive brand preference and have encouraged owners to use IHG’s guest satisfaction measurement tool, Guest HeartBeat, as a measure of how well we are delivering against guests’ expectations. Hotels with higher Guest HeartBeat scores for overall experience tend to see higher RevPAR and we are therefore continuing to find ways to improve Guest HeartBeat scores and meet guest expectations.

Finally, and my personal focus, was the refresh of the approach to brand standards. Strong standards, consistently applied, deliver the brand promise and we have worked with IHG to simplify and clarify the brand standards. IHG started with the Holiday Inn Express brand, and took each and every standard through a rigorous review. At the end, more than 40,000 words were removed from the Holiday Inn Express Standards’ manual for The Americas region and an industry-leading online resource has been created, enabling owners and General Managers to quickly find and implement the standards. IHG will adopt a similar approach for all the other brands.

Looking ahead, the IHG Owners Association will continue its mission to help each owner find success with IHG hotel brands. We will continue to focus on increasing profitable revenue, decreasing operating expenses, and maximising our relationship with IHG.

Buggsi Patel

2014 Chairman

IHG Owners Association





For information on the IHG Owners Association go to www.owners.org.








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We are focused on a Targeted Portfolio operating:


•   in the most attractive markets for IHG;


•   in the highest opportunity segments based on guests’ occasion needs; and


•   an asset-light business model, which means we focus on franchising and managing hotels rather than owning them.



Hotel Indigo Tianjin Haihe, People’s Republic of China





Attractive markets

Our growth strategy is focused on the largest and/or fastest growing markets in which IHG has strong existing brand presence or an opportunity to build a brand presence, where our scale and revenue delivery systems confer the greatest benefits and markets which are aligned to our asset-light business model. In these markets, we seek to take market share through our portfolio of brands, in the right locations, according to guest demand.


According to Smith Travel Research, the US is the largest market for branded hotels, with 3.4 million rooms, accounting for 70 per cent of all US rooms available. The segment in the US with the greatest share is midscale, with 1.34 million branded hotel rooms, and IHG’s Holiday Inn brand family (comprising Holiday Inn Hotels & Resorts, Holiday Inn Club Vacations, Holiday Inn Resort and Holiday Inn Express) is the largest in this segment. As at 31 December 2013, we had a total of 391,580 rooms (3,244 hotels) open and 63,860 rooms (604 hotels) in the pipeline across the region. Of the open ones, the Holiday Inn brand family comprised 271,936 rooms (2,483 hotels).

Greater China

In Greater China, IHG continues to build on a position of strength. Having entered the market early (2014 will mark our 30th anniversary in the region), we continue to develop our relationships with key local owners and grow our presence rapidly. In a country with 790,670 branded hotel rooms (Smith Travel Research), IHG has over 68,545 rooms (208 hotels) open and 54,590 rooms (174 hotels) in our development pipeline. Our pipeline reflects our strategy to deepen our penetration in key cities such as Beijing and Guangzhou, ensuring we have more hotels in key resort locations such as Sanya, and targeting tier 2 and tier 3 cities with a growing middle-class demographic.


During 2013, we continued to increase our presence in India particularly through Holiday Inn and Holiday Inn Express, opening a total of 818 rooms (5 hotels) and signing 1,404 rooms (9 hotels) into our pipeline. Accordingly, as at 31 December 2013, we had a total of 3,152 open rooms (18 hotels) and 9,088 rooms (45 hotels) in the pipeline.

Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States

These countries present opportunities for new construction and conversions as well as strong demand for branded hotels, and in 2013, we signed 1,737 rooms (10 hotels) into our development pipeline. As at 31 December 2013, the total number of open rooms was 5,283 (19 hotels) with 3,883 rooms (17 hotels) in the pipeline.

Our priority markets

In November 2013, we stated our 10 priority markets, which include a number of key emerging markets and more developed markets – US, Middle East, Germany, UK, Canada, Greater China, India, Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States, Mexico and Indonesia. Information on our priority markets can be found at www.ihgplc.com/investors.

Outside our priority markets

Outside our priority markets, we focus on building presence in key gateway cities and resorts where our brands can generate revenue premiums from high business and leisure demand. For example, in 2013, we opened an InterContinental hotel in Osaka, our first InterContinental to open in Japan for over 15 years, and an InterContinental in Lagos, Nigeria. We also announced a 15-hotel multiple development agreement in Australia for the Holiday Inn Express brand.



Our performance across the Group and in each of our regions is set out on pages 40 to 50.

Future developments

As the industry continues to grow, IHG faces increased competition from other global branded hotel companies and other providers of accommodation (discussed in the Industry overview section on pages 10 and 11). We recognise this and have developed our Winning Model, which underpinned by Disciplined Execution, enables us to continue to deliver high-quality growth.



For details on our Winning Model see pages 18 and 20 to 27 and Disciplined Execution see pages 18, 19 and 30 to 33.

Our KPIs, including Net rooms supply, are set out on pages 38 and 39.

See pages 36 and 37 for how IHG manages its principal risks.




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Highest opportunity segments

Typically, the traditional hotel industry segment definitions are focused on the price point and the offer (luxury, upscale, midscale and economy). However, we recognise that guests choose hotels on the basis of a range of needs and the same guest may stay across more than one hotel segment, dependent upon the occasion and their needs. We are therefore refining our approach, so that we position and tailor our hotels to meet those guest needs, as defined by the occasion they are travelling for and their need for travelling.

Guest occasion

We have segmented the market into nine globally relevant and differentiating categories of guest occasion (set out below), which have differing strengths dependent upon the geographical location. By understanding these guest occasions, we are able to deliver a number of core basic guest needs that are brand agnostic and serve to deliver a baseline level of consistency across all our brands, whilst also focusing on the nine identified guest occasions, so that each of our brands delivers the relevant guest experience for the occasion.

Our portfolio of brands is targeted around these differing occasion segments, focusing on those which we believe have the greatest growth opportunity and strongest resilience to the industry/economic cycle. We also concentrate on those areas where our scale and revenue delivery systems confer greatest benefits.

As shown below, each of IHG’s brands is focused on some of these guest occasions and each brand seeks to address the needs of these in a unique way, through the eyes of its target guests, to bring the guest experience to life.

We have also identified that to be successful in the future, a brand needs to provide a global, local and personal experience to build trust – see page 20 and the 2014 IHG Trends Report available at www.ihgplc.com/trends_report.



RevPAR and Guest HeartBeat are KPIs – see pages 38 and 39.






Guest occasion





   Mixing business with pleasure; Short break experience; Social identity.




   Building business interactions.




   Business productivity; Building business interactions.




   Business productivity; Romantic getaway; Short break experience.








   Family time; Mixing business with pleasure; Social identity.




   Rest and go.




   Business productivity.




   Business productivity.



Information on each of our preferred brands can be found on page 17.







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Successful delivery of our strategy for high-quality growth requires Disciplined Execution comprising:


•   scale and efficiency of operations;


•   investment in developing great talent and technology platforms; and


•   commitment to responsible business practices.



Crowne Plaza Beijing Lido, People’s Republic of China   



Scale and efficiency of operations

With almost 687,000 rooms in nearly 100 countries and territories around the world, we leverage our global and regional scale to maximise the efficiency of our operations. We focus on driving efficient operational processes and tightly managing our costs proportionate with our revenues to:


  drive fee margin growth whilst investing in a strong platform for the future;


  offer our owners access to market-leading capabilities and practices that significantly contribute to hotel performance;


  maximise the investments we make in building preferred brands (assisting us to increase guest satisfaction which we monitor through Guest HeartBeat); and


  strengthen our revenue delivery system (to increase system contribution to revenue).

We continue to drive process improvements and cost-saving initiatives:


  our strong multi-lingual guest support team in the Philippines supports global reservations, sales and guest relations and loyalty marketing;


  over 500 business support roles have been moved to our Business Service Centre in Gurgaon, India, providing centralised accounting services for IHG corporate offices and owned and managed hotels; and


  the hardware for our central reservations system is managed by IBM, one of our largest corporate clients.



Information on how we build and leverage scale can be found on page 24.




Investment in developing great talent and technology platforms

We support the delivery of the Winning Model by investing in the development of talent and technology platforms that provide the foundation for future growth.

Development of great talent

We know that our brands are brought to life by the people working in our hotels who support the consistent delivery of the brand promise in each hotel. Talent is key to our success, both at a corporate level and in our hotels. We continue to invest in systems and tools to develop our people in the corporate environment and at our hotels and our People Tools (explained on page 22) are available for our owners and hotels.



Our people strategy is detailed on pages 21 to 23.

Development of great technology platforms

Keeping up with new technologies and systems is also key to our success. IHG invests across a range of technology platforms to ensure that our revenue delivery and guest experience systems are at the forefront of innovation in the industry. This includes investment in reservation technology platforms, guest-facing booking channels and new mobile services, as well as investment to support the guest experience in hotels such as the development of digital check-in services and the provision of wifi internet access.

Locally tailored systems

We also invest in technology to ensure our revenue delivery systems and guest experiences are tailored to local markets based on knowledge of local market conditions and travellers.

For example, in Greater China we have made various technology investments to drive and convert demand and enhance the guest experience, including being the first international hotel company to launch a standalone Chinese website and being the only international hotel company in Greater China working with Alipay, the leading local payment system, to integrate their system into our website. This is of critical importance in a market where credit cards are not the primary means for paying online and enables us to offer more prepaid products for our guests.



Information on our Effective channel management strategy can be found on page 25.


Case study – Revenue Management

Our innovation in revenue management tools and techniques is one particular example of our investment in technology platforms. IHG Revenue Management is a core strategic tool that brings together available rooms, rates and marketing at the hotel level, co-ordinating with our channels to drive reservations to our hotels at the right price.

This expertise is available to hotels through the IHG PERFORM service, a pricing system designed to increase RevPAR and deliver profitable rate recommendations to a hotel. The IHG PERFORM system integrates local demand forecasting, competitive data analysis and price sensitivity modelling to recommend optimum pricing for each day based on the market dynamics and guest type for each hotel. This enables IHG hotels to effectively price their rooms within the context of a highly dynamic competitive market environment.




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Commitment to responsible business practices


Responsible business is part of IHG’s DNA and is at the heart of everything we do. Doing the right thing in the right way enables us to make a positive contribution to the communities where we operate and gives us a competitive edge by enhancing and protecting the reputation of our brands. It also ensures that we act in a manner which is mutually beneficial for our business, and all of our stakeholders, employees, guests, corporate customers and owners, who are also increasingly considering whether the businesses they interact with, share their values and act responsibly. It also helps us deliver profitable growth and create shared value, thereby ensuring that we are preferred by guests, employees and owners in the long term.


This is why, for us, our commitment to responsible business practices is an essential part of our Disciplined Execution and underpins our strategy.


For IHG, responsible business comprises five key elements (explained below), all of which assist us in seizing the opportunities behaving responsibly gives us to innovate, protect the environment, creating job opportunities and help foster community resilience. We therefore not only have specific responsible business KPIs, but our responsible business practices are also an important driver to both the Employee Engagement and Guest HeartBeat KPIs.



Our KPIs are set out on pages 38 and 39.


The principal risks associated with Reputation and brand protection are set out on pages 36 and 37.










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Corporate responsibility 2013 to 2017 five-year targets:



•    Reduce our carbon footprint per occupied room by 12% across our entire estate (against a 2012 baseline)



•    Reduce water use per occupied room by 12% in water-stressed areas (against a 2012 baseline)



•    Provide skills and improved employability to 20,000 people through the IHG Academy


•    Contribute a total of $10 million to communities through monetary donations and in-kind support, including funds deployed through the IHG Shelter in a Storm Programme



•    Track and report supply chain diversity



•    Integrate Corporate Responsibility criteria into the selection and evaluation process for all preferred suppliers



For our 2013 performance against these targets, which are KPIs, see page 39.


To view our Corporate Responsibility Report: www.ihgplc.com/responsibility
IHG Planet CR Facebook page:





Internal programmes, policies and training

We have in place a range of programmes, policies and training, which we regularly keep under review and which are communicated via e-learning and face-to-face training modules in order to raise understanding of key legal and regulatory areas. These include our Code of Conduct, environment, supporting our community, human rights, competition, anti-bribery, data privacy and crisis management policies and brand safety standards.

Code of Conduct

In 2013, we refreshed our Code of Conduct, which is applicable to all Directors, officers and employees and available on the Company’s website at www.ihgplc.com/investors under corporate governance. It consolidates and clarifies expected standards of behaviour, and communicates the ethical values of the Group.

A confidential disclosure channel also provides employees with a means to report any ethical concerns they may have.

Human rights

As part of putting the human rights policy into practice, in 2013 we set up a cross-functional working group to ensure we are focused on the key areas of human rights relevant to our business, such as making sure we provide decent working conditions for all of our employees, and ensuring the rights of the local people where we operate are protected. We are working to raise further awareness of our human rights approach in our hotels around the world and will continue to add to our suite of training materials over the next year to support these efforts. During the year, we continued to work with the International Tourism Partnership’s Human Trafficking Working Group to address the issue of human trafficking with other hotel companies. We are also a signatory of the UN Global Compact, aligning our operations and strategies with the 10 universal principles that include commitments to human rights and labour standards. We are currently working with our internal Procurement team to further embed our human rights policy and vendor code of conduct in our contracts.


Corporate Responsibility (CR)

During 2013, we focused our efforts on driving the best use of the tools we provide. In September, we released our external targets (set out above) to measure our impact on a global and local level over a five-year period from 2013 to 2017. We aim to create more sustainable communities and better lives through our hotel operations and to achieve this we focus our activities in areas integrated with the way we operate our business.

1. Environmental sustainability

We have committed our hotel estate to designing, building and operating more environmentally sustainable hotels through IHG Green Engage, our online system to measure, monitor, manage and report on energy, carbon, water and waste.

2. Sustainable communities

To reinforce our mission to create shared value in our communities, we:


  provide local people with skills development and employment opportunities through the IHG Academy, a pioneering collaboration between IHG hotels and offices and education providers and for community organisations; and


  provide donations for shelter and vital assistance and guidance on the actions our hotels can take to support their communities when disaster strikes through the IHG Shelter in a Storm Programme. As part of this programme, we have established IHG Shelter Fund for our fundraising activities.



For information on IHG Academy visit www.ihgacademy.com.

For information on IHG Shelter in a Storm Programme visit www.ihgshelterinastorm.com.



Our activities are supported by the Board through the Corporate Responsibility Committee, whose Report can be found on page 68.



  LOGO        LOGO        LOGO    

•    IHG Green Engage can help hotels become 10 to 25% more energy efficient


•    2,646 hotels enrolled in IHG Green Engage – over half of our global hotels


•    301 IHG Academy programmes in 50 countries


•    6,391 participants benefited from the IHG Academy in 2013


•    During 2013, $1.2 million was raised for the IHG Shelter Fund


•    As part of IHG’s fundraising event, Race around the World, IHG colleagues raised $442,116 for the IHG Shelter Fund




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IHG’s global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions



          20131    20121  
Reporting boundary   Measure           

Global – corporate offices and

managed, owned and leased hotels

  Scope 1 Direct emissions   424,329    516,586  


  Scope 2 Indirect emissions   1,561,135    1,638,160  


  Total GHG emissions (tCO2e)   1,985,464    2,154,746  


  IHG’s chosen intensity measurement GHG emissions per occupied room (kgCO2e per occupied room)   56    64.5  


Global – corporate offices and franchised,        

managed, owned and leased hotels

  Scope 1 Direct emissions   1,327,416    1,342,670  


  Scope 2 Indirect emissions   3,358,380    3,241,159  


  Total GHG emissions (tCO2e)           4,685,796          4,583,829  


  IHG’s chosen intensity measurement GHG emissions per occupied room (kgCO2e per occupied room)   31.2    32  

1 Reporting period commencing on 1 October and ending on 30 September.




Global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions


We are required to report on the GHG emissions from our corporate offices and managed, owned and leased hotels where we have operational control under the Companies Act 2006. We have also chosen to report on our GHG emissions from corporate offices and all of our hotels as our GHG emissions reduction target is based upon this.

We report Scope 1 and 2 emissions as defined by the GHG protocol as follows:


  Scope 1 (Direct emissions): combustion of fuel and operation of facilities; and


  Scope 2 (Indirect emissions): electricity, heat, steam and cooling purchased for own use.



We have worked with Best Foot Forward to give us an up-to-date picture of IHG’s carbon footprint and assess the performance over the past few years. Best Foot Forward used a sampling and extrapolation methodology to estimate our GHG emissions.

For 2013, in line with the methodology set out in the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard, the sample covered 1,372 hotels out of our total global estate of 4,697 hotels.

We are continuing to improve the quantity and quality of the data reported by hotels using IHG Green Engage to improve the accuracy of our GHG reporting.

The results in the table above include all of our branded hotels but do not include emissions from 87 hotels. We do not have sufficient data to estimate their emissions and we believe them to be immaterial.

Due to the delay in hotels receiving their energy bills it is not possible to report accurately GHG emissions from 1 January to 31 December and therefore we have defined our GHG emissions reporting year as the period commencing on 1 October and ending on 30 September.





External recognition



•    The InterContinental Hotels & Resorts brand became the first hotel brand to have all of its IHG corporate-managed restaurants in the US and Canada become Certified Green Restaurants® by the Green Restaurant Association.


•    The IHG Shelter in a Storm Programme was awarded the Best Initiative in Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility at the 2013 Worldwide Hospitality Awards.





•    Member of the FTSE4Good Index.













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Risk management


IHG believes that an essential part of being a responsible business is having in place robust and effective risk management and internal controls. This supports our business to be resilient, successful and trusted.




Risk management system

IHG has an effective risk management system and internal controls which provide assurance to its shareholders. These are well established and help IHG to protect against known and emerging risks and to cope with the unexpected. The Group develops the risk management system, strategies and controls as a result of continuous learning by management, which in turn drives the focus of the Major Risk Review and Global Internal Audit programme. Our internal controls and risk management system aims to support the achievement of business objectives and protect our business, in particular:


  our brands, business model and reputation across key stakeholders;


  the delivery of our strategy, commercial targets and plans for change; and


  the safeguarding of physical assets, people, systems and processes.

The risk environment that we operate in can be difficult to predict and is rapidly changing. There are many risks that could impact the Group’s brands and reputation and, therefore, IHG is giving particular emphasis to developing its reputation risk management capability and strengthening its culture of doing business responsibly.

The key features of IHG’s risk management system are:


  embedded risk management processes to consistently identify and manage key risks to the business;


  a holistic approach to risk assessment applied through Strategic, Tactical and Operational risk perspectives;


  risk strategies, controls and outcomes that support the business and reduce unnecessary risk exposure; and


  a proactive risk and crisis management culture, through leadership and training.

Embedded risk management processes

IHG has a Major Risk Review process in place to identify, manage, monitor and report the principal risks and uncertainties affecting the Group (the Major Risks). The Board has ultimate responsibility for the Group’s strategy and risk management as explained on page 70 and the Audit Committee annually reviews the effectiveness of the Group’s systems of internal control and risk management. In addition, the Executive Committee as a whole is accountable for managing risks and as such all Major Risks have named Executive Committee members who ensure that effective risk mitigation and control strategies are in place.

Underpinning the Group’s Major Risk Review process, each of the regions and functions have their own risk profiles which are updated biannually in line with the activities of the strategic planning cycle. During the interim periods, continuous dialogue

takes place between risk owners and the Global Risk Management team to develop, execute and monitor detailed risk plans and strategies for key risk exposures.

The Risk Working Group (RWG) provides a long-term, global and strategic perspective to the risks faced by IHG. Its mandate is to improve cross-functional working and effective risk management of the highest priority and emerging risks affecting IHG. The RWG is chaired by the General Counsel and Company Secretary and comprises the Heads of Global Risk Management, Global Strategy, Programme Office and Global Internal Audit. Major Risks are regularly discussed as part of Board, Executive Committee and senior leadership meetings. In addition, the Major Risks are collectively discussed at least twice annually at the meetings of the Executive Committee, Audit Committee and the Board.

Holistic approach to risk assessment

IHG conducts risk assessments to identify, prioritise and distinguish risks it wishes to take from those it must mitigate. IHG thinks broadly about potential threats – whether they are strategic, tactical or operational in nature.

Strategic risks: these are risks arising from IHG’s relationship with the external environment and can impact on IHG’s ambition and strategy over the long term. Strategic risks are a key feature of the Board and Executive Committee agendas, regional and functional strategy setting and are considered during decision-making on strategic issues such as the selection of future growth markets, the selection of strategic business partners and decisions pertaining to potential new initiatives.

Tactical risks: these are risks that could impact the delivery of IHG’s one to three-year targets including implementation of projects. These include factors influencing IHG’s ability to sign and open new hotels, the performance of existing hotels and delivery of projects. These are managed by senior operators and overseen by the Regional Operating Committees. In addition, project risks are managed by project management teams and business sponsors with oversight provided by the Programme Office.

Operational risks: these include a wide spectrum of day-to-day risks that front-line hotel colleagues and corporate teams face when dealing with guests or ensuring corporate systems and processes are running smoothly. A critical aspect of this is managing the safety and security of our people and assets and the continuity of the business. For some parts of the business, operational risks also include managing third-party service providers and the wider supply chain. Due to the nature of operational risks, IHG typically mitigates these through internal controls, operational and business processes, systems and tools. Oversight roles exist through the management line, the Regional Operating Committees and functional leadership teams.





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External recognition





    IHG’s Risk Management team working in conjunction with Oxford Brookes University was awarded the 2013 Best Partnership of the Year at the Institute of Risk Management Global Risk Awards.     



    Our risk management training programmes were awarded Gold Award for the Best e-Learning Widespread Adoption at the 2013 LearnX Impact Awards.     



Risk actions and outcomes

Fundamental to IHG’s approach to risk management is that it is action-oriented and yields tangible outcomes in the business, thereby reducing risk exposures. There are numerous risk management programmes and activities that achieve this, including our hotel safety and security action plans, business continuity plans and crisis management programmes.

In developing our plans and programmes, we considered both our first-hand experience in managing events at our hotels, such as natural catastrophes and civil unrest and other possibilities which may impact IHG’s central operations, brands and reputation. We have also linked our crisis management programme with the IHG Shelter in a Storm Programme (explained on page 32).

Proactive risk and crisis management culture

IHG believes the value of risk management is realised through a proactive risk management culture and capability. To this end, IHG has developed numerous support and guidance materials, implementation toolkits, training and control systems and made these available to all hotel and corporate colleagues in various languages in order to build our risk management maturity and culture.





Ensuring health, safety and security


Providing and supporting a safe and secure environment for our guests, employees and those working at or otherwise visiting our hotels and corporate offices is paramount, and therefore IHG applies high standards of health and safety across the Group. We ensure the protection and wellbeing of those working for IHG through suitable work-based strategies; minimise the risk of injury from work activity; ensure that sufficient information and systems are in place to address health and safety concerns; and involve employees in the continuous improvement, reporting and review of health and safety matters. We have established a set of policies, procedures and measures and require all to comply with relevant legislation.


Hotel health, safety and security

Recognising the importance of operating safe hotels, our commitment to safety, security and crisis management in hotels is a fundamental part of being a responsible business. We therefore require hotels to comply with a set of global Brand Safety Standards. We also support hotel owners, General Managers and hotel employees to manage risk effectively by giving them a systematic approach and framework to follow and providing them with user-friendly tools and training. Where appropriate, IHG’s risk management training is accredited by relevant recognised bodies such as the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health.





  We have developed a Safe Hotel/Manage Risk framework (depicted on the right), which enables a consistent approach to managing safety and security risk in IHG hotels. It comprises two mechanical cogs meshed together, showing different types of safety and security risks in the ‘Safe Hotel’ cog meshed against the actions described in the ‘Manage Risk’ cog. This framework is actively promoted by IHG’s risk managers around the world, working with hotels and their management teams in order to keep IHG hotels safe and secure.       Hotels are assessed by various methods, including self-assessment, guest satisfaction surveys, design and engineering plans, incidents, intelligence gathering, quality audits and risk management reviews. Hotel management teams discuss issues at monthly safety meetings and develop action plans. Risks are prioritised, responsibilities assigned and improvement actions identified, progressed and monitored. Action plans are reviewed as necessary by appropriate people to escalate and drive action or develop common solutions.   









Strategic Report    35

Table of Contents
Risk management continued


Managing risks in a changing environment

We continue to experience a dynamic external risk environment with changes in political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental risks. However, we do see the global macroeconomic conditions improving. We see the Group’s business model, diversity of brand portfolio and wide geographical spread contributing to our resilience to events that could affect specific hotels, local areas or all but the most significant countries.

The table below sets out the principal risks and uncertainties (the Major Risks) in the context of delivering against our strategy for high-quality growth (as described on pages 18 to 33). These are perceived as the most dynamic risks and are therefore proactively managed and monitored by senior management. These complement the wider comprehensive risk factors set out on pages 164 to 167.


Risk description



    Control and mitigation activities



Preferred brands

Having a portfolio of preferred brands with a clear, distinct brand proposition (delivering a consistent guest experience, regardless of our predominantly managed and franchised business model) and a global presence aimed at meeting the changing needs of our guests, is crucial to creating brand preference, loyalty and advocacy. Failure to achieve this could impact on IHG’s competitive position and its reputation with owners, investors and guests.



•  IHG has a complementary and differentiated portfolio of nine brands (see page 17), each of which is designed to meet a wide demographic of guests and differing guest occasions and needs through distinct brand propositions (see page 29).


•  IHG continues to review and refresh both its brands and brand standards, giving particular consideration to the optimisation of global requirements while retaining local distinctiveness.


•  IHG has built awareness and loyalty, particularly across our priority markets, through a blend of global and local marketing promotions, sponsorships and brand initiatives.


•  In 2013, IHG relaunched its loyalty programme to IHG Rewards Club to clearly communicate to consumers that all of our brands are part of the same IHG brand family and to therefore encourage guest loyalty and cross-sell opportunities.


•  IHG manages brand consistency through the entire hotel life cycle commencing with development through to due diligence and deal approval processes, which help us select appropriate sites and owners. This is supported by clear contractual terms, new hotel opening processes, brand standard requirements and quality compliance processes. We also provide central support tools, training and guidance to assist those working at our hotels and owners to enable them to deliver brand consistency and thereby support the success of the hotel. However, to maintain high-quality growth in the IHG System, IHG may be required to exit non-compliant hotels.



People, talent and culture

IHG must recruit and retain the right people, give them the tools, guidance and support to be successful and to influence behaviour and culture in order to deliver a preferred brand promise. High growth and emerging markets are a particular challenge, and ensuring we have the right leadership is crucial. Failure to manage our people, talent and culture could impact on our service delivery, financial performance and longer-term growth.




•  IHG has in place a comprehensive global people strategy to ensure we are able to find and retain the right people to deliver our preferred brands at our hotels and corporate offices and we continually review the tools, systems and guidance we offer them.


•  We are constantly evolving our recruitment strategies. We have in place different strategies for different markets to ensure we have the most appropriate and effective methods and channels for talent attraction and recruitment. The IHG Academy also assists us with recruiting for our talent pipeline.


•  IHG proactively manages succession planning and has formal programmes in place to help its people grow their careers. Incentive plans for senior leaders are aligned to IHG’s strategy to ensure longer-term growth.


Channel management and technology platforms

Travellers now have access to far more information through comparison websites, search engines and online travel agents. Booking channels and technological systems are a key part of the guest journey and an important value driver for our owners. This is also an area where there is rapid change in terms of technology, guest expectations and relationships with online travel agents and other intermediaries.


Threats to information security, from payment card information to other information held in IT systems or, in paper format and other media, remain of concern.


Failure to effectively manage and keep under review our channels, information technology infrastructure and technological systems to optimise performance and resilience could impact on the Group’s revenue and delivery channels, guest experience, return for our owners and investors and the Group’s future performance.



•  IHG recognises that technological advances and changing guest expectations mean that we must continually invest in and improve our systems and reservations channels. We have in place a multi-channel management strategy that focuses across the entire guest journey and encourages guests to book directly through IHG’s channels and reservation systems.


•  Recognising the growing trend amongst some travellers to book through online travel agencies and intermediaries in search of better value, IHG proactively manages and seeks to improve terms and conditions of our relationships with these partners and continues to support roomkey.com, a meta-search website launched in 2012 in partnership with other hotel companies. These activities compliment our wide programmes and activities to encourage guests to book direct.


•  IHG’s Global Technology function works collaboratively with specialist third-party technology partners to continuously monitor, manage and optimise our systems and channels, including their resilience through backup systems and business continuity practices, to enhance all aspects of the guest journey.


•  Operating in nearly 100 countries and territories, IHG takes information security very seriously and has applied risk-based methods to build capability and resilience into our systems and processes. The Group manages data security to contain the risk and reduce the Group’s exposure, tightly controlling sensitive data through limited and monitored access.


•  IHG continues to aim to be fully compliant with Payment Card Industry – Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS) using tools and services from a leading specialist third-party provider with respect to payment card processing.




36    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents



Risk description



    Control and mitigation activities



Owner proposition

As a result of IHG’s predominantly franchised and managed business model, managing relationships with our existing, new and potential owners is important. General trading conditions and the economic outlook also affect the availability of capital to current and potential owners. Failure to manage relationships and the macroeconomic outlook may have an impact on the existing IHG System, our operations and our development pipeline.



•    To ensure that IHG is continually considering its owners, the IHG Owners Association is the primary channel through which IHG engages with them. In addition, regional teams build relationships with owners through a variety of methods, including formal and informal communications and owner conferences. By agreeing a set of priorities together, and continually reviewing and updating our central support tools and systems, including revenue management tools, we aim to offer a compelling owner proposition.


•    The use of the System Fund (described on page 16) is also managed by IHG for the benefit of all our hotels with the objective of driving revenue for them. The use of this fund is reviewed annually in collaboration with the IHG Owners Association.


•    IHG’s scale, diverse portfolio of brands, segments, countries of operation and mix in business model positions it well from short-term macroeconomic impacts and we continue to monitor macroeconomic conditions and make necessary adjustments, including cost optimisation programmes where appropriate. However, we recognise that macroeconomic issues can impact upon potential and existing owners and we therefore continue to review our business model and the owner proposition in light of these.



Reputation and brand protection

IHG recognises the importance of its brands and reputation as important assets for the business. Protecting them requires IHG, all those working in our hotels and corporate offices, owners and business partners to behave responsibly.


Failure to safeguard the reputation of IHG and its brands could have severe impacts on the Group’s future performance.


There is also a constant need to protect the safety and security of our guests, employees and visitors.




•    Responsible business underpins our strategy, by being an essential part of Disciplined Execution. Our Business Reputation and Responsibility function comprises a team of lawyers, brand standard compliance managers, chartered secretaries, corporate responsibility specialists, risk managers and internal auditors who work together to champion and protect the trusted reputation of IHG and its brands, including brand and intellectual property protection.


•    IHG aims to embed a responsible business culture throughout the organisation, leveraging our Winning Ways (see page 21) to encourage those working at IHG to promote and protect our trusted reputation. To assist with this, we have in place various internal programmes, policies and training, including our Code of Conduct.


•    IHG’s proactive risk-based approach to hotel safety and security (summarised on page 35) aims to ensure guest and employee safety and the security of hotels and office buildings. IHG has also put in place a crisis management programme to ensure our hotels and corporate offices are prepared for unexpected or unknown events.








Strategic Report    37

Table of Contents
Key performance indicators (KPIs)


We measure our performance through a holistic set of carefully selected KPIs to monitor our success in achieving our strategy and the progress of our Group to deliver high-quality growth. The KPIs are organised around the elements of our strategy – our Winning Model and Targeted Portfolio, and Disciplined Execution.



Winning Model and Targeted Portfolio


    KPIs   2013 progress       2014 priorities

Net rooms supply2




Growth in fee revenues2



At constant currency


•     IHG System size of 686,873 rooms (4,697 hotels) reflecting 1.6% net IHG System size growth. The slower growth rate reflects a higher level of removals to maintain the quality of our estate, including 17 hotels for which significant liquidated damages totalling $46m were received.


•     Completed disposal of our leasehold interest in the InterContinental London Park Lane and agreed to dispose of 80% of our interest in the InterContinental New York Barclay, retaining 20% in a joint venture, and entered into long-term management contracts on both hotels.


•     Pipeline of 180,461 rooms (1,120 hotels), including 21 hotels in the pipeline for the HUALUXE brand and five hotels in the pipeline for the EVEN brand (three of which are owned).


•     Lower growth in fee revenues compared to 2012 reflects a combination of lower RevPAR growth and lower net IHG System size growth in 2013.


•     An increasing number of open hotels in developing markets, which drive incremental fees at a lower rate, also contributed to lower growth in fee revenues.



•     Accelerate growth strategies in priority markets and key locations in agreed scale markets and continue to leverage scale.


•     Support growth of our new brands EVEN Hotels and HUALUXE Hotels & Resorts, opening our first hotels.


Total gross revenue



Actual $bn


System contribution

to revenue1





•     Total gross revenue from hotels in IHG’s System – $21.6bn, up 2%.


•     Loyalty programme relaunched to IHG Rewards Club offering enhanced benefits for members, including free internet access across our hotels globally – driving a 10 percentage point increase in awareness of IHG as a brand family.


•     Enrolled 6m new members (up 8% on 2012) to IHG Rewards Club, taking the total to 77.4m members.



•     Continue to strengthen IHG’s revenue delivery systems to deliver profitable demand to hotels.


•     Continue to drive loyalty to our portfolio of brands, driving awareness of IHG Rewards Club and leveraging this across our brands and regions.


•     Continue to drive adoption and impact of our performance tools, systems and processes amongst our owners.


•     Continue with investment in technology systems and platforms.



Employee Engagement

survey scores




•     Continued to deliver against our people strategy, increasing our employee engagement by 3.1% and recognised externally as an employer of choice (see page 23).


•     Launched bespoke, country-specific careers web pages and/or websites in India, Russia and Greater China to continue our aim to be employer of choice.



•     Strengthen our approach to developing leaders and invest in tools and training that build leadership capabilities.


•     Continue to build a winning culture through strong leadership and performance management.


•     Continue to strengthen our talent pipeline to meet our growth ambitions.



Global RevPAR growth1, 2    



Comparable hotels,

constant $


Guest HeartBeat1



2011 Not applicable


•     Growth in global RevPAR has slowed in 2013, reflecting slower growth in The Americas and IHG’s predominantly midscale focus, and more significant slow down in Greater China due to industry-wide challenges (see pages 12 and 13).


•     Recorded improvements in guest satisfaction scores in every region, for all of our brands and received external recognition through awards (see page 23).


•     Continued with the repositioning of the Crowne Plaza brand and refreshed marketing messaging for Holiday Inn and Holiday Inn Express to better reflect the differentiated brand propositions and drive brand consideration.


•     As part of simplifying and clarifying our standards for all of the brands, in 2013, we refreshed the Holiday Inn Express Standards’ manual ready for launch in January 2014.


•     Launched two General Manager training programmes to assist with General Manager development to deliver on the brand promise (see page 26).



•     Continue to strengthen the quality and consistency of the brand experience, delivering guest journeys that are differentiated by brand.


•     Continue to invest in building long-term brand preference in light of our guest occasion segmentation and the 2014 IHG Trends Report (see page 20).


•     Continue to empower our frontline teams with the tools and training to consistently deliver great guest experiences that build brand preference.


•     Continue to progress with our standards refresh across the brands.


•     Support the first openings of our new hotels for the EVEN Hotels and HUALUXE Hotels & Resorts brands.







38    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents



KPIs used to assess performance measures for remuneration plans:


1 Annual incentive plan (Annual Performance Plan)


2 Long-term incentive plan (Long Term Incentive Plan)



For more information see Directors’ Remuneration Report pages 74 to 97.




Disciplined Execution


    KPIs   2013 progress       2014 priorities

Fee margins1



* Restated for IAS19R

  ‘Employee Benefits’



•     Group fee margins of 43.2%, up 1.3 percentage points on 2012, with scale benefits and cost efficiencies more than offsetting increased investment for future growth.


•     Continue to focus on sustainable fee margin progression over the medium-term.



Number of people participating in IHG Academy programmes



2012 Not applicable

2011 Not applicable



•     Opened a further 144 IHG Academy programmes, taking the total to 301, with 6,391 participants in 2013 helping us to build a strong pipeline of talent for the future.


•     Continue to expand the IHG Academy throughout our hotel estate making sure the programmes deliver positive and transformational results for participants and IHG.


•     Provide skills and improved employability to a total of 20,000 people via IHG Academy over the five-year period (2013-2017).



Value of monetary donations and in-kind support to communities by IHG, including funds deployed through IHG Shelter in a Storm Programme



2012 Not applicable

2011 Not applicable



•     Contributed a total of $1.92m in 2013 to communities through monetary donations and in-kind support, including funds deployed through the IHG Shelter in a Storm Programme.


•     $1.2m raised for the IHG Shelter Fund.


•     Responded to 15 disasters in 8 countries, including super typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, floods in Jakarta, Buenos Aires, Canada and Mexico, tornadoes in mid-west America and wildfires in Arizona, by allocating funds to help with financial support, vital supplies and accommodation.


•     Continue to increase awareness of, and engagement with, the IHG Shelter in a Storm Programme, ensuring our hotels are prepared for disaster and able to respond quickly and effectively to help the local community and employees when needed.


•     Contribute a total of $10m over a five-year period (2013-2017) to communities through monetary donations and in-kind support, including funds deployed through the IHG Shelter in a Storm Programme.



Carbon footprint per occupied room



2011 Not applicable



•     Reduced carbon footprint per occupied room by 31.2kgCO2e (reduction of 2.4% on 2012 baseline) across our entire estate


•     Carbon Disclosure Project disclosure rating of 85B (the joint highest-scoring hotel company in the FTSE 350, Standard & Poor’s 500 and Global 500).


•     Reduce carbon footprint per occupied room by 12% across our entire estate (over a five-year period (2013-2017) using 2012 baseline).


•     Continue to drive quality of use of IHG Green Engage to reduce impact on the environment, enable cost savings and drive revenue.



Water use per occupied room in water stressed areas



2011 Not applicable



•     Reduced water use per occupied room by 0.56m3 (reduction of 4.6% on 2012 baseline) in water-stressed areas.


•     Reduce water use per occupied room by 12% in water-stressed areas across our estate (over a five-year period (2013-2017) using 2012 baseline).

Our regional priorities are set out on pages 42, 44, 46 and 48.

For definitions of each of the above KPIs see the Glossary on pages 186 and 187.







Strategic Report    39

Table of Contents




Group results   12 months ended 31 December   







2013 vs

2012 %






2012 vs 

2011 % 






    916        837        9.4        830        0.8    


    400        436        (8.3     405        7.7    


    230        218        5.5        216        0.9    

Greater China

    236        230        2.6        205        12.2    


    121        114        6.1        112        1.8    
Total     1,903        1,835        3.7        1,768        3.8    

Operating profit



    550        486        13.2        451        7.8    


    105        112        (6.3     100        12.0    


    86        88        (2.3     84        4.8    

Greater China

    82        81        1.2        67        20.9    


    (155     (162     4.3        (154     (5.2)   
Operating profit before exceptional items     668        605        10.4        548        10.4    
Exceptional operating items     5        (4     n/a        57        (107.0)   
      673        601        12.0        605        (0.7)   
Net financial expenses     (73     (54     (35.2     (62     12.9    
Profit before tax     600        547        9.7        543        0.7    

Earnings per ordinary share

Basic     140.9¢        187.1¢        (24.7     160.9¢        16.3    
Adjusted     158.3¢        139.0¢        13.9        127.7¢        8.8    
Average US dollar to sterling exchange rate    




















1  With effect from 1 January 2013 the Group has adopted IASI9 (Revised) ‘Employee Benefits’ resulting in an additional charge to operating profit before exceptional items of $9m for the year ended 31 December 2012 and $11m for the year ended 31 December 2011.

Accounting principles

The Group results are prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The application of IFRS requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions and those considered critical to the preparation of the Group results are set out on pages 115 and 116 of the Group Financial Statements.

The Group discloses certain financial information both including and excluding exceptional items. For comparability of the periods presented, some of the performance indicators in this Performance review are calculated after eliminating these exceptional items. Such indicators are prefixed with ‘adjusted’. An analysis of exceptional items is included in note 5 on page 124 of the Group Financial Statements.

Highlights for the year ended 31 December 2013

The results for the year reflect the varying economic, physical and social factors influencing the markets that the Group operates in. In the US, favourable supply and demand dynamics have resulted in a strong performance albeit this was tempered slightly by the October government shutdown. In Europe, despite continuing economic challenges, the performance in key markets has remained relatively resilient whilst in AMEA there has been strong growth in key markets including Japan and Southeast Asia but weaker fundamentals in India and specific countries in the Middle East. Greater China overall has experienced slower macroeconomic growth and the hotel industry has also been impacted by a number of one-off

events. With this background, overall Group revenue increased by $68m (3.7%) to $1,903m and operating profit before exceptional items increased by $63m (10.4%) to $668m.

On 1 May 2013, IHG completed the disposal of its leasehold interest in the InterContinental London Park Lane for gross proceeds of $469m and entered into a 30-year management contract with three 10-year extension rights.

On an underlying basis, defined as reported results, excluding those from the InterContinental London Park Lane whilst under IHG ownership, results from managed leased hotels, together with the benefit of $46m liquidated damages receipts in 2013 and a $3m liquidated damages receipt in 2012, revenue and operating profit increased by $68m (4.2%) and $44m (7.8%) respectively when translated at constant currency and applying 2012 exchange rates.

Fee revenue* increased by 4.3%, with Group RevPAR (see Glossary on pages 186 and 187) growth of 3.8% over the period (including an increase in average daily rate of 1.8%) and IHG System size growth of 1.6% to 686,873 rooms.

At constant currency, net central overheads decreased from $162m to $157m in 2013 ($155m at actual currency), helped by continued tight cost control, as well as additional technology fee income.

Operating profit margin was 43.2%, up 1.3 percentage points on 2012, after adjusting for owned and leased hotels, managed leases and significant liquidated damages.

Profit before tax increased by $53m to $600m. Adjusted earnings per ordinary share increased by 13.9% to 158.3¢.

Highlights for the year ended 31 December 2012

Revenue increased by 3.8% to $1,835m and operating profit before exceptional items increased by 10.4% to $605m during the 12 months ended 31 December 2012.

Fee revenue*, increased by 6.8% when translated at constant currency and applying 2011 exchange rates.

The 2012 results reflect continued RevPAR growth in each of the regions, with an overall RevPAR increase of 5.2%, including a 3.2% increase in average daily rate. The results also benefited from IHG System size growth of 2.7% year–on–year to 675,982 rooms. Group RevPAR growth remained robust for the year, reflecting favourable supply and demand dynamics in the US over 2011, although trading was also affected by the impact of Eurozone uncertainty as well as industry–wide challenges in Greater China in the latter part of the year.

Operating profit improved in each of the regions. RevPAR growth of 6.1% in The Americas helped drive an operating profit increase of $42m (9.5%), after excluding the benefit of a $3m liquidated damages receipt in 2012 and a $10m liquidated damages receipt in 2011. Operating profit in Europe increased by $12m (12.0%), with RevPAR growth of 1.7%. Operating profit in AMEA increased by $13m (17.3%) after adjusting for a $6m liquidated damages receipt in 2011 and the disposal of a hotel asset and partnership interest that contributed $3m in profits in 2011, reflecting RevPAR growth of 4.9%. Strong operating profit growth of $14m in Greater China reflected an 11.6% increase in IHG System size as well as 5.4% RevPAR growth.

At constant currency, central overheads increased from $154m in 2011 to $164m in 2012 ($162m at actual currency), reflecting investment in infrastructure and capabilities to support the growth of the business.



* Fee revenue is defined as Group revenue excluding revenue from owned and leased hotels, managed leases and significant liquidated damages at constant currency.






40    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents


Global total gross revenue   12 months ended 31 December  






    % change  


        4.5        4.5          

Crowne Plaza

        4.0        4.0          

Holiday Inn

        6.2        6.3        (1.6

Holiday Inn Express

        5.2        4.8        8.3   

Staybridge Suites

        0.6        0.6          

Candlewood Suites

        0.6        0.5        20.0   

Hotel Indigo

        0.2        0.2          


        0.3        0.3          
Total         21.6        21.2        1.9   

One measure of IHG System performance is the growth in total gross revenue, defined as total room revenue from franchised hotels and total hotel revenue from managed, owned and leased hotels. Total gross revenue is not revenue attributable to IHG, as it is derived mainly from hotels owned by third parties.

Total gross revenue increased by 1.9% (2.8% increase at constant currency) to $21.6bn. Total gross revenue for Holiday Inn decreased by $0.1bn (1.6%), primarily because the number of rooms open under the brand fell by 6,911, driven by the removal of 10,933 rooms in the US reflecting the Group’s ongoing focus on quality.


Global hotel and room count     Hotels            Rooms  
At 31 December   2013    


over 2012



over 2012

Analysed by brand                                


    178        8        60,103        2,789   

Crowne Plaza

    391        (1     108,891        584   

Holiday Inn1

    1,216        (31     224,577        (6,911

Holiday Inn Express

    2,258        66        214,597        8,966   

Staybridge Suites

    196        7        21,518        822   

Candlewood Suites

    312        13        29,778        1,103   

Hotel Indigo

    55        5        6,199        538   


    91        28        21,210        3,000   
Total     4,697        95        686,873        10,891   

Analysed by ownership type




    3,977        43        502,187        1,395   


    711        53        180,724        9,726   

Owned and leased

    9        (1     3,962        (230
Total     4,697        95        686,873        10,891   


1  Includes 10 Holiday Inn Club Vacations (3,701 rooms) and 38 Holiday Inn Resort properties (8,818 rooms) (2012: 10 Holiday Inn Club Vacations (3,701 rooms) and 37 Holiday Inn Resort properties (8,806 rooms)).

During 2013, the global IHG System (the number of hotels and rooms which are franchised, managed, owned or leased by the Group) increased by 95 hotels (10,891 rooms).

The Group continued to expand its global footprint, opening hotels in 33 different countries and territories. More than a third of 2013 openings were in developing markets, as classified by The World Bank, with 21% of the closing rooms balance located in these markets, representing an increase of two percentage points from 31 December 2012. Removals of 142 hotels (24,576 rooms) increased from the previous year (104 hotels, 16,288 rooms) reflecting the Group’s ongoing focus on improving the quality of the estate.

Openings of 237 hotels (35,467 rooms) were 4.6% higher than in 2012. This included 115 hotels (12,448 rooms) in the Holiday Inn brand family in The Americas and 33 hotels (4,061 rooms) as part of the US government’s Privatisation of Army Lodgings (PAL) initiative. 23 hotels (7,669 rooms) were opened in Greater China across five brands in 2013, up 1.1% from last year, with the Europe and AMEA regions contributing openings of 21 hotels (3,528 rooms) and 20 hotels (4,495 rooms) respectively.


In May 2013, the Group completed the disposal of its leasehold interest in the InterContinental London Park Lane and on 19 December 2013, announced the disposal of an 80% interest in the InterContinental New York Barclay for gross proceeds of $240m, with IHG holding the remaining 20% interest. The transaction is expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2014. The Group has secured a 30-year management contract on the hotel, with two 10-year extension rights at IHG’s discretion.

In February 2014, the Group signed an agreement to sell the InterContinental Mark Hopkins San Francisco for $120m in cash and enter into a long-term management contract on the hotel. The hotel had a net book value of $90m at 31 December 2013.


Global pipeline           Hotels            Rooms  
At 31 December    2013    


over 2012



over 2012

Analysed by brand                                 


     51        3        16,860        1,147   

Crowne Plaza

     94        (4     28,369        (2,814

Holiday Inn1

     264        21        50,241        5,253   

Holiday Inn Express

     473        21        54,744        2,984   

Staybridge Suites

     80        9        8,728        1,184   

Candlewood Suites

     80        2        6,914        172   

Hotel Indigo

     51        4        6,807        938   

EVEN Hotels

     5        4        880        650   


     21        6        6,804        1,900   


     1        1        114        17   
Total      1,120        67        180,461        11,431   
Analysed by ownership type                   


     778        34        86,785        3,884   


     339        30        93,176        7,047   

Owned and leased

     3        3        500        500   
Total      1,120        67        180,461        11,431   
Global pipeline signings      444        88        65,461        11,649   


1  Includes 1 Holiday Inn Club Vacations (120 rooms) and 14 Holiday Inn Resort properties (3,163 rooms) (2012: Includes nil Holiday Inn Club Vacations (nil rooms) and 12 Holiday Inn Resort properties (2,390 rooms)).

At the end of 2013, the global pipeline totalled 1,120 hotels (180,461 rooms), an increase of 67 hotels (11,431 rooms) on 31 December 2012. The IHG pipeline represents hotels where a contract has been signed and the appropriate fees paid.

The continued global demand for IHG brands is demonstrated by the Group signing hotels in 38 different countries and territories in 2013, 40% of which were in developing markets. 51% of the closing pipeline at 31 December 2013 was in developing markets, up by one percentage point compared to the previous year, including 30% in Greater China. More than 45% of the pipeline is under construction.

Excluding 35 hotels (4,118 rooms) signed as part of the US government’s PAL initiative, signings increased from 356 hotels (53,812 rooms) to 409 hotels (61,343 rooms) in 2013. This included 280 hotels (39,555 rooms) in the Holiday Inn brand family, up by 22.7% compared to 2012. More than half of this growth was contributed by Greater China, with signings increasing by 4,121 rooms to 7,343 rooms. The Greater China region signed a further 27 hotels (8,005 rooms) across other IHG brands, including the 1,002-room Holiday Inn Express Changbaishan, whilst the pipeline for HUALUXE Hotels & Resorts increased to 21 hotels (6,804 rooms). Four EVEN Hotels (644 rooms), of which three are owned and leased, were signed in The Americas, with the pipeline for this brand standing at five hotels (880 rooms) at the end of 2013. Active management out of the pipeline of deals that have become dormant or no longer viable reduced the pipeline by 18,563 rooms, compared to 31,344 rooms in 2012.







Strategic Report    41

Table of Contents
Performance continued


The Americas

Maximise the performance and growth of our portfolio of preferred brands, focusing on our core upper midscale and upscale segments, mostly through franchise agreements, over the next three years.



2014 priorities


  Strengthen Holiday Inn brand family leadership position by focusing the ‘mixing business with pleasure’ and ‘family time’ guest occasion segments;


  continue to grow the Holiday Inn Express brand through innovations which meet the needs of the ‘smart traveller’ target guest;


  continue to execute the multi-year programme to strengthen the Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts brand by increasing quality and consistency and enhancing the guest experience in the ‘business productivity’ guest occasion segment;


  build on the pipeline of the EVEN Hotels brand and support the opening of our first hotels for the brand; and


  drive high-quality revenues at our hotels by continuing to embed our operational tools, strengthening hotel-level capabilities through certifications, and driving revenue through our direct channels.


Americas comparable RevPAR movement

on previous year


12 months 


31 December 


Franchised         Managed   




Crowne Plaza









Holiday Inn


Crowne Plaza







Holiday Inn Express


Holiday Inn







All brands


Staybridge Suites






Candlewood Suites




All brands



        Owned and leased   



All brands




Americas results   12 months ended 31 December  







2013 vs

2012 %






2012 vs

2011 %



    576        541        6.5        502        7.8   


    128        97        32.0        124        (21.8

Owned and leased

    212        199        6.5        204        (2.5
Total     916        837        9.4        830        0.8   
Percentage of Group Revenue     48.1        45.6        2.5        46.9        (1.3
Operating profit before exceptional items                                        


    499        466        7.1        431        8.1   


    74        48        54.2        52        (7.7

Owned and leased

    30        24        25.0        17        41.2   
      603        538        12.1        500        7.6   
Regional overheads     (53     (52     (1.9     (49     (6.1
Total     550        486        13.2        451        7.8   
Percentage of Group Operating profit before central overheads and exceptional items     66.8        63.4        3.4        64.2        (0.8

Highlights for the year ended 31 December 2013

In The Americas, the largest proportion of rooms is operated under the franchise business model (91% of rooms in The Americas operate under this model) primarily in the upper midscale segment (Holiday Inn brand family). Similarly, in the upscale segment, Crowne Plaza is predominantly franchised, whereas the majority of the InterContinental branded hotels are operated under franchise and management agreements. With 3,616 hotels (451,424 rooms), The Americas represented 66% of the Group’s room count and 67% of the Group’s operating profit before central overheads and exceptional operating items during the year ended 31 December 2013. The key profit producing region is the US, although the Group is also represented in each of Latin America, Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean.

In 2013, the Group focused on the continued development of its preferred brands and the deployment of IHG operational tools across the estate. 13 Crowne Plaza hotels left the Americas System partly reflecting the impact of the Crowne Plaza repositioning programme, and for our newest brand, EVEN Hotels, four new hotels were added to the pipeline, with the first expected to open in 2014. For Holiday Inn the focus on quality continued and 57 hotels were removed from the Americas System whilst 115 new Holiday Inn brand family hotels were opened.

Revenue and operating profit before exceptional items increased by $79m (9.4%) to $916m and by $64m (13.2%) to $550m respectively. On an underlying basis, revenue and operating profit increased by $52m (6.5%) and $36m (7.5%) respectively. Revenue and operating profit were adversely impacted by $8m lower fees on the exit of eight Holiday Inn hotels owned by FelCor Lodging Trust but were positively impacted by the benefit of a $31m liquidated damages receipt in 2013 in the managed business, compared to $3m in 2012.

The franchise business drove most of the growth in the region (excluding the liquidated damages in the managed estate). Franchised revenue increased by $35m (6.5%) to $576m. Royalties growth of 4.7% was driven by RevPAR growth of 3.2%, including 3.4% for Holiday Inn Express, together with a 0.7% increase in available rooms. Operating profit increased by $33m (7.1%) to $499m. Fees from initial franchising, relicensing and termination of hotels also increased by $6m compared to 2012.






42    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

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Managed revenue increased by $31m (32.0%) to $128m and operating profit increased by $26m (54.2%) to $74m. Revenue and operating profit included $34m (2012 $34m) and $nil (2012 $nil) respectively from one managed lease property. Excluding results from this hotel, as well as the benefit of the $31m liquidated damages in 2013 and the $3m in 2012, revenue grew by $4m (6.7%) and operating profit decreased by $2m (4.4%) on a constant currency basis.

Owned and leased revenue increased by $13m (6.5%) to $212m and operating profit grew by $6m (25.0%) to $30m. The increase in revenue was driven by RevPAR growth of 6.0%.

Highlights for the year ended 31 December 2012

Revenue and operating profit before exceptional items increased by $7m (0.8%) to $837m and by $35m (7.8%) to $486m respectively. RevPAR increased 6.1%, with 4.1% growth in average daily rate. US RevPAR was up 6.3% in 2012 despite uncertainty regarding the presidential election and the ‘fiscal cliff’ in the latter part of the year.

Franchised revenue increased by $39m (7.8%) to $541m. Royalties growth of 8.7% was driven by RevPAR growth of 6.0%, including 6.1% for Holiday Inn Express, together with 2.3% Americas System size growth. Operating profit increased by $35m (8.1%) to $466m.

Managed revenue decreased by $27m (21.8%) to $97m and operating profit decreased by $4m (7.7%) to $48m. Revenue and operating profit included $34m (2011 $59m) and $nil (2011 $1m) respectively from managed leases. Excluding properties operated under this arrangement, as well as the benefit of a $3m liquidated damages receipt in 2012 and a $10m liquidated damages receipt in 2011, revenue and operating profit grew by $5m (9.1%) and $4m (9.8%) respectively. Growth was driven by a RevPAR increase of 7.3%, including 9.6% for Holiday Inn.

Owned and leased revenue declined by $5m (2.5%) to $199m and operating profit grew by $7m (41.2%) to $24m. Excluding the impact of disposals, revenue increased by $4m (2.1%) and operating profit increased by $8m (50.0%). The increase in revenue was driven by RevPAR growth of 6.3%, offset by the impact of the partial closure of an owned hotel in the Caribbean. The operating profit increase of $7m included a $1m year-on-year benefit from lower depreciation recorded for the InterContinental New York Barclay since the hotel was categorised as held for sale in the first quarter of 2011, after which no depreciation was charged, and a $3m year-on-year benefit relating to one-off reorganisation costs at one hotel in 2011.


Americas hotel and room count     Hotels            Rooms  
At 31 December   2013     Change
over 2012
    2013     Change
over 2012
Analysed by brand                                


    51        (2     17,453        (303

Crowne Plaza

    176        (7     47,057        (1,673

Holiday Inn1

    786        (34     138,830        (7,831

Holiday Inn Express

    1,985        54        174,431        6,033   

Staybridge Suites

    188        5        20,309        522   

Candlewood Suites

    312        13        29,778        1,103   

Hotel Indigo

    37               4,344        37   


    81        32        19,222        3,919   
Total     3,616        61        451,424        1,807   

Analysed by ownership type




    3,394        40        408,875        1,026   


    217        21        40,147        564   

Owned and leased

    5               2,402        217   
Total     3,616        61        451,424        1,807   
Percentage of Group hotel and room count     77.0        (0.2     65.7        (0.8


1  Includes 10 Holiday Inn Club Vacations (3,701 rooms) and 18 Holiday Inn Resort properties (4,438 rooms) (2012: 10 Holiday Inn Club Vacations (3,701 rooms) and 17 Holiday Inn Resort properties (4,240 rooms)).


The Americas System size increased by 61 hotels (1,807 rooms) to 3,616 hotels (451,424 rooms) during 2013. 173 hotels (19,775 rooms) opened in the year, compared to 148 hotels (16,618 rooms) in 2012 and included 33 hotels (4,061 rooms) as part of the US government’s PAL initiative. Openings included 115 hotels (12,448 rooms) in the Holiday Inn brand family, representing more than 60% of the region’s openings. 19 hotels (1,705 rooms) opened as Staybridge Suites hotels and Candlewood Suites hotels, IHG’s extended-stay brands.

112 hotels (17,968 rooms) were removed from the Americas System in 2013, compared to 66 hotels (9,199 rooms) in 2012. More than 60% of 2013 removals were Holiday Inn hotels in the US (53 hotels, 10,933 rooms). 13 Crowne Plaza hotels (3,326 rooms) were removed in 2013, partly reflecting the impact of the Group’s Crowne Plaza repositioning programme. The increase in removals reflects the Group’s ongoing focus on improving the quality of the estate, particularly Holiday Inn.


Americas pipeline           Hotels            Rooms  
At 31 December    2013     Change
over 2012
    2013     Change
over 2012
Analysed by brand                                 


     6        2        1,437        512   

Crowne Plaza

     16               3,228        (509

Holiday Inn1

     139               19,344        517   

Holiday Inn Express

     358        13        33,488        1,100   

Staybridge Suites

     71        7        7,495        847   

Candlewood Suites

     80        2        6,914        172   

Hotel Indigo

     23               3,118        42   

EVEN Hotels

     5        4        880        650   


     1        1        114        114   
Total      699        29        76,018        3,445   

Analysed by ownership type




     678        19        72,019        1,729   


     18        7        3,499        1,216   

Owned and leased

     3        3        500        500   
Total      699        29        76,018        3,445   


1  Includes 1 Holiday Inn Club Vacations (120 rooms) and 5 Holiday Inn Resort properties (694 rooms) (2012: nil Holiday Inn Club Vacations (nil rooms) and 5 Holiday Inn Resort properties (640 rooms)).

The Americas pipeline totalled 699 hotels (76,018 rooms) as at 31 December 2013, representing an increase of 29 hotels (3,445 rooms) over 31 December 2012. Strong signings of 305 hotels (33,884 rooms), demonstrating the continued demand for IHG brand hotels, were ahead of last year by 79 hotels (8,348 rooms) and included 35 hotels (4,118 rooms) signed as part of the US government’s PAL initiative. The majority of 2013 signings were within the Holiday Inn brand family (193 hotels, 20,544 rooms), up by 8.9% compared to 2012. Four more hotels (644 rooms) were added for the EVEN Hotels brand, taking the total pipeline to five hotels (880 rooms), with the first hotel for the brand expected to open in 2014. Staybridge Suites and Candlewood Suites, IHG’s extended stay hotel brands, also contributed signings of 57 hotels (5,406 rooms), up by 50.2% compared to 2012.

103 hotels (10,664 rooms) were terminated from the pipeline in 2013, significantly down from terminations in 2012 (183 hotels, 20,795 rooms).







Strategic Report    43

Table of Contents
Performance continued



Continue to grow in priority markets and across key cities, and improve underlying margin through operational excellence over the next three years.



2014 priorities


  Accelerate growth in our priority markets and in key gateway cities across the region;


  continue to expand Hotel Indigo across the region in key gateway cities and launch the Holiday Inn Express brand in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS);


  continue to improve guest experience and satisfaction by creating a culture focused on quality, accelerating the rollout of innovation and building a suite of tools that enable hotels to deliver operational excellence; and


  deliver topline outperformance at our hotels by embedding our revenue and sales tools, and driving our commercial delivery and people platforms.


Europe comparable RevPAR

movement on previous year


12 months ended 

31 December 2013 



All brands




All brands


Owned and leased





Europe results   12 months ended 31 December  







2013 vs

2012 %






2012 vs

2011 %




    104        91        14.3        86        5.8   


    156        147        6.1        118        24.6   

Owned and leased

    140        198        (29.3     201        (1.5
Total     400        436        (8.3     405        7.7   
Percentage of Group Revenue     21.0        23.8        (2.8     22.9        0.9   
Operating profit before exceptional items                                        


    79        65        21.5        65          


    30        32        (6.3     26        23.1   

Owned and leased

    30        50        (40.0     49        2.0   
      139        147        (5.4     140        5.0   
Regional overheads     (34     (35     2.9        (40     12.5   
Total     105        112        (6.3     100        12.0   
Percentage of Group Operating profit before central overheads and exceptional items     12.8        14.6        (1.8     14.2        0.4   

Highlights for the year ended 31 December 2013

In Europe, the largest proportion of rooms is operated under the franchise business model primarily in the upper midscale segment (Holiday Inn and Holiday Inn Express). Similarly, in the upscale segment, Crowne Plaza is predominantly franchised whereas the majority of the InterContinental branded hotels are operated under management agreements. Comprising 629 hotels (102,066 rooms) at the end of 2013, Europe represented 15% of the Group’s room count and 13% of the Group’s operating profit before central overheads and exceptional operating items during the year ended 31 December 2013. Profits are primarily generated from hotels in the UK and Continental European gateway cities.

Economic conditions across Europe in 2013 remained challenging but the industry and the Group remained relatively resilient to this, especially in the main markets and in 2013 good progress was made on key priorities for the region. Three new Hotel Indigo hotels were opened and there are now 15 in the pipeline, an increase of two over 2012. In line with a focus on growth in priority markets and key gateway cities, new signings totalled 50 hotels with 18 in the UK, six in Germany and ten in the CIS. Additionally, new openings included the InterContinental Marseille – Hotel Dieu and the InterContinental Davos. Hotel openings were down, year on year, but the pipeline grew and new signings increased over 2012 levels. Continued progress was made on the Group’s asset-light strategy with the sale of the InterContinental London Park Lane in May.

Revenue and operating profit before exceptional items decreased by $36m (8.3%) to $400m and by $7m (6.3%) to $105m respectively. On an underlying basis, revenue and operating profit increased by $9m (3.4%) and $8m (10.4%) respectively. Overall, RevPAR in Europe increased by 1.7%. The UK achieved RevPAR growth of 3.0%, with particularly strong performance in the final quarter of 2013 with RevPAR increasing 7.3%. RevPAR in Germany increased by 0.8% despite a weaker year-on-year trade fair calendar, whilst IHG hotels in the CIS collectively achieved RevPAR growth of 2.7%.






44    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents


Franchised revenue increased by $13m (14.3%) to $104m, whilst operating profit increased by $14m (21.5%) to $79m. Excluding the benefit of a $9m liquidated damages receipt in 2013, revenue and operating profit increased by $4m (4.4%) and $5m (7.7%) respectively. Growth was mainly driven by an increase in royalties of 7.0% (6.3% at constant currency) reflecting RevPAR growth of 1.5%, partly offset by a 0.2% decline in available rooms.

Managed revenue increased by $9m (6.1%) to $156m and operating profit decreased by $2m (6.3%) to $30m. Revenue and operating profit included $89m (2012 $80m) and $2m (2012 $2m) respectively from managed leases. Excluding properties operated under this arrangement and on a constant currency basis, revenue was flat and operating profit decreased by $1m (3.3%).

In the owned and leased estate, revenue decreased by $58m (29.3%) to $140m and operating profit decreased by $20m (40.0%) to $30m. At constant currency and excluding the impact of the disposal of the InterContinental London Park Lane, the Group’s remaining owned hotel in Europe, the InterContinental Paris Le Grand, delivered a revenue increase of $5m (4.6%) with RevPAR growth of 5.3%. Operating profit increased by $4m (23.5%), benefiting from a one-off $3m property tax recovery in the year.

Highlights for the year ended 31 December 2012

Revenue and operating profit before exceptional items increased by $31m (7.7%) to $436m and by $12m (12.0%) to $112m respectively. RevPAR increased 1.7%, with 1.2% growth in average daily rate despite challenging economic conditions across Europe.

Franchised revenue increased by $5m (5.8%) to $91m, whilst operating profit was flat at $65m. At constant currency, revenue increased by $8m (9.3%) and operating profit increased by $3m (4.6%). Growth was mainly driven by an increase in royalties of 2.7% (7.5% at constant currency) reflecting RevPAR growth of 1.8%, together with Europe System size growth of 4.0%.

Managed revenue increased by $29m to $147m (24.6%) and operating profit increased by $6m (23.1%) to $32m. Revenue and operating profit included $80m (2011 $46m) and $2m (2011 $nil) respectively from managed leases. Excluding properties operated under this arrangement and on a constant currency basis, revenue decreased by $1m (1.4%) reflecting a 4.3% decrease in System size partially offset by RevPAR growth of 1.0%. On the same basis, operating profit grew by $5m (19.2%).

In the owned and leased estate, revenue decreased by $3m (1.5%) to $198m and operating profit increased by $1m (2.0%) to $50m. At constant currency and excluding the impact of disposals, revenue increased by $10m (5.1%) and operating profit increased by $4m (8.3%). The InterContinental London Park Lane and the InterContinental Paris Le Grand delivered year-on-year RevPAR growth of 8.0% and 2.5% respectively.


Europe hotel and room count     Hotels            Rooms  
At 31 December   2013    


over 2012



over 2012

Analysed by brand                                


    31        1        9,525        131   

Crowne Plaza

    83        (1     19,522        (44

Holiday Inn1

    282        (6     45,621        (989

Holiday Inn Express

    215        3        25,371        468   

Staybridge Suites

    5        1        784        179   

Hotel Indigo

    13        3        1,243        294   
Total     629        1        102,066        39   

Analysed by ownership type




    528               79,517        (382


    100        2        22,079        868   

Owned and leased

    1        (1     470        (447
Total     629        1        102,066        39   

Percentage of Group

hotel and room count

    13.4        (0.2     14.9        (0.2


1  Includes 2 Holiday Inn Resort properties (212 rooms) (2012: 3 Holiday Inn Resort properties (362 rooms)).

During 2013, Europe System size increased by one hotel (39 rooms) to 629 hotels (102,066 rooms). The Group opened 21 hotels (3,528 rooms) in Europe in 2013, compared to 39 hotels (5,477 rooms) in 2012. 2013 openings included two InterContinental hotels, the 194-room InterContinental Marseille – Hotel Dieu, the fourth for the brand in France, and the 216-room InterContinental Davos in Switzerland. Three further Hotel Indigo properties (293 rooms) were opened in 2013, comprising a third hotel for the brand in Germany and first openings in Spain and Israel.

20 hotels (3,489 rooms) left the Europe System in the period, compared to 23 hotels (3,335 rooms) in the previous year.


Europe pipeline           Hotels            Rooms  
At 31 December    2013     Change
over 2012
    2013     Change
over 2012
Analysed by brand                                 


     2               653        249   

Crowne Plaza

     12               2,624        (145

Holiday Inn

     35        15        6,612        2,345   

Holiday Inn Express

     43               6,016        (268

Staybridge Suites

     3        2        298        130   

Hotel Indigo

     15        2        1,576        284   
Total      110        19        17,779        2,595   

Analysed by ownership type




     97        14        14,119        1,933   


     13        5        3,660        662   
Total      110        19        17,779        2,595   

The Europe pipeline totalled 110 hotels (17,779 rooms) as at 31 December 2013, representing an increase of 19 hotels (2,595 rooms) over 31 December 2012. New signings of 50 hotels (7,542 rooms), compared to 48 hotels (7,023 rooms) in 2012, included 18 hotel signings in the UK (2,436 rooms), including signings for six different brands in London, notably the 453-room InterContinental London – The O2. The Group also signed six new hotels (1,116 rooms) in Germany and ten new hotels (1,737 rooms) in countries in the CIS.

10 hotels (1,419 rooms) were removed from the pipeline in 2013, compared to 16 hotels (3,044 rooms) in 2012.







Strategic Report    45

Table of Contents
Performance continued


Asia, Middle East and Africa (AMEA)

Execute our strategic plans to strengthen our brands and increase our revenue share through operational excellence and outperformance over the next three years.



2014 priorities


  Build preferred brands and strengthen our position in priority markets and key gateway cities;


  accelerate growth of our core brands across the region with a particular focus on emerging markets;


  expand our portfolio of brands, including continuing to accelerate the growth of the Holiday Inn Express brand; and


  continue to deliver operational excellence to improve guest satisfaction and deliver high-quality revenues by embedding our revenue tools, system delivery platforms, responsible business practices and People Tools built upon high performance winning culture.


AMEA comparable RevPAR

movement on previous year


12 months ended 

31 December 2013 



All brands




All brands




AMEA results   12 months ended 31 December  







2013 vs

2012 %






2012 vs

2011 %




    16        18        (11.1     19        (5.3


    170        152        11.8        151        0.7   

Owned and leased

    44        48        (8.3     46        4.3   
Total     230        218        5.5        216        0.9   
Percentage of Group Revenue     12.1        11.9        0.2        12.2        (0.3
Operating profit before exceptional items                                        


    12        12               12          


    92        90        2.2        87        3.4   

Owned and leased

    4        6        (33.3     5        20.0   
      108        108               104        3.8   
Regional overheads     (22     (20     (10.0     (20       
Total     86        88        (2.3     84        4.8   
Percentage of Group Operating profit before central overheads and exceptional items     10.4        11.5        (1.1     12.0        (0.5

Highlights for the year ended 31 December 2013

In AMEA, 81% of rooms are operated under the managed business model. The region’s hotels are in the luxury, upscale and upper midscale segments. Comprising 244 hotels (64,838 rooms) at 31 December 2013, AMEA represented 9% of the Group’s room count and 10% of the Group’s operating profit before central overheads and exceptional operating items during the year ended 31 December 2013.

The number of hotels open in the region increased by 12 in 2013 reflecting delivery against the key priorities of growing the distribution of our core brands and strengthening our position in key strategic markets. The openings included the InterContinental in Osaka and five hotels in India – overall openings totalled 20 hotels against 16 in 2012. Signings into the pipeline remained at 2012 levels which should provide a strong growth platform.

Revenue increased by $12m (5.5%) to $230m and operating profit decreased by $2m (2.3%) to $86m. On an underlying basis, revenue and operating profit decreased by $6m (2.8%) and $7m (8.0%) respectively. The results included a $6m benefit from liquidated damages in 2013. RevPAR increased by 6.1%, with 3.0% growth in average daily rate. AMEA is a geographically diverse region and performance is impacted by political and economic factors affecting different countries. The Middle East delivered RevPAR growth of 2.9%, driven by strength in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, though continuing political uncertainty impacted some of our other markets in the region, particularly Egypt and Lebanon. Performance in Japan was strong, with RevPAR increasing by 9.6%, whilst Australia also achieved solid RevPAR growth of 2.8%. RevPAR growth in developing markets remained buoyant, led by 12.2% RevPAR growth in Indonesia. Revenue and operating profit growth were muted by a $6m negative year-on-year impact from the renewal of a small number of long-standing contracts onto current commercial terms. In addition, there was a $4m negative impact from similar contracts that were not renewed.

Franchised revenue decreased by $2m (11.1%) to $16m, whilst operating profit was flat at $12m.






46    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents


Managed revenue and operating profit increased by $18m (11.8%) to $170m and by $2m (2.2%) to $92m respectively. During 2013, a new property opened under an operating lease structure, with the same characteristics as a management contract, contributing revenue of $21m and operating profit of $1m. Excluding this property together with the benefit of the $6m liquidated damages receipt in 2013, revenue and operating profit decreased by $4m (2.6%) and $4m (4.4%) respectively at constant currency. RevPAR increased by 5.6%, with AMEA System size up 2.6%.

In the owned and leased estate, revenue and operating profit decreased by $4m (8.3%) to $44m and by $2m (33.3%) to $4m respectively, driven by a 7.3% RevPAR decline.

Highlights for the year ended 31 December 2012

Revenue and operating profit before exceptional items increased by $2m (0.9%) to $218m and by $4m (4.8%) to $88m respectively. RevPAR increased 4.9%, with 1.2% growth in average daily rate, with robust trading in Southeast Asia and Japan, partly offset by continuing uncertainty impacting some markets in the Middle East.

On both a constant and actual currency basis, franchised revenue decreased by $1m (5.3%) to $18m and operating profit was flat at $12m.

Managed revenue and operating profit increased by $1m (0.7%) to $152m and by $3m (3.4%) to $90m respectively. At constant currency, excluding the benefit of a $6m liquidated damages receipt in 2011 and after adjusting for the disposal of a hotel asset and partnership interest in Australia, which contributed $3m to operating profit in 2011, revenue and operating profit increased by $7m (4.8%) and $11m (14.1%) respectively. RevPAR growth was 4.6% and although year-end AMEA System size was 7.1% higher than at the end of 2011, due to the phasing of openings towards the end of the year, rooms available during the year grew by only 2.2%. Operating profit in 2012 benefited from a $1m increase in profit from an associate and $2m lower year-on-year bad debt expense.

In the owned and leased estate, revenue and operating profit increased by $2m (4.3%) to $48m and by $1m (20.0%) to $6m respectively.


AMEA hotel and room count     Hotels            Rooms  
At 31 December   2013     Change
over 2012
    2013     Change
over 2012
Analysed by brand                                


    67        2        21,383        592   

Crowne Plaza

    67        2        19,078        519   

Holiday Inn1

    81        6        18,464        1,024   

Holiday Inn Express

    16        4        3,500        623   

Staybridge Suites

    3        1        425        121   


    10        (3     1,988        (778
Total     244        12        64,838        2,101   

Analysed by ownership type




    51        3        11,611        751   


    191        9        52,640        1,350   

Owned and leased

    2               587          
Total     244        12        64,838        2,101   

Percentage of Group

hotel and room count

    5.2        0.2        9.4        0.1   


1  Includes 14 Holiday Inn Resort properties (2,965 rooms) (2012: 14 Holiday Inn Resort properties (3,311 rooms)).


The AMEA hotel and room count in the year increased by 12 hotels (2,101 rooms) to 244 hotels (64,838 rooms). The level of openings increased from 16 hotels (4,243 rooms) in 2012 to 20 hotels (4,495 rooms) in 2013. This included two hotel openings (624 rooms) for the InterContinental brand, including the 272-room InterContinental Osaka, and five hotels in India (818 rooms) in 2013, including Crowne Plaza and Holiday Inn conversions in New Delhi’s emerging business district of Mayur Vihar.

Eight hotels (2,394 rooms) were removed from the AMEA System in 2013, compared to 12 hotels (2,589 rooms) in 2012.


AMEA pipeline           Hotels            Rooms  
At 31 December    2013    


over 2012



over 2012

Analysed by brand                                 


     21        1        5,378        12   

Crowne Plaza

     14        (4     4,048        (1,297

Holiday Inn1

     49        2        12,341        1,446   

Holiday Inn Express

     39        4        7,980        889   

Staybridge Suites

     6               935        207   

Hotel Indigo

     8        2        1,392        460   
Total      137        5        32,074        1,717   

Analysed by ownership type




     3        1        647        222   


     134        4        31,427        1,495   
Total      137        5        32,074        1,717   


1  Includes 6 Holiday Inn Resort properties (1,579 rooms) (2012: 4 Holiday Inn Resort properties (900 rooms)).

The AMEA pipeline totalled 137 hotels (32,074 rooms) as at 31 December 2013, compared to 132 hotels (30,357 rooms) as at 31 December 2012. Signings of 36 hotels (8,687 rooms) were broadly in line with last year and included 26 hotels (6,546 rooms) in the Holiday Inn brand family, notably the 1,230-room Holiday Inn Makkah Al Aziziah in Saudi Arabia, which is set to be the largest Holiday Inn in the world when it opens. Three InterContinental hotels (671 rooms) were signed during 2013, including the 140-room InterContinental Sydney Double Bay in Australia.

11 hotels (2,475 rooms) were removed from the pipeline in 2013, compared to 10 hotels (2,850 rooms) in 2012.







Strategic Report    47

Table of Contents
Performance continued


Greater China

Maximise scale and strength and establish multi-segment local operating expertise to drive margin and expand our strong portfolio of brands over the next three years.



2014 priorities


  Grow quality distribution and further expand our portfolio of brands especially Holiday Inn and Holiday Inn Express in tier 2 and 3 cities to cater to evolving market needs;


  build upon the successful launch of the HUALUXE Hotels & Resorts brand and continue to drive growth and fine-tune brand standards and standard operating procedures;


  grow talent and build a strong local talent pipeline; and


  continue to localise IHG brands, systems, tools, processes and responsible business practices to increase efficiency and margin performance.


Greater China comparable RevPAR

movement on previous year


12 months ended 

31 December 2013 



All brands


Owned and leased






Greater China results   12 months ended 31 December  
    2013 vs
2012 %
    2012 vs
2011 %


    3        3               2        50.0   


    92        89        3.4        77        15.6   

Owned and leased

    141        138        2.2        126        9.5   
Total     236        230        2.6        205        12.2   

Percentage of

Group Revenue

    12.4        12.5        (0.1     11.6        0.9   
Operating profit before exceptional items                                        


    5        4        25.0        3        33.3   


    51        51               43        18.6   

Owned and leased

    47        45        4.4        37        21.6   
      103        100        3.0        83        20.5   
Regional overheads     (21     (19     (10.5     (16     (18.8
Total     82        81        1.2        67        20.9   
Percentage of Group Operating profit before central overheads and exceptional items     10.0        10.6        (0.6     9.5        1.1   

Highlights for the year ended 31 December 2013

In Greater China, 96% of rooms are operated under the managed business model. The majority of hotels are in the upscale and upper midscale segments. Comprising 208 hotels (68,545 rooms) at 31 December 2013, Greater China represented 10% of the Group’s room count and 10% of the Group’s operating profit before central overheads and exceptional operating items during the year ended 31 December 2013.

Good progress was made in the year on the priorities for the region despite the challenging conditions experienced over the course of the year. Focusing on the distribution and expansion of the portfolio, a further six hotels were signed into the pipeline for HUALUXE and a further 11 for Crowne Plaza. The number of open Crowne Plaza hotels also increased by five in the year and the Holiday Inn portfolio expanded.

Despite good progress on the priorities, market conditions were challenging in the region in 2013. The hotel industry was impacted by a number of factors including the China-Japan territorial islands dispute, a series of natural disasters in Western China, particularly in the second quarter of the year, and slower macroeconomic conditions during 2013 than in prior years. Overall the region achieved RevPAR growth of 1.0% representing a significant decrease on the 5.4% growth achieved in 2012. IHG did, however, significantly outperform the industry in 2013.

Revenue and operating profit before exceptional items increased by $6m (2.6%) to $236m and by $1m (1.2%) to $82m respectively. On an underlying basis, revenue and operating profit increased by $6m (2.6%) and $2m (2.5%) respectively.

Franchised revenue was flat at $3m and operating profit increased by $1m (25.0%) to $5m.

Managed revenue increased by $3m (3.4%) to $92m and operating profit was flat at $51m. RevPAR increased by 0.6%, whilst the Greater China System size grew by 11.8%, driving a 9.2% increase in total gross revenue derived from rooms business. Total gross revenue derived from non-rooms business increased by 3.0%. Operating profit was partly offset by increased investment to drive future growth.






48    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents


Owned and leased revenue at the InterContinental Hong Kong increased by $3m (2.2%) to $141m, driven by a 4.5% increase in total gross revenue derived from non-rooms business, although this was partly offset by a RevPAR decline of 0.1%. Operating profit increased by $2m (4.4%) to $47m.

Highlights for the year ended 31 December 2012

Revenue and operating profit before exceptional items increased by $25m (12.2%) to $230m and by $14m (20.9%) to $81m respectively. RevPAR increased 5.4% with 3.1% growth in average daily rate.

Franchised revenue increased by $1m (50.0%) to $3m and operating profit by $1m (33.3%) to $4m, boosted by the opening of the 1,224-room Holiday Inn Macao Cotai Central.

Managed revenue increased by $12m (15.6%) to $89m and operating profit increased by $8m (18.6%) to $51m. RevPAR growth of 5.6% reflected continued economic growth in the region, although the whole industry was affected in the latter part of the year by the Diaoyu/Senkaku islands territorial dispute and slower macroeconomic conditions. There was also continued significant Greater China System size growth for the managed estate (9.7% rooms growth in 2012 following 14.2% rooms growth in 2011).

Owned and leased revenue increased by $12m (9.5%) to $138m and operating profit increased by $8m (21.6%) to $45m, with RevPAR growth of 6.7% at the InterContinental Hong Kong.

Regional costs increased by $3m (18.8%) to $19m reflecting increased investment in operations and infrastructure in the region.


Greater China hotel and room count     Hotels            Rooms  
At 31 December   2013    


over 2012



over 2012

Analysed by brand                                


    29        7        11,742        2,369   

Crowne Plaza

    65        5        23,234        1,782   

Holiday Inn1

    67        3        21,662        885   

Holiday Inn Express

    42        5        11,295        1,842   

Hotel Indigo

    5        2        612        207   


           (1            (141
Total     208        21        68,545        6,944   

Analysed by ownership type




    4               2,184          


    203        21        65,858        6,944   

Owned and leased

    1               503          
Total     208        21        68,545        6,944   

Percentage of Group

hotel and room count

    4.4        0.3        10.0        0.9   


1  Includes 4 Holiday Inn Resort properties (1,203 rooms) (2012: 3 Holiday Inn Resort properties (893 rooms)).


The Greater China hotel and room count in the year increased by 21 hotels (6,944 rooms) to 208 hotels (68,545 rooms). 23 hotels (7,669 rooms) opened during 2013, broadly in line with 2012. InterContinental System size increased by 7 hotels (2,369 rooms) to 29 hotels (11,742 rooms), with openings including the 294-room InterContinental Sanya Haitang Bay Resort, a second for the brand on the island resort destination of Sanya. The Group also celebrated its 200th opening in Greater China in 2013 with the opening of the 141-room InterContinental Shanghai Ruijin. A further two Hotel Indigo properties (208 rooms) were opened, including a first for the brand in Hong Kong.

Two hotels (725 rooms) were removed from the Greater China System in 2013.


Greater China pipeline     Hotels            Rooms  
At 31 December    2013    


over 2012



over 2012

Analysed by brand                                 


     22               9,392        374   

Crowne Plaza

     52               18,469        (863

Holiday Inn1

     41        4        11,944        945   

Holiday Inn Express

     33        4        7,260        1,263   

Hotel Indigo

     5               721        152   


     21        6        6,804        1,900   


Total      174        14        54,590        3,674   

Analysed by ownership type




     174        14        54,590        3,674   
Total      174        14        54,590        3,674   


1  Includes 3 Holiday Inn Resort properties (890 rooms) (2012: 3 Holiday Inn Resort properties (850 rooms)).

The Greater China pipeline totalled 174 hotels (54,590 rooms) as at 31 December 2013, compared to 160 hotels (50,916 rooms) as at 31 December 2012. Signings of 53 hotels (15,348 rooms) increased from 46 hotels (13,387 rooms) in 2012. Seven InterContinental hotels (2,129 rooms) were signed, together with 11 Crowne Plaza hotels (3,528 rooms), whilst the total pipeline for the HUALUXE Hotels & Resorts brand increased to 21 hotels (6,804 rooms). 26 hotels (7,343 rooms) were signed in the Holiday Inn brand family, including the 1,002-room Holiday Inn Express Changbaishan, which subsequently opened as the Group’s largest Holiday Inn Express in 2013.

16 hotels (4,005 rooms) were removed from the pipeline in 2013.







Strategic Report    49

Table of Contents
Performance continued




Central results   12 months ended 31 December  






    2013 vs
2012 %



    2012 vs
2011 %
Revenue     121        114        6.1        112        1.8   
Gross central costs     (276     (276            (266     (3.8
Net central costs     (155     (162     4.3        (154     (5.2

Highlights for the year ended 31 December 2013

Central revenue, mainly comprising technology fee income, increased by $7m (6.1%) to $121m, driven by increases to both RevPAR and IHG System size over 2013. Gross central costs were flat at $276m in 2013, reflecting continued tight cost control.

Highlights for the year ended 31 December 2012

Net central costs increased by $8m (5.2%) from $154m in 2011 to $162m in 2012. At constant currency, net central costs increased by $10m (6.5%). The movement was driven by investment in infrastructure and capabilities to support the growth of the business. Central revenue mainly comprised technology fee income.


System Fund


System Fund results   12 months ended 31 December  







2013 vs

2012 %






2012 vs

2011 %


Assessment fees and contributions received from hotels     1,154        1,106        4.3        1,025        7.9   
Proceeds from sale of IHG Rewards Club points     153        144        6.3        128        12.5   
Total     1,307        1,250        4.6        1,153        8.4   

In addition to management or franchise fees, hotels within the IHG System pay assessments and contributions which are collected by IHG for specific use within the System Fund. The System Fund also receives proceeds from the sale of IHG Rewards Club points. The System Fund is managed for the benefit of hotels in the IHG System with the objective of driving revenues for the hotels.

The System Fund is used to pay for marketing, the IHG Rewards Club loyalty programme and the global reservation system. The operation of the System Fund does not result in a profit or loss for the Group and consequently the revenues and expenses of the System Fund are not included in the Group Income Statement.

Highlights for the year ended 31 December 2013

In the year to 31 December 2013, System Fund income increased by 4.6% to $1,307m primarily as a result of growth in hotel room revenues due to increases in RevPAR and IHG System size. The increase in proceeds from the sale of IHG Rewards Club points mainly reflects the continued strong performance of co-brand credit card schemes.

Highlights for the year ended 31 December 2012

In the year to 31 December 2012, System Fund income increased by 8.4% to $1,250m primarily as a result of growth in hotel room revenues. The increase in proceeds from the sale of IHG Rewards Club points mainly reflects the strong performance of co-brand credit card schemes.






50    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents


Other financial



Exceptional operating items

Exceptional operating items totalled a net profit of $5m. Exceptional gains included $166m from the sale of the InterContinental London Park Lane on 1 May 2013 and $6m in relation to the sale of a hotel by an associate in The Americas. Exceptional charges included $147m arising from the buy-in of the Group’s UK funded pension benefit obligations with the insurer, Rothesay Life, on 15 August 2013, $10m relating to an agreed settlement in respect of a commercial claim and $10m relating to costs incurred in support of the worldwide rebranding of IHG Rewards Club.

Exceptional operating items are treated as exceptional by reason of their size or nature and are excluded from the calculation of adjusted earnings per ordinary share in order to provide a more meaningful comparison of performance.

Net financial expenses

Net financial expenses increased by $19m to $73m reflecting an increase in average net debt levels and the issuance of the 10-year £400m public bond in November 2012 with a coupon of 3.875%.

Financing costs included $2m (2012 $2m) of interest costs associated with the IHG Rewards Club where interest is charged on the accumulated balance of cash received in advance of the redemption of points awarded. Financing costs in 2013 also included $19m (2012 $19m) in respect of the InterContinental Boston finance lease.


The effective rate of tax on operating profit excluding the impact of exceptional items was 29% (2012 27%). Excluding the impact of prior year items, the equivalent tax rate would be 32% (2012 30%). This rate is higher than the average UK statutory rate of 23.25% (2012 24.5%) due mainly to certain overseas profits (particularly in the US) being subject to statutory rates higher than the UK statutory rate, unrelieved foreign taxes and disallowable expenses.

Taxation within exceptional items totalled a charge of $51m (2012 credit of $142m). In 2013 the charge comprised $6m relating to the exceptional operating items and $64m consequent upon the disposal of the InterContinental London Park Lane, offset by a credit of $19m relating to an internal restructuring. In 2012 this represented, primarily, the recognition of $104m of deferred tax assets whose value had become more certain as a result of a change in law and the resolution of prior period tax matters, together with the associated release of $37m of provisions.


Net tax paid in 2013 totalled $97m (2012 $122m) including $5m paid (2012 $3m) in respect of disposals. Tax paid represents an effective rate of 16% (2012 22%) on total profits and is lower than the effective income statement tax rate of 29% primarily due to the impact of deferred taxes (including the realisation of assets such as tax losses), the receipt of refunds in respect of prior years and provisions for tax for which no payment of tax has currently been made.

IHG pursues a tax strategy that is consistent with its business strategy and its overall business conduct principles. This strategy seeks to ensure full compliance with all tax filing, payment and reporting obligations on the basis of communicative and transparent relationships with tax authorities. Policies and procedures related to tax risk management are subject to regular review and update and are approved by the Board.

Tax liabilities or refunds may differ from those anticipated, in particular as a result of changes in tax law, changes in the interpretation of tax law, or clarification of uncertainties in the application of tax law. Procedures to minimise risk include the preparation of thorough tax risk assessments for all transactions carrying tax risk and, where appropriate, material tax uncertainties are discussed and resolved with tax authorities in advance.

IHG’s contribution to the jurisdictions in which it operates includes a significant contribution in the form of taxes borne and collected, including taxes on its revenues and profits and in respect of the employment its business generates.

IHG earns approximately 65% of its revenues in the form of franchise, management or similar fees, with almost 90% of IHG branded hotels being franchised. In jurisdictions in which IHG does franchise business, the prevailing tax law will generally provide for IHG to be taxed in the form of local withholding taxes based on a percentage of fees rather than based on profits. Costs to support the franchise business are normally incurred regionally or globally and therefore profits for an individual franchise jurisdiction cannot be separately determined.

Earnings per ordinary share

Basic earnings per ordinary share in 2013 was 140.9¢, compared with 187.1¢ in 2012. Adjusted earnings per ordinary share was 158.3¢, against 139.0¢ in 2012.


The Board has proposed a final dividend per ordinary share of 47.0¢ (28.1p). With the interim dividend per ordinary share of 23.0¢ (15.1p), the full-year dividend per ordinary share for 2013 will total 70.0¢ (43.2p), an increase of 9% over 2012. On 4 October 2013, a special dividend of 133.0¢ (87.1p) per ordinary share amounting to $355m was paid to shareholders.

Share price and market capitalisation

The IHG share price closed at £20.13 on 31 December 2013, up from £17.07 on 31 December 2012. The market capitalisation of the Group at the year end was £5.4bn.








Strategic Report    51

Table of Contents
Performance continued


Liquidity and

capital resources


Sources of liquidity

The Group is financed by a $1.07bn syndicated bank facility which expires in November 2016 (the Syndicated Facility), £250m of public bonds which are repayable on 9 December 2016 and £400m of public bonds which are repayable on 28 November 2022. The $1.07bn Syndicated Facility was undrawn at the year end. The bonds are issued under the Group’s £750m Medium Term Notes programme. Short-term borrowing requirements are met from drawings under bilateral bank facilities. Additional funding is provided by the 99-year finance lease (of which 92 years remain) on the InterContinental Boston. In the Group’s opinion, the available facilities are sufficient for the Group’s present liquidity requirements.

The Syndicated Facility contains two financial covenants; interest cover and net debt divided by earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation. The Group is in compliance with all of the financial covenants in its loan documents, none of which is expected to present a material restriction on funding in the near future.

Net debt of $1,153m and available facilities at 31 December 2013 are analysed as follows:












     654        638   

US dollar

     629        626   


     4        5   
Cash and cash equivalents      (134     (195
Net debt1      1,153        1,074   
Average debt levels      985        651   


Including the impact of currency derivatives.



Facilities at 31 December








Committed      1,074                1,075   
Uncommitted      80        96   
Total      1,154        1,171   

The Group had net liabilities of $74m at 31 December 2013 reflecting that its brands are not recognised in the Group statement of financial position. At the end of 2013 the Group was trading significantly within its banking covenants and facilities.


Cash from operating activities

Net cash from operating activities totalled $624m for the year ended 31 December 2013 up $152m on the previous year largely due to increased operating profit before exceptional items of $63m and a $76m reduction in the payment of the additional company contributions to the UK pension plan.

Cash flow from operating activities is the principal source of cash used to fund the ongoing operating expenses, interest payments, maintenance capital expenditure and normal dividend payments of the Group. The Group believes that the requirements of its existing business and future investment can be met from cash generated internally, disposition of assets and external finance expected to be available to it.

Cash from investing activities

Net cash inflows due to investing activities totalled $175m, compared to an outflow of $128m in 2012, reflecting the sale of the InterContinental London Park Lane for gross proceeds of $469m during the year. Of these proceeds, $52m has been placed in ring-fenced bank accounts which are subject to a charge in favour of the unfunded UK pension arrangements. Capital expenditure on property plant and equipment of $159m (2012 $44m) included a significant investment in hotel properties that are in the process of being converted to the Group’s EVEN Hotels brand.

The Group had committed contractual capital expenditure of $83m at 31 December 2013 (2012 $81m).

Cash used in financing activities

Net cash used in financing activities totalled $857m, which was $528m higher than in 2012 as last year the Group raised a net $533m from new borrowings. Returns to shareholders of $816m, comprising ordinary dividends, special dividends and share buybacks, were $30m higher than in 2012. $44m (2012 $84m) was spent on share purchases in order to fulfil share incentive awards.

Overall net debt increased during the year by $79m to $1,153m at 31 December 2013.







52    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents



Off-sheet balance sheet arrangements

At 31 December 2013, the Group had no off-balance sheet arrangements that have or are reasonably likely to have a current or future effect on the Group’s financial condition, revenues or expenses, results of operations, liquidity, capital expenditures or capital resources that is material to investors.

Contractual obligations

The Group had the following contractual obligations outstanding as of 31 December 2013:









1 year








After 5


Long-term debt obligations1, 2      1,080                 419                 661   
Interest payable2      308         52         103         51         102   
Finance lease obligations3      3,380         16         32         32         3,300   
Operating lease obligations      352         42         62         46         202   
Agreed pension scheme contributions4      12         12                           
Capital contracts placed      83         83                           
Total      5,215         205         616         129         4,265   


1  Repayment period classified according to the related bond maturity date.
2  Including the impact of derivatives.
3  Represents the minimum lease payments related to the 99-year lease (of which 92 years remain) on the InterContinental Boston. Payments under the lease step up at regular intervals over the lease term.
4  Largely relates to US pension obligations.

As explained in note 26 to the Group Financial Statements, the Group completed a buy-in of its UK defined benefit obligations on 15 August 2013. As a result of this transaction, the defined benefit section of the UK plan is now fully funded and the Company therefore has no further contributions to make in respect of this obligation.

Contingent liabilities

Contingent liabilities include performance guarantees with possible cash outflows totalling $48m, guarantees over the debt of equity investments of $20m and outstanding letters of credit of $41m. See note 32 to the Group Financial Statements for further details.



Market risk


The Group’s risk management policies and additional information regarding the financial instruments used are included in notes 21, 22, 23 and 24 of the Group Financial Statements.

The following table provides information about the Group’s borrowings and derivatives and their sensitivity to interest rates, although at both 31 December 2013 and 31 December 2012, 100% of borrowings in major currencies were fixed rate debt due to the low interest rate environment and current profile of the Group’s debt. For long-term borrowings the table presents the debt principals and related weighted average interest rates by expected maturity dates. For currency swaps, the table presents notional amounts and weighted average interest rates by expected maturity dates. Weighted average variable rates are based on rates set on the last day of the period. The actual currencies of the debt principals are indicated in parentheses.


     Expected to mature before 31 December  
     2014     2015     2016     2017     Thereafter     Total     Fair
value of
     (local currency million, except percentages)  

Long term debt



Fixed rate public bonds (Sterling)


                  250               400        650        671   
Average fixed rate payable                   6.0            3.9     4.7       

Fixed rate lease debt (US dollar)


                                215        215        233   
Fixed rate payable                                 9.7     9.7       

Variable rate bank debt (NZ dollar)


           5                             5        5   
Variable interest rate payable            4.7                          4.7       

Currency swaps



Principal received (Sterling)


                  250                      250          
Fixed rate payable                   6.0                   6.0       

Principal paid (US dollar)


                  415                      415        11   
Fixed rate payable                   6.2                   6.2       








Strategic Report    53

Table of Contents





Crowne Plaza® Hotels & Resorts

Crowne Plaza hotels are typically found in major urban centres, gateway cities and resort destinations around the globe. The brand appeals to business travellers providing facilities and services to support them, including Sleep Advantage®, a holistic sleep programme.


As part of IHG’s commitment to strengthen the brand, five guest experience enhancements are currently being tested in selected hotels, including IHG Anywhere Check in, a mobile check-in service for IHG Rewards Club members.



391 properties; 108,891 rooms open

94 properties in the pipeline






54    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

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Governance    55

Table of Contents
Chairman’s overview







Dear Shareholder

We have a genuine commitment to conducting business responsibly and maintaining high standards of corporate governance. Our governance framework, led by the Board, supports our culture and values with strong and effective practices which permeate throughout the Group.


We keep the composition, diversity and the size of the Board under regular review to ensure that we have the right balance of skills and experience, and that it remains relevant to the business both today and in the future.


In May and August 2013, we announced the appointments of Jill McDonald and Ian Dyson to the Board. Jill and Ian joined the Audit and Nomination Committees, with Ian appointed as a member of the Remuneration Committee.


On 1 January 2014, following the resignation of Tom Singer, Paul Edgecliffe-Johnson was appointed to the Board as Chief Financial Officer. Paul joined IHG in August 2004 and has held a number of senior positions, most recently as Chief Financial Officer of IHG’s Europe and Asia, Middle East and Africa regions. Succession planning is a matter we take very seriously and this appointment was an excellent demonstration of the strength and depth of our management team and our ability to promote from within.


David Kappler will retire from the Board on 31 May 2014, having served as a Director since June 2004. He will be stepping down as Chairman of the Audit Committee with effect from 1 April 2014 with Ian Dyson replacing him as Audit Committee Chairman. Following David’s retirement, Dale Morrison will be appointed Senior Independent Non-Executive Director with effect from 31 May 2014. David has made a significant contribution to IHG over the last 9 years as a Non-Executive Director and we wish him well for the future.


My objectives for 2014 include enhancing the capabilities and competencies of the Board with an immediate objective to find a Non-Executive Director with consumer facing technology experience given the significance of this area in our strategy.


We continue to review our governance framework and processes to enhance the way we operate as a Board and deepen our strategic debate. We introduced a number of improvements to this effect in 2013. This included improving agenda setting processes, introducing more executive sessions and making more time to consider external perspectives on consumer and technology trends.


The Board performance evaluation conducted in 2013 by an external facilitator will inform further enhancements to our Board processes.





Pages 61 to 65




Board Committees


Audit Committee

Pages 66 to 67


Corporate Responsibility Committee

Page 68


Nomination Committee

Page 69


Remuneration Committee

Pages 74 to 97



Management Committees


Executive Committee

Page 65


Disclosure Committee

Page 65


General Purposes Committee

Page 65



As a dual listed company with a secondary listing on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), we are required to file both an Annual Report in the UK, which complies with the UK Corporate Governance Code (Code), and an Annual Report on Form 20-F in the US, which complies with the NYSE rules, US securities laws and the rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). For 2013, to ensure consistency of information provided to both UK and US investors, we have for the first time produced a combined Annual Report and Annual Report on Form 20-F.


As required by the SEC, a statement outlining the differences between the Company’s UK corporate governance practices and those followed by US companies may be found on page 175.


Once again, I am pleased to report that, during 2013, we complied fully with all principles and provisions of the Code issued in September 2012, which is available at www.frc.org.uk.


Patrick Cescau

Non-Executive Chairman

17 February 2014






56    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents
Board of Directors biographies



Patrick Cescau

Non-Executive Chairman

  Appointed to the Board: 1 January 2013

Skills and experience: From 2005 to 2008, Patrick was Group Chief Executive of Unilever Group, having previously been Chairman of Unilever PLC, Vice-Chairman of Unilever NV and Foods Director, following a progressive career with the Company, which began in France in 1973. Prior to being appointed to the Board of Unilever PLC and Unilever NV in 1999, as Finance Director, he was Chairman of a number of the Company’s major operating companies and divisions, including in the US, Indonesia and Portugal.

Board contribution: Patrick has held Board positions for more than 13 years in leading global businesses and brings extensive international experience in brands, consumer products, as well as finance. As Chairman, Patrick is responsible for leading the Board and ensuring it operates in an effective manner and promoting constructive relations with shareholders.

Other appointments: Currently a Non-Executive Director of International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A. and the Senior Independent Non-Executive Director of Tesco PLC. Patrick is also a trustee of The Leverhulme Trust and Chairman of the St Jude India Children’s Charity. He was formerly a Senior Independent Director and Non-Executive Director of Pearson PLC and a Director at INSEAD.




Paul Edgecliffe-Johnson

Chief Financial Officer

Appointed to the Board: 1 January 2014


Skills and experience: Paul is a chartered accountant and a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants. He was previously Chief Financial Officer of IHG’s Europe and Asia, Middle East & Africa regions, a position he held since September 2011. He joined IHG in August 2004 and has held a number of senior level finance positions including Head of Investor Relations, Head of Global Corporate Finance and Financial Planning & Tax and Head of Hotel Development, Europe. Paul also acted as Interim Chief Executive Officer of the Europe, Middle East and Africa regions.

Board contribution: Paul is responsible, together with the Board, for overseeing the financial operations of the Group and setting its financial strategy.


Committee membership key

LOGO     Audit Committee member

LOGO     Corporate Responsibility Committee member

LOGO     Nomination Committee member

LOGO     Remuneration Committee member




Richard Solomons

Chief Executive Officer

  Appointed to the Board: 10 February 2003

Skills and experience: During his tenure as Chief Executive Officer, Richard has led the continued growth of IHG, including the launch of our two newest brands, HUALUXE Hotels & Resorts and EVEN Hotels. He has also overseen the recent relaunch of IHG’s loyalty programme as IHG Rewards Club. Before being appointed Chief Executive Officer, Richard served as Chief Financial Officer and Head of Commercial Development at IHG. Richard was integral in shaping and implementing IHG’s asset-light strategy, which has helped the business grow significantly since it was formed in 2003 as well as supporting the return of over £9 billion to shareholders. In 2008, he also served as Interim President of our Americas business.

Board contribution: Richard is responsible for the executive management of the Group and ensuring the implementation of Board strategy and policy.




Kirk Kinsell

President, The Americas

Appointed to the Board: 1 August 2010


Skills and experience: Kirk has 30 years’ experience in the hospitality industry, including senior franchise positions with Holiday Inn Corporation and ITT Sheraton. He joined the Group in 2002 as Senior Vice President, Chief Development Officer for The Americas region. He became an Executive Committee member in September 2007 and was previously President, Europe, Middle East and Africa until June 2011.

Board contribution: Kirk has vast experience in the hospitality industry and is responsible for the business development and performance of all the hotel brands and properties in The Americas region.



Tracy Robbins

Executive Vice President,

Human Resources and Group

Operations Support

Appointed to the Board: 9 August 2011


Skills and experience: Tracy has over 28 years’ experience in human resources roles in service industries. She joined the Group in December 2005 from Compass Group PLC, a world-leading food service company, where she was Group Human Resources Leadership & Development Director. Previously Group HR Director for Forte Group plc, a hotel company. She also spent seven years at Tesco PLC as a Retail Human Resources Manager where she implemented a culture change and restructuring strategy across 150 stores.

Board contribution: Tracy has many years of experience in human resources and is responsible for global talent management, leadership development, employee reward strategy and implementation, organisational capability and operations support.







Governance    57

Table of Contents
Board of Directors biographies





David Kappler

Senior Independent

Non-Executive Director

  Appointed to the Board: 21 June 2004

Skills and experience: David is a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. Formerly Chief Financial Officer of Cadbury Schweppes plc and Non-Executive Chairman of Premier Foods plc. He also served as a Non-Executive Director of Camelot Group plc and HMV Group plc.

Board contribution: David brings over 35 years’ knowledge and experience in financial reporting, risk management and internal financial controls. As Chairman of the Audit Committee he is responsible for leading the Committee to ensure effective internal controls and risk management systems are in place.

Other appointments: Currently a Non-Executive Director of Shire plc, a member of the Europe Advisory Council of Trilantic Capital Partners and Chairman of ADS2 Brands Limited.



Ian Dyson


Non-Executive Director

  Appointed to the Board: 1 September 2013

Skills and experience: Ian has held a number of senior executive and finance roles including Group Finance & Operations Director for Marks & Spencer Group plc for 5 years from 2005 to 2010, where he oversaw significant changes in the business. In addition, Ian was Chief Executive Officer of Punch Taverns plc, Finance Director for the Rank Group, and Group Financial Controller and Finance Director for the hotels division of Hilton Hotels & Resorts.

Board contribution: Ian has gained significant experience from working in various senior finance roles predominantly in the hospitality sector.

Other appointments: Currently a Non-Executive Director of Punch Taverns plc, a Non-Executive Director and Chairman of the Audit Committee of Betfair Group plc and Senior Independent Non-Executive Director of ASOS plc.



Jennifer Laing


Non-Executive Director

  Appointed to the Board: 25 August 2005

Skills and experience: Jennifer was Associate Dean, External Relations at London Business School, until 2007. A fellow of the Marketing Society and of the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising, she has over 30 years’ experience in advertising including 16 years with Saatchi & Saatchi where she rose to Chairman of the London office and subsequently Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Saatchi & Saatchi North America.

Board contribution: Jennifer has over 30 years’ experience in marketing and advertising and is Chairman of the Corporate Responsibility Committee, responsible for the Corporate Responsibility objectives and strategy.

Other appointments: Currently a Non-Executive Director of Hudson Global, Inc., a US human resources company and Premier Foods plc, a branded food producer.




Jonathan Linen


Non-Executive Director

  Appointed to the Board: 1 December 2005

Skills and experience: Jonathan was formerly Vice Chairman of the American Express Company, having held a range of senior positions throughout his career of over 35 years with American Express.

Board contribution: Jonathan has over 25 years’ experience working in the financial and branded sectors and is a member of the Remuneration Committee.

Other appointments: Currently a Non-Executive Director of Yum! Brands, Inc. and Modern Bank, N.A., a US private banking company. Jonathan also serves on a number of US councils and advisory boards.






58    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents



Luke Mayhew


Non-Executive Director

  Appointed to the Board: 1 July 2011

Skills and experience: Luke served for 12 years on the Board of John Lewis Partnership, including as Managing Director of the Department Store division. Luke also spent five years at British Airways Plc and seven years at Thomas Cook Group PLC in senior positions. He was also a Non-Executive Director of WHSmith PLC and Chairman of Pets at Home Group Limited.

Board contribution: Luke has over 30 years’ experience in senior roles in the branded sector and was Remuneration Committee Chairman at Brambles Limited from 2006 to 2013. As Chairman of the IHG Remuneration Committee he is responsible for setting the remuneration policy.

Other appointments: Currently a Non-Executive Director of Brambles Limited, a global provider of supply chain and information management solutions, and trustee of BBC Children in Need.



Jill McDonald


Non-Executive Director

  Appointed to the Board: 1 June 2013

Skills and experience: Jill started her career at Colgate-Palmolive, spent 16 years with British Airways Plc and held a number of senior marketing positions in the UK and overseas.

Board contribution: Jill has over 26 years’ experience working with high-profile international consumer facing brands at both marketing and operational level.

Other appointments: Currently Chief Executive Officer UK and President for the North West Europe Division for McDonald’s. Prior to that Jill was Chief Executive Officer UK and President for the Northern Division (2010 to 2013) and previously Senior Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer UK and Northern Division (2006 to 2010).


Committee membership key

LOGO     Audit Committee member

LOGO     Corporate Responsibility Committee member

LOGO     Nomination Committee member

LOGO     Remuneration Committee member



Dale Morrison


Non-Executive Director

  Appointed to the Board: 1 June 2011

Skills and experience: Dale is a founding partner of TriPointe Capital Partners, a private equity firm. Dale was previously President and Chief Executive Officer of McCain Foods Limited and President and Chief Executive Officer of Campbell Soup Company.

Board contribution: Dale has over 10 years’ experience in sales and marketing positions, and over 25 years’ experience in general management, having held senior positions in the branded foods sector.

Other appointments: Currently a Non-Executive Director of International Flavors & Fragrances Inc., a producer of flavours and fragrances, and Chairman of Findus Group, a frozen food company.






Ying Yeh


Non-Executive Director

  Appointed to the Board: 1 December 2007

Skills and experience: Ying was formerly Vice President and Chairman, Greater China Region, Nalco Company and Chairman and President, North Asia Region, President, Business Development, Asia Pacific Region and Vice President, Eastman Kodak Company. She was, for 15 years, a diplomat with the US Foreign Service in Hong Kong and Beijing until 1997.

Board contribution: Ying has over 20 years’ experience gained from working in senior positions in global organisations across a broad range of sectors.

Other appointments: Currently a Non-Executive Director of AB Volvo, a transportation related products and services company, ABB Ltd, a global leader in power and automation technologies, and Samsonite International S.A., a travel luggage company.







Governance    59

Table of Contents
Executive Committee biographies


In addition to the Executive Directors on the Board, the Executive Committee comprises:



Keith Barr

Chief Commercial Officer

Appointed to the Executive Committee:

April 2011 (Joined the Group: 2000)


Skills and experience: Keith has over 20 years’ experience in the hospitality industry. He has held senior appointments including Vice President of Sales and Revenue Management, Vice President of Operations, Chief Operating Officer, Australia, New Zealand and South Pacific, and Managing Director, Greater China. He became an Executive Committee member in April 2011 and was previously Chief Executive, Greater China until May 2013. Keith is currently a member of Leland C. and Mary M. Pillsbury Institute for Hospitality Entrepreneurship Advisory Board.

Key responsibilities: These include global sales, marketing and brand functions, to drive consistent brand strategies across all regions and leverage IHG’s scale and systems to deliver continued industry outperformance.



Angela Brav

Chief Executive, Europe

Appointed to the Executive Committee:

August 2011 (Joined the Group: 1988)


Skills and experience: Angela has over 25 years’ experience in the hospitality industry, including hotel operations, franchise relations and technology solutions. She has held various senior roles in IHG’s North American and European regions prior to becoming Chief Operating Officer, North America. She was appointed Chief Executive, Europe in August 2011.

Key responsibilities: These include business development and performance of all the hotel brands and properties in Europe.



Kenneth Macpherson

Chief Executive, Greater China

Appointed to the Executive Committee:

April 2013 (Joined the Group: 2013)


Skills and experience: Kenneth joined IHG as Chief Executive, Greater China in April 2013. Prior to joining the Group, he worked for Diageo plc, one of the UK’s leading branded companies, for over 19 years and has held senior management positions including serving as Executive Managing Director of Diageo Greater China. Kenneth has extensive management experience, with a background in sales, marketing strategy, business development, and operations. Kenneth also brings substantial knowledge and expertise in Chinese and international business operations.

Key responsibilities: These include business development and performance of all the hotel brands and properties in the Greater China region.



Eric Pearson

Executive Vice President

and Chief Information Officer

Appointed to the Executive Committee:

February 2012 (Joined the Group: 1997)


Skills and experience: Eric has a background in engineering and technology and started his career at IHG over 17 years ago. Since then he has held various senior positions in the field of emerging technologies and global e-commerce. Eric most recently held the position of Chief Marketing Officer for The Americas region.

Key responsibilities: These include global technology, including IT systems and information management, throughout the Group.






Jan Smits

Chief Executive, Asia,

Middle East and Africa

Appointed to the Executive Committee:

August 2011 (Joined the Group: 2002)


Skills and experience: Jan has 32 years’ experience in the hospitality industry. He held various senior positions in the Asia and Australasia region. He became Managing Director, Asia Australasia in June 2009. Following the amalgamation of our Middle East and Africa region with our Asia Australasia region, he became Chief Executive, Asia, Middle East and Africa in August 2011.

Key responsibilities: These include business development and performance of all the hotel brands and properties in Asia, Middle East and Africa.



George Turner

Executive Vice President, General

Counsel and Company Secretary

Appointed to the Executive Committee:

January 2009 (Joined the Group: 2008)


Skills and experience: George is a solicitor and qualified to private practice in 1995. Prior to joining the Group, George spent 12 years with Imperial Chemical Industries where he held a number of key positions including Deputy Company Secretary. He was appointed Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Company Secretary in January 2009.

Key responsibilities: These include corporate governance, risk management, insurance, regulatory, internal audit, legal, corporate responsibility, public affairs and standards.



There are no family relationships between any of the Board or Executive Committee members (set out on pages 57 to 60). There are no arrangements or understandings with major shareholders, customers, suppliers or others, pursuant to which any of the Board or Executive Committee were selected as a Director or member of the Executive Committee.






60    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents
Corporate Governance




Board membership

During the year, Jill McDonald (1 June 2013) and Ian Dyson (1 September 2013) were appointed to the Board as independent Non-Executive Directors. On 1 January 2014, Paul Edgecliffe-Johnson was appointed to the Board as Chief Financial Officer following Tom Singer’s resignation.

In 2014, David Kappler will retire from the Board (31 May 2014), Ian Dyson will become Audit Committee Chairman (1 April 2014) and Dale Morrison will become the Senior Independent Director (31 May 2014).



Biographical details of each member of the Board, including their external commitments, can be found on pages 57 to 59.

Board and Committee structure

The Board has delegated authority to four committees:


  Audit Committee;


  Corporate Responsibility Committee;


  Nomination Committee; and


  Remuneration Committee.

See pages 66 to 69 and 74 to 97 for the Committee Reports. There are also three management committees, which together provide a sound governance framework, see page 65.

Key responsibilities


  Leading the strategic direction and long-term objectives and success of the Group, approving strategic plans, and capital and revenue budgets;


  reviewing significant investment proposals;


  maintaining an overview and control of the Group’s operating and financial performance;


  monitoring the Group’s overall system of internal controls and risk management, governance and compliance, considering regulatory changes and developments; and


  ensuring that the necessary financial and human resources are in place for the Group to meet its objectives.

The Board has a schedule of matters reserved for it, which are available on the website at www.ihgplc.com/investors under corporate governance. Service contracts and letters of appointment set out in writing the roles of each of the Directors including the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (see below).

Chairman – Patrick Cescau

  Leading the operation and governance of the Board and its Committees as well as building and maintaining an effective Board;


  overseeing corporate governance matters and ensuring they are addressed;


  leading the performance evaluations of the Chief Executive Officer, Non-Executive Directors and the Board;


  ensuring Directors receive timely, accurate and clear information on Company business and that all Directors are fully informed of relevant matters; and


  communicating effectively with shareholders and stakeholders.

Patrick Cescau, in conjunction with Richard Solomons and George Turner, ensure that Directors receive a full, formal and tailored induction to the Group and ongoing training as relevant. The roles of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer are clearly established and separate.

Chief Executive Officer – Richard Solomons

  Leading the development of the Company’s strategic direction and implementing the agreed strategy;


  communicating effectively with shareholders and stakeholders;


  overseeing business operations and managing risks; and


  building and leading an effective Executive Committee and management of the Group’s business.

Richard Solomons is assisted in meeting his responsibilities by Paul Edgecliffe-Johnson, Chief Financial Officer, and the Executive Committee (who head up the Group’s principal operations and functions).

Senior Independent Non-Executive Director – David Kappler

  Being available to liaise with shareholders who have concerns that they feel have not been addressed through the normal channels;


  conducting the annual performance review of the Chairman; and


  providing advice and judgement for the Chairman as necessary.

Independent Non-Executive Directors

  Providing a strong source of advice and judgement;


  constructively challenging and helping develop proposals on strategy; and


  providing significant external commercial experience and a broad range of skills for the Board to draw on.

Company Secretary – George Turner

  Ensuring a good flow of information to the Board and its Committees and between the Executive Committee and the Non-Executive Directors;


  facilitating all Director inductions; and


  advising the Board on corporate governance and keeping the Board up-to-date on all legal, regulatory and other developments.

Board composition



The Board’s current composition meets the requirement of the Code for at least half the Board, excluding Patrick Cescau, to be independent Non-Executive Directors. The Chairman was independent on appointment to the Board.

In the Board’s view, all of the current Non-Executive Directors are independent including David Kappler who has served as a Director for over 9 years and who will be retiring from the Board on 31 May 2014.

Notwithstanding David’s length of tenure, the Board is satisfied that David Kappler continues to demonstrate independence in character and judgement and that it remains appropriate to regard him as independent under provision B.1.1 of the Code. David therefore continues to serve on the Board as Senior Independent Non-Executive Director and Audit Committee Chairman.

At each AGM all Directors stand for re-election.







Governance    61

Table of Contents
Corporate Governance continued


Length of Non-Executive Director tenure

The current Non-Executive Directors’ lengths of tenure as at 31 December 2013 are illustrated below:



Board balance of skills and experience

Collectively, the Board has an appropriate balance of skills, experience, independence, knowledge and diversity to enable it to discharge its duties and responsibilities effectively.

Below is a chart showing the Board’s balance of skills and experience:



Diversity and inclusion

With a presence in nearly 100 countries and territories globally, we believe that our leadership should reflect the diversity of our employees, our guests and the local communities in which we operate. The Board recognises the benefits of diversity throughout our global business.

We continue to focus on providing an inclusive environment, in which employees are valued for who they are and what they bring to the Group, and in which talented individuals are retained through all levels of the organisation.



Further details on our commitment to diversity and inclusion throughout the business together with statistics are set out on page 23.

Board diversity policy

Our Board diversity policy, introduced in 2013, aims to ensure that diversity in its broadest sense remains a key priority of the Board.

Our objectives are as follows:


  whilst all appointments are made on merit, we seek to ensure that the Board maintains an appropriate balance through a diverse mix of experience, backgrounds, skills, knowledge and insight, to further strengthen the diversity of gender and experience already on the Board and improve it further;


  we commit to having diverse and inclusive leadership which supports all colleagues in reaching their full potential, including the development of a pipeline of high-calibre candidates from within the business;


  we will maintain a level of at least 25% female directors on the Board over the short to medium-term; and


  we will report annually against these objectives and other initiatives taking place in the Group which promote gender and other forms of diversity.

We are currently in compliance with all of the above objectives. We firmly believe in the importance of a diverse Board membership and fully support the UK Lord Davies Report on ‘Women on Boards’. Currently, the Board includes four women (31%) and four nationalities.

Our current Board gender and nationality split is illustrated below:

Board gender



Board nationalities








62    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents


Board meetings

The Board meets eight times each year with additional meetings scheduled as necessary. One of the meetings is a two-day strategy meeting, in which the Board considers the Group’s strategy and related issues. This provides an opportunity for the business to have a wide-ranging dialogue with the Board and for the Board to meet many of our senior management and gain a deeper understanding of different markets. In 2013, the Chairman and the Non-Executive Directors met without Executive Directors being present, and intend to continue this practise, before every Board meeting if possible.

Patrick Cescau, in conjunction with George Turner, plans the agenda for each Board meeting. This is a two tier process, combining our annual agenda of regular items, which ensures all critical topics and strategic updates are covered, with a detailed schedule of areas for presentation at Board meetings.

Directors are briefed on the Group’s financial performance and its operations, key commercial matters and progress against key strategic plans and relations with investors, by means of comprehensive papers in advance of, and presentations at, Board meetings.

The Board also receives more in-depth presentations on a wide range of business issues in a more informal context the evening before formal Board meetings. Evening presentation topics during 2013 included:


  the IHG corporate brand and the loyalty programme relaunch – IHG Rewards Club;


  the IHG Owners Association;


  technology trends; and


  the System Fund.

Should any Director be unable to attend a meeting, he or she would be provided with all the papers and information relevant to that meeting in advance and be able to discuss matters arising with Patrick Cescau and Richard Solomons.

Board annual strategy meeting

During 2013, the Board held its two-day strategy meeting in Washington D.C., US, which enabled the Board to look in depth at the long-term strategic direction of the Group, understand progress against key strategic priorities and confirm those areas which require ongoing Board oversight. The discussion topics included: major trends in the industry, new business development opportunities, and an overview of the medium to long-term financial impacts of our strategic choices. There was also an opportunity to visit a cross-section of competitor hotels.

Key issues discussed in 2013 meetings

At each meeting the Board has the following standing items on the agenda: Chairman’s matters, Chief Executive Officer’s matters, finance updates from the Chief Financial Officer, business updates from various members of the Executive Committee, risk management, secretariat updates (including corporate governance), media and investor relations updates and conflicts of interest review.

Key areas of focus for the Board in 2013 included:





Commercial, geographic, technological,
human resources






Chief Financial Officer’s report,
2013 budget, 2012 full-year results, 2013 half-year results and interim management statements






Board performance evaluation, committee updates and reports, legal and regulatory compliance updates






Operational and strategic risk, safety and
security, reputation






IHG’s three core programmes; IHG Green Engage, IHG Academy and IHG Shelter in a Storm Programme






  Analyst reports, investor perceptions  

Independent advice

All Directors have access to the advice and services of George Turner, the Company Secretary, the Company’s external legal advisers and the external Auditor, who is currently Ernst & Young LLP. There is an agreed process by which Directors may seek independent professional advice at the Company’s expense in the furtherance of their duties.

Conflicts of interest and independence

The Board reviews potential conflicts of interest and independence as a standing agenda item at each Board meeting with a review conducted annually. As authorised by the Articles, the Board considers and approves all potential conflicts of interest as it deems appropriate. Directors have continuing obligations to update the Board on any changes to these conflicts or their independence.

Directors and officers liability (D&O) insurance

The Company maintains D&O insurance which covers Directors and officers of the Company against defending civil proceedings brought against them in their capacity as a Director or officer of the Company. There were no indemnity provisions relating to the UK pension plan for the benefit of the Directors during 2013.







Governance    63

Table of Contents
Corporate Governance continued



The Board believes that, in order to be most effective, it must have a mix of skills and experience, background and length of service. Further details can be found on page 62. The structure, size and composition of the Board and succession planning is continuously monitored by Patrick Cescau and the Nomination Committee. Further details can be found in the Nomination Committee Report on page 69.

A summary of each Director’s attendance at meetings of the Board and its principal Committees during 2013 is shown below. Unless otherwise indicated, all Directors held office throughout the year:





       Board        Audit   LOGO   



  LOGO    Nomination   LOGO    Remuneration   LOGO   
Patrick Cescau      LOGO             8/8         n/a    n/a    5/5    n/a  
Chief Executive Officer                                          
Richard Solomons      LOGO             8/8         n/a    3/3    n/a    n/a  
Executive Directors                                          
Kirk Kinsell      n/a           8/8         n/a    n/a    n/a    n/a  
Tracy Robbins      n/a           8/8         n/a    n/a    n/a    n/a  
Tom Singer1      n/a           7/7         n/a    n/a    n/a    n/a  
Senior Independent Non-Executive Director                                          
David Kappler      LOGO             7/85         5/5    n/a    5/5    5/65  
Independent Non-Executive Directors                                          
Ian Dyson2      LOGO             3/3         2/2    n/a    1/1    3/3  
Jennifer Laing      LOGO             8/8         5/5    3/3    5/5    n/a  
Jonathan Linen      LOGO             8/8         n/a    n/a    5/5    6/6  
Luke Mayhew      LOGO             8/8         n/a    3/3    5/5    6/6  
Jill McDonald3      LOGO             4/53         3/3    n/a    2/33    n/a  
Dale Morrison      LOGO             8/8         5/5    3/3    5/5    n/a  
Ying Yeh      LOGO             8/8         n/a    3/3    5/5    6/6  
Total meetings held                 8         5    3    5    6  


1  Paul Edgecliffe-Johnson was appointed as a Director on 1 January 2014 and Tom Singer resigned.
2  Appointed as an independent Non-Executive Director and member of the Audit, Nomination and Remuneration Committees on 1 September 2013.
3  Appointed as an independent Non-Executive Director and member of the Audit and Nomination Committees on 1 June 2013. Jill McDonald missed one Board meeting and one Nomination Committee meeting (which were held on the same day) due to a prior commitment known to the Board in advance.
4  Chairman of the relevant Committee.
5  David Kappler missed one Board meeting and one Remuneration Committee meeting (which were held on the same day) due to a prior commitment known to the Board in advance.


Annual re-election of Directors

All Directors retire at each AGM and are subject to shareholder re-election in line with the Code recommendations. Details of Directors’ service contracts and appointment terms are set out on pages 85 and 86.

Director induction, training and development

Director induction

There is a tailored induction programme for all Director appointments which is designed to meet their individual needs and accords with best practice. Induction programmes were developed for Jill McDonald and Ian Dyson, and Paul Edgecliffe-Johnson has also received an appropriate induction to his role as Chief Financial Officer. All Directors are encouraged to request further information as they consider necessary to fulfil their role.

Key aspects of the induction are as follows:


  familiarisation with the Group, including areas such as the Board structure and its Committees, Group structure, principal activities and strategy and its approach to risk and risk management;


  meetings with both senior executives and regional and central management from various functions across the Group, including Business Reputation and Responsibility, Human Resources, Corporate Affairs, Global Strategy and Corporate Development, Global Internal Audit and Financial Planning and Analysis; and
  visits to our global corporate offices and hotels to provide a greater insight into the business.

On appointment, Directors are advised of, and requested to, make the necessary time commitment required to discharge their responsibilities effectively. Patrick Cescau reviews the time each Non-Executive Director has dedicated to the Company, as part of the annual Board performance evaluation.

Ongoing Director training and development

The updating of all Directors’ skills and knowledge, ongoing training and development and understanding of the Group’s business and operations is a progressive exercise.

During 2013, the Directors received briefings on a number of legal and regulatory developments, including updates on director remuneration legislation, regulatory changes to annual reporting and various ABI and PIRC corporate governance guidelines. Patrick Cescau regularly reviews and agrees training and development needs with each Director. In addition, George Turner regularly makes the Board aware of training opportunities and additional information to enable them to keep up-to-date and enhance their knowledge of the business.

Board performance evaluation

IHG has always recognised the importance of evaluating the performance of the Board, its main Committees and its Directors in line with the Code recommendations.







64    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents


2013 Board performance evaluation


Boardroom Review, an independent external facilitator with no other connection to IHG, carried out the 2013 Board performance evaluation. This included confidential interviews with each Director to gain an understanding of our Board’s performance and consider its effectiveness.


The results of the review were presented for discussion at the Board meeting in February 2014 and confirmed that the Board and each of its Committees continue to operate effectively, the composition of the Board is strong and that each Director brings relevant knowledge, diversity of perspective, an ability and willingness to challenge and retains a strong commitment to the role. Further strengths included the Board culture, use of time, increasingly strategic debate and the control and risk framework oversight at Board level.

2013 and 2012 external Board performance evaluation outcomes and action plan


2013        2012     
Observations   Action taken/to be taken   Observations   Action taken
Increase the Board’s oversight of new technology   Ensure the Board is regularly updated on developments   Deepen the Board’s focus on the Group’s strategy   Retained focus on strategy with particular attention on the external environment
Enhance the Board’s use of time and gain a deeper understanding of priorities and risks   Provide the Board with more time to consider industry and consumer trends, further information on the competition and regular updates on major projects   Ensure the smooth integration of the new Chairman   A tailored induction was completed with ongoing support
Consider future Board composition and succession  

Schedule regular Nomination Committee meetings


Prioritise the search for a Non-Executive Director with experience in consumer facing technology


Continually refresh the Board skills inventory

  Continue to improve the meeting process, including refining senior management presentations and papers to the Board  

Senior management reviewed the optimum level of detail in presentations and papers


More frequent sessions held with the Chief Executive Officer and Non-Executive Directors


Provided the Board annual agenda of regular items to the Directors


Conducted deep dives into regions, functions and current issues


Balanced the time for presentations and discussion

    Consider growth opportunities for the Group   Continued to review growth opportunities for the Group


Individual Director internal performance evaluations

The internal performance evaluations of members of the Board are carried out by the following individuals:


Director being appraised    Appraiser
Chairman    Reviewed by the Non-Executive Directors excluding the Chairman and facilitated by the Senior Independent Non-Executive Director
Chief Executive Officer    Chairman and all Non-Executive Directors meet to discuss performance
Executive Directors    Chief Executive Officer
Non-Executive Directors    Chairman

Board committees

For the Board’s four Committee Reports, see pages 66 to 69 and 74 to 97.

Each Committee has written terms of reference which are approved by the Board and subject to review each year. Amendments to the terms of reference were made and approved for the Nomination, Remuneration and Audit Committees.

Management committees

Details of our management committees are set out below and their terms of reference can be found on the Company’s website at www.ihgplc.com/investors under corporate governance/committees or from the Company Secretary’s office on request.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee considers and manages a range of strategic and business issues facing the Group. It monitors the performance of the business and is authorised to approve capital and revenue investment within levels agreed by the Board.

Governance: The Committee is chaired by Richard Solomons and usually meets monthly. Members of this Committee comprise the Executive Directors and the most senior executives from the Group (see page 60). The Committee recommends to the Board significant decisions which require its approval.

Disclosure Committee

The Disclosure Committee is responsible for ensuring that there are procedures in place so that information required to be disclosed in reports pursuant to UK and US accounting, statutory or listing requirements, fairly represent the Group’s position in all material respects.

Governance: The Committee is chaired by the Group’s Financial Controller. Members of this Committee comprise of George Turner and other senior officers. The Committee reports to Richard Solomons, Paul Edgecliffe-Johnson and the Audit Committee.

General Purposes Committee

The Committee attends to business of a routine nature and to the administration of matters, the principles of which have been agreed previously by the Board or an appropriate committee.

Governance: The Committee comprises any one Executive Committee member together with a senior officer from an agreed and restricted list. It is always chaired by an Executive Committee member and Patrick Cescau and Executive Directors are notified in advance of the business of the meeting.








Governance    65

Table of Contents
Corporate Governance continued


Audit Committee Report




Committee membership



David Kappler Chairman




Ian Dyson, Jennifer Laing, Jill McDonald, Dale Morrison




For full biographies see pages 57 to 59.


Dear Shareholder

Roles and responsibilities

The Audit Committee’s responsibilities fall in to five areas: (i) internal controls and risk management; (ii) financial reporting; (iii) internal audit; (iv) external audit and compliance; and (v) whistleblowing and fraud.

Terms of reference (ToR)

The Committee’s main role and responsibilities are set out in its ToR which have been drafted to be fully compliant with the Code provisions. A copy of the ToR can be found on the Company’s website at www.ihgplc.com/investors under corporate governance/committees or from the Company Secretary’s office on request.


The Committee was in place throughout 2013 and all Committee members remained independent, as determined annually by the Board. During the year, Ian Dyson and Jill McDonald joined the Committee. Each member has been appointed as they have the experience and expertise necessary to meet the Committee’s responsibilities.

The Board is satisfied that David Kappler continues to remain independent. Having served on the Board since June 2004, he will step down as Audit Committee Chairman on 1 April 2014 and Ian Dyson will be appointed Chairman of the Committee.

The Code requires the Committee to have at least one member with recent and relevant financial experience and the US Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) necessitates a designated financial expert. The Board is satisfied that David Kappler and Ian Dyson meet the requirements of the Code and are financial experts – David is a qualified accountant and former Chief Financial Officer of Cadbury Schweppes plc and Ian is also a qualified accountant and former Group Finance and Operations Director at Marks & Spencer Group plc.

Committee meetings

In 2013, the Committee met five times and the following regular papers were received: an analysis of the audit and non-audit fees; an update on items discussed by the Disclosure Committee; an update on material litigation; a report on significant incidents of fraud and whistleblowing; a report on risk management; an update on SOX compliance; a report from the external Auditor; and a quarterly report on Global Internal Audit (GIA) activities.

At each Committee meeting the internal and external Auditors meet without the presence of management. At the invitation of the Committee, the Chairman (Patrick Cescau), the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Head of GIA, Group Financial Controller and external Auditor, Ernst & Young LLP (EY), attend meetings. EY attended each meeting in 2013 and provided a report on key activities. PwC, who provide co-assurance for global technology projects and processes, also present key findings at every meeting. Other attendees are invited to meetings as appropriate, to provide a deeper insight into, and understanding of, key decisions.

Key issues discussed in 2013 meetings

The Committee discussed, amongst others, the following matters:


Date   Key issues discussed
14 February       •    Appraised EY and recommended their
    •    Examined an analysis of EY’s audit and non-audit fees and assessed that fees incurred to date were in accordance with IHG’s Audit and Non-Audit Services Pre-Approval Policy
    •    Evaluated the 2013 Group Major Risk Review and Global Risk Management Report 2012
    •    Assessed the annual SOX review concluding that no material weaknesses had been found in the internal control environment. One significant deficiency was discussed and noted
    •    Considered recommendations on the preliminary announcement of the annual results, Annual Report and Review 2012 to the Board

Considered EY’s Audit Results Report and made enquiries on key auditing and accounting items and control observations arising from the 2013 audit


2 May     •    Received an update on the 2013 GIA strategy following external review
    •    Considered and made recommendations on the first quarter interim management statement to the Board
    •    Discussed the principal areas of change for the 2013 SOX compliance review
    •    Considered the regulations proposing audit tender and rotation, and agreed to conduct a full review of audit services in 2015

Received an update on treasury activities including the Group’s funding strategy, credit rating strategy, the maturity and profile of the Group’s facilities and the cashflow positions


1 August     •    Received an update on the new accounting standards which were effective from 1 January 2013
    •    Considered and recommended the Half-Year Results to the Board
    •    Approved the EY 2013 Audit Planning Report
    •    Received an update on PwC’s approach to technology assurance, agreed a number of technology audits on information security and requested an update on the same at each meeting

Considered and made enquiries of EY on key matters arising from their interim review on the Group’s Half-Year Results


31 October     •    Received an overview of the System Fund accounting and IHG Rewards Club points liability
    •    Considered and recommended the third quarter interim management statement to the Board

Received the annual update on the Group’s tax position, strategy and focus areas


9 December     •    Discussed the 2014 Major Risks review
    •    Considered the GIA 2014 Audit Plan and agreed to undertake an effectiveness review of GIA
    •    Completed the Audit and Non-Audit Services Pre-Approval Policy annual review and proposed no changes

Reviewed and made enquiries of EY on the key findings in their Audit Update Report







66    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents


Significant matters in the 2013 Financial Statements

In respect of significant matters relating to the 2013 Financial Statements the Committee:


  discussed with management the processes followed to estimate the liability for the Group’s loyalty programme and asked for clarification on the actuarial review undertaken by the third-party actuary and the key elements of the calculation of the estimated cost of point redemption. This is also an area of audit focus and the Committee considered with EY their reporting on this liability;


  reviewed with management the assumptions and calculations supporting the major exceptional items in the year. In particular, the key elements of the charge arising on the UK Defined Benefit Pension Plan buy-in were discussed and the actuarial bases considered. With regard to this item, the Committee also considered EY’s views on the disclosures and approach adopted;


  reviewed the detailed report from management supporting the conclusion that no impairment charges were required against the carrying value of hotel assets, goodwill or other intangible assets. In particular, the key judgements underlying hotel valuations were discussed and the short and longer-term growth assumptions underlying certain intangible valuations were challenged. EY’s views on the valuations performed by management were also considered; and


  discussed the key judgements surrounding deferred tax recognition with the Head of Group Tax and the Chief Financial Officer. In particular, the assumptions regarding the recognition of future profits across the Group were discussed and clarified with management. This is also an area where the Committee received and discussed detailed reporting from EY.

A separate sub-committee meeting was held in February 2014 with management and EY to consider the Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013. The report was reviewed as a whole, to consider whether it provided a fair, balanced and understandable view of the Group with the necessary information for shareholders to assess the Group’s performance, business model and strategy. Audit Committee members provided comments on the draft report which were then incorporated into the final version.

External Auditor

EY have been the Group’s Auditor since it listed in 2003 (10 years). While an audit tender has not been carried out since EY’s initial appointment, the Committee considers the appointment of its Auditor annually, and in May 2013 made a recommendation to the Board that a full review of the audit provision should be carried out in 2015 subject to UK and EU legislation. To ensure EY’s independence is safeguarded, lead audit partners rotate every five years. The current lead audit partner has been in place for three years. An evaluation of EY takes place annually where questionnaires on EY’s services are completed by over 30 senior IHG finance employees.

The Committee reviews the independence and effectiveness of EY on an ongoing basis and receives reports from them on their independence annually. As well as Company policies and procedures, which aim to safeguard EY’s independence and effectiveness, EY also have their own protective policies and systems in place, which are explained in a Transparency Report issued by EY on an annual basis.

For the year ended 31 December 2013, the Committee was satisfied with the independence, objectivity and effectiveness of the relationship with EY as the external Auditor.

Non-audit services

EY provide non-audit services to the Group which are governed, to safeguard their objectivity and independence by IHG’s Audit and Non-Audit Services Pre-Approval Policy. The Policy is re-approved by the Audit Committee annually in December. For the 2013 financial year the policy was updated and approved at the Audit Committee meeting on 12 December 2012. The policy requires that pre-approval is obtained from the Audit Committee for all services before any work can be commenced, in line with US Securities and Exchange Commission requirements. Under this policy, the Committee is prohibited from delegating non-audit services approval to management. Compliance with the policy is actively managed and, as such, an analysis of audit and non-audit services are reviewed by the Committee at each meeting.

The Committee is aware of, and sensitive to, investor body guidelines on non-audit fees. During 2013, 12% of services provided to the Group were non-audit services; these included areas such as advisory work and corporate tax compliance.



For fees paid to EY for non-audit work during 2013 see page 123.

Internal control and risk management

The Committee monitors internal controls and risk management, on behalf of the Board, through quarterly reports from both the Head of GIA and from EY. Additionally, the Committee receives frequent risk management reports on relevant issues and developments from the Head of Risk Management and other management. The Committee Chairman updates the Board on the quality and effectiveness of internal controls across the Group through regular Board presentations. Fraud and whistleblowing reports are collated from information provided by the Group’s independent external provider, who facilitates the Group’s helpline phone number for employees with whistleblowing and fraud concerns, and fraud data from Global Risk Management and are presented to the Committee biannually. The Committee would be advised immediately of a significant matter, to ensure a proportionate and independent investigation was performed.

Internal audit

The Committee is responsible for reviewing and monitoring the activities of the GIA department and does this by way of an annual review. The results of the review are analysed and discussed at the Committee’s meeting in May.

Effectiveness of the Committee

Committee effectiveness is dependent on its overall efficiency as well as the efficacy of EY and GIA. The effectiveness of the Committee, EY and GIA is monitored and assessed annually through evaluation questionnaires.



Further details of the evaluation process can be found on page 65.

Key priorities for the Committee in 2014

During 2014, I will ensure a smooth transition to Ian Dyson and the Committee intends to remain focused on the key areas of responsibility delegated to it by the Board, ensuring that standards of good governance are maintained across all areas of the business, with a particular focus on the integrity of the internal financial controls and risk management systems.

David Kappler, Chairman of the Audit Committee

17 February 2014







Governance    67

Table of Contents
Corporate Governance continued


Corporate Responsibility

Committee Report




Committee membership



Jennifer Laing Chairman




Luke Mayhew, Dale Morrison, Richard Solomons, Ying Yeh




For full biographies see pages 57 to 59.


Dear Shareholder

Roles and responsibilities

The Corporate Responsibility Committee advises the Board on the Group’s corporate responsibility objectives and strategy and ensures that IHG’s responsible business priorities deliver against our core purpose, Great Hotels Guests Love.

Terms of reference (ToR)

Our role and responsibilities are set out in the ToR which can be found on the Company’s website at www.ihgplc.com/investors under corporate governance/committees or from the Company Secretary’s office on request.


All members have the experience and expertise necessary to meet the Committee’s responsibilities. During the year, a majority of the Committee members were Non-Executive Directors, as required under the ToR.



For further information on IHG’s approach to Corporate Responsibility matters see pages 32 and 33.

Committee meetings

In 2013, the Committee held three scheduled meetings and one additional meeting to discuss the corporate responsibility targets. Regular papers were received on corporate responsibility performance as well as deep dives into IHG’s core corporate responsibility programmes; IHG Green Engage, IHG Academy and the IHG Shelter in a Storm Programme.

The Heads of Corporate Responsibility and the Chairman (Patrick Cescau) also attend the meetings.

Effectiveness of the Committee

The Committee is monitored and assessed annually as part of the Board and Committee evaluation.



Further details of this process can be found on page 65.

Key issues discussed in 2013 meetings

The Committee discussed, amongst others, the following matters:


Date   Key issues discussed
15 February     •    Discussed performance against 2012 delivery plan and set 2013 priorities
    •    Discussed the Corporate Responsibility Report approach for 2013

Received a deep dive update on the IHG Shelter in a Storm Programme


24 May     •    Received an update on the key achievements across core corporate responsibility programmes; IHG Green Engage, IHG Academy and IHG Shelter in a Storm Programme
    •    Considered the integration of responsible business into the IHG corporate brand
    •    Reviewed the 2013 to 2017 corporate responsibility external targets

Evaluated the corporate responsibility work undertaken with owners and developers in key hotels


18 June     •    Received a deep dive update on IHG Green Engage and considered proposals for the implementation of IHG Green Engage as a brand standard across the IHG system
    •    Considered the corporate responsibility communications plan and progress made on delivering it

Discussed the Group’s approach to and policy on human rights


26 September       •    Received a deep dive update on the IHG Academy
    •    Discussed the corporate responsibility Investor Breakfast and Media Briefing and subsequent press releases announcing IHG’s external corporate responsibility targets
    •    Received an update on the integration of responsible business into the IHG corporate brand

Considered the corporate responsibility work undertaken with owners and developers in key hotels


2013-2017 Corporate responsibility targets

On 26 September 2013, the Group announced its corporate responsibility targets for 2013-2017, which are focused on our core Corporate Responsibility programmes: IHG Green Engage, IHG Academy, and IHG Shelter in a Storm Programme.

Our five-year targets are set out on page 32 and include: reducing the carbon footprint per occupied room by 12% across our entire estate; reducing water use per occupied room in water-stressed areas by 12%, providing skills and improved employability to 20,000 people through the IHG Academy; and contributing a total of $10 million to communities through monetary donations and in-kind support, including through the IHG Shelter in a Storm Programme.

We will also track and report supply chain diversity and integrate corporate responsibility criteria into the selection and evaluation process for preferred suppliers.

Key priorities for the Committee in 2014

Corporate responsibility continues to be an area of great importance to IHG and I, as Chairman of the Committee, am committed to promoting this as a significant part of doing business responsibly. During 2014 the Committee will continue to focus on making the best use of our key corporate responsibility programmes around the world and ensure responsible business remains synonymous with IHG.

Jennifer Laing, Chairman of the Corporate Responsibility Committee

17 February 2014






68    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents


Nomination Committee Report




Committee membership



Patrick Cescau Chairman




Ian Dyson, David Kappler, Jennifer Laing, Jonathan Linen,
Jill McDonald, Luke Mayhew, Dale Morrison, Ying Yeh




For full biographies see pages 57 to 59.


Dear Shareholder

Roles and responsibilities

The Nomination Committee considers the structure, size and composition of the Board, advising on succession planning and making appropriate recommendations to ensure the Board retains the appropriate level of diversity, skills and experience. The Committee is also responsible for reviewing the Group’s talent planning and leadership needs.

Terms of reference (ToR)

Our role and responsibilities are set out in the ToR which can be found on the Company’s website at www.ihgplc.com/investors under corporate governance/committees or from the Company Secretary’s office on request.


All members, excluding the Chairman are independent Non-Executive Directors, as required under its ToR and also the Code. During 2013 Ian Dyson and Jill McDonald joined the Committee. All members have the experience and expertise necessary to meet the Committee’s responsibilities.

Patrick Cescau would not chair the Committee when it is considering matters relating to his position. In these circumstances, David Kappler, Senior Independent Non-Executive Director, would act as Chairman of the Committee.

2013 Board appointments

The Committee considered a number of Board appointments in 2013. External search agents, Egon Zehnder International, who have no connection to IHG, were engaged to assist in finding two new Non-Executive Directors. The search was undertaken against detailed job specifications setting out the particular skills, knowledge and experience required for these particular positions.

The Committee considered and nominated Jill McDonald and Ian Dyson as Non-Executive Directors, who were appointed by the Board, effective from 1 June 2013 and 1 September 2013 respectively. Paul Edgecliffe-Johnson was considered and nominated as Chief Financial Officer by the Committee and subsequently appointed by the Board, effective 1 January 2014.

David Kappler will step down as Audit Committee Chairman and retire from the Board during 2014. In February 2014 the Committee considered and nominated Dale Morrison as Senior Independent Non-Executive Director and Ian Dyson as Audit Committee Chairman.

Committee meetings

In 2013, the Committee met on five occasions and considered executive succession planning and refreshment of the Board.

Key issues discussed in 2013 meetings

The Committee discussed, amongst others, the following matters:


Date   Key issues discussed
15 February         •    Considered the appointment of Kenneth Macpherson as Chief Executive Officer, Greater China and Keith Barr as Chief Commercial Officer
    •    Recommended the Board for re-election at the AGM
    •    Discussed succession planning for a Non-Executive Director and a new Audit Committee Chairman
    •    Conducted the annual review of the composition, skills, diversity, knowledge and experience of the Board

Reviewed the performance appraisals for members of the Executive Committee


3 May     •    Recommended to the Board the appointment of Jill McDonald as Non-Executive Director

Received an update on Board succession planning


18 June     •    Reviewed Executive Committee development, succession planning and the talent pool

Received an update on succession planning for the Audit Committee Chairman


2 August     •    Recommended to the Board the appointment of Ian Dyson as Non-Executive Director
    •    Discussed the Board’s future skills gap and matched these with existing Director’s skills

Discussed the Chief Executive Officer’s mid-year appraisal


5 December         •   

Considered and recommended the appointment of Paul Edgecliffe-Johnson as Chief Financial Officer


Succession planning

Independent consultants are engaged for all Non-Executive Director appointment searches. The Committee remains focused, on behalf of the Board, on Board succession planning for both Executive and Non-Executive Directors.

During 2013, the Committee worked with senior management to review and strengthen the talent pool within the business and the appointment of Paul Edgecliffe-Johnson as Chief Financial Officer demonstrates the strength of our succession planning. A number of new senior hires were made in both global and regional leadership positions, further strengthening our internal pipeline.

Board diversity

We recognise the value of diversity in its broadest sense and, whilst all appointments are made on merit, we seek to ensure the Board maintains an appropriate balance through a diverse mix of skills, experience, knowledge and background.

We support the aspirations of the UK Lord Davies Report on ‘Women on Boards’ including the representation of women at the highest level in the organisation. We currently have four women on the Board (31%) and two on the Executive Committee (18%).



Further information on diversity across the Group can be found on page 23.

Key priorities for the Committee in 2014

The Committee will consider enhancements to the Board and Committees and as Chairman of the Committee, I am committed to ensuring that we continue to look for the right capabilities and competencies for the future, looking in particular in areas such as guest-facing technology.

Patrick Cescau, Chairman of the Nomination Committee

17 February 2014







Governance    69

Table of Contents
Corporate Governance continued





For information on remuneration see the Remuneration Committee Report on pages 74 to 97.


Risk management

The Board has ultimate responsibility for ensuring that business risks are effectively managed. The Board has considered and approved the risk management policy and has delegated regular review of the risk management procedures to the Audit Committee. The review is carried out through a monitoring process, which accords with the Code and the Internal Control: Guidance to Directors.



Further details on the Audit Committee’s role in managing risk are set out on page 67.

Day-to-day management of business risks are the responsibility of the Executive Committee. These are managed through established processes which monitor:


  strategic plan achievement, through a comprehensive series of Group and regional strategic reviews;


  financial performance, within a comprehensive financial planning and accounting framework;


  capital investment performance, with detailed appraisal and authorisation processes; and


  risk management processes relying upon a Major Risks review and assurance mapping process (through reports from the Head of Global Risk Management, the Head of GIA, and, as appropriate, from management) providing assurance that the significant risks faced by the Group are being identified, assessed, prioritised, evaluated and appropriately managed and mitigated, having regard to the balance of risk, cost and opportunity.

Board annual review of internal controls and risk management

The Board conducts an annual review of the effectiveness of the Group’s system of internal controls and risk management. This review covers all material controls, including financial, operational and compliance controls, the principal risks affecting the Group, the risk management systems, and also takes into account any material developments since the year end.

Whilst areas for continuous improvement have been identified and actions initiated as a result of the Group’s processes, no significant shortcomings have been identified from the 2013 risk assessments.

Internal controls

The system of internal controls aims to support the delivery of our strategy by managing the risk of failing to achieve business objectives and the protection of assets (including the Group’s brands and reputation). As such, it must be recognised that it can only provide reasonable and not absolute assurance.

The Group continues to insure against risks, but certain risks remain difficult to insure, due to the breadth and cost of coverage. In some cases, external insurance is not available at all, or not at an economical price. The Group regularly reviews both the type and amount of external insurance that it buys, bearing in mind the availability of such cover, its price and the likelihood and magnitude of the risks involved.

Major Risks register

In 2013, the Audit Committee was satisfied that the Group has an effective risk management system and the Executive Committee, Audit Committee and the Board reviewed the Major Risks affecting the Group.



Our approach to risk management, key risk mitigating activities and the principal risks and factors that could affect the Group are set out on pages 34 to 37.

Global Internal Audit (GIA) Plan and Effectiveness Review

In December each year, the Audit Committee discusses the GIA Plan and approves its nature and scope for the forthcoming year. This Plan is reviewed on a quarterly basis to ensure coverage of emerging risks. The Audit Committee then instructs GIA to undertake an agreed schedule of audits during which the effectiveness of the Group’s internal controls are assessed.

During the year an internal GIA Effectiveness Review was carried out and reported to the Audit Committee. The Review contained input from auditees and senior management and assessed GIA against the Institute of Internal Auditors Standards. Following the 2013 Review, the Audit Committee concluded that the Group’s systems of internal controls and risk management, including internal audit activities, were operating effectively.

Financial reporting controls

The key financial controls across all our business units have been identified and evaluated, in particular, to comply with our US obligations, arising from the Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002. This has enabled appropriate representations regarding the effectiveness of internal financial controls to be made.

Relations with shareholders

Share capital and shareholders

The Company’s issued share capital at 31 December 2013 consisted of 268,929,217 ordinary shares of 14194/329 pence each including 9,773,912 shares held in treasury. There are no special control rights or restrictions on share transfers or limitations on the holding of any class of shares. During the year, 604,146 new shares were issued under employee share plans and the Company continued the share buyback it commenced on 12 November 2012.



For further details on shareholder profiles see page 180.

Board engagement with shareholders

The Board engaged with shareholders in a number of ways during 2013, which included:


  half-year and full-year formal reporting;


  presentations by Richard Solomons and Tom Singer (Chief Financial Officer to 1 January 2014) to institutional investors, analysts and the media following results announcements;


  a programme of meetings throughout the year with major institutional shareholders;


  telephone conferences after the release of the first and third quarter interim management statements;


  meeting the shareholders face-to-face and responding to questions at the AGM; and


  hosting an investor and analyst educational event ‘Delivering High Quality Growth’ presented by Richard Solomons, Tom Singer and members of the Executive Committee.






70    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents


To enable as many shareholders as possible to access conferences and presentations, telephone dial-in facilities are made available in advance and live audio webcasts are made available after the presentation, together with associated data and documentation. These can be found at www.ihgplc.com/investors under financial library.

Currently around 30 sell-side research analysts publish research on the Group; their details are available at www.ihgplc.com/investors under analysts’ details.

Major institutional shareholders

The Board takes its responsibility to represent and promote the interests of its shareholders seriously and believes it is very important to fully engage with them. As far as is known to management, IHG is not directly or indirectly owned or controlled by another company or by any governments.



As at 17 February 2014, the Company had been notified of the following significant holdings in its ordinary shares under the UK Disclosure and Transparency Rules:


Shareholder   As at 17 February 2014     As at 18 February 2013     As at 13 February 2012  

Ordinary shares/



Ordinary shares/



Ordinary shares/


Cedar Rock Capital Limited     14,923,417        5.07        14,923,417        5.07        14,923,417        5.07   
BlackRock, Inc.     13,061,965        5.01        14,505,612                  5.02        14,505,612                  5.02   
The Capital Group Companies, Inc.     8,557,888                  3.30        N/A        N/A        14,495,664        5.02   

The Company’s major shareholders have the same voting rights as other shareholders. The Company does not know of any arrangements, the operation of which may result in a change in its control.




The AGM provides a useful forum for one-to-one communication with private shareholders, many of whom are also guests in our hotels. At the AGM, shareholders receive presentations on the Company’s performance and may ask questions of the Board, including Patrick Cescau and the Chairmen of the Committees.

The AGM will be at 11:00am on Friday 2 May 2014 and the notice convening this meeting will be sent to shareholders at the same time as this Annual Report and Form 20-F.

Ernst & Young LLP have expressed their willingness to continue in office as Auditor of the Company and their reappointment will be put to shareholders at the AGM.

Meetings with major institutional shareholders

A programme of meetings throughout the year is arranged with major institutional shareholders. These meetings provide an opportunity to discuss, using publicly-available information, the progress of the business, its performance, plans and objectives. Patrick Cescau, David Kappler and other Non-Executive Directors are available to meet with major shareholders to understand their issues and concerns and to discuss governance and strategy.

Board shareholder updates

Facilitated, structured meetings are encouraged with shareholders and any new Director is available for meetings with major shareholders as a matter of course.

A formal external review of shareholder opinion is presented to the Board on an annual basis and both the Executive Committee and the Board receive regular updates on shareholder relations.

Engagement on remuneration matters

Details of the Remuneration Committee’s engagement with shareholders is set out on page 85.

Re-engaging with ‘gone away’ shareholders

We continue to be supported by ProSearch to locate shareholders who have failed to keep their details up-to-date. To date, the programme has been very successful and many asset reunifications have been made. For further information see page 181.

Director and Executive Committee shareholdings

As at 17 February 2014, Directors and Executive Committee members had the same number of beneficial interests in shares as at 31 December 2013, as set out in the table on page 72. These shareholdings include all beneficial interests and those held by Directors’ spouses and other connected persons. As at 17 February 2014, no Director or Executive Committee member held more than 0.1% of the total issued share capital.

None of the Directors have a beneficial interest in the shares of any subsidiary. The shareholdings set out below do not include Directors’ or Executive Committee members’ entitlements to share awards under the Company’s share plans. These are set out separately in the Directors’ Remuneration Report on page 94 for the Directors and on page 167 for Executive Committee members.







Governance    71

Table of Contents
Corporate Governance continued



As at

31 December

2013 ordinary


As at

31 December

2012 ordinary

Patrick Cescau1              
Chief Executive Officer                
Richard Solomons     371,198        322,379   
Executive Directors                
Paul Edgecliffe-Johnson2              
Kirk Kinsell     127,444 7      155,628   
Tracy Robbins     85,703        85,703   
Tom Singer3     54,386        20,846   
Senior Independent Non-Executive Director   
David Kappler     1,308        1,308   
Independent Non-Executive Directors   
Ian Dyson4              
Jennifer Laing     3,148        3,148   
Jonathan Linen5     6,853        6,853   
Luke Mayhew     1,866        1,866   
Jill McDonald6              
Dale Morrison5     4,233        4,233   
Ying Yeh              
Executive Committee                
Keith Barr     24,399        24,399   
Angela Brav     19,286        27,135   
Kenneth Macpherson     1,797          
Eric Pearson     65,293        101,914   
Jan Smits     106,350        106,350   
George Turner     3,277        3,277   


1  Appointed as a Non-Executive Chairman on 1 January 2013.
2  Appointed as Chief Financial Officer on 1 January 2014 following the resignation of Tom Singer.
3  Resigned on 1 January 2014.
4  Appointed as a Non-Executive Director on 1 September 2013.
5  Shares held in the form of American Depositary Receipts.
6  Appointed as a Non-Executive Director on 1 June 2013.
7  126,850 ordinary shares and 594 American Depositary Receipts.

2013 share awards and grants to employees

No awards or grants over shares were made during 2013 that would be dilutive of the Company’s ordinary share capital. Current policy is to settle the majority of awards or grants under the Company’s share plans with shares purchased in the market, however the Board continues to review its policy and will present its Directors’ Remuneration Policy and Annual Report on Directors’ Remuneration to shareholders for approval at the 2014 AGM. A number of options granted up to 2005 are yet to be exercised and will be settled with the issue of new shares.

The Company has not utilised the authority given by shareholders at any of its AGMs to allot shares for cash without first offering such shares to existing shareholders.

Employee share ownership trust (ESOT)

IHG operates an ESOT for the benefit of employees and former employees. The ESOT purchases shares in the market and releases them to current and former employees in satisfaction of share awards. During the year, the ESOT released 532,152 shares and at 31 December 2013 it held 1,196,061 shares in the Company. The ESOT adopts a prudent approach to purchasing shares, using funds provided by the Group, based on expectations of future requirements.



Directors’ Report




Much of the information previously provided as part of the Directors’ Report is now required under Company Law to be presented as part of the Strategic Report. This Directors’ Report includes the information required to be given in line with the Companies Act, or where provided elsewhere, an appropriate cross reference is given. The Corporate Governance Statement approved by the Board is provided on pages 56 to 72.

Subsidiaries, joint ventures and associated undertakings

The Group has over 290 subsidiary, joint venture and associated undertakings.


During 2013 the following individuals served as Directors:

Patrick Cescau, Richard Solomons, Kirk Kinsell, Tracy Robbins, Tom Singer, David Kappler, Ian Dyson, Jennifer Laing, Jonathan Linen, Luke Mayhew, Jill McDonald, Dale Morrison and Ying Yeh.

Tom Singer served until his resignation on 1 January 2014.

The biographies of the current Directors in office are given on pages 57 to 59.

For further information on the annual re-election of Directors and details on David Kappler’s resignation see page 61.


The Company’s Articles may only be amended by special resolution. The Articles are available on the Company’s website at www.ihgplc.com/investors under corporate governance and a summary is provided on pages 169 to 170.


Share issues and buybacks

An ongoing $500m share buyback programme is currently in place, which was announced on 7 August 2012 and commenced on 12 November 2012. The share buyback authority remains in force until the 2014 AGM, and a resolution to renew the authority will be put to shareholders at that AGM.

In 2013, the following transactions in ordinary shares of 14194/329 pence each, took place which affected the Company’s issued share capital (268,929,217 as at 31 December 2013):


Event    Ordinary shares  
Share plan exercises      604,146   
Share buyback      9,773,912   
Treasury shares      9,773,912   






72    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents
Directors’ Report continued


As at the 31 December 2013, the 9,773,912 ordinary shares bought back and held in treasury constitute 3.6% of the total issued share capital (including treasury shares).

Share capital and shareholders

For further details see page 70.



     Ordinary shares     ADR  

Interim dividend

Paid 4 October 2013     15.1p        23.0¢   

Special dividend

Paid 4 October 2013     87.1p        $1.33   

Final dividend

Subject to shareholder approval, payable on 9 May 2014 to shareholders on the Register of Members at the close of business on 21 March 2014     28.1p        47.0¢   

For more information on IHG’s return of funds and dividends see note 8 on page 126.

Future business developments of the Group

Further details on these are set out in the Strategic Report on pages 10 to 53.

Employees and Code of Conduct

Details of the average number of people IHG employed as at 31 December 2013 and the number of people working across the whole estate are set out on page 21.

The Code of Conduct applies to all Directors, officers and employees and complies with the NYSE rules as set out in section 406 of the US Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002. Further details can be found on page 32.



For more information on the Group’s employment policies, including equal opportunities, employee communications and development see pages 21 to 23.

Greenhouse gas emissions

The disclosures concerning greenhouse gas emissions required by law are included in the Strategic Report on page 33.


Political donations

The Group made no political donations under the Companies Act during the year and proposes to maintain this policy.

Financial risk management

The Group’s financial risk management objectives and policies, including its use of financial instruments, are set out in note 21 to the Group Financial Statements on pages 135 to 137.

Significant agreements and change of control provisions

The Group is a party to the following arrangements which could be terminated upon a change of control of the Company and which are considered significant in terms of their potential impact on the business of the Group as a whole:


  the five-year $1.07bn syndicated loan facility agreement dated 7 November 2011, under which a change of control of the Company would entitle each lender to cancel its commitment and declare all amounts due to it payable;


  the seven-year £250m bond issued by the Company on 9 December 2009, under which, if the bond’s credit rating was downgraded in connection with a change of control, the bond holders would have the option to require the Company to redeem or, at the Company’s option, repurchase the outstanding notes together with interest accrued; and
  the 10-year bond £400m issued by the Company on 28 November 2012, under which, if the bond’s credit rating was downgraded in connection with a change of control, the bond holders would have the option to require the Company to redeem or, at the Company’s option, repurchase the outstanding notes together with interest accrued.



Further details on these are set out on pages 170 to 172.

Business relationships

During 2012, the Group entered into a five-year technology outsourcing agreement with International Business Machines Corporation (IBM), pursuant to which IBM operates and maintains the infrastructure of the Group’s reservations system. Otherwise, there are no specific individual contracts or arrangements considered to be essential to the business of the Group as a whole.

Existence of qualifying indemnity provisions

For further details see Directors and officers liability insurance on page 63.

Disclosure of information to the Auditor

For further details see page 100.

Events after the reporting period

In February 2014, the Group signed an agreement to sell the InterContinental Mark Hopkins San Francisco for $120m in cash and enter into a long-term management contract on the hotel. The hotel had a net book value of $90m at 31 December 2013.

Going concern

An overview of the business activities of IHG, including a review of the key business risks that the Group faces is given in the Strategic Report on pages 10 to 53 and in the Group Information on pages 164 to 167. Information on the Group’s treasury management policies can be found in note 21 to the Group Financial Statements on pages 135 to 137. The Group refinanced its bank debt in November 2011 and put in place a five-year $1.07bn facility. In November 2009 the Group issued a seven-year £250m sterling bond and, in November 2012, a 10-year £400m sterling bond. At the end of 2013 the Group was trading significantly within its banking covenants and debt facilities.

The Group’s fee-based model and wide geographic spread means that it is well placed to manage through uncertain times and our forecasts and sensitivity projections, based on a range of reasonably possible changes in trading performance, show that the Group should be able to operate within the level of its current facilities.

After making enquiries, the Directors have a reasonable expectation that the Company and the Group have adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future and, accordingly, they continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the Financial Statements.

By order of the Board

George Turner, Company Secretary

InterContinental Hotels Group PLC

Registered in England and Wales,

Company number 5134420

17 February 2014







Governance    73

Table of Contents
Directors’ Remuneration Report


Remuneration Committee Chairman’s statement




Committee membership


Luke Mayhew Chairman




Ian Dyson, David Kappler, Jonathan Linen, Ying Yeh



For full biographies, please see pages 57 to 59.


Dear Shareholder

2013 corporate performance and incentive outcomes

IHG continued to deliver sustainable and attractive returns for shareholders in 2013, as shown by the financial corporate performance indicators in the table below.

This is the first year in which the Annual Performance Plan (APP) has included measures of guest satisfaction (Guest HeartBeat) and employee engagement; overall there were encouraging performance improvements at both global and regional levels.

Under the Long Term Incentive Plan (LTIP) 2011/13 cycle, strong three-year Total Shareholder Return (TSR) resulted in maximum vesting of this element (50% of total award). However, there was only partial vesting for the Revenue per available room (RevPAR) growth element (25%), and no vesting against the net rooms growth target (25%). This LTIP cycle was the first with relative RevPAR and rooms growth targets.

Executive Director remuneration has reflected this overall performance with APP awards slightly above target and comparable to last year, and 59% vesting under the 2011/13 LTIP cycle, down on last year’s full vesting.



Corporate performance


   2013     2012     2011  
Operating profit before exceptional items     


















Full-year dividend per share (excluding any special dividends and capital returns)     


















Three-year total TSR (annualised)      +18.4%        +28.2%        +29.8%   


  1  Includes three liquidated damages receipts in 2013: $31m in The Americas, $9m in Europe and $6m in AMEA.  
  2  Includes one significant liquidated damages receipt in 2012 of $3m in The Americas.  
  3  Includes two significant liquidated damages receipts in 2011: $10m in The Americas and $6m in AMEA.  


  * With effect from 1 January 2013 the Group has adopted IAS 19 (Revised) ‘Employee Benefits’ resulting in the following additional charges to operating profit: $5m for the six months ended 30 June 2012; $9m for the 12 months ended 31 December 2012; $6m for the six months ended 30 June 2011 and $11m for the 12 months ended 31 December 2011.  

Format of this report

This year sees the introduction of a binding shareholder vote on the Directors’ Remuneration Policy (see pages 78 to 86) in addition to the advisory vote on the Annual Report on Directors’ Remuneration (see pages 87 to 96). The new regulations and guidelines have helped clarify best practice in sharing information with shareholders. Consistent with our historic approach of transparency with shareholders, our 2012 Directors’ Remuneration Report reflected as much as possible of the direction and spirit of the then draft new rules. The 2012 Directors’ Remuneration Report won the PwC Building Public Trust Award for Executive Remuneration Reporting in the FTSE 100.

Board changes

Paul Edgecliffe-Johnson was appointed to the Board as Chief Financial Officer on 1 January 2014 following the resignation of Tom Singer with effect from that date. Paul Edgecliffe-Johnson was previously Chief Financial Officer of IHG’s Europe and Asia, Middle East and Africa regions. Paul Edgecliffe-Johnson’s annual salary on appointment was £420,000, with the first review date being 1 April 2015. The usual annual and long-term incentive award levels will apply.

Directors’ Remuneration Policy at IHG

Our Remuneration Policy remains largely unchanged from last year. In presenting the policy we have looked to explain how the elements relate to the business strategy and also clearly identify where the Committee has reserved the ability to use its discretion to ensure that actual remuneration reflects underlying business performance and shareholder return.

We believe that the current policy as a whole is well-aligned to the business strategy and growing long-term shareholder value. We are comfortable that the outcomes have reflected business performance. During 2013, the Committee discussed a number of issues that were raised by shareholders in the context of the public debate about executive remuneration. These included Executive Director shareholdings, the use of the TSR as an LTIP measure and pension arrangements.

Executive Director shareholdings

We encourage senior executives to hold shares. The Chief Executive Officer has a minimum requirement to hold 300% of salary in shares; other Executive Directors 200%. At the end of 2013, the Chief Executive Officer held 1,011% of salary in shares owned outright and a further 974% of salary in unvested share awards. Given this level of shareholding, we do not consider it necessary at this time to change our policy or require a post-vesting holding period.

Use of TSR as an LTIP measure

We believe that the combination of TSR, relative growth in net rooms and RevPAR, provides the right balance and focus for driving and rewarding long-term success at IHG. However, we do understand that achievement of these measures has to be underpinned by improvements across a whole range of financial performance metrics. To support this, during 2013, the Committee decided to reserve the discretion to review the vesting outcomes under all of the LTIP measures at the end of each three-year cycle against an assessment of the Group’s earnings and the quality of financial performance over the period, including sustainable growth and the efficient use of cash and capital.







74    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents


Pension arrangements

We are continuing to make progress in reducing the risks and potential liabilities from our legacy UK defined benefit pension scheme. This was closed to new members in 2002 and closed to future accruals in June 2013, following which the plan liabilities of the defined benefit section of the InterContinental Hotels UK Pension Plan were also secured with an insurer. We continue to work to remove defined benefit liabilities and risks from the Company’s balance sheet. The focus in 2014 is on the historic Enhanced Early Retirement Facility (EERF) pension arrangements, the InterContinental Executive Top-Up Scheme (ICETUS) and the Six Continents Executive Top-Up Scheme (SCETUS).


  A relatively small group of executives have had a non-contractual opportunity to retire at 55 without a reduction in their pension (EERF). This requires the consent of the Company. This facility will be phased out. As part of this phasing out there will be an immediate increase in the age from which most participants are eligible to request the facility. Richard Solomons’ facility is being phased out in line with all other plan members.


  During 2014, we also plan to offer members of the ICETUS/SCETUS, the unfunded, unregistered top-up plan, an opportunity to receive a cash alternative to benefits under the ICETUS/SCETUS. This will be calculated at a rate which is fair and reasonable, both to scheme members and shareholders. Richard Solomons currently participates in the ICETUS arrangement.

Following these changes, we will have largely completed the process of redrawing IHG’s UK pension arrangements and minimising the risks to the Company going forward from the historic defined benefit arrangements; these changes should significantly reduce IHG’s pension liability risks.

New incentive plan rules

The rules of our annual and long-term incentive plans are due to expire in 2015, and, in line with good practice, we will present updated rules for these plans to shareholders at the 2014 AGM at the same time as the Directors’ Remuneration Policy and Annual Report on Directors’ Remuneration and Implementation of Remuneration Policy in 2014. These rules reflect the policy set out in this Directors’ Remuneration Report.


The Board recommends this Directors’ Remuneration Policy to shareholders. It will provide the framework to allow us to recruit, motivate and retain the talent IHG needs and to ensure the alignment of executive remuneration with the creation of value for shareholders.

This Director’s Remuneration Report was approved by the Board on 17 February 2014.

Luke Mayhew, Chairman of the Remuneration Committee

17 February 2014



Content of the 2013 Directors’

Remuneration Report


76    Governance
77    Strategic context
78-86      Directors’ Remuneration Policy
87-96    Annual Report on Directors’ Remuneration
97    Implementation of Remuneration Policy in 2014

At the Company’s forthcoming AGM on 2 May 2014, the Directors’ Remuneration Policy will be subject to a binding vote by shareholders, and the Annual Report on Directors’ Remuneration and Implementation of Remuneration Policy in 2014 together are subject to an advisory vote by shareholders.








Governance    75

Table of Contents
Directors’ Remuneration Report continued



Remuneration Committee and consideration of matters relating to Directors’ remuneration

The Committee comprises the following members, all of whom were independent Non-Executive Directors:


Member   Role     Date of appointment    

Number of

meetings attended

Luke Mayhew     Chairman        1 July 2011        6/6   
Ian Dyson1     Member        1 September 2013        3/3   
David Kappler     Member        21 June 2004        5/6 2 
Jonathan Linen     Member        1 December 2005        6/6   
Ying Yeh     Member        1 December 2007        6/6   


1  Ian Dyson was appointed as a Non-Executive Director on 1 September 2013.
2  David Kappler missed one committee meeting due to a prior commitment known to the board in advance.

Patrick Cescau (Chairman of the Board) attended all but the September meeting. Richard Solomons (Chief Executive Officer) and Tracy Robbins (Executive Vice President, Human Resources and Group Operations Support) attended all meetings.

Jennifer Laing attended the February and May meetings and Dale Morrison attended the May meeting. They are both members of the Audit, Nomination and Corporate Responsibility Committees.

Jean-Pierre Noël (Senior Vice President, Global Reward) attended all meetings and provided advice to the Committee on remuneration proposals as required.

No individual was present when their own remuneration was being considered.


The Committee’s remit is set out in its terms of reference, which are reviewed annually and were updated by the Board in December 2013. They are available on the Company’s website at www.ihgplc.com/investors under corporate governance/committees, or from the Company Secretary’s office on request.


The Committee agrees, on behalf of the Board, all aspects of the remuneration of the Executive Directors and the Executive Committee, and agrees the strategy, direction and policy for the remuneration of other senior executives who have a significant influence over the Company’s ability to meet its strategic objectives.

Committee approach to managing risk

The approach to remuneration is to directly link it to IHG’s strategy. Risk management is a key part of IHG’s responsible business practices and the Committee considers risk mitigation as central to the way that incentive arrangements are structured, for example:


  the APP and LTIP are all structured so as to have a balance of measures that ensure senior executives are not incentivised to behave in a way that could adversely affect the sustainable growth of the Group and the long-term interests of its shareholders. For instance, in the 2013 and 2014 APP, the drive for short-term financial results is balanced by performance measures focused on guest satisfaction and employee engagement;
  the Committee reserves the discretion to determine that payouts in the LTIP be adjusted if they are not consistent with the Committee’s assessment of the Group’s earnings and the quality of the financial performance over the relevant performance period; and


  for awards under the Company’s incentive plans made from January 2012, malus provisions, which allow for the value of awards to be reduced or extinguished before vesting, may be used by the Committee in any situation of misconduct that causes significant damage or potential damage to IHG’s prospects, finances or brand reputation, and/or actions that lead to material misstatement or restatement of accounts.

Key issues discussed in 2013 meetings

In 2013, the Committee met six times at which the following matters were discussed:


Date   Key issues discussed
14 February     •   

2012 Executive Committee annual performance and salary review



2013 Executive Committee key performance objectives



2012 Annual Bonus Plan (ABP) and 2010/12 LTIP results



2013 APP structure



2013/15 LTIP targets and awards



2013 Remuneration Committee agenda



2012 Directors’ Remuneration Report


2 May     •   

Review of approach to performance management



LTIP: review of TSR measure



2013 Remuneration Committee agenda


18 June     •   

Directors’ Remuneration Report: new disclosure requirements



2013 APP: overview and projections



LTIP: operation of the measures



AGM update


26 September           •   

Directors’ Remuneration Report: new disclosure requirements



Linking LTIP with individual performance



2013 incentive plan target projections



Structure of ABP and APP deferred shares


1 November     •   

2014 APP: approach to target setting



Structure of APP deferred share awards



Approach to potential introduction of employee share plan


11 December     •   

2013 APP: approach to measurement of targets



2014 Executive Committee Key Performance Objectives



LTIP and APP: new plan rules



2013 Directors’ Remuneration Report



Update on incentive plan achievement



2014 Remuneration Committee agenda



Approach to LTIP discretion and Executive Director Shareholdings



Remuneration Committee terms of reference





Details of remuneration advisers to the Committee can be found on page 95.






76    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents


Strategic context


Key remuneration principles

IHG’s executive remuneration principles are designed to drive the delivery of strategic objectives by:


  attracting and retaining high-quality executives in an environment where compensation is based on global market practice;


  aligning rewards for executives with the achievement of business performance targets, strategic objectives and returns to shareholders;


  supporting equitable treatment between members of the same executive team; and


  facilitating global assignments and relocations.

IHG’s remuneration structure for senior executives places a strong emphasis on performance-related reward. The Committee believes that it is important to reward management, including the Executive Directors, for targets achieved, provided those targets are stretching.

Link with strategy

Our strategy for high-quality growth (detailed on pages 18 and 19), is the driver of our reward structure.

The Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) (set out on pages 38 and 39), monitor our success in achieving our strategy and measure the progress of our Group to deliver high-quality growth. They are organised around the elements of our strategy: Winning Model, Targeted Portfolio and Disciplined Execution and are reflected in IHG’s annual and long-term incentive plans as shown below:










Governance    77

Table of Contents
Directors’ Remuneration Report continued


Directors’ Remuneration Policy

The policy for Executive Directors, set out below, will apply from the date of the 2014 AGM (subject to approval), and is available to view at www.ihgplc.com/investors.

The Committee will consider the remuneration policy annually to ensure it remains aligned with strategic objectives. However, it is intended that the policy set out below will apply for three years from the 2014 AGM; if any amendments need to be made to the policy within that timeframe, it will first be presented to be voted upon by shareholders.


Future policy table


How the element supports

our strategic objectives

LOGO Salary     

Reviewed annually and fixed for 12 months from 1 April.


(100% cash)     

The Committee considers:


Recognises the market value of the role and the individual’s skill, performance and experience.        •   

business performance;



current remuneration against internal and external benchmarks; and



average salary increases for the wider IHG workforce.



When external benchmarking is used, the comparator groups are chosen having regard to:



size – market capitalisation, turnover, profits and the number of employees;



diversity and complexity of the business;



geographical spread of the business; and


       •    relevance to the hotel industry.    

LOGO Annual Performance Plan (APP)1 (50% cash and 50% IHG shares deferred for three years)


Drives and rewards annual performance against both financial and non-financial metrics.


Aligns individuals and teams with key strategic priorities.


Aligns short-term annual performance with strategy to generate long-term returns to shareholders.


Reviewed annually with targets set in line with key strategic priorities.


Includes facility to use regional or global measures or a combination thereof.


Awards are made annually, 50% in cash after the end of the relevant financial year and 50% in the form of IHG share awards which vest after three years subject to leaver provisions.


The Committee has discretion to make awards wholly in cash rather than part-cash and part-shares.


The share awards are made in the form of conditional awards or forfeitable shares, the latter having the right to receive dividends and vote at general meetings.


Malus applies to awards. See page 82 for details.


Executive Directors are expected to hold all shares earned (net of any shares sales required to meet personal tax liabilities), until the guideline shareholding requirement is achieved (300% of salary for the Chief Executive Officer and 200% for other Executive Directors). See page 94 for details.



LOGO Long Term Incentive Plan (LTIP)

(100% shares)


Drives and rewards delivery of sustained long-term performance on measures that are aligned with the interests of shareholders.


Annual conditional awards of IHG shares, or options over IHG shares, which vest after a period of three years, or such longer period as the Committee determines, subject to the achievement of corporate performance targets.


The Committee may also impose such post-vesting holding periods as it may, at its discretion, determine.


The Committee also has discretion to make awards in cash rather than shares.


Malus applies to awards. See page 82 for details.


Executive Directors are expected to hold all shares earned (net of any shares sales required to meet personal tax liabilities), until the guideline shareholding requirement is achieved (300% of salary for the Chief Executive Officer and 200% for other Executive Directors). See page 94 for details.





1  The term Annual Performance Plan includes cash and deferred IHG share awards granted to Executive Directors and other senior employees  
  under the rules of the IHG Annual Bonus Plan for financial years 2012 and 2013.  




78    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents



How to use this report


The 2013 Directors’ Remuneration Report uses colour coding throughout the Directors’ Remuneration Policy and Annual Report on Directors’ Remuneration to denote different elements of remuneration, as follows:









Maximum opportunity             Performance framework
Over the policy period, salaries for current Executive Directors will increase in line with the range of increases applying to the corporate UK and US employee population, other than where there is a change in role or responsibility, or a significant variance to the market arises, that warrants a more significant increase. Any such changes will be fully explained.       The results of an individual’s annual performance appraisal give an overall personal performance rating, which is taken into account when reviewing salary levels.  

Newly promoted or recruited Executive Directors may on occasion have their salaries set below the benchmark policy level while they become established in role. In such cases, salary increases may be higher than the corporate UK and US employee population until the target positioning is achieved.



Maximum annual award is 200% of salary.



See page 83 for approach regarding recruitment remuneration.


70% is based on EBIT achievement vs target.



30% is based upon key non-financial measures aligned to strategic priorities; the weighting, measures and targets relating to this element of the APP are determined by the Committee on an annual basis.



Target award is 115% of salary; threshold is 50% of target award for each measure.



The Committee may vary the relative weighting of EBIT and other metrics from year to year.



Personal performance may also be taken into account in determining awards under the APP.



The Committee may exercise reasonable discretion to adjust an award made under the APP upwards or downwards after application of the performance measures to take into account any relevant factors, including but not limited to, performance relative to IHG’s competitors and extent of achievement across all measures, provided that in no case will an award exceed the maximum opportunity stated.


      For information on performance measures used in 2013 and 2014 – see pages 88 and 97.  

The maximum annual award is 205% of salary. The Committee has no current intention to award more than the policy maximum, but if exceptional and unforeseen circumstances arise that warrant it, the Committee has discretion to increase this to 300% of salary under the LTIP rules. Any such award will be fully explained.



See page 83 for approach regarding recruitment remuneration.


The measures are as follows and targets are reviewed and may be changed by the Committee annually to ensure alignment with strategic objectives:



25% relative net rooms growth and 25% relative RevPAR growth:



20% threshold vesting if equal to average growth of comparator group;



maximum vesting if ranked as 1st in the comparator group; and



straight-line vesting in between.



50% relative TSR:



20% threshold vesting if equal to comparator group;



maximum vesting if 8% or more per year ahead of comparator group; and



straight-line vesting in between.



All targets measured over a performance period of at least three years.



The measures operate on the basis of appropriate comparator groups of companies, which the Committee determines on an annual basis.



The Committee will review the vesting outcomes under all of the LTIP measures at the end of each three-year cycle against an assessment of Group earnings and the quality of financial performance over the period, including sustainable growth and the efficient use of cash and capital. If the Committee determines that the vesting outcomes do not appropriately reflect the financial performance of the Group, it may reduce the number of shares that vests.


The Committee may also adjust awards if a significant one-off event happens that makes the original performance measures no longer appropriate.



For information on performance measures used in 2013 and 2014 – see pages 90 and 97.









Governance    79

Table of Contents
Directors’ Remuneration Report continued


Directors’ Remuneration Policy continued



Future policy table continued


How the element supports

our strategic objectives

  Operation        Maximum opportunity  



LOGO Pension


Provides funding

for retirement.


Helps recruit

and retain.


The following plans are operated:


•     for UK executives, the executive defined contribution section of the InterContinental Hotels UK Pension Plan (IC Plan);


•     for UK executives, the InterContinental Executive Top-Up Scheme (ICETUS);


•     for US executives, a DC 401(k) Plan (US 401(k) Plan) and a DC Deferred Compensation Plan (US Deferred Compensation Plan); and


•     for non-UK and non-US executives, the InterContinental Hotels Group International Savings and Retirement Plan, and other local plans.


A cash allowance in lieu of pension contributions is offered.


Until 30 June 2013, IHG operated an executive defined benefit section of the IC Plan in which Richard Solomons participated. This closed to future accruals for existing members from 1 July 2013.


Under the phasing out of Enhanced Early Retirement Facility, Richard Solomons could now retire with no reduction to his pension from approximately age 58 and no earlier. Retirement before age 58 is allowed under the facility but abatement to the pension will apply.


This provision only applies on the consent of the Company.



Salary is the only element of remuneration that is pensionable.


Current contribution levels are as follows:


•     executive defined contribution section of the IC Plan and ICETUS: 7.5% employee contribution with 30% matching Company contribution;


•     US 401(k) Plan: 2%-75% employee contribution with 4% matching Company contribution; and


•     US Deferred Compensation Plan: up to 75% employee contribution with 2% matching Company contribution and 8%-20% additional Company contribution if certain conditions are met.


These may be increased by the Committee in exceptional circumstances where market conditions so warrant.


LOGO Benefits


Market competitive,

consistent with



Helps recruit

and retain.

  IHG pays the cost of providing the benefits on a monthly basis or as required for one-off events.      

The value of benefits is dependent on location and market factors.


Benefits may include the cost of independent financial advice, car allowance/company car, private healthcare/medical assessments and other benefits provided from time to time. Benefits would be restricted to the typical level in the relevant market for an Executive Director.


Benefits may also include relocation and expatriate or international assignment costs where appropriate, including for example:


•     cost of living allowance;


•     travel costs;


•     housing allowance;


•     professional advice;


•     education allowances;


•     tax equalisation;


•     medical expenses; and


•     relocation allowance.


Relocation and expatriate or international assignment costs would be restricted to the typical level in the relevant market for an Executive Director.








80    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

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Illustrative scenarios

Below is an illustration of the value that could be received by each Executive Director under the Directors’ Remuneration Policy in respect of 2014, showing:


    minimum, which includes salary, benefits and employer pension contributions only (total fixed pay);  


    on-target, which includes total fixed pay and assumes an on-target award for the APP (115% of salary) and 50% of maximum LTIP award vesting; and  


    maximum, which includes total fixed pay and a maximum award under the APP and LTIP.  

The salaries included are those that will apply from 1 April 2014. The benefit values included are estimates. The amounts shown in relation to APP and LTIP do not take account of any potential share price appreciation.






1  Kirk Kinsell is paid in US dollars and the sterling equivalents shown above have been calculated using an exchange rate of $1=£0.64.







Governance    81

Table of Contents
Directors’ Remuneration Report continued


Directors’ Remuneration Policy continued

Notes to Future Policy table

Use of discretion by Remuneration Committee

1. Malus in incentive plans

For awards made from January 2012, the APP and LTIP rules allow the Committee discretion to reduce the level of unvested share awards if circumstances occur which, in the reasonable opinion of the Committee, justify a reduction in one or more awards granted to any one or more participants. The malus provisions relate to unvested awards only. The circumstances in which the Committee may consider it appropriate to exercise its discretion include the following:


  misconduct that causes significant damage or potential damage to IHG’s prospects, finances or brand reputation; and/or


  actions that lead to material misstatement or restatement of accounts.

This may include, where appropriate, negligence on the part of Executive Directors.

This feature helps ensure alignment between executive reward and shareholder returns.

2. Other uses of discretion

The Committee reserves certain discretions in relation to the outcomes for Executive Directors under the Company’s incentive plans. These operate in two main respects:


  enabling the Committee to ensure that outcomes under these plans are consistent with the underlying performance of the business and the experience of shareholders; and


  enabling the Committee to treat leavers in a way that is fair and equitable to individuals and shareholders under the incentive plans.

The Committee will also use its judgement as to what is appropriate within the terms of the Directors’ Remuneration Policy to make decisions that do not involve the exercise of discretion.

The discretions that can be applied in the case of leavers under the APP and LTIP are set out in the section on ‘Policy on payment for loss of office’ on page 84. In all cases, the discretions are reserved as part of the Directors’ Remuneration Policy in order to allow the Committee flexibility to ensure that remuneration outcomes for Executive Directors are consistent with business performance, at the same time as providing a high degree of clarity for shareholders as to remuneration structure and potential quantum. Any exercises of discretion by the Committee will be fully disclosed and explained in the relevant year’s Implementation of Remuneration Policy report.

The following key discretions apply under the incentive plans:


LOGO APP        LOGO LTIP     

•    The Committee may exercise reasonable discretion to adjust an award made under the APP upwards or downwards, after application of the performance measures, to take into account any relevant factors including, but not limited to, performance relative to IHG’s competitors and extent of achievement across all measures, provided that in no case will an award exceed the maximum opportunity stated.


•    The Committee will review the vesting outcomes under all of the LTIP measures at the end of each three-year cycle against an assessment of Group earnings and the quality of financial performance over the period, including sustainable growth and the efficient use of cash and capital. If the Committee determines that the vesting outcomes do not appropriately reflect the financial performance of the Group, it may reduce the number of shares that vests.


3. Corporate transactions      

If there is a takeover or merger:


LOGO APP        LOGO LTIP     

•    During a performance period: awards for that period will be pro-rated to the date of the event, or such later date as the Committee may determine, and will consist of a cash award and not a deferred share award, unless the Committee determines otherwise. There will be no acceleration of award unless the Committee determines otherwise.


•    After the end of a performance period and before the making of awards: awards for that period will be made in full, and will consist of a cash and not a deferred share award, unless the Committee determines otherwise. There will be no acceleration of award unless the Committee determines otherwise.


•    Unvested deferred share awards will vest unless the Committee decides otherwise. If the takeover or merger involves the exchange of IHG shares for shares in another company, the Committee may, in its discretion, determine the existing deferred share award will be replaced by a right to the appropriate number of shares in that other company.


•    The Committee has discretion to take such action as it may think appropriate if other events happen which may have an effect on awards.



•    The vesting of unvested awards may be accelerated and the Committee will determine the extent of vesting, taking account of the proportion of the performance period that has elapsed, and the degree to which performance conditions have been satisfied.


•    The Committee will procure, as soon as reasonably practicable, the delivery to each participant of the vested shares in a Conditional Award or payment of the cash so determined.


•    If the takeover or merger involves the exchange of IHG shares for shares in another company, the Committee may, in its discretion, determine that the existing award will be replaced by a right to the appropriate number of shares in that other company.


•    The Committee has discretion to take such action as it may think appropriate if other events happen which may have an effect on awards.







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LOGO Pensions

Enhanced Early Retirement Facility (EERF)

Under the EERF, executive participants of the defined benefit section of the IC Plan have an option, with the Company’s agreement, to retire without reduction to their pension if they are within five years of their normal retirement date. Approximately 42 executives are eligible to participate in this facility.

As set out in the Remuneration Committee Chairman’s statement, this facility will be phased out commencing in 2014, with the effect that any participant currently aged 50 or below would only take an unreduced pension from age 60, the contractual retirement age.

For those currently over 50, an unreduced pension will be available at a point between age 55 and age 60, depending on how close the participant is to age 55 at the time the phasing out commences in 2014. As a result of the phasing out of the EERF, Richard Solomons could retire, with no reduction in his pension, from approximately age 58 and no earlier.

This provision only applies on the consent of the Company.

InterContinental Executive Top-Up Scheme (ICETUS)

In 2014, the Company is looking to reduce the risks and volatility from the remaining unfunded ICETUS pension arrangements by offering members an opportunity to cash-out the ICETUS element of their pension on a basis that is fair and reasonable, both to them and to shareholders. Currently, 11 employed UK executives participate in the ICETUS arrangement.

This is part of the process of redrawing IHG’s pension arrangements and minimising the future risks to the Company.

Approach to recruitment remuneration

The remuneration of any new Executive Director will be determined in accordance with the Directors’ Remuneration Policy on pages 78 to 86 and the elements that would be considered by the Company for inclusion are:


  salary and benefits, including defined contribution pension participation;


  participation in the APP with 50% cash and 50% IHG deferred share elements:


  pro-rated for the year of recruitment to reflect the proportion of the year remaining after the date of commencement of employment; and


  if commencement date is after 1 October in the year, no award would normally be made for that year.


  participation in the LTIP:


  pro-rated awards would be made in relation to LTIP cycles outstanding at the time of recruitment; but


  no pro-rated award would be made for an LTIP cycle that has less than nine months to run at the date of commencement of employment.

In addition, the Committee may, in its discretion, compensate a newly recruited Executive Director for incentives forgone from a previous employment as a result of their resignation. The Committee would seek validation of the value of any potential incentives forgone.

Awards made by way of compensation for incentives forgone would be made on a comparable basis, taking account of performance achieved (or likely to be achieved), the proportion of the performance period remaining and the form of the award. Compensation would, as far as possible, be in the form of IHG LTIP or deferred share awards, in order to immediately align a new Executive Director with IHG performance.

The maximum annual level of variable remuneration that may be granted to a newly-recruited Executive Director would be in line with that of the existing Executive Directors:


  APP award: 200% of salary, of which 50% of any award will be paid in cash and 50% in the form of IHG shares deferred for three years; and


  LTIP award: 205% of salary for a full LTIP cycle commencing after appointment, plus pro-rated awards in relation to LTIP cycles outstanding at the time of recruitment (up to a further 205% of salary).

This excludes any remuneration that constitutes compensation for incentives forgone and any relocation and expatriate or international assignment costs.







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Table of Contents
Directors’ Remuneration Report continued


Directors’ Remuneration Policy continued

Policy on payment for loss of office


Contractual notice period and pay in lieu

All current Executive Directors have a rolling service contract with a notice period from the company of 12 months. As an alternative, the Company may, at its discretion, pay in lieu of that notice. Neither notice nor a payment in lieu of notice will be given in the event of gross misconduct.

Payment in lieu of notice could potentially include up to 12 months’ salary and the cash equivalent of 12 months’ pension contributions, and other contractual benefits. Where possible, the Company will seek to ensure that where a leaver mitigates their losses by, for example, finding new employment, there will accordingly be a corresponding reduction in compensation payable for loss of office.

An Executive Director may have an entitlement to compensation in respect of their statutory rights under employment protection legislation in the UK or other relevant jurisdiction.

There were no contractual provisions agreed prior to 27 June 2012 that could affect the quantum of loss of office payments to Executive Directors.




Policy for determination of termination payments


Reason for termination   Salary and contractual benefits  

LOGO APP award for year of

termination (including after year

end but before payment)


LOGO  Unvested APP

deferred share awards

  LOGO Unvested LTIP awards

Good Leaver including:

Ill-health/injury/ disability






Employing company or undertaking transferred outside the Group


Other reason determined by the Committee (in the case of LTIP only)



Paid up to termination date.


Pay in lieu of notice,

if applicable.


Pro-rated award for year of termination.1


No accelerated payment.2


Award made 50% cash and 50% in IHG shares deferred for three years from grant.2


Vest on usual

vesting date.3


Vest on usual vesting date to extent performance conditions met.3


Number of shares vesting pro-rated to termination date.

Death   Paid up to date of death.   Pro-rated award for year of death paid fully in cash, accelerated.2   Accelerated vesting of award: Committee has discretion to determine otherwise.  

Accelerated vesting: Committee has discretion to determine number of shares vesting, taking into account proportion of performance period elapsed and extent to which performance conditions are satisfied.


Other Leaver including:



Gross misconduct

  Paid up to termination date.  

No award for year of termination. In case of resignation after financial year end but before award date, cash portion only of award will be paid.2


  Forfeited.2, 4   Forfeited.2


1  Committee has discretion to exceptionally pro-rate to a later date (see below).
2  Committee has discretion to determine otherwise (see below).
3  Committee has discretion to accelerate vesting (see below).
4  In the event of a termination in connection with a takeover or reconstitution unvested APP deferred share awards will have accelerated vesting on the date of termination, unless the Committee determines otherwise.


Exercise of discretion

The Committee would only exercise the discretions available in the APP and LTIP plan rules relating to:


  whether an award is made or an unvested award forfeited; and


  the extent and timing of any such award or forfeiture

in exceptional circumstances, for example permanent disablement.

Notice periods would not usually be included in the pro-ration of APP and LTIP awards for a leaver. The Committee would only exercise its discretion to include some or all of the notice period in such pro-ration in exceptional circumstances, such as ill health, and would not do so in circumstances of poor performance.


Subject to the circumstances surrounding the termination, the Committee, in its discretion, may treat an individual as a Good Leaver for the purposes of the LTIP. The Committee will consider factors such as personal performance and conduct, overall Group performance and the specific circumstances of the Executive Director’s departure including, but not restricted to, whether the Executive Director is leaving by mutual agreement with the Company. If an individual is not a Good Leaver then they will be treated as an Other Leaver, as set out above.







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Consideration of shareholder views

The Committee actively engages with shareholders on remuneration matters. Following face-to-face discussions with a number of shareholders in the autumn of 2012, major shareholders were approached prior to the 2013 AGM and offered the opportunity to discuss any aspect of our approach to remuneration. A programme of interactions with shareholders will continue in 2014.

Consideration of employment conditions elsewhere in the Group

The Committee takes into consideration the pay and conditions of employees throughout the Group when determining remuneration for its Executive Directors. The Committee would increase an Executive Director’s salary in line with the general UK and US workforce other than when there is a change in role or responsibility, or a significant variance to the market arises, warranting a larger increase.

Newly promoted or recruited Executive Directors to the Board may, on occasion, have their salaries set below the benchmark policy level while they become established in role. In such cases, salary increases may be higher than the general UK and US workforce until the target positioning is achieved.

Group employees’ salaries are compared to cross-industry standards to ensure fair pay for that job. The Company does not directly consult with employees as part of the process of determining Directors’ remuneration. However, questions on the performance of Executive Committee members, including the Executive Directors, are included in the Company’s annual Employee Engagement surveys. While formal comparison measurements were not used in determining Executive Director remuneration, the Committee made decisions in the knowledge of incentive arrangements of the rest of the Group, upon which the Committee is briefed regularly.

Remuneration policy for other employees

The Company’s policy on the remuneration of Executive Directors is consistent with that of other senior employees. This group of approximately 48 people also participates and receives deferred share awards under the APP. Eligibility to participate in the LTIP extends to a wider set of around 258 employees in total.

Outside the senior employees’ group, the composition of remuneration differs and annual incentives relate to measures relevant to the individual’s role. Plans for corporate employees are typically based on a combination of individual performance and the Group’s earnings before interest and tax (EBIT). Market-competitive specialist plans apply in certain areas such as corporate reservations, sales and hotel development. Incentive plans for General Managers of IHG owned, leased and managed hotels commonly include targets based on gross operating profit, guest satisfaction and employee engagement.

Eligibility for, and participation in, benefits and incentive plans differs depending on location, seniority, length of service and other factors.

Service contracts and notice periods for Executive Directors

The Committee’s policy is for all Executive Directors to have rolling service contracts with a notice period of 12 months. All new appointments will have 12-month notice periods, unless, on an exceptional basis to complete an external recruitment successfully, a longer initial notice period reducing to 12 months is used. This is in accordance with the UK Corporate Governance Code.

All Executive Directors’ appointments and subsequent re-appointments are subject to election and annual re-election by shareholders at the AGM.

Details of current Executive Directors’ contracts


Executive Director  

Date of original


    Notice period  
Richard Solomons     10 February 2003        12 months   
Kirk Kinsell     1 August 2010        12 months   
Tracy Robbins     9 August 2011        12 months   
Paul Edgecliffe-Johnson     1 January 2014        12 months   


1  The capital reorganisation of the Group, effective on 27 June 2005, entailed the insertion of a new parent company of the Group. All Executive Directors serving at that time signed new letters of appointment effective from that date. The dates shown above represent the original dates of appointment of each of the Executive Directors to the Group’s parent company.

Non-executive directorships of other companies

The Company recognises that its Executive Directors may be invited to become Non-Executive Directors of other companies and that such duties can broaden experience and knowledge, and benefit the Company.

Therefore, Executive Directors are permitted to accept one non-executive appointment (in addition to any positions where the Director is appointed as the Group’s representative), subject to Board approval, as long as this is not, in the reasonable opinion of the Board, likely to lead to a conflict of interest. Executive Directors would generally be authorised to retain the associated fees received.

Current Executive Directors do not hold any non-executive directorships of any other company.







Governance    85

Table of Contents
Directors’ Remuneration Report continued


Directors’ Remuneration Policy continued

Remuneration Policy for Non-Executive Directors

The policy for Non-Executive Directors, set out below, will apply for three years from the date of the 2014 AGM, and is available to view at www.ihgplc.com/investors. If any changes are made to the Policy within that timeframe, it will be presented to be voted upon by shareholders. Non-Executive Directors are not eligible to participate in the APP, LTIP nor any IHG pension plan.


How the element supports

our strategic objectives

  Operation   Maximum opportunity   Performance measures


Fees and benefits



Market competitive to attract Non-Executive Directors who have a broad range of skills and experience that add value to our business and help oversee and drive our strategy.


Recognises the market value of the role and the individual’s skill, performance and experience.



•     Non-Executive Directors’ fees and benefits are set by the Chairman of the Board and Executive Directors; the Chairman’s fees are set by the Committee.


•     Fees are reviewed annually and fixed for 12 months from 1 January.


•     Consideration is given to:


-     business performance;


-     current remuneration against external benchmarks; and


-     average salary increases for wider IHG employee population.


•     When external benchmarking is used, the comparator groups are chosen having regard to other FTSE 100 companies.


•     Benefits include travel and accommodation in connection with attendance at Board and Committee meetings.


•     Non-Executive Directors are not eligible to participate in IHG incentive or pension plans.


•     A single fee is determined for each Non-Executive Director role rather than different elements being applied to directorship, Committee and chair roles.



•     Fee increases would be in line with median FTSE 100 increases. This may be exceeded where market conditions so warrant.


•     IHG pays the cost of providing benefits as required.



•     Non-Executive Directors are not eligible to participate in any performance-related incentive plans.

Details of letters of appointment and notice periods for Non-Executive Directors

Non-Executive Directors have letters of appointment, which are available upon request from the Company Secretary’s office.

Patrick Cescau, appointed Non-Executive Chairman on 1 January 2013, is subject to 12 months’ notice. Other Non-Executive Directors are not subject to notice periods.

All Non-Executive Directors’ appointments and subsequent re-appointments are subject to election and annual re-election by shareholders at the AGM.


Non-Executive Director    Committee appointments    Date of original appointment    Notice period
Patrick Cescau    LOGO    1 January 2013    12 months
Ian Dyson    LOGO    1 September 2013    n/a
David Kappler    LOGO    21 June 2004    n/a
Jennifer Laing    LOGO    25 August 2005    n/a
Jonathan Linen    LOGO    1 December 2005    n/a
Jill McDonald    LOGO    1 June 2013    n/a
Luke Mayhew    LOGO    1 July 2011    n/a
Dale Morrison    LOGO    1 June 2011    n/a
Ying Yeh    LOGO    1 December 2007    n/a



LOGO     Audit Committee member


LOGO     Nomination Committee member

membership key   

LOGO     Corporate Responsibility
 Committee member


LOGO     Remuneration Committee member






86    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

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Annual Report on Directors’ Remuneration

The Annual Report on Directors’ Remuneration explains how the Directors’ Remuneration Policy for 2013 was implemented and the resulting payments each of the Directors received. The notes to the single figure table provide further detail, including measures and outcomes for 2013 where relevant, for each of the elements that make up the total single figure of remuneration in respect of each of the Executive Directors. This report is subject to an advisory vote at the 2014 AGM.


Single total figure of remuneration –

Executive Directors (audited information)




      LOGO  Salary      LOGO  Benefits      LOGO  APP      LOGO  LTIP      LOGO  Pension benefit     Total  



cycle (value
of shares)
cycle (value
of shares)
Richard Solomons      735         716         34         48         1,098         988         1,036         1,989         246         1,140 5      3,149         4,881   
Kirk Kinsell1      492         474         85         663         532         612         865         1,473         114         110        2,088         3,332   
Tracy Robbins      421         409         21         23         631         600         656         1,091         126         123        1,855         2,246   
Tom Singer2      548         540         29         19         409         1,172         935         1,366         164         162        2,085         3,259   


  1  Kirk Kinsell is paid in US dollars and the sterling equivalents for the values shown above have been calculated using an exchange rate of $1.00 = £0.64.  
  2  Tom Singer’s APP award figure for 2012 includes a cash payment of £480,000 which he received in March 2012 to compensate him for forgone incentives from his previous employer. As a result of Tom Singer’s resignation from IHG with effect from 1 January 2014, Tom Singer will receive only the 50% cash portion of the 2013 APP award, in accordance with plan rules.  
  3  Based on share price as at 31 December 2013 of 2,013p.  
  4  Based on share price on date of actual vesting of 1,953p.  
  5  Richard Solomons participated in the executive defined benefit section of the IC Plan in 2012, which closed to future accruals for existing members on 30 June 2013. See page 91 for further details.  







Governance    87

Table of Contents
Directors’ Remuneration Report continued


Annual Report on Directors’ Remuneration continued

Notes to Single total figure of remuneration – Executive Directors

LOGO Salary: salary paid for the year; for Kirk Kinsell this shows actual salary paid converted into sterling.

LOGO Benefits: principal taxable benefits arising from the individuals’ employment in 2013 are set out in the table below:



Company car









Life cover





Richard Solomons      20,220 1      2,139         nil         nil 3      11,661         nil   
Kirk Kinsell      nil        5,247         3,195         2,747        13,395         60,554 5 
Tracy Robbins      15,468 2      1,328         nil         nil 3      4,504         nil   
Tom Singer      19,290 2      nil         nil         nil 3      9,537         nil   


1  P11D value of the company car.
2  Car allowance.
3  Life cover is provided through the IC Plan and, therefore, is not an individual taxable benefit.
4  Includes expenses that are taxable, such as travel and accommodation to attend Board meetings away from home locations.
5  Kirk Kinsell received expatriate benefits relating to his international assignment prior to taking up his Board appointment as President, The Americas, on 13 June 2011. This included tax equalisation on the vesting of LTIP awards granted whilst on assignment.


The weighting, measures and targets relating to the APP are determined by the Committee, on an annual basis, in line with our strategic objectives. The measures for 2013 were:


  Guest satisfaction as measured by the Guest HeartBeat score: year-on-year improvement;


  Employee Engagement survey score: year-on-year improvement; and


  EBIT achievement against target (corporate and regional).




A combination of global and regional targets were used. Executive Directors with only global roles were subject to global measures. Kirk Kinsell was subject to partly regional measures, reflecting his regional role as President, The Americas.

In common with shareholders, Executive Directors were eligible to receive dividends or dividend equivalents on the deferred share awards from the date of grant.

Why do we use these measures?


Guest HeartBeat score    Employee Engagement survey score    EBIT vs target

•    Guest HeartBeat is part of the guest satisfaction survey.

•    It is an overall guest satisfaction score relating to hotel visits.

•    It is a robust measure of the strength of our brands.

•    Inclusion in the APP provides executive focus on this key performance metric at global and regional level.


•    We measure employee engagement because our brands are, effectively, a promise kept by our people, as engaged colleagues, to deliver a great guest experience.

•    Engaged employees are key to our business.

•    Our Employee Engagement survey is a long-established tool in our business.


•    EBIT is a key measure of business performance for our shareholders.

•    It is a function of other critical measures: net rooms growth, RevPAR, profit margin and fee revenues.






88    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

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Award levels relate to achievement against target under each of the measures, as shown below:



Guest HeartBeat

20% of award


Employee Engagement

10% of award



70% of award


Total award

% of salary



  Achievement vs target

  50%   50%   90%    

  Award level


50% of target payment

11.5% of salary


50% of target payment

5.75% of salary


50% of target payment

40.25% of salary




  Achievement vs target    

  100%   100%   100%    

  Award level


100% of target payment

23% of salary


100% of target payment

11.5% of salary


100% of target payment

80.5% of salary






  Achievement vs target    

  200%   200%   110%    

  Award level


Maximum payment

40% of salary


Maximum payment

20% of salary


Maximum payment

140% of salary



The actual award level was determined on a straight-line basis between threshold and target, and target and maximum, and relates to achievement vs target under each measure:


  Threshold is the minimum level that must be achieved for there to be an award in relation to that measure; for achievement below this, no award is made.


  Target is the target level of achievement and results in a target award for that measure (115% of salary).


  Maximum is the level of achievement at which a maximum award for that measure is received (200% of salary).

Threshold award was subject to a global EBIT affordability gate such that:


  if global EBIT was below 85% of target, no award would be made; and


  if global EBIT was between 85% and 90% of target, half of any award relating to the Guest HeartBeat and/or Employee Engagement survey measures would be made.

The Guest HeartBeat target for 2013 was based on scores compiled directly from guest feedback. Guest HeartBeat measures overall guest satisfaction with a hotel visit, based on a 10-point scale. It takes a common and consistent approach for all brands in all regions. The targets were set taking into account corporate strategic objectives at global and regional levels with a focus on year-on-year improvement in guest service scores and the quality of IHG branded hotels.

Our Employee Engagement survey scores are already high against benchmarks both globally and in our priority markets, such as Greater China; IHG has seen an 18 percentage point increase across the Group in the last five years. According to our third-party survey administrator, TNS, who provides similar services to many other companies, Employee Engagement survey scores for high-performing companies (the top 7% of companies) have remained flat since 2010, and service companies have reduced by an average of 1.5% year-on-year. In this context, the Committee considered setting a target based on further year-on-year improvement to be stretching. The Employee Engagement survey covers all employees and those working in our owned and managed hotels (excluding our joint venture partners).




Outcome for 2013 (audited information)

Group EBIT achieved for 2013 was 102.5% of target. For The Americas, EBIT achievement was 101.2% of target. The EBIT element of Kirk Kinsell’s award was based 50/50 on Group/The Americas results and for the other Executive Directors, it is based wholly on global results. Based on performance, the following table shows the level of 2013 awards. Under the terms of the APP, participants are subject to an automatic adjustment to their award if they do not fully exceed targets on a range of regional and organisational objectives. 50% will be paid in cash and 50% in deferred IHG shares that will vest after three years in February 2017. The deferred share awards are made in the form of forfeitable shares that receive dividends during the three-year vesting period and include the right to vote at shareholder meetings, apart from Kirk Kinsell, whose deferred share award is in the form of a conditional share award with dividend equivalents.


      Guest HeartBeat      Employee Engagement      EBIT              Total  
Director    Achievement
vs target (%)

Award as

% of salary

vs target (%)

Award as

% of salary

vs target (%)

Award as

% of salary

     Award as
% of salary


Richard Solomons

     100.1         25.0         200.0         23.0         102.5         100.6         148.6   


Kirk Kinsell

     100.1         24.8         200.0         23.0         101.8         95.4         107.4   


Tracy Robbins

     100.1         25.0         200.0         23.0         102.5         100.6         148.6   


Tom Singer

     100.1         25.0         200.0         23.0         102.5         100.6         74.3 1 


1  As a result of Tom Singer’s resignation from IHG with effect from 1 January 2014, Tom Singer will receive only the 50% cash portion of the 2013 APP award in accordance with the plan rules.

2013 Group EBIT includes certain liquidated damages payments (LDs), and in determining the outcome under the APP, the Committee has applied a discount to these payments to reflect the resulting loss of future income to the Group. In addition, the Committee has exercised discretion to adjust regional EBIT achievement levels. The percentage by which global EBIT is reduced by way of discount to the LDs received, has also been applied to reduce each region’s EBIT for the purposes of determining APP awards.

Actual 2013 targets under each measure are not disclosed as they are, in the opinion of the Directors, commercially sensitive. Disclosure would provide IHG’s major competitors with an unfair commercial advantage as these companies are either unlisted or listed on a stock exchange other than the London Stock Exchange, and therefore not subject to the same regulations.







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Directors’ Remuneration Report continued


Annual Report on Directors’ Remuneration continued

LOGO 2011/13 LTIP

The performance measures for each three-year LTIP cycle are set by the Committee. Awards are made annually and eligible executives will receive shares at the end of that cycle, subject to achievement of the performance measures. The performance measures for the 2011/13 cycle were:


  relative growth in net rooms over three years;


  relative like-for-like RevPAR growth over three years; and


  IHG’s TSR relative to the Dow Jones Global Hotel (DJGH) index.

Growth in net rooms and RevPAR is measured on a relative basis against the comparator group, comprising the following major, globally branded competitors: Accor, Choice, Hilton, Hyatt, Marriott, Starwood and Wyndham.

These performance measures are also used for the 2012/14 and 2013/15 LTIP cycles, granted in 2012 and 2013 respectively.




Why do we use these measures?


Net rooms growth   RevPAR growth   TSR vs DJGH
This measures the net growth in the total number of IHG hotel rooms over the duration of the cycle relative to our major global competitors. Together with the RevPAR measure, it provides focus on ensuring a balance between the quality of IHG hotels and the speed at which IHG grows.   This measures success in growing our rates for the rooms we have open for the duration of the cycle relative to the RevPAR growth of our major global competitors.   This measures the return to shareholders by investing in IHG relative to our competitors in the appropriate comparator group, currently the DJGH index.

In order to generate higher returns for our shareholders, we need to increase revenue share, improve operating efficiency and grow margins through increasing the number of rooms we have available to sell, as well as generating more RevPAR for those rooms. By focusing on both net rooms growth and RevPAR growth, we are rewarding the balanced approach to growth that will support the long-term increase in shareholder value.


Outcome for 2011/13 cycle (audited information)

This cycle vested on 19 February 2014 as follows:




maximum vesting

Maximum award

(% of salary at

date of award)


Actual performance

vs comparator group



(% of maximum

award vesting)

Net rooms


  Average of the comparator group   1st in the comparator group   20% / 100%   25%   51.25%   Below average   0%

RevPAR growth 

  Average of the comparator group   1st in the comparator group   20% / 100%   25%   51.25%   Slightly above average   9%


  Growth equal to the DJGH index   Growth exceeds the index by 8% per year or more   20% / 100%   50%   102.5%   Growth exceeded index by 10.4%   50%

Total vesting



Net rooms and RevPAR growth were measured by reference to the three years ending 30 September 2013; TSR was measured by reference to the three years ending 31 December 2013.

LOGO Pension benefit: the value of Company contributions to pension plans and any cash allowances paid in lieu of pension contributions.

For 2012, the figure for Richard Solomons shows the increase in his pension value as a member of the executive defined benefit section of the IC Plan, which arose principally from his salary review when appointed Chief Executive Officer in July 2011. The defined benefit section of the IC Plan closed to future accruals for existing members on 30 June 2013 and therefore the 2013 pension figure for Richard Solomons also includes a cash allowance in lieu of pensions contributions for the period from 1 July 2013.






90    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents


Total pension entitlements (audited information)

From 2014, two changes to pension arrangements are being made in line with the objective of significantly reducing the defined benefit liability and risks in the Company’s balance sheet.

Richard Solomons is eligible for the Enhanced Early Retirement Facility (EERF), which is available to all members of the plan. Richard Solomons’ facility is being phased out in line with all other plan members meaning that he could retire without reduction to his pension from approximately age 58 and no earlier. This provision only applies on consent of the Company. Prior to the phasing out, Richard Solomons was eligible to retire without reduction from age 55.

Although the EERF is non-contractual, as part of the consultation with employees and the plan trustees with regards to the changes in the defined benefit section of the IC Plan in June 2013, it was agreed at that time that the EERF would be retained. However, the decision has now been made to phase out this facility as part of the process of redrawing the Company’s pension arrangements. The EERF terms require an executive to obtain Company consent.

Richard Solomons participated in the executive defined benefit section of the IC Plan and the unfunded InterContinental Executive Top-Up Scheme (ICETUS) until June 2013, when they both closed to future accruals.

As set out in the Remuneration Committee Chairman’s statement, in 2014 the Company is looking to reduce the risks and volatility from the remaining unfunded ICETUS pension arrangements by offering members an opportunity to cash out the ICETUS element of their pension on a basis that is fair and reasonable, both to them and to shareholders. Currently, approximately 11 UK employed executives participate in the ICETUS arrangement.

This is part of the process of redrawing IHG’s pension arrangements and minimising the future risks to the company. In the event the cash-out offer is accepted by an Executive Director, details will be disclosed in the relevant Annual Report on Directors’ Remuneration. This is in relation to previously disclosed benefits.

The main features of the executive defined benefit section of the IC Plan, which is a funded, final salary, occupational scheme are:


  normal pension age of 60 (9 October 2021, for Richard Solomons);


  pension accrual of 1/30th of final pensionable salary for each year of pensionable service;


  life assurance cover of four times pensionable salary;


  pensions payable in the event of ill-health; and


  spouse’s, partner’s and dependents’ pensions on death.

Following the closure of these arrangements to future accrual from July 2013, Richard Solomons receives a cash sum in lieu of pension contributions.

Richard Solomons’ 2013 pension benefits are as follows:


Director’s contributions for the year    17,760
Deemed capital value of accrued benefits as at 1 January 20131    7,544,000
Deemed capital value of accrued benefits at 31 December 20131    7,886,000
Increase in transfer value over the year    342,000
Absolute increase in accrued pension per annum    17,100
Increase in accrued pension (ie excluding inflation) per annum    5,400

1  The capital values disclosed above are based on the HM Revenue & Customs methodology of valuing pensions at 20 times their annual amounts, which is in line with the ‘Single Figure’ value stated elsewhere in these Accounts; the 2012 Accounts included values calculated on an actuarial basis, which was in line with regulations applicable at the time.


Accrued value of annual pension if retired at 31 December 2013   

272,050 of which:

49,640 is funded

222,410 is unfunded

Accrued value of annual pension at 31 December 2013, assuming retirement at normal age (9 October 2021)   

394,300 of which:

71,950 is funded

322,350 is unfunded

Additional annual pension benefit on early retirement under EERF at 31 December 2013   

78,860 of which:

14,390 is funded

64,470 is unfunded

In addition, in 2013 Richard Solomons received a cash

allowance in lieu of pension contributions of £110,850

The breakdown of the pension element of the single figure for 2012 and 2013 for Richard Solomons is as follows:








Pension benefit under defined benefit section of IC Plan      135         1,140   
Cash allowance in lieu of pension contribution      111           
Total      246         1,140   








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Table of Contents
Directors’ Remuneration Report continued


Annual Report on Directors’ Remuneration continued


Tracy Robbins did not participate in any IHG pension plan in 2013. As a result of the reduction in the Lifetime Allowance in 2012, contributions ceased and instead Tracy Robbins receives a cash allowance in lieu of pension contributions. For 2013, the cash allowance received was £126,400.

Tom Singer did not participate in any IHG pension plan and for 2013, received a cash allowance of £164,400.

Life assurance cover of four times pensionable salary was also provided for both Tracy Robbins and Tom Singer.


Kirk Kinsell participates in the US 401(k) Plan and the US Deferred Compensation Plan. The US 401(k) Plan is a tax qualified plan providing benefits on a defined contribution basis, with the member and relevant company both contributing. The US Deferred Compensation Plan is a non-tax qualified plan, providing benefits on a defined contribution basis, with the member and the relevant company both contributing.

Contributions made by, and in respect of, Kirk Kinsell in these plans for the year ended 31 December 2013 were:


Item    £1  
Director’s contributions to US Deferred   
Compensation Plan      164,912   
Director’s contributions to US 401(k) Plan      14,720   
Company contributions to US Deferred   
Compensation Plan      107,726   
Company contributions to US 401(k) Plan      6,528   
Age at 31 December 2013      58   


1  Sterling values have been calculated using an exchange rate of $1=£0.64.



Scheme interests awarded during 2013 (audited information)

During 2013, awards relating to shares were granted under the 2013/15 LTIP. Awards were made to each Executive Director over shares with a value of 205% of salary using an average share price over the three business days immediately prior to grant. These are in the form of conditional awards over IHG shares and do not carry the right to dividends or dividend equivalents during the vesting period. These awards will vest, and the shares will be transferred to the award holder in February 2016 to the extent performance targets are met (see page 90 for an explanation of the performance measures).


Executive Director    Award date      Maximum shares awarded     

Market price per
share at grant1


    Face value of
award at grant
    Number of shares
received if minimum
performance achieved2
2013/15 cycle                                           
Richard Solomons      5 April 2013         76,319         19.85        1,515        15,263   
Kirk Kinsell      5 April 2013         53,049         19.85        1,053        10,609   
Tracy Robbins      5 April 2013         43,819         19.85        870        8,763   
Tom Singer3      5 April 2013         56,883         19.85        1,129        11,376   


1  Share price was the closing mid-market share price on 4 April 2013.
2  Minimum performance is equal to 20% of maximum award.
3  Tom Singer’s award lapsed as a result of his resignation with effect from 1 January 2014.

The vesting date for these awards is the day after the announcement of our annual results in 2016. Net rooms growth and RevPAR growth will be measured by reference to the three years ending 30 September 2015; TSR will be measured by reference to the three years ending 31 December 2015.

Other outstanding awards

During 2012, awards relating to shares were granted under the 2012/14 LTIP, as shown below on the same basis as the 2013/15 LTIP cycle (shown above). These awards will vest in February 2015 to the extent performance targets are met (see page 90 for an explanation of the performance measures).


Executive Director    Award date     Maximum shares awarded      Market price per
share at grant1
    Face value of
award at grant
    Number of shares
received if minimum
performance achieved2

2012/14 cycle

Richard Solomons      5 April 2012        103,722         14.25        1,478        20,744   
Kirk Kinsell      5 April 2012        68,463         14.25        976        13,692   
Tracy Robbins      5 April 2012        59,270         14.25        845        11,854   

Tom Singer3

     5 April 2012        51,789         14.25        738        10,358   


1  Share price was the closing mid-market share price on 4 April 2012.
2  Minimum performance is equal to 20% of maximum award.
3  Following Tom Singer’s resignation with effect from 1 January 2014, Tom Singer’s award will vest in line with the LTIP plan rules on a pro-rated basis for the proportion of the performance period in which Tom Singer remained in employment, as determined by the Committee. The pro-rated award is shown in the table above. Vesting will not be accelerated.

The vesting date for these awards is the day after the announcement of our annual results in 2015. Net rooms growth and RevPAR growth will be measured by reference to the three years ending 30 September 2014; TSR will be measured by reference to the three years ending 31 December 2014.






92    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents


Current position on outstanding awards

Details of the performance measures and potential vesting outcomes for outstanding awards as at 31 December 2013 are as follows:


Performance measure   Threshold
maximum vesting

Maximum award

(% of salary)

  Potential vesting

2013/15 cycle

Net rooms growth   Average of the comparator group   1st in the comparator group   20% / 100%   25%   51.25%   Improved performance needed to achieve threshold vesting
RevPAR growth   Average of the comparator group   1st in the comparator group   20%/100%   25%   51.25%   Improved performance needed to achieve threshold vesting
TSR   Growth equal to the DJGH index   Growth exceeds the index by 8% per year or more   20%/100%   50%   102.5%   Improved performance needed to achieve threshold vesting

2012/14 cycle

Net rooms growth   Average of the comparator group   1st in the comparator group   20%/100%   25%   51.25%   Improved performance needed to achieve threshold vesting
RevPAR growth   Average of the comparator group   1st in the comparator group   20%/100%   25%   51.25%   Improved performance needed to achieve threshold vesting


  Growth equal to the DJGH index   Growth exceeds the index by 8% per year or more   20%/100%   50%   102.5%   Maximum vesting if current performance maintained

Share options

Between 2003 and 2005, grants of options were made under the IHG Executive Share Option Plan. No price was paid for the grant of these options. The performance conditions that applied to these options were satisfied when they became exercisable. No executive share options have been granted since 2005.


      Options vested but unexercised        Options exercised  
Director    31 December 2013        31 December 2012        31 December 2013      31 December 2012  
Richard Solomons      nil           330,870           330,870 1       nil   
Kirk Kinsell      nil           nil           nil         109,150   


1  Share price on date of exercise was 1,942p.

Option prices during the year ranged from 438.00p to 619.83p per IHG share. The closing market value share price on 31 December 2013 was 2,013p and the range during the year was from 1,737p to 2,039p per share. Share price range data was provided by Bank of America Merril Lynch.

The gain, before tax, made by Richard Solomons on the exercise of options during the year 2013 was £4,663,884. London and New York Stock Exchange announcements concerning this option exercise were made on 22 May 2013.

No options were exercised by any other Director during the year.







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Table of Contents
Directors’ Remuneration Report continued


Annual Report on Directors’ Remuneration continued

Statement of Directors’ shareholdings and share interests (audited information)

The Committee believes that share ownership by Executive Directors and senior executives strengthens the link between the individuals’ personal interests and those of shareholders.

Guideline Executive Director shareholding requirement

Executive Directors are expected to hold all shares earned (net of any share sales required to meet personal tax liabilities), until the guideline shareholding requirement is achieved.


Shares and awards held by Executive Directors as at 31 December 2013: % of salary


Director    LOGO  Guideline shareholding      LOGO  Shares held outright      LOGO  Total shares & awards held  
Richard Solomons      300         1,011         1,985   
Kirk Kinsell      200         519         1,580   
Tracy Robbins      200         407         1,423   
Tom Singer      200         199         1,044   

Percentages are based on shareholding and a share price of 2,013p per share as at 31 December 2013.

Shares held by Executive Directors as at 31 December 2013: number of shares




Director   Number of shares held outright     APP deferred share awards2      LTIP share awards (unvested)3     Total number of shares & awards held  
     2013     2012     2013      2012      2013      2012     2013      2012  
Richard Solomons     371,198        322,379        90,068         64,524         267,275         292,774        728,541         679,677   
Kirk Kinsell     127,444 1      155,628 1      66,502         50,152         194,384         216,746        388,330         422,526   
Tracy Robbins     85,703        85,703        55,905         40,381         158,337         170,391        299,945         296,475   
Tom Singer     54,386        20,846        17,930         n/a         213,263         226,332        285,579         247,178   


1  Comprised 155,034 ordinary shares and 594 American Depositary Receipts.
2  Awards not subject to performance conditions.
3  Awards still subject to performance conditions as set out on page 97.

Percentage change in remuneration of Chief Executive Officer

The table below shows the percentage change in the remuneration of the Chief Executive Officer compared to UK employees between 2012 and 2013:


      Chief Executive Officer      UK employees  
Salary      +2.7%         +3.5% 1 
Taxable benefits      -29.0%         0.0% 2 
Annual incentive      +11.0%         +16.0% 3 


1  The percentage change for UK employees shown is the budget for the 2013 annual pay review and promotions/market adjustments during 2013.
2  Based on taxable benefits for tax year ending 5 April in relevant year.
3  Change shown assumes “very good performance” individual performance rating and global responsibilities in role.

We believe that an appropriate comparator group is UK-based employees because:


  the structure and composition of remuneration for that group most closely reflects that of the Chief Executive Officer; and


  the same UK market dynamics will apply to salary movements, providing a better like-for-like comparison than an international comparator group of employees.

For the annual incentive, the comparator group used is the grade of executives below Executive Committee level, who are subject to the same performance measures as the Chief Executive Officer.







94    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents


Relative performance graph and table

Throughout 2013, IHG was a member of the FTSE 100 share index and for remuneration purposes used a TSR comparator group of the DJGH index. Accordingly, the Committee has determined that these are the most appropriate market indices against which to test the Group’s performance. The graph below shows the TSR performance of IHG from 31 December 2008 to 31 December 2013, assuming dividends are reinvested, compared with the TSR performance achieved by the FTSE 100 index and the DJGH index. All indices are shown in sterling.

TSR: InterContinental Hotels Group PLC vs FTSE 100 and Dow Jones Global Hotels indices



Chief Executive Officer’s remuneration

The table below shows the single figure of total remuneration for the incumbent Chief Executive Officer for the five years to 31 December 2013:



year ended

31 December

  Chief Executive Officer      2009      2010        20111      2012        2013  

Single figure


  Richard Solomons        n/a         n/a           4,724         4,881           3,149   
  Andrew Cosslett        1,953         5,430           3,770         n/a           n/a   

LOGO  Annual incentive received

(% of maximum)

  Richard Solomons        n/a         n/a           83.0         68.0           74.0   
  Andrew Cosslett        nil 2       100.0           43.0 3       n/a           n/a   

LOGO  Shares received under the LTIP

(% of maximum)

  Richard Solomons        n/a         n/a           73.9         100.0           59.0   
  Andrew Cosslett        46.0         73.8           61.6         n/a           n/a   


1  Andrew Cosslett retired on 30 June 2011 and Richard Solomons was appointed Chief Executive Officer on 1 July 2011, having previously held the position of Chief Financial Officer and Head of Commercial Development; the single figure value is the total remuneration received by each Director for that year.
2  There was no annual incentive award paid in respect of financial year ended 31 December 2009.
3  No deferred shares were awarded in respect of the 2011 ABP. Andrew Cosslett received his award as 100% cash pro-rated to 30 June 2011.


Relative importance of spend on pay

The table below sets out the actual expenditure of the Group in 2011, 2012 and 2013 on employee remuneration and distributions to shareholders and shows the difference in spend between those years:


Item    2013






Remuneration paid to all employees      656        5         626 1      (1     634 1 
Final dividend (previous year)      115           113          102   
Ordinary (interim) dividend      63           61          46   
Special dividend      355 2         505 3        0   
Repurchase of own shares      283 4               107 5              0   
Total distributions      816        3.8         786        431        148   


1  Restated for the adoption of IAS 19R ’Employee Benefits’.
2  A special dividend of $1.33 per share was paid to shareholders on 4 October 2013.
3  A special dividend of $1.72 per share was paid to shareholders on 22 October 2012.
4  Under the authority granted by shareholders at the General Meeting held on 8 October 2012 and the AGM held on 24 May 2013, 9,773,912 shares were purchased in the period from 8 October 2012 to 31 December 2013 for a total consideration of $283m.
5  Under the authority granted by shareholders at the General Meeting held on 8 October 2012, 4,143,960 shares were purchased in the period to 31 December 2012 for a total consideration of $107m.

Remuneration advisers

The Committee continued to retain PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) throughout 2013 as independent advisers. Fees of £132,050 were paid to PwC in respect of advice provided to the Committee on executive remuneration matters in 2013. This was in the form of an agreed fee for support in preparation of papers and attendance at meetings, with work on additional items charged at hourly rates. PwC also provided tax and other consulting services to the Company during the year.

The terms of engagement for PwC are available from the Company Secretary’s office on request.

PwC was appointed following a competitive tender process. The Committee is satisfied that the advice received from PwC was objective and independent as PwC is a member of the Remuneration Consultants Group. Members of this group adhere to a voluntary Code of Conduct that sets out the role of executive remuneration consultants in the UK and the professional standards they have committed to adhere to when advising remuneration committees.








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Table of Contents
Directors’ Remuneration Report continued


Annual Report on Directors’ Remuneration continued


Payments to past Directors (audited information)

In February 2013, Andrew Cosslett received 80,403 shares when the 2010/12 LTIP vested. These relate to awards made while Andrew Cosslett was Chief Executive Officer. The share price at vesting on 20 February 2013 was 1,953p.

Sir Ian Prosser, who retired as a Director on 31 December 2003, had an ongoing healthcare benefit of £1,379 during the year.

Payments for loss of office (audited information)

There were no payments made for loss of office in 2013.

Voting at IHG Annual General Meetings

At IHG’s most recent AGMs, the annual advisory vote in respect of the Directors’ Remuneration Report was as follows:


AGM    Votes for      Votes against      Abstentions  





































The vote at the 2011 AGM related to the 2010 Remuneration Report, which contained details of the introduction of new LTIP measures for the 2011/13 cycle (relative net rooms and RevPAR growth).

Special dividends paid to Executive Directors

The Company paid special dividends to its shareholders on 22 October 2012 and 4 October 2013.

The 2012 special dividend was accompanied by a share consolidation in order to maintain comparability (as far as possible) of the share price before and after the payment of the special dividend. Neither LTIP award holders nor IHG Executive Share Option Plan holders were entitled to receive the special dividend. Executive Directors holding forfeitable shares under the ABP (the predecessor plan to the APP) received the special dividend and their share awards were subject to the share consolidation.

The 2013 special dividend was not accompanied by a share consolidation. Neither LTIP award holders nor IHG Executive Share Option Plan holders were entitled to receive the special dividend. Executive Directors holding forfeitable shares under the ABP received the special dividend.

Kirk Kinsell holds some of his ABP deferred shares in the form of conditional awards, which were not eligible to receive the special dividend, rather than forfeitable shares. To ensure equity of treatment with other Executive Committee members, a dividend equivalent was paid in respect of these awards to Kirk Kinsell.




Single total figure of remuneration: Non-Executive Directors (audited information)


     Fees (£000)        Benefits6(£000)        Total (£000)  
Non-Executive Director    2013        2012        2013        2012        2013        2012  
Patrick Cescau1      400           nil           14           nil           414           nil   
David Webster2      nil           406           nil           12           nil           418   
Ian Dyson3      23           nil           1           nil           24           nil   
David Kappler      109           105           2           2           111           107   
Jennifer Laing      80           78           2           3           82           81   
Jonathan Linen      69           66           90           64           159           130   
Jill McDonald4      40           nil           3           nil           43           nil   
Luke Mayhew      91           88           2           2           93           90   
Dale Morrison      69           66           22           16           91           82   
Ying Yeh      69           66           72           11           141           77   
Graham Allan5      nil           31           nil           nil           nil           31   


1  Patrick Cescau was appointed as Chairman of the Board on 1 January 2013.
2  David Webster retired as Chairman of the Board on 31 December 2012.
3  Ian Dyson was appointed as a Non-Executive Director on 1 September 2013.
4  Jill McDonald was appointed as a Non-Executive Director on 1 June 2013.
5  Graham Allan resigned as Non-Executive Director on 15 June 2012.
6  Benefits include taxable travel and accommodation expenses to attend Board meetings away from home location; under concessionary HM Revenue & Customs rules, non-UK based Non-Executive Directors (Jonathan Linen, Dale Morrison and Ying Yeh) are not subject to tax on travel expenses for the first five years.

Non-Executive Directors are paid a fee which is agreed by the Executive Directors and the Chairman of the Board, taking into account fees paid in other companies of similar complexity. These fees also reflect the time commitment and responsibilities of the roles. Accordingly, higher fees are payable to the Senior Independent Non-Executive Director and Chairman of the Audit Committee (David Kappler) and the Chairmen of the Remuneration (Luke Mayhew) and Corporate Responsibility Committees (Jennifer Laing). The Chairman’s fees are agreed by the Committee.

Non-Executive Directors’ fee levels are reviewed annually.






96    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents


Implementation of Remuneration Policy in 2014


We set out below a statement of the implementation of the Directors’ Remuneration Policy in 2014.

LOGO  Salary: Executive Directors


Executive Director   












Richard Solomons      765,000                  739,000            
Paul Edgecliffe-
Kirk Kinsell1               793,500                  774,000   
Tracy Robbins      437,000                  424,300            


1  Kirk Kinsell is paid in US dollars and his annual base salary for 2013 and 2014 is shown in US dollars above. The equivalent sterling values calculated using an exchange rate of $1=£0.64 are: 2013 – £494,635; and 2014 – £507,096.

The overall budget for salary increases for IHG corporate employees in the UK and US, and the overall increase in the Executive Directors’ salaries for 2014 is as follows:


UK corporate employees    US corporate employees      Executive Directors  
3.0%      3.0%         3.0%   

Performance measures and targets

The performance measures and targets for the 2014 APP and the 2014/16 LTIP cycle are the same as for the 2013 APP and the 2013/15 LTIP cycle respectively.


For 2014, the Committee has approved a maximum opportunity of 200% of salary (50% cash and 50% IHG shares deferred for three years).

Awards will be based on individual and Group achievement using performance measures relating to:


  Guest satisfaction (Guest HeartBeat) 20%;


  Employee Engagement 10%; and


  EBIT 70%.

For Guest HeartBeat and Employee Engagement, the 2014 targets are set as an improvement over 2013 scores. The 2014 EBIT element relates to the 2014 EBIT target figure.

The actual targets under the performance measures for the APP for 2014 are not and will not be disclosed as they are, in the opinion of the Directors, commercially sensitive. Disclosure would provide IHG’s major competitors with an unfair commercial advantage as these companies are either unlisted or listed on a stock exchange other than the London Stock Exchange, and therefore not subject to the same obligation to disclose incentive plan targets.

LOGO  2014/16 LTIP cycle

For the 2014/16 LTIP, the Committee has approved awards to Executive Directors over shares with a maximum value of 205% of salary. Share awards will vest after three years if the following performance conditions are met:


  25% relative net rooms growth;


  25% relative RevPAR growth; and


  50% relative TSR vs the DJGH index.

For net rooms and RevPAR growth, threshold performance (20% vesting) is equal to the average of the comparator group; and maximum performance (100% vesting) is achieved when IHG is first in the comparator group.

For TSR, threshold performance (20% vesting) is achieved when growth is equal to the DJGH index and maximum performance (100% vesting) is achieved when growth exceeds the index by 8% per year or more.

Fees: Non-Executive Directors

The following fee levels will apply from 1 January 2014:










Patrick Cescau    Chairman of the Board      412,000         400,000   
David Kappler    Senior Independent Director and Chairman of Audit Committee      111,750         108,500   
Luke Mayhew    Chairman of Remuneration Committee      93,750         91,000   
Jennifer Laing    Chairman of Corporate Responsibility Committee      82,500         80,000   
Others    Non-Executive Director      70,500         68,500   

David Kappler will step down as Chairman of the Audit Committee on 1 April 2014 and retire as a Non-Executive Director on 31 May 2014.

With effect from 1 April 2014, Ian Dyson will become Chairman of the Audit Committee and his annual fee will increase to £93,750.

With effect from 31 May 2014, Dale Morrison will become Senior Independent Non-Executive Director and his annual fee will increase to £93,750.

Luke Mayhew, Chairman of the Remuneration Committee

17 February 2014








Governance    97

Table of Contents





Staybridge Suites®

Staybridge Suites hotels, launched in 1997, is IHG’s extended-stay brand for business and leisure travellers who spend an extended time away from home and prefer a warm, home-like and community environment.



196 properties; 21,518 rooms open

80 properties in the pipeline





98    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents


Group Financial






Candlewood Suites®

Candlewood Suites is IHG’s extended-stay brand in North America aimed at providing guests with a relaxed, casual and home-like environment at great value. The two brand hallmarks of the Candlewood Cupboard® and Lending Locker depict the trust system, which has always prevailed for the brand.



312 properties; 29,778 rooms open

80 properties in the pipeline










Group Financial Statements    99

Table of Contents
Statement of Directors’ Responsibilities


Financial Statements and accounting records

The laws of England and Wales require the Directors to prepare financial statements which give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities and financial position of the Company and of the Group at the end of the financial year together with the profit or loss of the Group for that period. In preparing these Financial Statements, the Directors are required to:


  select suitable accounting policies and apply them consistently;


  make judgements and accounting estimates that are reasonable;


  state whether the Consolidated Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), for use in the EU and Article 4 of the EU IAS Regulation;


  state for the Company Financial Statements whether applicable UK accounting standards have been followed; and


  prepare the Financial Statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the Company and the Group will continue in business.

The Directors have responsibility for ensuring that the Group keeps proper accounting records which disclose with reasonable accuracy the financial position of the Group and the Company to enable them to ensure that the Financial Statements comply with the Companies Act 2006 and, as regards the Consolidated Financial Statements, Article 4 of the EU IAS Regulation. The Directors are also responsible for the system of internal control, for safeguarding the assets of the Company and the Group, and taking reasonable steps to prevent and detect fraud and other irregularities.

Disclosure and Transparency Rules

The Board confirms that to the best of its knowledge:


  the Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with IFRS as issued by the IASB and IFRS as adopted by the EU, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit and loss of the Group; and


  the Annual Report, including the Strategic Report, includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Group together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces.

Directors’ statement under the UK Corporate Governance Code

Having taken advice from the Audit Committee, the Board considers that the Annual Report and Form 20-F, taken as a whole is fair, balanced and understandable and that it provides the information necessary for shareholders to assess the Company’s performance, business model and strategy.

Disclosure of information to Auditor

The Directors who held office as at the date of approval of this report confirm that they have taken steps to make themselves aware of relevant audit information (as defined by section 418(3) of the Companies Act 2006). None of the Directors are aware of any relevant audit information which has not been disclosed to the Company’s Auditor.


Management’s report on internal control over financial reporting

Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting for the Group, as defined in Rule 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 as a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with IFRS. The Group’s internal control over financial reporting includes policies and procedures that:


  pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the Group’s transactions and dispositions of assets;


  are designed to provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit the preparation of the Financial Statements in accordance with IFRS as issued by the IASB and the IFRS adopted by the EU, and that receipts and expenditure are being made only in accordance with authorisation of management and the Directors of the Company; and


  provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorised acquisition, use or disposition of the Group’s assets that could have a material effect on the Financial Statements.

Any internal control framework has inherent limitations and internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions or the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.

Management has undertaken an assessment of the effectiveness of the Group’s internal control over financial reporting at 31 December 2013 based on criteria established in the Internal Control-Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (1992 Framework) (the COSO criteria). Based on this assessment, management has concluded that as at 31 December 2013 the Group’s internal control over financial reporting was effective.

During the period covered by this document there were no changes in the Group’s internal control over financial reporting that have materially affected or are reasonably likely to materially affect the effectiveness of the internal controls over financial reporting.

The Group’s internal financial control over financial reporting at 31 December 2013, together with the Group’s Consolidated Financial Statements, were audited by Ernst & Young LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm. Their report on internal control over financial reporting can be found on page 103.

On behalf of the Board


Richard Solomons    Paul Edgecliffe-Johnson
Chief Executive Officer    Chief Financial Officer
17 February 2014    17 February 2014






100    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

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Group Financial Statements    101

Table of Contents











102    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents
Independent Auditor’s US Report


Report of independent registered public accounting firm on internal control over financial reporting

To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of InterContinental Hotels Group PLC.

We have audited InterContinental Hotels Group PLC’s internal control over financial reporting as of 31 December 2013, based on criteria established in Internal Control-Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (1992 Framework) (the COSO criteria). InterContinental Hotels Group PLC’s management is responsible for maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting, and for its assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting included in the Annual Report and Form 20-F. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Group’s internal control over financial reporting based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether effective internal control over financial reporting was maintained in all material respects. Our audit included obtaining an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, testing and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk, and performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

A group’s internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A group’s internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that (1) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the group; (2) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the group are being made only in accordance with authorisations of management and directors of the group; and (3) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorised acquisition, use, or disposition of the group’s assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.

Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.

In our opinion, InterContinental Hotels Group PLC maintained, in all material respects, effective internal control over financial reporting as of 31 December 2013, based on the COSO criteria.


We also have audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States), the accompanying Group statement of financial position of InterContinental Hotels Group PLC as of 31 December 2013 and 2012, and the related Group income statement, Group statement of comprehensive income, Group statement of changes in equity and Group statement of cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended 31 December 2013, and our report dated 17 February 2014 expressed an unqualified opinion thereon.


London, England 17 February 2014

InterContinental Hotels Group PLC report of independent registered public accounting firm

To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of InterContinental Hotels Group PLC.

We have audited the accompanying Group statement of financial position of InterContinental Hotels Group PLC as of 31 December 2013 and 2012, and the related Group income statement, Group statement of comprehensive income, Group statement of changes in equity and Group statement of cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended 31 December 2013. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Group’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these Financial Statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the Financial Statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the Financial Statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the Financial Statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated financial position of InterContinental Hotels Group PLC at 31 December 2013 and 2012, and the consolidated results of its operations and its consolidated cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended 31 December 2013, in conformity with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union and International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board.

We also have audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States), InterContinental Hotels Group PLC’s internal control over financial reporting as of 31 December 2013, based on criteria established in Internal Control-Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (1992 Framework) and our report dated 17 February 2014 expressed an unqualified opinion thereon.


London, England 17 February 2014



1. The maintenance and integrity of the InterContinental Hotels Group PLC website is the responsibility of the Directors; the work carried out by the auditors does not involve consideration of these matters and, accordingly, the auditors accept no responsibility for any changes that may have occurred to the Financial Statements since they were initially presented on the website.
2. Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.







Group Financial Statements    103

Table of Contents
Group Financial Statements


Group income statement




          2013     2012
For the year ended 31 December 2013   Note    








(note 5)













(note 5)













(note 5)







    2        1,903               1,903        1,835               1,835        1,768               1,768   
Cost of sales             (784            (784     (772            (772     (771            (771
Administrative expenses             (374     (167     (541     (372     (16     (388     (361     (9     (370
Share of profits of associates and joint ventures             2        6        8        3               3        1               1   
Other operating income and expenses             6        166        172        5        (11     (6     10        46        56   
              753        5        758        699        (27     672        647        37        684   
Depreciation and amortisation     2        (85            (85     (94            (94     (99            (99
Impairment     2                                    23        23               20        20   

Operating profit

    2        668        5        673        605        (4     601        548        57        605   
Financial income     6        5               5        3               3        2               2   
Financial expenses     6        (78            (78     (57            (57     (64            (64

Profit before tax

            595        5        600        551        (4     547        486        57        543   
Tax     7        (175     (51     (226     (151     142        (9     (117     39        (78
Profit for the year from continuing operations             420        (46     374        400        138        538        369        96        465   
Attributable to:                                                                                
Equity holders of the parent             418        (46     372        399        138        537        369        96        465   
Non-controlling interest             2               2        1               1                        
              420        (46     374        400        138        538        369        96        465   
Earnings per ordinary share     9                                                                           
Continuing and total operations:                                                                                
Basic                             140.9¢                        187.1¢                        160.9¢   
Diluted                             139.3¢                        183.9¢                        157.1¢   


1  Restated for the adoption of IAS I9R ‘Employee Benefits’ (see page 111).
2  See note on ‘Comparatives for 2011’ on page 111.

Notes on pages 111 to 153 form an integral part of these Financial Statements.






104    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents


Group statement of comprehensive income




For the year ended 31 December 2013   












Profit for the year

     374        538        465   

Other comprehensive income

Items that may be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss:                         

Gains on valuation of available-for-sale financial assets

     28        1        15   

Losses reclassified to income on impairment of available-for-sale financial assets


Losses relating to cash flow hedges reclassified to financial expenses

            1        4   

Exchange (losses)/gains on retranslation of foreign operations, net of related tax credit of $2m (2012 credit of $3m, 2011 charge of $3m)

     (35     24        (21

Exchange losses reclassified to profit on hotel disposal

       39        26        1   
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss:                         

Re-measurement gains/(losses) on defined benefit plans, net of related tax charge of $20m (2012 credit of $5m, 2011 credit of $19m)

     20        (10     (13

Tax related to pension contributions

       20        8        (13

Total other comprehensive income/(loss) for the year

     59        34        (12
Total comprehensive income for the year      433        572        453   
Attributable to:                         
Equity holders of the parent      433        571        452   

Non-controlling interest

            1        1   
       433        572        453   


1  Restated for the adoption of IAS I9R ‘Employee Benefits’ (see page 111).
2  See note on ‘Comparatives for 2011’ on page 111.

Notes on pages 111 to 153 form an integral part of these Financial Statements.







Group Financial Statements    105

Table of Contents
Group Financial Statements continued


Group statement of changes in equity
















held by











gains and














IHG share-














At 1 January 2013

    179        11        (48     (2,901     72        214        2,781        308        9        317   

Profit for the year

                                              372        372        2        374   

Other comprehensive income:

Items that may be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss:                                                                                

Gains on valuation of available-for-sale financial assets

                                28                      28               28   

Exchange differences on retranslation of foreign operations

                                       (33            (33     (2     (35

Exchange losses reclassified to profit on hotel disposal

                                       46               46               46   
                                  28        13               41        (2     39   
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss:                                                                                

Re-measurement gains on defined benefit plans

                                              20        20               20   
                                                20        20               20   

Total other comprehensive income

                                28        13        20        61        (2     59   

Total comprehensive income for the year

                                28        13        392        433               433   
Issue of ordinary shares     5                                                  5               5   
Repurchase of shares                                               (283     (283            (283
Purchase of own shares by employee share trusts                   (53                                 (53            (53
Release of own shares by employee share trusts                   64                             (61     3               3   
Equity-settled share-based cost                                               27        27               27   
Tax related to share schemes                                               11        11               11   
Equity dividends paid                                               (533     (533     (1     (534
Exchange adjustments     5        1        (1     (5                                          
At 31 December 2013     189        12        (38     (2,906     100        227        2,334        (82     8        (74

All items above are shown net of tax.

Notes on pages 111 to 153 form an integral part of these Financial Statements.






106    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents


Group statement of changes in equity continued
















held by











gains and















IHG share-
















At 1 January 2012

    162        10        (27     (2,893     71        189        3,035        547        8        555   

Profit for the year

                                              537        537        1        538   

Other comprehensive income:

Items that may be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss:                                                                                

Gains on valuation of available-for-sale financial assets

                                1                      1               1   

Losses reclassified to financial expenses on cash flow hedges

                                1                      1               1   

Exchange differences on retranslation of foreign operations

                                (1     25               24               24   
                                  1        25               26               26   
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss:                                                                                
Re-measurement losses on defined benefit plans                                               (10     (10            (10

Tax related to pension contributions

                                              18        18               18   
                                                8        8               8   

Total other comprehensive income

                                1        25        8        34               34   

Total comprehensive income for the year

                                1        25        545        571        1        572   
Issue of ordinary shares     10                                                  10               10   
Repurchase of shares     (1                                        (106     (107            (107
Transfer to capital redemption reserve            1                                    (1                     
Transaction costs relating to
shareholder returns
                                              (2     (2            (2
Purchase of own shares by employee
share trusts
                  (84                                 (84            (84
Release of own shares by employee
share trusts
                  63                             (63                     
Equity-settled share-based cost                                               27        27               27   
Tax related to share schemes                                               20        20               20   
Equity dividends paid                                               (679     (679            (679
Share of reserve in equity accounted investment                                               5        5               5   
Exchange adjustments     8                      (8                                          
At 31 December 2012     179        11        (48     (2,901     72        214        2,781        308        9        317   


1  Restated for the adoption of IAS I9R ‘Employee Benefits’ (see page 111).

All items above are shown net of tax.

Notes on pages 111 to 153 form an integral part of these Financial Statements.







Group Financial Statements    107

Table of Contents
Group Financial Statements continued


Group statement of changes in equity continued















held by











gains and















IHG share-
















At 1 January 20111

    155        10        (35     (2,894     49        211        2,775        271        7        278   

Profit for the year1

                                              465        465               465   

Other comprehensive income:

Items that may be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss:                                                                                

Gains on valuation of available-for-sale financial assets

                                15                      15               15   

Losses reclassified to income on impairment of available-for-sale financial assets

                                3                      3               3   

Losses reclassified to financial expenses on cash flow hedges

                                4                      4               4   

Exchange differences on retranslation of foreign operations

                                       (22            (22     1        (21
                                  22        (22                   1        1   
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss:                                                                                

Re-measurement losses on defined benefit plans

                                              (13     (13            (13
                                                (13     (13            (13

Total other comprehensive loss

                                22        (22     (13     (13     1        (12

Total comprehensive income for the year

                                22        (22     452        452        1        453   
Issue of ordinary shares     8                                                  8               8   
Purchase of own shares by employee share trusts                   (75                                 (75            (75
Release of own shares by employee share trusts                   83                             (80     3               3   
Equity-settled share-based cost                                               29        29               29   
Tax related to share schemes                                               7        7               7   
Equity dividends paid                                               (148     (148            (148
Exchange adjustments     (1                   1                                             
At 31 December 2011     162        10        (27     (2,893     71        189        3,035        547        8        555   


1  See note on ‘Comparatives for 2011’ on page 111.
2  Restated for the adoption of IAS I9R ‘Employee Benefits’ (see page 111).

All items above are shown net of tax.

Notes on pages 111 to 153 form an integral part of these Financial Statements.






108    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents


Group statement of financial position




31 December 2013    Note     






Property, plant and equipment      10         1,169        1,056   
Goodwill      12         80        93   
Intangible assets      13         438        354   
Investment in associates and joint ventures      14         85        84   
Retirement benefit assets      26         7        99   
Other financial assets      15         236        155   
Non-current tax receivable               16        24   
Deferred tax assets      27         108        204   

Total non-current assets

              2,139        2,069   
Inventories      16         4        4   
Trade and other receivables      17         423        422   
Current tax receivable               12        31   
Derivative financial instruments      23         1        2   
Other financial assets      15         12        6   
Cash and cash equivalents      18         134        195   

Total current assets

              586        660   
Non-current assets classified as held for sale      11         228        534   
Total assets      2         2,953        3,263   
Loans and other borrowings      22         (16     (16
Trade and other payables      19         (748     (709
Provisions      20         (3     (1
Current tax payable               (47     (54

Total current liabilities

              (814     (780
Loans and other borrowings      22         (1,269     (1,242
Derivative financial instruments      23         (11     (19
Retirement benefit obligations      26         (184     (187
Trade and other payables      19         (574     (563
Provisions      20                (1
Deferred tax liabilities      27         (175     (93

Total non-current liabilities

              (2,213     (2,105
Liabilities classified as held for sale      11                (61

Total liabilities

     2         (3,027     (2,946
Net (liabilities)/assets               (74     317   
Equity share capital      29         189        179   
Capital redemption reserve      29         12        11   
Shares held by employee share trusts      29         (38     (48
Other reserves      29         (2,906     (2,901
Unrealised gains and losses reserve      29         100        72   
Currency translation reserve      29         227        214   
Retained earnings               2,334        2,781   
IHG shareholders’ equity               (82     308   
Non-controlling interest      29         8        9   
Total equity               (74     317   

Signed on behalf of the Board

Paul Edgecliffe-Johnson

17 February 2014

Notes on pages 111 to 153 form an integral part of these Financial Statements.







Group Financial Statements    109

Table of Contents
Group Financial Statements continued


Group statement of cash flows




For the year ended 31 December 2013   












Profit for the year

     374        538        465   
Adjustments for:                         

Net financial expenses

     73        54        62   

Income tax charge

     226        9        78   

Depreciation and amortisation

     85        94        99   


            (23     (20

Other exceptional operating items

     (5     27        (37

Equity-settled share-based cost

     22        22        25   

Dividends from associates and joint ventures

     5        1        1   

Other items

     2        (3     (1
Operating cash flow before movements in working capital      782        719        672   
Increase in trade and other receivables      (9     (50     (11
Net change in loyalty programme liability and System Fund surplus      61        57        66   
Increase/(decrease) in other trade and other payables      8        26        (20
Utilisation of provisions      (3     (12     (19
Retirement benefit contributions, net of cost      (18     (95     (33
Cash flows relating to exceptional operating items      (33     (6     (32

Cash flow from operations

     788        639        623   
Interest paid      (74     (50     (56
Interest received      2        2        1   
Tax paid on operating activities      (92     (119     (89

Net cash from operating activities

     624        472        479   

Cash flow from investing activities

Purchase of property, plant and equipment      (159     (44     (55
Purchase of intangible assets      (86     (84     (48
Investment in other financial assets      (154     (2     (50
Investment in associates and joint ventures      (10     (3     (41
Disposal of hotel assets, net of costs      460        4        142   
Proceeds from other financial assets      109        4        15   
Distribution from associate on sale of hotel      17                 
Proceeds from other associates and joint ventures      3                 
Tax paid on disposals      (5     (3     (1

Net cash from investing activities

     175        (128     (38

Cash flow from financing activities

Proceeds from the issue of share capital      5        10        8   
Purchase of own shares      (283     (107       
Purchase of own shares by employee share trusts      (44     (84     (75
Dividends paid to shareholders      (533     (679     (148
Dividend paid to non-controlling interests      (1              
Transaction costs relating to shareholder returns             (2       
Issue of long-term bonds             632          
Decrease in other borrowings      (1     (99     (119

Net cash from financing activities

     (857     (329     (334

Net movement in cash and cash equivalents in the year

     (58     15        107   
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year      195        182        78   
Exchange rate effects      (3     (2     (3

Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year

     134        195        182   


1  Restated for the adoption of IAS I9R ‘Employee Benefits’ (see page 111).
2  See note on ‘Comparatives for 2011’ on page 111.

Notes on pages 111 to 153 form an integral part of these Financial Statements.






110    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents
Accounting policies


General information

This document constitutes the Annual Report and Financial Statements in accordance with UK Listing Rules requirements and the Annual Report on Form 20-F in accordance with the US Securities Exchange Act of 1934. In previous years the Group issued separate documents.

The Consolidated Financial Statements of InterContinental Hotels Group PLC (the Group or IHG) for the year ended 31 December 2013 were authorised for issue in accordance with a resolution of the Directors on 17 February 2014. InterContinental Hotels Group PLC (the Company) is incorporated and domiciled in Great Britain and registered in England and Wales.

Comparatives for 2011

The comparative information presented for the year ended 31 December 2011 is that previously issued on Form 20-F for that year which differs from the Consolidated Financial Statements issued to the UK listing authorities for 2011. The difference arose in respect of a litigation provision of $22m ($13m net of tax) which was recorded on Form 20-F in the year ended 31 December 2010 but not in the UK Consolidated Financial Statements until the following year. An unfavourable court judgement on 23 February 2011, between the authorisation of the respective documents (UK Consolidated Financial Statements on 14 February 2011 and Form 20-F on 11 April 2011), resulted in the litigation provision being recorded as an adjusting post balance sheet event in the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2010 issued on Form 20-F.

The respective numbers reported were as follows:


     2011 Financial Statements2  
      Form 20-F1      UK filing  
Profit before tax ($m)      554         532   
Profit for the year ($m)      473         460   
Net assets ($m)      555         555   
Basic earnings per ordinary share (cents)      163.7         159.2   
Diluted earnings per ordinary share (cents)      159.8         155.4   


1  These numbers form the basis of the comparatives included in this document and exclude the litigation provision described above.
2  Before restatement for the adoption of IAS 19R ‘Employee Benefits’ (see below).

Changes in accounting policies

With effect from 1 January 2013, the Group has adopted IAS 19 (Revised) ‘Employee Benefits’ which introduces a number of changes to accounting for defined benefit plans. The key change that impacts the Group is the removal of expected returns on plan assets from the income statement and its replacement with a requirement to recognise interest on the net defined benefit asset/ liability (after any asset restrictions), calculated using the discount rate used to measure the defined benefit obligation.

The impact of this change in accounting policy on the current and prior year Financial Statements, which have been restated, is as follows:


Group income statement   









Administrative expenses      (6     (9     (11
Operating profit and profit before tax      (6     (9     (11
Tax      2        2        3   
Profit for the year      (4     (7     (8


Group statement of comprehensive income   


$ m







Profit for the year      (4     (7     (8
Re-measurement gains, net of related tax charge of $2m (2012 $1m, 2011 $1m)      4        8        10   
Tax related to pension contributions             (1     (2
Total comprehensive income for the year                      
Earnings per share   









Basic      (1.5     (2.4     (2.8
Diluted      (1.5     (2.4     (2.7

There has been no change to previously reported retained earnings, balance sheet amounts or cash flows, other than consequential adjustments to the analysis of operating cash flows.

The Group has also adopted IAS 1 (Amendment) ‘Presentation of Items of Other Comprehensive Income’, which changes the grouping of items presented in the Group statement of comprehensive income so that items which may be reclassified to profit or loss in the future are presented separately from items that will never be reclassified. The amendment affects presentation only and has had no impact on the Group’s financial position or performance.

In addition, with effect from 1 January 2013, the Group has implemented IAS 28 (Amendment) ‘Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures’, IFRS 10 ‘Consolidated Financial Statements’, IFRS 11 ‘Joint Arrangements’, IFRS 12 ‘Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities’ and IFRS 13 ‘Fair Value Measurement’. The adoption of these standards has had no material impact on the Group’s financial performance or position and there has been no requirement to restate prior year comparatives. IFRS 13 has resulted in new disclosures which are provided in note 24.

In accordance with IFRS 7 ‘Financial Instruments: Disclosures – Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities’ (Amendments to IFRS 7) additional disclosures have been made in note 18 regarding the Group’s cash pooling arrangements.

Summary of significant accounting policies

Basis of preparation

The Consolidated Financial Statements of IHG have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as issued by the IASB and in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the European Union (EU) and as applied in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act 2006. IFRS as adopted by the EU differs in certain respects from IFRS as issued by the IASB. However, the differences have no impact on the Group’s Consolidated Financial Statements for the years presented.

Presentational currency

The Consolidated Financial Statements are presented in millions of US dollars following a management decision to change the reporting currency from sterling during 2008. The change was made to reflect the profile of the Group’s revenue and operating profit which are primarily generated in US dollars or US dollar-linked currencies.

The currency translation reserve was set to nil at 1 January 2004 on transition to IFRS and this reserve is presented on the basis that the Group has reported in US dollars since this date. Equity share capital, the capital redemption reserve and shares held by employee share trusts are translated into US dollars at the rates of exchange on the last day of the period; the resultant exchange differences are recorded in other reserves.







Group Financial Statements    111

Table of Contents
Accounting policies continued


The functional currency of the parent company remains sterling since this is a non-trading holding company located in the United Kingdom that has sterling denominated share capital and whose primary activity is the payment and receipt of interest on sterling denominated external borrowings and inter-company balances.

Basis of consolidation

The Consolidated Financial Statements comprise the Financial Statements of the parent company and entities controlled by the Group. Control exists when the Group has:


  power over an investee (i.e. existing rights that give it the current ability to direct the relevant activities of the investee);


  exposure, or rights, to variable returns from its involvement with the investee; and


  the ability to use its power over the investee to affect its returns.

All intra-group balances and transactions are eliminated on consolidation.

The assets, liabilities and results of those businesses acquired or disposed of are consolidated for the period during which they were under the Group’s control.

The Group operates a deferred compensation plan in the US which allows certain employees to make additional provision for retirement, through the deferral of salary with matching company contributions. Employees can draw down on the plan in certain limited circumstances during employment. The assets of the plan are held in a company-owned trust which is not consolidated as the relevant activity of the trust, being the investment of the funds in the trust, is directed by the participating employees of the plan and the company has no exposure to the gains and losses resulting from those investment decisions. The assets of the trust are held solely for the benefit of the participating employees and to pay plan expenses, other than in the case of a company insolvency in which case they can be claimed by the general creditors of the company. At 31 December 2013, the trust had assets with a fair value of $135m (2012 $113m).

Foreign currencies

Transactions in foreign currencies are translated to functional currency at the exchange rates ruling on the dates of the transactions. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are retranslated to the functional currency at the relevant rates of exchange ruling on the last day of the period. Foreign exchange differences arising on translation are recognised in the income statement except on foreign currency borrowings that provide a hedge against a net investment in a foreign operation. These are taken directly to the currency translation reserve until the disposal of the net investment, at which time they are recycled against the gain or loss on disposal.

The assets and liabilities of foreign operations, including goodwill, are translated into US dollars at the relevant rates of exchange ruling on the last day of the period. The revenues and expenses of foreign operations are translated into US dollars at average rates of exchange for the period. The exchange differences arising on the retranslation are taken directly to the currency translation reserve. On disposal of a foreign operation, the cumulative amount recognised in the currency translation reserve relating to that particular foreign operation is recycled against the gain or loss on disposal.

Property, plant and equipment

Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost less depreciation and any impairment.

Repairs and maintenance costs are expensed as incurred.

Land is not depreciated. All other property, plant and equipment are depreciated to a residual value over their estimated useful lives, namely:


  buildings – lesser of 50 years and unexpired term of lease; and


  fixtures, fittings and equipment – three to 25 years.

All depreciation is charged on a straight-line basis. Residual value is re-assessed annually.

Property, plant and equipment are tested for impairment when events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value may not be recoverable. Assets that do not generate independent cash flows are combined into cash-generating units. If carrying values exceed their estimated recoverable amount, the assets or cash-generating units are written down to the recoverable amount. Recoverable amount is the greater of fair value less costs to sell and value in use. Value in use is assessed based on estimated future cash flows discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset. Impairment losses, and any subsequent reversals, are recognised in the income statement.

On adoption of IFRS, the Group retained previous revaluations of property, plant and equipment which are included at deemed cost as permitted by IFRS 1 ‘First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards’.


Goodwill arises on consolidation and is recorded at cost, being the excess of the cost of acquisition over the fair value at the date of acquisition of the Group’s share of identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities. With effect from 1 January 2010, transaction costs are expensed and therefore not included in the cost of acquisition. Following initial recognition, goodwill is measured at cost less any accumulated impairment losses.

Goodwill is tested for impairment at least annually by comparing carrying values of cash-generating units with their recoverable amounts. Impairment losses cannot be subsequently reversed.

Intangible assets


Acquired and internally developed software are capitalised on the basis of the costs incurred to acquire and bring to use the specific software. Costs are amortised over estimated useful lives of three to five years on a straight-line basis.

Internally generated development costs are expensed unless forecast revenues exceed attributable forecast development costs, in which case they are capitalised and amortised over the estimated useful life of the asset.

Management contracts

When assets are sold and a purchaser enters into a franchise or management contract with the Group, the Group capitalises as part of the gain or loss on disposal an estimate of the fair value of the contract entered into. The value of management contracts is amortised over the life of the contract which ranges from six to 50 years on a straight-line basis.

Other intangible assets

Amounts paid to hotel owners to secure management contracts and franchise agreements are capitalised and normally amortised over the shorter of the contracted period and 10 years on a straight-line basis.

Intangible assets are reviewed for impairment when events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value may not be recoverable.

Borrowing costs

Borrowing costs attributable to the acquisition or construction of property, plant and equipment or in respect of software projects that necessarily take a substantial period of time to prepare for their intended use, or sale, are capitalised as part of the asset cost. Borrowing costs consist of interest and other costs that an entity incurs in connection with the borrowing of funds. All borrowing costs relating to projects commencing before 1 January 2009 were expensed.






112    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents


Associates and joint ventures

An associate is an entity over which the Group has significant influence. Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the entity, but does not have control or joint control over those policies.

A joint venture exists when two or more parties have joint control over, and rights to the net assets of, the venture. Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control which only exists when decisions about the relevant activities require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control.

Associates and joint ventures are accounted for using the equity method unless the associate or joint venture is classified as held for sale. Under the equity method, the Group’s investment is recorded at cost adjusted by the Group’s share of post-acquisition profits and losses and other movements in the investee’s reserves. When the Group’s share of losses exceeds its interest in an associate or joint venture, the Group’s carrying amount is reduced to $nil and recognition of further losses is discontinued except to the extent that the Group has incurred legal or constructive obligations or made payments on behalf of an associate or joint venture.

Financial assets

The Group classifies its financial assets into one of the two following categories: loans and receivables or available-for-sale financial assets. Management determines the classification of financial assets on initial recognition and they are subsequently held at amortised cost (loans and receivables) or fair value (available-for-sale financial assets). Interest on loans and receivables is calculated using the effective interest rate method and is recognised in the income statement as interest income. Changes in fair values of available-for-sale financial assets are recorded directly in equity within the unrealised gains and losses reserve. On disposal, the accumulated fair value adjustments recognised in equity are recycled to the income statement. Dividends from available-for-sale financial assets are recognised in the income statement as other operating income and expenses.

Financial assets are assessed for impairment at each period-end date. In the case of an equity investment classified as available-for-sale, a significant or prolonged decline in fair value below cost is evidence that the asset is impaired. If an available-for-sale financial asset is impaired, the difference between original cost and fair value is transferred from equity to the income statement to the extent of any cumulative loss recorded in equity, with any excess charged directly to the income statement. Subsequent impairment reversals relating to previously impaired equity instruments are recorded in equity.


Inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value.

Trade receivables

Trade receivables are recorded at their original amount less provision for impairment. It is the Group’s policy to provide for 100% of the previous month’s aged receivables balances which are more than 180 days past due. Adjustments to the policy may be made due to specific or exceptional circumstances when collection is no longer considered probable. The carrying amount of the receivable is reduced through the use of a provision account and movements in the provision are recognised in the income statement within cost of sales. When a previously provided trade receivable is uncollectable, it is written off against the provision.


Cash and cash equivalents

Cash comprises cash in hand and demand deposits.

Cash equivalents are short-term highly liquid investments with an original maturity of three months or less that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and subject to insignificant risk of changes in value.

In the statement of cash flows, cash and cash equivalents are shown net of short-term overdrafts which are repayable on demand and form an integral part of the Group’s cash management.

Assets held for sale

Non-current assets and associated liabilities are classified as held for sale when their carrying amount will be recovered principally through a sale transaction rather than continuing use and a sale is highly probable and expected to complete within one year. For a sale to be highly probable, management need to be committed to a plan to sell the asset and the asset must be actively marketed for sale at a price that is reasonable in relation to its current fair value.

Assets designated as held for sale are held at the lower of carrying amount at designation and fair value less costs to sell.

Depreciation is not charged against property, plant and equipment classified as held for sale.

Financial liabilities

Financial liabilities are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method. A financial liability is derecognised when the obligation under the liability expires, is discharged or cancelled.

Trade payables

Trade payables are non-interest-bearing and are stated at their nominal value.

Bank and other borrowings

Bank and other borrowings are initially recognised at the fair value of the consideration received less directly attributable transaction costs. They are subsequently measured at amortised cost. Finance charges, including the transaction costs and any discount or premium on issue, are recognised in the income statement using the effective interest rate method.

Borrowings are classified as non-current when the repayment date is more than 12 months from the period-end date or where they are drawn on a facility with more than 12 months to expiry.

Derivative financial instruments and hedging

Derivatives are initially recognised and subsequently re-measured at fair value. The method of recognising the re-measurement depends on whether the derivative is designated as a hedging instrument, and if so, the nature of the item being hedged.

Changes in the fair value of derivatives designated as cash flow hedges are recorded in other comprehensive income and the unrealised gains and losses reserve to the extent that the hedges are effective. When the hedged item is recognised, the cumulative gains and losses on the related hedging instrument are reclassified to the income statement.

Changes in the fair value of derivatives designated as net investment hedges are recorded in other comprehensive income and the currency translation reserve to the extent that the hedges are effective. The cumulative gains and losses remain in equity until a foreign operation is sold, at which point they are reclassified to the income statement.

Changes in the fair value of derivatives which have either not been designated as hedging instruments or relate to the ineffective portion of hedges are recognised immediately in the income statement.







Group Financial Statements    113

Table of Contents
Accounting policies continued


Documentation outlining the measurement and effectiveness of any hedging arrangements is maintained throughout the life of the hedge relationship.

Interest arising from currency derivatives and interest rate swaps is recorded in either financial income or expenses over the term of the agreement, unless the accounting treatment for the hedging relationship requires the interest to be taken to reserves.

Self insurance

Liabilities in respect of self insured risks include projected settlements for known and incurred but not reported claims. Projected settlements are estimated based on historical trends and actuarial data.


Provisions are recognised when the Group has a present obligation as a result of a past event, it is probable that a payment will be made and a reliable estimate of the amount payable can be made. If the effect of the time value of money is material, the provision is discounted.

An onerous contract provision is recognised when the unavoidable costs of meeting the obligations under a contract exceed the economic benefits expected to be received under it.

In respect of litigation, provision is made when management consider it probable that payment may occur even though the defence of the related claim may still be ongoing through the court process.


Current tax

Current income tax assets and liabilities for the current and prior periods are measured at the amount expected to be recovered from or paid to the tax authorities including interest. The tax rates and tax laws used to compute the amount are those that are enacted or substantively enacted at the end of the reporting period.

Deferred tax

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognised in respect of temporary differences between the tax base and carrying value of assets and liabilities including accelerated capital allowances, unrelieved tax losses, unremitted profits from subsidiaries, gains rolled over into replacement assets, gains on previously revalued properties and other short-term temporary differences.

Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is regarded as probable that the deductible temporary differences can be realised. The recoverability of all deferred tax assets is re-assessed at the end of each reporting period.

Deferred tax is calculated at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the periods in which the asset or liability will be settled, based on rates enacted or substantively enacted at the end of the reporting period.

Retirement benefits

Defined contribution plans

Payments to defined contribution schemes are charged to the income statement as they fall due.

Defined benefit plans

Plan assets, including qualifying insurance policies, are measured at fair value and plan liabilities are measured on an actuarial basis, using the projected unit credit method and discounting at an interest rate equivalent to the current rate of return on a high-quality corporate bond of equivalent currency and term to the plan liabilities. The difference between the value of plan assets and liabilities at the period-end date is the amount of surplus or deficit recorded in the statement of financial position as an asset or liability. An asset is recognised when the employer has an unconditional right to use the surplus at some point during the life of the plan or on its wind-up. If a refund would be subject to a tax other than income tax, as is the case in the UK, the asset is recorded at the amount net of the tax. A liability is also recorded for any such tax that would be payable in respect of funding commitments based on the accounting assumption that the related payments increase the asset.

The service cost of providing pension benefits to employees, together with the net interest expense or income for the year, is charged to the income statement within ‘administration expenses’. Net interest is calculated by applying the discount rate to the net defined benefit asset or liability, after any asset restriction. Past service costs and gains, which are the change in the present value of the defined benefit obligation for employee service in prior periods resulting from plan amendments, are recognised immediately the plan amendment occurs.

Re-measurements comprise actuarial gains and losses, the return on plan assets (excluding amounts included in net interest) and changes in the amount of any asset restrictions. Actuarial gains and losses may result from: differences between the actuarial assumptions underlying the plan liabilities and actual experience during the year or changes in the actuarial assumptions used in the valuation of the plan liabilities. Re-measurement gains and losses, and taxation thereon, are recognised in other comprehensive income and are not reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods.

Actuarial valuations are normally carried out every three years and are updated for material transactions and other material changes in circumstances (including changes in market prices and interest rates) up to the end of the reporting period.

Revenue recognition

Revenue arises from the sale of goods and provision of services where these activities give rise to economic benefits received and receivable by the Group on its own account and result in increases in equity.

Revenue is derived from the following sources: franchise fees; management fees; owned and leased properties and other revenues which are ancillary to the Group’s operations, including technology fee income.

Generally, revenue represents sales (excluding VAT and similar taxes) of goods and services, net of discounts, provided in the normal course of business and recognised when services have been rendered. The following is a description of the composition of revenues of the Group.

Franchise fees – received in connection with the license of the Group’s brand names, usually under long-term contracts with the hotel owner. The Group charges franchise royalty fees as a percentage of rooms revenue. Revenue is earned and recognised on a monthly basis.

Management fees – earned from hotels managed by the Group, usually under long-term contracts with the hotel owner. Management fees include a base fee, generally a percentage of hotel revenue, which is earned and recognised on a monthly basis and an incentive fee, generally based on the hotel’s profitability or cash flows and recognised when the related performance criteria are met under the terms of the contract.

Owned and leased – primarily derived from hotel operations, including the rental of rooms and food and beverage sales from owned and leased hotels operated under the Group’s brand names. Revenue is recognised when rooms are occupied and food and beverages are sold.

Franchise fees and management fees include liquidated damages received from the early termination of contracts.






114    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents


Share-based payments

The cost of equity-settled transactions with employees is measured by reference to fair value at the date at which the right to the shares is granted. Fair value is determined by an external valuer using option pricing models.

The cost of equity-settled transactions is recognised, together with a corresponding increase in equity, over the period in which any performance or service conditions are fulfilled, ending on the date on which the relevant employees become fully entitled to the award (vesting date).

The income statement charge for a period represents the movement in cumulative expense recognised at the beginning and end of that period. No expense is recognised for awards that do not ultimately vest, except for awards where vesting is conditional upon a market or non-vesting condition, which are treated as vesting irrespective of whether or not the market or non-vesting condition is satisfied, provided that all other performance and/or service conditions are satisfied.

The Group has taken advantage of the transitional provisions of IFRS 2 ‘Share-based Payment’ in respect of equity-settled awards and has applied IFRS 2 only to equity-settled awards granted after 7 November 2002 that had not vested before 1 January 2005.


Operating lease rentals are charged to the income statement on a straight-line basis over the term of the lease.

Assets held under finance leases, which transfer to the Group substantially all the risks and benefits incidental to ownership of the leased item, are capitalised at the inception of the lease, with a corresponding liability being recognised for the fair value of the leased asset or, if lower, the present value of the minimum lease payments. Lease payments are apportioned between the reduction of the lease liability and finance charges in the income statement so as to achieve a constant rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability. Assets held under finance leases are depreciated over the shorter of the estimated useful life of the asset and the lease term.

Disposal of non-current assets

The Group recognises sales proceeds and any related gain or loss on disposal on completion of the sales process. In determining whether the gain or loss should be recorded, the Group considers whether it:


  has a continuing managerial involvement to the degree associated with asset ownership;


  has transferred the significant risks and rewards associated with asset ownership; and


  can reliably measure and will actually receive the proceeds.

Fair value measurement

The Group measures available-for-sale equity securities and derivatives at fair value on a recurring basis and other assets when impaired by reference to fair value less costs to sell. Additionally, the fair value of other financial assets and liabilities require disclosure.

Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants. Fair value is measured by reference to the principal market for the asset or liability assuming that market participants act in their economic best interests.

The fair value of a non-financial asset assumes the asset is used in its highest and best use, either through continuing ownership or by selling it.

The Group uses valuation techniques that maximise the use of relevant observable inputs using the following valuation hierarchy:


Level 1:   quoted (unadjusted) prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.
Level 2:   other techniques for which all inputs which have a significant effect on the recorded fair value are observable, either directly or indirectly.
Level 3:   techniques which use inputs which have a significant effect on the recorded fair value that are not based on observable market data.

Further disclosures on the particular valuation techniques used by the Group are provided in note 24.

For impairment testing purposes and where significant assets (such as property) are valued by reference to fair value less costs to sell, an external valuation will normally be obtained using professional valuers who have appropriate market knowledge, reputation and independence.

Exceptional items

The Group discloses certain financial information both including and excluding exceptional items. The presentation of information excluding exceptional items allows a better understanding of the underlying trading performance of the Group and provides consistency with the Group’s internal management reporting. Exceptional items are identified by virtue of either their size or nature so as to facilitate comparison with prior periods and to assess underlying trends in financial performance. Exceptional items can include, but are not restricted to, gains and losses on the disposal of assets, impairment charges and reversals, restructuring costs and the release of tax provisions.

Treasury shares

Own shares repurchased by the Company and not cancelled (treasury shares) are recognised at cost and deducted from retained earnings. If reissued, any excess of consideration over carrying amount is recognised in the share premium reserve.

Critical accounting policies and the use of judgements, estimates and assumptions

In determining and applying the Group’s accounting policies, management are required to make judgements, estimates and assumptions. An accounting policy is considered to be critical if its selection or application could materially affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Management consider accounting for the System Fund to be a critical judgement and that critical estimates and assumptions are used in impairment testing and for measuring the loyalty programme liability, retirement and other post-employment obligations, tax assets and liabilities, and litigation provisions, as discussed in further detail below. Estimates and assumptions are evaluated by management using historical experience and other factors believed to be reasonable based on current circumstances. Actual results could differ under different policies, judgements, estimates and assumptions or due to unforeseen circumstances.

System Fund – in addition to management or franchise fees, hotels within the IHG System pay cash assessments and contributions which are collected by IHG for specific use within the System Fund (the Fund). The Fund also receives proceeds from the sale of IHG Rewards Club points. IHG exerts significant influence over the operation of the Fund, however the Fund is managed for the benefit of hotels in the System with the objective of driving revenues for the hotels. The Fund is used to pay for marketing, the IHG Rewards Club loyalty programme and the global reservation system. The Fund is planned to operate at breakeven with any short-term timing surplus or deficit carried in the Group statement of financial position within working capital.







Group Financial Statements    115

Table of Contents
Accounting policies continued


As all Fund income is designated for specific purposes and does not result in a profit or loss for the Group, the revenue recognition criteria as outlined in the accounting policy above are not met and therefore the income and expenses of the Fund are not included in the Group income statement.

The assets and liabilities relating to the Fund are included in the appropriate headings in the Group statement of financial position as the related legal, but not beneficial, rights and obligations rest with the Group. These assets and liabilities include the IHG Rewards Club liability, short-term timing surpluses and deficits and any receivables and payables related to the Fund.

The cash flows relating to the Fund are reported within ‘cash flow from operations’ in the Group statement of cash flows due to the close interrelationship between the Fund and the trading operations of the Group.

Further information on the Fund is included in note 34.

Loyalty programme – the hotel loyalty programme, IHG Rewards Club, enables members to earn points, funded through hotel assessments, during each qualifying stay at an IHG branded hotel and redeem points at a later date for free accommodation or other benefits. The future redemption liability is calculated by multiplying the number of points expected to be redeemed by the redemption cost per point. On an annual basis the Group engages an external actuary who uses statistical formulas to assist in the estimate of the number of points that will never be redeemed (‘breakage’). Actuarial gains and losses on the future redemption liability are borne by the System Fund and any resulting changes in the liability would correspondingly adjust the amount of short-term timing surpluses and deficits held in the Group statement of financial position. The future redemption liability, which is included in trade and other payables, was $649m at 31 December 2013. Based on the conditions existing at the balance sheet date, a 5% decrease in the breakage estimate would increase this liability by approximately $31m.

Impairment testing – intangible assets, property, plant and equipment are tested for impairment when events or circumstances indicate that their carrying value may not be recoverable. Goodwill is subject to an impairment test on an annual basis or more frequently if there are indicators of impairment. Assets that do not generate independent cash flows are combined into cash-generating units.

The impairment testing of individual assets or cash-generating units requires an assessment of the recoverable amount of the asset or cash-generating unit. If the carrying value of the asset or cash-generating unit exceeds its estimated recoverable amount, the asset or cash-generating unit is written down to its recoverable amount. Recoverable amount is the greater of fair value less costs to sell and value in use. Value in use is assessed based on estimated future cash flows discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that is based on the Group’s weighted average cost of capital adjusted to reflect the risks specific to the business model and territory of the cash-generating unit or asset being tested. The outcome of such an assessment is subjective, and the result sensitive to the assumed future cash flows to be generated by the cash-generating units or assets and discount rates applied in calculating the value in use.

At 31 December 2013, the Group had intangible assets of $438m and property, plant and equipment of $1,169m, none of which were subject to an impairment charge during the year. In respect of those assets requiring an impairment test and depending on how recoverable amount was assessed, neither a 10% reduction in fair value or estimated future cash flows would have resulted in an impairment loss.

Information on impairment testing of goodwill, which had a net book value of $80m at 31 December 2013, is included in note 12.


Pensions and other post-employment benefit plans – accounting for pensions and other post-employment benefit plans requires the Group to make assumptions including, but not limited to, discount rates, rates of inflation, life expectancies and healthcare costs. The use of different assumptions could have a material effect on the accounting values of the relevant liabilities which could result in a material change to the cost of such liabilities as recognised in the income statement over time. These assumptions are subject to annual review and are determined with the assistance of an external actuary. A sensitivity analysis to changes in the key assumptions is included in note 26.

On 15 August 2013, the UK defined benefit plan completed a buy-in transaction whereby the assets of the plan were invested in a bulk insurance annuity contract that fully insures the benefits payable to the members of the plan. As the contract has been structured to enable the plan to move to full buy-out (following which the insurance company would become directly responsible for the pension payments) and the intention is to proceed on this basis, the buy-in transaction has been accounted for as a settlement with the loss arising of $147m recorded in the income statement as an exceptional item. An acceptable alternative accounting treatment would have been to record the loss as an actuarial loss in other comprehensive income.

Income taxes – deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is regarded as probable that deductible temporary differences can be realised. The Group estimates deferred tax assets and liabilities based on current tax laws and rates, and in certain cases, business plans, including management’s expectations regarding the manner and timing of recovery of the related assets. Changes in these estimates may affect the amount of deferred tax liabilities or the valuation of deferred tax assets and therefore the tax charge in the income statement.

Provisions for tax liabilities require judgements on the interpretation of tax legislation, developments in case law and the potential outcomes of tax audits and appeals which may be subject to significant uncertainty. Therefore the actual results may vary from expectations resulting in adjustments to provisions, the valuation of deferred tax assets, cash tax settlements, and therefore the tax charge in the income statement.

Exceptional tax charges and credits have arisen in 2013, 2012 and 2011 as explained in note 7.

Litigation – from time to time, the Group is subject to legal proceedings the ultimate outcome of each being always subject to many uncertainties inherent in litigation. A provision for litigation is made when it is considered probable that a payment will be made and the amount of the loss can be reasonably estimated. Significant judgment is made when evaluating, amongst other factors, the probability of unfavourable outcome and the ability to make a reasonable estimate of the amount of potential loss. Litigation provisions are reviewed at each accounting period and revisions made for changes in facts and circumstances.

New standards issued but not effective

IFRS 9 ‘Financial Instruments: Classification and Measurement’ introduces new requirements for classifying and measuring financial assets and financial liabilities and, when finalised, will address hedge accounting and impairment of financial assets. The Group will assess the impacts when the final standard is issued. The effective date for IFRS 9 is not expected to be before 1 January 2017.

The amendments to existing accounting standards that are effective from 1 January 2014, ‘Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities’ (Amendments to IAS 32) and ‘Recoverable Amount Disclosures for Non-Financial Assets’ (Amendments to IAS 36), are not expected to have a material impact on the Group’s reported income or financial position.






116    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents
Notes to the Group Financial Statements


1. Exchange rates




The results of operations have been translated into US dollars at the average rates of exchange for the year. In the case of sterling, the translation rate is $1=£0.64 (2012 $1=£0.63, 2011 $1=£0.62). In the case of the euro, the translation rate is $1=0.75 (2012 $1=0.78, 2011 $1=0.72).

Assets and liabilities have been translated into US dollars at the rates of exchange on the last day of the year. In the case of sterling, the translation rate is $1=£0.60 (2012 $1=£0.62, 2011 $1=£0.65). In the case of the euro, the translation rate is $1=0.73 (2012 $1=0.76, 2011 $1=0.77).



2. Segmental information




The management of the Group’s operations, excluding Central functions, is organised within four geographical regions:






  Asia, Middle East and Africa (AMEA); and


  Greater China.

These, together with Central functions, comprise the Group’s five reportable segments. No operating segments have been aggregated to form these reportable segments.

Central functions include costs of global functions including technology, sales and marketing, finance, human resources and corporate services; revenue arises principally from technology fee income. Central liabilities include the loyalty programme liability and the cumulative short-term System Fund surplus.

Each of the geographical regions derives its revenues from either franchising, managing or owning hotels and additional segmental disclosures are provided accordingly.

Management monitors the operating results of the geographical regions and Central functions separately for the purpose of making decisions about resource allocation and performance assessment. Segmental performance is evaluated based on operating profit or loss and is measured consistently with operating profit or loss in the Consolidated Financial Statements, excluding exceptional items. Group financing activities and income taxes are managed on a group basis and are not allocated to reportable segments.



Year ended 31 December 2013   










Greater China










Franchised      576        104        16        3               699   
Managed      128        156        170        92               546   
Owned and leased      212        140        44        141               537   
Central                                  121        121   
       916        400        230        236        121        1,903   










Greater China









Segmental result

Franchised      499        79        12        5               595   
Managed      74        30        92        51               247   
Owned and leased      30        30        4        47               111   
Regional and central      (53     (34     (22     (21     (155     (285
Reportable segments’ operating profit      550        105        86        82        (155     668   
Exceptional operating items (note 5)      6        19               (10     (10     5   
Operating profit      556        124        86        72        (165     673   



Reportable segments’ operating profit                                              668   
Exceptional operating items (note 5)                                              5   

Operating profit

Net finance costs                                              (73
Profit before tax                                              600   
Tax                                              (226
Profit for the year                                              374   

All items above relate to continuing operations.







Notes to the Group Financial Statements    117

Table of Contents
Notes to the Group Financial Statements continued


2. Segmental information continued



31 December 2013   










Greater China









Assets and liabilities

Segment assets      851        654        253        392        304        2,454   
Non-current assets classified as held for sale      228                                    228   
       1,079        654        253        392        304        2,682   
Unallocated assets:                                                 

Non-current tax receivable


Deferred tax assets


Current tax receivable


Derivative financial instruments


Cash and cash equivalents

Total assets                                              2,953   
Segment liabilities      (364     (286     (56     (62     (741     (1,509
Unallocated liabilities:                                                 

Current tax payable


Deferred tax liabilities


Loans and other borrowings


Derivative financial instruments

Total liabilities                                              (3,027
Year ended 31 December 2013   










Greater China









Other segmental information

Capital expenditure (see below)      116        37        17        8        91        269   
Non-cash items:                                                 

Depreciation and amortisation1

     19        18        10        15        23        85   

Share-based payments cost

                                 22        22   

Share of profit of associates and joint ventures

     5               3                      8   
1 Included in the $85m of depreciation and amortisation is $34m relating to administrative expenses and $51m relating to cost of sales.   










Greater China









Reconciliation of capital expenditure

Capital expenditure per management reporting      116        37        17        8        91        269   
Management contract acquired on disposal of hotel             40                             40   
Other financial assets relating to pensions             48                      92        140   
Timing differences      8                      (1     8        15   
Capital expenditure per the Financial Statements      124        125        17        7        191        464   
Comprising additions to:                                                 

Property, plant and equipment

     93        22        8        7        20        150   

Non-current assets classified as held for sale

     5        3                             8   

Intangible assets

     6        45        5               79        135   

Investment in associates and joint ventures

     6               4                      10   

Other financial assets

     14        55                      92        161   
       124        125        17        7        191        464   






118    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents


2. Segmental information continued




Year ended 31 December 20121   










Greater China










Franchised      541        91        18        3               653   
Managed      97        147        152        89               485   
Owned and leased      199        198        48        138               583   
Central                                  114        114   
       837        436        218        230        114        1,835   
    Greater China

Segmental result

Franchised      466        65        12        4               547   
Managed      48        32        90        51               221   
Owned and leased      24        50        6        45               125   
Regional and central      (52     (35     (20     (19     (162     (288
Reportable segments’ operating profit      486        112        88        81        (162     605   
Exceptional operating items (note 5)      23        (4     (5            (18     (4
Operating profit      509        108        83        81        (180     601   





Reportable segments’ operating profit      605   
Exceptional operating items (note 5)      (4

Operating profit

Net finance costs      (54
Profit before tax      547   
Tax      (9
Profit for the year      538   


1  Restated for the adoption of IAS I9R ‘Employee Benefits’ (see page 111).

All items above relate to continuing operations.







Notes to the Group Financial Statements    119

Table of Contents
Notes to the Group Financial Statements continued


2. Segmental information continued




31 December 2012   










Greater China









Assets and liabilities

Segment assets      725        626        282        390        250        2,273   
Non-current assets classified as held for sale      232        302                             534   
       957        928        282        390        250        2,807   
Unallocated assets:                                                 

Non-current tax receivable


Deferred tax assets


Current tax receivable


Derivative financial instruments


Cash and cash equivalents

Total assets                                              3,263   
Segment liabilities      (403     (249     (58     (61     (690     (1,461
Liabilities classified as held for sale      (61                                 (61
       (464     (249     (58     (61     (690     (1,522
Unallocated liabilities:                                                 

Current tax payable


Deferred tax liabilities


Loans and other borrowings


Derivative financial instruments

Total liabilities                                              (2,946
Year ended 31 December 2012   










Greater China









Other segmental information

Capital expenditure (see below)      25        19        6        7        76        133   
Non-cash items:                                                 

Depreciation and amortisation1

     20        23        14        15        22        94   

Reversal of previously recorded impairment

     (23                                 (23

Write-off of software

                                 18        18   

Demerger liability released

                                 (9     (9

Share-based payments cost

                                 22        22   

Share of profit of associates and joint ventures

                   (3                   (3
1 Included in the $94m of depreciation and amortisation is $31m relating to administrative expenses and $63m relating to cost of sales.  










Greater China









Reconciliation of capital expenditure

Capital expenditure per management reporting      25        19        6        7        76        133   
Timing differences      (1                   2               1   
Capital expenditure per the Financial Statements      24        19        6        9        76        134   
Comprising additions to:                                                 

Property, plant and equipment

     15        9        2        9        6        41   

Non-current assets classified as held for sale

     5                                    5   

Intangible assets

     2        8        4               70        84   

Investment in associates and joint ventures

     2                                    2   

Other financial assets

            2                             2   
       24        19        6        9        76        134   






120    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents


2. Segmental information continued




Year ended 31 December 20111   










Greater China










Franchised      502        86        19        2               609   
Managed      124        118        151        77               470   
Owned and leased      204        201        46        126               577   
Central                                  112        112   
       830        405        216        205        112        1,768   










Greater China









Segmental result

Franchised      431        65        12        3               511   
Managed      52        26        87        43               208   
Owned and leased      17        49        5        37               108   
Regional and central      (49     (40     (20     (16     (154     (279
Reportable segments’ operating profit      451        100        84        67        (154     548   
Exceptional operating items (note 5)      35        (39     26               35        57   
Operating profit      486        61        110        67        (119     605   



Reportable segments’ operating profit                                              548   
Exceptional operating items (note 5)                                              57   

Operating profit

Net finance costs                                              (62
Profit before tax                                              543   
Tax                                              (78
Profit for the year                                              465   
All items above relate to continuing operations.                                     
Year ended 31 December 2011   










Greater China









Other segmental information

Capital expenditure      84        15        14        8        72        193   
Non-cash items:                                                 

Depreciation and amortisation2

     23        24        16        16        20        99   

Impairment losses

            2        3                      5   

Reversal of previously recorded impairment

     (25                                 (25

Share-based payments cost

                                 25        25   

Share of profit of associates and joint ventures

                   (1                   (1


1  Restated for the adoption of IAS I9R ‘Employee Benefits’ (see page 111). See note on ‘Comparatives for 2011’ on page 111.
2  Included in the $99m of depreciation and amortisation is $30m relating to administrative expenses and $69m relating to cost of sales.







Notes to the Group Financial Statements    121

Table of Contents
Notes to the Group Financial Statements continued


2. Segmental information continued




Geographical information  

Year ended

31 December




Year ended

31 December




Year ended

31 December





United Kingdom     90        152        139   
United States     843        769        740   
People’s Republic of China (including Hong Kong)     247        238        210   
Rest of World     723        676        679   
      1,903        1,835        1,768   

For the purposes of the above table, hotel revenue is determined according to the location of the hotel and other revenue is attributed to the country of origin. In addition to the United Kingdom, revenue relating to an individual country is separately disclosed when it represents 10% or more of total revenue.



31 December




31 December




31 December




Non-current assets

United Kingdom     131        78        361   
United States     705        590        559   
France     342        329        328   
People’s Republic of China (including Hong Kong)     326        333        331   
Rest of World     268        257        270   
      1,772        1,587        1,849   

For the purposes of the above table, non-current assets comprise property, plant and equipment, goodwill, intangible assets and investments in associates and joint ventures. In addition to the United Kingdom, non-current assets relating to an individual country are separately disclosed when they represent 10% or more of total non-current assets, as defined above.






122    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents


3. Staff costs and Directors’ emoluments


















Wages and salaries

     580         547         550   

Social security costs

     41         44         43   

Pension and other post-retirement benefits:


Defined benefit plans1 (note 26)

     10         13         19   

Defined contribution plans

     25         22         22   
       656         626         634   

1 Before exceptional items.

2 Restated for the adoption of IAS I9R ‘Employee Benefits’ (see page 111).

      2013      2012      2011  
Average number of employees, including part-time employees:                           


     2,548         2,552         2,895   


     1,602         1,866         1,574   

Asia, Middle East and Africa

     1,545         1,195         1,195   

Greater China

     1,083         1,051         1,000   


     1,401         1,317         1,292   
       8,179         7,981         7,956   

The costs of the above employees are borne by IHG. Of these, 94% were employed on a full-time basis and 6% were employed on a part-time basis.

In addition to the above, the Group has employees who work directly on behalf of the System Fund and whose costs are borne by the Fund as disclosed in note 34. In line with IHG’s business model, IHG also employs 578 (2012 587, 2011 577) General Managers who work in the managed hotels and whose costs of $135m (2012 $132m, 2011 $125m) are borne by those hotels and, in the US predominantly, there are 12,588 (2012 12,494, 2011 14,596) other hotel workers in the managed hotels who have contracts or letters of service with IHG whose costs of $376m (2012 $430m, 2011 $448m) are borne by those hotels.












Directors’ emoluments

Base salaries, fees, performance payments and benefits      8.5           9.7           8.3   
Pension benefits under defined contribution plans      0.4           0.2           0.2   

More detailed information on the emoluments, pensions, option holdings and shareholdings for each Director is shown in the Directors’ Remuneration Report on pages 74 to 97.

4. Auditor’s remuneration paid to Ernst & Young LLP













Audit of the Financial Statements      2.0           2.8           1.9   
Audit of subsidiaries      1.4           1.5           1.5   
Audit-related assurance services      0.5           1.0           0.8   
Other assurance services      1.2           1.4           1.2   
Tax compliance      0.2           0.3           0.2   
Tax advisory      0.4           0.2           0.5   
Other non-audit services not covered by the above      0.1                     0.1   
       5.8           7.2           6.2   

Audit fees in respect of the pension scheme were not material.







Notes to the Group Financial Statements    123

Table of Contents
Notes to the Group Financial Statements continued


5. Exceptional items














Exceptional operating items

Administrative expenses:                                          


     a           (10                    

Loyalty programme rebranding costs

     b           (10                    

Pension settlement loss

     c           (147                    

Reorganisation costs

     d                     (16          

Resolution of commercial dispute

     e                               (37

Pension past service gain

     f                               28   
                  (167        (16        (9

Share of profits of associates and joint ventures:


Share of gain on disposal of a hotel (note 14)

Other operating income and expenses:                                          

Gain/(loss) on disposal of hotels (note 11)

                166           (2        37   

Write-off of software (note 13)


Demerger liability released

     g                     9             

VAT refund

     h                               9   
                  166           (11        46   

Impairment charges:


Property, plant and equipment

     i                               (2

Other financial assets

     j                               (3

Reversals of previously recorded impairment:


Property, plant and equipment

     k                     23           23   


     l                               2   
                            23           20   
                  5           (4        57   


Tax on exceptional operating items                 (6        1           (4
Exceptional tax      m           (45        141           43   
                  (51        142           39   


1  See note on ‘Comparatives for 2011’ on page 111.

All items above relate to continuing operations.

The above items are treated as exceptional by reason of their size or nature.


a Relates to an agreed settlement in respect of a lawsuit filed against the Group in the Greater China region.
b Relates to costs incurred in support of the worldwide rebranding of IHG Rewards Club that was announced 1 July 2013.
c Arises from a buy-in of the Group’s UK funded defined benefit obligations with the insurer, Rothesay Life, on 15 August 2013 (see note 26 for further details).
d Arose from a reorganisation of the Group’s support functions together with a restructuring within the AMEA region.
e Related to the settlement of a prior period commercial dispute in the Europe region.
f Related to the closure of the UK defined benefit pension scheme to future accrual with effect from 1 July 2013.
g Resulted from a release of a liability no longer required which arose on the demerger of the Group from Six Continents PLC.
h Arose in the UK relating to periods prior to 1996.
i Arose in respect of a hotel in Europe following a re-assessment of its recoverable amount, based on fair value less costs to sell.
j Related to an available-for-sale equity investment and arose as a result of a significant and prolonged decline in its fair value below cost.
k In 2012, a previously recorded impairment charge relating to a North American hotel was reversed in full following a re-assessment of its recoverable amount, based on the market value of the hotel as determined by an independent professional property valuer. Of the impairment reversal in 2011, $11m arose on the classification of a North American hotel as held for sale and was based on the expected net sales proceeds which were subsequently realised on the disposal of the hotel. A further $12m arose in respect of another North American hotel following a re-assessment of its recoverable amount, based on value in use.
l The impairment reversal arose in the Americas region.
m In 2013, comprises a deferred tax charge of $63m consequent on the disposal of the InterContinental London Park Lane hotel (see note 27), together with charges and credits of $38m and $19m respectively from associated restructurings (including intra-group dividends) and refinancings, offset by the recognition of $37m of previously unrecognised tax credits. In 2012, represented the recognition of $104m of deferred tax assets, principally relating to pre-existing overseas tax losses, whose value had become more certain as a result of a change in law and the resolution of prior period tax matters, together with the associated release of $37m of provisions. In 2011, related to a $30m revision of the estimated tax impacts of an internal reorganisation completed in 2010 together with the release of $13m of provisions.






124    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

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6. Finance costs














Financial income

Interest income on deposits      4           2           1   
Unwinding of discount on other financial assets      1           1           1   
       5           3           2   

Financial expenses

Interest expense on borrowings      59           37           42   
Interest rate swaps fair value transferred from equity                1           4   
Finance charge payable under finance leases      19           19           18   
       78           57           64   

Interest income and expense relate to financial assets and liabilities held at amortised cost, calculated using the effective interest rate method.

Included within interest expense is $2m (2012 $2m, 2011 $1m) payable to the IHG Rewards Club loyalty programme relating to interest on the accumulated balance of cash received in advance of the redemption of points awarded.

7. Tax















Income tax

UK corporation tax at 23.25% (2012 24.50%, 2011 26.50%):                                    

Current period

                62        21        28   

Benefit of tax reliefs on which no deferred tax previously recognised

     a           (49              

Adjustments in respect of prior periods

     b                  (34     (25
                  13        (13     3   
Foreign tax:      c                              

Current period

                184        170        98   

Benefit of tax reliefs on which no deferred tax previously recognised

                (42     (31     (16

Adjustments in respect of prior periods

     b           (17     (27     (65
                  125        112        17   

Total current tax

                138        99        20   
Deferred tax:                                    

Origination and reversal of temporary differences

                122        7        81   

Changes in tax rates

                (1     (2     (2

Adjustments to estimated recoverable deferred tax assets

                (39     (105     (12

Adjustments in respect of prior periods

                6        10        (9

Total deferred tax

                88        (90     58   
Total income tax charge for the year                 226        9        78   
Further analysed as tax relating to:                                    

Profit before exceptional items

                175        151        117   

Exceptional items (note 5):


Exceptional operating items

                6        (1     4   

Exceptional tax

     d           45        (141     (43
                  226        9        78   


1  Restated for the adoption of IAS I9R ‘Employee Benefits’ (see page 111).
2  See note on ‘Comparatives for 2011’ on page 111.

All items above relate to continuing operations.


a Includes $45m in respect of the utilisation of unrecognised capital losses against the gain on disposal of the InterContinental London Park Lane hotel.
b In 2012, included $37m (2011 $39m) of exceptional credits included at note d below together with other releases relating to tax matters which have been settled or in respect of which the relevant statutory limitation period has expired.
c Represents corporate income taxes on profit taxable in foreign jurisdictions, a significant proportion of which relates to the Group’s US subsidiaries.
d In 2013, comprises a deferred tax charge of $63m consequent on the disposal of the InterContinental London Park Lane hotel (see note 27), together with charges and credits of $38m and $19m respectively from associated restructurings (including intra-group dividends) and refinancings, offset by the recognition of $37m of previously unrecognised tax credits. In 2012, represented the recognition of $104m of deferred tax assets, principally relating to pre-existing overseas tax losses, whose value had become more certain as a result of a change in law and the resolution of prior period tax matters, together with the associated release of $37m of provisions. In 2011, related to a $30m revision of the estimated tax impacts of an internal reorganisation completed in 2010 together with the release of $13m of provisions.







Notes to the Group Financial Statements    125

Table of Contents
Notes to the Group Financial Statements continued


7. Tax continued




     Total2     Before
exceptional items4






















Reconciliation of tax charge, including gain on disposal of assets                                                 
UK corporation tax at standard rate      23.3        24.5        26.5        23.3        24.5        26.5   
Non-deductible expenditure and non-taxable income      16.6        2.0        1.9        1.9        1.0        2.7   
Non-recoverable withholding taxes      1.2        2.0        4.5        1.2        2.0        5.1   
Net effect of different rates of tax in overseas businesses      11.6        7.7        4.5        11.9        7.8        4.9   
Effect of changes in tax rates      (0.1     (0.3     (0.5     (0.1     (0.1     (0.4
Benefit of tax reliefs on which no deferred tax previously recognised      (15.0     (5.6     (2.9     (1.1     (5.6     (3.3
Effect of adjustments to estimated recoverable deferred tax assets      (6.4     (19.4     (2.2     (4.9     (0.2     (0.3
Adjustment to tax charge in respect of prior periods      (2.2     (9.8     (18.4     (2.1     (2.5     (12.4
Deferred tax provision on unremitted earnings      10.5                                      
Other      (1.8     0.4        0.8        (0.6     0.5        1.2   
       37.7        1.5        14.2        29.5        27.4        24.0   

Tax paid

Total net tax paid during the year of $97m (2012 $122m, 2011 $90m) comprises $92m (2012 $119m, 2011 $89m) paid in respect of operating activities and $5m (2012 $3m, 2011 $1m) paid in respect of investing activities.

Tax paid represents an effective rate of 16% (20121 22%, 20111 16%) on total profits and is lower than the effective income statement tax rate of 29% (2012 27%, 2011 24%) primarily due to the impact of deferred taxes (including the realisation of assets such as tax losses), the receipt of refunds in respect of prior years and provisions for tax for which no payment of tax has currently been made.

Corporation tax liabilities did not arise in 2013 in the UK and are not expected to arise for a number of years thereafter due to expenses and associated tax losses attributable principally to employment matters, in particular additional shortfall contributions made to the UK pension plan in the years 2007 to 2013.

Tax risks, policies and governance

Information concerning the Group’s tax governance can be found in the Taxation section of the Strategic Report on page 51.


1  Restated for the adoption of IAS I9R ‘Employee Benefits’ (see page 111).
2  Calculated in relation to total profits including exceptional items.
3  See note on ‘Comparatives for 2011’ on page 111.
4  Calculated in relation to profits excluding exceptional items.

8. Dividends and shareholder returns






cents per




cents per




cents per











Paid during the year:                                                            

Final (declared for previous year)

     43.0         39.0         35.2           115           113           102   


     23.0         21.0         16.0           63           61           46   

Special (note 29)

     133.0         172.0                   355           505             
       199.0         232.0         51.2           533           679           148   
Proposed (not recognised as a liability at 31 December):                                                            


     47.0         43.0         39.0           121           115           113   

The final dividend of 28.1p (47.0¢ converted at the closing exchange rate on 14 February 2014) is proposed for approval at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 2 May 2014 and is payable on the shares in issue at 21 March 2014.

Under the $500m share repurchase programme announced 7 August 2012, 9,773,912 shares were repurchased in the year to 31 December 2013 for a consideration of $283m, increasing the total amount repurchased to $390m. All of the shares repurchased in 2013 were held as treasury shares at 31 December 2013, the cost of which has been deducted from retained earnings. There were no treasury shares held at 31 December 2012 or earlier.






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9. Earnings per ordinary share



Basic earnings per ordinary share is calculated by dividing the profit for the year available for IHG equity holders by the weighted average number of ordinary shares, excluding investment in own shares, in issue during the year.

Diluted earnings per ordinary share is calculated by adjusting basic earnings per ordinary share to reflect the notional exercise of the weighted average number of dilutive ordinary share options outstanding during the year.

Adjusted earnings per ordinary share is disclosed in order to show performance undistorted by exceptional items, to give a more meaningful comparison of the Group’s performance.


Continuing and total operations    2013    







Basic earnings per ordinary share

Profit available for equity holders ($m)      372        537        465   
Basic weighted average number of ordinary shares (millions)      264        287        289   
Basic earnings per ordinary share (cents)      140.9        187.1        160.9   

Diluted earnings per ordinary share

Profit available for equity holders ($m)      372        537        465   
Diluted weighted average number of ordinary shares (millions)      267        292        296   
Diluted earnings per ordinary share (cents)      139.3        183.9        157.1   

Adjusted earnings per ordinary share

Profit available for equity holders ($m)      372        537        465   
Adjusting items (note 5):                         

Exceptional operating items ($m)

     (5     4        (57

Tax on exceptional operating items ($m)

     6        (1     4   

Exceptional tax ($m)

     45        (141     (43
Adjusted earnings ($m)      418        399        369   
Basic weighted average number of ordinary shares (millions)      264        287        289   
Adjusted earnings per ordinary share (cents)      158.3        139.0        127.7   

Adjusted diluted earnings per ordinary share

Adjusted earnings ($m)      418        399        369   
Diluted weighted average number of ordinary shares (millions)      267        292        296   
Adjusted diluted earnings per ordinary share (cents)      156.6        136.6        124.7   

1 Restated for the adoption of IAS I9R ‘Employee Benefits’ (see page 111).

2 See note on ‘Comparatives for 2011’ on page 111.

Diluted weighted average number of ordinary shares is calculated as:                         

Basic weighted average number of ordinary shares

     264        287        289   

Dilutive potential ordinary shares – employee share options

     3        5        7   
       267        292        296   







Notes to the Group Financial Statements    127

Table of Contents
Notes to the Group Financial Statements continued


10. Property, plant and equipment





Land and





fittings and








At 1 January 2012      1,237        917         2,154   
Additions      8        33         41   
Net transfers to non-current assets classified as held for sale      (265     (99      (364
Reclassification to intangible assets             (25      (25
Disposals             (12      (12
Exchange and other adjustments      15        10         25   
At 31 December 2012      995        824         1,819   
Additions      96        54         150   
Disposals      (2     (8      (10
Exchange and other adjustments      12        1         13   

At 31 December 2013

     1,101        871         1,972   

Depreciation and impairment

At 1 January 2012      (174     (618      (792
Provided      (11     (46      (57
System Fund expense             (3      (3
Net transfers to non-current assets classified as held for sale      16        42         58   
Reclassification to intangible assets             2         2   
Impairment reversals (note 5)      23                23   
Disposals             11         11   
Exchange and other adjustments             (5      (5
At 31 December 2012      (146     (617      (763
Provided      (11     (35      (46
System Fund expense             (4      (4
Disposals      2        8         10   
Exchange and other adjustments      (1     1           
At 31 December 2013      (156     (647      (803

Net book value

At 31 December 2013      945        224         1,169   
At 31 December 2012      849        207         1,056   
At 1 January 2012      1,063        299         1,362   

The Group’s property, plant and equipment mainly comprises hotels, but also offices, throughout the world. In addition to the hotels included above, there was one hotel (2012 two hotels) classified as held for sale at 31 December 2013 (see note 11). Including the hotels classified as held for sale, 81% (2012 90%) of the net book value relates to the four (2012 five) largest owned and leased hotels (in terms of net book value) of a total of 12 hotels (2012 10 hotels), nine of which are open (2012 10 open). There were three hotels acquired during the year for $70m which are under conversion, not yet in use and therefore not being depreciated.

The carrying value of property, plant and equipment held under finance leases at 31 December 2013 was $187m (2012 $187m).

Including assets classified as held for sale, 55% (2012 43%) of hotel properties by net book value were directly owned, with 39% (2012 54%) held under leases having a term of 50 years or longer.

All impairment charges and reversals are included within impairment on the face of the Group income statement.

No borrowing costs were capitalised during the current or prior year.

Following the sale of the InterContinental London Park Lane hotel there are no longer charges (2012 $89m) over the Group’s property, plant and equipment.

The table below analyses the net book value of the Group’s property, plant and equipment by operating segment at 31 December 2013:












Greater China








Land and buildings      367           290           8        259           21           945   
Fixtures, fittings and equipment      33           63           12        48           68           224   
       400           353           20        307           89           1,169   






128    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

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11. Assets sold and held for sale



Assets sold

During the year ended 31 December 2013, the Group sold one hotel in the Europe region, the InterContinental London Park Lane.

During the year ended 31 December 2012, the Group sold an interest in a hotel in the Europe region.

During the year ended 31 December 2011, the Group sold four hotels, three in the Americas region and one in the AMEA region. The gain on disposal mainly related to the sale of the Holiday Inn Burswood in Australia. The other significant disposal was the Hotel Indigo San Diego which resulted in an impairment reversal (see note 5) in March 2011 on classification as held for sale.













Current year disposals:                               

Cash consideration, net of costs paid

     460           4           142   

Management contract value

     40                     2   
       500           4           144   
Net assets disposed of      (288        (6        (107
Exchanges losses recycled from currency translation reserve      (46                    
Gain/(loss) on disposal of assets from continuing operations      166           (2        37   
Net cash inflow                               
Current year disposals:                               

Cash consideration, net of costs paid

     460           4           142   

Distribution from associate on sale of hotel



     (5                  (1
Prior year disposals:                               


       472           1           141   

Assets held for sale

One hotel, the InterContinental New York Barclay, met the held for sale criteria of IFRS 5 at 31 December 2013. Two hotels, the InterContinental New York Barclay and the InterContinental London Park Lane, and one associate investment were held for sale at 31 December 2012.









Assets and liabilities held for sale

Non-current assets classified as held for sale:                      

Property, plant and equipment

       228           524   


         228           534   
Liabilities classified as held for sale:                      

Deferred tax (note 27)


On 19 December 2013, the Group signed an agreement to dispose of an 80% interest in the InterContinental New York Barclay hotel for gross proceeds of $240m. The transaction is expected to complete in the first quarter of 2014.

Deferred tax in relation to the InterContinental New York Barclay hotel is no longer classified as held for sale at 31 December 2013 as no such liabilities are expected to leave the Group upon disposal of the asset as a result of the agreement signed during the year.







Notes to the Group Financial Statements    129

Table of Contents
Notes to the Group Financial Statements continued


12. Goodwill












At 1 January      234         233   
Exchange adjustments      (13      1   

At 31 December

     221         234   



At 1 January and 31 December

     (141      (141

Net book value


At 31 December

     80         93   
At 1 January      93         92   

Goodwill arising on business combinations that occurred before 1 January 2005 was not restated on adoption of IFRS as permitted by IFRS 1.

Impairment charges are included within impairment on the face of the Group income statement and all cumulative impairment losses relate to the Americas managed cash-generating unit (CGU) (see below).

Goodwill has been allocated to CGUs for impairment testing as follows:





Net book value

AMEA franchised and managed operations        80           93               80           93   
Americas managed operations        141           141                           
         221           234               80           93   

The Group tests goodwill for impairment annually, or more frequently if there are any indications that an impairment may have arisen. The recoverable amounts of the CGUs are determined from value in use calculations. These calculations use pre-tax cash flow forecasts derived from the most recent financial budgets and strategic plans approved by management covering a five-year period or, in the absence of up-to-date strategic plans, the financial budget for the next year with an extrapolation of the cash flows for the following four years, using growth rates based on management’s past experience and industry growth forecasts. After the five-year planning period, the terminal value of future cash flows is calculated based on perpetual growth rates that do not exceed the average long-term growth rates for the relevant markets. Pre-tax discount rates are used to discount the cash flows based on the Group’s weighted average cost of capital adjusted to reflect the risks specific to the business model and territory of the CGU being tested.

Asia, Middle East and Africa (AMEA) goodwill

At 31 December 2013, the recoverable amount of the CGU has been assessed based on the approved budget for 2014 and strategic plans covering a five-year period, a perpetual growth rate of 3.5% (2012 3.5%) and a discount rate of 15.5% (2012 14.3%). In previous years, the goodwill was allocated to Asia Australasia franchised and managed operations but, due to a change in management structure, this CGU no longer exists as the business is now managed at the AMEA level.

Impairment was not required at either 31 December 2013 or 31 December 2012 and management believe that the carrying value of the CGU would only exceed its recoverable amount in the event of highly unlikely changes in the key assumptions.

Americas goodwill

Goodwill relating to the Americas managed operations was impaired in full in 2009. As goodwill impairment cannot be reversed, there is no sensitivity around any assumptions that could lead to further impairment adjustments.






130    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

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13. Intangible assets




















At 1 January 2012      252        231        138           621   
Additions      70               14           84   
Reclassification from property, plant and equipment      25                         25   
Disposals      (21            (3        (24
Exchange and other adjustments      (1     4        2           5   
At 31 December 2012      325        235        151           711   
Additions      79        40        16           135   
Disposals      (8            (7        (15
Exchange and other adjustments      (1     2        (1          

At 31 December 2013

     395        277        159           831   

Amortisation and impairment

At 1 January 2012      (138     (116     (59        (313
Provided      (17     (10     (10        (37
System Fund expense      (9                      (9
Reclassification from property, plant and equipment      (2                      (2
Disposals      2               3           5   
Exchange and other adjustments      1               (2        (1
At 31 December 2012      (163     (126     (68        (357
Provided      (21     (7     (11        (39
System Fund expense      (12                      (12
Disposals      8               7           15   
Exchange and other adjustments      (1     2        (1          

At 31 December 2013

     (189     (131     (73        (393

Net book value


At 31 December 2013

     206        146        86           438   
At 31 December 2012      162        109        83           354   
At 1 January 2012      114        115        79           308   

Software disposals in 2012 included an exceptional write-off of $18m resulting from a re-assessment of the ongoing value of elements of the technology infrastructure.

Substantially all of software additions are internally developed.

Borrowing costs of $0.2m (2012 $0.3m) were capitalised during the year in respect of software projects.

The weighted average remaining amortisation period for management contracts is 24 years (2012 19 years).







Notes to the Group Financial Statements    131

Table of Contents
Notes to the Group Financial Statements continued


14. Investment in associates and joint ventures








Joint ventures







At 1 January 2012      60        30           90   
Reclassification      4        (4          
Additions             2           2   
Transfer to non-current assets classified as held for sale      (10               (10
Share of profit      3                  3   
Dividends      (3               (3
Share of reserve movement      5                  5   
At 31 December 2012      59        28           87   
Additions      8        2           10   
Capital returns             (3        (3
Share of profit      2                  2   
Dividends      (5               (5
Exchange and other adjustments      (3               (3

At 31 December 2013

     61        27           88   



At 1 January 2012, 31 December 2012 and 31 December 2013

     (3               (3
Net book value                            
At 31 December 2013      58        27           85   
At 31 December 2012      56        28           84   
At 1 January 2012      57        30           87   


     Associates      Joint ventures     Total  




























Share of profit/(loss)

Operating profit/(loss) before exceptional items      2         3         2                         (1     2         3         1   
Exceptional items      6                                                6                   
       8         3         2                         (1     8         3         1   

The exceptional profit arose on the sale of a hotel owned by an associate investment that was classified as held for sale at 31 December 2012. Following completion of the sale, the Group received a $17m cash distribution from the associate, being the Group’s share of the net disposal proceeds.


     Associates     Joint ventures      Total  




























Related party transactions

Revenue from associates and joint ventures      4         5         5                                4         5         5   
Amounts owed by associates and joint ventures      2         2         1                                2         2         1   
Loans from associates and joint ventures                      (2                                             (2

None of the Group’s investments in associates and joint ventures are individually material.

15. Other financial assets











Equity securities available-for-sale:


Quoted equity shares

     9           18   

Unquoted equity shares

     127           94   
       136           112   

Loans and receivables:


Trade deposits and loans

     20           20   

Restricted funds

     40           29   

Bank accounts pledged as security

       112           49   
Total other financial assets      248           161   






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15. Other financial assets continued










Analysed as:                    


     12           6   


     236           155   
       248           161   

Equity securities available-for-sale are measured at fair value (see note 24) and loans and receivables are held at amortised cost.

Equity securities available-for-sale were denominated in the following currencies: US dollars $84m (2012 $59m), Hong Kong dollars $27m (2012 $24m) and other currencies $25m (2012 $29m). Unlisted equity shares are mainly investments in entities that own hotels which the Group manages. Dividend income from available for-sale equity securities of $6m (2012 $5m) is reported as other operating income and expenses in the Group income statement.

Trade deposits and loans include a deposit of $37m made in 2011 to a hotel owner in connection with the renegotiation of a management contract. The deposit is non-interest-bearing and repayable at the end of the management contract, and is therefore held at its discounted value of $12m (2012 $11m); the discount unwinds to the income statement within financial income over the period to repayment.

Restricted funds include cash held in bank accounts which is pledged as collateral to insurance companies for risks retained by the Group, cash held in the IHG Funding Trust (see note 26) and other amounts held in escrow.

The bank accounts pledged as security (£31m) are subject to a charge in favour of the members of the UK unfunded pension arrangement (see note 26).

The movement in the provision for impairment of other financial assets during the year is as follows:








At 1 January      (26        (25
Reclassification                (1
Amounts written off      1             
At 31 December      (25        (26

The provision is used to record impairment losses unless the Group is satisfied that no recovery of the amount is possible; at that point the amount considered irrecoverable is either written off directly to the income statement or, if previously provided, against the financial asset with no impact on the income statement.

16. Inventories



Finished goods      2           2   
Consumable stores      2           2   
       4           4   

17. Trade and other receivables



Trade receivables      338           344   
Other receivables      20           18   
Prepayments      65           60   
       423           422   

Trade and other receivables are designated as loans and receivables and are held at amortised cost.

Trade receivables are non-interest-bearing and are generally on payment terms of up to 30 days. The fair value of trade and other receivables approximates their carrying value.







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Notes to the Group Financial Statements continued


17. Trade and other receivables continued



The maximum exposure to credit risk for trade and other receivables, excluding prepayments, at the end of the reporting period by geographic region is:








Americas      193           186   
Europe      78           83   
Asia, Middle East and Africa      53           64   
Greater China      34           29   
       358           362   

The ageing of trade and other receivables, excluding prepayments, at the end of the reporting period is:


       2013     2012  
Not past due        236                   236        223                   223   
Past due 1 to 30 days        66         (4        62        74         (3        71   
Past due 31 to 180 days        57         (3        54        69         (3        66   
Past due more than 180 days        42         (36        6        43         (41        2   
         401         (43        358        409         (47        362   

The movement in the provision for impairment of trade and other receivables during the year is as follows:


At 1 January      (47      (46      (58
Provided      (18      (18      (15
Amounts written back      14         10         7   
Amounts written off      8         7         20   
At 31 December      (43      (47      (46

18. Cash and cash equivalents




Cash at bank and in hand      63           57   
Short-term deposits      71           138   
       134           195   

Short-term deposits are highly liquid investments with an original maturity of three months or less, in various currencies.

Cash at bank includes gross cash assets of $114m (2012 $194m) and gross overdrafts of $114m (2012 $192m) which are offset under cash pooling arrangements.

Cash and cash equivalents includes $12m (2012 $7m) that is not available for use by the Group due to local exchange controls.

19. Trade and other payables












Trade payables      97           117   
Other tax and social security payable      32           35   
Other payables      335           268   
Accruals      284           289   
       748           709   


Other payables      574           563   

Trade payables are non-interest-bearing and are normally settled within an average of 45 days.

Other payables include $649m (2012 $623m) relating to the future redemption liability of the Group’s loyalty programme, of which $120m (2012 $108m) is classified as current and $529m (2012 $515m) as non-current.






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20. Provisions















At 1 January 2012      3         11           14   
Utilised      (1      (11        (12
At 31 December 2012      2                   2   
Provided              4           4   
Utilised      (1      (2        (3
At 31 December 2013      1         2           3   






Analysed as:                             


              3           1   


                3           2   

The onerous management contracts provision relates to the unavoidable net cash outflows that are expected to be incurred under performance guarantees associated with certain management contracts. The non-current portion of the provision is expected to be utilised over the period to 2020.

Litigation during 2013 largely relates to actions brought against the Group in the Greater China region and during 2012 in the Americas region.

21. Financial risk management





The Group’s treasury policy is to manage financial risks that arise in relation to underlying business needs. The activities of the treasury function are carried out in accordance with Board approved policies and are subject to regular audit. The treasury function does not operate as a profit centre.

The treasury function seeks to reduce the financial risks faced by the Group and manages liquidity to meet all foreseeable cash needs. Treasury activities may include money market investments, spot and forward foreign exchange instruments, currency swaps, interest rate swaps and forward rate agreements. One of the primary objectives of the Group’s treasury risk management policy is to mitigate the adverse impact of movements in interest rates and foreign exchange rates.

Market risk exposure

The US dollar is the predominant currency of the Group’s revenue and cash flows. Movements in foreign exchange rates can affect the Group’s reported profit, net assets and interest cover. To hedge translation exposure, wherever possible, the Group matches the currency of its debt (either directly or via derivatives) to the currency of its net assets, whilst maximising the amount of US dollars borrowed to reflect the predominant trading currency.


From time to time, foreign exchange transaction exposure is managed by the forward purchase or sale of foreign currencies. Most significant exposures of the Group are in currencies that are freely convertible.

A general strengthening of the US dollar (specifically a five cent fall in the sterling:US dollar rate) would increase the Group’s profit before tax by an estimated $4.1m (2012 $2.8m, 2011 $3.3m) and increase net assets by an estimated $16.0m (2012 increase of $1.8m, 2011 decrease of $10.4m). Similarly, a five cent fall in the euro:US dollar rate would reduce the Group’s profit before tax by an estimated $2.6m (2012 $2.3m, 2011 $1.9m) and decrease net assets by an estimated $14.8m (2012 $16.1m, 2011 $10.3m).

Interest rate exposure is managed, using interest rate swaps if appropriate, within set parameters depending on the term of the debt, with a minimum fixed proportion of 25% of borrowings for each major currency. Due to relatively low interest rates and the level of the Group’s debt, 100% of borrowings in major currencies were fixed rate debt at 31 December 2013.

Based on the year-end net debt position and given the underlying maturity profile of investments, borrowings and hedging instruments at that date, neither a one percentage point rise in US dollar, euro nor sterling interest rates would have a material impact on the annual net interest charge in the current or prior two years.








Notes to the Group Financial Statements    135

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Notes to the Group Financial Statements continued


21. Financial risk management continued




Liquidity risk exposure

The treasury function ensures that the Group has access to sufficient funds to allow the implementation of the strategy set by the Board. Medium and long-term borrowing requirements are met through the $1.07bn Syndicated Facility which expires in November 2016, through the £250m 6% bonds that are repayable on 9 December 2016 and through the £400m 3.875% bonds repayable on 28 November 2022. The bonds were issued under the Group’s £750m Medium Term Notes programme. Short-term borrowing requirements are met from drawings under bilateral bank facilities. The $1.07bn Syndicated Facility was undrawn at the year end.

The Syndicated Facility contains two financial covenants: interest cover and net debt divided by earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA). The Group is in compliance with all of the financial covenants in its loan documents, none of which is expected to present a material restriction on funding in the near future.

At the year end, the Group had cash of $134m which is predominantly held in short-term deposits and cash funds which allow daily withdrawals of cash. Most of the Group’s funds are held in the UK or US, although $12m (2012 $7m) is held in countries where repatriation is restricted as a result of foreign exchange regulations.

The Group had net liabilities of $74m at 31 December 2013 reflecting that its brands, in accordance with accounting standards, are not recorded on the balance sheet.

Credit risk exposure

Credit risk on treasury transactions is minimised by operating a policy on the investment of surplus cash that generally restricts counterparties to those with an A credit rating or better or those providing adequate security.

Notwithstanding that counterparties must have an A credit rating or better, during periods of significant financial market turmoil, counterparty exposure limits are significantly reduced and counterparty credit exposure reviews are broadened to include the relative placing of credit default swap pricings.

The Group trades only with recognised, creditworthy third parties. It is the Group’s policy that all customers who wish to trade on credit terms are subject to credit verification procedures.

In respect of credit risk arising from financial assets, the Group’s exposure to credit risk arises from default of the counterparty, with a maximum exposure equal to the carrying amount of these instruments.

Capital risk management

The Group manages its capital to ensure that it will be able to continue as a going concern. The capital structure consists of net debt, issued share capital and reserves totalling $1,071m at 31 December 2013 (2012 $1,382m). The structure is managed to maintain an investment grade credit rating, to provide ongoing returns to shareholders and to service debt obligations, whilst maintaining maximum operational flexibility. A key characteristic of IHG’s managed and franchised business model is that it is highly cash generative, with a high return on capital employed. Surplus cash is either reinvested in the business, used to repay debt or returned to shareholders. The Group’s debt is monitored on the basis of a cash flow leverage ratio, being net debt divided by EBITDA, with the objective of maintaining an investment grade credit rating.



Interest rate risk

The Group hedges its interest rate risk by ensuring that interest flows are fixed on at least 25% of its borrowings in major currencies. If required, the Group uses interest rate swaps to manage the exposure although none were held at either 31 December 2013 or 31 December 2012. The Group designates interest rate swaps as cash flow hedges. At both 31 December 2013 and 31 December 2012, the Group’s interest flows were 100% fixed due to the low interest environment and profile of the Group’s debt.

Foreign currency risk

The Group is exposed to foreign currency risk on income streams denominated in foreign currencies. From time to time, the Group hedges a portion of forecast foreign currency income by taking out forward exchange contracts. The designated risk is the spot foreign exchange risk. There were no such contracts in place at either 31 December 2013 or 31 December 2012.

Hedge of net investment in foreign operations

The Group designates its foreign currency bank borrowings and currency derivatives as net investment hedges of foreign operations. The designated risk is the spot foreign exchange risk for loans and short dated derivatives and the forward risk for the seven-year currency swaps. The interest on these financial instruments is taken through financial income or expense except for the seven-year currency swaps where interest is taken to the currency translation reserve.

At 31 December 2013, the Group held currency swaps with a principal of $415m (2012 $415m) and short dated foreign exchange swaps with principals of 75m (2012 75m) and $100m (2012 $170m) (see note 23 for further details). The maximum amount of foreign exchange derivatives held during the year as net investment hedges and measured at calendar quarter ends were currency swaps with a principal of $415m (2012 $415m) and short dated foreign exchange swaps with principals of 75m (2012 75m) and $310m (2012 $350m).

Hedge effectiveness is measured at calendar quarter ends. No ineffectiveness arose in respect of either the Group’s cash flow or net investment hedges during the current or prior year.







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21. Financial risk management continued



Liquidity risk

The following are the undiscounted contractual cash flows of financial liabilities, including interest payments:



Less than

1 year



Between 1 and

2 years



Between 2 and

5 years



More than

5 years






31 December 2013

Non-derivative financial liabilities:                                                       

Secured bank loans

            4                                    4   

£250m 6% bonds 2016

     25        25        438                             488   

£400m 3.875% bonds 2022

     26        26        77              764                893   

Finance lease obligations

     16        16        48              3,300                3,380   

Trade and other payables

     748        162        193              289                1,392   


     3                                           3   
Derivative financial liabilities:                                                       

Forward foreign exchange contracts

     (1                                        (1

Currency swaps – outflows

     26        26        441                             493   

  – inflows

     (25     (25     (438                          (488

Less than

1 year



Between 1 and

2 years



Between 2 and

5 years



More than

5 years





31 December 2012                                                       
Non-derivative financial liabilities:                                                       

Secured bank loans

                   5                             5   

£250m 6% bonds 2016

     24        24        453                             501   

£400m 3.875% bonds 2022

     25        25        75              772                897   

Finance lease obligations

     16        16        48              3,316                3,396   

Trade and other payables

     709        154        191              285                1,339   


     1        1                                    2   
Derivative financial liabilities:                                                       

Forward foreign exchange contracts

     (2                                        (2

Currency swaps – outflows

     26        26        467                             519   

  – inflows

     (24     (24     (453                          (501

Credit risk

The carrying amount of financial assets represents the maximum exposure to credit risk.









Cash and cash equivalents                                    134                195   
Equity securities available-for-sale                                    136                112   
Derivative financial instruments                                    1                2   
Loans and receivables:                                                       

Other financial assets

                                   112                49   

Trade and other receivables, excluding prepayments

                                   358                362   
                                     741                720   







Notes to the Group Financial Statements    137

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Notes to the Group Financial Statements continued


22. Loans and other borrowings




     2013     2012  


















Secured bank loans              4           4                5           5   
Finance lease obligations      16         199           215        16         196           212   
£250m 6% bonds 2016              412           412                403           403   
£400m 3.875% bonds 2022              654           654                638           638   
Total borrowings      16         1,269           1,285        16         1,242           1,258   
Denominated in the following currencies:                                                         
Sterling              1,066           1,066                1,041           1,041   
US dollars      16         199           215        16         196           212   
Other              4           4                5           5   
       16         1,269           1,285        16         1,242           1,258   

Secured bank loans

The New Zealand dollar mortgage is secured on the hotel property to which it relates. Non-current amounts include $4m (2012 $5m) repayable by instalments.

Finance lease obligations

Finance lease obligations, which relate to the 99-year lease (of which 92 years remain) on the InterContinental Boston, are payable as follows:


     2013     2012  







value of










value of



Less than one year      16        16        16        16   
Between one and five years      64        48        64        48   
More than five years      3,300        151        3,316        148   
       3,380        215        3,396        212   
Less: amount representing finance charges      (3,165            (3,184       
       215        215        212        212   

The Group has the option to extend the term of the lease for two additional 20-year terms. Payments under the lease step up at regular intervals over the lease term.

£250m 6% bonds 2016

The 6% fixed interest sterling bonds were issued on 9 December 2009 and are repayable in full on 9 December 2016. Interest is payable annually on 9 December in each year commencing 9 December 2010 to the maturity date. The bonds were initially priced at 99.465% of face value and are unsecured. Currency swaps were transacted at the same time the bonds were issued in order to swap the proceeds and interest flows into US dollars (see note 23 for further details).

£400m 3.875% bonds 2022

The 3.875% fixed interest sterling bonds were issued on 28 November 2012 and are repayable on 28 November 2022. Interest is payable annually on 28 November in each year commencing 28 November 2013 to the maturity date. The bonds were initially priced at 98.787% of face value and are unsecured.






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22. Loans and other borrowings continued



Facilities provided by banks


     2013      2012  


















Committed      4           1,070           1,074         5           1,070           1,075   
Uncommitted                80           80                   96           96   
       4           1,150           1,154         5           1,166           1,171   






Unutilised facilities expire:                                                              

Within one year

                                               80           96   

After two but before five years

                                               1,070           1,070   
                                                 1,150           1,166   

Utilised facilities are calculated based on actual drawings and may not agree to the carrying value of loans held at amortised cost.

23. Derivative financial instruments




Currency swaps      11           19   
Forward foreign exchange contracts      (1        (2
       10           17   
Analysed as:                    

Current assets

     (1        (2

Non-current liabilities

     11           19   
       10           17   

Derivatives are recorded at their fair values as set out in note 24.

Currency swaps

At 31 December 2013, the Group held currency swaps with a principal of $415m (2012 $415m). These swaps were transacted at the same time as the £250m 6% bonds were issued in December 2009 in order to swap the bonds’ proceeds and interest flows into US dollars. Under the terms of the swaps, $415m was borrowed and £250m deposited for seven years at a fixed exchange rate of £1 = $1.66. The fair value of the currency swap comprises two components: $2m (2012 $11m) relating to the repayment of the underlying principal and $9m (2012 $8m) relating to interest payments. The element relating to the underlying principal is disclosed as a component of net debt (see note 25). The currency swaps are designated as net investment hedges.

Forward foreign exchange contracts

At 31 December 2013, the Group held short dated foreign exchange swaps with principals of 75m (2012 75m) and $100m (2012 $170m). The swaps are used to manage sterling surplus cash and reduce euro and US dollar borrowings whilst maintaining operational flexibility. The foreign exchange swaps have been designated as net investment hedges.







Notes to the Group Financial Statements    139

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Notes to the Group Financial Statements continued


24. Fair value measurement



Fair values

The following table compares carrying amounts and fair values of the Group’s financial assets and liabilities:


            2013     2012  





Fair value







Fair value



Financial assets

Cash and cash equivalents      18         134           134        195           195   
Equity securities available-for-sale1      15         136           136        112           112   
Loans and receivables:                                                

Other financial assets

     15         112           112        49           49   

Trade and other financial receivables, excluding prepayments

     17         358           358        362           362   
Derivatives1      23         1           1        2           2   
                741           741        720           720   

Financial liabilities

£250m 6% bonds 2016      22         (412        (461     (403        (456
£400m 3.875% bonds 2022      22         (654        (650     (638        (652
Finance lease obligations      22         (215        (233     (212        (268
Other borrowings      22         (4        (4     (5        (5
Trade and other payables      19         (1,322        (1,322     (1,272        (1,272
Derivatives1      23         (11        (11     (19        (19
Provisions      20         (3        (3     (2        (2
                (2,621        (2,684     (2,551        (2,674


1  Financial assets and liabilities which are measured at fair value.

There are no other assets or liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring or non-recurring basis, or for which fair value is disclosed.

The fair value of cash and cash equivalents approximates book value due to the short maturity of the investments and deposits, and the fair value of other financial assets approximates book value based on prevailing market rates. The fair value of other borrowings approximates book value as interest rates reset to market rates on a frequent basis. The fair value of trade and other receivables, trade and other payables and current provisions approximates to their carrying value, including the future redemption liability of the Group’s loyalty programme.

Fair value hierarchy

The following table provides the fair value measurement hierarchy of the above assets and liabilities, other than those with carrying amounts which are reasonable approximations of their fair values:


Level 1:   quoted (unadjusted) prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.
Level 2:       other techniques for which all inputs which have a significant effect on fair value are observable, either directly or indirectly.
Level 3:   techniques which use inputs which have a significant effect on the recorded fair value that are not based on observable market data.


    2013     2012  

            Level 1



Level 2



Level 3






            Level 1



Level 2



Level 3







Equity securities available-for-sale:                                                                          

Quoted equity shares

    9                           9        18                           18   

Unquoted equity shares

                    127           127                        94           94   
Derivatives             1                   1                2                   2   


£250m 6% bonds 2016     (461                        (461     (456                        (456
£400m 3.875% bonds 2022     (650                        (650     (652                        (652
Finance lease obligations             (233                (233             (268                (268
Derivatives             (11                (11             (19                (19

There were no transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 fair value measurements during the year and no transfers into and out of Level 3.






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24. Fair value measurement continued



The fair value of quoted equity shares and the bonds is based on their quoted market price.

Derivatives are fair valued using discounted future cash flows, taking into consideration exchange rates prevailing on the last day of the reporting period and interest rates from observable swap curves. As the Group’s derivatives are not cash collaterised, a valuation adjustment is made for credit risk, being counterparty risks in respect of derivative assets and own credit risks in respect of derivative liabilities. At 31 December 2013, the interest rates used to fair value the derivative liabilities ranged from 1.4% to 2.5%, depending on the currency and the term of the derivative contract.

Finance lease obligations relate to the lease of the InterContinental Boston and are fair valued by discounting the future cash flows payable under the loan, which are fixed, at a risk adjusted long term interest rate. The interest rate used to discount the cash flows at 31 December 2013 was 8.4% (2012 7.4%).

Unquoted equity shares are fair valued using the International Private Equity and Venture Capital Valuation Guidelines either by applying an average price-earnings (P/E) ratio for a competitor group to the earnings generated by the investment or by reference to share of net assets if the investment is currently loss-making. The average P/E ratio for the year was 23.9 and a non-marketability factor of 30% is applied. A 10% increase in the average P/E ratio would result in a $5m increase (2012 $5m) in the fair value of the investments and a 10% decrease in the average P/E ratio would result in a $5m decrease (2012 $5m) in the fair value of the investments. A 10% increase in net assets would result in a $5m increase (2012 $2m) in the fair value of the investments and a 10% decrease in net assets would result in a $5m decrease (2012 $2m) in the fair value of the investments.

The following table reconciles the movements in the fair values of investments classified as Level 3 during the year:








At 1 January      94           97   
Additions      8             
Repaid                (1
Valuation gains/(losses) recognised in other comprehensive income      25           (2
At 31 December      127           94   

25. Net debt




Cash and cash equivalents      134           195   
Loans and other borrowings – current      (16        (16

– non-current

     (1,269        (1,242
Derivatives hedging debt values (note 23)      (2        (11
Net debt      (1,153        (1,074
Movement in net debt                    
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents      (58        15   
Add back cash flows in respect of other components of net debt:                    

Issue of long-term bonds


Decrease in other borrowings

     1           99   
Increase in net debt arising from cash flows      (57        (518
Non-cash movements:                    

Finance lease obligations

     (3        (3

Exchange and other adjustments

     (19        (15
Increase in net debt      (79        (536
Net debt at beginning of the year      (1,074        (538
Net debt at end of the year      (1,153        (1,074

Net debt includes the exchange element of the fair value of currency swaps that fix the value of the Group’s £250m 6% bonds at $415m. An equal and opposite exchange adjustment on the retranslation of the £250m 6% bonds is included in non-current loans and other borrowings.







Notes to the Group Financial Statements    141

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Notes to the Group Financial Statements continued


26. Retirement benefits




UK retirement and death in service benefits are provided for eligible Group employees in the UK principally by the InterContinental Hotels UK Pension Plan, which is HM Revenue & Customs registered. The defined benefit section of the plan, which provides benefits based on final salary and is funded, closed to new entrants in 2002 and closed to future accrual for current members with effect from 1 July 2013. New members, including those who have been auto-enrolled since 1 September 2013, are provided with defined contribution arrangements as are members of the defined benefit section since 1 July 2013. The assets of the plan are held in a self-administered trust fund which is governed by a Trustee Board who are responsible for the administration and investment strategy of the plan. The Trustee Board comprises a combination of independent, company nominated and member nominated trustees, and is assisted by professional advisers as and when required. As required by the Pensions Act 2004, the plan is required to meet a Statutory Funding Objective in respect of its defined benefit obligations and a formal recovery plan is required to meet a funding shortfall. The overall operation of the plan is subject to the oversight of The Pensions Regulator.

On 15 August 2013, the Trustee Board completed a buy-in transaction whereby the assets of the plan were invested in a bulk purchase annuity policy with the insurer Rothesay Life, under which the benefits payable to defined benefit members are now fully insured. The insurance policy was purchased using the existing assets of the plan and a final company contribution of £5m. It is the intention of the Trustee Board that the plan will move to a full buy-out as soon as practical, following which the insurance company will become directly responsible for pension payments. Under the most recent recovery plan, the company agreed to make additional contributions of £130m by 31 July 2014; in addition to the £5m referred to above, £55m was paid in 2012 and a further amount of £60m was paid into a funding trust (the IHG Funding Trust) during the year. £30m of the funding trust payments occurred on the sale of the InterContinental London Park Lane in May 2013, over which there was previously a charge for the same amount in favour of the pension plan. As the buy-in transaction has resulted in the defined benefit obligations being fully insured, the company has no further contributions to make and £57m has been returned to the company from the funding trust. It is expected that the remaining £3m held in the funding trust will be returned to the company on completion of the planned buy-out.

In addition to the above, additional benefits are provided to certain members of the defined benefit section of the plan who are affected by lifetime or annual allowances through an unfunded pension arrangement. The unfunded pension arrangement also held a charge over the InterContinental London Park Lane which, on sale of the hotel, was replaced with a charge over certain ring-fenced bank accounts totalling £31m (see note 15).

US and other

The Group also maintains the following US-based defined benefit plans; the funded Inter-Continental Hotels Pension Plan, unfunded Inter-Continental Hotels Non-qualified Pension Plans and unfunded Inter-Continental Hotels Corporation Postretirement Medical, Dental, Vision and Death Benefit Plan. All plans are closed to new members. In respect of the funded plan, an Investment Committee has responsibility for the oversight and management of the Plan’s assets, which are held in a separate trust. The Committee comprises senior company employees and is assisted by professional advisers as and when required. The company currently makes contributions that equal or exceed the minimum funding amounts required by the Employee Retirement Income and Security Act of 1974 (‘ERISA’). The investment objective is to achieve full funding over time by following a specified ‘glide path approach’ which results in a progressive switching from return seeking assets to liability-matching assets as the funded status of the plan increases. During the year, the funded status reached 80% which triggered a further de-risking of the investment portfolio.

The Group also operates a number of smaller pension schemes outside the UK, the most significant of which is a defined contribution scheme in the US; there is no material difference between the pension costs of, and contributions to, these schemes.

In respect of the defined benefit plans, the amounts recognised in the Group income statement, in administrative expenses, are:


    Pension plans                                      
    UK     US and










































Current service cost     2        5        6        1        1        1                             3        6        7   
Past service cost                          1                                           1                 
Net interest expense            1        6        3        3        3        1        1        1        4        5        10   
Administration costs     1        1        1        1        1        1                             2        2        2   
Operating profit before exceptional items     3        7        13        6        5        5        1        1        1        10        13        19   
Exceptional items:                                                                                                

Settlement loss

    147                                                                147                 

Past service gain

                  (28                                                             (28
      150        7        (15     6        5        5        1        1        1        157        13        (9


1  Restated for the adoption of IAS 19R ‘Employee Benefits’ (see page 111).

The settlement loss results from the buy-in transaction described above and comprises a past service cost of $5m relating to additional benefits secured by the transaction, the difference between the cost of the insurance policy and the accounting value of the liabilities secured of $137m and transaction costs of $5m. As the policy has been structured to enable the plan to move to a buy-out and the intention is to proceed on this basis, the buy-in transaction has been accounted for as a settlement with the loss arising recorded in the income statement.

The past service gain in 2011 arose in respect of the UK pension plan and from the decision to close the defined benefit section to future accrual with effect from 1 July 2013. The plan rules were formally amended to reflect this change in September 2011.






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26. Retirement benefits continued



Re-measurement gains and losses recognised in the Group statement of comprehensive income are:


    2013     20121     20111  

































Return on plan assets (excluding amounts included in interest)     2               2        22               22        27               27   
Actuarial gains and losses arising from changes in:                                                                        

Demographic assumptions

           12        12               (6     (6            (1     (1

Financial assumptions

           (57     (57            (25     (25            (52     (52

Experience adjustments

           (6     (6            17        17               2        2   
Change in asset restriction (excluding amounts included in interest)     89               89        (23            (23     (8            (8
Other comprehensive income     91        (51     40        (1     (14     (15     19        (51     (32


1  Restated for the adoption of IAS 19R ‘Employee Benefits’ (see page 111).

The assets and liabilities of the schemes and the amounts recognised in the Group statement of financial position are:


    Pension plans                          
    UK     US and

























Retirement benefit assets

Fair value of plan assets     582        695        17        17                      599        712   
Present value of benefit obligations     (577     (507     (13     (15                   (590     (522
Surplus in schemes     5        188        4        2                      9        190   
Asset restriction     (2     (91                                 (2     (91
Total retirement benefit assets     3        97        4        2                      7        99   
Retirement benefit obligations                                                                
Fair value of plan assets                   142        132                      142        132   
Present value of benefit obligations     (82     (62     (220     (232     (24     (25     (326     (319
Total retirement benefit obligations     (82     (62     (78     (100     (24     (25     (184     (187
Total fair value of plan assets     582        695        159        149                      741        844   
Total present value of benefit obligations     (659     (569     (233     (247     (24     (25     (916     (841

The ‘US and other’ surplus of $4m (2012 $2m) relates to a defined benefit pension scheme in Hong Kong. Included within the ‘US and other’ deficit is $2m (2012 $2m) relating to a defined benefit pension plan in the Netherlands.


The principal financial assumptions used by the actuaries to determine the benefit obligations are:


     Pension plans                       
     UK      US      Post-employment



























Wages and salaries increases              4.5         4.6                                         4.0         4.0   
Pensions increases      3.6         3.0         3.1                                                   
Discount rate      4.6         4.5         4.7         4.5         3.5         4.1         4.6         3.5         4.1   
Inflation rate      3.6         3.0         3.1                                                   
Healthcare cost trend rate assumed for next year:                                                                                 

Pre 65 (ultimate rate reached in 2021)

                                                           8.5         9.0         9.5   

Post 65 (ultimate rate reached in 2023)

                                                           17.5         11.8         12.8   
Ultimate rate that the cost trend rate trends to                                                            5.2         5.0         5.0   

Mortality is the most significant demographic assumption. The current assumptions for the UK plan are based on the S1NA tables with long cohort projections and a 1.25% per annum underpin to future mortality improvements with age rated down by 1.75 years for pensioners and 1.5 years for non-pensioners. In the US, the current assumptions are based on the RP2000 Generational with Scale BB 2D mortality tables.







Notes to the Group Financial Statements    143

Table of Contents
Notes to the Group Financial Statements continued


26. Retirement benefits continued



Accordingly, assumed life expectancy at retirement age is as follows:


          Pension plans  
          UK      US  


















Current pensioners at 651    – male      24         24         24         21         19         19   
     – female      27         27         27         23         21         21   
Future pensioners at 652    – male      27         27         26         22         21         21   
     – female      30         30         29         25         22         22   


1  Relates to assumptions based on longevity (in years) following retirement at the end of the reporting period.
2  Relates to assumptions based on longevity (in years) relating to an employee retiring in 2033.

The assumptions allow for expected increases in longevity.


Changes in assumptions used for determining retirement benefit costs and obligations may have a material impact on the income statement and the statement of financial position. The key assumptions are the pension increases, discount rate, the rate of inflation and the assumed mortality rate. The sensitivity analysis below is based on extrapolating reasonable changes in these assumptions, using year-end conditions and assuming no interdependency between the assumptions.


         UK     US  



    pension cost





in liabilities





    pension cost





in liabilities


Pension increases    – 0.25% decrease            (2.3              
     – 0.25% increase     0.2        3.0                 
Discount rate    – 0.25% decrease            4.0        0.1        6.3   
     – 0.25% increase     (0.2     (3.6     (0.1     (6.6
Inflation rate    – 0.25% increase     0.2        3.6                 
     – 0.25% decrease     (0.2     (3.0              
Mortality rate    – one year increase     0.2        1.8        0.3        8.0   

A one percentage point increase in assumed healthcare costs trend rate would increase the accumulated post-employment benefit obligations as at 31 December 2013 by $2.8m (2012 $2.6m, 2011 $2.9m) and a one percentage point decrease would decrease the obligations by $2.3m (2012 $2.3m, 2011 $2.7m).


    Pension plans                          
    UK     US and other     Post-employment
Movement in benefit obligation  



























Benefit obligation at 1 January     569        525        247        233        25        30        841        788   
Current service cost     2        5        1        1                      3        6   
Past service cost     5               1                             6          
Members’ contributions            1                                           1   
Interest expense     26        25        7        9        1        1        34        35   
Benefits paid     (22     (14     (13     (12     (1     (1     (36     (27
Re-measurement losses/(gains)     62        3        (10     16        (1     (5     51        14   
Exchange adjustments     17        24                                    17        24   
Benefit obligation at 31 December     659        569        233        247        24        25        916        841   

Funded plans

    577        507        182        193                      759        700   

Unfunded plans

    82        62        51        54        24        25        157        141   
      659        569        233        247        24        25        916        841   


1  Restated for the adoption of IAS 19R ‘Employee Benefits’ (see page 111).






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26. Retirement benefits continued




     Pension plans                          
     UK     US and other     Post-employment benefits     Total  
Movement in plan assets   


























Fair value of plan assets at 1 January      695        551        149        133                      844        684   
Company contributions      20        97        10        10        1        1        31        108   
Members’ contributions             1                                           1   
Benefits paid      (22     (14     (13     (12     (1     (1     (36     (27
Interest income      29        27        4        4                      33        31   
Settlement loss      (137                                        (137       
Re-measurement (losses)/gains      (7     7        9        15                      2        22   
Administration costs      (1     (1     (1     (1                   (2     (2
Exchange adjustments      5        27        1                             6        27   
Fair value of plan assets at 31 December      582        695        159        149                      741        844   


1  Restated for the adoption of IAS 19R ‘Employee Benefits’ (see page 111).

Company contributions are expected to be $12m in 2014.

The plan assets are measured at fair value and comprise the following:


    UK     US and other  













Investments quoted in active markets

Investment funds:                                

Global equities

           62        33        60   

Corporate bonds

           97        107        72   


           17        4        6   

Hedge funds


Swap funds


Cash funds

Government bonds            135                 

Unquoted investments

Qualifying insurance policy     577               10        9   
Property            18                 
Cash and other     5        94        5        2   
      582        695        159        149   

In accordance with accounting standards, the fair value of a qualifying insurance policy is deemed to be the present value of the pension obligations secured by that policy.


    Pension plans                          
    UK     US and other     Post-employment benefits     Total  
Movement in asset restriction  



























Balance at 1 January     91        63                                    91        63   
Interest expense     3        3                                    3        3   
Re-measurement (losses)/gains     (89     23                                    (89     23   
Exchange adjustments     (3     2                                    (3     2   
Balance at 31 December     2        91                                    2        91   


1  Restated for the adoption of IAS 19R ‘Employee Benefits’ (see page 111).

The asset restriction relates to tax that would be deducted at source in respect of a refund of a surplus taking into account amounts payable under funding commitments. As a result of the buy-in transaction, substantially all of the asset restriction has been released through other comprehensive income during the year.


    Pension plans                          
    UK     US and other     Post-employment benefits     Total  
Estimated future benefit payments               2013









Within one year     19        15        14        14        1        1        34        30   
Between one and five years     84        65        57        57        5        5        146        127   
After five years     123        93        76        74        7        7        206        174   
      226        173        147        145        13        13        386        331   
Average duration of obligation (years)     21.6        21.5        11.8        12.0        11.3        11.5                   







Notes to the Group Financial Statements    145

Table of Contents
Notes to the Group Financial Statements continued


27. Deferred tax




plant and
gains on
loan notes
earnings of
At 1 January 2012      221         137        (133     (59     38                (153        51   
Income statement (restated1)      12         (26     (74     5        (6             (1        (90
Statement of comprehensive income (restated1)                            (5                    1           (4
Statement of changes in equity                            (4                    (1        (5
Exchange and other adjustments      3         3        (8            1                (1        (2
At 31 December 2012      236         114        (215     (63     33                (155        (50
Income statement      1         (8     20        2        2        63         8           88   
Statement of comprehensive income                            24                                 24   
Statement of changes in equity                                                  4           4   
Exchange and other adjustments      3         1        9               (1     3         (14        1   
At 31 December 2013      240         107        (186     (37     34        66         (157        67   


1  Restated for the adoption of IAS 19R ‘Employee Benefits’ (see page 111).
2  Primarily relates to provisions, accruals, amortisation and share-based payments.


Analysed as:                  

Deferred tax assets

     (108      (204

Deferred tax liabilities

     175         93   

Liabilities held for sale

       67         (50

Deferred gains on loan notes includes $55m (2012 $55m) which is expected to fall due for payment in 2016.

The deferred tax asset recognised in respect of losses of $186m (2012 $215m) includes $53m (2012 $78m) in respect of capital losses available to be utilised against the realisation of capital gains which are recognised as a deferred tax liability and $133m (2012 $137m) in respect of revenue tax losses. Deferred tax assets of $17m (2012 $22m) are recognised in relation to legal entities which suffered a tax loss in the current or preceding period. These assets are recognised based upon future taxable profit forecasts for the entities concerned. A deferred tax provision was made during the year in respect of current and prior year earnings which are expected to be repatriated within the foreseeable future, consequent upon the disposal of the InterContinental London Park Lane hotel as the proceeds are not expected to be reinvested by the relevant subsidiaries.

The Group has unrecognised deferred tax assets as follows:


Revenue losses      127           132   
Capital losses      85           140   
Total losses1      212           272   
Employee benefits      16           32   
Foreign tax credits                34   
Other2      55           53   
Total      283           391   


1  These may be carried forward indefinitely other than $12m which expires after three years, $1m which expires after seven years, $1m which expires after eight years and $9m which expires after nine years (2012 $11m which expires after four years and $1m which expires after eight years).
2  Primarily relates to provisions, accruals, amortisation and share-based payments.

These assets have not been recognised as the Group does not currently anticipate being able to offset these against future profits or gains in order to realise any economic benefit in the foreseeable future. However, future benefits may arise as a result of resolving tax uncertainties, or as a consequence of case law and legislative developments which make the value of the assets more certain.

The Group has provided deferred tax in relation to temporary differences associated with post-acquisition undistributed earnings of subsidiaries only to the extent that it is either probable that it will reverse in the foreseeable future or where the Group cannot control the timing of the reversal. The remaining unprovided liability that would arise on the reversal of these temporary differences is not expected to exceed $10m (2012 $20m).






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28. Share-based payments




Annual Performance Plan

The IHG Annual Performance Plan (APP), formerly the Annual Bonus Plan (ABP) enables eligible employees (including Executive Directors) to receive all or part of their bonus in the form of deferred shares. The deferred shares are released on the third anniversary of the award date. Under the terms of the current plan, a fixed percentage of the bonus is awarded in the form of shares with no voluntary deferral and no matching shares. The awards in all of the plans are conditional on the participants remaining in the employment of a participating company or leaving for a qualifying reason as per the plan rules. Participation in the APP is at the discretion of the Remuneration Committee. The number of shares is calculated by dividing a specific percentage of the participant’s annual performance-related bonus by the middle market quoted prices on the three consecutive dealing days immediately preceding the date of grant. A number of executives participated in the plan during the year and conditional rights over 318,911 (2012 340,924, 2011 528,213) shares were awarded to participants.

Long Term Incentive Plan

The Long Term Incentive Plan (LTIP) allows Executive Directors and eligible employees to receive share awards, subject to the achievement of performance conditions, set by the Remuneration Committee, which are normally measured over a three-year period. Awards are normally made annually and, except in exceptional circumstances, will not exceed three times salary for Executive Directors and four times salary in the case of other eligible employees. During the year, conditional rights over 2,227,293 (2012 2,698,714, 2011 3,257,364) shares were awarded to employees under the plan. The plan provides for the grant of ‘nil cost options’ to participants as an alternative to conditional share awards.

Executive Share Option Plan

For options granted, the option price is not less than the market value of an ordinary share, or the nominal value if higher. The market value is the quoted price on the business day preceding the date of grant, or the average of the middle market quoted prices on the three consecutive dealing days immediately preceding the date of grant. A performance condition has to be met before options can be exercised. The performance condition is set by the Remuneration Committee. The plan was not operated during 2013 and no options were granted in the year under the plan. The latest date that any options may be exercised is 4 April 2015.

Sharesave Plan

The Sharesave Plan is a savings plan whereby employees contract to save a fixed amount each month with a savings institution for three or five years. At the end of the savings term, employees are given the option to purchase shares at a price set before savings began. The Sharesave Plan, when operational, is available to all UK employees (including Executive Directors) employed by participating Group companies provided that they have been employed for at least one year. The plan provides for the grant of options to subscribe for ordinary shares at the higher of nominal value and not less than 80% of the middle market quotations of the ordinary shares on the three dealing days immediately preceding the invitation date. The plan was not operated during 2013 and no options were granted in the year under the plan.

US Employee Stock Purchase Plan

The US Employee Stock Purchase Plan will allow eligible employees resident in the US an opportunity to acquire Company American Depositary Shares (ADSs) on advantageous terms. The option to purchase ADSs may be offered only to employees of designated subsidiary companies. The option price may not be less than the lesser of either 85% of the fair market value of an ADS on the date of grant or 85% of the fair market value of an ADS on the date of exercise. Options granted under the plan must generally be exercised within 27 months from the date of grant. The plan was not operated during 2013 and at 31 December 2013 no options had been granted under the plan.

Former Six Continents Share Schemes

Under the terms of the separation of Six Continents PLC in 2003, holders of options under the Six Continents Executive Share Option Schemes were given the opportunity to exchange their Six Continents PLC options for equivalent value new options over IHG shares. As a result of this exchange, 23,195,482 shares were put under option at prices ranging from 308.5p to 593.3p. The exchanged options were immediately exercisable and are not subject to performance conditions. During 2012, 352,115 such options were exercised and 106,699 lapsed, leaving no such options outstanding at 31 December 2012.








Notes to the Group Financial Statements    147

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Notes to the Group Financial Statements continued


28. Share-based payments continued



The Group recognised a cost of $22m (2012 $22m, 2011 $25m) in operating profit and $nil (2012 $1m, 2011 $nil) within exceptional administrative expenses related to equity-settled share-based payment transactions during the year, net of amounts borne by the System Fund.

The aggregate consideration in respect of ordinary shares issued under option schemes during the year was $5m (2012 $10m, 2011 $8m).

The following table sets forth awards and options granted during 2013. No awards were granted under the Executive Share Option Plan, Sharesave Plan or US Employee Stock Purchase Plan during the year.


      APP        LTIP  
Number of shares awarded in 2013      318,911           2,227,293   


The Group uses separate option pricing models and assumptions depending on the plan. The following tables set out information about awards granted in 2013, 2012 and 2011:



      APP        LTIP  
Valuation model    Binomial        Monte Carlo
Simulation and
Weighted average share price      1,928.0p           1,913.0p   
Expected dividend yield      2.63%           2.59%   
Risk-free interest rate                 0.27%   
Volatility1                 28%   
Term (years)      3.0           3.0   
      ABP        LTIP  
Valuation model    Binomial        Monte Carlo
Simulation and
Weighted average share price      1,440.0p           1,440.0p   
Expected dividend yield      2.95%           2.99%   
Risk-free interest rate                 0.59%   
Volatility1                 31%   
Term (years)      3.0           3.0   
      ABP        LTIP  
Valuation model    Binomial        Monte Carlo
Simulation and
Weighted average share price      1,415.0p           1,281.0p   
Expected dividend yield      2.14%           2.78%   
Risk-free interest rate                 1.88%   
Volatility1                 39%   
Term (years)      3.0           3.0   


1  The expected volatility was determined by calculating the historical volatility of the Company’s share price corresponding to the expected life of the share award.






148    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

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28. Share-based payments continued



Movements in the awards and options outstanding under the schemes are as follows:


Number of
Number of
Outstanding at 1 January 2011      1,274                  11,342   
Granted      528                  3,257   
Vested      (702               (3,454
Lapsed or cancelled      (150               (2,115
Outstanding at 31 December 2011      950                  9,030   
Granted      341                  2,699   
Vested      (643               (2,621
Share capital consolidation      (18                 
Lapsed or cancelled      (8               (1,948
Outstanding at 31 December 2012      622                  7,160   
Granted      319                  2,227   
Vested      (72               (2,206
Lapsed or cancelled      (29               (406
Outstanding at 31 December 2013      840                  6,775   

Fair value of awards granted during the year



     2,873.4¢                  1,127.9¢   
2012      2,199.8¢                  792.5¢   
2011      2,141.1¢                  819.7¢   

Weighted average remaining contract life (years)

At 31 December 2013      1.1                  1.1   
At 31 December 2012      1.6                  1.2   
At 31 December 2011      0.9                  1.0   


The above awards do not vest until the performance and service conditions have been met.


      Number of
     Range of
option prices
option price

Executive Share Option Plan

Outstanding at 1 January 2011      3,291         308.5-619.8         489.3   
Exercised      (1,075      308.5-619.8         476.5   
Lapsed or cancelled      (46      422.8         422.8   
Outstanding at 31 December 2011      2,170         308.5-619.8         497.0   
Exercised      (1,365      308.5-619.8         492.8   
Lapsed or cancelled      (107      434.2         434.2   
Outstanding at 31 December 2012      698         438.0-619.8         514.8   
Exercised      (638      438.0-619.8         512.3   
Outstanding at 31 December 2013      60         494.2-619.8         541.3   

Options exercisable


At 31 December 2013

     60         494.2–619.8         541.3   
At 31 December 2012      698         438.0–619.8         514.8   
At 31 December 2011      2,170         308.5–619.8         497.0   

Included within the options outstanding under the Executive Share Option Plan are options over nil (2012 nil, 2011 458,814) shares that have not been recognised in accordance with IFRS 2 as the options were granted on or before 7 November 2002. These options, relating to former Six Continents share schemes, have not been subsequently modified and therefore do not need to be accounted for in accordance with IFRS 2.

The weighted average share price at the date of exercise for share options vested during the year was 1,934.9p. The closing share price on 31 December 2013 was 2,013.0p and the range during the year was 1,737.0p to 2,039.0p per share.







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Notes to the Group Financial Statements continued


28. Share-based payments continued



Summarised information about options outstanding at 31 December 2013 under the share option schemes is as follows:


          Options outstanding and exercisable  
Range of exercise prices (pence)          Number
contract life
option price

Executive Share Option Plan

494.2             37        0.3        494.2   
619.8             23        1.3        619.8   
              60        0.6        541.3   

29. Equity



Equity share capital   Number of







Equity share



Allotted, called up and fully paid

At 1 January 2011 (ordinary shares of 1329/47p each)     289        61        94        155   
Issued on exercise of share options     1               8        8   
Exchange adjustments                   (1     (1
At 31 December 2011 (ordinary shares of 1329/47p each)     290        61        101        162   
Share capital consolidation     (19                     
Issued on exercise of share options     1        1        9        10   
Repurchased and cancelled under repurchase programme     (4     (1            (1
Exchange adjustments            2        6        8   
At 31 December 2012 (ordinary shares of 14194/329p each)     268        63        116        179   
Issued on exercise of share options     1               5        5   
Exchange adjustments            2        3        5   
At 31 December 2013 (ordinary shares of 14194/329p each)     269        65        124        189   

The Company was incorporated and registered in England and Wales with registered number 5134420 on 21 May 2004 as a limited company under the Companies Act 1985 with the name Hackremco (No. 2154) Limited. On 24 March 2005 Hackremco (No. 2154) Limited changed its name to New InterContinental Hotels Group Limited. On 27 April 2005 New InterContinental Hotels Group Limited re-registered as a public limited company and changed its name to New InterContinental Hotels Group PLC. On 27 June 2005 New InterContinental Hotels Group PLC changed its name to InterContinental Hotels Group PLC.

On 7 August 2012, the Company announced a $1bn return of funds to shareholders comprising a $500m special dividend with share consolidation and a $500m share repurchase programme. The share consolidation was approved on 8 October 2012 at a General Meeting (GM) of the Company and became effective on 9 October 2012 on the basis of 14 new ordinary shares of 14194/329p each for every 15 existing ordinary shares of 1329/47p each. The special dividend of 172.0¢ per share was paid to shareholders on 22 October 2012 at a total cost of $505m. Under the authority granted by shareholders at the GM held on 8 October 2012, the share repurchase programme commenced in November 2012 resulting in the repurchase of 4,143,960 shares in the period to 31 December 2012 for a total consideration of $107m. Under the same programme, a further 9,773,912 shares were purchased in the year to 31 December 2013 for a total consideration of $283m. Shares repurchased in the year to 31 December 2013 are held as treasury shares whereas those shares repurchased in the year to 31 December 2012 were cancelled. No shares were repurchased in 2011.

The authority given to the Company at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on 24 May 2013 to purchase its own shares was still valid at 31 December 2013. A resolution to renew the authority will be put to shareholders at the AGM on 2 May 2014.

On 6 August 2013, the Company announced a special dividend of 133.0¢ per share amounting to $355m which was paid to shareholders on 4 October 2013.

The balance classified as equity share capital includes the total net proceeds (both nominal value and share premium) on issue of the Company’s equity share capital, comprising 14194/329p shares. The share premium reserve represents the amount of proceeds received for shares in excess of their nominal value.

The Company no longer has an authorised share capital.






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29. Equity continued



The nature and purpose of the other reserves shown in the Group statement of changes in equity on pages 106 to 108 of the Financial Statements is as follows:

Capital redemption reserve

This reserve maintains the nominal value of the equity share capital of the Company when shares are repurchased or cancelled.

Shares held by employee share trusts

Comprises $37.6m (2012 $48.0m, 2011 $26.5m) in respect of 1.2m (2012 1.8m, 2011 1.5m) InterContinental Hotels Group PLC ordinary shares held by employee share trusts, with a market value at 31 December 2013 of $39.8m (2012 $50m, 2011 $26m).

Other reserves

Comprises the merger and revaluation reserves previously recognised under UK GAAP, together with the reserve arising as a consequence of the Group’s capital reorganisation in June 2005. Following the change in presentational currency to the US dollar in 2008 (see page 111 to 112), this reserve also includes exchange differences arising on the retranslation to period-end exchange rates of equity share capital, the capital redemption reserve and shares held by employee share trusts.

Unrealised gains and losses reserve

This reserve records movements in the fair value of available-for-sale financial assets and the effective portion of the cumulative net change in the fair value of the cash flow hedging instruments related to hedged transactions that have not yet occurred.

Currency translation reserve

This reserve records the movement in exchange differences arising from the translation of foreign operations and exchange differences on foreign currency borrowings and derivative instruments that provide a hedge against net investments in foreign operations. On adoption of IFRS, cumulative exchange differences were deemed to be $nil as permitted by IFRS 1.

The fair value of derivative instruments designated as hedges of net investments in foreign operations outstanding at 31 December 2013 was a $10m net liability (2012 $17m, 2011 $36m).

Treasury shares

At 31 December 2013, 9.8m shares (2012 nil, 2011 nil) with a nominal value of $2.4m (2012 $nil, 2011 $nil) were held as treasury shares at cost and deducted from retained earnings.

Non-controlling interest

A non-controlling interest is equity in a subsidary of the Group not attributable, directly or indirectly, to the Group. Non-controlling interests are not material to the Group.

30. Operating leases



During the year ended 31 December 2013, $67m (2012 $64m, 2011 $64m) was recognised as an expense in the Group income statement in respect of operating leases, net of amounts borne directly by the System Fund. The expense includes contingent rents of $24m (2012 $19m, 2011 $18m).

Future minimum lease payments under non-cancellable operating leases are as follows:


Due within one year      42           47   
One to two years      33           34   
Two to three years      29           25   
Three to four years      23           22   
Four to five years      23           22   
More than five years      202           237   
       352           387   

In addition, in certain circumstances the Group is committed to making additional lease payments that are contingent on the performance of the hotels that are being leased.

The average remaining term of these leases, which generally contain renewal options, is approximately 18 years (2012 19 years). No material restrictions or guarantees exist in the Group’s lease obligations.

Total future minimum rentals expected to be received under non-cancellable sub-leases are $10m (2012 $10m).







Notes to the Group Financial Statements    151

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Notes to the Group Financial Statements continued


31. Capital and other commitments




Contracts placed for expenditure not provided for in the Group Financial Statements:                    

Property, plant and equipment

     70           66   

Intangible assets

     13           15   
       83           81   

The Group has also committed to invest up to $61m in three investments accounted for under the equity method of which $41m had been spent at 31 December 2013.

32. Contingencies




Contingent liabilities not provided for in the Group Financial Statements                1 1 


1  On Form 20-F for the year ended 31 December 2012, this number was disclosed as $25m due to an arbitral award in Greater China on 21 March 2013.

In limited cases, the Group may provide performance guarantees to third-party hotel owners to secure management contracts. At 31 December 2013, the amount provided in the Financial Statements was $6m (2012 $6m) and the maximum unprovided exposure under such guarantees was $48m (2012 $50m).

At 31 December 2013, the Group had outstanding letters of credit of $41m (2012 $38m, 2011 $51m) mainly relating to self insurance programmes.

The Group may guarantee loans made to facilitate third-party ownership of hotels in which the Group has an equity interest and also a management contract. At 31 December 2013, there were guarantees of $20m in place (2012 $nil, 2011 $nil).

From time to time, the Group is subject to legal proceedings the ultimate outcome of each being always subject to many uncertainties inherent in litigation. In particular, the Group is currently subject to a claim by Pan American Life Insurance Company and class action law suits in the US (see ‘Legal proceedings’ on page 172). The Group has also given warranties in respect of the disposal of certain of its former subsidiaries. It is the view of the Directors that, other than to the extent that liabilities have been provided for in these Financial Statements, it is not possible to quantify any loss to which these proceedings or claims under these warranties may give rise, however, as at the date of reporting, the Group does not believe that the outcome of these matters will have a material effect on the Group’s financial position.

33. Related party disclosures





Total compensation of key management personnel

Short-term employment benefits      20.7           20.0           18.8   
Post-employment benefits      0.8           0.8           0.8   
Termination benefits                0.6           1.4   
Equity compensation benefits      8.1           8.6           8.1   
       29.6           30.0           29.1   

There were no other transactions with key management personnel during the years ended 31 December 2013, 2012 or 2011.

Related party disclosures for associates and joint ventures are included in note 14.

Key management personnel comprises the Board and Executive Committee.






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34. System Fund



The Group operates a System Fund (the Fund) to collect and administer assessments and contributions from hotel owners for specific use in marketing, the IHG Rewards Club loyalty programme and the global reservation system. The Fund and loyalty programme are accounted for in accordance with the accounting policies set out on pages 115 and 116 of the Financial Statements.

The following information is relevant to the operation of the Fund:












Assessment fees and contributions received from hotels

       1,154           1,106           1,025   

Proceeds from sale of IHG Rewards Club points

       153           144           128   
Key elements of expenditure1:                                 


       245           250           203   

IHG Rewards Club

       219           250           232   

Payroll costs

       239           221           182   
Net surplus for the year1        35           12           19   
Interest payable to the Fund        2           2           1   


1  Not included in the Group income statement in accordance with the Group’s accounting policies.

The payroll costs above relate to 4,615 (2012 4,431, 2011 3,885) employees whose costs are borne by the Fund.

The following liabilities relating to the Fund are included in the Group statement of financial position:











Cumulative short-term net surplus        86         51         39   
Loyalty programme liability        649         623         578   
         735         674         617   

The net change in the loyalty programme liability and Fund surplus contributed an inflow of $61m (2012 $57m, 2011 $66m) to the Group’s cash flow from operations.

35. Events after the reporting period



In February 2014, the Group signed an agreement to sell the InterContinental Mark Hopkins San Francisco for $120m in cash and enter into a long term management contract on the hotel. The hotel had a net book value of $90m at 31 December 2013.

36. Principal operating subsidiary undertakings



InterContinental Hotels Group PLC was the beneficial owner of all of the equity share capital, indirectly through subsidiary undertakings, of the following companies during the year:

Six Continents Limited1

IHG Hotels Limited1

Six Continents Hotels, Inc.2

Inter-Continental Hotels Corporation2

111 East 48th Street Holdings, LLC2

InterContinental Hotels Group Resources, Inc.2

InterContinental Hong Kong Limited3

Société Nouvelle du Grand Hotel SA4


The companies listed above include those which principally affect the amount of profit and assets of the Group.
1  Incorporated in Great Britain and registered in England and Wales.
2  Incorporated in the US.
3  Incorporated in Hong Kong.
4  Incorporated in France.







Notes to the Group Financial Statements    153

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Parent Company

Financial Statements











Parent Company Financial Statements    155

Table of Contents
Parent Company Financial Statements


Parent company balance sheet



31 December 2013    Note      2013

Fixed assets

Investments      3         2,968        2,951   

Current assets

Debtors      4         28        16   
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year      5         (484     (1,440
Net current liabilities               (456     (1,424

Total assets less current liabilities

              2,512        1,527   
Creditors: amounts falling due after one year      5         (645     (644
Net assets               1,867        883   

Capital and reserves

Called up share capital      6         39        39   
Share premium account      7         75        72   
Capital redemption reserve      7         7        7   
Share-based payment reserve      7         201        184   
Profit and loss account      7         1,545        581   
Equity shareholders’ funds               1,867        883   

Signed on behalf of the Board

Paul Edgecliffe-Johnson

17 February 2014

No profit and loss account is presented for InterContinental Hotels Group PLC as permitted by Section 408 of the Companies Act 2006. Profit on ordinary activities after taxation amounts to £1,487m (2012 £610m).

Notes on pages 157 to 160 form an integral part of these Financial Statements.






156    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

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Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements


1. Accounting policies


Basis of accounting

The Financial Statements are prepared under the historical cost convention and on a going concern basis. They have been drawn up to comply with applicable accounting standards in the United Kingdom (UK GAAP). These accounts are for the Company and are not consolidated financial statements.

Fixed asset investments

Fixed asset investments are stated at cost plus deemed capital contributions arising from share-based payment transactions less any provision for impairment. The Company records an increase in its investments in subsidiaries equal to the share-based payments charge recognised by its subsidiaries with a corresponding credit to equity. Details of the Group’s share-based payments are set out in note 28 of the Group Financial Statements on pages 147 to 150.


Borrowings are initially recognised at the fair value of the consideration received less directly attributable transaction costs. They are subsequently measured at amortised cost. Finance charges, including the transaction costs and any discount or premium on issue, are charged to the profit and loss account using the effective interest rate method.

Borrowings are classified as due after more than one year when the repayment date is more than 12 months from the balance sheet date.

Financial risk management policies

Financial risk management policies are set out in note 21 of the Group Financial Statements on pages 135 and 137.

Capital risk management

The Group’s capital risk management policy is set out in note 21 of the Group Financial Statements on page 136.

Related party transactions

The Company takes advantage of the exemption under FRS 8 and does not disclose transactions with wholly owned subsidiaries.

Treasury shares

Own shares repurchased by the Company and not cancelled (treasury shares) are recognised at cost and deducted from retained earnings. If reissued, any excess of consideration over carrying amount is recognised in the share premium reserve.







Parent Company Financial Statements    157

Table of Contents
Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements continued


2. Directors



      2013      2012  
Number of Directors      13         11   

Directors’ emoluments

Base salaries, fees, performance payments and benefits      5.5         6.1   
Pension benefits under defined contribution plan      0.2         0.1   

Detailed information on the emoluments, pensions, option holdings and shareholdings for each Director is shown in the Directors’ Remuneration Report on pages 74 to 97.

3. Investments



At 1 January 2013      2,951   
Share-based payments capital contribution      17   
At 31 December 2013      2,968   

The Company is the beneficial owner of all of the equity share capital of InterContinental Hotels Limited. The principal operating subsidiary undertakings of that company are listed in note 36 of the Group Financial Statements.

4. Debtors



Amounts due from subsidiary undertakings      14         5   
Corporate taxation      14         11   
       28         16   

5. Creditors




Amounts falling due within one year

Amounts due to subsidiary undertakings      484         1,440   

Amounts falling due after more than one year

£250m 6% bonds 2016      250         249   
£400m 3.875% bonds 2022      395         395   
       645         644   

The 6% fixed interest sterling bonds were issued on 9 December 2009 and are repayable in full on 9 December 2016. Interest is payable annually on 9 December in each year commencing 9 December 2010 to the maturity date. The bonds were initially priced at 99.465% of face value and are unsecured. The 3.875% fixed interest sterling bonds were issued on 28 November 2012 and are repayable on 28 November 2022. Interest is payable annually on 28 November in each year commencing 28 November 2013 to the maturity date. The bonds were initially priced at 98.787% of face value and are unsecured.






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6. Share capital



of shares

Allotted, called up and fully paid

At 1 January 2013 (ordinary shares of 14194/329p each)      268         39   
Issued on exercise of share options      1           
At 31 December 2013 (ordinary shares of 14194/329p each)      269         39   

Under the authority granted by shareholders at the General Meeting (GM) held on 8 October 2012, the share repurchase programme commenced in November 2012. 9,773,912 shares were repurchased in the year to 31 December 2013 for a total consideration of £181m.

The authority given to the Company at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on 24 May 2013 to purchase its own shares was still valid at 31 December 2013. A resolution to renew the authority will be put to shareholders at the AGM on 2 May 2014.

The Company no longer has an authorised share capital.

The aggregate consideration in respect of ordinary shares issued under option schemes during the year was £3m (2012 £7m).



Options to subscribe for ordinary shares

At 1 January 2013      698   
Exercised1      (638
At 31 December 2013      60   
Option exercise price per ordinary share (pence)      494.2-619.8   
Final exercise date      4 April 2015   


1  The weighted average option price was 512.3p for shares exercised under the Executive Share Option Plan.

7. Movements in reserves






reserve £m

Profit and

loss account

At 1 January 2013      72         7         184         581   
Premium on allotment of ordinary shares      3                           
Repurchase of shares                              (181
Profit after tax                              1,487   
Share-based payments capital contribution                      17           
Dividends                              (342
At 31 December 2013      75         7         201         1,545   

At 31 December 2013, 9,773,912 shares with a nominal value of £1,425,981 were held as treasury shares at cost.







Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements    159

Table of Contents
Notes to the Parent Company Financial Statements continued


8. Reconciliation of movements in shareholders’ funds



Earnings available for shareholders      1,487           610   
Dividends      (342        (426
       1,145           184   
Issue of ordinary shares      3           7   
Repurchase of shares      (181        (67
Transaction costs relating to shareholder returns                (1
Share-based payments capital contribution      17           17   

Net movement in shareholders’ funds

     984           140   
Shareholders’ funds at 1 January      883           743   
Shareholders’ funds at 31 December      1,867           883   

9. Profit and dividends


Profit on ordinary activities after tax amounts to £1,487m (2012 £610m).

A final dividend, declared in the previous year, of 27.7p (2012 24.7p) per share was paid during the year, amounting to £74m (2012 £72m). An interim dividend of 15.1p (2012 13.5p) per share was paid during the year, amounting to £40m (2012 £39m). A special interim dividend of 87.1p (2012 108.4p) per share was paid during the year, amounting to £228m (2012 £315m). A final dividend of 28.1p (2012 27.7p) per share, amounting to £72m (2012 £74m), is proposed for approval at the AGM. The proposed final dividend is payable on shares in issue at 21 March 2014.

The audit fee of £0.02m (2012 £0.02m) was borne by a subsidiary undertaking in both years.






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Independent Auditor’s Report to the members

of InterContinental Hotels Group PLC



We have audited the Parent Company Financial Statements of InterContinental Hotels Group PLC for the year ended 31 December 2013 which comprise the parent company balance sheet and the related notes 1 to 9. The financial reporting framework that has been applied in their preparation is applicable law and United Kingdom Accounting Standards (United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice).

This report is made solely to the Company’s members, as a body, in accordance with Chapter 3 of Part 16 of the Companies Act 2006. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the Company’s members those matters we are required to state to them in an auditor’s report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Company and the Company’s members as a body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed.

Respective responsibilities of Directors and auditor

As explained more fully in the Statement of Directors’ responsibilities set out on page 100, the Directors are responsible for the preparation of the Parent Company Financial Statements and for being satisfied that they give a true and fair view. Our responsibility is to audit and express an opinion on the Parent Company Financial Statements in accordance with applicable law and International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland). Those standards require us to comply with the Auditing Practices Board’s Ethical Standards for Auditors.

Scope of the audit of the Financial Statements

An audit involves obtaining evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the Financial Statements sufficient to give reasonable assurance that the Financial Statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or error. This includes an assessment of: whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the parent company’s circumstances and have been consistently applied and adequately disclosed; the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by the directors; and the overall presentation of the Financial Statements. In addition, we read all the financial and non-financial information in the Annual Report to identify material inconsistencies with the audited Financial Statements and to identify any information that is apparently materially incorrect based on, or materially inconsistent with, the knowledge acquired by us in the course of performing the audit. If we become aware of any apparent material misstatements or inconsistencies we consider the implications for our report.

Opinion on Financial Statements

In our opinion the Parent Company Financial Statements:


  give a true and fair view of the state of the Company’s affairs as at 31 December 2013;


  have been properly prepared in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice; and


  have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006.


Opinion on other matters prescribed by the Companies Act 2006

In our opinion:


  the part of the Directors’ Remuneration Report to be audited has been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 2006; and


  the information given in the Strategic Report and the Directors’ Report for the financial year for which the Financial Statements are prepared is consistent with the Parent Company Financial Statements.

Matters on which we are required to report by exception

We have nothing to report in respect of the following matters where the Companies Act 2006 requires us to report to you if, in our opinion:


  adequate accounting records have not been kept by the parent company, or returns adequate for our audit have not been received from branches not visited by us; or


  the Parent Company Financial Statements and the part of the Directors’ Remuneration Report to be audited are not in agreement with the accounting records and returns; or


  certain disclosures of Directors’ remuneration specified by law are not made; or


  we have not received all the information and explanations we require for our audit.

Other matter

We have reported separately on the Group Financial Statements of InterContinental Hotels Group PLC for the year ended 31 December 2013.

Alison Duncan (Senior statutory auditor) for and on behalf of Ernst & Young LLP, Statutory Auditor London 17 February 2014



1. The maintenance and integrity of the InterContinental Hotels Group PLC website is the responsibility of the Directors; the work carried out by the auditors does not involve consideration of these matters and, accordingly, the auditors accept no responsibility for any changes that may have occurred to the Financial Statements since they were initially presented on the website.
2. Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.







Parent Company Financial Statement    161

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EVEN™ Hotels


Launched in February 2012, after more than 24 months of consumer insights research, EVEN Hotels offer a fresh perspective on travel to wellness-minded travellers, and stakes a claim for IHG in the wellness space. The first two EVEN hotels will open in 2014.


5 hotels in the pipeline


HUALUXE® Hotels & Resorts


Launched in March 2012, the brand is the world’s first international hotel brand designed specifically for the needs and preferences of Chinese guests. The hotels and resorts focus on the unique Chinese aspects of etiquette, rejuvenation in nature, status recognition, and providing spaces enabling social interactions. The first HUALUXE hotel will open in 2014.


21 hotels in the pipeline





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IHG® Rewards Club

Originally launched as Priority Club® Rewards in 1983, our loyalty programme is the oldest and largest in the industry, with 77.4 million members worldwide. In July 2013, during our 10th year as a standalone hotel company, we renamed the programme to IHG® Rewards Club.








Additional Information    163

Table of Contents
Group information


History and developments

The Company was incorporated and registered in England and Wales with registered number 5134420 on 21 May 2004 as a limited company under the Companies Act 1985 with the name Hackremco (No. 2154) Limited. In 2004/05, as part of a scheme of arrangement to facilitate the return of capital to shareholders, the following structural changes were made to the Group: (i) on 24 March 2005 Hackremco (No. 2154) Limited changed its name to New InterContinental Hotels Group Limited; (ii) on 27 April 2005 New InterContinental Hotels Group Limited re-registered as a public limited company and changed its name to New InterContinental Hotels Group PLC; and (iii) on 27 June 2005 New InterContinental Hotels Group PLC changed its name to InterContinental Hotels Group PLC and became holding company of the Group.

The Group, formerly known as Bass and, more recently, Six Continents, was historically a conglomerate operating as, among other things, a brewer, soft drinks manufacturer, hotelier, leisure operator and restaurant, pub and bar owner. In the last several years, the Group has undergone a major transformation in its operations and organisation, as a result of the separation (as discussed below) and a number of significant disposals during this period, which has narrowed the scope of its business.

On 15 April 2003, following shareholder and regulatory approval, Six Continents PLC (as it then was) separated into two new listed groups, InterContinental Hotels Group PLC (as it then was) comprising the hotels and soft drinks businesses and Mitchells & Butlers plc comprising a retail and standard commercial property developments business.

The Group disposed of its interests in the soft drinks business by way of an initial public offering of Britvic (Britannia Soft Drinks Limited for the period up to 18 November 2005, and thereafter, Britannia SD Holdings Limited (renamed Britvic plc on 21 November 2005), which became the holding company of the Britvic Group on 18 November 2005), a manufacturer and distributor of soft drinks in the UK, in December 2005.

Following separation, the Group has undertaken an asset-disposal programme, realising, by the end of 2013, proceeds of $6 billion from the sale of 186 hotels. Of these 186 hotels, 167 remained in the IHG System through either franchise or management agreements. The asset-disposal programme has significantly reduced the capital requirements of the Group whilst largely retaining the hotels in the IHG System.

A small number of hotels have been sold since the end of 2012, the most significant of which are set out below.

Recent acquisitions and divestitures

  The Group agreed to dispose of the InterContinental Mark Hopkins San Francisco for $120 million in cash in February 2014;


  the Group announced its agreement to dispose of 80 per cent of its interest in the InterContinental New York Barclay for $240 million on 19 December 2013. The Group will continue to hold the remaining 20 per cent interest by way of a joint venture;


  the Group disposed of the InterContinental London Park Lane on 1 May 2013 for £301.5 million ($469 million);


  the Group also divested a number of investments for total proceeds of $41 million in 2013; and


  the Group acquired three existing hotels, which are being converted to EVEN Hotels.

Capital expenditure

  Capital expenditure in 2013 totalled $269 million compared with $133 million in 2012 and $194 million in 2011;


  at 31 December 2013 capital committed, being contracts placed for expenditure on property, plant and equipment and intangible assets not provided for in the Group Financial Statements, totalled $83 million; and


  the Group has also committed to invest up to $61 million in three joint venture arrangements, of which $41 million had been spent at 31 December 2013.




Risk Factors

The Group is subject to a variety of inherent risks which may have an adverse impact on the business operations, financial condition, turnover, profits, brands and reputation. The following section describes the main risks that could materially affect the Group’s business. The risks below are not the only ones that the Group faces. Some risks are not yet known to the Company and some that the Company does not currently believe to be material could later turn out to be material.

The risk factors below are listed in accordance with the strategic, tactical and operational risks to ensure we’ve thought holistically about the possible risks that could impact the Group. These should be considered in connection with any financial and forward-looking information in this Annual Report and Form 20-F and the cautionary statements regarding forward-looking statements contained on page 188.

Strategic risks

The Group is exposed to the risks of political and economic developments

The Group is exposed to political, economic and financial market developments such as recession, inflation and availability of credit and currency fluctuations that could lower revenues and reduce income. The current outlook for 2014 may worsen due to escalating impacts of the US national debt, slowing pace of growth and political stability in China, uncertainty in some eurozone countries and unrest in the Middle East. The interconnected nature of economies suggests any of these or other events could trigger a recession which reduces leisure and business travel to and from affected countries and adversely affects room rates and/or occupancy levels and other income-generating activities. This may result in deterioration of results of operations and potentially reduce the value of properties in affected economies. The owners or potential owners of hotels franchised or managed by the Group face similar risks which could adversely impact their solvency and the Group’s ability to retain and secure franchise or management agreements. Specifically, the Group is most exposed to the US market and, accordingly, is particularly susceptible to adverse changes in the US economy as well as the US dollar. In addition to trading conditions, the economic outlook also affects the availability of capital to current and potential owners, which could impact existing operations and health of the pipeline.







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The Group is exposed to the risk of events that adversely impact domestic or international travel

The room rates and occupancy levels of the Group could be adversely impacted by events that reduce domestic or international travel, such as actual or threatened acts of terrorism or war, political or civil unrest, epidemics, travel-related accidents, travel-related industrial action, increased transportation and fuel costs and natural disasters, resulting in reduced worldwide travel or other local factors impacting individual hotels. A decrease in the demand for hotel rooms as a result of such events may have an adverse impact on the Group’s operations and financial results. In addition, inadequate preparation, contingency planning or recovery capability in relation to a major incident or crisis may impact life safety, prevent operational continuity and consequently impact the value of our brands and/or the reputation of the Group.

The Group is exposed to the risks of the hotel industry supply and demand cycle

The future operating results of the Group could be adversely affected by industry overcapacity (by number of rooms) and weak demand due, in part, to the cyclical nature of the hotel industry, or other differences between planning assumptions and actual operating conditions. Reductions in room rates and occupancy levels would adversely impact the results of Group operations.

The Group is subject to a competitive and changing industry

The Group operates in a competitive industry and must compete effectively against traditional competitors such as other global hotel chains, local hotel companies and independent hotels to win the loyalty of guests, employees and owners. The competitive landscape also includes other types of businesses, such as web-based booking channels (which include online travel agents and intermediaries), and alternative sources of accommodation such as private property. Failure to compete effectively in traditional and emerging areas of the business could impact the Group’s market share, system size, profitability and relationships with owners and guests.

The Group is dependent upon a wide range of external stakeholders and business partners

The Group is dependent upon the performance, behaviours and reputation of a wide range of business partners and external stakeholders including, but not limited to, owners, contractors, lenders, suppliers, vendors, joint venture partners, agents, third-party intermediaries and other business partners. Further, the number and complexity of interdependencies with stakeholders is evolving. Breakdown in relationships, poor vendor performance, insolvency, stakeholder behaviours or adverse reputations could impact on the Group’s performance and competitiveness, delivery of projects, guest experiences or the reputation of the Group or its brands.

Tactical risks

The Group is exposed to a variety of risks related to identifying, securing and retaining franchise and management agreements

The Group’s growth strategy depends on its success in identifying, securing and retaining franchise and management agreements. This is an inherent risk for the hotel industry and franchise business model. Competition with other hotel companies may generally reduce the number of suitable franchise, management and investment opportunities offered to the Group and increase the bargaining position of property owners seeking to become a franchisee or engage a manager. The terms of new franchise or management agreements may not be as favourable as current arrangements; the Group may not be able to renew existing arrangements on similarly favourable terms or at all.

There can also be no assurance that the Group will be able to identify, retain or add franchisees to the IHG System or to secure management contracts. For example, the availability of suitable sites, market saturation, planning and other local regulations or the availability and affordability of finance may all restrict the supply of suitable hotel development opportunities under franchise or management agreements. In connection with entering into franchise or management agreements, the Group may be required to make investments in, or guarantee the obligations of, third parties or guarantee minimum income to third parties. There are also risks that significant franchisees or groups of franchisees may have interests that conflict, or are not aligned, with those of the Group including, for example, the unwillingness of franchisees to support brand improvement initiatives. This could result in franchisees prematurely terminating contracts which would adversely impact the overall IHG System size and the Group’s financial performance.

The Group is exposed to inherent risks in relation to changing technology and systems

The Group is reliant upon certain technologies, systems and platforms for the running of its business, particularly those which are highly integrated with business operational processes. Some of these are dependent upon the products and services of third-party technology providers. The failure of any such third-party provider to provide products and/or perform services could materially adversely impact the Group’s business. The Group may also have to make substantial additional investments in new technologies or systems to remain competitive. Failing to keep pace with developments in technologies or systems may put the Group at a competitive disadvantage. The technologies or systems that the Group chooses may not be commercially successful or the technology or system strategy employed may not be sufficiently aligned with the needs of the business or responsive to changes in business strategy. As a result, the Group could adversely affect guest experiences, lose customers, fail to attract new customers, incur substantial costs or face other losses.

Operational risks

The Group is reliant on the reputation of its brands and the protection of its intellectual property rights

Any event that materially damages the reputation of one or more of the Group’s existing or new brands and/or fails to sustain the appeal of the Group’s existing or new brands to its customers and owners may have an adverse impact on the value of that brand and subsequent revenues from that brand or business. In particular, where the Group is unable to enforce adherence to its safety or operating and quality standards, or the significant regulations applicable to hotel operations, pursuant to its franchise and management contracts, there may be further adverse impact upon brand reputation or customer perception and therefore the value of the Group’s brands.








Additional Information    165

Table of Contents
Group information continued


In addition, the value of the Group’s brands is influenced by a number of other factors, some of which may be outside the Group’s control, including commoditisation (whereby price and/or quality becomes relatively more important than brand identifications due, in part, to the increased prevalence of travel comparison websites and online travel agents), consumer preference and perception, or other factors affecting consumers’ willingness to purchase goods and services provided by the Group. The Group companies own a substantial number of service brands upon which it is dependent and the Group believes that its significant trademarks are protected in all material respects in the markets in which its brands currently operate.

Given the importance of brand recognition to the Group’s business, the protection of its intellectual property poses a risk due to the variability and change of controls, laws and effectiveness of enforcement globally. Any widespread infringement, misappropriation or weakening of the control environment could materially harm the value of the Group’s brands and its ability to develop the business.

The Group is reliant upon its proprietary reservations system and is exposed to the risk of failures in the system and increased competition in reservations infrastructure

The value of the Group’s brands is partly derived from the ability to drive reservations through its proprietary HolidexPlus reservations system, a central repository of the Group’s hotel room inventories linked electronically to multiple sales channels including the Company’s own websites, call centres and hotels, third-party intermediaries and travel agents.

Lack of resilience and operational availability and/or the failure of a third-party technology provider could lead to prolonged service disruption and may result in significant business interruption, impact the guest booking experience and subsequently impact on revenues.

Lack of investment in these systems may also result in reduced capability, stability and ability to compete. Additionally, failure to maintain an appropriate technology strategy and select the right technology partners could erode the Group’s long-term competitiveness.

The Group is exposed to the risks related to information security and data privacy

The Group is increasingly dependent upon the availability, integrity and confidentiality of information including, but not limited to, guest and employee credit card, financial and personal data; and business performance, financial reporting and commercial development. The information is sometimes held in different formats such as digital, paper, voice recordings and video and could be stored in many places, including facilities managed by third-party service providers.

The threats towards the Group’s information are dynamic, and include cyber attacks, fraudulent use, loss or misuse by employees and breaches of our vendors’ security arrangements amongst others. The legal and regulatory environment around data privacy and requirements set out by the payment card industry surrounding information security across the many jurisdictions in which the Group operates are constantly evolving. If the Group fails to appropriately protect information and ensure relevant controls are in place to enable the appropriate use and release of information through the appropriate channels in a timely and accurate manner, IHG System performance, guest experience and the reputation of the Group may be adversely affected. This can lead to revenue losses, fines, penalties and other additional costs, including legal fees.

The Group is exposed to a variety of risks associated with safety, security and crisis management

There is a constant need to protect the safety and security of our guests, employees and assets against natural and man-made threats. These include but are not limited to exceptional events such as extreme weather, civil or political unrest, violence and terrorism, serious and organised crime, fraud, employee dishonesty, cyber crime, fire and day-to-day accidents, incidents and petty crime which impact the guest or employee experience, could cause loss of life, sickness or injury and result in compensation claims, fines from regulatory bodies, litigation and impact reputation. Serious incidents or a combination of events could escalate into a crisis which, if managed poorly, could further expose the Group and its brands to significant reputational damage.

The Group requires the right people, skills and capability to manage growth and change

In order to remain competitive, the Group must employ the right people. This includes hiring and retaining highly skilled employees with particular expertise or leadership capability. The implementation of the Group’s strategic business plans could be undermined by failure to build resilient corporate culture, failure to recruit or retain key personnel, unexpected loss of key senior employees, failures in the Group’s succession planning and incentive plans, or a failure to invest in the development of key skills.

Some of the markets in which the Group operates are experiencing economic growth, and the Group must compete against other companies inside and outside the hospitality industry for suitably qualified or experienced employees. Some emerging markets may not have the required local expertise to operate a hotel and may not be able to attract the right talent. Failure to attract and retain employees may threaten the success of the Group’s operations in these markets. Additionally, unless skills are supported by a sufficient infrastructure to enable knowledge and skills to be passed on, the Group risks losing accumulated knowledge if key employees leave the Group.

The Group is required to comply with existing and changing regulations across numerous countries, territories and jurisdictions

Governmental regulations affect countless aspects of the Group’s business ranging from corporate governance, health and safety, the environment, bribery and corruption, employment law and diversity, disability access, data privacy and information protection, financial, accounting and tax. Regulatory changes may require significant changes in the way the business operates and may inhibit the Group’s strategy, including the markets the Group operates in, brand protection, and use or transmittal of customer data. If the Group fails to comply with existing or changing regulations, the Group may be subject to fines, prosecution, loss of licence to operate or reputational damage.







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The Group is exposed to the risk of litigation

Certain companies in the Group are the subject of various claims and proceedings. The ultimate outcome of these matters is subject to many uncertainties, including future events and uncertainties inherent in litigation. In addition, the Group could be at risk of litigation from many parties, including but not limited to: guests, customers, joint-venture partners, suppliers, employees, regulatory authorities, franchisees and/or the owners of the hotels it manages. Claims filed in the US may include requests for punitive damages as well as compensatory damages. Unfavourable outcomes of claims or proceedings could have a material adverse impact on the Group’s results of operations, cash flow and/or financial position. Exposure to significant litigation or fines may also affect the reputation of the Group and its brands.

The Group is exposed to risks related to corporate responsibility

The reputation of the Group and the value of its brands are influenced by a wide variety of factors, including the perception of stakeholder groups such as the communities in which the Group operates. The social and environmental impacts of business are under increasing scrutiny, and the Group is exposed to the risk of damage to its reputation if it fails to demonstrate sufficiently responsible practices, ethical behaviour, or fails to comply with relevant regulatory requirements.

The Group is exposed to a variety of risks associated with its financial stability and ability to borrow and satisfy debt covenants

While the strategy of the Group is to extend the hotel network through activities that do not involve significant amounts of its own capital, the Group does require capital to fund some development opportunities and to maintain and improve owned hotels. The Group is reliant upon having financial strength and access to borrowing facilities to meet these expected capital requirements. The majority of the Group’s borrowing facilities are only available if the financial covenants in the facilities are complied with. Non-compliance with covenants could result in the lenders demanding repayment of the funds advanced. If the Group’s financial performance does not meet market expectations, it may not be able to refinance existing facilities on terms considered favourable.

The Group may face difficulties insuring its business

Historically, the Group has maintained insurance at levels determined to be appropriate in light of the cost of cover and the risk profile of the business. However, forces beyond the Group’s control, including market forces, may limit the scope of coverage the Group can obtain and the Group’s ability to obtain coverage at reasonable rates. Other forces beyond the Group’s control, such as terrorist attacks or natural disasters, may be uninsurable or simply too expensive to insure. Inadequate or insufficient insurance could expose the Group to large claims or could result in the loss of capital invested in properties, as well as the anticipated future revenue from properties, and could leave the Group responsible for guarantees, debt or other financial obligations related to such properties.

Executive Committee members’ shareholdings

Shares held by Executive Committee members (excluding the Executive Directors) as at 31 December 2013





     Number of shares held outright        APP deferred share awards        LTIP share awards (unvested)        Total number of shares held  
        2013        2012        2013        2012        2013        2012        2013        2012  
Keith Barr        24,399           24,399           27,695           18,001           111,079           116,600           163,173           159,000   
Angela Brav        19,286           27,135           22,501           14,200           99,650           104,254           141,437           145,589   
       1,797           n/a           8,421           n/a           41,654           n/a           51,872           n/a   
Eric Pearson        65,293           101,914           22,356           11,548           103,553           107,738           191,202           221,200   
Jan Smits        106,350           106,350           28,738           19,581           116,234           117,826           251,322           243,757   
George Turner        3,277           3,277           35,893           26,653           106,100           121,057           145,270           150,987   

Details of the shares held by the Executive Directors can be found on page 94.

For further details on the APP deferred share award and for the LTIP share award see pages 78, 79 and 82.







Additional Information    167

Table of Contents
Group information continued


Description of securities other than equity securities

Fees and charges payable to a depositary


Category (as defined by SEC)


  Depositary actions   Associated fee


(a) Depositing or substituting the underlying shares



Each person to whom ADRs are issued against deposits of shares, including deposits and issuances in respect of:


•   share distributions, stock split, rights, merger; and


•   exchange of securities or any other transactions or event or other distribution affecting the ADSs or the Deposited Securities

  $5 for each 100 ADSs (or portion thereof)


(b) Receiving or distributing dividends



Distribution of stock dividends


Distribution of cash



$5 for each 100 ADSs (or portion thereof)


$0.02 or less per ADS (or portion thereof)


(c) Selling or exercising rights



Distribution or sale of securities, the fee being in an amount equal to the fee for the execution and delivery of ADSs which would have been charged as a result of the deposit of such securities



$5.00 for each 100 ADSs (or portion thereof)


(d) Withdrawing an underlying security



Acceptance of ADRs surrendered for withdrawal of deposited securities



$5.00 for each 100 ADSs (or portion thereof)


(e) Transferring, splitting or grouping receipts



Transfers, combining or grouping of depositary receipts



$1.50 per ADS


(f)  General depositary services, particularly those charged on an annual basis



Other services performed by the depositary in administering the ADRs



$0.02 per ADS (or portion thereof)1 not more than once each calendar year and payable at the sole discretion of the ADR Depositary by billing ADR holders or by deducting such charge from one or more cash dividends or other cash distributions.


(g) Expenses of the depositary



Expenses incurred on behalf of ADR holders in connection with:


•   compliance with foreign exchange control regulations or any law or regulation relating to foreign investment;


•   the ADR Depositary’s or its custodian’s compliance with applicable law, rule or regulation;


•   stock transfer or other taxes and other governmental charges;


•   cable, telex, facsimile transmission/delivery;


•   transfer or registration fees in connection with the deposit and withdrawal of Deposited Securities;


•   expenses of the ADR Depositary in connection with the conversion of foreign currency into US dollars (which are paid out of such foreign currency); and


•   any other charge payable by the ADR Depositary or its agents.



Expenses payable at the sole discretion of the Depositary by billing ADR holders or by deducting charges from one or more cash dividends or other cash distributions are $20 per transaction.


1  These fees are not currently being charged by the ADR Depositary.

Fees and charges payable by a depositary

Direct payments

JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. (JPMorgan or the ADR Depositary) is the depositary for IHG’s ADS programme. The ADR Depositary’s principal executive office is at: 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, Floor 58, New York, NY 10005-1401, United States of America. The ADR Depositary has agreed to reimburse certain reasonable Company expenses related to the Company’s ADR Programme and incurred by the Company in connection with the ADR Programme. During the year ended 31 December 2013, the Company received $486,293.28 from the ADR Depositary in respect of legal, accounting and other fees incurred in connection with preparation of the Annual Report and Financial Statements and Annual Report on Form 20-F, ongoing SEC compliance and listing requirements, investor relations programmes and advertising and public relations expenditure.

Indirect payments

As part of its service to the Company, the ADR Depositary has agreed to waive fees for the standard costs associated with the administration of the ADR Programme, associated operating expenses and investor relations advice. In the year ended 31 December 2013, the ADR Depositary agreed to waive fees and expenses amounting to $20,000.






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Articles of Association

The Company’s articles of association (Articles) were adopted at the AGM held on 28 May 2010. The following summarises material rights of holders of the Company’s ordinary shares under the material provisions of the Articles and English law. This summary is qualified in its entirety by reference to the Companies Act and the Articles.

The Company’s shares may be held in certificated or uncertificated form. No holder of the Company’s shares will be required to make additional contributions of capital in respect of the Company’s shares in the future.

In the following description, a ‘shareholder’ is the person registered in the Company’s register of members as the holder of the relevant share.

Principal objects

The Company is incorporated under the name InterContinental Hotels Group PLC and is registered in England and Wales with registered number 5134420. The Articles do not restrict its objects or purposes.


Under the Articles, a Director may have an interest in certain matters (Permitted Interest) without the prior approval of the Board provided he has declared the nature and extent of such Permitted Interest at a meeting of the Directors or in the manner set out in Section 184 or Section 185 of the Companies Act.

Any matter which does not comprise a Permitted Interest must be authorised by the Board in accordance with the procedure and requirements contained in the Articles, including the requirement that a Director may not vote on a resolution to authorise a matter in which he is interested, nor may he count in the quorum of the meeting at which such business is transacted.

Further, a Director may not vote in respect of any proposal in which he, or any person connected with him, has any material interest other than by virtue of his interests in securities of, or otherwise in or through, the Company, nor may he count in the quorum of the meeting at which such business is transacted. This is subject to certain exceptions, including in relation to proposals: (a) indemnifying him in respect of obligations incurred on behalf of the Company; (b) indemnifying a third party in respect of obligations of the Company for which the Director has assumed responsibility under an indemnity or guarantee; (c) relating to an offer of securities in which he will be interested as an underwriter; (d) concerning another body corporate in which the Director is beneficially interested in less than one percent of the issued shares of any class of shares of such a body corporate; (e) relating to an employee benefit in which the Director will share equally with other employees; and (f) relating to liability insurance that the Company is empowered to purchase for the benefit of Directors of the Company in respect of actions undertaken as Directors (or officers) of the Company.

The Directors have authority under the Articles to set their own remuneration (provided certain criteria is met). While an agreement to award remuneration to a Director is an arrangement with the Company that comprises a Permitted Interest (and therefore does not require authorisation by the Board in that respect), it is nevertheless a matter that would be expected to give rise to a conflict of interest between the Director concerned and the Company, and such conflict must be authorised by a resolution of the Board. The Director that is interested in such matter may neither vote on the resolution to authorise such conflict, nor count in the quorum of the meeting at which it was passed. Furthermore, as noted above, the interested Director is not permitted to vote in respect of any proposal in which he has any material interest (except in respect of the limited exceptions outlined above) nor may he count in the quorum of the meeting at which such business is transacted.

As such, a Director has no power, in the absence of an independent quorum, to vote on compensation to himself, but may vote on a resolution (and may count in the quorum of the meeting at which it was passed) to award compensation to Directors provided those arrangements do not confer a benefit on him.

The Directors are empowered to exercise all the powers of the Company to borrow money, subject to the limitation that the aggregate amount of all moneys borrowed by the Company and its subsidiaries shall not exceed an amount equal to three times the Company’s share capital and consolidated reserves, unless sanctioned by an ordinary resolution of the Company.

Under the Articles, there are no age-limit requirements relating to a person’s qualification to hold office as a Director of the Company.

Directors are not required to hold any shares of the Company by way of qualification.

Rights attaching to shares

Dividend rights and rights to share in the Company’s profits

Under English law, dividends are payable on the Company’s ordinary shares only out of profits available for distribution, as determined in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the UK and by the Companies Act. No dividend will bear interest as against the Company.

Holders of the Company’s ordinary shares are entitled to receive such dividends as may be declared by the shareholders in general meeting, rateably according to the amounts paid up on such shares, provided that the dividend cannot exceed the amount recommended by the Directors.

The Company’s Board of Directors may declare and pay to shareholders such interim dividends as appear to them to be justified by the Company’s financial position. If authorised by an ordinary resolution of the shareholders, the Board of Directors may also direct payment of a dividend in whole or in part by the distribution of specific assets (and in particular of paid-up shares or debentures of any other company).

Any dividend unclaimed by a member (or by a person entitled by virtue of transmission on death or bankruptcy or otherwise by operation of law) after six years from the date the dividend was declared, or became due for payment, will be forfeited and will revert to the Company.

Voting rights

The holders of ordinary shares are entitled, in respect of their holdings of such shares, to receive notice of general meetings and to attend, speak and vote at such meetings in accordance with the Articles.

Voting at any general meeting of shareholders is by a show of hands unless a poll, which is a written vote, is duly demanded. On a show of hands, every shareholder who is present in person or by proxy at a general meeting has one vote regardless of the number of shares held.








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Group information continued


On a poll, every shareholder who is present in person or by proxy has one vote for every share held by that shareholder. A poll may be demanded by any of the following:


  the chairman of the meeting;


  at least five shareholders present in person or by proxy and entitled to vote at the meeting;


  any shareholder or shareholders present in person or by proxy representing in the aggregate not less than one-tenth of the total voting rights of all shareholders entitled to vote at the meeting; or


  any shareholder or shareholders present in person or by proxy holding shares conferring a right to vote at the meeting and on which there have been paid up sums in the aggregate at least equal to one-tenth of the total sum paid up on all the shares conferring that right.

A proxy form will be treated as giving the proxy the authority to demand a poll, or to join others in demanding one.

The necessary quorum for a general meeting is three persons carrying a right to vote upon the business to be transacted, whether present in person or by proxy.

Matters are transacted at general meetings of the Company by the proposing and passing of resolutions, of which there are two kinds:


  an ordinary resolution, which includes resolutions for the election of Directors, the approval of financial statements, the cumulative annual payment of dividends, the appointment of the auditor, the increase of authorised share capital or the grant of authority to allot shares; and


  a special resolution, which includes resolutions amending the Articles, disapplying statutory pre-emption rights, modifying the rights of any class of the Company’s shares at a meeting of the holders of such class or relating to certain matters concerning the Company’s winding up or changing the Company’s name.

An ordinary resolution requires the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes of those persons present and entitled to vote at a meeting at which there is a quorum.

Special resolutions require the affirmative vote of not less than three quarters of the persons present and entitled to vote at a meeting at which there is a quorum.

AGMs must be convened upon advance written notice of 21 days. Subject to law, other meetings must be convened upon advance written notice of 14 days. The days of delivery or receipt of the notice are not included. The notice must specify the nature of the business to be transacted. The Board of Directors may, if they choose, make arrangements for shareholders who are unable to attend the place of the meeting to participate at other places.

The Articles specify that each Director shall retire every three years at the AGM and, unless otherwise decided by the Directors, shall be eligible for re-election. However, the Code recommends that all directors of FTSE 350 companies submit themselves for election or re-election (as appropriate) by shareholders every year. Therefore, all Directors will retire and offer themselves for election or re-election at the 2014 AGM.

Variation of rights

If, at any time, the Company’s share capital is divided into different classes of shares, the rights attached to any class may be varied, subject to the provisions of the Companies Act, with the consent in writing of holders of three-fourths in nominal value of the issued shares of that class or upon the adoption of a special resolution passed at a separate meeting of the holders of the shares of that class. At every such separate meeting, all of the provisions of the Articles relating to proceedings at a general meeting apply, except that the quorum is to be the number of persons (which must be two or more) who hold or represent by proxy not less than one-third in nominal value of the issued shares of that class.

Rights in a winding-up

Except as the Company’s shareholders have agreed or may otherwise agree, upon the Company’s winding up, the balance of assets available for distribution:


  after the payment of all creditors including certain preferential creditors, whether statutorily preferred creditors or normal creditors; and


  subject to any special rights attaching to any class of shares,

is to be distributed among the holders of ordinary shares according to the amounts paid up on the shares held by them. This distribution is generally to be made in cash. A liquidator may, however, upon the adoption of a special resolution of the shareholders, divide among the shareholders the whole or any part of the Company’s assets in kind.

Limitations on voting and shareholding

There are no limitations imposed by English law or the Articles on the right of non-residents or foreign persons to hold or vote the Company’s ordinary shares or ADSs, other than the limitations that would generally apply to all of the Company’s shareholders.

Working Time Regulations 1998

Under EU law, many employees of Group companies are now covered by the Working Time Regulations which came into force in the UK on 1 October 1998. These regulations implemented the European Working Time Directive and parts of the Young Workers Directive, and lay down rights and protections for employees in areas such as maximum working hours, minimum rest time, minimum days off and paid leave.

In the UK, there is in place a national minimum wage under the National Minimum Wage Act. At 31 December 2013, the minimum wage for individuals between 18 and under the age of 21 was £5.03 per hour and £6.31 per hour for individuals age 21 and above (in each case, excluding apprentices aged under 19 years or, otherwise, in the first year of their apprenticeships). This particularly impacts businesses in the hospitality and retailing sectors. Compliance with the National Minimum Wage Act is being monitored by the Low Pay Commission, an independent statutory body established by the UK Government.

Less than five per cent of the Group’s UK employees are covered by collective bargaining agreements with trade unions.

Continual attention is paid to the external market in order to ensure that terms of employment are appropriate. The Group believes the Group companies will be able to conduct their relationships with trade unions and employees in a satisfactory manner.

Material contracts

The following contracts have been entered into otherwise than in the course of ordinary business by members of the Group either: (i) in the two years immediately preceding the date of this document in the case of contracts which are or may be material; or (ii) which contain provisions under which any Group member has any obligation or entitlement which is material to the Group as at the date of this document. To the extent that these agreements include representations, warranties and indemnities, such provisions are considered standard in an agreement of that nature, save to the extent identified below.







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Disposal of 80 per cent interest in the InterContinental New York Barclay

On 19 December 2013, Constellation Barclay Holding US, LLC, which is an affiliate of Constellation Hotels Holding Limited, agreed, pursuant to a contribution agreement, to acquire an 80 per cent interest in a joint venture with IHG to own and refurbish the InterContinental New York Barclay hotel. The 80 per cent interest will be acquired for gross cash proceeds of $240 million. IHG will hold the remaining 20 per cent interest.

IHG has also secured a 30-year management contract on the hotel, commencing in 2014, with two 10-year extension rights at IHG’s discretion, giving an expected contract length of 50 years.

Constellation Barclay Holding US, LLC and IHG have agreed to invest through the joint venture in a significant refurbishment, repositioning and extension of the hotel. This is expected to commence in 2014 and will take place over a period of approximately 18 months. The transaction is expected to complete in the first quarter of 2014, subject to the satisfaction of certain standard conditions.

Under the contribution agreement, IHG gave certain customary warranties and indemnities to Constellation Barclay Holding US, LLC.

Sale of interest in the InterContinental London Park Lane

On 27 March 2013, an asset sale and purchase agreement (APA) was entered into between Hotel Inter-Continental London Limited, Six Continents Limited and Constellation Hotel (Opco) UK S.A., which is an affiliate of Constellation Hotels Holding Limited. Under the APA, Hotel Inter-Continental London Limited agreed to sell its leasehold interest in InterContinental London Park Lane to Constellation Hotel (Opco) UK S.A. The sale was completed on 1 May 2013. In connection with the sale, IHG secured a 30-year management contract on the hotel, with three 10-year extension rights at IHG’s discretion, giving an expected contract length of 60 years.

Under the APA, Hotel Inter-Continental London Limited gave certain customary warranties and indemnities to the purchaser.

IHG’s share of the sale proceeds (before transaction costs) were £301.5 million in cash, £61 million of which was used to provide security over UK pension liabilities which were previously secured against the hotel.

£750 Million Euro Medium Term Note Programme

In 2012, the Group updated its Euro Medium Term Note programme (Programme) and issued a tranche of £400 million 3.875% notes due 28 November 2022.

On 9 November 2012, an amended and restated trust deed (Trust Deed) was executed by InterContinental Hotels Group PLC as issuer (Issuer), Six Continents Limited and InterContinental Hotels Limited as guarantors (Guarantors) and HSBC Corporate Trustee Company (UK) Limited as trustee (Trustee), pursuant to which the trust deed dated 29 November 2009, as supplemented by the first supplemental trust deed dated 7 July 2011 between the same parties relating to the Programme, was amended and restated. Under the Trust Deed, the Issuer may issue notes (Notes) unconditionally and irrevocably guaranteed by the Guarantors, up to a maximum nominal amount from time to time outstanding of £750 million (or its equivalent in other currencies). Notes are to be issued in series (each a Series) in bearer form. Each Series may comprise one or more tranches (each a Tranche) issued on different issue dates. Each Tranche of Notes will be issued on the terms and conditions set out in the updated base prospectus dated 9 November 2012 (Base Prospectus) as amended and/or supplemented by a document setting out the final terms (Final Terms) of such Tranche or in a separate prospectus specific to such Tranche.

Under the Trust Deed, each of the Issuer and the Guarantors has given certain customary covenants in favour of the Trustee.

Final Terms were issued (pursuant to the previous base prospectus dated 27 November 2009) on 9 December 2009 in respect of the issue of a Tranche of £250 million 6% Notes due 9 December 2016 (2009 Issuance).

Final Terms were issued pursuant to the Base Prospectus on 26 November 2012 in respect of the issue of a Tranche of £400 million 3.875% Notes due 28 November 2022 (2012 Issuance).

The Final Terms issued under each of the 2009 Issuance and the 2012 Issuance provide that the holders of the Notes have the right to repayment if the Notes (a) become non-investment grade within the period commencing on the date of announcement of a change of control and ending 90 days after the change of control (Change of Control Period) and are not subsequently, within the Change of Control Period, reinstated to investment grade; (b) are downgraded from a non-investment grade and are not reinstated to its earlier credit rating or better within the Change of Control Period; or (c) are not credit rated and do not become investment-grade credit rated by the end of the Change of Control Period.

Further details of the Programme and the Notes are set out in the Base Prospectus, a copy of which is available (as is a copy of each of the Final Terms dated 7 December 2009 relating to the 2009 Issuance and the Final Terms dated 26 November 2012 relating to the 2012 Issuance) on the Company’s website at www.ihgplc.com. The Notes issued pursuant to the 2009 Issuance and the Notes issued pursuant to the 2012 Issuance are referred to as ‘£250 million 6% bonds’ and the ‘£400 million 3.875% bonds’ respectively in the Group Financial Statements.

On 27 November 2009, the Issuer and the Guarantors entered into an agency agreement (Agency Agreement) with HSBC Bank plc as principal paying agent and the Trustee, pursuant to which the Issuer and the Guarantors appointed paying agents and calculation agents in connection with the Programme and the Notes.

Under the Agency Agreement, each of the Issuer and the Guarantors has given a customary indemnity in favour of the paying agents and the calculation agents. There was no change to the Agency Agreement in 2011 or 2012.

On 9 November 2012, the Issuer and the Guarantors entered into a dealer agreement (Dealer Agreement) with HSBC Bank plc as arranger and Citigroup Global Markets Limited, HSBC Bank plc, Lloyds TSB Bank plc, Merrill Lynch International, Mitsubishi UFJ Securities International plc and The Royal Bank of Scotland plc as dealers (Dealers), pursuant to which the Dealers were appointed in connection with the Programme and the Notes.

Under the Dealer Agreement, each of the Issuer and the Guarantors has given customary warranties and indemnities in favour of the Dealers.

Syndicated Facility

On 7 November 2011, the Company signed a five-year $1.07 billion bank facility agreement with The Royal Bank of Scotland plc, NB International Finance B.V., Citigroup Global Markets Limited, HSBC Bank plc, Lloyds TSB Bank plc and The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd., all acting as mandated lead arrangers and Banc of America Securities Limited as facility agent (Syndicated Facility).

The interest margin payable on borrowings under the Syndicated Facility is linked to IHG’s consolidated net debt to consolidated EBITDA ratio. The margin can vary between LIBOR + 0.90% and LIBOR + 1.70% depending on the level of the ratio. The facility was undrawn at 31 December 2013.








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Group information continued


Legal proceedings

Group companies have extensive operations in the UK, as well as internationally, and are involved in a number of legal claims and proceedings incidental to those operations. It is the Company’s view that such proceedings, either individually or in the aggregate, have not in the recent past and are not likely to have a significant effect on the Group’s financial position or profitability. Notwithstanding the above, the Company notes the matters set out below. Litigation is inherently unpredictable and, as at 17 February 2014, the outcome of these matters cannot be reasonably determined.

A claim was filed on 9 July 2013 by Pan American Life Insurance Company against Louisiana Acquisitions Corp. and Inter-Continental Hotels Corporation (IHC). The claimant identified eight causes of action: breach of contract; breach of partnership, fiduciary duties and good faith obligations; fraud; civil conspiracy; conversion; unfair trade practices; unjust enrichment; and alter ego. As at 17 February 2014, the likelihood of a favourable or unfavourable result cannot be reasonably determined and it is not possible to determine whether any loss is probable or to estimate the amount of any loss.

On 20 August 2012, two claimants filed a class-action claim in California against several online travel companies and hotel companies, including a Group company, InterContinental Hotels Group Resources, Inc., in connection with alleged anti-competitive practices. Several similar claims were filed across the US by other claimants alleging similar complaints. All of these cases were consolidated in a multidistrict litigation proceeding in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas for the purpose of pre-trial proceedings (with the exception of cases which were voluntarily dismissed). On 1 May 2013, claimants filed a Consolidated Amended Complaint alleging federal and state antitrust and unfair trade practices associated with online hotel-room booking. On 1 July 2013, the defendants moved to dismiss the Consolidated Amended Complaint. The motion to dismiss is fully briefed and argued, and the parties are awaiting a decision. The Court has stayed all discovery in the action pending a ruling on the motion to dismiss. It is not possible to determine whether any loss is probable or to estimate the amount of any loss. The Group intends to defend against these claims vigorously. As at 17 February 2014, the outcome of these matters could not be reasonably determined.

On 10 August 2012, Shanghai Yaoda Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. (Yaoda), the owner of the InterContinental Shanghai Puxi hotel filed an arbitration petition with the Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (SIETAC), which was formerly known as China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission Shanghai Sub Commission, containing numerous allegations relating to IHC’s alleged mismanagement of the hotel and the de-flagging of the hotel, which took place on 31 August 2012. Yaoda sought approximately $46 million relating to the alleged loss of value of the hotel, costs of compliance with the brand standards, lost revenue at the hotel, costs and general damages. Pursuant to the dispute mechanism specified under the management contract, IHC filed a counterclaim with the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission in Beijing (CIETAC Beijing).

On 21 March 2013, SIETAC issued an arbitral award (the Award) ordering IHC to pay Yaoda an aggregate amount of RMB 150,379,000 (approximately $25 million). On 15 May 2013, IHC filed a motion to cancel the Award with the Shanghai 2nd Intermediate People’s Court. On 27 July 2013, IHC and Yaoda settled their respective claims, pursuant to a settlement agreement, and entered into a new hotel support management contract.

On 31 July 2012, the UK’s Office of Fair Trading (OFT) issued a Statement of Objections alleging that the Company (together with Booking.com B.V. and Expedia, Inc.) had infringed competition law in relation to the online supply of room-only hotel accommodation by online travel agents.

The Company has co-operated fully with the investigation. On 31 January 2014, the OFT announced its decision to accept a series of commitments and to conclude its investigation without any finding of infringement or wrongdoing, or the imposition of any fine.

A class-action claim was filed on 3 July 2012 by two claimants alleging that InterContinental Hotels of San Francisco, Inc. and InterContinental Hotels Group Resources, Inc. violated California Penal Code 632.7, based upon the alleged improper recording of cellular phone calls originating from California to IHG customer care and reservations centres. The claimants subsequently amended the claim to include Six Continents Hotels, Inc. The Group intends to vigorously defend against these claims. As at 17 February 2014, the likelihood of a favourable or unfavourable result cannot be reasonably determined and it is not possible to determine whether any loss is probable or to estimate the amount of any loss.

On 20 April 2012, Sanya Huayu Tourism Co., Ltd. (Sanya), the owner of the former Crowne Plaza Sanya hotel, filed an arbitration petition against Holiday Inns (China) Limited (HICL) with CIETAC Beijing seeking compensation for its alleged losses in the amount of RMB 33,867,766.63 (approximately $5.2 million). The claims related to HICL’s alleged mismanagement of the hotel. Sanya filed additional damages claims on 20 November 2012, which increased the total alleged losses to RMB 43,225,523.53 (approximately $6.9 million). On 4 June 2012, and then by further amendment on 29 September 2012, HICL filed a statement of counterclaim seeking numerous categories of counterclaims from Sanya totalling approximately $7.25 million.

On 9 September 2013, HICL and Sanya settled their respective claims, pursuant to a settlement agreement, and on 17 September 2013, CIETAC Beijing issued a ruling approving both parties’ requests to withdraw all claims against each other.

Exchange controls

There are no restrictions on dividend payments to US citizens.

Although there are currently no UK foreign exchange control restrictions on the export or import of the capital or the payment of dividends on the ordinary shares or the ADSs, from time to time English law imposes restrictions on the payment of dividends to persons resident (or treated as so resident) in or governments of (or persons exercising public functions in) certain countries (each of the foregoing, a Prohibited Person).

There are no restrictions under the Articles or under English law that limit the right of non-resident or foreign owners to hold or vote the ordinary shares. However, under current English law, ordinary shares or ADSs may not be owned by a Prohibited Person. In addition, the Articles contain certain limitations on the voting and other rights of any holder of ordinary shares whose holding may, in the opinion of the Directors, result in the loss or failure to secure the reinstatement of any license or franchise from any US governmental agency held by Six Continents Hotels, Inc. or any subsidiary thereof.






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Shareholder information




This section provides a summary of material US federal income tax and UK tax consequences to the US holders, described below, of owning and disposing of ordinary shares or ADSs of the Company. This section addresses only the tax position of a US holder who holds ordinary shares or ADSs as capital assets. This section does not, however, discuss the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (IR Code), known as the Medicare Contribution tax, or the tax consequences to holders subject to other special rules, such as:


  certain financial institutions;


  insurance companies;


  dealers and traders in securities who use a mark-to-market method of tax accounting;


  persons holding ordinary shares or ADSs as part of a straddle, conversion transaction integrated transaction or wash sale or persons entering into a constructive sale with respect to the ordinary shares or ADSs;


  persons whose functional currency for US federal income tax purposes is not the US dollar;


  partnerships or other entities classified as partnerships for US federal income tax purposes;


  persons liable for the alternative minimum tax;


  tax-exempt organisations;


  persons who acquired the Company’s ADSs or ordinary shares pursuant to the exercise of any employee stock option or otherwise in connection with employment; or


  persons who, directly or indirectly, own 10 per cent or more of the Company’s voting stock.

This section does not generally deal with the position of a US holder who is resident in the UK for UK tax purposes or who is subject to UK taxation on capital gains or income by virtue of carrying on a trade, profession or vocation in the UK through a branch, agency or permanent establishment to which such ADSs or ordinary shares are attributable (‘trading in the UK’).

As used herein, a ‘US holder’ is a person who, for US federal income tax purposes, is a beneficial owner of ordinary shares or ADSs and is: (i) a citizen or individual resident of the US; (ii) a corporation, or other entity taxable as a corporation, created or organised in or under the laws of the US or any political subdivision thereof; (iii) an estate whose income is subject to US federal income tax regardless of its source; or (iv) a trust if a US court can exercise primary supervision over the trust’s administration and one or more US persons are authorised to control all substantial decisions of the trust.

This section is based on the IR Code, its legislative history, existing and proposed regulations, published rulings and court decisions, and on UK tax laws and the published practice of HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), all as of the date hereof. These laws, and that practice, are subject to change, possibly on a retroactive basis.

This section is further based in part upon the representations of the ADR Depositary and assumes that each obligation in the deposit agreement and any related agreement will be performed in accordance with its terms. For US federal income tax purposes, an owner of ADRs evidencing ADSs will generally be treated as the owner of the underlying shares represented by those ADSs. For UK tax purposes, in practice, HMRC will also regard holders of ADSs as the beneficial owners of the ordinary shares represented by those ADSs (although case law has cast some doubt on this). The discussion below assumes that HMRC’s position is followed.

Generally, exchanges of ordinary shares for ADSs, and ADSs for ordinary shares, will not be subject to US federal income tax or UK taxation on capital gains, although UK stamp duty reserve tax (SDRT) may arise as described below.

The US Treasury has expressed concerns that parties to whom ADRs are pre-released may be taking actions that are inconsistent with the claiming of foreign tax credits by US holders of ADSs. Such actions would also be inconsistent with the claiming of the preferential rates of tax, described below, for qualified dividend income. Accordingly, the availability of the preferential rates of tax for qualified dividend income described below could be affected by actions taken by parties to whom the ADRs are pre-released.

The following discussion assumes that the Company is not, and will not become, a passive foreign investment company (PFIC), as described below.

Investors should consult their own tax advisors regarding the US federal, state and local, the UK and other tax consequences of owning and disposing of shares or ADSs in their particular circumstances.

Taxation of dividends

UK taxation

Under current UK tax law, the Company will not be required to withhold tax at source from dividend payments it makes.

A US holder who is not resident for UK tax purposes in the UK and who is not trading in the UK will generally not be liable for UK taxation on dividends received in respect of the ADSs or ordinary shares.

US federal income taxation

A US holder is subject to US federal income taxation on the gross amount of any dividend paid by the Company out of its current or accumulated earnings and profits (as determined for US federal income tax purposes). Distributions in excess of the Company’s current and accumulated earnings and profits, as determined for US federal income tax purposes, will be treated as a return of capital to the extent of the US holder’s basis in the shares or ADSs and thereafter as capital gain. Because the Company has not historically maintained, and does not currently maintain, books in accordance with US tax principles, the Company does not expect to be in a position to determine whether any distribution will be in excess of the Company’s current and accumulated earnings and profits as computed for US federal income tax purposes. As a result, the Company expects that amounts distributed will be reported to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as dividends.

Subject to applicable limitations and the discussion above regarding concerns expressed by the US Treasury, dividends paid to certain non-corporate US holders will be taxable at the preferential rates applicable to long-term capital gain if the dividends constitute qualified dividend income. The Company expects that dividends paid by the Company with respect to the ADSs will constitute qualified dividend income. US holders should consult their own tax advisors to determine whether they are subject to any special rules that limit their ability to be taxed at these preferential rates.

Dividends must be included in income when the US holder, in the case of shares, or the ADR Depositary, in the case of ADSs, actually or constructively receives the dividend, and will not be eligible for the dividends-received deduction generally allowed to US corporations in respect of dividends received from other US corporations. For foreign tax credit limitation purposes, dividends will generally be income from sources outside the US.








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The amount of any dividend paid in pounds sterling will be the US dollar value of the sterling payments made, determined at the spot sterling/US dollar rate on the date the dividend distribution is includible in income, regardless of whether the payment is in fact converted into US dollars. If the dividend is converted into US dollars on that date, a US holder should not be required to recognise foreign currency gain or loss in respect of the dividend income. Generally, any gain or loss resulting from currency exchange fluctuations during the period from the date the dividend payment is includible in income to the date the payment is converted into US dollars will be treated as ordinary income or loss, from sources within the US.

Taxation of capital gains

UK taxation

A US holder who is not resident for UK tax purposes in the UK and who is not trading in the UK will not generally be liable for UK taxation on capital gains, or eligible for relief for allowable losses, realised or accrued on the sale or other disposal of ADSs or ordinary shares. A US holder of ADSs or ordinary shares who is an individual and who, broadly, has temporarily ceased to be resident in the UK or has become temporarily treated as non-resident for UK tax purposes for a period of not more than five years (or, for departures before 6 April 2013, ceases to be resident or ordinarily resident or becomes treated as non-resident for less than five years of assessment) and who disposes of ordinary shares or ADSs during that period may, for the year of assessment when that individual becomes resident again in the UK, be liable to UK tax on capital gains (subject to any available exemption or relief), notwithstanding the fact that such US holder was not treated as resident in the UK at the time of the sale or other disposal.

US federal income taxation

A US holder who sells or otherwise disposes of ordinary shares or ADSs will recognise a capital gain or loss for US federal income tax purposes equal to the difference between the amount realised and its tax basis in the ordinary shares or ADSs, each determined in US dollars. Such capital gain or loss will be long-term capital gain or loss where the holder has a holding period greater than one year. The capital gain or loss will generally be income or loss from sources within the US for foreign tax credit limitation purposes. The deductibility of capital losses is subject to limitations.

PFIC rules

The Company believes that it was not a PFIC for US federal income tax purposes for its 2013 taxable year. However, this conclusion is an annual factual determination and thus may be subject to change. If the Company were to be treated as a PFIC, gain realised on the sale or other disposition of ordinary shares or ADSs would, in general, not be treated as capital gain. Instead, gain would be treated as if the US holder had realised such gain rateably over the holding period for the ordinary shares or ADSs and, to the extent allocated to the taxable year of the sale or other exchange and to any year before the Company became a PFIC, would be taxed as ordinary income. The amount allocated to each other taxable year would be taxed at the highest tax rate in effect for each such year to which the gain was allocated, together with an interest charge in respect of the tax attributable to each such year. In addition, similar rules would apply to any “excess distribution” received on the ordinary shares or ADSs (generally, the excess of any distribution received on the ordinary shares or ADSs during the taxable year over 125 per cent of the average amount of distributions received during a specified prior period), and the preferential rates for “qualified dividend income” received by certain non-corporate US holders would not apply.

Certain elections may be available (including a market-to-market election) to US holders that would result in alternative treatments of the ordinary shares or ADSs. If the Company were to be treated as a PFIC in any taxable year in which a US holder held ordinary shares or ADSs, a US holder may be required to file annual reports with the IRS containing such information as the Treasury Department may require.

Additional tax considerations

UK inheritance tax

An individual who is neither domiciled nor deemed domiciled in the UK (under certain UK rules relating to previous domicile or long residence) is only chargeable to UK inheritance tax to the extent the individual owns assets situated in the UK. As a matter of UK law, it is not clear whether the situs of an ADS for UK inheritance tax purposes is determined by the place where the depositary is established and records the entitlements of the deposit holders, or by the situs of the underlying share which the ADS represents, but the UK tax authorities are likely to take the view that the ADSs, as well as the ordinary shares, are or represent UK situs assets.

However, an individual who is domiciled in the US (for the purposes of the Estate and Gift Tax Convention (Convention)) and is not a UK national as defined in the Convention will not be subject to UK inheritance tax (to the extent UK inheritance tax applies) in respect of the ordinary shares or ADSs on the individual’s death or on a transfer of the ordinary shares or ADSs during their lifetime, provided that any applicable US federal gift or estate tax is paid, unless the ordinary shares or ADSs are part of the business property of a UK permanent establishment or pertain to a UK fixed base of an individual used for the performance of independent personal services. Where the ordinary shares or ADSs have been placed in trust by a settlor, they may be subject to UK inheritance tax unless, when the trust was created, the settlor was domiciled in the US and was not a UK national. If no relief is given under the Convention, inheritance tax may be charged on death and also on the amount by which the value of an individual’s estate is reduced as a result of any transfer made by way of gift or other undervalue transfer, broadly within seven years of death, and in certain other circumstances. Where the ordinary shares or ADSs are subject to both UK inheritance tax and to US federal gift or estate tax, the Convention generally provides for either a credit against US federal tax liabilities for UK inheritance tax paid or for a credit against UK inheritance tax liabilities for US federal tax paid, as the case may be.

UK stamp duty and SDRT

Neither stamp duty nor SDRT will generally be payable in the UK on the purchase or transfer of an ADS, provided that the ADS and any separate instrument or written agreement of transfer are executed and remain at all times outside the UK. UK legislation does however provide for stamp duty (in the case of transfers) or SDRT to be payable at the rate of 1.5 per cent on the amount or value of the consideration (or, in some cases, the value of the ordinary shares) where ordinary shares are issued or transferred to a person (or a nominee or agent of a person) whose business is or includes issuing depositary receipts or the provision of clearance services. In accordance with the terms of the deposit agreement, any tax or duty payable on deposits of ordinary shares by the depositary or by the custodian of the depositary will typically be charged to the party to whom ADSs are delivered against such deposits.






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Following litigation on the subject, HMRC has accepted that it will no longer seek to apply the 1.5 per cent SDRT charge when new shares are issued to a clearance service or depositary receipt system on the basis that the charge is not compatible with EU law. In HMRC’s view, the 1.5 per cent SDRT or stamp duty charge will continue to apply to transfers of shares into a clearance service or depositary receipt system unless they are an integral part of an issue of share capital. This view is currently being challenged in further litigation. Accordingly, specific professional advice should be sought before paying the 1.5 per cent SDRT or stamp duty charge in any circumstances.

A transfer of the underlying ordinary shares will generally be subject to stamp duty or SDRT, normally at the rate of 0.5 per cent of the amount of value of the consideration (rounded up to the next multiple of £5 in the case of stamp duty). A transfer of ordinary shares from a nominee to its beneficial owner, including the transfer of underlying ordinary shares from the depositary to an ADS holder, under which no beneficial interest passes, will not be subject to stamp duty or SDRT.

US backup withholding and information reporting

Payments of dividends and other proceeds with respect to ADSs and ordinary shares may be reported to the IRS and to the US holder. Backup withholding may apply to these reportable payments if the US holder fails to provide an accurate taxpayer identification number or certification of exempt status or fails to report all interest and dividends required to be shown on its US federal income tax returns. Certain US holders (including, among others, corporations) are not subject to information reporting and backup withholding. The amount of any backup withholding from a payment to a US holder will be allowed as a credit against the holder’s US federal income tax liability and may entitle the holder to a refund, provided that the required information is timely furnished to the IRS. US holders should consult their tax advisors as to their qualification for exemption from backup withholding and the procedure for obtaining an exemption.

Disclosure controls and procedures

As of the end of the period covered by this report, the Group carried out an evaluation under the supervision and with the participation of the Group’s management, including the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, of the effectiveness of the design and operation of the Group’s disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) of the Securities Exchange Act 1934). These are defined as those controls and procedures designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed in reports filed under the Securities Exchange Act 1934 is recorded, processed, summarised and reported within the specified periods. Based on that evaluation, the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer concluded that the Group’s disclosure controls and procedures were effective.

Summary of significant corporate governance differences from NYSE listing standards

The Group’s statement of compliance with the principles and provisions specified in the UK Corporate Governance Code issued by the Financial Reporting Council in the UK (Code) is set out on page 56.

IHG has also adopted the corporate governance requirements of the US Sarbanes-Oxley Act and related rules and of the NYSE, to the extent that they are applicable to it as a foreign private issuer. As a foreign private issuer, IHG is required to disclose any significant ways in which its corporate governance practices differ from those followed by US companies. These are as follows:


Basis of regulation

The Code contains a series of principles and provisions. It is not, however, mandatory for companies to follow these principles. Instead, companies must disclose how they have applied them and disclose, if applicable, any areas of non-compliance along with an explanation for the non-compliance. In contrast, US companies listed on the NYSE are required to adopt and disclose corporate governance guidelines adopted by the NYSE.

Independent Directors

The Code’s principles recommend that at least half the Board, excluding the Chairman, should consist of independent Non-Executive Directors. As at 17 February 2014, the Board consisted of the Chairman, independent at the time of his appointment, four Executive Directors and eight independent Non-Executive Directors. NYSE listing rules applicable to US companies state that companies must have a majority of independent directors. The NYSE set out five bright line tests for director independence. The Board’s judgment is that all of its Non-Executive Directors are independent. However, it did not explicitly take into consideration the NYSE’s tests in reaching this determination.

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

The Code recommends that the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer should not be the same individual to ensure that there is a clear division of responsibility for the running of the Company’s business. There is no corresponding requirement for US companies. The roles of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer were, as at 17 February 2014 and throughout 2013, fulfilled by separate individuals.


The Company has a number of Board Committees which are similar in purpose and constitution to those required for domestic companies under NYSE rules. The NYSE requires US companies to have both remuneration and nominating/corporate governance committees composed entirely of independent directors, as defined under the NYSE rules. The Company’s Nomination Committee consists only of Non-Executive Directors and the Company’s Audit and Remuneration Committee consists entirely of Non-Executive Directors who are independent under the standards of the Code, which may not necessarily be the same as the NYSE independence standards. The nominating/ governance committee is responsible for identifying individuals qualified to become Board members and to recommend to the Board a set of corporate governance principles. As the Company is subject to the Code, the Company’s Nomination Committee is only responsible for nominating, for approval of the Board, candidates for appointment to the Board, though it also assists in developing the role of the Senior Independent Director. The Company’s Nomination Committee consists of the Chairman of the Company and all the independent Non-Executive Directors.

The Chairman of the Company is not a member of either of the Remuneration or the Audit Committees. As set out on page 66, the Audit Committee is chaired by an independent Non-Executive Director who, in the Board’s view, has the experience and qualifications to satisfy the criteria under US rules for an “audit committee financial expert”.








Additional Information    175

Table of Contents
Shareholder information continued


Non-Executive Director meetings

Non-management directors of US companies must meet on a regular basis without management present, and independent directors must meet separately at least once per year. The Code requires: (i) the Board Chairman to hold meetings with the Non-Executive Directors without the Executive Directors present; and (ii) the Non-Executive Directors to meet at least annually without the Chairman present to appraise the Chairman’s performance. The Company’s Non-Executive Directors have met without Executive Directors being present, and intend to continue this practice, before every Board meeting if possible.

Shareholder approval of equity compensation plans

The NYSE rules require that shareholders must be given the opportunity to vote on all equity compensation plans and material revisions to those plans. The Company complies with UK requirements which are similar to the NYSE rules. The Board does not, however, explicitly take into consideration the NYSE’s detailed definition of “material revisions”.

Code of Conduct

The NYSE requires companies to adopt a code of business conduct and ethics, applicable to directors, officers and employees. Any waivers granted to directors or officers under such a code must be promptly disclosed. As set out on page 73, IHG’s Code of Conduct is applicable to all Directors, officers and employees, and further information on the Code of Conduct is available on the Company’s website at www.ihgplc.com/investors under corporate governance. No waivers have been granted under the Code of Conduct.

Compliance certification

Each Chief Executive of a US company must certify to the NYSE each year that he or she is not aware of any violation by the Company of any NYSE corporate governance listing standard. As the Company is a foreign private issuer, the Company’s Chief Executive Officer is not required to make this certification. However, he is required to notify the NYSE promptly in writing after any of the Company’s executive officers become aware of any non-compliance with those NYSE corporate governance rules applicable to the Company.





Selected five-year consolidated financial information

The selected consolidated financial data set forth in the table on the next page for the years ended 31 December 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 has been prepared in accordance with IFRS as issued by the IASB and in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the EU, and is derived from the Group Financial Statements which have been audited by its independent registered public accounting firm, Ernst & Young LLP.

IFRS as adopted by the EU differs in certain respects from IFRS as issued by the IASB. However, the differences have no impact on the Group’s Financial Statements for the years presented. The selected consolidated financial data set forth on the next page should be read in conjunction with, and is qualified in its entirety by reference to, the Group Financial Statements and Notes thereto included elsewhere in this Annual Report and Form 20-F.






176    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

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Group income statement data


For the year ended 31 December    2013       












      ($m, except earnings per ordinary share)  
Revenue1      1,903           1,835           1,768           1,628           1,538   
Total operating profit before exceptional operating items      668           605           548           438           359   
Exceptional operating items1      5           (4        57           (7        (373
Total operating profit/(loss)1      673           601           605           431           (14
Financial income      5           3           2           2           3   
Financial expenses      (78        (57        (64        (64        (57
Profit/(loss) before tax      600           547           543           369           (68
On profit before exceptional items      (175        (151        (117        (96        (14
On exceptional operating items      (6        1           (4        1           112   
Exceptional tax      (45        141           43                     175   
       (226        (9        (78        (95        273   
Profit after tax:      374           538           465           274           205   
Gain on disposal of discontinued operations, net of tax                                    2           6   
Profit for the year      374           538           465           276           211   
Attributable to:                                                     

Equity holders of the parent

     372           537           465           276           210   

Non-controlling interest

     2           1                               1   
Profit for the year      374           538           465           276           211   
Earnings per ordinary share:                                                     
Continuing operations:                                                     


     140.9¢           187.1¢           160.9¢           95.1¢           71.6¢   


     139.3¢           183.9¢           157.1¢           92.6¢           69.2¢   
Total operations:                                                     


     140.9¢           187.1¢           160.9¢           95.8¢           73.7¢   


     139.3¢           183.9¢           157.1¢           93.2¢           71.2¢   

1  Relates to continuing operations.

2  Restated for the adoption of IAS I9R ‘Employee Benefits’ (see page 111).


Group statement of financial position data





31 December    2013        2012        2011        2010        2009  
      ($m, except number of shares)  
Goodwill and intangible assets      518           447           400           358           356   
Property, plant and equipment      1,169           1,056           1,362           1,690           1,836   
Investments and other financial assets      321           239           243           178           175   
Retirement benefit assets      7           99           21           5           12   
Non-current tax receivable      16           24           41                       
Deferred tax assets      108           204           106           88           95   
Current assets      586           660           578           466           419   
Non-current assets classified as held for sale      228           534           217                       
Total assets      2,953           3,263           2,968           2,785           2,893   
Current liabilities      814           780           860           943           1,040   
Long-term debt      1,269           1,242           670           776           1,016   
Net (liabilities) / assets      (74)           317           555           278           156   
Equity share capital      189           179           162           155           142   
IHG shareholders’ equity      (82)           308           547           271           149   
Number of shares in issue at end of the year (millions)      269           268           290           289           287   







Additional Information    177

Table of Contents
Shareholder information continued


Dividend history

The table below sets forth the amounts of ordinary dividends on each ordinary share and special dividends, in respect of each financial year indicated.


Ordinary dividend      Interim dividend        Final dividend        Total dividend        Special dividend  
        pence        cents        pence        cents        pence        cents        pence        cents  
2013        15           23           28.1           47           43.2           70           87.1           133   
2012        13.5           21           28           43           41           64           108.42           172   
2011        9.8           16           25           39           35           55                       
2010        8           13           22           35           30           48                       
2009        7.3           12           19           29           26           41                       
20081        6.4           12           20           29           27           41                       
2007        5.7           12           15           29           21           41           2002             
2006        5.1           9.6           13           26           18           36           1182             
2005        4.6           8.1           11           19           15           27                       
2004        4.3           7.7           10           19           14           27           72.02             
2003        4.05           6.8           9.5           17           14           24                       


1  IHG changed the reporting currency of its Group accounts from sterling to US dollars effective from the Half-Year Results as at 30 June 2008. Starting with the interim dividend for 2008, all dividends have first been determined in US dollars and converted into sterling immediately before announcement.
2  Accompanied by a share consolidation.

Return of funds

Since March 2004, the Group has returned over £4.3 billion of funds to shareholders by way of special dividends, capital returns and share repurchase programmes by share consolidation.

On 7 August 2012, the Company announced a $1 billion return of funds to shareholders, split between a $500 million special dividend with share consolidation and a $500 million share buyback programme. The special dividend was paid on 22 October 2012 and as at 17 February 2014 $390 million (£248 million) of shares had been repurchased at an average price per share of 1,778 pence. Purchases are made under the existing authority from shareholders, which will be presented for renewal at the Company’s AGM to be held on 2 May 2014. Any shares repurchased may be cancelled or held as treasury shares.

On 6 August 2013, the Company announced a $350 million return of funds to shareholders via a special dividend without share consolidation. The special dividend was paid on 4 October 2013.


Return of funds programme    Timing    Total return    Returned to date
£501 million special dividend1    Paid in December 2004    £501m    £501m
First £250 million share buyback    Completed in 2004    £250m    £250m
£996 million capital return1    Paid in July 2005    £996m    £996m
Second £250 million share buyback    Completed in 2006    £250m    £250m
£497 million share buyback    Paid in June 2006    £497m    £497m
Third £250 million share buyback    Completed in 2007    £250m    £250m
£709 million special dividend1    Paid in June 2007    £709m    £709m
£150 million share buyback    n/a3    £150m    £120m
$500 million special dividend1,2    Paid in October 2012    £315m4 ($500m)    £315m ($505m)6
$500 million share buyback    Ongoing    £315m4 ($500m)    £248m ($390m)7,9
$350 million special dividend    Paid in October 2013    £229m5 ($350m)    £228m ($355m)8
Total         £4,462m    £4,319m


1  Accompanied by a share consolidation.
2  IHG changed the reporting currency of its Group accounts from sterling to US dollars effective from the Half-Year Results as at 30 June 2008.
3  This programme was superseded by the share buyback programme announced on 7 August 2012.
4  The dividend was first determined in US dollars and converted to sterling immediately before announcement at the rate of $1=£0.63, as set out in the circular detailing the special dividend and share buyback programme published on 14 September 2012.
5  The dividend was first determined in US dollars and converted to sterling immediately before announcement at the rate of $1=£0.655, as announced in Half-Year Results to 30 June 2013.
6  Sterling divided translated at $1=£0.624.
7  Translated into US dollars at the average rates of exchange for the relevant years (2013 $1=£0.64; 2012 $1=£0.63).
8  Sterling divided translated at $1=£0.644.
9  At 17 February 2014.






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Purchases of equity securities by the Company and affiliated purchasers

The Group’s current $500 million share repurchase programme was announced on 7 August 2012. By 31 December 2013, 11,484,351 shares had been repurchased at an average price of 1,865.5301 pence per share (approximately £214 million).


Period of financial year   (a) Total number of shares
(or units) purchased
    (b) Average price paid per
share (or unit)
    (c) Total number of shares
(or units) purchased as
part of publicly announced
plans or programmes
    (d) Maximum number (or
approximate dollar value) of
shares (or units) that may yet
be purchased under the plans
or programmes
Month 1 (no purchases this month)     nil        nil        nil        23,073,341 1 
Month 2     1,160,688        1,948.9099        100,000        21,912,653 1 
Month 3 (no purchases this month)     nil        nil        nil        21,912,653 1 
Month 4     1,369,415        1,895.7360        1,369,415        20,543,238 1 
Month 5 (pre-AGM)     323,758        1,924.0195        323,758        20,219,480 1 
Month 5 (post-AGM)     370,872        1,918.4721        370,872        26,464,875 2 
Month 6     2,613,459        1,811.3233        2,613,459        23,851,416 2 
Month 7 (no purchases this month)     nil        nil        nil        23,851,416 2 
Month 8     1,263,366        1,876.4824        1,263,366        22,588,050 2 
Month 9     1,732,537        1,849.5455        1,732,537        20,855,513 2 
Month 10     1,308,941        1,808.6041        1,308,941        19,546,572 2 
Month 11     691,564        1,810.6577        691,564        18,855,008 2 
Month 12     649,751        2,006.0014        nil        18,855,008 2 


1  Reflects the resolution passed at the Company’s General Meeting held on 8 October 2012.
2  Reflects the resolution passed at the Company’s AGM held on 24 May 2013.

During the financial year ended 31 December 2013, 1,196,061 ordinary shares were purchased by the Company’s Employee Share Ownership Trust at prices ranging from 1,939 pence to 2,028 pence per share, for the purpose of satisfying future share awards to employees.

Share price information

The principal trading market for the Company’s ordinary shares is the London Stock Exchange (LSE). The ordinary shares are also listed on the NYSE trading in the form of ADSs evidenced by ADRs. Each ADS represents one ordinary share. The Company has a sponsored ADR facility with JPMorgan as ADR Depositary. The following table shows, for the financial periods indicated, the reported high and low middle market quotations (which represent an average of closing bid and ask prices) for the ordinary shares on the LSE, as derived from the Official List of the UK Listing Authority, and the highest and lowest sales prices of the ADSs as reported on the NYSE composite tape.


      £ per ordinary share        $ per ADS1  
Year ended 31 December      high           low           high           low   
2009      9.04           4.46           14.67           6.04   
2010      12.66           8.87           20.04           13.84   
2011      14.35           9.55           23.28           15.27   
2012      17.25           11.57           27.82           17.99   
2013      20.39           17.07           33.54           26.90   
Quarters in the year ended 31 December                                          
First quarter      14.97           11.57           23.67           17.99   
Second quarter      15.73           13.95           24.70           21.84   
Third quarter      17.25           15.02           27.02           23.16   
Fourth quarter      17.10           15.24           27.82           24.50   
First quarter      20.22           17.07           30.64           27.82   
Second quarter      20.39           17.37           30.61           26.90   
Third quarter      20.30           17.88           31.08           27.77   
Fourth quarter      20.25           17.63           33.54           28.27   
First quarter (through to 14 February 2014)      2,038           1,942           34.08           31.69   
Month ended                                          
August 2013      20.30           17.88           31.08           27.77   
September 2013      19.16           18.02           30.26           28.09   
October 2013      18.65           17.63           30.39           28.27   
November 2013      19.08           17.94           31.22           28.74   
December 2013      20.25           18.82           33.54           30.90   
January 2014      20.38           19.66           34.08           32.44   
February 2014 (through to 14 February 2014)      2,003           1,942           33.78           31.69   


1  Fluctuations in the exchange rates between sterling and the US dollar will affect the dollar equivalent of the sterling price of the ordinary shares on the LSE and, as a result, are likely to affect the market price of ADSs.







Additional Information    179

Table of Contents
Shareholder information continued


Shareholder profiles

Shareholder profile by type as at 31 December 2013


Category of


  Number of
    Percentage total
of shareholders
    Number of
ordinary shares


of issued

share capital

See chart®

¢ Private individuals     45,248        93.41        15,517,490        5.99      
¢ Nominee companies     1,512        3.12        234,757,478        90.59      

¢ Limited and public limited


    1,501        3.10        2,595,009        1.00      
¢ Other corporate bodies     167        0.34        5,862,369        2.26      

¢ Pension funds, insurance

    companies and banks

    12        0.02        422,959        0.16      
Total     48,440        100        259,155,305        100      

Shareholder profile by size as at 31 December 2013




Range of


  Number of
    Percentage total
of shareholders
    Number of
ordinary shares


of issued

share capital

See chart®

¢ 1 — 199     30,577        63.12        1,954,825        0.75         LOGO     
¢ 200 — 499     9,269        19.14        2,968,040        1.15      
¢ 500 — 999     4,488        9.27        3,130,129        1.21      
¢ 1,000 — 4,999     3,192        6.59        5,951,430        2.30      
¢ 5,000 — 9,999     248        0.51        1,730,546        0.67      
¢ 10,000 — 49,999     324        0.67        7,556,191        2.92      
¢ 50,000 — 99,999     103        0.21        7,601,747        2.93      
¢ 100,000 — 499,999     157        0.32        35,582,279        13.73      
¢ 500,000 — 999,999     31        0.06        21,340,235        8.23      
¢ 1,000,000 and above     51        0.11        171,339,883        66.11      
Total     48,440        100        259,155,305        100      

Shareholder profile by geographical location as at 31 December 2013








of issued

share capital1

See chart®

¢ UK                             53.3      
¢ Rest of Europe                             12.4      
¢ US (including ADRs)                             29.0      
¢ Rest of World                             5.3      
Total                             100      


1  The geographical profile presented is based on an analysis of shareholders (by manager) of 40,000 shares or above where geographical ownership is known. This analysis only captures 88.9% of total issued share capital. Therefore, the known percentage distributions have been multiplied by 100/88.9 (1.125) to achieve the figures shown in the table above.  

As of 14 February 2014, 16,302,058 ADSs equivalent to 16,302,058 ordinary shares, or approximately 6 per cent of the total issued share capital, were outstanding and were held by 762 holders. Since certain ordinary shares are registered in the names of nominees, the number of shareholders of record may not be representative of the number of beneficial owners.

As of 14 February 2014, there were a total of 48,255 record holders of ordinary shares, of whom 252 had registered addresses in the US and held a total of 685,165 ordinary shares (0.25 per cent of the total issued share capital).





180    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents


Investor information

Website and electronic communication

As part of IHG’s commitment to reduce the cost and environmental impact of producing and distributing printed documents in large quantities, this Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013 has been made available to shareholders through our website at www.ihgplc.com/investors under financial library.

Shareholders may electronically appoint a proxy to vote on their behalf at the 2014 AGM. Shareholders who hold their shares through CREST may appoint proxies through the CREST electronic proxy appointment service, by using the procedures described in the CREST Manual.

Shareholder Hotel Discount

IHG offers discounted hotel stays (subject to availability) for registered shareholders only, through a controlled access website. This is not available to shareholders who hold shares through nominee companies, ISAs or ADRs. For further details please contact the Company Secretariat department (see page 182).

Corporate Responsibility Report

IHG updates its online Corporate Responsibility Report regularly, covering progress on a range of environmental, social and community issues. This can be viewed at www.ihgplc.com/responsibility.

IHG Shelter in a Storm Programme

The IHG Shelter in a Storm Programme enables IHG to support our hotels and local communities, employees and guests when a disaster occurs, by providing immediate and vital assistance.

If you would like to make a donation to the programme, you can do so online via a secure payment page at www.ihgshelterinastorm.com.


For information on a range of shareholder services including enquiries concerning individual shareholdings, notification of a shareholder’s change of address and amalgamation of shareholder accounts (in order to avoid duplicate mailing of shareholder communications), shareholders should contact the Company’s Registrar, Equiniti, on 0871 384 21321,2 (calls from within the UK) or +44 (0) 121 415 7034 (calls from outside the UK).

Dividend services

Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP)

The Company offers a DRIP for shareholders to purchase additional IHG shares with their cash dividends. For further information about the DRIP, please contact our Registrar helpline on 0871 384 22681,2. A DRIP application form and information booklet are available at www.shareview.co.uk/products/pages/applyforadrip.aspx.

Bank mandate

We encourage shareholders to have their dividends paid directly into their UK bank or building society account, to ensure efficient payment and clearance of funds on the payment date. For further information, please contact our Registrar (see page 182).

Overseas payment service

It is also possible for shareholders to have their dividends paid direct to their bank account in a local currency. Charges are payable for this service. Further information is available at www.shareview.co.uk/shareholders/pages/

Out of date/unclaimed dividends

If you think that you have out of date dividend cheques or unclaimed dividend payments please contact our Registrar (see page 182).

Individual Savings Account (ISA)

Equiniti offers a Stocks and Shares ISA where IHG shares can be invested. For further information, please contact Equiniti on 0871 384 22441,2.

Share dealing services

Equiniti offers the following share dealing facilities:

Postal dealing

For more information call 0871 384 22481,2

Telephone dealing

For more information call 0845 603 70371,3

Internet dealing

For more information visit www.shareview.co.uk.

Changes to the base cost of IHG shares

Details of all the changes to the base cost of IHG shares held since April 2003 to December 2013, for UK Capital Gains Tax purposes, may be found on our website at www.ihgplc.com/investors under shareholder centre/tax information.

‘Gone Away’ shareholders

Working with ProSearch (an asset reunification company), we continue to look for shareholders who have not kept their contact details up-to-date. We have funds waiting to be claimed and are committed to doing what we can to pay these to their rightful owners. For further details please contact ProSearch on 01732 741 411 or email info@prosearchassets.com.

Shareholder security

Many companies have become aware that their shareholders have received unsolicited telephone calls or correspondence concerning investment matters. These are typically from ‘brokers’ who target UK shareholders, offering to sell them what often turn out to be worthless or high-risk shares in US or UK investments. These operations are commonly known as ‘boiler rooms’. More detailed information on this or similar activity can be found on the Financial Conduct Authority website at www.fca.org.uk/consumers/scams. Details of any share dealing facilities that the Company endorses will be included in Company mailings.

American Depositary Receipts (ADRs)

The Company’s shares are listed on the NYSE in the form of American Depositary Shares, evidenced by ADRs and traded under the symbol ‘IHG’. Each ADR represents one ordinary share. All enquiries regarding ADR holder accounts and payment of dividends should be directed to JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., our ADR Depositary bank (contact details shown on page 182).

Documents on display

Documents referred to in this Annual Report and Form 20-F that are filed with the SEC can be found at the SEC’s public reference room located at 100 F Street, NE Washington, D.C. 20549, for further information and copy charges please call the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330. The Company’s SEC filings since 22 May 2002 are also publicly available through the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov. Copies of the Company’s Articles can be obtained via the website at www.ihgplc.com/investors under corporate governance or from the Company’s registered office.


1  Calls cost 8p per minute plus network extras.
2  Lines are open from 08.30 to 17.30 Monday to Friday, excluding UK public holidays.
3  Lines are open from 08.00 to 16.30 Monday to Friday, excluding UK public holidays.







Additional Information    181

Table of Contents
Additional information continued


Financial calendar


Interim dividend of 15.1p per share (23.0¢ per ADR):    Payment date      4 October   
Special dividend of 87.1p per share (133.0¢ per ADR):    Payment date      4 October   
Financial year end           31 December   
Preliminary announcement of annual results           18 February   
Final dividend of 28.1p per share (47.0¢ per ADR):    Ex-dividend date      19 March   
     Record date      21 March   
Announcement of first quarter interim management statements           2 May   
Annual General Meeting           2 May   
Final dividend of 28.1p per share (47.0¢ per ADR):    Payment date      9 May   
Announcement of half-year results           5 August   
Interim dividend:    Payment date      October   
Announcement of third quarter interim management statements           21 October   
Financial year end           31 December   
Preliminary announcement of annual results           February   




Registered office

Broadwater Park




Telephone +44 (0) 1895 512 000

Fax            +44 (0) 1895 512 101


For general information about the Group’s business, please contact the Corporate Affairs department at the above address. For all other enquiries, please contact the Company Secretariat department at the above address.



Aspect House

Spencer Road


West Sussex

BN99 6DA

Telephone   0871 384 21321,2

                    (UK calls)

                    +44 (0) 121 415 7034

                    (non-UK calls)



  1 For those with hearing difficulties a text phone is available on 0871 384 22552 for UK callers with compatible equipment.


  2 Calls cost 8p per minute plus network extras. Lines are open from 8.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday, excluding UK public holidays.

ADR Depositary

JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.

PO Box 64504

St. Paul

MN 55120-0854


Telephone   +1 800 990 1135

                    (US calls) (toll-free)

                    +1 651 453 2128

                    (non-US calls)

Email: jpmorgan.adr@wellsfargo.com



Ernst & Young LLP

Investment bankers

Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Goldman Sachs


Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP


Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Goldman Sachs

IHG® Rewards Club

If you wish to enquire about, or join IHG Rewards Club, visit www.ihg.com/rewardsclub or telephone:

0871 226 11113 (Europe)

+1 888 211 98744 (US and Canada)

+1 800 272 92734 (Mexico)

+1 801 975 30635 (English)

(Central and South America)

+1 801 975 30135 (Spanish)

(Central and South America)

+971 4 429 05305 (Middle East and Africa)

+02 9935 83625 (Australia)

+86 21 2033 48485 (Mandarin and

Cantonese) (China and Hong Kong)

+81 3 5767 93255 (Japan)

+63 2 857 87785 (Korea)

+63 2 857 87885 (all other countries in

Asia Pacific)


3 Telephone calls to this number are charged at 10p per minute. Standard network rates apply. Calls from mobiles will be higher.
4 Toll-free.
5 Toll charges apply.







182    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents




The following exhibits are filed as part of this Annual Report on Form 20-F with the SEC:


Exhibit 11     

Articles of Association of the Company (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 1 of the InterContinental Hotels Group PLC Annual Report on Form 20-F (File No. 1-10409) dated 11 April 2011)


Exhibit 4(a)(i)     

Contribution agreement relating to the InterContinental New York Barclay between Barclay Operating Corp., InterContinental Hotels Group Resources, Inc., Constellation Barclay Holding US, LLC, and 111 East 48th Street Holdings, LLC dated 19 December 2013


Exhibit 4(a)(ii)     

Asset sale and purchase agreement relating to the Intercontinental Hotel, Park Lane, London between Hotel Inter-Continental London Limited, Constellation Hotel (Opco) UK S.A., and Six Continents Limited dated 27 March 2013


Exhibit 4(a)(iii)1     

Five-year $1,070 million bank facility agreement dated 7 November 2011, among The Royal Bank of Scotland plc, NB International Finance B.V., Citigroup Global Markets Limited, HSBC Bank plc, Lloyds TSB Bank plc and The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4(a)(i) of the InterContinental Hotels Group PLC Annual Report on Form 20-F (File No. 1-10409) dated 29 March 2012)


Exhibit 4(a)(iv)1     

First supplemental trust deed dated 7 July 2011 modifying and restating the Euro Medium Term Note programme governed by a trust deed dated 29 November 2009 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4(a)(ii) of the InterContinental Hotels Group PLC Annual Report on Form 20-F (File No. 1-10409) dated 29 March 2012)


Exhibit 4(a)(v)1     

Amended and restated trust deed dated 9 November 2012 relating to a £750 million Euro Medium Term Note Programme, among InterContinental Hotels Group PLC, Six Continents Limited, InterContinental Hotels Limited and HSBC Corporate Trustee Company (UK) Limited (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4(a)(iii) of the InterContinental Hotels Group PLC Annual Report on Form 20-F (File No. 1-10409) dated 26 March 2013)


Exhibit 4(c)(i)     

Employment Agreement between Six Continents Limited and Paul Edgecliffe-Johnson’s dated 6 December 2013, commencing on 1 January 2014


Exhibit 4(c)(ii)1     

Tracy Robbins’ service contract dated 9 August 2011 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4(c)(i) of the InterContinental Hotels Group PLC Annual Report on Form 20-F (File No. 1-10409) dated 29 March 2012)


Exhibit 4(c)(iii)1     

Tom Singer’s service contract dated 26 July 2011 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4(c)(ii) of the InterContinental Hotels Group PLC Annual Report on Form 20-F (File No. 1-10409) dated 29 March 2012)


Exhibit 4(c)(iv)1     

Kirk Kinsell’s service contract commencing on 1 August 2010, as amended by a letter dated 5 July 2010 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4(c)(ii) of the InterContinental Hotels Group PLC Annual Report on Form 20-F (File No. 1-10409) dated 11 April 2011)


Exhibit 4(c)(v)1     

Richard Solomons’ service contract dated 16 March 2011, commencing on 1 July 2011 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4(c)(iii) of the InterContinental Hotels Group PLC Annual Report on Form 20-F (File No. 1-10409) dated 11 April 2011)


Exhibit 4(c)(vi)1     

Rules of the InterContinental Hotels Group Long Term Incentive Plan as amended on 26 September 2012 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4(c)(v) of the InterContinental Hotels Group PLC Annual Report on Form 20-F (File No. 1-10409) dated 26 March 2013)


Exhibit 4(c)(vii)1     

Rules of the InterContinental Hotels Group Annual Bonus Plan as amended on 26 September 2012 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4(c)(vi) of the InterContinental Hotels Group PLC Annual Report on Form 20-F (File No. 1-10409) dated 26 March 2013)


Exhibit 8     

List of subsidiaries as at 31 December 2013


Exhibit 12(a)     

Certification of Richard Solomons filed pursuant to 17 CFR 240.13a-14(a)


Exhibit 12(b)     

Certification of Paul Edgecliffe-Johnson filed pursuant to 17 CFR 240.13a-14(a)


Exhibit 13(a)     

Certification of Richard Solomons and Paul Edgecliffe-Johnson furnished pursuant to 17 CFR 240.13a-14(b) and 18 U.S.C.1350


Exhibit 15(a)     

Consent of independent registered public accounting firm, Ernst & Young LLP



1  Incorporated by reference.







Additional Information    183

Table of Contents
Form 20-F cross-reference guide



Item   Form 20-F caption   Location in this document   Page
1   Identity of directors, senior management and advisors   Not applicable  
2   Offer statistics and expected timetable   Not applicable  
3   Key information:        
  3A – Selected financial data   Shareholder Information: Selected five-year consolidated financial information   176-177
        Shareholder Information: Dividend history   178
    3B – Capitalisation and indebtedness   Not applicable  
    3C – Reason for the offer and use of proceeds   Not applicable  
    3D – Risk factors   Group Information: Risk Factors   164-167
4   Information on the Company        
  4A – History & development of the company   Group Information: History and developments   164
    Shareholder Information: Return of funds   178
        Contact details   182
  4B – Business overview   Strategic Report   10-53
        Group Information: Working Time Regulations 1998   170
    4C – Organisational structure   Group Financial Statements: Note 36 – Principal operating subsidiary undertakings   153
  4D – Property, plant & equipment   Strategic Report: Disciplined Execution – Commitment to responsible business practices: Global greenhouse gas emissions   33
        Group Financial Statements: Note 10 – Property, plant and equipment   128
4A   Unresolved staff comments   None  
5   Operating and financial review & prospects        
  5A – Operating results   Strategic Report: Performance   40-53
        Group Financial Statements: Accounting policies   111-116
  5B – Liquidity and capital resources   Strategic Report: Performance – Liquidity and capital resources   52-53
    Group Financial Statements: Note 18 – Cash and cash equivalents   134
    Group Financial Statements: Note 21 – Financial risk management   135-137
    Group Financial Statements: Note 22 – Loans and other borrowings   138
    Group Financial Statements: Note 23 – Derivative financial statements   139
        Group Financial Statements: Note 24 – Fair value measurement   140-141
    5C – Research and development; intellectual property   Not applicable  
    5D – Trend information   Not applicable  
    5E – Off-balance sheet arrangements   Strategic Report: Performance – Liquidity and capital resources   53
    5F – Tabular disclosure of contractual obligations   Strategic Report: Performance – Liquidity and capital resources   53
    5G – Safe harbour   Additional Information: Forward-looking statements   188
6   Directors, senior management and employees        
    6A – Director and senior management  

Corporate Governance: Board of Directors’

and Executive Committee biographies

  6B – Compensation   Directors’ Remuneration Report   74-97
    Group Financial Statements: Note 26 – Retirement benefits   142-145
        Group Financial Statements: Note 28 – Share-based payments   147-150
    6C – Board practices   Corporate Governance   61-72
  6D – Employees   Strategic Report: Winning Model – Preferred brands delivered through our people   20-23
    Group Financial Statements: Note 3 – Staff costs and Directors’ emoluments   123
        Group Information: Working Time Regulations 1998   170
  6E – Share ownership   Corporate Governance: Relations with shareholders   70-72
    Directors’ Remuneration Report   90-96
    Additional Information: Executive Committee members’ shareholdings   167
        Group Financial Statements: Note 28 – Share-based payments   147-150
7   Major shareholders and related party transactions        
  7A – Major shareholders; Host country shareholders   Directors’ Report   72-73
        Shareholder Information: Shareholder profiles   180
  7B – Related party transactions   Group Financial Statements: Note 14 – Investment in associates and joint ventures   132
        Group Financial Statements: Note 33 – Related party disclosures   152
    7C – Interests of experts & counsel   Not applicable  
8   Financial Information        
  8A – Consolidated statements and other   Statement of Directors’ Responsibilities   100
  financial information   Independent Auditor’s US Report   103
    Group Financial Statements   99-153
        Shareholder Information: Legal proceedings   172
    8B – Significant changes   None  






184    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents


Item   Form 20-F caption   Location in this document   Page
9   The offer and listing        
    9A – Offer and listing details   Shareholder Information: Share price information   179
    9B – Plan of distribution   Not applicable  
    9C – Markets   Shareholder Information: Share price information   179
    9D – Selling shareholders   Not applicable  
    9E – Dilution   Not applicable  
    9F – Expenses of the issue   Not applicable  
10   Additional information        
    10A – Share capital   Not applicable  
    10B – Memorandum and articles of association   Group Information: Articles of Association   170
    10C – Material contracts   Group Information: Material contracts   170-171
    10D – Exchange controls   Group Information: Exchange controls   172
    10E – Taxation   Shareholder Information: Taxation   173
    10F – Dividends and paying agents   Not applicable  
    10G – Statement by experts   Not applicable  
    10H – Documents on display   Shareholder Information: Investor Information – Documents on display   181
    10I – Subsidiary information   Not applicable  
11   Quantitative & qualitative disclosures   Strategic Report: Performance – Market risk disclosures   53
    about market risk   Group Financial Statements: Note 21 – Financial risk management   135-137
12   Description of securities other than equity securities        
    12A – Debt securities   Not applicable    
    12B – Warrants and rights   Not applicable    
    12C – Other securities   Not applicable    
    12D – American depositary shares   Group Information: Description of securities other than equity securities   168
13   Defaults, dividend arrearages and delinquencies   Not applicable  
14   Material modifications to the rights of security holders and use of proceeds   Not applicable  
15   Controls and Procedures    
    15A – Controls and Procedures   Shareholder information: Disclosure controls and procedures   175
    15B – Management’s annual report on internal control over financial reporting   Statement of Directors’ Responsibilities: Management’s report on internal control over financial reporting   100
    15C – Attestation report   Independent Auditor’s US Report   103
    15D – Changes in internal controls over financial reporting   Statement of Directors’ Responsibilities: Management’s report on internal control over financial reporting   100
16   16A – Audit committee financial expert   Corporate Governance: Audit Committee Report   66
  16B – Code of ethics   Strategic Report: Disciplined Execution – Commitment to responsible business practices   31
        Shareholder Information: Summary of significant corporate governance differences from NYSE listing standards – Code of Conduct   175-176
    16C – Principal accountant fees and services   Group Financial Statements: Note 4 – Auditor’s remuneration paid to Ernst & Young LLP   123
    16D – Exemptions from the listing standards for audit committees   Not applicable  
    16E – Purchase of equity securities by the issuer and affiliated purchasers   Shareholder Information: Purchases of equity securities by the Company and affiliated purchasers   179
    16F – Change in registrant’s certifying accountant   Not applicable  
    16G – Corporate governance   Shareholder Information: Summary of significant corporate governance differences from NYSE listing standards   175-176
    16H – Mine safety disclosure   Not applicable  
17   Financial statements   Not applicable  
18   Financial statements   Group Financial Statements1   100-153
19   Exhibits   Additional Information: Exhibits   183


1  The Parent Company Financial Statements and the Audit Report and Notes thereto, on pages 156 to 161 should not be considered to form part of IHG’s Annual Report on Form 20-F.







Additional Information    185

Table of Contents



excluding the effect of exceptional items and any relevant tax.


an American Depositary Receipt, being a receipt evidencing title to an American Depositary Share (ADS).

ADR Depositary (JPMorgan)

JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.


an American Depositary Share as evidenced by an American Depositary Receipt, being a registered negotiable security, listed on the New York Stock Exchange, representing one ordinary share of 14194/329 pence each of the Company.


Annual General Meeting.


Asia, Middle East and Africa.


Annual Performance Plan.


the articles of association of the Company for the time being in force.

average daily rate or average room rate

rooms revenue divided by the number of room nights sold.

basic earnings per ordinary share

profit available for IHG equity holders divided by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year.

capital expenditure

purchases of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, associate and joint venture investments and other financial assets.

cash-generating units (CGUs)

the smallest identifiable groups of assets that generate cash inflows that are largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets, or groups of assets.


UK Corporate Governance Code issued in September 2012 by the Financial Reporting Council in the UK.

Companies Act

the Companies Act 2006, as amended from time to time.


InterContinental Hotels Group PLC.

comparable RevPAR

a comparison for a grouping of hotels that have traded in all months in both financial years being compared. Principally excludes new hotels, hotels closed for major refurbishment and hotels sold in either of the two years.

constant currency

a current year value translated using the previous year’s exchange rates.


liabilities that are contingent upon the occurrence of one or more uncertain future events.

continuing operations

operations not classified as discontinued.

currency swap

an exchange of a deposit and a borrowing, each denominated in a different currency, for an agreed period of time.


a financial instrument used to reduce risk, the price of which is derived from an underlying asset, index or rate.

discontinued operations

hotels or operations sold or those classified as held for sale when the results relate to a separate line of business, geographical area of operations, or where there is a co-ordinated plan to dispose of a separate line of business or geographical area of operations.

Employee Engagement survey

twice a year, we ask our employees and those who work in our managed hotels (excluding our joint venture hotels) to participate in an Employee Engagement survey, to measure employee engagement.


the European Union.

euro or €

the currency of the European Economic and Monetary Union.

exceptional items

items which are disclosed separately because of their size or nature.


hotels designed for guests staying for periods of time longer than a few nights and tending to have a higher proportion of suites than normal hotels (Staybridge Suites, Candlewood Suites).

fee margin

operating profit as a percentage of revenue, excluding revenue and operating profit from owned and leased hotels, managed leases and significant liquidated damages.

fee revenue

Group revenue excluding revenue from owned and leased hotels, managed leases and significant liquidated damages.


operator who uses a brand under licence from the brand owner, IHG.


brand owner, IHG, who licenses brands for use by operators.


the difference between the consideration given for a business and the total of the fair values of the separable assets and liabilities comprising that business.

Group or IHG

the Company and its subsidiaries.

Guest Heartbeat

IHG’s guest satisfaction measurement tool to measure brand preference and guest satisfaction.


the reduction of risk, normally in relation to foreign currency or interest rate movements, by making offsetting commitments.


International Accounting Standards Board.


InterContinental Executive Top-up Scheme.






186    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents


IC Plan

InterContinental Hotels UK Pension Plan.


International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the EU and issued by the IASB.

IHG System

Hotels operating under franchise and management agreements together with IHG owned and leased hotels.

IHG System size

the number of hotels/rooms franchised, managed, owned or leased by IHG.

interest rate swap

an agreement to exchange fixed for floating interest rate streams (or vice versa) on a notional principal.

liquidated damages

payments received in respect of the early termination of management and franchise contracts, where applicable.


Long Term Incentive Plan.

managed leases

properties structured for legal reasons as operating leases but with the same characteristics as management contracts.

management contract

a contract to operate a hotel on behalf of the hotel owner.

market capitalisation

the value attributed to a listed company by multiplying its share price by the number of shares in issue.

net debt

borrowings less cash and cash equivalents, including the exchange element of the fair value of currency swaps hedging the borrowings.

net rooms supply

net total number of IHG hotel rooms.


New York Stock Exchange.

occupancy rate

rooms occupied by hotel guests, expressed as a percentage of rooms that are available.

ordinary share

from 4 June 2007 until 8 October 2012, the ordinary shares of 1329/47 pence each in the Company; and following 9 October 2012, the ordinary shares of 14194/329 pence each in the Company.


the ultimate owner of the hotel property.


hotels/rooms that will enter the IHG System at a future date. A new hotel only enters the pipeline once a contract has been signed and the appropriate fees paid. In rare circumstances, a hotel will not open for reasons such as the financing being withdrawn.

RevPAR or revenue per available room

rooms revenue divided by the number of room nights that are available (can be mathematically derived from occupancy rate multiplied by average daily rate).

room count

number of rooms franchised, managed, owned or leased by IHG.

rooms revenue

revenue generated from the sale of room nights.

royalty revenues

rooms revenue that a franchisee pays to the brand owner for use of the brand name.


Six Continents Executive Top-Up Scheme.


US Securities and Exchange Commission.

Six Continents

Six Continents Limited; previously Six Continents PLC and re-registered as a private limited company on 6 June 2005.

sterling or pounds sterling, £, pence or p

the pound sterling, the currency of the United Kingdom.

subsidiary undertaking

a company over which the Group exercises control.

system contribution to revenue

per cent of rooms revenue delivered through IHG’s direct and indirect systems and channels.

System Fund or Fund

assessment fees and contributions collected from hotels within the IHG System for the specific use of marketing, the IHG Rewards Club loyalty programme and the global reservations system.

technology income

income received from hotels under franchise and management agreements for the use of IHG’s proprietary reservations system.

total gross revenue

total rooms revenue from franchised hotels and total hotel revenue from managed, owned and leased hotels.

Total Shareholder Return or TSR

the theoretical growth in value of a shareholding over a period, by reference to the beginning and ending share price, and assuming that gross dividends, including special dividends, are reinvested to purchase additional units of the equity.


the United Kingdom.


United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice.

UK DB Plan

the defined benefit section of the IC Plan.

UK DC Plan

the defined contribution section of the IC Plan.


the United States of America.

US 401(k) Plan

the Defined Contribution 401(k) plan.

US Deferred Compensation Plan

the Defined Contribution Deferred Compensation Plan.

US dollars, US$, $ or ¢

the currency of the United States of America.

working capital

the sum of inventories, receivables and payables of a trading nature, excluding financing and taxation items.








Additional Information    187

Table of Contents
Forward-looking statements


The Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013 contain certain forward-looking statements as defined under US legislation (section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934) with respect to the financial condition, results of operations and business of InterContinental Hotels Group and certain plans and objectives of the Board of Directors of InterContinental Hotels Group PLC with respect thereto. Such statements include, but are not limited to, statements made in the Chairman’s Statement and in the Chief Executive Officers’s Review. These forward-looking statements can be identified by the fact that they do not relate only to historical or current facts. Forward-looking statements often use words such as ‘anticipate’, ‘target’, ‘expect’, ‘estimate’, ‘intend’, ‘plan’, ‘goal’, ‘believe’, or other words of similar meaning. These statements are based on assumptions and assessments made by InterContinental Hotels Group’s management in light of their experience and their perception of historical trends, current conditions, expected future developments and other factors they believe to be appropriate.

By their nature, forward-looking statements are inherently predictive, speculative and involve risk and uncertainty. There are a number of factors that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, such forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to: the risks of the effect of political and economic developments; the risk of events that adversely impact domestic or international travel; the risks of the hotel industry supply and demand cycle; the Group is subject to competitive and changing industry; the Group’s dependency on a wide range of external stakeholders and business partners; the risks related to identifying, securing and retaining franchise and management agreements; the risks in relation to changing technology and systems; the Group’s reliance on the reputation of its brands and the protection of its intellectual property rights; the risks involved in the Group’s reliance upon its proprietary reservations system and the risk of its failure and increased competition in reservations infrastructure; the risks related to information security and data privacy; the risks associated with safety, security and crisis management; the ability to acquire and retain the right people, skills and capability to manage growth and change; compliance with existing and changing regulations across numerous countries, territories and jurisdictions; the risk of litigation; the risks related to corporate responsibility; the risks associated with the Group’s financial stability and its ability to borrow and satisfy debt covenants; and the risks associated with the Group’s ability to maintain adequate insurance.

The main factors that could affect the business and financial results are described in the Strategic Report of the Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013.



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188    IHG Annual Report and Form 20-F 2013

Table of Contents

InterContinental Hotels Group PLC

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Table of Contents


The registrant hereby certifies that it meets all of the requirements for filing on Form 20-F and that it has duly caused and authorized the undersigned to sign this Annual Report on its behalf.





/s/    Paul Edgecliffe-Johnson

  Name:    Paul Edgecliffe-Johnson
  Title:    Chief Financial Officer

Date: February 26, 2014

EX-4.A.I 2 d679505dex4ai.htm EXHIBIT 4(A)(I) Exhibit 4(a)(i)

Exhibit 4(a)(i)



by and among

Barclay Operating Corp., a New York corporation,


InterContinental Hotels Group Resources, Inc., a Delaware corporation,

as Existing Members,

Constellation Barclay Holding US, LLC

as Investor,


111 East 48th Street Holdings, LLC, a Delaware limited liability


as the Company

December 19, 2013



1.     Definitions    2
2.     Investor Capital Contribution    2
    2.1    Contribution    2
    2.2    Intentionally Omitted    2
    2.3    Use    2
3.     Payment of Investor Capital Contribution    2
    3.1    Deposit    2
    3.2    Remainder of Investor Capital Contribution    2
4.     Investor’s Due Diligence and Inspection Rights    3
    4.1    Review of Property and Interest    3
    4.2    Guidelines for Inspection Rights    3
    4.3    Indemnity    4
    4.4    Title and Survey Examination; Permitted Title Exceptions    5
    4.5    As-Is, Where-Is, With All Faults Sale    6
5.     Existing Members’ Covenants    7
    5.1    No Alteration of Title    7
    5.2    New Occupancy Leases and Modifications to Existing Occupancy Leases    7
    5.3    Contracts    8
    5.4    Status of Property    8
    5.5    Tax Matters    9
    5.6    Personal Property    10
    5.7    Intellectual Property    10
    5.8    Transition of Liquor License and other licenses    11
    5.9    Operating Covenants    11
    5.10    Financing Activities    13
    5.11    Governmental Approvals    13
    5.12    No Transfers    13
    5.13    Collective Bargaining; Restructuring    13
    5.14    Exclusivity    13
6.     Closing    14
    6.1    Closing Mechanics    14
    6.2    Existing Members’ Deliveries    14
    6.3    Investor’s Deliveries    16







Prorations, Credits and Closing Costs



   Proration Items      17   


   Closing Statement and Schedules      21   


   Reproration after Closing      21   


   Existing Members’ Closing Costs      22   


   Investor’s Closing Costs      22   


   Transfer Taxes      22   

Representations and Warranties



   Existing Members’ Representations and Warranties      23   


   Existing Members’ Warranties Deemed Modified; Right to Update for Changes during Interim Period      33   


   Claims of Breach Prior To Closing      34   


   Survival and Limits On Investor’s Claims      34   


   Investor’s Representations and Warranties      35   


   Leases, Baggage and Safe Deposit Boxes      38   

Casualty and Condemnation



   Major Event      38   


   Closing Despite Casualty/Condemnation      39   

Other Conditions to Closing



   Conditions to Investor’s Obligations      40   


   Conditions to Existing Members’ and Company’s Obligations      41   


   Waiver of Conditions      42   

Transaction Issues: Brokers, Confidentiality and Indemnities



   Brokers      42   


   Announcements; Confidentiality      42   


   Indemnification and Release      43   

Default At or Prior to Closing



   Investor Default      45   


   Existing Members’ or Company’s Default      45   


   Indemnity      46   









General Provisions



   Execution Necessary      48   


   Counterparts      48   


   Successors and Assigns      48   


   Governing Law      49   


   Entire Agreement      49   


   Time is of the Essence      49   


   Interpretation      49   


   Further Assurances      49   


   Exclusive Application      49   


   Severability      49   


   Approvals      50   


   Waiver Rights      50   


   No Implied Waiver      50   


   Rights Cumulative      50   


   Attorneys’ Fees      50   


   Waiver of Jury Trial      50   


   Email Signatures      51   


   No Recordation      51   


   Maximum Aggregate Liability      51   


   Exhibits and Schedules      51   


   Jurisdiction      51   

Hotel Employees


Effect of Termination




On-Going Management of Hotel












A    Definitions    1
1    BOC Property    Recitals
2    Excluded Property    Recitals
3    Real Property and Rights Leases    Definitions
4    List of Ongoing Capital Expenditure Projects    5.4
5    Representation Exception Schedule    Definitions
6    Restructuring Steps Memorandum    5.9
7    Intercreditor Term Sheet    5.10







A.    Legal Description of Land    Recitals
B.    Amended and Restated Operating Agreement    Recitals
C.    Non-Foreign Affidavit    6.2
D.    Intentionally Omitted   
E.    Existing Members’ Reaffirmation of Representations    6.2
F.    List of Tenants (Rent Roll)    8.1
G-1    Affidavit of Title    6.2
G-2    Non-Imputation Affidavit    6.2
H.    List of Contracts    8.1
I.    Management Agreement    18
J.    Intentionally Omitted   
K.    Retained Intellectual Property    5.7
L.    Litigation    8.1
M.    Escrow Agreement    3.1
N.    Investor’s Reaffirmation of Representations    6.3
O.    Title Pro Forma    4.4
P.    Minimum Return Agreement    6.2



Q.    Shortfall Reserve and Pool Agreement    6.2
R.    List of Insurance Policies    8.1
S.    List of Collective Bargaining and Employment Agreements    8.1
T.    Form of IWA Assumption Agreement    15




THIS CONTRIBUTION AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”) is made and entered into as of December 19, 2013 (the “Effective Date”), by and among BARCLAY OPERATING CORP., a New York corporation (“BOC”), and INTERCONTINENTAL HOTELS GROUP RESOURCES, INC., a Delaware corporation (“Resources”; together with BOC, subject to substitution by the New Subsidiaries as set forth herein, “Existing Members”), CONSTELLATION BARCLAY HOLDING US, LLC, a Delaware limited company (“Investor”) and 111 EAST 48TH STREET HOLDINGS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“Company”).

R E C I T A L S:

WHEREAS, Company is the owner of the fee estate and certain other estates and interests in that certain hotel and parcel of land located at 111 East 48th Street, New York, New York and more particularly described on Exhibit A (the “Land”) and known as the InterContinental Barclay, which fee estate and other estates and interests Company acquired from BOC on December 20, 2010 by virtue of a deed and certain assignments of estates and interests recorded as of November 7, 2013 in the Office of the City Register of the City of New York;

WHEREAS, BOC is the owner of a sub-leasehold interest in the Land pursuant to that certain Agreement of Lease dated as of December 20, 2010 from Company, as Landlord, to BOC, as Tenant (the “Leaseback”) and is the owner of certain tangible and intangible personal property (including, without limitation, furnishings and equipment) located in or otherwise used in connection with the operation of the Hotel, as more particularly described on Schedule 1 attached (such sub-leasehold interest and personal property collectively, the “BOC Property”), which BOC Property in each case shall be contributed by BOC to Company prior to Closing upon and subject to the terms and conditions set forth in Paragraph 10.1 below. In no event shall the Excluded Property described on Schedule 2 attached (collectively, the “Excluded Property”) be transferred to Company;

WHEREAS, the Existing Members collectively own one hundred percent (100%) of the membership interests in Company (collectively, the “Membership Interests”);

WHEREAS, prior to Closing the Existing Members as listed in the Preamble hereto will contribute the Membership Interests to certain newly formed subsidiaries (the “New Subsidiaries”), whereupon such subsidiaries will be substituted for the Existing Members listed in the Preamble hereto as parties to this Agreement; and

WHEREAS, Investor desires to become a member of Company holding eighty percent (80%) of the Membership Interests (the “Interest”) in accordance with the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement of the Company in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B (the “Amended and Restated Operating Agreement”) by making a capital contribution to Company of Two Hundred Thirty-Seven Million and 00/100 Dollars ($237,000,000.00), as such amount may be reduced by Investor’s share of the proceeds of any financing entered into by the Company in connection with the Closing (the “Investor Capital Contribution”).



NOW, THEREFORE, for ten dollars ($10.00) and in consideration of the other promises, covenants, representations and warranties hereinafter set forth, and for other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged by each of the parties hereto, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:

1. Definitions. Wherever used in this Agreement, the terms herein shall have the meanings set forth on Schedule A.

2. Investor Capital Contribution.

2.1 Contribution. Upon, subject to, and in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, at the Closing, Investor agrees to contribute the Investor Capital Contribution to Company, and Company agrees to issue to Investor the Interest, in each case subject to and in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement and in the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement, as applicable.

2.2 Intentionally Omitted.

2.3 Use. The Investor Capital Contribution shall be used by Company for the purchase upon the Closing from InterContinental Hotels Nevada Corporation of an intercompany receivable payable by InterContinental Hotels Group Operating Corp. to InterContinental Hotels Nevada Corporation in the amount of the Investor Capital Contribution, as more particularly described in, and on the terms more particularly set forth in, Section 4.1(d) of the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement.

3. Payment of Investor Capital Contribution. The Investor Capital Contribution, subject to the prorations and credits set forth herein, shall be due and payable as follows:

3.1 Deposit. Investor has, concurrently with the execution of this Agreement, made the Deposit, in immediately available funds with Closing Agent, to be held in escrow by Closing Agent in accordance with the terms of the Escrow Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit M (the “Escrow Agreement”). Except as expressly otherwise set forth herein, the Deposit shall be non-refundable to Investor, but shall be applied against the Investor Capital Contribution on the Closing Date as set forth herein. The Deposit shall be invested in accordance with the Escrow Agreement and all interest earned on the Deposit shall accrue to the benefit of the party entitled to the Deposit.

3.2 Remainder of Investor Capital Contribution. At Closing, Investor shall make a capital contribution to Company in the amount of the Investor Capital Contribution as follows: (1) Investor shall pay to Company an amount equal to the difference between (a) the Investor Capital Contribution, and (b) the Deposit, subject to the credits, prorations and adjustments set forth herein, in cash by federal reserve bank wire transfer to such account and bank as Company shall designate in writing to Investor at or prior to Closing to be confirmed received in Company’s account on or before 2:00 p.m. New York, New York time on the Closing Date; and (2) Investor shall authorize and direct Closing Agent to release the Deposit to Company immediately upon the consummation of the Closing. The Investor Capital Contribution shall not be deemed made until received in its entirety by Company in cleared funds, subject to the credits, prorations and adjustments set forth herein.



4. Investor’s Due Diligence and Inspection Rights.

4.1 Review of Property and Interest.

A. Review of Property and Property Documents. Until Closing or the sooner termination of this Agreement, and subject to the terms of Paragraph 4.2, Existing Members shall provide Investor and Investor’s Representatives with access to the Property and the Property Documents, wherever located, upon reasonable prior notice at reasonable times during business hours, with the right and license to conduct Due Diligence with respect to the Property. Investor covenants and agrees that it will inspect the Property and the Property Documents at its sole cost and expense and will not permit any mechanics’, materialmen’s or other Liens to be filed against the Hotel or Land by any Person or entity as a result of Investor’s or Investor’s Representatives’ activities. If any such Lien is filed against the Hotel or Land as a result of the activities of Investor, any Investor’s Representative, or any party having a claim against or through Investor or the Investor’s Representatives, Investor shall cause the same to be discharged of record within ten (10) Business Days after receipt of written demand from Existing Member either by payment of the claim or by posting and recording the bond required by applicable law. On written request from Existing Members or Company, Investor shall deliver promptly to Existing Members or Company, as applicable, copies of all Investor’s Diligence Reports with respect to the Property (other than any Confidential Materials of the Investor or its affiliates, or any attorney work product or attorney-client privileged documents), but with no liability for the accuracy thereof and no representation that Existing Members, Company or any other party may rely thereon; provided, however, with respect to any third party Investor’s Diligence Reports which require the preparer’s consent to disclose the same to Existing Members, Investor shall use commercially reasonable efforts to obtain such consent but a failure to do so (and to deliver the applicable Investor’s Diligence Reports as a result of the same) shall not constitute a default by Investor under this Agreement. Investor acknowledges that the Property Documents may not be complete and that Existing Members, Company, the other Existing Members Parties and their respective Representatives may not have complete information concerning the Hotel, and Investor acknowledges that other than Existing Members’ Warranties, such information should not and shall not be relied upon and should be independently verified to Investor’s satisfaction during Due Diligence.

B. Review of Information Relating to Interest and the Company. In addition to the inspection rights set forth in Paragraph 4.1.A above, and subject to the confidentiality restrictions set forth in Paragraph 11.2 hereof, Existing Members shall afford to Investor reasonable access to the offices, properties, books, contracts, commitments and records of Company, and shall furnish Investor with all information (including financial and operating data) concerning the Interest, the Company or the Property as Investor reasonably may request. Such requests shall not interfere unreasonably with Company’s ability to operate the Hotel beyond a de minimis extent. Existing Members shall use commercially reasonable efforts to assist Investor in its examination. Investor shall comply with all provisions of Paragraph 4.2 in exercising such additional access rights.

4.2 Guidelines for Inspection Rights. Investor’s rights to conduct Due Diligence shall be subject to the following further requirements: (a) Due Diligence may only be performed from 8:00 a.m. through 6:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, on Business Days and must



not interfere beyond a de minimis extent, as reasonably determined by Existing Members, with the operation or management of the Hotel or disturb the rights of guests or Tenants; (b) Investor must provide Existing Members with at least twenty-four (24) hours’ prior written notice (which may be delivered by electronic mail) of its intent to perform Due Diligence on the Property and Existing Members shall have the right to have one or more Representatives of Existing Members present and accompanying each individual during any such entry upon the Property by Investor or Investor’s Representatives; (c) Investor shall not communicate with any Hotel vendor or contractor, Hotel guest, or Hotel Employee or any neighboring property or occupant or lessee of neighboring property or their respective representatives without Existing Members’ prior written consent which may be withheld in Existing Members’ sole discretion but which shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed with respect to Prospective Buyer’s requested contact of the Hotel general manager or other executive level Hotel staff (in addition, if Existing Members’ consent is obtained by Investor under clause (c) foregoing, Existing Members shall be entitled to receive at least twenty-four (24) hours’ prior written notice (which may be delivered by electronic mail) of the intended contact (which shall include the names of people participating) and to have one or more Representatives present when Investor has any such contact with any such Person); (d) Investor shall, at its sole cost, immediately return the Property to the condition existing prior to any tests and inspections; (e) Due Diligence activities may not affect the appearance of the Hotel in any way; and (f) Investor shall not conduct any invasive sampling, boring, testing, or analysis of soils, surface water, groundwater, building materials or air quality at, in, or under the Property without first having obtained prior written approval of Existing Members, which may be withheld in Existing Members’ sole discretion. Prior to such time as Investor or any of Investor’s Representatives enter the Property for purposes of conducting the Due Diligence as set forth herein, upon Existing Members’ reasonable request, Investor or the applicable Investor’s Representative shall (i) obtain or shall cause the applicable Investor’s Representative to obtain policies of general liability insurance which insure Investor or the applicable Investor’s Representatives with liability insurance limits of not less than $2,000,000 combined single limit for personal injury and property damage and name Company and Existing Members and their affiliates as additional insureds and which are with insurance companies reasonably approved by Existing Members, and (ii) provide or shall cause the applicable Investor’s Representative to provide Existing Members and their affiliates with certificates of insurance evidencing that Investor or any other Investor’s Representative has obtained the aforementioned policies of insurance. Notwithstanding any provision in this Agreement to the contrary, except to the extent necessary in connection with the preparation of a Phase I environmental report with respect to the Hotel or Land, Investor shall not contact any government official or representative regarding Hazardous Materials on, or the environmental condition of, the Property, without Existing Members’ prior written consent thereto which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. Investor, at its sole cost and expense, shall comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations and orders with respect to the use of the Hotel or Land for Investor’s Due Diligence, including, without limitation, Environmental Laws.

4.3 Indemnity. Investor hereby agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold Existing Members and each of the other Existing Members Parties free and harmless from and against any and all Liabilities arising out of or resulting from or in connection with the entry on the Property and/or the conduct of any Due Diligence by Investor or any of Investor’s Representatives for purposes of conducting Due Diligence at any time prior to the Closing;



provided, however, that Investor’s obligations under this Paragraph 4.3 shall not apply to the mere discovery of a pre-existing environmental, physical or other condition at the Property. The foregoing indemnity shall survive the Closing (and not be merged therein) or any earlier termination of this Agreement.

4.4 Title and Survey Examination; Permitted Title Exceptions. Existing Members have delivered to Investor a copy of the Survey. Existing Members have delivered to Investor a copy of the Title Commitment and the Title Pro Forma. Any and all exceptions to title as reflected on Schedule B of the Title Pro Forma attached hereto as Exhibit O shall be deemed to constitute Permitted Title Exceptions. Investor shall have no right to object to any Permitted Title Exceptions or to refuse to proceed to Closing or to demand that any such matters be discharged, satisfied or otherwise cleared from title or to demand any reduction of or credit against the Investor Capital Contribution due to the existence of any Permitted Title Exceptions.

A. Pre-Closing “Gap” Defects. Investor may at or prior to Closing obtain, at Investor’s sole cost and expense, one or more additional updates to the Title Commitment from Title Company. Investor may at or prior to Closing notify Existing Members in writing of any defects in title disclosed by such updated Title Commitment first arising between the last revision date of the Title Commitment and the Closing Date (“Gap Title Objections”); any such notice shall be accompanied by the update to the Title Commitment and any other materials which evidence or disclose such Gap Title Objections. If Investor fails to notify Existing Members in writing of any Gap Title Objections by the earlier to occur of (i) ten (10) Business Days of Investor’s receipt of the updated Title Commitment and (ii) the Closing Date, then, notwithstanding any other provisions set forth herein, such failure to notify Existing Members shall constitute a waiver of such right to object to such matters and such matters shall be deemed to constitute Permitted Title Exceptions (other than Required Removal Items). Existing Members shall notify Investor in writing by the earlier to occur of (i) ten (10) days of its receipt of such notice and (ii) the Closing Date, if Existing Members have elected to Remove any such Gap Title Objections. If Existing Members fail to respond within such timeframe, Existing Members shall be deemed to have declined to remove such Gap Title Objections (other than Required Removal Items). If Existing Members elect to Remove any such Gap Title Objections, Existing Members shall have the right to extend the date for Closing (by not more than fifteen (15) days) so that Existing Members may cure such Gap Title Objections. If Existing Members decline, or are deemed to have declined as aforesaid, to Remove the Gap Title Objections prior to Closing, Investor shall have until the Closing to elect in writing, either (a) if the Gap Title Objection in question can reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect, to Terminate this Agreement, in which case the Deposit shall be returned to Investor, and the parties shall have no further rights or obligations hereunder, except for those which expressly survive any such termination, or (b) to waive its Gap Title Objections (other than Required Removal Items) and proceed with the transaction pursuant to the remaining terms and conditions of this Agreement. If Investor fails to give Existing Members notice of its election by such time or if the Gap Title Objection in question cannot reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect (other than a Required Removal Item), it shall be deemed to have elected the option contained in clause (b) above. Any such Gap Title Objection so waived (or deemed waived) by Investor shall be deemed to constitute a Permitted Title Exception and the Closing shall occur as herein provided without any reduction of or credit against the Investor Capital Contribution.



B. Cure of Title Matters. At Closing, if this Agreement is not Terminated as permitted herein, Existing Members shall Remove or cause to be Removed any non-Permitted Title Exceptions to the extent (and only to the extent) that the same constitute Required Removal Items or Existing Members have agreed to Remove a Gap Title Objection pursuant to subsection (A) above.

C. Investor’s Right To Terminate. If Existing Members fail to Remove any Gap Title Objection (other than Required Removal Items) that it has agreed to remove pursuant to subsection (A) above prior to Closing, then Investor’s sole remedy shall be to Terminate this Agreement by written notice to Existing Members prior to the Closing Date, in which case the Deposit shall be returned to Investor, and the parties shall have no further rights or obligations hereunder, except for those which expressly survive any such termination. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in this Agreement, if Existing Members fail to Remove a Required Removal Item prior to Closing, then Investor’s sole remedy shall be to Terminate this Agreement by written notice to Existing Members prior to the Closing Date, in which case the Deposit shall be returned to Investor, Existing Members shall reimburse Investor for the actual, out-of-pocket costs and expenses incurred by Investor in connection with this Agreement and the Transaction in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000, and the parties shall have no further rights or obligations hereunder, except for those which expressly survive any such termination.

4.5 As-Is, Where-Is, With All Faults Sale. Investor acknowledges that: (a) it has, prior to the Effective Date, completed such Due Diligence as Investor deems necessary or appropriate, and has independently confirmed to its satisfaction all information that it considers material to its purchase of the Interest or the Transaction, (b) it is a sophisticated investor capable of utilizing the information made available to it in connection with its acquisition of the Interest to evaluate the merits and risks of its acquisition of the Interest, to make an informed investment decision with respect thereto and to protect its interests in connection with such acquisition, and (c) it has the ability through its own employees, or through agents, independent contractors, consultants or other experts with whom it has a relationship, to evaluate the investment characteristics of the Interest and the Hotel and to assess issues pertaining to title to the Real Property, the value of the Property and the Interest, the past performance of the Hotel, the projected performance of the Hotel, the structural integrity and soundness of all improvements and structures located on the Real Property and the environmental condition of the Real Property; and, accordingly, the Interest to be issued to Investor and the Property shall be accepted by Investor on the Closing Date, subject to the Existing Members’ Warranties, “AS IS, WHERE IS, WITH ALL FAULTS”, with no right of setoff or reduction in the Investor Capital Contribution except for the adjustments and prorations set forth herein. Except for, and only to the extent of, Existing Members’ Warranties, Investor is acquiring the Interest based exclusively upon its own Due Diligence and not upon (i) any verbal or written representations, warranties, promises or guarantees (whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise) made to Investor or its Representatives with respect to the Interest, the Property, any matter set forth, contained or addressed in the Documents (including, but not limited to, the accuracy and completeness thereof) or the results of Investor’s Due Diligence nor upon (ii) any financial data or projections, offering memoranda, reports, analyses, estimates, budgets (operational, construction or otherwise), commentary, opinions or communications in any form related to the Property made available to Investor including, without limitation, concerning tax, legal, financial, labor, hotel operations or corporate structuring matters and the like ((i) and (ii) collectively, “Waived



Reliance Items”). Except for, and only to the extent of, Existing Members’ Warranties, Investor hereby expressly waives, relinquishes and releases any right or remedy available to it at law, in equity, under this Agreement or otherwise to make a claim against Existing Members for damages that Investor may incur, or to rescind this Agreement and the Transaction, as the result of any of the Waived Reliance Items being untrue, inaccurate or incorrect. Notwithstanding the foregoing, such acknowledgment is not intended to, and shall not be construed to affect or impair any rights or remedies that Investor may have against Existing Members as a result of a breach of any of Existing Members’ Warranties.

5. Existing Members’ Covenants. Existing Members agrees that between the Effective Date and the Closing Date (the “Interim Period”) or earlier termination of this Agreement, and, with respect to Paragraph 5.5, after the Closing Date. to the extent provided therein:

5.1 No Alteration of Title. Existing Members shall not permit Company to transfer or further alter or encumber in any way Company’s title to the Real Property or BOC’s title to the BOC Property as it exists as of the Effective Date without written notice to, and the prior written consent of, Investor. If Investor fails to object in writing to any such proposed instrument within five (5) Business Days after giving of the aforementioned notice, Existing Members shall notify Investor of such failure and if Investor fails to respond within twenty-four (24) hours following such notice, Investor shall be deemed to have approved the proposed instrument.

5.2 New Occupancy Leases and Modifications to Existing Occupancy Leases. If Existing Members desire that Company (i) enter into any new Occupancy Lease, (ii) cancel, modify, amend, extend or renew any existing Occupancy Lease, (iii) consent to any assignment or sublease in connection with any Occupancy Lease, or (iv) accept any prepayment of rent thereunder (more than thirty (30) days in advance), Existing Members shall deliver to Investor written notice of such action, which notice shall contain information regarding the proposed action that Existing Members believe is reasonably necessary to enable Investor to make informed decisions with respect to the advisability of the proposed action. Existing Members shall not permit Company to take such action without Investor’s prior written consent, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed (and if no response by Investor is made within five (5) Business Days after Investor’s receipt of such request and all documents related thereto, Existing Members shall notify Investor of such failure and if Investor fails to respond within twenty-four (24) hours following such notice, such consent shall be deemed to have been granted). If Investor rejects the proposed action, Existing Members nevertheless retain full right, power and authority to cause Company to execute such documents as are necessary to effect such action, and Existing Members shall promptly advise Investor of the same. The foregoing notwithstanding, in the event Investor has rejected the proposed action pursuant to its rights hereunder but Existing Members nonetheless proceeds to permit Company to effect it, Investor shall have the right, within five (5) Business Days after receipt of Existing Members’ notice that Company has taken such action, to Terminate this Agreement by the delivery to Existing Members of a written notice of termination, in which case the Deposit shall be paid to Investor, and the parties shall have no further rights or obligations hereunder, except for those which expressly survive any such termination. If Investor fails to notify Existing Members within such time period, Investor shall be deemed to have fully waived any rights to



Terminate this Agreement pursuant to this Paragraph 5.2. Existing Members shall promptly provide Investor with true, correct and complete copies of any Occupancy Lease, modification, or amendment entered into by Company. Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary, without any requirement for notice or consent from Investor, Existing Members may, but shall not be obligated to, cause Company to pursue any of Company’s legal rights for contract enforcement (including, but not limited to, commencing a dispossessory action) against any Tenant.

5.3 Contracts. Except as it relates to “Excepted Contracts” (hereinafter defined), if Existing Members desire that Company (i) enter into any new Contracts, (ii) cancel, modify, amend, extend or renew any existing Contracts, or (iii) waive any default under, or accept any surrender of, any Contracts, Existing Members shall deliver to Investor written notice of such action, which notice shall contain information regarding the proposed action that Existing Members believe is reasonably necessary to enable Investor to make informed decisions with respect to the advisability of the proposed action. Except for Contracts that (a) can be terminated, without penalty, upon thirty (30) days (or less) written notice from the Company or an Existing Member, (b) expire prior to the Closing or (c) are terminated prior to the Closing by Company at Existing Members’ sole cost and expense (collectively, “Excepted Contracts”), Existing Members shall not permit Company to take such action without Investor’s prior written consent, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed (and if no response by Investor is made within five (5) Business Days after Investor’s receipt of such request and all documents related thereto, Existing Members shall notify Investor of such failure and if Investor fails to respond within twenty-four (24) hours following such notice, such consent shall be deemed to have been granted); upon delivery of such written consent, such Contract or modification thereof shall thereupon be included within the definition of “Contracts” set forth herein and any such cancelled contract shall thereupon be excluded from the definition of “Contracts” set forth herein. Existing Members shall promptly provide Investor with true, correct and complete copies of any Contract, modification, or amendment entered into by Company. Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary, without any requirement for notice or consent from Investor, Existing Members may, but shall not be obligated to, cause Company to pursue any of Company’s legal rights to enforce any Contract.

Notwithstanding anything stated herein to the contrary, the Company may enter into contracts related to the Planned Renovation to the extent the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement would permit Existing Members’ affiliates to do so during the effectiveness of the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement.

5.4 Status of Property. Except for the ongoing performance of the capital expenditure projects as described in Schedule 4 attached (with respect to which Existing Members shall be entitled, prior to the Closing, to continue to effectuate such performance and to enter into, or to cause Company to enter into, agreements that will continue to be binding on the Property and the Company after Closing), during the Interim Period Existing Members shall cause Company to maintain and keep the Property in a manner consistent with Company’s practices with respect to the Property as in effect on and around the Effective Date; provided, however, that Investor hereby agrees that the Property shall remain subject to, and Existing Members shall have no obligation to cure, (a) any violations of Laws (provided the same do not constitute Required Removal Items), (b) any physical conditions that would require capital



expenditures or would give rise to violations of Laws, whether the same now exist or arise prior to Closing or (c) any damage caused by casualty, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement.

5.5 Tax Matters.

A. Company and Existing Members (insofar as related to the Company, the Property or the operation of the Property) shall properly and timely file with the appropriate Tax Authority all Tax Returns required to be filed during the Interim Period and will timely pay to the relevant Tax Authority all Taxes due and payable during the Interim Period. Promptly, and no later than three (3) Business Days after the filing thereof, Company shall deliver to Investor copies of all Tax Returns filed by Company during the Interim Period.

B. Company and Existing Members shall notify Investor promptly, and in any event within ten (10) days, of any claim, assessment, notice of deficiency, audit, examination or other administrative or judicial proceeding that is asserted, imposed or commenced during the Interim Period or after the Closing Date with respect to any Taxes or Tax Returns relating to the Company, the Property or the operation of the Property. Such notice shall include a reasonably detailed description of the matter and shall include a copy of any written material received from the Tax Authority. From and after the Effective Date, Existing Members shall have the right to cause Company to continue and to control the progress of and to make all decisions with respect to any contest of any Taxes due and payable by the Company for any Tax Year ending prior to the Closing Date and any contests relating to any income Tax Returns filed by the Company for any Tax Year ending prior to the Closing Date; provided, Existing Members (i) shall keep Investor and the Company informed of the progress and substantive aspects of such contests and (ii) shall not take any action (or fail to take any action) in the course of any such contest, or compromise or settle any such contest, without the prior written consent of Investor, which will not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed, if such action, inaction, compromise or settlement reasonably could be expected to affect Taxes payable by the Company or any member thereof in any Post-Closing Tax Year. Any contests relating to Taxes or Tax Returns for any Straddle Period shall be jointly controlled by Investor and Existing Members unless Investor and Existing Members mutually agree otherwise.

C. All real estate and personal property Tax refunds and credits received after Closing with respect to the Property for a Pre-Closing Tax Year shall be applied in the following order of priority: (i) first, to pay the actual, out-of-pocket costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees, expenses and disbursements and fees contingent on the amount of recovery) incurred in connection with obtaining such Tax refund or credit; (ii) second, to pay any amounts due to any past or present tenant of the Property as a result of such Tax refund or credit to the extent required pursuant to the terms of the Occupancy Leases; and (iii) third, apportioned between Investor and Existing Members as follows: (a) any refunds or credits attributable to the Closing Tax Year shall be apportioned between Investor and Existing Members in the manner provided in Paragraph 7.1; and (b) any refunds or credits attributable to any Tax Year prior to the Closing Tax Year, shall be paid to Existing Members.

D. For U.S. federal and applicable state and local income Tax purposes, items of Company income, gain, loss and deduction shall be apportioned between the portion of the



Closing Tax Year ending on the Closing Date and the portion of the Closing Tax Year beginning after the Closing Date using an interim closing of the books method. In the event that an election under Section 754 of the Code, or any analogous election under state or local Law (a “Section 754 Election”) is not currently in effect with respect to the Company, the Company shall make, and Investor and Existing Members shall cause the Company to make, a Section 754 Election to be effective for the Closing Tax Year.

E. Investor and Existing Members acknowledge and agree that (i) pursuant to Treasury Regulation § 1.704-1(b)(2)(iv)(f), immediately prior to Closing, the Company shall adjust the capital accounts of Existing Members to reflect a revaluation of the assets of the Company on the Company’s books for purposes of Section 704(b) of the Code, (ii) Investor’s initial capital account as of the beginning of the day after the Closing Date shall be equal to the amount of the Investor Capital Contribution, as increased or decreased at Closing pursuant to this Agreement for any prorations, credits or adjustments and (iii) the capital accounts of Investor and Existing Members as of the beginning of the day after the Closing Date shall be in proportion to their Pro Rata Shares. A schedule of agreed gross fair market values of the Property and any assets of the Company shall be reasonably agreed upon between the parties prior to the Closing Date and shall be attached to the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement.

F. Investor and Existing Members shall reasonably cooperate, and shall cause their respective affiliates to reasonably cooperate, in connection with the filing of Tax Returns and any contest regarding Taxes of, or with respect to, the Company or the Property. Such cooperation shall include the retention of and (upon the other party’s request) the provision of records and information reasonably relevant to any such Tax Return or contest and making employees available on a mutually convenient basis to provide additional information and explanation of any material provided hereunder, and the provision of such powers of attorney as may be necessary to allow for the control of Tax audits or proceedings as described in Paragraph 5.5.B.

G. The provisions this Paragraph 5.5 shall survive the Closing (and shall not be merged therein) or any earlier termination of this Agreement.

5.6 Personal Property. Except for the Excluded Property, and except for Existing Members’ right to retain books and records stored off-site and duplicate copies of any books and records stored at the Real Property, Existing Members shall not remove any of the Property, including Personal Property, from the Real Property nor permit Company to use any of the Personal Property prior to the Closing Date except such removal and use thereof as is normal in the operation and maintenance of the Property consistent with Company’s past practices. Existing Members covenant that items of Personal Property which consist of furniture and furnishings, artwork and supplies and maintenance items shall be maintained at Company’s customary level of quality and will be available and retained by Company on the Closing Date.

5.7 Intellectual Property. Investor acknowledges that Existing Members and the Existing Members Parties are retaining all right, title and interest in and to all their respective intellectual property rights in the name “InterContinental” and any derivations or variations thereof, except as may be specifically used by the Company pursuant to the terms of the Hotel



Management Agreement. Investor hereby acknowledges and agrees that neither Investor nor any affiliate, successor, assignee or designee of Investor shall be entitled (a) to use the name “InterContinental” in any way whatsoever or (b) to any ownership interest or other rights with respect to the system operated by the Existing Members and their affiliates (collectively, the “InterContinental Hotels Group”) reflecting the business practices and quality standards of InterContinental Hotels branded hotels, and to the other intellectual property and proprietary rights of the InterContinental Hotels Group. The provisions of this Paragraph 5.7 shall survive the Closing (and not be merged therein) or any earlier termination of this Agreement.

5.8 Transition of Liquor License and other licenses. Existing Members and Investor acknowledge that the liquor license and certain other licenses required for Hotel operations (including without limitation those set forth on Schedule 5 attached hereto) are, as of the Effective Date, held by, and are personal to, BOC. Existing Members and Investor shall reasonably cooperate so that such licenses (collectively, the “Transitioning Licenses”) are either transferred to the Company or its designee or are replaced with new licenses issued to the Company or its designee at Closing or as soon as reasonably practicable thereafter, provided that the parties shall use all commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that all Transitioning Licenses necessary for the operation of the Hotel are validly transferred or issued to the Company or its designee at Closing.

5.9 Operating Covenants. Except in each case in connection with the consummation of the Transaction, including without limitation, the following (collectively, the “Preparatory Restructuring”): (i) the Leaseback Contribution, (ii) the contribution to the Company of the BOC Property (other than any the Excluded Property) and (iii) the restructuring as described in the memorandum attached as Schedule 6, the Company and Existing Members, insofar as it relates to the Company and/or the Property, agree that neither the Company nor any Existing Member shall during the Interim Period:

A. permit the Company to incur any indebtedness for borrowed money, except in the ordinary course of business though not to exceed (except with respect to trade payables and equipment leases that are no more than 60 days past due), individually or in the aggregate, $1,000,000;

B. fail to maintain all existing insurance coverage relating to the Property (however, in the event any such coverage shall be terminated or lapse, to the extent available at reasonable cost, Existing Members or the Company may procure substantially similar substitute insurance policies which in all material respects are in at least such amounts and against such risks as are currently covered by such policies);

C. except in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice, award or increase any bonuses, salaries, or other compensation to any Participant outside of the ordinary course of business, or enter into any employment, severance or similar Contract with any Participant or any Benefit Plan or Benefit Agreement outside of the ordinary course of business; accelerate the time of payment or vesting of any compensation or benefits of any Participant outside of the ordinary course of business; or enter into, amend, modify or terminate any collective bargaining agreement;



D. allow any Hazardous Materials to be Released by Existing Members or the Company at, in, on or under the Property (or knowingly allow any other Person on the Property to cause any Hazardous Materials to be Released), except (i) for Releases of such quantities or types of Hazardous Materials that are reasonably required for the operation of the Property and conducted in compliance with Environmental Law or (ii) Releases of de minimis quantities of Hazardous Materials as would not reasonably be expected to require notification, investigation or remediation under Environmental Law;

E. except as otherwise expressly permitted or required by this Agreement, enter into any transactions with any affiliate of Existing Members or the Company that will be binding on the Company or the Property after Closing and is not entered into in the ordinary course of business and consistent with past practice;

F. except as expressly contemplated in connection with the Transaction, make any amendment to the Company’s certificate of formation or operating agreement (or equivalent organizational documents);

G. delay, postpone or accelerate the payment or receipt of Accounts Receivable or accounts payable other than in the ordinary course of business and consistent with past practice;

H. issue or sell any equity interests or options, warrants, calls, subscriptions or other rights to purchase any equity interests of the Company or reclassify, split, combine, subdivide or amend the terms of the equity interests of the Company currently outstanding; or

I. make any material change to the accounting methods, principles or practices applicable to the Company;

J. adopt or change any method of Tax accounting, make or change any Tax election, file any amended Tax return, agree to an extension or waiver of the statute of limitations with respect to the assessment or determination of any Taxes, settle or compromise any Tax liability, request any private letter ruling or enter into any closing agreement with respect to any Tax or surrender any right to claim a Tax refund, in each case, if such action reasonably could be expected to affect the Tax liability of the Company or its members with respect to any Post-Closing Tax Year;

K. cancel or compromise any material indebtedness, or, other than in the ordinary course of business, waive or release any material right of the Company;

L. enter into or agree to enter into any merger or consolidation with any corporation or other entity, or acquire the securities or business (or any business unit) or, other than in the ordinary course of business and consistent with past practice, other assets of any other Person;

M. enter into a contract or other agreement to do any of the foregoing prohibited by this Paragraph, or to authorize or announce an intention to do any of the foregoing prohibited by this Paragraph.



5.10 Financing Activities. Investor and Existing Members shall use their good faith, commercially reasonable efforts to consummate the Initial Financing (as defined in the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement) either as of the Closing or subsequent to the date thereof on terms which are reasonably acceptable to them provided that any such Initial Financing shall (i) be consistent with the terms and objectives set forth on the intercreditor term sheet attached as Schedule 7 hereto; and (ii) provide for non-disturbance terms benefiting the Manager as described in the Management Agreement. Existing Members and Investor acknowledge that they will use their good faith, commercially reasonable effort to agree on the structuring of any joint and several guarantees in connection with such Initial Financing and how such guaranty obligations are coordinated with rights under the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement.

5.11 Governmental Approvals. Existing Members, the Company, Investor and their respective affiliates shall cooperate with each other and use their commercially reasonable efforts to (i) as promptly as practicable, take, or cause to be taken, all appropriate action, and do or cause to be done, all things necessary, proper or advisable under applicable Law or otherwise to consummate and make effective the Transaction governed by this Agreement as promptly as practicable, (ii) obtain from Governmental Entities all consents, licenses, permits, waivers, approvals, authorizations or orders, required (A) to be obtained or made by Existing Members, Company or Investor, as the case may be, or any of their respective affiliates or any of their respective Representatives and (B) to avoid any action or proceeding by any Governmental Entity, in connection with the authorization, execution and delivery of this Agreement and the consummation of the Transaction governed herein, and (iv) make all necessary filings, and thereafter make any other required submissions, with respect to this Agreement, as required under any applicable Law (collectively, the “Governmental Approvals”), and to comply with the terms and conditions of all such Governmental Approvals.

5.12 No Transfers. Existing Members hereby agrees that, during the Interim Period, Existing Members will not sell, transfer, assign, pledge, hypothecate, donate or otherwise dispose of any interest in the Company to any Person except as expressly contemplated by the Preparatory Restructuring.

5.13 Collective Bargaining; Restructuring. Existing Members shall, and shall cause their respective affiliates and each of their respective employees and officers, as applicable, to (i) promptly inform Investor of any material developments in the negotiations related to the collective bargaining agreement or the terms and conditions of employment of the bargaining unit employees at the Hotel, and (ii) with respect to any proposed changes in employment terms or conditions that would be expected to be material to the cost or manner of operation of the Hotel, obtain the written consent of Investor before agreeing with the Union to adopt such changes.

5.14 Exclusivity. Neither any Existing Member nor the Company shall take any action to encourage, initiate, continue or engage in discussions or negotiations with, or provide any information to, any third-party concerning any purchase, transfer or other disposition of the Interest or the Property to such Person, any merger or other business combination involving the Company, any sale of all or a material portion of the assets of the Company (or any



assets or property to be contributed to the Company as contemplated herein prior to or as of Closing), any sale of the Hotel or any similar transaction.

6. Closing. The time and place of Closing shall be held on the Closing Date at no later than 2:00 p.m. local New York, New York time, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE, at or through the offices of the Closing Agent.

6.1 Closing Mechanics. If agreed to by both parties, Investor and Existing Members shall conduct an escrow-style closing through the Closing Agent so that it will not be necessary for any party to attend the Closing (Investor and Existing Members shall have pre-Closings to finalize and sign all documents not later than the day prior to Closing, and deliver such items to the Closing Agent). Upon Closing, Investor shall deliver to Existing Members the Investor Capital Contribution and the other items required of Investor as elsewhere set forth herein, and Existing Members shall deliver to Investor the Interest and the other items required of Existing Members as elsewhere set forth herein.

6.2 Existing Members’ Deliveries. At Closing, Existing Members shall deliver or cause to be delivered to Investor the following, including executed counterparts thereof, to the extent applicable:

A. Amended and Restated Operating Agreement; the Interest. The Amended and Restated Operating Agreement and issuance of the Interest.

B. Withholding and Tax Certificates. A certificate in the form of Exhibit C with respect to Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code from each owner of the Company (as determined for U.S. federal income tax purposes) stating whether or not such owner is a foreign person as defined in said Section 1445 and applicable regulations thereunder.

C. Affidavit of Title/Gap Indemnity. An Affidavit of Title with respect to liens and title matters in the form of Exhibit G-1 and a non-imputation affidavit in the form of Exhibit G-2.

D. Closing Statement. The final closing statement pursuant to Paragraph 7.2. Existing Members and Investor shall authorize and instruct the Closing Agent to file, as the “reporting person,” Internal Revenue Service Form 1099-B (“Proceeds from Real Estate, Broker, and Barter Exchange Transactions”), if and as required by Section 6045(d) of the Code.

E. Evidence of Authority. Evidence that Existing Members has the requisite power and authority to execute and deliver, and perform under, this Agreement and all Closing Documents, including without limitation delivery of an incumbency certificate signed by an officer of the appropriate company of each entity signing on behalf of Existing Members.

F. Existing Members’ Reaffirmation. A reaffirmation of the representations, warranties and covenants set forth in Paragraph 8 hereof in the form of Exhibit E and made a part hereof (“Existing Members’ Reaffirmation of Representations”).

G. Security Documents. A Security Agreement and Deposit Account Control Agreement with respect to the Payable and the Receivable (and any other such



agreements as may be reasonably required to reflect the structure thereof as may be agreed to by the parties), to the extent desired by Existing Members, in a form prepared by Existing Members consistent with the terms and objectives set forth in Schedule 7 and approved by Investor, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. In the event that a draft of such form has been provided to Investor not less than 30 days prior to the scheduled Closing Date but has not been approved by Investor as of the scheduled Closing Date, neither party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement for failure to deliver such document on the Closing Date and the matter shall be submitted for resolution in accordance with the provisions set forth in Section 20.12 of the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement which are incorporated by reference herein.

H. Intentionally Omitted.

I. Management Agreement. The Management Agreement executed by Company and the Manager.

J. Memorandum of Management Agreement. A memorandum of the Management Agreement to be recorded against title to the Real Property (the “Memorandum of Management Agreement”).

K. Leaseback Contribution. The Leaseback Contribution executed by BOC, as Tenant, and Company, as Landlord, as described in Paragraph 10.1 below.

L. Minimum Return Agreement. The Minimum Return Agreement in the form of Exhibit P executed by the Manager.

M. Shortfall Reserve and Pool Agreement. The Shortfall Reserve and Pool Agreement in the form of Exhibit Q executed by the Manager.

N. IHG Affiliate Guaranty. The IHG Affiliate Guaranty (as defined in the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement) made by IHG Guarantor (as defined in the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement) in favor of the Company in form and substance reasonably acceptable to the parties. In the event that a draft of such form has been provided to Investor not less than 30 days prior to the scheduled Closing Date but has not been approved by Investor as of the scheduled Closing Date, neither party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement for failure to deliver such document on the Closing Date and the matter shall be submitted for resolution provisions set forth in Section 20.12 of the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement which are incorporated by reference herein.

O. Assignment of Receivables. The Assignment of Receivables (as defined in the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement) in form and substance reasonably acceptable to the parties. In the event that a draft of such form has been provided to Investor not less than 30 days prior to the then scheduled Closing Date but not approved by Investor as of the scheduled Closing Date, neither party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement for failure to deliver such document on the Closing Date and the matter shall be submitted for resolution in accordance with the provisions set forth in Section 20.12 of the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement which are incorporated by reference herein.



P. Other Instruments. Such other instruments or documents as may be contemplated hereunder, to effect or carry out the purposes of this Agreement, subject to Existing Members’ prior approval thereof, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

6.3 Investor’s Deliveries. At the Closing, Investor shall deliver or cause to be delivered to Existing Members and/or Company, as applicable, the following:

A. Investor Capital Contribution. The Investor Capital Contribution due to Company at Closing under this Agreement.

B. Amended and Restated Operating Agreement. The Amended and Restated Operating Agreement.

C. Closing Statement. The final closing statement pursuant to Paragraph 7.2.

D. Evidence of Authority. Evidence that Investor has the requisite power and authority to execute and deliver, and perform under, this Agreement and all Closing Documents, including without limitation delivery of an incumbency certificate signed by an officer of the appropriate company of each entity signing on behalf of Investor.

E. Investor’s Reaffirmation. A reaffirmation of the representations, warranties and covenants set forth in Paragraph 8.5 hereof in the form of Exhibit N and made a part hereof (“Investor’s Reaffirmation of Representations”).

F. Intentionally Omitted.

G. Closing Document Counterparts. Executed counterparts of any of the other Closing Documents described in Paragraph 6.2 which are to be signed by Investor.

H. Minimum Return Agreement. The Minimum Return Agreement in the form of Exhibit P executed by the Company.

I. Shortfall Reserve and Pool Agreement. The Shortfall Reserve and Pool Agreement in the form of Exhibit Q executed by the Company.

J. Investor Affiliate Guaranty. The Investor Affiliate Guaranty (as defined in the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement) made by Investor Guarantor (as defined in the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement) in favor of the Company in form and substance reasonably acceptable to the parties. In the event that a draft of such form has been provided to Existing Members not less than 30 days prior to the then scheduled Closing Date but not approved by Existing Members as of the scheduled Closing Date, neither party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement for failure to deliver such document on the Closing Date and the matter shall be submitted for resolution provisions set forth in Section 20.12 of the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement which are incorporated by reference herein.



K. Security Documents. A Security Agreement and Deposit Account Control Agreement with respect to the Payable and the Receivable (and any other such agreements as may be reasonably required to reflect the structure thereof as may be agreed to by the parties), to the extent desired by Existing Members, in a form prepared by Existing Members consistent with the terms and objectives set forth in Schedule 7 and approved by Investor, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. In the event that a draft of such form has been provided to Investor not less than 30 days prior to the scheduled Closing Date but has not been approved by Investor as of the scheduled Closing Date, neither party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement for failure to deliver such document on the Closing Date and the matter shall be submitted for resolution in accordance with the provisions set forth in Section 20.12 of the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement which are incorporated by reference herein.

L. Assignment of Receivables. The Assignment of Receivables (as defined in the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement) in form and substance reasonably acceptable to the parties. In the event that a draft of such form has been provided to Investor not less than 30 days prior to the then scheduled Closing Date but not approved by Investor as of the scheduled Closing Date, neither party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement for failure to deliver such document on the Closing Date and the matter shall be submitted for resolution in accordance with the provisions set forth in Section 20.12 of the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement which are incorporated by reference herein.

M. Other Instruments. Such other instruments or documents as may be contemplated hereunder, to effect or carry out the purposes of this Agreement, subject to Investor’s prior approval thereof, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

7. Prorations, Credits and Closing Costs.

7.1 Proration Items. Except as otherwise provided below, in each such proration set forth below, (a) the portion thereof allocable to periods beginning as of the Closing Proration Time shall be credited or charged, as applicable, subject to any terms of the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement to the contrary, (i) eighty and one tenths percent (80.1%) (“Investor’s Pro Rata Share”) to Investor and (ii) nineteen and nine tenths percent (19.9%) (“Existing Members’ Pro Rata Share” to Existing Members; Existing Members’ Pro Rata Share and Investor’s Pro Rata Share each a “Pro Rata Share”); and (b) the portion thereof allocable to periods prior to but ending as of the Closing Proration Time shall be credited or charged, as applicable, in its entirety to Existing Members, all of which prorations shall be made at Closing or, in the case of allocations to be made after Closing, upon receipt of such payments or payment of such expenses. The following items shall be so credited or charged:

A. Taxes and Assessments. All real property and personal property Taxes and similar ad valorem Taxes, and any sales Taxes with respect to Rental Payments, payable by the Company with respect to the Property for the Closing Tax Year (regardless of when such Taxes are payable) (collectively, “Prorated Taxes”) shall be prorated as of the Closing Proration Time. Existing Members shall cause Company to pay all installments of special assessments due and payable on or prior to the Closing Date; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not be deemed to make Existing Members responsible for the payment of any installments of special



assessments which have not been confirmed or which relate to projects that have not been completed on the Closing Date. If Tax bills for the Closing Tax Year are not available on the Closing Date, the Prorated Taxes shall be prorated at Closing based upon the Tax bills for the previous Tax Year, or, if available, based upon the current assessed valuation and current millage rates, and in such event Existing Members and Investor shall reprorate the Prorated Taxes as actual or final tax bills for the Closing Tax Year are available. For purposes of this Agreement, including the definition of Pre-Closing Tax Liabilities, in the case of any Taxes that are payable with respect to a Straddle Tax Year, the portion of such Taxes that relate to the Pre-Closing Tax Year shall (i) in the case of Prorated Taxes, be deemed to be the amount of such Tax for the entire Straddle Tax Year multiplied by a fraction the numerator of which is the number of days in the Straddle Tax Year ending as of the Closing Proration Time and the denominator of which is the number of days in the entire Straddle Tax Year and (ii) in the case of any other Tax, be deemed equal to the amount which would be payable (computed on an interim closing of the books basis) as if the relevant Tax Year ended as of the close of business on the Closing Date. The Amended and Restated Operating Agreement shall govern the parties’ respective Liabilities for Taxes payable with respect to periods after the Closing Tax Year.

B. Hotel Revenues.

(i) Guest Ledger Receivables. Existing Members shall receive a credit at Closing for all Guest Ledger Receivables for all room nights up to and including the room night immediately prior to the night when the Closing Proration Time occurs, and the Company shall be entitled to the amounts of Guest Ledger Receivables for the room nights after the Closing Proration Time. Existing Members shall receive a credit of fifty percent (50%) of Guest Ledger Receivables for the room night when the Closing Proration Time occurs and the Company shall be entitled to the remaining fifty percent (50%) credit. Existing Members shall receive the income from all restaurant and bar facilities located on the Real Property through the Closing Proration Time and the Company shall receive such income thereafter.

(ii) Booking Deposits. Existing Members and Investor shall receive a credit at Closing for advance payments and deposits, if any, under Bookings to the extent the Bookings relate to a period after the Closing Proration Time in proportion with their respective Pro Rata Shares. Investor acknowledges that Company shall assume and honor for its account all Bookings relating to dates after the Closing Proration Time provided that Existing Members provide a written account to Investor of all such Bookings at the Closing.

(iii) Vending Machines. Vending machine monies will be removed by Existing Members as of the Closing Proration Time for the benefit of Existing Members. All vending machine monies received after the Closing Proration time shall be paid to the Company.

(iv) Petty Cash. Existing Members shall receive a credit at Closing for all petty cash funds and cash in the Hotel’s house banks at 100% of face value at the Closing Proration Time.



(v) Accounts Receivable. Existing Members shall retain the right to collect, and Investor and Company each hereby assign to Existing Members such right to collect, all unpaid room charges, Rental Payments, or other sums or charges owed by Tenant or guests or other Accounts Receivable on the Closing Date. Existing Members shall receive a credit of fifty percent (50%) of Account Receivables for the room night when the Closing Proration Time occurs and the Company shall be entitled to the remaining fifty percent (50%). Investor shall cooperate with Existing Members in collecting such Accounts Receivable, at no cost or expense to Investor other than any de minimis cost and expense or any cost and expense which Existing Members agree in writing to reimburse. If any Accounts Receivable are paid to Investor or Company after the Closing, Investor shall, or shall cause Company to, pay to Existing Members the amounts so received within ten (10) days after receipt of such amounts, without any commission or deduction for Investor or Company other than any such actual, out-of-pocket costs and expenses required in the collection thereof.

C. Rental Payments.

(i) Rents. All Rental Payments received by Company or Existing Members prior to Closing shall be prorated as of the Closing Proration Time. Any Rental Payments received after Closing by Existing Members or its agents shall be promptly endorsed to Company by the payee thereof and delivered to Company; if any of such Rental Payments are attributable also to the period prior to the Closing Proration Time, upon such endorsement, deposit and receipt of collected funds, the part thereof belonging to Existing Members pursuant to the terms hereof shall be promptly paid to Existing Members and the balance shall be retained by Company.

(ii) Percentage Rents. To the extent percentage rents apply to any of the Occupancy Leases, with respect to percentage rent due from any Tenant, notwithstanding the foregoing, Investor and Existing Members agree that at Closing estimated percentage rent shall be prorated for the calendar year in which the Closing occurs (even though the same may not have been collected as of the Closing) based upon the amount of percentage rent due from such Tenant for the calendar year immediately prior to the calendar year in which the Closing occurs. For proration of percentage rents, the amount attributable to the period prior to the Closing Proration Time shall be equal to (a) the aggregate amount of such percentage rents actually collected for the calendar year in which the Closing occurs multiplied by (b) a fraction, the numerator of which shall be the number of days prior to the Closing Proration Time that the applicable Tenant leases space at the Property during the calendar year in which the Closing occurs and the denominator of which shall be 365.

D. Security Deposits/Advance Rent. All cash Tenant Deposits shall be transferred to the Company at Closing. To the extent applicable, with respect to any Tenant Deposits which are letters of credit, Existing Members shall deliver to Company at the Closing such original letters of credit.

E. Utility Expenses and Deposits. Water, sewer, gas, waste fee, fire protection, electric and all other utility expenses and payments due or made with respect to the



Property shall be prorated as of the Closing Proration Time (except for those utility charges and operating expenses payable by tenants in accordance with the Occupancy Leases), based upon the utility bills for the preceding period, or, if available, the meters with respect thereto read as of Closing. Existing Members shall assign and/or transfer all utility deposits, bonds, letters of credit or other security to Company and receive a credit therefor at Closing; Company shall, to the extent necessary, notify all utilities, governmental agencies, suppliers and others providing services to the Real Property of the prospective change in ownership and operation of the Hotel. Notwithstanding the foregoing, at Existing Members’ election, any utility deposit, bond, letter of credit or other security may be released directly to Existing Members, provided that following Closing, the Company shall promptly replace the same (with each of the Existing Members and Investor funding its Pro Rata Share), if required by the applicable utility.

F. Hotel Consumables. Existing Members shall receive a credit at Closing equal to Existing Members’ Pro Rata Share of the actual cost as disclosed by Existing Members’ or Company’s books of the food and beverages (including alcoholic and non-alcoholic to the extent permitted by Law), engineering, maintenance, and housekeeping supplies (including soap and matches), stationery, printing and other supplies of all kinds (but specifically excluding any stationery, printing and other supplies with proprietary insignia or logos of the Existing Members or Existing Members’ affiliated entities) (collectively, the “Consumables”) located at the Property and used in connection with the ownership, use, operation and maintenance of the Hotel as of the Closing Date; provided, however, if no actual cost is ascertainable with respect to particular Consumables on Existing Members’ or Company’s books, the first in, first out method of valuation shall be used. The amount of such credit shall be determined by an actual inventory of all usable, unopened items of Consumables taken the day preceding the Closing Date (or such other date as the parties hereto may reasonably agree upon). Such credit shall account for (a) all unopened cases of Consumables, (b) all unopened individual items of Consumables which are a part of an opened case, but which have not been stocked in the guest rooms of the Hotel, and (c) all food and similar unused perishables usable in the ordinary course of the operation of the Hotel. Existing Members shall have no right to any credit under this Paragraph for Consumables stocked in the guest rooms of the hotel on the Closing Date.

G. Working Capital. Existing Members shall receive a credit at Closing equal to Existing Members’ Pro Rata Share of the amount of Working Capital in the Hotel accounts as of the Closing Date as disclosed by Company’s books.

H. Intentionally Deleted.

I. Trade Payables. Except to the extent an adjustment or proration is made under the foregoing subsections of this Paragraph 7, (i) Existing Members shall pay in full prior to the Closing all amounts payable to vendors or other suppliers of goods or services for the Hotel (the “Trade Payables”) which are due and payable as of the Closing Date for which goods or services have been delivered to the Hotel prior to Closing, and (ii) the Company shall receive a credit for the amount of such Trade Payables which have accrued, but are not yet due and payable as of the Closing Date, and Company shall pay all such Trade Payables accrued as of the Closing Date when such Trade Payables become due and payable; provided, however, Existing Members and Investor shall reprorate the amount of credit for any Trade Payables and pay any



deficiency in the original proration to the other party promptly upon receipt of the actual bill for such goods or services.

J. Intentionally Deleted.

K. Reimbursement of Rebates. Investor acknowledges that Company or Existing Members may participate in various incentive programs with various suppliers for the Hotel whereby rebates are earned by Company or Existing Members for Company’s or Existing Members’ purchase of designated goods and services from such suppliers. Investor acknowledges that Company or Existing Members may have earned credits toward a rebate prior to Closing and that after Closing, Investor may benefit from credits earned by Company or Existing Members prior to Closing. Investor therefore agrees to notify Existing Members of any rebate related to the Hotel received by, or credited to, the Company within one (1) year of the Closing Date and to cooperate with Existing Members’ inquiries into the status of any such rebates. Investor and Existing Members shall cooperate in good faith to determine which, if any, portion of such rebate is attributable to Existing Members’ or Company’s activities prior to the Closing Date, whereupon the Company shall promptly reimburse Existing Members for Existing Members’ share of each rebate. If the parties are unable to determine Existing Members’ precise share of a rebate, they shall work in good faith to equitably prorate the rebate into Investor’s and Existing Members’ shares. Investor shall make available to Existing Members all records and other data verifying each rebate and the payment thereof.

L. Other Operating Expenses. All other operating expenses of the Property, including payments due or owing under any Contracts in effect at Closing and any fees as to which periodic payments are made for applicable licenses and permits, if any, shall be prorated as of the Closing Proration Time, except that no premiums for insurance policies paid as of the Closing Date shall be prorated, and Existing Members shall be entitled to any refunds of any such premiums for such policies. Existing Members shall receive a credit for all Contract deposits or other security, if any, at Closing.

M. Reimbursable Occupancy Lease Expenses. At Closing, Investor shall reimburse Existing Members for any and all Reimbursable Occupancy Lease Expenses to the extent that the same have been paid by Company prior to Closing. Each party shall make available to the other all records, bills, vouchers and other data in such party’s control verifying Reimbursable Occupancy Lease Expenses and the payment thereof.

7.2 Closing Statement and Schedules. On or before the date that is ten (10) Business Days prior to the Closing Date, Existing Members shall deliver to Investor a current draft schedule of the items and amounts to be prorated or credited as set forth in this Paragraph 7, and a draft closing statement for the Transaction. A final closing statement will be delivered to the Title Company at least one (1) Business Day prior to the Closing Date.

7.3 Reproration after Closing. The provisions of Paragraph 7.1, this Paragraph 7.3 and Paragraphs 7.4 and 7.5 below shall survive the Closing (and not be merged therein). If the actual amounts of any of the aforesaid proration items are unavailable as of the Closing Date, then such proration shall be made on the basis of an amount reasonably estimated by Investor and Existing Members at Closing and Investor and Existing Members shall



thereupon reprorate such items at such times as the exact amounts for such proration items become available (but such prorations will be made within one (1) year after the Closing Date or upon such earlier date as the exact amounts for such proration become available); provided however, that no reproration adjustment shall be made if the net amount due is $1,000 or less, and provided that any request is delivered to the party from whom payment is requested on or before one (1) year after Closing. In order to enable Existing Members and Investor to determine whether any such delayed adjustment is necessary, the Company shall provide to Existing Members and Investor current operating and financial statements for the Hotel no later than six (6) months after Closing. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Paragraph 7.3, Investor’s right to indemnification for Pre-Closing Tax Liabilities shall not be subject to or prejudiced by the limitations on reproration set forth in this Paragraph 7.3.

7.4 Existing Members’ Closing Costs. Existing Members shall pay the following: (a) the fees and expenses of Existing Members’ attorneys, (b) all real estate transfer Taxes (as provided in Section 7.6 below) and recording fees imposed by virtue of the Transaction, but only 20% of Taxes and recording fees related to any Financing to be obtained by the Company, to the extent the Closing occurs and such financing closes, (c) twenty percent (20%) of the costs, expenses and premiums for the Title Policy (including all examinations and reports in connection therewith, and all endorsements and reinsurance reasonably required by Investor including, without limitation, a Non-Imputation Endorsement), (d) 20% of all lenders’ fees and taxes and recording fees related to the Initial Financing to be obtained by the Company, if the Closing occurs and such financing closes or if such Closing does not occur by virtue of a default by Existing Members under this Agreement or the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement, and (e) 100% of the commission due to Broker.

7.5 Investor’s Closing Costs. Investor shall pay the following: (a) the costs of Investor’s Due Diligence, (b) the fees and expenses of Investor’s attorneys, (c) 80% of all lenders’ fees and taxes and recording fees related to the Initial Financing to be obtained by the Company, if the Closing occurs and such financing closes, or, alternatively, 100% of all lenders’ fees related to any financing if the Closing does not occur or such financing fails to close other than by virtue of a default by Existing Members under this Agreement or the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement (it being the intention of the parties hereto that this Paragraph 7.5 should not in any way be construed as limiting or modifying any provision of the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement prohibiting or otherwise restricting any such financing); (d) all escrow agent fees (if any are charged in connection with this Transaction), (e) eighty percent (80%) of the costs, expenses and premiums for the Title Policy (including all examinations and reports in connection therewith, and all endorsements and reinsurance reasonably required by Investor including, without limitation, a Non-Imputation Endorsement), and (f) the costs of any update to the Survey obtained by Investor.

7.6 Transfer Taxes. Existing Members shall pay or cause to be paid (i) all transfer taxes due to the State of New York in connection with the Closing no later than the date that is fifteen (15) days following the Closing Date and (ii) all transfer taxes due to the City of New York in connection with the Closing no later than the date that is thirty (30) days following the Closing Date. Each of Existing Members and Investor shall deliver duly completed real estate transfer tax declarations or returns, as required in the City of New York and State of New York, as applicable, in connection with payment of such transfer taxes by Existing Members



within the applicable time frames set forth above. The provisions of this Paragraph shall survive the Closing (and not be merged therein) The provisions of this Paragraph shall survive the Closing (and not be merged therein).

8. Representations and Warranties.

8.1 Existing Members’ Representations and Warranties. Existing Members, as of the date of the execution of this Agreement by Existing Members, represent and warrant to Investor, and covenant with Investor, subject to the matters on the Representation Exception Schedule, as follows:

A. Organization, Power and Authority of Company.

(i) Company is duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the Laws of the State of its organization and is, to the extent required by Law, duly qualified to do business in the State in which the Real Property is located. Company has the full power and authority to enter into and perform this Agreement and the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by the Company (i) has been duly and validly authorized by all necessary action on the part of the Company, (ii) does not conflict with or result in a violation of the organizational documents of the Company (including, as applicable, its articles of incorporation, charter or by-laws, its partnership agreement or its operating agreement), or any judgment, order or decree of any court or arbiter in any proceeding to which the Company is a party, (iii) does not conflict with or constitute a breach of, or constitute a default under, any material contract, agreement or other instrument by which the Company is bound or to which it is a party; subject to the Company and Investor entering into assumption agreements for the existing collective bargaining agreement; and (iv) does not contravene, conflict with, or result in a violation of any of the terms or requirements of any Law or judgment. A true, correct and complete copy of the Company’s Certificate of Formation and the currently effective operating agreement has been made available to Investor prior to the Effective Date.

(ii) This Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered by the Company and constitutes a legal, valid and binding agreement of the Company enforceable against the Company in accordance with its terms, except (i) as such enforceability may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, moratorium, reorganization or similar Laws affecting the enforcement of creditors’ rights generally, and (ii) as the remedy of specific performance and other forms of equitable relief may be subject to equitable defenses and principles and to the discretion of the court before which any proceeding therefor may be brought.

B. Organization, Power and Authority of Existing Members.

(i) Each entity comprising Existing Members is duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the Laws of the State of its organization. Existing Members has the full power and authority to enter into and perform this Agreement and the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by such parties (i) has been duly and validly authorized by all necessary action on the part of such parties, (ii) does



not conflict with or result in a violation of the organizational documents of such parties (including, as applicable, its articles of incorporation, charter or by-laws, its partnership agreement or its operating agreement), or any judgment, order or decree of any court or arbiter in any proceeding to which any such party is a party, (iii) does not conflict with or constitute a material breach of, or constitute a material default under, any contract, agreement or other instrument by which any such party is bound or to which it is a party subject to the Company and Investor entering into assumption agreements for the existing collective bargaining agreement; and (iv) does not contravene, conflict with, or result in a violation of any of the terms or requirements of any Law or judgment in each case applicable to the Existing Members.

(ii) This Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered by each Existing Member and constitutes a legal, valid and binding agreement of each such Existing Member enforceable against such Existing Member in accordance with its terms, except (i) as such enforceability may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, moratorium, reorganization or similar Laws affecting the enforcement of creditors’ rights generally, and (ii) as the remedy of specific performance and other forms of equitable relief may be subject to equitable defenses and principles and to the discretion of the court before which any proceeding therefor may be brought.

C. Approvals. No consent, approval, order or authorization of, or registration, declaration or filing with, any Governmental Entity is required by or with respect to Existing Members or the Company in connection with the execution and delivery of this Agreement by Existing Members and the Company or the consummation by Existing Members of the transactions that are contemplated hereby, except with respect to the Transitioning Licenses and for such other filings, consents, approvals, orders, authorizations, permits, registrations and declarations (A) required of or by Investor or any of its affiliates or key employees or (B) which have been or will be obtained prior to Closing, subject to cooperation of the parties to this Agreement.

D. The Interest. Existing Members are, and BOC and Resources have been at all times since the formation of the Company until transfer of the Membership Interests to the New Subsidiaries as contemplated herein, the sole owners of record and beneficially of all issued and outstanding Membership Interests, no other Person owns or holds any Membership Interest or other equity interest in the Company, including, without limitation, an economic interest in Company, an interest in the profits or losses of Company, an interest in the right to affect the management of Company or an interest in the right to receive distributions from Company, except in each case the direct and indirect shareholders, members, partners or other beneficial owners of Existing Members by virtue of their direct or indirect ownership interests in Existing Members. The issued and outstanding Membership Interests are (i) duly authorized, validly issued, fully paid and non-assessable, (ii) free of preemptive rights, and (iii) owned (legally and beneficially) by Existing Members, free and clear of any and all Liens, claims and encumbrances of any kind and nature whatsoever, including, without limitation, any restrictions on the right to vote, sell or otherwise dispose of such membership interest. Existing Members have not previously assigned, transferred or encumbered the Interest. Other than pursuant to this Agreement, there are no subscriptions, options, warrants, calls, rights, convertible securities or other agreements or commitments of any character obligating Company to issue, transfer or sell,



or cause the issuance, transfer or sale of, any equity interests or other securities (whether or not such securities have voting rights) of Company. Other than pursuant to this Agreement and the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement, there are no shareholder agreements, voting agreements, management agreements, proxies or other similar agreements or understandings, whether written or oral, with respect to any direct equity interest in Company (including any Membership Interest).

E. Company Activities Since Formation. Since its formation, the Company has not (a) engaged in any business other than the ownership of the Property (other than the BOC Property), (b) owned any assets other than the fee estate and subordinate leasehold terms and estates in the Property and any proceeds derived therefrom, other than the Receivable to be acquired at Closing; (c) incurred any indebtedness or other identifiable liabilities that remain outstanding other than (i) real property taxes and similar taxes; (ii) the Payable, (iii) in connection with the Planned Renovation and (iv) any other amounts for which Existing Members are responsible pursuant to Article 7 of this Agreement incurred in the ordinary course of business.

F. Financial Statements. The Data Room contains (i) a copy of the audited financial statements for BOC for the twelve (12) month periods ending on each of December 31, 2010 and December 31, 2011 (the “BOC Statements”), and (ii) the unaudited financial statements for Hotel operations the period commencing January 1, 2013 through September 30, 2013 (the “Year to Date Hotel Statements”) (both collectively, the “Financial Information”). Except as noted therein, the BOC Statements were prepared in accordance with GAAP (except as may be indicated in the notes to such financial statements) and fairly presents in all material respects the financial position of the entity as of the respective dates and the results of its operations for the periods presented. Except as noted therein, the Year to Date Hotel Statements were prepared in accordance with GAAP (if from Sbase) or IFRS (if from Peoplesoft) (except as may be indicated in the notes to such financial statements) and, to Existing Members’ Knowledge, fairly present in all material respects the financial position of the applicable entity as of the respective dates and the results of its operations for the periods presented.

G. No Undisclosed Liabilities. Except for (i) Liabilities reflected or reserved against in the BOC Statements or the notes thereto, (ii) Excluded Liabilities, (iii) Liabilities incurred in the ordinary course of business, (iv) Liabilities that are not Assumed Liabilities and (v) Liabilities that would not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect, to Existing Members’ Knowledge, there are no Liabilities with respect to the operation and support of the business located at the Property that would have been required to be reflected in, reserved against or otherwise described in the BOC Statements or the notes thereto in accordance with GAAP.

H. Labor Matters. Exhibit S attached hereto sets forth a true and correct list of (i) all collective bargaining agreements to which the Existing Members, Manager or the Company is a party related to the Hotel; provided that side letters associated with grievances and work rules related to the collective bargaining agreement are not listed, though Investor has been provided the opportunity to access such items, to the extent in the Company’s possession; and, as a matter of course, the foregoing exhibit does not include unwritten work practices and grievance settlements; and (ii) all written employment or severance agreements (other than the collective



bargaining agreements) to which either the Existing Members, Manager or the Company is a party with respect to any employee at the Hotel and which may not be terminated at will, or by giving notice of thirty (30) days or less, without cost or penalty. As clarification, employees may be subject to company policies regarding severance which may not be in written employment agreements. Except as disclosed on the Representation Exception Schedule, neither the Existing Members, Manager nor the Company has entered into any severance or similar arrangement in respect of any current or former employee of the Existing Members, Manager or the Company that will result in any obligation (absolute or contingent) of the Investor or the Company to make any payment to any current or former employee of the Existing Members, Manager nor the Company following termination of employment or upon the consummation of the Transaction. Except as disclosed on the Representation Exception Schedule, as of the date hereof, except as disclosed in reasonable detail in writing by the Existing Members to the Investor prior to the Closing Date, there are no written notices delivered to the Company or the Existing Partners for representation, arbitration proceedings, labor strikes, or stoppages, or other labor disputes pending in a court or arbitration, and during the past five years related to the Hotel, neither the Existing Members, Manager nor the Company has experienced any strike, work stoppage, lockup, slow-down or other material labor dispute or any attempt by organized labor to cause the Existing Members, Manager or the Company to recognize at the Hotel any union or collective bargaining units not previously recognized.

I. Employee Benefits.

(i) The Representation Exception Schedule sets forth a complete and accurate list of each Benefit Plan that is not a Multiemployer Pension Plan and each Benefit Agreement. The summaries and other documents relating to such Benefit Plans and Benefit Agreements provided in the Data Room or otherwise provided to Investor prior to the data hereof are materially true and correct.

(ii) No Benefit Plan or Benefit Agreement is subject to the Laws of any jurisdiction outside of the United States.

J. No Bankruptcy. Neither the Existing Members nor the Company has (A) commenced a voluntary case, or had entered against it a petition, for relief under any federal bankruptcy act or any similar petition, order or decree under any federal or state Law relative to bankruptcy, insolvency or other relief for debtors, (B) caused, suffered or consented to the appointment of a receiver, trustee, administrator, conservator, liquidator or similar official in any federal, state or foreign judicial or non-judicial proceeding, to hold, administer and/or liquidate all or substantially all of its assets, or (C) made an assignment for the benefit of creditors.

K. Taxes.

(i) All Tax Returns required to be filed by or with respect to the Company, the Existing Members (insofar as related to the Property or the operation of the Property), the Property and the operation of the Property since January 1, 2007 have been timely filed (or caused to be filed) with the appropriate Tax Authority, with the exception of any Commercial Rent Tax Return, which Existing Members have disclosed has not been filed as set forth on the Representation Exception Schedule (including specified years and



jurisdictions). All such Tax Returns are true, correct and complete in all material respects. Neither the Company nor the Existing Members (insofar as related to the Property or the operation of the Hotel) is currently the beneficiary of any extension of time to file any Tax Return, other than an extension automatically granted by a Tax Authority. The Company and the Existing Members, as applicable, have made available to Investor true, correct and complete copies of all Tax Returns filed by the Company.

(ii) All material Taxes due and payable by or with respect to the Company, the Property and the operation of the Hotel (whether or not shown on any Tax Return) since January 1, 2007 have been paid. All material Taxes that the Company or an Existing Member (insofar as related to the Property or the operation of the Hotel) was required to withhold or collect for payment by applicable Tax Law since January 1, 2007 have in all material respects been withheld, collected and timely paid to the applicable Tax Authority or, if not yet due and payable, have been accrued as a current liability on the books of the Company or the Existing Member, as applicable, and are being held in an account for remittance in accordance with applicable Tax Law. Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the extent a statement in this Section 8.K(ii) is not correct as of the Closing Date, Existing Members may cure such misstatement by paying such Tax or establishing a reasonable escrow arrangement as security for the Existing Members’ obligation to indemnify the Company for any such Tax hereunder, and if such misstatement is so effectively cured, Investor shall not have the right to terminate this Agreement as a result of the breach of the representations set forth in this Section 8.K(ii).

(iii) No Tax deficiencies or adjustments have been claimed, proposed or assessed in writing or, to the Existing Members’ Knowledge, have been threatened by a Tax Authority against the Company or an Existing Member (insofar as related to the Property or the operation of the Hotel), in each case, that remain outstanding or otherwise unsettled. No audits or examinations or other administrative or judicial proceedings are ongoing, pending or scheduled or, to the Existing Members’ Knowledge, have been threatened by a Tax Authority since January 1, 2007, with respect to any Taxes or Tax Returns of the Company or an Existing Member (insofar as related to the Property or the operation of the Hotel). Neither the Company nor the Existing Members (insofar as related to the Property or the operation of the Hotel) has waived or entered into any agreement to extend any statute of limitation with respect to its Taxes or Tax Returns that remains effective or has otherwise not yet expired, other than in connection with an automatic extension of time to file any Tax Return. Since January 1, 2007, no written claim has been made against the Company or an Existing Member (insofar as related to the Property or the operation of the Hotel) by a Tax Authority in a jurisdiction where such entity does not file a Tax Return or pay Taxes asserting that such entity (or any of its members or partners, as applicable) is or may be subject to Tax by such jurisdiction.

(iv) Neither the Company nor any Existing Member (insofar as related to the Property or the operation of the Property) is a party to any Tax sharing, Tax indemnification, Tax allocation or other similar Tax agreement or arrangement. The Company has no liability for Taxes of any other Person as a transferee or successor, pursuant to Law, by Contract, or otherwise.



(v) There are no outstanding rulings or outstanding requests for rulings from any Tax Authority with respect to the Company, an Existing Member (insofar as related to the Property or the operation of the Property), the Property or the operation of the Property that will be binding on the Company after Closing. The transactions contemplated by this Agreement will not terminate any Tax incentive, holiday or abatement for the Company, the Property or the operation of the Hotel, including, for the avoidance of doubt, any property tax exemption, exclusion or other similar incentive.

(vi) For U.S. federal and applicable state income Tax purposes, the Company has been properly classified and treated as a partnership at all times since its formation. No election has been made under Treasury Regulation § 301.7701-3 (or any comparable provision of state or local Law) to classify the Company as a corporation for income Tax purposes.

(vii) Neither the Company nor Investor will be required to include any item of income in, or exclude any item of deduction from, taxable income for any Post-Closing Tax Year as a result of: (i) a change in method of accounting of the Company during a Pre-Closing Tax Year; (ii) any written agreement with a Tax Authority, including a “closing agreement” as described in Section 7121 of the Code (or any similar provision of state or local Tax Law), entered into by the Company or an Existing Member or its affiliates prior to the Closing Date; (iii) any installment sale or open transaction disposition made by the Company or an Existing Member or its affiliates prior to the Closing Date; (iv) any prepaid amounts received by the Company or an Existing Member or its affiliates prior the Closing Date; or (iv) any election under Section 108(i) of the Code made by the Company or an Existing Member or its affiliates prior to the Closing Date.

(viii) The Company has not engaged in any “reportable transaction” within the meaning of Treasury Regulations § 1.6011-4(b)(2) or as similarly defined under applicable state Tax Law.

L. Absence of Certain Changes or Events.

(i) Except as set forth on the Representation Exception Schedule, since the Balance Sheet Date and prior to the date of this Agreement, the business of the Company has been conducted in all material respects in the ordinary course consistent with past practice, except in connection with the Transaction and the Preparatory Restructuring.

(ii) Without limiting the generality of the foregoing Paragraph 8.1.L(i), since the Balance Sheet Date and prior to the date of this Agreement, other than as set forth on the Representations Exception Schedule, there has not been (except in connection with the Transaction and the Preparatory Restructuring):

(a) any amendment or change in the Company’s organizational or governing documents;

(b) any declaration, setting aside or payment of any non-cash dividend, distribution or capital return in respect of any shares of the Company’s equity



interests or any redemption, purchase or other acquisition by the Company any shares of the Company’s equity interests; or

(c) any sale, assignment, transfer, lease or other disposition or agreement to sell, assign, transfer, lease or otherwise dispose of any assets of the Company or the Property, except in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice to Persons who are not affiliates of the Existing Members, the Company or their respective affiliates; or

(d) any agreement to take any actions specified in this Paragraph 8.1.L(ii).

(iii) Without limiting the generality of the foregoing Paragraph 8.1.L(i) and (ii), since the Balance Sheet Date and prior to the date of this Agreement, other than as set forth on the Representations Exception Schedule, there has not been (except in connection with the Transaction and the Preparatory Restructuring):

(a) any acquisition (by merger, consolidation, or acquisition of stock or assets) by the Company of any corporation, partnership or other business organization or division thereof or any equity interest therein;

(b) any incurrence of, or guarantee with respect to, or provision of credit support for, any indebtedness for borrowed money by the Company;

(c) any loan, advance or capital contribution made by the Company to, or investment in, any Person; or

(d) any agreement to take any actions specified in this Paragraph 8.1.L(c), except for this Agreement.


(i) Each Existing Member represents and warrants that it is in material compliance with all applicable anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist laws, regulations, rules, executive orders and government guidance, including the reporting, record keeping and compliance requirements of the Bank Secrecy Act, as amended by The International Money Laundering Abatement and Financial Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001, Title III of the USA PATRIOT Act, and other authorizing statutes, executive orders and regulations administered by OFAC, and related Securities and Exchange Commission, self-regulatory organization (“SRO”) or other agency rules and regulations, and has policies, procedures, internal controls and systems that are reasonably designed to ensure such compliance.

(ii) Each Existing Member represents and warrants that neither: (i) any Affiliate of such Existing Member nor any Person Controlled by such Existing Member or any Affiliate of such Existing Member; nor (ii) to the best of knowledge of such Existing Member, after making due inquiry, any Person who owns a Controlling interest in or otherwise Controls such Existing Member; nor (iii) to the best of knowledge of such



Existing Member, after making due inquiry, if such Existing Member is a privately held entity, any person otherwise having a direct or indirect beneficial interest (other than with respect to an interest in a publicly traded entity) in such Existing Member; nor (iv) any Person for whom such Existing Member is acting as agent or nominee in connection with this investment, is a country, territory, Person, organization, or entity named on an OFAC List, nor is a prohibited country, territory, Person, organization, or entity under any economic sanctions program administered or maintained by OFAC.

(iii) Each Existing Member represents and warrants that, unless disclosed in writing on the date hereof; it is not a Senior Foreign Political Figure, or an Immediate Family Member or a Close Associate of a Senior Foreign Political Figure, that it is not Controlled by a Senior Foreign Political Figure, or an Immediate Family Member or a Close Associate of a Senior Foreign Political Figure, and that, to the best of such Existing Member’s knowledge, after making due inquiry, none of the direct or indirect owners of such Existing Member (other than any owner(s) of any interest(s) in a publicly-traded entity) is a Senior Foreign Political Figure, or an Immediate Family Member or a Close Associate of a Senior Foreign Political Figure.

(iv) Each Existing Member agrees that, upon receiving a request from Investor, such Existing Member shall provide information reasonably required by Investor to confirm that the foregoing representations, warranties and covenants continue to be true and to comply with all applicable anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist laws, regulations and executive orders. Each Existing Member consents to the disclosure to U.S. regulators and law enforcement authorities by Investor and its Affiliates of such information about such Existing Member that Investor reasonably deems necessary or appropriate to comply with applicable anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist laws, regulations, and executive orders.

(v) Each Existing Member agrees to notify Investor promptly if there is any change with respect to the representations provided herein.

(vi) Notwithstanding the foregoing, Existing Members make no representation or warranty with respect to, and the foregoing provisions of this Paragraph 8.1.M shall not be deemed or otherwise construed to apply with respect to, any holder of the issued and outstanding shares of stock of InterContinental Hotels Group, PLC, and any successor thereto by way of merger or sale of all or substantially all assets (“IHG Control Party”), which is a publicly traded company, or interests in any entity that is not Controlled, directly or indirectly, by IHG Control Party.

N. Title to Real and Personal Property.

(i) Neither Company nor Existing Members has entered into any currently effective agreement to sell or dispose of all or any portion of its interest in and to the Interest or the Property. To the Existing Members’ Knowledge, here are no unrecorded outstanding options or rights of first refusal or first offer to purchase the Real Property, or any portion thereof material to the operation of the Property. Except as disclosed in the



Title Commitment, the Personal Property is free and clear of Liens, security interests and other encumbrances, except the Permitted Title Exceptions.

(ii) As of the Closing, all BOC Property (other than any Excluded Property), together with any and all other real or personal property used to operate the Hotel will have been contributed to the Company.

O. Occupancy Leases.

(i) Tenants. As of the Effective Date, the only tenants under signed Occupancy Leases at the Property are the tenants listed in Exhibit F attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; provided, however, that the foregoing is not intended (and shall not be construed) as a representation by Existing Members of the parties that are in actual possession of any portion of the Property since there may be subtenants, licensees or assignees that are in possession of portions of the Property of which Existing Members may not be aware, but to Existing Members’ Knowledge, only the tenants list on Exhibit F are the only parties in possession or premises demised under Occupancy Leases, and nor does Existing Members represent or warrant that any particular Occupancy Lease or Occupancy Leases will be in force or effect on the Closing Date or that the Tenants will have performed their obligations thereunder.

(ii) Occupancy Lease Defaults. As of the Effective Date, except for defaults cured on or before the date hereof, neither Existing Members nor Company has to Existing Members’ Knowledge, (1) received any written notice from any tenant of the Property asserting or alleging that Company is in default under such tenant’s Occupancy Lease, nor (2) sent to any tenant of the Property any written notice alleging or asserting that such tenant is in default under such tenant’s Occupancy Lease.

(iii) Title. No rents or Occupancy Leases have been assigned, transferred or hypothecated by Existing Members or Company except as set forth in the list of Contracts attached hereto as Exhibit H with respect to any surviving leasing commission agreements with respect to the Property.

P. Contracts. As of the Effective Date, except for (i) the Contracts listed in Exhibit H attached hereto, and (ii) the Permitted Title Exceptions, neither Existing Members nor Company has entered into any Material Contracts that will be binding upon Investor after the Closing. Copies of the Material Contracts as of the Effective Date have been made available to Investor. Each Material Contract is valid and binding upon the Company or the Existing Members, as applicable and, to Existing Members’ Knowledge, all other parties thereto, and there is no breach or violation by Existing Members or the Company of, or default by Existing Members or the Company under, the Material Contracts to which it is a party (and no event has occurred with respect to Existing Members or the Company which, with notice or lapse of time or both, would constitute a breach or violation by Existing Members or the Company of, or default by Existing Members or the Company under, the Material Contracts to which it is a party) and, to Existing Members’ and the Company’s Knowledge, there is no breach or violation by any other Person of, or default by any other Person under, the Material Contracts, in each case



under this sentence, except for failures to be valid and binding, or breaches, violations or defaults, that would not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.

Q. Legal Proceedings. Except as set forth on Exhibit L, there is no current, pending or threatened Legal Proceeding against Company or Existing Members (including, but not limited to, condemnation proceedings against the Property) of which Company or Existing Members has Knowledge or has received written notice. No petition has been filed by Company or Existing Members, nor has Company or Existing Members received written notice or have Knowledge of any petition filed against Company or Existing Members, under the Federal Bankruptcy Code or any similar state or federal Law.

R. Special Assessments and Exactions. Except as disclosed in the Title Commitment, as of the Effective Date, neither Existing Members nor Company has, to Existing Members’ Knowledge, received any written notice from any Governmental Entity that any special assessments are pending, noted or levied against the Property.

S. Environmental Matters. Except for matters expressly identified as material concerns in the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, dated October 31, 2013, performed by Cardno ATC and delivered to Investor, and to Existing Members’ Knowledge:

(i) Neither the Company nor any Existing Member has received written notice of any violation with respect to the Property alleging material noncompliance with or material liability under any Environmental Law during the previous five (5) years.

(ii) There are no pending or, to the Knowledge of Existing Members, written notice received by the Company or Existing Members of threatened material claims or Legal Proceedings against the Property, Existing Members or the Company with respect to the Property alleging material noncompliance with or material liability under any Environmental Law.

(iii) There has been no receipt of written notice by the Company or Existing Members that an investigation is pending or threatened against the Property, the Existing Members or the Company with respect to the Property relating to a material Release of Hazardous Materials or any material noncompliance with Environmental Laws.

(iv) There have been no Releases of Hazardous Materials by Existing Members (nor has any Existing Member knowingly allowed any other Person on the Property to cause Hazardous Materials to be Released) at, on or under the Property of types or in quantities or locations that would reasonably be expected to require the owner or operator of the Property to either report any Governmental Entities of such Release or to undertake any investigation or remedial action pursuant to Environmental Law.

(v) There are no Hazardous Materials stored, used, handled, manufactured, generated or otherwise located at, in, on or under the Property by Existing Members or transported to or from the Property by Existing Members (nor has any Existing Member knowingly allowed any other Person on the Property to perform such actions) except for such quantities and types of Hazardous Materials reasonably required for the



construction, operation or maintenance of the Property and that are stored, used, handled, manufactured, generated, located or transported in compliance with Environmental Laws.

T. Permits; Compliance with Laws. To Existing Members’ Knowledge, no material permit, registration, license or approvals of any Governmental Entities necessary to conduct the business and operations at the Hotel as presently conducted (the “Existing Permits”), has been revoked, suspended or terminated in the three (3) year period prior to the Effective Date except where such revocation, suspension or termination would not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect. To Existing Members’ Knowledge, (i) no event has occurred which permits or is reasonably likely to result in, or upon the giving of notice or passage of time, or both, would permit or would be reasonably likely to result in, and (ii) except with respect to the Transitioning Licenses, the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by the Company and the Existing Members is not reasonably likely to result in: revocation, non-renewal, suspension or termination of any Existing Permit that currently is in effect, except where such revocation, non-renewal, modification, suspension, limitation or termination would not reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on the operation of the Property. Neither Existing Members nor the Company nor the Property has, in the period of five (5) years prior to the Effective Date, been subject to any violation of any Laws in connection with the business conducted at the Property which resulted in the closure of the Hotel lobby or more than 10% of the Hotel’s guest rooms and/or resulted in fines for such individual violation being levied against the Hotel, the Property, the Company or any Existing Member in excess of $100,000.

U. Condemnation Proceedings. There are no pending or, to Existing Members’ Knowledge, threatened judicial proceedings seeking to condemn the Property or any part thereof. Neither the Company nor the Existing Members have entered into any agreement in lieu of condemnation therefor.

V. Insurance. The Existing Members have made available to the Investor prior to the Effective Date a true and correct copy of insurance certificates for each insurance policy listed in Exhibit R attached hereto.

8.2 Existing Members’ Warranties Deemed Modified; Right to Update for Changes during Interim Period. Because Investor is relying on Investor’s own Due Diligence, to the extent that Investor has Actual Knowledge prior to the Closing that Existing Members’ Warranties are inaccurate, untrue or incorrect in any way, such Existing Members’ Warranties shall be deemed modified to reflect Investor’s Actual Knowledge. Existing Members shall update Existing Members’ Warranties as of the Closing Date in the Existing Members’ Reaffirmation. Further, in no event shall Existing Members be liable to Investor for, or be deemed to be in default hereunder by reason of, any update of Existing Members’ Warranties which results from any change that (i) occurs during the Interim Period and (ii) (x) is expressly permitted under the terms of this Agreement or (y) is beyond the reasonable control of Existing Members to prevent or (z) involves an allegation or action by a third party arising during the Interim Period which would not result in a Material Adverse Effect, and is subject to indemnification by Existing Members herein, then for each of the foregoing (ii)(x), (y) or (z), the occurrence of such change shall not constitute the non-fulfillment of the condition set forth in Paragraph 10.1.A.; provided, however, that the update of any of Existing Members’ Warranties which results from the occurrence of a change during the Interim Period which is not permitted



hereunder shall, to the extent such change does not qualify under (ii)(x), (y) or (z) herein and is material (as defined in Paragraph 8.3), constitute the non-fulfillment of the condition set forth in Paragraph 10.1.A. (unless Investor had Actual Knowledge of such change, or was advised by Existing Members of such change, prior to the Closing Date, in which event the provisions of Paragraph 8.3 shall apply); if, despite changes or other matters described in Existing Members’ Reaffirmation, the Closing occurs, Existing Members’ Warranties set forth in this Agreement shall be deemed to have been modified by all statements made in Existing Members’ Reaffirmation. For purposes of this Agreement, “Actual Knowledge” shall refer only to the actual knowledge of Fady Bakhos and Zaki Guiziri without duty to investigate the matters to which such knowledge, or absence of knowledge, pertains.

8.3 Claims of Breach Prior To Closing. If at or prior to the Closing, Existing Members obtains Knowledge that any Existing Members’ Warranty is untrue, inaccurate or incorrect in any material respect as of the date made, Existing Members shall give Investor written notice thereof within ten (10) Business Days of obtaining such Knowledge (but, in any event, prior to the Closing). If at or prior to the Closing, Investor or any Investor’s Representative obtains Actual Knowledge that any Existing Members’ Warranty is untrue, inaccurate or incorrect in any material respect as of the date made, Investor shall give Existing Members written notice thereof within ten (10) Business Days of obtaining such knowledge (but, in any event, prior to the Closing). In either such event, Existing Members shall have the right to cure such misrepresentation or breach and shall be entitled to a reasonable adjournment of the Closing (not to exceed fifteen (15) days) to attempt such cure. If Investor fails to notify Existing Members within ten (10) Business Days of obtaining knowledge (or, if earlier, prior to the Closing) that any Existing Members’ Warranty is untrue, inaccurate or incorrect as of the date made, then Investor shall be deemed to waive such misrepresentation or breach of warranty. If any Existing Members’ Warranty is untrue, inaccurate or incorrect in any material respect as of the date made, and Existing Members are unable to so cure such misrepresentation or breach, then Investor, as its sole remedy shall elect either (a) to waive such misrepresentation or breach and consummate the Transaction without any reduction of or credit against the Investor Capital Contribution, or (b) to Terminate this Agreement by written notice given to Existing Members on the Closing Date, in which event any Deposit shall be returned to Investor. If any of Existing Members’ Warranties are untrue, inaccurate or incorrect but are not untrue, inaccurate or incorrect in any material respect, Investor shall be deemed to waive such misrepresentation or breach of warranty, and Investor shall be required to consummate the Transaction without any reduction of or credit against the Investor Capital Contribution. The untruth, inaccuracy or incorrectness of Existing Members’ Warranties shall be deemed material only if Investor’s aggregate damages resulting from the untruth, inaccuracy or incorrectness of Existing Members’ Warranties are reasonably estimated to exceed $150,000.

8.4 Survival and Limits On Investor’s Claims. The Limited Existing Members’ Warranties shall survive the Closing and not be merged therein for a period of twelve (12) months and Existing Members shall only be liable to Investor hereunder for a breach of the Limited Existing Members’ Warranties made herein or in any of the documents executed by Existing Members at the Closing with respect to which a claim is made by Investor against Existing Members in writing and a proceeding commenced on or before the date that is the one year anniversary of the Closing Date. Anything in this Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding, the maximum aggregate liability of Existing Members for breaches of the



Limited Existing Members’ Warranties shall be subject to Existing Members’ Liability Limit. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, if the Closing occurs, Investor hereby expressly waives, relinquishes and releases any right or remedy available to it at law, in equity, under this Agreement or otherwise to make a claim against Existing Members for damages that Investor may incur, or to rescind this Agreement and the Transaction, as the result of any of Existing Members’ Warranties being untrue, inaccurate or incorrect if (a) Investor had Actual Knowledge that such representation or warranty was untrue, inaccurate or incorrect at the time of the Closing (Investor’s remedy being as set forth in Paragraph 8.3), or (b) Investor’s damages as a result of such representations or warranties being untrue, inaccurate or incorrect are reasonably estimated to aggregate less than $150,000.

8.5 Investor’s Representations and Warranties. Investor, as of the date of the execution of this Agreement by Investor, represents and warrants to Existing Members as follows, and as a condition precedent to Existing Members’ obligation to consummate the Transaction at Closing pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, the following representations of Investor shall be true and correct in all material respects as of the Closing Date:

A. Organization, Power and Authority.

(i) Investor is a Delaware limited liability company, duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the Laws of the state of its organization, is, or will by the Closing Date be, to the extent required by Law, duly qualified to do business in the State in which the Real Property is located and has all necessary power to execute and deliver this Agreement and perform all its obligations hereunder. Investor has the full power and authority to enter into this Agreement and the execution and delivery of this Agreement by Investor (i) has been duly and validly authorized by all necessary action on the part of Investor, (ii) does not conflict with or result in a violation of Investor’s Articles of Incorporation or By-Laws or any judgment, order or decree of any court or arbiter in any proceeding to which Investor is a party, and (iii) does not conflict with or constitute a material breach of, or constitute a material default under, any contract, agreement or other instrument by which Investor is bound or to which it is a party. There are no Legal Proceedings filed or served against Investor or, to Investor’s Actual Knowledge, otherwise pending or threatened the outcome of which would be reasonably likely to adversely affect Investor’s ability to purchase the Interest or otherwise perform its obligations under this Agreement.

(ii) This Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered by Investor and constitutes a legal, valid and binding agreement of Investor enforceable against Investor in accordance with its terms, except (i) as such enforceability may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, moratorium, reorganization or similar Laws affecting the enforcement of creditors’ rights generally, and (ii) as the remedy of specific performance and other forms of equitable relief may be subject to equitable defenses and principles and to the discretion of the court before which any proceeding therefor may be brought.

B. No Bankruptcy. Investor has not (A) commenced a voluntary case, or had entered against it a petition, for relief under any federal bankruptcy act or any similar



petition, order or decree under any federal or state Law relative to bankruptcy, insolvency or other relief for debtors, (B) caused, suffered or consented to the appointment of a receiver, trustee, administrator, conservator, liquidator or similar official in any federal, state or foreign judicial or non-judicial proceeding, to hold, administer and/or liquidate all or substantially all of its assets, or (C) made an assignment for the benefit of creditors.


(i) Investor represents and warrants that it is in material compliance with all applicable anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist laws, regulations, rules, executive orders and government guidance, including the reporting, record keeping and compliance requirements of the Bank Secrecy Act, as amended by The International Money Laundering Abatement and Financial Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001, Title III of the USA PATRIOT Act, and other authorizing statutes, executive orders and regulations administered by OFAC, and related Securities and Exchange Commission, SRO or other agency rules and regulations, and has policies, procedures, internal controls and systems that are reasonably designed to ensure such compliance.

(ii) Investor represents and warrants that neither: (i) any Affiliate of such Investor nor any Person Controlled by such Investor or any Affiliate of such Investor; nor (ii) to the best of knowledge of such Investor, after making due inquiry, any Person who owns a Controlling interest in or otherwise Controls such Investor; nor (iii) to the best of knowledge of such Investor, after making due inquiry, if such Investor is a privately held entity, any person otherwise having a direct or indirect beneficial interest (other than with respect to an interest in a publicly traded entity) in such Investor; nor (iv) any Person for whom such Investor is acting as agent or nominee in connection with this investment, is a country, territory, Person, organization, or entity named on an OFAC List, nor is a prohibited country, territory, Person, organization, or entity under any economic sanctions program administered or maintained by OFAC.

(iii) Investor represents and warrants that, unless disclosed in writing on the date hereof; it is not a Senior Foreign Political Figure, or an Immediate Family Member or a Close Associate of a Senior Foreign Political Figure, that it is not Controlled by a Senior Foreign Political Figure, or an Immediate Family Member or a Close Associate of a Senior Foreign Political Figure, and that, to the best of such Investor’s knowledge, after making due inquiry, none of the direct or indirect owners of such Investor (other than any owner(s) of any interest(s) in a publicly-traded entity) is a Senior Foreign Political Figure, or an Immediate Family Member or a Close Associate of a Senior Foreign Political Figure.

(iv) Investor agrees that, upon receiving a request from Existing Members, Investor shall provide information reasonably required by Existing Members to confirm that the foregoing representations, warranties and covenants continue to be true and to comply with all applicable anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist laws, regulations and executive orders. Investor consents to the disclosure to U.S. regulators and law enforcement authorities by Existing Members and their Affiliates of such information about Investor that Existing Members reasonably deems necessary or appropriate to



comply with applicable anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist laws, regulations, and executive orders.

(v) Investor agrees to notify Existing Members promptly if there is any change with respect to the representations provided herein.

D. United Kingdom, European Union and United Nations Anti-Terrorism, Anti-Bribery and Trade Sanctions Compliance.

(i) For the purposes of this Paragraph 8.5.D, “Person” means any individual, corporation, partnership, joint venture, limited liability company, estate, trust, unincorporated association, any national, provincial, state, county or municipal government or any bureau, office, department or agency thereof and any fiduciary acting in an agency capacity on behalf of any of the foregoing.

(ii) For purposes of this Paragraph 8.5.D, “Prohibited Person” means any person identified by Her Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom (“UK”), the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the Department of the Treasury of the United States (“US”), the European Union (“EU”) or the United Nations (“UN”) (collectively, “Sanctioning Bodies”) or any other Person with whom any Existing Member, or any of its affiliated companies, are prohibited from transacting business.

(iii) Investor represents, warrants and covenants that neither it nor any Person having a direct or indirect ownership interest in Investor, nor any Person associated with Investor:

(iv) is directly or indirectly owned or controlled by the government of any nation subject to trade sanctions or embargoes imposed by any of the Sanctioning Bodies;

(v) is acting on behalf of any government of any nation subject to trade sanctions or embargoes imposed by any of the Sanctioning Bodies,

(vi) has been or is now identified by any of the Sanctioning Bodies as a Prohibited Person;

(vii) has been or is now in violation of any applicable law relating to anti-money laundering, anti-terrorism, anti-bribery, trade sanctions or embargoes, including without limitation the UK Bribery Act 2010, the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the US Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (“US Patriot Act”) and related regulations and executive orders related to the foregoing laws (the “Relevant Laws”); and

(viii) has engaged in, or now engages in, or has been convicted of fraud, corruption, bribery, money laundering, narcotics, terrorism, illegal immigration, human trafficking or other similar criminal offenses.

For the purposes of this Paragraph 8.5.D, whether a Person is “associated with Investor” must be determined with reference to the Relevant Laws, specifically the UK Bribery



Act 2010 and accompanying guidance from the UK Ministry of Justice; but, whether a Person is “associated with Investor Existing Member” includes, but is not limited to, any authorized agent of Investor Existing Member.

E. ERISA. Investor is not an employee benefit plan as defined in Section 3(3) of ERISA. Investor is not funding the Investor Capital Contribution with assets that constitute “plan assets” within the meaning of the plan asset regulations promulgated by the U.S. Department of Labor at 29 C.F.R. 2510.3-101 et seq., as amended or modified from time to time.

F. Survival. The Investor Warranties shall survive the Closing (and not be merged therein) indefinitely.

G. Investor Structure. Investor has previously provided to Existing Members a true, correct and complete description of the ownership structure of Investor.

8.6 Leases, Baggage and Safe Deposit Boxes.

A. Contracts and Occupancy Leases. All Contracts and Occupancy Leases shall remain with Company at Closing (or, to the extent held by BOC, shall be transferred by BOC to Company at or prior to the Closing), and all such Contracts and Occupancy Leases shall be deemed approved by Investor.

B. Guest Baggage. All baggage of Hotel guests which has been checked with or left in the care of Company shall be inventoried, sealed and tagged jointly by Existing Members and Investor immediately after the Closing Date. The Company hereby indemnifies Investor (to the extent of the Interest) against all claims, losses or liabilities with respect to such baggage arising out of the acts or omissions of Existing Members prior to the Closing Date.

C. Safe Deposit Boxes. Any property in safe deposit boxes as of the Closing Date (whether or not so recorded) shall continue to be the responsibility of Company.

D. Survival. The provisions of this Paragraph shall survive the Closing (and not be merged therein) or any earlier termination of this Agreement.

9. Casualty and Condemnation. If after the Effective Date and prior to the Closing Date, any portion of the improvements is materially damaged or destroyed by fire or other casualty, or there shall be commenced or instituted against the Property any Condemnation Proceeding, Existing Members shall promptly give written notice of such event to Investor, and the following provisions shall apply notwithstanding the contrary terms of any applicable Laws with respect to the subject matter of this Paragraph 9:

9.1 Major Event. If such damage or destruction occurring after the Effective Date and prior to the Closing Date results in a casualty loss in excess of Ten Million and no/100 Dollars ($10,000,000.00), as reasonably determined by Existing Members, or if such Condemnation Proceeding would result in the taking of a portion of the Property worth in excess of Ten Million and no/100 Dollars ($10,000,000.00), as reasonably determined by Existing Members, then Investor and Existing Members shall each have the right to Terminate this Agreement by written notice given to Existing Members or Investor, as applicable, given no later



than ten (10) Business Days after the giving of Existing Members’ notice of such event, in which event, upon the effective date of such Termination, any Deposit shall be returned to Investor, and the Closing Date shall be extended, if necessary, to provide sufficient time for Investor to make such election within the aforementioned ten (10) Business Day period. The failure by Investor or Existing Members to so elect in writing to Terminate this Agreement within such period shall be deemed an election not to Terminate this Agreement.

9.2 Closing Despite Casualty/Condemnation. If a casualty or Condemnation Proceeding occurs and either Investor or Existing Members shall not as provided herein, or neither Investor or Existing Members has the right to, Terminate this Agreement on account thereof, then the parties shall proceed to Closing without adjustment of the Investor Capital Contribution on account of such casualty or Condemnation Proceeding except as expressly provided in this Paragraph 9.2 and (a) Existing Members shall assign to the Company at Closing all their rights to all awards or insurance proceeds with respect to such casualty or Condemnation Proceeding (except for business interruption coverage with respect to Rental Payments, income from Bookings and any other income prior to Closing); (b) Existing Members shall provide a credit at Closing equal to Investor’s Pro Rata Share of (i) all proceeds previously paid to Existing Members with respect to such casualty or, with respect to a Condemnation Proceeding, all awards previously paid to Existing Members with respect to such Condemnation Proceeding, less (ii) an amount equal to the sum of (A) the actual out-of-pocket costs, expenses and fees, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, expenses and disbursements, incurred by Existing Members in connection with such casualty or Condemnation Proceeding, (B) any portion of any Condemnation Proceeding award that is allocable to loss of use of the Property prior to Closing, and the proceeds of any rental loss, business interruption or similar insurance to the extent allocable to the period prior to the Closing Date, and (C) the reasonable and actual out-of-pocket costs incurred by Existing Members in stabilizing and/or repairing the Property following a casualty (and to the extent the sum of the items in (ii) is greater than the items in (i), Investor shall pay Investor’s Pro Rata Share of such excess to Existing Members within one (1) Business Day after receipt of such awards or proceeds after Closing) and (c) any actual out-of-pocket costs or expenses in connection with the restoration of the Property as a result of such casualty or Condemnation Proceeding shall be treated as a Company Cost Overrun pursuant to the terms of the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement.

10. Other Conditions to Closing. The obligation of Investor, Company and Existing Members to close the Transaction shall be further subject to the satisfaction at or prior to Closing of the conditions precedent set forth in this Paragraph. In the event that any of the conditions precedent set forth in this Paragraph fail to be satisfied as of the scheduled Closing Date, the Closing shall be adjourned for a maximum of fifteen (15) days thereafter or such longer grace period specified therefor in the other provisions of this Agreement, and upon expiration of said fifteen (15) day or longer period, Investor (in the case of failure of the conditions precedent set forth in Paragraph 10.1) or Existing Members (in the case of failure of the conditions precedent set forth in Paragraph 10.2) may thereafter until such condition precedent is satisfied, as their sole remedy for such failure except to the extent the other provisions of this Agreement provide for additional or alternative remedies, Terminate this Agreement (whereupon, in the case of failure of the conditions precedent set forth in Paragraph 10.1, the Deposit shall be returned to Investor).



10.1 Conditions to Investor’s Obligations. The conditions precedent to Investor’s obligations at Closing referenced above are as follows, any or all of which may be expressly waived by Investor in writing, at its sole option:

A. Representations. Aside from ministerial corrections that have no substantive effect on the veracity of the Existing Members’ Warranties, subject to Paragraphs 8.2 and 8.3, Existing Members’ Warranties shall be true and correct on and as of the Closing Date as if made on and as of such date except to the extent that they expressly relate to an earlier date;

B. Contribution of Leaseback. BOC shall have contributed the Leaseback to the Company by entering into an assignment of the Leaseback to the Company effective upon or prior to the Closing (the “Leaseback Contribution”);

C. Payable and Receivable. The structuring of the Payable and the Receivable as contemplated by Schedule 6 shall have been consummated;

D. Management Agreement. Company, as Owner, and Manager, as Manager, shall have entered into the Management Agreement as described in Paragraph 6.2, effective upon or prior to the Closing;

E. Contribution of BOC Property. BOC shall have contributed to the Company, to the extent transferrable, the BOC Property, except the Excluded Property which shall be retained by BOC, such contribution to be effective upon or prior to the Closing;

F. Title Policy. At Closing, Company shall have such title to the Real Property as will enable the Title Company (or, if the Title Company so refuses to issue, such other title insurance company selected by Investor being one of the following: Fidelity or First American) to issue the Title Policy (or a signed specimen or proforma policy thereof or “marked” title commitment) subject only to the Permitted Title Exceptions and consistent with Paragraph 4.3 hereof with customary endorsements thereto including, without limitation, a Non-Imputation Endorsement;

G. No Material Adverse Effect. Since the date of this Agreement, there has not occurred any event, change, development, occurrence or circumstance that, individually or in the aggregate, has had or would reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.

H. No Injunctions. No Governmental Entity of competent jurisdiction shall have initiated any action seeking, or shall have enacted, issued, promulgated, enforced or entered any order, executive order, stay, decree, judgment or injunction or statute, rule or regulation (in each case, whether temporary, preliminary or permanent) to prevent or prohibit the consummation of any of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement or to make it illegal for either party hereto to perform its obligations hereunder, provided, however, that in the event such action is initiated, the condition precedent set forth in this clause H shall be deemed satisfied if such action is dismissed or withdrawn.

I. Existing Members Compliance. Existing Members shall have performed all of the material covenants, undertakings and obligations to be performed or complied with by



Existing Members at or prior to the Closing, including delivery of the Closing Documents required to be delivered by Existing Members pursuant to Paragraph 6.2.

J. Transfer to New Subsidiaries. BOC and Resources shall have contributed the Membership Interests to the New Subsidiaries. Upon such contribution, the parties agree that the New Subsidiaries shall automatically be substituted as the Existing Members for all purposes under this Agreement effective as of the Effective Date; provided, however, following the date of any such substitution, BOC and Resources shall continue to remain jointly and severally liable for any and all liability and obligations of Existing Members under this Agreement.

K. Other Restructuring Steps. The restructuring steps as described in the memorandum attached as Schedule 6 shall have been consummated; provided, however, that (i) in no event shall the consummation of any third party financing be a condition precedent to either party’s obligations at Closing and (ii) the steps described in paragraph number 5 of the Section entitled PRE-CONTRIBUTION STEPS WITH $150M NON-RECOURSE FINANCING and paragraph number 6 of the Section entitled PRE-CONTRIBUTION STEPS WITH NO OUTSIDE FINANCING of the memorandum attached as Schedule 6 are intended to occur at Closing but not as a condition precedent to either party’s obligations at Closing.

10.2 Conditions to Existing Members’ and Company’s Obligations. The conditions precedent to Existing Members’ obligations at Closing and to Company’s obligations at Closing referenced above are as follows, any or all of which may be expressly waived by Existing Members and Company in writing, at their sole option:

A. Representations. Investor’s Warranties set forth in Paragraph 8.5, shall be true and correct in all material respects on and as of the Closing Date as if made on and as of such date except to the extent that they expressly relate to an earlier date;

B. No Injunctions. No Governmental Entity of competent jurisdiction shall have initiated any action seeking, or shall have enacted, issued, promulgated, enforced or entered any order, executive order, stay, decree, judgment or injunction or statute, rule or regulation (in each case, whether temporary, preliminary or permanent) to prevent or prohibit the consummation of any of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement or to make it illegal for either party hereto to perform its obligations hereunder; and

C. Investor Compliance. Investor shall have performed all of the material covenants, undertakings and obligations to be performed or complied with by Investor at or prior to the Closing, including, without limitation, delivery of the Investor Capital Contribution and the Closing Documents required to be delivered by Investor pursuant to Paragraph 6.3.

D. Other Restructuring Steps. The restructuring steps as described in the memorandum attached as Schedule 6 shall have been consummated; provided, however, that (i) in no event shall the consummation of any third party financing be a condition precedent to either party’s obligations at Closing and (ii) the steps described in paragraph number 5 of the Section entitled “PRE-CONTRIBUTION STEPS WITH $150M NON-RECOURSE



FINANCING” and paragraph number 6 of the Section entitled “PRE-CONTRIBUTION STEPS WITH NO OUTSIDE FINANCING” of the memorandum attached as Schedule 6 are intended to occur at Closing but not as a condition precedent to either party’s obligations at Closing.

10.3 Waiver of Conditions. By closing the Transaction, Existing Members and Investor shall be conclusively deemed to have waived the benefit of any remaining unfulfilled conditions set forth in Paragraph 10.1 and 10.2, respectively.

11. Transaction Issues: Brokers, Confidentiality and Indemnities.

11.1 Brokers. Each party represents to the other that such party has not incurred any obligation to any broker or real estate agent with respect to the purchase or sale of the Interest except for the Broker defined herein, which obligation has been incurred by Existing Members pursuant to a separate agreement with Broker executed in connection with the Transaction. Existing Members shall, upon the Closing of this Transaction, pay to Broker the appropriate sales commission pursuant to the terms of the brokerage agreement with Broker. Except for Broker and such commission payable as set forth above, Existing Members and Investor each hereby (a) represent and warrant to the other that it has not employed, retained or consulted any broker, agent, or finder in carrying on a negotiation in connection with this Agreement or the Transaction, and (b) indemnify and agree to hold the other harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, debts, liabilities, judgments and damages (including actual, out-of-pocket costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees actually incurred in connection with the enforcement of this indemnity) which may be asserted or recovered against the indemnified party on account of any brokerage fee, commission or other compensation arising by reason of the indemnitor’s breach of this representation and warranty. This Paragraph shall survive the Closing (and not be merged therein) or any earlier termination of this Agreement.

11.2 Announcements; Confidentiality.

A. Existing Members shall provide any proposed stock exchange announcement regarding the transaction contemplated herein to Investor in advance of such announcement (but no approval of Investor shall be required for such announcement); provided in no event shall any such stock exchange or other public announcement reference any percentage increase of the Investor Capital Contribution over net book value of the Property or any other inflation or misconstruing of the Investor Capital Contribution in any manner. Prior to making any disclosure or announcement relating to the Transaction, Existing Members shall, so far as practicable, consult with the Investor and take into account the reasonable recommendations of the Investor as to the content, timing and manner of such disclosure or announcement. Except as provided herein, in no event shall Existing Members, the Company nor any of such party’s Representatives or affiliates disclose the identity of the direct or indirect members of Investor, or the principals of any such member or Investor, without the prior written consent of Investor, and such information shall be deemed Confidential Materials of Investor for all purposes of this Agreement and the Transaction. In addition, except as provided herein, each of Investor and Existing Members and their respective Representatives shall keep confidential the terms of this Agreement and all Confidential Materials of the other party and all other reports



and information received or completed in connection with the Transaction. The foregoing provisions of this Section 11.2 shall not preclude either party from (a) discussing the substance or any relevant details of the transactions contemplated in this Agreement on a need to know basis, with such party’s respective Representatives, provided that each party shall instruct its respective Representatives of the confidential nature of the Transaction prior to providing any such information and each party shall be responsible for causing its Representatives to maintain confidentiality of such information pursuant to the terms herein, or (b) from complying with any Laws applicable to such party, including, without limitation, governmental regulatory, disclosure, tax and reporting requirements, which may, to the extent required under the law, include disclosure of the terms of this Agreement and, subject to the terms of Paragraph 11.2(B), the identity of the direct or indirect members of Investor, or the principals of any such member or Investor or, at and after Closing, issuing or causing the issuance of a press or media release or other information in the nature of a press release relating to this Agreement or the Transaction, provided, however, that such release has received the prior written approval of Existing Members as to the exact text of such press release and of the extent of distribution thereof and subject to the first sentence of this Paragraph 11.2. The foregoing confidentiality obligations shall not apply to any information which becomes public knowledge other than through a default of the other party or its Representatives.

B. In the event that Existing Members are required in any judicial, administrative or regulatory proceeding (including in connection with any pre-trial discovery) to disclose the identity of the direct or indirect members of Investor, or the principals of any such member or Investor, Existing Members shall (if legally permitted to do so) provide Investor with (a) prompt written notice of any such requirement in order to afford Investor time either to seek an appropriate protective order or other reliable remedy or to waive compliance with this Agreement, unless such notice is prohibited by law or legal process, and (b) a complete copy of any such request or order or similar judicial, administrative or regulatory document evincing such requirement. Subject to the limitations set forth above, Exiting Members shall, and shall request its Representatives to, reasonably cooperate with Investor in a commercially reasonable manner in obtaining such protective order or other remedy. If no such protective order or other remedy is obtained, or if Investor waives compliance with this Agreement in writing, then Exiting Members may disclose the identity of the direct or indirect members of Investor, or the principals of any such member or Investor, as is legally required to be disclosed. Existing Members shall inform Investor of the proposed disclosure, to the extent permitted by law and as far in advance of its disclosure as is practicable, and shall use commercially reasonable efforts to implement the suggestions of Investor concerning the nature and scope of the information Existing Members propose to disclose.

11.3 Indemnification and Release. From and after the Closing, Existing Members shall indemnify, save and hold harmless Investor, each Investor Party and the Company from and against any and all Liabilities incurred in connection with, arising out of or resulting from the following:

A. any breach of or inaccuracy in the Indefinite Existing Member’s Warranties (whether such Liability arises prior to or following Closing);

B. the Excluded Liabilities; and



C. the Excluded Property (whether such Liability arises prior to or following Closing).

Notwithstanding the foregoing, Existing Members shall have no obligation to indemnify, save and hold harmless Investor, any Investor Party or the Company against any of the following Liabilities, and Investor, for Investor and Investor’s successors and assigns, hereby releases Existing Members and each of the other Existing Members Parties from, and waives any and all Liabilities against Existing Members and each of the other Existing Members Parties for or attributable to or in connection with the following, except in each case to the extent of Existing Members’ Warranties (collectively, “Assumed Liabilities”):

(a) any and all Liabilities with respect to the structural, physical, or environmental condition of the Property, including without limitation the Property’s compliance with Law; and

(b) any and all Liabilities relating to the release of or the presence, discovery or removal of any Hazardous Materials in, at, about or under the Property, or for, connected with or arising out of any and all claims or causes of action based upon CERCLA (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980, 42 U.S.C. §§9601 et seq., as amended by SARA (Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act of 1986) and as may be further amended from time to time), the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, 42 U.S.C. §§6901 et seq., or any related claims or causes of action or any other federal, state or municipal based statutory or regulatory causes of action for environmental contamination at, in, about or under the Property; and

(c) any and Liabilities related to the Property or the use or operation thereof or related to the Company or contracts and/or assets assigned to the Company for which the Liability occurs or accrues after the Closing Date and any claims made or brought by third parties with respect to the Property or the use or operation thereof or the Company for which the injury, damage or loss occurs after the Closing Date; and

(d) any implied or statutory warranties or guaranties of fitness, merchantability or any other statutory or implied warranty or guaranty of any kind or nature regarding or relating to any portion of the Property; and

(e) any and all Liabilities relating to the condition or status of Company’s title to the Property; and

(f) any and all Liabilities for (i) employee wages, payroll taxes, bonuses and incentives, vacation pay (vested or unvested), pension benefits, any COBRA rights, together with F.I.C.A. unemployment and other taxes, sick pay and other benefits of all kinds, workers’ compensation, severance payments or the like in each case occurring or arising on or after the Closing Date even if calculated based upon service time of Participants which occurred prior to the Closing Date; or (ii) Benefit Plans and Benefit Agreements, in each case incurred or accruing on or after the Closing Date (even if calculated based upon service time of Participants that occurred prior to the Closing



Date and even though the Benefit Plans and Benefit Agreements may have been in effect prior to the Closing Date). For the purposes of the foregoing, a medical/dental/vision claim shall be considered incurred when the services are rendered or the supplies or medications are provided, and not when the condition arose. For the avoidance of doubt, Assumed Liabilities shall not include any incentive compensation or bonuses earned with respect to periods prior to the Closing Date.

The Company shall indemnify, defend and hold Existing Members and Existing Member Parties from and against any and all liability, loss, damage and costs (including without limitation reasonable attorney’s fees) related to the Assumed Liabilities. This Paragraph 11.3 shall survive the Closing (and not be merged therein).

12. Default At or Prior to Closing.

12.1 Investor Default. If Investor defaults in the observance or performance of its covenants and obligations hereunder, and such default continues for the greater of five (5) Business Days after the date of receipt of written notice from Existing Members demanding cure of such default, or the expiration of other applicable cure periods set forth in this Agreement, Existing Members shall be entitled, as its sole and exclusive remedy hereunder (except with respect to any right, obligation or liability which survives Closing or termination of this Agreement, including the indemnification obligation of Investor set forth in Paragraph 4.3), to Terminate this Agreement by written notice to Investor of such termination and to receive payment of the Deposit as full liquidated damages for such default of Investor the parties hereto acknowledging the difficulty of ascertaining the actual damages in the event of such a default, that it is impossible more precisely to estimate the damages to be suffered by Existing Members upon Investor’s default, that such forfeiture of the Deposit is intended not as a penalty, but as full liquidated damages and that such amount constitutes a reasonable good faith estimate of the potential damages arising therefrom, it being otherwise difficult or impossible to estimate Existing Members’ actual damages which would be suffered by Existing Members in the event of default by Investor. Except with respect to any right, obligation or liability which survives Closing or termination of this Agreement, including the indemnification obligation of Investor set forth in Paragraph 4.3, Existing Members’ right to Terminate this Agreement and receive payment of the Deposit as full liquidated damages, are Existing Members’ sole and exclusive remedies in the event of default hereunder by Investor, and Existing Members hereby waive, relinquish and release any and all other rights and remedies (except any that survive termination pursuant to the express provisions of this Agreement), including, but not limited to: (1) any right to sue Investor or its affiliates for damages or to prove that Existing Members’ actual damages exceed the Deposit which is hereby provided Existing Members as full liquidated damages, (2) any right to sue Investor for specific performance, or (3) any other right or remedy which Existing Members may otherwise have against Investor or its affiliates, either at law, or equity or otherwise.

12.2 Existing Members’ or Company’s Default. If Existing Members or Company default in the observance or performance of their respective covenants and obligations hereunder, or if Existing Members breaches any of its representations and warranties under this Agreement, and such default continues for the greater of five (5) Business Days after the date of receipt of written notice from Investor demanding cure of such default, or the expiration of other



applicable cure periods set forth in this Agreement, then Investor shall be entitled either, at Investor’s option, as applicable, (i) to bring an action against Existing Members and/or Company, as applicable, for specific performance of this Agreement but only if such suit is filed within ninety (90) days after the scheduled Closing Date or (ii) to Terminate this Agreement by the delivery to Existing Members and Company of notice of such termination and in such event Investor shall be entitled to the return the Deposit and, with respect to any Termination caused by a material default of Existing Members (including, without limitation, any intentional breach of any Existing Members’ Warranty), Existing Members shall reimburse Investor for the actual, out-of-pocket costs and expenses incurred by Investor in connection with this Agreement and the Transaction in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000. Investor’s rights to so Terminate this Agreement or sue for specific performance are Investor’s sole and exclusive remedies hereunder in the event of default hereunder by Existing Members or Company, and Investor hereby waives, relinquishes and releases any and all other rights and remedies (except any that survive Closing or termination pursuant to the express provisions of this Agreement), including, but not limited to: (1) any right to bring an action for damages, or (2) any other right or remedy which Investor may otherwise have against Existing Members or Company either at law, in equity or otherwise.

12.3 Indemnity. If Existing Members terminate this Agreement pursuant to a right given to them hereunder and Investor files any lis pendens, injunction or other form of attachment against the Property (or publicly threatens to take any such action or publicly asserts rights to acquire the Property or publicly attempts to block another party’s proposed acquisition of the Property) which interferes with Existing Members’ or Company’s ability to sell, exchange, transfer, lease, dispose of or finance the Property, then the named Investor (and any assignee of Investor’s interest hereunder) shall be liable for, and indemnify and hold harmless Existing Members, Company and the other Existing Members Parties from and against any and all Liabilities incurred by Existing Members, Company and the other Existing Members Parties by reason of such action to contest by Investor. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the terms of this Paragraph 12.3 shall not prevent Investor from filing a lis pendens in connection with an action for specific performance timely filed pursuant to the terms of Paragraph 12.2. The obligations of Investor under this Paragraph 12.3 shall survive the termination of this Agreement.

13. Notices. All notices, consents, approvals and other communications which may be or are required to be given by either Existing Members or Investor under this Agreement shall be properly given only if made in writing and sent by (a) hand delivery or (b) a nationally recognized overnight delivery service (such as Federal Express, UPS Next Day Air or Airborne Express), with all postage and delivery charges paid by the sender and addressed to the Investor or Existing Members, as applicable as set forth below, or at such other address as each may request in writing. Such notices delivered by hand, or overnight delivery service shall be deemed received on the date of delivery. Said notice addresses are as follows (and Existing Members and Investor shall have the right to designate changes to their respective notice addresses, effective five (5) days after the delivery of written notice thereof):



If to Existing Members:    Barclay Operating Corp.
   InterContinental Hotels Group Resources, Inc.
   c/o InterContinental Hotels Group
   Three Ravina Drive
   Suite 100
   Atlanta, Georgia 30346-2149
   Attention: Robert Chitty
   Telephone No.: (770) 604-5321
   Email: bob.chitty@ihg.com
With a copy to:    InterContinental Hotels Group
   Three Ravina Drive
   Suite 100
   Atlanta, Georgia 30346-2149
   Attention: Legal Dept. - Paul Huang
   Telephone No.: (770) 604-2644
   Email: paul.huang@ihg.com
and a copy to:    DLA Piper LLP (US)
   1251 Avenue of the Americas
   New York, New York 10020-1104
   Attn: Andrew H. Levy
   Telephone No.: (212) 335-4544
   Email: andrew.levy@dlapiper.com
If to Investor:    Constellation Hotel Holdings Ltd. S.A.
   15, Boulevard Roosevelt L-2450
   Attn: Fady Bakhos
   Telephone No.:
   Email: fbakhos@almirqab.com
With a copy to:    Latham & Watkins
   885 Third Avenue
   New York, NY 10022-4834
   Attention: Michelle Kelban
   Telephone No.: (212) 906-1607
   Email: michelle.kelban@lw.com



If to Company:    111 East 48th Street Holdings, LLC
   c/o InterContinental Hotels Group
   Three Ravina Drive
   Suite 100
   Atlanta, Georgia 30346-2149
   Attention: Robert Chitty
   Telephone No.: (770) 604-5321
   Email: bob.chitty@ihg.com
With a copy to:    InterContinental Hotels Group
   Three Ravina Drive
   Suite 100
   Atlanta, Georgia 30346-2149
   Attention: Legal Dept. - Paul Huang
   Telephone No.: (770) 604-2644
   Email: paul.huang@ihg.com
and a copy to:    DLA Piper LLP (US)
   1251 Avenue of the Americas
   New York, New York 10020-1104
   Attn: Andrew H. Levy
   Telephone No.: (212) 335-4544
   Email: andrew.levy@dlapiper.com

14. General Provisions.

14.1 Execution Necessary. This Agreement shall not be binding upon Existing Members or Investor until fully executed and delivered by a proper official of Existing Members or Investor, as applicable, and no action taken by Existing Members’ or Investor’s Representatives shall be deemed an acceptance of this Agreement until this Agreement has been so executed and delivered by Existing Members and Investor.

14.2 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in separate counterparts. It shall be fully executed when each party whose signature is required has signed at least one counterpart even though no one counterpart contains the signatures of all of the parties to this Agreement.

14.3 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective permitted successors and assigns. Investor and Existing Members shall not have the right to assign or delegate any right, duty or obligation of Investor under this Agreement to any other party without the prior written consent of the other party (including without limitation, by any direct or indirect change in equity structure, ownership or control of Investor or any Existing Member or the Company, as applicable), which consent Investor or Existing Members, as applicable, may grant or withhold in their sole and absolute discretion, and any such assignment shall be null and void ab initio.



14.4 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by New York law, without regard to the conflicts or choice of laws principles or any other Law that would make the laws of any other jurisdiction other than the State of New York applicable hereto.

14.5 Entire Agreement. This Agreement and all the exhibits referenced herein and annexed hereto contain the entire agreement of the parties hereto with respect to the matters contained herein, and no prior agreement or understanding including, without limitation, the Letter of Intent, pertaining to any of the matters connected with this Transaction shall be effective for any purpose. Neither this Agreement nor any provision hereof may be waived, modified, amended, discharged or terminated except by an instrument signed by the party against whom the enforcement of such waiver, modification, amendment, discharge or termination is sought, and then only to the extent set forth in such instrument.

14.6 Time is of the Essence. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE of the Transaction and this Agreement. If the time period by which any right, option or election provided under this Agreement must be exercised, or by which any act required hereunder must be performed, or by which the Closing must be held, expires on a day that is not a Business Day, then such time period shall be automatically extended through the close of business on the next Business Day.

14.7 Interpretation. The titles, captions and paragraph headings are inserted for convenience only and are in no way intended to interpret, define, limit or expand the scope or content of this Agreement or any provision hereof. If any party to this Agreement is made up of more than one Person or entity, then all such Persons and entities shall be included jointly and severally, even though the defined term for such party may be used in the singular in this Agreement. If any time period under this Agreement ends on a day other than a Business Day, then the time period shall be extended until the next Business Day. This Agreement shall be construed without regard to any presumption or other rule requiring construction against the party causing this Agreement to be drafted. If any words or phrases in this Agreement shall have been stricken out or otherwise eliminated, whether or not any other words or phrases have been added, this Agreement shall be construed as if the words or phrases so stricken out or otherwise eliminated were never included in this Agreement and no implication or inference shall be drawn from the fact that said words or phrases were so stricken out or otherwise eliminated.

14.8 Further Assurances. Each party agrees to execute and deliver to the other such further documents or instruments as may be reasonable and necessary in furtherance of the performance of the terms, covenants and conditions of this Agreement; provided, however, that the execution and delivery of such documents by such party shall not result in any additional liability or cost to such party.

14.9 Exclusive Application. Nothing in this Agreement is intended or shall be construed to confer upon or to give to any Person, firm or corporation other than Investor and Existing Members hereto any right, remedy or claim under or by reason of this Agreement. All terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be for the sole and exclusive benefit of the parties hereto and may not be assigned.

14.10 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement or the application of such provision to any party or circumstance shall be held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder



of this Agreement or the application of that provision to another party or circumstance shall not be affected thereby; provided, however, that, if the performance of this Agreement absent the performance of the invalid or unenforceable provision materially affects any material aspect of this Transaction, Existing Members and Investor shall cooperate in good faith to attempt to agree a resolution of the affected aspect of the Transaction so that the Transaction can proceed substantially as contemplated without any adverse impact on the parties, except to a de minimis extent.

14.11 Approvals. Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, in all instances where Existing Members or Investor may give or withhold their approval, as applicable, such approval may be given or withheld in such Existing Members’ or Investor’s sole and absolute discretion.

14.12 Waiver Rights. Investor reserves the right to waive, in whole or in part, any provision hereof which is for the benefit of Investor. Existing Members reserve the right to waive, in whole or in part, any provision hereof that is for the benefit of Existing Members.

14.13 No Implied Waiver. Unless otherwise expressly provided herein, no waiver by Existing Members or Investor of any provision hereof shall be deemed to have been made unless expressed in writing and signed by such party. No delay or omission in the exercise of any right or remedy accruing to Existing Members or Investor upon any breach under this Agreement shall impair such right or remedy or be construed as a waiver of any such breach theretofore or thereafter occurring. The waiver by Existing Members or Investor of any breach of any term, covenant or condition herein stated shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other breach, or of a subsequent breach of the same or any other term, covenant or condition herein contained.

14.14 Rights Cumulative. All rights, powers, options or remedies afforded to Existing Members or Investor either hereunder or by Law shall be cumulative and not alternative, and the exercise of one right, power, option or remedy shall not bar other rights, powers, options or remedies allowed herein or by Law, unless expressly provided to the contrary herein.

14.15 Attorneys’ Fees. Should either party employ an attorney or attorneys to enforce any of the provisions hereof or to protect its interest in any manner arising under this Agreement, or to recover damages for breach of this Agreement, the non-prevailing party in any action pursued in a court of competent jurisdiction (the finality of which is not legally contested) agrees to pay to the prevailing party all reasonable actual, out-of-pocket costs, damages and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, expended or incurred in connection therewith.




14.17 Email Signatures. Signatures to this Agreement transmitted by email copy transmission shall be valid and effective to bind the party so signing upon the authorization of such party. Each party agrees to promptly deliver an execution original to this Agreement with its actual signature to the other party, but a failure to do so shall not affect the enforceability of this Agreement, it being expressly agreed that each party to this Agreement shall be bound by its own email copy signature upon such party’s release thereof and shall accept the email copy signature of the other party to this Agreement.

14.18 No Recordation. Existing Members and Investor each agrees that neither this Agreement nor any memorandum or notice hereof shall be recorded and Investor agrees (a) not to file any notice of pendency or other instrument (other than a judgment) against the Property or any portion thereof in connection herewith unless in connection with the exercise of specific performance as set forth in Paragraph 12.2 and (b) to indemnify Existing Members against all Liabilities (including reasonable attorneys’ fees, expenses and disbursements) incurred by Existing Members by reason of the filing by Investor of such notice of pendency or other instrument not in connection with the exercise of specific performance as set forth in Paragraph 12.2.

14.19 Maximum Aggregate Liability. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained in this Agreement or any documents executed by Existing Members pursuant hereto or in connection herewith, the maximum aggregate liability of Existing Members and the Existing Members Parties, and the maximum aggregate amount which may be awarded to and collected by Investor, in connection with the Transaction, the Property, under this Agreement and under any and all documents executed pursuant hereto or in connection herewith (including, without limitation, in connection with the breach of any of Existing Members’ Warranties for which a claim is timely made by Investor) shall not exceed Existing Members’ Liability Limit. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive the Closing (and not be merged therein) or any earlier termination of this Agreement.

14.20 Exhibits and Schedules. All exhibits and schedules referred to in, and attached to, this Agreement are hereby incorporated herein in full by this reference.

14.21 Jurisdiction. With respect to any suit, action or proceedings relating to the Transaction, this Agreement, the Property or the relationship of Investor and Existing Members hereunder (“Proceedings”) each party irrevocably (a) submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of the County of New York, State of New York and the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, and (b) waives any objection which it may have at any time to the laying of venue of any proceedings brought in any such court, waives any claim that such proceedings have been brought in an inconvenient forum and further waives the right to object, with respect to such proceedings, that such court does not have jurisdiction over such party. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive the Closing (and not be merged therein) or any earlier termination of this Agreement.

15. Hotel Employees. Investor recognizes that the Hotel is subject to that certain Industry Wide Collective Bargaining Agreement (“IWA”) between the New York Hotel and Motel Trades Council, AFL-CIO (the “Union”) and the Hotel Association of New York City,



Inc., effective July 1, 2012, as may be amended from time to time. As such, Investor acknowledges and agrees to the following:

A. Upon Closing, the Company and Investor must assume and be bound to the IWA, consistent with the terms of the IWA, including Article 59(B) thereof.

B. Not less than thirty (30) days prior to the Closing, BOC will be entitled to give the Union written notice of the possibility of a transaction, consistent with Article 59(E) of the IWA.

C. Not less than ten (10) business days prior to the Closing, BOC will be entitled to give the Union notice in writing of the transaction between Existing Members and Investor which will include the full and complete identity of the Investor, together with a duly executed copy of the pertinent portion of this Section 15).

D. The Company and Investor shall execute the Assumption Agreement not less than ten (10) days prior to closing pursuant to Article 59 (C) of the IWA, pursuant to the Assumption Agreement in the form attached as Exhibit T.

E. To the extent applicable, the Union shall be given at least thirty (30) days’ notice of any major structural alteration.

16. Effect of Termination. In the event of termination of this Agreement, this Agreement shall immediately become void and there shall be no Liability on the part of Investor or Existing Members, except with respect to provisions of this Agreement that expressly survive termination.

17. Survival/Merger. Except for the provisions of this Agreement that are explicitly stated to survive the Closing or earlier termination of this Agreement, (a) none of the terms of this Agreement shall survive the Closing or earlier termination of this Agreement, and (b) the delivery of the Investor Capital Contribution, delivery of the Interest, and delivery of the other closing documents and the acceptance thereof shall effect a merger, and be deemed the full performance and discharge of every obligation on the part of Existing Members and Investor to be performed hereunder.

18. On-Going Management of Hotel. Investor acknowledges that Existing Members are unwilling to enter into the Transaction unless, effective immediately upon and as a condition of Closing, Company and Existing Members’ designated affiliate enter into a long term hotel management agreement for the Property. At Closing, Existing Members’ designated affiliate and Company shall execute the Management Agreement in the form attached hereto as Exhibit I and Company shall cause the Memorandum of Management Agreement to be placed of record in the Office of the City Register of the City of New York.




IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Investor, Existing Members and Company have executed this Agreement under seal as of the day and year first above written.


BARCLAY OPERATING CORP., a New York corporation
By:   /s/ Travis Ray

Name: Travis Ray

Title: Vice President


GROUP RESOURCES, INC., a Delaware corporation

By:   /s/ Travis Ray

Name: Travis Ray

Title: Vice President

[Signatures continued over page]


Signature Page 1 of 3 to Contribution Agreement

CONSTELLATION BARCLAY HOLDING US, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company
By:   /s/ Fady Bakhos

Name: Fady Bakhos

Title: Secretary and Authorized


[Signature continued over page]


Signature Page 2 of 3 to Contribution Agreement

111 EAST 48TH STREET HOLDINGS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company
By:   /s/ Travis Ray

Name: Travis Ray

Title: Vice President


Signature Page 3 of 3 to Contribution Agreement


(attached to and made a part of that certain Contribution

Agreement by and among Barclay Operating Corp., a New

York corporation, and InterContinental Hotels Group

Resources, Inc., a Delaware corporation, as Existing Members,

Constellation Barclay Holding US, LLC, a Delaware limited

liability company as Investor, and 111 East 48th Street

Holdings, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, as

Company, dated as of December 19, 2013)

Accounts Receivable” shall mean any and all rents, deposits and other sums and charges (including Guest Ledger Receivables) owing to Company (attributable on an accrual basis to the period of time prior to Closing) or Existing Members that are in any way attributable to the operation of the business at the Hotel, including, without limitation: (a) amounts receivable in connection with the letting of rooms, use of banquet services and facilities, use of conference facilities or meeting rooms or the provision of any other service by or on behalf of Company or Existing Members on the Real Property; (b) gross credit card charges, whether or not they have been submitted to the applicable credit card company; and (c) rents and/or license fees due from Tenants under Occupancy Leases.

Actual Knowledge” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 8.2.

Affiliate” means as to any specified Person (a) any Person Controlling, Controlled by or under Common Control with such Person, (b) any Person owning or controlling ten percent (10%) or more of the outstanding voting securities or any other class of ownership interests in the specified Person, directly or indirectly; (c) any Person in which the specified Person owns or controls ten percent (10%) or more of the outstanding voting securities or any other class of ownership interests, directly or indirectly, or (d) a Person in which any Person described in the preceding clauses (a) through (c) serves as a trustee, general partner, manager, managing member or in a similar fiduciary or decision-making capacity.

Agreement” shall mean this Contribution Agreement between Existing Members, Company and Investor including all schedules, exhibits and other attachments hereto, and documents incorporated herein by reference.

Amended and Restated Operating Agreement” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in the Recitals hereto.

Assumed Liabilities” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 11.3.C.

Balance Sheet Date” shall mean December 31, 2012.

Benefit Agreement” shall mean each employment, consulting, bonus, incentive or deferred compensation, equity or equity-based compensation, severance, change in control, retention, termination or other material contract between any Existing Member or any affiliate thereof, on the one hand, and any Participant, on the other hand, whether or not subject to the Laws of the United States.


Schedule A - 1

Benefit Plan” shall mean each (i) pension plan (as defined in Section 3(2) of ERISA) or post-retirement or employment health or medical plan, program, policy or arrangement, (ii) bonus, incentive or deferred compensation or equity or equity-based compensation plan, program, policy or arrangement, (iii) severance, change in control, retention or termination plan, program, policy or arrangement or (iv) other material compensation or benefit plan, program, policy or arrangement, in each case, sponsored, maintained, contributed to or required to be maintained or contributed to by any Existing Member or any Commonly Controlled Entity for the benefit of any Participant and whether or not subject to the Laws of the United States.

BOC” shall have the meaning given to such term in the first paragraph of this Agreement.

BOC Property” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in the Recitals hereto.

BOC Statements” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 8.1.F.

Bookings” shall mean all contracts or reservations for the use of guest rooms, banquet facilities, meeting rooms, and/or conference or convention facilities at the Hotel.

Broker” shall mean Jones Lang LaSalle, which Broker has been retained by Existing Members on behalf of Existing Members and the Company.

Business Day” shall mean Monday through Friday excluding holidays recognized by the state government of the State in which the Real Property is located and any bank holidays in the State in which the Real Property is located; provided, however, with respect to any obligation or requirement of Investor that involves wiring funds from financial institutions located outside of the United States, Friday shall not be deemed a Business Day.

Close Associate” is a person who is widely and publicly known to maintain an unusually close relationship with a Senior Foreign Political Figure, and includes a person who is in a position to conduct substantial U.S. and non-U.S. financial transactions on behalf of the Senior Foreign Political Figure.

Closing” shall mean the consummation of the Transaction.

Closing Agent” shall mean the Title Company or such other party as is selected by Investor and Existing Members to fund the Closing in escrow.

Closing Date” shall mean the date on which the Closing occurs, which shall be on or before the Closing Deadline, as the same may be postponed, extended or adjourned in accordance with the express provisions of this Agreement.

Closing Deadline” shall mean the date which is forty-five (45) days after the Effective Date unless such date is a Friday or is not a Business Day in which case the Closing Deadline shall be the next succeeding Business Day.

Closing Documents” shall mean the documents and instruments delivered by Investor and Existing Members, in order to consummate the Transaction.


Schedule A - 2

Closing Proration Time” shall mean (a) 11:59 P.M. local New York, New York time on the day prior to the Closing Date if the Investor Capital Contribution is received by Company (or by the Closing Agent, along with authorization from Investor to release such proceeds) prior to 2:00 P.M. local New York, New York time on the Closing Date, in which event the day of Closing shall belong to Investor, or (b) 11:59 P.M. local New York, New York time on the Closing Date if the Investor Capital Contribution is received by Company (or by the Closing Agent) at or after 2:00 P.M. local New York, New York time on the Closing Date, in which event the day of Closing shall belong to Existing Members, and, either at Closing or upon reproration after Closing, Investor and Existing Members shall reprorate as of such new Closing Proration Time.

Closing Tax Year” shall mean the Tax Year in which the Closing Date occurs.

Code” shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

Commonly Controlled Entity” shall mean any Existing Member or any person or entity that, together with such Existing Member, is treated as a single employer under Section 414 of the Code.

Company” shall have the meaning given to such term in the first paragraph of this Agreement.

Company Cost Overrun” shall have the meaning given to such term in the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement.

Condemnation Proceeding” shall mean any proceeding in condemnation, eminent domain or any written request for a conveyance in lieu thereof, or any notice that such proceedings have been or will be commenced against any portion of the Property.

Confidential Materials” shall mean any books, computer software, databases, records or files (whether in an electronic or printed format) that consist of or contain any of the following: appraisals; budgets; strategic plans for the Property; internal analyses; historical information; management reports; information regarding the marketing of the Property for sale; submissions relating to obtaining internal authorization for the Transaction by the applicable Person or any direct or indirect owner of any beneficial interest in such Person; attorney work product; attorney-client privileged documents; internal correspondence of such Person, any direct or indirect owner of any beneficial interest in such Person, or any of their respective affiliates and correspondence between or among such parties; or other information or materials in the possession or control of such Person, its agents or representatives or any direct or indirect owner of any beneficial interest in such Person in each case, which such party deems proprietary or confidential.

Consumables” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 7.1.F.

Contracts” shall mean all contracts respecting leasing, management, maintenance or operation of the Property, including, but not limited to, equipment leases, agreements with respect to building systems, service, construction, and maintenance contracts, but specifically excluding the Real Property and Rights Leases, Occupancy Leases, Bookings and any license to


Schedule A - 3

Company of computer hardware, software, or system(s). A summary list of the Contracts (including identity of contract parties and type of service) is shown on Exhibit H and made a part hereof.

Control”, “Controlling” and “Controlled by” means, when used with respect to any specified Person, the ability, directly or indirectly, whether through the ownership of voting securities, by contract or otherwise, to direct or cause the direction of, alone or in concert with others, the management and policies of a Person (including by being a general partner, a member, a manager, an officer or a director of the Person in question).

Data Room” shall mean the electronic data room hosted by Broker titled “Intercontinental Barclay”.

Deposit” shall mean the sum of Twenty-Three Million Seven Hundred Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($23,700,000), together with any interest earned thereon after deposited by Investor in accordance with Paragraph 3.1.

Documents” shall mean the documents and instruments applicable to the Property or any portion thereof that Existing Members or any of the other Existing Members Parties deliver or make available to Investor or Investor’s Representatives at or prior to Closing or which are otherwise obtained by Investor or Investor’s Representatives prior to Closing, including, but not limited to, the Title Commitment, the Title Pro Forma, the Survey, the Title Documents, and the Property Documents.

Due Diligence” shall mean the investigation by Investor and Investor’s Representatives of the feasibility and desirability of purchasing the Interest, including all audits, surveys, examinations, inspections, investigations, tests, studies, analyses, appraisals, evaluations, investigations and verifications with respect to the Property, the Documents, title matters, applicable land use and zoning Laws and other Laws applicable to the Property, the physical condition of the Property, the economic status of the Property, and other information and documents regarding the Interest or Property, including, but not limited to, the documents described in Paragraph 4.1.B., investigations of the legal and physical status of the Property by such consultants, engineers, architects and/or entomologists as Investor requires, tests and assessments with respect to environmental matters, soil tests, asbestos analysis, mold analysis, structural review, examination of title to the Property and the Survey and any update thereto, and verification of all information made or to be made available to Investor with respect to Property.

Effective Date” shall mean the date of this Agreement referenced in the first paragraph of this Agreement.

Environmental Laws” shall mean all foreign, federal, state and local statutes or laws, judgments, orders, regulations, licenses, permits, rules and ordinances and any legally binding guidance, decrees, orders, or other standards of any relevant Governmental Entity (including the common law) relating to pollution or the protection or preservation of the environment, or to the use, storage, transportation, disposal of or exposure to Hazardous Materials.

ERISA” shall mean the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended.


Schedule A - 4

Escrow Agreement” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 3.1.

EU” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 8.5.D.

Excepted Contracts” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 5.3.

Excluded Liabilities” shall mean Liabilities related to the following:

(a) any Liability in respect of any Existing Members’ Confidential Material (whether such Liability arises prior to or following Closing);

(b) all Pre-Closing Tax Liabilities;

(c) all Pre-Closing Employee Liabilities;

(d) all Pre-Closing Benefit Liabilities;

(e) all other Liabilities of Existing Members or the Company to the extent occurring or accrued prior to the Closing Date; and

(f) any Liability in respect of any and all Intercompany Payables other than the Payable (as such term is defined in the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement), whether such Liability arises prior to or following Closing.

Excluded Property” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in the Recitals hereto.

Existing Members” shall mean the Existing Members referenced in the first paragraph of this Agreement.

Existing Members’ Liability Limit” shall mean Twelve Million and no/100 Dollars ($12,000,000).

Existing Members Parties” shall mean and include, collectively, (a) Existing Members; (b) Company; (c) Existing Members’ counsel; (d) any Broker retained by Company or Existing Members; (e) Company’s property manager; (f) any direct or indirect owner of any beneficial interest in Company or Existing Members; (g) any officer, director, employee, or agent of any of the foregoing or such party’s counsel; and (h) any other entity or individual affiliated or related in any way to any of the foregoing.

Existing Members’ Pro Rata Share” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 7.1.

Existing Members’ Reaffirmation of Representations” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 6.2.

Existing Members’ Warranties” shall mean, collectively, the Indefinite Existing Members’ Warranties and the Limited Existing Members’ Warranties.

Existing Permits” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 8.1.T.


Schedule A - 5

Financial Information” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 8.1.F.

GAAP” shall mean the generally accepted accounting principles in the United States in effect on the date hereof, consistently applied.

Gap Title Objections” shall have the meaning set forth in Paragraph 4.4.A.

Governmental Approvals” has the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 5.11.

Governmental Entity” shall mean any court, administrative agency, commission or other governmental authority or instrumentality.

Guest Ledger Receivables” shall mean amounts, including, without limitation, room and service charges, accrued to (i) the accounts of guests occupying rooms at the Hotel as of the Closing Proration Time or (ii) group, conference or banquet customers of Existing Members at the Hotel as of the Closing Proration Time.

Hazardous Material” shall mean any material, substance, or waste, whether solid, liquid or gas, that is defined, listed or regulated as hazardous or toxic or as a pollutant or contaminant under any applicable Environmental Law, including any quantity of friable asbestos, urea formaldehyde foam insulation, PCBs, crude oil or any fraction thereof, petroleum products or by-products or derivatives, and toxic mold at quantities reasonably likely to adversely affect human health.

Hotel” shall mean the hotel located on the Land and commonly known as the InterContinental Barclay located at 111 East 48th Street, New York, New York.

Hotel Employees” shall mean all employees who are employed by Existing Members or their affiliates at or solely in connection with the Hotel immediately before the Effective Date (whether such employees are actively employed or on a leave of absence due to disability or any other reason).

IHG Control Party” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 8.1.M.

Immediate Family Member” includes the parents, siblings, spouse, children and in laws of a Senior Foreign Political Figure.

Indefinite Existing Members’ Warranties” mean those Existing Members’ Warranties in Paragraph 8.1.A through 8.1.M.

Intercompany Payables” shall mean all intercompany accounts payable, and notes for those accounts payable, of the business conducted at the Hotel existing immediately prior to the Closing Date where the obligor is the Company or an Existing Member and the obligee is Parent or a subsidiary of Parent other than Company or the Existing Member, as applicable. Intercompany Payables shall not under any circumstances include any accounts payable and notes established in contemplation of the Transaction (including in connection with the Preparatory Restructuring) or established as of or after the Closing Date.


Schedule A - 6

InterContinental Hotels Group” has the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 5.7.

Interest” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in the Recitals to this Agreement.

Interim Period” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 5.

Investor” shall mean the Investor referenced in the first paragraph of this Agreement.

Investor Capital Contribution” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in the Recitals to this Agreement.

Investor Party” shall mean and include, collectively, (a) Investor; (b) Investor’s counsel; (c) any direct or indirect owner of any beneficial interest in Investor; (d) any officer, director, employee, or agent of Investor and such party’s counsel; and (e) any other entity or individual affiliated or related in any way to any of the foregoing.

Investor’s Diligence Reports” shall mean the results of any examinations, inspections, investigations, tests, studies, analyses, appraisals, evaluations and/or investigations prepared by or for or otherwise obtained by Investor, Investor’s affiliates or Investor’s Representatives in connection with Investor’s Due Diligence.

Investor’s Pro Rata Share” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 7.1.

Investor’s Reaffirmation of Representations” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 6.3.E.

Investor’s Warranties” shall mean Investor’s representations and warranties set forth in Paragraph 8.5.

Knowledge” or words of similar import with respect to Existing Members or Company shall refer only to the actual knowledge of Robert Chitty and Travis Ray, and shall not be construed to refer to the knowledge of any other Existing Members Party, or to impose or have imposed upon such parties any duty to investigate the matters to which such knowledge, or the absence thereof, pertains, including, but not limited to, the contents of the files, documents and materials made available to or disclosed to Investor or the contents of files maintained by such parties. There shall be no personal liability on the part of such parties arising out of any of the Existing Members’ Warranties.

Land” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in the Recitals hereto.

Law” shall mean any federal, state or local law, statute, ordinance, code, order, decrees, or other governmental rule, regulation or requirement, including common law.

Leaseback” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in the Recitals hereto.

Leaseback Contribution” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 10.1.


Schedule A - 7

Legal Proceeding” shall mean any action, arbitration, audit, hearing, investigation, litigation, or suit (whether civil, criminal, administrative, investigative, or informal) commenced, brought, conducted, or heard by or before or otherwise involving any Governmental Entity or arbitrator.

Letter of Intent” shall mean that certain Letter of Intent, dated as of October 7, 2013, by and between Constellation Hotels Holding Ltd. and Six Continents Hotels, Inc., together with the Exhibits thereto.

Liabilities” shall mean any and all direct or indirect damages, demands, claims, payments, problems, conditions, obligations, actions, administrative proceedings or causes of action, assessments, losses, liabilities, costs and expenses of any kind or nature whatsoever, including, without limitation, penalties, interest on any amount payable to a third party, and any legal or other expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses but excluding any consequential, punitive or special damages other than to the extent that any such consequential, punitive or special damages are sustained by the applicable party hereto as a result of such damages being awarded to a third party in an action brought by such third party against the such party hereto) reasonably incurred in connection with investigating or defending any claims or actions, whether or not resulting in any liability.

Lien” shall mean any mortgage, deed of trust, security deed, lien, judgment, pledge, conditional sales contract, security interest, past-due taxes, past-due assessments, contractor’s lien, materialmen’s lien, judgment or similar encumbrance against the Property of a monetary nature.

Limited Existing Members’ Warranties” mean those Existing Members’ Warranties in Paragraph 8.1.N through 8.1.V.

Management Agreement” shall mean that certain Management Agreement between Company and Manager in the form attached hereto as Exhibit I.

Manager” shall mean IHG Management (Maryland) LLC, a Maryland limited liability company, together with its successors and permitted assigns.

Material Adverse Effect” shall mean, other than in connection with the Planned Renovation of the Hotel, (i) the closure or other inability to use guest rooms or other material facilities at the Property, other than for routine maintenance or renovation, which together result in: (i) 75% of the guest rooms of the Hotel being reasonably likely to be closed or unable to be used for a period not less than 30 days after Closing; (ii) 50% of the guest rooms of the Hotel being reasonably likely to be closed or unable to be used for a period not less than 90 days after Closing; or (iii) any specific, act event or circumstance, unrelated to the Transaction, the Planned Renovation, the Preparatory Restructuring or the financing of the Property or any construction therein (including valuations or analyses related thereto which may be furnished after the Effective Date), that has a negative effect on the value of the Property such that the value of the Property is reduced by an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the initial Investor Capital Contribution or more, in each case that arises after the Effective Date and prior to Closing but excluding in each case any such material adverse change resulting from:


Schedule A - 8

(a) changes in stock markets, interest rates, exchange rates, commodity prices or other general economic conditions;

(b) changes in conditions generally affecting the hotel industry;

(c) changes in laws, regulations or accounting practices;

(d) an act of terrorism;

(e) matters disclosed in the Representation Exception Schedule; or

(f) the transactions contemplated by this Agreement or the change of control resulting from those transactions.

Material Contract” shall mean a Contract under which the Company or any Existing Member is obligated to make payments in excess of $40,000 per year which is not terminable by the Company or such Existing Member without payment of penalty or premium on 30 days’ or less notice.

Membership Interests” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in the Recitals hereto.

Memorandum of Management Agreement” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 6.2.

Non-Imputation Endorsement” shall mean the non-imputation endorsement to be delivered as part of the Title Policy.

Occupancy Leases” shall mean all leases, rental agreements and other occupancy agreements for the use or occupancy of any portion of the Property, if any, other than the Real Property and Rights Leases, together with all amendments to, modifications of, renewals and extensions thereof, and all Tenant Deposits.

OFAC” means the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control.

OFAC List” is any list of prohibited countries, individuals, organizations and entities that is administered or maintained by OFAC, including: (a) Section 1(b), (c) or (d) of Executive Order No. 13224 (September 23, 2001) issued by the President of the United States (Executive Order Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions with Persons Who Commit, Threaten to Commit, or Support Terrorism), any related enabling legislation or any other similar Executive Orders, (b) the List of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons maintained by OFAC), and/or on any other similar list maintained by OFAC pursuant to any authorizing statute, Executive Order or regulation, or (c) a “Designated National” as defined in the Cuban Assets Control Regulations, 31 C.F.R. Part 515.

Other Interests” shall mean the following other interests of Company in and to the Real Property, the Real Property and Rights Leases, the Occupancy Leases, Contracts, or Personal Property, or pertaining thereto: (a) to the extent that the same are in effect as of the Closing Date, any licenses (but excluding any franchise license rights), permits and other written


Schedule A - 9

authorizations necessary for the use, operation or ownership of the Real Property, and (b) any guaranties and warranties in effect with respect to any portion of the Real Property or the Personal Property as of the Closing Date.

Parent” shall mean InterContinental Hotels Group Resources, Inc., a Delaware corporation.

Participant” shall mean each current or former director, officer, employee or independent contractor of any Existing Member or any Commonly Controlled Entity who provides or has provided services in connection with the Hotel.

Permitted Title Exceptions” shall mean, subject to Investor’s rights to review and make objection to the status of title and survey to the extent, if any, set forth in this Agreement, and the right of Investor to Terminate this Agreement pursuant to Paragraph 4.4, the following: (a) the Occupancy Leases and any new Occupancy Leases entered into during the Interim Period in accordance with the terms of this Agreement; (b) all real estate taxes and assessments not yet due and payable as of the Closing Date; (c) local, state and federal (if applicable) zoning and building Laws; (d) the Record Exceptions reflected on the Title Pro Forma attached hereto as Exhibit O or on the final Title Policy as approved by Investor in each case in accordance with the terms of this Agreement; (e) the state of facts disclosed by the Survey and any update to the Survey obtained by Investor; (f) equipment financing in the ordinary course of business which in have payments not to exceed One Hundred Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($100,000) per year in the aggregate for all such equipment financing(s); and (g) any other matters approved as Permitted Title Exceptions in writing by Investor prior to Closing or deemed approved as Permitted Title Exceptions pursuant to this Agreement.

Person” shall mean an individual, corporation, limited liability company, partnership, association, trust, unincorporated organization, other entity or “group” (as defined in Rule 13d-5(b)(1) under the Exchange Act).

Personal Property” shall mean (a) all Property Documents; (b) all keys and combinations to all doors, cabinets, safes, enclosures and other locking items or areas on or about the Improvements; (c) the food and beverage inventory of the Hotel (for which Existing Members shall receive a credit pursuant to and in accordance with Paragraph 7.1); and (d) all tangible personal property, including, but not limited to, all “Inventories”, as such term is defined in the Uniform System of Accounts, and all other tools, vehicles, supplies, artwork, furniture, furnishings, machinery, equipment, specialized hotel equipment and other tangible personal property, in each case, owned or leased by Existing Members in connection with the ownership, operation or maintenance of the Hotel, including without limitation all china, glassware, silverware, linens, towels, curtains, uniforms, works of art, engineering, maintenance, and housekeeping supplies, draperies, materials and carpeting, used or intended for use, but not for sale, in connection with the operation of the Hotel, all equipment used in the operation of the kitchen, dining rooms, lounges, bars, laundry, dry cleaners, lobby, reservation desk and all supplies, merchandise, food and beverages held for sale in connection with the operation of the Hotel, which are on hand on the Execution Date; but specifically excluding (i) any Confidential Materials of Existing Members, (ii) any computer hardware, software, or system that is licensed to Existing Members, and (iii) the Excluded Property.


Schedule A - 10

Planned Renovation” shall mean the “Redevelopment,” as defined in the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement.

Post-Closing Tax Year” shall mean any Tax Year beginning after the Closing Date and that portion of any Straddle Tax Year beginning on the day after the Closing Date.

Pre-Closing Benefit Liabilities” shall mean all Liabilities related to the Benefit Plans and Benefit Agreements incurred or accruing prior to the Closing Date, even if the amounts payable with respect to such Liabilities are payable after the Closing Date; provided that purposes hereof, a medical/dental/vision claim shall be considered incurred when the services are rendered or the supplies or medications are provided, and not when the condition arose. For the avoidance of doubt, Pre-Closing Benefit Liabilities shall include, without limitation, any incentive compensation or bonuses earned with respect to periods prior to the Closing Date.

Pre-Closing Employee Liabilities” shall mean all employment and service-related Liabilities (excluding Pre-Closing Benefit Liabilities) incurred or accruing prior to the Closing Date, even if the amounts payable with respect to such Liabilities are payable after the Closing Date, and including all damages of any type awarded therein.

Pre-Closing Tax Liabilities” shall mean any and all Liability for (i) Taxes of Existing Members and their affiliates (other than the Company), (ii) Taxes of the Company for all Pre-Closing Tax Years, (iii) Taxes of any other Person imposed on the Company as a result of transaction or agreement entered into prior to the Closing Date, and (iv) Taxes arising from or attributable to the Property (or the operation of the Property) for all Pre-Closing Tax Years.

Pre-Closing Tax Year” shall mean any Tax Year ending on or before the Closing Date and that portion of any Straddle Tax Year ending on the Closing Date.

Preparatory Restructuring” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 5.9.

Pro Rata Share” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 7.1.

Proceedings” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 14.21.

Prohibited Person” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 8.5.D.

Property” shall mean the Real Property, the BOC Property, the Real Property and Rights Leases, the Occupancy Leases, the Contracts, the Personal Property and the Other Interests, but specifically excluding any right or interest to any liquor license rights and intellectual property rights referenced in Paragraph 5 hereto.

Property Documents” shall mean all books, records and files of the Company, the Existing Members and of the management agent for the Property related to the Property (other than those books, records or files containing Confidential Materials of the Existing Members or Excluded Property, unless Existing Members provide such Confidential Materials or Excluded Property to Investor).

Prorated Taxes” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 7.1.A.


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Real Property” shall mean the Land, including, without limitation, (a) the Hotel and any other buildings located on the Land and all other improvements, (b) all easements appurtenant to the Land and other easements, grants of right, licenses, privileges or other agreements for the benefit of, belonging to or appurtenant to the Land whether or not situate upon the Land, including, without limitation, signage rights and parking rights or agreements, all whether or not specifically referenced on Exhibit A, (c) all mineral, oil and gas rights, riparian rights, water rights, sewer rights and other utility rights allocated to the Land, (d) all right, title and interest, if any, of the Company in the Land in and to any and all strips and gores of land located on or adjacent to the Land, and (e) all right, title and interest of the Company in the Land in and to any roads, streets and ways, public or private, open or proposed, in front of or adjoining all or any part of the Land and serving the Land.

Real Property and Rights Leases” shall mean those leases and other instruments, as listed on Schedule 3 hereto, together with all amendments to, modifications of, renewals and extensions thereof.

Record Exceptions” shall mean all instruments recorded in the real estate records of the County in which the Land is located which affect the status of title to the Real Property.

Reimbursable Occupancy Lease Expenses” shall mean, collectively, any and all actual, out-of-pocket costs, expenses and fees paid by Company or Existing Members prior to Closing or actual, out-of-pocket costs, expenses and fees incurred by Company or Existing Members prior to Closing arising out of or in connection with (a) any extensions, renewals or expansions under any Occupancy Lease exercised or granted during the Interim Period, and (b) any Occupancy Lease entered into during the Interim Period. Reimbursable Occupancy Lease Expenses shall include, without limitation, (i) brokerage commissions and fees to effect any such leasing transaction, (ii) expenses incurred for repairs, improvements, equipment, painting, decorating, partitioning and other items to satisfy the tenant’s requirements with regard to such leasing transaction, (iii) legal fees for services in connection with the preparation of documents and other services rendered in connection with the effectuation of the leasing transaction and (iv) if there are any rent concessions covering any period that the tenant has the right to be in possession of the demised space, the rents that would have accrued during the period of such concession prior to the Closing Date as if such concession were amortized over (A) with respect to any extension or renewal, the term of such extension or renewal, (B) with respect to any expansion, that portion of the term remaining under the subject Occupancy Lease after the date of any expansion, or (C) with respect to any new Occupancy Lease, the entire initial term of any such new Occupancy Lease.

Release” shall mean, with respect to Hazardous Materials, any spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, injecting, emitting, discharging, depositing, dispersing, escaping, leaching, dumping, or other releasing or migration of Hazardous Materials into or through the environment.

Relevant Laws” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 8.5.D.

Remove” with respect to any exception to title shall mean that Existing Members or Company causes the Title Company to remove, omit or affirmatively insure over the same as an


Schedule A - 12

exception to the Title Policy, without any cost to Investor, whether such removal, omission or insurance is made available in consideration of payment, bonding, indemnity of Existing Members or Company or otherwise.

Rent Roll” shall mean the rent roll set forth on Exhibit F, and any future rent rolls delivered by Existing Members pursuant to this Agreement, each of which shall show the categories of information described on Exhibit F.

Rental Payments” shall mean all payments received by on or behalf of one or more of Existing Members or Company from Tenants or with respect to the Occupancy Leases or with respect to any other use or occupancy of the Property for items such as minimum or base rent, additional rent, percentage rent, termination or cancellation charges, reimbursement for real estate taxes, utilities, parking fees, operating and maintenance expenses and insurance, as well as any other reimbursements or charges received thereunder.

Representation Exception Schedule” shall mean the exceptions to the representations and warranties of Existing Members, if any, as disclosed to Investor in Schedule 5 hereto and as the same may be supplemented or modified by Existing Members’ Reaffirmation delivered in accordance with Paragraph 6.2.F hereto.

Representatives” shall mean a party’s officers, directors, employees, agents, advisors, representatives, attorneys, lenders, financial advisors, accountants, consultants, investors, contractors, architects and engineers and other advisors.

Required Removal Items” shall mean, collectively, any Gap Title Objections to the extent (and only to the extent) that the same (a) have not been caused by Investor or any Investor’s Representatives, and (b) are either: (i) Liens evidencing monetary encumbrances (other than liens for non-delinquent general real estate taxes or assessments) which can be Removed by payment of liquidated amounts (such amounts, excluding amounts payable to Remove such Liens granted by Existing Members, not to exceed $1,000,000 in the aggregate) provided that in no event shall Existing Members be required to Remove any such Lien which is not related to the operation of the Property by any method other than indemnity of Existing Members or other credit worthy entity in favor of the Title Company as may be required by the Title Company (for example, unrelated items would include a judgment against such party in connection with its other operations; whereas a mechanic’s lien for work on the Property pursuant to a contract entered into by Existing Members would be related to Property operations), or (ii) Liens or encumbrances (including, but not limited to, Monetary Liens) granted by Existing Members after the Effective Date in violation of this Agreement.

Sanctioning Bodies” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 8.5.D.

Section 754 Election” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 5.5.D.

Senior Foreign Political Figure” means a senior official of a major non-U.S. political party or a senior executive of a government-owned corporation not organized within the U.S. In addition, a “Senior Foreign Political Figure” includes any corporation, business or other entity that has been formed by or for the benefit of a Senior Foreign Political Figure.


Schedule A - 13

SRO” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 8.1.M.

Straddle Tax Year” shall mean any Tax Year beginning on or before and ending after the Closing Date.

Survey” shall mean that certain survey of the Land dated April 27, 2010 and last revised on August 22, 2010 prepared by D.W. Hannig L.S. P.C. and certified by David W. Hannig, Network Project No. 201000440-1.

Tax” and “Taxes” mean all federal, state, local, and foreign income taxes (including any tax on or based upon net income, gross income, income as specially defined, earnings, profits or selected items of income, earnings or profits), capital taxes, gross receipts taxes, environmental taxes, sales taxes, use taxes, ad valorem taxes, value added taxes, transfer taxes, franchise taxes, license taxes, withholding taxes or other withholding obligations, payroll taxes, employment taxes, excise, severance, social security premiums, workers’ compensation premiums, employment insurance or compensation premiums, stamp taxes, occupation taxes, premium taxes, property taxes, windfall profits taxes, alternative or add-on minimum taxes, goods and services tax, customs duties or other taxes, governmental fees or other like assessments or charges of any kind whatsoever imposed by any Tax Authority, including any interest, penalties, additional taxes, additions to tax or other amounts imposed with respect to the foregoing.

Tax Authority” shall mean any governmental authority having jurisdiction over the administration, assessment or collection of any Tax.

Tax Return” shall mean any return, report, declaration, statement, notice, notification, form, or other document or information relating to Taxes, including any schedules or attachments thereto or amendments thereof, filed or required to be filed with any Tax Authority.

Tax Year” shall mean any period (which, for the avoidance of doubt, may be a period other than a calendar year and/or less than calendar or fiscal year, such as a month, quarter or “short year) for which a Tax Return is required to filed or a Tax is required to be paid.

Tenant” shall mean a tenant under an Occupancy Lease; collectively, all tenants under the Occupancy Leases are referred to as the “Tenants”.

Tenant Deposits” shall mean all prepaid rents, advance rentals, security deposits and other deposits made with respect to the Occupancy Leases.

Terminate” shall mean the termination of this Agreement, by Investor or Existing Members as applicable as set forth in this Agreement, in which event thereafter neither party hereto shall have any further rights, obligations or liabilities hereunder except to the extent that any right, obligation or liability set forth herein expressly survives termination of this Agreement.

Title Commitment” shall mean the Commitment of the Title Company to issue the Title Policy (Title Number 3110-00615) having an effective date of October 7, 2013.


Schedule A - 14

Title Company” shall mean Chicago Title Insurance Company (711 Third Avenue, 5th Floor, New York, NY office).

Title Policy” shall mean either (i) the ALTA Owner’s Policy of Title Insurance (or such other comparable form of title insurance policy as is available in the jurisdiction in which the Real Property is located) issued by the Title Company in the name of Company or (ii) the ALTA Owner’s Policy of Title Insurance (or such other comparable form of title insurance policy as is available in the jurisdiction in which the Real Property is located) issued by the Title Company in the name of the Investor, in the amount of the Investor Capital Contribution or such other amount as Investor may request and substantially in the form of the pro forma Title Policy signed by each of Investor and the Title Company at Closing. Investor shall be entitled to request that the Title Company provide such endorsements (or amendments) to the Title Policy as Investor may reasonably require, unless prohibited by applicable statutes or regulations.

Title Pro Forma” shall mean the Title Company’s Pro Forma Title Policy (Title Number 3110-00615) attached hereto as Exhibit O.

Trade Payables” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 7.1.I.

Transaction” shall mean, collectively, the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, including, without limitation, the contribution by Investor to Company of the Investor Capital Contribution and the issuance to Investor of the Interest.

Transitioning Licenses” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 5.8.

UK” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 8.5.D.

UN” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 8.5.D.

Uniform System of Accounts” shall mean the Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry, prepared by The Hotel Association of New York City, Inc., in effect as of the date hereof.

US” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 8.5.D.

US Patriot Act” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 8.5.D.

Waived Reliance Items” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 4.5.

Working Capital” shall mean funds that are used in the day-to-day operation of the business of the Hotel, including, without limitation, amounts sufficient for the maintenance of change and petty cash funds, amounts deposited in operating bank accounts, receivables, amounts deposited in payroll accounts, prepaid expenses and funds required to maintain Inventories (as defined in the Uniform System of Accounts), less accounts payable and accrued current liabilities.

Year to Date Hotel Statements” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Paragraph 8.1.F.


Schedule A - 15

The exhibits and schedules to the Contribution Agreement have been omitted from the filing. The following is a list of omitted exhibits and schedules and a brief description of each. InterContinental Hotels Group PLC agrees to furnish to the Securities and Exchange Commission, upon its request, a copy of any such omitted exhibits and schedules:

List of Exhibits/Schedules


1 BOC Property

2 Excluded Property

3 Real Property and Rights Leases

4 List of Ongoing Capital Expenditure Projects

5 Representation Exception Schedule

6 Restructuring Steps Memorandum

7 Intercreditor Term Sheet


A. Legal Description of Land

B. Amended and Restated Operating Agreement

C. Non-Foreign Affidavit

D. Intentionally Omitted

E. Existing Members’ Reaffirmation of Representations

F. List of Tenants (Rent Roll)

G-1 Affidavit of Title

G-2 Non-Imputation Affidavit

H. List of Contracts

I. Management Agreement

J. Intentionally Omitted

K. Retained Intellectual Property

L. Litigation

M. Escrow Agreement

N. Investor’s Reaffirmation of Representations

O. Title Pro Forma

P. Minimum Return Agreement

EX-4.A.II 3 d679505dex4aii.htm EXHIBIT 4(A)(II) Exhibit 4(a)(ii)

Exhibit 4(a)(ii)























































































    Part 1 - The Property


    Part 2 - Documents Supplemental to Lease


    Part 3 - Occupational Tenancies


    Part 4 - Terms and Conditions




    Part 1 Seller’s obligations


    Part 2 Buyer’s obligations




    Part 1 Execution Date Warranties


    Part 2 Fundamental Warranties


















THIS AGREEMENT is dated 27 March 2013 and made between:


(1) HOTEL INTER-CONTINENTAL LONDON LIMITED, a company incorporated in England and Wales (registered number 01036984) whose registered office is at Broadwater Park, Denham, Buckinghamshire, UB9 5HR (the “Seller”);


(2) CONSTELLATION HOTEL (OPCO) UK SA, a société anonyme incorporated in Luxembourg whose registered office is at 15, Boulevard Roosevelt L-2450 Luxembourg (the “Buyer”); and


(3) SIX CONTINENTS LIMITED, a company incorporated in England and Wales (registered number 00913450) whose registered office is at Broadwater Park, Denham, Buckinghamshire UB9 5HR (the “IHG Guarantor”).



(A) The Seller owns and carries on for its own account the Business.


(B) The Seller has agreed to sell the Assets and sell and transfer the Business as a going concern and the Buyer has agreed 10 purchase the Assets and the Business on the terms of this Agreement (the “Transaction”).





1.1 Defined terms

In this Agreement and the Introduction:

“2012 Accounts” means the accounts of the Seller relating to the Business as set out in the audited balance sheet of the Seller, made up as at the 31 December 2012, and the audited profit and loss account of the Seller for the accounting reference period ending on 31 December 2012;

“Accounts” means the accounts of the Seller relating to the Business as set out in the audited balance sheet of the Seller, made up as at the Balance Sheet Date, and the audited profit and loss account of the Seller for the accounting reference period ending on the Balance Sheet Date, in each case including the notes, statements and director’s and auditors reports, which are disclosed as at Disclosure Document 6.2.5;

“Advance Receipts” means all amounts, including guest receipts, received by or on behalf of the Seller on or before the Completion Date so far as the same relate exclusively to anything (including any service) to be provided by the Buyer under any of the Transferring Contracts or otherwise in connection with the carrying on of the Business in its ordinary course after the Completion Date;

“Assets” means the assets of the Business to be sold and transferred to the Buyer under this Agreement as listed in clauses 2.1 and 2.2;

“Assumed Liabilities” means all amounts owing or accrued due by or liabilities of the Seller or any other member of the Seller’s Group (including in relation to Advance Receipts) as at the Effective Time incurred in connection with the Assets, carrying on the Business or in relation to ownership or occupation of the Property (whether or not then invoiced, assessed or



otherwise claimed and whether or not then due and payable and whether or not referable to the period before or after the Effective Time) in each case other than the Excluded Liabilities;

Balance Sheet Date” means 31 December 2011;

Balancing Payment Date” means the date falling five Business Days after the date on which the Working Capital Statement and Working Capital Adjustment are finally agreed or determined in accordance with schedule 7;

Beverage and Spa Inventory” means all (i) soft drinks, wines, beers, spirits and other alcohol inventory; and (ii) health and other beauty treatment products which are available for sale to the public at the Property’s spa, which are unused, owned by the Seller or any member of the Seller’s Group and held at the Property in connection with the Business at the Effective Time;

Business” means the business of owning and operating the hotel known as ‘InterContinental London - Park Lane’ at the Property;

Business Day” means a day (not being a Saturday or Sunday) when banks are generally open in the City of London for the transaction of general banking business;

Business Information” means all information relating exclusively to the Business’ financial or other affairs which is used in or otherwise relates to the Business including:


  (a) the marketing of the Business and/or the Assets or any of them, including sales targets, sales, statistics, market share statistics, prices, market research reports and surveys and advertising or other promotional materials; and


  (b) future projects, business development or planning or commercial relationships and negotiations;

Business Intellectual Property” means any Intellectual Property in the Business Records, to the extent it is owned by the Seller at the Completion Date;

Business Records” means records in written or other machine readable form (including computer disks or tapes) held at the Property containing exclusively the Business Information including each register, minute book and other record and report that is required by law to be kept in respect of the Business and, will be required by law to be in the possession of the Buyer for the purposes of operating the Business after Completion but excluding all records and other documentation in respect of Tax which relate to the Business, all records and other documentation which relate to the Seller as a corporate entity and the Excluded Business Records;

Buyer Warranties” means the warranties given in clause 12 and “Buyer Warranty” shall be construed accordingly;

Buyer’s Group” means the Buyer, its subsidiaries and subsidiary undertakings from time to time and any holding company or parent undertaking of the Buyer from time to time and all other subsidiaries and subsidiary undertakings of any such holding company or parent undertaking and, in each case, “member of the Buyer’s Group” shall be construed accordingly;

Buyer’s Lawyers” means Hogan Lovells International LLP of Atlantic House, Holborn Viaduct, London EC1A 2FG;



Claim” has the meaning given to it in paragraph 1 of schedule 6;

Companies Act” means the Companies Act 2006;

Completion” means completion of the sale and purchase of the Business and the Assets under this Agreement;

Completion Date” means the date on which Completion takes place;

Computer Systems” means all material software and hardware exclusively used by the Business and all components of each of them;

Confidential Information” has the meaning given to it in clause 15.1.1;

Construction Documents” means contracts entered into by the Seller or any member of the Seller’s Group relating to the design, management or construction of any building or refurbishment works at the Property;

Data Protection Laws” has the meaning given in paragraph 20 of part 1 of schedule 5;

Data Room” means the electronic facility hosted by Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels for the purpose of allowing the Buyer and its advisers to inspect and review documentation in respect of the Seller and the Business;

Debts” means all book and other debts (excluding credit card payments in process other than “Diners’ Club” credit card payments in process) owing to the Seller or accrued due as at the Effective Time in respect of the Business including in respect of confirmed reservations and bookings (whether or not then invoiced and whether or not then due and payable) together with the benefit of any security for them (including any amounts in respect of Prepayments) but excluding all cash bank balances, any amounts recoverable in respect of Taxation other than Operating Taxes and amounts owed to the Seller by a member of the Seller’s Group arising otherwise than in the ordinary course of the Business;

Deposit” has the meaning given to it in clause 3.1.1;

Disclosed” means fairly disclosed (with sufficient detail to identify reasonably clearly the nature and scope of the matters disclosed) in or under the Disclosure Letter;

Disclosure Documents” means the documents made available to the Buyer in the Data Room or otherwise and listed in the schedule to the Disclosure Letter;

Disclosure Letter” means the letter dated on the Warranty Date from the Seller to the Buyer in relation to the Warranties and delivered to the Buyer’s Lawyers before the execution of this Agreement and includes the Disclosure Documents;

Effective Time” means 04:00 on the Completion Date;

Employee Liability Information” has the meaning set out in Regulation 11(2) of the Regulations;

Encumbrance” means any mortgage, charge (fixed or floating), pledge, lien, assignment, hypothecation, option, right to acquire, right of first refusal or right of pre-emption, third party right or interest or other encumbrance or security interest of any kind or any other agreement or arrangement the effect of which is the creation of security; any other type of preferential arrangement (including a title transfer or retention arrangement) having similar effect;



Environment” means any of the following media: air, water and land (but excluding those media within buildings or other natural or manmade structures above or below ground and any living organisms);

Environmental Laws” means any applicable laws, statutes and regulations which are legally binding and in force as at the Warranty Date insofar as they relate to or apply to the pollution or protection of the Environment;

Environmental Permits” means any permits, licences, consents, certificates, registrations, notifications or other authorisations required at the Warranty Date under any Environmental Laws for either the operation of the Business or the occupation of the Property;

Equipment Contracts” means all hire purchase agreements, leasing agreements, lease purchase agreements, credit sale agreements and agreements for conditional sale or sale by instalments to which any of the Assets (other than Property) are subject as at the Completion Date and relate exclusively to the Business, including those that are listed in schedule 1;

Estimated Working Capital Balance” means the amount to be notified by the Seller to the Buyer in accordance with clause 3.3;

Excluded Assets” means those assets listed in Disclosure Document and those assets listed in clause 2.3;

Excluded Business Records” means the Seller’s statutory books and records and all records (including those relating to Taxation) to the extent they relate to (i) personal data in respect of the customers of the Business; or (ii) any business of the Seller’s Group other than the Business or to Taxation;

Excluded Contracts” means all contracts listed as not transferring in Disclosure Document 9.0.2;

Excluded Employee” means the general manager of the Business, Alvaro Rey;

Excluded Intellectual Property” means, except for the Business Intellectual Property, all Intellectual Property owned by or licensed to the Seller or any member of the Seller’s Group at the Completion Date;

Excluded Liabilities” means: (i) all amounts owing or accrued due by or liabilities of the Seller or a member of the Seller’s Group in connection with the operation of the Business (other than in relation to ownership or occupation of the Property) to the extent referable to the period prior to the Effective Time including liabilities in respect of Tax, Operating Taxes and bank borrowing or any other indebtedness in the nature of borrowing; (ii) any and all liabilities arising in respect of any claims brought against the Buyer in relation to belongings of guests of the Business which the claimant claims were checked in any safe deposit box of the Business (excluding hotel room safe deposit boxes) at the Effective Time to the extent such claims are not insured; and (iii) any and all liabilities relating to the OFT Investigation; and (iv) all amounts owing or accrued due by or liabilities of the Seller or a member of the Seller’s Group in connection with the Construction Documents (other than in relation to ownership or occupation of the Property) to the extent referable to the period prior to the Effective Time (including amounts due under any final account or final statement issued following Completion which are attributable to amounts due for works undertaken prior to Completion), but in each case only to the extent such liabilities have not been taken into account in calculating the Working Capital Value;

Execution Date” means the date of this Agreement;



Fixed Asset Register” means the register of Fixtures, Fittings and Equipment disclosed as at Disclosure Document;

Fixtures, Fittings and Equipment” means all furniture, fixtures, furnishings, specialised hotel/Business equipment and computer hardware at the Property owned by the Seller or a member of the Seller’s Group and used exclusively to operate the Business, including any signs, carpets, curtains, lampshades, decorative lighting fixtures, graphics, pictures, artwork, banquettes, beds, mattresses, chairs, desks, tables, sofas, wall coverings, televisions, radios, intercoms, telephones, telecommunications equipment, lighting and other equipment, office equipment and machinery, sports equipment, material handling equipment, engineering equipment and all equipment required for the operation of kitchens, laundries, bars, restaurants, meeting and function rooms, sports and leisure facilities (including those that are listed in the Fixed Asset Register), but excluding the Operating Equipment and the Leased Equipment;

Fundamental Warranties” means the Warranties set out in part 2 of schedule 5;

GAAP” means generally accepted accounting principles in the United Kingdom as set out in all Statements of Standard Accounting Practice, Financial Reporting Standards, Urgent Issues Task Force Abstracts and Statements of Recommended Practice issued by the UK Accounting Standards Board (or any successor body) or any committee thereof or body recognised by it, in force on the Completion Date;

Goodwill” means the goodwill of the Business and the exclusive right for the Buyer and the Buyer’s successors in title to represent itself as carrying on the Business in succession to the Seller but excluding the Excluded Intellectual Property;

Guarantees” means all guarantees given by the Seller or any member of the Seller’s Group in relation to: (i) any Transferring Contract; and (ii) any other Asset, in each case as identified in paragraph 9 of the Disclosure Letter;

Health and Safety Laws” means all applicable laws, statutes, regulations, secondary legislation, bylaws, directives, codes of practice and guidance notes which are legally binding and in force as at the Warranty Date and insofar only as they relate to or apply to the health and safety of any person;

Health and Safety Permits” any permits, licences, consents, certificates, registrations, notifications or other authorisations required at the Warranty Date under Health and Safety Laws for the operation in the normal course of the Business and the current use of the Property;

Hotel Bank Account” means a bank account to be set up in the name of the Buyer for the purposes of the Business prior to Completion;

House Funds” means all petty cash and cash in the cash registers, vaults, safes (other than that belonging to guests), petty cash boxes, house banks, vending machines and any cash-operated devices at the Property at the Effective Time;

Initial Minimum Balance” means the amount of £3,000,000 less the amount of the Estimated Working Capital Balance;

Intellectual Property” means:



patents, trademarks, service marks, registered designs, applications and rights to apply for any of those rights, trade, business and company names, internet domain



  names and e-mail addresses, unregistered trademarks and service marks, rights in get-up, rights to goodwill or to sue for passing-off (or for unfair competition), copyrights and related rights, database rights, rights in software, trade secrets, know-how, utility models, moral rights, topography rights, rights in designs and inventions; and


  (b) rights, whether registered or unregistered and including all applications (or rights to apply) for, and renewals or extensions of, such rights of the same or similar nature or effect as or to those in paragraph (a) which now, or in the future, may subsist, anywhere in the world;

Inventory” means, excluding the Beverage and Spa Inventory, all consumables and/or provisions including fuel, soap, light bulbs, mechanical supplies, cleaning supplies, stationery, brochures, paper supplies and other similar consumable and expendable items categorised as “Inventory” in the Uniform System, which are unused and held at the Property in connection with the Business at the Effective Time;

Land Registry Transfer TR1” means a Land Registry transfer in form TR1 and otherwise in the form required by paragraph 6 of Part 4 of schedule 2 in respect of the transfer of the Lease to be executed by the Seller and the Buyer;

Landlord” means the person entitled from time to time to the immediate reversion to the Lease;

Lease” means the lease under which the Property is held, brief particulars of which are set out in part 1 of schedule 2, and every document varying or supplemental or collateral to the lease, all of which are listed in part 2 of schedule 2;

Leased Equipment” means the assets used by the Seller exclusively in the Business but not owned by the Seller and which are the subject of any Equipment Contract;

Licences” means the material licences, consents, approvals, permits and other authorisations relating to the operation of the Business disclosed as at the Disclosure Documents in folders 2.6, 8.5, 9.1.9 and 9.3.1;

Losses” means losses, damages, fines, penalties, payments, costs, charges, expenses or other liabilities of any kind, and “Loss” shall be construed accordingly;

Management Accounts” means the unaudited management accounts relating to the Business for the period since 1 January 2013 up to 28 February 2013 (inclusive) as disclosed at Disclosure Documents 6.2.13, and and the period since the Balance Sheet Date up to 31 December 2012 (inclusive) as disclosed at Disclosure Document;

Management Agreement” means the Hotel Management Agreement for InterContinental London, Park Lane between the Buyer and the Seller;

Management Agreement Suite” means the Management Agreement and the following agreements, each in the agreed form, to be entered into on Completion between members of the Seller’s Group and the Buyer pursuant to the Management Agreement: (i) Holidex Agreement; (ii) Negative Pledge; and (iii) Up-branding Letter (as those expressions are defined in the Management Agreement);

Material Adverse Change” means (i) the destruction, closure or other inability to use guest rooms or other material facilities at the Property, other than for routine maintenance, which together result in: (i) 75% of the guest rooms of the Business being destroyed or reasonably



likely to be closed or unable to be used for a period not less than 30 days after Completion; (ii) 50% of the guest rooms of the Business being destroyed or reasonably likely to be closed or unable to be used for a period not less than 90 days after Completion; or (iii) any act, event or circumstance that has a negative effect on the ownership of the Property such that the value of the Property is reduced by £30,150,000 or more, in each case that arises after the Execution Date and will continue until immediately prior to Completion but excluding in each case any such material adverse change resulting from:


  (a) changes in stock markets, interest rates, exchange rates, commodity prices or other general economic conditions;


  (b) changes in conditions generally affecting the hotel industry;


  (c) changes in laws, regulations or accounting practices;


  (d) an act of terrorism;


  (e) matters disclosed in the Disclosure Letter;


  (f) the transactions contemplated by this Agreement or the change of control resulting from those transactions;

Non-Property Assets” means the Fixtures, Fittings and Equipment, Inventory, Beverage and Spa Inventory, Leased Equipment and Operating Equipment but excluding the Excluded Assets;

Notice” means a notice, demand, request, statement, instrument, certificate or other communication given, delivered or made by any party to another party under, or in connection with, this Agreement;

Occupational Tenancies” means the tenancies and every document supplemental or collateral thereto as listed at part 3 of schedule 2;

Office Space Tenancy Agreement” means a tenancy agreement in the form set out in schedule 13;

OFT Investigation” means an investigation by the Office of Fair Trading, case reference CE/9320/10, into, amongst others, InterContinental Hotels Group plc’s and the Seller’s alleged infringement of competition law in relation to the online supply of room only hotel accommodation by online travel agents as detailed in a press release of the Office of Fair Trading on 31 July 2012;

Operating Equipment” means all blankets, linen, uniforms, silverware, china, glassware, crockery, kitchen utensils, cleaning equipment and other similar items which are customarily referred to as “operating equipment” in the hotel industry, which are owned by the Seller or a member of the Seller’s Group and are used exclusively in connection with the Business at the Completion Date;

Operating Taxes” means all customs and other import duties, VAT, Pay As You Earn and national insurance contributions;

Permitted Third Parties” has the meaning given in clause 26.2;

Prepayments” means all amounts paid (whether by deposit, prepayment or otherwise) on or before the Completion Date by or on behalf of the Seller (or another member of the Seller’s Group) so far as the same relate to anything (including any service) to be provided to the



Buyer under any of the Transferring Contracts or otherwise in connection with the carrying on of the Business after the Completion Date (but excluding, for the avoidance of doubt, payments in respect of Taxation other than Operating Taxes);

Property” means the leasehold property known as InterContinental London - Park Lane, 1 Hamilton Place, London W1J 7QY more particularly described in the Lease;

Proceedings” means any proceedings, suit or action arising out of or in connection with this Agreement;

Recognised Investment Exchange” means any recognised investment exchange (as such term is defined in s285 Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, as amended) or an investment exchange that has been recognised by the UK Financial Services Authority as a designated investment exchange;

Regulations” means The Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006;

Representation” means any representation, warranty, statement, assurance, covenant, undertaking, indemnity, guarantee or commitment (whether contractual or otherwise);

Schedule of Deeds and Documents” means the schedule listing the deeds and documents to be handed over by the Seller to the Buyer on the Completion Date in the agreed form;

Seller’s Group” means the Seller, its subsidiaries and subsidiary undertakings from time to time and any holding company or parent undertaking of the Seller from time to time and all other subsidiaries and subsidiary undertakings of any such holding company or parent undertaking and, in each case, “member of the Seller’s Group” shall be construed accordingly;

Seller’s Lawyers” means Greenberg Traurig Maher LLP of 7th Floor, 200 Gray’s Inn Road, London WC1X 8HF;

Seller’s Lawyers’ Account” means: Account name: GTM LLP CLT A/C, Account No: 73094456, Sort Code: 20-00-00, Bank: Barclays, IBAN: GB09BARC20000073094456, SWIFTBIC: BARCGB22;

Seller’s Pension Scheme” means the Intercontinental Hotels UK Pension Plan details of which are disclosed at Disclosure Document 18.1;

“Seller’s Property Lawyers” means Stephenson Harwood LLP of 1 Finsbury Circus, London EC2M 7SH;

Service Document” means a claim form, summons, order, judgment or other process relating to or in connection with any Proceedings;

Stock” means Inventory and Beverage and Spa Inventory;

Tax” or “Taxation” means any form of tax, levy, impost, duty, charge, contribution or withholding of any kind imposed, collected or assessed by, or payable to, a Tax Authority and all penalties, charges, surcharges, fines, costs and interest included in or relating to any of the foregoing or to any obligation in respect of any of the above;

Tax Authority” means any government, state or municipality or any local, state, federal or other fiscal, revenue, customs or excise authority, body or official in the United Kingdom or elsewhere;



Transaction Documents” means this Agreement, the Disclosure Letter, and the Land Registry Transfer TR1;

Transferring Contracts” means (i) the Licences and all arrangements, contracts and orders (including all confirmed reservations and bookings relating to the Business that are listed in Disclosure Documents 8.3.6 and 8.3.7) whether written or oral relating exclusively to the Business and/or the Property and to which the Seller is a party and which remain to be performed (in whole or in part) by any party to them at the Completion Date including the Equipment Contracts; (ii) those agreements that are listed in Disclosure Document 9.0.1, as referred to in schedule 1; (iii) the Construction Documents; and (iv) all sales and marketing contracts listed in Disclosure Document 9.2.8, but excluding: (i) contracts with Transferring Employees; (ii) contracts relating to the ownership and occupation of the Property; and (iii) the Excluded Contracts;

Transferring Employees” means those employees of the Seller wholly or mainly assigned to the Business and who are named in Disclosure Documents 17.1.6 and 17.1.7, as referred to in schedule 9, or who have been notified in writing to the Buyer as having become so assigned prior to the Completion Date, but excluding the Excluded Employee and anyone who has been notified in writing to the Buyer as having ceased to be so assigned prior to the Completion Date;

Uniform System” means the Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry (10th revised edition), as such is updated and amended from time to time, and as the same is generally applied by the Seller in relation to the Business;

“”VAT” means value added tax as provided for in VATA and any Tax similar to that Tax imposed in addition to or in substitution for it at the rates from time to time imposed;

VATA” means the Value Added Tax Act 1994;

“Vehicle Inventory” has the meaning given to it in clause 6.6;

Warranties” means the warranties given in clause 11 and in schedule 5 (including, for the avoidance of doubt, the Fundamental Warranties) and “Warranty” shall be construed accordingly;

Warranty Date” means 19 March 2013;

Working Capital” means the working capital of the Business comprising the Stock, Debts and House Funds less the Assumed Liabilities;

“Working Capital Adjustment” means the amount, if any, by which the Working Capital Value is less than or greater than the Estimated Working Capital Balance;

Working Capital Statement” means the statement of Working Capital as at the Effective Time to be prepared in accordance with the provisions of part 1 of schedule 7 and in the form set out in part 3 of schedule 7; and

Working Capital Value” means the aggregate value of the Working Capital as at the Effective Time as set out in the Working Capital Statement.


1.2 Contents page and headings

In this Agreement the contents page and headings are included for convenience only and do not affect the interpretation or construction of this Agreement.



1.3 Clauses and schedules

In this Agreement:


  1.3.1 the Introduction and schedules form part of this Agreement and shall have the same force and effect as if expressly set out in the body of this Agreement and any reference to this Agreement shall include the Introduction and the schedules;


  1.3.2 any reference to the Introduction is a reference to the statements about the background to this Agreement made above; and


  1.3.3 any reference to a clause or schedule is a reference to a clause of, or schedule to, this Agreement and any reference in a schedule to a part or paragraph is to a part or paragraph of that schedule.


1.4 Meaning of references

In this Agreement, unless the context requires otherwise, any reference to:


  1.4.1 a company is to any company, corporation or other body corporate wherever and however incorporated or established;


  1.4.2 a document is to that document as supplemented, otherwise amended, replaced or novated from time to time;


  1.4.3 any English statutory provision or English legal term for any action, remedy, method of judicial proceeding, legal document, legal status, court, official or any other legal concept or thing shall, in respect of any jurisdiction other than England, be deemed to include what most nearly approximates in that jurisdiction to the English statutory provision or English legal term;


  1.4.4 the masculine, feminine or neuter gender includes the other genders and any reference to the singular includes the plural (and vice versa);


  1.4.5 including means “including without limitation” (with related words being construed accordingly), in particular means “in particular but without limitation” and other general words shall not be given a restrictive interpretation by reason of their being preceded or followed by words indicating a particular class of acts, matters or things;


  1.4.6 a document in the “agreed form” is a reference to a document in a form approved by, and for the purposes of identification initialled by or on behalf of, each party;


  1.4.7 a person includes any individual, firm, company, government, state or agency of state or any joint venture, association, trust or partnership, works council or employee representative body (whether or not having a separate legal personality);


  1.4.8 a statute or statutory provision includes any consolidation, re-enactment, modification or replacement of the same and any subordinate legislation in force under any of the same from time to time except to the extent that any consolidation, re-enactment, modification or replacement enacted after the Execution Date would extend or increase the liability of any party to another party under this Agreement;



a time of the day is to London time and references to a day are to a period of



  24 hours running from midnight to midnight; and


  1.4.10 writing shall include any modes of reproducing words in a legible and non-transitory form provided that emails shall be deemed to be in writing for these purposes.


1.5 Meaning of parties

In this Agreement, unless the context requires otherwise, any reference to a party or the parties is to a party or the parties (as the case may be) to this Agreement and shall include any successors and permitted assignees of a party.


1.6 Connected persons

Connected”, for the purposes of determining whether a person is connected with another person under this Agreement, shall be construed in accordance with s1122 Corporation Tax Act 2010.


1.7 Companies Act definitions

In this Agreement:


  1.7.1 the words and expressions “accounting reference period”, “body corporate”, “parent undertaking” and “subsidiary undertaking” have the meanings given to them in the Companies Act; and


  1.7.2 subsidiary” and “holding company” have the meanings given to them in the Companies Act save that, for the purposes of s1159 Companies Act, a company shall be treated as a member of another company if:


  (a) any of its subsidiaries is a member of the subsidiary; or


  (b) any shares in that other company are held by a person acting on behalf of the company or any of its subsidiaries.




2.1 Sale of Property

The Property shall be sold upon and subject to the terms and conditions set out or referred to in part 4 of schedule 2.


2.2 Other Assets being sold

Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the Seller shall sell, or shall procure that another member of the Seller’s Group shall sell, with full title guarantee and the Buyer shall purchase or shall procure that a company which is a member of the Buyer’s Group shall purchase as at and from the Completion Date the entire legal and beneficial ownership in the Business as a going concern, comprising, subject to clause 2.3, the following assets:


  2.2.1 the Inventory;


  2.2.2 the Beverage and Spa Inventory;


  2.2.3 the Fixtures, Fittings and Equipment;



  2.2.4 the Operating Equipment;


  2.2.5 the Leased Equipment (subject to the terms of the relevant Equipment Contract);


  2.2.6 subject to any necessary consent of a third party, the benefit (subject to the burden) of the Transferring Contracts;


  2.2.7 the Business Intellectual Property;


  2.2.8 the benefit (so far as the same can be assigned or transferred to or held in trust for the Buyer) of all rights and claims of the Seller under any warranties, conditions, representations, guarantees or indemnities in favour of the Seller exclusively in respect of the Business and subsisting at the Completion Date but excluding, for the avoidance of doubt, any rights or claims in relation to the Excluded Assets;


  2.2.9 the Business Records;


  2.2.10 the Goodwill;


  2.2.11 the House Funds;


  2.2.12 the Debts and all cheques, bills, notes and securities relating to the Debts; and


  2.2.13 each right the Seller has against another person which relates to the Business, the operation of the Business on or before the Execution Date or an asset included in this clause 2.2, including:


  (a) the benefit of any insurance claim made by the Seller in consequence of anything done or omitted to be done before the Effective Time which relates to the Property, Fixtures, Fittings and Equipment and


  (b) the right to the benefit of all restrictive covenants and confidential obligations given by any former employee of the Seller who was engaged exclusively in the Business or any other person exclusively in connection with or for the benefit of the Business.


2.3 Assets or liabilities excluded from sale

There shall be excluded from the sale and purchase of the Business and retained by the Seller:


  2.3.1 other than the House Funds, any cash in hand and cash at the bank (whether on current or deposit account) relating to the Business including uncleared cheques received at or prior to the Effective Time and attributable to periods ended on or before Completion and any credit card payments in process other than “Diners’ Club”;


  2.3.2 amounts recoverable in respect of Taxation relating to the Business attributable to periods ended on or before or transactions occurring on or before Completion;


  2.3.3 the Excluded Liabilities;


  2.3.4 the Excluded Business Records;


  2.3.5 the Excluded Intellectual Property;



  2.3.6 the benefit of any insurance claim made by the Seller in consequence of anything done or omitted to be done before the Effective Time which does not relate to the Property or Fixtures, Fittings and Equipment or which relates to the Excluded Liabilities or any asset included in this clause 2.3; and


  2.3.7 all other property, rights, assets, obligations and liabilities of the Seller that are not used, enjoyed or exercised exclusively in respect of the Business or that relate to the Excluded Liabilities.


2.4 Sale of assets interdependent

The sale and purchase of the Business and each of the Assets shall be interdependent and completed simultaneously.




3.1 Total purchase price

The consideration for the sale of the Business and the Assets shall be the sum of £301,500,000, as adjusted in accordance with clause 3.3 (the “Purchase Price”), which shall be payable to the Seller as follows:


  3.1.1 £30,150,000 (being 10% of the Purchase Price prior to adjustment in accordance with clause 3.3) on the Execution Date (“Deposit”) to the Seller’s Lawyers to be held by them as stakeholders pending Completion and to be released automatically to the Seller on Completion; and


  3.1.2 £271,350,000, being the balance, on Completion,

in each case in cash by electronic transfer for same day value to the Seller’s Lawyers’ Account.


3.2 Interest on Deposit


  3.2.1 The Seller will procure that the Seller’s Lawyers place the Deposit on interest bearing deposit until the Completion Date.


  3.2.2 Any interest received on the Deposit prior to the Completion Date shall be deducted from the amount paid by the Buyer to the Seller on Completion in accordance with paragraph 2.2 of part 2 of schedule 4, but shall otherwise be dealt with in accordance with clause 3.9.


3.3 Estimated Working Capital Balance

On or before the date which is five Business Days before the Completion Date, the Seller shall notify the Buyer of its good faith estimate of the Working Capital Value which amount shall not be a number greater than minus £1,000,000.


3.4 Working Capital Adjustment

On or before the Balancing Payment Date:


  3.4.1 if the Working Capital Value is greater than the Estimated Working Capital Balance, the Buyer shall pay to the Seller, in cash, an amount equal to the Working Capital Adjustment; or



  3.4.2 if the Working Capital Value is less than the Estimated Working Capital Balance, the Seller shall pay to the Buyer, in cash, an amount equal to the Working Capital Adjustment,

together, in each case, with interest thereon at a rate per annum equal to the base rate from time to time of Barclays Bank plc, calculated on the basis of the actual number of days elapsed from the Completion Date to the date of payment of the Working Capital Value over a 360 day annual period. Any payment to be made pursuant to this clause 3.3 shall be made in cash by electronic transfer for same day value to the bank account nominated by the Seller or the Buyer (as applicable).


3.5 Apportionment

The Purchase Price shall be apportioned between the various classes of Assets as set out in schedule 3 and as so apportioned shall be adopted by the Seller and the Buyer for all purposes including Tax.


3.6 Payment pursuant to a claim


  3.6.1 If any payment is made by the Seller to the Buyer pursuant to a claim made by the Buyer for any breach of, or otherwise pursuant to, this Agreement, the payment shall, so far as possible, be made by way of and treated as being a reduction of the Purchase Price by the amount of the payment but will not reduce the Purchase Price to below zero. This clause does not limit the amount that the Buyer may claim under this Agreement.


  3.6.2 Any reduction under clause 3.6.1 will be allocated as nearly as possible to the class of Asset to which it relates and, if in respect of more than one class of Asset, in the proportion to which the original allocation of the Purchase Price was made.


3.7 Capital Allowances Election

Both the Buyer and the Seller agree to make a joint election with respect to fixtures under s198 of the Capital Allowances Act 2001 allocating consideration of £1 to quantifying the value of the fixtures transferred within two years from the Completion Date in line with the value stated in schedule 3 to this Agreement. The form of the election notice is set out as schedule 12 to this Agreement.


3.8 Receipt by Seller’s Lawyers and Buyer’s Lawyers

Receipt and acceptance by the Seller’s Lawyers or the Buyer’s Lawyers of any monies or completed documentation to be provided by the Buyer or the Seller, as applicable, in satisfaction of any of the obligations of the Buyer or the Seller, as applicable, under this Agreement shall be accepted by the Seller or the Buyer, as applicable, as a full and complete discharge of that obligation and neither the Buyer nor the Seller are required to investigate the subsequent application or delivery of any monies or completed documentation.


3.9 Repayment of Deposit

Without prejudice to the provisions of clause 3.1.1:



in the event that Completion does not occur on the date specified in clause 5.1 or this Agreement is terminated pursuant to clauses 5.4 or 6.1 in each case other than as a result of a material breach by the Buyer of its obligations under schedule 4, the Deposit, along with any interest which has accrued thereon, shall forthwith be repaid to the Buyer and the Seller hereby instructs the Seller’s Lawyers to



  immediately release the Deposit to the Buyer; and


  3.9.2 in the event that Completion does not occur on the date specified in clause 5.1 or is terminated pursuant to clause 5.4 in each case as a result of a material breach by the Buyer of its obligations under schedule 4, the Deposit, and any interest accrued thereon shall be forfeited to the Seller and the Buyer hereby instructs the Seller’s Lawyers to immediately release the Deposit to the Seller.




4.1 The Seller undertakes that, between the Warranty Date and the Execution Date it has complied with, and between the Execution Date and the earlier of Completion or termination of this Agreement, it shall comply with, and shall use its reasonable endeavours to procure that each other member of the Seller’s Group shall comply with, the provisions set out in schedule 8, unless compliance with any provision shall be waived by the Buyer in writing (any such waiver not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed following a written request from the Seller).


4.2 The Seller shall notify the Buyer as soon as reasonably practicable if it becomes aware of a fact or circumstance which constitutes, or would be reasonably likely to constitute, a material breach of clause 4.1.




5.1 Completion

Completion shall take place on 1 May 2013 provided that the Agreement has not already terminated in accordance with clauses 5.4 or 6.1.


5.2 Completion arrangements


  5.2.1 Completion shall take place at the offices of the Buyer’s Lawyers or at another location agreed in writing between the Buyer and the Seller.


  5.2.2 At Completion the Seller and the Buyer shall each do, or shall procure the doing of, those things listed against their respective names in schedule 4 (save to the extent such obligations have been waived by the other party in its absolute discretion).


5.3 Compliance with obligations

Neither the Seller nor the Buyer shall be obliged to complete this Agreement nor take any action to complete this Agreement unless: (i) the other party has complied with its obligations under clause 5.2.2 and schedule 4 (save to the extent such obligations have been waived by the other party in its absolute discretion); and (ii) the sale and purchase of each Asset is completed simultaneously.


5.4 Parties’ rights

If the provisions of clause 5.2.2 and schedule 4 are not complied with, the Seller or the Buyer (as applicable) not in default may (in its absolute discretion) in addition to and without prejudice to all its other rights and remedies, by notice to the defaulting party, elect to:



defer Completion to the first day of the calendar month after the date referred to in clause 5.1 (so that the provisions of this Agreement apply as if that other date is date of Completion referred to in clause 5.1 and references to Completion and to the Completion Date must be construed as if they were references to that other





  5.4.2 proceed to Completion so far as reasonably practicable (without limiting its rights under this Agreement) and set another date on which the defaulting party must comply with those obligations which it has failed to comply with on the date referred to in clause 5.1;


  5.4.3 proceed to Completion so far as reasonably practicable (without limiting its rights under this Agreement) and waive all or any of the obligations of the defaulting party; or


  5.4.4 other than in respect of a failure by the Seller to comply with paragraph 1.2(k) of schedule 4, terminate this Agreement with immediate effect without liability on its part to the defaulting party.


5.5 Risk and ownership of Assets

Risk of loss or damage to and ownership of all Assets shall pass to the Buyer on Completion.


5.6 Vehicle Inventory

All vehicles left by guests of the Business in the car park of the Property shall be listed by the Seller in the presence of a representative of the Buyer on the Completion Date (such inventory being the “Vehicle Inventory”). The Buyer shall indemnify the Seller (for itself and as trustee for each other relevant member of the Seller’s Group) from and against all Losses incurred by the Seller arising from claims resulting or alleged to result from the acts or omissions of the Buyer in respect of the Vehicle Inventory after the time when the Vehicle Inventory was prepared in accordance with this clause. The Seller shall indemnify the Buyer from and against all Losses incurred by the Buyer arising from claims resulting or alleged to result from the acts or omissions of the Seller in respect of the Vehicle Inventory prior to the time when the Vehicle Inventory was inventoried in accordance with this clause.


5.7 Insurance claims and risk


  5.7.1 The risk of loss or damage to all of the Assets, including the Property remains with the Seller prior to Completion. The Seller shall ensure, or shall procure, that any insurance claim arising under any policy relating to the Assets prior to Completion is dealt with in a timely manner. Provided that Completion takes place the Seller shall account to the Buyer for the proceeds of any buildings insurance claim in respect of loss or damage to the Property prior to Completion as soon as reasonably practicable after receipt less any reasonable costs of recovery of the same and this shall constitute the Buyer’s only remedy against the Seller in respect of loss or damage to the Property prior to Completion.


  5.7.2 Other than as expressly provided for in the Management Agreement, upon Completion all insurance cover provided in relation to the Business by the Seller’s Group shall cease and no liability shall arise under any such policies in relation to insured events arising after Completion.




6.1 In addition to a party’s right to terminate this Agreement under clause 5.4, the Buyer may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect by notice in writing to the Seller, at any time prior to the Effective Time if a Material Adverse Change occurs.



6.2 If the Buyer reasonably believes that a Material Adverse Change has occurred, the Buyer shall give written notice to the Seller (a “MAC Claim Notice”), following which:


  6.2.1 within 2 Business Days after the date of service of the MAC Claim Notice, the Buyer and the Seller shall discuss in good faith and use reasonable endeavours to resolve whether a Material Adverse Change has occurred;


  6.2.2 if the Buyer and the Seller fail to resolve whether a Material Adverse Change has occurred within 10 Business Days of service of the MAC Claim Notice (the “Referral Date”), the dispute shall be referred to an independent expert (the “MAC Expert”) to be appointed by the Buyer and the Seller to determine whether or not a Material Adverse Change has occurred (who shall be instructed to deliver his determination within 7 days of his appointment);


  6.2.3 if the Buyer and the Seller cannot agree on the identity of a MAC Expert within five Business Days of the Referral Date, on the request of either the Buyer or the Seller the MAC Expert shall be appointed by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (who shall be instructed to deliver his determination within seven days of his appointment);


  6.2.4 the MAC Expert shall act as an expert and not as an arbitrator;


  6.2.5 the MAC Expert shall determine the procedure to be followed for the MAC Expert to make his decision;


  6.2.6 the MAC Expert shall be entitled to appoint advisers (including legal advisers) where necessary to assist him in making his decision;


  6.2.7 the Buyer and the Seller shall each provide the MAC Expert with all information which the MAC Expert reasonably requires to make his decision and shall comply fully with any reasonable requests made by the MAC Expert;


  6.2.8 the Buyer and the Seller shall each bear fifty per cent (50%) of the fees of the MAC Expert unless the MAC Expert determines otherwise; and


  6.2.9 in the absence of fraud, manifest error, or bias, the MAC Expert’s decision shall be final and binding on the Buyer and the Seller.

If a Material Adverse Change occurs and the Buyer elects to terminate this Agreement pursuant to clause 6.1, the facts, matters and circumstances giving rise thereto and the termination resulting therefrom shall not give rise to any right to damages or compensation.


6.3 In the event that on or by the Completion Date a MAC Claim Notice has been served by the Buyer pursuant to clause 6.2 and the occurrence of such Material Adverse Change has not been resolved by agreement between the Buyer and the Seller or by determination by the MAC Expert:


  6.3.1 the Completion Date shall be deferred to:



the first day of the calendar month following the calendar month in which either the Buyer and the Seller agree or the MAC Expert determines (in accordance with the provisions of clause 6.2) that a Material Adverse Change has not occurred (the “Determination Date”), if there are seven or more days between the Determination Date and the first day of the



  calendar month following the calendar month in which the Determination Date occurs; or


  (b) the first day of the second calendar month following the calendar month in which the Determination Date occurs, if there are less than seven days between the Determination Date and the last day of the calendar month in which the Determination Date occurs; or


  6.3.2 if, subsequently, the Seller and the Buyer agree or the MAC Expert determines (in accordance with the provisions of clause 6.2) that a Material Adverse Change has occurred, the Buyer may (i), with immediate effect by notice in writing to the Seller, terminate this Agreement in accordance with clause 6.1; or (ii) continue to Completion, in which case the date of Completion shall be deferred in the manner set out in clause 6.3.1.


6.4 In the event that this Agreement is terminated in accordance with clause 6.1, the Deposit, along with any interest which has accrued thereon, shall forthwith be repaid to the Buyer and the Seller hereby instructs the Seller’s Lawyers to immediately release the Deposit to the Buyer.


6.5 Specific Performance


  6.5.1 Subject to the Buyer being in compliance with its obligations in clause 5.2.2 and schedule 4, if the Seller fails to comply with its obligations under clause 5.2.2 and schedule 4 of this Agreement on the Completion Date, then the Seller acknowledges and agrees that damages alone would not be an adequate remedy for any breach of the terms of the Agreement by the Seller and accordingly the Buyer shall be entitled to the remedy of specific performance in addition to and without prejudice to any other remedies that it may have.


  6.5.2 Subject to the Seller being in compliance with its obligations in clause 5.2.2 and schedule 4, if the Buyer fails to comply with its obligations under clause 5.2.2 and schedule 4 of this Agreement on the Completion Date, then the Buyer acknowledges and agrees that damages alone would not be an adequate remedy for any breach of the terms of the Agreement by the Buyer and accordingly the Seller shall be entitled to the remedy of specific performance in addition to and without prejudice to any other remedies that it may have.




7.1 Transfer of contracts that do not require third party consent

With effect from Completion, the Seller shall assign to the Buyer the benefit of the Transferring Contracts which do not require the consent of another person to such transfer.


7.2 Seeking consents to substitution

The Seller and the Buyer shall after Completion, at the Buyer’s cost, use their respective reasonable endeavours (which in the case of the Seller shall not extend to payment of cash or in kind or to any action which may damage or prejudice the good standing or reputation of the Seller or any other member of the Seller’s Group) to procure that the other parties to the Transferring Contracts shall, where that consent is necessary, consent to the substitution of the Buyer in the place of the Seller as a party to the relevant Transferring Contract with effect from the Completion Date (whether by contract, assignment, novation or otherwise) and in circumstances where this is by novation the parties shall use their respective reasonable



endeavours to agree a suitable form of deed of novation between themselves and with any third party who may be a party to the relevant Transferring Contract and furthermore shall use their respective reasonable endeavours to ensure that the aforementioned deed of novation is properly executed and delivered by the parties as soon as reasonably practicable after Completion.


7.3 Performance and enjoyment of Transferring Contracts

After Completion and until the consent referred to in clause 7.1 is obtained, where such consent is required:


  7.3.1 the Seller shall hold each Transferring Contract and any monies, goods or other benefits received under the Transferring Contracts as trustee for the Buyer and shall, immediately upon receipt of the same, account for and pay or deliver to the Buyer all those monies, goods and other benefits;


  7.3.2 the Seller shall promptly give to the Buyer any document or item received by the Seller in relation to the relevant Transferring Contract;


  7.3.3 the Buyer shall (if sub-contracting or agency is permissible under the relevant Transferring Contract) as the Seller’s sub-contractor or agent to perform on behalf of the Seller (but at the Buyer’s expense) all the obligations of the Seller under the relevant Transferring Contract arising after Completion; and


  7.3.4 the Buyer shall indemnify the Seller (for itself and as trustee for each other relevant member of the Seller’s Group) from and against any Losses incurred by it in relation to the Transferring Contracts in respect of the period after the Completion Date except to the extent that the payment or liability arises wholly or partly as a result of the failure by the Seller to: (i) duly perform and comply with the terms of the relevant Transferring Contract prior to the Completion Date or (ii) comply with the provisions of this clause 7.


7.4 No transfer of rights or obligations if transfer illegal or in breach of a Transferring Contract

This Agreement does not constitute a transfer or an attempted transfer of the rights or obligations of the Seller under a Transferring Contract if the transfer or attempted transfer is illegal under its governing law or constitutes a breach of the relevant Transferring Contract.


7.5 Performance of Transferring Contracts

In respect of any Transferring Contract which is transferred in accordance with clause 7.1 or 7.2, the Buyer undertakes that it will, at the Buyer’s cost, carry out and complete for its own account the Transferring Contracts to the extent that they have not been performed before Completion.


7.6 Release and discharge of guarantees


  7.6.1 The Seller must ensure that all Guarantees remain in full force and effect until the Seller, as “Operator” under the Management Agreement Suite, puts in place alternative arrangements for such Guarantees on behalf of the Buyer.



The Buyer undertakes to the Seller (for itself and as trustee for each other member of the Seller’s Group) that it will use reasonable endeavours to procure the release and discharge, as soon as practicable after Completion of the Seller and each



  other member of the Seller’s Group from any obligations or liabilities they may have in respect of the Guarantees and that the Buyer’s assumption of, and (if applicable) the substitution of the Buyer or another member of the Buyer’s Group as the primary obligor in respect of each such Guarantee is, in each case, on a non-recourse basis to any member of the Seller’s Group.


7.7 Indemnity

The Buyer agrees with the Seller (for itself and as trustee for each other relevant member of the Seller’s Group) that, for so long as any Guarantee has not been released and discharged, it shall (and shall procure that, where relevant a member of the Buyer’s Group shall) assume and duly and properly perform, pay and discharge when due the Guarantee, and the Buyer shall indemnify the Seller (for itself and as trustee for each other relevant member of the Seller’s Group) from and against all Losses incurred by any relevant member of the Seller’s Group in respect of or arising under the Guarantee after Completion.




8.1 Apportionment of employee costs

Without limiting clause 8.3, all salaries and other emoluments of the Transferring Employees shall be discharged and all Pay As You Earn, income tax deduction and national insurance contribution legislation and regulations shall be complied with by the Seller in respect of all periods up to and including the Completion Date. The salaries and other emoluments of the Transferring Employees in respect of the period after the Completion Date shall be for the account of the Buyer.


8.2 Application of the Regulations

The Seller and the Buyer acknowledge and agree that the Regulations will apply to the sale and purchase of the Business under this Agreement and to the Transferring Employees.


8.3 Seller’s indemnity


  9.3.1 The Seller shall indemnify and keep indemnified (for itself and as trustee for each other relevant member of the Seller’s Group) the Buyer and the Buyer’s Group from and against any Losses arising from:


  (a) any act or omission of the Seller prior to Completion arising out of or relating to the employment of any of the Transferring Employees;


  (b) any failure by the Seller to comply with its obligations under Regulations 13 and 14 of the Regulations except to the extent that any claim is caused by or related to a failure by the Buyer to comply with its obligations under Regulation 13(4) of the Regulations; and


  (c) any terms of any occupational pension scheme to the extent that such terms provide any benefits for any of the Transferring Employees that are not benefits for old age, invalidity or survivors.


8.4 Buyer’s indemnity

The Buyer shall indemnify the Seller (for itself and as trustee for each other relevant member of the Seller’s Group) from and against any Losses (save in respect of any terms relating to an occupational pension scheme) arising from:



  8.4.1 any act or omission of the Buyer after Completion relating to the employment or termination of employment of any of the Transferring Employees, save to the extent that any such liability is caused by the Seller on the basis set out in the carve out from the indemnity at Article 9.3.2 of the Management Agreement;


  8.4.2 any substantial changes to the working conditions of any of the Transferring Employees to their material detriment which are made, proposed to be made or anticipated to take effect after Completion and any right of any Transferring Employee to terminate his contract of employment without notice in acceptance of a repudiatory breach of his contract by the Buyer; and


  8.4.3 any breach by the Buyer of Regulation 13(4) of the Regulations.


8.5 Transferring Employees not covered by the Regulations

If the contract of employment (including any rights, powers, duties and liabilities under or in connection with that contract) of any person who is a Transferring Employee is found or alleged to continue with the Seller after Completion as a result of the transactions contemplated under this Agreement, the Buyer agrees that:


  8.5.1 in consultation with the Seller, it will within seven Business Days of discovering such a finding or allegation make to that person an offer in writing to employ him under a new contract of employment to take effect upon the termination referred to below; and


  8.5.2 that offer of employment will be:


  (a) on terms and conditions which, when taken as a whole, do not materially differ from the terms and conditions of employment of that person immediately before Completion (save as to the identity of the employer and any terms relating to an occupational pension scheme); and


  (b) fully compliant with the undertakings given by the Buyer in clause 8.8.


8.6 Non-Transferring Employees not covered by the Regulations

If the contract of employment (including any rights, powers, duties and liabilities under or in connection with that contract) of any person who is not a Transferring Employee (a “Non- Transferring Employee”) is found or alleged to continue with the Buyer after Completion as a result of the transactions contemplated under this Agreement, the Seller agrees that:


  8.6.1 in consultation with the Buyer, it will within seven Business Days of discovering such a finding or allegation make to that person an offer in writing to employ him under a new contract of employment to take effect upon the termination referred to below; and


  8.6.2 that offer of employment will be on terms and conditions which, when taken as a whole, do not materially differ from the terms and conditions of employment of that person immediately before Completion (save as to the identity of the employer and any terms relating to an occupational pension scheme);

Upon that offer being made by the Seller, or at any time after the expiry of seven Business Days from a request by the Buyer for the Seller to make that offer, the Buyer shall terminate the employment of the Non-Transferring Employee concerned and the Seller shall indemnify the Buyer and the Buyer’s Group from



and against all costs, claims, expenses and liabilities arising from:


  (a) the employment of that Non-Transferring Employee from Completion until the termination of that employment; and


  (b) that termination (including any redundancy pay and compensation for unfair or wrongful dismissal or breach of contract).


8.7 Mutual assistance

The Seller and the Buyer shall give each other any assistance that either may reasonably require to comply with the Regulations in relation to the Transferring Employees and in contesting any claim by any person employed or engaged in the Business at or before Completion resulting from or in connection with this Agreement.


8.8 Buyer’s undertakings

The Buyer undertakes to the Seller:


  8.8.1 that the terms and conditions of employment and other benefits enjoyed by the Transferring Employees (details of which are set out in the Disclosure Letter) in the period of 12 months from Completion will be no less favourable than those enjoyed by them prior to the Completion Date (but without prejudice to any improvements to salaries, wages or conditions agreed in accordance with the Buyer’s normal review procedures); and


  8.8.2 to maintain, following Completion, a medical insurance and benefits scheme for the Transferring Employees equivalent to the scheme provided for them prior to Completion in the period of 12 months from Completion, details of which are set out in the Disclosure Letter.


8.9 Letter to Transferring Employees

Not later than three Business Days before Completion, the Seller and the Buyer shall send to each of the Transferring Employees a joint letter in a form to be agreed by the parties.


8.10 Access to Transferring Employees


  8.10.1 The Buyer shall comply with its obligations under Regulation 13(4) of the Regulations in good time so as to enable the Seller to comply with its obligations under Regulation 13(2)(d) of the Regulations.


  8.10.2 The Seller and the Buyer shall respectively consult and keep each other fully informed regarding any information they propose to give to the Transferring Employees and their representatives or any consultation they have with the Transferring Employees and their representatives regarding this Agreement prior to Completion, and each will offer the other the opportunity to attend and participate in any meetings prior to Completion at which information is given to or there is consultation with Transferring Employees and their representatives.


8.11 Employee Liability Information

The Seller and the Buyer confirm that it is their intention that the provision of Employee Liability Information is regulated by the Seller and the Buyer themselves in accordance with the commercial arrangements set out in this Agreement. In particular but without limitation:



  8.11.1 the Buyer specifically undertakes that it will not make any application pursuant to Regulation 12 of the Regulations in respect of any failure or alleged failure by the Seller to provide Employee Liability Information to the Buyer;


  8.11.2 the Buyer confirms that it would not be just or equitable for any court or tribunal to make any award pursuant to Regulation 12(3) of the Regulations given the terms of this Agreement. If, contrary to the intentions of the Seller and the Buyer, any award is made pursuant to Regulation 12(3) of the Regulations, the compensation paid will be offset against any other sums payable under this Agreement to the Buyer to the extent those other sums arise out of the same act or omission by the Seller and will only be payable by the Seller to the Buyer pursuant to this Agreement, to the extent that the Buyer has complied with any terms or conditions laid down in this Agreement for a claim against the Seller for breach of the Warranties; and


  8.11.3 the Buyer will give full credit for any sums paid by the Seller pursuant to any award under Regulation 12(3) of the Regulations in respect of any other claims (whether employment related or otherwise) which (after complying with any terms or conditions laid down in this Agreement) the Buyer has against the Seller arising out of this Agreement.




9.1 Buyer to be responsible for Assumed Liabilities

The Buyer shall assume responsibility as from the Effective Time for and indemnify the Seller (for itself and as trustee for each other relevant member of the Seller’s Group) from and against the payment of the Assumed Liabilities and shall pay and discharge the Assumed Liabilities in accordance with a practice similar to the present practice of the Seller in the payment of its liabilities.


9.2 If Seller discharges Assumed Liabilities

If the Seller or any other member of the Seller’s Group, after the Effective Time, pays or discharges any of the Assumed Liabilities in whole or in part and whether directly or by virtue of any right of return, set off or counterclaim exercised or claimed by any person in respect of sums otherwise payable to the Seller or any other member of the Seller’s Group (whether or not by virtue of this Agreement) or otherwise, the Buyer shall pay to the Seller a sum equal to the amount of the Assumed Liabilities so paid or discharged by the Seller or any other member of the Seller’s Group. Any payment due from the Buyer under this clause 9.2 shall be made within five Business Days of the Seller or any other member of the Seller’s Group providing evidence of the payment or discharge by the Seller of the Assumed Liabilities in respect of which a payment is claimed from the Buyer. The parties agree that the Seller in its capacity as the “Operator” under the Management Agreement shall procure that such payments are made.


9.3 Seller to be responsible for Excluded Liabilities

The Seller shall remain responsible after the Effective Time for and indemnify the Buyer from and against the payment of the Excluded Liabilites and shall pay and discharge the Excluded Liabilities in accordance with a practice similar to its present practice in the payment of its liabilities.


9.4 If Buyer discharges Excluded Liabilites



If the Buyer or any other member of the Buyer’s Group, after the Effective Time, pays or discharges any of the Excluded Liabilities in whole or in part and whether directly or by virtue of any right of return, set off or counterclaim exercised or claimed by any person in respect of sums otherwise payable to the Buyer or any other member of the Buyer’s Group (whether or not by virtue of this Agreement) or otherwise, the Seller shall pay to the Buyer a sum equal to the amount of the Excluded Liabilities so paid or discharged by the Buyer or any other member of the Buyer’s Group. Any payment due from the Seller under this clause 9.4 shall be made within five Business Days of the Buyer or any other member of the Buyer’s Group providing evidence of the payment or discharge by the Buyer of the Excluded Liabilities in respect of which a payment is claimed from the Seller. The parties agree that the Seller in its capacity as the “Operator” under the Management Agreement shall procure that such payments are made.


9.5 Debts to be paid to the Buyer

Within 10 Business Days, starting on the Completion Date, the Seller shall give the Buyer a notice setting out the following information in respect of each Debt:


  (a) the name of the party that owes the Debt;


  (b) the amount of the Debt; and


  (c) the due date of the Debt.

The Seller shall on or after Completion execute or procure the execution of any assignment or other instrument of transfer in relation to the Debts or any of them but only as and when the Buyer may request and unless and until any assignment or other instrument of transfer shall be executed:


  9.5.1 the Seller shall as soon as practicable after Completion but in any event within 20 Business Days despatch letters approved by the Buyer to all persons from whom the Debts are owing, instructing those persons to account in respect of the Debts to the Buyer or as it may direct; and


  9.5.2 the Seller shall account to the Buyer or as it may direct in respect of any payment received by it in respect of collecting or attempting to collect any Debts (including any interest) after the Completion Date and, pending that accounting, shall hold all sums so received in trust for the Buyer. The parties agree that the Seller in its capacity as the “Operator” under the Management Agreement shall procure that such payments are made.





All periodical charges and outgoings of the Business (including but not limited to rates, gas, electricity, water and telephone charges, but excluding the rent payable pursuant to the Lease (which shall be dealt with in accordance with part 4 of schedule 2)) renewal fees relating to Intellectual Property and all liabilities in relation to salaries, wages, accrued holiday pay, national insurance and pension contributions and other payments (including, without limitation, holiday pay entitlements, health insurance, block policy premiums) shall be apportioned on a time basis so that the part of the relevant charges attributable to the period ended on the Completion Date shall be borne by the Seller and the part of the relevant charges attributable to the period commencing on the day immediately following the Completion Date shall be borne by the Buyer. All licence fees, royalties and other periodical receipts of the Business (excluding the rents payable pursuant to the Occupational Tenancies (which shall be dealt with in accordance with schedule 2, part 4)) shall be apportioned



  between the Seller and the Buyer on a like basis and the Seller and the Buyer shall indemnify each other from and against such amounts to the extent such amounts have not been taken into account in the calculation of the Working Capital Value.


10.2 If the Buyer or the Seller disputes any apportionment in excess of £25,000 made pursuant to clause 10.1, and the parties cannot resolve such matter within 10 Business Days of receipt by the other party of notification of such dispute, the matter(s) in dispute will be referred to an Independent Accountant (as defined in schedule 7) appointed in accordance with the provisions of schedule 7, part 2, and the determination of the Independent Accountant shall by final and binding on the parties.




11.1 The Buyer enters into this Agreement, and the Seller acknowledges that the Buyer enters into this Agreement, on the basis of and in reliance on the Warranties.


11.2 The Seller warrants to the Buyer that at the Warranty Date each Warranty is true and accurate except as Disclosed.


11.3 The Fundamental Warranties are deemed to be repeated, by reference to the facts, matters or circumstances prevailing at the time of repetition, on each day up to and including Completion and any reference made to the Warranty Date in relation to any Fundamental Warranty shall be construed in relation to any such repetition, as a reference to each such day.


11.4 If at any time before or at Completion the Seller becomes aware that a Fundamental Warranty has become untrue or inaccurate (without any additional disclosure against that Fundamental Warranty being made) it shall immediately notify the Buyer in sufficient detail to enable the Buyer to make an accurate assessment of the situation.


11.5 IHG Guarantor warranties


  11.5.1 Subject to clause 11.5.2 the IHG Guarantor warrants, in respect of itself, to the Buyer (i) at the Warranty Date in the terms of the Warranties set out in paragraphs 1 and 14 of part 1 of schedule 5; and (ii) at each day on which the Fundamental Warranties are repeated in accordance with clause 11.3, the Fundamental Warranties set out in paragraphs 1 and 14 of part 1 of schedule 5.


  11.5.2 In relation to the warranty given in clause 11.5.1, each reference to “Seller” in parts 1 and 2 of schedule 5 shall be deemed to be a reference to the IHG Guarantor and each reference to the Transaction Documents shall be deemed to be a reference to this Agreement only.


11.6 Limitation on Liability

The liability of the Seller under the Warranties or any other provision of this Agreement shall (except in the case of fraud) be limited as set out in schedule 6.


11.7 Warranties separate

Subject to clause 11.8, the Seller and the Buyer agree that each of the Warranties is separate from and independent of any other warranty or representation and (except as otherwise provided in this Agreement) shall not be limited by any other provisions of this Agreement.


11.8 Warranties specific



The only Warranties given:


  11.8.1 in respect of Intellectual Property and licences of Intellectual Property are those set out in paragraph 18 of part 1 of schedule 5, and the other Warranties shall be deemed not to be given in relation to Intellectual Property and licences of it;


  11.8.2 in respect of employment matters including pensions and other benefits are those set out in paragraph 12 and paragraph 24 of part 1 of schedule 5, and the other Warranties shall be deemed not to be given in relation to employment, pensions or benefits matters;


  11.8.3 in respect of the Property (excluding the Environment and health and safety matters) are those set out in schedule 5, paragraph 23 and the other Warranties (save for the Warranties set out in Schedule 5, paragraph 21) shall be deemed not to be given in relation to the Property;


  11.8.4 in respect of Taxation are those set out in schedule 5, paragraph 22 and the other Warranties shall be deemed not to be given in relation to Taxation; and


  11.8.5 in respect of the Environment and health and safety matters are those set out in schedule 5, paragraph 21 and the other Warranties shall be deemed not to be given in relation to the Environment or health and safety matters.


11.9 Sole Remedy

The sole remedy of the Buyer for breach of the Warranties shall be damages and the Buyer acknowledges that it shall have no right to rescind this Agreement after Completion in any circumstances and irrevocably waives any other remedies it may have in relation to a breach of the Warranties.


11.10 Seller’s Awareness

If any of the Warranties are expressed to be given “so far as the Seller is aware” or “to the best of the knowledge information and belief of the Seller”, or words to that effect the Seller shall be deemed only to have knowledge of the facts, matters and circumstances actually known by Alvaro Rey, Daniel Ozzan, Mark Simpson (only in respect of the Warranties given in paragraph 13 of part 1 of schedule 5), Anna Pack (only in respect of the Warranties given in paragraph 22 of part 1 of schedule 5), Zoe Hiscoke (only in respect of the Warranties given in paragraphs 12 and 24 of part 1 of schedule 5) and Paul Carr (only in respect of the Warranties given in paragraphs 6 and 11 of part 1 of schedule 5).


11.11 Claims against Transferring Employees


  11.11.1 The Seller agrees not to bring any claim which it may have against a Transferring Employee arising out of any information or advice provided (or omitted to be provided) by the Transferring Employee on which the Seller relied when making a representation, giving a Warranty, preparing the Disclosure Letter, or otherwise agreeing to the terms of a Transaction Document.


  11.11.2 Clause 11.11.1 does not apply to a claim against a Transferring Employee who is alleged to have acted fraudulently.




12.1 The Buyer warrants to the Seller that:



  12.1.1 the Buyer has full power to enter into and perform each of the Transaction Documents and each of the Transaction Documents constitutes valid and binding obligations on the Buyer in accordance with its respective terms;


  12.1.2 the Buyer is entering this Agreement on its own behalf and not on behalf of any other person;


  12.1.3 the execution and delivery of, and the performance by the Buyer of its obligations under each of the Transaction Documents will not:


  (a) result in a breach of any provision of its memorandum of articles of association; or


  (b) result in a breach of any order, judgment or decree of any court or governmental agency to which the Buyer is a party or by which the Buyer is bound;


  12.1.4 all consents, permissions, approvals and agreements of shareholders of the Buyer or any other third parties which are necessary for the Buyer to obtain in order to enter into and perform each of the Transaction Documents in accordance with their respective terms have been unconditionally obtained or waived in writing; and


  12.1.5 there are no:


  (a) outstanding judgments, orders, injunctions or decrees of any governmental or regulatory body or arbitration tribunal against or affecting any member of the Buyer’s Group;


  (b) lawsuits, actions or proceedings pending or, to the knowledge of the Buyer, threatened against or affecting any member of the Buyer’s Group;


  (c) investigations by any governmental or regulatory body which are or were in the last 12 months pending or threatened against any member of the Buyer’s Group; or


  (d) orders made or petitions presented or resolution passed for the winding up of any member of the Buyer’s Group or for an administration order in respect of any member of the Buyer’s Group,

which, in each case, have or could have an adverse effect on the ability of the Buyer to execute and deliver or perform its obligations under any of the Transaction Documents or which could materially adversely impact any member of the Seller’s Group; and


  12.1.6 the Buyer has (and at Completion will have) immediately available on an unconditional basis (subject only to Completion) the necessary cash resources to meet its obligations under this Agreement; and


  12.1.7 neither the Buyer nor any member of the Buyer’s Group nor Fady Bakhos or Zaki Guiziri has actual knowledge of any facts or matter which would constitute a breach of any of the Warranties.



The Buyer Warranties are deemed to be repeated, by reference to the facts, matters or circumstances prevailing at the time of repetition, on each day up to and including Completion and any reference made to the date of this Agreement in relation to any Buyer Warranty shall



  be construed in relation to any such repetition, as a reference to each such day.




13.1 Books and records

As from the Completion Date:


  13.1.1 the Seller shall provide to the Buyer, on reasonable request; and


  13.1.2 the Buyer shall provide to the Seller reasonable access to and the right to take, copies

and extracts of the books, written correspondence (including emails), accounts, records, returns and other such documents of the Seller or the Buyer (as applicable) relating to or in connection with the Business as it may require within the period of six calendar years from the Completion Date.


13.2 Seller to pass on information received

The Seller must ensure that any written notice, correspondence, order or enquiry concerning the Business or any Asset which is received by the Seller or any member of the Seller’s Group after the Completion Date is promptly passed on to the Buyer.


13.3 Availability of Transferring Employees

After the Completion Date, the Buyer shall make available to the Seller the assistance of such of the Transferring Employees as the Seller may require in connection with the determination of the Working Capital Value or the conduct of proceedings against the Seller or other members of the Seller’s Group (including the OFT Investigation) and of which those Transferring Employees have particular knowledge by virtue of their involvement in the matter giving rise to those proceedings or otherwise.




14.1 Transfer as a going concern

The Seller and the Buyer intend that article 5 of the Value Added Tax (Special Provisions) Order 1995 shall apply to the sale of the Assets under this agreement and agree to use all reasonable endeavours to secure that the sale is treated as neither a supply of goods nor a supply of services under that article. For the avoidance of doubt, the consideration payable for the transfer of the Business and the Assets under clause 3 shall be exclusive of any VAT which may nevertheless be due.


14.2 Continuation of Business as a going concern

The Buyer undertakes to the Seller that with effect from the Completion Date it shall carry on the Business as a going concern and the Assets shall be used in the Business and the Buyer will carry on the same kind of business as carried on by the Seller in relation to the Business.



14.3 Registration for VAT purposes


  14.3.1 The Seller warrants to the Buyer that it is a registered taxable person for the purposes of the VATA.


  14.3.2 The Buyer warrants to the Seller that on or before the Completion Date it will submit an application to HM Revenue & Customs for registration for VAT purposes.


14.4 Property election

The Buyer will:


  14.4.1 on or before the Completion Date opt to tax the Property within the meaning of schedule 10, paragraph 2 to VATA and not revoke that option to tax;


  14.4.2 notify HM Revenue & Customs in writing of that option to tax no later than the Completion Date or (if earlier) 30 days after that decision to opt to tax the Property was made; and


  14.4.3 on or before the Completion Date provide written evidence to the Seller that it has complied with its obligations under clauses 14.4.1 and 14.4.2.


14.5 Buyer’s notification

This clause 14.5 constitutes the Buyer’s notification to the Seller that following registration for VAT purposes Paragraph (2B) Article 5 Value Added Tax (Special Provisions) Order 1995 will not apply to the Buyer.


14.6 VAT records


  14.6.1 The Seller shall, on request, make available any information and documents in its control required to establish to HM Revenue & Customs and any tribunal or court that no liability, or a reduced liability, arises on the Buyer or any other company under s.44 of VATA as a result of the sale of the Assets.


  14.6.2 The Seller and Buyer intend that s.49 of VATA shall apply to the sale of the Assets under this agreement but they do not intend to make a joint application to HM Revenue & Customs for the Buyer to be registered for VAT under the VAT registration number of the Seller, pursuant to Regulation 6(1)(d) of the VAT Regulations 1995.


14.7 Payment of VAT


  14.7.1 Without prejudice to clause 14.1, if, on or after Completion, HM Revenue & Customs determine after full disclosure of all material facts that VAT is chargeable in respect of the supply of all or any part of the Assets under this Agreement, the Seller shall notify the Buyer of that determination within five Business Days of its being so advised by HM Revenue & Customs.


  14.7.2 If clause 14.7.1 applies then the Buyer shall pay to the Seller by way of additional consideration a sum equal to the amount of VAT (together with any interest or penalties) due within 14 Business Days of the Seller’s relevant notification to the Buyer and delivery by the Seller of a proper Tax invoice for VAT purposes.



14.8 Seller not obliged to appeal

The Seller shall not be obliged by virtue of this clause 14 to make any appeal to any court or tribunal against, or otherwise to request a review of, any determination of HM Revenue & Customs.




15.1 Confidentiality of this Agreement

Subject to clause 15.2, each party shall:


  15.1.1 treat as confidential, and shall not disclose to any person, the existence of a Transaction Document or information obtained as a result of entering into or performing a Transaction Document which relates to:


  (a) information in any form relating to the Business (including in relation to any future plans and/or business development);


  (b) the provisions of a Transaction Document;


  (c) the negotiations relating to a Transaction Document;


  (d) the subject matter of a Transaction Document; or


  (e) any other party to a Transaction Document,

such information being “Confidential Information”;


  15.1.2 make every effort to prevent the disclosure of Confidential Information, including by those persons referred to in clause 15.2.5; and


  15.1.3 ensure that each member of the Buyer’s Group, in the case of the Buyer, and each member of the Seller’s Group, in the case of the Seller, complies with the provisions of clauses 15.1.1 and 15.1.2 as if the provisions of those clauses were expressed to apply to it.


15.2 Exceptions

Subject to clause 15.3 and notwithstanding the provisions of clause 15.1, any party may disclose Confidential Information (including by way of a public announcement or the issue of a circular):


  15.2.1 if, and to the extent, required by law or for the purpose of any judicial proceedings (including the matters described in schedule 11);


  15.2.2 if, and to the extent, required by any Recognised Investment Exchange or regulatory or governmental body to which that party is subject or submits, wherever situated, including the London Stock Exchange, the New York Stock Exchange, the UK Listing Authority or the Takeover Panel, whether or not the requirement for disclosure has the force of law;


  15.2.3 if, and to the extent, required to vest the full benefit of a Transaction Document in that party;



if, and to the extent, such information has already come into the public domain



  through no fault of that party;


  15.2.5 if, and to the extent, made to:


  (a) the professional advisers, auditors or bankers of that party or of any other member of the Buyer’s Group (in the case of the Buyer) or of any other member of the Seller’s Group (in the case of the Seller);


  (b) the officers or employees of that party or of any other member of the Buyer’s Group (in the case of the Buyer) or of any other member of the Seller’s Group (in the case of the Seller) who need to know the information for the purposes of the transactions effected or contemplated by a Transaction Document; or


  15.2.6 if, and to the extent, the other parties have given their prior written consent to the disclosure.


15.3 Disclosure only after notice etc.

Any disclosure pursuant to clauses 15.2.1 or 15.2.2 shall, so far as is practicable, be made:


  15.3.1 after notice to, and consultation with, the other parties (except where such notice or consultation is prohibited by law); and


  15.3.2 after taking into account the reasonable requirements of the other parties as to the content, timing and manner of such disclosure.


15.4 Buyer’s right to take assignment of benefit of certain other confidentiality obligations

After Completion, the Seller shall, if the Buyer requests in writing and only to the extent it is permitted to do so take any action as it may deem appropriate to enforce any rights it may have under each outstanding confidentiality agreement given to the Seller by a potential buyer of the Business, but only to the extent that those rights relate to information of or relating to the Business.


15.5 Termination of confidentiality agreement

With effect from Completion any confidentiality agreement between the parties in relation to this Agreement shall terminate.


15.6 No limit in time

The provisions of this clause 15 shall apply without limit in time and notwithstanding any termination of this Agreement.




16.1 Permission of other party generally required

Subject to clause 16.2, before and after Completion, a party must not:


  16.1.1 make or send; or


  16.1.2 permit another person to make or send on its behalf,

a public announcement, communication or circular regarding the existence or the subject



matter of a Transaction Document, unless it has first obtained the other party’s written permission (that permission not to be unreasonably withheld, delayed or subject to an unreasonable condition).


16.2 Circumstances in which permission of other party is not required

Clause 16.1 does not apply to an announcement or circular which:


  16.2.1 the Buyer makes or sends after Completion informing the customers, clients or suppliers of the Business, or the Transferring Employees, of the Buyer’s acquisition of the Business; or


  16.2.2 is required by:


  (a) applicable law, a court of competent jurisdiction or a competent judicial, governmental, supervisory or regulatory body; or


  (b) any Recognised Investment Exchange or regulatory or governmental body to which that party is subject or submits, wherever situated, including the London Stock Exchange, the New York Stock Exchange, the UK Listing Authority or the Takeover Panel, whether or not such requirement has the force of law.


16.3 Consultation where permission of other party is not required

A party that is required to make or send an announcement or circular in the circumstances contemplated by clause 16.2.2 must, before making or sending the announcement or circular, consult with the other party and take into account the other party’s reasonable requirements as to the timing, content and manner of making the announcement or circular to the extent it is permitted to do so by applicable law or regulation and to the extent it is reasonably practicable to do so.


16.4 No limit in time

The provisions of this clause 16 shall apply without limit in time and notwithstanding any termination of this Agreement.




17.1 In consideration of the Seller entering into this Agreement, the IHG Guarantor hereby irrevocably and unconditionally guarantees to the Buyer the payment by the Seller of any sum of money which the Seller is liable to pay to the Buyer pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, provided that the Seller has not paid such sum of money to the Buyer in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Any limitations of liability or defences against any claims available to the Seller shall also be applicable to and available to the IHG Guarantor.


17.2 The guarantee contained in clause 17.1 is a continuing guarantee and shall remain in force in respect of any Claim other than a claim pursuant to the indemnity set out in paragraph 1 of schedule 11, until 1 April 2015 and in respect of a claim pursuant to the indemnity set out in paragraph 1 of schedule 11 until expiration of the time period set out in paragraph 1.3 of schedule 11.



The obligations of the IHG Guarantor shall not be affected by any act, omission, matter or thing which, but for this provision, might operate to reduce, release or otherwise exonerate the IHG Guarantor from its obligations or affect such obligations, including without limitation



  and whether or not known to any party:


  17.3.1 any legal limitation, disability, incapacity or other circumstance relating to any party or any other person; or


  17.3.2 any irregularity, unenforceability or invalidity of any obligations of any party under this Agreement, or the dissolution, amalgamation, reconstruction or insolvency of any party.



Each party shall, from time to time, at its own cost, do, perform, sign, execute and deliver all such acts, deeds, documents and things (or procure the doing, performance, signing, execution or delivery thereof) as the other parties may from time to time reasonably require, in a form and in terms satisfactory to the other parties (acting reasonably), to give full effect to this Agreement and to secure to the other parties the full benefit of the rights, powers and remedies conferred upon the other parties in this Agreement.




19.1 Pay own costs

Except as otherwise stated in this Agreement, each party shall pay its own costs, charges and expenses relating to the negotiation, preparation, execution and performance of this Agreement.


19.2 Payments to be made without set-off or withholding

Except as otherwise stated in this Agreement, all payments to be made by a party under this Agreement shall be made gross, free of right of counterclaim or set off and without deduction or withholding of any kind, save as may be required by law in which event the deduction or withholding shall not exceed the minimum amount which it is required by law to deduct or withhold and the paying party shall simultaneously pay to the recipient party such additional amounts so as to ensure that, after the making of any deduction or withholding, the recipient party receives a sum equal to the sum it would have received had no deduction or withholding been made.



For the purpose of converting amounts specified in one currency into another currency where required, the rate of exchange to be used shall be the closing mid-point spot rate for exchanges between those currencies quoted in the Financial Times (London edition) on the nearest Business Day for which that rate is so quoted on or prior to the date of the conversion.



If a party fails to pay on the due date any sum due from it under this Agreement (whether determined by agreement or pursuant to an order of a court or otherwise), interest shall accrue on the overdue amount from the due date up to the date of actual payment (both before and after judgment) at the rate of 3% per annum above the base rate from time to time of Barclays Bank plc. That interest shall accrue on a daily basis and be compounded quarterly.





22.1 Entire agreement

This Agreement together with the other Transaction Documents constitute the whole and only agreement or arrangement between any member of the Buyer’s Group or any member of the Seller’s Group in relation to the sale and purchase of the Assets and the Business and supersedes any previous agreement whether written or oral between any member of the Buyer’s Group or any member of the Seller’s Group in relation to that subject matter save as provided in clause 22.7.


22.2 Buyer’s Representation

Subject to clause 22.7:


  22.2.1 the Buyer represents that it has not relied on, or been induced to enter into this Agreement by, any Representation given by any member of the Seller’s Group or any adviser other than as expressly set out in this Agreement; and


  22.2.2 the Seller is not liable to the Buyer for any Representation (including one made negligently) other than as set out in this Agreement.


22.3 Seller’s Representation

Subject to clause 22.7:


  22.3.1 the Seller represents that it has not relied on, or been induced to enter into this Agreement by, a Representation given by any member of the Buyer’s Group other than as expressly set out in this Agreement; and


  22.3.2 the Buyer is not liable to the Seller for a Representation (including one made negligently) other than as set out in this Agreement.


22.4 No liability for the Buyer’s Group or advisers


  22.4.1 No member of the Buyer’s Group (other than the Buyer) or adviser thereto shall have any liability to the Seller for a Representation.


  22.4.2 Any member of the Buyer’s Group or an adviser or provider of finance thereto may enforce the terms of this clause 22.4 subject to and in accordance with:


  (a) the provisions of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999; and


  (b) the provisions of clause 25.1.


22.5 No liability for the Seller’s Group or advisers


  22.5.1 No member of the Seller’s Group (other than the Seller) or adviser or provider of finance thereto shall have any liability to the Buyer for a Representation.


  22.5.2 Any member of the Seller’s Group or an adviser or provider of finance thereto may enforce the terms of this clause 22.5 subject to and in accordance with:


  (a) the provisions of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999; and


  (b) the provisions of clause 25.2.



22.6 No action re previous agreements etc.

No party shall bring any action against the other or against any other member of the Buyer’s Group or the Seller’s Group, as the case may be, in relation to:


  22.6.1 any previous agreement(s) between them relating to the subject matter of this Agreement; or


  22.6.2 save as provided in clause 22.7, any Representation other than as set out in this Agreement,

and any member of the Buyer’s Group or the Seller’s Group may enforce the terms of this clause 22.6 subject to, and in accordance with, the provisions of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties Act) 1999 and the provisions of clause 24.6.


22.7 Fraud etc.

Nothing in this clause 22 shall have the effect of limiting or restricting any liability arising as a result of any fraud, dishonesty, wilful misconduct or wilful concealment.



If at any time all or any part of any provision of this Agreement is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect, then that provision or part of that provision (as applicable) will be given no effect and will be treated as though it were not included in this Agreement but the remainder of that provision and all other provisions of this Agreement shall remain valid and enforceable.




24.1 Amendments

No amendment or variation of the terms of this Agreement shall be effective unless it is made or confirmed in a written document signed by, or on behalf of, each party.


24.2 Delay in exercise/non-exercise of rights

No delay in exercising, or non-exercise, by any party of any right, power or remedy provided by law or under this Agreement impairs, or constitutes a waiver or release of, that right, power or remedy.


24.3 Waivers

Any waiver or release given by any party in respect of any right, power or remedy provided by law or under this Agreement must be specifically granted in writing signed by the party granting it and shall:


  24.3.1 be confined to the specific circumstances in which it is given;


  24.3.2 not affect any other enforcement of the same or any other right; and


  24.3.3 unless it is expressed to be irrevocable, be revocable at any time in writing.


24.4 Exercise of rights

No single or partial exercise of any right, power or remedy provided by law or under this



Agreement prevents any other or further exercise of it or the exercise of any other right, power or remedy or constitutes a waiver of a subsequent or prior breach of this Agreement.


24.5 Rights and remedies cumulative

The rights, powers and remedies of each party under this Agreement are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights, powers and remedies provided by general law.


24.6 Provisions remain in force notwithstanding Completion

Any provision of this Agreement which is capable of being performed after, but which has not been performed at or before, Completion and all Warranties, covenants and other undertakings contained in, or entered into pursuant to, this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding Completion.




25.1 Assignment by Buyer

The Buyer may assign all or any of its rights under this Agreement without the Seller’s consent to one or more members of the Buyer’s Group:


  25.1.1 provided that the leasehold interest in the Property and all agreements comprising the Management Agreement Suite are contemperaneously transferred or assigned to that assignee member of the Buyer’s Group in compliance with the terms of each of those respective agreements; and


  25.1.2 subject to the condition that the Buyer will procure that, before any assignee subsequently ceases to be a member of the Buyer’s Group, that assignee shall transfer or assign back to the Buyer, or to another member of the Buyer’s Group (which itself shall then be deemed to be an assignee of the Buyer for the purposes of this clause), so much of the benefit of this Agreement, the freehold interest of the Property and all of the agreements comprising the Management Agreement Suite as have been transferred or assigned to it.


25.2 Assignment by Seller

The Seller may assign all or any of its rights under this Agreement without the Buyer’s consent to one or more members of the Seller’s Group subject to the condition that the Seller will procure that, before any assignee subsequently ceases to be a member of the Seller’s Group, that assignee shall assign back to the Seller, or to another member of the Seller’s Group (which itself shall then be deemed to be an assignee of the Seller for the purposes of this clause), so much of the benefit of this Agreement as has been assigned to it.




26.1 Generally no third party rights

The parties do not intend that any term of this Agreement should be enforceable by virtue of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 by any person who is not a party to this Agreement save as provided in clauses 22.4, 22.5 and 22.6 and in accordance with clause 26.2. Nothing in this clause 26.1 affects any right or remedy of a third party which exists or is available apart from that Act.



26.2 Buyer’s Group and advisers and the Seller’s Group and advisers entitled to benefit

Those persons who have the benefit of clauses 22.4, 22.5 and 22.6 (as the case may be) (“Permitted Third Parties”) may only enforce the provisions of those clauses subject to and in accordance with the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 provided that:


  26.2.1 a person who is a permitted assignee under clause 25 may in his own right enforce the obligations of the Buyer or the Seller (as applicable) contained in this Agreement;


  26.2.2 this Agreement may be varied from time to time or rescinded without the consent of all or any of the Permitted Third Parties or those persons referred to in clause 26.2.1 and s2(1)(a) to (c) Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 shall not apply to this Agreement;


  26.2.3 no Permitted Third Parties or those persons referred to in clause 26.2.1 may assign any of their respective rights under any of those clauses either in whole or in part;


  26.2.4 no member of the Buyer’s Group or any officer, employee, agent or adviser thereof or thereto may take any steps to enforce all or any of its rights under this Agreement without the Buyer’s prior written consent and without first having appointed the Buyer as its agent to have sole conduct of all Proceedings involving that person; and


  26.2.5 no member of the Seller’s Group or any office, employee, agent or adviser thereof or thereto may take any steps to enforce all or any of its rights under this Agreement without the Seller’s prior written consent and without first having appointed the Seller as its agent to have sole conduct of all Proceedings involving that person.




27.1 Form of notices

A Notice shall be:


  27.1.1 in writing;


  27.1.2 signed by or on behalf of the person giving it;


  27.1.3 in the English language, and


  27.1.4 delivered personally or sent by commercial courier to the party(ies) due to receive the Notice marked for the attention of the person set out in clause 27.3 and to the address set out therein or to such other address or person as may be notified from time to time in accordance with 27.4.

Copy of a Notice shall be provided by way of e-mail, which for the avoidance of doubt shall not constitute a Notice.


27.2 Notice deemed given

Unless there is evidence that it was received earlier, a Notice is deemed given:


  27.2.1 if delivered personally, at the time of delivery; and



  27.2.2 if sent by commercial courier, on the date and at the time of signature of the courier’s delivery receipt,

provided that if any Notice would otherwise become effective on a non-Business Day or after 17:00 hours on a Business Day, it shall instead become effective at 09:00 hours on the next Business Day.


27.3 Details of the parties

The details for the purposes of this clause 27 are:


  Party: The Seller
  Address: Legal Department, InterContinental Hotels Group
    Broadwater Park, Denham
    UB9 5HR


  Email address: nigel.stocks@ihg.com


  For the Attention of: The EU General Counsel of InterContinental Hotels Group, currently Nigel Stocks


  Party: The Buyer
  Address: 15, Boulevard Roosevelt
    L-2450 Luxembourg


  Email address: fbakhos@almirqab.com


  For the Attention of: Fady Bakhos


  Party: IHG Guarantor
  Address: Six Continents Limited
    Broadwater Park, Denham
    UB9 5HR


  Email address: nigel.stocks@ihg.com


  For the Attention of: The EU General Counsel of InterContinental Hotels Group, currently Nigel Stocks


27.4 Notification of change in notice details

A party may notify the other parties of a change to any of the details for it referred to in clause 27.3. The notice must comply with the terms of clause 27.1 and must state the date on which the change is to occur. That date must be on or after the fifth Business Day after the date on which the notice is delivered.




28.1 Any number of counterparts

This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, and by the parties on separate counterparts, but shall not be effective until each of the parties has executed at least one counterpart.



28.2 Each counterpart an original

Each counterpart constitutes an original of this Agreement, but all the counterparts together constitute but one and the same instrument.




29.1 Governing law

This Agreement, and any dispute or claim arising out of, or in connection with, it or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims), shall be governed by, and construed and take effect in accordance with, the law of England and Wales.


29.2 English courts have jurisdiction

The parties irrevocably agree that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim that arises in any way whatsoever out of, or in connection with, this Agreement or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) or legal relationships established by this Agreement.


29.3 Judgments

A judgment against any party in Proceedings brought in any jurisdiction in accordance with this clause 29 shall be conclusive and binding upon the relevant party and may be enforced in any other jurisdiction.


29.4 Submission to court’s jurisdiction

Each party irrevocably submits and agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.


29.5 Service of Service Documents

Any Service Documents may be served on the parties:


  29.5.1 by being delivered personally or sent by commercial courier in accordance with clause 27;


  29.5.2 by being delivered personally or sent by commercial courier to such party’s registered office from time to time; or


  29.5.3 in any other manner allowed by law.

This clause 29.5 applies to all Proceedings wherever started.




30.1 Maintenance of agent

The Buyer shall at all times maintain an agent for receipt of service of process in England.


30.2 Appointment of agent

The Buyer appoints Sisec Limited of 21 Holborn Viaduct, London, EC1A 2DY as its agent for that purpose.



30.3 Service of documents

Any Service Document shall be deemed to have been duly served if marked for the attention of Sisec Limited and:


  30.3.1 left at the specified address, in which case the Service Document shall, unless there is evidence that it was received earlier, be deemed to have been duly served at the time it is left; or


  30.3.2 sent by commercial courier to the specified address, in which case the Service Document shall, unless there is evidence that it was received earlier, be deemed to have been duly served on the date and at the time of signature of the courier’s delivery receipt,

provided that if any Service Document would otherwise be duly served on a non Business Day or after 17:00 hours on a Business Day, it shall instead be duly served at 09:00 hours on the next Business Day.


30.4 Replacement agent(s)

If for any reason an agent appointed under this clause 30 ceases to act as such or ceases to have an address in England:


  30.4.1 the Buyer shall promptly appoint a replacement agent having an address for service in England and notify the Seller of the appointment and the name and address of the replacement agent; and


  30.4.2 failing such appointment and notification within five Business Days of such cessation, the Seller shall be entitled by notice to the Buyer to appoint a replacement agent to act on behalf of the Buyer,

and the provisions of this clause 30 applying to service on an agent apply equally to service on a replacement agent.


The parties have shown their acceptance of the terms of this Agreement by executing it after the schedules.




SIGNED by Nigel Stocks, Director, duly

authorised for and on behalf of HOTEL INTER-




   /s/ Nigel Stocks
SIGNED by Fady Bakhos, duly authorised for and on behalf of CONSTELLATION HOTEL (OPCO) UK S.A.   



   /s/ Fady Bakhos

SIGNED by Nigel Stocks, as attorney for SIX

CONTINENTS LIMITED, duly authorised under a




   /s/ Nigel Stocks
power of attorney dated 27 March 2013    )   



The schedules to the Asset Sale and Purchase Agreement have been omitted from the filing. The following is a list of omitted schedules and a brief description of each. InterContinental Hotels Group PLC agrees to furnish to the Securities and Exchange Commission, upon its request, a copy of any such omitted schedules:

List of Schedules




Part 1 - The Property

Part 2 - Documents Supplemental to Lease

Part 3 - Occupational Tenancies

Part 4 - Terms and Conditions



Part 1 Seller’s obligations

Part 2 Buyer’s obligations


Part 1 Execution Date Warranties

Part 2 Fundamental Warranties









EX-4.C.I 4 d679505dex4ci.htm EXHIBIT 4(C)(I) Exhibit 4(c)(i)

Exhibit 4(c)(i)

Employment Agreement


Six Continents Limited

as Company



as Executive

relating to

the employment of the Executive with the Company





1.    Appointment
2.    Duties and Powers
3.    Mobility
4.    Remuneration
5.    Short Term Incentive Schemes
6.    Long Term Incentive and Share Plans
7.    Expenses and Gratuities
8.    Professional Memberships
9.    Company Car
10.    Holidays
12.    Sickness and Incapacity
13.    Notification of Absence
13.    Pension
14.    Private Medical Insurance
15.    Additional Benefits
16.    Exclusive Service
17.    Intellectual Property
18.    Confidentiality
19.    Restrictive Covenants
20.    Notification of Restrictions
21.    Directorships
22.    Garden Leave
23.    Termination
24.    Return of Property
25.    Disciplinary and Grievance Procedure
26.    Data Protection
27.    Notices
28.    Assignment
29.    Third Party Rights
30.    Law and Jurisdiction
31.    Prior Agreements and other employment-related conditions
32.    Collective Agreements
33.    Severability and Amendments
34.    Interpretation



THIS AGREEMENT is dated 6 December 2013 and made



(1) Six Continents Limited (the “Company”), registered in England and Wales as company number 913450 and a company in the InterContinental Hotels Group, with its registered office at Broadwater Park, Denham, Buckinghamshire, UB9 5HR; and


(2) PAUL EDGECLIFFE-JOHNSON (the “Executive”), of Blythewood, The Highlands, East Horsley, Surrey, KT24 5BQ.



1 Appointment


1.1 The Company shall employ the Executive and the Executive agrees to serve the Company and any other Group Company or Group Companies as required by the Board or any person authorised by the Board for that purpose, in the capacity of a Director and CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER of IHG. The Executive’s reward band is 1.


1.2 Employment hereunder shall commence on 1 January 2014 and shall continue (subject to termination as provided for below) unless and until terminated by either party giving to the other not less than the following notice period in writing, expiring at any time:


  (a) notice period from the Company to the Executive: 52 weeks


  (b) notice period from the Executive to the Company: 26 weeks


1.3 The Executive’s period of continuous employment with the Group commenced on 2 August 2004.


1.4 The Executive warrants that:


  1.4.1 the Executive is not prevented from performing the Executive’s duties in accordance with the terms of this agreement by any obligation or duty owed to any other party, whether contractual or otherwise; and


  1.4.2 the Executive has all necessary qualifications and memberships required for the Executive to perform the Executive’s duties under this Agreement and is not and has not been subject to any prohibition, censure, criticism or disciplinary sanction by any professional, regulatory or other body or authority which would prevent the Executive from performing any duties under this Agreement or undermine the confidence of the Board in the Employment by the Company.


1.5 Employment is conditional upon the following conditions, if required by the Company:


  (a) the Executive undergoing a medical examination with a medical practitioner nominated by the Company, the results of which are satisfactory to the Company;


  (b) the Executive providing to the Company copies or other verification of academic, professional or other business qualifications notified to the Company.



2 Duties and Powers


2.1 The Executive shall exercise such powers, perform such duties (if any) commensurate with his status as Chief Financial Officer and comply with such reasonable and lawful directions in relation to the business of the Company or any other Group Company as the Board or any person authorised by the Board for the purpose may, from time to time, confer upon or assign or give to him.


2.2 The Executive shall, during the continuance of this Agreement (unless prevented by ill health or accident or as otherwise agreed by the Board in writing), devote substantially the whole of the Executive’s working time and attention and abilities to the Business and shall use the Executive’s reasonable endeavours to promote and protect the general interests and welfare of the Company, the Group and any other Group Company to which the Executive may from time to time render the Executive’s services under this Agreement.


2.3 The Executive shall at all times promptly give to the Board (in writing if so requested) all such information, explanations and assistance as it may require in connection with the Business and the Executive’s employment under this Agreement.


2.4 The Executive shall work normal business hours, which are 35 hours per week, and such additional hours as may be necessary in the performance of the Executive’s duties and powers under this Agreement. The nature of the Executive’s job is such that the Executive is largely able to prioritise tasks, determine the time and effort the Executive devotes to those tasks and when the Executive does them. To the extent the Executive therefore determines the Executive’s working hours outside normal business hours, the additional hours will not count as working time towards the weekly working time limit of 48 hours on average. No overtime will be paid with respect to any hours by the executive outside normal business hours.


2.5 The Executive will promptly disclose to the Board full details of any wrongdoing by any employee or officer of any Group Company (including the Executive) where that wrongdoing is material to that employee’s employment by the relevant company or to the interests or reputation of any Group Company.


3 Mobility


3.1 The Executive’s principal place of work is Broadwater Park, Denham, Buckinghamshire. The Executive’s principal place of work may be changed to such place or places within the United Kingdom as the Company shall reasonably require. Should the Company wish the Executive to relocate outside the United Kingdom such relocation shall be the subject of agreement between the Company and the Executive.


3.2 The Executive may be required to travel both inside and outside the United Kingdom on the business of the Company or any Group Company in the proper performance of the Executive’s duties from time to time.


4 Remuneration


4.1 The Company shall pay to the Executive a salary at the annual rate of £420,000. Such salary shall be payable not less frequently than every month on a date which will be no later than the last day of the month and shall be deemed to accrue from day to day. Such salary shall include any director’s fees payable to the Executive. The Company shall be entitled to procure payment of the salary for administrative reasons by another Group Company.



4.2 The salary payable to the Executive pursuant to clause 4.1 shall be subject to review in accordance with the Company’s practice from time to time but there shall be no obligation on the Company to increase such salary.


4.3 The Company shall be entitled at any time to deduct from the Executive’s remuneration (which includes salary, salary supplement, any bonus, vacation or other pay) any sums owing to it or to any other Group Company (including but not limited to any advance of a cash float to cover business expenses, any advance of pay, vacation pay relating to vacation taken in excess of entitlement) by the Executive to which deduction the Executive expressly hereby consents.


5 Short Term Incentive Schemes


5.1 The Executive shall be eligible to participate in the Company’s or any Group Company (as appropriate) discretionary incentive scheme or schemes applicable from time to time for employees in the Executive’s reward band, subject to the rules of such relevant scheme(s). Details of the current applicable scheme(s) will be provided to the Executive. Awards are determined in accordance with the rules of the applicable scheme.


5.2 Subject to the Company’s obligations in clause 5.1, the Company reserves the right in its absolute discretion, to vary the terms and/or any targets and/or level of bonus opportunity and/or bonus payable, under any incentive scheme from time to time in operation. Any bonus paid is not pensionable and is subject to deductions for tax and social security contributions.


6 Long Term Incentive Share Plans


6.1 The Executive shall be eligible to participate in such share option or other share ownership schemes as the Company or the Group may operate from time to time and which are applicable to employees in the Executive’s reward band, subject to the rules of the relevant scheme(s). Details of any current applicable scheme(s) will be provided to the Executive. Awards are determined in accordance with the rules of the applicable scheme.


6.2 Subject to the Company’s obligations in clause 6.1, the Company reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to vary the terms of any such scheme or withdraw any such plan without providing any replacement. Any payment made under this clause is not pensionable and is subject to deductions for tax and social security contributions.


7 Expenses and Gratuities


7.1 In accordance with Company policy, the Company shall pay or refund to the Executive all reasonable travelling, entertainment and other similar out of pocket expenses properly and wholly incurred by the Executive in the proper performance of the Executive’s duties subject to production by the Executive of such evidence of such expenses as the Company may require. If the Executive is provided with a Company credit card or charge card, the Executive shall use it only for such expenses as the Executive is entitled under this sub-clause to have reimbursed by the Company.


7.2 The Executive shall at all times comply with the Group’s policies in force from time to time regarding acceptance of gifts, gratuities and/or benefits.


8 Professional Memberships



In accordance with and subject to Company policy, and upon prior approval, the Company shall pay for up to two memberships with recognised professional bodies where membership



  of such professional body is directly related to and required in relation to the Executive’s job from time to time or the Executive’s normal professional skill.


8.2 Where required, whether by the Company, law, any regulatory organisation or otherwise, the Executive should at all times during the Executive’s employment with the Company maintain the Executive’s membership of such professional, trade or other bodies necessary for the proper performance of the Executive’s duties.


9 Company Car


9.1 In accordance with and subject to the rules of the Company Car policy for employees in the reward band which applies to the Executive, the Company shall, at its option, either:


  (a) make available to the Executive a motor car (“the Car”) for the Executive’s use or;


  (b) pay the Executive a taxable, non-pensionable car allowance at a level to be determined by the Company. The allowance will be paid monthly in arrears in the same manner as the Executive’s salary.


9.2 A copy of the relevant car policy shall be provided to the Executive and the Executive is required to comply with its rules from time to time. The Company reserves the right, in its reasonable discretion, to vary the rules and/or standard of car and/or level of car allowance available to employees in the Executive reward band which applies to the Executive.


10 Holidays


10.1 The Company’s holiday year is 1 January to 31 December (the “Holiday Year”).


10.2 In addition to public holidays, the Executive shall be entitled to paid vacation in each Holiday Year in accordance with the stated policy for the Executive’s reward band in the principal place of work, to be taken at times to be agreed with the Company in advance. Subject to clause 10.3, no payment will be made for vacation days not taken in the Holiday Year in which they arise although the Executive may carry forward any unused vacation days from one Holiday Year to the next, subject to a maximum of 5 days to be carried forward into the following Holiday Year.


10.3 Upon termination of this Agreement the Executive shall be entitled to payment in lieu of any untaken outstanding vacation entitlement in the Holiday Year during which the Executive’s employment terminates, which entitlement shall accrue on a pro-rata monthly basis.


10.4 Upon termination of the Executive’s employment under this Agreement, the Company shall be entitled to deduct from any sum owed by the Company to the Executive a sum representing overpayment of salary with respect to the number of vacation days which the Executive has taken in excess of the Executive’s accrued vacation entitlement calculated on a pro-rata monthly basis as at the date of the termination of the Executive’s employment and the Executive hereby authorises the Company to make such deduction.


10.5 The Company shall be entitled to require the Executive to take all or any part of any accrued untaken vacation entitlement during the period of notice to terminate the Executive’s employment (including, for the avoidance of doubt, during any period of garden leave pursuant to clause 22).



11 Sickness and Incapacity


11.1 When the Executive is absent from work and unable to perform the Executive’s duties under this Agreement satisfactorily by reason of any injury, illness or other reason satisfactory to the Company and subject to compliance with clause 12, the Executive shall be entitled to receive the Executive’s full salary and other contractual benefits for up to the first 26 weeks of any such absence and thereafter the Executive shall receive half the Executive’s salary.


11.2 Any salary payable pursuant to this clause shall be inclusive of the amount of any benefit or statutory sick pay to which the Executive may be entitled during the period of such inability under any local law for the time being in force.


11.3 The Executive shall submit to a medical examination by a doctor appointed by the Company at the request of the Chief Executive, at the expense of the Company, at any time during the continuance of this Agreement, whether or not the Executive is absent by reason of sickness, injury or other incapacity. The Executive consents to the Company’s Chief Executive or General Counsel from time to time obtaining a copy of the Executive’s medical records from the Executive’s medical practitioner in circumstances where the Company deems such a step to be required. The Executive further agrees that the Executive shall authorise the medical practitioner and the Company’s Chief Executive or General Counsel to discuss further any matters arising from such medical report, diagnosis or prognosis to the extent relevant to the Executive’s employment or the performance of the Executive’s duties and the Company shall disclose the content of all such communications to the Executive.


11.4 If the Executive is absent from work by reason of injuries sustained wholly or partly as a result of actionable negligence, nuisance or breach of any statutory duty on the part of any third party other than the Company or any Group Company, the Executive shall promptly inform the Executive’s line manager of that fact and the Company in its discretion may require the Executive to take all reasonable steps to recover from such third party or its insurers compensation including repayment of all sums paid to the Executive by the Company under this clause in respect of absence. Any such sums (which are paid to the Executive by the Company on that basis) shall in turn be repaid by the Executive when and to the extent that the Executive recovers compensation for loss of earnings from that third party or its insurers by legal action or otherwise less reasonable cost incurred in recovering any such compensation.


12 Notification of Absence


12.1 If the Executive is unable to come to work for any reason and the Executive’s absence has not previously been authorised by the Company, the Executive must notify the Company as soon as practicable and in accordance with the stated policy for the Executive’s reward band in the principal place of work.


13 Pension


13.1 The Company operates various pension schemes. The Executive may be a member of the applicable pension scheme as determined by the Executive’s start date with the Company and the Executive’s reward band (“the Scheme”) at the applicable level and subject to the terms of the trust deed and rules governing the Scheme from time to time, including, without limitation, any powers of alteration and discontinuance. The Executive’s membership of the Scheme shall be in substitution for, and shall operate to the exclusion of, any agreement or representation whether written or oral in relation to pension entitlement made with or to the Executive by any person on behalf of the Company or any Group Company at any time prior to the date of this Agreement.



14 Private Medical Insurance


14.1 The Executive, the Executive’s spouse and any dependent unmarried children under age 21 (or 25 if in full time education) or such older age as required by applicable law, as the case may be, will to the extent eligible (as determined by the Executive’s reward band and any applicable plan rules) participate in and receive benefits under the private medical and insurance plans made available by the Company (and any other plans which the Company may provide from time to time) subject to the rules or insurance policies constituting such plans from time to time.


14.2 A copy of the relevant private medical and insurance plans shall be provided to the Executive and the Executive is required to comply with their rules from time to time. The Company reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to vary the plans or to suspend (for a fixed or indefinite period) or withdraw the plans without providing any replacement.


14.3 In the event that the Executive claims under any insurance plan referred to in sub-clause 14.1 and such claim is rejected by the insurer, the Company shall not be obliged to issue proceedings in relation to such claim.


15 Additional Benefits


15.1 In the event that any special terms apply to the Executive, these are as set out in the Executive’s offer letter.


16 Exclusive Service


16.1 The Executive will devote substantially the whole of the Executive’s working time, attention and skill to the Employment. In the event that the Executive wishes to take up an external non-executive directorship during the Employment, such position will be subject to Board approval.


16.2 At the request of the Company, the Executive will disclose promptly in writing to the Company all the Executive’s outside business interests (for example, office holdings or directorships).


16.3 Without prejudice to clause 16.1 above, and subject to clause 16.4 below, during the Employment the Executive will not be directly or indirectly engaged or concerned in the conduct of any activity which is similar to or competes with any activity carried on by any Group Company (except as a representative of the Company or with the written consent of the Board) nor make preparations to be engaged or interested either directly or indirectly in any business or occupation which is similar to or competes with any activity carried on by any Group Company.


16.4 The Executive may not without written consent of the Board hold or be interested in investments which amount to more than five percent of the issued investments of any class of any one company whether or not those investments are listed or quoted on any recognised Stock Exchange or dealt in on the Alternative Investments Market.


17 Intellectual Property


17.1 The Executive acknowledges that:


  (i) the Executive may make Inventions in the course of the Employment, whether in the Executive’s normal or other specifically assigned duties; and



  (ii) the Executive has a special obligation to further the interests of the Group as a whole and of each Group Company.


17.2 If the Executive makes or is involved in making an Invention during the Employment, the Executive will promptly inform the Company. The Executive will give the Company sufficient details of any Invention to allow the Company to assess the Invention and to decide whether the Invention belongs to the Company. The Company will treat any Invention which is notified to it under this clause 17, but which does not belong to the Company, as confidential.


17.3 If an Invention belongs to the Company, the Executive will act as a trustee for the Company in relation to that Invention and will, at the request and expense of the Company do everything necessary to:


  (i) vest all right, title and interest in the Invention in the Company or its nominee with full title guarantee;


  (ii) secure full patent or other appropriate protection for the Invention anywhere in the world; and


  (iii) defend the Company’s or its nominees rights in the Invention and assist with enforcement anywhere in the world.


17.4 If the Executive creates or is involved in creating any Work during the Employment, the Executive will promptly give the Company full details of it.


17.5 The Executive will, at the request and expense of the Company, do everything necessary to:


  (i) assign to the Company to the extent allowed by law, or will assign all the Executive’s right, title and interest in any current or future Work (whether now existing or brought into being in the future);


  (ii) act as a trustee for the Company in relation to all such Works; and


  (A) vest all right, title and interest in any Work in the Company or its nominee;


  (B) secure full registered or unregistered protection for any Work anywhere in the world; and


  (C) defend the Company’s or its nominee’s rights in any Work and assist with enforcement anywhere in the world.


17.6 If the Executive generates any Information or is involved in generating any Information during the Employment the Executive will promptly give to the Company full details of it and the Executive acknowledges that such Information belongs to the Company.


17.7 If the Executive becomes aware of any infringement or suspected infringement of any intellectual property right in any Invention, Work or Information the Executive will promptly notify the Company in writing.


17.8 The Executive will not copy, disclose or make use of any Invention, Work or Information without the Company’s prior written consent except to comply with this clause 17 or as necessary for the proper performance of the Executive’s duties.



17.9 The Executive acknowledges that for the purpose of the Copyright and Rights in Databases Regulations 1997 (as from time to time amended, extended or re-enacted) the Company shall be treated as the maker of any such databases, where such database is created by the Executive during the Employment.


17.10 So far as permitted by law the Executive irrevocably waives any rights the Executive may have under Chapter IV (Moral Rights) of Part 1 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and any foreign corresponding rights in respect of all Works.


17.11 Rights and obligations under this clause 17 will continue after the termination of this agreement in respect of all Inventions, Works and Information made or obtained during the Employment and will be binding on the personal representatives of the Executive.


17.12 The Executive agrees that the Executive will not by the Executive’s acts or omissions do anything which would or might prejudice the rights of any Group Company under this clause 17.


17.13 Except as necessary or desirable in the performance of the Executive’s duties, the Executive will not make copies of any computer files belonging to any Group Company or their service providers and will not introduce any of the Executive’s own computer files into any computer used by the Company.


18 Confidentiality


18.1 As Confidential Information will from time to time become known to the Executive, the Company considers and the Executive acknowledges that the following restraints are necessary for the reasonable protection by the Company of its business or the business of the Group, the customers and trade connections thereof or their respective affairs.


18.2 The Executive shall not at any time, either during the continuance of or for a period of five years after the termination of the Executive’s employment with the Company, use, disclose or communicate to any person whatsoever any Confidential Information or any Trade Secrets of which the Executive has or may have become possessed during the Executive’s employment with the Company or supply the names or addresses of any clients, customers, suppliers or agents of the Company or any Group Company to any person except in the proper course of the Business or as authorised in writing by the Board or as ordered by a Court of competent jurisdiction or as required to be disclosed by any law, regulation, governmental or other official body.


18.3 The Executive shall not at any time either during the continuance of or after the termination of the Executive’s employment with the Company make, other than for the benefit of the Company or any Group Company, any notes or memoranda relating to any matter within the scope of the Business or concerning any of the dealings or affairs of the Company or any Group Company.


18.4 The Executive shall use the Executive’s best endeavours during the continuance of the Employment to prevent the publication, disclosure or misuse of any Confidential Information and shall not remove, nor authorise others to remove, from the premises of the Company or of any Group Company any Confidential Information except to the extent strictly necessary for the proper performance of the Executive’s or the other person’s duties to the Company or any Group Company.



The Executive shall promptly disclose to the Company full details of any knowledge or suspicion the Executive has (whether during or after the Employment) of any actual,



  threatened or pending publication, disclosure or misuse by any person (including the Executive) of any Confidential Information and shall provide all reasonable assistance and co-operation (at the Company’s expense) as the Company may request in connection with any action or proceedings it may take or contemplate in respect of any such publication, disclosure or misuse.


18.6 This clause 18 is without prejudice to the Executive’s equitable duty of confidence.


18.7 Nothing in this Agreement shall preclude the Executive from making a protected disclosure in accordance with the provisions set out in the Employment Rights Act 1996 which should be made in accordance with the Company’s Disclosure Procedure.


19 Restrictive Covenants


19.1 The provisions of Schedule 1 shall take effect as though part of this Agreement.


20 Notification of Restrictions


20.1 The Executive agrees that, in the event of the Executive receiving from any person an offer of employment (whether oral or in writing and whether accepted or not) either during the continuance of this Agreement or during the continuance in force of all or any of the restrictions set out in clause 18 and Schedule 1 of this Agreement, without prejudice to the Executive’s obligations in relation to confidentiality, the Executive will provide to the person making the offer details of the substance of the restrictions contained in clause 18 and Schedule 1.


21 Directorships


21.1 The Executive shall accept appointment as a director of the Company and of any such Group Company or other company as the Company may reasonably require in connection with the Executive’s appointment under this Agreement and the Executive shall resign without claim for compensation from office as a director of any such company (other than the Company or IHG) at any time on request by the Company, which resignation shall not affect the continuance in any way of this Agreement. The Executive shall immediately account to the Company for any director’s fees or other emoluments, remuneration or payments either receivable or received by the Executive by virtue of the Executive’s holding office as such director (or waive any right to the same if so required by the Company).


21.2 Upon the termination of the Executive’s employment with the Company however arising and for whatsoever reason the Executive shall, upon the request of the Board, resign without claim for compensation (but without prejudice to any claim the Executive may have for damages for breach of this Agreement) from:


  (a) office as a director of the Company or of any Group Company or of any other company in which the Executive holds a directorship at the Company’s request; and


  (b) all offices held by the Executive in any or all of such companies; and


  (c) all trusteeships held by the Executive of any pension plan or other trusts established by the Company, any Group Company or any other company with whom the Executive has had dealings as a consequence of the Executive’s employment by the Company.



Should the Executive fail to resign from office as a director or from any other office or trusteeship in accordance with clauses 21.1 or 21.2, either during the Executive’s



  employment, when so requested by the Company, or on its termination, the Company is hereby irrevocably authorised to appoint a person in the Executive’s name and on the Executive’s behalf to execute any documents and to do all things required to give effect to the resignation.


21.4 Save with the prior agreement in writing of the Company, the Executive shall not, during the continuance of this Agreement, resign from any office as a director of the Company, any Group Company or of any other company in which the Executive holds a directorship at the Company’s request or do anything that would cause the Executive to be disqualified from continuing to act as a director.


22 Garden Leave


22.1 At any time after the Executive gives notice to terminate the Employment, the Employer gives notice to terminate the Employment as a result of the Executive’s breach of contract or gross misconduct, or if the Executive resigns without giving due notice and the Company does not accept the Executive’s resignation, the Company may, at its absolute discretion, require the Executive to take a period of absence called garden leave (the “Garden Leave Period”). The provisions of this clause shall apply to any Garden Leave Period.


22.2 The Company may require that the Executive will not, without prior written consent of the Board during the Garden Leave Period:


  22.2.1 enter or attend the premises of the Company or any other Group Company; or


  22.2.2 contact or have any communication with any customer or client of the Company or any other Group Company in relation to the business of the Company or any other Group Company (other than purely social contact); or


  22.2.3 contact or have any communication with any employee, officer, director, agent or consultant of the Company or any other Group Company in relation to the business of the Company or any other Group Company (other than purely social contact); or


  22.2.4 remain or become involved in any aspect of the business of the Company or any other Group Company except as required by such companies.


22.3 During the Garden Leave Period the Company may require the Executive:


  22.3.1 to comply with the provisions of clause 24, save that the Executive will not be required to return the Car; and


  22.3.2 to immediately resign from any directorship, trusteeships or other offices which the Executive holds in the Company, any other Group Company or any other company where such directorship or other office is held as a consequence or requirement of the Employment, unless the Executive is required to perform duties to which any such directorship, trusteeship or other office relates in which case the Executive may retain such directorships, trusteeships or other offices while those duties are ongoing. The Executive hereby irrevocably appoints the Company to be the Executive’s attorney to execute any instrument and do anything in the Executive’s name and on behalf of the Executive to effect the Executive’s resignation if the Executive fails to do so in accordance with this clause 22.3.2.


22.4 During the Garden Leave Period, the Executive will be entitled to receive the Executive’s salary and all contractual benefits in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.



22.5 At the end of the Garden Leave Period, the Company may, at its sole and absolute discretion, pay the Executive salary in lieu of the balance of any period of notice given by the Company or the Executive (less any deductions the Company is required by law to make.


22.6 During the Garden Leave Period:


  22.6.1 the Executive shall provide such assistance as the Company or any Group Company may require to effect an orderly handover of the Executive’s responsibilities to any individual or individuals appointed by the Company or any Group Company to take over the Executive’s role or responsibilities;


  22.6.2 the Executive shall be available to deal with requests for information, provide assistance, be available for meetings and to advise on matters relating to work (unless the Company has agreed that the Executive may be unavailable for a period); and


  22.6.3 the Company may appoint another person to carry out the Executive’s duties in substitution for the Executive.


22.7 All duties of the Employment (whether express or implied), shall continue throughout the Garden Leave Period (in particular the duty of fidelity) save as expressly varied by this clause 22. The Executive agrees that the exercise by the Company of its rights pursuant to this clause 22 shall not entitle the Executive to claim that the Executive has been constructively dismissed.


23 Termination


23.1 This Agreement and the Executive’s employment with the Company hereunder may be terminated immediately by the Company without prior notice if the Executive at any time:


  (a) commits any act of gross misconduct or gross incompetence or other repudiatory breach of contract; or


  (b) without reasonable excuse and with prior written warning, repeats or continues any misconduct or neglect in the discharge of the Executive’s duties or other breach of contract (not falling within 23.1(a) above); or


  (c) has a bankruptcy order made against the Executive or if the Executive makes any arrangement or composition with the Executive’s creditors or has an interim order made against the Executive pursuant to Section 252 of the Insolvency Act 1986; or


  (d) is convicted of any criminal offence other than an offence which, in the reasonable opinion of the Board, does not affect the Executive’s position as an employee of the Company (bearing in mind the nature of the duties in which the Executive is engaged and the capacity in which the Executive is employed); or


  (e) by the Executive’s actions or omissions, brings the name or reputation of the Company or any Group Company into serious disrepute or prejudices the interests of the business of the Company or any other Group Company.

Any delay by the Company in exercising such right to termination shall not constitute a waiver thereof.



In the event of termination pursuant to clause 23.1, the Company shall not be obliged to make any further payment to the Executive beyond the amount of any remuneration and payment in



  lieu of outstanding untaken vacation entitlement actually accrued up to and including the date of such termination and the Company shall be entitled to deduct from such remuneration any sums owing to it or to any other Group Company (including but not limited to any advance of a cash float to cover business expenses, any advance of pay, vacation pay relating to vacation taken in excess of accrued entitlement) by the Executive to which deduction the Executive expressly hereby consents.


23.3 In the event of the termination of the Employment of the Executive for whatever reason and whether by notice or in any other manner whatsoever, the Executive agrees that the Executive will not at any time after such termination represent the Executive as still having any connection with the Company or any Group Company save as a former employee for the purpose of communicating with prospective employers or complying with any applicable statutory requirements.


23.4 In the event that the Executive is incapacitated by ill health, accident or any other cause from performing the Executive’s duties under this Agreement for a period of 39 weeks or more (whether consecutive or not) in any continuous period of 2 years, then the Company may terminate this Agreement by giving to the Executive six months notice, in writing expiring at any time (whether or not the Executive remains incapacitated from performing the Executive’s duties under this Agreement) provided always that the Executive shall receive all benefits lawfully due to the Executive under this Agreement calculated up to the date of termination of employment.


23.5 As an alternative to serving notice pursuant to clause 1.2 or 23.4 and without prejudice to the provisions of clauses 23.1 and 23.2, the Company may, in its absolute discretion, terminate this Agreement without prior notice and make a payment in lieu of the notice which the Executive would have been entitled during the period of notice of termination equal to the basic salary to which the Executive would have been entitled during the period of notice on the basis that the Executive’s basic salary would have been at the rate applying at the date of termination (less deductions for income tax and any other deductions the Company is required by law to make). Where the Company uses such discretion, this Agreement will terminate upon payment to the Executive of such sum.


23.6 Once notice has been given, either by the Company or the Executive pursuant to clauses 1.2 or 23.4, the Company may, in its absolute discretion, at any time during such notice terminate this Agreement without prior notice and make a payment in lieu of such unexpired period of notice equal to the basic salary to which the Executive would have been entitled during the period of notice on the basis that the Executive’s basic salary would have been at the rate applying at the date of termination (less deductions for income tax and any other deductions the Company is required by law to make) and the Agreement will terminate immediately thereafter.


23.7 In the event of termination of the Agreement, all or any payments under any applicable incentive schemes will be calculated and payable in accordance with the rules of the respective schemes.


24 Return of Property



Immediately on request following notice of termination being served by either the Company or the Executive and in any event upon the termination of the Executive’s employment with the Company for whatsoever cause, the Executive shall immediately deliver up to the Company or its authorised representative any property of the Company or any other Group Company which may be in the Executive’s possession, custody or under the Executive’s control, including, without limitation, the Car, the Car keys, laptop, mobile telephone, electronic



  organiser, wireless devices, minutes, memoranda, correspondence, notes, records, reports, sketches, plans or other documents or writing (which shall include information recorded or stored in writing or on magnetic tape or disk or otherwise recorded or stored for reproduction whether by mechanical or electronic means and whether or not such reproduction will result in a permanent record being made) and any copies thereof, whether or not the property was originally supplied to the Executive by the Company or any other Group Company.


24.2 If so requested, the Executive shall provide to the Company a signed statement confirming that the Executive has fully complied with clause 24.1.


25 Disciplinary and Grievance Procedure


25.1 The Executive’s employment is subject to the disciplinary and grievance rules and procedures of the Company from time to time. The Company’s disciplinary and grievance procedures do not form part of the Executive’s contractual terms and conditions of employment.


26 Data Protection


26.1 The Executive consents to the Company and any other Group Company holding and processing, both electronically and manually, the data it collects in relation to the Executive, in the course of the Executive’s employment for the purposes of the Company’s administration and management of its employees and its business and for compliance with applicable procedures, laws and regulations and to the transfer, storage and processing by the Company or any other agent of such data outside the European Economic Area and outside the United States and where applicable, and in particular, to and in the United States and any other country in which the Company or any other Group Company has offices.


27 Notices


27.1 Any notice to be given under this Agreement shall be given in writing and may be sent, addressed in the case of the Company to its registered office for the time being and in the case of the Executive to the Executive at the Executive’s last known place of residence or given personally and any notice given by post shall be deemed to have been served at the expiration of 48 hours after the same was posted.


28 Assignment


28.1 The benefit of each agreement and obligation of the Executive under this Agreement may be assigned to and enforced by all successors or assigns for the time being carrying on the Business and such agreements and obligations shall operate and remain binding notwithstanding the termination of the employment of the Executive.


29 Third Party Rights


29.1 To the extent permitted by law, no person other than the parties to this agreement and any Group Company shall have the right to enforce any term of this agreement under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999. For the avoidance of doubt, save as expressly provided in this clause the application of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 is specifically excluded from this agreement, although this does not affect any other right or remedy of any third party which exists or is available other than under this Act.


30 Law and Jurisdiction


30.1 English law



This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, English law.


30.2 Jurisdiction

In relation to any legal action or proceedings arising out of or in connection with this Agreement (“Proceedings”), each of the parties irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts and waives any objection to Proceedings in such courts on the grounds of venue or on the grounds that Proceedings have been brought in an inappropriate forum.


31 Prior Agreements and other employment-related conditions


31.1 Without prejudice to the terms of the Offer Letter such terms being incorporated by reference herein, this Agreement shall be in substitution for any other subsisting offer letter, agreement, service agreement or contract of employment (oral or otherwise) made between the Company and the Executive or between any other Group Company and the Executive and where any inconsistency exists between this Agreement and the Offer Letter the terms of the Offer Letter shall prevail.


31.2 The Executive’s employment is subject to the Company’s non-contractual rules, policies and procedures which apply for the Executive’s location. If there is any conflict between the non-contractual rules, policies and procedures from time to time and the Executive’s contractual terms and conditions, the contractual terms and conditions shall prevail.


31.3 The Executive warrants and agrees that the Executive is not entering into this Agreement in reliance on any representation not expressly set out in this Agreement.


32 Collective Agreements


32.1 There are no collective agreements currently in force which affect directly or indirectly the terms and conditions of the Executive’s employment.


33 Severability and Amendments


33.1 If any provision of this Agreement or of a clause hereof, or of any part of Schedule 1 is determined to be illegal or unenforceable by any court of law or any competent governmental or other authority, but would be valid if part of their wording were deleted, such clause shall be severable and enforceable and will apply with such deletion as may be necessary to make it valid or effective. The parties shall negotiate in good faith to replace any such illegal or unenforceable provisions with suitable substitute provisions which will maintain as far as possible the purposes and the effect of this Agreement.


34 Interpretation


34.1 In this Agreement:

Affiliate” means, in respect of any company, a company which is its subsidiary, subsidiary undertaking or holding company, or a company which is a subsidiary or subsidiary undertaking of that holding company.

the Board” means the Board of Directors of IHG or the Directors present at a duly convened meeting of the Directors at which a quorum is present and acting throughout or a duly authorised committee of the Board.



the Business” means (taken together) the business of IHG and the business of any other Group Company with which the Executive is required by the Board under clause 2 to be concerned.

Confidential Information” means confidential information (which may include commercially sensitive information) relating to the business of the Company or any Group Company or any of their respective customers or their affairs and which includes but is not limited to Trade Secrets, ideas, inventions, business methods, business practices and processes, finances, prices, costs financial marketing/development/ manpower plans, strategy documents or intentions, products/product specifications, confidential emails/letters/memos marketing and promotion of products, packages or offers, names and addresses and other details of suppliers, customers, agents of the Company or any Group Company, computer systems and software, information relating to employees, know-how or other matters connected with the products or services manufactured, marketed, provided or obtained by the Company or any Group Company or their respective customers.

Employment” means the employment governed by this Agreement.

Group” means the Company and any Affiliate of the Company and “Group Company” shall be construed accordingly.

IHG” means InterContinental Hotels Group PLC.

Information” means any idea, method or information, which is not an Invention or Work, generated by the Executive either:


  (i) in the course of the Executive’s Employment; or


  (ii) outside the course of the Executive’s Employment but relating to the business, finance or affairs of any Group Company.

Invention” means any invention relating to or capable of being used in the business of any Group Company as carried on from time to time.

month” means a calendar month.

Offer Letter” means the letter from the Chief Executive Officer setting out the principal terms of the Executive’s Employment.

Trade Secrets” means trade secrets and information of such a highly confidential nature as to require the same treatment as trade secrets, of IHG or any Group Company or any supplier, customer, or agent of the Company or any Group Company.

Work” means any idea; method; discovery; computer programme; semiconductor chip layout; database; drawing; literary work; product, packaging or other design; trade or service mark; logo; domain name or other work (whether registrable or not and whether a copyright work or not) which is not an Invention and which the Executive creates or is involved in creating:


  (i) in connection with the Executive’s Employment; or


  (ii) relating to or capable of being used in those aspects of the business of the Group Companies in which the Executive is involved from time to time.


34.2 In this Agreement, where the context admits:



  (a) words and phrases the definitions of which are contained or referred to in the UK Companies Act 2006 shall be construed as having the meanings so attributed to them;


  (b) references to any statute or statutory provisions include a reference to those provisions as amended or re-enacted or as their application is modified by other provisions from time to time and any reference to a statutory provision shall include any subordinate legislation made from time to time under that provision;


  (c) references to a “person” include any individual, company, body corporate, corporation sole or aggregate, government, state or agency of a state, firm, partnership joint venture, association, organisation or trust (in each case, whether or not having separate legal personality and irrespective of the jurisdiction in or under the law of which it was incorporated or exists) and a reference to any of them shall include a reference to the others;


  (d) any reference to “writing” shall include typewriting, printing, lithography, photography, telex, facsimile and the printed out version of a communication by electronic mail and other modes of representing or reproducing words in a legible form;


  (e) words denoting the singular shall include the plural and vice versa;


  (f) the employment of the Executive are references to the employment by the Company whether or not during the continuance of this Agreement; and


  (g) the masculine gender shall be deemed to include the feminine gender.


34.3 Headings are inserted for convenience only and shall not affect the construction of this Agreement.

IN WITNESS whereof, this Agreement has been entered into the day and year first above written.


SIGNED by    )   
George Turner    )   
for and on behalf of    )   
the Company      
Signature    /s/ George Turner   
Address:    Broadwater Park, Denham, Buckinghamshire UB9 5HR   
Occupation:    EVP, General Counsel & Company Secretary   
SIGNED and    )   
by the Executive    )   
Signature    /s/ Paul Edgecliffe-Johnson   
Address:    Blythewood, The Highlands, East Horsley, Surrey, KT24 5BQ.   





1. 1.1 In this Schedule 1 the expressions below have the meaning ascribed to them respectively below:

“Competing Enterprise” shall mean (a) any person, corporation, partnership, venture or other entity (“entity”) which engages either (i) in the business of managing, franchising, running, leasing, owning or joint venturing at least 50 hotels, or (ii) in the business of any online booking agency in respect of hotel rooms (“hotel booking”) and in the case of (i) and (ii) the entity’s shares are publicly traded and such entity has a market capitalisation of not less than one billion pounds sterling (for these purposes “market capitalisation” shall be the aggregate market value of the ordinary shares of the entity) and (b) any Competitor;

“Competitor” shall mean any of the following companies and/or any of their holding companies or subsidiaries from time to time:


  (i) Accor SA


  (ii) Hilton Worldwide


  (iii) Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc.


  (iv) Marriott International, Inc.


  (v) Global Hyatt Corporation


  (vi) Choice Hotels International Inc.


  (vii) Wyndham Worldwide Corporation


  (viii) Four Seasons Holdings, Inc.

“Garden Leave Period” has the meaning given in Clause 22 of the Agreement above;

“Key Person” shall mean any person who was a band 4 level or above employee of the Company or any other Group Company (including for this purpose any General Manager of any hotel owned or managed by the Company or any other Group Company) and with whom the Executive had material contact or dealings in performing the duties of the Employment at any time during the period of 12 months ending on the Termination Date;

“Relevant Period” shall mean the period of six months beginning with the Termination Date but reduced by one day for each day of a Garden Leave Period;

“Restricted Activities” shall mean executive, managerial, directorial, administrative, strategic, business development or supervisory responsibilities and activities relating to any competing enterprise; and

“Termination Date” shall mean the date on which the Employment terminates.

1.2 The Executive agrees that during the Relevant Period the Executive will not without the prior written consent of the Company:



  (i) become associated with or engage in any Restricted Activity in respect of any Competing Enterprise, whether as officer, director, employee, principal, partner, agent, executive, independent contractor or shareholder (other than as a holder of not in excess of 5% of the outstanding voting shares of any publicly traded company) in competition with any business of the Company or any other Group Company being carried on by the Company or any other Group Company at the Termination Date but excluding (a) any association or engagement which solely relates to Restricted Activities which the Executive had not been involved in to a material extent in the course of the Employment at any time during the period of 12 months ending on the Termination Date, or (b) the Executive’s employment by a unit of a Competing Enterprise which unit is not itself engaged in hotel ownership, hotel management, hotel franchising, hotel running, hotel leasing, hotel joint-venturing or hotel booking (as defined above), so long as the Executive’s duties and responsibilities with respect to such employment are limited to the business of such unit, or (c) the Executive’s employment by an entity which includes a Competing Enterprise where such Competing Enterprise produces revenues that account for less than 5% of the gross revenues of the entity and performing services for such Competing Enterprise is not a material part of the Executive’s responsibilities; and


  (ii) either on his own behalf or for or with any other person whether directly or indirectly, solicit or induce or attempt to solicitor induce any Key Person to leave the employ of the Company or any other Group Company whether or not such person would commit any breach of his contract of employment by leaving the service of the Company or any other Group Company; and


  (iii) either on his own behalf or for or with any other person, whether directly or indirectly, interfere with or try to terminate or reduce the level of supplies (whether of products and/or services) by a supplier to the Company or any other Group Company provided the Executive was concerned or involved to a material extent with the supply or products or services by that supplier to the Company or a Group Company in the course of the employment at any time during the 12 months period ending on the Termination Date.

1.3 The Executive agrees that each of the paragraphs contained in sub-clause 1.2 of this Schedule 1 constitute an entirely separate and independent covenant on the Executive’s part and the validity of one paragraph shall not be affected by the validity or unenforceability of another.

1.4 The Executive agrees that the Executive will at the request and cost of the Company enter into a direct agreement or undertaking with any Group Company whereby the Executive will accept restrictions and provisions corresponding to the restrictions and provisions contained in sub-clause 1.2 of this Schedule 1 (or such of them as may be reasonable and appropriate in the circumstances) in relation to such activities and such areas and for such a period as such company may reasonably require for the protection of its legitimate interests but provided that the duration of such restrictions and provisions are no greater than the Relevant Period.

1.5 The Executive agrees that having regard to the facts and matters set out above the restrictive covenants contained in this Schedule 1 are necessary for the protection of the business and confidential information of the Company and other Group Companies.



EX-8 5 d679505dex8.htm EXHIBIT 8 Exhibit 8

Exhibit 8

List of subsidiaries as at 31 December 2013


Name of Entity


Country of Incorporation

“IHG Management” d.o.o. Beograd


111 East 48th Street Holdings LLC

   Delaware, USA

426 Main Ave LLC

   Delaware, USA

46 Nevins Street Associates LLC

   Delaware, USA

831 6th Avenue Associates LLC

   Delaware, USA

American Commonwealth Assurance Company Limited


Arabian Hotel Management Co. LLC


Asia Pacific Holdings Limited


Avendra LLC

   Delaware, USA

Barclay Operating Corp.

   New York, USA

BCRE IHG 180 Orchard Holdings LLC

   Delaware, USA

Beijing Orient Express Hotels Co., Ltd

   People’s Republic of China

BHMC Canada Inc.

   Ontario, Canada

BHR Holdings B.V.

   The Netherlands

BHR Luxembourg S.A.R.L.


BHR Overseas (Finance) B.V.

   The Netherlands

BHR Pacific Holdings, Inc.

   Delaware, USA

BHR Services (France) SARL.


BHR US Holdings B.V.

   The Netherlands

BHTC Canada Inc.

   Ontario, Canada

Blue Blood (Tianjin) Equity Investment Management Co., Ltd

   People’s Republic of China

Bristol Oakbrook Tenant Company

   Delaware, USA

Café Biarritz

   Texas, USA

Carr 625 First Street LLC

   Virginia, USA

Carr 901 N. Fairfax Street LLC

   Virginia, USA

CDC San Francisco LLC

   Delaware, USA

China Hotel Investment Ltd


Compañia Inter-Continental De Hoteles El Salvador SA

   El Salvador

Crowne Plaza Amsterdam (Management) BV

   The Netherlands

Crowne Plaza LLC

   Delaware, USA

D.I.H (Cyprus) SPV (No. 2) Limited


D.I.H. (Cyprus) SPV (No.12) Limited


D.I.H. (Cyprus) SPV (No.4) Limited


D.I.H. (Cyprus) SPV (No.6) Limited


D.I.H. (Cyprus) SPV (No.7) Limited


Duet India Hotels (Ahmedabad) Private Ltd


Duet India Hotels (Bangalore) Private Ltd


Duet India Hotels (Chennai OMR) Private Ltd


Duet India Hotels (Chennai) Private Ltd


Duet India Hotels (Hyderabad) Private Ltd


Duet Smart Hotels (India) Limited


Edinburgh IC Limited



   The Netherlands

EVEN Real Estate Holding LLC

   Delaware, USA

General Innkeeping Acceptance Corporation

   Tennessee, USA

Gestion Hotelera Gestel, C.A.


Grand Hotel Inter-Continental Paris SNC


Graviss Hospitality Limited


Guangzhou SC Hotels Services Ltd.

   People’s Republic of China

H.I (Burswood) Pty Ltd.


H.I. (Ireland) Limited


H.I. Mexicana Servicios, SA de CV


H.I. Soaltee Hotel Company Private Ltd


H.I. Soaltee Management Company Ltd

   Hong Kong

Hale International Ltd.

   British Virgin Islands

HC International Holdings, Inc

   Delaware, USA

HH France Holdings SAS


HH Hotels (EMEA) BV

   The Netherlands

HH Hotels (EMEA) BV - Egyptian Branch


HH Hotels (EMEA) BV - Russian Branch (TotRusUs)


HH Hotels (Romania) SRL


HI Sugarloaf, LLC

   Georgia, USA

HIA (T) Pty Ltd


HIM (Aruba) NV


Hoft Properties LLC

   Delaware, USA

Holiday Hospitality Franchising, LLC

   Delaware, USA

Holiday Inn Cairns Pty Ltd


Holiday Inn Mexicana S.A.


Holiday Inns (China) Ltd

   Hong Kong

Holiday Inns (Chongqing), Inc.

   Tennessee, USA

Holiday Inns (Courtalin) Holdings SAS


Holiday Inns (Courtalin) SAS


Holiday Inns (England) Ltd.


Holiday Inns (Germany) LLC

   Tennessee, USA

Holiday Inns (Germany) LLC - German Branch


Holiday Inns (Guangzhou), Inc.

   Tennessee, USA

Holiday Inns (Jamaica) Inc.

   Tennessee, USA

Holiday Inns (Jamaica) Inc. - Jamaica Branch


Holiday Inns (Macau) Ltd.

   Hong Kong

Holiday Inns (Malaysia) Ltd.

   Hong Kong

Holiday Inns (Middle East) Ltd - Cairo Branch


Holiday Inns (Middle East) Ltd - Dubai Branch


Holiday Inns (Middle East) Ltd - Jordan Branch


Holiday Inns (Middle East) Ltd.

   Hong Kong

Holiday Inns (Philippines), Inc.

   Tennessee, USA

Holiday Inns (Philippines), Inc. - Philippines Branch


Holiday Inns (Saudi Arabia), Inc.

   Tennessee, USA

Holiday Inns (South East Asia) Inc.

   Tennessee, USA

Holiday Inns (South East Asia) Inc. - Singapore Branch


Holiday Inns (Thailand) Ltd.

   Hong Kong

Holiday Inns (U.K.), Inc.

   Tennessee, USA

Holiday Inns (U.K.), Inc. - Malta Branch


Holiday Inns (U.K.), Inc. - UK Branch


Holiday Inns Crowne Plaza (Hong Kong), Inc.

   Tennessee, USA

Holiday Inns Crowne Plaza (Hong Kong), Inc. - Hong Kong branch

   Hong Kong

Holiday Inns Holdings (Australia) Pty Ltd.


Holiday Inns Inc.

   Delaware, USA

Holiday Inns Investment (Nepal) Ltd.

   Hong Kong

Holiday Inns of America (UK) Ltd.


Holiday Inns of Belgium NV


Holiday Pacific Equity Corporation

   Delaware, USA

Holiday Pacific Limited Liability Company

   Delaware, USA

Holiday Pacific Partners Limited Partnership

   Delaware, USA

Hospitality Network Corporation


Hotel Guayana C.A.


Hotel InterContinental London (Holdings) Limited


Hotel Inter-Continental London Ltd.


Hotel JV Services LLC

   Delaware, USA

Hoteles Estelar de Colombia S.A.


Hoteles Y Turismo HIH Srl


I.H.C. (Thailand) Ltd


IC Hotelbetriebsfuhrungs GmbH


IC Hotels Management (Portugal) Unipessoal, Lda


IC International Hotels Limited Liability Company


IHC Buckhead LLC

   Georgia, USA

IHC Edinburgh (Holdings)


IHC Hopkins (Holdings) Corp.

   Delaware, USA

IHC Hotel Ltd.


IHC Inter-Continental (Holdings) Corp.

   Delaware, USA

IHC London (Holdings)


IHC May Fair (Holdings) Ltd.


IHC May Fair Hotel Ltd.


IHC M-H (Holdings) Corp.

   Delaware, USA

IHC Overseas (U.K.) Ltd.


IHC UK (Holdings) Ltd


IHC United States (Holdings) Corp.

   Delaware, USA

IHC Willard (Holdings) Corp.

   Delaware, USA

IHG (Australasia) Limited


IHG (Marseille) SAS


IHG (Thailand) Limited


IHG (Victoria Park) Pty Ltd


IHG ANA Hotels Group Japan LLC


IHG ANA Hotels Holdings Co., Ltd


IHG Bangkok Ltd

   British Virgin Islands

IHG Community Development, LLC

   Georgia, USA

IHG Cyprus Limited


IHG de Argentina SA


IHG ECS (Barbados) SRL


IHG Franchising Brasil Ltda


IHG Franchising DR Corporation

   Delaware, USA

IHG Franchising DR Corporation - Dominican Republic Branch

   Dominican Republic

IHG Franchising LLC

   Delaware, USA

IHG Hotels (New Zealand) Limited

   New Zealand

IHG Hotels Limited


IHG Hotels Management (Australia) Pty Limited


IHG Hotels Nigeria Limited



   South Africa

IHG International Partnership


IHG İstanbul Otel Yönetim Limited Şirketi


IHG IT Services (India) Private Limited


IHG Japan (Management) LLC


IHG Japan (Osaka) LLC


IHG Management (Maryland) LLC

   Maryland, USA

IHG Management (Netherlands) B.V.

   The Netherlands

IHG Management (Netherlands) B.V. - Indonesia Branch


IHG Orchard Street Member, LLC


IHG PS Nominees Limited


IHG Queenstown Limited

   New Zealand

IHG Systems Pty Ltd


IHG Szalloda Budapest Szolgaltato Kft


IND East Village SD Holdings LLC

   Delaware, USA

InterContinental (Branston) 1 Ltd


InterContinental (PB) 1


InterContinental (PB) 2 Limited


InterContinental (PB) 3 Limited


Intercontinental D.C. Operating Corp.

   Delaware, USA

Inter-Continental Florida Investment Corp.

   Delaware, USA

Inter-Continental Florida Partner Corp.

   Delaware, USA

InterContinental Gestion Hotelera S.L.


InterContinental Hong Kong Ltd.

   Hong Kong

Intercontinental Hospitality Corporation

   Delaware, USA

Intercontinental Hospitality Corporation - Greek Branch


InterContinental Hotel Berlin GmbH


InterContinental Hotel Düsseldorf GmbH


Inter-Continental Hoteleira Limitada


Inter-Continental Hotels (Montreal) Operating Corp.

   Quebec, Canada

Inter-Continental Hotels (Montreal) Owning Corp.

   Quebec, Canada

Inter-Continental Hotels (Overseas) Ltd.


InterContinental Hotels (Puerto Rico) Inc

   Puerto Rico

Inter-Continental Hotels (Singapore) Pte Ltd


Inter-Continental Hotels Corporation

   Delaware, USA

Inter-Continental Hotels Corporation - Egyptian Branch


Inter-Continental Hotels Corporation - Israel Branch


Inter-Continental Hotels Corporation - Jordan Branch


Inter-Continental Hotels Corporation - Malta Branch


Inter-Continental Hotels Corporation - Philippines Branch


Inter-Continental Hotels Corporation - Poland Branch


InterContinental Hotels Corporation de Venezuela C.A.


Intercontinental Hotels Corporation Limited


Intercontinental Hotels Corporation Limited - Kenya Branch


Intercontinental Hotels Corporation Limited - Saudi Branch

   Saudi Arabia

InterContinental Hotels Group (Asia Pacific) Pte. Ltd.


InterContinental Hotels Group (Asia Pacific) Pte. Ltd. - Korean Branch


InterContinental Hotels Group (Australia) Pty Limited


InterContinental Hotels Group (Canada) Inc.

   Ontario, Canada

InterContinental Hotels Group (Espana) SA


InterContinental Hotels Group (Greater China) Limited

   Hong Kong

InterContinental Hotels Group (Greater China) Limited - Maldives branch


InterContinental Hotels Group (India) Private Limited


InterContinental Hotels Group (Japan) Inc.

   Tennessee, USA

InterContinental Hotels Group (Japan) Inc. - Japan Branch


InterContinental Hotels Group (New Zealand) Limited

   New Zealand

InterContinental Hotels Group (Shanghai) Ltd

   People’s Republic of China

InterContinental Hotels Group (Shanghai) Ltd - Beijing Branch

   People’s Republic of China

InterContinental Hotels Group Customer Services Ltd.


InterContinental Hotels Group do Brasil Limitada


InterContinental Hotels Group Healthcare Trustee Ltd


InterContinental Hotels Group Operating Corp.

   Delaware, USA

InterContinental Hotels Group Resources Inc

   Delaware, USA

InterContinental Hotels Group Resources Inc - Guam Branch


InterContinental Hotels Group Services Company


InterContinental Hotels Group Services Company - Swedish Branch


InterContinental Hotels Group Services Company - Zurich Branch


InterContinental Hotels Italia, SrL


InterContinental Hotels Limited


InterContinental Hotels Management GmbH


InterContinental Hotels Nevada Corporation

   Nevada, USA

Intercontinental Hotels of San Francisco, Inc.

   Delaware, USA

Inter-Continental IOHC (Mauritius) Limited


Inter-Continental Management (Australia) Pty Limited


Intercontinental Overseas Holding Corporation

   Delaware, USA

Intercontinental Overseas Holding Corporation - Bermuda Branch


Intercontinental Overseas Holding Corporation - Egyptian Branch


Intercontinental Overseas Holding Corporation - Jamaican Branch


Intercontinental Overseas Holding Corporation - Kazakhstan Branch


Intercontinental Overseas Holding Corporation - Slovakia Branch


Intercontinental Overseas Holding Corporation - Ukraine Branch


InterContinental PLC Employee Share Ownership Plan (not part of IHG Group)


Kenya Hotel Properties Ltd.


KHL SubCo Limited

   Papua New Guinea

Kumul Hotels Ltd

   Papua New Guinea

Louisiana Acquisitions Corp.

   Delaware, USA

Marcer Fairview Holdings LLC

   Delaware, USA

Maya Baiduri Sdn Bhd


Nuevas Fronteras S.A.


P.T. Jakarta International Hotels & Development



   Louisiana, USA

Pershing Associates

   District of Columbia, USA

PML Services LLC

   Maryland, USA

Pollstrong Limited


Powell Pine, Inc.

   Delaware, USA

President Hotel & Tower Co Ltd.


Priscilla Holliday of Texas, Inc.

   Texas, USA

PT SC Hotels & Resorts Indonesia


Resort Services International (Cayo Largo), L.P., S.E.

   Georgia, USA

Saudi Arabia Intercontinental Hotels C. Ltd.

   Saudi Arabia

SBS Maryland Beverage Company LLC

   Maryland, USA

SC Cellars Ltd.


SC Hotels International Services, Inc.

   Delaware, USA

SC Leisure Group Ltd.


SC Luxembourg Investments SARL


SC NAS 2 Ltd.




SC Quest Ltd


SC Racing Gibraltar


SC Reservations (Philippines) Inc

   Tennessee, USA

SC Reservations (Philippines) Inc - Philippines Branch


SCH Insurance Company

   Vermont, USA

SCIH Branston 2


SCIH Branston 3


SF MH Acquisition LLC

   Delaware, USA

SFH Associates L.P.

   California, USA

Six Continents Corporate Services


Six Continents Holdings Ltd.


Six Continents Hotels de Colombia SA


Six Continents Hotels International Ltd.


Six Continents Hotels, Inc.

   Delaware, USA

Six Continents International Holdings BV

   The Netherlands

Six Continents Investments Ltd.


Six Continents Limited


Six Continents Overseas Holdings Ltd.


Six Continents Restaurants Ltd.


SixCo North America, Inc.

   Delaware, USA

Soaltee Hotel Ltd.


Societe des Grands Hotels du Liban


Societe des Hotels InterContinental France SNC


Societe Immobiliere Kinoise SZARL

   Rep of Congo, Zaire

Societe Nouvelle du Grand Hotel SA


Southern Pacific Hotel Corporation (BVI) Ltd.

   British Virgin Islands

Southern Pacific Hotels Properties Limited

   British Virgin Islands

SPHC (IP) Pty Ltd.


SPHC Group Pty Ltd.


SPHC Management Ltd.

   Papua New Guinea

Summit IHG JV, LLC




Tahiti Beachcomber SA


TAK How Investment Limited

   Hong Kong

Tian An Hotels International Limited

   Hong Kong

Tianjin ICBCI IHG Equity Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd

   People’s Republic of China

Tianjin ICBCI IHG Equity Investment Fund Partnership

   People’s Republic of China

Trifaith Investments Ltd.

   British Virgin Islands

Universal de Hoteles SA


White Shield Insurance Company Ltd.


Willard Associates

   District of Columbia, USA

World Trade Center Montreal Hotel Corporation

   Quebec, Canada

Yokohama Grand Intercontinental Hotel Co. Ltd.

EX-12.A 6 d679505dex12a.htm EXHIBIT 12(A) Exhibit 12(a)

Exhibit 12(a)

I, Richard Solomons, certify that:

1. I have reviewed this Annual Report on Form 20-F of InterContinental Hotels Group PLC;

2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;

3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the company as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;

4. The company’s other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the company and have:

(a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the company, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;

(b) Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;

(c) Evaluated the effectiveness of the company’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and

(d) Disclosed in this report any change in the company’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the period covered by the annual report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the company’s internal control over financial reporting; and

5. The company’s other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the company’s auditors and the audit committee of the company’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

(a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the company’s ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and

(b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the company’s internal control over financial reporting.

Date: February 26, 2014


By:   /s/ Richard Solomons
  Name: Richard Solomons
  Title: Chief Executive Officer
EX-12.B 7 d679505dex12b.htm EXHIBIT 12(B) Exhibit 12(b)

Exhibit 12(b)

I, Paul Edgecliffe-Johnson, certify that:

1. I have reviewed this Annual Report on Form 20-F of InterContinental Hotels Group PLC;

2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;

3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the company as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;

4. The company’s other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the company and have:

(a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the company, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;

(b) Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;

(c) Evaluated the effectiveness of the company’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and

(d) Disclosed in this report any change in the company’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the period covered by the annual report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the company’s internal control over financial reporting; and

5. The company’s other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the company’s auditors and the audit committee of the company’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

(a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the company’s ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and

(b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the company’s internal control over financial reporting.

Date: February 26, 2014


By:   /s/ Paul Edgecliffe-Johnson
  Name: Paul Edgecliffe-Johnson
  Title: Chief Financial Officer
EX-13.A 8 d679505dex13a.htm EXHIBIT 13(A) Exhibit 13(a)

Exhibit 13(a)

906 Certification

The certification set forth below is being submitted in connection with the Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2012 (the “Report”) for the purpose of complying with Rule 13a-14(b) or Rule 15d-14(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “Exchange Act”) and Section 1350 of Chapter 63 of Title 18 of the United States Code.

Richard Solomons, the Chief Executive Officer, and Paul Edgecliffe-Johnson, the Chief Financial Officer of InterContinental Hotels Group PLC, each certifies that, to the best of his knowledge:


1. the Report fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Exchange Act; and


2. the information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of InterContinental Hotels Group PLC.

Date: February 26, 2014


By:   /s/ Richard Solomons
  Name: Richard Solomons
  Title: Chief Executive Officer
By:   /s/ Paul Edgecliffe-Johnson
  Name: Paul Edgecliffe-Johnson
  Title: Chief Financial Officer
EX-15.A 9 d679505dex15a.htm EXHIBIT 15(A) Exhibit 15(a)

Exhibit 15(a)

Consent of independent registered public accounting firm

We consent to the reference to our firm under “Item 3. Key information” and to the incorporation by reference in the following Registration Statements (Form F-3 No. 333-108084 and Form S-8 Nos. 333-01572, 333-08336, 333-99785, 333-89508, 333-104691, 333-126139 and 333-181334) of InterContinental Hotels Group PLC of our reports dated 17 February 2014, with respect to the Consolidated Financial Statements of InterContinental Hotels Group PLC, and the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting of InterContinental Hotels Group PLC, included in the Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended 31 December 2013.


London, England

February 26, 2014

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