EX-4.2 3 ex-4_2.txt EXHIBIT 4.2 Exhibit 4.2 GUARANTY This GUARANTY ("Guaranty"), dated as of June 26, 2000, is made by HARRAH'S ENTERTAINMENT, INC., a Delaware corporation ("Guarantor"), in favor of CITIBANK, N.A. ("Lender"). RECITALS A. Pursuant to the Credit Agreement dated as of June 26, 2000 by and among Harrah's Operating Company, Inc., a Delaware corporation, ("Borrower"), the Guarantor and Citibank, N.A. (the "Lender") (as such agreement may from time to time be extended, modified, renewed, restated, supplemented or amended, the "Credit Agreement"), the Lender is making certain credit facilities available to Borrower. B. As a condition to the availability of such credit facilities, Guarantor is required to enter into this Guaranty and to guaranty the Guaranteed Obligations as hereinafter provided. C. Guarantor expects to realize direct and indirect benefits as the result of the availability of the aforementioned credit facilities to Borrower. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in order to induce Lender to extend the aforementioned credit facilities, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which hereby are acknowledged, Guarantor hereby represents, warrants, covenants, agrees and guarantees as follows: 1. Definitions. This Guaranty is the Guaranty referred to in the Credit Agreement. Terms defined in the Credit Agreement and not otherwise defined in this Guaranty shall have the meanings given those terms in the Credit Agreement when used herein and such definitions are incorporated herein as though set forth in full. In addition, as used herein, the following terms shall have the meanings respectively set forth after each: "Guaranteed Obligations" means all Obligations of Borrower at any time and from time to time owed to the Lender under the Credit Agreement, whether due or to become due, matured or unmatured, liquidated or unliquidated, or contingent or noncontingent, including obligations of performance as well as obligations of payment, and including interest that accrues after the commencement of any bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding by or against Borrower. "Guaranty" means this Guaranty, and any extensions, modifications, F renewals, restatements, reaffirmations, supplements or amendments hereof. 2. Guaranty of Guaranteed Obligations. Guarantor hereby irrevocably, unconditionally guarantees and promises to pay and perform on demand upon the occurrence of any Event of Default the Guaranteed Obligations and each and every one of them, including all amendments, modifications, supplements, renewals or extensions of any of them, whether such amendments, modifications, supplements, renewals or extensions are evidenced by new or additional instruments, documents or agreements or change the rate of interest on any Guaranteed Obligation or the security therefor, or otherwise. 3. Nature of Guaranty. This Guaranty is irrevocable and continuing in nature and relates to any Guaranteed Obligations now existing or hereafter arising. This Guaranty is a guaranty of prompt and punctual payment and performance and is not merely a guaranty of collection. 4. Relationship to Other Agreements. Nothing herein shall in any way modify or limit the effect of terms or conditions set forth in any other document, instrument or agreement executed by Guarantor or in connection with the Guaranteed Obligations, but each and every term and condition hereof shall be in addition thereto. 5. Subordination of Indebtedness of Borrower to Guarantor to the Guaranteed Obligations. Guarantor agrees that: (a) Any indebtedness of Borrower now or hereafter owed to Guarantor hereby is subordinated to the Guaranteed Obligations. (b) If the Lender so requests, upon the occurrence and during the continuance of any Event of Default, any such indebtedness of Borrower now or hereafter owed to Guarantor shall be collected, enforced and received by Guarantor as trustee for the Lender and shall be paid over to the Lender in kind on account of the Guaranteed Obligations, but without reducing or affecting in any manner the obligations of Guarantor under the other provisions of this Guaranty. (c) Should Guarantor fail to collect or enforce any such indebtedness of Borrower now or hereafter owed to Guarantor and pay the proceeds thereof to the Lender in accordance with Section 5(b) hereof, Lender as Guarantor's attorney-in-fact may do such acts and sign such documents in Guarantor's name as Lender considers necessary or desirable to effect such collection, enforcement and/or payment. 6. Statutes of Limitations and Other Laws. Until the Guaranteed Obligations shall have been paid and performed in full, all the rights, privileges, powers and remedies granted to Lender hereunder shall continue to exist and may be exercised by Lender at any time and from time to time irrespective of the fact that any of the Guaranteed Obligations may have become barred by any statute of limitations. Guarantor expressly waives the benefit of any and all statutes of limitation, and any and all Laws providing for exemption of property from execution or for evaluation and appraisal upon foreclosure, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable Laws. 7. Waivers and Consents. Guarantor acknowledges that the obligations undertaken herein involve the guaranty of obligations of Persons other than Guarantor and, in full recognition of that fact, consents and agrees that Lender may, at any time and from time to time, without notice or demand, and without affecting the enforceability or continuing effectiveness hereof: (a) supplement, modify, amend, extend, renew, accelerate or otherwise change the time for payment or the terms of the Guaranteed Obligations or any part thereof, including any increase or decrease of the rate(s) of interest thereon; (b) supplement, modify, amend or waive, or enter into or give any agreement, approval or consent with respect to, the Guaranteed Obligations or any part thereof, or the Credit Agreement or any additional security or guarantees, or any condition, covenant, default, remedy, right, representation or term thereof or thereunder; (c) accept new or additional instruments, documents or agreements in exchange for or relative to the Credit Agreement or the Guaranteed Obligations or any part thereof; (d) accept partial payments on the Guaranteed Obligations; (e) receive and hold additional security or guarantees for the Guaranteed Obligations or any part thereof; (f) release, reconvey, terminate, waive, abandon, fail to perfect, subordinate, exchange, substitute, transfer and/or enforce any security or guarantees, and apply any security and direct the order or manner of sale thereof as Lender in its sole and absolute discretion may determine; (g) release any Person from any personal liability with respect to the Guaranteed Obligations or any part thereof; (h) settle, release on terms satisfactory to Lender or by operation of applicable Laws or otherwise liquidate or enforce any Guaranteed Obligations and any security or guaranty therefor in any manner, consent to the transfer of any security and bid and purchase at any sale; and/or (i) consent to the merger, change or any other restructuring or termination of the corporate existence of Borrower, Guarantor or any other Person, and correspondingly restructure the Guaranteed Obligations, and any such merger, change, restructuring or termination shall not affect the liability of Guarantor or the continuing effectiveness hereof, or the enforceability hereof with respect to all or any part of the Guaranteed Obligations; provided that nothing herein shall waive, alter, diminish or modify any rights of the Borrower under the Credit Agreement, including, without limitation, the rights of the Borrower to agree to any amendments or modifications of the Credit Agreement. Upon the occurrence and during the continuance of any Event of Default, Lender may enforce this Guaranty independently as to Guarantor and independently of any other remedy or security Lender at any time may have or hold in connection with the Guaranteed Obligations. Guarantor expressly waives any right to require Lender to marshal assets in favor of Guarantor, and agrees that Lender may proceed against Borrower, or upon or against any security or remedy, before proceeding to enforce this Guaranty, in such order as it shall determine in its sole and absolute discretion. Lender may file a separate action or actions against Borrower and/or Guarantor without respect to whether action is brought or prosecuted with respect to any security or against any other Person, or whether any other Person is joined in any such action or actions. Guarantor agrees that Lender, Borrower, and any Affiliates of Borrower may deal with each other in connection with the Guaranteed Obligations or otherwise, or alter any contracts or agreements now or hereafter existing between any of them, in any manner whatsoever, all without in any way altering or affecting the security of this Guaranty. Lender's rights hereunder shall be reinstated and revived, and the enforceability of this Guaranty shall continue, with respect to any amount at any time paid on account of the Guaranteed Obligations which thereafter shall be required to be restored or returned by Lender upon the bankruptcy, insolvency or reorganization of Borrower, or any other Person, or otherwise, all as though such amount had not been paid. The rights of Lender created or granted herein and the enforceability of this Guaranty with respect to Guarantor at all times shall remain effective to guaranty the full amount of all the Guaranteed Obligations even though the Guaranteed Obligations, or any part thereof, or any security or guaranty therefor, may be or hereafter may become invalid or otherwise unenforceable as against Borrower or any other guarantor or surety and whether or not Borrower shall have any personal liability with respect thereto. Guarantor expressly waives any and all defenses now or hereafter arising or asserted by reason of (a) any disability or other defense of Borrower, with respect to the Guaranteed Obligations, (b) the unenforceability or invalidity of any security or guaranty for the Guaranteed Obligations or the lack of perfection or continuing perfection or failure of priority of any security for the Guaranteed Obligations, (c) the cessation for any cause whatsoever of the liability of Borrower (other than by reason of the full payment and performance of all Guaranteed Obligations), (d) any failure of Lender to marshal assets in favor of Borrower or any other Person, (e) except as otherwise provided in this Guaranty, any failure of Lender to give notice of sale or other disposition of collateral to Guarantor or any other Person or any defect in any notice that may be given in connection with any sale or disposition of collateral, (f) any failure of Lender to comply with applicable Laws in connection with the sale or other disposition of any collateral or other security for any Guaranteed Obligation, including without limitation, any failure of Lender to conduct a commercially reasonable sale or other disposition of any collateral or other security for any Guaranteed Obligation, (g) any act or omission of Lender or others that directly or indirectly results in or aids the discharge or release of Borrower or the Guaranteed Obligations or any security or guaranty therefor by operation of law or otherwise, (h) any Law which provides that the obligation of a surety or guarantor must neither be larger in amount nor in other respects more burdensome than that of the principal or which reduces a surety's or guarantor's obligation in proportion to the principal obligation, (i) any failure of Lender to file or enforce a claim in any bankruptcy or other proceeding with respect to any Person, (j) the election by Lender, in any bankruptcy proceeding of any Person, of the application or non-application of Section 1111(b)(2) of the United States Bankruptcy Code, (k) any extension of credit or the grant of any Lien under Section 364 of the United States Bankruptcy Code, (1) any use of cash collateral under Section 363 of the United States Bankruptcy Code, (m) any agreement or stipulation with respect to the provision of adequate protection in any bankruptcy proceeding of any Person, (n) the avoidance of any Lien in favor of Lender for any reason, (o) any bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, arrangement, readjustment of debt, liquidation or dissolution proceeding commenced by or against any Person, including any discharge of, or bar or stay against collecting, all or any of the Guaranteed Obligations (or any interest thereon) in or as a result of any such proceeding, (p) to the extent permitted, the benefits of any form of one-action rule, or (q) any action taken by Lender that is authorized by this Section or any other provision of the Credit Agreement. Guarantor expressly waives all setoffs and counterclaims and all presentments, demands for payment or performance, notices of nonpayment or nonperformance, protests, notices of protest, notices of dishonor and all other notices or demands of any kind or nature whatsoever with respect to the Guaranteed Obligations, and all notices of acceptance of this Guaranty or of the existence, creation or incurrence of new or additional Guaranteed Obligations. 8. Condition of Borrower and Borrower's Subsidiaries. Guarantor represents and warrants to Lender that Guarantor has established adequate means of obtaining from Borrower's Subsidiaries, on a continuing basis, financial and other information pertaining to the businesses, operations and condition (financial and otherwise) of Borrower and Borrower's Subsidiaries and their Properties, and Guarantor now is and hereafter will be completely familiar with the businesses, operations and condition (financial and otherwise) of Borrower and Borrower's Subsidiaries and their Properties. Guarantor hereby expressly waives and relinquishes any duty on the part of Lender (should any such duty exist) to disclose to Guarantor any matter, fact or thing related to the businesses, operations or condition (financial or otherwise) of Borrower or Borrower's Subsidiaries or their Properties, whether now known or hereafter known by Lender during the life of this Guaranty. With respect to any of the Guaranteed Obligations, Lender need not inquire into the powers of Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries or the officers or employees acting or purporting to act on their behalf, and all Guaranteed Obligations made or created in good faith reliance upon the professed exercise of such powers shall be secured hereby. 9. Waiver of Rights of Subrogation. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary elsewhere contained herein or the Credit Agreement to which Guarantor is a party, Guarantor hereby expressly waives with respect to Borrower and its successors and assigns (including any surety) and any other Person which is directly or indirectly a creditor of Borrower or any surety for Borrower, any and all rights at Law or in equity to subrogation, to reimbursement, to exoneration, to contribution, to setoff or to any other rights that could accrue to a surety against a principal, to a guarantor against a maker or obligor, to an accommodation party against the party accommodated, or to a holder or transferee against a maker, and which Guarantor may have or hereafter acquire against Borrower or any other such Person in connection with or as a result of Guarantor's execution, delivery and/or performance of this Guaranty or the Credit Agreement. Guarantor agrees that it shall not have or assert any such rights against Borrower or its successors and assigns or any other Person (including any surety) which is directly or indirectly a creditor of any surety for Borrower, either directly or as an attempted setoff to any action commenced against Guarantor by Borrower (as borrower or in any other capacity), Lender or any other such Person. Guarantor hereby acknowledges and agrees that this waiver is intended to benefit Borrower and Lender and shall not limit or otherwise affect Guarantor's liability hereunder, or under the Credit Agreement or the enforceability hereof or thereof. 10. Understanding With Respect to Waivers and Consents. Guarantor warrants and agrees that each of the waivers and consents set forth herein are made with full knowledge of their significance and consequences, with the understanding that events giving rise to any defense or right waived may diminish, destroy or otherwise adversely affect rights which Guarantor otherwise may have against Borrower, Lender or others, or against any collateral, and that, under the circumstances, the waivers and consents herein given are reasonable and not contrary to public policy or Law. Guarantor acknowledges that it has either consulted with legal counsel regarding the effect of this Guaranty and the waivers and consents set forth herein, or has made an informed decision not to do so. If this Guaranty or any of the waivers or consents herein are determined to be unenforceable under or in violation of applicable Law, this Guaranty and such waivers and consents shall be effective to the maximum extent permitted by Law. 11. Representations and Warranties. Guarantor hereby makes each and every representation and warranty applicable to Guarantor set forth in Article IV of the Credit Agreement as if set forth in full herein. 12. Costs and Expenses. After an Event of Default, Guarantor agrees to pay to Lender all costs and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees and disbursements) incurred by Lender in the enforcement or attempted enforcement of this Guaranty, whether or not an action is filed in connection therewith, and in connection with any waiver or amendment of any term or provision hereof. All advances, charges, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees and disbursements (including the reasonably allocated cost of legal counsel employed by Lender), incurred or paid by Lender in exercising any right, privilege, power or remedy conferred by this Guaranty, or in the enforcement or attempted enforcement thereof, shall be subject hereto and shall become a part of the Guaranteed Obligations and shall be paid to Lender by Guarantor, after an Event of Default and immediately upon demand, together with interest thereon at the rate(s) provided for under the Credit Agreement. 13. Construction of this Guaranty. This Guaranty is intended to give rise to absolute and unconditional obligations on the part of Guarantor; hence, in any construction hereof, notwithstanding any provision of the Credit Agreement to the contrary, this Guaranty shall be construed strictly in favor of Lender in order to accomplish its stated purpose. 14. Liability. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary elsewhere contained herein or in the Credit Agreement, the aggregate liability of Guarantor hereunder for payment and performance of the Guaranteed Obligations shall not exceed an amount which, in the aggregate, is $1.00 less than that amount which if so paid or performed would constitute or result in a "fraudulent transfer", "fraudulent conveyance", or terms of similar import, under applicable state or federal Law, including without limitation, Section 548 of the United States Bankruptcy Code. The liability of Guarantor hereunder is independent of any other guarantees at any time in effect with respect to all or any part of the Guaranteed Obligations, and Guarantor's liability hereunder may be enforced regardless of the existence of any such guarantees. Any termination by or release of any guarantor in whole or in part shall not affect the continuing liability of Guarantor hereunder, and no notice of any such termination or release shall be required. The execution hereof by Guarantor is not founded upon an expectation or understanding that there will be any other guarantor of the Guaranteed Obligations. 15. WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL. GUARANTOR AND LENDER EXPRESSLY WAIVE THEIR RESPECTIVE RIGHTS TO A TRIAL BY JURY OF ANY CLAIM, DEMAND, ACTION OR CAUSE OF ACTION BASED UPON OR ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THIS GUARANTY, THE CREDIT AGREEMENT, THE TRANSACTIONS CONTEMPLATED HEREBY OR THEREBY IN ANY ACTION, PROCEEDING OR OTHER LITIGATION OF ANY TYPE BROUGHT BY ANY OF THE PARTIES AGAINST ANY OTHER PARTY OR PARTIES, WHETHER NOW EXISTING OR HEREAFTER ARISING AND WHETHER WITH RESPECT TO CONTRACT CLAIMS, TORT CLAIMS, OR OTHERWISE. GUARANTOR AND LENDER AGREE THAT ANY SUCH CLAIM, DEMAND, ACTION OR CAUSE OF ACTION SHALL BE TRIED BY A COURT TRIAL WITHOUT A JURY. WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, THE PARTIES FURTHER AGREE THAT THEIR RESPECTIVE RIGHT TO A TRIAL BY JURY IS WAIVED BY OPERATION OF THIS SECTION AS TO ANY ACTION, COUNTERCLAIM OR OTHER PROCEEDING WHICH SEEKS, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, TO CHALLENGE THE VALIDITY OR ENFORCEABILITY OF THIS GUARANTY, THE LOAN AGREEMENT OR THE OTHER LOAN DOCUMENTS OR ANY PROVISION HEREOF OR THEREOF. THIS WAIVER SHALL APPLY TO ANY SUBSEQUENT AMENDMENTS, RENEWALS, SUPPLEMENTS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THIS GUARANTY, THE LOAN AGREEMENT AND THE OTHER LOAN DOCUMENTS. ANY PARTY HERETO MAY FILE AN ORIGINAL COUNTERPART OR A COPY OF THIS SECTION WITH ANY COURT AS WRITTEN EVIDENCE OF THE CONSENT OF THE SIGNATORIES HERETO TO THE WAIVER OF THEIR RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY. 16. THIS GUARANTY SHALL BE GOVERNED BY, AND SHALL BE CONSTRUED AND ENFORCED IN ACCORDANCE WITH, THE LAW OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Guarantor has executed this Guaranty by its duly authorized officer as of the date first written above. "Guarantor" HARRAH'S ENTERTAINMENT, INC., a Delaware corporation By: /s/ CHARLES L. ATWOOD ----------------------------- Name: Charles L. Atwood Title: Vice President and Treasurer Address: Harrah's Entertainment Inc. 5100 West Sahara Avenue, #200 Las Vegas, NV 89146 Attn: Charles L. Atwood Telecopier: 702-579-2617 Telephone: 702-579-2674