
N-MFP: Filer Information

Submission Type Radio button checked N-MFP3   Radio button not checked N-MFP3/A
Test or Live Radio button not checked LIVE   Radio button not checked TEST
Is this an electronic copy of an official filing submitted in paper format? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button not checked No

N-MFP: Filing Information

General Information

Part A: Series-Level Information about the Fund

Item A.1. Securities Act File Number
Item A.2. Investment Adviser
Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc.
a. SEC file number of investment adviser
Item A.4. Independent Public Accountant
Deloitte & Touche LLP
a. City and state of independent public accountant
City of independent public accountant
State/Province/Country of independent public accountant
Item A.5. Administrator. If a fund has one or more administrators, disclose the name of each administrator
Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc.
Item A.6. Transfer Agent
BNY Mellon Investment Servicing (US) Inc.
a. CIK Number
b. SEC file number of transfer agent
Item A.7. Master-Feeder Funds. Is this a Feeder Fund? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items A.7.a – 7.c
a. Identify the Master Fund by CIK or, if the fund does not have a CIK, by name
Item A.8. Master-Feeder Funds. Is this a Master Fund? If Yes, answer Items A.8.a - 8.c. Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item A.9. Is this series primarily used to fund insurance company separate accounts?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item A.10. Category. Indicate the category that identifies the money market fund from among the following: Checkbox checked Government
Checkbox not checked Prime
Checkbox not checked Single State
Checkbox not checked Other Tax Exempt
a. Is this fund a Retail Money Market Fund?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. If this is a Government Money Market Fund, does the fund typically invest at least 80% of the value of its assets in U.S. Treasury obligations or repurchase agreements collateralized by U.S. Treasury obligations?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item A.11. Dollar-weighted average portfolio maturity ("WAM" as defined in rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item A.12. Dollar-weighted average life maturity ("WAL" as defined in rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii)). Calculate WAL without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments.
Item A.13. Liquidity. Provide the following, as of the close of business on each business day of the month reported:
a. Total Value of Daily Liquid Assets to the nearest cent
b. Total Value of Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets) to the nearest cent:
c. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Daily Liquid Assets:
d. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets):
a. Total Value of Daily Liquid Assets to the nearest cent
b. Total Value of Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets) to the nearest cent:
c. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Daily Liquid Assets:
d. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets):
a. Total Value of Daily Liquid Assets to the nearest cent
b. Total Value of Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets) to the nearest cent:
c. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Daily Liquid Assets:
d. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets):
a. Total Value of Daily Liquid Assets to the nearest cent
b. Total Value of Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets) to the nearest cent:
c. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Daily Liquid Assets:
d. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets):
a. Total Value of Daily Liquid Assets to the nearest cent
b. Total Value of Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets) to the nearest cent:
c. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Daily Liquid Assets:
d. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets):
a. Total Value of Daily Liquid Assets to the nearest cent
b. Total Value of Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets) to the nearest cent:
c. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Daily Liquid Assets:
d. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets):
a. Total Value of Daily Liquid Assets to the nearest cent
b. Total Value of Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets) to the nearest cent:
c. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Daily Liquid Assets:
d. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets):
a. Total Value of Daily Liquid Assets to the nearest cent
b. Total Value of Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets) to the nearest cent:
c. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Daily Liquid Assets:
d. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets):
a. Total Value of Daily Liquid Assets to the nearest cent
b. Total Value of Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets) to the nearest cent:
c. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Daily Liquid Assets:
d. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets):
a. Total Value of Daily Liquid Assets to the nearest cent
b. Total Value of Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets) to the nearest cent:
c. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Daily Liquid Assets:
d. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets):
a. Total Value of Daily Liquid Assets to the nearest cent
b. Total Value of Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets) to the nearest cent:
c. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Daily Liquid Assets:
d. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets):
a. Total Value of Daily Liquid Assets to the nearest cent
b. Total Value of Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets) to the nearest cent:
c. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Daily Liquid Assets:
d. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets):
a. Total Value of Daily Liquid Assets to the nearest cent
b. Total Value of Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets) to the nearest cent:
c. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Daily Liquid Assets:
d. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets):
a. Total Value of Daily Liquid Assets to the nearest cent
b. Total Value of Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets) to the nearest cent:
c. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Daily Liquid Assets:
d. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets):
a. Total Value of Daily Liquid Assets to the nearest cent
b. Total Value of Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets) to the nearest cent:
c. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Daily Liquid Assets:
d. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets):
a. Total Value of Daily Liquid Assets to the nearest cent
b. Total Value of Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets) to the nearest cent:
c. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Daily Liquid Assets:
d. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets):
a. Total Value of Daily Liquid Assets to the nearest cent
b. Total Value of Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets) to the nearest cent:
c. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Daily Liquid Assets:
d. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets):
a. Total Value of Daily Liquid Assets to the nearest cent
b. Total Value of Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets) to the nearest cent:
c. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Daily Liquid Assets:
d. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets):
a. Total Value of Daily Liquid Assets to the nearest cent
b. Total Value of Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets) to the nearest cent:
c. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Daily Liquid Assets:
d. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets):
a. Total Value of Daily Liquid Assets to the nearest cent
b. Total Value of Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets) to the nearest cent:
c. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Daily Liquid Assets:
d. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets):
a. Total Value of Daily Liquid Assets to the nearest cent
b. Total Value of Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets) to the nearest cent:
c. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Daily Liquid Assets:
d. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets):
a. Total Value of Daily Liquid Assets to the nearest cent
b. Total Value of Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets) to the nearest cent:
c. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Daily Liquid Assets:
d. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets):
a. Total Value of Daily Liquid Assets to the nearest cent
b. Total Value of Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets) to the nearest cent:
c. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Daily Liquid Assets:
d. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets):
a. Total Value of Daily Liquid Assets to the nearest cent
b. Total Value of Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets) to the nearest cent:
c. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Daily Liquid Assets:
d. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets):
a. Total Value of Daily Liquid Assets to the nearest cent
b. Total Value of Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets) to the nearest cent:
c. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Daily Liquid Assets:
d. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets):
a. Total Value of Daily Liquid Assets to the nearest cent
b. Total Value of Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets) to the nearest cent:
c. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Daily Liquid Assets:
d. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets):
a. Total Value of Daily Liquid Assets to the nearest cent
b. Total Value of Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets) to the nearest cent:
c. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Daily Liquid Assets:
d. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets):
a. Total Value of Daily Liquid Assets to the nearest cent
b. Total Value of Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets) to the nearest cent:
c. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Daily Liquid Assets:
d. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets):
a. Total Value of Daily Liquid Assets to the nearest cent
b. Total Value of Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets) to the nearest cent:
c. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Daily Liquid Assets:
d. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets):
a. Total Value of Daily Liquid Assets to the nearest cent
b. Total Value of Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets) to the nearest cent:
c. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Daily Liquid Assets:
d. Percentage of Total Assets invested in Weekly Liquid Assets (including Daily Liquid Assets):
Item A.14. Provide the following, to the nearest cent:
a. Cash. (See General Instructions E.)
b. Total Value of portfolio securities. (See General Instructions E.)
i. If any portfolio securities are valued using amortized cost, the total value of the portfolio securities valued at amortized cost
c. Total Value of other assets (excluding amounts provided in A.14.a-b.)
Item A.15. Total value of liabilities, to the nearest cent
Item A.16. Net assets of the series, to the nearest cent
Item A.17. Number of shares outstanding, to the nearest hundredth
Item A.18. Does the fund seek to maintain a stable price per share?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
a. If yes, state the price the fund seeks to maintain
Item A.19. 7-day gross yield. For each business day, based on the immediately preceding 7 business days, calculate the fund’s yield by determining the net change, exclusive of capital changes and income other than investment income, in the value of a hypothetical pre-existing account having a balance of one share at the beginning of the period and dividing the difference by the value of the account at the beginning of the base period to obtain the base period return, and then multiplying the base period return by (365/7) with the resulting yield figure carried to at least the nearest hundredth of one percent. The 7-day gross yield should not reflect a deduction of shareholders fees and fund operating expenses. For master funds and feeder funds, report the 7-day gross yield at the master-fund level.
a. 7-day gross yield
b. Date
a. 7-day gross yield
b. Date
a. 7-day gross yield
b. Date
a. 7-day gross yield
b. Date
a. 7-day gross yield
b. Date
a. 7-day gross yield
b. Date
a. 7-day gross yield
b. Date
a. 7-day gross yield
b. Date
a. 7-day gross yield
b. Date
a. 7-day gross yield
b. Date
a. 7-day gross yield
b. Date
a. 7-day gross yield
b. Date
a. 7-day gross yield
b. Date
a. 7-day gross yield
b. Date
a. 7-day gross yield
b. Date
a. 7-day gross yield
b. Date
a. 7-day gross yield
b. Date
a. 7-day gross yield
b. Date
a. 7-day gross yield
b. Date
a. 7-day gross yield
b. Date
a. 7-day gross yield
b. Date
a. 7-day gross yield
b. Date
a. 7-day gross yield
b. Date
a. 7-day gross yield
b. Date
a. 7-day gross yield
b. Date
a. 7-day gross yield
b. Date
a. 7-day gross yield
b. Date
a. 7-day gross yield
b. Date
a. 7-day gross yield
b. Date
a. 7-day gross yield
b. Date
Item A.20. Net asset value per share. Provide the net asset value per share, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions) rounded to the fourth decimal place in the case of a fund with a $1.0000 share price (or an equivalent level of accuracy for funds with a different share price), as of the close of business on each business day of the month reported.
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
Item A.21. Is the fund established as a cash management vehicle for affiliated funds or other accounts managed by related entities or their affiliates and not available to other investors?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item A.22. Liquidity Fee. During the reporting period, did the fund apply any liquidity fees under rule 2a-7(c)(2)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Item A.22.a

Part B: Class-Level Information about the Fund

For each Class of the Series (regardless of the number of shares outstanding in the Class), disclose the following:

Item B.1. Full name of the Class
Schwab Retirement Government Money Fund
Item B.2. EDGAR Class identifier
Item B.3. Minimum initial investment
Item B.4. Net assets of the Class, to the nearest cent
Item B.5. Number of shares outstanding, to the nearest hundredth
Item B.6. Net asset value per share. Provide the net asset value per share, calculated using available market quotations (or an appropriate substitute that reflects current market conditions), rounded to the fourth decimal place in the case of a fund with a $1.0000 share price (or an equivalent level of accuracy for funds with a different share price), as of the close of business on each business day of the month reported.
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
a. Net asset value per share
b. Date
Item B.7. Shareholder flow. Provide (a) the daily gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments) and gross redemptions, rounded to the nearest cent, as of the close of business on each business day of the month reported; and (b) the total gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments) and total gross redemptions for the month reported. For purposes of this Item, report gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments) and gross redemptions as of the trade date, and for Master-Feeder Funds, only report the required shareholder flow data at the Feeder Fund level.
a. Daily shareholder flows:
i. Gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Gross redemptions:
iii. Date:
i. Gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Gross redemptions:
iii. Date:
i. Gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Gross redemptions:
iii. Date:
i. Gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Gross redemptions:
iii. Date:
i. Gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Gross redemptions:
iii. Date:
i. Gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Gross redemptions:
iii. Date:
i. Gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Gross redemptions:
iii. Date:
i. Gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Gross redemptions:
iii. Date:
i. Gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Gross redemptions:
iii. Date:
i. Gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Gross redemptions:
iii. Date:
i. Gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Gross redemptions:
iii. Date:
i. Gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Gross redemptions:
iii. Date:
i. Gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Gross redemptions:
iii. Date:
i. Gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Gross redemptions:
iii. Date:
i. Gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Gross redemptions:
iii. Date:
i. Gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Gross redemptions:
iii. Date:
i. Gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Gross redemptions:
iii. Date:
i. Gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Gross redemptions:
iii. Date:
i. Gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Gross redemptions:
iii. Date:
i. Gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Gross redemptions:
iii. Date:
i. Gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Gross redemptions:
iii. Date:
i. Gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Gross redemptions:
iii. Date:
i. Gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Gross redemptions:
iii. Date:
i. Gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Gross redemptions:
iii. Date:
i. Gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Gross redemptions:
iii. Date:
i. Gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Gross redemptions:
iii. Date:
i. Gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Gross redemptions:
iii. Date:
i. Gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Gross redemptions:
iii. Date:
i. Gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Gross redemptions:
iii. Date:
i. Gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Gross redemptions:
iii. Date:
b. Monthly shareholder flows:
i. Total gross subscriptions (including dividend reinvestments):
ii. Total gross redemptions:
Item B.8. 7-day net yield for each business day of the month reported, as calculated under Item 26(a)(1) of Form N-1A (§ 274.11A of this chapter) except based on the 7 business days immediately preceding a given business day
a. 7-day net yield
b. Date
a. 7-day net yield
b. Date
a. 7-day net yield
b. Date
a. 7-day net yield
b. Date
a. 7-day net yield
b. Date
a. 7-day net yield
b. Date
a. 7-day net yield
b. Date
a. 7-day net yield
b. Date
a. 7-day net yield
b. Date
a. 7-day net yield
b. Date
a. 7-day net yield
b. Date
a. 7-day net yield
b. Date
a. 7-day net yield
b. Date
a. 7-day net yield
b. Date
a. 7-day net yield
b. Date
a. 7-day net yield
b. Date
a. 7-day net yield
b. Date
a. 7-day net yield
b. Date
a. 7-day net yield
b. Date
a. 7-day net yield
b. Date
a. 7-day net yield
b. Date
a. 7-day net yield
b. Date
a. 7-day net yield
b. Date
a. 7-day net yield
b. Date
a. 7-day net yield
b. Date
a. 7-day net yield
b. Date
a. 7-day net yield
b. Date
a. 7-day net yield
b. Date
a. 7-day net yield
b. Date
a. 7-day net yield
b. Date
Item B.9. During the reporting period, did any person pay for, or waive all or part of the fund’s operating expenses or management fees? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Item B.9.a
a. Total amount of the expense payment or fee waiver, or both (reported in dollars)
Item B.10. For each person who owns of record or is known by the fund to own beneficially 5% or more of the shares outstanding in the Class, provide the following information. For purposes of this question, if the fund knows that two or more beneficial owners of the Class are affiliated with each other, treat them as a single beneficial owner when calculating the percentage ownership and identify separately each affiliated beneficial owner by type and the percentage interest of each affiliated beneficial owner. An affiliated beneficial owner is one that directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by another beneficial owner or is under common control with any other beneficial owner.
a. Type of beneficial owner or record owner:
Checkbox not checked Retail investor
Checkbox not checked Non-financial corporation
Checkbox not checked Pension plan
Checkbox not checked Non-profit
Checkbox not checked State or municipal government entity (excluding governmental pension plans)
Checkbox not checked Registered investment company
Checkbox not checked Private fund
Checkbox not checked Depository institution or other banking institution
Checkbox not checked Sovereign wealth fund
Checkbox checked Broker-dealer
Checkbox not checked Insurance company
Checkbox not checked Other
If Other, provide a brief description of the type of investor included in this category
b. Percent of shares outstanding in the Class owned of record
c. Percent of shares outstanding in the Class owned beneficially
a. Type of beneficial owner or record owner:
Checkbox not checked Retail investor
Checkbox not checked Non-financial corporation
Checkbox not checked Pension plan
Checkbox not checked Non-profit
Checkbox checked State or municipal government entity (excluding governmental pension plans)
Checkbox not checked Registered investment company
Checkbox not checked Private fund
Checkbox not checked Depository institution or other banking institution
Checkbox not checked Sovereign wealth fund
Checkbox not checked Broker-dealer
Checkbox not checked Insurance company
Checkbox not checked Other
If Other, provide a brief description of the type of investor included in this category
b. Percent of shares outstanding in the Class owned of record
c. Percent of shares outstanding in the Class owned beneficially
a. Type of beneficial owner or record owner:
Checkbox not checked Retail investor
Checkbox not checked Non-financial corporation
Checkbox not checked Pension plan
Checkbox not checked Non-profit
Checkbox not checked State or municipal government entity (excluding governmental pension plans)
Checkbox not checked Registered investment company
Checkbox not checked Private fund
Checkbox not checked Depository institution or other banking institution
Checkbox not checked Sovereign wealth fund
Checkbox checked Broker-dealer
Checkbox not checked Insurance company
Checkbox not checked Other
If Other, provide a brief description of the type of investor included in this category
b. Percent of shares outstanding in the Class owned of record
c. Percent of shares outstanding in the Class owned beneficially
Item B.11. Shareholder Composition. If the fund is not a Government Money Market Fund or Retail Money Market Fund, identify the percentage of investors within the following categories:
a. Non-financial corporations:
b. Pension plans:
c. Non-profits:
d. State or municipal government entities (excluding governmental pension plans):
e. Registered investment companies:
f. Private funds:
g. Depository institutions and other banking institutions:
h. Sovereign wealth funds:
i. Broker-dealers:
j. Insurance companies:
k. Other:
If Other, provide a brief description of the types of investors included in this category
Item B.12. Share Cancellation. During the reporting period, were any shares cancelled under rule 2a-7(c)(3)? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Item B.12.a
a. For each business day shares were cancelled under rule 2a-7(c)(3) during the reporting period, provide:

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s)
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s)
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s)
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
United States Treasury
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
United States Treasury
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
United States Treasury
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
United States Treasury
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
United States Treasury
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
United States Treasury
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
United States Treasury
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
United States Treasury
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
United States Treasury
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
United States Treasury
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
United States Treasury
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
United States Treasury
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
United States Treasury
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
United States Treasury
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
United States Treasury
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
United States Treasury
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
United States Treasury
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
United States Treasury
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
United States Treasury
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FHLMC SCRTT SERIES 2017-2 MB 20560825 3.0
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRM 2024-001 C
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRM 2024-095 VT
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
Fannie Mae
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
Freddie Mac
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
Fannie Mae
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
Freddie Mac
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s)
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s)
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 03.000 CLZL5994
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 06.000 CLSD8373
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 05.500 CLSD8420
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 07.000 CLSD8398
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
Freddie Mac
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNRM RC061BA R13F061
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNRM RC073KA R13F073
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNRM CL003A2 R16M003
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
Freddie Mac
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
Freddie Mac
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
Freddie Mac
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
Freddie Mac
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.000 CLCA9083
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.500 CLCB8358
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 05.000 CLFS5626
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.500 CLFS5749
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.500 CLFS8361
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.000 CLMA5354
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.000 CLMA5139
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s)
Royal Bank of Canada
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.000 CLMA4698
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 05.000 CLMA4785
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 05.000 CLMA4841
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.000 CLMA5040
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.000 CLMA5139
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 01.500 CLMA4157
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.000 CLMA5354
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 07.500 CLZJ4914
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 02.000 CISB8502
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 05.500 CLSD8420
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 07.000 CLSD8398
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.000 CLCA9083
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 05.000 CLCB6731
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.500 CLCB8358
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.500 CLFS0193
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.500 CLFS1462
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.500 CLFS4648
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 07.000 CLFS4773
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.500 CLFS5134
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.000 CLFS5444
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.500 CLFS5749
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.500 CLFS5876
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.500 CLFS8361
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s)
Royal Bank of Canada
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNMI SF 578252 X
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNII SF 004884 M
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRA 2020-14O FA
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s)
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s)
Royal Bank of Canada
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FREMF MTG TR 2016-KF26 B 20261025 FLT
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
MLTI FMLY CONN AVE SEC 2019-01 B-10 20491025 FLT
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s)
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
Fannie Mae
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
Freddie Mac
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
Freddie Mac
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
Freddie Mac
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRA 2016-2O FH
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRM 2014-122 BP
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s)
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNMI SF 570565 X
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNMI SF 581589 X
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNII SF 005116 M
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNMI SP 781043 X
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNMI SF 646500 X
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNMI SF 651278 X
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s)
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRA 2023-149 FQ
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRA 2023-147 FJ
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRA 2023-147 FM
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRM 2024-009 PB
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRM 2024-030 PC
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRA 2023-149 QF
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s)
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s)
Barclays Bank PLC
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 03.000 CLZT0029
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 04.000 ZLZT2404
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 06.000 CLSD5409
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 01.500 CLSD8104
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 02.000 CLSD8146
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 05.500 CLSD8342
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
05.000 FGPC G67722 G
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 03.000 CLQC0100
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 02.500 CLQC6996
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 02.000 CLQD8143
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 03.000 CLQE4043
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 03.500 CLQE5115
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 04.500 CLQF1491
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 05.500 CLQF4869
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 04.500 CLQF7561
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 04.500 CLQG9043
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 06.500 CLQH3955
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 06.500 CLQH7851
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 06.500 CLQH8264
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 03.500 CLRA1729
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 02.500 CLRA7091
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 04.500 CLRA7673
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 04.500 CLQI2064
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 06.000 CLQI4628
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 06.000 CLQI7037
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 07.000 CLDA4096
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 07.000 CLDA5879
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.500 CLDB1216
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.500 CLBJ3276
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.000 CLCA8234
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 05.000 CLCB5536
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 07.000 CLCB8042
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.500 CLFM5867
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.000 CLFS0219
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.500 CLFS3872
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.000 CLFS8165
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.500 CLMA5329
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNII SP 785622 C
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s)
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 02.500 CLSD5099
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRA 2022-025 FA
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRA 2022-022 TF
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRA 2023-001 TF
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRA 2023-021 FE
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRA 2023-063 MF
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRA 2023-117 AF
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRA 2024-005 JF
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRA 2024-030 LF
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s)
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s)
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
Freddie Mac
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNRM CL098HE R10F098
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRA 2013-H05 FB
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRA 2017-0O FB
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRA 2021-226 FA
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
Freddie Mac
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s)
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 06.500 CLQG7454
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 05.500 CLQG7932
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 05.000 CLQG7938
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 06.500 CLQH7467
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 06.500 CLQH8264
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
Farm Federal Credit Bank
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 03.500 CLRA2134
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 02.000 CLRA5053
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 05.500 CLBY6407
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.000 CLBY8356
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.500 CTCA1864
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.000 CLCA2786
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.000 CLCB2282
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.500 CLCB2750
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.500 CLCB2805
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 05.000 CLCB5536
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.500 CLCB6546
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 07.000 CLCB8042
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.500 CLFM4102
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.500 CLFM5311
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.000 CLFS0219
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.000 CLFS0349
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 06.000 CLQI6322
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 07.000 CLDA2421
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 07.000 CLDA4096
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 07.000 CLDA6187
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.000 CLDB2468
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.000 CLBD2012
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.000 CLBD8010
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.000 CLBE9645
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.000 CLBH6249
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.000 CLBH6472
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.000 CLBH8265
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.000 CLBJ2897
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.500 CLBJ3276
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.000 CLBJ5188
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.000 CLBJ6842
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.000 CLBJ7306
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.500 CLBJ9263
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.000 CLBK5170
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.000 CLBK6104
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.000 CLBY7119
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 05.500 CLRJ1002
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 07.000 CLRJ1095
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 05.500 CLRJ1218
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 03.500 CLZL5008
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 03.000 CLZT0029
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 04.000 ZLZT2404
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 05.500 CLSD8342
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
04.000 FGPC Q50032 G
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
04.000 FGPC Q53756 G
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
04.000 FGPC G61254 G
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
04.500 FGPC G61260 G
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
04.000 FGPC G61646 G
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 02.500 CLQF7871
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.500 CLFS3872
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.000 CLFS6199
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.500 CLFS5972
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.500 CLFS7111
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.000 CLFS8076
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.000 CLFS8241
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.500 CLMA3238
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.000 CLMA4208
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.500 CLMA5329
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 02.500 CLRA5855
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 04.500 CLQI2064
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 05.000 CLQI5969
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 05.000 CLQF8826
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 05.500 CLQG2200
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 06.500 CLQG4005
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 04.500 CLQG5936
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 06.500 CLQG6443
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 05.500 CLQG7985
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 06.500 CLQG7996
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s)
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 06.000 CLQI7037
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.500 CLBY5176
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.000 CLBY8356
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.000 CLCA8234
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.500 CLCB1024
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 07.000 CLCB7607
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.000 CLFS0219
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.000 CLFS0349
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.500 CLFS5972
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 03.000 CLZT0029
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 02.500 CLSD7540
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 05.500 CLSD8342
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 03.000 CLQC1046
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 03.000 CLQC2755
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 03.000 CLQC2756
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 02.000 CLQD0787
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 02.500 CLQE0025
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 03.500 CLQE5115
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 05.000 CLQG0614
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 06.500 CLQG4005
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 05.000 CLQG7984
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 05.000 CLQG7989
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 06.500 CLQG7996
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 06.500 CLQG7454
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 05.500 CLQG7932
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 05.000 CLQG7938
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 06.000 CLQI2204
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 05.500 CLQI5736
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 06.000 CLQI6043
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 06.500 CLQI6349
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.500 CLFS7111
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.000 CLFS8165
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.000 CLFS8241
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.500 CLMA5329
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 05.500 CLRJ1002
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 07.000 CLRJ1095
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 05.500 CLRJ1218
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s)
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s)
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNII JM 004797 M
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNII SF 726122 C
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNMI SP 781746 X
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNMI SP 782226 X
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNMI SP 783501 X
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNMI SP 783237 X
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 04.000 CLZL7242
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 03.000 CTZT1449
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 04.000 CLSD8222
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.500 CLDB5246
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 05.000 CLBK5943
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.000 CNCA3002
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.000 CRMA1178
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.000 CLMA5385
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.000 CLAB6535
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 05.500 CLMA5072
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 05.500 CLQH3939
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 04.500 CLRA8714
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 05.500 CT257424
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 07.500 CL535996
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.500 CLAJ9326
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 05.500 CLBX7041
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.500 CLCB6100
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.500 CLFS2660
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNII SF 737682 C
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRA 2013-107 AD
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.500 CLFM4231
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 05.000 CTFS7320
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.500 CTMA1166
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.000 CIMA4584
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNMI SF 726433 X
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 02.000 CLSD0789
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 02.000 CLSD0912
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 04.000 CLSD8222
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 02.500 CLRA7020
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 06.500 CLQI7147
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 06.500 CLQI6365
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.000 CLAJ9303
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.500 CLAP4795
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.000 CLAS0407
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.500 CLDB3941
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.500 CTBM4817
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.500 CLBU3625
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.000 CLBU8256
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.000 CLBV8459
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 05.500 CLBY3269
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.500 CICB2201
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.500 CLCB2275
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.500 CTCB3937
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 05.500 CLCB4173
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.500 CLCB5099
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 05.000 CLFM1385
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
03.000 FGPC G16718 G
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
03.000 FGPC G08726 G
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 04.500 CLZJ1245
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 04.000 CIZN2261
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 03.000 CLZA4785
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 04.500 CLZA5458
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
Bank of New York
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
06.500 FGPC H01814 G
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 04.000 CLZM3557
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 04.500 CLZM7247
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 04.000 CLZM7850
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 04.500 CLZN5010
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 03.500 CLSD0416
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 04.500 CLSD1569
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 06.500 CLSD3180
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 06.000 CLSD4685
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 04.000 CLSD7560
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 06.500 CLSD8385
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 06.500 CLSD4373
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.000 CLAZ6640
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.500 CLBH8162
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.500 CLBN0891
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.500 CLBN8879
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.500 CLBV9891
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 05.000 CLBX0475
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 05.000 CLBX1139
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 05.500 CLBX2159
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.000 CLBX8731
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.000 CLBY0977
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.500 CLBY2319
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.500 CLCA5883
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.500 CLCA6800
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.000 CLCA8891
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.000 CLCA8519
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 01.500 CLCB0286
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.500 CLCB0906
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.500 CLCB1126
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.000 CLCB2351
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 05.500 CLCB8221
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 05.500 CLCB8331
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.500 CIFM2174
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 05.500 CLFS4840
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.500 CLFS5749
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.000 CLFS7080
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.000 CLFS7092
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.000 CLFS6891
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 05.500 CLFS8018
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.000 CLFS8078
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 05.500 CLDA8158
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.500 NP915801
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 05.500 NP922741
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.500 CL995941
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.500 CRMA2592
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.000 CLMA4866
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 05.500 CLAD0897
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNRM CL006PB R14F006
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
Freddie Mac
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRA 2010-H27 FA
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRA 2015-086 AE
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRM 2017-63 GA
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRA 2021-04O FD
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRA 2023-02O FL
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRA 2013-107 AD
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FREMF MTG TR 2019-KF63 C 20290525 FLT
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRM 2024-095 VT
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
a. The identity of the Demand Feature issuer(s)
b. The amount (i.e., percentage) of fractional support provided by each Demand Feature issuer
c. The period remaining until the principal amount of the security may be recovered through the Demand Feature
d. Is the demand feature conditional?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
e. Rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned to the demand feature(s) or demand feature provider(s) by any NRSRO that the board of directors (or its delegate) considered in evaluating the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
BNP PARIBAS SA 5.320000%
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.500 CLMA4805
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
Farm Federal Credit Bank
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 06.500 CLQI7236
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.500 CLBJ9263
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 05.500 CLBU4463
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.000 CLBY8356
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.000 CLCA8234
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 07.000 CLCB7607
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.500 CLFM6655
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.000 CLFS0219
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.500 CLFS5972
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.500 CLFS7111
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 07.000 CLRJ1095
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 05.500 CLSD8438
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 05.500 CLSD3840
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
Freddie Mac
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.000 CLDA7033
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 05.500 CLMA5271
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 03.500 CLZL3396
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 05.000 3SZM9468
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 06.000 CLZS2275
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 03.500 CTZS9068
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 03.500 CLQD7422
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 04.500 CLQE8696
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 05.000 CLRA7788
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 02.500 CTRB5149
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 06.500 CLQI7492
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 05.500 CLBY6857
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.000 CLCA9301
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.500 CTCB0101
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.500 CLFS1543
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 05.500 CLAD3816
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNMI SF 487801 X
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNMI SF 510400 X
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNMI SP 784653 X
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.500 CL254516
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.000 CIAL9378
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.500 CL745818
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.500 CLDA7124
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.500 U4BF0556
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.500 CLBM5575
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 07.000 CLBT8068
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.000 CLFM6400
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.000 CLFS6297
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.500 CTMA0634
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.000 CIMA5407
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 05.500 CLBY8798
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.500 CLCA3371
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 07.000 CLCB7812
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.000 CLFM6201
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNII SF 003297 M
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNMI SF 720161 X
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNAR AR 080312 M
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 04.500 CLSD7557
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 02.500 CLSD5099
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 03.500 CLSD7503
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 02.000 CLSD7537
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
04.500 FGPC V84479 G
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
03.500 FGPC G61748 G
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FEPC 02.500 CLRA2625
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 03.000 CLAS8269
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.500 CLBQ4793
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.000 CLBU3984
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 05.500 CLBX4305
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.000 CLBX7129
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.000 CLCB0435
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.500 CLCB2805
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 06.500 CLCB7428
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 02.500 CLFM4231
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 04.500 CLAC3657
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
FNMS 01.500 CLMA4254
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRA 2019-20 KF
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRA 2021-077 FT
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRA 2023-113 BF
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRA 2024-021 FC
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
GNRA 2024-058 AF
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
Freddie Mac
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Securities

For each security held by the money market fund, disclose the following information
Item C.1. The name of the issuer or the name of the counterparty in a repurchase agreement
Item C.2. The title of the issue
Coupon, if applicable
Item C.3. The CUSIP
Item C.4. The LEI
Item C.5. Other identifier. In addition to CUSIP and LEI, provide at least one of the following other identifiers, if available:
a. The ISIN;
b. The CIK;
c. The RSSD ID; or
d. Other unique identifier
Item C.6. The category of investment. Indicate the category that most closely identifies the instrument from among the following: Radio button not checked  U.S. Treasury Debt
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes)
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes)
Radio button not checked  Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National debt
Radio button not checked  Certificate of Deposit
Radio button not checked  Non-Negotiable Time Deposit
Radio button not checked  Variable Rate Demand Note
Radio button not checked  Other Municipal Security
Radio button not checked  Asset Backed Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Other Asset Backed Securities
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash
Radio button not checked  U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash
Radio button not checked  Other Repurchase Agreement if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash
Radio button not checked  Insurance Company Funding Agreement
Radio button not checked  Investment Company
Radio button not checked  Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper
Radio button not checked  Tender Option Bond
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
Item C.7. If the security is a repurchase agreement, is the fund treating the acquisition of the repurchase agreement as the acquisition of the underlying securities (i.e., collateral) for purposes of portfolio diversification under rule 2a-7? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
Item C.8. For all repurchase agreements, specify whether the repurchase agreement is "open" (i.e., the repurchase agreement has no specified end date and, by its terms, will be extended or "rolled" each business day (or at another specified period) unless the investor chooses to terminate it), and describe the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral)
a. Is the repurchase agreement "open"?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
b. Is the repurchase agreement centrally cleared?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, provide the name of the central clearing counterparty (CCP)
c. Is the repurchase agreement settled on the triparty platform?
Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
d. The name of the collateral issuer
United States Treasury
e. LEI
f. The CUSIP
g. Maturity date
h. Coupon
i. The principal amount, to the nearest cent
j. Value of collateral, to the nearest cent
k. The category of investment that most closely represents the collateral, selected from among the following:
Radio button not checked  Asset-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Agency Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Agency Debentures and Agency Strips
Radio button not checked  Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities
Radio button not checked  Private Label Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Radio button not checked  Corporate Debt Securities
Radio button not checked  Equities
Radio button not checked  Money Market
Radio button checked  U.S. Treasuries (including strips)
Radio button not checked  Cash
Radio button not checked  Other Instrument
If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, the securities may be aggregated, in which case disclose:
(a) the total principal amount and value and
(b) the range of maturity dates and interest rates
Item C.9. Is the security an Eligible Security? Radio button checked Yes  Radio button not checked No
Item C.10. Security rating(s) considered. Provide each rating assigned by any NRSRO that the fund's board of directors (or its delegate) considered in determining that the security presents minimal credit risks (together with the name of the assigning NRSRO). If none, leave blank.
Item C.11. The maturity date determined by taking into account the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAM under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(ii))
Item C.12. The maturity date determined without reference to the exceptions in rule 2a-7(i) regarding interest rate readjustments (i.e., the maturity date used to calculate WAL under rule 2a-7(d)(1)(iii))
Item C.13. The maturity date determined without reference to the maturity shortening provisions of rule 2a-7(i) (i.e., the ultimate legal maturity date on which, in accordance with the terms of the security without regard to any interest rate readjustment or demand feature, the principal amount must unconditionally be paid)
Item C.14. Does the security have a Demand Feature on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.14.a - 14.e. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.14b - 14.e in the order that each Demand Feature issuer was reported in Item C.14.a
Item C.15. Does the security have a Guarantee (other than an unconditional letter of credit disclosed in item C.14 above) on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.15.a - 15.c. Where applicable, provide the information required in Item C.15.b - 15.c in the order that each Guarantor was reported in Item C.15.a
Item C.16. Does the security have any enhancements, other than those identified in Items C.14 and C.15 above, on which the fund is relying to determine the quality, maturity or liquidity of the security? Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
If Yes, answer Items C.16.a – 16.d. Where applicable, provide the information required in Items C.16.b – 16.d in the order that each enhancement provider was reported in Item C.16.a.x
Item C.17. The yield of the security as of the reporting date
Item C.18. The total Value of the fund's position in the security, to the nearest cent: (See General Instruction E.)
a. Including the value of any sponsor support:
b. Excluding the value of any sponsor support:
Item C.19 The percentage of the money market fund's net assets invested in the security, to the nearest hundredth of a percent
Item C.20. Is the security categorized at level 3 in the fair value hierarchy under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement)?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.21. Is the security a Daily Liquid Asset?Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.22. Is the security a Weekly Liquid Asset? Radio button checked Yes   Radio button not checked No
Item C.23. Is the security an Illiquid Security?Radio button not checked Yes   Radio button checked No
Item C.24. Explanatory notes. Disclose any other information that may be material to other disclosures related to the portfolio security. If none, leave blank.

Part D. Disposition of Portfolio Securities

Item D.1. Disclose the gross market value of portfolio securities the money market fund sold or disposed of during the reporting period by category of investment. Do not include portfolio securities that the fund held until maturity. A money market fund that is a Government Money Market Fund or a tax exempt fund, as defined in rule 2a-7(a)(23) [17 CFR 270.2a-7(a)(23)], is not required to respond to Part D.
a. U.S. Treasury Debt, to the nearest cent
b. U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as coupon-paying notes), to the nearest cent
c. U.S. Government Agency Debt (if categorized as no-coupon discount notes), to the nearest cent
d. Non-U.S. Sovereign, Sub-Sovereign and Supra-National Debt, to the nearest cent
e. Certificate of Deposit, to the nearest cent
f. Non-Negotiable Time Deposit, to the nearest cent
g. Variable Rate Demand Note, to the nearest cent
h. Other Municipal Security, to the nearest cent
i. Asset Backed Commercial Paper, to the nearest cent
j. Other Asset Backed Securities, to the nearest cent
k. U.S. Treasury Repurchase Agreement (if collateralized only by U.S. Treasuries (including Strips) and cash), to the nearest cent
l. U.S. Government Agency Repurchase Agreement (collateralized only by U.S. Government Agency securities, U.S. Treasuries, and cash), to the nearest cent
m. Other Repurchase Agreement (if collateral falls outside Treasury, Government Agency, and cash), to the nearest cent
n. Insurance Company Funding Agreement, to the nearest cent
o. Investment Company, to the nearest cent
p. Financial Company Commercial Paper, to the nearest cent
q. Non-Financial Company Commercial Paper, to the nearest cent
r. Tender Option Bond, to the nearest cent
s. Other Instrument, to the nearest cent
If Other Instrument, include a brief description


Pursuant to the requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized

Charles Schwab Family of Funds
Dana Smith
Name of Signing Officer
Dana Smith
Title of Signing Officer